HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal R-3430 Merger Screening Meeting Minutes_Revised 072319DRMP, INC. PRINCIPALS Wayne D. Chalifoux Donaldson K. Barton, Jr. Glenn J. Lusink Jon S. Meadows Mark D. Prochak Mark E. Puckett Lawrence L. Smith, Jr. OFFICES Boca Raton, Florida Charlotte, North Carolina Chipley, Florida Fort Myers, Florida Gainesville, Florida Jacksonville, Florida Lakeland, FI rida Melbourne, Florida Orlando, Florida Panama City, Florida Pensacola, Florida Raleigh, North Carolina Tallahassee, Florida Tampa, Florida 1.833.811.3767 www.DRMP.com GDDRMP 4235 South Stream Blvd, Suite 150, Charlotte, North Carolina 28210 Phone:704.332.2289 1 Fax:704.332.2294 Memorandum DRMP Job #: 16-0264.006 Date: June 5, 2019 To: Merger Screening Meeting Participants REVISED 7/23/19 From: Carl Gibilaro Subject: Merger Screening Meeting Summary for the proposed widening of SR 1001 (Malcolm Blvd / Connelly Springs Rd) to multi -lanes from US 70 in Burke County to Southwest Blvd in Lenoir, Caldwell County, North Carolina. WBS 34544.1.1, STIP No. R-3430 A Merger Screening Meeting for the subject project was held on April 15, 2019, at 10:30 am in the Structure Design Conference Room located in the Century Center. The following people were in attendance: Beverly Robinson NCDOT — PMU Theresa Ellerby Project Delivery Team Tatia L. White Roadway Erin Cheely EAU (Environmental Analysis) Jorge Maturano NCDOT — Trainee Shawn Blanchard DRMP Carl Gibilaro DRMP Via phone / web: Lori Beckwith USACE Dave Wanucha NCDENR-DWR Kevin Moore NCDOT — PMU Ramie Shaw Div. 11 — Project Manager Heath Slaughter Div 11 - Environmental Officer Nathan Moneyham Div. 13 - Resident Engineer Brendan Merithew Div. 13 — Project Team Lead Mike Calloway Div 13 — Bridge Program Mgr Randy McKinney Div. 13 — Construction Engineer Hannah Cook Div 13 — Senior Planning Eng brobinson aancdot.aov tellerby .ncdot.gov tlwhite .ncdot.gov ekcheely(a ncdot.gov 0maturano(a)ncdot.gov sblanchard(a�drmp.com cgibilaro(aD_drmp.com Loretta.A. Beckwith CcDusace.arm v. m it dave.wanucha(0cdenr.gov kmoore(cDncdot.gov rashaw(cDncdot.gov hslaughter(�0cdot.gov nsmoneyham(@ncdot.gov bwmerithew(ab_ncdot.gov mkcalloway(abncdot.gov mckinney(@ncdot.gov hkcook(@ncdot.gov The purpose of this Merger Screening meeting for R-3430 was to determine if the project should enter the Section 404 NEPA Merger Process. The meeting began with introductions and an overview of the project history and current status. Prior to the meeting, Project Data Sheets documenting existing environmental resources within the project corridor were provided to all meeting invitees. The current project will investigate widening Malcolm Boulevard / Connelly Springs Road to a three - lane cross section. Both curb -and -gutter and Swale sections will be studied. Following the project overview, the following comments / questions were discussed: ACTION ITEMS 1. NCDOT (M. Wilkerson) - Forward to USACE any R-3430 related archaeological information that has already been collected as well as documentation of any Tribal consultations that may have already occurred. (Provided via email 4/18/19) N 11 Nll� I � May 3, 2019 REV 7/23/19 Page 2 of 3 estions and Comments from USACE Existing right of way (ROW) along the corridor is approximately 60 to 80 feet. Will additional ROW be needed? o Yes, but the exact amount is unknown at this time. • The presentation mentioned that "the purpose of the project is to accommodate projected traffic volumes in order to maintain a Level of Service (LOS) of D on the facility by 2045". 1 thought NCDOT was moving away from including LOS in P&N? o NCDOT is moving away from this. That statement was taken from the current Long Range Transportation Plan. • Archaeology will need to be reviewed since it is state funded. USACE will be responsible for Tribal consultations regarding this project. It was requested that Matt Wilkerson forward any archaeological information he currently has as well as documentation of any Tribal consultations that may have already occurred. Questions and Comments from Div 13 Bridge Program Manager • Bridge over Rhodiss Lake was originally going to be rehabilitated but would have required a temporary detour. Local representatives were opposed to any temporary detours. Questions and Comments from Div 13 Resident Engineer • Temporary repairs to the bridge are underway to extend the life span of the existing bridge until it can be replaced. Group Discussion Regarding the construction of a new bridge, the group discussed if the existing bridges piers would be removed or remain. Division 13 Construction Engineer would prefer that the piers be removed. USACE stated that the piers need to be removed unless it is not practicable to do so. Leaving the large piers in place when the bridge is removed would likely be a safety issue for water users, and their (the piers) presence does affect the aquatic environment (water circulation, bed substrate, aquatic species, etc.). If these piers are no longer necessary, they need to be removed, if practicable, to eliminate these effects. Whether an IP or a general permit (NWP or RGP) is used, the effects of leaving the piers in would be the same, so it doesn't matter which type of permit is eventually required (i.e., it's not ok to leave them in because the project is processed via a NWP or RGP vs. an IP). USACE also stated if the project initially qualifies for a NWP or RGP (based on proposed impacts), but NCDOT chooses to NOT remove the piers, even if it is practicable to do so, it will be recommended to Monte and Lori's supervisor that the USACE require the project to undergo the IP process (vs. the previously discussed NWP or RGP) so that the USACE can conduct a detailed, project specific Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines analysis on the effects of leaving the (no longer needed) piers in. USACE asked that they be notified immediately if NCDOT decides not to remove the existing piers because this would affect a number of USACE related issues including permit type. Questions and Comments from NCDENR-DWR • Project is located within a critical watershed and a raw water intake is located within one mile of the project. The question was asked if NCDOT will include Hazardous Spill Basins. o The decision to include any Hazardous Spill Basins will be determined by NCDOT Hydraulics group. It was thought that this might be a requirement of the Division of Water Resources. • Project team needs to be cognizant of Catawba River buffers and other buffer related BMPs associated with the project. As presented at this meeting, USACE did not consider R-3430 as a candidate for the Merger Process. NCDENR-DWR noted the project was likely have 100- 200 feet of stream impact. Current calculations by the project team have determined as many as eight wetlands may be impacted, for a total of 0.44 acres. The biggest issue as far as the 401 permitting pertains to water impacts. Because the anticipated impacts are so low; the project will likely follow the non -merger permitting process. N 11 Nll� I � May 3, 2019 REV 7/23/19 Page 3 of 3 USACE requested a map of all stream locations and impacts on an aerial map for review and determination of anticipated permit type. This will be provided after preliminary design concepts are developed.