HomeMy WebLinkAbout105 Knights Way 13 FILE COpy State of North Carolina Department of Environn1ent, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street · Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Acting Director October 30, 1992 Mr. Ron Smith 105 Knight's Way Y oungsville, North Carolina 27596 Dear Mr. Smith: We were recently contacted about your clearing of trees on your property at 105 Knight's Way (Lot 13). Annette Liggett of my staff visited the site on October 30, 1992. We were contacted because your action is taking place in wetlands along Horse Creek, and we are responsible for seeing that water quality is not degraded in the waters of the state. . It appears that you are only cutting trees and therefore there would be no federal or state regulations which restrict this. However, if you plan to fill the wetlands along Horse Creek, you must contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and our office prior to any fill. This is in accordance with Section 404 and Section 401 of the United States Clean Water Act. If the fill involves more than one-third acre of wetland, you may qualify for a federal Nationwide 26 Permit but will need written state approval. You should contact Eric Alsmeyer of the Corps of Engineers at 919-876-8441 and Eric Galamb ofthe Wetlands and Technical Review Group at 919-733-1786. Please note that the southeast corner of your property is within the area designated as "stream buffer" on the subdivision plat. We are sending a copy of this lettei' to the Franklin County Planning Department to allow them to act on this if they desire. Sincerely, ~~ Wetlands and Tech~ical Review Group JD/asl cc: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Office Franklin County Planning Department . REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, Nonh Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity AffIrmative Action Employer , .I . '. PAR1ltENT OF TRANS,' 'mATION DIVISION OF HlGHW~ fs FlltAHKUN C9tJHTY KALTM ~ClQR jMft., 11 ~'f;~ ..----- .. -~ -.. OlTE ' pROPOSED~ SUBDlVtSIOfll . ,... ~ b ;ONSTRUCTION STANDARDS CI~~'FiCATlON ROVED ~,;(: IlAf;:'/ I16-1..;ii!J" DISTRICT EN{;WEER ' 4d-OATE ._,."'S;' 'F~"HOlDEN HEIRS . 080 BOOK 9 PG 304 TRACT 1 . '0 FROM PRF I SLIDE 46A AOOPTE -:iil!!!!!5- ~ L- ~ . Pro,re v-~ -} i -ia, I~,"" f"'f""\' 1...,,,,,_,,",,,,",, I b Q) (Jj Q) n tr) 0) "=" - 't .,@ UJ r-- ~ <.0 to . __0 Q) @ L25 ~ 4J - ,., ~ ~ . . J.;~4 AC tu -.. - --..:. It') 9 ,"7lf"\ 1"\1"\.' ,__w_.... 9 m ~ .. .rt"'\ "1""\' IVV.V,,", n-,",^ .......,.... 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A. . .' t, o SHERWOO[ FOREST PHASe I @ PRF:3 SLDE 1030 \ i I SURV~ FO\ SHERY~COD - OEVElJ?EO BY: "T A NoRT ~ CAROLINA) "OUNGSVllLE FRANKL IN COUNTY. mm:.: Sheryl Hallmark-Kunickis 108 Nottingham Court Youngsvi I Ie, NC 27596 IVlt". John Dot"ney Division of Environmental Management Water Qual ity Planning F' .. [I. E:o H ~~'~5::::5 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 October 14, 1992 Deat" Mt". Dot"ney: This letter is in response to our telephone conversation this morning in regard to the possible clearing of wetlands in the Sherwood FOt"est subd i vis i on in Ft"ank I in County. As I ment i (.ned, the I and in question is bordered by Horse Creek and has smaller tributaries within the property boundaries. From what I understand, the owner is planning to clear al I of the trees and pul lout the stumps. On Tuesday, October 13, 1992, I spoke with Eric Alsmeyer of the Army Corp of Engineers. He told me that Horse Creek is protected headwatet"s. As a SCS soi I scientist wOt"king in Ft"ankl in County, I am aware that the soi 15 on part of the property in question are are mapped Wehadkee (poorly drained) and Chewacla (somewhat poorly drained). Wehadkee is a hydric soi I. I would appreciate it if someone could look at the site to see if there are any violations. I would be glad to accompany Mr. Schaeffer as I mentioned during our conversation. I can be reached at my office in Louisburs at (919) 496-1377. I have also enclosed the maps that you requested. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincet"ely, ~ W~~K~~ Sheryl Hallmark-Kunickis