HomeMy WebLinkAbout19870441 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_198811119 AM ?o? State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Director January 11, 1988 Mr. J.R. Harman, P.E. Ellinwood Design Associates, Ltd. P.O. Box 10681 Raleigh, NC 27605 Subject: Proposed Fill for Minor Road Crossing Hilburn Road Extension Wake County Dear Mr. Harman: Upon review of your request for Water Quality Certification to place fill in waters and/or wetlands in two tributaries to Turkey Creek, we*have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2177 issued November 4, 1987. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 14. If you have any questions, please contact Bill Mills at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, Original Signed By William c. Mills For R. Paul Wilms RPW/dkb Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regional Office Pollution Prevention Pays P.O-Box 27687. Raleigh; North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 ( At December 21, 1987 Mr. William Mills, PE Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 R 'f71 EI VED OEi' 23 ;,987 WAU QUALIT , :. CT101 OPERATIONo" S-?.ar'40., Re: Hilburn Road Extension Project No. 83135.25 Dear Mr. Mills: Please find attached plans for Hilburn Road Extension, Raleigh, NC. The proposed Hilburn Road crosses two minor unnamed tributaries of Turkey Creek between US 70 and Pleasant Pines Drive. We are requesting general water certification for these minor stream crossings. Please find a copy of a letter from the US Corps of Engineers pertaining to these sites. If you should have any questions, contact our office. Since 1 , J. R. Harman, PE Ellinwood Design Associates, Ltd. JRH/slh Enclosures please do not hesitate to ELLINWOOD DESIGN ASSOCIATES, Ltd 3300 drake circle p.o. box 10681 raleigh, north carolina 27605 phone 919-781-1083 \1 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 December 17, 1987 SUBJECT: Nationwide Permit No. 14 Mr. Eshra Vatani Ellinwood Design Associates,, Ltd. Post Office Box 10681 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Dear Mr. Vatani: 1RECEIVE® 1 FS87 Reference your December 8, 1987, meeting with Ms. Kathy Trott, and Messrs. Ken Jolly and Jeff Richter of my staff concerning the proposed realignment and extension of Kilburn Road across 2 separate unnamed tributaries of Turkey Creek, between U.S. 70 and Pleasant Pines Drive, in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. The members of my staff examined the proposed crossing and determined that this area can be classified as "minor road crossings," which may be authorized by a nationwide permit. For the purposes of the Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330, published in the Federal Register on November 13, 1986, lists nationwide permits. A "minor road crossing fill" is defined as a crossing that involves the discharge of-less than 200 cubic yards of fill material below the plane of ordinary high water. The crossing may require a permit from the U.S. Coast Guard if located in navigable waters of the United States. Authorization was provided for minor road crossing fills including all attendant features, both temporary and permanent, that are part of a single and complete project for crossing of a non-tidal waterbody, provided that the crossing is culverted, bridged or otherwise designed to prevent the restriction of, and to withstand, expected high flows and provided further that discharges into any wetlands adjacent to the waterbody do not extend beyond 100 feet on either side of the ordinary high water mark of that waterbody. -2- Your work is authorized by nationwide permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions. Please be aware that this authorization does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain any required State or local approval. Your plans show that utility lines are to be placed within the proposed road alignments as they cross the wetlands. This type of work can be authorized by our general permit, SAWC081-N-000-0049, (copy enclosed), provided that all conditions of the permit are strictly adhered to. Please note that plans must be forwarded to us before this general permit is considered valid. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Kathy Trott, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 846-0749 Sincerely, jas Wo lis , Regulatory Branch Enclosures Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Mark Senior Conservation Engineer City of Raleigh Post Office Box 590 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 M ? rnNnTTTnMQ a. Any discharge of dredged or fill material will not occur in the proximity of a public water supply. b. Any discharge of dredged or fill material will consist of suitable material free from toxic pollutants. C. Any structure or fill will be properly maintained. d. An individual State water quality certification must be obtained or waived. Conditions of certification will be considered to be special conditions of the Federal nationwide pemit. Please contact Mr. William Mills, North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, telephone (919) 733-5083. e. The following management practices will be followed to the maximum extent practicable: (1) Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States will be avoided or minimized through the use of other practical alternatives. (2) Discharges will not restrict or impede the movement of aquatic species indigenous to the waters or the passage of normal or expected high flows or cause the relocation of the waters (unless the primary purpose of the fill is to impound water). (3) If the discharge creates an impoundment of water, adverse impacts on the aquatic system caused by the accelerated passage of water and/or the restriction of its flow will be minimized. (4) Discharge in wetland areas will be avoided. mats. (5) Heavy equipment working in wetlands will be placed on (6) All temporary fills will be removed in their entirety. Application No. SAWCO81-N-000-0049 Name of Applicant: General Permit Effective Date: 2 December 1982 Expiration Date: 31 December 1987 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY GENERAL PERMIT A general permit to perform work in or affecting navigable waters and waters of the United States upon the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 3 March 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344), is hereby issued by authority of the Secretary of the Army by the District Engineer US Army Engineer District, Wilmington Corps of Engineers PO Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 to authorize the INSTALLATION OF AERIAL AND SUBAQUEOUS UTILITY LINES WITH ATTENDANT STRUCTURES TO SPAN NAVIGABLE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES (SECTION 10) AND THE DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIALS INTO A CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR ASSOCIATED WITH UTILITY LINE INSTALLATION WITHIN WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES (SECTION 404) IN THE U.S. Army Engineer District, Wilmington. Utility lines for the purpose of this general permit are any pipes or pipelines for the transportation of any gaseous, liquid, liquifiable or slurry substance, for any purpose, and any cable, line or wire for the transmission, for any purpose, of electrical energy, telephone telegraph messages, and radio and television communication. A construction corridor is an area not to exceed 20 feet wide along or within which a utility line is to be installed. Authorized fills in this area are temporary and include materials excavated from trenches or footings, backflll or bedding materials and materials for access or construction roads. 1. Conditions: a. All activities ident lfled and authorized by this general permit must be consistent with the terms and conditions of this authorization. Any activity accomplished but not specifically ident lfled and authorized herein, may constitute a violation of Federal statute and result in legal proceedings as may be considered appropriate by the United States Government. b. To Install a utility line under the authority of this general permit, one must submit a written description of work with appropriate drawings to the District Engineer. When received, it will Immediately be .assigned an Identification number and Its receipt will be acknowledged. The District Engineer will examine the application to determine the applicability of this general permit. If the proposal satisfies general permit requirements, the District Engineer will so inform the permittee by letter which may contain specific conditions as to reasonably assure that the work will will cause minimal Impacts on resources in the area. A copy of such letter with approved drawings will be furnished to the Atlantic Marine Center, National Ocean Survey, NOAA, Norfolk, Virginia. c. This general permit authorizes the necessary excavation and the placement of dredged or fill material as backfiil or bedding for utility lines in navigable waters of the United States subject to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) and the temporary placement of materials In wetlands resulting from trench excavation, stockpiling of backflll and/or bedding, and/or work road construction subject to u Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). The discharge of dredged or fill material as backfIII or Ing for utility Ilne crossings, as regulated by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, (33 U.S.C. 1344) has been fitted by regulation, 33 CFR 323.4-3(a)(1). Authorization provided by that regulation and that available under this general permit are subject to the following conditions. (1) There must be no resultant change in preconstruction bottom contours in open water areas or. preconstruction natural ground elevation in other wetlands. Authorized fill includes only the material temporarily placed in wetlands as a result of trench excavation, the material used to construct a temporary work road, and/or that necessary to backflll or bed the utility line. Any excess material must be removed to an upland disposal area. (2) The utility line crossing will not adversely affect a public water supply intake. (3) The utility line route will avoid areas of concentrated shellfish production and submerged beds of vascular aquatic vegetation. (4) The utility line route or construction methods will not destroy threatened or endangered species as identified under the Endangered Species Act, or endanger the critical habitat of such species. (5) The utility line route or construction method will not disrupt the movement of those species of aquatic life Indigenous to the waterbody. (6) Bedding, backfill, and roadway fill will consist of suitable material free from toxic pollutants in other than trace quantities. (7) Utility line crossings will not occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System or in a component of a State wild and scenic river system. (8) Material placed in wetlands will: (a) be confined within a maximum corridor width of 20 feet. (b) be maintained for a minimum period of time to commence immediately proceeding line installation and to be removed immediately following completion of installation. Total time In place will not exceed 6 months. (c) be stabilized by silt curtains or other appropriate erosion control measures to prevent movement of material Into adjacent waters or wetlands. d. Every reasonable effort must be made to prosecute the work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any adverse Impact of the work on fish, wildlife, and natural environmental values. e. The work authorized herein must be accomplished in a manner so as to minimize any degradation of water quality. f. The District Engineer or his representative shall be permitted to make periodic inspections at any time deemed necessary in order to assure that the activity is being performed In strict accordance with the terms and condltons of this general permit. g. Any structure authorized by this general permit will be maintained In good condition and in accordance with approved plans and drawings. 2 h. This general permit does not convey any rights, either in real estate or material, or any exlusive privileges; and It does not authorize any Injury to property or Invasion of rights or any Infringement of Federal, State or local laws or regulations, nor does it obviate the requirement to obtain State or local assent required by law for the activity authorized herein. I. Authorization provided by this general permit may be either modif led, suspended, or revoked In whole or in part If the District Engineer, acting on behalf of the Secretary of the Army, determines that such action would be in the best public interest. Unless subject to modification, suspension, or revocation, the term of this general permit shall be 5 years. Any modification, suspension, or revocation of authorization shall not be the basis for any claim for damages against the US Government. j. If subsequent to performance of the work should any information and/or data furnished by the applicant prove to be false, incomplete, or Inaccurate, the authorization may be modified, suspended, or revoked In whole or In part, and/or the US Government may institute appropriate legal proceedings. k. There will be no unreasonable Interference with navigation or the right of the public to riparian access by the existence or use of the activities authorized by this general permit. 1. Upon receipt of written notice from the District Engineer of failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this general permit, the owner of the utility line shall, within 60 days, without expense to the US Government and in such manner as the District Engineer may direct, effect compliance with the terms and conditons or return the worksite to a prework condition. m. This general permit does not authorize the Interference with any existing or proposed Federal project and the permlttee shall not be entitlled to compensation for damage or Injury to the structures or work authorized herein which may be caused by or result from existing or future operations undertaken by the United States In the public Interest. n. All activities authorized by this general permit shall be consistent with applicable water quality standards, effluent limitations, standards of performance, prohibitions, pretreatment standards, and management practices established pursuant to the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344), the Marine Protection, Research Sanctuaries Act (33 U.S.C. 1413), and pursuant to applicable State and local laws. To assure preservation of water quality, the permlttee, If required to do so, must apply for and obtain a Water Quality Certification from the N.C. Division of Environmental Management in accordance with Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. o. Work sited in or adjacent to shrimp nursery areas or areas subject to anadromous fish spawning runs will not be accomplished under the authority of this general permit without the approval of the NC Division of Marine Fisheries. p. Equipment operating In navigable waters of the United States must work from a floating barge or wooden mats. Fill roadways and excavated barge canals adjacent to or extending waterward of the mean or normal high water elevation contour are not authorized by this general permit. An individual permit would have to be obtained to authorize such work. q. This general permit does not authorize the stockpiling of excavated materials, bedding materials, or road fills in navigable waters of the United States or in designated trout waters of the State of North Carolina. Materials excavated from a subaqueous trench in navigable waters of the United States must be stockpiled on an adequate barge or removed to high ground by an acceptable means. In open water areas other than navigable waters of the United States or designated trout waters: (1) Road fills must be constructed of nonerodable materials. (2) Road flits must not span more than one-half of open water area at any one time. 3 r. Subaqueous utility Iines will be Installed at a minimum depth of 6 feet below the authorized depth where lines cross Federally authorized channels. In other areas where subaqueous lines are subject to Interfere navigation, they will be installed at a minimum depth of 2 feet below the bottom contour. s. The minimum clearance for aerial communication Iines, or any Iines not transmitting electrical power, will be 10 feet above the clearance required for bridges in the vicinity as established by the U. S. Coast Guard. t. The minimum clearance for aerial electrical power transmission lines will be governed by the system voltage as shown below. Nominal System Voltage, Kilovolt 115 and below 138 161 230 350 5 00 700 750 to 765 Minimum Clearance Above Bridge Clearance (As Established by U.S. Coast Guard) 20 22 24 26 30 35 42 45 u. The clearances for aerial lines are based on the low point of the line under conditions which produce the greatest sag, taking Into consideration temperature, load, wind, length or span, and the type of supports. v. The District Engineer reserves the right to require that subaqueous utility lines be placed at greater d =?- and aerial lines be placed at greater heights -if the public interest so indicates. w. This general permit does not apply to utility lines that are a part of a water power project. Federal authorization for such lines must be obtained from the U.S. Department of Energy. 2. Exemptions: a. This general permit will not be applicable to proposed construction when the District Engineer belelves that authorization may be warranted but that the proposed activity would significantly affect the quality of the human environment and determines that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared. b. This general permit will not be applicable to proposed construction when the District Engineer determines that the proposed activity would adversely affect areas which possess recognized historic, cultural, scenic, conservation, or recreational values. Application of this exemption applies to: (1) Rivers named in Section 3 of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (15 U.S.C. 1273), those proposed for inclusion as provided by Sections 4 and 5 of the Act, and wild, scenic, and recreational rivers established by State and local entities. (2) Historic, cultural, or archaeological sites listed in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places as defined in the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and its codified regulations. (3) Sites included in or determined eligible for listing in the National Registry of Natural landmarks. 4 (4) Endangered or threatened species or habitat of such species as determined by the Secretaries of interior or Commerce and conserved in accordance with the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1531). J (5) This general permit will not be applicable to construction when the District Engineer determines that alternative alignments, not involving wetland filling, are both available and practicable. (6) At his discretion, the District Engineer may determine that this general permit will not be applicable to a specific proposal. In such case, the procedure for processing an Individual permit In accordance 0 with 33 CFR 325 will be required. • BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY k J4 e"- ROBERT K. ES i Colonel, Co 4s of Engineers District Engineer A. A. xaIPC .el c LTC, CE DEP DIS; ETJGR 5