HomeMy WebLinkAbout820621_ENFORCEMENT_20171231NORTH CAROLINA Qeparbnent of Environmental Quality . . NA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Pat McCrory Governor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Thomas A Reeder Director November 6, 2013 CERTIFIED ~ 7009 3410 0001 6831 6962 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Joshua Coombs PO Box 612 Clinton, North Carolina 28329-6012 Subject: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY, NOD-2013-PC-0418 Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2T .1304 Joshua Coombs Farm LLC No. 82-621, Permit No. A WS820621 Sampson County Incident no. 201301252 Dear Mr. Coombs: John E. Skvarla, Ill Secretary On June 28, 2013 staff of the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR), Water Quality Regional Operations Section were notified by Greer Moore of a high freeboard level in lagoon l. We wish to thank Mrs. Greer Moore for notifying DWR of this incident. As a result of this incident, you are hereby notified that, having been pennitted to have a non-discharge permit for the subject animal waste disposal system pursuant to I5A NCAC 2T Section .1300, you have been found to be in violation of your Certified Animal Waste Management Plan and the Swine Waste System General Permit No. AWGIOOOOO that you are covered to operate under, as follows: Deficiency 1: Failure to maintain waste levels in your lagoon/storage ponds in accordance with the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan in accordance with Condition V. 2. of Swine Waste System General Permit No. A WG 100000. On June 28, 2013 a lagoon/storage pond level was documented at 18.00 inches in lagoon 1. A level of 19 inches is the maximum level allowed by your permit and Certified Animal Waste Management Plan. 225 Green Street-Suite 714 -Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-5095 Phone: 910-433-3300\ FAX: 910~707 \Customer Service 1-877~23~748 ln temet: www.ncwateraualitv.OI!l An Equal Oppommity\Aflirmative Action EmplOyer Mr. Coombs November 6, 2013 Page2 Required Corrective Action for Deficiency 1: DWR has received a copy of your 30 Day Plan of Action (POA) for the high freeboard occurrence. Take all necessary additional steps to insure lagoon levels remain in compliance with Section 2 of your permit. A compliance inspection was done September 18, 2013 and all records were reviewed and the date and time lagoon 1 was returned to compliance was on July 22, 2013. Heavy rain was determined to be the cause of the high freeboard. No Response to this letter is required. If you have any questions concerning this notice, please contact me at (910)-433-3300. cc: Christine Lawson CAFO Unit .Murphy-Brown FRO I CAFO files Sincerely, Steve Guyton Environmental Specialist Fayetteville Regional Office AVA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor Joshua Coombs Joshua Coombs Farm, LLC P.O. Box 612 Clinton, NC 28329-0612 Dear Joshua Coombs: Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, P.E. RECEIVEDohn E.Skvarla, Ill Secretary Director May 13, 2013 MAY 1 5 2013 Subject: DENR -FAYETTEVILL E RE GIONAL OFRCE Certificate of Coverage No. A WS820621 Joshua Coombs Fann, LLC Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Sampson County In accordance with your Notification of Change of Ownership received May 9, 2013, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Joshua Coombs, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit A WG 100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management and land application of animal waste as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CA WMP) for the Joshua Coombs Farm, LLC, located in Sampson County, with a swine animal capacity of no greater than the following annual averages: Wean to Finish: Wean to Feeder: Farrow to Finish: Feeder to Finish: 2940 Farrow to Wean: Farrow to Feeder: Boar/Stud: Gilts: Other: If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unnecessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows. ~ ' ' ' The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2~H4; and· shall hereby void Certificate of cOverage Number A WS82062l dated October 1, 20()9. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CA WMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number ·of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CA WMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. Record keeping forms are unchanged with this General Permit. Please continue to use the same record keeping fornis . 1636 MaD Service Center. Ralegh. Norttl Carolina 27699· 1636 Locatiln : 512 N. Salisbury St. Ral~h. North Carolina 27604 Phone: 91 9-807-0464\ FAX: 919-807-0492 Internet www.ncwale!gua!ity.org An Equal Opportunity\ Affirmative Action Empklyer One · North Carolina /Yaturallu· If your Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) has been developed based on site-specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current WUP is inaccurate you will need to have a new WUP developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Pennittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. ------ Per lSA NCAC 2T .OIOS(h) a compliance bouni.iiuy is provide'd forthe facility -and -no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100-foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. . Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS J43- 215 .6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Penn it after the expiration date of the General Permit, then an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the Animal Feeding Operations Unit for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. In accordance with Condition 0.22 of the General Permit, waste application shall cease within four (4) hours of the time that the National Weather Service issues a Hurricane Warning, Tropical Storm Warning, or a Flood Watch associated with a tropical system for the county in which the facility is located. You may fmd detailed watch/warning info_rmation for your county by calling the Raleigh, NC National Weather Service office at (919) 515-8209, or by visiting their website at www.erb.noaa.gov/er/rahl This facility is located in a county covered by our Fayetteville Regional Office. The Regional Office Aquifer Protection Staff may be reached at (910) 433-3300. If you need additional information concerning this COC or'the General Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Unit staff at (919) 807-6464. . Enclosure (General Permit A WG I 00000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all ccs) Fayetteville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Sampson County Health Department Sampson County Soil and Water Conservation District APS Central Files (Permit No. A WS820621) AFO Notebooks Murphy-Brown, LLC ?JK for Cbarles Wakild, P.E. ~- .-.~. ~·· State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hun~ Jr.~ Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Mr. Jody Coombs P . 0 . Box 612 Clinton. NC 28328 Dear Mr. Coombs: Fr··d t:TfE\dLL2 REG. OFFICE SUBJECT: NoRTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF ENv!RONMENT AHO NR"URAL RESOURCES October 11. 2000 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Assessment of Civil Penalties for Making an Outlet to the Waters of the State without a Pennit Farm #82-621 Sampson Counry File No. DV 00-030 This letter transmits notice of a civil penalry assessed against the Joshua Coombs Farm in the amount of 54.494.07 including $494.07 in investigative costs. Attached is a copy of the assessment document explaining this penalty. This action was taken under the authoriry vested in me by delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources . Any continuing violation(s) may be the subject of a new enforcement action, including an additional penalty. Within thirty days of receipt of this notice, you must do one of the following: 1. Submit payment of the pena1ty: l"'ailing Address: Payment should be made directly to the order of the Department of Environment and Narural.Resources (do not include wah·er fomz). Payment of the penalty will not foreclose further enforcement action for any continuing or new violation(s). Location: 1617 Mail Service Center Telephone (919) 733-5083 F:~.x (919) 733-0059 State Courier#52-0l -01 512 N . Salisbury St. Raleigh . NC 27699-1617 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 An Equal Opponwziry I Affimzall\·e Action Employer 50'1c recycled I JO'lc post-consumer paper hrrp:I/Jz:!.o .enr.srare .nc.us Please submit payment to the attention of: Mr. Steve Lewis NCDENR DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 2 . Submit a written request for remission or mitigation including a detailed justification for such request: A request for remission or mitigation is limited to consideration of the reasonableness of the amount of the penalty and is not the proper procedure for contesting the accuracy of any of the statements contained in the assessment letter. Because a remission request forecloses the option of an administrative hearing. such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing and a stipulation that there are no factual or legal issues in dispute. You must execute and return to this office the attached waiver and stipulation form and a detailed statement which you believe establishes whether: (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in G.S. 143B-282.l(b) were wrongfully applied to the detnment of the petitioner; (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation: (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accidenr: (d) the violator had been assessed ci\·il penalties for any previous violations; (e) paymenr of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please submit this information to the attention of: Mr. Steve Lewis NCDENR D\VQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1617 3 . Submit a written request for an administrative hearing: If you wish to contest any portion of the civil penalty assessment, you must request an administrative hearing. This request must be in the form of a written petition to the Office of Administr:Hi\·e Hearings and must conform to Chapter 1508 of the North Carolina General Statutes. You must file your original peti tion with the: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714 Mail or hand-deliver a Copy of the petition to: Mr. Dan McLawhorn NCDENR Office of General Counsel 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirtv days, as evidenced by a date stamp (not a postmark) indicating when we received your response, will result in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's Office with a request to initiate a civil action to collect the penalty. Please be advised that additional assessments may be levied for future violations which occur after the review period of this assessment. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Steve Lewis at (919) 733-5083 , ext 539 or Mr. Jeff Poupart at (919) 733-5083, ext. 527. Sincerely, Kerr T. Stevens ATI ACHMENTS cc:matil!Biawl9, FRO Regional Supervisor w/ attachments Bob Heath, FRO File # DV 00-030 w/ attachments Central Files w/ attachments Public Information Officer w/ attachments STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MA.:~AGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF ___________ _ IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF CIVll.. PENAL TIES AGAINST PERMIT NO.------- ) ) ) WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING Al'I"D STIPULATION OF FACTS Fll..E NO.------- Having been assessed civil penalties totaling for violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Director of the Division of Water Quality dated, , the undersigned, desiring to seek remissio n of the civil penalties, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above-stated m atter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. This the--------day of ___________ , 20_ SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE STATE OF NORTH CAR OLIN A COU1';1Y OF SA.i"'PSON IN THE MATTER OF JOSHUA COOMBS FOR MAKING AJ.'l' OUTLET TO THE WATERS OF TilE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WITHOUT A PERMIT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT A.i'ID NATURAL RESOURCES File No. DV 00-030 FINDINGS AND DECISION AND ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES Acting pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, I, Kerr T. Stevens. Director of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). make the following: I. FJNDINGS OF FACT: A Joshua (Jody) Coombs owns and operates the Joshua Coombs Farm, a swme operation locmed in Sampson County. B. Joshua Coombs was issued Cenificate of Cover age A \VS820621 under General Permit A \VG 100000 for the Joshua Coombs Farm on September 24, 1998, effective September 24, 1998, with an expiration date of April 30, 2003. This permit does not allow the discharge of waste to waters of the State. C. On February 24, 2000, DWQ staff observed a discharge of waste\vater by the Joshua Coombs Farm from a sprayfield t() an unnamed tributary to Mill Swamp, which are Class C Sw waters of the State within the Cape Fear River Basin. D. Joshua Coombs had no valid permit for the above-described activity. E. The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures in this matter totaled 5494.07. Based upon the above Findings of Fact. I make the following: . II. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: A. Joshua Coombs is a "person" v.·ithin the meaning of G.S. l43-215.6A pursuant to G.S. 143-212(4). B . An unnamed tributary to Mill Swamp constitutes waters of the State within the meaning ofG.S. 143-2 15.1 pursuant to G.S. 143-212(6). C. The above-cited discharge constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G .S. 143 -215.l(a)(l), for which a permit is required by G.S . 143- 215.1. D. Joshua Coombs may be assessed civil penalties in this maner pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(2), which provides that a civil penalty of not more than twenty- five thousand dollars (525,000.00) per violation may be assessed against a · person who is required bur fails to apply for or to secure a permit required by O.S. 143- 215.1. E . The State 's enforcement costs in this maner may be assessed against Joshua Coombs pursuant to G.S. l43-215.3(a)(9) and G.S. 143B-282.1(b)(8). F. The Director, Division of Water Quality, pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has the authority to assess civil penalties in this matter. Based upon the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, I make the following: ill. DECISION: Accordingly, Joshua Coombs is hereby assessed a civil penalty of: I $. __ 4....1.-V\C)~Ou.O,__ __ $. ____ 4.:...::;9_,4..:..:::.0~7 __ s 4; 4 ~'-\ .. o"\ \ for making an outlet to the waters of the State without a permit as required by G .S. 143-215.1. TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY, which is~ percent of th e maximum penalty authorized by G .S . 14 3-215.6A. Enforcement costs TOTAL AMOUi'i"T DUE A s required by G.S. 143 -2 15.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty I have considered the factors listed in G .S.l43B-282.l (b), which are : ( l) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the Stare. to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation: (2) The duration and gravity of the \·iolation: (3) The effect on ground or surfac e water quantity or quality or on air quality: (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. \o-\\-oo (Date) Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality , . . ) .... NA v: NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Qua lit y Beverly Eaves Perd ue Governor Coleen H. Sullin s Director AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Jody W . Coombs PO Box 612 Clinton NC 28329 September 8, 20 I 0 Subject: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY I NOD-2010-PC-1004 Joshua Coombs Farm 1# AW$820621 Sampson County Incident No. 20 I 000780 Dear Mr. Coombs: Dee Free man Secretary On February 08, 20 I 0, staff of the NC Division of Wate r Quality (DWQ), Aquifer Protection Section (APS) were notified by Jody Coombs of a high freeboard level in the lagoon I. We wi sh to thank Mr. Coombs for notifying DWQ of thi s incident. As a result of this incident, you are hereby notifie d that, having been permitted to have a n o n-discharge permit for the subject animal waste disposal system pursuant to I SA NCAC 2T Section .13 00, you have been found to be in violation of your Certified Animal Waste Management Plan and the Swine Waste System General Permit No. A WG 100000 that you are covered to operate under, as follows: Deficiency 1 : Failure to maintain waste levels in your lagoon/storage ponds in accordance with the facility 's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan in accordance with Condition V. 2. of Swine Waste System General Permit No. A WG I 00000. On February 08, 20 I 0 a lagoon/storage pond level was documented at 18 .0 inches in lagoon I . A le vel of 19 inches is the maximum level allowed by your permit and Certified Animal Waste Management Plan . North Carolina Division of Water Quality 225 G reen St., Ste. 7 14 \ Fayettevill e, NC 28301 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org Phone: 91 0-433-3300 FAX 9 10-486-0707 An Equal Opportunity/Affirma tive Action Employer -50% Recycled/10% Post Co nsumer Paper N~rtnCarolina )Vnturnll!f Mr. Coombs September 8, 2010 Page 2 Required Corrective Action for Deficiency I: • DWQ has received a copy of your 30 Day Plan of Action (POA) for the high freeboard occurrence. Take all necessary additional steps to insure lagoon levels remain in compliance with Section 2 of your permit. A compliance inspection was done 08/02/2010 and all records were reviewed and the date and time lagoon 1 was returned to com pi iance on 02/20/2010. If you have any questions concerning this notice, please contact me at (91 0)-433-3300. c c: Keith L arick, C AF O Unit Sincerely, ~ Steve Guyton Enviro nmental S pec ial ist F a yetteville R egional O ffi ce Sa mps on So il and Water C onservation Distric t N C DSWC-FR O FRO Compliance Animal Files Murphy Brown • HIGH FREEBOARD NOTIFICATION FORM Staff please retain your original and place a copy in the High Freeboard Notification Box located in Richard Canady's office. ~ t1 5 <Jbst. u.~ Col)zNlr~ To: R,·cfct.-t L{!V{_Y ~ Person Receiving Notificatio~061 •· A rl B~Y,.~t, ( ~Tvo;v{:.ved. Jtles$&J~. Fk>:;J Facility Number 73'2 -IP z J F~ 8 z.olo 3'o.sk\<.&. COONL..s H-.-...-. Farm Name Sna:::t C=t .s Time <i/! 3f/ /ll*'l Caller's Name ~~c..OIJM.ia5 Caller's Telephone Numbers .. Home# cno, :21./'t. 2.'30° CeU# qro, ~ ~., z.so o Farm#_·---------Pager# ________ __ For all callers PLEASE obtain a phone number where they can be reached at any time. (Cell phone numbers, home phone numbers, farm phone numbers, pager numbers) Tell the caller that a member of the CAFO unit or Paul Rawls will contact them as soon as possible. Freeboard (in inches) ,, Lagoon# l~,__I1J,.._ __ Lagoon # 4 _____ _ Lagoon# 2 ______ _ Lagoon # 5 ____ _ Lagoon # 3 ___ __ Lagoon # 6 _____ __ Do not instruct the caller on the action they should take. That is up to the caller. Remind them that they are to remain in compliance with their Permit and Waste Utilization Plan. Make the caller aware that you are assigning a tracking number to their call. Give the caller the tracking number and tell them to use this number for all future contacts about this particular incident and when they call back reporting they are back into compliance. High Freeboard Level Tracking Number is ~ Thank the ca11er for their cooperation. *Water Quality Staff Only* If the caller indicates that the lagoon level is <12 inches, contact one of the CAFO staff AND Paul Rawls. Do not leave a note, e-mail or voicemail without contacting the CAFO staff AND Paul Rawls directly on any report of <12 inches. Treat any report of <12 inches as an emergency event. *CAFO STAFF ONLY* Establish a Filemaker/ SIMs Entry number for this report. 2 '0'1'0007 8 0: Print the Filemaker/ BIMs Entry and attach it to this form. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES March 17, 2000 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Jody Coombs P.O. Box 612 Clinton, NC 28329 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY Joshua Coombs Farm Facility No . 82-621 Permit No . AWS820621 Sampson County Dear Mr. Coombs : DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE On February 2, 2000, you or staff from your farm notified the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality, as required by General Permit condition 111.6 .e, that the freeboard level of the lagoon was less than the minimum required by the General Permit. The liqu id level of the lagoon was reported as 18 inches. General Permit condition V.3 states that "The maximum waste level in lagoons/storage ponds shall not exceed that specified in the CAWMP. At a minimum, maximum waste level for lagoons/storage ponds must not exceed the level that provides adequate storage to contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm event plus as additional1 foot of structural freeboard.". The Division of Water Quality will take no further action for this reported incident at this time. However, you are asked to please notify this office in writing within 15 days of receipt of this letter as to what date the lagoon was lowered to the required freeboard level. This information is essential in determining if the lagoon was lowered within the specified time frame in which the Plan of Action (POA) allotted. It will also close this event out within your file. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact myself at (910) 486 -1541 . cc : Sonya Avant -Compliance Group Central Files Sincerely, #:?~ .. ~ Jeffery Brown Environmental Engineer Trent Allen-DSWC Fayetteville Office Wilson Spencer-Sampson Co. NRCS. Glenn Clifton -Prestage Farms 22!5 GREt:N STREET, SUITE 714 I SYSTEL Bt.D . FAYETTEV I LLE, NORTH CAROLI N A 28301-5043 PH O NE !1110•486·1.541 FAX 910-48 6 -0707 AN E QUAL OP'PORTUNITY I A FFIR!o4ATI VI! A CTI ON Elo4PI..OYER • !50% R ECYCLE ell 0% PO$T·CON S U .. ER PA PE R ~~ . .-::. ::tliC"z.;.N•'!iiJd, l r · CERTIFIED MAIL NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE DIVJSION OF WATER QUALITY March 1 S, 2000 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Joshua Coombs P.O. Box612 Clinton, NC 28328 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Dear Mr. Coombs: Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement Permit No. A WS 820621 Joshua Coombs Farm Facility No. 82 -612 Sampson County You are hereby notified that, having been permitted to have a non-discharge permit for the subject animal waste disposal system pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H . 0217, you have been found to be in violation of your 2H . 0217 Permit. On February 24, 2000, staff from the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality performed a routine fly-over of the Coombs Farm located off SR 1903 in Sampson County. During the fly-over, it was observed that the facility was inigating and wastewater was ponding and appeared to be entering a ditch adjacent to the field . After the fly-over, a site visit was made to the facility to confirm the findings from the flight. An inspector upon arriving at the farm investigated the sprayfield and the adjacent ditch and confirmed the discharge . This ditch carried the waste to an unnamed tributary of Mill Swamp which is Class "C SW" waters. The inspector notified Mr. Joshua Coombs and requested that the discharge point be blocked. The Division of Water Quality requests that the following items be addressed : l. Provide a detailed explanation as to why the runoff from the spray field occurred. 225 GREEN STREET, SUITE 714, FAYETTEVH.LE, NORT H C AROLINA 28 3 01·5043 PHONE 91 0·488-1541 FAX 91 0 ·486-0707 AN E QUAL OPPORTUNITY I A,.,..IRMAT IV IE A CTI O N E MPLOYER ·50% RECY C L.E0/1 0 % P'O ST·CO N S UM ~R PAPER Page2 Joshua Coombs Farm March 15, 2000 2. Inspect the waste application field prior to pumping to ensure that future discharges of this nature do not recur. 3. Immediately evaluate and determine what corrective actions can be implemented to prevent wastewater from entering the ditch in the future. Failure to comply with the above conditions may result in the facility 's General Permit being revoked and being required to obtain an individual non-discharge permit for the facility. Please be advised that this notice does not prevent the Division of Water Quality from taking enforcement actions for this violation or any past or future violation. Furthermore, the Division of Water Quality has the authority to levy a civil penalty of not more than $25,000.00 per day per violation. You are hereby notified that based on the above infonnation the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality has no choice but to consider sending recommendations for enforcement action to the Director of the Division of Water Quality. The recommendation concerns the violation of North Carolina General Statute 143-215. 1 for discharging wastewater into the sutface waters of the State from a non-discharge facility. If you have an explanation for these violations that you wish to present to this office please forward a detailed explanation, in writing, of the events noted and why you feel that this office should not proceed with recommendations for enforcement. This response should be received by this office on or before March 25, 2000. A copy of this response will also need to be submitted to the following : Mr. Steve Lewis NCDENR DWQ 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1671 Information provided to this office will be reviewed and if enforcement is still deemed appropriate, your explanation will be forwarded to the Director with the enforcement package for his consideration . •.,;. I . Page 3 Joshua Coombs Farm March 15 , 2000 ·....-r·~-·tliJ¥-. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact either Mr. Robert Heath, Environmental Specialist or myself at (91 0) 486-1541 . cc: Sonya Avant-Compliance Group Wilson Spencer -Sampson Co. NRCS Trent Allen -DSWC Fayetteville Office Central Files -Raleigh Steve Lewis-Compliance Group Glen Clifton -Prestage Farms Paul E. Rawls Regional Water Quality Supervisor ""+"'· 1 .SLQ4 r ,. \ ) •. I ' -AU'l:omotive Chevn"et • BUick • Geo 'lb~ta FAX COVEll SliEET COMPANY : Ut-m 41-v -(p;2/ ___ _ FROM: ::£,d~ f:t,#mA£ DATE/TIME: s 1-~-,26:1" COMMENTS: RECEIVED MAR 2-2000 FAYE I I EVILLE REG. OFFICE ---·----------~--r------~-------- ..... NUMBER OF PAGI ~S INCLUDING COVER SHEET _2_~_-- PLEASE CALL (910) !92-2133 WITH ANY QUESTIONS FAX# (910) 592-0287 P.O. Box 230 1615 Sunset Avenue Highwa y 24 Wes t Clinton, North Carolina 28328 Chevrolet • Buick • Gao (910) 592-2133 Toyola (910) 592-8951 I00'39tfd 20 =2 1 00, 2 ** 200'39~d 1~101 ** March 2, 2000 RECEIVED Mr. Bob Heath Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green -St. Suite·714 · Fayetteville NC 28301-5043 Dear Mr. Heath f .i M~ 2 -2000 FAVEr IEVILLE REG .OFFJCE I would like to recount the events that led up to the discharge at my farm facility number 82-621 on February 24, 2000. I started the inigation system up at 3:45p.m. and after about 45 minutes I walked to the end of my field and found some ponding in the field. I immediately went back to the pump and shut it down . I was operating the system in high gear and the smallest nozzle available. At that time I did not think I had runoff until you and Mr. Hasty showed up on my farm a! 8 :30 p .m . that same day to take water samples. From where I was inigating to a low spot in the ditch bank where the discharge occurred was approximately 200 feet and no more than a 100 gallons discharged into the ditch. When I found out I had runoff I immediately damned up the area to eliminate further runoff. I plan to take the following action to eliminate this problem in the future. 1. Punip when the land is not so wet to receive irrigated wastewater. 2. Walk around -the fields completely when I am irrigating. If you have any questions give me a call at 592-6763 . Sincerely, ~oom~ 200 '39~d