HomeMy WebLinkAbout19870417 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19871119N.n .Q QaW''?• State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street * Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary November 19, 1987 Mr. Kevin Caldwell, P.E., Vice President Wm. G. Daniels & Associates 910 East Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28203 R. Paul Wilms Director Subject: Proposed Fill for Minor Road Crossing University City Property Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Caldwell: Upon review of your request for Water Quality Certification to place fill in waters and/or wetlands in Toby Creek, we have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2177 issued November 4, 1987. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 14. If you have any questions, please contact Bill Mills at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, Original Signed By William C. Mills For R. Paul Wilms RPW/dkb Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Mooresville Regional Office Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 A.. G,.-l fl . , ... AAA-i- A,-,;- F.,..,I.,.,Pr (I T 1987 1.11 10, i SCC NO IN OPERATIONS 8PANT'. I Engineering Planning Landscape Architecture October 5, 1987 Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Reference: University City Property 401 Water Quality Certification Dear Mr. Mills: Please find attached the following information concerning a proposed development at the intersection of N.C. 49 and Harris Boulevard: 1.) Preliminary site plan, 2.) Site location of USGS quad sheet, 3.) Site location on SCS soil survey, 4.) Letter from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 5.) Application for Water Quality Certification As you can see from the site plan, the owner intends to cross Toby Creek with a roadway. The drainage area of Toby Creek at this location is approx- imately 3 square miles and I expect that this crossing will be a pipe cul- vert. I met with Mr. Hugh Heine with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers who indicated that the proposed work would be covered by Nationwide Permit No. 14. 910 East Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 (704) 331-0643 In order for this permit to be valid, we must obtain a Water Quality Certification from your office. Please consider this as an application for a Water Quality Certification. If you have any questions or require addi- tional information, please contact me. Sincerely, ----------------------------- Kevin S. Caldwell, P.E. Vice President William G. Daniel and Associates r? r PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Depw merit of tM Army Dpartnsent of Adndntstratlon State of North Carolkra of E WIIniMipori OWkt (GS 14612) Dot?artrnent of 1llatural Reaurras and Community DevelaOTSnt j R "9.320-3") (GS 113-229,143-215.3(4)(1),143-215.3(c), 113A•119 P ase type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by plackv N/A in blank. 1. Applicant Information FOR C i t ro^iane' Erwin Associ?> on A. Name rani P1.,, Wi 1 1 , rn O Last ? A??nr a P S First Middle B. Address A 1 Q TA-',f' Rnn 1 PIr r" Street, P. O. Box or Route 704-331-0643 Utv or Town State Zip Code Phone 11. Location of Proposed Project: A. County Mao-k1 °nti'ijrQ B. 1. City, town, community or landmark Is proposed work within city limits? 2 Yes No -X C'rPPk T . c)b C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project III. Description of Project Newwork Propos 2 ed Roadway A. 1. Maintenance of existing project . B. Purpose of excavation or fill 1. Access channel length width depth 2. Boat basin length width depth 3. Fill area length width depth r+ Rnadwa length 10 0 , width 60, depth . 10 y 4. Other f M HW ( h Iine 1 C. 1. Bulkhead length Average distance waterward o sore 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards N,/ T 2. Type of material E. Fitt material to be placed below MHW (see also VI A) 1. Cubic yards 1 nnyr? 3-h 2. Type of material IV. Laind Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes X No B. Does the dispersal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X C. Disposal Area 1. Location - N/A 2. Do you claim title to disposal area? D. Fill material v,uree if 1111 in to be trucked in E. How will excavated materiel be entrapped and erosion controlled Approved erosion Control plan F. Type of equipment, it) he used G. Will marshland he crossed in transporting equipment to protect site? If yes, explain T\Tn APPLICATION FOR DAF41 !ter fAha ss A , V. kwm*d uw of ptro?eet Arse (DMetM) A. 1. h#MW 2. QW41114MW Of r?i-i r`P?JR.7vT11?1 3. Houslig Devei01111" tt Or Industrial 7 4. iJtlter B. 1. Lot size(s) 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water _ + 1 0 ' - - 3. Sop type and texture- mQnn 1?T ? T 4. Type of building facilities or structures -- S. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing X Planned B. Describe_ Cfiar1 ni-tP MPrk1 onb41r-g TT IS. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSI isUN M. COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER -- (See LAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project :r.volve the piacemtnt of fill materia?s below wean Sigh water? Yrs_No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result o( protect activity or planned use of the area following project completion' Yes_ No -.X 2. Type of discharge 3. Location of discharge VII. Fluent rate of shoreline erosion (if known): VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for wont in project area, if applicable: IX. Lwtgth of time required to complete project. X M addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided. A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claktu title to the affected property. OR If applicant Is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claim? title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8%t X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113.229 (d))Enter date served D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. XI. Certification requirement: 1 certify that to.the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolinats approved coastal management program and will be conducted in i manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. GATE -- Applicant's Signature jD&F412 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS ?- 2)J t .?la A -,Z3 In -IVII o \ YW 3110?2IVHO c 60 -3-n 0l '/W 7 o\? O m m '? O, OO1W M O W O LL LO IREDELL co O C s? H % 80°50' Eoa area ouffined on this, map consists of mom than one kind of soil. The map is thus ~ant for gaemf planning rather than a basis for decisions on the v.* of specific trans. LEGEND CECIL: Gently sloping to strongly sloping, well drained soils that have a predominantly clayey subsoil; formed in residuum from acid igneous and metamorphic rock CECIL-URBAN land: Nearly level to strongly sloping urban areas on well drained soils that have a pre- dominantly clayey subsoil; formed in residuum from acid igneous and metamorphic rock IREDELL-MECKLENBURG: Nearly level to strongly sloping, moderately well drained and well drained soils that have a predominantly clayey subsoil; formed in residuum from diorite, gabbro, and other rock high in ferromagnesian minerals F WILKES-ENON: Gently sloping to steep, well drained soils that have a predominantly clayey subsoil; formed in residuum from diorite, hornblende schist, and other basic rock, or from mixed acidic and basic rock ENON-HELENA-VANCE: Gently sloping to strongly sloping, well drained and moderately well drained soils that have a predominantly clayey subsoil; formed in residuum from mixed acidic and basic igneous and metamorphic rock a PACOLET-CECIL: Gently sloping to steep, well drained soils that have a predominantly clayey subsoil; formed in residuum from acid igneous and metamorphic rock MONACAN: Nearly level, somewhat poorly drained soils that have a predominantly loamy subsoil; formed in fluvial sediment on flood plains GEORGEVILLE-GOLDSTON-LIGNUM: Gently sloping to strongly sloping, well drained and moderately well drained soils that have a clayey or loamy subsoil; formed in residuum from fine grained schist or slate Compiled 1978 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION MECKLENBURG COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS " GENERAL SOIL MAP MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Scale 1:253,440 1 0 1 2 3 4 Miles ' l???l I I I I 1 0 4 8 Km ' il'I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1