HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191190 Ver 1_wa1666_20190905William Henry Wall Plantation Outbuildings E. side SR 1932, 0.3 mi S. of Franklin Co. line Wake Forest vic. Although the handsome, two story, transitional Federal/Greek Revival style house at the heart of the William Henry Wall Plantation complex was destroyed by fire in 1988, the property retains a significant collection of antebellum outbuildings, as well as several notable later structures and a stand of mature oak trees. Directly behind the old house site, stand a diamond -notched log smokehouse and a small plank dairy. Both have side -gable roofs with flush eaves and boxed cornices and batten doors. The dairy has strap door hinges and three unusual rectangular square sections of metal in a horizontal row on the front of the building, all with circular patterns of holes punched into them, apparently for decoration. To the south of the house site are a well house and a storage barn. The well house is a particularly well -finished post and beam structure on a tall granite block foundation. The well itself is in the front; to the rear is a storage area. Though now doorless, earlier photographs of the storage barn show original double doors with original iron strap hinges. Immediately to the north of the smokehouse and dairy is a two -room, side -gable -roofed building with central brick chimney and two batten doors that may have been a dwelling or a detached kitchen/dining room. This building also appears to be of mid -19th century vintage. Further to the north are several turn of the century or later barns and sheds, including an attractive 2 1/2 story, gable front barn with side shed. Across SR 1932 and to the northwest of the house site is a 2 1/2 cotton ginhouse, with hooded, gable front roof. The building appears to date from the late 19th century and has three batten doors on the front and bits of machinery in inside. Although likely associated with the main complex of the Wall farm originally, this building now appears to belong to another property. William Henry Wall is said to have acquired this property, originally around 400 acres, from William Roles, the founder of the town of Rolesville. source: author unknown, entry on the William Wall Plantation (enclosed in file). WILL WALL HOUSE ROUTE 3, WEST OAK STREET PRESENT OWNER - ALICE SOULE , E IN 840 ACRES WILLIAM HENRY WALL BUILT THISROLESl(FOROWHOMOROLESVIOLE LAND HE PURCHASED IN 1829 FROM WILLIAM- TWp DOWNSTAIRS WAS NAMED). ORIGINALLY THE HOUSE HAD FOUR ROOMS AND TWO UPSTAIRS. SIX TENANT FAMILIES USED TO SHARE-CROP HA E -CR OITH ON THE FARM WHICH WAS SELF SUPPORTING WITH A GRAINERY, WEAVING ROOM, AND SCHOOL ROOM. WILLIAM HENRY WALL WAS KILLED BY A UNION SOLDIER WHILE TRYING TO DEFEND TOS TO DURING THE CIVIL THE PROPERTY, THERE IS A FAMILY CEMETERY DATING B FAMILY SINCE IT WAS BUILT THE HOUSE HAS BEEN OWNED BY THE WALL OVER 145 YEARS AND FIVE GENERATIONS AGO. fir 7L r� oc'(4tl1/c iZGS 64 C, , Aa& /ray J/(Mc. J/Ue! /3- 393 yo �i�a e�/ Wim • ,, av �a 3 19,60 *C-L�� 'A� Aal�� CA 420 0 600 uli - QA / 3S 33 23 z( 20 ( J 7 ?IW F M F M F M M IL L 3 Xc�;,-t 7d��