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Growing our future. Nourishing our roots.
102 Town Hall Drive - Lelanci North Carolina 28451
(910) 3 71 -01 48 - Fax (910) 3714073
Mr. Mike Randall
Division of Energy, Minerals and Land Resources
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
RE: Town of Leland NPDES Phase II Permit Renewal
Dear Mr. Randall,
Enclosed please find a copy of the Town of Leland's Draft Renewal Phase II application and
permit. If you should have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Steven Spruill
Public Services Manager
Brenda Bozeman
Pat Batieman
Mayor Pro Tem
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iVlichael Callahan
Bob Campbell Bob Coniston David A. Hollis
Councilmember Councilmember Town Manager
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This application form is for use by Local Governments seeking NPDES stormwater permit coverage for
Regulated Public Entities (RPE) pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0126. A
complete application package includes this form and one copy of a Narrative of The Stormwater
Management Program. The required Narrative of The Stormwater Management Program is described
in Section VII of this form.
Name of Local Government
Permit Number
Expiration Date
Town of Leland
(Complete this section only if co -permitting)
a. Do you intend to co -permit
with another regulated public I ❑ Yes ® No
b. If yes, name of regulated
public entity
c. If yes, have legal
agreements been finalized ❑ Yes ❑ No
between the co-permittees?
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OBLIGATIONS (If more than one, attach additional sheets)
a. Do you intend that another
entity perform one or more
❑ Yes ® No
of your permit obligations?
b. If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing
• Name of Entity
• Element they will
• Contact Person
• Contact Address
• Contact Telephone
c. Are legal agreements in
place to establish
❑ Yes ❑ No
Page 1
SWU-264 June 17, 2015
NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application
The signing official may delegate permit implementation authority to an appropriate staff member.
This delegation must name a specific person, their title/position. Documentation of board action
delegating permit authority to this person/position must be provided.
a. Name of person to which permit
authority has been delegated
b. Title/position of person above
If authority for the NPDES stormwater permit has been appropriately delegated through
board action and documented in this permit application, the person/position listed in Section
IV above may sign the official statement below.
I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my
direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel
properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,
and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting fa/se information,
including the possibility of tines and imprisonment for knowing violations.
David Hollis
Town Manager
Street Address
102 Town Hall Dr
PO Box
Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day
implementation and oversight of the stormwater program.
Name of Contact Person
Gary Vidmar
Community and Economic Development Director
Street Address
102 Town Hall Dr
PO Box
Telephone Number
E-Mail Address
rage z
SWU-264 June 17, 2015
IVPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application
Attach one copy of a narrative describing the stormwater management program. The report must
be presented in the following order.
1. Population and Estimated Growth Rate
2. Jurisdictional Area
3. Describe Stormwater Conveyance System
4. Estimated Land Use
5. Identify the Receiving Streams
6. Identify TMDLs (if applicable)
7. Identify impaired streams, likely sources, and existing programs that address the impairment
(if applicable)
8. List any existing water quality programs
9. Identify and describe any partnerships and/or inter -local agreements
10. Describe any state programs
11. Identify any other entity that the regulated public entity relies on to implement or manage its
stormwater program.
12. Identify points of contacts
13. Describe the public education and outreach program
14. Describe the public involvement and participation program.
15. Describe the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program,
16. Describe the post -construction stormwater program
Describe practices to inspect and maintain municipally -owned facilities
17. Describe practices to inspect and maintain structural stormwater control devices
18. Describe practices to reduce polluted stormwater runoff from municipally -owned streets,
roads, and public parking lots, piped and vegetative conveyances, manholes, cleanouts, drop
inlets, and drainage structures.
19. Describe any training programs for municipal staff.
20. Describe spill response procedures for those at Municipally Owned and/or Operated Facilities
as well as those in the public right-of-way.
Page 3
SWU-264 June 17, 2015
Program Narrative
1. Population and Estimated Growth Rate
a. Populations 17,154
b. Growth Rate: 26.81%
2. Jurisdictional Area
a. 20 sq miles
3. Describe stormwater Conveyance System
a. In the original Town limits, stormwater is carried through a mixture of roadside
ditches and piping. In most of these areas stormwater sheet flows across the
shoulder into these ditches and drain into smaller tributaries. Newer
developments in the Town, under NCDEQ or Town stormwater regulations, use
curb and gutter with catchbasins, grassed swales, retention ponds and other
appropriate devices; which are privately owned by the developer or homeowners
association. These devices then drain to local tributaries and streams.
4. Estimated Land Use
a. Residential = 40%, Commercial = 3%, Institutional = 2%, Open Space = 55%.
5. Identify the Receiving Streams
Receiving Stream Water Stream Aquatic Life Use Recreation Use
Name Classification Segment Support Rating Support Rating
Cape Fear River SC 18-(71)a I S
Brunswick River SC 18-77 1 S
Sturgeon Creek C;Sw 18-77-1 ND ND
Mill Creek C;Sw 18-77-1-1 ND ND
Banton Branch C;Sw 18-77-1-1-2 ND ND
Jackeys Creek C;Sw 18-77-3 ND ND
Piney Branch C;Sw 18-77-3-1 ND ND
Mallory Creek C;Sw 18-78 ND ND
Little Mallory
Creek (Beaverdam
Branch) C;Sw 18-78-1 ND ND
Town Creek
Branch) C;Sw 18-81 S ND
Morgan Branch C;Sw 18-81-7 ND ND
Bishop Branch C;Sw 18-81-7-1 ND ND
Goodland Branch C;Sw 18-81-8 ND ND
6. Identify TMDLs (if applicable)
Use Suppor
7. Identify impaired streams, likely sources, and existing programs that address the
impairment (if applicable)
(303d) The Cape Fear River [18-(71)a] From upstream mouth of Toomers Creek to Snows Cut: Low Disolve
Oxygen, Low PH
(303d) The Brunswick River [18-77] from source to the Cape Fear River: Low Dissolved Oxygen, Low PH
(303d) Town Creek [18-81] from source to the Cape Fear River: Mercury
8. List any existing water quality programs
a. Town of Leland Cama Land use Plan: As required by the 1974 CAMA Act, was
updated and approved in 1999. The plan presents an analysis of existing
conditions and sets policies for growth and development with consideration for
the environment and resource protection. The plan is currently in the process of
being updated.
b. Because Leland is located in a coastal county, it has been under the jurisdiction
of NCDENR's stormwater management rules and CAMA's water quality
regulations since the late 1980's.
c. The Town adopted a Post Construction Stormwater Management Ordinance and
an Illicit Discharge Ordinance in 2009
9. Identify and describe any partnerships and/or inter -local agreements
10. Describe any state programs
a. The Town relies on the state for implementation of the Construction Site Runoff
11. Identify any other entity that the regulated public entity relies on to implement or
manage its stormwater program.
a. Cape Fear River Watch provides educational programs for the town under a paid
12. Identify points of contacts
a. Stormwater Administrator:
i. Gary Vidmar, Community and Economic Development Director
ii. 102 Town Hall Dr.
iii. Leland, NC 28451
iv. 910-371-3390
v. gvidmar@townofleland.com
b. Signing Official
i. David Hollis, Town Manager
ii. 102 Town Hall Dr.
iii. Leland, NC 28451
iv. 910-371-0148
v. dhollis@townofleland.com
13. Describe the public education and outreach program
a. The target audience for the public outreach program includes general citizenry,
homeowner associations, commercial and industrial entities, schools, developers
and recreational operations. These groups were chosen because of the land use
percentages in the Town, population makeup, visual observations, monitoring
records and surrounding community programs.
b. The target pollutant sources the program will address are pet waste, septic and
sanitary sewer, lawn care practices, vehicle maintenance, and construction site
runoff. Other sources will be addressed as needed.
c. A webpage and printed educational materials are maintained to circulate
stormwater information and gain support. These are readily available at various
locations and distributed through the mail and are tailored to audiences
identified. A stormwater newsletter section is distributed as well as other
materials identified. The public will be involved by a Utilities advisory committee,
workshops, stream and street cleanings, stormdrain marking, and tree
giveaways. Presentations will be given at various community groups. It is the
goal of the program to reach at least 70% of the Town.
14. Describe the public involvement and participation program.
a. Materials will be distributed without regard for economic or social status.
Targeted groups will be the general citizenry, homeowner associations,
commercial and industrial entities, schools, developers and recreational
operations. Educational materials may be developed to include a Spanish
b. The public will be involved in the program through a stormwater advisory
committee, workshops, stream and street cleanings, stormdrain marking, stream
restorations, and tree giveaways. Presentations will be given at various
community groups. All events and meetings will be advertised. It is the goal of
the program to reach at least 70% of the Town.
15. Describe the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program.
a. An ordinance has been adopted to regulate illicit discharges based on the
NCDENR model ordinance.
b. Enforcement will be handled by the Stormwater Manager and include a schedule
of fines and fees as well as procedures for illicit discharges. Routine inspections,
monitoring, and complaints will be the main avenues for detection.
c. Priority areas will be determined using the Storm Sewer System Map, field
observations, business privilege licenses, development permits, complaints,
water samples, and any other available information. Procedures for the
detection of illicit discharges will be based on the Illicit Discharge Detection and
Elimination Manual developed by the Center for Watershed Protection and the
University of Alabama in October 2004. Legal procedures for the elimination of
these discharges is outlined in the ordinance. Specific elimination technical
procedures will be determined on an individual basis.
d. Non-stormwater discharges as identified in the permit not to have significant
effects on water quality are exempt from the illicit discharge ordinance.
16. Describe the post -construction stormwater program
a. The post construction stormwater ordinance was adopted in 2009 and is
modeled after the States Model Stormwater Ordinance. Permits are issued
pursuant to this ordinance.
17. Describe practices to inspect and maintain municipally -owned facilities
a. Facility maintenance staff routinely inspects town facilities for leaks, spills,
erosion, and other issues that may affect the environment.
b. Any issues are scheduled for repair as soon as practical.
18. Describe practices to inspect and maintain structural stormwater control devices
a. Town owned structural stormwater controls are inspected after rain events. Any
deficiencies are scheduled for repair as soon as practical.
19. Describe practices to reduce polluted stormwater runoff from municipally -owned
streets, roads, and public parking lots, piped and vegetative conveyances, manholes,
cleanouts, drop inlets, and drainage structures.
a. The Town contracts for routine street sweeping of the main road in Town.
b. Parking lots are routinely blown off.
c. Piped and vegetative conveyances are routinely monitored for blockages,
erosion, or other issues and scheduled for repair as soon as practical.
d. Vegetative conveyances are mowed on a routine basis.
e. Public education is provided to reduce pollution of streets and conveyances.
20. Describe any training programs for municipal staff.
a. Staff tasked with stormwater management attend training and certification
courses routinely.
b. Stormwater related workshops are held occasionally for other staff.
21. Describe spill response procedures for those at Municipally Owned and/or Operated
Facilities as well as those in the public right-of-way.
a. Staff that may encounter spills receive training to respond appropriately.
b. Spill kits and supplies are available at facilities where a spill is likely to occur.
c. Public Services staff have spill kits in their work vehicles.
d. The Town of Leland Fire Department takes the lead role spill cleanups along right
of ways.
e. Spills that require reporting are recorded and reported to the appropriate
regulatory agency.