HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0037287_Application_20190905Pilot Study Results and Infiltration Capacity Pluris Wastewater Treatment Plant High -Rate Infiltration System Permit No. WQ0037287 Pender County, North Carolina Prepared for Michael C. Gallant, PE PO Box 4039 Surf City, NC 28445 Prepared by EEE Consulting, Inc. 8525 Bell Creek Road Mechanicsville, Virginia 23116 July 2018 Prepared by: Zach Kiracofe, PG Doug Fraser, PG Reviewed by: Andrew E. Kassoff, PG, PE, LEED AP 3e EEE Consulting, Inc. Environmental, Engineering and Educational Solutions Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina Table of Contents Acronyms....................................................................................................................................... iii Signature/Certification Page.......................................................................................................... iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 PILOT TESTS SCOPE AND PROTOCOLS........................................................................... 2 2.1. Monthly Infiltration Pilot Study........................................................................................... 2 2.2. 24-Hour Constant Head Pilot Tests...................................................................................... 3 3.0 PILOT TESTS RESULTS AND ANALYSIS.......................................................................... 4 3.1. Pilot Study Data................................................................................................................... 4 3.2. Monthly Pilot Tests.............................................................................................................. 5 3.3. Twenty Four -Hour Constant Head Tests............................................................................. 7 4.0 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................... 9 Appendices Appendix A: Monthly Pilot Test Data Tables 1: Water Balance Calculations - November 2018 2: Water Balance Calculations - December 2018 3: Water Balance Calculations — January 2019 4: Water Balance Calculations — February 2019 5: Water Balance Calculations — March 2019 6: Water Balance Calculations — April 2019 7: Daily Test Inflow and Stage Height - February 28-March 1, 2019 8: Daily Test Inflow and Stage Height - March 7-8, 2019 9: Daily Test Inflow and Stage Height - March 13-14, 2019 10: Comparison of Measured Precipitation at Pluris Hempstead WWTP and Average Precipitation at Jacksonville, NC 11: Calculated HRI Basin Stage/Infiltration Results — November 2018 to April 2019 Cumulative Data 12: Calculated HRI Basin Infiltration at Maximum Stage - November 2018 to April 2019 Monthly Data 13: Summary of 24-Hour Constant Head Test Results Fi ures Figure 1: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, November 2018-April 2019, HRI #1 Figure 2: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, November 2018, HRI #1 Figure 3: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, December 2018, HRI #1 3e Project Number 18-500 i July 2019 Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina Figure 4: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, January 2019, HRI #1 Figure 5: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, February 2019, HRI #1 Figure 6: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, March 2019, HRI #1 Figure 7: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, April 2019, HRI #1 Figure 8: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, November 2018-April 2019, HRI #2 Figure 9: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, November 2018, HRI #2 Figure 10: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, December 2018, HRI #2 Figure 11: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, January 2019, HRI #2 Figure 12 Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, February 2019, HRI #2 Figure 13: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, March 2019, HRI #2 Figure 14: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, April 2019, HRI #2 Figure 15: Daily Test Graphs, February 28-March 1, 2019, HRI #2 Figure 16: Daily Test Graphs, March 7-8, 2019, HRI #1 Figure 17: Daily Test Graphs, March 13-14, 2019, HRI #1 Figure 18: Daily Test Graphs, March 13-14, 2019, HRI #2 3e Project Number 18-500 ii July 2019 Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina Acronyms Feet Above Mean Sea Level Gallons Per Day Gallons Per Minute Groundwater Infiltration Pond linear feet High Rate Infiltration Basin North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality North Carolina Division of Water Resources National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ft. msl gpd gpm GWI LF HRI NCDENR NCDEQ NCDWR NPDES 3e Project Number 18-500 iii July 2019 Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina Signature/Certification Page Professional Certification I certify that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this application and all attached documents, and that, based ' on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. Name: Andrew E. Kassoff, PE, PG Signature: North Carolina Professional Certification Type and Number: PG 1227• PE 035181 Company: EEE Consulting, Incorporated Address: 8525 Bell Creek Road City/State/Zip: Mechanicsville, Virginia 23116 The conclusions of this report may vary from past or future observations by 3e or others, and the report and its conclusions are based upon a review of available information at the time of this report and/or professional judgement. To the best of our knowledge, information provided by others is true and accurate, unless otherwise noted. 3e shall incur no liability resulting from information supplied by others. � H CARa �i a� SEAL: 035181 4 El 3e Project Number 18-500 iv July 2019 Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Pluris Hampstead Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) facility was issued a non -discharge permit (No. WQ0037287) from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) (formerly the Department of Environment and Natural Resources - NCDENR) Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) in April 2015. The wastewater treatment system discharges effluent to two 0.13 acre high -rate infiltration (HRI) basins separated by 100 feet of engineered fill in a central berm that meets the requirements of Session Law 2014-95. The HRI basins are surrounded by a perimeter groundwater lowering system with approximately 992 linear feet (LF) of 12-inch HDPE pipe and approximately 425 LF of 18-inch HDPE pipe. The groundwater lowering system gravity discharges to an approximately 4.2-million-gallon effluent storage pond herein referred to as the groundwater infiltration (GWI) pond. A valve on the perimeter groundwater lowering system controls the discharge to the GWI. The NCDWR permit allows discharge of 50,000 gallons per day (gpd) on a monthly average to the HRI basins with no discharge of wastewater to surface waters. Construction of the facility including two HRI basins was completed in 2015. The GWI was originally designed to discharge to surface water through a level spreader. The level spreader and outlet structure for the GWI were subsequently removed from the system design. NCDWR issued a separate National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the facility (NC0089524) in October 2015 that provides for facility discharge to surface waters. To date, no surface water discharges have occurred. In April 2017 NCDWR issued a minor permit modification to address the above and other changes to the facility. In 2018, Pluris Holdings, LLC (Pluris) contracted with EEE Consulting, Inc. (3e) to prepare a water balance analysis of the Hampstead Wastewater Treatment and High -Rate Infiltration facility in Pender County, North Carolina. The objective of the 2018 water balance analysis was to evaluate the actual infiltration capacity of the system using operational data collected during 2017. To meet this objective, 3e prepared individual water balances for the three main facility infiltration components; the two HRI basins and the GWI which were combined into a facility wide water balance. The monthly infiltration rate for each of the HRI basins ranged from approximately 9,000 to 30,000 gpd and averaged approximately 20,000 gpd during calendar year 2017. The average monthly infiltration rate for the GWI from April to December 2017 was approximately 32,100 gpd with a maximum average monthly infiltration rate of nearly 119,000 gpd. These infiltration rates were achieved under low head conditions (i.e., the water levels in the HRI basins and GWI were well below the design maximum water levels. The sum of the maximum average monthly infiltration rates was approximately 175,000 gpd. The cumulative maximum daily infiltration values of the three basins was 538,500 gpd. 3e Project Number 18-500 1 July 2019 Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina Based on these analyses, Pluris requested a permit modification to reestablish the effluent flow limit to 175,000 gpd. On August 1, 2018 NCDWR issued a letter requesting additional information and clarifications to the 2018 water balance report. On August 8, 2018 design consultant to Pluris Michael Gallant, PE, with assistance from 3e, submitted a response letter to NCDWR addressing each of the August 1, 2018 comments. Over the next several months representatives for Pluris and NCDWR corresponded and met to address the central NCDWR concern that the 2017 data had not shown (to the satisfaction of NCDWR) that the existing infiltration basins can accommodate loading (inflow) rates significantly higher than the permitted capacity and that additional data were needed to demonstrate the proposed loading rates. To address this issue, Mr. Gallant submitted a formal plan for additional evaluations (pilot study) of the actual infiltration capacity of the two HRI basins to support a future permit modification application. The Pluris Hampstead WWTF pilot infiltration study consisted of two main components designed to collect data to further assess the operational infiltration rate of the two HRI basins currently in use at the plant; a six-month long monthly pilot study, and three one day constant head tests. The scope and protocols of these tests are presented in the following section. 2.0 PILOT TESTS SCOPE AND PROTOCOLS 2.1. Monthly Infiltration Pilot Study General Scope and Obiectives The monthly pilot study was performed for both HRI basins from November 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019. Throughout the study, total discharge from the WWTP was periodically alternated between the HRI basins. In general, the discharge to each basin was alternated approximately every seven to eight days although there were periods during the six-month study period when flows were alternated every one to two days. The objectives of this monthly pilot study were to: ➢ Provide operational data (hydraulic head level/stage height) in each basin at higher discharge rates than occurs under normal operating conditions when flow is sometimes split/discharged to each HRI concurrently ➢ Assess the HRI basin capacity during the months when precipitation is higher, and evapotranspiration is lowest. ➢ Demonstrate the existing infiltration basins can accommodate loading rates significantly higher than the permitted capacity. 3e Project Number 18-500 2 July 2019 Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina Parameters and Measurements ➢ The bottom elevation of each HRI basin is approximately 38 feet above mean sea level. ➢ The berm of each HRI basin is 45 feet above mean sea level ➢ The maximum operational stage height in each HRI basin with two feet of freeboard is five (5) feet which corresponds to an elevation of 43 feet above mean sea level. ➢ The inflow (loading) to each basin was recorded daily as is being done as a condition of the current non -discharge permit. ➢ A facility rain gage was read daily to record precipitation at the site. ➢ Total inflow to the basins was calculated as the inflow/loading from the WWTP plus incident precipitation to each basin. There is no surface water run-on to the basins. ➢ Evapotranspiration from the basins is de minimis and was not included in the analysis. ➢ The water balance equation was adjusted to solve for net daily infiltration rates in gpd: Infiltration = Inflow/Loading + Precipitation — 0 Storage ➢ Transducers/data loggers were placed in each basin to record the levels of each basin and programmed to include hour stage levels. ➢ The transducers were set at elevations of 38.44 and 37.80 in HRI #1 and #2, respectively. ➢ The depth to the static water level in nearby monitoring wells MW2 and MW 3 was recorded daily. 2.2. 24-Hour Constant Head Pilot Tests General Scope and Obiectives Three 24-hour constant head tests were performed in late February and early March 2018. These 24-hour tests were designed to be constant head tests where a high discharge rate to each basin would be adjusted to the extent practicable in order to maintain a relatively constant water level or hydraulic head at least one foot above the basin bottoms but below HRI maximum water level of five feet. The three separate tests were conducted over a 24-hour period as follows. 1. February 28-March 1, 2019 — All flow was directed to HRI 2. Flow to HRI 1 was cut off 2. March 7-8, 2019 — All flow was directed to HRI 1. Flow HRI 2 was cut off. 3. March 13-14 — Flow was directed to both HRI basins. As noted in an October 15, 2018 email to NCDWR "the constant head portion of the study will be difficult to perform with typical plant flows. The discharge to the basins is intermittent depending on membrane permeate vs. rest cycles along with the typical diurnal peaks in sewer flow to the plant." To accomplish the high loading required for the constant head tests additional water from the GWI pond was pumped to the HRI basins. 3e Project Number 18-500 3 July 2019 Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina The objectives of the 24-hour constant head tests include: ➢ Determining the performance of each HRI basin in response to a prolonged 24-hour high inflow/loading rate and a high daily total inflow volume. ➢ Evaluate the infiltration rates at relatively constant operating water levels (stage). ➢ Analyze the data to predict HRI basin response under instantaneous and daily loading rates that are significantly higher than the current permitted capacity. Parameters and Measurements The parameters and measurements for the 24-hour tests were similar to the monthly study with the following changes: ➢ Additional water for the high discharge one day tests was obtained from the GWI pond. ➢ Water levels were measured every 15 minutes by the transducers/data loggers. ➢ There was no precipitation during the 24-hour tests; therefore, loading from WWTP is the total inflow to the HRI basins. ➢ As these tests achieved a relatively stable constant head, the change in storage was negligible; therefore, inflow equals infiltration. 3.0 PILOT TESTS RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 3.1. Pilot Study Data Pluris Hampstead, LLC provided 3e with all the monitoring and operational data for the monthly and daily pilot tests. The monthly monitoring and operational data for the November and December 2018, January, February, March, and April 2019 are presented in Appendix A. Tables 1 through 6 present the water balance calculations for each month, respectively. Tables 7 through 9 present the data for the daily constant head test data and calculated inflow/infiltration rates. Some manually collected data (monitoring well water levels) were not collected on weekends or holidays. To meet the study objectives the following analyses were completed: ➢ Net daily infiltration rates were calculated using the following water balance equation adjusted to solve for net infiltration rates in gpd: Infiltration = Inflow/Loading + Precipitation — A Storage ➢ Several graphs/plots were prepared to present the study data ➢ Stage height/infiltration rating plots were prepared to calculate the infiltration capacity of the basins at higher loading rates 3e Project Number 18-500 4 July 2019 Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina The rating plots were used to predict the maximum infiltration rate of each basin with a head that is equivalent to having two feet of freeboard in the basins. 3.2. Monthly Pilot Tests The monthly pilot study was performed for both HRI basins from November 1, 2018 — April 30, 2019. As presented above inflow (loading) to each basin was alternated approximately every seven to eight days although there were periods during the six-month test period when flows were alternated every one to two days. The facility rain gauge precipitation data was compared to average monthly precipitation data for Jacksonville, North Carolina (from the US Climate Data website https://www.usclimatedata.com/climate/jacksonville/north-carolina/united-states/usnc l 305). Table 10 shows that over the six months from November 2018 to April 2019, precipitation at the facility exceeded the average precipitation at Jacksonville NC by over six inches with November and December 2018, and March and April 2019 having higher than normal precipitation. Numerous graphs/plots of the data were produced for each HRI for the full six month pilot test period and for each month. The plots included temporal variation of Total Inflow vs. Precipitation, Total Inflow vs. Stage Height, and Stage Height vs. Calculated Infiltration over the six month test period and for each month. A best fit regression analysis of the Stage Height vs Calculated Infiltration was also completed for each HRI basin over the six month period and for each month. The graphs/plots for the HRI #1 data are presented on Figures 1 through 7. The graphs/plots for the HRI #2 data are presented on Figures 8 through 14. The temporal variation in Total Inflow vs. Precipitation graphs and data show that larger rainfall events due have a measurable contribution to basin inflow. Each one -inch of rainfall results in approximately 5,000 gallons of direct precipitation to each basin. Excluding the data from the one day constant head tests run in late February and early March during which extra water from the GWI was discharged to the HRI basins, discharge to the HRI basins ranged from a low of 22,000 gpd to nearly 100,000 gpd. The daily average loading was approximately 57,500 gpd. The monthly discharge to the HRI basins averaged approximately 1,750,000 gallons. The responses (stage height) of each of the HRI basins are best illustrated on the Stage Height vs. Infiltration rating graphs (Figures 1 through 14) for the individual months and for the entire six month period. These graphs show a slight lag in stage height response to inflow variations. The time lag and some of the variability evident in the data are partially due to the inflow and stage height readings are for one point in time each day with the inflow value equal to inflow over the previous 24 hours and the stage being an instantaneous reading. Furthermore, the stage height is 3e Project Number 18-500 5 July 2019 Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina partially dependent on the basin inflows on the preceding day(s). Thus, the same stage height on different days may have significantly different inflows for those days depending the preceding day(s) inflow. Excluding the data from one day tests, stage height during the monthly tests ranged from near zero to a maximum of 0.99 feet in HRI # 1 and 2.01 feet in HRI #2. These stage heights, which are approximately four and three feet, respectively, below the maximum operating level stage height of five feet, demonstrate a significant excess capacity of the HRI basins to infiltrate WWTP water. As discussed in Section 4.3 below higher stage heights were measured during the significantly higher loading rates in the one day tests. A multiple linear regression was performed on the stage height vs. inflow data. The linear regression equations are shown on each graph. Table 11 presents the calculated HRI basin infiltration rates at varying stage heights using the linear regression equations from each basin for the cumulative November 2018 to April 2019 test data. These data indicate that at the maximum stage height of five feet, HRI #1 can infiltrate approximately 798,000 gpd, and HRI #2 can infiltrate approximate 428,000 gpd. The differences in infiltration rates between the basins is likely partially attributed to some variance in the engineered material in the central berm. The differences may also be partially attributed to a smaller hydraulic gradient out of HRI #2. The regression analysis results shown on Table 11 indicate that a low stages HRI #2 has a negative infiltration rate which suggests groundwater inflow at stages less than 0.75 feet. HRI #1 shows negative infiltration at stages of around 0.25 feet. The data suggest that the bottom of the basins was slightly below the seasonal high water table during the study period. Table 12 presents the calculated HRI basin infiltration rates at the maximum stage height of five feet using the individual monthly data from November 2018 to April 2019. The averages of the maximum infiltration rates for HRI #1 (791,000 gpd) and HRI #2 (445,000 gpd) are very similar to the maximum rates presented above for the six month cumulative data. The data in Table 12 show a high degree of variability for HRI # 1 whereas the data for HRI #2 are relatively consistent. The difference in consistency can not be readily explained. It is noted that the highest infiltration rates for HRI #1 correspond to the months with the highest precipitation, November and December, and the highest net inflow, March. The average of the three lowest infiltration rates for HRI #1 is 506,000 gpd. The maximum infiltration during the monthly pilot study was 370,000 gpd in HRI #1 during the March 7-8 constant head test. The corresponding stage height was 1.78 feet; more than three feet below the maximum stage height of five feet. The maximum infiltration for HRI #2 was 273,000 gpd during the February 28-March 1 constant head test. The corresponding stage height was 3.26 3e Project Number 18-500 6 July 2019 Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina feet; or 1.74 feet below the maximum stage height. These data indicate the HRI basin have significantly higher infiltration capacity than the current permit limits. 3.3. Twenty Four -Hour Constant Head Tests As presented in Section 3.2, three 24-hour constant head tests were performed in late February and early March 2018. These daily tests were designed to be constant head tests where a high discharge rate to each basin would be adjusted to the extent practicable in order to maintain a relatively constant water level or hydraulic head at least one foot above the basin bottoms but below HRI maximum water level of five feet. The three separate daily tests were conducted over a 24-hour period as indicated below: 1. February 28-March 1, 2019 — All flow was directed to HRI 2. Flow to HRI 1 was cut off 2. March 7-8, 2019 — All flow was directed to HRI 1. Flow HRI 2 was cut off. 3. March 13-14 — Flow was directed to both HRI basins. February 28-March 1, 2019 For this test, flow from the WWTP and supplement water from the GWI were discharged to HRI #2. The test data are presented on Table 7. Figure 15 presents the data graphs for this test. For the first five hours loading to the basin was generally constant with a high inflow rate of 495 gallons per minute (gpm) and an average inflow rate of 445 gpm (equivalent to approximately 640,800 gpd). The water level was stabilizing at just over four feet. However, the flow rate could not be sustained. Total loading to HRI #2 over a 24-hour period was 383,000 gallons. The maximum stage during the test was 4.48 feet when the inflow was at 495 gpm. A steady state constant head (stage height) over several hours was not achieved as the discharge. A relatively constant head of approximately 3.5 feet was achieved in the later periods of the test during which the average discharge was approximately 206 gpm which is equivalent to about 300,000 gpd. This test demonstrated that HRI #2 can infiltrate at least 383,000 gpd and can infiltrate a sustained 300,000 gpd with an operating water level of 3.5 feet or 1.5 feet less than the basin stage limit. March 7-8, 2019 For this test, flow from the WWTP and supplement water from the GWI were discharged to HRI #1. The test data are presented on Table 8. Figure 16 presents the data graphs for this test. For the first eight hours inflow to the basin was generally constant with a high inflow rate of 495 gpm, and an average inflow of 480 gpm (equivalent to approximately 691,000 gpd). As shown on Figure 16, a steady state constant head of approximately three feet was achieved during the early, high discharge rate, test period. Although the early period high inflow rate could not be sustained a relatively constant head of approximately 2.2 feet was achieved in the later periods of the test 3e Project Number 18-500 7 July 2019 Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina during which the average inflow rate was approximately 252 gpm which is equivalent to about 363,000 gpd. Total loading to HRI #1 over a 24-hour period was 472,000 gallons. This test demonstrated that HRI #1 can infiltrate at least 472,000 gpd. The data also indicate the HRI #1 can infiltrate approximately 691,000 gpd with an operational stage height of approximately 3 feet or two feet below the maximum stage limit. March 13-14 For this test, flow from the WWTP and supplement water from the GWI were discharged to HRI # 1 and HRI #2. The test data are presented on Table 9. Figures 17 and 18 present the data graphs for this test. For the first four hours of the test inflow to the basins decreased from an initial high of over 460 gpm in HRI #1 and 390 gpm in HRI #2. The maximum stage levels of 3.1 and 3.95 in HRI #1 and #2, respectively, were achieved in the first five hours of the test after which stage levels dropped to the constant head levels presented below. Over the remainder of the test inflow to the basins was generally constant with an average inflow of 292 gpm to HRI #1 and 225 gpm to HRI #2. Total loading to both HRI Basins over a 24-hour period was approximately 794,000 gallons, with 417,000 gpd going into HRI # 1 and 329,000 going into HRI #2 simultaneously over the 24-hour test period. Constant head in the basins were achieved during the last 16 hours of the test. The data indicate HRI #1 had a sustained infiltration of 292 gpm (equivalent to 420,000 gpd) and that HRI #2 had a sustained infiltration rate of 225 gpm (equivalent to 324,000 gpd). The operating water levels at these sustained rates were approximately 2.5 feet in HRI #1 and 3.75 feet in HRI #2. This 24-hour test was the most vigorous and comprehensive test of the HRI basins. The 794,000 gallons of inflow to the basins was more than twice the inflow of the February 28-March 1 test, and over 300,000 gallons more than the March 7-8 test. Moreover, both basins received sustained inflows whereas the inflows during the previous tests were directed to a single basin. The basins are in direct hydraulic communication through the central engineered material. Therefore, as water levels rise in one basin due to inflow, water levels in the other basin will also rise as water flows through the engineered material and seeks a static level. The one day (and monthly) test data indicate some heterogeneity in the hydraulic performance of the two basins. This difference is most evident in the March 13-14 data where water levels in HRI #2 were constantly about 1.2 feet higher than HRI # 1. This test demonstrated that both basins can infiltrate at least 794,000 gpd. The data also indicate the basins can infiltrate approximately over 740,000 gpd on a sustained basis with operational stage heights of approximately 2.5 and 1.25 feet below the maximum stage limit. 3e Project Number 18-500 8 July 2019 Pluris Pilot Test Results and Infiltration Capacity Hampstead, North Carolina 4.0 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The results of our analysis of the cumulative November to April monthly data indicate the potential infiltration capacity of HRI #1 is approximately 791,000 gpd at a stage height of 5 feet (maximum with 2 feet of freeboard). The potential infiltration rate at HRI 2 is approximately 427,000 gpd at a stage height of 5 feet. The calculated HRI basin infiltration rates. The averages of the maximum infiltration rates at the maximum stage height of five feet using the individual monthly data from November 2018 to April 2019 are 791,000 gpd and 445,000 gpd for HRI #1 and #2, respectively which are very similar to the maximum rates presented above for the six month cumulative data. The 24-hour constant head test data test indicate that HRI #1 and HRI #2 can infiltrate at least 472,000 and 383,000 gpd, respectively at a static water level well below the maximum operating level five feet. Both basins appear to obtain near steady state water levels under even higher loading rates equivalent to over 600,000 gpd. The six-month long infiltration study combined with the 24-hour constant head tests clearly demonstrate that the HRI basins have the capacity to infiltrate significantly more water than the permit capacity of 50,000 gpd. 3e Project Number 18-500 9 July 2019 APPENDIX A: MONTHLY PILOT TEST DATA Table Al: Pluris Hampstead Monthly Pilot Test Data - November 2018 Month Date Time HRI Basin #1 HRI Basin #2 Precipitation (inches) Depth to Groundwater (ft) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Well 1 Well 2 Well 3 1 6:45 0.61 39,891 0.73 12,030 0 8.17 6.5 7.67 2 6:45 0.43 37,849 0.73 0 0.6 8.08 6.42 7.67 3 7:00 0.35 73,283 0.2 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 4 7:00 0.77 54,330 0.23 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 5 8:15 0.5 39,475 0.76 0 0.7 7.83 6.5 7.5 6 6:45 0.46 92,506 0.68 0 0 7.83 6.42 7.5 7 7:00 0.52 65,430 0.68 0 0 7.92 6.42 7.5 8 8:31 0.08 58,306 1.29 0 0.3 7.92 6.67 7.58 9 6:45 0.17 18,745 1.35 41,025 0 7.92 6.42 7.5 10 7:00 0.1 0 1.29 52,852 0 No Data No Data No Data 11 7:00 0.06 0 0.97 41,721 0 No Data No Data No Data 12 7:00 0.28 0 1.75 40,456 0.5 No Data No Data No Data 13 7:45 0.21 0 1.56 49,260 1 7.75 6.33 7.08 14 7:30 0.15 0 1.43 87,750 0 7.58 6.33 7.08 r; 15 8:00 0.23 0 1.8 49,089 0.4 7.5 6.17 7 Z 16 6:45 0.19 0 1.37 55,108 0.9 7.25 6.17 6.67 17 7:00 0.06 0 1.32 72,582 0 No Data No Data No Data 18 7:00 0.66 0 1.56 41,961 0 No Data No Data No Data 19 9:00 0.86 0 0.89 43,886 0 7.58 6.25 7.17 20 7:45 0.59 71,727 0.89 15,043 0.5 7.25 6.25 7 21 9:00 0.46 65,285 0.73 0 0.1 7.67 6.42 7.17 22 7:00 0.41 59,953 0.65 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 23 7:00 0.43 33,169 0.49 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 24 7:00 0.48 40,158 1.03 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 25 7:00 0.43 55,943 0.79 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 26 6:45 0.26 50,980 1.98 0 2 7.42 6.17 7.17 27 7:45 0.12 10,130 1.24 83,005 0.1 7.42 6.33 7 28 8:01 0.08 0 1.59 70,011 0 7.67 6.42 7 29 7:30 10.03 0 11.88 64,576 10 17.67 6.5 7.17 30 8:30 10.03 0 11.69 59,571 10 17.75 6.5 7.17 Table A2: Pluris Hampstead Monthly Pilot Test Data - December 2018 Month Date Time HRI Basin #1 HRI Basin #2 Precipitation (inches) Depth to Groundwater (ft) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Well 1 Well 2 Well 3 1 10:01 0.12 0 1.53 64,644 0 No Data No Data No Data 2 4:00 0.03 0 1.51 50,449 0 No Data No Data No Data 3 8:00 0.57 0 1.11 53,069 0.5 7.5 6.5 7.42 4 7:30 0.52 36,024 0.61 22,280 0 7.58 6.58 7.58 5 8:00 0.59 58,585 0.56 0 0 7.75 6.67 7.42 6 8:00 0.61 56,789 0.64 0 0 7.83 6.67 7.5 7 8:00 0.61 55,518 0.59 0 0 7.75 6.67 7.5 8 8:47 0.99 54,586 0.82 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 9 12:35 0.83 49,277 0.89 0 1.2 No Data No Data No Data 10 6:46 0.23 65,265 1.5 0 1.2 7.67 6.67 7.42 11 7:45 0.1 13,419 1.57 77,085 0 7.08 6.5 6.83 12 8:00 0.03 0 1.2 56,470 0 7.33 6.58 7 13 7:30 0.1 0 1.38 45,402 0 7.42 6.67 7.25 14 8:15 0.35 0 1.54 89,325 0.1 7.5 6.58 7.33 00 15 8:00 0.28 0 1.01 69,671 2.1 No Data No Data No Data 16 8:00 0.41 0 1.15 73,119 0 No Data No Data No Data A 17 6:22 0.66 0 0.71 55,663 0 7.08 6.33 6.75 18 7:45 0.99 50,586 0.31 10,107 0 7.25 6.5 7 19 11:15 0.77 62,394 0.69 0 0 7.42 6.5 7.17 20 8:03 0.81 66,085 0.78 0 0 7.33 6.5 7.25 21 8:00 0.63 70,875 0.62 0 0.1 6.83 6.33 6.75 22 8:00 0.72 59,884 0.48 0 0.7 No Data No Data No Data 23 8:00 0.63 51,888 0.66 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 24 8:00 0.17 45,201 1.36 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 25 8:00 0.1 15,582 1.24 40,050 0 No Data No Data No Data 26 8:00 0.03 0 1.5 40,519 0 7.58 6.67 7.67 27 10:30 0.03 0 1.36 49,431 0 7.58 6.58 7.58 28 8:00 0.15 0 1.61 54,980 0.2 7.5 6.58 7.58 29 8:00 10.08 0 1.01 57,739 10 jNo Data No Data No Data 30 8:00 10.03 0 1.4 53,131 10 jNo Data No Data No Data 31 8:30 10.59 0 0.71 34,689 10.8 17.42 6.42 7.25 Table A3: Pluris Hampstead Monthly Pilot Test Data -January 2019 Month Date Time HRI Basin #1 HRI Basin #2 Precipitation (inches) Depth to Groundwater (ft) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Well 1 Well Well 1 8:00 0.77 59,481 0.55 0 0.1 No Data No Data No Data 2 8:00 0.77 62,271 0.59 0 0 7.5 6.5 7.5 3 8:45 0.68 61,181 0.62 0 0 7.58 6.5 7.5 4 8:00 0.61 61,839 0.66 0 0 7.5 6.5 7.58 5 8:01 0.41 55,517 0.57 0 0.5 No Data No Data No Data 6 8:01 0.68 22,381 0.78 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 7 9:30 0.21 3,738 1.47 83,635 0.1 7.58 6.58 7.58 8 7:45 0.08 0 1.29 55,832 0 7.67 6.42 7.67 9 8:00 0.01 0 1.5 57,367 0 7.58 6.58 7.58 10 8:00 0.01 0 1.43 61,980 0 7.58 6.58 7.58 11 8:30 0.01 0 1.34 61,743 0 7.83 6.58 7.67 12 8:00 0.01 0 1.38 50,588 0 No Data No Data No Data 13 8:00 0.03 0 1.4 28,439 0.2 No Data No Data No Data 14 7:45 0.99 68,675 0.99 3,839 0 7.83 6.58 7.75 o� 15 8:30 0.68 61,529 0.71 0 0 7.92 6.5 7.75 16 8:00 0.55 54,026 0.45 0 0 7.83 6.5 7.75 17 8:01 0.86 46,750 0.57 0 0 7.92 6.58 7.83 18 11:30 0.7 61,950 0.66 0 0 7.92 6.5 8 19 8:01 0.63 58,798 0.64 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 20 8:01 0.66 52,259 0.59 0 0.2 No Data No Data No Data 21 8:01 0.1 15,106 1.36 37,078 0 8 6.58 7.92 22 8:01 0.08 0 1.47 61,339 0 8 6.58 7.92 23 8:16 0.7 0 2.01 66,809 2 8 6.5 7.83 24 8:16 0.35 0 1.59 77,343 0.3 7.5 6.08 7.25 25 7:46 0.19 0 1.29 53,603 0 7.17 6.25 6.92 26 8:01 0.08 0 1.24 45,688 0 No Data No Data No Data 27 8:01 0.03 0 1.31 43,325 0 No Data No Data No Data 28 7:31 0.7 31,945 0.62 7,189 0 7.25 6.33 7.67 29 8:31 10.8 51,295 0.65 0 0 7.33 7 7.58 30 9:46 10.46 163,072 0.64 0 0 7.42 6.92 17.75 31 12:01 10.97 144,427 0.99 10 0 7.5 16.58 17.75 Table A4: Pluris Hampstead Monthly Pilot Test Data -February 2019 Month Date Time HRI Basin #1 HRI Basin #2 Precipitation (inches) Depth to Groundwater (ft) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Well 1 Well 2 Well 3 1 7:46 0.86 84,056 0.62 0 0 7.83 6.58 7.58 2 8:01 0.77 58,441 0.66 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 3 8:01 0.81 63,650 0.71 0 0.2 No Data No Data No Data 4 8:01 0.23 12,918 1.54 64,224 0.1 8 6.5 7.58 5 7:16 0.1 0 1.45 67,335 0 7.75 6.42 7.67 6 7:30 0.03 0 1.66 64,746 0 7.83 6.5 7.67 7 12:16 0.03 0 1.31 61,127 0 7.75 6.42 7.67 8 7:46 0.06 0 1.34 52,721 0 7.83 6.5 7.67 9 8:01 0.08 0 1.27 47,996 0 No Data No Data No Data 10 8:01 0.08 0 1.24 42,483 0 No Data No Data No Data 11 7:31 0.66 46,091 0.69 4,937 0 7.92 6.5 7.58 12 7:46 0.81 58,859 0.73 0 0.3 7.92 6.42 7.67 13 9:16 0.79 51,491 0.87 0 0.1 7.92 6.42 7.75 r; 14 9:30 0.66 49,139 0.55 0 0 7.92 6.5 7.75 15 7:45 0.68 53,820 0.64 0 0 7.75 6.42 7.83 16 8:01 0.61 47,553 0.59 0 0.2 No Data No Data No Data 17 8:01 0.72 47,261 0.59 0 0.1 No Data No Data No Data 18 8:16 0.17 12,121 1.27 50,705 0 8 6.5 7.83 19 7:45 0.08 0 1.36 53,297 0 8.08 6.5 7.83 20 9:03 0.08 0 1.36 60,128 0.2 8 6.5 7.75 21 8:30 0.01 0 1.38 58,005 0.3 7.92 6.5 7.75 22 9:00 0.08 0 1.75 57,373 0 7.92 7 7.83 23 11:00 0.01 0 1.57 53,028 0.3 7.75 6.42 7.83 24 11:16 0.03 0 1.24 50,376 0.1 No Data No Data No Data 25 8:30 0.57 33,886 0.69 18,147 0 7.92 6.67 7.83 26 6:30 0.61 49,003 0.71 0 0 8 6.42 17.75 27 7:15 0.701 55,482 0.52 0 0 8 6.42 17.75 28 7:30 0.57 14,800 3.26 271,004 0 8.08 6.42 17.75 Table A5: Pluris Hampstead Monthly Pilot Test Data -March 2019 Month Date Time HRI Basin #1 HRI Basin #2 Precipitation (inches) Depth to Groundwater (ft) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Well 1 Well 2 Well 3 1 7:31 0.57 45,485 1.2 103,872 0 8 6.33 7.67 2 8:00 0.37 43,782 0.54 0 0.3 No Data No Data No Data 3 8:00 0.77 48,035 0.91 0 0.5 No Data No Data No Data 4 7:45 0.35 33,464 1.46 31,668 1.5 7.42 6.75 6.92 5 10:01 0.19 0 1.79 59,845 0.4 7.17 6.17 6.75 6 10:15 0.1 0 1.11 56,400 0.1 7.33 6.25 6.75 7 7:00 1.78 369,603 1.16 8,386 0 7.25 6.25 7 8 7:00 0.27 98,391 1.13 47,449 0 7.5 6.08 6.92 9 8:00 0.13 0 1.18 51,503 0 No Data No Data No Data 10 10:45 0.07 0 1.27 48,452 0 No Data No Data No Data 11 10:45 0.62 42,192 0.76 18,346 0.2 7.67 6.42 7.33 12 7:45 0.58 52,821 0.61 0 0 7.92 6.33 7.33 13 7:31 2.45 320,761 3.72 266,258 0 7.83 6.33 7.42 14 8:00 0.55 171,087 0.98 124,077 0 7.83 6.08 7.17 ?� 15 8:00 0.62 48,753 0.68 4,774 0 7.83 6.33 7.42 16 8:00 0.62 47,426 0.64 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 17 8:00 0.39 26,186 0.51 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 18 8:00 0.35 9,166 1.38 55,883 0 8.08 6.42 7.67 19 8:45 0.37 0 1.48 54,111 0 8.08 6.5 7.67 20 8:00 0.41 0 1.54 53,291 0 7.75 6.42 7.42 21 7:45 0.25 0 1.36 62,450 1.3 7.75 6.17 7.25 22 8:00 0.11 0 1.18 56,073 0 7.67 6.23 7.25 23 8:00 0.03 0 1.22 48,232 0 No Data No Data No Data 24 8:01 0.01 0 1.22 47,747 0 No Data No Data No Data 25 9:00 0.58 38,194 0.78 9,822 0 7.92 6.33 7.5 26 8:00 0.65 42,149 0.65 0 0 7.92 6.33 7.5 27 7:45 0.7 42,905 0.62 0 0.1 8 6.42 7.58 28 8:01 0.57 44,861 0.62 0 0 8.08 6.5 7.67 29 7:30 10.2 24,741 0.57 0 0 18.08 6.5 7.58 30 8:01 10.7 151,565 0.62 10 0 jNo Data jNo Data No Data 31 8:01 10.7 150,197 0.87 10 0 jNo Data INo Data ]No Data Table A6: Pluris Hampstead Monthly Pilot Test Data -April 2019 Month Date Time HRI Basin #1 HRI Basin #2 Precipitation (inches) Depth to Groundwater (ft) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Well 1 Well 2 Well 3 1 10:00 0.22 11,909 1.58 42,477 0.4 8.25 6.42 7.75 2 8:00 0.28 0 1.7 70,328 1.1 8.25 6.25 7.67 3 9:30 0.11 0 1.65 63,058 0 7.75 6.33 7.33 4 9:15 0.07 0 1.5 62,297 0 7.75 6.25 7.33 5 8:30 0.3 0 1.48 74,450 1.1 7.67 6.67 7.33 6 8:01 0.16 0 1.23 50,838 0 No Data No Data No Data 7 8:01 0.11 0 1.33 63,345 0 No Data No Data No Data 8 7:15 0.65 20,421 0.94 37,333 0 7.5 6.17 6.92 9 9:45 0.76 51,847 0.75 0 0 7.67 6.17 7 10 9:00 0.59 47,914 0.65 0 0 7.75 6.25 7.08 11 7:45 0.78 57,427 0.87 0 0 7.83 6.25 7.25 12 8:15 0.63 64,638 0.65 0 0 7.92 6.25 7.33 13 8:01 0.65 62,508 0.72 0 0.3 No Data No Data No Data 14 8:01 0.8 53,600 0.65 0 0.8 No Data No Data No Data r; 15 8:00 0.16 15,419 1.23 35,784 0 7.67 6.25 7.33 d 16 9:30 0.03 0 1.38 39,995 0 7.83 6.42 7.42 17 9:15 0.03 0 1.31 43,152 0 7.92 6.33 7.5 18 7:45 0.1 0 1.36 49,155 0 7.92 6.42 7.5 19 8:15 0.32 0 1.38 50,366 0 7.92 6.33 7.5 20 8:00 0.14 0 1.36 53,740 0 No Data No Data No Data 21 8:01 0.07 0 1.45 46,715 1 No Data No Data No Data 22 7:45 0.61 48,480 0.79 8,012 0 7.75 6.33 7.75 23 7:30 0.76 72,520 0.65 0 0 7.75 6.33 7.33 24 8:45 0.72 73,030 0.65 0 0 7.83 6.33 7.42 25 7:45 0.74 72,140 0.67 0 0 7.92 6.33 7.5 26 8:45 0.63 67,215 0.62 0 0 8 6.33 7.5 27 8:01 0.47 60,124 0.57 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 28 8:01 0.65 56,443 0.62 0 0 No Data No Data No Data 29 7:01 10.14 20,185 11.48 51,448 10 18.17 6.5 7.67 30 8:16 1 0 1 58,409 10 18.17 6.5 7.75 TABLES Table 1: Water Balance Calculations - November 2018 Month Date Time HRI Basin #1 Stage (feet abv basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Volume (cu ft) Volume (gal) 4STORAGE (gal) Precipitation (inches) Precipitation Volume (cu ft.) Precipitation Volume (gallons) Total Inflo (GPD) w Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1 6:45 0.61 39,891 720 5,390 0 0 0 39,891 2 6:45 0.43 37,849 441 3,301 -2,089 0.6 376 2,812 40,661 42,750 3 7:00 0.35 73,283 441 3,301 0 0 0 0 73,283 73,283 4 7:00 0.77 54,330 326 2,442 -858 0 0 0 54,330 55,188 5 8:15 0.5 39,475 993 7,429 4,987 0.7 439 3,281 42,756 37,768 6 6:45 0.46 92,506 546 4,087 -3,342 0 0 0 92,506 95,848 7 7:00 0.52 65,430 486 3,634 -453 0 0 0 65,430 65,883 8 8:31 0.08 58,306 577 4,318 684 0.3 188 1,406 59,712 59,028 9 6:45 0.17 18,745 0 0 -4,318 0 0 0 18,745 23,063 10 7:00 0.1 0 89 668 668 0 0 0 0 -668 11 7:00 0.06 0 5 37 -631 0 0 0 0 631 12 7:00 0.28 0 0 0 -37 0.5 313 2,343 2,343 2,380 13 7:45 0.21 0 231 1,726 1,726 1 627 4,687 4,687 2,961 14 7:30 0.15 0 139 1,043 -683 0 0 0 0 683 r; 15 8:00 0.23 0 65 484 -559 0.4 251 1,875 1,875 2,434 0 z 16 6:45 0.19 0 165 1,235 751 0.9 564 4,218 4,218 3,467 17 7:00 0.06 0 114 854 -381 0 0 0 0 381 18 7:00 0.66 0 0 0 -854 0 0 0 0 854 19 9:00 0.86 0 803 6,008 6,008 0 0 0 0 -6,008 20 7:45 0.59 71,727 1,157 8,653 2,644 0.5 313 2,343 74,070 71,426 21 9:00 0.46 65,285 688 5,147 -3,506 0.1 63 469 65,754 69,260 22 7:00 0.41 59,953 486 3,634 -1,513 0 0 0 59,953 61,466 23 7:00 0.43 33,169 412 3,082 -552 0 0 0 33,169 33,721 24 7:00 0.48 40,158 441 3,301 219 0 0 0 40,158 39,939 25 7:00 0.43 55,943 516 3,859 558 0 0 0 55,943 55,385 26 6:45 0.26 50,980 441 3,301 -558 2 1,253 9,374 60,354 60,912 27 7:45 0.12 10,130 204 1,528 -1,773 0.1 63 469 10,599 12,371 28 8:01 0.08 0 29 214 -1,314 0 0 0 0 1,314 29 7:30 10.03 0 0 0 -214 0 10 0 10 1214 30 8:30 10.03 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 Table 1: Water Balance Calculations - November 2018 Month Date Time HRI Basin #$2 Stage (ft above basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Volume (cu ft) Volume (gal) 4STORAGE (gal) Precipitation (inches) Precipitation Volume (cu ft.) Precipitation Volume (gallons) Total Inflow (GPD) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1 6:45 0.73 12,030 923 6,903 0 0 0 12,030 2 6:45 0.73 0 923 6,903 0 1 376 2,812 2,812 2,812 3 7:00 0.2 0 923 6,903 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7:00 0.23 0 127 949 -5,955 0 0 0 0 5,955 5 8:15 0.76 0 165 1,235 287 1 439 3,281 3,281 2,994 6 6:45 0.68 0 975 7,297 6,062 0 0 0 0 -6,062 7 7:00 0.68 0 837 6,261 -11036 0 0 0 0 1,036 8 8:31 1.29 0 837 6,261 0 0 188 1,406 1,406 1,406 9 6:45 1.35 41,025 0 0 -6,261 0 0 0 41,025 47,286 10 7:00 1.29 52,852 2,175 16,268 16,268 0 0 0 52,852 36,584 11 7:00 0.97 41,721 2,038 15,249 -1,019 0 0 0 41,721 42,740 12 7:00 1.75 40,456 0 0 -15,249 1 313 2,343 42,799 58,048 13 7:45 1.56 49,260 3,166 23,682 23,682 1 627 4,687 53,947 30,265 14 7:30 1.43 87,750 2,677 20,026 -3,656 0 0 0 87,750 91,406 r; 15 8:00 1.8 49,089 2,361 17,665 -2,362 0 251 1,875 50,964 53,325 0 z 16 6:45 1.37 55,108 3,300 24,685 7,020 1 564 4,218 59,326 52,306 17 7:00 1.32 72,582 2,221 16,613 -8,072 0 0 0 72,582 80,654 18 7:00 1.56 41,961 0 0 -16,613 0 0 0 41,961 58,574 19 9:00 0.89 43,886 2,677 20,026 20,026 0 0 0 43,886 23,860 20 7:45 0.89 15,043 1,213 9,072 -10,954 1 313 2,343 17,386 28,340 21 9:00 0.73 0 1,213 9,072 0 0 63 469 469 469 22 7:00 0.65 0 923 6,903 -2,169 0 0 0 0 2,169 23 7:00 0.49 0 786 5,883 -1,020 0 0 0 0 1,020 24 7:00 1.03 0 531 3,973 -1,911 0 0 0 0 1,911 25 7:00 0.79 0 1,485 11,112 7,139 0 0 0 0 -7,139 26 6:45 1.98 0 1,029 7,697 -3,415 2 1,253 9,374 9,374 12,789 27 7:45 1.24 83,005 3,801 28,433 20,737 0 63 469 83,474 62,737 28 8:01 1.59 70,011 1,927 14,418 -14,015 0 0 0 70,011 84,026 29 7:30 18:30 1.88 11.69 64,576 0 0 -14,418 0 0 0 64,576 78,994 30 59,571 0 0 0 0 0 0 59,571 159,571 Table 2: Water Balance Calculations - December 2018 Month Date Time HRI Basin #1 Stage (feet abv basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Volume (cu ft) Volume (gal) 4STORAGE (gal) Precipitation (inches) Precipitation Volume (cu ft.) Precipitation Volume (gallons) Total Inflow (GPD) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1 10:01 0.12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4:00 0.03 0 29 214 214 0 0 0 0 -214 3 8:00 0.57 0 0 0 -214 0.5 313 2,343 2,343 2,557 4 7:30 0.52 36,024 656 4,906 4,906 0 0 0 36,024 158,585 31,118 5 8:00 0.59 58,585 577 4,318 -589 0 0 0 59,174 6 8:00 0.61 56,789 688 5,147 829 0 0 0 56,789 55,960 7 8:00 0.61 55,518 720 5,390 243 0 0 0 55,518 55,275 8 8:47 0.99 54,586 720 5,390 0 0 0 0 54,586 54,586 9 12:35 0.83 49,277 1,406 10,516 5,126 1.2 752 5,624 54,901 49,775 10 6:46 0.23 65,265 1,101 8,239 -2,277 1.2 752 5,624 70,889 73,166 11 7:45 0.1 13,419 165 1,235 -7,004 0 0 0 13,419 20,423 12 8:00 0.03 0 5 37 -1,198 0 0 0 0 1,198 13 7:30 0.1 0 0 0 -37 0 0 0 0 37 14 8:15 0.35 0 5 37 37 0.1 63 469 469 432 00 15 8:00 0.28 0 326 2,442 2,405 2.1 1,316 9,843 9,843 7,437 r. 16 8:00 0.41 0 231 1,726 -716 0 0 0 0 716 C 17 6:22 0.66 0 412 3,082 1,356 0 0 0 0 -1,356 18 7:45 0.99 50,586 803 6,008 2,927 0 0 0 50,586 47,659 19 11:15 0.77 62,394 1,406 10,516 4,507 0 0 0 62,394 57,887 20 8:03 0.81 66,085 170,875 993 7,429 -3,086 0 0 0 66,085 69,171 21 8:00 0.63 1,065 7,966 537 0.1 63 469 71,344 70,807 22 8:00 0.72 59,884 753 5,635 -2,331 0.7 439 3,281 63,165 65,496 23 8:00 0.63 51,888 905 6,773 1,138 0 0 0 51,888 50,750 24 8:00 0.17 45,201 753 5,635 -1,138 0 0 0 45,201 46,339 25 8:00 0.1 15,582 89 668 -4,967 0 0 0 15,582 20,549 26 8:00 0.03 0 5 37 -631 0 0 0 0 631 27 10:30 0.03 0 0 0 -37 0 0 0 0 37 28 8:00 0.15 0 0 0 0 0.2 125 937 937 937 29 8:00 0.08 0 65 484 484 0 0 0 0 -484 30 8:00 0.03 0 0 0 -484 0 0 0 0 484 31 8:30 0.59 10 10 10 10 10.8 501 13,750 3,750 3,750 Table2: Water Balance Calculations - December 2018 Month Date Time HRI Basin #2 Stage (ft above basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Volume (cu ft) Volume (gal) 4STORAGE (gal) Precipitation (inches) Precipitation Volume (cu ft.) Precipitation Volume (gallons) Total Inflow (GPD) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1 10:01 1.53 64,644 0 0 0 0 0 0 64,644 64,644 2 4:00 1.51 50,449 2,603 19,471 19,471 0 0 0 50,449 30,978 3 8:00 1.11 53,069 0 0 -19,471 1 313 2,343 55,412 74,884 4 7:30 0.61 22,280 1,649 12,336 12,336 0 0 0 22,280 9,944 5 8:00 0.56 0 720 5,390 -6,947 0 0 0 0 6,947 6 8:00 0.64 0 640 4,787 -602 0 0 0 0 602 7 8:00 0.59 0 770 5,759 972 0 0 0 0 -972 8 8:47 0.82 0 688 5,147 -612 0 0 0 0 612 9 12:35 0.89 0 1,083 8,102 2,956 1 752 5,624 5,624 2,669 10 6:46 1.5 0 1,213 9,072 970 1 752 5,624 5,624 4,654 11 7:45 1.57 77,085 2,530 18,922 9,850 0 0 0 77,085 67,235 12 8:00 1.2 56,470 2,702 20,213 1,290 0 0 0 56,470 55,180 13 7:30 1.38 45,402 0 0 -20,213 0 0 0 45,402 65,615 14 8:15 1.54 89,325 2,244 16,787 16,787 0 63 469 89,794 73,007 00 15 8:00 1.01 69,671 2,628 19,656 2,869 2 1,316 9,843 79,514 76,645 r. L 16 8:00 1.15 73,119 1,445 10,812 -8,843 0 0 0 73,119 81,962 17 6:22 0.71 55,663 1,733 12,965 2,152 0 0 0 55,663 53,511 18 7:45 0.31 10,107 888 6,644 -6,320 0 0 0 10,107 16,427 19 11:15 0.69 0 271 2,029 -4,615 0 0 0 0 4,615 20 8:03 0.78 0 854 6,388 4,359 0 0 0 0 -4,359 21 8:00 0.62 0 1,011 7,563 1,175 0 63 469 469 -706 22 8:00 0.48 0 737 5,512 -2,051 1 439 3,281 3,281 5,332 23 8:00 0.66 0 516 3,859 -1,653 0 0 0 0 1,653 24 8:00 1.36 0 803 6,008 2,150 0 0 0 0 -2,150 25 8:00 1.24 40,050 2,198 16,440 10,432 0 0 0 40,050 29,618 26 8:00 1.5 40,519 1,927 14,418 -2,022 0 0 0 40,519 42,541 27 10:30 1.36 49,431 0 0 -14,418 0 0 0 49,431 63,849 28 8:00 1.61 54,980 0 0 0 0 125 937 55,917 55,917 29 8:00 1.01 57,739 2,803 20,965 20,965 0 0 0 57,739 36,774 30 8:00 1.4 153,131 10 0 -20,965 10 0 0 53,131 74,096 31 8:30 10.71 134,689 10 10 10 11 1501 13,750 138,439 138,439 Table 3: Water Balance Calculations - January 2019 Month Date Time HRI Basin #1 Stage (feet abv basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Volume (cu ft) Volume (gal) 4STORAGE (gal) Precipitation (inches) Precipitation Volume (cu ft.) Precipitation Volume (gallons) Total Inflow (GPD) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1 8:00 0.77 59,481 688 5,147 5,147 0.1 63 469 59,950 54,803 2 8:00 0.77 62,271 993 7,429 2,283 0 0 0 62,271 59,988 3 8:45 0.68 61,181 993 7,429 0 0 0 0 61,181 61,181 4 8:00 0.61 61,839 837 6,261 -1,169 0 0 0 61,839 157,860 63,008 5 8:01 0.41 55,517 720 5,390 -871 0.5 313 2,343 58,732 6 8:01 0.68 22,381 412 3,082 -2,308 0 0 0 22,381 24,689 7 9:30 0.21 3,738 837 6,261 3,179 0.1 63 469 4,207 1,028 8 7:45 0.08 0 139 1,043 -5,217 0 0 0 0 5,217 9 8:00 0.01 0 0 0 -1,043 0 0 0 0 1,043 10 8:00 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 8:30 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 8:00 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 8:00 0.03 0 0 0 0 0.2 125 937 937 937 14 7:45 0.99 68,675 0 0 0 0 0 0 68,675 68,675 o, 15 8:30 0.68 61,529 1,406 10,516 10,516 0 0 0 61,529 51,013 16 8:00 0.55 54,026 837 6,261 -4,255 0 0 0 54,026 58,281 ti 17 8:01 0.86 46,750 624 4,669 -1,592 0 0 0 46,750 48,342 18 11:30 0.7 61,950 1,157 8,653 3,984 0 0 0 61,950 57,966 19 8:01 0.63 58,798 871 6,516 -2,137 0 0 0 58,798 60,935 20 8:01 0.66 52,259 753 5,635 -881 0.2 125 937 53,196 54,077 21 8:01 0.1 15,106 803 6,008 373 0 0 0 15,106 14,733 22 8:01 0.08 0 5 37 -5,972 0 0 0 0 5,972 23 8:16 0.7 0 0 0 -37 2 1,253 9,374 9,374 9,411 24 8:16 0.35 0 871 6,516 6,516 0.3 188 1,406 1,406 -5,110 25 7:46 0.19 0 326 2,442 -4,074 0 0 0 0 4,074 26 8:01 0.08 0 114 854 -1,588 0 0 0 0 1,588 27 8:01 0.03 0 0 0 -854 0 0 0 0 854 28 7:31 0.7 31,945 0 0 0 0 0 0 31,945 31,945 29 8:31 0.8 51,295 871 6,516 6,516 0 0 0 51,295 44,779 30 9:46 0.46 63,072 1,047 7,831 1,315 0 0 0 63,072 61,757 31 12:01 10.97 144,427 1486 13,634 -4,198 10 10 10 144,427 148,625 Table 3: Water Balance Calculations - January 2019 Month Date Time HRI Basin #2 Stage (ft above basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Volume (cu ft) Volume (gal) 4STORAGE (gal) Precipitation (inches) Precipitation Volume (cu ft.) Precipitation Volume (gallons) Total Inflow (GPD) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1 8:00 0.55 0 888 6,644 6,644 0 63 469 469 -6,176 2 8:00 0.59 0 624 4,669 -1,975 0 0 0 0 1,975 3 8:45 0.62 0 688 5,147 478 0 0 0 0 -478 4 8:00 0.66 0 737 5,512 365 0 0 0 0 -365 5 8:01 0.57 0 803 6,008 497 1 313 2,343 2,343 1,847 6 8:01 0.78 0 656 4,906 -1,102 0 0 0 0 1,102 7 9:30 1.47 83,635 1,011 7,563 2,656 0 63 469 84,104 81,448 8 7:45 1.29 55,832 2,457 18,379 10,817 0 0 0 55,832 45,015 9 8:00 1.5 57,367 0 0 -18,379 0 0 0 57,367 75,746 10 8:00 1.43 61,980 0 0 0 0 0 0 61,980 61,980 11 8:30 1.34 61,743 0 0 0 0 0 0 61,743 61,743 12 8:00 1.38 50,588 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,588 50,588 13 8:00 1.4 28,439 0 0 0 0 125 937 29,376 29,376 14 7:45 0.99 3,839 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,839 3,839 o, 15 8:30 0.71 0 1,406 10,516 10,516 0 0 0 0 -10,516 r. 16 8:00 0.45 0 888 6,644 -3,871 0 0 0 0 3,871 17 8:01 0.57 0 471 3,522 -3,122 0 0 0 0 3,122 18 11:30 0.66 0 656 4,906 1,385 0 0 0 0 -1,385 19 8:01 0.64 0 803 6,008 1,102 0 0 0 0 -1,102 20 8:01 0.59 0 770 5,759 -250 0 125 937 937 1,187 21 8:01 1.36 37,078 688 5,147 -612 0 0 0 37,078 37,690 22 8:01 1.47 61,339 2,198 16,440 11,294 0 0 0 61,339 50,045 23 8:16 2.01 66,809 0 0 -16,440 2 1,253 9,374 76,183 92,623 24 8:16 1.59 77,343 3,887 29,079 29,079 0 188 11406 78,749 49,670 25 7:46 1.29 53,603 2,752 20,587 -8,492 0 0 0 53,603 62,095 26 8:01 1.24 45,688 2,038 15,249 -5,339 0 0 0 45,688 51,027 27 8:01 1.31 43,325 0 0 -15,249 0 0 0 43,325 58,574 28 7:31 0.62 7,189 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,189 7,189 29 8:31 0.65 0 737 5,512 5,512 0 0 0 0 -5,512 30 9:46 10.64 0 786 5,883 371 10 10 0 0 -371 31 12:01 10.99 0 1770 15,759 -124 10 10 0 0 1124 Table 4: Water Balance Calculations - February 2019 Month Date Time HRI Basin #1 Stage (feet abv basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Volume (cu ft) Volume (gal) 4STORAGE (gal) Precipitation (inches) Precipitation Volume (cu ft.) Precipitation Volume (gallons) Total Inflow (GPD) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1 7:46 0.86 84,056 1,366 10,222 6,588 0 0 0 84,056 77,468 2 8:01 0.77 58,441 1,157 8,653 -1,569 0 0 0 58,441 60,010 3 8:01 0.81 63,650 993 7,429 -1,223 0.2 125 937 64,587 65,811 4 8:01 0.23 12,918 1,065 7,966 537 0.1 63 469 13,387 12,850 5 7:16 0.1 0 165 1,235 -6,731 0 0 0 0 6,731 6 7:30 0.03 0 5 37 -1,198 0 0 0 0 1,198 7 12:16 0.03 0 0 0 -37 0 0 0 0 37 8 7:46 0.06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 8:01 0.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 8:01 0.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 7:31 0.66 46,091 0 0 0 0 0 0 46,091 46,091 12 7:46 0.81 58,859 803 6,008 6,008 0.3 188 1,406 60,265 54,257 13 9:16 0.79 51,491 1,065 7,966 1,958 0.1 63 469 51,960 50,002 r; 14 9:30 0.66 49,139 1,029 7,697 -270 0 0 0 49,139 49,409 w 15 7:45 0.68 53,820 803 6,008 -1,688 0 0 0 53,820 55,508 16 8:01 0.61 47,553 837 6,261 252 0.2 125 937 48,490 48,238 17 8:01 0.72 47,261 720 5,390 -871 0.1 63 469 47,730 48,601 18 8:16 0.17 12,121 905 6,773 1,384 0 0 0 12,121 10,737 19 7:45 0.08 0 89 668 -6,105 0 0 0 0 6,105 20 9:03 0.08 0 0 0 -668 0.2 125 937 937 1,605 21 8:30 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.3 188 11406 1,406 1,406 22 9:00 0.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 11:00 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.3 188 1,406 1,406 1,406 24 11:16 0.03 0 0 0 0 0.1 63 469 469 469 25 8:30 0.57 33,886 0 0 0 0 0 0 33,886 33,886 26 6:30 0.61 49,003 656 14,906 14,906 10 0 0 49,003 44,097 27 7:15 0.701 55,482 720 1873 15,390 1483 10 0 0 55,482 54,999 28 7:30 0.57 114,800 16,529 11,139 10 10 0 114,800 113,661 Table 4: Water Balance Calculations - February 2019 Month Date Time HRI Basin #2 Stage (ft above basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Volume (cu ft) Volume (gal) 4STORAGE (gal) Precipitation (inches) Precipitation Volume (cu ft.) Precipitation Volume (gallons) Total Inflow (GPD) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1 7:46 0.62 0 1,406 10,516 4,757 0 0 0 0 -4,757 2 8:01 0.66 0 737 5,512 -5,004 0 0 0 0 5,004 3 8:01 0.71 0 803 6,008 497 0 125 937 937 441 4 8:01 1.54 64,224 888 6,644 636 0 63 469 64,693 64,057 5 7:16 1.45 67,335 2,628 19,656 13,011 0 0 0 67,335 54,324 6 7:30 1.66 64,746 2,409 18,021 -1,635 0 0 0 64,746 66,381 7 12:16 1.31 61,127 0 0 -18,021 0 0 0 61,127 79,148 8 7:46 1.34 52,721 0 0 0 0 0 0 52,721 52,721 9 8:01 1.27 47,996 0 0 0 0 0 0 47,996 47,996 10 8:01 1.24 42,483 0 0 0 0 0 0 42,483 42,483 11 7:31 0.69 4,937 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,937 4,937 12 7:46 0.73 0 854 6,388 6,388 0 188 1,406 1,406 -4,982 13 9:16 0.87 0 923 6,903 515 0 63 469 469 -47 14 9:30 0.55 0 1,175 8,792 1,889 0 0 0 0 -1,889 15 7:45 0.64 0 624 4,669 -4,123 0 0 0 0 4,123 16 8:01 0.59 0 770 5,759 1,090 0 125 937 937 -153 17 8:01 0.59 0 688 5,147 -612 0 63 469 469 1,081 18 8:16 1.27 50,705 688 5,147 0 0 0 0 50,705 50,705 19 7:45 1.36 53,297 1,994 14,914 9,768 0 0 0 53,297 43,529 20 9:03 1.36 60,128 0 0 -14,914 0 125 937 61,065 75,980 21 8:30 1.38 58,005 0 0 0 0 188 1,406 59,411 59,411 22 9:00 1.75 57,373 0 0 0 0 0 0 57,373 57,373 23 11:00 1.57 53,028 0 0 0 0 188 1,406 54,434 54,434 24 11:16 1.24 50,376 0 0 0 0 63 469 50,845 50,845 25 8:30 0.69 18,147 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,147 18,147 26 6:30 0.71 0 854 6,388 6,388 0 0 0 0 -6,388 27 7:15 10.52 10 888 16,644 1256 10 0 10 10 -256 28 7:30 13.26 1271,004 1577 14,318 -2,326 10 0 10 1271,004 1273,330 Table 5: Water Balance Calculations - March 2019 Month Date Time HRI Basin #1 Stage (feet abv basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Volume (cu ft) Volume (gal) 4STORAGE (gal) Precipitation (inches) Precipitation Volume (cu ft.) Precipitation Volume (gallons) Total Inflow (GPD) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1 7:31 0.57 45,485 656 4,906 -1,622 0 0 0 45,485 47,107 2 8:00 0.37 43,782 656 4,906 0 0.3 188 1,406 45,188 45,188 3 8:00 0.77 48,035 355 2,653 -2,254 0.5 313 2,343 50,378 52,632 4 7:45 0.35 33,464 993 7,429 4,777 1.5 940 7,030 40,494 35,718 5 10:01 0.19 0 326 2,442 -4,987 0.4 251 1,875 1,875 6,862 6 10:15 0.1 0 114 854 -1,588 0.1 63 469 469 2,056 7 7:00 1.78 369,603 5 37 -817 0 0 0 369,603 370,420 8 7:00 0.27 98,391 3,246 24,282 24,245 0 0 0 98,391 74,146 9 8:00 0.13 0 217 1,627 -22,655 0 0 0 0 22,655 10 10:45 0.07 0 41 303 -1,323 0 0 0 0 1,323 11 10:45 0.62 42,192 0 0 -303 0.2 125 937 43,129 43,433 12 7:45 0.58 52,821 737 5,512 5,512 0 0 0 52,821 47,309 13 7:31 2.45 320,761 672 5,026 -486 0 0 0 320,761 321,247 14 8:00 0.55 171,087 5,247 39,248 34,222 0 0 0 171,087 136,865 o, 15 8:00 0.62 48,753 624 4,669 -34,579 0 0 0 48,753 83,332 16 8:00 0.62 47,426 737 5,512 843 0 0 0 47,426 46,583 17 8:00 0.39 26,186 737 5,512 0 0 0 0 26,186 26,186 18 8:00 0.35 9,166 383 2,866 -2,646 0 0 0 9,166 11,812 19 8:45 0.37 0 326 2,442 -424 0 0 0 0 424 20 8:00 0.41 0 355 2,653 211 0 0 0 0 -211 21 7:45 0.25 0 412 3,082 429 1.3 815 6,093 6,093 5,664 22 8:00 0.11 0 191 1,430 -1,652 0 0 0 0 1,652 23 8:00 0.03 0 17 125 -1,304 0 0 0 0 1,304 24 8:01 0.01 0 0 0 -125 0 0 0 0 125 25 9:00 0.58 38,194 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,194 38,194 26 8:00 0.65 42,149 672 5,026 5,026 0 0 0 42,149 37,123 27 7:45 0.7 42,905 786 5,883 857 0.1 63 469 43,374 42,517 28 8:01 0.57 44,861 871 6,516 632 0 0 0 44,861 44,229 29 7:30 0.2 24,741 656 4,906 -1,609 0 0 0 24,741 26,350 30 8:01 0.7 151,565 1127 1949 -3,958 10 10 10 51,565 155,523 31 8:01 0.7 150,197 1871 16,516 15,567 10 10 10 50,197 144,630 Table 5: Water Balance Calculations - March 2019 Month Date Time HRI Basin #2 Stage (ft above basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Volume (cu ft) Volume (gal) 4STORAGE (gal) Precipitation (inches) Precipitation Volume (cu ft.) Precipitation Volume (gallons) Total Inflow (GPD) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1 7:31 1.2 103,872 8,205 61,375 57,057 0 0 0 103,872 46,815 2 8:00 0.54 0 1,840 13,765 -47,609 0 188 1,406 1,406 49,015 3 8:00 0.91 0 608 4,551 -9,214 1 313 2,343 2,343 11,557 4 7:45 1.46 31,668 1,251 9,356 4,804 2 940 7,030 38,698 33,894 5 10:01 1.79 59,845 2,433 18,200 8,844 0 251 1,875 61,720 52,876 6 10:15 1.11 56,400 3,273 24,483 6,283 0 63 469 56,869 50,585 7 7:00 1.16 8,386 1,649 12,336 -12,147 0 0 0 8,386 20,533 8 7:00 1.13 47,449 1,754 13,123 787 0 0 0 47,449 46,662 9 8:00 1.18 51,503 1,691 12,649 -474 0 0 0 51,503 51,977 10 10:45 1.27 48,452 1,797 13,443 794 0 0 0 48,452 47,658 11 10:45 0.76 18,346 0 0 -13,443 0 125 937 19,283 32,726 12 7:45 0.61 0 975 7,297 7,297 0 0 0 0 -7,297 13 7:31 3.72 266,258 720 5,390 -1,907 0 0 0 266,258 268,165 14 8:00 0.98 124,077 10,147 75,906 70,516 0 0 0 124,077 53,561 15 8:00 0.68 4,774 1,386 10,368 -65,538 0 0 0 4,774 70,312 16 8:00 0.64 0 837 6,261 -4,107 0 0 0 0 4,107 17 8:00 0.51 0 770 5,759 -502 0 0 0 0 502 18 8:00 1.38 55,883 562 4,202 -1,557 0 0 0 55,883 57,440 19 8:45 1.48 54,111 2,244 16,787 12,585 0 0 0 54,111 41,526 20 8:00 1.54 53,291 2,481 18,560 1,773 0 0 0 53,291 51,518 21 7:45 1.36 62,450 2,628 19,656 1,096 1 815 6,093 68,543 67,447 22 8:00 1.18 56,073 2,198 16,440 -3,215 0 0 0 56,073 59,288 23 8:00 1.22 48,232 1,797 13,443 -2,997 0 0 0 48,232 51,229 24 8:01 1.22 47,747 0 0 -13,443 0 0 0 47,747 61,190 25 9:00 0.78 9,822 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,822 9,822 26 8:00 0.65 0 1,011 7,563 7,563 0 0 0 0 -7,563 27 7:45 0.62 0 786 5,883 -1,679 0 63 469 469 2,148 28 8:01 0.62 0 737 5,512 -371 0 0 0 0 371 29 7:30 0.57 0 737 5,512 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 8:01 0.62 10 656 4,906 -606 0 0 10 10 606 1-606 31 8:01 0.87 10 737 5,512 606 0 0 10 10 Table 6: Water Balance Calculations - April 2019 Month Date Time HRI Basin #1 Stage (feet abv basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Volume (cu ft) Volume (gal) 4STORAGE (gal) Precipitation (inches) Precipitation Volume (cu ft.) Precipitation Volume (gallons) Total Inflow (GPD) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1 10:00 0.22 11,909 871 6,516 0 0.4 251 1,875 13,784 13,784 2 8:00 0.28 0 152 1,139 -5,377 1.1 689 5,156 5,156 10,532 3 9:30 0.11 0 231 1,726 587 0 0 0 0 -587 4 9:15 0.07 0 17 125 -1,601 0 0 0 0 1,601 5 8:30 0.3 0 0 0 -125 1.1 689 5,156 5,156 5,281 6 8:01 0.16 0 258 1,927 1,927 0 0 0 0 -1,927 7 8:01 0.11 0 77 576 -1,352 0 0 0 0 1,352 8 7:15 0.65 20,421 17 125 -451 0 0 0 20,421 20,872 9 9:45 0.76 51,847 786 5,883 5,758 0 0 0 51,847 46,089 10 9:00 0.59 47,914 975 7,297 1,414 0 0 0 47,914 46,500 11 7:45 0.78 57,427 688 5,147 -2,150 0 0 0 57,427 59,577 12 8:15 0.63 64,638 1,011 7,563 2,416 0 0 0 64,638 62,222 13 8:01 0.65 62,508 753 5,635 -1,928 0.3 188 1,406 63,914 65,842 14 8:01 0.8 53,600 786 5,883 248 0.8 501 3,750 57,350 57,101 r" 15 8:00 0.16 15,419 1,047 7,831 1,948 0 0 0 15,419 13,471 d 16 9:30 0.03 0 77 576 -7,255 0 0 0 0 7,255 17 9:15 0.03 0 0 0 -576 0 0 0 0 576 18 7:45 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 8:15 0.32 0 5 37 37 0 0 0 0 -37 20 8:00 0.14 0 285 2,131 2,094 0 0 0 0 -2,094 21 8:01 0.07 0 53 393 -1,738 1 627 4,687 4,687 6,425 22 7:45 0.61 48,480 0 0 -393 0 0 0 48,480 48,873 23 7:30 0.76 72,520 720 5,390 5,390 0 0 0 72,520 67,130 24 8:45 0.72 73,030 975 7,297 1,907 0 0 0 73,030 71,123 25 7:45 0.74 72,140 905 6,773 -523 0 0 0 72,140 72,663 26 8:45 0.63 67,215 940 7,034 260 0 0 0 67,215 66,955 27 8:01 0.47 60,124 753 5,635 -1,399 0 0 0 60,124 61,523 28 8:01 0.65 56,443 501 3,746 -1,889 0 0 0 56,443 58,332 29 7:01 0.14 20,185 786 5,883 2,137 0 0 0 20,185 18,048 30 8:16 1 10 153 1393 -5,490 10 10 10 0 15,490 Table 6: Water Balance Calculations - April 2019 Month Date Time HRI Basin #2 Stage (ft above basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Volume (cu ft) Volume (gal) 4STORAGE (gal) Precipitation (inches) Precipitation Volume (cu ft.) Precipitation Volume (gallons) Total Inflow (GPD) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1 10:00 1.58 42,477 1,175 8,792 3,280 0 251 1,875 44,352 41,072 2 8:00 1.7 70,328 2,727 20,400 11,608 1 689 5,156 75,484 63,876 3 9:30 1.65 63,058 3,034 22,697 2,297 0 0 0 63,058 60,761 4 9:15 1.5 62,297 2,905 21,728 -969 0 0 0 62,297 63,266 5 8:30 1.48 74,450 0 0 -21,728 1 689 5,156 79,606 101,333 6 8:01 1.23 50,838 2,481 18,560 18,560 0 0 0 50,838 32,278 7 8:01 1.33 63,345 1,905 14,254 -4,306 0 0 0 63,345 67,651 8 7:15 0.94 37,333 2,129 15,926 1,672 0 0 0 37,333 35,661 9 9:45 0.75 0 1,308 9,786 -6,140 0 0 0 0 6,140 10 9:00 0.65 0 958 7,165 -2,621 0 0 0 0 2,621 11 7:45 0.87 0 786 5,883 -1,282 0 0 0 0 1,282 12 8:15 0.65 0 1,175 8,792 2,908 0 0 0 0 -2,908 13 8:01 0.72 0 786 5,883 -2,908 0 188 1,406 1,406 4,315 14 8:01 0.65 0 905 6,773 890 1 501 3,750 3,750 2,859 15 8:00 1.23 35,784 786 5,883 -890 0 0 0 35,784 36,674 d 16 9:30 1.38 39,995 1,905 14,254 8,370 0 0 0 39,995 31,625 17 9:15 1.31 43,152 0 0 -14,254 0 0 0 43,152 57,406 18 7:45 1.36 49,155 0 0 0 0 0 0 49,155 49,155 19 8:15 1.38 50,366 2,198 16,440 16,440 0 0 0 50,366 33,926 20 8:00 1.36 53,740 2,244 16,787 346 0 0 0 53,740 53,394 21 8:01 1.45 46,715 2,198 16,440 -346 1 627 4,687 51,402 51,748 22 7:45 0.79 8,012 0 0 -16,440 0 0 0 8,012 24,452 23 7:30 0.65 0 1,029 7,697 7,697 0 0 0 0 -7,697 24 8:45 0.65 0 786 5,883 -1,813 0 0 0 0 1,813 25 7:45 0.67 0 786 5,883 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 8:45 0.62 0 820 6,134 251 0 0 0 0 -251 27 8:01 0.57 0 737 5,512 -622 0 0 0 0 622 28 8:01 0.62 10 656 4,906 -606 0 0 0 0 606 29 7:01 11.48 151,448 737 5,512 606 0 10 0 51,448 150,842 30 8:16 158,409 2,481 18,560 13,048 0 10 0 58,409 145,361 Table 7: Daily Test Inflow and Stage Height February 28-March 1, 2019 Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPM) Cumulative Inflow (gallons) Time HRI Basin 1 HRI Basin 2 HRI Basin 1 HRI Basin 2 HRI Basin 1 HRI Basin 2 8AM 0.79 0.59 0.9 0 0 0 9AM 0.97 0.5 99.5 0 54 0 LOAM 0.7 2.5 0 495 6,024 29,700 11AM 0.66 3.12 0 495.2 6,024 59,412 12PM 0.52 3.49 0 495.4 6,024 89,136 1PM 0.52 3.85 0 252.5 6,024 104,286 2PM 0.52 3.55 0 438.2 6,024 130,578 3PM 0.55 4.48 0 495.3 6,024 160,296 4PM 0.59 4.08 0 223.4 6,024 173,700 5PM 0.48 4.03 0 248.4 6,024 188,604 6PM 0.68 3.86 0 168.6 6,024 198,720 7PM 0.66 3.82 0 257.2 6,024 214,152 8PM 0.68 3.75 0 255 6,024 229,452 9PM 0.61 3.71 0 166.8 6,024 239,460 IOPM 0.63 3.92 0 260.5 6,024 255,090 11PM 0.63 3.62 0 168.6 6,024 265,206 12AM 0.61 3.9 0 165.7 6,024 275,148 IAM 0.59 3.54 0 166.5 6,024 285,138 2AM 0.59 3.26 0 163.1 6,024 294,924 3AM 0.61 3.45 0 169.1 6,024 305,070 4AM 0.59 3.41 0 255.1 6,024 320,376 5AM 0.59 3.39 0 165.5 6,024 330,306 6AM 0.59 3.15 0 167.1 6,024 340,332 7AM 0.55 3.18 0 209.5 6,024 352,902 8AM 0.55 3.37 10 258.8 61024 368,430 9AM 0.52 3.43 10 247.3 6,024 383,268 LOAM 0.88 3.03 147.1 0 6,024 383,268 Table 8: Daily Test Inflow and Stage Height March 7-8, 2019 Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPD) Cumulative Inflow (Gallons) Time HRI Basin I HRI Basin 2 HRI Basin 1 HRI Basin 2 HRI Basin 1 HRI Basin 2 6AM 0.12 1.24 0 0 0 0 7AM 0.1 1.11 0 0 0 0 8AM 1.81 0.96 467 0 28,020 0 9AM 2.52 1.05 494 0 56,040 0 LOAM 2.9 0.61 494.8 0 85,680 0 11AM 3.08 1.05 495.2 0 115,368 0 12PM 3.01 1 474.5 0 145,080 0 IPM 3.09 0.96 494.8 0 173,550 0 2PM 3.05 1.22 422.9 0 203,238 0 3PM 3.09 1.13 495.8 0 228,612 0 4PM 2.97 1.42 304.1 0 258,360 0 5PM 2.67 1.4 204.1 0 276,606 0 6PM 2.53 1.4 223.5 0 288,852 0 7PM 2.41 0.87 208.4 0 302,262 0 8PM 2.37 1.33 319.7 0 314,766 0 913M 2.93 1.07 309.1 0 333,948 0 IOPM 2.27 0.94 301.6 0 352,494 0 IIPM 2.23 1.24 208.7 0 370,590 0 12AM 2.21 1.27 301.9 0 383,112 0 IAM 2.15 1.22 208.5 0 401,226 0 2AM 2.11 1.2 213.5 0 413,736 0 3AM 2.09 1.16 301.4 0 426,546 0 4AM 2.11 1.22 223.6 0 444,630 0 5AM 2.09 1.16 207.8 0 458,046 0 6AM 2.05 1.35 206.2 0 470,514 0 7AM 2.05 1.07 293.5 0 482,886 0 8AM 1.66 1.13 0 0 500,496 0 Table 9: Daily Test Inflow and Stage Height March 13-14, 2019 Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) Inflow (GPM) Cumulative Inflow (Gallons) Time HRI Basin 1 HRI Basin 2 HRI Basin 1 HRI Basin 2 HRI Basin 1 HRI Basin 2 7AM 0.49 0.56 0 0 0 0 8AM 0.64 0.69 0 0 0 0 9AM 1.66 2.06 466.6 391.2 27,996 23,472 LOAM 2.49 3.95 333.2 291.1 55,992 46,944 IIAM 2.51 3.48 303.5 283.6 75,984 64,410 12PM 3.09 3.64 259.4 234 94,194 81,426 1PM 2.51 3.72 295.6 262 109,758 95,466 2PM 2.55 3.74 307.5 284.5 127,494 111,186 3PM 2.55 3.78 329.8 266.2 145,944 128,256 4PM 2.57 3.8 325.2 260 165,732 144,228 5PM 2.59 3.84 280.7 218.2 185,244 159,828 6PM 2.53 3.72 282 221.1 202,086 172,920 7PM 2.55 3.74 328.5 265.7 219,006 186,186 8PM 2.55 3.8 285.4 22.6 238,716 202,128 9PM 2.55 3.8 282.4 221.4 255,840 203,484 IOPM 2.53 3.8 335 267.6 272,784 216,768 11PM 2.51 3.78 287 222.5 292,884 232,824 12AM 2.49 3.76 284.4 221.3 310,104 246,174 IAM 2.47 3.76 281 220.4 327,168 259,452 2AM 2.47 3.72 280.4 220.9 344,028 272,676 3AM 2.45 3.62 282.3 221 360,852 285,930 4AM 2.45 3.68 280.4 220.6 377,790 299,190 5AM 2.43 3.68 278.6 220.4 394,614 312,426 6AM 2.45 3.52 279.7 1221.5 1411,330 1325,650 7AM 12.45 3.7 281.4 1221.4 1428,112 1338,940 8AM 11.99 3.36 52.3 126.6 1444,996 1352,224 Table 1: Comparison of Measured Precipitation at Pluris Hampstead WWTP and Average Precipitation at Jacksonville, NC Month/Year Jacksonville, NC Average Precipitation (inches) Pluris Hempstead Actual Precipitation (inches) November 2018 3.21 7.1 December 2018 4.21 6.9 January 2019 3.90 3.4 February 2019 3.27 1.9 March 2019 4.09 4.4 April 2019 3.15 4.7 Total 21.83 21.95 Table 11: Calculated HRI Basin Stage/Infiltration Results - November 2018 to April 2019 Cumulative Data November 2018 - April 2019 November 2018 - April 2019 HRI Basin #1 HRI Basin #2 Stage Height (ft above basin bottom) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Stage Height (ft above basin) Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 0 -35,467 0 -72,250 0.25 6,200 0.25 -47,250 0.5 47,867 0.5 -22,250 0.75 89,533 0.75 2,750 1 131,200 1 27,750 1.25 172,867 1.25 52,750 1.5 214,533 1.5 77,750 1.75 256,200 1.75 102,750 2 297,867 2 127,750 2.25 339,533 2.25 152,750 2.5 381,200 2.5 177,750 2.75 422,867 2.75 202,750 3 464,533 3 227,750 3.25 506,200 3.25 252,750 3.5 547,867 3.5 277,750 3.75 589,533 3.75 302,750 4 631,200 4 327,750 4.25 672,867 4.25 352,750 4.5 714,533 4.5 377,750 4.75 756,200 4.75 402,750 5 797,867 15 1427,750 Table 12: Calculated HRI Basin Infiltration at Maximum Stage - November 2018 to April 2019 Monthly Data HRI Basin #1 HRI Basin #2 Month Max Infiltration* Month Max Infiltration* Nov-18 1,589,800 Nov-18 421,410 Dec-18 683,671 Dec-18 528,300 Jan-19 485,990 Jan-19 431,030 Feb-19 493,130 Feb-19 426,430 Mar-19 953,180 Mar-19 lApr-19 434,270 Apr-19 540,644 428,540 Average 791,069 444,997 *Max infiltration calculated at a maximum stage height of 5 feet above basin bottom FIGURES November 2018 - April 2019 400000 350000 300000 0 250000 a (D 3 200000 0 c 150000 100000 50000 0 -i W-i W-i W-i W-i W-i W-i W-i W-i W1-1 W ti W ti W ti Wr-i Wr-i W ti W ti W ti c1 c1 N N M M V V Ln Ln W W n n W W M M O O -1 N N M MItT ItT V1 V1 W W 1, n W ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci Date Inflow from WWTP (GPD) — Precipitation (inches) November 2018 - April 2019 400000 350000 300000 250000 a 3 200000 0 c 150000 100000 50000 0 c-I lD r1 lD c1 lD r1 lD r1 lD r1 lD r1 lD r1 lD r1 lD r1 lD c-I lD ci lD c4 lD c4 lD c4 lD ci lD ci lD ci lD ci ci ci N N M M V V M M to lD 1- n W W M M O O 1-1 1-1 N N M M�* M In lD ID n n W ci ci c-1 c-1 c-1 c-1 c-1 c-1 c-1 c-I c-I c-I c-I c-I ci ci ci Date 5 _ 4.5 E 0 4 0 c 3.5 f6 3 2.5 t 2 iv 1.5 N 0.5 0 -50,000 Inflow from WWTP (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) November 2018 - April 2019 • VAI 2 c a 0.5 C 5 4.5 E 0 4 0 3.5 3 2.5 m 4V t 1.5 .�p iv 1 = v on 0.5 ;° (N 0 y = 6 E-06x + 0.2128 RZ = 0.6184 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Figure 1: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, November 2018-April 2019, HRI #1 100000 90000 80000 70000 a 60000 C7 3 50000 0 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 100000 90000 80000 70000 a 60000 L7 50000 0 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 5 — 4.5 E 0 4 +� 0 3.5 3 2.5 `^ 0.5 0 -20,000 November 2018 2.5 2 a 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date Inflow from WWTP (GPD) Precipitation (inches) November 2018 ;r 4.5 _ E 4 0 0 0 3.5 c 3 2.5 2 t tin 1.5 v 1 r� Ln 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Date Inflow from WWTP (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) 0 20,000 November 2018 y = 3 E-06x + 0.2306 R2 = 0.1792 • .��.•........• .. �..*. •�� ...............• • 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Figure 2: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, November 2018, HRI #1 120,000 80000 70000 60000 p 50000 a l7 3 40000 0 = 30000 20000 10000 0 80,000 70,000 60,000 L 50,000 a 0 3 40,000 0 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 5 4.5 0 +; 4 0 c 3.5 3 2.5 2 t •F, 1.5 a) 1 on 0.5 0 -20,000 December 2018 2.5 i6 d 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date Inflow from WWTP (GPD) Precipitation (inches) December 2018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Date 0 Inflow from WWTP (GPD) Stage (feet abv basin bottom) HRI Basin #1 - December 2018 ...0.............•.• .. �... • • 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Figure 3: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, December 2018, HRI #1 5 4.5 E 0 4 0 3.5 3 m 2.5 0 2 +, t 1.5 f 1 v 0.5 N 0 y = 7 E-06x + 0.2143 RZ = 0.4226 100,000 120,000 80000 70000 60000 a 50000 C7 3 40000 0 30000 20000 10000 0 80000 70000 60000 CC' 50000 C7 3 40000 0 30000 20000 10000 0 5 4.5 0 +' 4 0 c 3.5 3 2.5 2 t 1.5 a, 1 tin N 0.5 0 -20,000 January 2019 2.5 a 0.5 a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date Inflow from WWTP (GPD) Precipitation (inches) January 2019 5 4.5 0 t; 4 0 3.5 3 2.5 c� 0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date Inflow from WWTP (GPD) Stage (feet abv basin bottom) January 2019 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Figure 4: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, January 2019, HRI #1 90000 80000 /1111111/, 60000 d (7 50000 0 40000 c 30000 20000 10000 0 February 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Date Inflow from WWTP (GPD) Precipitation (inches) February 2019 0.35 0.3 0.25 v t U C 0.2 c 0 0.15 M .Q U 0.1 a 0.05 0 90,000 5 80,000 4.5 0 70,0001 \ -0 4 0 60,000 3.5 0 � 50,000A /I'*\— 0001%3 -0 0 2.5 40,000 4f 30,000 t 1.5 20,000 = 1 10,000 V 0f° .5 N 0 0 5 E 4.5 0 0 4 c: 3.5 3 - 2.5 2 s °A 1.5 = 1 `�+0 0.5 Ln 0 -20,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Date Inflow from WWTP (GPD) Stage (feet above basin bottom) February 2019 y = 1E-05x + 0.0687 R2 = 0.9296 ..... 0.00. ti..*... r .. ....ii 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Figure 5: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, February 2019, HRI #1 March 2019 400000 350000 300000 a 250000 0 3 200000 0 150000 100000 50000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date Inflow from WWTP (GPD) Precipitation (inches) March 2019 400,000 350,000 300,000 a 250,000 200,000 0 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 — — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date 5 4.5 0 4 0 3.5 3 2.5 +f 2 t 1.5 a) 1 an N 0.5 0 -50,000 Inflow from WWTP (GPD) Stage (feet abv basin bottom) March 2019 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) 1.6 1.4 1.2 v t U 1 .'_ c 0.8 0 0.6 a U 0.4 a 0.2 0 5 4.5 0 4 0 3.5 3 2.5 m 2 $ 1.5 1 v 0.5 tx 0 n y = 5 E-06x + 0.2341 RZ = 0.806 300,000 350,000 400,000 Figure 6: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, March 2019, HRI #1 70000 60000 0 50000 a C7 40000 p 30000 20000 10000 0 70,000 60,000 0_. 50,000 CL 40,000 o 30,000 c 20,000 10,000 - 0 April 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Date Inflow from WWTP (GPD) —Precipitation (inches) April 2019 1.2 1 7n v t 0.8 c 0.6 .2 0.4 U a) 0.2 a` 0 5 4.5 0 4 } 0 3.5 c 3 2.5 > 2 1.5 1 ao 0.5 0 v W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Ln 5 4.5 o 4 0 3.5 c 3 2.5 2 t on 1.5 a) °A 1 ns Ln 0.5 0 -20,000-10,000 Date —Inflow from WWTP (GPD) Stage (feet abv basin bottom) April 2019 y = 9E-06x + 0.1342 RZ = 0.8124 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Figure 7: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, April 2019, HRI #1 300000 250000 200000 0 a L7 3 150000 0 c 100000 50000 November 2018 - April 2019 ci lO a1 l0 ci W ri W ci W ci W a4 W ci W ri W ci W ci W ci W ci l0 ci W ci l0 ci W ci W ci W ci .--I ci N N M M m m w Lo I, n w w m m O O r-I ri " N M M�* zt Ln Ln w w r, n w c-I ci ci ci ci c-I ci ci ci c-I ci ci c-I ci ci ci ci Date Total Inflow (GPD) Precipitation (inches) November 2018 - April 2019 2.5 K a 0.5 300,000 5 4.5 250,000 4 0 z 3.5 200,000 c 0 a 3 � C7 150,000 > 2.5 'M 0 4f c 2 100,000 °A 1.5 = a� 1 50,000 N 0.5 0 0 ci lD -4 l0 -4 l0 1-4l0 1-4W 1-4lD ci W ci l0 ci W ci W ci l0 ci l0 ci W ci l0 ci W ci W ci W ci W ci ci ci N N CO M V V Ln Ln lD lD I, n 00 00 M M O O ci ci N N M M�'zT Ln Ln W W r` r` 00 c-I c-I c-I ci ci a --I a --I ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci Date Total Inflow (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) November 2018-April 2019 5 4.5 y = 1E-05x + 0.7225 RZ = 0.725 0 4 o • 3.5 m 3 2.5 4✓ 1.5 = Z • • • •• � ���� m •j 0.5 0 -50,000 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Figure 8: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, November 2018-April 2019, HRI #2 100000 90000 80000 70000 a 60000 3 50000 ° 40000 c 30000 20000 10000 0 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 3 50,000 ° 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 5 4.5 E 0 4 0 3.5 3 2.5 t 2 v 1.5 ao 1 n3 0.5 0 -20,000 November 2018 W 2 -,;� v t U C 1.5 _- c 0 .41 1 M _a U a) 0.5 a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Date Total Inflow (GPD) — Precipitation (inches) November 2018 5 4.5 0 4 0 3.5 c 3 2.5 -0 n3 2 04 1.5 ao 0.5 o°'n 0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Date Total Inflow (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) November 2018 y = 1E-05x + 0.7859 RZ = 0.4987 • •� .... ................• • • _ 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Figure 9: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, November 2018, HRI #2 100000 90000 80000 70000 a 60000 3 50000 ° 40000 c 30000 20000 10000 0 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 0 a 60,000 50,000 ° 40,000 c 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 5 4.5 0 4 0 3.5 3 - 2.5 w to tf 1.5 1 co v) 0.5 0 -20,000 December 2018 ►W F1 v Jz- U U 1.5 0.5 a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date Total Inflow (GPD) Precipitation (inches) December 2018 5 4.5 0 z 4 0 3.5 .N 3 2.5 ca 2 1.5 1 0.5 0°0 ns 0 v� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date Total Inflow (GPD) Stage (ft abv basin bottom) December 2018 y = 8E-06x + 0.7736 RZ = 0.3643 ....................... •.............. •• • 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Figure 10: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, December 2018, HRI #2 90000 80000 70000 0 60000 a �? 50000 0 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 90000 80000 70000 0 60000 �? 50000 0 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 January 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date Total Inflow (GPD) Precipitation (GPD) January 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date Total Inflow (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) January 2019 2.5 0 5 _ 4.5 E 0 4 0 3.5 3 2.5 2 -0 1.5 1 } t 0.5 ao 0 = 5 y = 1E-05x + 0.6897 0 4.5 RZ = 0.8489 0 4 3.5 LA 3 2.5 2 • • • •• v 1.5 ....I•• • i•=•.........i.. = 1 • • .................. 0.5 �..+..'�..... `n 0 -20,000 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Figure 11: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, January 2019, HRI #2 80000 70000 60000 a 50000 C9 3 40000 0 c 30000 20000 10000 0 80,000 70,000 60,000 a 50,000 3 40,000 30,000 c 20,000 10,000 0 5 E 4.5 0 0 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 t en 1.5 = 1 a) an 20 0.5 Ln 0 -50, February 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Date Total Inflow (GPD) Precipitation (inches) February 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Date Total Inflow (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) February 2019 Figure 12: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, February 2019, HRI #2 0.35 0.3 LA v 0.25 c 0.2 _C: 0 0.15 0 a 0.1 u v L 0.05 a 0 5 _ 4.5 E 0 4 Z 0 3.5 c 3 2.5 2 1.5 1tao t 0.5 Z 0 v tin LO +O 300000 250000 p 200000 d 3 150000 0 100000 50000 0 300,000 250,000 0 200,000 a (7 3 150,000 0 c 100,000 50,000 0 4 0 3.5 3 0 2.5 M 2 1.5 0) 1 m 0.5 +-1 V) 0 -50,000 March 2019 1.6 1.4 1.2 U 1 v C 0.8 g 0.6 } n 0.4 L 0.2 a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date Total Inflow (GPD) Precipitation (inches) March 2019 4 3.5 0 z 3 0 2.5 •N V) 2 1.5 1 +, 0.5 f 0 = v 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date Total Inflow (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) March 2019 y=1E-05x+0.6573 RZ = 0.8043 • • • 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Figure 13: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, March 2019, HRI #2 80000 70000 60000 CC) 50000 C7 3 40000 0 30000 20000 10000 0 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 C7 3 40,000 0 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 5 4.5 0 +� 4 0 c 3.5 .N 3 2.5 2 t 1.5 = 1 0.5 0 -20,000 April 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Date Total Inflow (GPD) Precipitation (inches) April 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Date Total Inflow (GPD) Stage (feet abv. basin bottom) 0 20,000 April 2019 1.2 1 v t 0.8 c c 0.6 O +-. ra 0.4 •Q v a` 0.2 0 1.8 1.6 0 z 1.4 0 1.2 N 1 0.8 0.6 t 0.4 v 0.2 v tin 0 Ln y = 1E-05x + 0.7146 R2 = 0.7945 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 Calculated Infiltration (GPD) Figure 14: Monthly Pilot Test Graphs, April 2019, HRI #2 5 4.5 0 0 4 s c 3.5 s 3 2.5 w 2 t 1.5 0 L 0 5 a 4.5 y 4 0 3.5 3 > 2.5 2 1.5 won 1 = 0.5 o°Jv 0 HRI Basin #2 100 200 300 400 Inflow (gpm) HRI Basin #2 500 600 41 41 41P41ee eQ�Q�Q�Q�Q�Q�Q�ee "� P�P�P�P�P�P�P�P�P�P� do 'ti ti� ti T 3 R '6 A � C, 'y ,'N yL L 3 � h % � yo Time Stage Height (ft) i Inflow (GPM) HRI Basin #2 600 500 400 � 0_ 300 0 200 'c: 100 0 5 450,000 E 4.5 400,000 c 4 0 0 350,000 76 c 3.5 300,000 3 � 3 250,000 2 2 > 200,000 1.5 150,000 2: c� 1 100,000 v 0.5 50,000 = v 0 0 + a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a¢ a In W M O ci N N M M l0 1, W M O c-1 N ­1 N M 'T Ln lO 1, W M 0 1-1 r_ I ­4 ­1 ci c-I ci Time Stage Height (ft) Estimated Cumulative Inflow (gallons) Figure 15: Daily Test Graphs, February 28-March 1, 2019, HRI#2 s 0 4.5 0 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 t 1.5 tin 1 W 0.5 � 0 Ln 0 5 E 4.5 O 0 4 c 3.5 LA 3 2.5 2 °P 1.5 'v = 1 v ao m 0.5 Ln 0 HRI Basin #1 100 200 300 400 500 Inflow (gpm) 600 600 500 400 -, E a wo 300 3 O 200 100 0 tiQ`S tiQ`S 3Q`S �Q� �Q`S �Q`S�Q`S -6 CQ`S oQ`S 'tiY tiP`StiP`S3P`S oP`ShP`S �oP`S�P`S wP`S Time Stage Height (ft) Inflow (GPM) HRI Basin #1 5 600,000 0 4.5 0 4 500,000 0 3.5 400,000 -29 3 /` 0 > 2.5 300,000 +6 2 v 1.5 200,000 °A 1 = 100,000 0 0.5 — u 0 0 N 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Q Q Q Q Q Q a a a a a a a a d Q Q Q Q Ln Q Q Q l0 IW Ol O ci N i--I N M �* M In lD I- W M Ol O i--1 N -IN M 't u'f lD r, 00 ci ci ci ci ci ci Time Stage Height (ft) Inflow (GPM) Figure 16: Daily Test Graphs, March 7-8, 2019, HRI #1 5 E 4.5 0 0 4 c 3.5 3 0 5 0 4.5 +� 4 0 3.5 3 > 2.5 co 2 1.5 bD 1 = 0.5 HRI Basin #1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Inflow (GPM) HRI Basin #1 • 350 400 450 500 y�Q41 titie�'ti3� 'P� -Y '�' Time Stage Height (ft) Inflow (GPM) HRI Basin #1 400 350 300 250 a eq 200 3 0 150 c 100 50 0 5 500,000 0 4.5 450,000 0 4 c 400,000 O 3.5 350,000 m 3 300,000 3 0 > 2.5 250,000 f° 2 200,000 v >_ +� 1.5 150,000 0 °A 1 100,000 E 0.5 50,000 u aj 0 0 v, yoPkl\ titiP11�'tiR y'R �Q� �Q� V 'Q �Q� �Q� �Q� C5 'oR 'y'R titiP� �P� �Q� Time Stage Height (ft) Estimated Cumulative Inflow (Gallons) Figure 17: Daily Test Graphs, March 13-14, 2019, HRI #1 5 E 4.5 0 HRI Basin #2 4 3.5 • �• • 3 2.5 2 • s °A 1.5 = 1 v 0.5 0 5 0 4.5 +� 4 0 3.5 3 > 2.5 2 1.5 won 1 = 0.5 tw 0 m Ln 5 0 4.5 0 4 � 3.5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Inflow (GPM) ROVER M1.1 °Q� yyQ41'�Y Time Stage Height (ft) Inflow (gpm) HRI Basin #2 In 3 v 2.5 -0 2 ;° 1.5 +, 1 0.5 = 0 N `'Q�` (6 Q� 4Q� �Q� y°Q� yyQ� ��P� yP� �P� ''P� °P� `'P� �P�` �P� %P� Time Stage Height (ft) Estimated Cumulative Inflow (gallons) Figure 18: Daily Test Graphs, March 13-14, 2019, HRI #2 4JV 350 300 250 E 200 � 150 0 w c 100 50 0 400,000 350,000 c 0 300,000 250,000 3 0 200,000 150,000 > 100,000 50,000 v 0