HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021159 Ver 2_More Info Received_20070223YV~1 L TUN ~1V' INF.ERIN 2/13/07 Ed Beck Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 2 0 0 7 0 3 3 7 ~R ~ ~~ ~~.~~ ~~~B ? ~ 20th"l ~~3Eii1 - k'~fAl Y~4i fi..k `u `:=`._E I i 1~f~/1r1~' `sp`a ~'riC~~'",~tk~ :`.~i ~fi.gtal.i°t Dear Mr. Beck The following is a full response to your letter dated January 12, 2007 with a plan map attached: 1. See attached plan map. 2. Due to the complicated nature of the plan, there were miscommunications between the contractor, the surveyor and the developer. The silt fencing was supposed to be the boundary of the wetland preservation line and from what I gather is the silt fencing did not agree with the plan exactly. I was not involved at this point during the project so I just am explaining what I was able to research. There were quite a few approved modifications to the plan so there were opportunities for confusion. The reason for the timing of the response is that I have been communicating verbally with Noelle Lutheran, Joanne Steenhuis, and Thomas Farrell and made it known that I wasn't clear on everything that I needed to complete the response to the violation. In order to respond thoroughly, I needed to understand everything that was required of the response. The meeting on January 9, 2007 was very helpful in clarifying everything that I had a question about. That meeting took more than a month just to schedule due to holidays and conflicting schedules. 3. a) See attached plan map. b) and c) After the meeting on 1/9/07, mitigation was proposed by DWQ and USACE as an option and Ron Bryant has agreed to this. See attached plan map. 4. See attached plan map. Proposal for Oceanaire 404 Permit/401 Water Quality Certification Compliance Outline: Tel: 910-259-4800 PO Box 895, Burgaw, North Carolina, 28425 Fax: 910-259-1779 WAL TON EN GINI~~JRIN A. The original approved plan depicts silt fencing around a 10 feet area of each house within the wetland preservation area but does not account for these areas in the "Area of Wetlands to be Filled" table or the actual permit. The modified plan will reflect the changes that were discussed at our meeting on January 9`h. The silt fencing is actually located around the perimeters of the house footprints. The modified plan calls for the silt fencing to be moved five feet from the "footprints" and these areas around the perimeters will be figured in the total wetlands to be filled. In other words, there will be a five feet buffer around each house within the conservation easement that will be impacted. B. The area between lot #'s 22 and 23 will be preserved. Areas already impacted are to be figured in with total for wetlands to be filled are located at lot #'s 24, 25, 26, 29, and 30. These areas do not include the five feet buffers discussed in item #1. C. Some utilities, principally sewer and power, are located in the wetlands. In order to include these impacts in "the wetlands to be filled," the modified plan calls for the 45 feet right-of--way for Oceanaire Lane to be widened by ten feet on each side beginning past lot #'s7and31. D. The difference in the planned area for the pump station and the actual area of the pump station was figured and included in the total impact. The total amount of additional "wetlands to be filled" equals 0.325 acres. The total "wetlands to be filled" would equal 0.636. The client will apply for In-lieu fee mitigation from NCEEP for the additional filled wetlands. The wetlands in the Conservation Easement that were disturbed shall be restored as described in the original restoration plan submitted in September of 2006. 5. A rain gauge was placed on site in mid-December and readings have been kept since. This was not discussed at the meeting on January 9~' and I forgot to call it to the attention to the representatives at the meeting. A copy of the records through the month of January are included. 6. See item number 5. 7. A copy of the after-the-fact PCN is enclosed. 8. The plat will be recorded as soon as all permits are obtained. Tel: 910-259-4800 PO Box 895, Burgaw, North Caroli*~a, 28425 Fax: 910-259-1779 YTIALTON ENGINFERIN 9, Schedule: Februaryl9 -Violation response submittal February 19- Submit 404/401 permit/certification modification February 26-CAMA restoration completed February, March ?- Silt Fencing completed according to planJpermit(if approved/issued) Sincerely, ~t~~ ~ ~ r Adrian Moon Tel: 91G-259-G80~ PO Box 895, Burgaw, I3orth Carolina, 28415 Fax: 9iu-2~9-I77y i ~~ -_~ ~..,-~ I STOR141WATER INSPECTIONS FOR GENERAL PERMIT NCGO10000 -LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES '~ PROJECT:__ G~C.c~Gc ~-ict ~ l-~ MONITORING FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING: RAINFALL; Date Of Rain Amount (inches) Initials ~ :; By this signature, I certify (in accordance with Part II Section B, 10 of the NCGO10000 permit) that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: (Signature of Permitee or Designee) EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION~CONTROL FACILITIES INSPECTED: (At least once [twice, if on 303(d) listed stream for construction related parameters*] er seven calendar da ~s And within 24 hours of a rainfall of 0.5 inches er 24 hours Facility Date of Operating Describe corrective actions taken (may need to attach additional information} Identification tnspection Properly _ r OBSERVATIONS OF RUNOFF AT STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFACES: (At least once [twice, if on 303(d) listed stream for construction related parameters *] er seven calendar da s And within 24 hours of a rainfall of 0.5 inches per 24 hours) Stormwa er v 1 Date Clarit Fl t Discharge Ouifail Identificati on • oa tng solids Suspended 5olidg ON sheen Otht:r obvious indicators of stormwater pollution (list 8c describe) Visible sedlmenf leaving the site? {y/N} ~ if yes, describe actions taken to prevent fuiure releases (may nced to attach additional information} Describe mcasures Eaken to clean up sediment outside of the disturbed limits (may need to attach additional i f n ormation} Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge where 1 is clear and 10 is very cloudy Floating Solids: Choosy the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the discharge where 1 is no solids and 10 the surface is covered in floating solids Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the discharge where 1 is no solids and 10 is extremely muddy Oil Sheen: Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Y or N * 303(d) listed streams for construction related parameters - Tl~e latest approved list may be obtained from the Division of Water Quality, or from the following website location: ltttp://h2o. enr.state.~~c.us/se%onstri~ction303d STORiV1„f:~TER INSPECTIONS 1~t~R GENET-tr~L PERMIT NCGOl0UC0 -LAND BISTt?II.I3ING !~-CTi~' iTIL~ PROJECT: I~~IUNI`f'CRING FOR Ti-iE ti~EEK FEGiNNING: as erosion and seditnentatior. control facilities and sturnt~i~ater discharge outfalls must be inspected at least once (t+~'ice, 'sf on 303(d) listed stream for construction related parametersF) per• seven calendar days and +vithin 24 hours of a rainfall of 0.5 inches per 2~ hours. Permittee must keep a record of inspections. R ~+ frr~Ti A T T .~ ~;^„fle must be maintained on site Date Of ! Rain r mount (inches) Narne '~ i _ Ja: 5 (~ B 1 ~ ~ 1 Kvi ~ ~ li ~ ~~~, ~o- 2I S ~ ~ i 13y this signature; I certify (in accordance ,with Part II Section I3, IU of the NCGtIIUOi)0 permit) that this report is accurate and complete to the best of mp knowledge: (Signature of Perrni[tee or Designee) EROSION A~iD.SELgII~'iENTATION CONTROL F.ACILITII;S INSPECTr~D: Identification of all facilities may require additiona[ pages. hacility Date :;i Time of Nanre of Operating Describe corrective actions taken (ma need to attach eddnianr; ,nforrnaiion; fdentification inspection inspection I inspector Properly fall measures) (Ym) • ~ e v ~ ! 5~~ ~r Fr ( ~a v F _ -~--- ;JBSERVATIOatiS O: RUNOp'F :~T STORMI~'ATER DISCIIARGE OUTF,~.LLS; Take immediate corrective action to cont•roi the discharge of sediments outside the disturbed limits of the site. iliay require additional pages. :itnrmwater hate of 'Time of Name of Discharge inspection I inspection inspector i~utfall Identification ~ ~ Clarity 1-IO) Floating solids (1-IO) Suspended Solids (I-lU) Oil sheen (YJN) Other obvious indicators of stormwaler pol]utiu^ (list & describe) Visible sediment leaving the site? (YJN) If yes, describe actions i T)escrtbe measures [at:en w taken to prevent future clean up sediment outside of releases the disturbed linuts I (may need to attach (mate Hel=d Ic ~uach add:uunai additional information) ~ li'.jOrrn3ti~:~;~) . i ` i ~ I - ~ _ . ~ - I i I _ ':u-,ty: Chc~ase the number whtch best describes the eiarit~~ of the dtscharge where l rs cleat and 10 ,s very cloudy F•. :ttn~~ ~ohds: Choose the »u,_:her which best describes the Itmount of llcating solids in the dischar~~e where l i no soh~ls and 10 the surface is covered ,n `lot:hn~ s<,I,d~ ~~~. •nded Solids: Choose the number which bes[ describes the amount of suspended solids in the discltarce when ~~ 1 ,s no solids and 10 is extremei ;~ muddy ~ I-fas a land disturbing construction been completed`' (Y/1`d) Has the final permanent ground cover E~een completed ~ established`.' (~'%"Y) ~~13tc =tee! sueams for cor.arucuon related parameters -The latest approved lift may be e,btained from the D,vis,on o[ \'+'ater C)ual;tv, or from the fr,ll,;~=.~in~ •,+ebs,:e iocat;on --tr~~ !/h: :r srcue.nc.i,s.'s:~`co,tstn,cri,:ut303d G~1ooU~