HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191061 Ver 1_440004_PA form_20190812Programmatic Agreement Cultural Resources Screening Checklist Project Numbers: TIP: n/a FA: n/a WBS: 143204411 Project Name: N. Mills River Road (SR 1345) bank repair at 440004 County: Henderson Project Description: Repair with shot rock a sloughing shoulder/wingwall and streambank immediately upstream of N. Mills River Road (SR 1345) Funding Source: state Permits Required: NWP 13 (non -notify) and GC 4134 (written) Instructions: NCDOT Project Managers/Engineers should complete the following checklist based upon your knowledge of the project site and immediate vicinity. If you check "Unable to Determine", efforts should be undertaken to acquire available information on the project. If the answer to any question is "Yes" or "Unable to Determine," the project is subject to further historic preservation review, not withstanding other determinations under state environmental review laws and regulations. If the answer to all the questions is "No," the project may be excluded from further historic preservation review. Yes No Unable to Determine A. Does this project contain activities that are not specified in Appendix C of x the North Carolina Programmatic Agreement for Minor Transportation Projects? (List of Exempt Activities on reverse) B. Is this project directly related to other actions with individually x insignificant, but cumulatively significant, environmental effects? C. Are there properties listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register X of Historic Places in the project area? D. Is this project questioned by the owner of a historic property? X E. Is there known public controversy based on historic preservation issues? X F. Can this project be classified as anything other than a "categorical x exclusion" (or state -equivalent) project Certification By my signature, I certify that I have completed a site visit or am familiar with the specifics of the project and that my answers to the questions above are, to the best of my knowledge, correct. I also understand that no further environmental analysis is required according to Appendix C of the North Carolina Programmatic Agreement for Minor TranWortation Projects. DocuSigned Dave Name (print) 8/12/2019 Date ACTIVITIES EXEMPT FROM THE PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT The activities in Appendix C are exempted from further review, provided the undertaking meets all of the following conditions: • is limited to the activities specified; • is not part of a larger undertaking; • is not questioned by the owner of a historic property; • has no known public controversy based on historic preservation issues; and • is classified as a "categorical exclusion" (or state -equivalent) project. EXEMPT ACTIVITIES • Mowing, seeding/reseeding, and other ground cover maintenance activities; • Installation or replacement/repair of fixed static signs, interconnection devices, surveillance cameras, closed circuit TV and other minor incident management devices, railroad warning devices, and improved rail crossing surfaces; • In -kind replacement, reconstruction, or ordinary repair or modification of existing lighting, guardrails, modern fencing, traffic signals, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and variable message signs; • Activities that do not involve construction or ground disturbance, such as preliminary engineering, training, technical studies, non-invasive inspections, and educational programs; • Overlay, milling, grooving, repairing (concrete or asphalt patching or slurry seal), striping, or resurfacing of existing ramp, roadway, and parking lot surfaces where there will be no new impacts outside an existing facility, rumble strips, loop detectors, pavement markings (normal and raised), and snow and ice detectors to the same; • Activities within the existing disturbed median, including installation of new or replacement median barriers or guard rail; • Modernization of an existing transportation facility by widening less than a travel lane or adding lanes, provided such widening does not extend beyond the limits of existing improved right-of-way (includes shoulder additions to roadways, bridge approaches, turn lanes within the existing improved facility); • Correcting substandard roadway geometries and intersections (i.e., spot improvements), provided such corrections do not extend beyond the limits of existing improved right-of-way; • Minor bridge rehabilitation, bridge rails, or substructure alterations where the work is confined to the bridge itself, and a. the bridge is no older than 45 years at the date of NCDOT's project review, or b. the bridge has been determined ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places; • Minor safety related drainage improvements, including but not limited to: installation, replacement or removal of culverts and headwalls; installation, replacement and extensions of pipes; and addition of pipe end sections; • Routine cleaning, maintenance and repair of existing drainage, stormwater management, and water quality facilities and devices, not including projects that seek to expand or extend such facilities; • Replacement/relocation of existing underground utilities in kind and within existing footprint and replacement/relocation of existing utility poles between edge of existing improved right-of-way and road; • Repair of erosion control and protection measures, including but not limited to: slope stabilization, slide repair, rip rap, or retaining walls and new construction of such devices within existing improved right-of-way; • Rehabilitation of existing at -grade railroad crossings and installation or upgrade of regulatory signs and railroad warning signs and devices, upgrade of advisory signs, and track and rail bed maintenance, provided there is no change in grade; • Construction of bicycle and pedestrian lanes, paths, pedestrian signal heads, and facilities, and multi -use paths and facilities provided such construction does not extend beyond the limits of existing improved right-of-way; • Construction of or improvements to rest areas, truck weigh stations, park and ride lots, and other transportation related maintenance, storage, and office facilities, where no new right-of-way is acquired; • Landscaping on fill -slopes and back -slopes; • Disposal of excess state-owned properties; • Other minor actions if deemed appropriate for coverage under this PA by consultation and mutual written agreement between NCDOT and HPO/OSA.