HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950917 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19950118State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary A, Preston Howard, Jr„ P,E„ Director Post-it" Fax Note 7671 Date # or pages To From Co./Dept. o./Dept. Co Co. Phone # Phone # Fax # Fax # October 25, 1995 Brunswick County DEM Project # 95917 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. Bruce Cardwell Sea Aire Canal P.O.A. 1963 W. Sea Aire Canal S.W. Supply, NC 28462 FIL F., Dear Mr. Cardwell: You have our approval to conduct maintenance dredging by hydraulic dredge and discharge from an upland diked disposal basin in order to dredge the Sea Aire Canal at the end of 1236, as you described in your application dated 5 September 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 2668. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 16 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-1786. Si rely, P ston Howard, Jr. P.E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Wilmington DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files John Parker DEM 95917.1tr P.O, Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT` FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Sea Aire Canal P. O. A./Bruce Cardwell 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: end of SR 1236(mainland Holden Beach area), adjacent AIWW, Brunswick County, NC. Photo Index - 1989:184-31 M,N,O - 6-11 1984: 7-49 O,P,Q - 17-23 184-33 H,I,J,K - 3-8 Spoil area 7-50 N,O,P,Q - 14-20 Spoil area State Plane Coordinates - X:2214800 Y:61600 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA/D&F 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 8/15/95 Was Applicant Present - Yes 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - 8/17/95 Office - Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Brunswick Co. Land Classification From LUP - Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: EW,PT (C) Water Dependent: yes (D) Intended Use: Private (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - Individual septic tank systems Planned - None (F) Type of Structures: Existing - Single-family residences and private piers Planned - None (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED QTHER (A) Vegetated Wetlands (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands 3.2 acres Open water (C) Other 32 acres Spoil area (D) Total Area Disturbed: 35.2 acres (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SA Open: Yes 8. PROJECT SUNEVIARY: The applicants propose to complete maintenance dredging of the existing canal. Sea Aire Canal P.O.A. Page 2 9. PROTECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located at the end SR 1236, off Seashore Road, approximately one (1) mile west of the Holden Beach Intracoastal Waterway bridge, in Brunswick County, NC. The project area consists of an existing subdivision which has 67 single-family lots oriented around a "T" shaped boat basin. The basin is approximately 1480 feet long (east-west) and 180 feet wide, except on the west end, where the width expands to 290 feet. There is an entrance channel (450 ft. X 75 ft.) perpendicular from the center of the canal, extending into the AIWW. Most of the lots have existing houses and private piers, and have their shorelines stabilized with bulkheads. There is a narrow, discontinuous border of Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alternifloral along portions of the basin's shoreline, as well as, the entrance channel and AIWW shorelines. In past years, there has been accelerated siltation of the entrance channel from adjacent unstabilized, eroding shorelines. Those lots have recently been bulkheaded by their respective owners. The development is served by the Brunswick County water system, and wastewater disposal is by individual septic tank systems. The waters in the project area are classified SA, by the N.C. Division of Environmental Management and are OPEN to the harvest of shellfish. The basin is not designated as a Primary Nursery Area by the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries. The Sea Aire Canal Property Owners propose to perform maintenance excavation within the existing entrance channel and boat basin. The excavated channel would be 1400 feet long and 75 feet wide, located in the center of the 180 feet wide basin. The entrance channel would be 450 feet long and 75 feet wide. Both areas would be excavated to a depth of -6 feet at MLW. These are the same dimensions previously permitted by State Permit #48-84. A hydraulic dredge would be used to complete the excavation, and the spoil material would be pumped to an existing diked disposal area, located on the south side of the AIWW, approximately one (1) mile west of the project site. The spoils disposal area is approximately 200 feet long and averages 700 feet in width, and is an active USACOE disposal area for AIWW maintenance work. The applicants have permission from the Corps and the property owner to utilize the spoil disposal area for their project. 10. ANTICIPATED EMPACTS The project would disturb approximately 3.2 acres of previously dredged bottom, and create 19,611 cubic yards of spoil material. There would be some short-term turbidity associated with the dredging activity, but no long-term adverse impacts are expected, provided the project is timed to avoid periods of peak biological activity. Submitted by: E.F. Brooks Date:8/24/95 Office: Wilmington Form DCM-MP-1 APPLICATION (To be completed by all applicants) 1. APPLICANT a. Landowner: /? NamaSEA /A I k/_ (2 A N R ?. d A. b. City, town, community or landmark sl.?nOlL, c. Street address or seconda?,road number jvD o F STATE Kotgn N9 340 d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? ? Yes No Address A6 3 W. 5EA h I R E ell NO h Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, City _ .S t,- P12k State N(I creek, sound, bay) - 1 ltJ Zip A4 4 ?1, Day Phone :?Vo' 9 U 2-TVP&T) DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE Fax OF PROPOSED PROJECT b. Authorized Agent: AUG 1 7 1995 Name BRu.CF_ ?RP40C.;I- DIVISION OF a. k- MANAGEMENT Address 19403L)' 56- ,1 n IR.F Cf}NRi.. City S ?_L Re L ? State ? C Zip ? $14L LZ Day Phone q1 o - Fax c. Project name (if any) SS A A I R E', C A N 141.- f)IIV TENANo- ?QE- DC I NG- NOTE: Permit will be issued in name of landowner(s), and/or project name. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT County P-LL NS L,-) I 0 1. List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and excavation and/or filling activities. MAIA/TF,nlAnl4',E, DRF,DGI tV& D EXI_5TINGG L13NAt AN.V /;deF_SS CNr4NNF L b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? MP I N Tf i(ANe F_ c. Will the pr?olect be for public, private or commercial use? t'Rl VATr_ d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. A19/Nip 1-V14NCE DRE DGl/V& F 1'-' 167-i n/C- L191V,41_ Fo RES / ?6rV7,41- 0A71A1 1-9 e6E5-6 Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-1 4. LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS m. Describe existing wastewater-treatment facilities. t?X1 il-13 m _3k or ie_ 741yk S - a. Size of entire tract ??a S/aeQ£ 5 ?CANR l- ACCA) n. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary b. Size of individual lot(s) 419 wastewater, industrial /commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges.) AIDIV6, c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL ITZ A d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract o. Describe existing drin}cing water supply source. e. Vegetation on tract -? o n f. Man-made features now on tract 1r G 1 7 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DIVISIO^ ' nF g. What is the CAMA Land Use plMAE11lL MANAGEMENT classification of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: Conservation Transitional Developed Community • A copy of the deed (with state application only) or Rural Other other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not h. How is the tract zoned by local government? claiming to be the owner of said property, then R 75-0 U forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable from the owner to carry out the project. zoning? Yes No (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable) • An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black j. Has a professional archaeological assessment been ink on an 8 1/2" by 11" white paper. (Refer to done for the tract? Yes i' No Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a If yes, by whom? detailed description.) k. Is the project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? Yes Y' No 1. Are there wetlands on the site? V' Yes No Coastal (marsh) " Other If yes, has a delineation been conducted? W19 (Attach documentation, if available) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the Rrviwd (11/94 Form DCM-MP-1 site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. • A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. • A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name iA4/1qm ' JEtlen/ GAn/ Address C 7D 5^ Phone 9/ 4- 0 8 - A.,4 61 & 6 Name Address Phone Name 2 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. T7N HIut77? c ify that the information provided in this Address apPlicati truthful to the best of my knowledge. Phone HUG 17 1995 • 19? A list of previous state or federal permits issued &V MANgG is EMM the 14 day of ?1? work on the project tract. Include permit'Y??n?e??;L I S 1 O I Print Name ,u : 1J, C1-1kDWC1-1... permittee, and issuing dates. • A check for $250 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the application. • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. • A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A - 1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. Signature n ." ^ f. Landowner or Authorized Agent Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information DCM MP-3 Upland Development DCM MP-4 Structures Information DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE: Please sign and date each attachment in the space provided at the bottom of each form. Revised 03/95 I Form DCM-MP-2 EXCAVATION AND FILL (Except bridges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-I. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation or fill activities. All values to be given in feet. Average Final Emoting Project Len¢th Width DeDth DeDth Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Canal Boat basin Boat ramp Rock groin Rock breakwater Other (Excluding shoreline stabilization) ?f ?Ql / ? / ?o? I C4J ` • D TI OF, I?1vv 75 a• ?? bi1PC T D CLMVT@? AUG 17 1995 DP DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1. EXCAVATION a. Amount of material to be excavated from below MHW or NWL in cubic yards 19,6 // CC. y&S. b. Type of material to be excavat SA/YD / S1•?7 _ /1'11,c? c. Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands (marsh), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs) or other wetlands? Yes ? No d. Highground excavation in cubic yards 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL a. Location of disposal area(IRP OF ENd`. IRNCQr, 14? i t Gy T n .5ANi)-L?bong- OP 1 V E, b. Dimensions of disposal area c. Do you claim title to disposal area? Yes ?," No If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. d. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ? Yes No If yes, where? 5-4- A R46A Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-2 e. f. Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands If yes, (marsh), SAVs or ther wetlands? Amount of material to Yes , No _TTT I water Dimensions of fill area. Does the disposal in ude any area in th ter? Yes t/ No AUG 17 1995 cT3 Purpose of fill DIVISION OF COASTAL MANVE*fflNWII material be placed in coastal wetlands 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? Yes _V' No a. Type of shoreline stabilization N/A Bulkhead 011? Riprap b. Length /Y A c. Average distance,'fvaterward of MHW or NWL d. Maximum distance waterward of MHW or NWL I i e. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months f. g (Source of information) Type of bulkhead or\riprap material Amount of fill in cubic yards to be placed below water level / (1) Riprap i (2) Bulkhead' backfill h. Type of fill material Source of fill material 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a. Will fill material be brought to site? Yes _/ No If yes, (1) Dimensions of fill area (2) Purpose of fill 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? BlkE 7 .?i.S,?o.SA,L b. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? /7/1 i c. Will wetlands be cr3ssed in transporting equipment to project site? Yes _v-- No If yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen environmental impacts. ?fi??J C'ANfI,? /:-/Z Applicant or Project Name '6 /2&e.Q Lis Lz ?? Signature 1244"n, I I c / C? Ys- Date be placed in the D.--A n1/QC 17i'•%P rv 4 7m.o'ONw'+IbA1_es;trl...?..:,ir?, -:?•s ,Y:Pain:,tll: t-,,,,., '.c:e:?.: ?- - ' 1419 13AI 22 1 4 .0 J?A ( I2E. CFIN? 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" I, ? f. ? , • ? h? r l , •,. y ? . , .i 1.,' ?. 1. '1, a w 1?'rtt?Trt ?11{' I ,,?a •il I ..?, ,?, `.i?,`,? w• I t o A 1i "I' ? I t r r, i?}LI?d1J ,,,,5 W N iI. a of-4 ? i 11 r'tl+ O 1? , :,11;? •Ir .t ail ?y.?.?+??•i ?? pQ 4r 11 ,A 8 0 9L90 2J ?- ? ,li .L• i ? ?.r C` Z..--__._ Cls)l D C? 1-D I U 1-- c z f=J z D ----_ ?1I (a_ ? 1 •I 1 f ?_ 15 72,(?U4.? rJ 0 //o 5 GAL 5 1-:?. r._' LJII ?_ I: J , 's OPP: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF September 5, 1995 Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199505470 Mr. John Dorney Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Dorney: FNL I ? 041 I? sQ/ Enclosed is the application of the Sea Aire Canal Property Owners Association for Department of the Army authorization and a State Water Quality Certification to maintenance dredge 19,611 cubic yards of spoil material from approximately 3.2 acres of tidal non-vegetated bottom located in Sea Aire Canal, off of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), on the mainland side of the AIWW at Holden's Beach, near Supply, in Brunswick County, North Carolina. The spoil material is to be placed on a diked disposal area approximately on mile from the work site. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification is required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, in most cases, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if you have not acted on the request, or asked for an extension of time, by November 6, 1995, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact me at telephone (910) 251-4636. Sincerely, .-"Jeff Richter Special Projects/CAMA Coordinator Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Enclosure Printed on 0 Recycled Paper -2- Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Bob Stroud Office Manager Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Sea Aire Canal P. O. A./Bruce Cardwell 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: end of SR 1236(mainland Holden Beach area), adjacent AIWW, Brunswick County, NC. Photo Index - 1989:184-31 M,N,O - 6-11 1984: 7-49 O,P,Q - 17-23 184-33 H,I,I,K - 3-8 Spoil area 7-50 N,O,P,Q - 14-20 Spoil area State Plane Coordinates - X:2214800 Y:61600 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA/D&F 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 8/15/95 Was Applicant Present - Yes 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - 8/17/95 Office - Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIP'T'ION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Brunswick Co. Land Classification From LUP - Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: EW,PT (C) Water Dependent: yes (D) Intended Use: Private (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - Individual septic tank systems Planned - None (F) Type of Structures: Existing - Single-family residences and private piers Planned - None (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED (A) Vegetated Wetlands FILLED OTBM (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands 3.2 acres Open water (C) Other 32 acres Spoil area (D) Total Area Disturbed: 35.2 acres (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SA Open: Yes 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicants propose to complete maintenance dredging of the existing canal. Sea Aire Canal P.O.A. Page 2 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located at the end SR 1236, off Seashore Road, approximately one (1) mile west of the Holden Beach Intracoastal Waterway bridge, in Brunswick County, NC. The project area consists of an existing subdivision which has 67 single-family lots oriented around a "T" shaped boat basin. The basin is approximately 1480 feet long (east-west) and 180 feet wide, except on the west end, where the width expands to 290 feet. There is an entrance channel (450 ft. X 75 ft.) perpendicular from the center of the canal, extending into the AIWW. Most of the lots have existing houses and private piers, and have their shorelines stabilized with bulkheads. There is a narrow, discontinuous border of Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) along portions of the basin's shoreline, as well as, the entrance channel and AIWW shorelines. In past years, there has been accelerated siltation of the entrance channel from adjacent unstabilized, eroding shorelines. Those lots have recently been bulkheaded by their respective owners. The development is served by the Brunswick County water system, and wastewater disposal is by individual septic tank systems. The waters in the project area are classified SA, by the N.C. Division of Environmental Management and are OPEN to the harvest of shellfish. The basin is not designated as a Primary Nursery Area by the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries. The Sea Aire Canal Property Owners propose to perform maintenance excavation within the existing entrance channel and boat basin. The excavated channel would be 1400 feet long and 75 feet wide, located in the center of the 180 feet wide basin. The entrance channel would be 450 feet long and 75 feet wide. Both areas would be excavated to a depth of -6 feet at MLW. These are the same dimensions previously permitted by State Permit #48-84. A hydraulic dredge would be used to complete the excavation, and the spoil material would be pumped to an existing diked disposal area, located on the south side of the AIWW, approximately one (1) mile west of the project site. The spoils disposal area is approximately 200 feet long and averages 700 feet in width, and is an active USACOE disposal area for AIWW maintenance work. The applicants have permission from the Corps and the property owner to utilize the spoil disposal area for their project. 10. ANTICIPATED UYTACTS The project would disturb approximately 3.2 acres of previously dredged bottom, and create 19,611 cubic yards of spoil material. There would be some short-term turbidity associated with the dredging activity, but no long-term adverse impacts are expected, provided the project is timed to avoid periods of peak biological activity. Submitted by: E.F. Brooks Date: 8/24/95 Office: Wilmington Form DCM-MP-1 ON J APPLICATI ; rFG!j, + !'Ty r=,t' (To be completed by all applicants) b. City, town, community or landmark i`PQL1-1 1. APPLICANT if I c. Street address or secondaarv road number a. Landowner: >? p?S TAT %7 R n r <9 3 6y Namer_A A/?? d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? ? Yes No Address I ?Clo I Q11. 5EA I R£ 6) N A e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, e. creek, sound, bay) ?.L l c? 1,cJ City S -1 APB t. State N Zip Day Phone ' S 4 . ??,Ygs DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE Fax OF PROPOSED PROJECT b. Authorized Agent: AUG 17 1995 NameBku_Cr_ W. COP, DU;F, t.I.DIVISION OF a. ? I AL MANAGEMENT Address 19 L' 3 L)• SEa n iR.F, (-'f}NRI.. S, W, City S LL PA L 4 State Zip J ?4 6 - Day Phone 7 Fax c. Project name (if any) S? A A I R L C A N 14 l., M. I)INTENA NCi? JQ. 12..E_0C i NC NOTE. Perndt will be issued in name of landowner(s), and/or project name. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. County PL,- NS i.,) i i IL List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and excavation and/or tillin$_a_,ctivities. /) J91Af F.nlAnl'_'F, .U12F.DGIIL'Cs DF E' G A N c!' rl 14 NN F L b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? MR I IV 7-,-,- IffiNe- F_ c. Will the prq ect be for public, private or commercial use? r' R1 VAT c- d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. A1411V 7K IV14 NC E DR Q_Q (,- I NC F E 1,:,-,Ti NC- e_'-,9A 14k FO ,X EF 5 / 7E'V7-141_ y ATI/VCZ 19ddE5-5 Form DCM-MP-1 4. LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS a. Size of entire tract 3. SAeP_? 5 C ANAL- A2__A) b. Size of individual lot(s) N?R c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL x.11/4 m. Describe existing wastewateE-qeatment facilities. ?.PI ?P rF- _ygoo "iC 11,wk s?.s ,-r in i n. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges.) d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. e. Vegetation on tract iU j JU ?, ; f. Man-made features now on tract v G 17 ?I ?; p? yiy? t7c i? 5 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DIVISIO n g. What is the CAMA Land Use agMSML MANAGEMENT classification of the site? (consult the local land use plan.) In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: Conservation Transitional Developed Community • A copy of the deed (with state application only) or Rural Other other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not h. How is the tract zoned by local government? claiming to be the owner of said property, then R 175-0 v forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable from the owner to carry out the project. zoning? Yes No (Arrach zoning compliance ce"ificate, if applicable) • An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black j. Has a professional archaeological assessment been ink on an 8 1/2" by 11" white paper. (Refer to done for the tract? Yes / No Coastal Resources Commission Rule 71.0203 for a If yes, by whom? detailed description.) k. Is the project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? Yes _v-' No Are there wetlands on the site? / Yes No Coastal (marsh) _ Z Other If yes, has a delineation been conducted? /?O (Anach documenladon, if available) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the Form DCM-MP-1 site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. 2 TO ENTER ON LAND • A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary • A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name Zd 1'.k4i1g1n F J6_k.n/i aAlil Address A30 • AP--i Em gje ._d vtr i:1?!- AVA, IVC - `77o-S Phone C' 14 - J ?-3 - Name Address Phone Name Address • 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. T3 H17Z c ify that the information provided in this applicati truthful to the best of my knowledge. Phone yub i ( =:) V I S I O t7'b.is the 14 day of _? 192 A list of previous state or federal permits issued a& L MANGEUENY work on the project tract. Include permi Print ame ku d/E permittee, and issuing dates. S i ATE P6,eM / T 1- ,?- • A check for $250 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the application. • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. • A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A - 1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. Signature ^?• 0 ' 162-4L.4-e t mtdo~r or Authorized Agent Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information DCM MP-3 Upland Development DCM W-4 Structures Information DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE. Please sign and date each attachment in the space provided at the bottom of each form. Form DCM-MP-2 EXCAVATION AND FILL (Except bridges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation or fill activities. All values to be given in feet. Average FhW Usdog Project Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Canal Boat basin Boat ramp Rock groin Rock breakwater Other (Excluding shoreline stabilization) Length Width Depth Depth UG _ 7 995 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1. EXCAVATION a. Amount of material to be excavated from below MHW or NWL in cubic yards ?9, ?? ??• y?• b. Type of material to be excavated ?SANV tc c. Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands (marsh), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs) or other wetlands? Yes ? No IYQ *E- d. Highground excavation in cubic yards 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL a. Location of disposal areaC^,2P OF ENCL IRNai/ I t E-5 T DF SANS Z LA t4 R- 1t2i%r Ce b. Dimensions of disposal area c. Do you claim title to disposal area? Yes %,/ No If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. d. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ? Yes No If yes, where? SAmF R e6A Form DCM-MP-2 e. Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands If yes, laced in the SAVs or ther wetlands? Amount of material to be p marsh , water Yes No I Dimensions of fill area f. Does the disposal include any area in thJter AUG 17 1995 `Z3j Purpose of fill Yes No DIVISION OF COASTAL MANPPE gj4Wll material be placed in coastal wetlands (marsh), YAAVs o-othe No wetlands? 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION If yes, (1) Dimensions of fill area a. Type of shoreline stabilization _ Bulkhead IYII-r_ Riprap (2) purpose of fill b. Length / c. Average distance,.waterward of MHW or NWL 5. GENERAL d. Maximum distance waterward of MHW or NWL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? Dik :- 0 '5 of A, e. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months (Source of information) f. Type of bulkhead or r\prap material b. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic g. Amount of fill in cubic yards to be placed below dredge)? ? water level ?C '(1) Riprap (2) Bulkhead backfill c. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment 11 to project site? Yes No h. Type of fill material If yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen \ environmental impacts. i. Source of fill mater al 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a. Will fill material be brought to site? Yes __I/'_ No Applicant or Project Name Signature Date DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 5W P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 •••?-?•• REPLY TO ATTENTION OF September 5, 1995 Regulatory Branch / Action ID No. 199505470 Mr. John Dorney\V J Division of Environmental Management v North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed is the application of the Sea Aire Canal Property Owners Association for Department of the Army authorization and a State Water Quality Certification to maintenance dredge 19,611 cubic yards of spoil material from approximately 3.2 acres of tidal non-vegetated bottom located in Sea Aire Canal, off of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), on the mainland side of the AIWW at Holden's Beach, near Supply, in Brunswick County, North Carolina. The spoil material is to be placed on a diked disposal area approximately on mile from the work site. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification is required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, in most cases, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is a reasonable time for state action. Therefore, if you have not acted on the request, or asked for an extension of time, by November 6, 1995, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact me at telephone (910) 251-4636. Sincerely, Jeff Richter Special Projects/CAMA Coordinator Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Enclosure Primed on 0 Recycled Paper -2- Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker ?'DYvision of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Bob Stroud Office Manager Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM Date: November 9, 1995 To: John Dorney Planning Branch From: James H. Gregson. Wilmington Regiona Office Through: Dave Adkins AL Wilmington Regional Office Subject: Regional Office Review and Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill Central Office Permit #95917 Sea Aire Canal P.O.A. Brunswick County G- c, J` 6N N PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to maintenance dredge an existing canal. The project has been reviewed to determine impacts to water quality. The following comments have been provided. 1. The project will require a 401 Water Quality Certification. 2. The project complies with the General 401 Water Quality Certification No. 2668 for dredge spoil dewatering. 3. The proposed project should be done in such a way as to not cause the turbidity outside the immediate construction area to exceed 25 NTU. This office has no objection to the project as proposed. JHG:95917. Nov cc: Wilmington Regional Office Files Central Files E.F. Brooks