HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950991 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19950919i i i i i i i i i i i RECEIVED S E P 1 3 1995 ENVIRONMENTAL 6t;!FNCFS -. Revisions to Nationwide Permit 26 Vulcan Materials Rockingham Quarry Rockingham, North Carolina Action ID No: 199306254 Prepared for: Wilmington District Engineer Corps of Engineers Department of the Army P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Prepared By: Marshall Miller & Associates P.O. Box 848 Bluefield, Virginia 24605 C] 5991 ;RS HALL U soci Es Joint Form Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table of Contents Avoidance and Minimization Data Forms Erosion & Sediment Control Plan Site Photographs S14PO and USFWS Responses Vicinity Map Site Map Enlarged Area A Enlarged Area B Enlarged Area C Enlarged Area D Summary of Waters Areas Summary of Impacts DEM ID: ACTION ID: 199302654 Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide permit r#): 26 ' O JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers ' Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING ' CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGENIENT 'DEPARTMENT OF THE ARI?vfY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Box 29535 1 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL it1AlNAGEIIENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: Vulcan Materials Company, C/0 Marshall Miller & Associates 2. Owners Address: P.O. Box 4239, Winston-Salem, NC 27105 ' 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): N/A (Work): ( 910) 767-4600 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: ' Marshall Miller and Associates, ATTN: Bob Smiley 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH ILAP). County: Richmond Nearest Town or City: Rockingham Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Existing quarry operation located along S.R. 1117 between S.R. 1123 and S.R. 1119. See Site Location map - Figure 1. ' 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: Long Branch contributary to Hutchcock Creek 7. River Basin: Pee Dee ' 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES [ ] NO [x] 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES t.] NO [ ] If yes, explain. NWP26 referenced in Action 1D 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 28.40 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: 2.61 ' Drained: Flooded: Excavated: Total Impacted: 2.61 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8 1/2" X 11" drawings only): relocation, overburden and expanded facilities. Fill related to road 13. Purpose of proposed work: Expand current quarry operations. 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to minimize wetland impacts. See Appendix A 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine.F3sheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed orproposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES [x] NO [ ] RESPONSES FROM 'I Hh USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic [ ] properties in the permit area which maybe affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [x] NO RESPONSE FROM THE. SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? Agriculture and Forest F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? Septic System 71 V?IGAV ENU. En rv1 h?{ ?.'A C M P A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a n N 1 Append& A HALL LLE SOLI ES APPENDIX A ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS AND AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION 1 Alternative Analysis At the onset of the project, three tracts of land were considered as possible ' locations for the new facility. These sites included the chosen site, a tract located to the southeast of the existing quarry knovoi as the "Chalk Tract", and a parcel of land located ' to the north of the existing quarry. A fatal-flaw analysis was performed on the sites to determine the most suitable alternative for the proposed facility expansion. The parcel known as the "Chalk Tract" tract was rejected because the facility would have impacted an excessive amount of wetlands. The parcel to the north was rejected for two reasons: first, because the parcel would have been bisected by the relocated Route 1117, the location would have presented a safety hazard from equipment crossing the highway, and second, the location would have impacted a greater amount of wetlands than the chosen site. Avoidance and Minimization ' When the site location had been decided, the delineation of the boundaries of jurisdictional waters within the site was initiated. As delineation's proceeded, boundaries of jurisdictional areas were added to the site plans. The identification of these boundaries was a prime motivation for revising the project plan. Every effort was expended to minimize and avoid impacts to jurisdictional waters while conforming with the purpose of the project. Avoidance and minimization of impacts was achieved in 4 of the 5 project ' areas. The changes included: 1. In the quarry expansion north (QEN) area, expansion limits were pulled ' back to avoid identified waters thereby reducing impacts from 0.14 acres to 0 acres. 2. The overburden disposal (OBD) area was the origin of numerous revisions to avoid jurisdictional areas. The area along Long Branch was identified early to be avoided by the project limits. A sediment pond was located in the southenn portion of the area. When wetlands were identified in that area, the pond was relocated upgradient thus reducing impacts by 1.0 ' acres. Also, when natural drainage was delineated on the north side of the ?:,. 2 ' area, plans were designed to avoid impacting the drainage. To compensate for the loss of disposal area, an alternative site was selected along the rail ' spur that impacted less wetland. These changes resulted in a net decrease of impacts of over 2 acres. 3. Significant reductions in impacts to wetlands was accomplished in the rail spur extension (RSE) area. Track alignment was revised and the grade of the spur was increased from 1% to 2%. These revisions resulted in a ' reduction of impacts from 2.95 acres to 0.28 acres. The changes also added to the cost of construction of the spur. 4. Filially, an entrance road alternative was chosen in the southern portion of the project area in lieu of the northern portion and in turn impacts ' approximately 0.5 acre less jurisdictional area. In Summary, the avoidance and minimizing exercises detailed above resulted in ' reducing impacts from approximately 8.92 acres to approximately 2.61 acres, a reduction of approximately 70 percent over the original design. RSHKLL LLE SOLI ES Append& B HALL LLE SOCI ES (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Roc-ki nah?m C„arry Applic3nt/O,wmn- V„i an Matori ?l s Investigator: R. -c? iIov Date: 4127195 County: Ric}ncre State: NC Do Normal Cirrum =cts exist on the site? XYes No Community ID: t-; tg Pr-- Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? _Yes X No Transect ID: ?Ls the area a po?--n6al Problem Area? X Yes No Plot ID: 1 (If needed, cxpl:a n on reverse.) Eerrao`ccs vegetation -czrce due to ,EGETATION of year Dominant Plant Species Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant Species Indicator Stratum 1 Quercus alc? FACU T 9. Acer rub= FAC E 2- Quercus ;tea FACU T 10. Liquidamar styraciflua FACT E 3. LirioderZa-ccz tilio-if FAC T 11. Parthenocissus quinquefolie FAC E 4. Acer rubrLn FAC S 12. 5- Ilex ore-ca FA.C- S 13. 6• Vaccinim Vacillans S I 14. . 7. Vitis roteci folic FAC V I 15. 8. I 16. emtrit of Dornin-t Spzcies that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 60 emarics: 7 r 7 ti c vegetation par='- is zit t HYDROLOGY ?Rt orded Data (Describe in Remar.;cs): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Stream, I -,'Y!, or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Pioto27aphs Inundated Other Saturated in Upper 12 inches X No recorded Data Available Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits ield Observations: Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more rL-quire?): Depth of Surfzct Waee:: n (inches) Oxidized Root Channels in Upp?. 12 inches Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Fr--'Wate: in Pit: (Inches) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Sanin, Soil: - (Inches) Other (Explain in Remarks) =1 _-?t located on s -? =lone a_ppreximatelly 20' from edge of beaver pord Fes? = to -met hydrology' =a=etler ¦ 11/ ADP CLS :ap Unit Name cries and Phase): Pacolet Gravelly Sa-c'7jr Lc.=- s nTnnnmV (SubQroup): Profile Description: Depth inches) Horizon Matrix Color (i4lunsell Moist) 2.5 YR 418 Drainage Class: 15--35% Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type: Yeses _ No I.Iottle Colors I Mottle (Munsell Moist) AbundancelContrast Texture, Concretions, Structure, Etc. ------------- ,C-71c,1 lCaM r18 I A iydre soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Fpipedon High Organic Content in Surface La}'er is Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List ins Listed on National Hydric Soils List Reducing Cordite Other (Explain or Low-Ccror.L Colors ain in Remarks Rrm'rks: Falls to rat hydric soils - ter ETLAND DETERjiZ?TION riydrophytic Ve2eeation Present? X Yes No VJeland Hydrology Present? Yes X No is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland: Yes x No Hydric Soils Present? Yes X No Rcm.rks: Fails to =..=-et ssoi is and hyc:--olxy parameters Er/11/Datatorm. Apcroved by ti (Iml uut. YYetland_S 1)etlne2u0n Manual) rojeet/Site: Date: 41 27 5 anc 19 Applicant/Owner: „_? man rlato_; >> s County: Ric k Investigator. State: NC F o Normal Circuisiinces exist on the site? X Yes No Community ID: rrc? F =* Is the site signiaca_ztly disturbed. (Atypical Siru?tion)? _Ye-s X No Transect ID: n I the area a poten:;al Problem Area? X Yes No Plot ID: 2 (If needed, explain on reverse.) ve;etaticn sc rcee due to WGETATION o_ y_-F - Dominant PL-nt Species Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant Species Lndimtor St,--uturn 1. Carya Tcce_ntcsa U L T I 9• Collinsori;a ca?densis F. H Fagus gran fol is FAT T I 10. Pinus tam FAC T 11. P4• Fergus gr-aPLifo1; FACIJ S 12. . If- Ilex opacz F'AM S I 13. 06. Cornus florira F;OJ S 1 14. 7' Polystichtm a=ost? choides FPC H I 15. 08- Panicum ravenel;; F`M H 16. if ercent of Dom;n, t Spz:.ies that are OPL , F.".CW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 33 emar s: Fails to Lit hydrornytic ve elation criteria 1 L 'IYDROLOGY r Re~orded Dat (Desc.,:be in Remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Stream, Lee, or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: A_-nal Pc=2o --,hs Inundated ' Other Saturated in Upper 12 inc:.es X No ardw DaL, Available Water ?darks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits -field ObservzEcm: Drainaze Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more Depth of Su.;w°. W=ter: n (inches) Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches Water-Stained Laves Depth to Fri: in Pit: - (Inches) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to SaR:rat.'r Soil: - (Inches) Other (Explain in Remarks) r n" ?oLit locatej on st _? 1-ills de a o: tely 20' from ?rs?. Fails to suet -a' hydrolo f criteria. 1/ atztorm. Approved by 3/91 .S p Unit Name ties and Phasr): Pacollet GravelY z-_ LcZ=S conomy (Subgroup): Profile I Description: Depth T fiches) Horizon A I -18 ydric Soil Indicators: P:istosol Draina,c Class: 15-35'- r Field Observations Confirm Isiapped Type: Yes X No ' Colors Mottle Tt.t? re, Concretions, ' hiatrix Color Mottle Abundance/Contrast Structure, Etc. (liunsell hioi_st) (lfunsell hioist) - I ' I --- I Tn- . 7.5 ya 414 I Ir I - j - I i I Histic Epipeaon Sulfidic Odor Aauic Moistu-, e Rea i R,Lcing Condircrs Gleyed or Low-Ch.cmi Colors =arks: Fails to zeet hydric soy? TLAND DETERIH'N.>.TION =ydrophytic Ve2e : c? Y: eat? Y' X N° -,land Hydrology P:.s=at? Yes X No -ydric Soils Pr°.s°nt? Yes No Concretions High Organic Content in Surface L,ayc. i- S=dy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List t Listed on Nati°nzl Hydric Soils List Other (Explain Lri Remarks . r r r . r Is this Sampling PCLZt Within a Wetlanc: Y'? r° I ? c rks: Fails to = any of t-he three parameters !11/Datatorm.Ltr 1 ApGr.. -^- GJ r:QUS.=.C. JISt' 1 Project/Site: RCC-k; ngh- n=„-ry Date: Applicant/Owne:: V>> l r?n Mato-; P 1 5 County: Investigator: E. ; i ?v State: Do Normal Ciru. st?rces exist on the site? X Yes No Community ID: Is the sit-- sigai c----dy disturbed (Atypic-,11 Sinaation)? `Yes xNo Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? xYes No Plot ID: (If need, explain on reverse.) Fe,.;,- v et3ticn ice due to GETATION 41V195 Ri C:--=, INC J-T-(y Fnrac= Dominant Plant Species Indicator Stratum I Dominant Plant Species Lndicator Stmt.,.-n 1• Liquidc-h,--- styraciflua F?; + T 9- Oamrniza longistylis FFC H 2 Carpinus C--'-OlLniana F_-f T ( 10. Hexastylus vi.rclinicz IdI E 3. Corms florica F 'CJ T 11. 4- Cornus stric`a S 12. 5- Ilex oFEca i- S I 13. 6. Peer rubrnn F:='C S I 14. 7. Lonicera jzp:,z* ca F;C- V I 15. 8' Cornus strict-- Fes'' H 16. Pc-:.eat of Doni^,nt Series that are OBL, F.,CW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 78 Remarks: Hyd_m_ts;ytic vegetation crit_-i= are met 1 ¦ HYDROLOGY Re orded DLL, (Des: ribe in Rem?rk-s): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Stream, Laze, or Tide Gauze Primary Indicatol-5: Aerial Pcotogr_prs Inundate Othe: Saturated in Upper 12 inches X No r°.-..order-' Data Av-,ilable Water Masks Drift LL-es Sediment Deposits Field Obse-rvatieas: Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more rui ): Depth of Sur,?.r. V,'vwr: n (inches) Oxidized Root Channels in Up,;--r 12 L:chez Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Fri. in Pit: - (Inches) Local Soil Survey Data ' - FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Sato. -a- Seil: (Inch s) Other (Explain in Remarks) Rtmarzs: Igo e,ri( eance of wetland trj^olx? wire cheerved. Flat area in stream ox-bow I BF/11/Datstorm. Approv y HQUSACE 3/92 .S ' p Unit Name Drainage Class: rigs and Phis°.): P=,.-,,-- cra „.i•, spn 7r?-c Field Observations onomy (Subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type: Yes -X No Profile Desorption: i epth ches) Horizon Matrix Color (tifunsell Moist) Mottle Colors funsell Moist) 111ottle Abundance/Contrast ons, Te: re, Concret SL-uc}ure, Etc. -18 i A I 5 16 I Y., _ _ _ I I - j(f? Ira, I I I I I ' l I I I I I I I i I (dric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Lave: i- Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aauic Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditic-s Listed on National Hydric Soils List t Gleyed or Low-C o,? Colors Other (Explain in Remarks Fails to met hydric soil wit°ri? '.TLAND DETERMINATION ydrophytic Ve2e1.2:icn :: ent? X Y s No 'eland Hydrology P,e--znt? Yes X No X . ydric Soils Prevent? Yes X No 'N o Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland: fes I erks: Fails to L:_t wetland hy&olcc/ ar-d hydric soil Faramters 1 3F/11/Datstor:...L? ApC::.v: C': r.QUS?C? ,rSG ' f rojccUSite: ()-rry Date: 412J 9; pplicant/Owner Vil1 ran ht t 1 c -County: RiG'+X Investigator: R. G.•; 1 ov SLte: NC o Normal Circa^st--ces exist on the site? X Yes No Cormunity ID: hDq Fore=. Rs the site signiticandy disturbed (Atypic_l Siva-tion)? .-Yes X No Transcct 1D: A Is the area a poLatial Problem Ai--a? X Yes No Plot ID: A (If needed, explain on reverse.) Ferla-s v::etation scarce due to iWGETATION I ':ie c. y Dominant Plant Species Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant Species Indicator Stratum 1. Mquidambar styraciflua FAC + _ T 9. Qaerck albs F GU F Fagus grarrli folia ciJ T I 10. 3• Qiercus alha T 11. Fagus grars3ifolia <<Cli S I 12. Peer rubrLn J • S I 13. 16. Ilex cpaca S I 14. 7. Polystichum ac--cstichoides F H I 15. Con•nus strict-- F +. g I 16. .1 Percc, nt of DoMMI-,t SF-.cies that are OPL , F:' CW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 33 cmalk-s: Fails to re=et hydrop-;ytic ve-=-ta`icn criteria ¦ MROLOGY F Rtrorded Data (Des: be in Rernaracs): Wetland Hydrolo?y Indicators: Stream, LLke, or Tide Gauze Primary Indicatcrs: Aerial Phcto_? accs Inundat--' Other Saturates in Upper 12 inches No re order Data ?v?lable Water',;--As Drift Lives Sediment Deposits field Observations: Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indic: tors (2 or more requi,-t--:): I Depth of Surfaz W_0 (inches) Oxidized Root Channels in Upu: 12 inches Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Frei Watz in Pit: - (Inches) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Ne::tral Test Depth to Satu.:.t---4 Seii: - (Inches) Other (?xplain in Remarks) marks: . . f Vegetated fiat. Tb evidence of wetIe-nd hydrology was c served. 11/llatsto= Approved by p Unit Name .ics and Phas--): ^=M1 ai (r t:al ?r C?rCf Zc= :onomy (Suberoun): Fails to -mat hydric soil criteria Profile Desorption: epth fiches) Horizon 'Matrix Color (tiiunsell hfoist) Mottle Colors Diunsell Moist) Mottle Abundance/Contrast Concre6ors, Structure, Etc. -18 A• I 5 ?a 5 6 I -- - i Lc s? I • I I I I idric Soil Indicator: Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aouic Moisture R.!2; Ze R:ducing Condit= s Gleyed or Low-Chrome. a Colors 1. =2 rks Drainage Class: Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type: Yes X No Concretions High Organic Content in Surface Lay--: E. Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List -Other (Explain in Remarks LAND DETERIUNATION Ydrophytic Vegetr,cn P: ??t? Y?? X No e%layd Hydrology P,-_s-=t? Y:s X No ydric Soils Present? Ye-s X No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetl=^ : Yes x =--u bs. Fails to teet airy of the t? --ter BcM/Datatorm-l -= AGC w C EQUIS?.C-E 3iK' (1-my (-up, Weuanos lletinescion manust) Project/Site: Applicant/Ou,ver. Investigator: -Rork;ngh- n„arry Veil ran 1.tatori al s p ?-i I oT Date: 4125 19:, County: Ricr='r- St?tt: tC Do Normal Circu.Ls'a_,ce$ exist on the site? x Yes No Community ID: 'Z-, I,ls-- Is the site sigaiac?_^.;ly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? _Yes -X-No Tra-astct ID: n Is the area a pottn-al Problem Area? X Yes No Plot ID: 3 Of needed, cxpl" a on reverse.) p? vegetaticn rce due to VEGETATION ti rr? o_ y-aa - Dominant Plant Species Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant Species Lndicstor Stra ura 1• Salix sercia C=, S I 9. 2. Rhus glahra 1;1 S f 10. ' f 3. Acer rubr-L= F AC S 11. 4. Rubus allegheniensis I H 12• l 5. Juncus effusis F7 H 13. 6. Solid-ago sue. H I 14. 7. 15. g ! 16. Percent of Dornir=t Spies that are OEL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 75 Remarks: M -_'ts t`:e criteria for Vii- ?? crc uc vegetaticn 'dYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in R=r?-q): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: I Strewn, Lake, or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Puctog;?phs Inundate Other X Saturtw Lc Upper 12 inches X No re--ord?l Da'? Available Watt: M -t :!<-s Drift Lints Se^:imezt De-.osits Field Observztioas: X Dra nast Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more r.quir° Depth of Sur;::-- IrVa0 (inches) Oxidize:: Root Channels in Upu. 12 inches _Wattr-Stained Leaves Depth to Frei Vra?: in Pit: (Inches) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neut.al Test Depth to Saturr:>d Soil: (Inches) Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks 1/Data F'-at ad =_c`nt to sire-:i. I t the criteria for wetland hydrolx/ Approves by HQUSACE 3192 Is Unit Name ' -:es and Phase.): Pacolet Gravely Sandy Icy Drainage Class: Field Observations onomy (Subg-roup): Coafirm Mapped Type: Yes No X ' __Profil e !-.) escrip ti on: i ti, :es) Horizon hiatrix Color (lfunsell Moist) Mottle Colors (hiunsell Moist) Mottle AbundancelContrast ons, Te,,t -e, Concret Structure, Etc. 0 A 1 10 b-L S12 I 7.5 518 30% I S;?r*f, clay --18 B I I 5 Y2 411 - - I CLy I I I I I I I I 1 ;dnc Soil Indicators: ' Histosol Concretions ' Histic Epipedoa High Organic Content in Surface Lay,-,- L, Sa dy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils x_Aquic Moisture Recime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List ' X Reducing Corditic`s Listed on National Hydric Soils List Y Gleyed or Low-C or= Colors Other (Explain in Remarks ^a6 s: ' This .is believed to be na in error. rE°ts the criteria for hydric soil.. :TLAND DETERMINATION ydrephytic Ve2etatien P,.sent? X '1'es No 'edmd Hydrology P.-?? ?t? x Yes No yd:ic Soils Pr-_.F_-nt? `X Yes No Is this Sampling Poi.-:t Within a Wetland: Y Y NO en;.:rks: All three par=ete-rs are net. 1 B: /11/Datatorm.L:.. Appro•, by r_QUSA.CH Sic; ' • 1 1 Uit I h 1", l 1I 1 1 RGU i iNE ,'IFE L• '*"0 (i SE 7 C-CE Wedar.cs ?2iir,e3;;;c:, :;tai; 3i} Daz Ap,Nc-n lGwner-. Vu.lc--.n _ Cccn; f: g?? rr>r Inver; sa c: r. R. Smiley S:at°: NC Coo Nc, ,,al Cir::'ms;?nces ezis: cn the site? Yes No Is the Sloe SiSnlllczn-dy CIS'?r"iC (A-,ypiCal Slcuzl;on)? Yes c I rcns2V: ID: 5 r Is the arzc a potenzi2l r;ccle.m r,rz? es , No Flo: (D: 1 (I` nc°-,ed, explain cn revers Z.) D==nt Season 1 VCGc t:,itGl'V I C'crr'r -r.: ?a.-r: 5coc-3 e -c m Ir.?ic_ter Ocrrir.an: r •n <te_tea 5'.--:.- Ir ?:e_:cr - 1. S`ix sari SIS CH S. Z. P?? ., s?? ulata F. O4 SIS 10 3 i; ca a japonica- Fes - V 11. / i 5. 13. 7. 15 - a. 1 s. Far:rrt c( Ccr-ninant SFQt_i: '.a: arw CcL. FAC;r or FAC FAC-). 50 R trr L-zy: Spe Ci es frcm the t ° ar ?-us strat Were missing ai for rotidentifiaole &e to tiEe of y°--r Tc }r HYnpni r)(=Y _F- = K CA --x (Cel ac i?e W•Carxr F:'y:rtic71Ir)'- 1 eator3: 5 7i art. Lea. , ici P.-Mjtrl Ir?:c_.cr3: _ Aarial r cL^s Ir.at3d cngr X 5r._tat?d in UFpar i2 Nc r. LC: _Kr beta AV_IL li Mark-3 Fco? Ct7irT?^3: .. _C.n r-rq-j Par;zrrs in Wat--Ll 5ac=nd ar•f Irx::c7y7 (Z cr rr.crf ri?_: ~!: Cr^ ' e 5t 'zee. `Yatar. 0 r C :x' F c c t Chnnr.eis .r I''?er 1=!r n ` Wra^SLxinod Vares F- a Ws-,=r in F.:: to ? I_:c?! 5w Survrf Cats FAc-114 1 C-rt br : t= 5r z a.d 5ca: F) Q^a _ __ C?,?r Gain in F.c-ir FI .m arcz: SOILS Cacn. A 0-16 C:zir.aSs 0333: 10--m Mapped as-PxC_ot (Sar,ss a:= :`alai: c_ravelly sandy This is 5 ?, -.ez to in error. icy C?s.rvaccr z _ . C:ar::n {accrly;,er Yes .e Hydr.c Scu" I s: n: {a:.. C_ic. Mc' a Cclcrs McCra `.{ciz:l tur.?ar.c_iC: ?r - saLy C 1EY 5•Y "5Ic - - I I I- C;[ rl } i3 c Erip^_'cn -Sc.'°.cic Cc'cr nec cn? Ccr i?Cn Giayx' ar L_^wti-::cr..: Ccicrs R .m arks : W EiLf',': D C ETEW I N N TI O N C.onc:n?cns .. `Nion drsaric Cc.^ sr in Sur!:es Lsyer in Sar-y cns _ drvric St-sa?c ry in cars-`Y Sciis _ listad on ur-? } y? cci13 L st (js;ad cn } yc'~c=rc V.;a?cn F:rsir?? Ye:? t`lc (Gr :1-.\ I We?arc .:r'.:c, F--sar:? (Y.,,,' tic yCLin a We?arF Ye- ( `+c i !I Fdi?= a in the ve,?e !Llv_ E soils criteria. (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) ProjecUSite: R.,c?;n ham )„arry Date: 412515, Applic--Muow•ner. Vl'l ran Matori ?l c County: Investigator: smi 1 oy SL2te: r Y- ' Do Normal Circu.^s'=ces exist on the site? Y Yes No Community ID: Mirub Is=b Is the site sigaihcaatly disturbed (Atypical Sino-ation)? _Yes xNo Transect ID: B Is the area a potential Problem Area? X Yes No Plot ID: 4 (If need, cxplra on reverse.) Fe_- a =..:s v-etaticn scam due to t=-P- o: y as 1 - VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Indic--tor Stratum Dominant Plant Species InciC?tor Strtum1 1- Ileac opaca F=C- T 9. 2. Quercus rucra F:?M T 10. 3• Rhus glabra U.. S 11. 4. Quercus ni.gr.a F;C S 12. 5. Cornus florin F GU S ( 13. 6. Cyprineace-- Sao -- H I 14. 7. Vitis rotiar3ifol a F?c V 15. 8. I 16. Percent of Dorn, ,t Species that arc OEL , F.-.CW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 33 Remarks: Fails ro n----t hyarophyti c vf-etation criteria 3YDROLOGY Recorded Da_ (D?sc:ibe in Re.:=rks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Stream, or Tide Gauge Primary Indicator: Aerial Pl:0to2 _pes Inundated Other Saturated in Upper 12 iac'es X No record--' Dau ?vilable Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Field Observztiers: Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more requir- Depth of Su, --?-- WaL°r: n (inches) Oxidized Root Channels in Upc---. 12 Li"-c'--es Water-Shined Leaves Depth to Free W2Lzr in Pit: __. (Inches) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to San. =.u Soil: - (Inches) Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: - Cri slcce axve flat. No evice-ace of wetlarri trycrology were observes 11/Datstorm. 3 Approved by rs o Unit Name nes and Phase): Pecclet Gravely &_ jzy T c,: :onomy (SubgTOUD): Drainage Class: Field Observations Confirm Iriaoped Type: Yes x No Profile Desm-iption: eoth :hes) Horizon Matrix Color (:liunsell Moist) Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle Abundance/Contrast TE.tn.-e, Concretions, Structure, Etc. A A I 10 yR 313 7 ice=: 18 B I ( 5 Yt 518 --- - I ?y lcaz, I I I I I I edric Soil Indicators: I:istosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Laye: L Sar.dy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aauic Moisture Re<i_.ae Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Re,ducing Conditiczs Listed on National Hydric Soils List Gleye-d or Low-Cc,orn a Colors Other (Explain in Remarks Fails to meet hydric soil criteria ND DETERMD\ATION ?:oohytic Ve2etaticn P °sent? ;'es x No e:Iand Hydrology Pms=t? Yes x No . d::c Soils Pre ant? Yes No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland: es_No Ncne of the tiirree ^.iaters are present ? /11/Datator.i..Ls Apc:we- b; QUS ?i;_ FC U i iNc'r'/E: L-AND DE R %'1„r i iCN I Cc / C-2S Iiire:ianes Calinea"c., Ma; afi F.-c: alt°: iZOG1Cl7 ^= -_ Dale: 3--24--S5 Inves Sa:cr. R. Smiley Do ?'cr ai Circ r„s-?nc°s ex:s cn t .e site? YS? Ccr; r-?ni:; Imo: Is t; e site 5igniT-1cantly (r Yes No ciS.r.?C? '`,-,ypical S•Iwation)? i rznsec: IDS: Is &.e 2,--e a patential F.c?I-Ern Are Yes No Fiat ID: 2 _ (If nee,4ee4, explain cn reverse.) cormr-Tseascn v C'_ C Al -FI 0 N Cc r-":_.^- Par'; Scar.e? 11.C. 1. Sa-li ricra c T S. 2. AL--:s sarnilata Fri T to. 3. I i cyst sinense F= S I S 11. 4. Lo iicera japonica r = v 17. S TrT =ti ens capensi-, F ?,v h 13. s. Q-x ac?° °_ p h 1 . 7. SOl?CcGO H 1s_ Porcar, cf Cc--=nanc SYr_l.: 2:a CEL FAC,'I cr FAC II (a?UC-^y rAC•). p n arr; atz:: . Mich of the he bkeoi.Ls st . f s not present HYDROLOGY _ F.e c sc Cat= (C!icn__ in .:...._. l; Wadand } ycrcfc;^? Ir?ic?tors: _S^anrm, Lie, c: i. i Gr_ z Pt ary IrK:catcn: C'z`ar X Sr,:rc i-d in Up ;.ar 1? _ X Nc F. ac- sc' Cata nvr_'ic:!a _Wt:irMjrr? X Cr?c l ^+a _5,c-r.rCa;as r C'zarrr?c s: X Cr- rsga Pa^ar sin ti`/e__ 5acandarr Inc cr n (2 or R:cra (a Ctr^ t' Su 1sca Wa:ar 0 G ?1 c---,d Fact c-.Ar.r.-,'i _ W r, :r-S :-mi n ed C.j a v-" Cr, - ; Foe Wet-r in F. 4 Gn.; _'.:c-ai `c-"n Sur-,e/ Cas 1 1 FAC•N--A VC-r C r S r -r, ad 5 c 0 _ cr_i.rz1 C n tf (-' ;1n i n F. n SAILS Mac Ur... Njr:a I (Series inc r »ci: as Paco' 'et nravelly sandy' loam C:air.aS3 Cass: nlis is be-li to be in error r ^G C?s.rva?cns ? iaxcnc-y (?L' cuc): Ccn= -i NSac?et iY;: Yeses NC PrFte r.. -- - I Cac Ma. .`x C .c. Mc-ta C Ices ?SCCra iax- :_. C .. firs -s1 } c -cn C!ur ii "- f.?'•uns-t `.!cis: ,.tLr.-'zr.c:iC_ 0-12 S 5Y-R 518 - - sa r•-; 10 ) 413 - - lo=amy sir . t .-C Ecll }is caci Gant. a d C n3 _Pis--C E-.:: cccn Pigh drgar c C-r:t!r, in Sur-.'ace Uyar to S_..:y Sciis Scic C d c r ?drganic St.-3&;inr, in Sanc`y Sciis X Ac_c Mcis; •. a R - -. U3ted cn Lccai } ycr c Sciis List II) X F.ac cnq Ccr`:--,-- ._ _Uv&d cn Nsc_nai F•,-d^c Sciis Lir, i? x Gi.yx+ er L^w-C.'-=-: C:,ierz _ CC:er (E--- lrn in ner.:aricz) R.marz3: - - Se`ii:ent was Ce,--esited in t}is area approximately 10 years ago, therefore, low crcazs in the upper Mrtions have not he:a sL_`=i cient. tir,.e to develop.. 1 ,e ori. Lla soil is sandy any is lc7 eno cu i in &,ro l to he }1vCt _C . wETLAr;o o`i =nMI1N'/1', tors F:y Vcn r - .r.:? Ye? tie .(C `?I (C:?a1 Wet'a:x ..•f'-~ic:i F-,:sar::? : es? tic ct? cre S_ii: = .r.? ( Nc Is z:is Sm..., Rn Py ALI i rzraIQters are r-r giant. .A pprrrrc cy r:C:_Z?- _.=- CA .a FC RM ' RCU Ti „c'l/E-:-iA-.*tiD DET ti lI -FIIIC:y (i SEA CCS Wedzr,c.s F;c;e?r`i-a• Rock:r?;-?? CL•--_-ry Da._: 3-?`"_-?? Appiic-r,Jowner: Vtilce-i Ccun; f: _ Inves r2zc, R. Saile,7 Coo Nc,,,zi CircuMS Znces exist cc, the si:e? Yes r? Ccr ,,Lni-; IC: Fcre-?-t- Is . ,e site siSnif1car,tly (Atypical Si;Lation)? ps No ir2nsec: ID: Is z?,e a,-z? z pat=_n?_I i';c?I_.? Arza? es c t I ID: F,o: _--__- explain cn rzversc.) dormant se---i I VcC^:,710;4 Cer,-:r._.-- r?lr• Scoce7 er .._m Ir.•_'ic_c_r OCr.-inen• r ,n• ct••ie? S' _-_ Ir?:c?ecr 1. Fats cr=x?folia F:y'Zi 1 9. Gelsemit3n ser rvirens, F? V 2- Q ryx T 10. 3. I_c.•: c:z,ca F?01 SIS 11. 4. Co_ra-,-? flor?da FCC SIS 12- 5 Licd6a;- ar styraciflua F;'E+ SIS 13. 6. Lca; ^=, wz iancnica F?C- V 1 7. Ilex cxca FAri H 1 S. --- 8._Lc c°r? jaxnica F.kr H 18. - - Per_ar: cf Cc-,-: r.anc S;.e<c:.i t:?a: arm GEL. FACN or FAC II (a-_c-y FAC i. 22 _-..---- Rrr..i ?. >L-y r°rtacecus semis w- =re not pr esent cue to time of year. HY>7r.n,( nr=Y T. sC Ca :,x (ca 1. a it T. -:7 :! ._?;:. WvdAfd - c ar I, L---k e, c. %c 1 C a Primary IrX:ca:cn: AariIli r c:_ :z :: I _Ir._ cat?d _ Cner Sr.:-tsd in Upror iZ Inc=!, X f;c P.acc ?c Cata i,vcia=tI _Y/ctr Maria Cr f: L:-r.-. _ S.c.nrM Cmpa>r Ft-; r _Crirac, P?t::rn:i in We=tn: ' S.ccncu/ Iry':cr z (Z or mcrm rr_ Ca, c' E ^ac? YIatar. Rcat C'anr.- a ir. C. er i= Ire=y Wt',?r5'.ainerd L?av--z . ` C r; - :c r a 'YYd--r in F.= G_ ; _'=c? Sc? Surer/ C a L3 FAC-Nrir?? Cr_ L Sr`z x? Sc1: (fry _C? K (F=,'"n in r. R?r L7I; No indicators of hydrology vn.re present SAILS 1 ;.lac Unit Nar-a y lOc7__ (Ear.as inc F.`:ass): Ailey sz_-!:?- C:sir.ass Cass: `.-:d C?_sarwaccr.s } iaxer.c:-y (Sub(;;cuc): C=..r.rn 'accr_` 7y; e. Yes?:c P^Fle ,n; Cac... Cc,C. h{ctya Ccicrs fir,c^_s} He -cn (.'{u_ (.ML"I!-a `.{cis:! ur. r?rc_iC_r :sue c? _- - = 0--2 0 2.5?a 313 - - F; l tv r', - A. 7.5 ?a 416 2-10- F,1jv cl=4 14_-16 E 5??? 5?0 - - g;lty Cl Hyd; c Sc.7 Inc:catcrs: Hirc=r Cnnc: accns _ _ _His?c ?ircvcn Hisrt Gr(;ar::c C:.r art in 5uH,ca L3ycr i : ?e.^=y `ciii _ Zc::`id'ic Cdcr Grganic 5G'aaxirq in Sanc'y Sciis _Ac--,'e Mcisr :a P..e-::-:a Lietcd cn L--c--j; } }? c Sci13 L:Jt _ R AC'cnq Cc(-:!,•„-_ _ L13-,.Gd an 1426--m4 }:ydnc Sciis C:::-: Giaysd cr l:r.-Ch: c r: Ccicr-s _ GC:ar (E -ia n in Rrr^arri) R a.rn arts : , rro irdic -tors of h,2lric s"; were observed (C:. ) Hyc',;-c:-fie Vra?cn i=:rjar,? Yes Ne (C.?n) Wac.'ar.< F--san:? Ya3 r( Hy_' ie 5 is r iarrl Yes e (s L`a1 5ar.:;.ii.n =ir.: Ye_ Norm of the three Fzra.etsrs are present A rcvrc Cy -..r.,_ r A - - _ _ i n RCUTiyE YIET(aI;D 0E ,R ?NNAFCN (.SE C2S INedares Caiir,ea;,c , `;Iz,n--:0 1- Rodcirc F-m 3-29--55 Appi1C2---n ./Owner: vulc:n Ccunvl: Rit z _ Inver-,c:a;C,:R. Smiley S.a?e: NC Do Nc,,,al Circ ms;?r,ces Exis; cn the site? YES No rub Ccr-,,?ni:,? ID: SLnbI=?- Is e si;= SiSniiCantiy cis;?r?cc {Atypical ?i(l!aIIon)? Yes No y I ransar ID: No IS the ar?Z Z p0Centizi F.c*IE.m r.rez? FIa:ID: 2. ---- Of explain cn rC`?CrEC.) " I • Recent s?taticn deceits VE12 E71"^70 IN Cc r r- Pr ]r. a I r._ •^ .r ar_ cr OCr^irtent cc._ _ ?' _ _ Ir?:c::=r P 7: l . cry ; X rLa 0= T 9. Z??x r CE,, SIS 10. 3 Alnr?s err-„1 ata K=01 SIS Ii. 4. LiCL=.t sinense F% S S 1 Z 5.Sa--hUcs Cam-- ----Iensis F.=^,v H 13. 7. 15. -- - Per-r.; cf C--_nsnr S, aces ;:; ere CEL FACT/ cr FAC 100 II (ems '?c:-y rn' C•j. ' P. •rr: ari-3 : I Ee- .ecea?s vEgetat?6'n 1_dt-c c e to tire of year a-nd b=ying ty saiirent. I HYDROLOGY Pc Catz (r'^_Ic'=a it ?: _E--TAe,-., L-cr T--ra Ce _ C:.`. rr XNc F.tc-:-*c Gates ;.vcii !t Crp^ Ws;ar. F-.- a iYa-!r in F. Cr,? "Sr_z ?d 5C1: 0 G rIA 11? fir..1 10 0- l W•dand Hycric;I Irxicatarn: :cat>d _ W1;Ir Mark-1 X C, -?z- L'-+s X S.c :.rtt Caro ria _Crinscy Pansm.-x in V/aCz.:.?s Srccntirr inc:cz-._n (Z cr r cra _Cx-:*-,d Rcct C":anr.ris in V;;er 1Z lrc'rs S tsi n od L9 a vc-v ' - y Scu Sur.?y Cat3 R.rr arr.. Re---n;, saa=ent dei:osits have raises surface :elevations acprc:<L-ately 12". SOILS r ? I .'Jac V. r: Nara (Saria3 and Fhasa): Tg3cced as Faccllet cZavelly - ss loam C:air.ap C:333: This is be-l-i to be in error r +d C`s cr+accr.s laxcr.crcy (Sv1:q,cuoh Cc..^ -? acccd Tyyc'r Y:3 Nc/ Fr-Gila Cr - cd:: Ma C_.c. Mc to Czlcr3 MO=A x '._. Cc::. rive^es) (?ittr.--:1 Mcis;l bur.??neerC 's; cl- - _ - i 0-12 SED 5)R 516 - - sand' ?=-J' 12-24 A 10 YR 413 - - loamy i Hy,'rc _Scz I )ciutcr-3: 1 istc:o! i3-? c :.riYa-lcn SdIrCCic Cdcr -X Ra-:c•cng Ccrc ?cr.3 v Guyed cr law-:`rcr a Ccicrs C.onc:3ccn3 ^Hi?h CItg3ric Czr :r in Sur?ace Layer i S_.. y Scii3 _ otgnnic St 3aXirg in Sandy Scii3 _ Untad cn L--c3i } yd c Scii3 Last _ Li3~.ad on Naccrni XY-r'c 5ciis L:::.Z other (E:..Iain in Ranarics) R amauu: Soil is h:rie3 by recent d=_cosits. WALA",'o Cc1 c?M IN;,r0N H}^' -fe Vo-;a cn r-:e-sar;? ? ., No (C: r--: Wadzrx ?{ icy? F Jsar.:? f Y•s I "Ic CYC ^c Siia Nc Is t-`:ii Sar;,iirir.rl :?.in a y?e_, ar., Nc l R ++-.ir?cz All _ Via;.eters were cres` , prior to sea?Rant deposits. t DATA FORM 3 ATYPICAL SITUATIONS Applicant Application Project Name: Vulcan Materials Number: _ Name:Rockingham Quarry Location: Rockingham. NC Plot No. C-2 Date: 3/29/9 A. VEGETATION 1. Type of Alteration: Herbaceous vegetation buried by sediment 2. Effect on Vegetation: Herbaceous stratum is buriedcreated a dryer moisture 3. Previous Vegetation: Tree and shrub species meet criteria for wetland (Attached documentation) 4. Hydrophytic Vegetation? Yes X _ No - B. SOILS 1. Type of Alteration: Soil buried by sedimentation 2. Effect on Soils: --- 3. Previous Soils: Original soils are sandy and low chroma (Attached documentation) 4. Ilydric Soils? Yes X No _ C. HYDROLOGY 1. Type of Alteration: Surface elevations raised by-?e?osits of sedimentation 2. Effect on Hydrology: Increased distance of water table from the surface 3. Previous Hydrology: 4. Wetland Hydrology? Yes X_ No Characterized by: R Smiley \1/V/ ?v+? .. ?.uu,..., pia-.....+?.. v.. •....... •/ Project/Sitz: Date: A125Ic; Applicant/Ovrne: yl, i San ?t? t o, ; a i s 'County: RiInvestigator: St?te: 1C Do Normal Ciru s' nces exist on the site? Y Yes No Community ID: F,n,hI? 1s the site signihrndy disturbed (Atypical Si.,^,iation)? _Yes X No Transect 1D: Cl Is the area a pot~nd1 Problem Area? xYes No Plot ID: 3 Of need, explain on reverse.) Fe s ve-etaticn -=ce due to . t "''E GETATION o-Z year -Dominant Plant Species Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant Species Lndicnntor Str..tum 1. Fagus grandifolia -Fr; Il T 9. 2. Mms glabra ivz S I 10. ' 03. Cercis czr <ce-,sis 4• Viburnum pn--ii foliuo F OJ Fi OJ S I S I 11. 12. 5• Senecio tcoe--i`rm-as FP C- 6• Hexastylus ar-ifolia _-° F,?c H I H I 13. 14. 7. Euchorbia cam, ??; =a; i FPC H I 15. 8• Ionicera jax-rica FPc- V I 16. Percent of Dorn;r :t Species that are OEL , FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 28 ?Rcmarics: Fails to rat hydrophy-tic v--,e aticn criteria HYDROLOGY ?Re: orded Da_ (Desz-libe in R-.==:<s): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Stream, Lee, or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial Fcetog _chs Inundated Other Saturated in Upper 12 inches X No record- D-T A';ailable Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits yield Observe-tioa?: Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more Depth of Surf-k-. Vl=?:: n (inches) Oxidized Root Channels in Up >_: 12 1.1:nes Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Fr-- 1'r'ater in Pit: - (Inches) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Sat-a r:w^ Soil: - (Inches) Other (Explain in Remarks) Level arc = above stream=, 15' frca top of /11/ atstorm. n Aoprovcd by hQUSA(--t S -? Unit Name -:es and Phase): P=gglet Gravely Sz v L ca"s :nonly (Subgroup): Drainage Cbss: Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type: Yes _X No Profile Description: ?pth hes) Horizon Matrix Color (lfunsell Moist) Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle AbundancelContrast TE-,a-re, Concretions, Strscture, Etc. 10 A . i I 5)R 518 - - I ? Lc?? --18 13 I 5 YR 416 I - _ Tr-] c ; l tv - I ! I I _ ? I I I I I I -dric Soil Indicators: Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aauic Moisture Regan, Reducing Conciucrs Gleyed or Lou-C - = Colors Concretions High Organic Content in Surface Layer L Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remrks i I? marks: Yydric soil c--iteria are not net l-LAND DETERMINATION ,,drephytic Vege??.icn Pre._-nt? t`lzzd Hydrology P,-_stat? .dric Soils Presea:? Yes X N o Yes No Y--.s X No : tea: ks: None of the three .pararaeters are pres?_=nt - :r/11/Datatorm.L:r Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetla.*:e: Yes X iro ' App:,, .?. c (1987 CUE Wetiands L)e ineation Manual) 1Projecusite: -RnckJ nqh- n„pr1y Date: 4125195 AppIicanUOurner V,,, C:;,n M+ tp, i a, s County: Ric} Investigator: P 4 i 1 - SLte: YC ¦Do Normal Circ•-,zistancts exist on the site? Y Yes No Community ID: Shrr1hl?- n Is the site signinc--^.ely disturbed (Atypical Sir=lion)? _Yes y No Tramect ID: C Is the area a potraGal Problem Area? X Yes __No Plot ID: 4 (If needed, ex. l:ia on reverse.) Herbacecus ve?.etation --c--ce due to f EGETATION Dominant Plant Species Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant Species Lncicator SL--atum l ! 1. Quercus alie F?M T 9• 2. Pinus ec"hi_rc-G.a iJrL T I 10. 3. Ilex o.--ca ) r"C- T I 11. 4. Ilex oraca F, C- S I 12. Fagus grarnifoli a F;?M S I 13. 6. Liquidate s -?yraci flea F`C S ( 14. 7. 1,aAcera jaxzca F - V 15. Quercus alma FJ g 16. Percent, of Dori,=t Spies that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 12 Rcmarics: C--itEiria for hydrochyt ic v-et?tion are not met r LOGY B-Re^:orded D;- (Describe i-n Remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Stream, L--'Y:, or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: Aerial P`c;cc,_c s Inundated Other Saturated in Upper 12 inches No re-card--' D__ Available Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Field Observatiers: Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more r 1ui): Depth of Sur, Wa e:: 0 (inches) Oxidized Root Channels in Up: 12 i caes Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Fr--- `r,•_'wr i. Pit: - (Inches) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Sat r-_: Seil: - (Inches) Other (Explain in Remarks) 4:1 s'cs a _cra-drrately 10' frcc too of ban', 11/ atsrorm.!=n Approve y hQUSACE 3/92 LS ip Unit Name :.Iles and Phase.): Pacolet Gravely Sa-?cy i?? zonomy (Subgroup): Drainage Class: Field Obseryations Confirm Mapped Type: Yes X No Profile Description: )epth aches) Horizon illatrix Color (liunsell Moist) Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle Abundance/Contrast Te.: -_, e, Concretions, S"Tuctur-e, Etc. 0-113 A I 5 YP 518 I - - I S Y? leer I I I ? I I I I I I ? yd. is Soil Indicators: Eistosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Rt2ime Reducing Conc":crs Gleyed or Low-C sor.ns Colors Concretions High Organic Content in Surface Laye.I i- Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Listed on Nation--! Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks =arks: Fails to tr ct =i te_ria for hydz is coy _ . TLA.ND DETER_MDATION crcphytic Ve?e'ta:icn Fr°r?ent? Y:_s Y No . vj ad Hydrology P:es t? Yes v 'tip :•rcric Soils Pr°.-ser,:? Y:s Y No ::..arks: None of the :=ee parameters are present, is this Sampling Poi:.t Within a Wetland: Yes Y No I ' ?;: /11/Datatorin.Ly. Apps:..,.. b ? I-: I' DATA FCRM RDU ? itic'1/E_ t- NO CE-,c-,MINATICN 1 i SE-/ CCU ?Ne;ior,:.S ?211f;eni,C:, `:1a,.•• 1 F;Cjeze: Rodcircna GL?rry Da:°_: 3-2S-S5 Applicar,tlawner: Vulc-n Ccur„/: R'-6=33 Inves ? c.: R. Smiley _ De Nc,,,ai C:rc'r; s-2r,ces exist tj-je site? Yes) Fcrst ?+ Is the SlSnircan;ly (:.:ypicsi Si;uacon)? Ye-?No' i rzns2=: ICS: D Is the a potenzial r;CClern Are2? eS o F:(3; ID: -_- W- explain cn reverse.) I)O=t se,:-son Vt'O^ ;i?Ot1 0_-min_r:: PIr-Scocr? S Ir. is-:cr Ocr.-,ner • -r.: c^.;:.. _-_- Ircc -:-r 1. FEccs c =-?folia F.:!m T 9 n Z•IL1Cl'C ' ' styracifla - F_i! 1 10. 3. pxyd -xcn= E orem 1+ T 11. 4. I16-< ccac- F _2C- S I S 1 Z 5. I i c?c?-f Styraclf lu? F-•=C-: S IS 13 . 6. Cu ~c s ? L=ardii F.Z = S IS 1, 7. IleX Craw Fes- H S. I r; r = V =i ca V 1 g - - - - -- Paman2 c! Ccr r.JnL S?r_?s CEL FAA""; cr FAC 38 II n R ern arzs :..?........ ? ve7etaticn ] _-6 -:c cL:s-- to time o year 1I HYDROLOGY S ar, L .-k_, T J Cr_;z P arflrx::_:crs: C~er _Srr_:: x1 in U;?rar iC X HC R ?K CAtA AV2?1L.!I V/i:arMarka 5,?:,.rt Crosi^ F,7d C`_]?rra -r3 - CraaJ51 Par.ara in We Sr_cncary fnc:czrr3 (Z or mcra CJr ._?- e! ec?yv WJtar: - (r) V _C?-?c Rce: C.2r.r.rii to 1_'--er Z fr:e -a _ w r ir-s :z n od La vr" Ce^ := r--_!i We-,!r in i^-_ (r.) _'.c:-,1 5Ci Survey C a u Tn C•,y fl.-c-zi irr. Ca _ ?r?z sd 5c? 10" ( _ _ _C? ?r (Ez.:7 in in r.?-srx.: n u R >K-- &rk_3?: ?' This data point is located cn a steepslore 5 r ?bov"e- an iruntixltaa?ec# -flat. SOILS ! ..lac {,.'nt: 'Nams ^ . Cr]Ir:3S9 0:733: I (Sane3 anc chase): ov ,? ?`. cn - ,. Ccr3 r acoe= tY:er a;.. C.. tV{cc a C_?crs Cap= M (I r.c"e-1) Nc -cn INer 7i ."•^ ;1 (!'•?^s- - Silty ?? ^ r 0-2 0 2.5?z 3?3 - 2-10 A 7.5??Z 416 - - silty -=+ - - 10-16 5a 51E pydre Sul Inc:catcn: _Xiresol F.i3-e ITirec'cn _ SL:"c c Cdcr CieyeG CC L^C:icr3 _Conc.nEcna c Sciis High Crta?ic C_r,::rt in Surface C3y'r it :.^-y _ Orgnnie 5[ erx ne, in Sane`/ Sciis Li,ted on lr c?i } y- 'e Seii? 1 3: Listad on flaccnai 1 ydre Sciis U:S CC nr (E,-,lain in Rer.:ar:c ) R.marx_s: WETLAt;D DE! t ,MINA iO:'1 }iyc :; -mac Ve;ecn r'eser ? Ye_ Wet'e :c ;^f F^Sar.:1 Is t-4:1 r.c =:--sac.;1 Ya' '{c !I R.c::ar'r_s T Cn°_ G_ `:e ?Lee parG rt°-=- a-re Frezent. (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) kplicanUOwne-, ject/Site: --4nrkinolka- Q-rry Date: 4?1?5 s County: 'Investigator: r. ??>>?•Y, State: 8)o Normal Circ '?-c s exist on the site? ?c _Yes No Community ID: (Sjcx S Is the site signi-Ecandy disturod (Atypical Situation)? ____Yes X No Transtct ID: D? the area a pot`n6J Problem Area? X Yes No Plot ID: (If needed, czpla a on revers.) 1 °Yz? l'S ve ;etation scarce due to u=-e o: year ) &GETATION Dominant PL-nt Species Indicator Stratum I Dominant Plant Species L:dicator Str-tu;I Fagus gran -folia FPOJ T 9. lonicera japonica F:C- V - Peer run= F.; T I 10. Vitis rotuw,0_1Lfolia -ACC V Salix rni gra CH T, T I 11. Rlnisrzcii cans riI ?. Sa ix nigra GEL, S 1 12' Ligustllmi sine.-L=e Fib S I 13. Solidago Sco - H I 14. Nyssa sylvatica r - S 1 15. Rubus alle-_derie_sis LZ 1i I 16. erc-ent of DomL-_: _?t Sp pies that are OBL , FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 50 ,cmark_s: r Vegetaticn is nF-r?iral for metina the citeria, ha:ever, in the judgement of this investi,ct cri, ,,nen the herbaceous plants urge, the crit°_ria wLla be net , OLOGY l-Re`aorded Da'` (Dew- ce in Remarks): Strom, Lk!!, er Tide Gauge 1 Aerial F?cto_ s Other Y No re`orc Da= .'.,_iiable Field Obsrvzriers: ' Depth of Sur r. (inches) Depth to Fry=: i. Pit: -- (Inches) ' Depth to Sat=_? Scii: 12 (Inches) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicator: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 Mches Water Marks - x Drift Lines Sediment Deposits X Draiaage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more ruire ): Oxidic Root Channels in Upc-_: 12 Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) 11 marlcs: 1 _ i-,-; rology criteria /11 atztorm. n Appro`•w by h S p Unit Name nes and Phase): P_ggiet Gravely ?rfy Lca-s Drainage Class: Field Obs°.rvations :onomy (Subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type: Yes No X Profile Description: 2pth ches) Horizon Matrix Color (tifunsell Moist) Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle Abundance/Contrast TExture, Concretions, Structure, Etc. 0 I 10 tR 411 .10 yr 314 20"-s I Silty cl a-y ?-1"- A I 10 yR513 I 5yr518 ? I 150 _ c s ,c? l`l 14-16 I B I 5 1' 511 I I - I I I ;dric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Laye. L, Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Str-,king in Sandy Soils X Aquic Moisture Regin, e Listed on Local Hydric Soils List X Reducing Conditicrs Listed on National Hydric Soils List X Gleyed or Low-C'-:or .:.s Colors Other (Explain in Remarks ' :.:arks: . 1his is hydric soil ' TLkN'D DET=R aNATION , drophytic Vegeta::cn Present? X Yes No '-:land Hydrology Present? v Yes No , Soils Pr° ent? v Yt-, No Is this Sampling Pci.:t Within a Wetland: v Yes No All three ce-ranneters are ure=ant t L ?c/11/D Approve-- byr.QUSr.?- ???- aca orrn. \JlV l V Vi LU.1!!LL) Yuaaaw uva• ?rawau...l Project/Site: -pnckingh_- T„?rry Date: 4126195 ,' Applicant/Ovvmer VII C2-- n+a?or4 i County: Rid-m -Investigator: PL-C-4 i11v State: NC I )o Normal Circuistances exist on the sire? x Yes No Co=unity ID: _FEE F?--_- s the site signific:2.ndy disturbed (Atypical Siw-,tion)? `Yes X No Trars°ct ID: F Is the area a potential Problem Area? x Yes No Plot ID: 1 (If ne°ded, explain on reverse.) QrLC1 . ve;etaticn --c--rce due to --- t jI o_ ye_a 1 IJEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant Species Indjmtor Stratu:n 1 - - 1 • Quercus alter ?2• Quercus rL21a FrIcu. F 7J. T T ( 9. P olystric um a9trostichoides FC N i 10. Loni.cera Japonica FT-C I '• Liquidc_Th r s-Lyraciflua FIG T 11. 4. 'Ilex opaca F.zOJ S 12. - 5. - Alnus ser ulaia Fury S 13 . ?6. Quercus nicgra F« S I 14. 7. Quercus al k e F J H 15. 8. Polygonatm bi florin F=C- H 16. .Percent of Dominant Species that are OEL , F.-'.CW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 40 cmarks: Hydrophy,ic ve?et?tion criteria are rot met a 1-M. ROLOGY V Recorded Da', (Des;:ibe in Remy rc,): Wetland Hydrolo?y Indicators: -Stream, L,-k!, or Tide Gauze Primary Indicators: Aerial Fcotc_ra; cs Inundat Other Saturated in Upper 12 inches v No rec?or?t: D_!: available Water Marks Drift Lines l Sediment Deposits ield Observadeas: Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators. (2 or more reui °o'): I Depth of Sur-,- ? V 2L---: p (inches) Oxidiz°d Root Channels in Uppz: 12 i:.ches Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Fr--- 1y'a? r in Pit: (Inches) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saru,-a:---; Sell: (Inches) Other (E;xDlain in Remarks) -marks: 3:1 =lc; aatitrately 15' cc tco of cre'.c lank. I BH1 l/Dat2t Approved by EQUSACE 3i92 f? a Unit Name and Phase): Fa M_=_t Gravely Sarry Ica= s Draina;e Class: Field Observations I -onomy (Subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type: Yes X No Profile Description: zpth ches) Horizon Matrix Color (.Munsell Moist) Mottle Colors Wunsell Moist) Mottle AbundanceJContrast TE-,:ure, Concretions, Stntc'.u-e, Etc. 0_18 A' I 5 516 s< T I I ? I I ----,7. T 7 I I I I •;dric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Layer L Sa dy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Re,21m-e Listed on Local Hydric Soils List 1 Reducing Conditicns Listed on National Hydric Soils List Gleyed or Low-Chror:a Colors Other (Explain in Remarks I Hydric ?>? criteria are rot mat ' - i i TLLND DETEIZ?LF'?.tiTION I drechytic Vege?tici -Ptsznt? Yes X N0 t,012-rd Hydrology P? nt? Yes X No c c Soils Pr-°s nt? Yes ., No Is this Sampling Po ^.t within a Wetlz.d: :`-Z v o I Au Done of the parameters are presant 5t/11/DataIorW.L_ . ?,GGr C% ^QUSAC J?C= i (1y61 UUt. Wetlands Delineation manual) ?ProjecUSite: •R r zino_- n,,=rry Date: 4126195 ApplicanUowner. y„ir,an r,a?o_; is County: Rict?r>r 'Investigator: R. c,;?ov State: XC AIM Do Normal Circums'= nc- s exist on the site? Yes No Community ID: F•nr!hl S Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? _Yes _x No Tramtct ID: E IV the area a potential Problem Area? _x Yes No Plot ID: 2 f receded, expla n on reve se.) F.? ?-z = vecetaticn scarce due to ItEGETATION > c-F y YEE- Doniinant Plant Species Indicator Stratum Dominant Plant Species h(ic:tor SL iturrl? 1 Pins virginiara L_ T 9. Polygcrati n biflorum K= C_ 2. Ilex op3ca FPC- T 10. ' 23. Pinus taeca Fx T 11. 4• Nyssa sylvatic= f zC S I 12. 5. Acer rubrum r AC S 13 . 6. Quercus alYa FMi S ! ! 14. 7. Acer rubrmi Fti^ H 15. 8. Pinus taeda FAC H 16. err-cat of Domin?yt Species that are OPL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). emar?s: 1-1'ydroplIy`i is vecetaticn criteria are r-e% `:YDROLOGY ff_Rtcordtd Data (Describe in Re=;:): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauze Primary Indicators: A-- "I a_1 Phctog-aphs Inundate Other Saturate-: in Upper 12 inches X No recorded D_'- ,=.vailable Water ?,fa.acs Drift Lints Sediment Deposits yield Observations: Drainage Patterns in Wetlands ' Depth of Sur;ar. Water: n (inches) Secondary Indicators (2 or more r=uirw): Oxidizsd Root Channels in Upce: 12 inches Water-Stained heaves Depth to Fr--- W_-,wr in Pit: - (Inches) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturi_ Soil: _ (Inches) Other (_Explain in Remarks) ?L°. marks: _ 2:1 slope, 15' y_rco top of ? no hy(f-rolcgy criteria were observed 11/Datsform. Approve-_4 by hQUSACE LS ao Unit Name =rtes and Phase-): l c-=. i_xonomy (Suborouo): Drainage Class: Field Obszrvations Confirm Iriapped Type: Yes X ?io Profile Description: )epffi ;Cbes) Horizon illatrix Color (hiunsell Moist) !Mottle Colors (lfunsell Moist) hfottle Abundance/Contrast Concretions, Structure, Etc. 0-18 A I 10 : }R' 5 16 I - - I Sa-?-y ice::] I I I I ( I I c Soil Indicato-: iydr: Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aouic Moisture Re2ilne RVducing Conditiccs Gleyed or Low-Ccrorna Colors Concretions High Organic Content in Surface Laye. in S =dy Soil Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks I? _., rar'xs: This is not a ry-Cric soil TLA-ND DETER',ML ATION _rochytic Ve2et_::cr . ;.,sent? e•1z d Hydrology Pr -szzt? ),dnc Soils Pr-_,?ea:? X Yes No Yes X No Yes X No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetlas:c: Yes X No Fydric soill an c i-ydrology Faremete-rs are not present c/11/Datatorm.L J Appr? b; f:QUS-C? 3/92 e tlJb / t-%jr. YYeLUanm ut:-tmt-iuuii vii uiualj ProjecUSite: •Rncki nQh1 -, n"-r-y Date: 4127195 . Applicantffivmc y„_ i , a n Mato ; ? i s Co=ty: Ricizc=12 Investigator: R- sEi or,- SLtt: TC Do Normal Cir:'u, st?ncrs exist on the site? --y-yes No Co=unity ID: I-Dg Fe=w Is the site siguinratly distuiaed (Atypical Situation)? _Yes X No Trazsect ID: F Is the area a poteatial Problem Are?? X Yes No Plot ID: (If needed, ezol?_ a on reverse.) F? s vecetaticn scarce due- to WEGETATION =1 _, o_ Yea- Donainarit Plant Species Indicator Stratum 1 Liricderr3rcn tulioirfera FFC T 2 Carpinus czroliniana FrC. T F T 11. Dominant Plant Species L-icicator Skratujn IR 4. Liriodendren tuiir)irfe-ra FP S 12. 19 5. Magnolia vir r i _niana FF?W S 13. 6. Wooawardia areolata OE, H I 14. 7. Rhus radio--, Zvi V 15. 8. Acer rubrLm. FFC _ H I 16. - -?_. -- - _ Percent of DoT ^:mot Spies that are OBL, FACW or FAC - (excluding FAC ). 87 _ Remarks: Criteria for hyrrc rs ytic vE?etatic:z is met w TYDROLOGY Recorded D2! (Des :roe in Re=arcs): Wetland Hydrolo?y Indicators: Stream, Lkc, or Tide Gauze Primary Indicator: Aerial P:.ctooraocs Inundator Other __X_Saturate~ 111 Upcer 12 inches X No re--ord.- D_L, Available Water Marks Drir"t Lines Sediment Deposits Field Observ26ecs: X Drain- z^ Patte as in Wetlands Secondary Indicator (2 or more rtqu1*-* Depth of Sur_ °. Water: n (inches) Ozidlz--,d Root Channels in Up e: 12 iuc*- s Water-St?ined Leaves Depth to Frer in Pit: is (Inches) Loca1 Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Sat _ 'r Soil: (Inches) Other (Ezplain In Remarks) i Remarks: ion Era-- asscciatw .h. _: =tr:?, hydrology criteria are r ---t 11/ atstorraLin Approves by HQ Q,S 'at) Unit Name ' ems and Phase): ai - ev SrTM'y Lc?? Drainage Class: 0-2 Field Observations aonomy (Subgroup): Confirin Mapped Type: Yes_ x _ No Profile Description: Depth nches) Horizon 'Matrix Color (:lMunsell Moist) Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle AbundancelContrast Tom. -ure, Concrelums, St ucinre, Etc. C? A I 10 )a 212 I - - I Sa-`-y C-1 ay 6--18 B I ? 5 2 I 10 Y - I - 1C .y S - I I yd:;c Soil Indicato,n: tions C ' Eistosol oncre Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Layer i= Sazdy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils y Aauic Moisture Re:ine Listed on Local Hydric Soils List ' X R-ducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List x Gleyed or Low-Ccrom2 Colors Other (Explain in Remarks ' e marks: Meets criteria for hydric sou ETILLND DETER',fD;ATION rdrophytic Veget2,:-,n P,-seat? X Yes No • eda-ad Hydrology rresznt? x Yes No c:;c Soils Pr--sen:? XYes No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland: y Yes c ALl three peters are present Er""; 11/Data to rm. L_ ?par??r b; r_Q`v5 .C? ? 5= I Projecusite: -Rockinah- -rry Date: d Applicant/Owner. V"i can Ma+or; ?i s -Count),: Pdcr,I Investigator: R_ 'R-niIcV SLte: 1C Do Normal Cirumst?rcts exist on the site? _ r?Yes No Commuaity ID: PLne Fermi, Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypic-l Si, ration)? _Yes X No Transtc-C ID: F Is the area a potVndal Problem Area? x Yes No Plot ID: 2 (If ne-ded, explain on reverse.) Ee_-bar.L vecetation scarce due to o: aft 1 IjE GETATION Dommi=t Plant Species Lndicator Stratum Dominant Plant Species LnEc_,tor Stratum 1 Pinus tzez?a F AC T 9. Vitis rot=-difolia F?C V 2 Liriodendron tulioife-ra FPC T 10. ' 3. Peer rubrL-a F T 11. 14. I,iquidashar styraciflua f - S 12. 5. Liriodendron tuliaLfera F ?. S 13. 16. ¢,ercus nigra rid H 14. r Acer rub= F? H 15. J 8 Liquidaa}ar styraciflua F? H I 16. Ptrcent of Dominant Spzcies that are OpL, F'.CW or FAC (excluding FAC-). _1CO - 1 F- marks: Nature loblolly pine plantation. ci`aria for hydrophytic vegetation is ff-et '?YDROLOGY V Rerorded Data (Desc ibe in Remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Stream, Lzkt, or Tide Gauge Primary Indicato _): Aerial Ph-otoo, phs Inundated Other Saturt° i_-: Upper 12 inches No re?ord? Data 11'?va.ilable Watt: Pdarks Drift Lints Sediment De-_esits field Observations: Drain? 2c P_tttrns in Wetlands Se?aondary Indic: tors (2 or more rt?quirt. ): ' Depth of Sur,"a-- W'zte:: 0 (inches) Oxidized Root Channels in Upce- 12 inches Water-SL.n-d Lraves Depth to Frey Wa?_-r in Pit: - (Inches) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Ne-t,I Test Depth to Satura:w Soil: - (Inches) Other (Explain in Remarks) marks: 20% Slor_e a_ rcxi_-ately 30' frcr- -tco jarci. No hydrology indicators , re deserved l/ Approve;' by HQUSACE 3 LS ap Unit Name tries and Phasr): a; ev Sa*x3v Ian Ltonomy (Sub!-roun): Profile Description: Depth Matrix Color nches) Horizon 01lunsell Moist) 0-10 A' I 10 yt 513 10-18 B I 10n 516 4ydric Soil Indicators: Remarks: I,Iottle Colors (-Munsell Moist) Draina;e Clsss: 0--) Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type: YesX_ No Mottle AbundancelContrast Tc:Ue, Concretions, &rsc-;ure, Etc. lc Iistosol Histic Epipedcn Sulfidic Odor Aauic Moisture R!ZiMle Reducing Corciticcs Gleyed or Low'-Chrom-a Colors Fails to iroet h-y-d--i c soil crite. -ia Concretions High Organic Content in Surface Lye: i-7- S2-n6y Soils Organic Strelkin_ in Sandy Soils Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks _ TLA'vrD DETER' fENATION I ydrophytic Ve3et :icC P:.seat? XY=s No 'Wetland Hydrology Pmseat? Y:s Y No Hyd: c Soils Pr° ....s°nt? Y:s v N0 Is this Sampling PoL,,,t Within a Wetl ^.c: Y S X Re r^?rks: Hydric soil an. hydrology Fcram`iarz- are not present ADC;v':e C'; r'QUSA.C= Br"!11/Datatoru..Ly. Appendbc C HALL LLE SOLI ES L Erosion and Sediment Control Plan The erosion and sediment control principles for this project are to simply convey runoff and to collect and treat any sediment laden runoff prior to discharge from the site. The North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual has been adhered to and used for guidance during the development of this plan. All structures are designed based on the 25 year-24 hour storm event. The main erosion and sediment control structures for this project are rock dams, conveyance channels, and culverts with outlet protection. Silt fence (Practice 6.62) will be used in isolated instances where land disturbance is minimal and the time duration is short. Slope drains (Practice 6.32) will be utilized in the stockpile areas during the active life of the facility and temporary sediment traps (Practice 6.60) have been included in the design, in case, the need may arise for a temporary measure during construction. .Peak Runoff Runoff is computed using the rational method, Q=CiA where: Q = Peak rate of runoff in CFS C = Runoff Coefficient i = Intensity of rainfall in inches/hour A = Drainage area in acres The runoff coefficient, C, for this project was chosen to be 0.50 due to the nature of mining operations and the disturbance duration. Assuming C = 0.50 throughout all the design calculations is a conservative measure which adds factor of safety to the drainage structures. Considering that the existing drainage patterns are designed to change over nearly the entire project area, it became difficult to estimate the critical time of concentrations and subsequently the rainfall intensity. Therefore, a very short time of concentration, 5 minutes, is assumed for all drainage areas. This is another conservative assumption which adds additional factor of safety. RSHALL LLE SOCI ES 1 1 1 .Rock Dam (Practice 6.63) Rock dams are utilized on the project to treat sediment laden runoff prior to discharge from the sight. The basin volumes are based on 1800 cubic feet of storage for each acre of drainage area. (Rock Dams 002 and 003 are exceptions, they are sized based on disturbed drainage area.) The spillways are sized to pass the 25 year - 24 hour storm. The embankments have a minimum width of 5 feet with the upstream slope at 2:1 and the downstream slope at 3:1. Embankments shall be underlain by a 2 foot by 2 foot cutoff trench. The rock embankment shall be constricted of stone with a minimum d50 = 9" and the upstream face shall be covered with a NCDOT #57 stone filter layer. Trap efficiency has been designed so as to prevent short circuits from inlets to outlets and the detention time is at least 8 hours. The surface area is sized to provide 0.01 acres per CFS of runoff. .Conveyance Channels (Practice 6.30 and 6.31) The conveyance channels are sized based on the 25 year - 24 hour storm. The channel dimensions are evaluated for capacity and velocity (based on the design retardance class). Then they are evaluated at a retardance class one higher than design to account for vegetative growth and debris build-up. Once the dimensions are established then the temporary lining is designed. Channel linings for this project are grass, riprap and one steep slope channel is grouted riprap. The grass lined ditches have temporary linings of either jute net, straw with net or synthetic mat. Channel linings are designed using the Tractive Force Procedure. -Culverts The culverts are designed to pass the flow from a 25 year - 24 hour storm. Culvert designs are based on Manning's "n" values for corrugated metal pipe. The design procedure consists of computing both the inlet control flow and the pipe control flow to determine which is the critical parameter. Once the critical parameter determined then the culvert is sized to prevent overtopping of the inlet embankment by the design storm. Rock riprap energy dissipators (Practice 6.41) are designed for the pipe outlets to prevent excessive erosion. RSHALL UJE WMM OMP SOLI ES .Temporary Seeding (Practice 6.10) Temporary seeding is to be applied to all disturbed areas where work is delayed for a period of more than 30 days but not more than one year. .Permanent Seeding (Practice 6.11) Permanent seeding is to be applied on areas which have been brought to final grade or areas which are rough graded and will not be brought to final grade within a year or more. -Vegetative Screen - Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Ground Covers (Practice 6.13) Trees, shrubs, vines and ground covers shall be used hi areas where a vegetative screen is necessary. And existing vegetation does not exist. -Land Grading (Practice 6.02) All cut and fill slopes in unconsolidated material will be no steeper than 2:1 with a 10 foot horizontal bench at each 30 foot elevation interval. Cut slopes will be fine graded immediately after rough grading and will be vegetated according to the Vegetation Plan. As the disposal areas are created, the material shall be placed in even layers and compacted. Vegetative measures shall be applied according to the Vegetation Plan and the regulations set forth for temporary and permanent seeding. -Tree Preservation and Protection (Practice 6.05) Trees and other vegetation will be preserved as much as possible for their screening, landscape and erosion protection value. Appendix D m;; jedod jewnsuoo-Isod %p l /peloAoei %04 jeAoldw3 uoi}oy eAIpwj[4y Ap.un}ioddo jonb3 uy 96VZ-CEL-6I6 Xt18 9LOL-££L-616 euoydelel MO-WM DulloJOD LWON •g6iel0d 'mm x0,8 Jli' T 6656 saieioossd pue ioll!W llt'ls LW `Xol!wS qog SOM lerlua0 AOWOQ ulof .1w 9Og30 ieu0120g Wg(l alllnau XU_q aogJO Plaid uoiBuiwllM s. ow2ug 3o sdio0 slaaul2ug 3o sdzo0 loi.rlslQ uolfuiurltM :oo luaunloelly g d al `pa off uol `,ClaiaouiS 98LI-££L-6T6 le Xowocl ugop ouogdalai oseald `suoilsonb Xuu aneq noX 3I 'loV lolum uea10 ag13o i0t7 uollooS aapun luauiafemW IeluaunIOltnug 3o uoisiAlQ OLD JO mainaa a p sololdwoo lawl siq,l, •i?uueaq e lo3 :Ise noX ssalun 2uipuiq pun leut3 aie suontpuoo sii Put' uotit'ogiuao SITU 'LbbL-T 19LZ '0'N Viaie-d `Ltl7LZ x09 •0•d `s2uueald anllealsiutuiPV 30 aag:i0 ag1 01 solnleis leiaua0 euiloae0 quoN agi,lo gogt .ialdel0 of suuojuoo goigm uo?lpad uauum e puns `2uiieal e 10J )ISe OJL •aailal sill aniaoai noX legs olep a pjo sXup 09 ugpim lou isnui noA •?uueoq Cioieoipnfpe ue ao3 else ,Ceui no,( `uopeoliuao siul 3o suoilipuoo oql Jo ,Cue idooae iou op nox 3I wofoid .inoX llim peagt' o2 noX aaojN sliuirad leool .io oleis `leiapal aaglo Niue lag plnols no,( 'uollippe ul u0pBouploo pagoelle aql ui Palsil suoilipuoo oql moTlol isnui noX `ptlen aq of Ienoidde sigl lod •uoileoildde mou e sn puos of paiinbol oq ,Ceui noX pue sn Xplou lsnui noX `looload ano.C 32uego noX JI •uoiieoildde anoX ui poquosop noX legl Opp pue osodlnd all sot ptlen SJU0 St lenoidde sigU •s.iaaui$ug to sdao0 aTi .Cq pansst st it ualm qZ iaquinN lluuad aptmuoljuN osn of noX smolle uoiieoggioo SITU 'TL9Z iaqumrl uopeogiua0 Xiipno lawM le.iaua0 Xq pa.ianoo st lig Sell fell p0P!03P OA-RI am `uopuoildde anoX 2uimaina.i IOIJV '966i .iaquiaidoS £l polep uoileolldde .moX ui paquosap noX se 61 I i US Pue £Zi i 2IS uaamlaq Li T i 2lS uo Xuena uiel2uploo?l le kuenb 2upsixo ue Duipuedxo 3o osodind a p loj siolem so spueliam do saloe I9'Z ui leualeui llg 0oeld of leno.idde ino anel noA sill SeaQ AdU? 31i? 90I LZ ON `WOO-uolsuiM 6M7 X09 •0'd saleioossy pue 10111W llegsaew 0/0 o0 sleualeW ueolnA uotleogtl.ia0 ,Catleno ialuM 10t, JO -IVAO-dddV 16656 # loafoid waa , iunoO uieg2ugooN 9661 `81 .iaquiaoaQ ?INHEA Cl v A - aoloajiQ „3,d ,.ar'PJDMOH uolsaid ,d XJ04aJo8S 'saMOH •9 UDU10uOr 10UJan0E)„lr„4unH '8 sawor luaWa6nubW 104uau UOJIAU3 to UOISIAia saoinosad join joN Pup 408H '?U8=0ainu] ?o ?uawjj odaa ouiIoar)O 4PON 10 a?p?S NCWRC,HCP,FALLS LAKE TEL:919-528-9839 FAX COVER Falls Lake Office Date /u 14 -,9s- Number of pages including cover sheet, To: Phone Fax Phone CC: Oct 16'95 15:33 No.006 P.01 NC Wildlife Resources Commission Habitat Conservation Program P.Q. Box 118 Northside, NC 27564 From: /'D. VX.0 .l Phone 919-528-9886 Fax Phone 919-528-9839 NCWRC,HCP,FALLS LAKE TEL:919-528-9839 Oct 16'95 15:34 No.006 P.02 ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 0 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorncy Water Quality Planning, DlHN?.-' FROM: Owen F. Anderson, Piedmont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: October 16, 1995 SUBJECT: Revisions to Nationwide Permit 26 and Section 401 Certification Request to fill wetlands for Vulcan Materials Company, Rockingham Quarry, Richmond County, North Carolina. DEM ID #95991 Action ii) #199302654 Biologists on the Wildlife Resources Commission staff have reviewed the subject document and arc familiar with habitat values of the project area. An on-site uivestigation was conducted with the Superintendent, Ray Thatcher, on October 9, 1995 for the purpose of further assessing project impacts on aquatic; habitats. Our comments are provided in accordance with certain provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat, 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d) and North Carolina General Statutes (G. S. 113-131 et seq). Applicant proposes to 6112.61 acres of wetlands in the process of expanding the quarry pit and relocating facilities. A total of 28.40 acres of waters, including wetlands, arc located on the project site. The processing plant will be relocated to mine reserves under the plant and the rail spur will be extended 2700 feet along Long Branch. The entrance road, office and scales will also be moved and a 50-acre overburden disposal area will be constructed on the east side of Long Branch. Construction is under way to relocate State Route 1117 around the perimeter of the site to allow for pit expansion. Asphalt from existing S.R. 1117 and debris from the existing plant demolition will be buried at Stockpile Area No. 3. The applicant is requesting a variance from the 100-foot stream buffer currently maintained under the existing permit for a 400-foot section of rail spur extension due to the ad'acent sleep slope. No buffers are provided to protect wetlands. Littlc or no buffer to a. tri?utary to Long Branch is planned for the relocated S.R. 1117, which will cross at least three small branches. Wetland mitigation is not included in the application. Long Branch, which flows through the site, joins Hitchcock Creek immediately after leaving the property. Hitchcock Creek, which suppc>rts large populations of both game and NCWRC,HCP,FALLS LAKE TEL:919-528-9839 Oct 16'95 15:34 No.006 P.03 Vulcan Materials 2 October 16, 199.5 95991 non game fishes, flows into the Pee Dee River. The shortnose sturgeon (Acipcroser brevirosir:4m), a federally listed endangered fish species, and smallmouth buffalo (Ietiobns hubalus), a state listed significantly rare fish species, are found in the Pee Dee River. The Pee Dee provides excellent recreational fishing, commercial fishing and a spawning grounds for migratory fish species. We appreciate the ctI'orts of Vulcan Materials Company, Rockingham Quarry, to reduce wetland impacts by revising the original plans to avoid some wetlands and minimize impacts to others. The efforts to create useful wildlife habitat are also commendable. We would like to encourage the applicant to continue to make efforts to reduce impacts to wetlands and provide maximum protection to water qu$lity for important downstream habitats. We request that the following conditions be incorporated into the permit to protect the wetlands, downstream habitats and fisted species: Require that the 100-foot buffer be maintained along all areas of Lang Creek except the 400-foot section. The widest feasible buffer along this 400-foot section is recommended but should not be less than 50 feet, Turbidity should be monitored downstream ofthis section and additional sedimentation control measures implemented as needed. 2. Implement up-front wetland miti ation at a ratio of 2:1 (created:destroyed) for the 2.61 oto,I acres of wetland impacts. A toffof 5.22 wetland acres should be created. Wetlands ;>-ss should be created in areas adjacent to streams or existing wetlands. For recommendations Vol??''" on establishing wetland vegetation (or wildlife management), contact Ken Knight at (704) 982-1600. 3. Minimize wetland fill. Tem racily disturbed wetland areas should be seeded with annual, seasonal vegetation millet in spring and summer, wheat or rye in fall) and then be allowed to revert to natural wetland vegetation. 4. Require that all remaining wetlands and perennial watercourses be protected fry rn additional impacts. Require the establishment or maintenance of a minimum 50-foot (a 10040ot buffer is reconunended) natural vegetated buffer along wetlands and streams. 5. Implement and strictly maintain a state approved erosion and sedimentation control plan. ' 6. Retain the pond, possibly constructed by beavers, at the mouth of Long Branch between the rail spur and the CSX track. 17iis pond will provide for additional settling of sediments before the confluence with Hitchcock Creek, 7. Re-establish vegetation in disturbed areas as soon as possible. Conduct reclamation concurrent with mining when possible, We also recommend that shallow water ponds, such as settling basins, be retained or converted to wetlands instead of being filled during reclamation. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this application. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at (919) 528-9886. MC/ofn i } I i 4 I } e: Photograph 2: Conditions at dry mple point C-1. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Photograph 4: View of embankment point D-1. ??' ' ' ?? Photograph 3: Typical view of sediment deposits. Photograph 5: Soggy conditions at the toe of the slope below point D-1. i 11 Photograph 7: Stream identified in area OBD. 11 i i i 1 1 I NIM" i i Photograph 10: Steep slope on west side of area PEN. 11 t t II Photograph 11: Conditions at sample point A-1. II 11 Photograph 12: Conditions at sample point A-2. 11 ??? ? ?? '? emu: i { 11 Photograph 17: Upper reaches of waters in drainage labeled G. 11 Appendix E I SHALL LLE SOCI ES ze • d -luiol I United Stags Department of the Interior p MH ANA VAM SERVICE "":on ch Ecologim servitft Past Oflict $o: SJ7t6 ' Raleigh, NMth Carolina t763687026 TO: r, V j+ E _ ?)Y"Jey l) IttQ?+QK` Yt! ?s? ? 1ri?n?f7'ilti Y+i? INSTADT7 REPLY I pleas excuse this form. late thought you would prefer a speedy reply to a forxea? letter. This farm SBrvgs to provide U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recolmlendation pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangaxed Species Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 15pp31-1543)[[. `` Re' Ptaject Name D to Of InCOming Letter Based on our records, there are no I•ederally-listed endaugof ed or threatened species which ma,y,.occur ioithin the project impact srea. j The attached pagela) list'(s) the Federally-listed species which may occur within the project impact area, If the proposed projaict will la removing pines greater than or equal to 30 years of age an pine or pine/bardwood habitat, surveys should j he conducted for active red-cockaded woodpecker cavity trees in. appropriate habitat within a 1/2 mile radios of project Douudaries. If red-cockaded woodpeckors are observed within the proje" area or active cavity trees found, the project has the potential to adversely affect the red-cockaded woodpecker, and you should contact this office for further information. The Service concurs Met the pcoposzd project is not likely to adversely affect Federally-listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for Federal listing under the Endangered Species Act, 2.6 amended. 20'd OTSizZ?50LT ? gt s Biol sat Date GONCUttt ???? supervisor bate 0i 04S IuFJd PupiWO09 WONA WHFq:ll cJ;AT-U'-RR ER Received 1 Due North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources Junes B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary As5ociAT-es INDUs-r f?IPr L. Project Location: gLLteFie.LD I VA Z4-&o5--. oe4g NATIONWIDE PERMIT REVIEW 77. MAR5HALL MILLER i gULL&F'tecv VIRUINiA PD, Box, 848 7- /° /" Division of Archives and History William S. Price, Jr., Director 1'A R K RICHMOND Co. `RocKIN&QAM Proposed Project: RacrctNC-,{+AM 4L2AR R Y [ tcoPoSeP F, F -T- Ex4AN S 10 N We have received the application for the above project from the Ap Ii nt/Division of Environmental Management/Army Corps of Engineers and our comps are noted below. Additional information is needed (maps, photographs, other) No comment. We have reviewed the requested information and have no comment. Signed Renee Gledhill-Earley Environmental Review Coordinator State Historic Preservation Office 919/733-4763 I cc: Date 2 Wayne Wright, ACOE (if comment or need info) JUN 2.3 1995 2 7 ,lUia 1@95 109 East Jo= Stmt • Raleigh, North Catoiina 27601.2807 I I I I I (n c y I I I I N_.?? ?? o> r /? - ?0 \ 1\ ,39o ' ?? ? ?•.?,. A - % //? ? ? ??,: ? %?-='?-;•'i •'I? ?; "? (?\,?-1 Ali ? ? ? ?_ "?? I? ', i ?A/? '??i? ??ll ,, ?. _ <<sh2?6:? \'??; `` ,% 1 ??• ?? -N' Hil \ zta zoo C) v I Y ;13 7, I \ ? ?? I r ? J BeaulYa ?.ii? ? / ??'? ?? ?/f I?? I_ ??? ? - ??,?? ?loiti?/ l??l of ?'I ?????? `?V??oCe? --o- - j o ! APPROXIMA TE STUDY AREA it ??? ?j i?i?? ??0?? {' A'. 1 / ??; ? / ? o ?,• ? ,?? ? ? ? ? ? -?. _ _ ? ?? r ? ti ?? ?? "1 ?? ?? ? L: ? ?; ? ?? '? ??-E ? ?. u, -fan i , a ? 011.o \ 1 .10 - III. ?25r -X7?-f,I V?A\ )?? _ ?%. ?•'• G \. ?i?.., / _ _?. ? ?????11,?" ;?? j ??' .Ball ?? ?l' ??.. ? ? 11(,•)))?? ? ? ' / (XI .?? ( '` - !• ?i? I 277 C i a _~?`? I'? ,y//;•i'_7"/ Cordova \Ch VULCAN MATERIALS - ROCKINCHAM QUARRY 4 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL. SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, 7.5' QUADRANGLE N ROCKINGHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, 1956, PHOTO REVISED 1982 Prepared by.- 21 000' 0 2, 000' ??' ' ?? SCALE 1:24,000 VICINITY MAP Figure 1 ea {' a }t i` ; ' 1 I J ( ? I I ? ?I? i• I: r( - r r , , c r Q: r .ot H ? ? ? ? y T y 1 ¢j1 w a t w 0 < W f f '? ? ' Q :3 J ' a ? ¢ ccQ E i, z /liW r \ (7 Z F ? 1 3. t _ i b! _ J? ..s .•r~ 1?' / )'? ? is ! Fg ?? ? \ Ali ? } - ? t , ?' .. r ??,? 1 ? ? ?•???' ??? F{ /f tit _ 'J"ir. 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Printed on Recycled Paper 9- V G'', + t , I`' ? r i Messg? ??..1 C t -n -n In -n -n -n Z m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z m r r r r r r c c c c c c c c (n (1) C/) U) U) Cl) w m w m w m w m w m w m o m w m ° V V -04:1 V O V 00 V 0 V 0 V Z Z Z Z Z Z c p a 0 L m c 0 -L m c 0 -L m c 0 _L ?'' c 0 _L O N O <c N o ?O N cn O N O co N N O cc N N O ro N N O cc ? N O ?c ? N O a? cp 0 O O OD O O o O O O W - O O O IN CO O O A O D 'r