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Offshore P,O L Di~cha~ge _~ystem The Offshore POL Di scharge System is a commercially produced system usi ng "off the shelf" tech- nology to provide bul k fuel di scharge from large tankers across an unim- proved beach. It supports the fuel requirements of Army, Air Force and Marine Corps units operating ashore. The system consists of 4 miles of flexible steel, reinforced ,~floatl sink" piping, a temporary spread moor fa r a tanker, and a si ngle poi nt moor called a SALM (Single Anchor Leg Moor). The tanker sets a spread moor and deploys the pipe to the shore with the assistance of four SlWTs or other equivalent water craft. Within 48 hours the tanker is ready to pump POL to the beach at the rate of 1.2 mil lion gallons per 20-hour day. SALM & BUOY PIPELINE REELS '" TOWING I SPREADMOOR WINCH Figure 29A. OPDS Tanker with SALM on Oec'k Wi thi n 7 days the 900 ton SALM is installed, with the assistance of fourSLWTs, and it provides uni nter- rupted POL delivery. The SALM pennits a tanker to remain on station, and pumping, in much higher sea states than is possible on the spread moor. The SALM is recoverab le and can be towed or lifted to a new location and rei nstalled. '\, Figure 29B. Single Anchor Le.g Moor,!n:g (S~LM). _._ , .....'...::~t~~~G~i;~'.~~~~;~1:ft~~~~~i~~i~_di~;.;::;~;-~::f..-;<~::.=<~~~i.2~~~i;~i~i~~.~~tfJ;;,i:t:~~~~i~~;;:~if~~~}~~;i~~~~~... .~tJ" '~~>;~~~~~!:;i:~C/J!t' ~;;'r:?~?~~if:-~rr. "\;"i~P~, . ..,-.. '" - '. ."...."". "f ' ';; -- tlo. - ..J - -. -, '1t.,>i:-:'>- ,~~,,__,,_~, .it '". -." a: - -""-._":~"J'~" ..... 0 ~ ': ". :E (,) U. t:< .. ' III ~ ~: Z', "'~a.Q en :EW.... '- Cl)a:O ".. :J~< In o;::~ 1111 .... C UJ e:&I - en ..J :E "R a. a: z ~/ i: ~ ~ CI)>m c:( a:WW :c W:C..J (.) ~~~ en ;::O~ ....., <: (f) :J ~,'" - <( z ... 'V, > W :J Ie! Q CI) C:c IGiii I-<(W ~ OZo: :) 0 :J.-UJ 1i.1 - eWe I'M ~ oo:z -I a:Ow ~a.:ca: o Z::;ECI)z 'All W:J < w WIll ~WCI)W ... "::::::..Jwm WOow III a: a: a: > A -1-0< ... ::)Wu.:c .-.1 0 a. 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CI ..12 z i:" C =..1 = o. :E 0< '. - >- .'-. . e ." :!! = cc = = - (J = '0 ." . -~ z ~~ z::- Z == <- = -3: 1( = 3:Cf,I :E t-= z~ W 6- -, .... I = c:J 2 - en .f ,- -I I I I ";., <~ - . I " ,- ..--..: , .;. ... ,. ~ OFFSHORE PETROLEUM DISCHARGE SYSTEM (OPDS) -O~r 24-1994 15:57 FROM RSS HQ TD 1993 TO 94456090 P.02 ..,.:.... 1 ~. :':"'~.Q1uIl, Jii~,e_.~~. The aavy is responsibe for the aeliwexy of bulk petroleum to ,~he hi9h water mark for all DOD c~DtS. In suppo~t cf Naval and JLOTS operations, Maval leac~ Group aDd uDaerwater Conatructio~ Team units will effect the ~5tallation of OffshoTe Bulk Fuel Sys~ems. In support of pur.l~ Army ~S operations where no Daval unite are assigned. Ar~ ~nits will ift8~all the Offshore Petroleum Discharge syste.. I a!. ~ibiouL..AsDul ~ Bulk Fu_l SYS~_. The AABFS is a f-1ncb floating hose system. The amphibious ..sault forces use a S,OOO-foot version for the delive~y of initial bulk ~uel supplies carried in .a~ shippift9. Maritime Ere-positionin; ships are equipped with a ~O~OOO-foot ~ontiguratioD. ID8tallation of tbese syst~ is conducted ~rem a~hibiQus lighterage ana takes about 4 hours. The system bas a GOO-gal1oD-pe~-miDute capacity. Although zapidly instal1able, the system has a limitea life ~pe~t.ncy because it floa~s in tbe $urf. Fo~ e%tended operations, a mo~e p.~aneftt system must be installed to ~et th~ continvin9 ~ema4d of a large torce. ~i ~. Q.~~ pet~J,eum oischar.9'& System.. The OPDS is used to discharge moaern militarily useful sized tankers ac~oSS ~D unimproved shoteline to support e%pe4itionary forces. OP~S was developed by the Navy to meet the projected fuel requirements Of all Services in a major conf:lict where port. ~or discharqe of tankers ate in.adequate or lJOne~dlitent. 'the system con.sists of a tanker, 4 ~iles of flexible conduit, a temporary four-point sp~ead mooring# I single point moo~ing called a Bingle ancbor leg moorinq (SALK), bigb pressure boost pumps, aDd beach termination unit (BTU). Fivuxe tV-loa shows the arrangement of componen~s OD SS POTOMAc. Fi9ure iV-ll illustrates the 56 AMERICA>> OSPREY aDd its main ~omponents. -Figure IV~~2 shows the arrange~nt of the components in tbe system when installea. . ! (I) 9~QS Syst~ ~apabili~i'R and Componeots..OPDS was designea to deliver fuel at 1,000 gallons per minute pxoviding 1.2 million ;allona (28,600 barrels) pe. ~O hour period. A downtime of 4 ,hoUl:s per day downtime was permitte~ 1ft the operational requirement to allow for cor~ective and p~eyentive maift~enanee of the system. However~ the OPDS is c~p.ble of 24-hour-per-day operation foz extended periods of time when neea.d. &nployment proeeaures call tor use of the OPDS tan~er as ~ st~tion t~ftKer that remains at the mooring and pumps CODt1nuously when f~el is required ashore. 7ariker$ aelive~ fuel to IV-I! · .OCT-24-1994 .! i :- I I j I I :1 l l I I 1 t ~ .. .. . . .. . ~ oe--.z . t I . ".11I f!\ 0..:1 fteftw · u ...c ....... ~. CAt ...~ c! ... -' QQ .... ~ c.:a . ~ cc c 00 :! ...... '2 :I ...... 8 cc "'..1 .Q OW :),:1 E 5 .... 11.11. ~ i ., ~ .~ ~ I . 0 I ,.. I > .... Ii f! ~ ~ g. ~~ :1 "" :tl 1>0 !t ~: e, . z iI' c= .,jD -Q == 15:57 FROM RSS HQ TD 1993 TO P.03 94456090 ....~ 'l'..., . . l- . ~ o o . .- .. 'ft {' ~r IV-19 ~o~r-24-1994 15:58 ! 'j , : i , , I : t , ; ! . ", :'! . 0 . i : i ~ I'.' , ' :', I '. .i : ~. , ~. 0';" '1: 1'.1', . .. ::!:-: : Ii , l'~' l' ~', . ,: (! n,~ i. ~:r f" :Ii" ';~~.,i;!: I d';! : .....'.h i ';'1)" h. it il .... ,; i'l! "'11 ,t:...t FROM RSS HQ TD 1993 0000 ; I I I I I i I I ! ! i ! I I I I i I I I ! ! I 1 . ~ I .1 IV-20 . ..~..,:~~ ~ TO 94456090 tIl...._ ,~~ :;J"'.. CLi-_ oUj\~ :J,5A. ~ - t; ;: JE,€ w' ~ 1.5 i'~. f,il.c....~ li3,l!i ..,ji'~3w:: I:t: eU i8':~IClJ ~,):'Z~ ~2i.:I~i~Olli ! i ~:~ 11; ~ 2 ! I ~ ,s i "'2<1fJ:.~.............. @)@}~~~@cl>@(!)(!)(!)(j) 0.. ~ ;~ _& ~ Co.~ ~ ~ i _w 360i lL .. ~In ~L - lL~ ~s~ e t> .....i oSrs - ~ ~a C1uca::.dM-s f$ Zw t~<w. <. . ~Q :)-1 ~.. 4IS 8 jE~o ~ ~g~::i i~iiA ~@@@~@@(!)@0@ ~ B ~ I Ii I; ! ! is'!S~ .. I 101111' Sli I I~o: 1--''''0 I~I! 5 1:12 l~; &ealuil eeeeeee0E><i>€) .- ,.~ J ~1>:; :" . P.04 !' ... ~ ~ ~ .! ~ or:. ~ JI 01 ~ co ~ ~ co c:l ~ . .... ... >> ;. ~ o 101 ::I D!l ... ~ ~. 'i. }" ~ . -Oc'r-24-1994 15:58 FROM RSS HQ TD 1993 TO 94456090 P.05 " . . '.',w;,~. . ....... " " " , .' " " " , j : , , . " .... . . If' . J ... , , . i I I . " .:~~, ::,::;";~:{ . ' : ." I :Ei I toO:. :t :;" . .,..~:I. .~., 3 ": .::~~.,~ .~ . I,... . ., ~ ..~.:. ~ . .. I. ......~f-:.:.,' ~ ~! . . . I I~ . .. '. .' , . . . " 18 ',' tn . ." " . > '0 II w I~ ~I 4, J .%1 .. l 01 :>II ~ 1; . (/)! . - Ul Iz .. '- _I I 'J O! 'I I. fi 'I . :EI ;1 ~ ~ . i :)' 1'1 , .. t . .... 1 Wi .0 ;11 J ..J' :I " ! . a ~. ~ .1 D:I t i tIot ~ ,~ ~ - . I '. . ~ ., .. I C'll i .-4 I I "t > f . . III i g H I I I i ex: II: t l . I I II ~ 0 .. ..-i J . I .. :J: i' , B i! : ~ I I I '1 Hf .- I <I e i 0 ! 1 ~ .. : ...... -a" -o~r-24-1994 15:59 FROM R55 HQ TD 1993 < " the oms tanker by alOR9siae consol, pe~itting the OPOS ......station tanker to pump concin"lQuslr wft~n E'eC}u~Ce<1 to eo .'....'&0. This procedure provides aft effect.?e delJ.very rate .'of 1.44 Dlillio~'gallofts (abOut 34.300 ha~re!s) pe:r day. Capabilitie. and components follow: <.a) Two types of pipeline have been procured. O~DS Bo. 1 (USNS P07OMAC) 'has a steel reinforced, flexible, float sink pipeline configured in eight 2~640 feet sections. Sub~equeat systems will have . vuleanized el.stomerie baseline reiftforce4 with steel cord much like ~hat ,of a steel radial automobile tire. This hoselice is configured in twenty-four 1,014 foot sections of pipeline (4 nagtical miles). Both conduits float when filled witb air for ease of deployment aDd sink to the bottom when filled with wa~er or petroleum. (b) The SALK type of sinqle point mooring permita the tanker to awini freely, in tbe wind and current and will bold a 70rOOO-~eaaweight-ton tanker 'in sea state 5. The product swivel permits the tanker to weatbervane without ~amagin; the p~peline and to pump two pcoducts simultaneously where the distance to shore i. less than 2 miles. A teAsimoter on the mooring hawser [)erlll1t:s the: tanker master to judge w~en 'conditions,~ictate leavinq tbe mooring or taking other measures to ride out bad weather. I j i . I i I I ...; TO 94456090 P.06 . (c) OPOS is desi9Ded to be installed as a coordinated effort involving the'tanker crew, Unde~water Construction Team (UCT) givers, and PHIBCB SLWT' and beach erews. All operations perfo~a on board the tanker are under the overall control of the tanker master. OPDS iDstallation efforts external to the ta'Ziker are the 'responsibi.lity of the Naval Beach Group CNBG) Fuels Officer. Tugs IIIUSt be oD-station when the tanker . arrives at the in~tallatlon site. On ar~ival_ the ~ugs 8#sist the 1:anke'r ill setting the spread moor. The t:uqs ,then deploY' the pipeline and deliver the 8TU to the beach. Syst.em requiremeats ellll for the capability to pump at 1000 'gpm from tbis confi;ucation within 48 hours of tanke~ arrival. . IV-22 .. .. - . :-. -"- : ;~~. . .. ... . -....L t., .....~__:..'!-. :"....~..... ":.~ 0:':.' :._",.. ... '.:o-~'.~__.._ ...... roc ~o~r-24-1994 15:59 FROM RSS HQ TD 1993 94456090 P.07 , t ~ ........ TO ,f' . ....~,:t.. . , (d) ThiB spre~d ~c~r is a rigid moor.. It holds tbe tanker in one position rela,t,ive to ~he s'ea floor. Zt is designee! only to permit ~he system to meet the 48 bOut criteria to bQgia delivery of fuel. (e) The tan~ex crew conducts tbe SALK launch. NbeD the SALK is waterborne, the SLWrs position i~ over ~he sink site. Divers deplor aDel book up the pigtail, submarine, and floating boses to the SALK. Details of stora~e aDd deployment of these hoses .ar,y, aDd the OPDS operations mauual cover speeiflc requiremeftts for installatioft. The' SALK b..a, when ready, is sunk, the mooring buoy floats free, and the SALK is ready to receive the tanker. The SALK is deplo~able in 35 to 190 feet of water. In planning the OPDS 1nstallltion, particular attention shOuld be allocated to the location of tbe SALM. Colder water, 6eeper depths, and greater curreftts will have significant impae~s on diver and diving equipment requiremen~s. EXtr~ conditions greatly increase the diffiCUlty of recovery of the SALM. At. water depths 35 to 60 feet:, a small auziliary buor is used in plaee at tbe large GO-toD huoy that must be toyed c18ar after the SALK base is sunk. I " ; I; , (f) After the SALK has been prepared and sunk in place, the ta~ker ceases pumpi~9 from the sp~ead JnOor. The tanker passes the end of ,tbe pipeline 'to ~ an SLWT for hookup to the SA~ pigtail hose. The tanker then retrieves the four-point sp~ead ~or ana moors using the SALK buoy hawwer:. The floating hose is delivered to the side of the tanker, which makes, up the hose to its manifold .nd ~ecommences pumping fuel. The changeover time requirement is 10 'hours downtime on pump-in; operations. SALK desivn criteria calls for the single point moor installation to be completea witbin 7 ~ays of tanker arrival. (2) Or9Rniz~tioq a~d B~ilitias. ,Once tbe ship is on liite, the Oi'DS installation. or: retxi8'YBl operation is executed unde~ the Naval Beach Group, by'the Fuels Officer~ with detai1ed direction provided by an OPDS OIC_ Both axe no~ally assigned from the suppo~tin9 PlUBCB but may be the same inaividual. depenCling upon opera~1cnal size aDd scope. Under the Fuels Officer/Ole OPDS are three pri~8ry supporting operating units: r:Y-23 .:~'f 'Tf::! . ,0. r --l--- . " ~OC~-24-1994 16:00 FROM RSS HQ TD 1993 94456090 P.0B ~he PHIBCB fuels element. tile tanker, and the tJC'l" detachment. The fuel Officer/OPOS Ole (in addition to oveEal1 system installatien) is responsi~le for all installation and 'retrieval ope~atioDS ezternal to the tanker. The tanker master is respona!ble fox all sbiTl'board operations liIftd fo~ the safety of' the ship. The UCT Qfficer-in-cbarge (Ole) is ~.sponsible tor installation of the SALK and all aiving operations related to the SALM, conduit iastallation/stabilizatlon/retrieval/repair. ,Figure %V-13 sbows the OPDS or9ani~ation. (3) .ano~er Requ1,~~pt,. Overall ~.rsonnel requirements for OPDS inst.l1a~ioD and retrieval include the ~aDker, O~DS, ~peci&lists, divers, aDd tug c~ew.. Kilitary perlonnel are provided by the ~espective Cl.c from the supporti~q PHIBCB and VCT. 1 1. \' , ' I . : i .. ! .' : i i ~ : I ; r' . j 1 ,; . ....l . ,': ',' .: ;:, ~ /':i. ~ , . ," .. .. . ;.,,!: ; :,:;,.;. ! .. TO (a> Civilian Per~oD~el. The tanker mester may be assisted Qy a team of OPD8 specialists as shown in Figure IV-13. (b) Military Personnel. ' The 8..a1 compoaent c~ander will p~ovide p~raonnel f~om ~he support PHIBC8 and OCT. The.1LC1lS COMtiJ:nder provides en ogoS Officer-rn-Char9& (Ole) who di~ecta all OPOS installation. The 3LOTS ~an4er must ~lso p~ovide sufficient divers and tUg crews for installation and ~ecover7 of the pipeliae and SALK. Additional personnel may also be requi~.a for beach support. (c) Petroleu. Systems Interfacing. ~he a.val component has the ~eBponsibility for installation of the bulk fuel Systeat to the high water lU~k# and tbe forces ashore bave the r~apoDsibility for installaticn of th. termiaal aDd 4istributioD Systen& inland. An Army component pettoleum elesnent, elth8~ the pettolewa gl'OUP Ot the petroleum pipeline and t.tminal operatiDg battalio~ is re~ponsible foe installatioD of the InlaAa PGtroleum Dist~ibutioD System (IPDS), wbich begins at the jUDctuJ:e of OPDS beach te:nnnaticl1 uDit (8'1'U) ,and the Tactic;al Petroleum Terminal (Tn) beach interface unit (BIU). Several beach preparation considerations are coft8idered in patagraphs 5g, j. and 1. During offsbore ana onsbore iftstallations. coordiaatioft between the Service ccmpcnents must be continuously effected to ensure logical timing of installatione. proper IV-24 . "'~"'- -.OC"T-24-1994 16:01 FROM RSS HQ TD 1993 I 'I t ~ t L .un CCIINHIiI '..... ,.,. OIt ODS 1'-1 :&f...._.<1. ~. m:.omcu .mrll .. 8UIr CIIMS ' .. BIICI $lPPORr ... J)JVDS - tECIUUC1. COOIDl.rICllf ora .--..-. crInImML .liDs onsIlI 11I1' r.tm.1KES . IF PIISB TO + ., , I , I , l r I I L , I I I I I . I 1 . . I I ~ t t , . I , . . , I I t I I . . -.-.. 94456090 P.09 F1$UN I.V-I3. OFDS Installation -.d 'I.etriQ~l OrgaAizat'1oft IV-2S SIll' MSDI , & , - CIIIr M1I I J - GllJI' -.' I I - tAI8EI CUll . , . J . I .-.-....-~ MGIIIIlG . IUTD i"- GIllS GUD' latE li- i- OPIS IJIItBD . :ao ... 'SllCtWS'IS . ':. tt..:"~.~~fJ' . ,', " Ii i~~: :M . .,; .;~,. " ::,' : ::.~ :.(1 . l,~~, ;.'.11 ~~..': . . i~~\' ~j~'~~ ...... Li~" . : rili "'1 ,..,. ::~r. i. I~ ' ~f ~ r i f f i . ~.~j . "OC~~24-1994 16:01 FROM RSS HQ TD 1993 I j . J t , , f: t! II If " '. .... . ;. ~ '. . .! .. ~ :::.;;;: ~ .::: ~~ ~ I, t TO 94456090 P.10 location ot the interfacing equipmeut at the beach. e~amufti~atioDS, and. other instAllation interfaces may be U4Cuted. (1) If installationlli begl'D au~i'ng the phase wben the JLOTS Commander is from the: Rav81 component, the JLOTS Commander d08s ~ot control the force. ashore installing the oftshore pe~~oleum 3Y8tea.~ and coordination between the Services during installation must be coatinuously effected. (2) If installation be1;iD when the JLOTS Commander is from the Ar~ component, the . JLOTS COlIIIIsnaer has OPCOR of forces installing the OPDS, IPDS, and TPT. Despite having this .ingle responsible eommauaerr because of the diversity of ,units effectinv the iD~tal1ations aDd their geographic separation, continuous coordination betweeft the units is necessary. 4. ~\Al Equi~~~ and Ma~erial~ Descriptioft~ of key items of equipMent to be used in the p~eparatioft of the LOA are discussed in this seetioa. . , ! I a. :t.e.r.miPal Service Qnit: Ma,terl,l!lIls Handlina' 1!00uiEmll!tnt:.. Terminal service units have a l!mited beach prepa~ation and construction capability. Although te~min.l service units are responsible fer beach preparation. engineer combat heavy and por~ eonstruetion engineer units will provide sup.ervisory personnel. and peE"fonn most eDgintMring cons~zuction tasks in the area of operation. Construction equipmeDt or9anie to breakbulk TerMinal Service u~i~s include~ 4ump trucks and bul1do~Qr.. ,Bulldozers are used for several purposes, including surface p~eparation, berm constructioD, and yehicle MHE recovery. Tires can be placed on the bullaozer's blade to push landing craft back in the water. ! ! i , ! I b.. Rouqh T.rra~Dt.ainer HsndlU.. Marine Corps laQ4iu9 support units and A~ ~ermin41 units with coat,iner handling capability are equipped with'RTCHs. RTCHa e~e xated at 50,000 lbs and are capable of handling containers of 20, 3S, Bnd 40 feet in length on beaches and within te~mine18. 2TCHs cannot discharge containers from landing craft but: are ideal tor discharg-inq cont:ainers from causeway fer~tes. For furthe~ information on Army opera~ions in this a~e., see PM SS.lS, "Transportation Reference Dat8~. Fi9ure IV-14 shows the &TCH ana various other .a~erials hanalinq equipment. . f i IV-2.6 .. , f t .i.....;.:' I j i .f', . I I ! TomL.. P. 18 " i I, i 1, ~..., --...- __1. - ., I ;.\ I a . V-1lt11 L___ ~ m~if c;/fhs- ~a~ ----WA~~ ~ill___t1i{!}1L___ ~- -~:JO[::D? 7JJ~, ~v,f!1~- L{o( c;if----~~/?ML -~----[ICtUJ{[ /j[jOlc{ . lLS... JLl_Iil! Jt.. 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