HomeMy WebLinkAbout19940995 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19941002C State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard; Jr., P.E., Director December 6, 1994 Mr. Robert L. DeLapp 5622 Hwy 150 North Lexington, North Carolina 27292 Dear Mr. DeLapp: Subject: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed sand and gravel excavation Project # 94995, COE # 199500035 Davidson County FILE W11i Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 2942 issued to Robert DeLapp dated 20 October 1994. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, (t4eston oward, Jr. E. 1 Attachments wgc2942 cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Winston-Salem DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Mr. John Parker, Division of Coastal Management Central Files I LTW75VA TM?r NOW Oda [D IF= F1 P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733=7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper r ,.% NORTH CAROLINA Davidson County CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to Robert DeLapp in Davidson County pursuant to an application filed on the 20th day of October of 1994 to excavate sand and gravel by dragline from Muddy Creek. The Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Muddy Creek in conjunction with the proposed development in Davidson County will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92- 500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Certification: That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction related discharge (50 NTUs in streams and rivers not designated as trout waters by DEM; 25 NTUs in all saltwater classes. and all lakes and reservoirs; 10 NTUs in trout waters). Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or Coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the -North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 23th day of November, 1994. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT L reston ckvard, Jr. P WQC# 2942 STaTe of Norm uarolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Jomes B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director October 26, 1994 AOM% A000"ftamoom ID FE F1 RECEIVED MENIORANDUM TO: Mr. Robert E. Chandler, Director Division of Community Assistance FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland `404' Coordinator SUBJECT: 1404' Project Review UGi. ;) 1 1`714 ENVlFZ0NME,NYkL SCIENCES The attached U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199500035 dated October 20, 1994 describing a proposed project by Mr. Robert L. Delapp has been circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by November 18, 1994. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office No comment. the p"ect proposal. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Signed Date ?l 9 P.C. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper ............. ............... ....... ........................ ................... ........ ..................... .......................... .................................................... v....! :b_: : i._ . , .'..:: Pt! 1 : :.... t :..:•t... i... r..I.1 I..: 1 iL.:' ,..i .......... _....... ..... ..... .. ..... .... .... .......... ._ ................. rr ... _ ..... ..... _....... .... .... ....... ...... .. .. r :,•: :i i :..e'er.. :. [! i ?:•!e '.'.i t?- t ? : ... ...? ........................................................ RECE/ft ?'n?r, molt koNM?'T+t 994 • • . ? Hydrologically connected ? Hydrologically isolated ,'•.-. -- --- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 0 o rn Wetland type (select one) 1d Other - ? Swamp forest ? Shoreline ? Bottomland hardwood forest ? Brackish marsh ? Carolina bay ? Freshwater marsh • ? Pocosin ? Bog/Fen ? Pine savannah ? Ephemeral wetland ? Wet flat • The rating system cannot be applied to salt marshes. • sum Water storage Bank/Shoreline stabilization x 4.00 Pollutant removal t ?' '"'" : • Sensitive watershed. x 1.50 Wetland score Travel corridor C s << `><`: ;: • Aquatic life value-<€<H!€µ • ??wk ?p Y AYNI?? • Recreation/Education Economic value x 0.25 --A:< ..........•......•..•.......... ..0 .••0 .0 ....•.........:64?.0 .0 Special ecological attributes W'Idt'fe habitat-}`'' ><>`>> x 1.50 = v ?n T?yao Q L,QQV Sand ?? ?i nQ- Ne restroad Project name- Co tY j v i &5 n Wetland area-9. 8 acres Wetland width feet A- 5o; Date- Name < Name of evaluator ------------------ awl State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director October 26, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Robert E. Chandler, Director Division of Community Assistance FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland `404' Coordinator SUBJECT: `404' Project Review LT.R;TA IT?IW 4t*A ?EHNR The attached U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199500035 dated October 20, 1994 describing a proposed project by Mr. Robert L. Delapp has been circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by November 18, 1994. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This -office objects to the project as proposed. Signed Date P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 An Equal Opportunrfy Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consume( paper DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID No. 199500035 October 20, 1994 PUBLIC NOTICE MR. ROBERT L. DELAPP, 5622 h-NY 150 NORTH, LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 27292 has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO EXCAVATE SAND AND GRAVEL BY DRAGLINE DREDGE FROM MUDDY CREEK TO BE USED FOR FARM ROAD MAINTENANCE FILL, ON PROPERTY LOCATED OFF NIFONG ROAD (S.R. 1497), WEST OF ARC_ADIA, DAVIDSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during a site visit by a representative of the Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show that the 0,000 cubic yards of creek applicant proposes to dip annually a maximum of 20,000" sand and gravel. Site inspections showed the property has been used as a sand mining site during a previous ownership. The dates of this earlier operation could not be determined. The sand dipping operation would impact 125,000 square feet (2.87 acres) of creek bottom by excavation. The sand and gravel would be removed from the creek by a dragline to a depth of 6-15 feet deep below the creek bottom. The area of excavation is 50 Beet wide by 2500 feet long. Excavated material will be temporarily stockpiled on the adjacent hia'- ground ridges and later removed by dump trucks. The site consists of a typical piedmont riverine system, characterized by the creek channel confined within adjacent, upland ridges. These high ground ridges consist of open farm pastures. The average depth of the water where the excavation is preccsed is approximateiv 3 to 6 feet. Excavated material will be temocrarily stored within a cleared areas (about 75-100 feet wide) along the upland ridge. These areas are sparsely vegetated by a few herbaceous plants: smartweed, ragweed, and pokeberry. Wooded areas adjacent to the cleared stockpile area are vegetated by sycamore, elm, sweetgum and red maple. Bevond the wooded buffer are open farm pastures. The soils could be characterized as moderately well drained or well drained c- first bottoms and low terraces subject to overflow. The purpose of the work is to provide sand and gravel fill for farm road maintenance on the owners property. Plans showing ^e work are _nc'_uded w?t this aublic notice. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to ebcain any required State authorization. No 2 Department of the Army (DA) permit will be issued until the coordinated Statw viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean! Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this site is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires w careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. T`.e decision whether to authorize a proposal, and _f so the conditions under whic it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral reeds, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a 3 permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this Department of the Army (DA) permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Acz. The NCDEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the Department of the Army (DA) permit serves as application to the NCDEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM?), 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) plans to take final action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification on or after December 6, 1994. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clear. Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607, on or before November 11, 1994, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mr. John Thomas, until 4:15 p.m., November 18, 1994, or telephone (919) 876-8441, Extension 25. low- - Nr---4 r •I f i It. O W !1J ' •--?..t" -=ale i? .II \\ ' ?0? ?? I / ??1 ? W co -41 1 « r Z ?. •I, ,?_?,]7 m ?„• ?^ ??;1\ ,.(?j-\1 \ , ?)/?J-? /; / 1 ?1 ??\: ?(` /?/ V -moo. \ - W Q f '\ '( (i? vim. i? I _ .? /? 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O-. ?` CONRAO J J 'T --194 r P JEE LEONARO A, s l z m ?_ ?, R a 1 w O? 9' vy e?o'?''S+Q+p q 1 p /? ? g `e 21 _4 ~ c . 24 ? I Z e4+ [ IRIC)a /y e n, V °r- ?/) ^ JY ti ?J ! i 1. tM d 1c x I y - m J r W a a a `' ^i?v' cc `? Sao b - '? - l o I \ 31 ad I? h a,p v ? O N W O O\ 1 R ' , ? ti1m b R eli `\\1\61 Cb ? ? \ p ? 1 d. J CP. Q 1 lc? aEHAb o a? a rn i 4, 2 h \ v U C Cy ? ? ? ? ?? a(¢ ? Sdh 'INd ? • 113 MOa ?315?, N01dit" c i O / . -mot i yt 7 I 1 1 OZ ?V r 0 / ^ I k R d ?r1 ;-tea "5 i State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural. Resources Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director October 26, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. A. Preston Howard, P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland `404' Coordinator SUBJECT: `404' Project Review RECEIVED DG 1 3 1 1994 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES The attached U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199500035 dated October 20, 1994 describing a proposed project by Mr. Robert L. Delapp has been circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by November 18, 1994. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This -office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Signed A IF 74 D FE NF Date P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural. Resources AA& • Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, , Secretary E H N F= 1 Roger N. Schecter, Director October 26, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. A. Preston Howard, P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland `404' Coordinator SUBJECT: `404' Project Review The attached U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199500035 dated October 20, 1994 describing a proposed project by Mr. Robert L. Delapp has been circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by November 18, 1994. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Signed Date P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Kr% recycled/ 10% post-consumer ooaer DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID No. 199500035 October 20, 1994 PUBLIC NOTICE MR. ROBERT L. DELAPP, 5622 H•rlY 150 NORTH, LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 27292 has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO EXCAVATE SAND AND GRAVEL BY DRAGLINE DREDGE FROM MUDDY CREEK TO BE USED FOR FARM ROAD MAINTENANCE FILL, ON PROPERTY LOCATED OFF NIFONG ROAD (S.R. 1497), WEST OF ARCADIA, DAVIDSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during a site visit by a representative of the Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show that the applicant proposes to dip annually a maximum of 20,000 cubic yards of creek sand and gravel. Site inspections showed the property has been used as a sand mining site during a previous ownership. The dates of this earlier operation could not be determined. The sand dipping operation would impact 125,000 square feet (2.87 acres) of creek bottom by excavation. The sand and gravel would be removed from the creek by a dragline to a depth of 6-15 feet deep below the creek bottom. The area of excavation is 50 feet wide by 2500 feet long. Excavated material will be temporarily stockpiled on the adjacent high ground ridges and later removed by dump trucks. The site consists of a typical piedmont riverine system, characterized by the creek channel confined within adjacent, upland ridges. These high ground ridges consist of open farm pastures. The average depth of the water where the excavation is proposed is approximately 3 to 6 feet. Excavated material will be temporarily stored within a cleared areas (about 75-100 feet wide) along the upland ridge. These areas are sparsely vegetated by a few herbaceous plants: smartweed, ragweed, and pokeberry. Wooded areas adjacent to the cleared stockpile area are vegetated by sycamore, elm, sweetgum and red maple. Beyond the wooded buffer are open farm pastures. The soils could be characterized as moderately well drained or well drained on first bottoms and low terraces subject to overflow. The purpose of the work is to provide sand and gravel fill for farm road maintenance on the owners property. Plans showing the work are included with this public notice. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No 2 Department of the Army (DA) permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this site is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data mav_ be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity mav have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under whirh it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a 3 permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing an to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this Department of the Army (DA) permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The NCDEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the Department of the Army (DA) permit serves as application to the NCDEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The North Carolina Division Environmental Management (NCDEM) plans take final action in the issuance of the Clear. Water Act certification on or after December 6, 1994. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607, on or before November 11, 1994, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mr. John Thomas, until 4:15 p.m., November 18, 1994, or telephone (919) 876-8441, Extension 25. 1 ` -? \\?? l? I??SS r.'?/:%S- \???, `\`.???2, 1 w^Rl+??? ? ? 1?. ?1?\ ,'.. • I \I J L= __ ? ? i??? _?? 1 \ ? ? ? f / ``( „ ??_'° _ of ?. '? ?; /`' ?!A"• ? 5? ???1? ?..? o ^,(%i '?\`??\ tom. \Sy -! :`., /, . •--, •I? ?' = \ ( i_• .. 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T ? t C C L? r: np, Awl State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director October 26, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Robert E. Chandler, Director Division of Community Assistance FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland 1404' Coordinator SUBJECT: `404' Project Review LT.R;;Al IT?X ?EHNR The attached U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199500035 dated October 20, 1994 describing a proposed project by Mr. Robert L. Delapp has been circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by November 18, 1994. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Signed Date P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper Aw DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID No. 199500035 October 20, 1994 PUBLIC NOTICE MR. ROBERT L. DELAPP, 5622 HWY 150 NORTH, LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 27292 has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO EXCAVATE SAND AND GRAVEL BY DRAGLINE DREDGE FROM MUDDY CREEK TO BE USED FOR FARM ROAD MAINTENANCE FILL, ON PROPERTY LOCATED OFF NIFONG ROAD (S.R. 1497), WEST OF ARCADIA, DAVIDSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during a site visit by a representative of the Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show that the applicant proposes to dip annually a maximum of 20,000 cubic yards of creek sand and gravel. Site inspections showed the property has been used as a sand mining site during a previous ownership. The dates of this earlier operation could not be determined. The sand dipping operation would impact 125,000 square feet (2.87 acres) of creek bottom by excavation. The sand and gravel would be removed from the creek by a dragline to a depth of 6-15 feet deep below the creek bottom. The area of excavation is 50 feet wide by 2500 feet long. Excavated material will be temporarily stockpiled on the adjacent high ground ridges and later removed by dump trucks. The site consists of a typical piedmont riverine system, characterized by the creek channel confined within adjacent, upland ridges. These high ground ridges consist of open farm pastures. The average depth of the water where the excavation is proposed is approximately 3 to 6 feet. Excavated material will be temporarily stored within a cleared areas (about 75-100 feet wide) along the upland ridge. These areas are sparsely vegetated by a few herbaceous plants: smartweed, ragweed, and pokeberry. Wooded areas adjacent to the cleared stockpile area are vegetated by sycamore, elm, sweetgum and red maple. Beyond the wooded buffer are open farm pastures. The soils could be characterized as moderately well drained or well drained on first bottoms and low terraces subject to overflow. The purpose of the work is to provide sand and gravel fill for farm road maintenance on the owners property. Plans showing the work are included with this public notice. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No 3 permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this Department of the Army (DA) permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The NCDEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 305, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the Department of the Army (DA) permit serves as application to the NCDEM for certification. Additional information regar-4ing the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NC:)-EM), 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The North Carolina Division cf Environmental Management (NCDEM) plans take ._inal action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification or or after December 6, 1994. All persons desiring to make comments regarding t_he applicaticn for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607, on or before November 11, 1994, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mr. John Thomas, until 4:15 p.m., Novemcer 18, 1994, or telephone (919) 876-8441, Extension 2S. i, ?? ? ? ?/ r •. ? ? ti ??i ;??`V\V?? ? ? ?? -t','_?r? _ j v I?? ?\1 \ it AA v/ -?--?/ ? ?? ? ? - 1• ??1?_ ?' \? _-/-`? ?? ?\?/`l? w `i1? :1?? - vim- J -'z. Olt LLJ cr) r _ t. /- 6i, 1 ?r \ ?.-•?r i urn/? ? t m `\\_ r. ?r%??Cu? ,'-J ? ? ? ?/? _ ? i? ? .a ''' 7-1 :Z:-Il kv-', • I?,. tJP ??. ??? `/?? ' ' ?-%`:1?- r`?•? a_,? - ? - J '"? ` _ ` l?.') _ ', = i ? ?' °i-- o ? 1, //' `-, -'/? (?,?•? ?'_ ? , II 17 1 - 1 s I , e-t-- Ril n-- _ J lr\\l//'=? \ [? ItF., µv+'r OaY? . o? d• 1 0 ,,, _ _ o ? _ ?; m St`?g S (NJ ?? a 33alnn? tv r m Q w t 1'?B at e. 0,i,'(7° "000 N Q• •\9'OL L.I. vaanc h Hpt H = `o tg? Lµ. t I <' Mph 0 P qa?n oi) j h • t co Ft R ?" _ 4 •,y% v i `J\p 0? _ J T III ?V O- cF q ??_? OK O W b aP ?? v a Paso Did > a°m= m n Z I _ ,}? 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N01 d'ft / ` i 1 CIO 0-- NIM(y?4 / m / m n k- - 1 d ?+1 t a d ?. ? N -2- Copy Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 RCV BY:Wilmington District ;10-11-94 ; 12:50 ; Arm icATiON FOR OVARTMWT (2p THP. ARMY PERMIT 40 32M 919 876 5823-+ USACE-Reg. Branch;#11 am& APPROVAL "M 3i 0-403 tfttoN'M Desoirar 1895 ifdia near" Madeft for OW ri of Ift *fn"Wm it =dknmmd TO avwow 8 lmuro pia"&'raian+e+tiEe.°Ir?S?+t?e o? far rM?iawM+4 ieVaeruarter??, aarei+IrrE AV d=a00M" jjdNx bid nttibtts{ift thtrdstill needdrd. wW oonnpiathtS end rwiawinS the color km At Infler fifidetr. sow wmi6 mew". this; wiran .-1 or MY Odw atom of tiff oolmdon of Inlorrrwfiw4 IiwNa m euwaedonit for re?dtratr4i title burden, aart to laeparlrrwit at . of ! mitt ibMM IM 5 Jsffsrastr DtI ". Mobwoir. ourw 1205, Mnetoa, VA =24=11 MW to tM' of Nilarts wwwt 04 Ems. Paperwwk lEtadtmtlewt h *60t 10710rb M, YYstiidt?,met. DO 2MM MOM 00 NO N+aKFtu>M VOW M eidM of ttreae &*NO a$& a d 4POW4004M mist be wMdtMd to On K 14"at Etrpira.r Wub ?iAedtatiero aunt tits Imead'4r ? thtr 1?. rrrrr \ PMACY ACT srA rr l Cf 9 s 00035 (14 v ?J 33 USC 401. SWdM 10; 1413* Bead= 40C Ptinaoo Purpoat Them Iowa r*gWm V netts authori?ttq. aoOWOO in, or aftoesh% nwipble warms of tiw tlaW ffiam& do dWdmp of dtedpd or for .nartri d h ft waters at t!w UrAnd It IM16 acrd the trrtAgiotttwdan at *md"d meta w fw to WHOM of d ammrbp It brw coca waters. Roumm Ulm fift etkttt provWod aril thin fwtrt will bw umW in wak adn the 000katIm .. for a PRIO: MkOMM MoOmme of teglueabsrd bda mmftn is wlw dwwy, it Intaenrdian Is net pmWed. hawevar. the pw i t ep OkAtIbn I'm he ba prow nor can a Dow& im www. One set of 0681AW dwmnpt or pad row**Wbio e048 wnlch thaw the 1668d on and charoator of the proposed activity MM tee attmaned to fts 00*091 t {sae nowie dmwinp and hinbuadamrl and be wAnotted to Ow Dlawlat Bnglmw having jwiedladw owr the Ieaaden of the proposed wdvky. An mopketion OW Ie riot oantplrted i9t tie!! wid be mawnecL 1. APPLICATION NO. 12. PGLO OFIRC& =Dd . t J, MATE FiSMID 14. DATE APPLICATION COMM ETSD 5?APMr9„1CANrS NAME ) f ?T - 8, AUTHORI= AGMgrS NAME AND TITLE tarapwrlse rirar+r?wl 5. APPLICANT'S AOORM Q. AGVPrS AtiOMS 5(G z.°z,. Y 151 ::zc-tk e. Rgldsttas ? I4 ~ 1 ? a{ - zf !<JCa a, Nlseidenve b. Burin its 1710 - 7 t4 Y - "2cb?C 1L Btr bu" 1 Oil I hweby autos in, to sat In my IlSiw es my awnt in i to praaseainp of chi& apocatim suit to furnish, upon roquaJ. ;== ml In orntatlort in gu st o t iserttttt appiicstion. uan,.a?.wrnn?. i?i?rrti+erarsrermrsi?w?rr¦.r?.w?n rrrirwr?,w arirn?r.---- - APPLICAN'i"S SIGNATURE DATE MAM f. T'KAN A D II N Oil "OJIZ ON ACTIVITY 12. IMOJECT NAW OR TITLE im w*wAoww 13. NAME Of WATOWDY, IF KNOWN io w„ww.w s.?r,n.,??irr irr.r,rrr....r?rr.rrr?nrrr.rir. r m 18. LOCATMN OF PMJVCT •ai? ? ? rrr ve.,ssrri?r+i,Crr?n.,ri COUNTY STATE I& OTMER LOCATION DMICNI IPTIONC.IF KNOWN, morwwwaarad Zit. PROJIFt:"I'MWArXjM SW4 w" =0145 TQ THE SITIi a,,, LrA C> ''tca !?a„rR ''CcnJ `` l 1 eri eS S F?Ow+AS? ? ??` AO ??,C?'?.? \Csn+? . .. sea VAS U', ?ov ?r+a? e,., - Y o '0?v C t:t -K40 rr,; N@. RCV BY:Wilmington District ;10-11-94 ; 12:51 919 8"8 5828-+ USACE-Reg. Branch;#12 I S. J kws of Actvfey {oww *mw of owNw & A awo .w A w wvwaa Gv2.c?r?Q. d C ?4?Tri? S.a?C Sdrv`- vy CCiLQi, CC x S i 0Q 1 S. I"rojtc: Ptttpaae roar. nyrrrrsra w,wwr?.a/ tha?pn?fwrp Ao /artrue?--sppL?r, }} /'? n APo '. pu a 60- tQ4 .? ?4* r n 4-4.. 1 8 y Zvi. tlMaaaNlal fatir ?iartamrga Z1. rYpaf:t of tAsterfat 541no 01whoMed and taw AmCUM of E&M Typo in C.;jbIt Yarns ?.2. 9WtW& AM& In A of '4W*U Wdt or O VW VWMS. la1144 4w4owjodmW .1;3. Is Any fttlon of t&rrr'VWork ARlpW 7 Yu . No 1F Yi s. O"Ci THa CoMPwo IIYlSn _ 24. Adsira"" 9t Adjoining Prepwty Cvaaara t eaeat+s, Etc., Whose ftporty Adjoins the Wowbody (if mom tact, can ba ontwod hero, pine attwh a auk! bolt. 25. U t of Odwr Cettfflcedarts at AppraveWgaotats ftaamtfvtd from "w Fedtrel, Star *e Local Agenctot for Work Described in This Appli= tot AGINCY TYR A"OVAt.° l00nlCATtON NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED OATS DMIED •Wouid Incki t but Is not m tHotad to ;toning, building =W flood pWn pwmin Td. A Ia1 M Ii hWSW MW& fW a tit or prntdtt U sudvxtw ttit wok ftowlbed to thfa appkaftn. I owft that Va. infaetatatbn In thfa appflauaton la oMpiatt grad CWJM;tU. i fiathw oortlty *at 1 pooWn th* authority to undo tWW lho work desoafted h"n or dorm Wong so the r agent atom atmpawnt. A• t3OMTt.iM OF IkP I.IG N " WOWUN CIP Ai ENT I:tA'R no Bart ftm bo WW*dt W tht pa*art vvN a9+aad vw to wWwtake tiw rd wAvity lapplkantJ or It m4y be WPM by a duly ? a®trrt If tht s?wnt ttt tmr?t t t hint butt ftEted out and spou>d. is U." .C. uwho low ftu. S h"w. in arpr nnanrgrr tD1a ?ueiadiax?n txt +w?ty. de?tmtrtt qe y at tf? NNprtt &no ww&**1*+Msei VIIw.* faitllf ay w to eery v h*, **ww at dibgwM a maito w fret or mom* ow fwm f k+stt{otat or hmmauteetAwanow& urrwaawdoftOr m NI I or um WIV fahat.vffmno of doafnt itr wft =me to Mum 80f 141W fiao"A 8r f"00AW atta+eu?rrtW W , dWd boffftd cWt MWWV -*l*A tl. W br*d eelad trap Am* thm for: yeses W bodt. RC:- BY:Wilmington District 12:52 919 876 5823--'` USACE-Rag. Branch;#13 `?"' ?;- ?; P`.1 t? , .'??f._.?/" V?,y!' ?•_ ? c?? ??'-.? ?'? ?\ 1?'r, ? ?`a?e , ??9A71-•'li \1 /?{ -`-- ,,,v ?,i?? /?' ? ??., °.'. ? ``• ?• / ./-' _.v- ?Sf ? I ?.i "t-v?._.._ ?'-- ? \\,, ??? \ ? ice. `? \ O ? -?. \, ?+ .' '7 / ? j ('? • ^?` 1 i ?J e yam' '•. ?.. 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Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policv Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this Department of the Army (DP_) permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) issues, denies, or ;waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The NCDEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the Department of the Army (DA) permit serves as application to the NCDEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to anv person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The North Carolina Division o= Environmental Management (NCDEM) plans to take final action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification on or after December 6, 1994. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), 4401 Reedv Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607, on or before November 11, 1994, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mr. John Thomas, until 4:15 p.m., November 19, 1994, or telephone (919) 876-8441, Extension 25. n C r L. ??3 ? _ _ ? ? N V (? m •?? ??/ ICJ ?? (` j \..n ?, •,-- ? J? , , _ s C? tax: as Elf ?' Q1 to / 1. '-. ?7 .y? ?. 1 \ •?i^ ,l / \!Y a? % ?`d / ..1 - \ / LLI 00 > Lin U-1 71 1 y "J I.j ??il ..? ,? ?,,_ ? ?.. -v _- -?L• = i .. It 8• -ter : ..Y ?'c • \ . ?/ / - - - - r ?• r ?' Intl\`, II ?1••?? "_ ??. ? IY I jl• ? Ilr??` .?I j ;_ ?.-?? ?'??G??? ??- ? /r ?%?r ?'r --m •t r --_ _ 77. 27 ?7 -7 17 - ?I /? - - j / /I T-Y ? ? I ,,, •?_ ?? ?.I ,, -750 Q. V) l0 tl` O W d .D a 'o r c r T / 3U N Ot1Y) o O¢ o,b f u O `' n a ?M1• ' .' m 30O 1 o a .1 72 8 NEmn9 ?? iv ?m u? Q N 1 Nl?e 0 _0 E{ Z v ? r' w 1 aiOM ?? m n N = ` t.:, ? Y ? C I u ?= o N 0 2 1 •131 0 'T` o cF ^?1 lp• a 152E n b N W o w O• 3CJ u C7 ` J `? V w +s w000 .°y u mans °- I i { Npt b ` `? 15 r Lt1. 1 I 16 ?(. •. h i Ic .0H01 NTH 2y Z MI`` p pS y m_ - 0,38 2•? :'-? m 'Oal-?y 0 O ROB ?D ¢ 4 r? Q t,7 > ?j - F'. co n P v N y: ?) r N W Ci13AOs N o r ,F? a r.l?ul J p "? OG O W b Ed a dyoa ¢ - v v pasodoi > ?m i m r r o r,?, a o ` nv P o? Z -am 02/.V ? $ eo. ~ Z ? i'IDW;.f ?4 !I? O , `Cc., i, m S a o&*,), zq o ? oa.s?3;9 7 0a ^-,- L&ONARp e% L s.o o- c": ?yl\ 1. V e s? o 9s ?°/ 2lOa I .;00 ?nola a __? Y ?- 0.Y c1 0• °x L9VI °?prc° W a O tl- w\P y31ad3e \. ?? A? a3 / 4m2 d q O t ?? jvA ? P IQ ? W .N13Nnf d ;?.2 n ?02lO NOINn 13 '? x h H 6 C N r i- ? h s, - / p1 \ ? j °o4M:iooae h N v ,>y ? ? W PPC - ob `r ` .r W s m ?? ? i. i 333rrryyr``ff1 1 cC c .NJ PO 0 1 ?ll?` ?. mom` b ?Q,O ?•nh I Q h.3Af t? o \E?(tir ` a Lf P b pp h er1' W ? I ?' \ O 1y, O -4 ,I,EAOOVI? 1 OF' 0 d / ?17 W s .} Q ' ,a >? c ON o ,?CF ? ? ,? 'o. - ? a `? Q ?D ? ,Mi.`•O' p \.IH? ` t?l ?"^ • . ? ?i ?`?`PS ? ..? O, v sz .? or o-S - 9 rG . o cp = c 7 w t J z al?&' ? a p Pp. _ CONR40 - " ?O yy r O,y QT '? ¢ FE LEOMARO? Oj S ?v c \ B_ a as V 1 ??J/ N`om' 'D tA IV Off) { ko fo y "1 V- 7 Q? :? "'p w 2 t 0 ?`?t?;Q'"O T 11 Z tRIOOf ry u Oi .J '??l ?o• r'- Z • '^• t ? jd-s¢.\ C\i v. ` °3t ¢ I` of •%?bQ ? S 1:? o `?°?1 Qa m p O? {O",J`73+ Q 'r¢G'P\. m q T ?\\p I a \ \ ';JH:J O ??11 P \ 0 1? y\? Q °'J _ E gyp. Q 7F am F?tk q. o \/'?J ?rl/ ? K1 ? \ ? / \ q V h \ OD 0 Q1 u '? .011 h P \ a Z ?' Sarn? / o \ ' r/NOldW? / ?a I ? I R / N 111th, C / / I O - \ T4 l I / • I a / C12 ?' n M d V? ?C a - State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary February 16, 1995 Dr. G. Wayne Wright Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 Dear Dr. Wright: AM In keeping with your request, this office has circulated to interested state review agencies U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice and Action ID. No. 199500035 dated October 20, 1994 which describes a project proposal by Mr. Robert L. Delapp of Lexington. The project, involving sand mining to be used for farm road maintenance, is located on Muddy Creek, west of Arcadia, in Davidson County. Four of our cooperating agencies submitted important comments on this request. These agencies and the comment of each follow: Division of Land Resources - notes that the size of disturbed area would key the requirement for a mining permit. The applicant should, therefore, be reminded that the material must be used on his own property as described in the Notice. If the material is hauled elsewhere, a mining permit is required; Division of Archives and History - recommended in a joint memorandum, sub- mitted earlier, an archaeological survey. We note a letter to the applicant in December from your office informing the applicant of this recommendation; Division of Environmental Management - for the record, issued the required Section 401 Water Quality Certification on December 6, 1994. Certification provides the standard turbidity safeguard; Wildlife Resources Commission coxened general recommendations ern over this type of operation and submitted several re 1) We recommend that the applicant utilize a hydraulic dredge rather than a dragline. P. O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-715-4100 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post-consumer paper Dr. G. Wayne Wright Page 2 February 16, 1995 2) Strict erosion and sedimentation control measures should be imple- mented and maintained. Berms should be constructed between disturbed areas and stream banks. 3) Sediment ponds should be maintained regularly to reduce impacts from sediment overflow. 4) Bank disturbance should be minimized and limited to access points. A 50-foot natural vegetated buffer should be maintained along Muddy Creek to reduce bank erosion and sedimentation. Trees in this 50-foot buffer should be retained. Other areas in and around the mine area, that are not being used for processing or stockpiling, should be left in natural vegetation. Disturbed areas should be replanted with small grains (i.e., wheat, millet or rye) and allowed to revert to natural vegetation. Stream banks where natural vegetation is disturbed should be revege- tated promptly when the mine will be inactive for more than thirty (30) days. In fall, fescue and rye should be used; and in spring, oats should be used. 5) Existing wetland areas should be protected from mining activities and runoff from all disturbed or stockpile areas. 6) Excavation operations should be prohibited during the fish spawning season, March through May. Should you require additional input from the state on this matter, do not hesitate to contact this office or the commenting agencies. Very sincerely, Jo R. Parker Jr. Inlan '404 Coordinator JRP:Jr/aw cc: Division of Land Resources Division of Archives and History /? Division of Environmental Management/ Wildlife Resources Commission COE--Raleigh