HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950889 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19950103State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director FFMAIAS4 ?EHNR September 7, 1995 Edgecombe County DEM Project # 95889 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. Steven Wordsworth P. O. Box 2856 Rocky Mount, N.C. 27801 FILE 6ur i Dear Mr. Wordsworth: You have our approval to place fill material in 4.5 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of constructing a pond near NC 33 and SR 1426, as you described in your application dated 22 August 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 2671. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 26 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to ,Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Raleigh DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files A. B. Whitley, III P.E. 95889.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ .10% post-consumer paper 401lSSUED August 25, 1995 MEMO TO: Greg Thorpe, Planning \ FROM John Dorney, L RE: Modeling analysis of doposed pond Steven Woodsworth project Edgecombe County AdO3 311! Enclosed please find another project which will require modeling to determine compliance with water quality standards as per the new DEM policy. This is a proposal for a 10.5 acre pond in a WS-IV NSW watershed with watershed size of about 600 acres. I assume that you will pass it on to the appropriate person. Danny Smith of the Raleigh Regional Office has made a site visit and we should be able to issue the 401 Certification if the modeling demonstrates acceptable conditions. Please have someone get back to me by Friday September 1 so I can continue work on the Certification. pond889.mem cc: Jimmie Overton Danny Smith, RRO Central Files 401 August 24, 1995 Steven Wordsworth Edgecombe County Pond Construction 0.5 acres to be filled - building dam structure (above acreage is the only wetland area ratted) 10.5 acres wetlands impacted from flooding - currently this farm has no water for irrigation - the bulk of the flooded impact includes an old "breached" beaver swamp - (note: whole drain had been channelized in the early 601s) - Mr. Whitley (District Conservationist) explained that the interior of the pond would be shallow and that the beaver swamp located at the upper portions of the pond would house approximately 1.5 feet of water. (Note: the only excavation being conducted is located near the dam structure) It is the RRO belief that the building of this pond will enhance the function of much of the proposed 10.5 acres of "flooded wetlands". Further, the combination of this site having little slope and the likelihood that the irrigation will cause water levels to fluctuate will further enhance the utility of this wetland (esp. in this agricultural setting). Please call if you have any questions. /ds 1k L! .3 - 0;?,, - 0 4 Project name. County ma?ic Name of evaluator NYetland type (select one)* _ Nearest road cres Wetland wid - Date eet ? Bottomland hardwood forest ? Pine savanna ?. Bog forest ;Headwater forest ? Freshwater marsh = ? Bog/fen ? Swamp forest ? Estuarine fringe forest ? Seep ? Wet flat ? Ephemeral wetland ? Other ? Pocosin ? Carolina Bay *The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream channels weight . . Water storage x 4.00 ., : , ; ' t' Wetland Score = - x 4.00 = Bank/Shoreline stabilization .v -- Pollutant removal x 5 00 = ?? j ? ' i . .. : ::< n•: fit/ -3 Wildlife habitat x 2.00 = ??•f .,,::<.:.;; . Aquatic life value -? x 4.00 = s = Recreation/Education x 1.00 '. .V * Add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and > 10% nonpoint disturbance within 1 /2 mile upstream, upslope, or radius -^FROM RALEIGH REGULATORY 08.25.1995 11:16 ?r1 p,02 X99 \ _r X//) 73 % ilf2l - ---l i ? TOE;.- .. •: 2' r - - .? •' 111/?- j Y. • ?-•x° °°,, + too B ' ,7 ` 1 ?`? ..'ice-?//JJ ? • ` yw n ?y..?•, Cem • Lon 1\ ::Cem Ir _ C 000 _ ?• FEET `? • ' J ?./ , 41 w - w • t - vim' 1 _ , 11 , > .)r 16 c it rV 3187 7? 172 V 77*37'30•' 294 i2/10000 FEET y4rcocT>, 5t67 35' z6$ ' Mapped, edHed, and published by the Geological Survey ! 6 > ?? r 08/23/95 WED 16:56 FI 919 446 7559 MBI lQvuz NC DEM W2 BKWI Fax:919-733-9959 Aug 23 ' 95 9 40 P. 04r04 12. Description ofpmpasal work (Auach PLANS-9!1/2"X 11 {drawlnjs only): 13. Purpose of proposed wowlk-' -1 14, Slats mm u why ft applicam behaves flat ad= to mm"Umin a wptand impacts. r -All 46 . . • . A 15. -Yea are tugged to colotaat tbo US. Fish tmd 'pWl?+ * namifing the pie c= or any ftft 7ky listed lyabita?t k & pefi* at* thm may be aff-d: by ibe RESPONM PROM TM L70WS A?4=R NMES 16. Yoo As a OV4 to onoa "-%tc lEstoric ptvpasies In The permit dies w?haeh may ba sfff bm.W RBS'POlVS>~ FRAM THIS SI D SHOULD BE 17 A40 *W Wacmetion raq &M by DM; A. Wedaad deU mtiou mv sfwwing all B. IT aya&Ne. represantuive putowaph of w C. I[ ddbmtian was pm fined by a consWmi, de>?eatioo littt? ' D. i a ttwmwaur mmalm atplan is requimd L V&u is land use of swrounding property? F. If smUcab1a. vim is ptrpased mediod of sc '?`e .. S ?a Kc YC.la4. a != r f-d v i frI',tZ' +? rb ?ti t ty.!p= be canted 01st ?u tt+ Also. wwmeapICS Seihce (U' SMS) mOlor National Mmine'Fssheriq SeMot xoposadfor listingendangwmd artb tamed qp& orcritlcal ptojcct. `Have you 6mb so? . Trylvi is [ 7 8t1[TLD H8 >pbRWwRDEti'TC) CORPS. ? l?ti a Offtor,(Sm) ttzm ft the prasena Of Wtotie e p&a wed peojact4 Have you done so7 yF.S r Jr NO [K- ED TO CORPS. amm and lakes an the pmpmy. ; to be impacmd by pmjaa. hxie all data sheets zelovant to the plammm of the tbds project, attach copy 1 aispocat? Sigeatwe S i 1 l ' Date s t August 24, 1995 Steven Wordsworth Edgecombe County Pond Construction 4 -0,; jSSUE,- 0.5 acres to be filled - building dam structure (above acreage is the only wetland area ratted) 10.5 acres wetlands impacted from flooding - currently this farm has no water for irrigation - the bulk of the flooded impact includes an old "breached" beaver swamp - (note: whole drain had been channelized in the early 601s) - Mr. Whitley (District Conservationist) explained that the interior of the pond would be shallow and that the beaver swamp located at the upper portions of the pond would house approximately 1.5 feet of water. (Note: the only excavation being conducted is.located near the dam structure) It is the RRO belief that the building of this pond will enhance the function of much of the proposed 10.5 acres of "flooded wetlands". Further, the combination of this site having little slope and the likelihood that the irrigation will cause water levels to fluctuate will further enhance the utility of this wetland (esp. in this agricultural setting). Please call if you have any questions. /ds Project name Nearest road County - - Wetland ea f0 acres Wetland widt-b 1/G Dame of evaluator Date Z ?Y.{•}%;> •,}.\+,!!-:.yJ/,.?• ,'1..;\, v Jrr \ .<j:;yw r,.yv .. }Ut:+iyr+'.•?y,. \..:::}}`y»+'y,. / •:.})iii• it :•.},:•Y4:?.}. 1•.}\>}::y;•:t,,••:•?):•.'•i ME is ?'?:,. •:::T•,.,: `?:.:::.: •,:. r•:P: ••»::. •..a •.+:??:rr:>/1'•. 4: !: ++ i:•.:^{-: }: :?/ :Z,. r`:d?'??./rr !•. ?:::: yii4,\ 4 /}:. •T•:. :::................... ri %:J.......r .r .. r:.v..... rrr . .'_:.;..: !.:?•Y:4}}:?.; •:..,-: r: :;.\\.;..{: !Jr:?;:.+45?:}J/.; .;; r...t.t\:,+: iii.;:U.+{J;:: ,i{\ :^\-:: f???!?y fir} :??" :ti0 t/ . ,. }::1:!il' £? a, ?o:: •r:J ... %S?k•1r4'3'';%?ii. 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Freshwater marsh ; ? Bog/fen ? Swamp forest ? Estuarine fringe forest ? Seep ? Wet flat ? Ephemeral wetland ? Other ? Pocosin ? Carolina Bay l? *The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream channels y .?„J„JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ...J.J.J.JJJJ..J.....JJJ.JJJ.J{JJJJ.J?JJJJJ..J.J..J..I..J.......J....JJ....JJJ...JJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJ..J.J.JJJJ.JJ.JJ.{.l weight Water storage x 4.00 .:,:. Wetland Score Bank/Shoreline stabilization x 4.00 = % ;<fl Pollutant removal x 5.00 ' Wildlife habitat 3 " T`•"`#r.4.r:_-..••. X 2.00 = ???'• ?>yYr•/ { Aquatic life value x 4.00 = y'.,•;t"' Recreation/Education x 1.00 * Add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and > 10% nonpoint disturbance within 1 /2 mile upstream, upslope, or radius .JJr/JJJJJJJ.JJJJJJJJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ{JJJJJJJJJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ/ } U1 TED STATES Natural Resources P. O. Box 10, 201 St. Andrew St. DEPARTMENT OF Conservation Tarboro, North Carolina 27886 AGRICULTURE Service Telephone: (919) 641-7900 August 18, 1995 Mr. Danny Smith Division of Environmental Management NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P O Box 29535 Raleigh NC 27620-0535 Dear Mr. Smith: RE: 401 Water Quality Certification Enclosed is the application material for the 401 Water Quality Certification for Steve Wordsworth's Pond. Eric Alsmeyer has reviewed the material and assured me that a letter will be written soon to give me written confirmation that no 404 permit is going to be required. He told me over the phone to proce withconsr? uc?ionJ? if we want, because it may be a while before he can get the letter written. We are in a perfect time weather wise to begin construction and would like to start as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you, A. B. Whitley, III District Conservationist Tarboro Field Office Enclosures fiwz? DEM ID: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit ft JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WII.IVIINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P O Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES P O Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone: (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE NC DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owner's Name: Steven Wordsworth 2. Owner's Address: Box 2856 Rocky Mount NC 27801 3. Owner's Phone Number (Home): (Work): (919) 9 8 5 - 7 2 0 0 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: A. R. Whitley, NRCS, is assisting with project design and permit applications. P0 Box 10. Tarboro NC 27886 Phone: (919) 641-7900 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Edgecombe Nearest Town or City: Leggett Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): 1.5 miles east of N C 3 3 and south of S R 14 2 6 (O'Neal Road) 1/2 mile. 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: Located on unnamed tributary of Moore Swamp (Draughn Quad) 7. River Basin: Tar No. 03020102060010 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, WS II? YES [ ] NO V 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for this property? YES [ ] NO M If yes, explain. Eric Alsmeyer has confirmed that no 404 permit is required 10. Estimated total number of acres of the U. S. including wetlands, located on project site: 10.6 11. Number of Acres of waters of the U. S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: 0.5 Drained: Flooded: 0 Excavated: 11 Total Impacted: 10. 6 (see attached letter) U5/Z3/a5 WKV 1K:00 YAL ULU 440 155M AbA Wvvfc NC DEM Wa EN SCI Fax=9i9-7S3-9959 Aug 23 095 9.40 P.04i04 12. Z?csudFdon of propmed work (Attach PLANS-E!1/2" X-11 "drawings only): AgH disd r??e? 13. Purpose of proposed K State reasons iavhhy the appiicam beTiaves thst s . tQw to miuimiao wodand impacts. T ' 1S. Yoa are rid ? aootact the US. Fish ? Wl 'QQ05) n*mdq the preset= or any Federally listed habitat In & pe nr& at" tbu may be affeemd by sbe RESPONSES FROM THE UMMS AAE71JOR MMES 16. You sacs =q td to 6muka & -%tc Ift"olic propane: is she permit ma which may be tiff and ? RESPOWS >Et am m sHpo SHOULD BE 17 Additional Wm Ahon mgAred by DEM. A. wand delittcatiop tt>ap &wtu all wvetlaa B. If sya?a k repmentadve vhotogaph of w C. 9 &Hneathn was performed by a c n-r-Wtaat, detdeeatioa lir1? D. If a stmmwatrrmaageatentplim is requimd E what is Ind vse of swro nftg prepcM? F. If wlicable, what is proposed method of ftwe io -oKC N?we?? f-dcr ifrrc?+G1rb.ti ty tpast be caned out jn Abo, teneacutr.S p SaMca (GJS *S) and/or National Mwine'Fisheties Servict xoposedfot listingtadaag?ed octhreatmed orcritical P*"d prat. 'Ilavo you done so? . YE9 lv NO[ l 10= H$ FORWAMBO TO CORPS. w vaaoa Offtw,(sm) the pmsencc of Wtoric to pdioposed penj&n? Nave_ you done so7 YES [ ] NO [V1- RDED TO CORPS. mmmt, Lod talons on the PmPaty. ub to be impacted by projas- club aD data duxes relevant to the plummam of the this projwt, adul coFy- daspowl? 's Sighatturt I s i 1 ' - dJNFITED STATES Natural Resources P. O. Box 10, 201 St. Andrew St. DEPARTMENT OF Conservation Tarboro, North Carolina 27886 AGRICULTURE Service Telephone: (919) 641-7900 June 7, 1995 Mr. Ken Jolly, Office Manager United States Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Dear Mr. Jolly: Re: Wetland Delineation - Wordsworth Pond, Edgecombe County Enclosed is the map of the wetland area that is going to be effected by the proposed construction of Mr. Wordsworth's pond. The pond site includes an area that was channelized years ago and part of which was ditch drained and cultivated in the past. Total wetland area within the pond is now 4.5 acres undrained and 6.1 acres of prior converted wetland. The waterline for the proposed pond and the water level in the old beaver pond are within in an inch of the same elevation. Therefore the proposed pond construction will restore the old beaver pond to its original size of 6.9 acres. The pond will restore the PC area to open water habitat and it will flood the old beaver pond and 1.0 acre of current wetland that is not part of the old beaver or PC land. Considering that this project will replace the beaver pond and the PC land, the only remaining area effected is 1.0 acre of wooded wetland that will be part of the pond. I have enclosed our engineer's drainage calculations for the ditch and the wetland data sheets for the site together with my field notes for making the map. Also enclosed is a copy of a letter from U. S. Fish and Wildlife on their approval of granting a CWNA for the site. Please review this material and let us know whether or not a permit will be required and if we need to do anything to obtain a permit. Let me know if you need any additional explanation or classification. () `Z' ok?', A. B. Whitley, III District Conservationist Tarboro Field Office Enclosures cc: Steve Wordsworth w/enclosures Hank Henry w/enclosures UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE April 18, 1995 Mr. Mike Gant P. O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27609 Dear Mr. Gant: P. O. Box 10, 201 St. Andrew St. Tarboro, North Carolina 27886 Telephone: (919) 641-7900 Natural Resources Conservation Service Subject: Wetlands CWNA - Steve Wordsworth Farm ?v 1 Attached is a copy of a soils map with a proposed impounded pond for irrigation on the Wordsworth Farm in Northern Edgecombe County. The farm owner has requested design assistance from NRCS for design of a pond to irrigate the adjoining farms which he have recently purchased. Please provide any comments that you may have on the site. Sincerely, r, 6- 0 L;t? A. B. Whitley, III District Conservationist Tarboro Field Office ?'o&W11.DU??ERIr? F Q MEN IREME' a A , x33726 ROIL May is 19-%- t Y / f r t 1 i 4 ' f- i x -t bs; i jr 4 t J - 1. - - ------------------ ------------ l ? 1 T s r -t- J C o2 .3? ?' u Y a • j? Al" w nka?,r d ?" foof a,,**' a ?14 1 a. _f *rx a y e ? 1 -raa tmft?t rt?¢1c 4. k Ti f= MEMO TO: G Thorpe, FROM: John Dorney, August 25, 1995 Planning L AUG 28 1995 !WATER QUALITY PLANNING BRANCH RE: Modeling analysis of oposed pond Steven Woodsworth project Edgecombe County Enclosed please find another project which will require modeling to determine compliance with water quality standards as per the new DEM policy. This is a proposal for a 10.5 acre pond in a WS-IV NSW watershed with watershed size of about 600 acres. I assume that you will pass it on to the appropriate person. Danny Smith of the Raleigh Regional Office has made a site visit and we should be able to issue the 401 Certification if the modeling demonstrates acceptable conditions. Please have someone get back to me by Friday September 1 so I can continue work on the Certification. pond889.mem cc: Jimmie Overton Danny Smith, RRO Central Files 99s FS UNITED-STATES Natural Resources P. O. Box 10, 201 St. Andrew St. DEPAQ MIc NT OF Conservation Tarboro, North Carolina 27886 AGRICAILTURE Service Telephone: (919) 641-7900 x]5589 August 18, 1995 Mr. Danny Smith Division of Environmental Management NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P O Box 29535 Raleigh NC 27620-0535 Dear Mr. Smith: RE: 401 Water Quality Certification Enclosed is the application material for the 401 Water Quality Certification for Steve Wordsworth's Pond. Eric Alsmeyer has reviewed the material and assured me that a letter will be written soon to give me written confirmation that no 404 permit is going to be required. He told me over the phone to proceed with construction if we want, because it may be a while before he can get the letter written. We are in a perfect time weather wise to begin construction and would like to start as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you, A. B. Whitley, III District Conservationist Tarboro Field Office Enclosures DEM ID: ACTION ID: ?w Nationwide Vermit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit ft JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P O Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES P O Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone: (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE NC DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owner's Name: Steven Wordsworth 2. Owner's Address: Box 2856 Rocky Mount NC 27801 3. Owner's Phone Number (Home): (Work): (919) 985-7200 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: A_ R. Whitley. NRCS, is assisting with project design and permit applications. P 0 Box 10, Tarboro NC 27886 Phone: (919) 641-7900 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Edgecombe Nearest Town or City: Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): (O'Neal Road) 1/2 mile. 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: _Located on unnamed tributary of Moore Swamp (Draughn Quad) 7. River Basin: Tar No. 03020102060010 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, WS II? YES [ ] NO 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for this property? YES [ ] NO V If yes, explain. Eric Alsmeyer has confirmed that no 404 permit is required 10. Estimated total number of acres of the U. S. including wetlands, located on project site: 10.6 11. Number of Acres of waters of the U. S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: 0.5 Drained: 0 Flooded:10.1 Excavated: n Total Impacted: 10.6 (see attached letter) 08.23/95 WED 16:56 FAA 919 446 7559 MBM Wj vUz WC DEM W2 EN=i Fax:919-733-9959 Aug 23 '95 9:40 P.04AA 12- IZcxrip ion ofpmpwcd work (Aunh PLANS-8 d/2° x.11" drawinj5 only): 73. Purpose of prcpmW work -?- ".r- 1, ?•? N i Lm .101,11111% •. 14, Stato reasons why thm ggdka:n beIIaves drat s ' ' 'ty.must be eaaicd eut ?u w . Also, mm meacLUIC9 .4, TMg' ad= to o wodand impacts, AL 15. •Ya% are recd to con= tb0 US. Fish tad ?an+jve (UdSFWS) an im Nat oud maina'Fsahesies Semm the presaica or any Fa tally listed h d ff b pt+oposed tni listinS rtrd orthree[tne3aw or a'kiaal d -H ' c ? by : e abito ?tsb&ee pwmit am thu maybe s eoe pope vVi ave y" dons so a • z h 0 [ l AFB Fib TFS USFWS AN=R NMM $0UL1DBE iriRWAPMED T0CARPS. ld. Yon ice to obtttlsa ?s State t?storic ' a 0fficar,(S2f0) regarding the p=pseact of hi9toric plopet'ties ?e permit area which may be affected t he pdbposed prajecn? Rave you done so7 YES [ ]' No (Vl- RBSPONn FUN THE SHPO SHOULD HE >=d ED TO CORPS. IT MdidmW .bimmation zapired by DM: . A. Wedand daUncatioA mov sfiowing mH . StmmS, and bkkcs on tM propeny. B. If ralabk, repeseotsAvt; pUtograph of w to be impacmd by po1act_ C. N dcUra tian was performed by a coasultam, iude all data sheets relevant to the placement of the deibmica Ik , a 6tmmwatermaaa sa=tp14. is requited this project, attach COPY- , 1 L What is lead vaa of sturomm9ag p mpcM7 v ? n of a0d(amA F. If applicable, what is puposed method of sc a disposal? lUIZ "% s Sigtiamm Date 1 i i i i i 1 ' ----UNITED STATES Natural Resources DEPARTMENT OF Conservation AGRICULTURE Service P. O. Box 10, 201 St. Andrew St. Tarboro, North Carolina 27886 Telephone: (919) 641-7900 June 7, 1995 Mr. Ken Jolly, Office Manager United States Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Dear Mr. Jolly: Re: Wetland Delineation - Wordsworth Pond, Edgecombe County Enclosed is the map of the wetland area that is going to be effected by the proposed construction of Mr. Wordsworth's pond. The pond site includes an area that was channelized years ago and part of which was ditch drained and cultivated in the past. Total wetland area within the pond is now 4.5 acres undrained and 6.1 acres of prior converted wetland. The waterline for the proposed pond and the water level in the old beaver pond are within in an inch of the same elevation. Therefore the proposed pond construction will restore the old beaver pond to its original size of 6.9 acres. The pond will restore the PC area to open water habitat and it will flood the old beaver pond and 1.0 acre of current wetland that is not part of the old beaver or PC land. Considering that this project will replace the beaver pond and the PC land, the only remaining area effected is 1.0 acre of wooded wetland that will be part of the pond. I have enclosed our engineer's drainage calculations for the ditch and the wetland data sheets for the site together with my field notes for making the map. Also enclosed is a copy of a letter from U. S. Fish and Wildlife on their approval of granting a CWNA for the site. Please review this material and let us know whether or not a permit will be required and if we need to do anything to obtain a permit. Let me know if you need any additional explanation or classification. A. B. Whitley, III District Conservationist Tarboro Field Office Enclosures cc: Steve Wordsworth w/enclosures Hank Henry w/enclosures UNITE STATES Natural Resources P. 0. Box 10, 201 St. Andrew St. DEPARTMENT OF Conservation Tarboro, North Carolina 27886 AGRICULTURE Service Telephone: (919) 641-7900 April 18, 1995 1o Mr. Mike Gant P. O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27609 Dear Mr. Gant: Subject: Wetlands CWNA - Steve Wordsworth Farm Attached is a copy of a soils map with a proposed impounded pond for irrigation on the Wordsworth Farm in Northern Edgecombe County. The farm owner has requested design assistance from NRCS for design of a pond to irrigate the adjoining farms which he have recently purchased. Please provide any comments that you may have on the site. Sincerely, ct'' 6- A. B. Whitley, III District Conservationist Tarboro Field Office W?LDUFE p MEETS CwKk tREMENT A\g0X 33726 Ra ? Mqy is 1996 FROM RALEIGH REGULATORY 88.25.1995 11:16 P.02 X99 { Xll) i ?? ?+' \---'1 ?•??.?, T.ws` \??'? 73 O'Nlil, f Cem Roo 2130" `'. .-_-- t! `----'. r .rte../ v [??/ •!?+ • u' ?- ?I -' 11 ? ,d ?+ \ V'-'1 ?J \ ? .. ? i.' . ? ??\s?q?••{'-- _ X91 - ,? -+ ` - °••? tip : Js 4106 a. rot ' ? ••;. jar \.``•? ?j,`, r-' ' Cem • •' -? ' ? ^\ :Cem 0000 FEET )?„ram ?,- ?\? ?'? J ?? t •1`? r•.?' "' *8> f?i-fie' t .. -_ ` ••?.., ? ?.. _ S?? ?:,: ra a ---- / 1 \ ?,? f 40 w u _- 16 :Q t. r _ ,•/ • -flJ II ?fi ?•r LCIfI?` ?1a J' A 'I LAW ` i•`.`?..?.•++? ,. _ J ' .lam Y 4' "r ?V rte' r?, -,- ' •.."•?'•. •?? , '?• "? , •? ? ?..... _K. - .. It? ? . ,• { --` twit, 1 10 '087 t ca m ?'? `•.:?,1 ?Y ?,, a :r- 7 77037'30" 261 i2 410000 FEET 'R :tom 4rc?cT* r Mr.61 r5• I z68 Mapped, edited, and published by the Geological Survey rt? EHNR - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2B .0300 .0316 TAR-PAMLICO RIVER BASIN Classification Name of Stream Description Class Date Index No. Beech Swamp to Tar River Maple Swamp From source to Edgecombe County SR 1426 C NSW 1/1/90 28-79-31-(0.3) Maple Swamp From Edgecombe County SR 1426 to WS-IV NSW 8/3/92 28-79-31-(0.7) Fishing Creek Moore Swamp From source to Maple Swamp WS-IV NSW 8/3/92 28-79-31-1 Deep Creek From source to a point 1.3 miles up- C NSW 1/1/90 28-79-32-(0.5) stream of N.C. Hwy. 97 Canal Creek From source to Deep Creek C NSW 1/1/90 28-79-32-1 Deep Creek From a point 1.3 miles upstream of N.C. WS-IV NSW 8/3/92 28-79-32-(1.5) Hwy. 97 to Fishing Creek Marsh Swamp From source to Deep Creek WS-IV NSW 8/3/92 28-79-32-2 Indian Branch From source to Deep Creek WS-IV NSW 8/3/92 28-79-32-3 TAR RIVER From a point 0.5 mile upstream of Tar- WS-IV NSW CA 8/3/92 28-(79.5) boro Water Supply Intake to Tarboro Water Supply Intake TAR RIVER From Tarboro Raw Water Supply Intake C NSW 1/1/90 28-(80) to Suggs Creek Hendricks Creek From source to Tar River C NSW 1/1/90 28-81 Cromwell Canal and Connect- From source to Tar River C NSW 1/1/90 28-82 ing' Canals Town Creek From source to Tar River C NSW 1/1/90 28-83 White Swamp From source to Town Creek C NSW 1/1/90 28-83-1 Cattail Swamp From source to White Swamp C NSW 1/1/90 28-83-1-1 Williamson Branch From source to Town Creek C NSW 1/1/90 28-83-2 Cokey Swamp From source to Town Creek C NSW 1/1/90 28-83-3 Little Cokey Swamp From snnrce to Cokey Swamp C NSW 1/1/90 28-83-3-1 Deloach Branch. From source to Cokey Swamp C NSW 1/1/90 28-83-3-2 Sasnett Mill Branch From source to Cokey Swamp C NSW 1/1/90 28-83-3-3 Symms Mill Creek From source to Town Creek C NSW 1/1/90 28-83-4 Bynums Mill Run From source to Bynums Mill Creek C NSW 1/1/90 28-83-4-1 Briery Branch From source to Bynums Mill Run C NSW 1/1/90 28-83-4-1-1 TAR RIVER From Suggs Creek to Johnson Mill WS-IV NSW 8/3/92 28-(84) Creek Suggs Creek (Cheek Creek) From source to Tar River C NSW 1/1/90 28-85 Otter Creek From source to a point 0.7 mile up- C NSW 1/1/90 28-86-(0.3) stream of Kitten Creek Otter Creek From a point 0.7 mile upstream of WS-IV NSW 8/3/92 28-86-(0.7) Kitten Creek to Tar River Kitten Creek From source to a point 1.0 mile C NSW 1/1/90 28-86-1-(1) upstream of mouth Kitten Creek From a point 1.0 mile upstream of WS-IV NSW 8/3/92 28-86-1-(2) mouth to Otter Creek Conetoe Creek From source to Pitt County SR 1404 C NSW 1/1/90 28-87-(0.5) Crisp Creek From source to Conetoe Creek C NSW 1/1/90 28-87-1 Conetoe Creek From Pitt County SR 1404 to Tar River WS-IV NSW 8/3/92 28-87-(2) Tyson Creek (King Creek) From source to Tar River WS-IV NSW 8/3/92 28-88 9