HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG060356_Email RE SIC Change in BIMS Confirmation_20190830Georgoulias, Bethany
From: Georgoulias, Bethany
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2019 1:00 PM
To: BARR Nicholas
Subject: RE: BioMerieux Durham, COC NCG060356
I have revised the SIC code for this facility to 2835 (which is attached to the "facility" in our permitting database), and I
have included a comment about the change. A screen shot of each is below for your records. I'll also include this
correspondence with the Permit COC file.
Typically an SIC starting with 28— would apply for an individual permit because the chemical and allied products sector
is so large and varied, but this facility will remain under the NCG060000 General Permit, which covers like activities. An
excerpt of the cover page of the NCG06 General Permit is also below for reference. If a future inspection ever
determines that this general permit is not appropriate, the company may be advised to apply for an individual permit.
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Find Facility
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Facility Details RegI-113tedAcltivi ies tions sics
Facility: 13,iomerieLff, Inc.
/30/Z015: Spoke with Nick Barr at Biomerieux regarding update to, SIC in BIMS to accurately describe
anufacturing activity Cfrom a 38-- category to 2'835) because the site has recently uladated its NAIC
ov,erage Linder NCGOEOOOO Stormwater General permit still acedeptabLe because of like activities-
Fund FaCifi�y
Bethany Georgoulias
Environmental Engineer
StoronwaterProgram, Division ofEnergy, Mineral, and Land Resources
0.C.Department ofEnvironmental Quality
9197873641 office
5130. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, 0C 37684Uocadonl
1613Mail Service Center, Raleigh 0C 37699-1613hoadbnul
From: BARR Nicholas [mai|to:nicho|as.barr@biomeheuucom]
Sent: Friday, August 3U,ZU199:46AM
To: Geor8ou|ias,Bethany <bethany.8eor8ou|ias@ncdenr.8ovx
Subject: [Externa|]bioMerieuxDurham, COCNGCU6356
Ms. Georgoulias,
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today and your help. This is confirming by our conversation today that
based on our activities at this location the manufacture of the blood culture BacT/ALERT bottle it is best served under
the NCG06000 General Permit.
If you have an further questions please feel free to reach out to me.
Kind Regards,
Nicholas Barr
bioMerieux, Inc. I Manager HSE Affairs
Durham Operations
Tel: 919.620.2109 1 Mobile: 919.618.9278 1 Fax: 919.620.2235
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