HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181737 Ver 2_20180605_Phone Call with USFWS_20190730Memo of Telephone Conversation ■ Project: Duke Energy Line 448-449 Date: 6/5/2018 Time: 2 pm MST ■ Project Representative Name: Justin Miner x Initiator ❑ Receiver ■ Contact Name: John Ellis ❑ Initiator x Receiver ■ Affiliation USFWS Telephone No.: 919-856-4520x26 (agency, government entity, company, etc): ■ Purpose of Conversation: To review federally -listed species survey requirements ■ Conversation Summary: Introduced the project, scope, area, and watershed. IPAC report identified three species: American alligator — no survey requirements or special report requirements, not a concern Red -cockaded woodpecker— habitat -level field surveys to identify suitable habitat (>10"-DBH pine trees with open understory). Survey protocols are available on their website — these protocols have been downloaded. Need to review and pass along to Tom Malecki. Mr. Ellis stated that when the understory is brushy, these birds will not utilize that area. They strongly prefer open understory mature pine forests. Not likely found in pine plantation areas as the Loblolly Pines are typically harvested for pulp and are cut before reaching 10" DBH. If suitable habitat is identified, specie -specific surveys will be required. No survey windows, this is a year-long resident. Mr. Ellis stated that a biological report should be filed identifying the potential suitable habitat, prior to conducting specie -specific surveys. No licensures required for specie -specific surveys — John can provide references for potential sub -contractors. Pondberry — survey windows are Feb -March and Sept -October. However, habitat level surveys can be used to limit the need or scope of the specie -specific surveys. No specific survey requirements have been developed. The botanist in the office is Dale Suiter, he can be a source for additional information — 919-856-4520x18, dale_suiter@fws.gov ■ Prepared By: Justin Miner Telephone No.: 801-559-2716 ■ Signed: Date: 5/29/2018 0 Distribution: Copy to File