HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191056 Ver 1_C-5604JA-UtleyCreekGreenwayConnection-CategoricalExclusion_20190807Type I and II Ground Disturbing Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form STIP Project No. WBS Element C-5604JA 43714.1.6 Federal Project No. CMAQ-0510(009) A. Project Description: The proposed project involves the construction of a 1 Oft. wide multi -use path in the Wake County Town of Holly Springs. The first section (approximately 760ft.) will begin on the west side of the NC55 bypass at the current terminus of the recently constructed trail within the Morgan Park subdivision and will travel north, running generally parallel to the NC 55 bypass, and will connect to the existing pedestrian culvert under the bypass. This section includes one crossing of Utley Creek. The second proposed section of trail (approximately 145ft.) will connect from the pedestrian culvert to the existing section of trail on the east side of the NC 55 Bypass within the Ballenridge subdivision. This section includes a culvert crossing of an unnamed tributary to Utley Creek. The third proposed section of trail (approximately 560ft.) will connect from the current terminus of the existing trail located just east of Chilmark Ridge Dr. to the sidewalk system along W. Ballentine Street. This section includes a crossing of Utley Creek. The project will also include repairs to the existing greenway within the project limits. The proposed project is included in the 2018-2027 North Carolina State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). B. Description of Need and Purpose: The purpose of this project is to provide a pedestrian connection between the west side of the Town of Holly Springs and the east side of the town which includes downtown. There are currently several sections of existing trail that have been constructed along with residential development in the area and there is also an existing pedestrian culvert that has been constructed under the NC55 Bypass. This project proposes to enhance pedestrian mobility and safety and to encourage more pedestrian trips in the project area by eliminating the gaps between the existing infrastructure to provide a continuous pedestrian path for connectivity. C. Categorical Exclusion Action Classification: (Check one) ❑X TYPE I A D. Proposed Improvements 3. Construction of bicycle and pedestrian lanes, paths, and facilities. 23. Federally -funded projects: a) That receive less than $5,000,000 (as adjusted annually by the Secretary to reflect any increases in the Consumer Price Index prepared by the Department of Labor) of Federal funds. Updated 4/25/17 E. Special Project Information: The construction of the 10ft wide trail will involve a limited amount of clearing and grubbing and grading and will require placement of subgrade material and asphalt paving. The two bridge crossings of Utley Creek have been selected based on natural topography, floodplain modeling, natural and cultural resource investigations, cost analysis and constructability reviews. Natural Resources Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. (CEI) visited the project study area to conduct a wetland and stream delineation, as well as habitat assessments for species listed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in Wake County. A Natural Environment FSM Checklist was completed. The delineation identified two jurisdictional streams (Utley Creek and one UT to Utley Creek). No wetlands were found to be within the study area. Threatened and endangered species habitat assessments were performed. No habitat is present for any listed species, with the exception of Northern long-eared bat. Northern long-eared bat has a standard biological conclusion of May Affect — Likely to Adversely Affect due to a Programmatic Opinion by the USFWS for NCDOT Division 1-8 projects. No maternity trees or hibernacula have been documented in Wake County. Cultural Resources The North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office's GIS Web Service was used to screen for any historic resources or properties within the study area. No historic resources or properties were found within the study area. A start of study letter was also sent to the SHPO in order to soilicit their input. A response letter was provided by SHPO stating that they are not aware of any historic resources that would be affected by the project. Agency Coordination A start of study email was sent to the following resource agencies on April 16, 2019 to solicit their feedback: • NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources — Emailed response stating that a 401 permit may be required, subject to USACE assessment, if there are any stream impacts from the project. The project is not in a buffered basin and there were no wetlands found within the study area. • SHPO - Response letter was provided stating that they are not aware of any historic resources that would be affected by the project. • NCWRC — Emailed response stating that they had no specific comments or concerns. • USFWS — No response provided. • USACE - No response provided. Permit Considerations A Nationwide Permit 14 and Water Quality Certification is anticipated for this project. The USACE holds the final discretion as to what permit will be required to authorize construction. If a Section 404 permit is required then a Section 401 Water Quality Certification will be needed. Since the project will utilize bridges to cross Utley Creek, 2 Updated 4/25/17 stream impacts will be limited to one culvert crossing of a tributary to Utley Creek and a few loctions of streambank impact due to ditches outletting to the creek. At the culvert crossing of the tributary, the stream has already been impacted by ATV use. There were no wetlands found within the study area. Public Involvement: A public meeting was held on April 30, 2019 at the Holly Springs Town Hall. Based on conversations at the meeting and comment forms received, the project does not generate substantial controversy or public opposition. 3 Updated 4/25/17 F. Proiect Impact Criteria Checklists: Type I & II - Ground Disturbing Actions FHWA APPROVAL ACTIVITIES THRESHOLD CRITERIA If any of questions 1-7 are marked "yes" then the CE will require FHWA approval. Yes No 1 Does the project require formal consultation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife ❑ ❑X Service (USFWS) or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)? 2 Does the project result in impacts subject to the conditions of the Bald and ❑ ❑X Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGPA)? 3 Does the project generate substantial controversy or public opposition, for any ❑ ❑X reason, following appropriate public involvement? 4 Does the project cause disproportionately high and adverse impacts relative to ❑ ❑X low-income and/or minority populations? 5 Does the project involve a residential or commercial displacement, or a ❑ substantial amount of right of way acquisition? 6 Does the project require an Individual Section 4(f) approval? ❑ ❑X Does the project include adverse effects that cannot be resolved with a 7 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) under Section 106 of the National Historic ❑ Preservation Act (NHPA) or have an adverse effect on a National Historic Landmark (NHL)? If any of questions 8 through 31 are marked "yes" then additional information will be required for those questions in Section G. Other Considerations Yes No Does the project result in a finding of "may affect not likely to adversely affect" 8 for listed species, or designated critical habitat under Section 7 of the ❑ ❑X Endangered Species Act (ESA)? 9 Is the project located in anadromous fish spawning waters? ❑ 0 Does the project impact waters classified as Outstanding Resource Water 10 (ORW), High Quality Water (HQW), Water Supply Watershed Critical Areas, ❑ 0 303(d) listed impaired water bodies, buffer rules, or Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)? 11 Does the project impact waters of the United States in any of the designated ❑ mountain trout streams? 12 Does the project require a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Individual ❑ 0 Section 404 Permit? 13 Will the project require an easement from a Federal Energy Regulatory ❑ 0 Commission (FERC) licensed facility? 14 Does the project include a Section 106 of the NHPA effects determination ❑ 0 other than a no effect, including archaeological remains? Updated 4/25/17 Other Considerations (continued) Yes No 15 Does the project involve hazardous materials and/or landfills? ❑ 0 Does the project require work encroaching and adversely affecting a 16 regulatory floodway or work affecting the base floodplain (100-year flood) ❑ 0 elevations of a water course or lake, pursuant to Executive Order 11988 and 23 CFR 650 subpart A? Is the project in a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) county and ❑ 17 substantially affects the coastal zone and/or any Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? 18 Does the project require a U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) permit? ❑ 0 19 Does the project involve construction activities in, across, or adjacent to a ❑ designated Wild and Scenic River present within the project area? 20 Does the project involve Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) resources? ❑ 0 21 Does the project impact federal lands (e.g. U.S. Forest Service (USFS), ❑ USFWS, etc.) or Tribal Lands? 22 Does the project involve any changes in access control? ❑ 0 23 Does the project have a permanent adverse effect on local traffic patterns or ❑ 0 community cohesiveness? 24 Will maintenance of traffic cause substantial disruption? ❑ 0 Is the project inconsistent with the STIP or the Metropolitan Planning 25 Organization's (MPO's) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (where ❑ 0 applicable)? Does the project require the acquisition of lands under the protection of Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Act, the Federal Aid in Fish 26 Restoration Act, the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, Tennessee Valley ❑ 0 Authority (TVA), or other unique areas or special lands that were acquired in fee or easement with public -use money and have deed restrictions or covenants on the property? 27 Does the project involve Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ❑ ❑X buyout properties under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)? 28 Does the project include a de minimis or programmatic Section 4(f)? ❑ ❑X 29 Is the project considered a Type I under the NCDOT's Noise Policy? ❑ 0 30 Is there prime or important farmland soil impacted by this project as defined by ❑ 0 the Farmland Protection Policy Act FPPA ? 31 Are there other issues that arose during the project development process that ❑ 0 affected the project decision? G. Additional Documentation as Required from Section F 15. NCDEQ's GIS maps were reviewed for Underground Storage Tanks, Hazardous Waste Sites, and Landfills. None were found within the project study area. 5 Updated 4/25/17 H. Project Commitments Town of Holly Springs Utley Creek Greenway Connection Wake County Federal Project No. CMAQ-0510(009) WBS No. 43714.1.6, 43714.2.6, 43714.3.6 TIP No. C-5406JA The Town of Holly Springs will identify all final construction impacts to the jurisdictional features and will then apply for and obtain environmental permits as necessary from the USACE and NCDEQ DWR prior to construction. Permit conditions must be adhered to during the design and construction of the project. The USFWS has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the USACE, and NCDOT for the Northern long-eared bat (NLEB) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Division 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect". The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8. As a project requirement for PBO compliance, after project completion, the construction contract administrator will submit the actual amount of tree clearing reported in tenths of acres to the NCDOT Environmental Analysis Unit. This information should be submitted at: https:Hconnect.ncdot.gov/site/construction/biosurveys/Lists/Northern%20Long°/o20Eared%20Bat/ Allltems.aspx Questions can be directed to Melissa Miller with the NCDOT Environmental Analysis Unit —Biological Surveys at mrmiller2@ncdot.gov. Categorical Exclusion Approval STIP Project No. WBS Element Federal Project No. Prepared By: Date Prepared For: Reviewed By: C-5604-JA 43714.1.6, 43714.2.6, 43714.3.6 CMAQ-0510(009) Jonathan Hefner, PE Project Manager Wetherill Engineering, Inc. Town of Holly Springs Date Chris Murray, PWS, Division Project Engineer for Planning and Environmental Studies North Carolina Department of Transportation, Highway Division 5 If all of the threshold questions (1 through 7) of ❑X Approved Section F are answered "no," NCDOT approves this Categorical Exclusion. If any of the threshold questions (1 through 7) of ❑ Certified Section F are answered "yes," NCDOT certifies this Categorical Exclusion. Date Tracy Parrot, PE, Division Project Delivery Engineer North Carolina Department of Transportation, Highway Division 5 FHWA Approved: For Projects Certified by NCDOT (above), FHWA signature required. Date John F. Sullivan, III, PE, Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration 7 Updated 4/25/17 UTLEY CREEK GREE11 t WA Y ` t ,t "\-1 } s, i! / i I r - �1q:17 EGIN II EK_1_ DETAIL UD( _ I, SEES PANE 40 r _� ''- \.- ��,., 4 '�+' � Iw��y+� ��-,�� � V'_j• \_� _ __ � �-- - `vim — - -_ l , lam+ �\ � e�,\\i' �1,�= I - _ � � N _: k . Y ,- _ i � ,�, .•.,a �` � I` .'�� 1'�� i --- i i }\ti n �y,j. _ .....1111fp7'Fl.ble I, r , 4 I i Bass � w 0 �1 d � � �� f� x � •� _•/ � � ��, ��' �e�rc Ir";i i j;�J .� �r_.� ':^-� � �"'t, 3as =�"'V � o C Y'CSpvt ti — - - r T 2000' 0' 2000' 4000' 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. ETHERILL Raleigh, N.C. 27606 ENGINEERING License No. F-0377 Bus: 919 8518077 1000, Fax: 919 8518107 B9 ~EItiti3jad Pme7 Drive Bi I i B i A711 1w fu 7 0 cc o• Harty Spr,nys Ware'r Qualify ;f 5[B fie[ t m d' h I3,{Y B (Clay West "a ent4ne S Ash cc)urr A vent Acres %ormuod ollr. VICINITY MAP END CONSTRUCTION -1.1- STA. 18+22.66 GRAPHIC SCALES 1" = 50' 1" = 50' 50 25 0 50 100 ..... PLANS 50 25 0 50 100 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 5R 1115 HoIlJ r �i Pine Aveflue , m�•� I r----- - - -_- TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS NORTH CAROLINA UTLEY CREEK GREENWAY CONNECTION LOCATION: FROM MORGAN PARK SUBDIVISION TO BALLENTINE STREET TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, PAVING, STRUCTURE, DRAINAGE, & EROSION CONTROL INDEX OF SHEETS 1 1A 2 4-5 X-1 - X-7 EXISTING PEDESTRIAN CULVERT BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -1.7 - STA. 7 9+77.66 1"=10' 10 5 0 10 20 PROFILE (VERTICAL) TITLE SYMBOLOGY SHEET TYPICAL SECTIONS PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS CROSS SECTIONS TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS PROJECT #: 14-021 NCDOT TIP # C-5604JA 65% PLANS PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH OF ASPHALT TRAIL = 1471.65 FEET LENGTH OF BRIDGE = 100.00 FEET LENGTH OF PROJECT = 1541.65 FEET HOLLY SPRINGS 128 S. MAIN ST. PO BOX 8 HOLLY SPRINGS, NC 27540 919-557-3931 CONTACT: DIRK SIEBENBRODT, PE PROJECT ENGINEER W Uj w U w J D z w w PLANS PREPARED BY: ETHERILL —.0990 ENGINEERING 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. B Raleigh, N.C. 27606 License No. F-0377 Bus: 919 851 8077 r Fax: 919 851 8107 INCOMPLETE PLANS W 1- L-SC -K H! W ACQU-T- DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED DATE: JANUARY 18, 2019 1 NO. I DATE 1 18344.01 kLE: 7 -L1- PT Sta.l +6 .10 PROPOSED SAFETY RAIL -Li- PC Sta.20+0 . 2 DETAIL A DETAIL D TIE TO WING WALL x SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH -L1- STA. 19+87.00 TO 20+45.00 LT cL4 ( Not to Scale) Not to Scale) R P-III 'A BERM 'V' DITC o0 10" CONWW 10" CONICWW PGOP ED CULVERT 4� Ot Fill SEE DETAI F -Ll- 40 Natural \ oC t Fill Natural 3'\ yes Slope o�= 1 6" CONIC HW 11 �l1amp Ground 3• 3 o�`e Slope Ground a'I t�\off 16 CONC HW �{ I D F\ D _SOIL O FTpp��N T� VE T= 341.75 �X d -� � j � � _- -_ APPR�1� =X 7' COIVC PED�I�LVERT C ��_-; WOODS �cD„2 Geotextile - - - - -- ------------- \s _ _ _ I �� Min. D= 1 Ft. Min. D= 1 Ft. / 04 Type of Liner= Class B Rip -Rap Max. d = 1 Ft. 3g j 6 / F X 40 FROM -Ll- STA. 11+75 TO STA. 13+25 RT. IC, � w MON N 580 15' 46.1" E TOP=345.7 IN FROM -Ll- STA. 16 + 50 TO STA. 17 + 00 LT. FROM -Ll- STA. 13 + 75 TO STA. 14 + 25 LT. INVERT= 34 .78 (711 (� SPECIAL TERAL ' IN 1 342. C DETAIL B ' 'DITCH / V � VffO.DS '. X SE DETAIL A I 40 �C �.d STANDARD 'V' DITCH o U " � 40 J� ( Not to Scale) EXISTING TOO I UZ y ` '�` Natural Natural DITCH \ p Xp 2/TONCL 'B' RIP RAP o .9 02 Ground 1 GroundEXISTING = `''I p 3` Y GEOTEXTILE k5 3 � � y 5'L• PEDESTRIAN 3 02 CULVERT Xd Min. D= 1 Ft.02 'X FROM -Ll- STA. 13+25 TO STA. 13+48 RT. -RC Sta.16+ 8.2 c� 77n DDE = 24 CY;S=0.3% TOE PROTECTION Ol7 SEE DETAIL E r CHANNE \ STABILE IP DETAIL C a- SEE DET�L STANDARD 'V' DITCH I ( Not to Scale) / I PROP D SAFETY RAIL Natural Natural I U_ TIE T ING WALL Ground 3. 1 D Ground -Li- PRC Sta.l 18 -L1- S 19+87.00 TO 20+65.00 RT I 3` + . Geotextile -/ BL-1100 o BEGIN CONSTRI TION Min. D= 1 Ft. O7 a TIE TO EXISTIN ED CULVERT Type of Liner= Class B Rip -Rap Ra Max. d - 1 Ft. O yP p- p O 1 O z -L1- STA. 19+77. FROM -Ll- STA. 13 + 57 TO STA. 13 + 75 LT. DDE = b CY;S=4.72% / O <^ ✓ ~ I TIE TO END CONSTRUCTION EXIST.. ETUX TIE TO EXISTING PED CULVERT I G 1 HDPE DB 13252 PG 815 S -L1- STA 1 8+22■66 I BM 1954 PG 113 2 IF HDPE I -Li- PC Sta.l +20.00 WOODS SPECIA ' E ' DI Z 2 ' I SS B U 1 I WOOD S ANDARD 'V' DI I �e I W/ CLASS B RAP ® SEE DET C � +5 330.0�_g70 _�s + E D BRIDGE ® JS Tg� _�- _ �S 0.10 L� - STA. 13+75.00 � IB j TB B� IN BRIDGE ,� O 533-L - STA. 13+25.00 AC U Is �1e BZ 1 M I STANDARD 'V' DITCH 1 1-10 6 is E CRE SEE DETAIL B TLgy ad � R��� l� -Li- PT Sta.1 +oo.00,- �JS BZ N 6118.1 E F .Q BL-111 F o C-- F F F/ 1' 1,O?' TOWN OF c, a jQX HOLLY SPRINGS F F w \ C / /SPECIAL LATERAL QQ N w + 'V' DITCH N� SEE DETAIL A r� WOODS e \ � N �{ ` (V C/) H. BRANTLEY POWELL, ET UX DB 13252 PG 815 o C' v wooDs a U BM 1954 PG 113 a a '4 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION END CONSTRUCTION TIE TO EXISTING TRAIL -L1- STA. 21+20.00 DETAIL E TOE PROTECTION ( Not to Scale) t o<F e Natural g1 \\S\0 Ground b F` d- 0.5 Ft. b= 3 Ft. Geotextile Type of Liner= Class BRip-Rap FROM -Ll- STA. 15+25 TO STA. 16+75 RT. DETAIL F BERM 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) GREENWAY b Natural Ground 3•I D '\ Min. D- 1 Ft. b= 2 Ft. FROM -Ll- STA. 17+00 TO STA. 18+00 LT. DETAIL G PIPE OUTLET CHANNEL STABILIZATION (Not to Scale) Natural Bed Elevation atuI Natural Gat Ground 1.5 Geotextile � �� Channel Bed Length = 21 Ft. (Variable) Type of Liner= CL B Rip -Rap - Keyed -In -LI- STA. 20+29 RT. +/- BL-10 5 • �� -Li- CURVE DATA PI Sta 111II PI Sta 1277.28 A = 60° 04' 53.3" (RI A = 94' 12' 51 5" (LT) D = 630 39'43.1" D = 1430 14' 22.ott L = 94.38t L = 65.77 T = 52.05 T = 43.o6 R = 9o.o0' R = 40.00' PI Sta 1581.65 PI Sta 1762.24 A = 840 04' 50.1" (LT) A = 1320 09' 42.3" (RI D = 570 17' 44.8" D = 1040 10' 26.9" L = 146.75' L = 126.87' PI Sta 1457.35 A = 400 57' 27 3" (RT) D = 570 17t 44 8tt L = 71.48 � T = 37.35 R = ioo.00' PI Sta 2053.97 A = 52' 21' 57.0" (RT) D = 630 39' 43.1" L = 82.26' 50urce v fA HOLLY SPRINGS 128 S. MAIN ST. PO BOX 8 HOLLY SPRINGS, NC 27540 919-557-3931 CONTACT: DIRK SIEBENBRODT, PE PROJECT ENGINEER z O I --I v Uj LLJ W 10H.BRANTLEYPOWELL c O U Lin U U w J z w w V PLANS PREPARED BY: ��p�_ &IP ERING 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. Raleigh, NoCF 03606 77 Bus: 919 851 8077 Fax: 919 851 8107 TIE TO EXISTING TRAIL \ T = 90.17' T = 124.00' T = 44.25' -L1- STA. 10+65.00 R = loo.00' R = 55.00' R = 90.00' PI = 17+90.00 EL = 36o.74 VC 6o.00 oil I PI = 15+79.00 EL = 352.30 VC = 230.0o PI = 20+10.00 EL = 344.72III VC = 6o.00 = IIII III a PI = 14+30.00 350 EL = 338.89 VC= 60.0o 50 INCOMPLETE PLANS U9 NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION PI = 12+70.0LI EL = 335.69 VC = 6o.00 Al 40 PI = 11+30.00 EL = 331.494 + - IIII11111 - VC = 100.00 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL - SIGNATURES COMPLETED 0 DATE: JANUARY 18, 2019 BRIDGE HYDRAULIC DATA REVISIONS: 330 NO. DATE DESIGN DISCHARGE = 468 CFS DESIGN FREOUENCY = 10 YRS DESIGN HW ELEVATION = 334.0 FT BASE DISCHARGE = 789 CFS BASE FREQUENCY = /00 YRS 320 - - W E I PROJECT NO.: BASE HW ELEVATION = 335J FT OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE = 540 CFS OVERTOPPING FREOUENCY= 10+ YRS 18344.01 IN 3 OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = 334.6 FT 8.0 3310 RT 0.10 = SCALE: F I I I I i 11 1 1 I I I I 1 1 11111 ++444+444-+�-+++4�1_4_! _+ � 1 �� 1 - _�� _L1_L_ji+ - 310 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 4 DETAIL A ® SPECIAL LATERAL N' DITCH END PROPOSED TRAIL 50urce em Not to sale) END RESURFACING AND WIDENING EXISTING TRAIL TIE TO PROPOSED CURB RAMP cl -L2- STA. 20+10.00 x Natural 3.� °e< Fill BEGIN PROPOSED TRAIL b c Ground 3., D ��o� Slope -L2- STA. 14+50.00 colvc sw W N � r Min. D = 1 Ft. N N a N HOLLY SPRINGS FROM -L1- STA. 15 + 00 TO STA. 17 + 00 RT. + A �16DD �I a III 30" RCP rl U' TIE TO BEGIN CONSTRUCTION EX 06 °+° + U IDI CH TIE TO EXISTING TRAIL H a -L2- STA. 10+50.00 + + N �- II +� p-t SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH II t r+ 1 W/CLASS B RIP RAP I w _. INSTALL NEW CURB SEE DETAIL D ' RAMPS 128 S. MAIN ST. Q _ �_` o t C/1 U a 'V' ICJ IIO PO BOX 8 t 00 A-t STANDARD DITCH r b P-t i ' W/CLASS B RIP RAP 1 �-� o d HOLLY SPRINGS, INC 27540 �y� N C� + Q, N N a SEE DETAIL C O L\ m x 919-557-3931 CONTACT: ' .� , 1 2 TONS CL 'B' RIP RAP O RETA t DIRK SIEBENBRODT, PE U1 W/7 SY GEOTEXTILE Ok`Z - I\'� PROJECT ENGINEER + O� sta.2 WOODS �, 2 RE E G O3 � BZ EIP , 8 XDPE O ' BALLENT E CO M Y C. INC. rs 2• �� \� \ SS k � Z DB 88 9 PG 18 BZ Y� 5 gl• Z- �� �5� �� a� O B 1998 P 1809 & 1 1CID 1 0 5� ,, -1 SOL, INC. 2lIt r TL Y CREEK \ DB4158PG81 F BM 1999 PG 859 w c 1P V I 050 a1 m U i W OD v 00 F. d Q Uj Z 2° 18' 25 ltt E wooDs '` - - O LLJ � '30, SFWER ASEM T 1• B ® DgE ® ss E211 H11 H Cr - -� �1 W00 C / Lilt°r e� m m 8 " x ® C,SPE&AL LAT L ,0 ( , v O Ln BALLENTINE COMMUNITY ASSOC. INC. K�� ENT - = V' DITCH AVENT ACRES COMM. ASSOC. INC ® DB 8809 PG 1876 0 ss 121��� X SEE DETAIL A �e m R S FINCHER & CO G woo �, I U � ss i 2" BM 1998 PG 1809 & 1810 E 1 D BM 996 PG 480 X ° 8 tt E -L2- TA. +98.00 �� w >-*k It N 55 5 4 9 MATTHEW STRAND LYNDA TRUJILLO \ BEGIN B R DAVID G. SAKELL, ET UX DB 17196 PG 2256 -L2- STA. 17+48.00 _ v m 10" CONIC HW DB 11084 PG 2115 BM 1993 PG 1496 TOE PROTECTION 'l J ~ , x - _ -00k � N 45° 30 5 \\X BM 1999 PG 2343 JOHN R. NANCE �\ SEE DETAIL E •MCP x DETAIL E �/ 'A /H � O TOE PROTECTION JANELLE N. CHERTEINY CLIFTON C. MAY, JR, ET UX I Not to Scale) DB 16776 PG 2660 DB 7860 PG 708 •\`� BM 1993 PG 1496'\ BM 1996 PG 228 O Uj w Uj �a,11k0 sl 8 �� RETAIN Ground b Natural3��°��5\op S \ \ �2` SCOTT S UX 1 WSPG UTLEY CREEK ,� b c�? j .� pRC 4036E 556ET d = 0.5 1 CONIC WW 1BM 1993 PG 1496 X� b= 3 Ft.. Geotextile , ^ V 10" CONC HW 8" H E INSTALL S�� Type of Liner= Class B Rip -Rap 10" CONIC WW RETAIN NEW CURB 12 FROM -L2- STA. 17 + 00 TO STA. 17 + 37 RT. x \ PROPOSED SAFETY RAIL RAMPS `poi PLANS PREPARED BY: -L2- STA. 10+75.00 TO 11+25.00 RT -L2- CURVE DATA END PROPOSED TRAIL TIE TO EXISTING SIDEWALK AT BEGIN RESURFACING AND WIDENING PI Sta 10+95.78 PI Sta 11+23.12 PI STA. 11+86.31 PI STA. 12+19.92 PI STA. 12+69.87ETHERILL -L2- STA. 11 +31.65 EXISTING TRAIL 0 = 860 07' S1.o" (RT) 0 = 930 34' 01.2" (LT) 0 = 270 44' 55.7" (RT) 0 = 570 03' 29.2" (LT) 0 = 430 2615 9" (RT) ENGINEERING ° to -L2- STA. 11 +69.20 D = 286° 28' 0" 44• D = 81° 8' 18. 3 5 7 D = 11 ' 2 6" 4 35 9• D 1 ° 1 ' 22.0" = 43 4 D = 1° ' 11.0" 7 37 DETAIL C DETAIL D L = 30.07' L = 24.50' L = 24.22' L = 39.83' L = 6o.65' STANDARD 'V' DITCH SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH N T = 18.69' T = 15.96' T = 12.35' T = 21.74' T = 31.87' Not Scale) ( Not to Scale) to N R = 20.00' R = 15.00' R = 50.00' R = 40.00' R = 80.00' Natural Natural Ground �. 1 Ground o< Fill 3. Slope Natural' ` � PI STA. 1 + 6.20 � 3 9 PI STA. 1 + 8 4 73. 9 PI STA. 1 +o6. 5 79 PI STA. 16+6 8 5. 9 PI STA. 18+82. 8 7 PI STA. 1 + 0. 9 7 73 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. Raleigh, N.C. 27606 d � Ground `3'I �6 ' D = 30 33' 23.8" (RT) 0 = 370 42' 09.2" (LT) 0 = 370 42' 09.2" (RT) A = 300 22' 25 5" (LT) A = 450 26' 56 3" (RT) A = 1180 34' 53.5" (LT) License No. F-0377 Bus: 919 851 8077 d A_0 Geotextile D = 190 05' 54.9" D = 114° 35' 29.6" D = 1140 35' 29.6" D = 380 11' 49.9" D = 570 17' 44.8" D = 1900 59' Min. D= 1 Ft. `' ' 09 4" Fax: 919 851 8107 Geotextile • = 3 9 = 3 9 = 79.5 = 79.3 9 Max. d= 1 Ft. Min. D= 1 Ft. � L = 18.62' L 2. O' L 2. O' L 2' L 2' L = 62.E k Type of Liner= Class B Rip -Rap t Type of Liner= Class B Rip -Rap Max. d= 1 Ft. 6, T = 9.31t T = 17.07t T = 17.07t T = 40.72t T = 41.88t T = 50.51 FROM -L2- STA. 17+68 TO STA. 18+00 LT. 6, R = 00.00' R = 0.00' R = 0.00' R 1 0.00' R = 100.00' R = 0.00' DDE = 4 CY;S = 9.22 /o FROM -L2- STA. 18 + 00 TO STA. 19 + 25 LT. 3 5 5 = 5 3 PI = 14+85.00 PI = 19+51.00 ■ 380 VC = 70.0o EL = 372.15 VC = 50.00 PI = 18+40.00 PI = 15+6o.00 EL = 366.6o VC = 6o.00 PI = 17+20.00 O EL = 362.6o EL = 364.2E VC = 80.0E VC = 30.0E INCOMPLETE PLANS NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION W7-U9 ■ ■ BRIDGE HYDRAULIC DATA DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED DESIGN DISCHARGE = 120 CFS FINAL UNLESS ALL DESIGN FREOUENCY = /0 YRS SIGNATURES COMPLETED DESIGN HW ELEVATION = 361.3 FT IT DATE: JANUARY 18, 2019 _ 350 BASE DISCHARGE = 175 CFS BASE FREOUENCY = /00 YRS BASE HW ELEVATION = 362.0 FT 3 _ REVISIONS: NO. DATE OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE = 500 CFS OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY= 500+ YRS OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = 3642 FT PI = 11+25.00 EL = 357.01 a VC = 10.00 340 wEI PROJECT NO.: PI = 10+70.00 EL = 351.51 18344.01 VC = 40.0E ri I I I I _T9 7111 - SCALE: 330+ 330 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 5 � Y .. ` • .. . • ..�\. � }� ,t � - [jet Ki ..i. �." lei'. AS 14 s C I . r _ -� � � _ •! ., ^ice x��- i. � `i�� _. � � �` � _ - . � / �! � , � � 1 ` ,1. V. -\\. •'� YW 22 yam/ Al 1` ar44 ,., ;;:'.dam' � ..,.� - a ,• - - _ �s '+ —._. � _ - - -- y Jr t Or a r �s�•�, '>_. _- Si_- ! 6�.. illy ,�¢3�r. .4�.a .�yy, �l R.-J ��44''�,�'� �I� }. ,�•�'Y[ r� �`If�GiyCl, is' j`' - = T'. -. :�• �Y �k a .5 i. t �,,, �7;..r i4f1� !- „t. �. t � �^A �2 y , � illc'T"7+f]r tl �. C,. ' �•7 '� �y ay .s { lee��_. 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"- �4 4r� " =tlk 1��\J�ti�t�. �� _. _ _ � rw v-��. - /�A1' � �\ -7' o�i 1g, /y. f_ t j 1k. -t.V4 of '!u .. _ _ E rj,+:i�9R� '�'i'a� 19�•"+� f "—" - '�'�',?'iy "�' • ..'ry �'C 4y : �•,f: .i f � e w_ ram►' ti• ti J;� :q � �`„• a -`s., s • � I' ��r rw ., eFl r • � , � `� ~ '• - � ✓ Jai � Y ° b_ �.•,�. d � - OL 1 ryge of • y y + ,Y J�Y�i ;/f1�i� ✓i' •• i' \ ' � i r ,� ; L, _v.T, ' � o ;� .t 6� �;7!; .. •�r �ll^^`j77�.,^'�.. � OZ � y - � � f �. �r �A. � is. u - _ •fr r �"!I �1 �,' s E: r s�P4 � ' � �I� 4.J `'f �_ �1CAROLINA `!ECOSYSTEMS MEMORANDUM 3040 NC Hwy 42 West; Clayton, NC 27520 P:919-606-1065 — F:919-585-5570 TO: Mr. Jonathan Hefner, Wetherill Engineering FROM: Phil May; Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. DATE: July 5, 2019 RE: Natural Environment FSM Checklist Utley Creek Greenway Wake County, NC Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. (CEI) is providing this memo to summarize the findings from the site visits to the Utley Creek Greenway extension to conduct a wetland and stream delineation, as well as habitat assessments for species listed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in Wake County. The completed Natural Environment FSM Checklist is attached for your records. The delineation identified two jurisdictional streams (Utley Creek and one UT to Utley Creek). No wetlands were found to be within the study area. Threatened and endangered species habitat assessments were performed. No habitat is present for any listed species, with the exception of Northern long-eared bat. Northern long-eared bat has a standard biological conclusion of May Affect — Likely to Adversely Affect due to a Programmatic Opinion by the USFWS for NCDOT Division 1-8 projects. No maternity trees or hibemacula have been documented in Wake County. If you have any questions, or need further information regarding this investigation, please call me at your convenience at (919) 606-1065 or email me at phil.may@carolinaeco.com. Natural Environment FSM Checklist TIP N/A County Wake Utley Creek Greenway Bridge Number Morgan Park Subdivision to Ballentine St Description Basin Cape Fear Stream Type Utley Creek - Perennial UT to Utley Creek - Perennial Utley Creek - C; NSW Classification Stream Non 404 /n No USACE /n No Non 404 /n No Wetlands CAMA /n No NC DWQ Buffer Basin /n if yes provide basin No RCW - No, no pine stands of suitable age, mostly mixed pine -hardwood; Bald Eagle - No, no large bodies of water; Michaux's sumac - No, maintained grass in sewer easements; Cape Fear shiner - not surveyed, Utley Creek to be boardwalk (no impact), UT - small perennial, heavy sediment, disturbed existing ATV crossing; Carolina madtom - No; Project is not located within the known range of the species. Neuse River waterdog - No; Project is not located within the known range of the species. T&E Habitat (y/n, with explanation) Atlantic pigtoe - No; Project is not located within the known range of the species. Dwarf wedgemussel - No; Project is not located within the known range of the species. Tar River spinymussel - No; Project is not located within the known range of the species. Yellow lance - No; Project is not located within the known range of the species. Northern long-eared bat - Yes; See comments. CAMA AECs /n No Wild and Scenic River /n No Stream crossings at : L1 - Station 13+50 Utley Creek L1 - Station 21+25 UT to Utley Creek (perennial) L2 - Station 17+75 Utley Creek. One small ditch had flow at Station 16+75 (L2) but excessive rainfall and high flow. Michaux's Sumac was not observed during firld investingations. NLEB covered by a Programmatic Opinion by USFWS for NCDOT Division 1-8 projects. No maternity trees or hibernacula have been documented for Wake County. Project Comments Completed by: I R L0A N grNCAROLINA Feet \:iECOSYSTEMS 0 125 250 o- Map Date: June 2019 Study Area Revised: IN,, Perennial stream Revised: 2017 NC Statewide Aerial Photographs Revised: 4r t 4' Utley Creek Greenway Wake County, NC Figure 2: Jurisdictional Features Map Direct and Indirect Screening Tool Direct Impacts 1. Are notable right-of-way impacts possible? Notable right-of-way impacts include residential, institutional and/or business relocations, loss of one or more required parking spaces, major changes to property access, and similar direct property effects. ❑ No right-of-way needed for this project. X❑ No ❑ Yes The only right-of-way required for the project is a vacant lot along the west side of the NC 55 Bypass which the existing pedestrian culvert under the NC 55 Bypass exits onto. The trail design minimizes impacts to this parcel by staying close to the right-of-way of the NC 55 Bypass. 2. Are negative impacts to pedestrian or bicycle facilities possible? Pedestrian and bicycle impacts include facilities that currently do not or that after completion will not meet ADA or comply with Complete Streets policies, blocked or notably delayed crossings (temporary or permanent), notably longer or indirect routes, insufficient space to share or to separate lanes, a notable increase in conflict points, and similar barrier effects or inadequate accommodations. ❑ Not present/Not applicable © No ❑ Yes As this project is a bike and pedestrian project, there will be positive impacts for bikes and pedestrians as the project will complete a missing gap within the Town's trail network. 3. Are negative impacts to transit possible? Transit is considered to be present if a fixed route bus travels along the project corridor or if it travels along an intersecting street and crosses the project corridor. There does not need to be a stop within the project footprint. Impacts include notable delays, stop relocations, and/or increased difficulty for bus riders to reach a stop. X❑ Not present/Not applicable ❑ No ❑ Yes 1IPage 4. Are negative impacts to local traffic on intersecting routes possible? Local traffic impacts include closed intersections, notably longer routes to reach destinations on the other side of the project corridor, notable delays or difficulties for emergency vehicles, school buses, garbage trucks, farm equipment, etc. to cross the corridor, inadequate accommodation of vehicles making left or U turns to access local streets, and similar concerns. Adding signals, roundabouts, superstreets or medians do not, in and of themselves, notably impact local traffic, but the spacing of median openings and distances needed to make U turns may have negative impacts. ❑ Not present/Not applicable ® No ❑ Yes The only changes to existing streets will be moving the curb ramp along the west side of Chilmark Ridge Dr. (neighborhood street., low traffic volumes) to align with the curb ramp on the east side of the street and the addition of a crosswalk along W. Ballentine St. 5. Are negative impacts to parks and recreational facilities possible? Right-of-way impacts may be permanent or temporary, including temporary construction easements. Access impacts must substantially impair access to and use of a facility, such as during construction should lane narrowing or detours notably hinder vehicles with trailers from reaching a boat ramp. Parks and recreation facilities must be publicly owned or leased and open to the public. ❑ Not present/Not applicable © No ❑ Yes The only impacts to parks and recreation facilities will be the temporary closure of the existing trail during construction from Chilmark Ridge Dr. to its current terminus just east of the NC 55 Bypass. 6. Are negative impacts to farmland soils, agricultural operations or voluntary agriculture districts possible? Right-of-way impacts may be permanent or temporary, including temporary construction easements, which convert farmland to non farm use. Access impacts must substantially impair access to and use of an operation, such as during construction should lane narrowing, detour routes or detour bridge weight limits prevent farm vehicles from accessing fields or require low 2 1 P a g e speed vehicles to use high speed roads. VADs and EVADs are not impact categories but may affect right-of-way acquisition and are noted to avoid project delay. ® Not present/Not applicable ❑ No ❑ Yes 7. Is the project potentially inconsistent with local area land development plans, health or active transport goals, or economic development needs? Is it possible for the project to negatively impact businesses and economic resources through loss of parking, reduced visibility, notable changes in access or travel patterns, disruption of district or corridor stability and cohesion through relocations or barrier effects, or similar impacts? ❑ Not present/Not applicable ® No ❑ Yes The project will complete gaps within the existing trail network and will encourage non -vehicular trips. Business and economic resources will not be negatively impacted. 8. Is it possible that the project may negatively impact community resources, or to alter the overall functioning of a district, community or neighborhood, or disrupt connections between residential and commercial, institutional, recreational and employment areas? Is it possible for the project to negatively affect emergency services access or pedestrian safety, including perceived crime concerns? Are there any known or anticipated concerns or controversies relative to the project? ❑ Not present/Not applicable © No ❑ Yes The project seeks to improve connections within the Town's trail network and will positively impact community resources by providing a route for non -vehicular trips to the downtown area and also expanding the trail network for recreation. Emergency services access and pedestrian safety should not be changed by the project. There are no anticipated concerns or controversies relative to the project. 9. Is it possible for the project to add to recurring effects on any populations, neighborhoods or communities? Recurring effects include past, current and anticipated near term actions that may have minor impacts individually but when taken as a whole may have notable effects. ❑ Not present/Not applicable © No ❑ Yes No recurring effects anticipated. 3 1 P a g e 10. Is it possible for the project to have a disproportionately high and adverse impact, including delay or denial of benefit, on low income, young, old, disabled or minority persons? ❑ Not present/Not applicable 0 No ❑ Yes No adverse impacts anticipated. Indirect Impacts 11. Is it likely that the project may result in travel time savings of more than one minute? © No ❑ Yes 12. Will the project permanently add new connections to the existing road network (i.e. new intersections, intersection -to -interchange conversions' or new service roads2)? ® No ❑ Yes 13. Will the project provide new or expanded access to properties? ® No ❑ Yes 14. Will the project encourage the development of activity centers or similar areas of concentrated, moderate to high intensity land development or redevelopment? ® No ❑ Yes 1 This refers to a replacement as an individual project. Converting intersections to interchanges as part of corridor upgrade projects should be considered within the context of the larger project. z This refers to construction of new roads along an existing highway frontage to provide access where none has existed previously. Generally this does not apply to constructing service roads to replace driveways due to a change in access or other access management considerations. 4 1 P a g e North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Secretary Susi H. Hamilton May 10, 2019 Jonathan Hefner Wetherill Engineering 1223 Jones Franklin Road Raleigh, NC 27606 Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry Re: Utley Creek Greenway Connection, Holly Springs, C-5604JA, Wake County, ER 19-1466 Dear Mr. Hefner: Thank you for your email of April 16, 2019, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or environmental.review(ancdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, (1� AkdLa-&&t� 6"KRamona Bartos, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 807-6570/807-6599 Jonathan Hefner From: Ridings, Rob <rob.ridings@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 12:57 PM To: Jonathan Hefner Subject: RE: [External] Town of Holly Springs - TIP C-5604JA - Utley Creek Greenway Connection Jonathan, Thank you for requesting comments for this project. Your package suggests no wetlands on site and this project is not in a Buffered Basin. Therefore, I do not have many comments. Your attachments suggest that the plan is to completely bridge over the streams with no impacts. If so, then this project would not require a 401 from my office, as long as the USCOE agrees with that assessment. Let me know if you need anything else from our office. Thank you, Rob Ridings Environmental Specialist 401/Buffer Transportation Permitting (DOT Divisions 4-5) Division of Water Resources, NC Department of Environmental Quality 919-707-3873 office rob. ridings o ncdenr.gov 512 North Salisbury Street, 12'" Floor 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 From: Jonathan Hefner <JHefner@wetherilleng.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 3:32 PM To: Ridings, Rob <rob.ridings@ncdenr.gov>; gary_jordan@fws.gov; travis.wilson@ncwildlife.gov; Gledhill-earley, Renee <renee.gledhill-earley@ncdcr.gov>; DCR - Environmental —Review <Environmental.Review@ncdcr.gov>; james.c.lastinger@usace.army.mil Subject: [External] Town of Holly Springs - TIP C-5604JA - Utley Creek Greenway Connection External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to ��report.spam@nc.gov Wetherill Engineering, Inc., on behalf of the Town of Holly Springs is requesting your comments on the Utley Creek Greenway Connection in Wake County, North Carolina. Project Location: From the existing Morgan Park Trail on the west side of the NC 55 Bypass to W. Ballentine Street on the east side of the NC 55 Bypass generally following Utley Creek in Holly Springs, NC. Project Contact: See below Project Description: The project involves the construction of approximately 1,550 ft of new greenway trail consisting of a 10-foot wide asphalt trail, two bridge crossings of Utley Creek, and repair and resurfacing of approximately 1,400 ft of existing greenway. The construction of the trail will involve clearing and grubbing, grading, placement of subgrade material and asphalt paving. The bridge locations have been selected based on natural topography, floodplain modeling, natural and cultural resource investigations, cost analysis and constructability reviews. Streams and habitats for threatened and endangered species within the project study area were reviewed on January 31, 2019 by Carolina Ecosystems. See attached natural environment checklist. I have also included the USGS quad map, the title sheet from the plan set with vicinity map, the project plan sheets, and site photos. We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project. If applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your agency. Your comments will be used in the preparation of a federally -funded Categorical Exclusion checklist through NCDOT. This document will be prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. It is desirable that your agency respond by May 17, 2019 so that your comments can be used in the preparation of this document. If you have any questions or comments concerning the project, please contact me. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Jonathan Hefner, PE I Project Engineer WETHERILL ENGINEERING WE Design Your Tomorrow... D: 984.242.0576 0: 919.851.8077 M:919.673.2135 F: 919.851.8107 1223 Jones Franklin Road, Raleigh, NC 27606 ATTENTION: The contents of this message, including all attachments, are from Wetherill Engineering, Inc. and are proprietary and confidential to the intended recipient. If you have received this message in error, you are not authorized to read, copy, or manipulate any part of the correspondence or attachments in any manner. Please notify the sender and delete all copies of this message and its attachments immediately. Jonathan Hefner From: Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 10:29 AM To: Jonathan Hefner Subject: RE: [External] Town of Holly Springs - TIP C-5604JA - Utley Creek Greenway Connection WRC has reviewed the subject project. At this time we do not have any specific comments or concerns. Travis W. Wilson Eastern Region Highway Project Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program NC Wildlife Resources Commission 1718 Hwy 56 West Creedmoor, NC 27522 Phone: 919-707-0370 Fax: 919-528-2524 Travis.Wilsonancwildlife.ora ncwildlife.org 0 n Tine From: Jonathan Hefner <JHefner@wetherilleng.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 3:34 PM To: Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org> Subject: [External] Town of Holly Springs - TIP C-5604JA - Utley Creek Greenway Connection External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to .re ort.s am c nc. ov Wetherill Engineering, Inc., on behalf of the Town of Holly Springs is requesting your comments on the Utley Creek Greenway Connection in Wake County, North Carolina. Project Location: From the existing Morgan Park Trail on the west side of the NC 55 Bypass to W. Ballentine Street on the east side of the NC 55 Bypass generally following Utley Creek in Holly Springs, NC. Project Contact: See below Project Description: The project involves the construction of approximately 1,550 ft of new greenway trail consisting of a 10-foot wide asphalt trail, two bridge crossings of Utley Creek, and repair and resurfacing of approximately 1,400 ft of existing greenway. The construction of the trail will involve clearing and grubbing, grading, placement of subgrade material and asphalt paving. The bridge locations have been selected based on natural topography, floodplain modeling, natural and cultural resource investigations, cost analysis and constructability reviews. 1 Streams and habitats for threatened and endangered species within the project study area were reviewed on January 31, 2019 by Carolina Ecosystems. See attached natural environment checklist. I have also included the USGS quad map, the title sheet from the plan set with vicinity map, the project plan sheets, and site photos. We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project. If applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your agency. Your comments will be used in the preparation of a federally -funded Categorical Exclusion checklist through NCDOT. This document will be prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. It is desirable that your agency respond by May 17, 2019 so that your comments can be used in the preparation of this document. If you have any questions or comments concerning the project, please contact me. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Jonathan Hefner, PE I Project Engineer WETHERILL ENGINEERING WE Design Your Tomorrow... D: 984.242.0576 0: 919.851.8077 M:919.673.2135 F: 919.851.8107 1223 Jones Franklin Road, Raleigh, NC 27606 ATTENTION: The contents of this message, including all attachments, are from Wetherill Engineering, Inc. and are proprietary and confidential to the intended recipient. If you have received this message in error, you are not authorized to read, copy, or manipulate any part of the correspondence or attachments in any manner. Please notify the sender and delete all copies of this message and its attachments immediately. Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.