HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181737 Ver 2_RESTORATION PLAN_20190730RESTORATION PLAN LINES 448 & 449 PROJECT The proposed project has been designed to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts where practicable. As part of the mitigation for unavoidable impacts, the following plan shall be implemented to restore temporarily-affected wetlands, streambanks, and jurisdictional ditch banks. This plan describes the restoration of temporarily-affected jurisdictional resources to be restored to their pre-disturbance contours and site conditions to the degree practicable upon completion of project construction. No fill or dredged material, or spoils of any kind, will remain in the jurisdictional resources following construction. No fill or dredged material, or spoils of any kind, will be placed within stream or ditch channels during construction. Disturbed areas within wetlands and along stream and ditch banks will be permanently stabilized with native vegetative cover. The measures outlined below will be specified in the contract documents prepared for construction of the proposed project. Proposed restoration activities will include the removal of placed dredged (i.e., excavated topsoil and subsoil) material and restoration to pre-construction contours. Excavated material shall be returned to the trench to the extent possible, and remaining material relocated and retained on an upland site, if necessary. Excavated topsoil will be stockpiled separately, kept viable, and then replaced uniformly over the area of excavation from which is was removed. The native seed mix identified in Table 1 below will be utilized within temporarily-disturbed portions of the construction limits that are comprised of wetlands; and Table 2 identifies the native seed mix to be utilized on temporarily-disturbed stream banks and jurisdictional ditch banks. The appropriate seed mix shall be applied to all disturbed wetlands, streambanks, and ditch banks and extend a minimum of 10-feet landward into the adjacent upland areas. The recommended application rate for each mix is 25 pounds per acre. In areas where streams and wetlands overlap, the wetland seed mix shall be used exclusively. Appropriate native seed substitutions, or changes to seed percentages, for the species identified in Tables 1 and 2 may be necessary due to seed availability. Appropriate substitutions must be approved by the Project environmental inspector or Piedmont environmental manager. Table 3 identifies appropriate species for cover/companion crops used along with native seed mixes to provide early germination and increase cover of disturbed soils. The companion crops will aid the establishment of native species and will typically be out-competed by native species when established. The species identified in Table 3 are to be applied in addition to or augmented with the appropriate native seed mix. Table 1: Wetland Seed Mix Species Name Common Name Percentage of Mix Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 23 Elymus riparius Riverbank wild rye 20 Panicum dichotomiflorum Smooth panicgrass 14 Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge 12 Panicum rigidulum Redtop panicgrass 8 Dichanthelium clandestinum Deer tongue 8 Bidens aristosa Showy tickseed sunflower 7 Juncus effusus Soft rush 4 Polygonum pensylvanicum Smartweed 2 Sparganium amricanum Eastern bur reed 2 Total 100 Table 2: Stream Bank and Riparian Seed Mix Species Name Common Name Percentage of Mix Elymus virginicus Virginia wild rye 20 Agrostis perennans Autumn bentgrass 15 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 15 Andropogon gerardii Big bluestem 10 Coreopsis lanceolata Lanceleaf Coreopsis 10 Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan 10 Juncus effusus Soft rush 5 Schizachyrium scoparium Little bluestem 5 Sorghastrum nutans Indian grass 5 Tripsacum dactyloides Eastern gamma 5 Total 100 Table 3: Cover/Companion Crops Species Name Common Name Application Season Application Rate Notes Lolium perenne Perennial rye Early Fall or Spring 30 lbs/acre Grows less than 2’, grows for less than 2 years, then typically dies out Secale cereale Cereal or Winter rye Early Spring or Fall 30 lbs/acre Grows 3-4’ tall, not a strong competitor Urocloa ramose Brown top millet Spring or Summer 30 lbs/acre Good early germination, frost kill, does not tolerate mowing, not a strong competitor