HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181737 Ver 2_Duke_HabitatAssessment_Report_FINAL_20190212_20190730M MOTT M MACDONALD Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report Piedmont Natural Gas Lines 448 & 449 Project Sampson County, North Carolina December 2018; revised February 2019 M MOTT M MACDONALD Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report Prepared by: Mott MacDonald Salt Lake City, Utah Office 5295 South Commerce Drive, Suite 500 Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 Piedmont Natural Gas Lines 448 & 449 Project Sampson County, North Carolina December 2018, revised February 2019 Prepared for: Piedmont Natural Gas 4720 Piedmont Row Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28210 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report Issue and revision record Revision Originator Checkout Approver Descriptor V1 11/20/2018 D. Ward V2 2/21/2019 J. Miner Information class: Standard 11/23/2018 D. Gibbons Initial draft 2/12/2019 D. Gibbons Revised final draft - reroute This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the above - captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. This document contains confidential information and proprietary intellectual property. It should not be shown to other parties without consent from us and from the party which commissioned it. Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report Contents Acronyms vi 1 Project Background 8 1.1 General Overview 8 1.2 Project Description 8 1.3 Purpose and Need 9 1.4 Horizontal Directional Drill Locations 9 2 Habitat -Level Survey Methods 11 2.1 General Survey Methodology 11 2.2 Protected Species Overview 11 3 Habitat -Level Survey Results 12 3.1 General Habitat and Landuse Results 12 3.2 Habitat and Landuse Descriptions 13 3.3 American Alligator Survey Results 15 3.4 Pondberry Survey Results 15 3.5 Red -cockaded Woodpecker Survey Results 16 3.6 Raptor Nest Survey Results 17 4 Project Impacts 4.1 Project Impacts and Mitigation 19 5 References 21 Appendices 22 A. Overview Map Figures 1.1-2 and 1.1-3 B. Habitat Map Figure 3.1-1 C. USFWS IPaC Report Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report D. Selected Habitat Observation Site Photographs E. Pondberry Background Information F. Red -Cockaded Woodpecker Survey Protocol Tables Table 1.2-1: Land Requirements for Project Activities Table 1.4-1: Project Resources Crossed by HDD Method Table 2.1-1: Federally Protected Species of Concern Table 3.1-1: Habitat and Landuse within the PSA Table 3.5-1: Red -cockaded Woodpecker Habitat Observations within the PSA Table 4.1-1: Habitat and Landuse Impact Summary Figures Figure 1.1-1: Topographic Overview Map Figure 1.1-2: 1:24000 Scale Topographic Overview Map Figure 1.1-3: 1:24000 Scale Aerial Overview Map Figure 3.1-1: Habitat Map Figure 9 9 11 12 17 20 10 Appendix A Appendix A Appendix B Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report Acronyms ATWS additional temporary workspace DBH diameter at breast height ft feet GIS Geographic Information System GPS Global Positioning System HDD horizontal directional drilling IPaC Information for Planning and Conservation MP milepost Piedmont Piedmont Natural Gas Project Lines 448 & 449 Project PSA Project Study Area ROW right(s)-of-way TWS temporary workspace USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USDA United States Department of Agriculture USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service USGS United States Geological Survey Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report This page intentionally left blank. Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report 1 Project Background 1.1 General Overview Mott MacDonald, on behalf of Piedmont Natural Gas (Piedmont), conducted habitat -level assessments concurrently with wetland and waterbody field delineation surveys from June 17-27, 2018, November 2-3, 2018, and from January 28-31, 2019 to identify potential suitable habitat for protected species under federal and/or state protection present within the environmental survey corridor developed for the proposed Lines 448 and 449 Project (Project). The Project is located within Sampson County, North Carolina. The field survey area for the proposed Lines 448 and 449 consisted of a typical 150 -foot -wide survey corridor developed to provide 50 -feet on the non -working side and 100 -feet on the working side of the proposed pipeline, a 50 -foot -wide corridor centered on proposed access roads, and additional area as needed to capture proposed facility site footprints, extra workspace areas for anticipated horizontal directional drill (HDD) crossings, road crossings, and foreign pipeline crossings; for a survey area of 786.48 acres. The field survey area for the proposed Lines 448 and 449 Project is known in this report as the Project Study Area (PSA). An overview map showing the location of the proposed Project is provided as Figure 1.1-1. The following sections of this report describe the Project's purpose and need, location, and land requirements; include a discussion of the methods used to identify potential suitable habitat for protected species in the vicinity of the Project, and provide the results of the surveys performed within the PSA. Table 2.1-1 lists federally protected species occurring within Sampson County, North Carolina per information available from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Environmental Conservation Online System.' There are three federally listed species occurring within Sampson County, North Carolina with potential to occur near the Project. Piedmont is coordinating with state agencies regarding state listed protected species and potential habitat within the PSA. Descriptions of survey methodologies are described in Section 2 of this report. The habitat -level survey results for the PSA are presented in Section 3 of this report. Habitat impacts resulting from the proposed Project construction and operation are summarized in Section 4. 1.2 Project Description Piedmont Natural Gas is proposing to construct and operate two natural gas pipelines to replace portions of Lines 37 and 38 on their existing natural gas system, located in Sampson County, North Carolina. The Project includes: Line 448 Installation of approximately 21.8 miles of new 12 -inch diameter steel pipeline Line 449 Installation of approximately 9.8 miles of new 6 -inch diameter steel pipeline Land requirements for construction and operation of the Project are provided in Table 1.2-1. Figure 1.1-2 in Appendix A illustrates the location of the PSA and proposed alignment and facilities on 1:24,000 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 -minute topographic maps. Figure 1.1-3 in Appendix A illustrates the location Source: http://ecos.fws.gov/tess public/ Page 8 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report of the proposed alignment and facilities on aerial imagery. Figure 3.1-1 in Appendix B is a detailed map series identifying the habitats and land -uses crossed by the Project and includes the PSA, proposed alignment, workspace and facilities for the Project. Table 1.2-1: Land Requirements for Project Activities ' Includes all proposed new permanent easement for the project. 2 Includes all existing permanent easement within the limit of construction for the project 3 Includes all temporary workspace required for construction. 1.3 Purpose and Need The purpose of this Project is to modernize a portion of the Piedmont existing pipeline system (i.e., Lines 37 and 38). The Project will allow for the removal from service and abandonment in-place of approximately 31 miles of steel pipe. Piedmont's risk analysis has prioritized the replacement of these aging facilities. In order to maintain existing transportation service provided by Lines 37 and 38, approximately 21.8 miles of new 12 -inch diameter steel pipeline and 9.8 miles of new 6 -inch diameter steel transmission pipeline will be installed. The desired in-service date for the Project is Q4 2019. 1.4 Horizontal Directional Drill Locations As identified below in Table 1.4-1, certain resources crossed by the Project will utilize HDD or conventional bore construction methods to minimize surface impacts. The reduction of impact area due to HDD or conventional bore crossings is not reflected in the total Project land requirement numbers listed in Table 1.2-1. Reductions to resource impacts because of HDD or conventional bore crossings are discussed further in Section 4 of this report. Table 1.4-1: Project Resources Crossed by HDD Method HDD Idenifier Proposed Existing HDD Location (approximate MP) Temporary Access Contractor Facility Permanent Easement' Permanent Easement2 Facility Sites (acres) Workspace3 Roads Yard Totals (acres) (acres) Swamp (acres) (acres) (acres) 0.55 Line 448 86.23 46.90 2.08 117.42 9.52 0.00 262.15 Line 449 41.37 18.15 1.49 55.36 5.07 19.94 141.38 TOTAL 127.60 65.05 3.57 172.78 14.59 19.94 403.53 ' Includes all proposed new permanent easement for the project. 2 Includes all existing permanent easement within the limit of construction for the project 3 Includes all temporary workspace required for construction. 1.3 Purpose and Need The purpose of this Project is to modernize a portion of the Piedmont existing pipeline system (i.e., Lines 37 and 38). The Project will allow for the removal from service and abandonment in-place of approximately 31 miles of steel pipe. Piedmont's risk analysis has prioritized the replacement of these aging facilities. In order to maintain existing transportation service provided by Lines 37 and 38, approximately 21.8 miles of new 12 -inch diameter steel pipeline and 9.8 miles of new 6 -inch diameter steel transmission pipeline will be installed. The desired in-service date for the Project is Q4 2019. 1.4 Horizontal Directional Drill Locations As identified below in Table 1.4-1, certain resources crossed by the Project will utilize HDD or conventional bore construction methods to minimize surface impacts. The reduction of impact area due to HDD or conventional bore crossings is not reflected in the total Project land requirement numbers listed in Table 1.2-1. Reductions to resource impacts because of HDD or conventional bore crossings are discussed further in Section 4 of this report. Table 1.4-1: Project Resources Crossed by HDD Method HDD Idenifier ,iDD Crossing Length (ft) Area' 'acres) HDD Location (approximate MP) Resources Crossed Line 448 HDD #1 900 0.62 0.21 UNT to Starlins Swamp HDD #2 1,765 1.22 0.55 Starlins Swamp HDD #3 1,200 0.83 7.40 Little Coharie Creek HDD #4 975 0.67 12.87 Bearskin Swamp HDD #5 2,700 1.86 18.78 Great Coharie Creek Line 449 HDD #1 1,230 0.75 7.24 Little Coharie Creek TOTAL 8,770 5.95 ' Area crossed by HDD or conventional bore reported includes the full length and 30 -foot width of the permanently maintained ROW 2 The HDD rig will be located as indicated for pullback operations. Page 9 y y� p anutny W1VU11L •° - E D M O N T Raleigh a Greenville NORTH CAROLINA F"at o - —.i ', 1 a- Fay. -IIle t a' 4 • Croatan ° Lumbee Sdtsa ;ille Nahondi f«est 'ilminnt.-i �\ 0 0 50 Miles Project Location {• f-. '� � �_ til tttttt tet. N . -J � 411 '4 ' -�. �♦ 1� - - � ;. __ - Y 1 r I ` - �1 SII � , \�''- _ •� q.� `! " �5 � � a /Y • •� a � _ - � � 7 �r -',l M' f� 1' �`"_ f._ ,f♦ 6 u � � '�-�-r 0 q� � - V\ N � ',- �/ • 1 Y,1 � � f •� � � r , ) � 1 lam, _ > 1 r in... � til to j( : • C q_ , I r Q e Legend ( Milepost PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS FIGURE 1.1-1 Project No: 398994 Proposed Line 448 LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT DRAWN .' PPROVEDBY.. RG Proposed Line 449 DATE: 02/25/2019 TOPOGRAPHIC OVERVIEW MAP ABSOLUTE SCALE: m SAMPSON COUNTY 1:150,000 'r' M Notes NORTH CAROLINA MOTT Source: USGS 1:250k Topographic Quad Miles REFERENCE SCALE: MACDONALD 0 1 2 4 1 1 N = 12,500 feet 1211,1 . comme ce or., ste. 11 Salt ake City, UT 84107 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report 2 Habitat -Level Survey Methods 2.1 General Survey Methodology Biologists conducted a pedestrian meander survey for potential suitable habitat for protected species as part of the wetland delineation field surveys across the full PSA for all parcels crossed by the Project. Survey access was granted by all landowners within the PSA. Surveys included a visual inspection of all proposed facility footprints including the permanent right-of-way (ROW), temporary workspace (TWS), additional temporary workspace (ATWS), contractor yards, and access roads. The PSA was designed to encompass all activities associated with the proposed Project and is not the actual Project disturbance area. During this survey, biologists visually inspected possible suitable protected species habitat paying particular attention within mature pine forests with open understories, fringes to swamps and other inundated wetlands, and for potential raptor nests in forests and on transmission line towers. Biologists were also instructed to record general habitat observations such as burrows, nests, mature long leaf pines, and any notable wildlife sightings. Wildlife and habitat observations were recorded on paper field books and within a data file in a global positioning system (GPS) unit with post -processed data achieving sub -meter accuracy. Survey results are provided in Section 3.1. Protected Species Overview Table 2.1-1 lists federally protected species with potential to occur within Sampson County, North Carolina. Appendix C includes the USFWS Information for Planning and Conservation (IPaC) Report. The IPaC report was reviewed prior to conducting field surveys to identify species of concern and to conduct additional research on their ecology and to develop descriptions of their suitable habitat characteristics. Table 2.1-1: Federally Protected Species of Concern Scientific Name ommon Name Federal Status Habitat Description Page 11 There is no designated critical habitat for this species. Alligator mississippiensis American alligator Threatened Alligators are found in swamps, bayous, and waterbodies throughout the southeastern United States. There is no designated critical habitat for this species. Pondberry is a deciduous shrub that grows approximately 6 -feet in height, has oval-shaped berries that turn from green to red in fall, and has yellow flowers in the spring Lindera melissifolia Pondberry Endangered before leaves emerge. Suitable habitat includes interior bottomland hardwoods and margins of sinks, ponds, and other depressions in the more coastal sites. In North Carolina, one population exists in Sampson County and one other population exists in Cumberland County. There is no designated critical habitat for this species. The Red -cockaded Woodpecker is a species of southern pine forests which strongly prefers open understory mature pine Red -cockaded forests. The preferred nesting habitat is open, park like, Picoides borealis Woodpecker Endangered mature pine woodlands with few or no hardwood trees present. Preferred foraging habitats are pine stands with trees 25 cm (10 in.) and greater in diameter with open understories. These may or may not include a significant hardwood component. Page 11 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report 3 Habitat -Level Survey Results 3.1 General Habitat and Landuse Result - The habitat and landuse types within the PSA were mapped using natural color imagery acquired by the North Carolina Ortho Program in January 2017. Additionally, reference GPS data collected in the field during biological and wetland surveys was used to interpret aerial imagery signatures. The imagery has a ground -resolution of 0.15 -meter per pixel and a reported accuracy of 0.457 -meters. The habitat and landuse mapping results are provided in Table 3.1-1. Figure 3.1-1, provided in Appendix B, identifies habitat and landuse types and habitat observations made during field surveys within the PSA. Selected site photographs depicting habitat observations are provided in Appendix D. The Developed Lands category is the predominant habitat or landuse type within the PSA which covers approximately 69.5% of the study area. The Developed Lands category is divided into several land use types, the predominant being Agricultural Cropland which covers 356.61 acres (45.3% of the PSA). Forested Lands account for approximately 32% of the PSA, with Managed Pine Plantations accounting for most of the forested areas, covering 140.61 acres (17.9% of the PSA). The pine plantations mapped included areas of mature loblolly pines, young saplings, seedlings, and areas that have been recently harvested. Other forested habitats include both upland and wetland forests with Riverine Swamp Forests being the dominant natural forested habitat type with 60.97 acres (7.8% of the PSA). Upland Mixed Forests and Woodlands make the second largest natural forested habitat with a total of 24.14 acres (3.1 %). Other habitat communities within the PSA include Herbaceous Wetlands, Cutover Managed Pine Flats (which include maintained ROW'S through managed pine flats), and waterbodies each comprising 1.1%, 0.7%, and 0.4%, respectively (Table 3.1-1). Table 3.1-1: Habitat and Landuse Types within the Project Study Area HabitatlLanduse Type _ Percent of Total Developed Lands Agricultural Cropland 356.61 45.3 Agricultural Pasture 84.88 10.8 Disturbed Ground 2.07 0.3 Industrial/Commercial Development 13.71 1.7 Residential Development 14.88 1.9 Road Rights -of -Way 20.35 2.6 Utility Rights -of -Way 25.88 3.3 Developed Lands Subtotal 518.38 65.9 Forested Lands Bottomland Hardwood Forest (Forested Wetland) 10.77 1.4 Hardwood Flat (Forested Wetland) 0.85 0.1 Managed Pine Flat (Forested Wetland) 14.28 1.8 Pine Plantation (Managed Forest) 140.61 17.9 Page 12 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report HabitatlLanduse Type Riverine Swamp Forest (Forested Wetland) Upland Mixed Forest & Woodland Forested Lands Subtotal Acres Percent of Total 60.97 7.8 24.14 3.1 251.62 32.0 Wetlands & Waterbodies Cutover Managed Pine Flat (Herbaceous Wetlands 5.19 in ROW) Herbaceous Wetland 8.55 Perennial Stream 2.22 Pond 0.52 Wetlands & Waterbodies Subtotal 0.7 1.1 0.3 0.1 16.48 2.1 TOTAL 786.48 100.0 3.2 Habitat and Landuse Descriptions 1.2.1 ' Agricultural Cropland Agricultural croplands include areas cultivated as row crops, such as corn, soybean, cotton, and tobacco. 32 nri^i litural Doc+ Agricultural pasture lands include enclosed tracts for livestock grazing, such as cattle or horses, and also areas cultivated for hay. The herbaceous vegetation is dominated by upland pasture grasses such as bahia, dallis, rye, and Bermuda. 3.2. jisturoed Ground Areas of bare ground within developed landscapes that were disturbed by grading or other uses; however, the purpose for the disturbance was not able to be determined. Disturbed areas could be developed into industrial, commercial, or residential developments but at the time of the survey the development purpose was not determined. 3.2., ndustrial/Commercial Development Developed lands for industrial or commercial uses including utilities, manufacturing, transport, or general commercial use. Also included in this category are community centers and churches. 3.2.. aenuai ueveiopmeni Developed lands for residential uses such as single-family residences, multiple -unit dwellings, and mobile homes. Includes the maintained landscapes surrounding residential structures. Road Rights -of -Way Includes the road surface, the maintained shoulders of the road, and associated roadside drainage ditches. Page 13 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report Utility Rights -of -Way Utility corridors including pipelines, overhead electrical transmission lines, and underground utilities that are maintained in an herbaceous state through routine mowing. Areas mapped as utility ROWs have been restricted to maintained areas through forested lands. Utilities crossing other land use types, such as agricultural lands, have been classified as the land use type not affected by the utility corridor. Bottomland Hardwood Forests Forested or occasionally scrub -shrub communities that usually occur within floodplains of streams or within valley bottoms of smaller drainage features that are typically seasonally flooded. Wetland system types include both Riverine and Slope wetland communities. Typical tree species include oaks (overcup, water, laurel, swamp chestnut), sweet gum, red maple, green ash, cottonwoods, willows, and occasionally loblolly pine. Hardwood Flat Poorly drained interstream flats not associated with rivers, streams, or slope valley bottoms. Areas are seasonally saturated by a high-water table or poorly drained soils. Typical tree species include sweet gum, red maple, and occasionally loblolly pine. Managed Pine Flat Managed pine forests (typically loblolly pine) that occur on poorly drained interstream flats not associated with rivers, streams, or slope valley bottoms. Areas are seasonally saturated by a high-water table and poorly drained soils. Often, the areas are drained through extensive ditching and deeply furrowed with pines planted on the upper limits of the furrowed rows. Managed pine flats meet the definition for wetlands by having sufficient hydrology, vegetation, and hydric soils; however, areas may not meet jurisdictional requirements. Tree species are managed for loblolly pines. 3.2.1 pine Plantation Managed pine forests (usually loblolly pine) that occur in upland areas. Includes mature, sapling, seedling, and areas recently logged that will be replanted. Riverine Swamp Fore Riverine forested or occasionally scrub -shrub communities that occur within floodplains of larger streams and swamp systems that are typically semi -permanently flooded. Typical tree species include cypress, black gum, water tupelo, red maple, willow, and green ash. i .I J Upland Mixed Forest and Woodland Forested and woodland areas that occur along the edges of agricultural lands, typically mapped as a narrow buffer transitioning from agricultural lands to another forested type such as bottomland hardwoods or riverine swamp forests. These communities are transitional from one land use to another, including along fence lines and property lines. Typical species include oaks (water oak, red oak, white oak) sweet gum, and loblolly pine. + Cutover Managed Pine Flat Maintained ROWS within managed pine forests (usually loblolly pine) that occur on poorly drained interstream flats not associated with rivers, streams, or slope valley bottoms. Areas are seasonally saturated by a high-water table and poorly drained soils. Within managed pine flats, areas are routinely maintained for an herbaceous community, including utility and road ROWS. Species common in these communities include sedges, rushes, and grasses. Page 14 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report Herbaceous Wetland Herbaceous areas that are flooded or saturated near the surface for extended periods during the growing season. Included are marshes within pond fringes, managed pasture lands, managed impoundments, areas of maintained ROWs through other wetland types. Typical communities include sedges, rushes, grasses, giant cane, arrow arum, smartweed, and cattail. Streams and rivers that are large enough to delineate on the aerial imagery (typically having channel widths greater than 30 -feet). Perennial streams are natural drainage channels that flow continuously throughout the year. 3.2.1 Man-made waterbodies such as livestock ponds, stormwater detention ponds, and excavated basins that are smaller than 20 -acres in size. Ponds may be seasonally to permanently flooded waterbodies. 3.3 American Alligator Survey Results Biologists conducted approximately 528 man-hours (four observers at approximately 132 hours each) of ground surveys within the PSA and did not observe any American alligators in the PSA or during travel to or from the PSA. Additionally, alligator sign such as scat, tracks, dens, or wallows, were not observed within the PSA. Suitable habitat for the alligator is present within the larger drainage systems such as Starlins Swamp, Bearskin Swamp, Little Coharie Creek, and Great Coharie Creek; however, each of these larger systems are proposed to be crossed using HDD methods. Therefore, surface impacts to these systems will be avoided and impacts to alligators are not anticipated. Due to the presence of suitable habitat for the alligator, but the proposed HDD crossings of said habitat, our determination is that the Project "May Affect — but Not Likely to Adversely Affect" the American alligator. 3.4 Pondberry Survey Results Pondberry (Lindera melissifolia) is a deciduous shrub that grows up to two meters in height, spreads vegetatively by stolons, has pale yellow flowers that appear in the spring before leaves emerge, and has oval-shaped fruits that turn from green to bright red in the fall. Pondberry leaves have a distinct sassafras -like odor (i.e., lemon/citrus scent) when crushed. Plants flower in late February or March. Mature fruits can be found on plants in October. Suitable habitat for pondberry is restricted to wetland habitats such as bottomland hardwoods and riverine swamp forests in the interior landscapes, and the margins of sinks, ponds and other depressions in the more coastal sites. One known population exists within Sampson County. Biologists conducted approximately 528 man-hours (four observers at approximately 132 hours each) of ground surveys within the PSA and did not observe any specimens of pondberry in the PSA or during travel to or from the PSA. Biologists prepared for the field survey event by studying botanical materials for the various life stages of the species prior to commencing field surveys (copies provided in Appendix E). Biologists were trained to perform intensive pedestrian meander surveys throughout the bottomland and riverine forested wetlands within the PSA. Biologists focused on fringe habitats adjacent to seasonally flooded areas within bottomland and riverine forested wetlands. No specimens of pondberry were observed during surveys. Additionally, the larger forested wetland systems crossed by the Project, such as Little Coharie Creek, Great Coharie Creek, Starlins Swamp and Bearskin Swamp will be crossed via HDD and no surface impacts are anticipated. As such, our determination is that the Project will have "No Effect" on pondberry. Page 15 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report 3.5 Red -cockaded Woodpecker Survey ResultE The Red -cockaded woodpecker prefers to inhabit mature to old growth pine forests, particularly longleaf pines (Pinus palustris) with an open mid -story and mature understory, but other species of southern pines are also acceptable. The USFWS have developed survey protocols to assess potential project -related impacts to Red -cockaded woodpecker nesting and/or foraging habitat. A copy of the survey protocols is provided in Appendix F. A summary of the protocols followed in the field is provided below. Suitable foraging habitat consists of a pine or pine/hardwood stand of forest, woodland, or savannah in which 50 percent or more of the dominant trees are pines and the dominant pine trees are generally 30 years in age or older (i.e., 10 -inch DBH or greater). Following protocol, if a forest stand meets the general characteristics for suitable foraging habitat, then the stand was surveyed more intensely within the PSA to determine if the stand contains any 60 -year-old or older pine trees and an analysis was performed to determine if suitable nesting habitat with 60 -year-old or older pine trees occurs within 0.5 -mile of the identified stand of suitable foraging habitat. Suitable nesting habitat consists of mature (i.e., 60 -year-old or older) pine trees that are within a 0.5 -mile distance of suitable foraging habitat. These mature pines can be scattered or clumped within younger stands. Following protocol, a determination of suitable nesting habitat may be based on existing stand data, aerial photo interpretation, and/or field reconnaissance. All stands which meet suitable nesting habitat must be surveyed for cavity trees. Biologists conducted approximately 528 man-hours (four observers at approximately 132 hours each) of ground surveys within the PSA and surrounding areas and did not observe any Red -cockaded woodpeckers in the PSA or during travel to or from the PSA. Biologists applied the survey protocols when in potential suitable habitat (forage or nesting) areas. Following protocol, pine tree diameter -at -breast -height (DBH) measurements were taken when pine trees were near or exceeded 10 -inch DBH. If stands met the requirement for potential suitable foraging habitat, biologists recorded the average DBH measurement, recorded notes on the structure of the understory, and performed pedestrian surveys within the PSA to determine if any 60 -year-old trees were present. Additionally, if the landscape permitted a visual field allowing for observations beyond the stand, such as an adjacent agricultural cropland, biologists were instructed to perform a visual observation to determine if any mature pine trees were present within their field of view. If a mature pine tree was observed, the biologists traveled to the mature pine tree and visually inspected the tree for presence of cavities. These visual observations were made with the help of binoculars with 8x to 10x power. Surveys concluded that no natural pine forests occur in the PSA. Managed plantations of loblolly pines (Pinus taeda) occur throughout the PSA, accounting for approximately 17.9% of the study area. The majority of these pine plantations consist of immature loblolly pines with average DBH's of less than 10 -inches. Also, biologists noted that most of the pine plantations do not have a mid-understory and that the understory consists of dense shrubs including hollies and Chinese privet that would not be considered suitable foraging habitat. Table 3.5-1 summarize the potential suitable habitat observations recorded during the field surveys. All other pine plantations observed did not consist of pines with DBH's greater than 10 -inches. Based on the survey results, the Project will not impact any potential nesting habitat (i.e., mature, 60 -year-old or older pine trees with foraging habitat within 0.5 -mile). Observations made in the field did identify one managed pine plantation stand of potential suitable foraging habitat, near milepost (MP) 7.2 to milepost 7.7 of Line 449. Afield and aerial review of this area, extending to a 0.5 -mile buffer, was conducted. Results of this review concluded that no mature, greater than 60 -year-old, pine trees were observed within 0.5 -mile distance of this managed stand. Therefore, biologists determined this stand not suitable foraging habitat. This stand of managed pine trees had a dense understory and no mid -story development. Portions of this managed pine plantation are or have been recently harvested and it is likely that the remainder of this stand will soon be harvested based on it reaching ideal merchantable timber characteristics. Based on field survey and aerial review of the Project area, and specifically, the limits of construction, our Page 16 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report determination is that the Project "May Affect - but is Not Likely to Adversely Affect" the Red -cockaded woodpecker. Table 3.5-1: Red -cockaded Woodpecker Habitat Observations within the Project Study Area Habitat Observatwi Plot MP Line 448 H0010_TMM 4.5 H0005_JLM 8.5 .mon (inch) Field Notes Large loblolly pines, two specimens within mixed forest community. Dense understory. No 23.0 suitable foraging habitat within 0.5 -mile. No cavities. Large loblolly pines, two specimens at edge of cornfield. No suitable foraging habitat within 25.1 0.5 -mile. No cavities. Large loblolly pine at edge of sewer plant. Single specimen, adjacent industrial facility and H0013 TMM 21.2 16.0 bottomland hardwood. No suitable foraging habitat within 0.5 -mile. No cavities. Line 449 Mixed forest, dense understory. Loblolly pines less than 20% cover. Not suitable foraging H0002 JLM 7.7 17.2 habitat. Adjacent turkey farm, agricultural field, and bottomland hardwood. No cavities. Large loblolly pine, single specimen along agricultural field edge. No suitable foraging habitat H0001 JLM 7.9 28.3 within 0.5 -mile. No cavities. 3.6 Raptor Nest Survey Results Biologists conducted approximately 528 man-hours (four observers at approximately 132 hours each) of ground surveys within the PSA and surrounding areas. Biologists are trained to observe potential nesting strata (e.g., trees, snags, overhead transmission line poles, etc.) and document the presence of potential raptor nests. During surveys of the PSA, one potential raptor nest was observed near the PSA, and one mane -made nesting platform (unoccupied at time of visit) was observed near the PSA. Several observations were made of raptors in flight near the PSA. At MP 8.9 of Line 449, biologists observed a potential raptor nest within a large, deciduous tree, approximately 200 feet from the proposed centerline. This nest occurs at the forested edge of an agricultural cropland field. Biologists observed the nest for approximately 30 -minutes and determined it to be unoccupied at the time of visit (6/17/2018). Prior to construction, Piedmont will confirm the status of occupancy for this nest. At MP 3.0 of Line 448, biologists observed a man-made pole and box platform structure that appears to be constructed for potential use for a raptor nest. This structure is located approximately 150 feet from the proposed centerline. At the time of observation, there appeared to be loose nesting material in the platform box. Biologists concluded that the platform box does not contain a nest and was unused at the time of visit. Biologists also confirmed with the land owner that the platform box has not been occupied by nesting raptor and all apparent nesting material was placed there by the landowner in an effort to attract raptors to Page 17 Large loblolly pine in mixed forest. Dense understory, not suitable foraging habitat. Adjacent H0006 TMM 4.3 22.0 residential and agricultural lands. No cavities. Not suitable foraging or nesting habitat. Large loblolly pine, single specimen along agricultural field edge. No suitable foraging habitat H0007 TMM 5.4 17.0 within 0.5 -mile. No cavities. Loblolly pine plantation, dense understory. Most pines about 10-12" DBH. Potential suitable foraging habitat. No mature pines observed in 0.5 -mile review (visual and aerial). No cavities H0004_JLM 6.8 12.8 observed. Few larger pines with 13.8 DBH. Loblolly pine plantation, dense understory. Most pines about 10-12" DBH. Potential suitable foraging habitat. No mature pines observed in 0.5 -mile review (visual and aerial). No cavities H0003_JLM 7.2 12.1 observed. Mixed forest, dense understory. Loblolly pines less than 20% cover. Not suitable foraging H0002 JLM 7.7 17.2 habitat. Adjacent turkey farm, agricultural field, and bottomland hardwood. No cavities. Large loblolly pine, single specimen along agricultural field edge. No suitable foraging habitat H0001 JLM 7.9 28.3 within 0.5 -mile. No cavities. 3.6 Raptor Nest Survey Results Biologists conducted approximately 528 man-hours (four observers at approximately 132 hours each) of ground surveys within the PSA and surrounding areas. Biologists are trained to observe potential nesting strata (e.g., trees, snags, overhead transmission line poles, etc.) and document the presence of potential raptor nests. During surveys of the PSA, one potential raptor nest was observed near the PSA, and one mane -made nesting platform (unoccupied at time of visit) was observed near the PSA. Several observations were made of raptors in flight near the PSA. At MP 8.9 of Line 449, biologists observed a potential raptor nest within a large, deciduous tree, approximately 200 feet from the proposed centerline. This nest occurs at the forested edge of an agricultural cropland field. Biologists observed the nest for approximately 30 -minutes and determined it to be unoccupied at the time of visit (6/17/2018). Prior to construction, Piedmont will confirm the status of occupancy for this nest. At MP 3.0 of Line 448, biologists observed a man-made pole and box platform structure that appears to be constructed for potential use for a raptor nest. This structure is located approximately 150 feet from the proposed centerline. At the time of observation, there appeared to be loose nesting material in the platform box. Biologists concluded that the platform box does not contain a nest and was unused at the time of visit. Biologists also confirmed with the land owner that the platform box has not been occupied by nesting raptor and all apparent nesting material was placed there by the landowner in an effort to attract raptors to Page 17 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report establish a nest on the platform box. Prior to construction, Piedmont will confirm the status of occupancy for this platform. No other raptor nests, or potential raptor nests, were observed during field surveys. Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Page 18 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report 4 Project Impacts 4.1 Project Impacts and Mitigation Table 4.1-1 summarizes land use and habitat impacts resulting from construction and operation of the Project. Approximately 247.49 acres will be temporarily disturbed during construction of the proposed Project. This total includes temporary work areas that upon completion of construction will be reseeded or replanted and allowed to return to prior land uses. The Project's permanently maintained ROW, including facility sites, consists of 117.28 acres, of which, 5.95 acres will be installed by HDD and therefore will not impact vegetation or aquatic habitats during construction. The permanent ROW will be maintained in naturally occurring vegetation areas (i.e., areas not under management such as agricultural pastures or developed lands) to facilitate operations and maintenance activities, while areas under agricultural production or other human uses will be allowed to return to prior land uses. If site conditions allow, the permanent ROW installed via HDD may be cleared and maintained as part of operations and has been accounted for in the permitting of this Project. Except for the proposed facility sites (3.57 acres), all disturbed areas will be reseeded and allowed to revegetate. The removal of vegetation within the workspace will be temporary, and these areas will be reseeded with an appropriate seed mix when construction is complete. Agricultural fields and other developed parcels will be restored at the direction of landowners or lessees. The Project will be constructed largely in existing pine plantations and agricultural lands. Impacts to wildlife may include habitat disturbance, species displacement, and a temporary loss of mature forested habitats. Vegetation will be allowed to reestablish to pre -construction conditions within TWS and ATWS; however, the permanent ROW will be maintained in an herbaceous/shrub state to allow for access and inspection of the pipeline ROW. To minimize impacts to wildlife and habitat resulting from the Project, the following general mitigation measures will be implemented: Piedmont has limited the construction ROW to a width of 50 feet within wetlands and stream crossings and will maintain a 30 -foot -wide permanent ROW for operational purposes. Piedmont will limit habitat disturbance to the approved construction ROW. To minimize the potential for species displacement, construction activities will be kept to the minimum time necessary to complete construction. The pipeline trench will be kept open for the minimum time necessary to complete installation and all open trenches will be inspected prior to backfill to verify no species have been trapped in the trench. Construction personnel will undergo environmental training that will include information on sensitive wildlife species. Piedmont will implement erosion and sediment control devices to reduce potential impacts from sedimentation and erosion. Page 19 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report Table 4.1-1: Habitat and Landuse Impact Summary Habitat/Landuse Type Permanent Temporary2 (acres) Tota13 (acres) Developed Lands Agricultural Cropland Agricultural Pasture 54.38 12.61 134.44 27.41 188.82 40.02 Disturbed Ground 0.42 0.70 1.12 Industrial/Commercial Development 1.18 1.92 3.10 Residential Development 1.04 2.78 3.82 Road Rights -of -Way 2.10 2.23 4.33 Utility Rights -of -Way 10.94 7.28 18.22 Developed Lands Subtotal 82.67 176.76 259.43 Forested Lands Bottomland Hardwood Forest (Forested Wetland) 1.45 1.29 2.74 Hardwood Flat (Forested Wetland) 0.15 0.11 0.26 Managed Pine Flat (Forested Wetland) 1.78 1.75 3.53 Pine Plantation (Managed Forest) 18.12 56.44 74.56 Riverine Swamp Forest (Forested Wetland) 7.04 3.71 10.75 Upland Mixed Forest & Woodland 2.86 5.45 8.31 Forested Lands Subtotal 31.4 68.75 100.15 Wetlands & Waterbodies Cutover Managed Pine Flat (Herbaceous Wetlands in ROW) 1.43 0.95 2.38 Herbaceous Wetland 1.47 0.98 2.45 Perennial Stream 0.28 0.03 0.31 Pond Wetlands & Waterbodies Subtotal TOTAL 0.03 3.21 117.28 0.02 1.98 247.49 0.05 5.19 364.77 Permanent includes the land requirements for the 30 -foot -wide maintained ROW and all site facilities, considered the operational impact. 2Area of temporary construction workspace, limit of construction, includes portions of TWS, existing easement, and proposed easement beyond the 30 -foot -wide maintained ROW. 3 Total area for project construction impacts, does not include contractor yards or access roads. Page 20 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report 5 References Brinson, M. M. (1993). A hydrogeomorphic classification for wetlands, Technical Report WRP- DE -4, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. Cowardin, L. M., V. Carter, F. C. Golet, and E. T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. Office of Biological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. Washington, D.C. 104 p. Environmental Laboratory (1987). Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y- 87-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Environmental Laboratory. 2010. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region, Version 2.0. FEMA. 2018. National Flood Hazard Layer. Internet: https://www.fema.gov/national-flood-hazard-laver- . Accessed 08/20/2018. Lichvar, R.W., D.L. Banks, W.N. Kirchner, and N.C. Melvin. 2016. The National Wetland Plant List: 2016 wetland ratings. Phytoneuron 2016-30: 1-17. Published 28 April 2016. ISSN 2153 733X. Maupin, M.A., Kenny, J.F., Hutson, S.S., Lovelace, J.K., Barber, N.L., and Linsey, K.S. 2014. Estimated use of water in the United States in 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1405, 56 p. NRCS. 2018. Web Soil Survey. Internet: https://websoilsurvev.sc.eaov.usda.aov/ App/HomePaae.htm. Accessed 07/20/2018. USACE. 2010. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (Version 2.0), ed. J. S. Wakeley, R. W. Lichvar, and C. V. Noble. ERDC/EL TR -10-20. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. USDA, NRCS. 2010. Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, Version 7.0. L.M. Vasilas, G.W. Hurt, and C.V. Noble (eds.) USDA, NRCS, in cooperation with the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. USEPA. 2018. Water Quality Assessment and TMDL Information. Internet: https://ofmoub.epa.gov/watersl0/attains index.homE . Accessed 8/22/2018. USFWS. 2018. National Wetlands Inventory Wetlands Mapper. Available at: http://www.fws.gov/wetlands/ Accessed October 2018. USGS. 2016. Atlantic Coastal Plain physiographic provinces. Internet: https://www.usas.gov/media/images/atlantic-coastal-plain-i)hvsiograi)hic-provinces. Accessed 08/23/2018. USGS. 2017. National Hydrography Dataset. Internet: https://www.nhd.usgs.gov. Accessed 08/10/2018. Page 21 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report Appendices Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report A. Overview Map Figures 1.1-2 and 1.1-3 b House Or :4��ri—� A� y e4tltl tl raPe��a } / t / �a`e �• fr S • � G° 10 - � I 1 r1istm s Tree_RRd [• E �� _ I • ••t. � I �� _ .-_ Farrn,r y��►� ��a Mingo , WO 1 ' �� 2 Cn _ v � 0��'Q t f� r. r ��• ae �aa�� 4 a Stanle Nall Rd '? a y aegState Rd 1002 gtat°Rd 1 clO�erRa{ C M Swine Ln Notes: Legend Project Milepost Street Proposed Pipeline ®Access Road Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1 ce Dr. M} M sanLoke City, 07 —.1L. Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No398994 Surveyo rs: JLM, TMM 1 _ __ Survey Corridor Topographic Map Survey Dates: 06/17-6127,,,12-1113118 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Drawn By: DMW Date: 02/25/2019 ® Limit of Construction SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA USGS Quad Boundary Feet 0 2,500 5,000 REFERENCE SCALE: 1 IN = 2,000 feet 1 OF 9 Cn CD CD v CD L M d U) d a C n ype ` d e/q a \ en Rtl a thy LL i5o N r x 5 rt »t 1 � Case r Rd [jl� to Pa �\ `\ nny Tew M Rte- ?' • e a / -Pansy -01 � 6 _----------� .4• ar / 5 £ 1 Mingo - ___ I` �a s 4' • \ Jaya 'Ass f tl0 C1J s r U I � �p -' Mate Rd 5 Mi -0 Church Rd �y R}State Rd 1,002 Dunn Rd �? Notes: Legend Piedmont Natural Gas 5295 ' M} M SaR Lake Cty, UT8 07 Project Milepost Street LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT o ph:559-27,8 A Proposed Pipeline Access Road p p FIGURE 1 Project 94 Project No: LM,T Surveyo rs: JLM, TMM __ ;Survey Corridor Topographic Map Survey Dates:e8r17-8/27,11/2-11/3/18 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Drawn By: DMW ® Limit of Construction SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Date: 02/25/2019 USGS Quad Boundary Feet REFERENCESCALE: 2 OF 9 0 2,500 5,000 1IN=2,000 feet Cn CD CD v CD W W AA 4, yrn • � �/, ' �� 11`i \ /� — � tate yw { . StateRd'59 H `\'��/ Vi � � , '' •i _(�� �d? 'dew Mi11R % t 1 Bearskin Q to 00 F .Mingo ,•�fr ti 01 ��( L-10 Salem M �I_ Notes: Legend Piedmont Natural Gas Ste. 5 "' n+i S,IL,ke City UT84D107 Project Milepost Street LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT eoue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 Proposed Pipeline Access Road p p FIGURE 1 je 98994 Project No: LM,TI Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Corridor Topographic Map Survey Dates: 06/17-6/27,11/2-11/3/18 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Drawn B DMW y' ® Limit Of Construction SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Date: 02/25/2019 USGS Quad Boundary Feet REFERENCE SCALE: 3 OF 9 0 2,500 5,000 11N=2,000 feet U) m a MP M a U) / Z it a° — _ - - -- i J �tlb`` � IWC � Of \'• �� Rpm ,• / ijy'iY=.��mi �_.,. \ .+ /� `♦ �``F�t � /�ya��� �' f�T f „� 1—'� _— *• ry, — t -Vit, r r •—�-�13<� •cin - —�R , IL �.bxS--rT--------_-- -- ••1y. �.— - r. _ a�d1 9'`O{/ //' ,.1� � � Statei"R��'3�YJ�i' � •���," r '� — —_.— {//f ` /, `_✓1^ .Corinth Chu b Notes: Legend Piedmont Natural Gas M} r. m san 5akeCyUT9�07 Project Milepost Street — Proposed Pipeline Access Road p p ® LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1 Ph: (801)559-2716 Project Project No: LM, TI Surveyo rs: JLM, TMM ___ Survey Corridor 1 Topographic Map Survey Dates: 06/17-6/27,11/2-11/3/18 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Drawn By: DMW Date: 02/25/2019 ® Limit of Construction SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA USGS Quad Boundary Feet 0 2,500 5,000 REFERENCE SCALE: 1 IN = 2,000 feet 4 OF 9 Al— e ��� �a ) Ifo,(, � i � - � ^ I �...__••, eta X21 as - t� (� � � � : \ �• t' 1 r � 1 `�'..� f ��g•a� _125^-' J e Run VA 15 - ` �. t ���t'J`9-17--�'; Bearskip - -- `` "Q, ,� - mate_ ,� __ - ..... _ --- Std{eL,r�1311 � ' , 1� Bridge R(D lip CIO F oge ^ 1 1'.r .� \`ti Andrews Rd State R d° -44urphY Rd tl i n c X326, f �-y�l - � �� _ � ��r•� �� .�'-' � I .; l/ Notes: Legend Piedmont Natural Gas S. "' M5295 Saft Lake City,T 84107 Project Milepost Street LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT tuna -- Ph: (801) 559-2716 - Proposed Pipeline Access Road p p FIGURE 1 Project rs: LM TI Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Corridor Topographic Map Survey Dates: O /17-6/27,11/2-11/3/18 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Drawn B DMW y' ® Limit Of Construction SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Date: 02/25/2019 USGS Quad Boundary Feet REFERENCE SCALE: 5 OF 9 0 2,500 5,000 1IN=2,000 feet Cn CD CD v CD M T M U) .11 v�" 0. VV CJ 5 �\ ✓ / o" St :"'`� *,� \ri .\_�, u r � (� d'�P ale • �hlyQ �` '� i d•.: \ pAr 0Ar ( pd ,' • i -v 1 f. amu; l / e1 / '�►: , ,.eve Qat Qw . c • • %y - • `7" f ./ . Fia Gs •mom fir/ �,)} - ., �. 'f '' \20• �s ��`. _ _ l\ �, }----- -- y 21n .� \.• y ' - `---------- ------- 'rV 'f L*- �% i 1.8' --- -- ,� ¢• �j��% Yt �t'r i � .- � // �,'�� �y � ay, 0akiana i- Bearskin Ago, Leet Ln' //i /}• i /- �! i 4 1l' .� / i Grady tf F /' •' i r d GradyTewLnjo or 3 % 110 ( \ . �� or. F F�, �, F F \ rAT te; \\% / ri a [�. ,_'� P,a•. •q, �- --� / / / F \\� f % / Caherie ' 'qr - ake Farc !/u((' ♦. / r Notes: Legend Piedmont Natural Gas Ste. 5 "' n+i Saft Lake City UT 84D107 Project Milepost Street LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT eoue;u Ph: (801) 559-2716 "e Proposed Pipeline Access Road p p FIGURE 1 98994 Project No: LM,TI Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Corridor Topographic Map Survey Dates: 06/17-6/27,11/2-11/3/18 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Drawn B DMW y' ® Limit Of Construction SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Date: 02/25/2019 USGS Quad Boundary Feet REFERENCE SCALE: 6 OF 9 0 2,0 5,000 11N=2,000 feet W M I 0) (v U) See Page 4 �� i ; \ / $ • l ��a State Rd �52� F r t 1`\ Os ate Rd / l ? w 3 '. Ill � •/. �_ �/! � 7 Bea in', / 10,'s �' 1U 1 - / Fahn School 1 St R %` �-.Salembt NU�ttey i •� 'Sta 242 Natural Gas 5295 S. Commerce D, "' M M Saft Lake City, UT 84107 Project Milepost Street LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT ` //3 r, j.�2 _ 1 - 98994 Project No: LM,TI Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Corridor Topographic Map Survey Dates: 06/17-6/27,11/2-11/3/18 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Drawn B DMW y' ® Limit Of Construction SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Date: 02/25/2019 - USGS Quad Boundary Feet ,A 7 OF 9 0 2,500 5,000 1IN=2,000 feet Notes: LegendPiedmont Natural Gas 5295 S. Commerce D, "' M Saft Lake City, UT 84107 Project Milepost Street LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT ` ouuu Ph: (801) 559-2716 Proposed Pipeline Access Road p p FIGURE 1 98994 Project No: LM,TI Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Corridor Topographic Map Survey Dates: 06/17-6/27,11/2-11/3/18 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Drawn B DMW y' ® Limit Of Construction SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Date: 02/25/2019 USGS Quad Boundary Feet REFERENCE SCALE: 7 OF 9 0 2,500 5,000 1IN=2,000 feet U) m m 00 (D Kms. M M In 01 a) U) r boro p � tr ��.4 � , t_1` ���5 , �i Jame -! ' • - � �^`�\\\ � B arSlUll�NFM.�;!�'51,. ;�i.ti1• -L• 3 •,2df�BR 1 .TevJ�Lo » i�� .�j Fes" L.�;�•... 5' N `q�Ro9 Rd \ r�aYetteville St N ! i \ -_- OldSalembur9 --- 1 'GOO fi- \� It ` ••J.� NFaYdttevleSt� `' atm 1 �1 ' /� i� ��) • - - Ir btwY.. Fes' ; 'z • .o Fa�R�``'ti� �y /f \ ;' I+ ` • �' S . MofiksTrl t t �)1 �1 �- L > �� r.� .'ra • . a dee •1 N . _ `fl d Rd t � i j ` ! I� � I � '� / /,i �• leen � RecA d N Y _ �, ��_ R1�har. v- -._• �,� S to d 1434 �- r e• St Ra,\\ ,� `' �) t5 tt vile R � '• � �a - - � , 5 6 ` ae<� 4, alembur i. q�. l' r' 3i o° r;'��C tea/ >� �o� ^�.�� f 3 ��` `` • bG m / Y r ���• . a hcc,,.�. Notes: Legend Project Milepost StreetLINES — Pro osed Pi eline Access Road p p ® Piedmont Natural Gas 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1 `o M Ste 500 5295 S. Commerce Dr, M Saft Lake City, UT 84107 au=� Ph:(801)559-2716 94 Project No: LM, TI Surveyo rs: JLM, TMM ___ Survey Corridor 1 Topographic Map Survey Dates: 06/17-6/27,11/2-„13118 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Drawn By: DMW Date: 02/25/2019 ® Limit of Construction SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA USGS Quad Boundary Feet 0 2,500 5,000 REFERENCE SCALE: 1 IN = 2,000 feet 8 OF 9 Cn CD CD CD ON •% M In a) a) U) \5 -'oSet ri� ; � � �� SID ••' V\t � '1e�p\a �ca5�d �+ J` � -- -� -- � ti 4 \� �� �+�• �� � � ` 1 9 Wooded Ln � � i 7409 070, �. r \, 7 O eboro ti .� ct -- - -- - - Salemburg 5 \1 1 r , "V - t\ i ;i Notes: Legend Piedmont Natural Gas 5295 S. Commerce Dr. 5 "' M SSte. aft Lake City, UT 84107 Project Milepost Street LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue�u Ph: (801) 559-2716 Proposed Pipeline Access Road p p FIGURE 1 98994 Project No: LM,TI Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Corridor Topographic Map Survey Dates: 06/17-6/27,11/2-11/3/18 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 124,000 Drawn By: DMW ® Limit Of Construction SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Date: 02125/2019 USGS Quad Boundary Feet REFERENCESCALE: 9 OF 9 0 2,500 5,000 11N=2,000 feet Dab Sour: NRCS SSURGOSoils Legend Project Milepost ---Street — Proposed Pipeline Access Road Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1.1-4 , ■� 5295 S. Commerce Dr. M MOTT M Ste. 500 Salt Lake City UT 84107 m.aa.... Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data SOIIS Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 5,000 FREIIERENCE SCALE: = 2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date 02/26/2019 1 OF 9 U) m m v m L M d U) a ---Hdllerin Rd s� \---------- 01 ro NoA CasPerRd\ x t• Qa�ryR / — --- do/% NOB e? 9'`aa/ —y�� \ Penny Tew Mill Rd \ .. r ® a c Y % mi / \ r. ? \JOA do ► OO\ Au \�/Q NoA Q PIN I / .X o / NoB \ �n 4 .State Rd 14 \ / ` Min I `%\ - 90 Church Rd I State Rd 1IDunn Rd 002 -- -I ---- -- _ _--- •/ \ .ry ;� -- eNbSourceS NRC555DR°05°IIs Legend Project Milepost ---Street — Proposed Pipeline Access Road Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1.1-4 , ■� anmerce Dr. 5295 S. C M Ste, 500 marl M Salt Lake City UT 84107 m.°°...° Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ®Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data Soils Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: -1 7/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/032018, 01/8/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 51000 REFERENCE SCALE: 1 IN = 2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date: 02/26/2019 2 OF 9 U) v W w M d U) I 7 Legend O Project Milepost —Street —Proposed Pipeline ®Access Road Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1.1-4 M 5295 Ste S. Commerce Dr. MOTT M Salt Lake City, UT 84107 NACCONALD Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 J Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data Soils Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates:06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 5,000 REFERENCE SCALE: 11N=2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date: 02/26/2019 3 OF 9 I I ' � /l. • tea, / PW �� St �• � '�a�yN'Y "4_4z / �- 7 • - 9y'vY en _ t ----- Ra B Notes: Data Sources: NRCS SSURGOSdIs Legend O Project Milepost —Street —Proposed Pipeline ®Access Road Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1.1-4 M 5295 Ste S. Commerce Dr. MOTT M Salt Lake City, UT 84107 NACCONALD Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data Soils Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates:06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 5,000 REFERENCE SCALE: 11N=2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date: 02/26/2019 3 OF 9 W CD CD v CD a MP �711'ft i �• �` - - Ra / . NoBL:__ Ra � 1 / • x `\ti sir. mr u \ rAKW.AL �.^ / \ �' r rr 6 {`sok 9r / .VOA " f ax j �, .;=µ •\` state Rd 1006 , gid s +•+F " 5 ,fp / `GOA \ / "..13• \ WaB NoA NOA GOA Wa Nola,, Wa ti _ _ / \ i J"-. �''F. Er NOB 12 N0 _ -- �I'BH4 Au I_ o o \ "Corinth ChtikohR ___-- �' 1 DbSourceS NRCS SSURGOSoils Legend Project Milepost ---Street — Proposed Pipeline Access Road Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1.1-4 , ■� 5295 S. Commerce Dr. M MOTT M Ste. 500 Salt Lake City UT 84107 m.aa.... Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data SOIIS Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 0/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 5,000 FREIRIERENCE SCALE: = 2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date 02/2612019 1 4 OF 9— U) 00 Al - `F M In a) a) U) Notes: Data Sources: NRCS SSURGOSdIs Legend O Project Milepost Street —Proposed Pipeline Access Road ® Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1.1-4 , M 52 SS.S. Cmmerce Dr. Mo** M Salt Lake City, UT 84107 � ":(801)559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data Soils Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 124,000 Feet 0 2,500 5,000 FREFERENCE SCALE: =2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date 5 OF 9 W CD CD v CD M T M U) N A I alp.. ---------- ', - - --------- 4p// m/ r7 I I Lee Gaddy Ln \ q Grady Tew Ln — --- mai ------ - — Oaf 19 c 20 r BH _- -dWaB �1 21 <� Legend Project Milepost ---Street — Proposed Pipeline Access Road [\\ , M 5295 S. Commerce Dr. M rAOTT Salt Lake City UT 84107 M Ste. 500 rn.°°...° Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data SOIIS Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA I Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 0/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 5,000 FREIIERENCE SCALE: = 2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date 02/2612019 1 6 OF 9 amPl n St s IN e jai �5ti�o hwedt IQ4V V-6 � 0 21 <� o/ Coharie Lry'/ ;°StD � f \fid d FNS- . Qa Dab Sour: NRc555DR°05olls Legend Project Milepost ---Street — Proposed Pipeline Access Road [\\ , M 5295 S. Commerce Dr. M rAOTT Salt Lake City UT 84107 M Ste. 500 rn.°°...° Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data SOIIS Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA I Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 0/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 5,000 FREIIERENCE SCALE: = 2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date 02/2612019 1 6 OF 9 e � o/ Coharie Lry'/ ;°StD � f \fid d FNS- . Qa Dab Sour: NRc555DR°05olls Legend Project Milepost ---Street — Proposed Pipeline Access Road Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1.1-4 , M 5295 S. Commerce Dr. M rAOTT Salt Lake City UT 84107 M Ste. 500 rn.°°...° Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data SOIIS Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 0/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 5,000 FREIIERENCE SCALE: = 2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date 02/2612019 1 6 OF 9 W See Page 4 Ra ` WaB I ;e Rd 1436-------=19 1 _-- _— ---------0' ' \ s°arTate Rd --___ N Salemburg Hwy - State HWy?42 1) NoA I _ t f3 WaEi:',- .J � Noy I r" otesnd eNbSourceS NRCS SSU RGO Soils Project Milepost Street — Proposed Pipeline Access Road Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1.1-4 ` ■� 52955 Commerce Dr. M Ste. 500 n M Salt Lake City UT 84107 mamacoarvaw Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data SOIIS Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 0/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 5,000 FIEIIERENCE SCALE: = 2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date 02/2612019 1 7 OF 9— M A A0 10 Ra ` WaB I ;e Rd 1436-------=19 1 _-- _— ---------0' ' \ s°arTate Rd --___ N Salemburg Hwy - State HWy?42 1) NoA I _ t f3 WaEi:',- .J � Noy I r" otesnd eNbSourceS NRCS SSU RGO Soils Project Milepost Street — Proposed Pipeline Access Road Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1.1-4 ` ■� 52955 Commerce Dr. M Ste. 500 n M Salt Lake City UT 84107 mamacoarvaw Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data SOIIS Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 0/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 5,000 FIEIIERENCE SCALE: = 2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date 02/2612019 1 7 OF 9— U) 00 7 Lam. M WaB 13 State R / t �a76 la I I NI l a T� LooP II �I NM�in9 — I • Ste �-'r\ MonksTrll$ ''� Or�'I - ° Ln I1CO) NOB r - / II$ 5 I, � Ln Q Au Ila GO.' w / •�tN 1 a r 2i ° 6', _ _ o 1 I eta - mi i t N I Dab SourceS NRc555DR°Osolls Legend Project Milepost ---Street — Proposed Pipeline Access Road Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1.1-4 ` M 5295 S. Commerce Dr. M Ste. 500 Salt Lake City UT 84107 more M m.°°.... Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data SOIIS Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 0/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 51000 REFERENCE SCALE: 1 IN = 2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date: 02/26/2019 8 OF 9 -j jt jISIII embur9Rd-- �FaYettevlQeSt_��=�:�V��__Old GOO dltoh to t __ !al S— - :— �Y�eville =aR ul---- it a 5 I dRd,--- j I of �o 6', _ _ o 1 I eta - mi i t N I Dab SourceS NRc555DR°Osolls Legend Project Milepost ---Street — Proposed Pipeline Access Road Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1.1-4 ` M 5295 S. Commerce Dr. M Ste. 500 Salt Lake City UT 84107 more M m.°°.... Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data SOIIS Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 0/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 51000 REFERENCE SCALE: 1 IN = 2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date: 02/26/2019 8 OF 9 0 Cn CD CD CD ON 2R2 i Niy � I 3 Ay B I I I \ =I I I I I I I a ?/i , P,ne 21 I otesnd eNbSourceS NRc555DR°05°IIs Project Milepost ---Street — Proposed Pipeline Access Road Piedmont Natural Gas LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT FIGURE 1.1-4 ` ■� 5295 S. C=merce Dr. M Ste. 500 Salt Lake City UT 84107 marl M m.°°...° Ph: (801) 559-2716 Project No: 398994 Survey Corridor ® Limit of Construction NRCS SSURGO Soil Data SOIIS Map SAMPSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, 0/28/2019-01/31/2019 ABSOLUTE SCALE: 1:24,000 Feet 0 2,500 51000 REFERENCE SCALE: 1 IN = 2,000 feet Drawn By: DMW Date: 02/26/2019 9 OF 9 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report B. Habitat Map Figure 3.1-1 \ 0 \\" �1 tl 1 * ;. 4. o:z 0.1 WD026JLM . t � I'mi EDWIN] f - __ 0.5 0.7 Notes: Habitat Wetland® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agncu`tu ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M SteLake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agncultu rat Pasture Y iyy�1�$ t GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground J: —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 31-1 Pro eot No: 398994 1 Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal . t � I'mi EDWIN] f - __ 0.5 0.7 Notes: Habitat Wetland® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agncu`tu ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M SteLake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agncultu rat Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 31-1 Pro eot No: 398994 1 Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal . Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: —Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: D. 1 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 W M In a) a) U) Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Data Sources: 7 WetlandObservaton Dete m nation CCutoverManagedPine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1:6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 2 OF 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD v CD MW R M In a) a) U) Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1:6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 3 OF 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD v CD LIM W M In a) a) 0) s �I 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.4 -EK�:� N Ilk • ,i'yFr�'s \�� i jr F[ 1 1 ltl Notes: Habitat bsemton Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: Data 7 WetlandODete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 4 OF 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD CD Ai Z W M I a) //a)� vJ -' r•� ^,.�' \ �� t _ moi/ + 3.5 ^rr , ✓ � \ \` ' 1-_-_-_------'_--- — - \... 4.3 / - -. -"' ---------------------------- C'. Wpo25TMM Notes: Habitat bsemton Wetlands® aged PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Data Sources: CtoveWMta Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland 7 WetlandODete m nation Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 5 OF 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 M N M 0) 11, a.s 1 L h 4.6 ,.�.. 4.8 4.9 d , s r r/ dr 0 5.2 5:3� Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Commerce Dr. "� Data Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland �a Ste.500 M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation a LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 low Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Commerce Dr. "� Data Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste.500 M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 6 OF 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD CD FOC M I a) a) U) 5.4 5.5 - ` 5.6 1 i Notes: bsemton Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: Data 7 WetlandODete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Pro eot No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 7 OF 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD CD W' 6.3 i. - `456, - __ __�-__-- �- . 4w, wr • A -----••---- I-_--------- -_ -- 6.8 -- , -T, 7 �: ie :6f' 7.1 r —6�7--------- -------- 4 ♦ A. 1 !+R15�TJr' 7.2 Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: Drawn By: DMW g OF 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD CD 'M Kel M In a) a) 0) f ;UM or o +r • ti r . ��, 1 - � ted' $ �� Y,_.-...+�• w 1 �, `� _ •- j 8.2 7.9 maw -; *fir; ,�,,,�,,,,��• .r,� ;�j; � __--�_�—� ;�..��� • •;� ill I'�, , 7.4 7.5 _ .1 Notes: Habitat bsemton Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: 7 WetlandODete m nation Cto Cutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M SaRLake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ® Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT .rvc ouuu Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industrial/Commercial FIGURE 31-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal . Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantation Street Feet Proposed Facility Riverine Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: Drawn By: DMW g OF 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD v CD C) All M I a) a) U) 8.3 JL4 8.4 ak=f RUp4j�MM i C v R�o42j`M A —I e Notes: Habitat Wetlands® to PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: Data WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat Agricultural 7 ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 10 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 10 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) m m O 0 CM M I 0 0 0o 10 4 � 99- 10.1 9.8 --- 9.7 _ 10.2 r 94 992 wJ Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS 5295 S. Dr. "� Data Sources: 7 WetlandObservaton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M SaR Lake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: Drawn By: DMW 11 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 10 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 Cn CD CD CD N r M I a) a) U) ;, '� ' , .ice ��r f �• �s �G. ......... * •10.4 _ j�` /r __ - - 10.57 10.8 -' y -10.7- - p 10.6 1 0.1'� i 0.2 , Notes: Habitat bsemton Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: Data CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland 7 WetlandODete m nation Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT a.c oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 , Project No: 398994 1 Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 1120F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) 7-1 _ r 180 r ._ r • <'h 11 --------------- S <.y, �1 / a 1 Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 1130F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 c� M In U) Qq k:.. t ' Tyr• � '�� �rs c Notes: Habitat bsemton Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Data Sources: CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland 7 WetlandODete m nation l Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT I kc, r Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse — Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 'j t \ �O O Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Notes: Habitat bsemton Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Data Sources: CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland 7 WetlandODete m nation Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse — Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 'j Project No: 398994 Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 1140F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD v CD M In a) a) 0) k\\-- �fA .. r ay.4i R � V / \ i ilk s, \, 13:2 _ ---"' •-- 13.3 - 13.4,.:, 13.5 13.6 13.7. 14.1 14, /.13.9 i i i f I in Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 , Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 115OF 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD v CD M L0 M I a) a) 0) lr � • 11 � l � Y • 14.5 1 14.6 x. 14.4 ' 14---------------- ..r. w< 1- 14.2 14.3 14.8 14.9 15 -------- -----------------------�'-, i i •t f _ - s,.t_ - IV •-�,_ T 1 � �• at... A � fr' r 15.1 Notes: Habitat bsemton Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: Data 7 WetlandODete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Project No: 398994 Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 1 Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: Drawn By: DMW 1160F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD CD v M In a) a) U) Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Data Sources: 7 WetlandObservaton Dete m nation CCutoverManagedPine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse — Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 'j Project No: 398994 Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1:6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 1170F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD v CD 00 L 16.1 16.2 ,y y; las. ______________-----� W 17 . I Notes: Habitat Observation Wetlands & Waterbodies Developed Lands PIEDMONT NAT U RAL GAS 5295 S. Commerce Dr. M Data Sources: 7 Wetland Determination ® Cutover Managed Pine Flat = Agricultural Cropland Ste. 500 M SteLake City UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineatlon Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _Agncultu rat Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT y'7 au., - n Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points � Representative Wetland -Perennial Stream � Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland & Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 , Project No: 398994 Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 1180F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest & Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD CD 00 r M U) 17.1 Rio 9 R BA* �099��M IA. 17.2 17.5 !Z� 17.4 � 17.3 &�08&-14,m PO 17.8 WOO— tl,tl `17.7 l 17.9 17.6 18 Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agncu`tu ral Cropland S. 500Commerce M Stea# Lake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ® Herbaceous Wetland _ Agncultu ral Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT � c— Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1:6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantation Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 1190F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD CD N 0 rn M In a) a) U) Notes: Habitat WetlandsDeveloped ural PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete mnation Cutover Managed Pine Flat Cropland Ste.500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1:6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 120 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD v CD fV C) N M d U) rcutui I mm RU209TMM RW104 -MM RU208TMM .1, RU206TM RU205TMM WD104TMM WD105TMM RW102.1TMM RU204TMM WD103TMM WD102TMM k[ RW102TMM RU203TMM • ' ' i Notes: Habitat bservaton Wetlands® DevelopedLands NATURAL GAS 5295 S. Dr. "� Data Sources: WetlandODete m nation CutoverManaged Pine Flat Agricultural Cropland 7PIEDMONT Ste. 500Commerce M SaRLake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland Li Agncultu rat Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT ouuu Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Pro eot No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 121 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD 00 CD N N N M In a) a) U) Ilk /X r„ < {aa , L 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.1 .:9, 0. 'QG Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT a.c oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 , Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 122 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD v CD N W { d SCR. • !lY � \\ . `� � lJ �� ��, /r ,� 41 A 0 s. •y �, N 21 rte,;-^ ` 21.7 1 ' (3)21.1 - _ 21.6 M 27.2 �. z a - r U7 RU219TMM 414 IF _ate �,,37� - l r� %� Imo' Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M Ste City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 , Project No: 398994 1 Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 123 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 N_ 0) M In U) � •'�' • uhf,'- - —--------- --- - . �-r_' y f..r� 0.4 0.5 11000 0.6 • ` 1 J 1.1 J 1.2 1.3 y F , Notes: Habitat Wetlands® NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CutoverManaged Pine Flat - Agricultural Cropland 7PIEDMONT Ste. 500Commerce M Salt Lake City, Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ® Herbaceous Wetland _ rat Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT 7184107 oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Notes: Habitat Wetlands® NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CutoverManaged Pine Flat - Agricultural Cropland 7PIEDMONT Ste. 500Commerce M Salt Lake City, Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ® Herbaceous Wetland _ rat Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT 7184107 oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Disturbed Representative Wetland -Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industrial/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Riverine Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 124 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD tQ CD N N M In a) a) U) Notes: Habitat Wetlands® NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CutoverManaged Pine Flat - Agricultural Cropland 7PIEDMONT Ste. 500Commerce M SaRLake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ® Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland -Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industrial/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1:6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantation Street Feet Proposed Facility Riverine Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 125 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD CD N M L0 N a) 0) M In a) a) U) 74, —e._---------__ r ,- Y .Y . ry NR z:6 2.8, /3.1 U) N v J y A ` � q Notes: Habitat Wetlands® NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CutoverManaged Pine Flat - Agricultural Cropland 7PIEDMONT Ste. 500Commerce M Salt Lake City,UT Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ® Herbaceous Wetland _ rat Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT 7184107 oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Disturbed Representative Wetland -Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industrial/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Riverine Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 126 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 , :, 3.1 ✓ _ — Ali e ;w dw f As loop 3.6 : PJL— 3.7 Notes: Habitat bsemton Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: Cto Cutover Managed Pine Flat - Agricultural Cropland 7 WetlandODete m nation Ste. 500Commerce M SaRLake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ® Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland -Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industrial/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantation Street Feet Proposed Facility Riverine Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 127 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) (T V N 00 IleIt 1 41 1 r. ,f ,CDCD Habitat Obsemton WyMaen aged Pine Flat - Agricultural Cropland "� Commerce Dr. WetlandDete m nation ® Cutover Notes: 7 PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Data Sources : —cM Ste. SOO SaRLake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT ue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points � Representative Wetland -Perennial Stream � Disturbed Ground Project No: 398994 Duke Wetland 8 Landuse -pond - Industrial�ommercial Delineation —Surveyed Stream FIGURE 3.1-1 j Surveyors: JLM, TMM USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest -Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, Proposed Pipeline � Hardwood Flat -Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY ABSOLUTE SCALE: 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW -Managed Pine Flat � NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction -Pine Plantatlon � Street Feet REFERENCE SCALE: Proposed Facility � Riverine Swamp Forest Contour Drawn By: DMW 128 O F 33 ® Access Road -Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 4.8 ,/35 • 49- r SO 4.2 •i� mr i l � l 1 l t l CD 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 N W N a) 0) M In a) a) U) I Rv�15�MM I Rv�16�MM 5.3 po11�MM MM Rv�1��MM Np���� �p012�MM�p013�MM -twwr p :• 5.7 5.8 Notes: Habitat Wetlands® PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: 7 WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CCutover Managed Pine Flat - Agncu`tu ral Cropland Ste. 500Commerce M SaRLake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ®Herbaceous Wetland _ Agncultu rat Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industnal/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Pro eot No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantaton Street Feet Proposed Facility Rivenne Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: Drawn By: DMW 29 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1 ,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD CD W O rr 3 • v r So \' r °2°.AMM• - 6.3 6.7X4, Notes: Habitat Wetlands® NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: WetlandObservaton Dete m nation CutoverManaged Pine Flat - Agricultural Cropland 7PIEDMONT Ste. 500Commerce M SaRLake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ® Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT ouuu Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland - Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industrial/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantation Street Feet Proposed Facility Riverine Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 130 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 C) M In a) a) U) Notes: Habitat Wetlands® NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CutoverManaged Pine Flat - Agricultural Cropland 7PIEDMONT Ste. 500Commerce M SaRLake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ® Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland -Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industrial/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1:6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantation Street Feet Proposed Facility Riverine Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 131 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 U) CD CD v CD W N M In a) a) U) Notes: Habitat Wetlands® NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CutoverManaged Pine Flat - Agricultural Cropland 7PIEDMONT Ste. 500Commerce M SaRLake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ® Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland -Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industrial/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1:6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantation Street Feet Proposed Facility Riverine Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 132 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 ;�;'� �4�'�" ti tom; •• �, 4. � • ' AYjj�� �, r 7 l I 9.6 9.4 9.3 o, 9.2 9.1 p 1:" Dovvd ------------- IV Notes: Habitat Wetlands® NATURAL GAS Dr. "� Data Sources: WetlandObsemton Dete m nation CutoverManaged Pine Flat - Agricultural Cropland 7PIEDMONT Ste. 500Commerce M SaRLake City, UT 84107 Duke Wetland Delineation Representative Upland ® Herbaceous Wetland _ Agricultural Pasture LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT oue,u Ph: (801) 559-2716 GPS Points Representative Wetland -Perennial Stream Disturbed Ground Duke Wetland 8 Landuse —Surveyed Stream - Pond - Industrial/Commercial FIGURE 3.1-1 Project No: 398994 j Delineation USGS NHD Streams Q Surveyed Wetland Habitat - Residentlal Habitat & Landuse Surveyors: JLM, TMM Survey Dates: 06/17/2018-6/27/2018, Survey Corridor - Bottomland Hardwood Forest - Road ROW 11/02/2018-11/03/2018, ABSOLUTE SCALE: Proposed Pipeline Hardwood Flat - Utility ROW SAMPSON COUNTY 01/28/2019-01/31/2019 ® Permanent Maintained ROW - Managed Pine Flat NHD Streams NORTH CAROLINA 1-6,000 Limit of Construction - Pine Plantation Street Feet Proposed Facility Riverine Swamp Forest Contour REFERENCE SCALE: I Drawn By: DMW 133 O F 33 ® Access Road - Upland Mixed Forest 8 Woodland 0 Project Milepost 0 500 1,000 1 IN = 500 feet Date: 02/22/2019 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report C. USFWS IPaC Report United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: (919) 856-4520 Fax: (919) 856-4556 In Reply Refer To: Consultation Code: 04EN2000-2018-SLI-0849 Event Code: 04EN2000-2018-E-01815 Project Name: Duke Energy - Line 3 7/3 8 Replacement Project 71. Fisdi s WIIJJUrV. 14L'][ ,N,pf t June 05, 2018 Subject: List of threatened and endangered species that may occur in your proposed project location, and/or may be affected by your proposed project To Whom It May Concern: The species list generated pursuant to the information you provided identifies threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, as well as proposed and final designated critical habitat, that may occur within the boundary of your proposed project and/or may be affected by your proposed project. The species list fulfills the requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) under section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973, as amended (16U.S.C. 1531 etseq.). New information based on updated surveys, changes in the abundance and distribution of species, changed habitat conditions, or other factors could change this list. Please feel free to contact us if you need more current information or assistance regarding the potential impacts to federally proposed, listed, and candidate species and federally designated and proposed critical habitat. Please note that under 50 CFR 402.12(e) of the regulations implementing section 7 of the Act, the accuracy of this species list should be verified after 90 days. This verification can be completed formally or informally as desired. The Service recommends that verification be completed by visiting the ECOS-IPaC website at regular intervals during project planning and implementation for updates to species lists and information. An updated list may be requested through the ECOS-IPaC system by completing the same process used to receive the enclosed list. Section 7 of the Act requires that all federal agencies (or their designated non-federal representative), in consultation with the Service, insure that any action federally authorized, funded, or carried out by such agencies is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any federally -listed endangered or threatened species. A biological assessment or evaluation may be prepared to fulfill that requirement and in determining whether additional consultation with the Service is necessary. In addition to the federally -protected species list, information on the species' life histories and habitats and information on completing a biological assessment or 06/05/2018 Event Code: 04EN2000-2018-E-01815 evaluation and can be found on our web page at http://www.fws.gov/raleigh. Please check the web site often for updated information or changes If your project contains suitable habitat for any of the federally -listed species known to be present within the county where your project occurs, the proposed action has the potential to adversely affect those species. As such, we recommend that surveys be conducted to determine the species' presence or absence within the project area. The use of North Carolina Natural Heritage program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys. If you determine that the proposed action may affect (i.e., likely to adversely affect or not likely to adversely affect) a federally -protected species, you should notify this office with your determination, the results of your surveys, survey methodologies, and an analysis of the effects of the action on listed species, including consideration of direct, indirect, and cumulative effects, before conducting any activities that might affect the species. If you determine that the proposed action will have no effect (i.e., no beneficial or adverse, direct or indirect effect) on federally listed species, then you are not required to contact our office for concurrence (unless an Environmental Impact Statement is prepared). However, you should maintain a complete record of the assessment, including steps leading to your determination of effect, the qualified personnel conducting the assessment, habitat conditions, site photographs, and any other related articles. Please be aware that bald and golden eagles are protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668 et seq.), and projects affecting these species may require development of an eagle conservation plan (http://www.fws.gov/windenergy/ eagle_guidance.html). Additionally, wind energy projects should follow the wind energy guidelines (http://www.fws.gov/windenergy/) for minimizing impacts to migratory birds and bats. Guidance for minimizing impacts to migratory birds for projects including communications towers (e.g., cellular, digital television, radio, and emergency broadcast) can be found at: http:// www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/CurrentBirdlssues/Hazards/towers/towers.htm; http:// www.towerkill.com; and http://www.fws. o� rorrybirds/CurrentBirdlssues/Hazards/towers/ comtow.html. Not all Threatened and Endangered Species that occur in North Carolina are subject to section 7 consultation with the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service. Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, sea turtles,when in the water, and certain marine mammals are under purview of the National Marine Fisheries Service. If your project occurs in marine, estuarine, or coastal river systems you should also contact the National Marine Fisheries Service, http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ We appreciate your concern for threatened and endangered species. The Service encourages Federal agencies to include conservation of threatened and endangered species into their project planning to further the purposes of the Act. Please include the Consultation Tracking Number in the header of this letter with any request for consultation or correspondence about your project that you submit to our office. If you have any questions or comments, please contact John Ellis of this office at john_ellis@fws.gov. 06/05/2018 Event Code: 04EN2000-2018-E-01815 Attachment(s): • Official Species List 06/05/2018 Event Code: 04EN2000-2018-E-01815 Official Species List This list is provided pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and fulfills the requirement for Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary of the Interior information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of a proposed action". This species list is provided by: Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 (919) 856-4520 06/05/2018 Event Code: 04EN2000-2018-E-01815 Project Summary Consultation Code: 04EN2000-2018-SLI-0849 Event Code: 04EN2000-2018-E-01815 Project Name: Duke Energy - Line 37/38 Replacement Project Project Type: OIL OR GAS Project Description: Duke Energy is proposing to replace their existing natural gas pipeline infrastructure Line 37 and Line 38, located in Sampson County, North Carolina, to meet estimated customer growth. Line 37 will be replaced by constructing approximately 21 miles of 12 -inch diameter natural gas pipeline and associated appurtenances (new Line 448) commencing at the northern end of Line 37 at the approximate latitude/longitude coordinates 35.2263120 / -78.594470, near Plain View, North Carolina, and continues southeast to 34.9987900 / -78.3331180, near Clinton, North Carolina. Line 38 will be replaced by constructing approximately 10 miles of 6 -inch diameter natural gas pipeline and associated appurtenances (new Line 449) commencing at the tie-in with Line 448 near latitude/longitude coordinates 35.093455° / -78.485473° then continuing southwest to 34.9677980 / -78.5433320, near Roseboro, North Carolina. The project is known as the Line 37/38 Replacement Project (Project). Project Location: Approximate location of the project can be viewed in Google Maps: https: www.google.com/maps/place/35.09711993447136N78.48673854654774W --h.-ii- - - Ir :..: .M P 5 �1II11-A i 255 IL C llMhENFI Ahd Counties: Sampson, NC 06/05/2018 Event Code: 04EN2000-2018-E-01815 3 Endangered Species Act Species There is a total of 3 threatened, endangered, or candidate species on this species list. Species on this list should be considered in an effects analysis for your project and could include species that exist in another geographic area. For example, certain fish may appear on the species list because a project could affect downstream species. IPaC does not display listed species or critical habitats under the sole jurisdiction of NOAA Fisheriesl, as USFWS does not have the authority to speak on behalf of NOAA and the Department of Commerce. See the "Critical habitats" section below for those critical habitats that lie wholly or partially within your project area under this office's jurisdiction. Please contact the designated FWS office if you have questions. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce. Birds NAME STATUS Red -cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/7614 Reptiles NAME STATUS American Alligator Alligator mississippiensis Similarity of No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Appearance Species profile: https://ecos.fws. og v/ecp/species/776 (Threatened) Flowering Plants NAM L STATUS Pondberry Lindera melissifolia Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/1279 06/05/2018 Event Code: 04EN2000-2018-E-01815 Critical habitats THERE ARE NO CRITICAL HABITATS WITHIN YOUR PROJECT AREA UNDER THIS OFFICE'S JURISDICTION. Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report D. Selected Habitat Observation Site Photographs Aw 9 33 _ F 4� t F _ r I I Aw 9 33 _ F t F _ F _ a �� M M Duke Energy — Lines 448 & 449 Project MATT MACDONALD Habitat Observation Plot Photographs: June 17-27, 2018 H0005JLM Bearing: SOUTHWEST Date: 06/20/2018 H0005JLM Bearing: WEST Date: 06/20/2018 REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 2 of 2 Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report E. Pondberry Background Information Pondberry — Lindera melissifolia - Endangered M* +. 'in t • R Y R f 'gab, y t x kid f A.7 Lindera ntelissifolia Delta National Forest, —Louisiana.Natural Heritage Program Pondberry — Lindero melissifolio - Endangered Lines 448 & 449 Project I Sensitive Species Habitat Assessment Report F. Red -Cockaded Woodpecker Survey Protocol Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to guide biologists through the protocol for surveying for red - cockaded woodpecker (RCW). Responsibility It is the responsibility of the biologist either conducting the actual survey or managing the private firm conducting the survey to be familiar with this protocol and to make sure it is followed. It is the responsibility of the person requesting the survey to do so in a timely manner and to give all pertinent project data to the biologist conducting the survey. Scheduling and Time Constraints Generally, the request for a survey should be made six (6) months before the required due date. However, if scope length is large, allow additional time. The PDU Project Manager should discuss this with NEU Project Manager. Although surveys can be conducted at any time during the year, the optimum time frame for surveys is November 1 -March 15. Procedures 1. General Survey Procedure 2. Bioloqical Determination Procedure 3. Surveyinq for RCW Cavity Trees The information contained in this procedure is deemed accurate and complete when posted. Content may change at any time without notice. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of printed copies. Please refer to the online procedure for the most current version. NORTh G, a`p Project Development and O %� Approved: 7/13/11 Environmental Analysis Branch Version 1.2 F OF TRA [Contents] Purpose Warnings and Precautions Responsibility Resources and Tools Scheduling and Time Constraints Contacts Procedures Flowchart Background Glossary Policy, Regulatory, and Legal Requirements Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to guide biologists through the protocol for surveying for red - cockaded woodpecker (RCW). Responsibility It is the responsibility of the biologist either conducting the actual survey or managing the private firm conducting the survey to be familiar with this protocol and to make sure it is followed. It is the responsibility of the person requesting the survey to do so in a timely manner and to give all pertinent project data to the biologist conducting the survey. Scheduling and Time Constraints Generally, the request for a survey should be made six (6) months before the required due date. However, if scope length is large, allow additional time. The PDU Project Manager should discuss this with NEU Project Manager. Although surveys can be conducted at any time during the year, the optimum time frame for surveys is November 1 -March 15. Procedures 1. General Survey Procedure 2. Bioloqical Determination Procedure 3. Surveyinq for RCW Cavity Trees The information contained in this procedure is deemed accurate and complete when posted. Content may change at any time without notice. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of printed copies. Please refer to the online procedure for the most current version. The following four procedures are based on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's RCW Recovery Plan 2003. The procedures are also based on NEU biologists' prior project experience and past project coordination with USFWS. General Survey Procedure Step 1. Consult the Natural Heritage Database for information on known populations of RCW or known locations of suitable nesting or foraging habitat for RCW. For projects on or adjacent to large public lands (e.g. Fort Bragg, Croatan National Forest, Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Sandhills Gamelands, Holly Shelter Gamelands), check with local biologists as well. Step 2. Surveys can be done year round but optimal time to survey is when the leaves have fallen off the trees, generally November to early March. Step 3. Obtain most recent available aerial photography. Prepare map using aerial photography with study area. Also include a half mile boundary from study area. (ArcMap is a good resource to use for this) Step 4. Assess through field reconnaissance if there is suitable foraging habitat within study area. Step 5. If there is no suitable foraging habitat within the study area then no further surveys are needed. Step 6. Also, assess if there is suitable nesting habitat within study area. If found, follow Surveying for RCW Cavity Trees. Step 7. If suitable foraging habitat is found within study area, then biologist must survey for suitable nesting habitat within a half mile of all foraging habitat within study area. Step 8. For nesting and foraging habitat surveys within the project study area and within 0.5 mi of the project site, potential habitat is assessed at the level of the stand. A stand is a term often used to refer to a wooded area receiving past or current silvicultural treatment as a single management unit. For the purposes of these procedures, the term includes any subset of a tract of wooded land, divided by biological community type, management history, or any other reasonable approach. A small tract of land may be considered a single stand. Step 9. For large projects with several stands, see RCW Survey Form as a resource to organize field notes for each stand. Step 10. Surveys should not be conducted after a hard rain. This makes it difficult to see sap and cavities. Step 11. In habitat that is too thick to walk through (usually in pocosin habitat) surveys may be done by helicopter. Helicopter surveys must be done during leaf out. See your supervisor to determine if helicopter surveys are needed. Biological Determination Procedure This procedure outlines the general steps in determining a Biological Conclusion. If you have a project with an unusual situation that does not fall into the categories described below, alert your immediate supervisor and/or coordinate with USFWS. Step 1. If no suitable foraging or nesting habitat is present, the biological conclusion is "No Effect." Step 2. If there is either suitable foraging habitat or suitable nesting habitat but surveys did not find any RCW cavity trees and there are no known RCW trees or clusters within 1.0 mile of study area then the biological conclusion is "No Effect" 2 The information contained in this procedure is deemed accurate and complete when posted. Content may change at any time without notice. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of printed copies. Please refer to the online procedure for the most current version. Step 3. If the above is true but project is near a large population of RCWs (i.e. Sandhills area) consult with supervisor and/or USFWS for appropriate biological conclusion. Step 4. If RCW cavity trees are found within the study area or a half mile from study area, then the biologist needs to discuss this with supervisor and/or USFWS on the degree of consultation. If active RCW trees are found, then most likely a foraging habitat analysis (FHA) needs to be conducted. Identification of Suitable Foraging Habitat During field surveys in the project study area, look for the following characteristics of suitable foraging habitat: • Pine or pine/hardwood stand of forest, woodland or savanna • Dominant trees in the stand are pines (50% or more in composition) • Dominant pine trees in the stand are 30 years in age or older These characteristics do not necessarily describe good quality foraging habitat (see 2E, 81 in RCW Recovery Plan 2003); rather, this is a conservative description of potentially suitable foraging habitat. The age of stands can be determined by aging representative dominant pines using an increment -borer and counting annual growth rings. Stand data describing size classes may be substituted for aging representative pines if the average size of 30 year-old pines is known for the local area and habitat (i.e., at least 10 in dbh or larger). Identification of Suitable Nesting Habitat During field surveys, look for the following characteristics of suitable nesting habitat: • Pine or pine/hardwood stand forest, woodland, or savanna • Dominant trees in the stand are pines (50% or more in composition) • Stands 60 years in age or older Younger stands may contain 60 year old or older pine trees scattered or clumped within the stand. These older trees within younger stands must also be examined for the presence of RCW cavities. These characteristics do not necessarily describe good quality nesting habitat (see 2D, 8E, 8F in RCW Recovery Plan 2003); rather, this is a conservative description of potentially suitable nesting habitat. All stands and trees 60 yrs or older need to be surveyed for presence of RCW cavities. The age of stands can be determined by aging representative dominant pines using an increment -borer and counting annual growth rings. 3 The information contained in this procedure is deemed accurate and complete when posted. Content may change at any time without notice. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of printed copies. Please refer to the online procedure for the most current version. Surveying for RCW Cavity Trees Step 1. All surveys for RCW cavity trees must be conducted by personnel experienced in management and/or monitoring of the species. Step 2. All potential nesting habitat should be surveyed by running line transects through stands and visually inspecting all medium and large sized pine for evidence of RCW cavity excavation. Step 3. Whenever possible, walk transects north -south because many cavity entrances are oriented in a westerly direction. Transects must be spaced so that all trees are inspected. The necessary spacing will vary with habitat structure and season from a maximum of 100 yards between transects in very open pine stands to 50 yards or less in areas with a dense midstory. Step 4. Trees with flat tops (usually loblolly and longleaf pines) are indicative of older trees and must be closely inspected. Step 5. If RCW cavity trees are found within the study area or half mile, mark the tree by putting several rings of flagging tape on the tree (make sure flagging is highly visible). Step 6. Record the location of all cavity trees in the field using a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit, aerial photograph, and/or field map. Activity status, cavity stage (start, advanced start, or complete cavity), and any entrance enlargement are assessed and recorded at this time. Step 7. Taking photos can be useful to verify that they are RCW cavities. Step 8. If cavity trees are found, more intense surveying within 1500 feet of each cavity tree is conducted to locate all cavity trees in the area. Step 9. If active completed cavities are found, then the RCW trees need to be observed at dusk or dawn to determine if cavities are being used by RCWs. This should only be done with supervision of experienced RCW biologist. Step 10. Cavity trees are later assigned into clusters based on observations of RCW as described in 3A, RCW Recovery Plan 2003. Step 11. Report any cavity trees or other evidence of RCW activity to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the NC Natural Heritage Program. Step 12.Once surveys for cavity trees are complete, the need for a FHA must be determined and a biological conclusion rendered. If a FHA is needed, a biological assessment will be required along with consultation with USFWS. Consult with your supervisor to determine whether the FHA will be done in-house or outsourced to an on-call consultant. Background Surveys are used to determine whether the nesting and/or foraging habitat of a red -cockaded woodpecker group will be adversely affected by the proposed project. This is an important part of the conservation and management of this endangered species, and therefore, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has developed standard survey and analysis procedures for such determinations. These determinations must be undertaken prior to the initiation of any project within the southeastern United States if 1) RCW's are listed for that particular county, and 2) if 4 The information contained in this procedure is deemed accurate and complete when posted. Content may change at any time without notice. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of printed copies. Please refer to the online procedure for the most current version. the project calls for removal of pine trees 30 years or older (typically such trees will be at least 10 in. dbh or larger). Activities taking place near cavity trees, or those that could indirectly alter RCW habitat must also be considered, regardless of whether trees are removed or not. Policy, Regulatory, and Legal Requirements Endangered Species Act Warnings and Precautions Failure to survey for suitable foraging and nesting habitat in counties that have the red - cockaded woodpecker listed could result in project delays during the planning process. Project delays could also occur if the survey protocols are not followed and the project study area has to be resurveyed. Resources and Tools U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Red -cockaded Woodpecker Recovery Plan 2003 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — RCW Homepage U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Red -cockaded woodpeckers in North Carolina U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — RCW Most Recent Federal Documents N.C. Natural Heritage Program — RCW Profile RCW Survey Form FHWA — ESA Delegation to State DOT's NMFS — ESA Letter Contacts • For suggestions to change this procedure contact: Karen Capps, kbcapps@ncdot.gov • For questions about performing this procedure contact: Logan Williams, loganwilliams@ncdot.gov Flowchart None 5 The information contained in this procedure is deemed accurate and complete when posted. Content may change at any time without notice. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of printed copies. Please refer to the online procedure for the most current version. Record of Revision Version Revision Description Date 1.1 Fixed broken links 12/6/10 Revised sentence under Identifying Suitable 1.2 Nesting Habitat. 7/1/11 The information contained in this procedure is deemed accurate and complete when posted. Content may change at any time without notice. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of printed copies. Please refer to the online procedure for the most current version.