HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151065 Ver 1_Precon Mtg Minutes_20190808Homewood, Sue From: Darling, Richard <RDarling@mbakerintl.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 3:53 PM To: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil Cc: Homewood, Sue; Alex Rosser; Lisa Elmore; Lorin Akins; Kimberly Hodges; Wright, Matt; Leopardi, Heather/PGH; Burhans, Terry Subject: [External] GSO Northwest Site Development, Action ID SAW -2012-01547 Attachments: GSO_NW_PreConMinutes.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<maiIto: report.spam@nc.gov> Dave: Attached are Minutes (minus attachments due to file size) from the Pre -Construction Meeting held on 8/8/2019 for the referenced Department of the Army Permit. Jacobs CH2M's Matt Wright described the on-site and adjacent jurisdictional resources permitted to be impacted and those to be protected. Per the revised 404 Agenda, MICHAEL BAKER'S Terry Burhans conveyed the Corps' concerns for off-site sediment loss and turbidity in downstream waters and requested the contractors pay close attention to the water entering the downstream aquatic resources from the work area to ensure that all water quality standards are being met. Terry then summarized each of the applicable 404 and 401 Permit conditions and clarified the availability of the Permits and requirement for on-site access. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments regarding PTAA compliance with Permit conditions. Thanks. Richard -----Original Message ----- From: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil> Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2019 1:12 PM To: Darling, Richard <RDarling@mbakerintl.com> Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: RE: GSO Northwest Site Development, Action ID SAW -2012-01547 Sounds great. Thanks Richard. David E. Bailey, PWS Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers CE -SAW -RG -R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 30. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: David. E.Bailey2@usace.army.miI We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcorpsmapu.usace.army.mil%2Fcm_apex%2Ff%3F p%3D136%3A4%3A0&amp;data=02%7C01%7CRDarling%40mbakerintl.com%7C1e4378fb24c94041de2408d716a3d56d Piedmont Triad International Airport (GSO) Northwest Development—Phase 2 August8, 2019 - 11:00AM - Stanley Frank Boardroom See below for the meeting agenda — additional discussion from the meeting is shown in red. 1. Introductions a. Sign — In Sheet b. Key Contacts — See sign -in sheet for list of contacts. c. Agenda 2. Project Location a. Northwest of Runway 5L -23R b. Formerly Pleasant Ridge Golf Course Owned by the Airport 3. Roles and Funding a. Funding — NCDOT Grant Managed by Division of Aviation (no federal funding anticipated) State DBE tracking form to be used b. Contract —With Piedmont Triad Airport Authority (PTAA) c. Engineer of Record — CH2M/Jacobs d. Construction Administration and Management Services — CH2M/Jacobs e. Quality Control — Provided by Contractor Kessel Engineering Group will provide QC. f. Quality Assurance — CH2M/Jacobs ECS will provide QA. 4. Project Summary a. Conformed Documents issued b. Project Site - 150 Acres of Disturbance c. Tree Removal i. Clearing and Grubbing - 20 Acres ii. Individual Tree Removal —three bid items for range of sizes d. Demolition Completed by Contractor i. Pond Dewatering and Removal of Unsuitable Material ii. Miscellaneous Demolition— Items include miscellaneous pavement, cart paths, inlets, and electrical bases. e. Demolition Completed by Others i. Major Structures & Wells—Wells and septic structures have been demolished prior to this meeting. ii. Duke Energy has removed all known electrical utilities they are responsible for. If electrical utilities are encountered during construction, the Contractor should EXERCISE EXTREME CAUTION to ensure that the utilities are not live and then remove them. iii. Additional demolition by others is to begin August 14. It is not anticipated that demolition activities will interfere with Wright Brothers' dewatering work. August 8, 2019 Northwest Development — Phase 2 Page 1 Piedmont Triad International Airport Items to be demolished by others include 2 pumphouses by the ponds, one building in the back of the site, club house, and the maintenance shop. Wright Brothers will begin dewatering Existing Pond 3 and will communicate their activities and coordinate with demolition team to prevent conflict. f. Unclassified Embankment —1,100,000 CY g. Erosion and Sediment Control i. Diversion Dikes ii. Silt Fence — Confirm setbacks and buffers per plans iii. Check Dams iv. Erosion Control Blankets v. Skimmer/Sediment Basins vi. French Drains vii. Coordinate with NCDEQ h. Fence Work — Fence to be installed along Pleasant Ridge Road and along the 1-73 ramp. i. Additional Tree Buffer — Thuja Green Giant trees are to be planted behind the existing tree buffer, as shown in the plans. i. Detail on Sheet C-303 is based on airport property line which is not surveyed j. Seeding and Mulching i. Permanent Seeding ii. Supplemental Seeding iii. Permanent Mulching 5. Project Schedule - It is requested that WB contractor provide an updated schedule. a. Duration — 240 Calendar Days b. Award — July 23, 2019 c. Anticipated Notice to Proceed —August 19, 2019 d. Weather Delays — Section 01035 — RPR will be tracking weather activity daily, recording all days that receive more than 0.1 inch of rain, and will provide a weekly summary of weather to be signed by the contractor. Any conflicts between RPR's records and contractor's records will be resolved weekly. The current schedule assumes that the contractor will be working through the winter. If conditions do not allow continued construction through the winter, the contractor should request a stop work order. e. Stop Work Orders Must be submitted by the contractor in writing. Written approval from PTAA is necessary to stop contract time. f. Substantial Completion —April 2020 (CD240) g. Liquidated Damages - $2,000/day i. Per 01010 Punch list items shall be completed in 30 days, with liquidated damages of $1,000/day for any day over 30. It is WB's responsibility to request a final punch list inspection. Thirty (30) days after receiving punch list, if punch list items have not been completed, liquidated damage penalties will apply. August 8, 2019 Northwest Development — Phase 2 Page 2 Piedmont Triad International Airport 6. 401/404 Permit a. See separate agenda attached b. Draining of ponds is anticipated to begin August 9, 2019 Contractor should review the 401/404 permit and ensure that work conforms to its conditions throughout the project. Summary: 1. Offsite sediment loss and turbidity of downstream waters should be considered at all times, and water quality standards must be met. 2. If the following items are discovered on the site, the Corps of Engineers should be notified, and a work stoppage should be expected: archeologic remains, protected or endangered species, and cultural resources. 3. Water should be protected from coming into contact with fresh concrete. 4. The Corps and NCDEQ reserve the right to inspect the site at any time, to ensure that their standards are being met. 5. The 401/404 permit must be accessible on the site at all times. It is located on the airport's Environmental SharePoint site (https:Hprojects.mbakercorp.com/PTIA/404/NW_IP.pdf) 6. No impact to wetlands is permitted. A buffer must be maintained that is a minimum of 15 feet from the edge of the wetland as shown on the plans. Surveyor must stake it out, and contractor must protect it with silt fence. 7. Any additional impacts to stream flow are not authorized. Culverts must be installed so that the original profile of the stream is not altered. 8. Equipment must not leak fluids and contaminate the stream. Best practices must be used for equipment maintenance and cleaning. 9. Fill material must come from an upstream location and must not contain "unsightly" debris. Other: 1. NEPA process and environmental evaluation has been conducted, and there are no anticipated resources in this area. If something is uncovered during construction, then there needs to be notification. 2. Contractor should ensure that all parties are using conformed documents. 3. The Spill Response Plan and instructions can be found in Appendix B. 4. The contractor must keep the land disturbance permit on site at all times and may be asked to produce it if DEQ or the Corps inspects the site. 5. Wright Brothers plans to start dewatering Aug 9, with the official notice to proceed to take effect on the 19th. Water from the ponds must be clean before it enters receiving channels. 6. See airport specific SPPP attached to these minutes. — Contractor should contact Richard Darling at rdarling@mbakerintl.com for access to the website that contains the most updated version of the SPPP. 7. Additionally, for the airport specific SPCC, Contractor should contact Richard Darling at rdarling@mbakerintl.com for access to the website that contains the most updated version of the SPCC. 7. Erosion and Sediment Control a. Phasing/Order of Construction i. No specific construction phasing, but order of construction as indicated on the plans must be adhered to for E&S to be successful ii. E&S control measures will stay in place after construction is complete—The project's land disturbance permit allows for leaving erosion control devices in place. b. Coordination with DEQ c. Erosion Control Inspections and corrective action August 8, 2019 Northwest Development — Phase 2 Page 3 Piedmont Triad International Airport i. Anticipated that the Airport may contract out inspections - Contractor is responsible for their own inspections and maintenance — The contractor shall monitor and continually maintain devices. The airport will engage Pilot Environmental to conduct inspections. 8. Unsuitable Excavation a. Can be wasted on site — There is a stockpile location marked on the plans. Coordination with the Engineer is required before storing material. b. Definition of unsuitable - Wet soil is not considered unsuitable. Soil that is unsuitable is characterized by excessive organic and root material. This soil must be hauled off site and disposed of by the Contractor. 9. Specifications a. 10% Mobilization Limit - C-105 Specifications provide specific method of payment for mobilization. i. Engineer Field Office —Section 60-05 b. 40% of work must be completed by Prime Contractor c. Contractor Quality Control Program - C-100 Jacobs requests to see the division of labor written out. Educational requirement for each role is listed in the specs, please reference them. Testing — modified proctor, 6-12" lifts and every 3,000 yards of earthwork in accordance with Item P-152. Embankment is to be compacted to 95% of maximum density unless otherwise shown. Diagram on plans shows areas under future pavement to be compacted to 100% of maximum density. Optimum moisture content requirements are +4%, -3%. Testing should be done soon before installing a new lift. There should not be a long delay between testing and installing a new lift, and retesting should be done if there has been inclement weather since the last test. Kessel will notify contractor of failing tests immediately and will submit documentation daily or weekly. If moisture is a major issue, Kessel will notify Jacobs and recommend exploring alternate methods. Both Kessel and ECS are using nuclear gauges. Both parties should use the same proctors, soil samples, etc. QC/QA may present a weekly tabular summary instead of a daily report. d. Utility Adjustment — Section 01001 e. Pre/Post Survey Contractor shall perform a pre/post survey that is to be provided to the Owner. The difference in volume between these surveys is the bases of payment for earthwork. f. Measurements and Incidentals i. Topsoil — stripped and stockpiled. Paid for under P-152 unclassified excavation. ii. Unsuitable Excavation — measured in the field. No separate payment for replacement material. iii. Earthwork for Basins—with the exception of unsuitable, paid for under P-152 Unclassified Excavation. Measured by pre/post survey. iv. Sediment/Skimmer Basins — Incidentals include; riser, barrel, stone, wattles, skimmer, baffles, erosion control matting, and cleaning. Plan view of risers/baffles/slop drains shown for information only — locations and length of pipe shall be verified in the field. Follow the details for the riser location, it must be located at the toe of slope of the downstream berm. v. Diversion Dikes — Incidentals include; wattles, and cleaning and re -working. vi. Silt Fence — Incidentals include cleaning and re -working. If additional fence/outlets are needed, let Jacobs know in advance. August 8, 2019 Northwest Development — Phase 2 Page 4 Piedmont Triad International Airport vii. Silt Fence Outlets — Incidentals include cleaning and re -working. viii. Temporary Stream Crossing (DBL 30") — Incidentals include; culverts, stone, filter cloth, cleaning, and re -working. ix. French Drains — Incidentals include; excavation, stone, filter fabric, and PVC pipe. x. Plant Trees (Thuja Green Giant 6') — Incidentals include caring for and watering. A. Seeding— Incidentals include lime and fertilizer. g. Progress Payments i. Due Monthly on the 1ST of the Month — submit to Jacobs at least a week before to begin review and quantity reconciliation. ii. Retainage -5% iii. DBE Form Required (AV-509/AV-510) —This form lags a month behind because it is based on payment, not performance. If the contractor needs the DBE short fall form, let Jacobs know as soon as you know you're not going to hit the DBE goal. iv. Sales Tax Form Required v. Certified Pay Rolls (No Davis -Bacon Requirements) - required for all non-professional services. vi. Updated Schedule h. Close Out Requirements — Section 01700 — Closeout requirements should be completed between substantial completion and final acceptance. All documentation is required prior to final payment. If possible, submit before the third Tuesday of the month of the finishing month, so approval of final payment can be included in the Airport Authority's board meeting. i. Updated Contractor Guidelines — Appendix A j. Spill Response Procedures—Appendix B k. Report of preliminary Subsurface Exploration — Appendix C I. 401/404 Permit—Appendix D 10.Submittals a. List of anticipated submittals b. No items will be accepted for payment without previously approved submittal c. Digital copies sufficient 11.Testing a. P-152 b. Fill Area Testing c. Quality Control vs. Quality Acceptance d. Multiple proctors e. Areas of Fill/Embankment: i. Lifts shall be not less than 6" but not more than 12" of compacted thickness ii. Density tests shall be taken for every 3,000 SY of compacted embankment for each lift iii. Material compacted to 95% of maximum density as determined by ASTM 1557. iv. Under areas to be paved in the future as shown on the plans, the top 12" shall be compacted to not less than 100% of the maximum density as determined by ASTM 1557. f. Areas of cut/pavement removal: August 8, 2019 Northwest Development — Phase 2 Page 5 Piedmont Triad International Airport i. Under areas to be paved in the future as shown on the plans, the top 12" shall be compacted to not less than 95% of the maximum density as determined by ASTM 1557. g. +4%,-3% Optimum Moisture Accidental repeat of paragraph 9.g. a-. Appreved pay request must be signed and submitted to PTAA ne later than the first of each menth for T tl GeRfirm q .,tities with DDD ahead of time c—. Sales Tax Reper-t 4, DBE SwmmaFy (paid vs perfeFR+ed4 i-- Updated Sehed4e- f-. Certified Pay Re4s 13.Change Orders a. Only items included already in a signed change order will be eligible for payment b. Only the sponsor can direct additional work Quantity overruns shall be approved by the RPR BEFORE the work is performed. Additionally, constructing something not shown on the plans or additionally professional services (i.e. survey) will not be paid for unless coordinated and approved by the RPR BEFORE the work is performed. Incurring additional survey or other professional services needs a change order request BEFORE the work is performed. 14.RFIs a. Only written submissions will be considered b. Jacobs will provide a form to be used for RFI submittals 15.Safety a. Badging Requirements — No Badging b. 7460 i. 30' equipment ii. 2019 -ASO -18692 -OE (closest point) 2019 -ASO -18693 -OE (highest point) c. Burning — No burning allowed. i. Smoke near an airport is dangerous and should be avoided. ii. No drones are permitted on the site. d. Access to the site i. Signage on Pleasant Ridge Road e. Staging Area and Employee Parking f. Vehicle Identification g. Morning safety meetings h. Emergency — 911 Michael Maul — Airport Safety Manager Airport Communications should be contacted at 336-665-5642 in an emergency or if there are trespassers on the site. August 8, 2019 Northwest Development — Phase 2 Page 6 Piedmont Triad International Airport In the event of an emergency, the site address is: 1518 Pleasant Ridge Road Airport police will come by and monitor the property until the terrain does not allow it. Lorin - Jersey barriers at the entrance have a lock and chain. Contractor shall Michael Maul to replace airport lock with a contractor lock. The key holder will need to fill out a lock and key audit. Emergency contact info will be on that form. There are no noise ordinances for the area, but there have been noise complaints. Contractor shall provide emergency contact info for at least three employees that can be contacted 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Vehicles should be marked, let RPR know if there's someone on site in an unmarked car. 16.Project Closeout a. Final cleanout of erosion control ponds b. Contractor to request substantial completion c. Inspection of Erosion Control Measures by DEQ Inspector They will need to do an inspection to confirm the site is stable. d. Punch List e. Final Inspection f. Section 01700 i. Contractor Warranty Form ii. Affidavit of Payment iii. Affidavit of Release of Liens iv. Final Waiver of Lien v. Consent of surety for Final Payment vi. DBE Participation Report vii. DBE/MBE/WBE/HUB Vendor Payments viii. Contractor's Sales Tax Report 17.Other items of discussion a. CADD files b. Survey Control — Jacobs to provide C. SWPPP/SPCC i. Spill Response Procedures—Appendix B ii. Jacobs to provide airport specific SWPPP — see attachment to these minutes iii. Contractor shall contact Richard Darling at rdarling@mbakerintl.com for access to website containing the most up to date airport specific SWPPP and SPCC. d. NCDOT Coordination i. Driveway Permit ii. Tree Clearing/ ROW Fence/ Grading e. Smoking on site is allowed, just keep site clean f. Trash on site August 8, 2019 Northwest Development — Phase 2 Page 7 Piedmont Triad International Airport Questions and Answers: Question: Answer: Question Answer: Question Answer: Question Answer: Question Answer: NCDOT is funding the project so do NCDOT testing requirements apply? NO, FAA (federal) specification P-152 shall be followed. Can a 7,000 -gallon fuel tank be stored on site? The contractor must make the airport aware and follow regulations for fuel storage. Can a trailer with lubricants be stored on site? Contractor will follow up after the meeting about what exactly needs to be on site, and Jacobs will coordinate. During winter, excess moisture may be a problem. Is the use of lime allowed? The decision will need to be made at a later date. Are there any existing survey control points? Jacobs will provide control points that were used for the aerial survey. Question: While draining EP -4, after EP -3 is drained, is it permitted to start logging the individual trees in the area, and install check dams in the empty bed of EP -3? Grubbing activity would occur after SB -1 is constructed. Answer: Submit an RFI including a drawing markup specifying the disturbance and erosion control methods proposed. August 8, 2019 Northwest Development — Phase 2 Page 8 Piedmont Triad International Airport INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATION NAME GSO Northwest Site Development 404 Pre -Construction PHONE folmkv0M US Army Corps of Engineers Dave Bailey (919) 554-4884 david.e.bailey2@usace.army.mil NC Division of Water Resources Sue Homewood Piedmont Triad Airport Authority Alex Rosser, PE Jacobs CH2M Michael Baker International Lorin Akins Matt Wright, PE Heather Leopardi, PE Terry Burhans, PWS, CPSS Sian - In SIGNATURE (336) 776-9693 sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov not in attendance (336) 665-5620 rossera@gsoair.org (336) 665-5639 akinsl@gsoair.ore (919) 760-1786 matt.wripht@ch2m.com heather.leapardi@iacobs.com (919) 481-5775 terry.burhans@mbakerintl.com Richard Darling, CE (919) 481-5740 rdarline@mbakerintl.com Accepting contractor responsibility for 404/401 Permit compliance: l✓Csaole,rr.� C3SC�362• 056'73 bi�o�er a�ecsci;,.:.'�ie Jlca r w �'lEv. 11:00 AM Attendees Sheet 1 of 2 August 8, 2019 706 -040. _. o4-. A - 'V- C, sv A, W �C�' SIS CoaP 4173-01- zoo4 _ fcoo rr bca,-cow t./4 cc, X23-s'Cr -5'y�� CCicY�}Gl Pr'ncC Y23- 3•.Sa�l� e Accepting contractor responsibility for 404/401 Permit compliance: l✓Csaole,rr.� C3SC�362• 056'73 bi�o�er a�ecsci;,.:.'�ie Jlca r w �'lEv. 11:00 AM Attendees Sheet 1 of 2 August 8, 2019 INTERNATIONAL Meeting Agenda MEETING: 404 Pre -Construction PROJECT: GSO Northwest Site Development DATE/TIME: August 8, 2019; 11:00 AM LOCATION: Stanley Frank Board Room, Piedmont Triad International Airport; 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway; Greensboro, NC 27409 OBJECTIVE: "...to ensure that there is a mutual understanding of all terms and conditions contained within the Department of the Army Permit." INVITEES: David Bailey (USACE) not able to attend; Sue Homewood (NCDEQ) not able to attend Alex Rosser, Lisa Elmore, Loren Akins (PTAA); Terry Burhans (MICHAEL BAKER); Matt Wright, Heather Leopardi (JACOBS CH2M); CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL Special Condition 5 of the Clean Water Act Section 404 Individual Permit (Action ID SAW -2012-01547) issued on April 11, 2016 by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to the Piedmont Triad Airport Authority (PTAA) for the Northwest Site Development including cross -field taxiway specifies the onsite pre -construction meeting. Preliminary clearing and grubbing of the permitted construction areas, excluding jurisdictional waters and riparian buffers, was approved on August 25, 2017. Construction is scheduled to commence approximately two weeks after this pre -construction meeting. Introductions Attendees will provide contact information on "sign -in" sheet. Signatures of attending contractor personnel indicate understanding and acceptance of responsibilities for compliance with all applicable conditions of the 404 Individual Permit and 401 Water Quality Certification. Specific USACE Concerns "Given that the aquatic resources being impacted by the upcoming construction are impoundments on a golf course, the Corps is primarily concerned with off-site sediment loss and turbidity in downstream waters. The dewatering plan you submitted appears reasonable; however, please pay close attention to the water entering the downstream aquatic resources from your work area to ensure that all water quality standards are being met. ...If specific issues arise at the meeting that concern the Corps' permit or aquatic resources, please let me [David Bailey] know." 404 Permit General Conditions 1. Expiration December 312026 2. Abandonment 3. Archaeological Remains 4. Sale 5. Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC004054, 20 Conditions) 6. Inspection Page 1 of 2 GSO Northwest Site Development 404 Pre -Construction Work Limits 404 Special Conditions 1. Compliance with Workplans 2. No Wetland Impacts 3. No Flow Impacts 4. Verification of Construction Plans ✓ 5. Pre -Construction Meeting ✓ Related Laws 404 Special Conditions 6. Contamination 7. Protected Species 8. Cultural Resources Project Maintenance 404 Special Conditions 9. Construction Notification ✓ 10. Clean Fill 11. Concrete 12. Permit Distribution 13. E&SC Devices 14. E&SC Removal Enforcement 404 Special Conditions 15. Restoration 16. Submittals 17. Violations 18. Inspections Mitigation 404 Special Condition 19 ✓ 401 Conditions 1. Approved Impacts 3. No Other Impacts 5. Modification 8. No Stream Impacts 18. Compliance with Workplans 401 Conditions 4. Stormwater Management Plan(s) 7. NPDES Construction Permit ✓ 16. Other Approvals 401 Conditions 6. E&SC Practices 6. E&SC Placement 9. Concrete 10. Culverts 11. Temporary Impacts 12. E&SC P&D Manual 13. Riprap Installation 14. Riprap Specifications 15. Fertilizer 19. Completion Certification 401 Conditions 17. Responsibility 20. Inspections 401 Condition 2 ✓ Compensatory Mitigation for authorized impacts to 244 linear feet perennial stream has been completed by PTAA through application of 488 stream mitigation units (SMUs) from the Causey Farm mitigation site. Attachments 404 Individual Permit (14 pages) 401 Water Quality Certification (8 pages) Permit Drawings (15 sheets) Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 August 8, 2019