HomeMy WebLinkAboutHF Lee - Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan FINAL161p synTerra COAL PILE AREA ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN FOR H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX 1199 BLACKJACK CHURCH ROAD GOLDSBORO, NC 27530 AUGUST 2019 PREPARED FOR DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PREPARED BY SYNTERRA CORPORATION 7;i�aue Chad Ponce Project Manager Jus li Mahan, NC PG 2026 Program Manager Coal Pile Area Assessment Work Plan August 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC - H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Regulatory Background...........................................................................................1-1 1.2 Site Background........................................................................................................1-1 1.3 Coal Pile Area Description and Background........................................................1-2 2.0 COAL PILE ASSESSMENT PLAN............................................................................2-1 2.1 Objectives................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Groundwater Assessment....................................................................................... 2-1 2.3 Soil Assessment......................................................................................................... 2-2 2.4 Reporting....................................................................................................................2-3 3.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................................3-1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Proposed Coal Pile Assessment Sample Locations LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Proposed Coal Pile Area Assessment Soil Samples and Monitoring Wells Table 2 Soil Analytical Parameters Table 3 Groundwater Analytical Parameters Page P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\51.Coal Pile Assessment\Work Plan\HF Lee - Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan FINAL.docx Coal Pile Area Assessment Work Plan August 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 1.0 INTRODUCTION This work plan provides a description of groundwater and soil assessment activities proposed for the former coal pile area at the H.F. Lee Energy Complex (H.F. Lee, Plant, or Site), owned and operated by Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy). 1.1 Regulatory Background In 2014, The North Carolina General Assembly passed the Coal Ash Management Act (CAMA). CAMA requires owners of coal combustion residuals (CCR) surface impoundments to conduct detailed assessment of site groundwater within and around CCR surface impoundments. In addition to CAMA requirements, North Carolina (NC) General Statutes and NC Administrative Code 02L provide requirements for the assessment and abatement of soil and groundwater impacts resulting from Site activities. Soil in the former coal pile area and underlying groundwater will be assessed to comply with existing regulations. 1.2 Site Background H.F. Lee is located on a 2,100 acre property near Goldsboro, in Wayne County, North Carolina. The Plant began commercial operation in 1951. Coal-fired power generation continued until the last coal-fired units were retired in September 2012. A natural gas - fired combined -cycle plant was constructed and began operation in December 2012. Coal ash was historically sluiced to the Plant's on -site ash basins, which include three inactive ash basins, an active ash basin and Lay of Land Area (LOLA). Despite the name, the active ash basin no longer receives coal ash, and the Site no longer generates coal ash. The primary sources of CCR-related constituents at H.F. Lee are the inactive ash basins and active ash basin. Previous reports provide descriptions of the Site operational history, physical setting and features, geology/hydrogeology, and results of Site assessment activities: • Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) Report — H.F. Lee Energy Complex (SynTerra, 2015a). • Corrective Action Plan Part 1— H.F. Lee Energy Complex (SynTerra, 2015b. • Corrective Action Plan Part 2 —H.F. Lee Energy Complex (SynTerra, 2016a). • Comprehensive Site Assessment Supplement 1— H.F. Lee Energy Complex (SynTerra, 2016b). Page 1-1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\51.Coa1 Pile Assessment\ Work Plan\HF Lee - Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan FINAL.docx Coal Pile Area Assessment Work Plan August 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 1.3 Coal Pile Area Description and Background The former coal pile area is located between the former coal plant operations area and the cooling pond (Figure 1). The coal pile was the storage area for coal used in coal-fired power generation at the Plant. Based on historical aerial photos, the approximate location of the coal pile remained consistent throughout the operating history of the Plant, with minor changes to the footprint depending on the volume of coal stockpiles. The former coal pile area is unlined and has been identified as a potential additional source of inorganic constituents in groundwater by North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). The former coal pile area is not coincident with ash basins at the Site. It is located approximately 1,000 feet west-southwest of the LOLA, 1,600 feet southwest of the active ash basin and approximately 3,800 feet east of the inactive ash basins. The coal pile area is separated from the inactive ash basins and active ash basin by the Neuse River, from the LOLA by the cooling pond, and from the combined -cycle plant by the bypass canal. The Neuse River is a hydrogeological divide and the hydraulic boundary for constituent migration at the Site (SynTerra, 2015a and 2016b). Water from the Neuse River is diverted north of the combined -cycle plant to form the bypass canal, which then rejoins the main Neuse River channel south of the Site. Groundwater flow direction beneath the coal pile is anticipated to be predominantly north toward the Neuse River and southwest toward the bypass canal. Several existing monitoring wells associated with a petroleum assessment, conducted by Mid -Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions (Mid -Atlantic), are located to the southwest, in the anticipated direction of groundwater flow from the coal pile. Those wells may be used to monitor groundwater flow direction. No existing monitoring wells are located in areas predicted to be upgradient from the coal pile. Page 1-2 P: \Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\51.Coa1 Pile Assessment\ Work Plan\HF Lee - Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan FINAL.docx Coal Pile Area Assessment Work Plan August 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 2.0 COAL PILE ASSESSMENT PLAN 2.1 Objectives Objectives of the coal pile assessment include: • Assess inorganic constituents in unsaturated soil. • Characterize inorganic constituent concentrations in groundwater and assess lateral and vertical extents. • Determine groundwater flow direction. • Evaluate potential constituent transport. Inorganic constituent concentrations in the coal pile area will be compared with Site background concentrations evaluated during the CAMA ash basin assessment and with other applicable regulatory criteria. 2.2 Groundwater Assessment The area surrounding the H.F. Lee Plant is characterized by shallow water table conditions occurring in surficial soils and unconsolidated sediments. The surficial groundwater flow zone is underlain by the Coastal Plain regional aquifer system. Three hydrostratigraphic units were identified at the Site during CSA activities: • Surficial - Surficial deposits in the western part of the Coastal Plain, including Wayne County, are composed of Quaternary terrace deposits that are primarily sands with inter -bedded silts and clays (Winner and Coble, 1996). The surficial flow layer is the primary flow zone for groundwater and constituent transport. • Cape Fear - The Cape Fear Formation is the oldest outcropping unit in the North Carolina Coastal Plain. It consists of interbedded clays and sands with some gravel. Clays range in color from gray with thin red zones to beds that are dominantly red to pink. Sands are noted to be rich in clay and commonly include clay clasts (Sohl and Owens, 1991). • Black Creek - The Black Creek Formation was described from river exposures upstream of Goldsboro, NC, as consisting mainly of "interbedded, carbonaceous, black clay and white sand units, or of thin -bedded, horizontally stratified interbeds of clay and glauconitic, quartz sand"(Sohl and Owens, 1991). Winner and Coble, 1996 noted a high organic content and the presence of lignitized wood as primary characteristics of Black Creek sediments in the subsurface. Pyrite is often associated with lignite fragments (Sohl and Owens, 1991). Page 2-1 P: \Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\51.Coa1 Pile Assessment\ Work Plan\HF Lee - Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan FINAL.docx Coal Pile Area Assessment Work Plan August 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Twelve (12) coal pile area assessment groundwater monitoring wells (designated as "CP ") will be installed in surficial, and deep (Cape Fear or Black Creek) groundwater zones in designated areas surrounding the coal pile. Six shallow ("S"), and six deep ("D"), groundwater monitoring wells (CPAS/D through CP-6S/D) would be installed as well clusters in and around the coal pile area. Specific well locations may be shifted depending on access and field conditions at the time of installation. Proposed coal pile area well installation locations are shown on Figure 1 and proposed well details are provided as Table 1. Well installation procedures and well construction materials and lengths will be consistent with ongoing CAMA assessment activities in accordance with the approved Proposed Groundwater Assessment Work Plan (Rev. 1) (SynTerra, 2014). During boring installation, soil/rock cuttings would be described for lithologic information, including color and soil/rock type. Each well will be constructed in accordance with NCAC Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .0100 Well Construction Standards and consist of 2-inch diameter NSF schedule 40 PVC flush -joint threaded casings and prepacked screens. After installation, the monitoring wells will be developed in order to remove drilling fluids, clay, silt, sand, and other fines, which might have been introduced into the formation or sand pack during drilling and well installation, and to establish communication of the well with the aquifer. After well completion, the newly installed wells will be surveyed for location and elevation. Groundwater samples will be collected using low -flow sampling techniques per the groundwater sampling procedures provided in the Low Flow Sampling Plan, Duke Energy Facilities, Ash Basin Groundwater Assessment Program, North Carolina, June 10, 2015 (Low Flow Sampling Plan). Groundwater samples will be analyzed for constituent parameters in Table 2. 2.3 Soil Assessment Coal pile area soils will be sampled and analyzed for inorganic parameters at prescribed depths (Table 1) from proposed monitoring well locations (Figure 1) as part of well installation activities. Depending on the depth -to -water encountered during completion of soil borings, one or two unsaturated soil samples will be collected above the water table at each monitoring well cluster location. Unsaturated soil samples will be analyzed for inorganic parameters listed on Table 3. Reporting limits are adjusted for comparison with NCDEQ Protection of Groundwater (POG) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). One unsaturated soil sample from each well location will also be analyzed by synthetic precipitation leaching procedure (SPLP). Page 2-2 P: \Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\51.Coa1 Pile Assessment\ Work Plan\HF Lee - Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan FINAL.docx Coal Pile Area Assessment Work Plan August 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra A saturated soil sample will be collected at each new well location within the well screen interval for inorganic parameters listed on Table 3 and potential analysis of metal oxy-hydroxide phases of iron and aluminum (HFO and HAO). After the first round of groundwater sampling, wells that are geochemically significant to the Site will be selected for HFO and HAO analysis as necessary. 2.4 Reporting The coal pile assessment findings will be presented in the Updated CSA report, which is anticipated to be submitted to NCDEQ by October 1, 2020. Page 2-3 P: \Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\51.Coa1 Pile Assessment\ Work Plan\HF Lee - Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan FINAL.docx Coal Pile Area Assessment Work Plan August 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 3.0 REFERENCES Duke Energy, 2015. Low Flow Sampling Plan, Ash Basin Groundwater Assessment Program. June 10. Mid -Atlantic, 2017. Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report, Petroleum Release Assessment. Duke Energy, H.F. Lee Plant, September 2017. Sohl, Norman F. and Owens, James P., 1991. Cretaceous Stratigraphy of the Carolina Coastal Plain in Horton, Wright and Zullo, Victor, The Geology of the Carolinas. SynTerra, 2014. Proposed Groundwater Assessment Work Plan (Revision 1) for H.F. Lee Energy Complex, December 2014. Winner, M.D., Jr., and Coble, R.W., 1996. Hydrogeologic Framework of the North Carolina Coastal Plain Aquifer System: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1404-I. Page 3-1 P: \Duke Energy Progress.1026\ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\51.Coa1 Pile Assessment\ Work Plan\HF Lee - Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan FINAL.docx Coal Pile Area Assessment Work Plan August 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Figure P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\51.Coa1 Pile Assessment\Work Plan\HF Lee - Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan FINAL.docx r` o CP-1S CP-2S CP-1D - - CP-2D CP-5S -5D CP-6S CPO CP-4S CP-3S CP-4D CP-3D tls� r r •i ^' n O r got ,. �►3► �� .1•. ..� (. b a ib. � b` .14 , a41hiro�a.i.. i l 1 r4 r ♦� �Seck,�fda , It DUKE ENERGY 4 LEGEND EXISTING MONITORING WELL (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) e PROPOSED COAL PILE ASSESSMENT WELLS O PROPOSED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (LOD) RAILROAD TRACKS TRANSMISSION LINES -- -- 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN LINE LISTED CULTURAL AREA FROM AMEC NRTR STREAM FROM AMEC NRTR WETLAND FROM AMEC NRTR T&E SPECIES FROM AMEC 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN FROM FEMA LAY OF LAND AREA (LOLA) APPROXIMATE WASTE BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ■ ■ DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS H. F. LEE SITE BOUNDARY STEVENS MIL ® FORMER COAL PILE NOTES: NATURAL RESOURCES TECHNICAL REPORT (NRTR) WAS PREPARED BYAMEC FOSTER WHEELER INC., JANUARY 30, 2015, POTENTIAL DISTURBANCE AREA IS APPROXIMATELY 0.6 ACRES, BASED ON AREA AROUND EACH DRILLING LOCATION. THE WATERS OF THE US HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED BYTHE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERSAT THE TIME OF THE MAP CREATION. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION PURPOSES. THE WETLANDSAND STREAMS BOUNDARIES WERE OBTAINED FROM AMEC FOSTER WHEELER ENVIRONMENTAL& INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. NATURAL RESOURCE TECHNICAL REPORT FOR H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX (2014TO 2017). PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM TERRASERVER ON JUNE 18, 2019. AERIAL WAS COLLECTED ON JANUARY 9, 2019. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINASTATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM RIPS 3200 (NAD83). GRAPHIC SCALE 440 0 440 880 (IN FEET) DRAWN BY: A. FEIGL DATE: 05/03/2019 REVISED BY: C. WYATT DATE: 08/19/2019 CHECKED BY: C. PONCE DATE: 08/19/2019 APPROVED BY: J. MAHAN DATE: 08/19/2019 PROJECT MANAGER: C. PONCE FIGURE 1 PROPOSED MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS COAL PILE AREA ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX GOLDSBORP NORTH CAROLINA Coal Pile Area Assessment Work Plan August 2019 Duke Energy Progress, LLC — H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Tables P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\51.Coa1 Pile Assessment\Work Plan\HF Lee - Coal Pile Assessment Work Plan FINAL.docx TABLE 1 PROPOSED COAL PILE AREA ASSESSMENT SOIL SAMPLES AND MONITORING WELLS COAL PILE AREA ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, GOLDSBORO, NC Estimated Soil Sample ID Well ID Well Depth (Estimated depth Drilling Method (feet bgs)1 interval in feet bgs)2 Coal Pile Monitoring Wells Comments3 -- -- CP-1 (1-3) -- Near -surface unsaturated soil sample. Water table —6 feet bgs CP-1S 20 CP-1 (10-20) Sonic/Hollow Stem Auger Screen in sands above confining unit. Screen interval soil sample. CP-ID 60 CP-1 (50-60) Sonic. Requires surface casing. Mud rotary has led to well development problems. Install surface casing into confining unit. Screen below confining unit or at target depth. Screen interval soil sample. -- -- CP-2 (1-3) -- Near -surface unsaturated soil sample. Water table —6 feet bgs CP-2S 20 CP-2 (10-20) Sonic/Hollow Stem Auger Screen in sands above confining unit. Screen interval soil sample. CP-2D 60 CP-2 (50-60) Sonic. Requires surface casing. Mud rotary has led to well development problems. Install surface casing into confining unit. Screen below confining unit or at target depth. Screen interval soil sample. -- -- CP-3 (1-3) -- Near -surface unsaturated soil sample. Water table —10 feet bgs -- -- CP-3 (6-8) -- Unsaturated soil sample. Water table —10 feet bgs CP-3S 20 CP-3 (10-20) Sonic/Hollow Stem Auger Screen in sands above confining unit. Screen interval soil sample. CP-3D 60 CP-3 (50-60) Sonic. Requires surface casing. Mud rotary has led to well development problems. Install surface casing into confining unit. Screen below confining unit or at target depth. Screen interval soil sample. -- -- CP-4 (1-3) -- Near -surface unsaturated soil sample. Water table —10 feet bgs -- -- CP-4 (6-8) -- Unsaturated soil sample. Water table —10 feet bgs CP-4S 20 CP-4 (10-20) Sonic/Hollow Stem Auger Screen in sands above confining unit. Screen interval soil sample. CP-4D 60 CP-4 (50-60) Sonic. Requires surface casing. Mud rotary has led to well development problems. Install surface casing into confining unit. Screen below confining unit or at target depth. Screen interval soil sample. -- -- CP-5 (1-3) -- Near -surface unsaturated soil sample. Water table —10 feet bgs -- -- CP-5 (6-8) -- Unsaturated soil sample. Water table —10 feet bgs CP-5S -- CP-5 (10-20) Sonic/Hollow Stem Auger Screen in sands above confining unit. Screen interval soil sample. CP-5D 60 CP-5 (50-60) Sonic. Requires surface casing. Mud rotary has led to well development problems. Install surface casing into confining unit. Screen below confining unit or at target depth. Screen interval soil sample. -- -- CP-6 (1-3) -- Near -surface unsaturated soil sample. Water table —10 feet bgs -- -- CP-6 (6-8) -- Unsaturated soil sample. Water table —10 feet bgs CP-6S 20 CP-6 (10-20) Sonic/Hollow Stem Auger Screen in sands above confining unit. Screen interval soil sample. CP-61D 60 CP-6 (50-60) Sonic. Requires surface casing. Mud rotary has led to well development problems. Install surface casing into confining unit. Screen below confining unit or at target depth. Screen interval soil sample. Notes• - Approximately -- - Not applicable bgs - below ground surface ft. - feet 1 Proposed boring depths and screened intervals are estimates based on well construction information from nearest spatially existing wells; actual screened intervals and total boring depths will be determined based on field observations and approved by a NC Licensed Geologist. SynTerra recommends each well screen be submerged beneath the water table and have a length of at least 10 feet. 2 Number of soil samples shown is approximate. A shallower water table will result in fewer samples, and a deeper water table will result in additional samples. 3 All soil samples will be analyzed for inorganic parameters. HAO/HFO samples will be collected from screen intervals and analyzed as needed to support geochemical modeling. Created by: TCP Checked by: JDM P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\51.Coal Pile Assessment\Work Plan\Table 1 - Proposed Coal Pile Assessment Soil Samples and monitoring wells Table 1 - Proposed Coal Pile Assessment Soil Samples and monitoring wells Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 SOIL ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS COAL PILE AREA ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLES DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, GOLDSBORO, NC INORGANIC COMPOUNDS PSRG POG UNITS METHOD Aluminum 110000 mg/kg EPA 6010D Antimony 0.9 mg/kg EPA 6020B Arsenic 5.8 mg/kg EPA 6020B Barium 580 mg/kg EPA 6010D Beryllium 63 mg/kg EPA 6020B Boron 45 mg/kg EPA 6010D Cadmium 3 mg/kg EPA 6020B Calcium NE mg/kg EPA 6010D Chloride* NE mg/kg EPA 9056A Chromium 3.8 mg/kg EPA 6010D Cobalt 0.9 mg/kg EPA 6020B Copper 700 mg/kg EPA 6010D Iron 150 mg/kg EPA 6010D Lead 270 mg/kg EPA 6020B Magnesium NE mg/kg EPA 6010D Manganese 65 mg/kg EPA 6010D Mercury* 1 mg/kg EPA 7471B or 7470A Molybdenum 7.1 mg/kg EPA 6010D Nickel 130 mg/kg EPA 6010D Nitrate as Nitrogen* NE mg/kg EPA 9056A pH* NE S.U. EPA 9045D Potassium NE mg/kg EPA 6010D Selenium 2.1 mg/kg EPA 6020B Sodium NE mg/kg EPA 6010D Strontium 1500 mg/kg EPA 6010D Sulfate* NE mg/kg EPA 9056A Thallium low level 0.28 mg/kq EPA 6020B Total Organic Carbon* NE mg/kg EPA 9060A Vanadium 350 mg/kg EPA 6020B Zinc 1200 mg/kg EPA 6010D Prepared by: RBI Checked by: CJS Notes• 1. Soil samples to be analyzed for Total Inorganics using USEPA Methods 6010/6020 and pH using USEPA Method 9045, as noted above. Select soil samples will also be analyzed for leaching potential using SPLP Extraction Method 1312 in conjunction with USEPA Methods 6010/6020. 2. Analytical methods and reporting limits as presented were applicable as of May 6, 2019. Analytical methods and reporting limits are updated periodically and applied as appropriate. *Select constituents are not analyzed for leaching potential. PSRG POG - Primary Soil Remediation Goals Protection of Groundwa mg/kg - Milligrams per kilogram S.U. - Standard Unit P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\51.Coal Pile Assessment\Work Plan\ Table 2 - Soil Analytical Parameters Page 1 of 1 TABLE 3 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS COAL PILE AREA ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, GOLDSBORO, NC PARAMETER RL UNITS METHOD FIELD PARAMETERS H NA SU Field Water Quality Meter Specific Conductance NA VS/cm Field Water Quality Meter Oxidation Reduction Potential NA mV Field Water Quality Meter Temperature NA oC Field Water Quality Meter Eh NA mV Field Water Quality Meter and Calculation Dissolved Oxygen NA mg/L Field Water Quality Meter Turbidity NA NTU Field Water Quality Meter INORGANICS (total and dissolved) Aluminum 5 pg/L EPA 200.7 Antimony 1 L EPA 200.8 Arsenic 1 pg/L EPA 200.8 Barium 5 L EPA 200.7 Beryllium 1 pg/L EPA 200.8 Boron 50 L EPA 200.7 Cadmium 0.1 pg/L EPA 200.8 Chromium 1 L EPA 200.8 Chromium (VI) 0.025 pg/L EPA 218.7 Cobalt 1 L EPA 200.8 Copper 1 pg/L EPA 200.8 Iron 10 L EPA 200.7 Lead 1 pg/L EPA 200.8 Lithium 2.5 L EPA 200.8 Manganese 5 pg/L EPA 200.7 Mercury 0.00005 m L EPA 245.1 or 7470A Molybdenum 1 pg/L EPA 200.8 Nickel 1 L EPA 200.8 Phosphorus 0.0005 pg/L EPA 365.1 Selenium 1 L EPA 200.8 Silver 0.3 pg/L EPA 200.8 Strontium 5 L EPA 200.7 Thallium (low level) 0.2 pg/L EPA 200.8 Vanadium low level 0.3 p L EPA 200.8 Zinc 5 L EPA 200.7 RADIONUCLIDES Radium 226 1 pCi/L EPA 903.1 Modified Radium 228 1 pCi/L EPA 904.0/SW846 9320 Modified Uranium 233 234 236 238 Varies by isotope mL SW846 3010A 6020A ANIONS/CATIONS/OTHER Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 5 mg/L SM 2320B Bicarbonate 5 m L SM 2320E Calcium 0.01 mg/L EPA 200.7 Carbonate 5 m L SM 2320E Chloride 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 Fluoride 0.1 m L EPA 300.0 Magnesium 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 Nitrate + Nitrite 0.01 m -N L EPA 353.2 Potassium 0.1 mg/L EPA 200.7 Sodium 0.05 m L EPA 200.7 Sulfate 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 Sulfide 0.1 m L SM 4S00-S2D Total Dissolved Solids 25 mg/L SM 2540C Total Organic Carbon 0.1 m L SM5310B EPA9060A Total Sus ended Solids 2.5 m L SM 2540D Prepared by: REB Checked by: KHG Notes: OC - Degrees Celsius µS/cm - micro -Siemens per centimeter µg/L - Micrograms per liter µg/mL - Micrograms per milliliter RL - Reporting limit mg - N/L - Milligrams nitrogen per liter mg/L - Milligrams per liter mV - Millivolts NA - not applicable NTU - Nephelometric turbidity unit pCi/L - Picocuries per liter S.U. - Standard Unit P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\51.Coal Pile Assessment\Work Plan\ Table 3 - Groundwater Analytical Parameters Page 1 of 1