HomeMy WebLinkAbout19940310 Ver 1_Complete File_19940405DEC-01-1994 17:59 FROM AG ENl!IRCNJ,IENTAL TO 9959 P.01 ' p..suR?`'vti ?t Mate of North Carolina LACYH- THORNBURC Department of Justice Phone: (919) 733-5725 ATT()RNEVOL'.,Nh ,L P10. Box 629 Fax: (919) 733-0791 RALEIGH 27602-06'29 'T'ELECCPIE,R TRANSMITTAL SHEET FAX Nt7MBER : q5q FROM: C?J ?Qrtil / _ NUMBER OF PACES (INCLUDING TRANSMITTAL, SHEET) : _ COMMENTS : k4lu4td- 114%, An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer CONFIRM RECEIPT OF DOCUMENT(S) IF MARKED HERE: .i DFC.-ti-1994. 1^:59 FPCI[I i G PII.!IP'IJ 1ENTHL TCI ,9959 P. 2 -10- REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS 1. All documents which were identified in answer to the foregoing interrogatories. 2. All documents Which support or in any way relate, pertain or refer to the position in the contested case hearing. 3• All wetland delineation maps and dredge and fill permit applications for your land adjacent to White Lake, the parcel of land that is the subject of this contested case proceeding. 4. All documents containing development plans your parcel of land adjacent to White Lake, for the parcel of land that is the subject of this contested case proceeding. L?Ec -??1-1q d 1-7:F9 FRIDM Ai_i EP+)11POHMEHTAL TO 79959 P. L73 -11-w .REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION For the purpose of this action only and subject to all pertinent objections as to admissability which maybe -interposed at hearing, admit the truth of the following facts; I. InA I qa- you applied for a permit to dredge and fill acres of wetlands on your property adjacent to white Lake. 2. The Division granted a 401 water quality certification for your application to fill acres of wetlands on your property adjacent to White Lake. 3. 0 you filled ?• acres of wetlands, pursuant to a dredge and fill permit issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ' q?f 3 r? 4 In you a plied f r a ermit o dre ge Od f 11 cres of etla ds on ur pro e a ' / a e. -- Y y 7 ent to WY?i e, 5. he Div si n de ed a 4 1 t7 ter quality Ce ti is tion fo yo r 'Sure f pli a on o fil o`Z acres of tla a on y r pro rty adj cent to Whit Lake. 6. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a Nationwide No. 26 permit to you for the application to fi_11 02,6 acres. 7. IAA ,-?ou f4-1-1?d ------'acres a wetlands on-vauTr propqpt?y adjdcent fo White Take. ?y Npd?wd2a& lgg3 8. In the U.S-Army Corps of Engineers ordered you to remove 4.6 acres of unauthorized wetland fill on your property adjacent to White Lake because the amount of fill exceeded the DFC-01-1994 12: 00 FROM AC, ENU T ROHMENTAL- TO 39959 P. 04 -12- amount permitted by the Department of the Army Natiowide No. 26 pei:.-tnit. 9. Inc June, 1993 you applied for a permit to dredge and till approximately 18 acres of wetlands and excavate a 4.1 acre pond on your property adjacent to White Lake for the purpose of planting trees and landscaping. 10. The Division denied the 401 water quality certification M for your 1993 application to excavate a 4.1 acre pond and to fill approximately 18 acres of wetlands on your property adjacent to White Lake for the purpose of planting trees and landscaping. 11. On March 8, 1994 you applied for a dredge and fill permit to excavate a 4.1 acre pond and to fill approximately 18 acres of wetlands adjacent to White Lake for the purpose of creating a residential development. 12. The excavation of a 4.1 acre pond and the filling of 18 acres of wetlands on your property adjacent to White Lake will. diminish the capacity of the property for water storage. 13. The excavation of a 4.1 acre pond and the filling of. 18 acres of wetlands on your property adjacent to White Lake will destroy the aquatic habitat for wetland species. 14. The excavation of a 4.1 acre pond and the filling of 1.8 acres of wetlands on your property adjacent to White Lake will diminish the capacity of the land to act as a filter to remove pollutants. T)FC-01-1';94 12: OA FROM HG D,1OIRCR,I MENTAL TO 399;59 F'.05 1.3- 15. The excavation of a 4.1 acre pond and the filling of 18 acres of wetlands on your property adjacent to White Lake will diminish the capacity of the property for flood flow attenuation. This the day of December, 1994. MICHAEL F. EAS.LEY Attorney General Ji.11 B. Hickey Assistant Attorney General N.C. Department of Justice Post office Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 (91.9) 733-7247 TI ITHI : P. ff? rr?i• N.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH , AND NATURAL RESOURCES ?.o. Box 27687 alcigh N.C. 27611 TELECOPY TO: FAX NUMB FROM: Env i r-- wenta l Sciences Branch FAX 919) 733-9959 NTO. OF PAGES LNCL COMIC NTS: `'C THIS SKEET: 12/02/94 09:34 $919 733 9959 NC DE)l WO ENN'SCI 001. TR:1\S%IISSIO% OK C0?\EC"I"10? TEL CO\_AECI'I(1\ 11) START TINIF t SAGE "I" I Ill: PAGL:S ACTIVITY REPORT 11IS8 97330 91 G3 12 02 09*52 o2,0I 3 ] • 4a , F-'CIf,1 P! ErPJ I fT7?'rdf' P JPL Ti-: aS=. P. c1 State of North Claro(it1a VcYH.Tr,oR`:a tc; Dc'partmentof ,1,_,stice Phone: (9i9) 733-5725 ,7TO RN2Y(;r\tit,L P.0. B(-)X 624 Fax: (919) 733-0791 f?LAL"E. f G H 27602 062'?4 TELECOPIER TRILNSMITTAT, SHE'EN' FAX N --? ?, ?IB3FR FROM., :lIJMBsER OF PAGES (T NC.T. UD y NG TRANSMT`C i AL CONFIRM RECi;IPaOF MARK JME:Ii' LF r:`) u; Equal Opporturiity/ ',if:rrrati%,eActlc,n r mpiayer 1-i,T-14-7 +'=+ 11 :4^ ! F'i-lf,i _:? Etd.. 1 9_IrJMFhJTwL STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND TOM KE I Th v. Pot it i Onor.•, NORTH CAROLINA DF'PARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF ENVTRONMFNTAr. MANAGEMENT, T1--1 799F'P F. Dom' TN THE OFFICE OF ADMiNTSTR.ATIVE HEARINGS FILE NO. 94 EHR 0961 PREI{FARINq S'T'ATEMENT Of' RESPONDENT NOW COMES the Division of Fnvironmental Management of tiro North. Carolina Department of EnvirQnment, Health and Natural Resources, Respondent, by and through the undersigned pursuant to O.S. 150B-33(b)(4) and Rule 26 NCAC 3 .0004 and files its prehearing statements in the abvva_captioned matter in accordance with the Order of Septomber 16, 1994. 1. This matter involves the denial of water quality cert.itication under section 401 of the federal Clean Water Act. by the Division of Environmental Management for the filling of 18.5 acres of wet lands and the c:onstruc•t:.ion of a 4 acre ,take on property owned by Petitioner. Respondent cannct state with certainty the issues to bib resolved because Petitioner's Petition for A C:ontestorl Case Hearing does not specify the grounds upon which Petit.i.oner. seeks a h -rf:r ing. 7!"'T-14-i.' ?' +µ ? 1 : 41,7 P F:11 ;!3 Eh;U I F'iJh it 1P lTHL T-1 :9'=+c' + R. !-1- -2- The statutes involved are the federal. Clean Water .Act, SS401 and 404 (33 U.S.C. 5§1341, 1344) and N.C.G.S. 143-214.1. The rules involved are 15A NCAC 2B .0109 and .0201 and 40 CF'R Part 230, Subparts A and F. The current procedure, foi- evaluating requests for certi.ficatiorl are contained in "Interim Gizidance for Wetlands Protection" (DEM Report, No. 92•-•03, May, 1992). At this early stage of the proceedings, Respondent cannot cite any legal precedent. which might be relevant or controlling in this contested case. 2• Petitioner owns 28.6 acres of land adjacent to white, Lake in Bladen County, most of which is classfied as wetlanrs under the Clean Water Act. On Fpb.r.nary 7, 1994 Pptif-.ioner submitted an application to the U.S. Army Corps of l ngi neers (COO) for a par-.mit under sec_t.i_on 404 of the Clean Wat.ex Art. (5404 permit) to fill 18.5 acres of wetlands and construct a 4 acre lake can this property 1n order to develop a residont:ial subdivision. The COE requested that the State issue a water_ quality certification on the proposed project under 5 401 of the C-tean Wa pr Act-. Based on its review of Petitioner's permit application, the statutes, r?uleQs/ and guidance cited above, and several site inspectir?ns,V L EEM denied the § 401 water quality certification for the project for the reasons discussed in its letter of. August 8 1.994, the dc)urnent constituting agency action, a copy of wh ch is attached, 110-? Ci"T-14-;,:?94 11:47 FP71M Vii,. EhU.JIRCIhd?1EIdThL. 7-1 :1799FS E.@4 -3- 3 . Witnesses for the Respc_>ndent. inc Made, but are not limited t-, the f(,-Yl ]"-)Wing ,fohn Do.rnpy - t) i v, of Envi. rnnrnF,,nta l ManagPmpnt. (DEM), Wetlands and Techn 1c ;31 RevJ ew Group Kell Ave vit.te - ITEM, i nspc-rtor H(,)n Ferre i l - DEM, Wet lanes and Tctc. h . RAt•iew Croup %41C'ott: M(".laendon - U.S. Army ^c?r f,a of Eng i nwprs Gravid DeJl - U.S. Fish & wild]ifi Sr-rvira Alvin F3rasweJ. 1 - N . C. . Mtrsaurir c,f Nat.it rr? 1. r i_enr cis Alart Weekly - Natuic-- ('onse-r°vai)ry MiY.e S c h a f e 1 - N . C . 14aLui aI He1:1 t.ac°l?. Pr r) aTl; Additif?na11y, Responndent may c:ai.i as ,-j wit_rj(Fs any peru n familiar with Peti tivner ' s appl icat if,,n for a 5 404 parmi t:, as well as any person named as a wirtrto?ss by any otter party. Respondent reserves the z_i yht, to supplement; this 1 i.at as it prepares for a hearing in this mat:twr. 4. itesponcient wJshes to pursue discovery- the length of time set forth in the St hpdulir)g Orrdtz?r is ac,c-ept?tble?. 5. The location of the hearing spt forth in the Schpdul i.ng Order is acceptab r - to lze? pn:t:',?nt. . 6. The hearing Jp-jiqth is at 011F- .?I 1 8. Respondent will bi;: pzepared to have a hear i nq in this case on the date set forth in the Schoduling or.cier. 9. There are no special matters at this point in time. Ti ffcai P 1711 I H D ?x F„ti ??,a (ti?a) ale - ------ - ----- r? ALI) VA ?C, ? n1?n r cry 1 1 1n n I/ ?. CJ ? ? . G)6y lI1?IY?!AlC?1?V ?iYY£ttY ?,? V •'• w^k I. 4 ? AN ' RAI QKrice of Administrative Heari Post Office Box 27447 Raleigh, NC 27611-7447 Re: 401 Water Quality Certifice DEM #94310 COE #199401539 Gentlemen: (91()),133-2222 FAX (910),196-6081) [V SEP ? 1994 "'IV. OF EtlylROHME,NTAL MCfANT QFFICF c Enclosed is an original and one copy of a Petition for Adjudicatory Hearing to be filed in the above matter. Once this has been filed, please return a copy to me. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely yours, Anthony E. Rld AER/cjt Enclosures .SEP 4 1994 VNV[ 1 ? 104 oy? J6, ?Fy ? J CG ?I MAILING AIYURESS- v ? 1111 MORGAN M N RD., S(11117 nt I"'IS 1-IIiVILLIi, NUI L-III ('A RUI.INA ?x1115 NORTH CAROLINA CUMBERLAND COUNTY IN RE: FILE NO. DEM 94310 PETITION FOR ADJUDICATORY HEARING REQUEST FOR 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION BLADEN COUNTY NOW COMES the petitioner Tom Keith, and hereby requests an adjudicatory hearing on the denial of the Division of Environmental Management for a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act for the filling or excavation of 22 acres of wetlands for pond and residential development dated August 8, 1994. This the 9th day of September, 1994. TOM KEITH NORTH CAROLINA CUMBERLAND COUNTY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Tom Keith hereby certify that I have served the foregoing Petition for Adjudicatory Hearing on A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director, Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 29635, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27626-0535 by depositing same in the United States Post Office for delivery by First Class Mail, postage prepaid. This the _ day of September, 1994. TOM KEITH , State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Mr. Tom Keith 121 South Cool Springs Street Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 Dear Mr. Keith: A4?rjjpo WOO& I D FE Fl` FILE COPY Subject: Denial of request for 401 Water Quality Certification DEM # 94310, COE # 199401539 Bladen County Your application for a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act was received by the Division on 30 May 1994, with supplemental information dated 25 May 1994. The activity for which the Certification is sought is to fill or excavate about 22 acres of wetlands for pond and residential development. A water Quality Certification is a determination by the Division that the activity for which the federal permit or license is sought is not expected to result in a violation of state water quality standards for the waters of the state. After a thorough, on-site inspection of your property, my staff has determined that existing uses are present in the wetlands for which you have requested a certification. These uses include water storage, pollutant removal, and aquatic life habitat. As provided by 15A NCAC 2B .0109, the 404(b)(1) Guidelines are used as guidance in determining if a proposed project will remove the existing uses of a wetland. In accordance with these guidelines the Division has determined that the subject project is not water dependent and that you have not demonstrated that practicable alternatives to the proposed project cannot be constructed in an upland area. Due to these findings, I have determined that the subject project would result in a violation of 15A NCAC 2B .0201(b). Therefore, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0504(e), I have determined that the 401 Water Quality Certification for this project shall be denied. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper r r ? r Mr. Keith Page 2 If this denial is unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this denial. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made, this denial shall be final and binding. Finally, we are available to further discuss modification to your proposal which would answer our objections and allow issuance of a 401 Certification. If you have any questions concerning this denial, please contact Mr. John Dorney in the Water Quality Planning Branch of this Division at (919) 733-1786. Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. 94310.den cc: Fayetteville DEM Regional Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office John Parker John Dorney Central Files Larry Baldwin; Land Management Group t q ' Z Y t f s DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 August 31, 1994 Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199401539 Mr. Tom Keith 121 South Cool Spring Court Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Dear Mr. Keith: By copy of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources letter dated August 8, 1994, we have learned that State authorization for you to excavate a 4.1 acre lake and to fill approximately 18 acres of wetlands on your property at White Lake, Bladen County, North Carolina, has been denied. Under the administrative rules of our regulatory program, denial of required State authorization precludes favorable consideration of a Federal permit. Accordingly, your Department of the Army application is hereby denied, and your file has been retired. Additionally, we received unfavorable comments from Federal review agencies (copies enclosed). Their reaction to your proposal is the result of anticipated significant adverse impacts. I have provided these Federal agencies' comments to alert you to concerns in addition to those identified in the State's denial letter. While appealing the State permit is the next step in pursuing State authorization, you should be aware that Federal agency comments will be unchanged by the outcome of that appeal. Because of the Federal agencies' influence on Department of the Army permit decisions, it is unlikely a Department of the Army permit would be available unless your project can be modified to lessen its impacts. Your patience and cooperation during this process is appreciated. Mr. Scott McLendon of my staff is available to answer any questions you may have or to assist you in developing a revised plan. Mr. McLendon may be reached at telephone (910) 251-4725. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosures ? C?4 i -2- Copies Furnished (without enclosures): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Mr. Larry Hardy National Marine Fisheries Service Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Mr. Thomas Welborn, Chief Wetlands Regulatory Section - Region IV Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds Branch U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street Atlanta, Georgia 30365 T ' John Dorney Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 r State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Ms. Mary Bear, Staff Assistant Office of Senator Lauch Faircloth 310 New Bern Avenue Suite 366 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Dear Ms. Bear: &14 C) FE F1 May 20, 1994 r p.? -..?u..? UN _ 5 f;` . ?! riY L b 1y94 Thank you for your interest in the Division of Environmental Management's (DEM) correspondence with Senator Faircloth's constituent, Ms. Helen S. Sharpe, in regard to her concerns about an application to fill in wetlands at White Lake. The Division's Water Quality Section incorporated Ms. Sharpe's comments into the public input phase of the review process but did not develop a formal reply. The section considered many of the points she raised in her letter as part of its review. The Division has completed a review of the plans for wetlands fill for 22 acres at White Lake in Bladen County for pond and residential development. Based upon this review, we have identified significant uses which would be removed by the project. These uses include water storage, pollutant removal, wildlife habitat and aquatic life habitat. Furthermore, we found insufficient evidence to conclude that the project must be built in wetlands. Therefore, we are moving toward denial of certification to fill wetlands as part of this project. Until we receive additional information which causes us to change this opinion, we are requesting that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and/or the Division of Coastal Management place the project on administrative hold. I have enclosed a copy of a letter detailing our conclusions for your information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Don Reuter, DEM's Public Information Officer, at (919) 733-7015. Sincer ly, A. Preston Howard, Jr. APH:dgr cc: Fayetteville Regional Office John Dorney, DEM-WQ P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources • • Divislon of Envlronmentai Management James B. Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretory A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director April 19, 1994 Mr. Thomas Keith 121 S. Cool Spring St. Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 Project # 94310, COE # 199401539 Dear Mr. Keith The Division of Environmental Management, water Quality Section has reviewed your plans for wetland fill for 22 acres of wetlands at White Lake in Bladen County for pond and residential development. (Based on this review, we have identified significant uses which would be removed by this project;. These uses are water storage, pollutant removal, wildlife habitat and aquatic life habitat. Furthermore, insufficient ev;.dence is present in our files to conclude that your project must be bi)ilt as planned in wetlands. Therefore, we are moving toward denial of your 401 Certification. Until we receive additional information, we are requesting (by copy of this letter) that. the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and/or the N_C. Division of Coastal Management place your project on admin,i,st.rat..ve hold. Please provide us with information supporting your position that your project must be constructed as planned and that you have no practicable alternative to fill of these wetlands. Specifically can you construct your residential development on nearby uplands or wetlands which have been approved for fill? Any documentation such as maps and narrative which you can supply to address upland alternatives may be helpful in our review of your 401 Certification. Please be sure to send us a copy of any information sent to the Corps of Engineers concerning site plans, alternatives or mitigation plans. Also please inform us of the differences (if any) between this application and your earlier project (Public Notice dated June 2 1993). Please respond within two weeks of the date of this; letter by sending a copy of this information to me and one.copy to our Mr. (fen Averitte at the Fayetteville Regional. Off?.ce at wachovia Building, Suite 714, Fayetteville, N.C. 28301- l c q r e Jo In R. Doy'-ney We lands and Techn cal Review Group 9?311,1tr cc: Fayetteville DL•'M Regional Office John Parker, Division of Coastal Management; ? Wilmington Office Corps of. Engineers Central Files Larry Baldwin; Land Management Group RO. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An F.quol Opportunity nffirmotivo /Action Employer 6M rocyclad/ 10% post-consumer popor ' DI VISION O ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT f Office of'Director < ' Attached is referred to: z ,`. Please prepare afinal / draft _ reply by for signature by the: M; Governor Deputy Secretary Director e? _ Secretary _ Asst. Secretary Asa't. Director _ Al. . In your response, please note correspondence was " . referred by: Indicate carbon copies to _ Indicate blind carbond copies to w. In taking action, coordinate efforts with - I Please review attached and give me your comments by 4. Coordinate your review and comment with , Please handle ' Please note and advise me as appropriate Please note and fi le Please discuss with me For your information Remarks: please return background infornation with drafted responses. S F Log Number ' Jet r•S *4, f% LAUCH FAIRCLOTH NW;6-AROI!NA ' united states 0enate WASHINGTON, DC 20510-3305 May 12, 1994 Mr. Preston Howard Director of Environmental Management Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Dear Mr. Howard: R41 (V jTiku I zlk D NAY 16 1994 DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MUNT. DIRECTORS OFFICE Because of the desire of this office to be responsive to all inquiries and communications, your consideration of the attached is requested. I would appreciate receiving a copy of any correspondence your office sends to Ms. Sharpe for my files. Please address correspondence to me in our Raleigh office at the following address: Office of Senator Lauch Faircloth 310 New Bern Avenue Suite 366 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 (919) 856-4791 Thank you for your attention to this matter. Best regards, cp?a't'c? / aar?? Mary Bear Staff Assistant MB:mr Attachment: Helen Sharpe PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER pwor -)p ?1V N.C. Division of Environm". 0-rataNIAAge eicii. 36 Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 276 1 1-7687 Dear Environmental Management Officials: April 16,1994 I am writing in regard to the application filed by Thomas Keith and Larry Baldwin of the Land Management Group in Wilmington to develop the area into residential sites with access to White Lake. Plans show the proposed excavation of a 4.1-acre lake in the center of the 29-acre tract and the deposit of the spoil material over the remainder of the property. I would llike to call to your attention that White Lake is one of the unique bay areas in Southeastern North Carolina. It is a crystal clear, shallow body of water formerly fed by springs, renewed by the water table regenerated by adjacent wetlands. The eco-system of the lake is fragile and already suffering from overdevelopment. The Keith land is some of the last remaining adjacent wetlands. It is unfortunate that Mr. Keith filled in seven acres last year when he only was given permission to fill two acres. It is a sad sight to see the dying trees and vegetation, especially the wonderful old cypress trees. There seems to be little or no correction of this so-called mistake. I have been going to White Lake for over 50 years, and it is sad to see the consequences of overdevelopment. It is said that there has been some flooding in developments near Mr. Keith's land, and there is water standing near the highway. This did not happen before Mr. Keith filled in seven acres of lowlands. Needless to say, this standing water breeds mosquitoes and has other undesirable effects. There is no way the water can remain clear and environmentally desirable if Mr. Keith is allowed to proceed with his plan to change the natural environment of White Lake, which is one of the most beautiful and desirable natural resources in the world. Thank you for your attention to this matter. cc: Governor James Hunt Head of the Department of Natural Resources Congressman Charles Rose Senator Lauch Faircloth Senator David Parnell Sincerely, Helen S. Sharpe 1015 Riverside Blvd. Lumberton, N.C. 28358 At 2522 Vdmaim?, AoWA Vawi6w 28402 Larry Saidwin Ow. 94 MAY 1 n 1994 WET AIN G:,,' WATER (li dj Y Coe TO: MR. o,,-- MR. WAYNE WRIGH-i & REGULATORY BRANCH ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 (910) 251-4725 99uik ;4 "wy op. Ad 405 °wt,Sp1da w& . 4m" wd. L, .tea 28403 JCERNING IIZATION- TH TRACT :ES FILL. & SOUTH MR. TOM KEITH 121 S. COOL SPRING STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28301 (910) 323-3222 THIS IS IN RESPONSE TO THE ARMY CORPS' REQUEST TO ADDRESS AVOID- ANCE, MINIMIZATION, AND/OR MITIGATION (DA/EPA MOA 2/6/90) ISSUES AS THEY RELATE TO THE TOM KEITH INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT APPLICATION (ID #199401539) FOR A 4.1 ACRE LAKE AND 18.5 ACRES FILL WITHIN 404 WETLANDS. THE TOM KEITH TRACT IS "28.6 ACRES IN TOTAL SIZE AND HAS BEEN OWNED BY THIS FAMILY SINCE THE 1940'S. UNDER CURRENT 404 REGULA- TIONS "24.6 ACRES ("86%) OF THIS TRACT ARE CLASSIFIED AS ISOLATED JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS. PRIOR TO 1985, NONE OF THIS TRACT WOULD HAVE BEEN CLASSIFIED AS JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS OR SUBJECT TO PERMITTING RESTRICTIONS, AS THESE REGULATIONS APPLIED ONLY TO ADJACENT AND BELOW HEADWATERS 404 WETLANDS. PRIOR TO 1978, WETLANDS WERE ONLY REGULATED WITHIN OR ALONG NAVIGABLE INTERSTATE WATERS. THUS, THE TOM KEITH TRACT HAS BEEN REGULATED BY 404 WETLAND REGULATIONS FOR ONLY "8 Yrs OUT OF "50 Yrs OF PRIVATE OWNERSHIP. THE OWNER DESIRES TO DEVELOPE THIS TRACT IN ORDER TO REALIZE AN ECONOMIC RETURN ON THIS LONG-TERM INVESTMENT. THE TRACT IS ONE OF THE FEW UNDEVELOPED, WATERFRONT TRACTS ALONG WHITE LAKE, WHICH HAS A STRONG MARKET POTENTIAL FOR SALES. THE PERMIT APPLICATION REQUESTS TO BUILD A 4.1 ACRE LAKE IN THE CENTRAL. PORTION AND ESSENTIALLY FILLING THE BALANCE OF THE TRACT PAGE 2. TOM KEITH, INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT WITH 18.5 ACRES OF CLEAN FILL. THE 404 WETLANDS TO BE FILLED ARE OF TYPICAL POCOSIN VARIETY THAT ARE COMMONLY FOUND THROUGHOUT THE SOUTHEASTERN COASTAL PLAINS. THE WETLAND IS VEGETATED WITH COMMON POCOSIN VEGETATIVE SPECIES AND HYDRIC SOILS AS STATED WITHIN THE PUBLIC NOTICE. THERE APPEARS TO BE NO SPECIAL OR SIGNIFICANT QUALITIES TO THESE WETLANDS EXCEPT THEY OCCUR NEXT TO THE LAKE. WE AGREE WITH THE PUBLIC NOTICE THAT THE LAKE RE- CHARGES/DISCHARGES PRINCIPALLY THROUGH RAINFALL AND EVAPORATIONAL EVENTS. THUS, THESE WETLANDS PLAY NO SIGNIFICANT ROLE AS TO THE LAKE'S HYDROLOGY DESPITE THEIR PROXIMITY TO IT. AVOIDANCE: THE TRACT HAS -86% JURISDICTIONAL 404 WETLANDS. WITH THIS EX- PANSE OF WETLANDS THERE ARE NO FEASIBLE ALTERNATIVES AS TO AVOID- ING THESE AREAS. MINIMIZATION: IN ORDER TO REALIZE THE TRACT'S FULL POTENTIAL VALUE IT IS NECES- SARY TO FILL 18.5 ACRES TO ALLOW SUFFICIENT LOT DIMENSIONS FOR LOT LAYOUTS FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE TRACT. THE 4.1 ACRE LAKE PLANNED IN THE CENTRAL PORTION IS FOR PRODUCING DREDGE SPOILS FOR FILLING THE 18.5 ACRES, DRAINAGE RUN-OFF CONTROL, AND AESTHETICS. IT COULD BE POSSIBLE TO CONVERT THIS AREA INTO A CYPRESS/TUPELO LAKE WITH INUNDATED WETLAND FUNCTIONS CONSERVED IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE IMPACTS TO THIS AREA. MITIGATION: THERE WILL BE A LOSS OF THE 18.5 ACRE WETLANDS TO BE FILLED, EVEN THOUGH SIGNIFICANT WETLAND VALUES AND LOSSES ARE QUESTIONABLE. IF REQUIRED FOR ISSUANCE OF THE INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT, MITIGATION WILL BE COMPLETED BY CONVERTING OFF-SITE PRIOR-CONVERTED WETLANDS OR OFF-SITE UPLANDS TO WETLANDS. CONSIDERING THE POCOSIN WETLAND TYPE WE FEEL A 1:1 RATIO IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE FILL WITHIN THE 18.5 ACRE WETLANDS AREA. THE 4.1 ACRE LAKE WILL CONTINUE TO FUNCTION AS AN INUNDATED 404 WETLANDS WITH CYPRESS/TUPELO CON- SERVED AT "5-8 TREES/ACRE. THE LAKE AREA WILL HAVE WETLAND FUNCTIONS/VALUES OF RUN-OFF DETENTION AND POLLUTENT REMOVAL, AQUATICS VEGETATION, AQUATICS WILDLIFE, BIRD SANCTUARY, FISHER- IES, AND UNCONFINED AQUIFER/LAKE RECHARGE. WE FEEL THIS 4.1 ACRE OF WETLANDS DISTURBANCE FOR THE LAKE SHOULD NOT BE MITIGATED AS WETLAND VALUES WILL BE ACCENTED AND NOT REMOVED. WE WILL BE GLAD TO DISCUSS ANY SUGGGESTIONS OR RECOMMENDATIONS YOUR AGENCY MAY HAVE REGARDING MINIMIZATION/MITIGATION FOR THIS NECESSARY PERMIT ON THIS PROJECT. LARRY F. i BALDWIN, CPSS/SC c,'C Mr. ,:John Dornoy, NCDE[d&NR 9?a4a' ?9?' jwc. ?nctml 'Conetc&aiata Ad &x,25,2.2 Vdmi yAw, AoWA Vawlma 28402 Yd- 999-452-0009 DATE: APRIL 15, 1994 SUBJECT: 404 WETLANDS REEVALUATIOP NEERS OF THE TOM KEITH TR. UPLAND AREAS, EXEMPT HIS FILL AREAS, AND OVER-FILL LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE C. HWY 701/N.C. HWY 41, BLADEN TO: MR. SCOTT McLENDON MR. ERNIE JAHNKE & REGULATORY BRANCH ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 (910) 251-4725 ?te 94 op", Ad ,2840.1 \ n? M? r .j.,.. j i IN C ,-j-3222 afREET 28301 OUR FIRM MET WITH THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS REPRESENTATIVE MR. ERNIE JAHNKE ON 04/12/94 IN ORDER TO: (1) CONFIRM THE CURRENT 404 WETLANDS STATUS; (2) AGREE UPON HISTORIC VS RECENT FILL ACTIVITIES WITHIN 404 WETLAND AREAS; (3) DETERMINE EXTENT OF PERMITTED/NON-PERMITTED FILL ACTIVITIES, AND (4) DETERMINE RESTO- RATION EFFORTS/PROGRESS WITHIN NON-PERMITTED FILL AREAS. THE ENCLOSED PRELIMINARY WETLANDS MAP SHOWS THE REVISED AND/OR AGREED UPON DELINEATIONS FOUND WITHIN THE TOM KEITH TRACT AS TO 404 WETLANDS, UPLANDS, HISTORIC FILL, AND PERMITTED/NON-PERMITTED FILL AREAS WITHIN 404 WETLANDS. THE FOLLOWING ARE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE VARIOUS LAND CLASSIFICATIONS: THE "oooooo" AREAS ("1.0 Acres; See Map) ARE NATURAL UPLAND AREAS THAT WERE AGREED UPON WITH THE ARMY CORPS AND SHOULD NOT BE CLAS- SIFIED AS 404 WETLANDS. THESE AREAS HAVE NON-HYDRIC SOILS OF MANDARIN, CENTENARY, AND LEON-DRY PHASE. THESE AREAS HAVE BEEN RECENTLY CLEARED AND SURFACES DISTURBED IN THE PROCESS. THESE AREAS ARE DELINEATED IN THE FIELD WITH "Pink/Black-Striped" FLAG- GING. THE AREAS ("3.0 Acres; See Map) ARE HISTORIC, SANDY- FILL, UPLAND AREAS THAT WERE AGREED UPON WITH THE ARMY CORPS. THESE AREAS WERE FILLED AND ESTABLISHED PRIOR TO 1985, BEFORE 404 WETLAND JURISDICTION WAS EXTENDED TO THESE AREAS. THESE AREAS PAGE 2. TOM KEITH TRACT, 404 WETLANDS ARE DELINEATED IN THE FIELD WITH "Pink/Black-Striped" FLAGGING. THE "WHITE/----" AREAS ("1.5 Acres; See Map) ARE HISTORIC FILL ROADS ALONG THE TRACT'S EAST & WEST PERIMETER FROM U.S. HWY 701 TO WHITE LAKE, AND ALSO AN OLD WOODS ROAD ACROSS THE NORTHERN PORTION OF THE TRACT ("0.4 of above -1.5 Acs). THESE FILL ROADS WERE ESTABLISHED PRIOR TO 1985, BEFORE 404 WETLANDS JURISDICTION WAS EXTENDED TO THESE AREAS WHICH WAS AGREED UPON WITH THE ARMY CORPS. THE PERIMETER ROADS AVERAGE 18-22 Ft IN WIDTH. THE OLD WOODS ROAD HISTORIC FILL IS -15 Ft IN WIDTH, IS FLAGGED WITH "Pink/Black-Striped" FLAGGING WITHIN THE EASTERN DISTURBED AREA OF THE TRACT, AND WAS AGREED UPON WITH THE ARMY CORPS. THE "++++++" AREAS ("2.6 Acres; See Map) ARE RECENTLY FILLED PERMITTED AREAS OVER 404 WETLANDS. THESE AREAS WERE FILLED UNDER FULL COMPLIANCE WITH ARMY CORPS/EPA NWP# 26 PREDISCHARGE NOTICE PERMIT DATED 5/17/90. THESE 404 WETLANDS HAVE BEEN DEFINED AS ISOLATED WETLANDS BY THE ARMY CORPS. THIS 2.6 ACRE AREA IS RECOGNIZED BY THE ARMY CORPS TO BE FILLED IN FULL COMPLIANCE. THE "+/+/+/+/" AREAS ("3.3 Acres); See Map) ARE RECENTLY FILLED NON-PERMITTED AREAS OVER 404 WETLANDS. THESE AREAS WERE FILLED IN ERROR AS PART OF THE. 5/17/90 NWP #26 PERMIT. THESE AREAS ARE BEING RESTORED BACK TO THEIR NATURAL CONTOUR ELEVATIONS. AS OF 4/12/94 -1.8 ACRES ("55%) OF THIS AREA HAS BEEN RESTORED WHICH LEAVES A BALANCE OF "1.5 ACRES MORE TO BE COMPLETED. THERE HAS BEEN SOME CONFUSION AS TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF AREA TO BE RESTORED BUT IT WAS AGREED UPON WITH THE ARMY CORPS THE RECENT FILL WITHIN THE NORTHERN AREA TO THE UPLANDS LINE AND EXCLUSIVE OF THE OLD WOODS ROAD WOULD NEED RESTORATION BACK TO NATURAL CONTOUR ELEVA- TIONS WHICH IS "1.5 ACRES. IT WAS DISCUSSED WITH THE CORPS IF THIS FILL COULD REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE CURRENT INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT FILL APPLICATION HAD BEEN PROCESSED IN ORDER TO REDUCE FURTHER SITE DISTURBANCES AND REPETITION. THE ARMY CORPS EX- PLAINED THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN REVIEWED AND DENIED FOR "AFTER-THE- FACT" PERMIT PROCESSING IN THEIR 02/18/94 LETTER. THUS, THE -1.5 ACRE OF NON-PERMITTED FILL WITH THE NORTHERN SECTION MUST BE REMOVED AND RESTORED BACK TO ORIGINAL ELEVATIONAL CONTOURS. THE "+#+#+#+#+" AREAS ("1.8 Acres; See Map) PREVIOUSLY FILLED, NON-PERMITTED 404 WETLANDS THAT HAVE BEEN RESTORED AS OF 04/1.2/94. THIS AREA WAS MEASURED AND CONFIRMED WITH THE ARMY CORPS TO ESTABLISH THE TOTAL RESTORED ACREAGE. THE "(Pond)" AREA ("0.3 Acres; See Map) IS A HISTORIC MAN-MADE POND WITHIN CURRENTLY DEFINED 404 WETLANDS. THIS POND WAS ESTAB- LISHED PRIOR TO 1985, BEFORE 404 WETLANDS JURISDICTION WAS EX- TENDED TO THESE AREAS. THE POND HAS ACCLIMATED WITH AQUATIC SPECIES AND FUNCTIONS AS 404 WETLANDS AND THUS WOULD BE DEFINED AS SUCH. PAGE 3. TOM KEITH TRACT, 404 WETLANDS THE AREAS ("17.1 Acres; See Map) ARE NATURAL, UNDIS- TURBED 404 WETLANDS. THESE AREAS HAVE HYDRIC SOILS OF LEON-WET PHASE, LYNN-HAVEN, CROATAN, AND PAMLICO. PRIMARY HYDRIC VEGETA- TIVE INDICATORS ARE BLACK TUPELO, BLACK GUM, POND CYPRESS, BALD CYPRESS, POND PINE, SWAMP RED MAPLE, TITI, LOBLOLLY BAY, FETTER- BUSH, SWEET GALLBERRY, ROYAL FERN, AND NETTED CHAIN FERN. THESE AREAS COME UNDER ARMY CORPS/EPA/NCDEH&NR JURISDICTIONS AND RE- QUIRE PERMITS BEFORE ANY MASSIVE DISTURBANCE OR FILL ACTIVITIES ARE INITIATED. THESE 404 WETLANDS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY DEFINED AS "ISOLATED" BY THE ARMY CORPS. AS TO DATE, THE, JURISDICTIONAL, VS NON-JURISDICTIONAL 404 WETLAND AREAS, AND THE PERMITTED VS NON-PERMITTED FILL AREAS HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED WITH THE ARMY CORPS. THE PRINCIPAL CONCERN WAS TO DEFINE THE TOTAL 404 WETLAND AREAS THAT NEED TO BE RESTORED, WHICH IS -1.5 ACRES WITHIN THE NORTHERN SECTION OF THE TRACT AND IS EXCLUSIVE OF THE DELINEATED OLD WOODS ROAD. THE ARMY CORPS WILL NOT COMPLETE THE CURRENT INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT (#199401539) APPLICATION FOR 18.5 ACRES OF FILL, UNTIL THE RESTORATION IS COM- PLETED WITHIN THE NON-PERMITTED AREAS. AFTER THIS IS COMPLIED WITH, WE CAN HOPEFULLY ATTAIN USAGE OF YOUR TRACT PENDING APPROV- AL OF THE. INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT. LARRY F. BALDWIN CPSS/SC #2183 c:c, Mr. John Dor- noy, N C;[ FH8,NR Al li, /I 199A. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Fh o, . Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID. 199401539 March 31, 1994 PUBLIC NOTICE MR. THOMAS KEITH, c/o MR. LARRY BALDWIN, LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC., Post Office Box 2522, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402, has applied for a Department of the Army Permit (DA) TO CONSTRUCT A 4.1 ACRE LAKE AND TO FILL APPROXIMATELY 18 ACRES OF FLOODED BAY FOREST WETLAND ADJACENT TO White Lake, Bladen County, North Carolina. The following description of work is taken from information provided by the applicant and from observations made during on-site inspections by representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show the proposed excavation of a 4.1 acre lake in the center of the 29 acre tract and the deposition of the resultant spoil material over the remainder of the property. All excavated and spoil areas are jurisdictional wetlands. If necessary, the applicant proposes to utilize an off-site borrow area for additional fill material. The applicant also states that all surface drainage will be into the proposed lake and that no off-site drainage will occur. It is expected that the vegetative community will be removed through this action. Adverse impacts to waters and wetlands of the United States associated with this project total approximately 22 acres. Currently, the area contains standing water at depth of +/- 1.5 feet that has encroached upon the Highway 701 right-of-way and adjacent filled areas in the Turtle Cove subdivision. The wetland area is typical of a Bay Forest with the dominant plant community consisting of Gordonia lasianthus (loblolly bay), N ssa a ua?tica_ L. (tupelo gum), Acer rubrum re map e , an Pinus taeda loblolly pine). Understory vegetations dense and is compose primarily of L onia lucida (fetterbush), Ilex coriacea (gallberry), and Cyrilla racemiflora (ti.ti .entire site hasten mappe?by the Soil Conservation Service as containing Pamlico muck (North Carolina hydric soil). Hydrology of the area appears to be dependant on seasonal precipitation and concomitant lake levels. According to available information, including aerial photography, the Bladen County soil survey, and USGS 7.5' Quadrangles, the wetlands were contiguous with White Lake proper; however, recent and historical filling on this property has removed this surface water connection and movement of water to and from the site is apparently through-subsurface flow and precipitation. The problem with standing water has likely been aggravated over the past year due to above normal rainfall in the area. The applicant further states that at one time the area he proposes to fill and the adjacent properties were drained through a series of ditches through the neighboring subdivision. Based on available information, the area the applicant proposes to fill represents the only unfragmented and otherwise reasonably undisturbed wetland remaining on White Lake. The stated purpose of the proposed work is to develop the area into p, residential sites with access to the waters of White Lake. Plans.showing the work are included with this public notice. A similar proposal to fill and landscape the property was considered under Public Notice 199300498 dated May 27, 1993. .e, -2- The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No DA permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this worksite is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of'1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a'.permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. -3- The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this DA permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The DEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the DA permit serves as application to the DEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Salisbury Street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management plans to take final action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification on or after April 25, 1994. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687, on or before April 18, 1994, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Scott McLendon, until 4:15 p.m., April 29, 1994, or telephone (919) 251-4725. Um 1RS ? tal , CYPRESS CREEK BAY ^now t ? + ? IJn 'jT1 S1t'? IW ? K• ?? Iwl `E' ? t } tM1 1>? LM \, IDfI '~ M!1 S W .A iJ1t 6 101 low BIG COLLY BAY \ I • •? :. Im =t i 1.1 tm 1 ti In> IL1L ON S 1/ IWi 18R Ito 3xnWS ;1/ POND L tw ? e IJ71 lail as Nti UAL SAMM O 1 LAKE ? MNr: t LAX.-: Q 1 4 • •'ti;: up + $41 UK sa b. W 3 ult ULIL O • trwite! Wood, 0 T IW . 011 \ ww W. \ ? oa 0? \ t in+ 1 / y W141111 LAO aEiHTOW Iv.Lut 11 aRC ? u ? .r, NN , ... raw t / ill3 • 1»el US ?. ' IS t 0 % tm ' \ ?eS 46 tMl i• 1t}I '_'?? .r_. ? r I&A) ,C. SINGLXrARY , (1l tom` LAKE t ss C tnj ?.? Pie. r v5 At6 so X993 At?1 DEt?c?varS? As 1 #CPAI-I?l? N? ?y US??+AJ.r I IlII?? .ja 4p A. 5.0;"- . ?W `?s?. ?_ _ _ _ Me? N 0 sr scS 1 1 i 1 Q? ?may V° ?, ? a? I 1 1 1 3s? • Q o ?1 WE. 1 tf,/A4 AO*AGC Q?'?"? ?atV'{ 1 QfLVIOVf?I pr Pt To ,g t ti ?,l,.CD Jr. t M.? (?pf r? ???+0 CAW 0 Fnn+ L;•? jr., Now 1 $PIZ pr Z, All 00 ` ,4- / Lo /cF ?,/!rte (?xlA?? / / ?T 4e/ / ve?a v;<.?.nr i? :u•c' .N.+?.?:,-...z..- .?r-...?-. -. -r: ?•n "'?.r - - .. .- .,.. a ^?:• 't ..._,. v -, f I s es 7011 ?1 • i ?UBHX T white 1 Lake ' :•;f•liF! ? ,. 3B PF06F PEMIc. . . .. --- I ' . PFDIA d I I t r -- i P F06F ?401C QFO1C• • =.• rn m avA i% rn ' QO O ?C?6Hx ? ?.L 4i I oQ c Q!; I - t /I?07GN?0 404.4 .f?S/I?tJS B37 AEON kkll•VN0 AaER l ,C i I i t U.S.. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE no 4/IB Prepared by National Wetlands Inventory 1 Feet 5 000 1000C 1 -- 2 3 Kilc Scale • 1:24000 ^°.a r! 1? i-vi -r?,?? ? Gl` 'aY:,?• a r1'f v ? '1 /^.LeA 'Cr.. '"r4« ter' `' '" C' ,.. lVV/ ? 40 e A- L LeA Ud .. • r Y T - N ? p ' - ??Jp t .ate ?• ?. '• . ?•. ..i ?+ '? r y ,. LaB h + , ' 1-`/ A :r" ki •"?? LeP` ,i ?vRZ LE ,moo 5i pa J C a WgB. q w? ATE L a k e ?i',?,. !dam • , ?? .. ,?,. LeA LY _ ? • rL ?- White.. Ar, . '?i?, ••'?7 .? `I ''d., fir. '? ?. •y tic •=? ? .'r ?• 0.,,t '.-?V?•Y?y: '+?.??'?'C?..?/:??:it?iXy'-•?• ? ?! r••r? :L - ?I ?'•• w 1 lilt -ILI .Alp -60 40 •+? - L L 4kc 7;m, 411. -db- -tip- N''o 601; -'v _" ??I »•' •.M ff ,_ 67 7- ti. Z -dw. White Lake 66 ,?_ 0 \\`?? ?e ?. -?.- %Z?,..._ ..W?.: ?. mow- - ?,• % "r1\ \ may.- -dip - ?\\. ? • ,y? _ •r ake -dip ? s7e -14 t- r\ 6 0 )pm -'Voa 2522 t. . _ 5 t C ' Idm6W", ?YodA Wawk-na 28402 Ye- 990-452-0009 9204dy .Wald 99,d& f4 cxi Chi ??a,. ,?{ 3805 %iig? Wvmu e Vdmiwp&n, /W 28403 DATE: MAY 25, 1994 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO NCDEH&NR-WATER QUALITY-WETLANDS SECTION LETTER (04/1.9/94) CONCERNING ACTION PROJECT #94310; COE #199401539 AS TO AVOIDANCE-MINIMIZATION-MITIGATION WITHIN 404 WETLANDS OF THE 'I'OM KEITH TRACT ("'28.6 Acres) FOR A 4.1 ACRE LAKE AND 18.5 ACRES FILL. TRACT LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WHITE LAKE. & SOUTH OF U.S. HWY 701./N.C. HWY 41, BLADEN COUNTY, N.C. TO: MR. JOHN DORNEY MR. TOM KEITH NCDEH&.NR, WETLANDS 121. SOUTH COOL SPRING STREET P.O. BOX 29535 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28301 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 (910) 323-3222 (919) 733-508 THIS IS IN RESPONSE TO THE NCDEH&.NR'S WETLANDS SECTION CONCERNS AS TO ADDRESS AVOIDANCE, MINIMIZATION, AND/OR MITIGATION ISSUE'S REL,ATTNG TO THE TOM KEITH INDIVIDUAL 4041401. PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A 4.1 ACRE LAKE AND 18.5 A FILL, WITHIN 404 WETLANDS. THE TOM KEITH TRACT IS -28.6 ACRES IN TOTAL, SIZE AND HAS BEEN OWNED BY THIS FAMILY SINCE THE 1940'S. UNDER CURRENT 404 REGULA- TIONS -24.6 ACRES ("86%) OF THIS TRACT IS CLASSIFIED AS ISOLATED/ABOVE HEADWA'T'ERS JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS. PRIOR TO 1985, NONE OF THIS TRACT WOULD HAVE BEEN CLASSIFIED AS JURISDIC- TIONAL WETLANDS OR SUBJECT TO PERMITTING RESTRICTIONS, AS THESE REGULATIONS APPLIED ONLY TO ADJACENT AND BELOW HEADWATERS 404 WETLANDS. PRIOR TO 1978, WETLANDS WERE ONLY REGULATED WITHIN OR ALONG NAVIGABLE INTERSTATE WATERS. THUS, THE TOM KEITH TRACT HAS BEEN REGULATED BY 404 WETLAND REGULATIONS FOR ONLY -8 Yrs OUT OF "50 Yrs OF PRIVATE OWNERSHIP. THE OWNER DESIRES TO DEVELOPE THIS TRACT IN ORDER TO REALIZE AN ECONOMIC RETURN ON THIS LONG-TERM INVESTMENT. THE TRACT IS ONE OF THE FEW UNDEVELOPED, WATERFRONT TRACTS ALONG WHITE LAKE, WHICH HAS A STRONG MARKET POTENTIAL FOR SALES. THE PERMIT APPLICATION REQUESTS TO BUILD A 4.1 ACRE. LAKE IN THE CENTRAL PORTION AND ESSENTIALLY FILLING THE BALANCE OF THE TRACT WITH 18.5 ACRES OF CLEAN FILL. THE 404 WETLANDS TO BE FELLED ARE OF TYPICAL POCOSIN VARIETY THAT ARE COMMONLY FOUND THROUGHOUT THE. SOUTHEASTERN COASTAL PLAINS. THE WETLAND IS VEGETATED WITH PAGE 2. TOM KEITH, INDIVIDUAL 404/401. PERMIT COMMON POCOSIN VEGETATIVE SPECIES AND HYDRTC SOILS AS STATED WITHIN THE PERMIT APPLICATION AND PUBLIC NOTICE. THERE. APPEARS TO BE NO SPECIAL OR SIGNIFICANT QUALITIES TO THESE WETLANDS EXCEPT THEY OCCUR NEXT TO THE LAKE. WE AGREE WITH THE PUBLIC NOTICE THAT THE LAKE RECHARGES/DISCHARGES PRINCIPALLY THROUGH RAINFALL AND EVAPORATIONAL, EVENTS, NOT THROUGH GROUNDWATER RE- CHARGE. THUS, THESE WETLANDS DO NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT FUNCTION AS TO THE LAKE'S HYDROLOGY DESPITE THEIR PROXIMITY TO IT. AVOIDANCE: THE TRACT HAS "86% JURISDICTIONAL 404 WETLANDS. WITH THIS EX- PANSE OF WETLANDS THERE ARE NO FEASIBLE ALTERNATIVES AS TO AVOID- ING THESE AREAS AND REALIZE ANY SIGNIFICANT ECONOMIC POTENTIAL. MINIMIZA'T'ION: IN ORDER TO REALIZE THE TRACT'S FULL POTENTIAL VALUE IT IS NECES- SARY TO FILL 18.5 ACRES TO ALLOW SUFFICIENT LOT DIMENSIONS FOR LOT LAYOUTS FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE TRACT. THE 4.1 ACRE LAKE PLANNED IN THE CENTRAL, PORTION IS FOR PRODUCING DREDGE SPOILS FOR FILLING THE 18.5 ACRES, DRAINAGE RUN-OFF CONTROL, AND AESTHETICS. IT COULD BE POSSIBLE. TO CONVERT THIS AREA INTO A CYPRESS/TUPELO LAKE WITH INUNDATED WETLAND FUNCTIONS CONSERVED IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE IMPACTS TO THIS AREA. MITIGATION: 'T'HERE WILL, BE A LOSS OF THE 18.5 ACRE WETLANDS TO BE FILLED, EVEN THOUGH SIGNIFICANT WETLAND VALUES AND LOSSES ARE QUESTIONABLE. IF REQUIRED FOR ISSUANCE OF THE INDIVIDUAL, 404 PERMIT, MITIGATION WILL BE COMPLETED BY CONVERTING OFF-SITE PRIOR-CONVERTED WETLANDS OR OFF-SITE UPLANDS TO WETLANDS. CONSIDERING THE POCOSIN WETLAND TYPE WE FEEL A 1:1 RATIO IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE FILL WITHIN THE 18.5 ACRE WETLANDS AREA. THE 4.1. ACRE LAKE WILL CONTINUE TO FUNCTION AS AN INUNDATED 404 WETLANDS WITH CYPRESS/TUPELO CON- SERVED AT "5-8 TREES/ACRE. THE LAKE AREA WILL HAVE WETLAND FUNCTIONS/VALUES OF RUN-OFF DETENTION AND POLLUTENT REMOVAL, AQUATICS VEGETATION, AQUATICS WILDLIFE, BIRD SANCTUARY, FISHER- IES, AND UNCONFINED AQUIFER/LAKE RECHARGE. WE FEEL THIS 4.1 ACRE OF WETLANDS DISTURBANCE FOR THE LAKE SHOULD NOT BE MITIGATED AS WETLAND VALUES WILL, BE ACCENTED AND NOT REMOVED. THE MAJOR DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THIS APPLICATION AND THE PRIOR APPLICATION OF 06/02/93 ART:: (1) ALIT WATERS WILL BE DIRECTED TO AND DETAINED WITHIN THE INUNDA'T'ED LAKE AREA TO PROVIDE SEDIMENT & ANY POLLUTANT REMOVAL; (2) THESE. WATERS WILL PROVIDE GROUNDWATER RECHARGE & STORAGE; (3) THIS IS STRICTLY A FILL REQUEST WITH NO DRAINAGE TO OUTLETS; (4) THE 4.1 Ac LAKE AND WETLANDS EDGE WILL, PROVIDE MULTIPLE AQUATIC, WILDLIFE AND WETLAND BENEFITS. WE WILL BE GLAD TO DISCUSS ANY SUGGGESTIONS OR RECOMMENDATIONS YOUR AGENCY MAY HAVE REGARDING MINI MIZ.ATION/MITIGATION FOR THIS NECESSARY PERMIT ON THIS PROJECT. C'? fO c _A P.Y F. I'Vil_I)WIN c: c PSI i I<. F- n F=a v F= r .i 1, t. E:? ., N?": f? E h I <<? N F: I? ? y c: t L f1 v 1 l E-; r, DEPARTMENT OF T Wilmington District, Co: Post Office Bc Wilmington, North Caro] Action ID. 199401539 PUBLIC NO' MR. THOMAS KEITH, c/o MR. LARRY BALDWI Office Box 2522, Wilmington, North Carolina nt of the Army Permit (DA) TO CONSTRUCT A 4.1 ACRE LAKE AND TO r1LL . 18 ACRES OF FLOODED BAY FOREST WETLAND ADJACENT TO White Lake, Bladen County, North Carolina. The following description of work is taken from information provided by the applicant and from observations made during on-site inspections by representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show the proposed excavation of a 4.1 acre lake in the center of the 29 acre tract and the deposition of the resultant spoil material over the remainder of the property. All excavated and spoil areas are jurisdictional wetlands. If necessary, the applicant proposes to utilize an off-site borrow area for additional fill material. The applicant also states that all surface drainage will be into the proposed lake and that no off-site drainage will occur. It is expected that the vegetative community will be removed through this action. Adverse impacts to waters and wetlands of the United States associated with this project total approximately 22 acres. Currently, the area contains standing water at depth of +/- 1.5 feet that has encroached upon the Highway 701 right-of-way and adjacent filled areas in the Turtle Cove subdivision. The wetland area is typical of a Bay Forest with the dominant plant community consisting of Gordonia lasianthus (loblolly bay), N_fssaa a ua?tica_ L. (tupelo gum), Acer rubrum re map e , an Pinus taeda ( ogolly pine). Understory vegetation-dense and is compose primarily of L onia lucida (fetterbush), Ilex coriacea (gallberry), and C rilla racemiflora (tits .Tentire site has-Teen mappe by the Soil Conservation Service as containing Pamlico muck (North Carolina hydric soil). Hydrology of the area appears to be dependant on seasonal precipitation and concomitant lake levels. According to available information, including aerial photography, the Bladen County soil survey, and USGS 7.5' Quadrangles, the wetlands were contiguous with White Lake proper; however, recent and historical filling on this property has removed this surface water connection and movement of water to and from the site is apparently through subsurface flow and precipitation. The problem with standing water has likely been aggravated over the past year due to above normal rainfall in the area. The applicant further states that at one time the area he proposes to fill and the adjacent properties were drained through a series of ditches through the neighboring subdivision. Based on available information, the area the applicant proposes to fill represents the only unfragmented and otherwise reasonably undisturbed wetland remaining on White Lake. The stated purpose of the proposed work is to develop the area into residential sites with access to the waters of White Lake. Plans showing the work are included with this public notice. A similar proposal to fill and landscape the property was considered under Public Notice 199300498 dated May 27, 1993. N -2- The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need foz the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No DA permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this worksite is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or'threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it'would be contrary to the public interest. _ -3- The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments.from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this DA permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The DEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the DA permit serves as application to the DEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Salisbury Street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any erson requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management plans to take final action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification on or after April 25, ?94. 1 persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Wa er Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687, on or before April 18, 1994, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Scott McLendon, until 4:15 p.m., April 29, 1994, or telephone (919) 251-4725. 1 U11 CYPRESS CREEK gA Y •?1 LAX9 un saw a I.w / ' InL IttL lm Ip , \, . +f • +? l1O \, LW \ V /IA/ 9 T: 'i • ' L • IA ` If11 • IA •• /W /•? J J BIG COLLY BA , w . 1 lltl _' • 1 \? 1.1 IBI I1'N ?. 1/ l01 III1 S UL lisp UA • { b-. \ Ull ILn Itil t 11 taL v UAL SALTERS LIKE Q ILl tJ•1 1n?ne/ 1 \ •:i•. 0 I>r.? IIIL V' IONS + ? LAKE QI) Illi X. ? 4 \ LAW •'t?; ? 111) \ ? :C. i•, loli , ? ? WN4 W C36 ?+? ??' IIH \ ,, III. Ay's r1 LAW .59'. L4 • bYrr? VOWN L"M 33 Ut + 41 N Mr.w Y Illl ..,, UIL SLamETHTO ?. «c. ? /O.1Jl1 .K .LAM IYm 1J?l. ? ? ItJI l? ?ti taa +P IM, • II11 SINGL rARY LAKE i C ta/ L. PE, 07 o v t 1993 p fSAM WJ4r6, As I •? y Ul?v+AJS I?a?v . rJ??•v? fa, 4 S a; f 1W e _ s scs 1 c?K9c •i P,?ves 1 ?_•? 1? 1 s sA a? 1 3sb ' o ??? 4,2 M S rv ? Z.z -mot A` ?~,c?,R" Ad ? ? pr.P• ?• i ??D ? atv ? To ,$ t r, ti-BCD ?`?c's9 10 1 ? ?p?y ?yir per" t t 14Ni'oo.* 1 ? ?? S'''?' 'lea , /?•'F .-G? 1' `I 1 ?\\ s 0,?? ?` ' J/ P ropr OAP, ' 4'0'if,ty . "I ?,- \ \ ? R?? t ?? •?? ' / / b? /alb o?'''?1??? qI 4. 00 loll ,4t/ L4- ?"SI:, ?.?t17T"6?af •IWJ N-:-zr:P ?r•:...f^. ??!F:? "_, z.. .• 1 ? J _ _ ._ _. -.. ?...?. .. .... Q P?04A _. ?Y?'Qf 02 01? ' jet _, I, 41 . r`?. tie .. ? • {, ? ? ( 1 i •- . CC t 1 I c? UUX ...iij •.,• I . / I PU6H ?. ' . .'' Lake ' "Plate • 36 AICA 0 , I PF06F 5 ---1137 AVO 40 !? PueHX . ` I i ? I ?RE1? t . ?F01A a - I )1c rn •1 's' ? • ? g ??vaN ? ?.` PF06F I MIC ?T D3/1 6 60"_ _.?, PFo1c ?' •. U.S.. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERI FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE PF'O4/IB Prepared by National Wetlands Inventory L Feet 5 000 10 001 1 2 3 Kip Scale - 1:24000 T-eA +f?? ?? •?. ?. „.a?i?:?' -rte 1 'l ?.. f? ,?•l?•.T r?• YiV •r » ?. p -a 1._.? :. ,. LaB M Ud' L e A -'1 RZ Le ice y ti Pay.; '"'} \? ?r=U ?JE S?D r • .. . V+? e:...' . . • ? X13 cz Ws B. ?- SfD Pa' R,0 e? ATE a k e Pa. LeA` 1 LY l -i?C1 Whit • ....?,•??•`. •.?,,.' '` •?•` .Aril. '? A .1 II•I ? ?Jr?\ '? , ? •_? ? "?"r_. 0.? ?.:'4.?• i•'?:?-e"?''`?;?:??.'S'%X,;,-?• ? -?!?rle„i•a? -.x;47'1. - ,?, r'• ., '\. -dI .. ? ter- -•r? :,r- ? \.?,,?. ?,. ? ?` ? -rM- ''W` ,••?.,• ?' JI ? •?i?.. '' - -+?• •+?r- ? - Ill' -'? ?-+?•-? ?i L lo 601;'x" -dI J • / \ -a - AYE- . opt i s -??- 4VI WtL 2 Lak 66 -dip- ?W?• ?- \\ L., ?' IZ- % -dI lip 1Yl•. 47 2, ite 441- A ake ate., ? ?,?7 ? ? -+?- ?- it _ , •-?-?? < ???- '1 ? \\\- ?? ? %? \1?===== ?L_ ? ?- -.rte 7ftI 60- 16M ??IL - JRP -, +0 +- d.f, rf 4d k? ., u'ti Pat N(t)lej ? ? kW Tai wdull- Lzkcl? ?r r ?s Pell-la?.e' aG.?.t tv? -? tad,.e w Aa 4? ca)-p u6v t?- 69, CA Ack- o'- dew ?? /' U bo-400VT )6vj ej- ?t w 'k C-?k YY16A A?ff, 0 ?Otk- <0n 5A I .I?o ?,.DO.?M„?{- - Am,? 's9 yr 90. (lam S+Fo C'° Avo YES m?jlrol-2,E?i?ncrm 1(yv I vlo 44, v I ? '1 j I i U G 1, KJ J a v C7 Lumberton Surgical Associates, 3001 North Elm Street Lumberton, NC 28358-2984 DOUGLAS H. CLARK, M.D.,FACS (retired) WARREN L. WILLIAMSON, M.D.,FACS PETER L. VILLANI, M.D.,FACS SAMUEL E. BRITT, M.D.,FACS FREDRIK P. TOLIN, M.D. April 13, 1994 N. C. Division of Environmental Management P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Sir: r Ps APR 1 8 1994 WLTL - - WATT TELEPHONE (910) 738-8556 FAX (910) 738-2275 We would like to strongly oppose the application of Keith & Baldwin to fill in wetlands and build a lake on the Keith property at White Lake. Being long time summer residents of the Lake, in the vicinity of the Keiths, we have observed many changes during the years: Filling in the "swamp side" by Tilden Walker to form what is now Waterford and Turtle Cove, filling in the wetlands on the eastern area for the camping-mobile home region of Clearwater Beach, formation of a pond across the street from the old Crystal Beach area and others. The Keith property is the only remaining wetland adjacent to White Lake and is the home for turtles, ducks, great blue herons and other wildlife. Several years ago water moved freely to and fro from White Lake to this wetland, depending on the rainfall. Since sand has been illegally brought in to the lake front on the property, this is no longer possible and resulted in the flooding at Turtle Cove last year and the standing water by highway 701- 41. Subsequently, the owners filled in more 4rea than they had a permit for. Are they now to be rewarded for their misdeeds by allowing them to fill in more land and build a lake, thus further altering the water table? What will you tell Turtle Cove developers if they reapply with a similar request to one that was denied several years ago? Where will the turtles find a log to be seen on? Where will the mallard ducklings, pileated woodpeckers, and great blue herons find a refuge? "I pledge myself to pursue the practice of surgery with honesty and to place the welfare and the rights of my patient above all else. l promise to deal with each patient as l would wish to be dealt with if / were in the patient's position. " --from the American College of Surgeons' Fellowship Pledge Page 2 White Lake is already crowded by people and boats during the summer. We beg of you to limit further development and to preserve the last remaining wetlands. We hope that this application will be denied. sincerely you s, Caroryn Jordan Clark Dougl s H. Clark, M. D. c DHC/mf "/pledge myself to pursue the practice of surgery with honesty and to place the welfare and the rights of my patient above ell else. 1 promise to deal with each patient as / would wish to be dealt with if / were In the patient's position. " --from the American College of Surgeons' Fellowship Pledge 1,-?l 5 /Q4 1''V. John Dorsey Environmental Nnnnrrement lox W760 Weigh, NC Dear Mr. Horsey: Th i s is i n rpma rd to th" K PI 3W dw-i_n nronosal. to dig a 4-acre lake bed and f-i1._l in 19 ,-acres of f 1 oodcd bay wetland: in 31_-den CounLy r d iico rt to !hi t w lake "i_t-hout cin imbrn close acquai_nUnce with the Clean Ater Ict, I can speak from more than 50 years' obser- vnti on of ' hi to lake. It in ,n R ha1 low lake which used to be regarded as sl,ri_nq-Fed, with th adjacent swamnland w! lc:h added ho the waLer volume in the aren and helped to ;;t ahi_lUc the water level in the Take. Tn recent yunrs, much of the sw Yen filled in Cor development Ns residential drv sen so"s the water level falls (ors much as IS normal , on record) , hka ,,)Iona line of the and vc,q-Kt,ion uprooted her "nw(w Opts =;dhe to rot Nod stink. qmp nren has property. In 15 i ncha:s ae- We recedes, onto the shore, 'h-i_U Take bias had shout as much man-made de- velopmnHt and mouse as it, can lake. In my opinion, one of the petiti onern Cor the d i q-,sand.C! 1 1 permit n1_r envy is guilty or environmPntal mi_smanagpment-, and nbusn, N yd has been humored by regulatory agencies to ran extPut 7rent"r Lhan wnrrranted by the circumstances. T_n the public i ntr,r pqt, for rrotoc.t,i on of the envlronracnt, of a great natural resource, it is urgently re- quc:sted the t cprti fi.cnti on of Ws project be denied. ( rv truly, ( Jack Sh<ar1) Y 1015 Riverside 31vd. Lumberton, HC 28358 ' APR 191994 i aNE?f I_r'?i?'.? J , April 16,1994 ! j APR 19 1994 ., i N.C. Division of Environmental Management Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7687 Dear Environmental Management Officials: X11 , I am writing in regard to the application filed by Thomas Keith and Larry Baldwin of the Land Management Group in Wilmington to develop the area into residential sites with access to White Lake. Plans show the proposed excavation of a 4.1-acre lake in the center of the 29-acre tract and the deposit of the spoil material over the remainder of the property. I would llike to call to your attention that White Lake is one of the unique bay areas in Southeastern North Carolina. It is a crystal clear, shallow body of water formerly fed by springs, renewed by the water table regenerated by adjacent wetlands. The eco-system of the lake is fragile and already suffering from overdevelopment. The Keith land is some of the last remaining adjacent wetlands. It is unfortunate that Mr. Keith filled in seven acres last year when he only was given permission to fill two acres. It is a sad sight to see the dying trees and vegetation, especially the wonderful old cypress trees. There seems to be little or no correction of this so-called mistake. I have been going to White Lake for over 50 years, and it is sad to see the consequences of overdevelopment. It is said that there has been some flooding in developments near Mr. Keith's land, and there is water standing near the highway. This did not happen before Mr. Keith filled in seven acres of lowlands. Needless to say, this standing water breeds mosquitoes and has other undesirable effects. There is no way the water can remain clear and environmentally desirable if Mr. Keith is allowed to proceed with his plan to change the natural environment of White Lake, which is one of the most beautiful and desirable natural resources in the world. Thank you for your attention to this matter. cc: Governor James Hunt Head of the Department of Natural Resources Congressman Charles Rose Senator Lauch Faircloth Senator David Parnell Sincerely, Helen S. Sharpe 1015 Riverside Blvd. Lumberton, N.C. 28358 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N, Schecter, Director April S, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. A. Preston Howard, P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland `404' Coordinator SUBJECT: `404' Project Review ED F= F=1 The attached U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199301539 dated March 31, 1994 describing a proposed project by Mr. Thomas Keith is being circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by April 29, 1994. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. . 1?1 Signed Date P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 March 30, 1994 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch I Action ID No. 199401539 Mr. John Dorney APR 5 1994 . Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of ---. _...-„ . " Environment, Health and AIL (Ll1iGi1;; i;! Natural Resources Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed is the application of Thomas Keith for Depa rtment of the Army authorization and a State Water Quality Certification to excavate a 4.1 acre pond and to fill approximately 18 acres of wetlands adjac ent to White Lake. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification is required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, in most cases, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if you have not acted on the request, or asked for an extension of time, by April 28, 1994, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or comments may be addressed to Scott McLendon, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (910) 251-4725. Sincerely, W.e Wrigh egulatory Branch Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Thomas Keith c/o Mr. Larry Baldwin Land Management Group, Inc. Post Office Box 2522 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 cad y Tom Keith & Associates, Inc. BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS Tom J. Keith, MAI, ASA John H. Ploeger D. Keith McDonald Derrieck E. Pool J. Clayton Mauldin D. Jeff Allen, MBA Robert W. Dodge RECEIVED FEB 9 19"4 IEGUiATORY RNIC9 February 7, 1994 Dr. G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Department of the Army Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers PO Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 RE: White Lake Application. Dear Dr. Wright: 121 S. Cool Spring Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910) 323-3222 Fax (910) 323-1180 Fred R. Keith, LLD 1970-1988 I have enclosed an application for dredge and fill for 18.5 acres at White Lake, NC. I believe this application addresses the issues and concerns of the other agencies. You will note that I have not requested any offsite drainage which seems to present a problem in the previous applications. If I can furnish any additional information, please advise. Sincerely, Tom Keith DEM III: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit ft JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide-permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER bEPA??? OF ARMY P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, P . Boy 29 r REVsQURCES pSCEAN15) Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 _ 9 jn(.J, ATTN: MR SOHN DORNEY ?Eg Tel hone (919) 733-5083 -4 ep ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO TI? IIvEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: ''1'o ry? J IC-F_ l r14 2. Owners Address: 12-1 5 • Coo 5 A 2I a c. 5 7-, F4!1 4+1 t'P- ?t c-LF_ "C- zt' 3 0/ 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): 9 IQ - `?? 3 - V 7Y o (Work); q IB - 3 Z-? - 3 zz-z 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number. 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: P-31 1- a• n E.--% Nearest Town or City: W t_ YA- VC- F C Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): V S 7b 1 6. Name of Closest Stream/River. CA ?? F¢- r? 2 i y r' St?o 7. River Basin: c?A E 1<e A4L IZ V e r 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES [ ] NO K 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [) NO L4 If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: - 6 -?Z• <,z 1 ;1 Drained: Flooded Excavated: Total Impacted: 12. Desctiption of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8 1R" X 11' drawings only):. 13. Purpose of proposed work: "D Ey_ E-R P - cw'rs' - 26' S t oa wr ??? S crs s w A C- "s -? w a?'C.?s • t w ?? %r¢ t.r? tits , 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures. taken to minimize wetland impacts. ?S o o'1-?v +-?v R 2aa ie. ?-?g L? - J AfCA1 15 A n., a c6 •.? ?- Td c?.?..riRS 00 4aAl isr 440eo 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed orproposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES [ ] NO RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of histo ' properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [ ) NO [] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM: - A. Wetland delineatiot'i ap showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes onffie property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands b be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is.required for this project, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? 2 e4 10 rL -r- ?- F If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? 0,--4 Owner's Signature Date ? Q cd ? ?n V ) N 0 ? O CC) N ?O > i w .? w C- O cV c- t}3?_ 9 o oo - \o c? a> U] (\! tel. ll ^ a U] •r1 A CL O •rl O i' Q Pa 40 • U O r-A O c d ?. Y Pi r W rn ?i m a? p H z () N Ib co W J b O F-+ .A J O N Ul \ 0 z H wz n O n7 ttxj 'b H U1 z ''i7 y 13 U O o M b O li H H ? b O H 13 O C C C ?.o trj (n CZ C7 id H 1 , i 0 O rn bby y 0 O M A Z M C y t7j ? O C) ~j ?d O z 1 la - 17a J 1 - A LM tat ? tt'7o'- ? ( tat IR: E MO1?"D1 utLL tat CYPRESS CREEK BAY ? ,\ ? ? le'i' •1 ter tLLn r Ie0 III[ Nti ?k'• • • f lat till ?• Im IIM • `7 1911111 ?f ? ? ? is :. Igo ,, f ow ? .. lm lool, list BIG COLLY BAY \ ? Itu =1 1 r.l ItU ? 710 t md tni 1. lm /„t 7 Z lae Lai Ito SMRTf?MD .0 ?+ ' • ?? IOI 111t un At la! v LIM SALTERS Q \ • EI LIKE W, 1 uw - , i luertejIs ?J 1,3 V+• MN? ? ` \ qtr 06 L.I K?. O ` 1711'x!, • , IiY • `\ BAY 7 i u •';i: ,• 171) wmm 1.6, list Igo 06 Tvw?r.r.e At ,a, \ S u ?e VAM MA u Us , t 11 V 1N/fLTt' p. eN .-s, ./ M ` IIII LAKL? UIL 1? > k _ E11?6ETHTOW I ow. Los I '4'' •>. WOW NS „ 7v . • s SINCLLTARY 11+177 / LIKE t+ Lai 1 f ! 1? ! 1l1! d I1? • \) l ? 1 tLS ?r t ? • J 77 um pF t , , • Ile1 ""'? ,,,. _ 1401 t..j C.. Oak al tow V 5 _? 1993 fl?tnGM?T6/? As ACCA ,VPAI - wJ?1?(+?w14 y Ul .CV All 1 ?c?t? . isrw? /'1d'J ?, S e i m Iw c+?r9t •s p.0lei E o ?1 M 5 r Z ,? dNO ti ?QI?6 A 4. Au AwACt 0, T? i re.??oott?l ?? ^d cty ,l To 9 t r.64,Co rv a, l M. L" , per"? 1 1 N iii. 1 Nw? ?.i0 it in - ' 1 00, ? \ r Poo ?, OFF 00 J / 2?ran5 ? 4ol TG'?`?°= .E'6"ry fir/A? / ?• I - P?04A rn PIJUX . • _ i 701 You" r? ? ? ? v Q Whi Lake i PFobF PUBHx ---- - - -- 3837 I f PFOIA d i ,40IC ?FO1F \ MIN PF06F i 1/3% f . y ? I M1C QFO1C?', /h c `• ?s i if. Pf01C • ?'''• U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ?F04-/Ig ?N FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Prepared by National wetlands inventory 5 000 T.r.???? Imo. Cr' , Pa Pa Ci?'?$C ep` ? ? r LeA- i 1 Scale - 1:24000 J. • -,, W. L 2 Lagn 1-Y'1. a rY w U d r L +., LeA. -? 'r i q-1 Le co ? " FV J . N k+ it Feet 10 000 3 Kilo We.ers L J LeA LeA „U d Ar Iv I -tom CO %J SID White 5/A ATE a k e L 'IW 90 NO1 N! I D L 'b SOVONSSOHO :711089 A &0l 4J/H rw ,l >1n1 dHt/WO1 :? =* I I IW q(' NC)SN/ u L L" !w I µ I > -IN ft mV7 zLIHM) 60 4a (0 Piz! ^il ^ ( N I )AI .4? y II ,t if ' I I o 14 4 r ca I 14 r li ' Q6 I A 1. ?; v rv\? 41- I I ?I,," ? ? ? I?I 1 11 I ?'? ? ?I i •? ?, f ,? r 41 lie CO L ' O ' h ? I I ? off D?r,,• ? ? 0 , a , l - ?/, ? ` ? ? ?. q -''`' , r 1 17 1 } '? II vJ •el 0 0 \ \ . V. all \?? ?' , I ? I ? s ? ? ? ?• ,111 I .. ? ? / ?. ? / \ ' •• •\ N • I )1iIv, 1': YEP?WT FO;J P ?.rt r )T')vii r•!!??;" I?')?.i;?, r•,1,?. pe i, 1 )11T1"' . `?? `11-oy t .': r } i '. ' }+F, A )•,,?:11ril1';Jl l ?'!'1 ( 1'I,' t•l !.'i )u ! ;(-d +' 7? i 1' I' !, i ? ' ?+'!t . , I: To H 1 I?t1?,M 1'Ll _ )? ' ,J ,.. _P+?'. I ?, I T •!rP : 1) 4 '.1_111,M 1 1 .> ! )'IAN'r' NAM?: `T'11OMA:-'1 1C!,1'1T' f °.??+ ? +!, ,.,?,, ,rrYl?L': I='1 ; 1:h)F?C•1'I'? A1? !'l tt:030& i`.!i_): !1)1(!':) 11i 'Wilt I I'll) Via! )! IN? ' - '?rJl._E?_T?;t?1)L;;='TF;L): -f rZ??Z Ac.R?-s ,! I ?)}? I?. ! tt) : ?g. (5 IRA Tab 7-X2 .93) P C'L'l (:P''I'To N' : 'Y ti'IITI)_:A'1I)?ON- ? IY1S: It ?pjj. (40 WA'I'EI? IMPAt "11,J) ''; f' l 1J.'.': Y Fn 11I'1 (1,r T I "N lily 1=IE : '`1D YG1: 1 1?;'ffTr;_`! ICI !•'I; IiIE'°)"'' . !I I: WHTIAN1) 1?ATI- CTS; ,`.1Hl:II' A'I"I'A1` 1, 1?! RE,("OMMEN1)A`1' 1 f:fl f r _i r c 1 )I?;I"Y )'11V[1 hd'1', Red :i-r •?1-.? 1 Or r J - -? U1o at, 7 FR.? APR ? 7 IPy/l t l PREL I M I NARY 4 04 WETLANDS MAP OF THE TOM KE I TH TRACT (--- 2 S _ 6 Ac ) AS TO CURRENT F I LL & NON-F I 1-LEI) AREAS WHITE LAKE - BLADEN COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA 41 G• VI ON 'ro " KwY 41 Turn-Off-- ,0 `O? &?• 0 O0O?p oea 0? 0oo0 ?IG °000° 0 °o° o° ° 0 OO ° e $ • ° . o° o V• O ° ? 0 . 4- Vol 53 4.,,o lell1 s'Ire, d?. rr ?pondl SCALE: 1 Inch = 200 FqFmE? t (Wetland Lines Approx) MARCH - 1994 +, oB o 00 DISTURBED NATURAL UPLAND AREAS (~1.0 Acres) ° oo °o 0 uooo° Flagged with "pink/black-striped" ribbon. + 4- +4 t t t +,? \ r? f ++t ttt+4 fti It t 14 t t tit t 4- t N Se 00 ?w rr7.7 1_1 .1 OLD HISTORIC (<1985) FILL. ACTIVITY BEFORE 404 JURISDICTION. Flagged with "pink/black-striped" ribbon. (-3.0 Acres) ttt f + '-'PREVIOUS 4/16/92 NWP-#26 FILL (-2.6 Acres). -t + fi - NON-PERMITTED FILL IN 404 WETLANDS IN PROCESS OF RESTORATION (^•3.5 Acres). OLD HISTORIC (<1985) ROAD FILL. ACTIVITY BEFOR e - EXISTING MAN-MADE POND (~0.3 Acres). - UNDISTURBED 404 WETLANDS (-17.1 Acres). 28.6 Acres Total. E 404 JURISDICTION (~1.1 Acres). ?0. CFq` coacs 1.. F. BALOWNJ .:: CERil 6 PROFESS1ONk i ' -vJL SCIR(rray/ "";2 i Land Maingf8m fan t Group . I rice PRELIMINARY 404 WETLANDS MAP OF THE TOM KE I TH TRACT (^-2 8 . 6 Ac ) AS TO CURRENT F I LL & NON-F7 I L1-ED AREAS WHITE LAKE - BLADEN COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA al HIONY Turn-off`" Q 41 ?IwA? 10l & 11•C' o oe N0o °ooooo°' U5, °oeo°o°p Oeoo so eo' JD oo .01Oe O LlJ 1A`?1 vll`% v' V0 53 + n/ 11 P°ndl s r. I r ++? or +tt+f rn r ?I Z?-I F?fs \ i i i + ++ t }?-?1if i -f t } + -t- h t t 4- tit ,- do ge A () ?( 5 1 SCF.LE Inch = \ 200 Fc-aot (Wetland Lines Approx) MARCH - 1994 1 n _ II/ oe o DISTURBED NATURAL UPLAND AREAS (^•1.0 Acres) noo Flagged with "pink/black-striped" ribbon. .'' OLD HISTORIC (<1985) FILL. ACTIVITY BEFORE 404 JURISDICTION. Flagged with "pink/black-striped" ribbon. ("3.0 Acres) t 1- t ?.! fem.. it + PREVIOUS 4/16/92 NWP-1126 FILL (•-2.6 Acres). - NON-PERMITTED FILL IN 404 WETLANDS IN PROCESS OF RESTORATION (-3.5 Acres). e- OLD HISTORIC (<1985) ROAD FILL. ACTIVITY BEFORE 404 JURISDICTION (-1.1 Acros). ' EXISTING MAN-MADE POND (-0.3 Acres). E*ac FIFO UNDISTURBED 404 WETLANDS (-17.1 Acres). :.,°?'. L.F. snlnww i 28.6 Acres Total. cnt teo anoresslosAL ? 'OIL SCICMISi/ :.y CLASSIFiEn Exp I..flrl(j MPik riL,e3m4ubri L G rouL> I r,? ;- N.C. DEFT. OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O.'Box 27687 Ralcigh, N.C. 27611 TELECGP Y TO: FAX NUMBER: FROM., N INIO. OF PAGES LNCLUDJNG THIS SKEET: Environmental Sciences Eranch FAX (919) 733-9959 HONE: ?? C;)? COH3 ENITS: State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director April 29, 199 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Clark Lumberton Surgical Associates, P.A. 3001 North Elm Street Lumberton, North Carolina 28358-2984 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Clark: A XF05AWAA g4*7* IE) F= F1 U [?[ 0d n MAY 4 994 WETLANDS L;k?JUP WATER QLbOTY `'? Thank you for sharing your concerns about Keid wetlands and build a lake on property at White Lake. Management considered many of the points you raisea as part of its review of the project. The Division's Water Quality Section has completed a review of the plans for wetlands fill for 22 acres at White Lake in Bladen County for pond and residential development. Based upon this review, we have identified significant uses which would be removed by the project. These uses include water storage, pollutant removal, wildlife habitat and aquatic life habitat. Furthermore, we found insufficient evidence to conclude that the project must be built in wetlands. Therefore, we are moving toward denial of certification to fill wetlands as part of this project. Until we receive additional information which causes us to change this opinion, we are requesting that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and/or the Division of Coastal Management place the project on administrative hold. If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to contact John Dorney in our Water Quality Section at (919) 733-1786. Sincer, , A. Preston Howard, Jr. APH:dgr cc: Fayetteville Regional Office Jllft,Dmey, DEM-WQ P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper RECEIVED NORTH CAROLINA FEB a 1995 State Museum of Natural Sciences ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES FOUNDED 1 879 PRA N10H 30 January 1995 MEMO TO: John Dorney, DEM/DEHNR FROM: Alvin Braswell, N.C. State Museum of Nat:. Sci. SUBJECT: Evaluation of Keith property in Bladen County. The wetlands part of the property I visited on 29 December 1994 with you, Cheri Smith, Karen Lynch, and Marshall Wyatt should, in my opinion, be described as a cypress--qum swamp Or as a rlonriverine swamp forest as defined by SChafale and Wedkley (1990, Classification of the Natural Communities of. N.C., Third Approximation). Some pocosin-like vegetation occurs around the margins of the swamp, but the dominant vegetation and hydrology of the site is not what you would find in a pocosin. There was evidence that Bald Cypress was once a dominant tree on the site. Water levels appeared to be about: Normal for the winter and spring seasons based on the growth form of the vegetation and the location of mosses on the base of trees. Little amphibian or reptile activity was observed on this trip as one would expect given the season and weather conditions. However, the, site appeared to be a relatively high quality wetland that should support a diverse herpetofauna. The average pH of the site was relatively low (about: 1.5 = DEM data, early Jan 1995), but still within the suitable range for most amphibian species inhabiting the region. Approximately 47 amphibian and reptile species likely occur on the site during the course of a normal year (See attached list). Several other species that occur in Bladed County could be found on the site, but the probability of their occurrence is less than those listed. Amphibians observed on this brief visit included the Southern Cricket Frog (Acris gryllus) and the Southern Toad f3uto terrestris Also, several individuals of the Mud Minnow Umbra py maea) were seen. Several bird species were seen during my visit, and mammal signs were common. A sizable wildlife population appears to use the site. A detailed, site-specific: analysis would require field survey work over the course of a year or more to determine the majority of species using the site. Conversion of the site by filling the wetlands would certainly impact negatively on the wildlife resources of the site and the surrounding areas, and would also impact negatively on the physical functioning of a relatively high quality swamp forest. Development activities would be predicted to alter the structure of wildlife and plant communities and cause reduced numbers of individuals and species for most forms currently using the site. Betsy Bennett, Director Bicentennial Plaza P.O. Box 29555 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626 FAX (919) 733-1573 (919) 733-7450 A Division of the North Carolina DeparUnenl of 1'.nviIonrnent, I lea It It, and Natural Resources Amphibian and Reptile species likely to he found on the Keith property visited on 29 December 1999 by A.L. BraswelI, et., al.: AMPHIBIANS: Siren intermedia (Lesser Siren) Amphiuma means (Amphiuma) Not-o hthalmus viridescens Eastern Newt Desmoc?nathus auriculatus (Southern Dusky Salamander) Stereochilus marginatus (Many-lined Salamander) Plethodon chiorobryonis (Atlantic Coast Slimy Salamander) --------- -- Eurycea cirric?era (Southern Two-lined Salamander) Eurycea quadridigitata (Dwarf :salamander) Bufo t:errestris (Southern 'road) Acris yllus (Southern Cricket Frog) Hyla cirrerea (Green Treefrog) Hyla chr ssoscelis (Cope's Gray Treefrog) P3eudacris Crucifer (Spring Peeper) Pseudacris_nigrita (Southern Chorus Frog) - - - -- ------ Gastro hr-ne carolinensis (Eastern Narrowmouth Toad Rana catesbeiana (Bullfrog) Rana clam_itans (Green Frog) Rana 2alust.r-is (Pickerel Frog) Rana utricularia (Southern Leopard Frog) Rana virgatiRes (Carpenter Frog) REPTILES: Chelydra serpentine (Common Snapping Turtle) Kinosternon_ba_urii (Striped Mud Turtle) Sternotherus odoratus (Common Musk Turtle) Clemmys_ guttata (Spotted Turtle) Deirochelys_reticularia (Chicken Turtle) Pseudemys concinna (Cooter) ---------- Tracheas scripta (Yellowbelly Slider) Anolis_c_arolinensis (Carolina Anole) Eumeces inex ectatus S.E. Five-lined Skink Eumeces la_ticeps (Broadhead Skink) ,,cincella lateralis ((;round Skink) Cnemidophorus sexlineatus (Six-lined Racerunner) Carphophis - amoenus (Worm Snake) Coluber cons_tric_tor (Black Racer) Diadophi-s punctatus (Ringneck Snake) E1aphe--obsoleta (Rat Snake) Farancia abacura (Mud Snake) Heterodon ?latirhinos (Eastern Hognose Snake) Lampropeltis getula (Eastern Kingsnake) Nerodia erythrogaster (Redbelly Water Snake) Nerodia fasciata (Banded Water Snake) Opheodrys aestivus (Rough Green Snake) Semirlatrix pygaea paludis (Carolina Swamp Snake) Stor-eria dekayi (Brown Snake) 'rhamno his sirtalis Eastern Garter Snake Agkistrodon contortrix (Copperhead) Ackistrodon iscivorus Cottonmouth MEMO f -? DATE: TO: SUBJECT: k Vk 4) Vim' Q 64 (a ((-ed 10'. 1 t? k, -T(r" yo'-- {- n VV-() CA ,a. a STATE a 3 North Carolina Department of Environment ?y Pd Health, and Natural Resources nted on Recycled Paper ??? Wnrs vda -60 M6 tom- -?r- = -- - -dip- - - 7Z L/ 5 000 1 Scale - 1:24000 pa J^ o 2 Feet 1000( 3 Kii, 1^°.er ------ ----- Time WHILE YOU WERE OUT EA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION ED PLEASE CALL S EE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN > EE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL vo -r, `1 3:z3 '32 z_ Signed vironment, health, `andtNJ-11 -11"W ?? Printed-R.-,]......,.. PTD A 'UUX ; .z Z i , PU6 Hx )IC ??1F IB J )Olt ?l g?BHz Qz • l - _ oQ f •I c V I 1 . 0.. ?• bit, r• Lake ' I ;tnrr. 3B I TL/y*f a 4.4eW PEMI _ P?ObF . rwowS 3837 ?? I i .9REj¢ PF01A d - i - I rn I UUI N I I PF06F ! I 1?q c. ?FOIC QF01C• ? • - . PF03/IB ?: Y • /. U.S•. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR -FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE • `? Prepared by National Wetlands inventory r• S Cf 1\1 ? T'I Co 1 /993 t all fiG?? 1 vsrrjVAr67 AS 1 p'r'o. ?- _ - _ m•?p N o Sy scs 1 1 P? Q•f dD 1 . 14 4i(LA MUAI o e 41 1? 1 l ?f ,cRxe p P,d. Pcty? Qn?vtousU11 1 Pr+?P• :1 ` To ,g t r, ccco a. t ?... ?-*.ut 1 Pe o pow S?,i? fir 1 1 A-0.9-C S•?" O `? L: 1 F? w? 1 t"Io /r,6 top 0 top Ff?,P / lie 4e/ z f / I 1xm Lot CYPRESS CREEK SAY uit vrf •` ua LM r• low "Is t tart LUL tm 1 /r1 • If0 two Lin lift , 1 E IoM `' .. son BIG COLLY RAY\ r, 1 i ni r f. L ? L r.r rfu to I `! S lal r tit. rts. ?• '. 1/ Ia yi o w 1 f0 y(!f?!S j t]fL ••f•1? POND r>v \ tnt un a t tat . v :• 13it SALTERS LAKE ? 1JY \ un ? ` EI 10 I some ?J ,r> ION b.0.4 06 LLLL LAN QAY 1wr .. \ ? ? Mlr/ {r+ ?'` • • loot \ A uu 06 loot '?' u ?• wwtl wa 13 UK I'a 12 Wh= .V 1» •? } 1111 ULLL aaA&ETHTOW LAN 1? ? LDCx \ V 1 ? x. r ' SINCLETAURE r. 7 + cwt rr .f .? Inn I un D l 1 it" P it P?, -3- The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this DA permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The DEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the DA permit serves as application to the DEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Salisbury Street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management plans to take final action in the issuance of the Clean Water Act certification on or after April 25, 1994. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687, on or before April 18, 1994, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Scott McLendon, until 4:15 p.m., April 29, 1994, or telephone (919) 251-4725. -2- The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No DA permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this worksite is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. 19g 41ANA(;?d9, OJT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID. 199401539 March 31, 1994 PUBLIC NOTICE MR. THOMAS KEITH, c/o MR. LARRY BALDWIN, LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC., Post Office Box 2522, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402, has applied for a Department of the Army Permit (DA) TO CONSTRUCT A 4.1 ACRE LAKE AND TO FILL APPROXIMATELY 18 ACRES OF FLOODED BAY FOREST WETLAND ADJACENT TO White Lake, Bladen County, North Carolina. The following description of work is taken from information provided by the applicant and from observations made during on-site inspections by representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show the proposed excavation of a 4.1 acre lake in the center of the 29 acre tract and the deposition of the resultant spoil material over the remainder of the property. All excavated and spoil areas are jurisdictional wetlands. If necessary, the applicant proposes to utilize an off-site borrow area for additional fill material. The applicant also states that all surface drainage will be into the proposed lake and that no off-site drainage will occur. It is expected that the vegetative community will be removed through this action. Adverse impacts to waters and wetlands of the United States associated with this project total approximately 22 acres. Currently, the area contains standing water at depth of +/- 1.5 feet that has encroached upon the Highway 701 right-of-way and adjacent filled areas in the Turtle Cove subdivision. The wetland area is typical of a Bay Forest with the dominant plant community consisting of Gordonia lasianthus (loblolly bay), N ssa aquati?ca L. (tupelo gum), Acer rubrum (recmap e)and Pinus taeda (loblolly pine). Understory vegetation is dense and is compose primarily of L onia lucida (fetterbush), Ilex coriacea (gallberry), and C rilla racemiflora (t1t1).___TTe_entire site has' een mappecT_by the Soil Conservation service as containing Pamlico muck (North Carolina hydric soil). Hydrology of the area appears to be dependant on seasonal precipitation and concomitant lake levels. According to available information, including aerial photography, the Bladen County soil survey, and USGS 7.5' Quadrangles, the wetlands were contiguous with White Lake proper; however, recent and historical filling on this property has removed this surface water connection and movement of water to and from the site is apparently through subsurface flow and precipitation. The problem with standing water has likely been aggravated over the past year due to above normal rainfall in the area. The applicant further states that at one time the area he proposes to fill and the adjacent properties were drained through a series of ditches through the neighboring subdivision. Based on available information, the area the applicant proposes to fill represents the only unfragmented and otherwise reasonably undisturbed wetland remaining on White Lake. The stated purpose of the proposed work is to develop the area into residential sites with access to the waters of White Lake. Plans showing the work are included with this public notice. A similar proposal to fill and landscape the property was considered under Public Notice 199300498 dated May 27, 1993. 9-91r"a- _Iftaln??_wy 5"oll .dl Allice .9%x. 2522 ??cGncim?lim, ./Ya!/a ?4m &m 28402 3c? 9,19-452-0001 ?. ?iuu? ?ieout DATE: APRIL 20, 1994 APR 2 7 1994 .?ui(e 74 .Y805 ?X?u?/c?o+H,//c .,rlrmxc °Wc/rici,ylmc, M 28403 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO ARMY CORPS 03/31/94 LETTER CONCERNING ACTION I.D. #199401539 AS TO AVOIDANCE-MINIMIZATION- MITIGATION WITHIN 404 WETLANDS OF THE TOM KEITH TRACT ("'28.6 Acres) FOR A 4.1 ACRE LAKE AND 18.5 ACRES FILL. TRACT LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WHITE LAKE & SOUTH OF U.S. HWY 701/N.C. HWY 41, BLADEN COUNTY, N.C. TO: MR. SCOTT McLENDON MR. WAYNE WRIGHT & REGULA'T'ORY BRANCH ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 (910) 251-4725 MR. TOM KEITH 121 S. COOL SPRING STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28301 (910) 323-3222 THIS IS IN RESPONSE TO THE ARMY CORPS' REQUEST TO ADDRESS AVOID- ANCE, MINIMIZATION, AND/OR MITIGATION (DA/EPA MOA 2/6/90) ISSUES AS THEY RELATE TO THE TOM KEITH INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT APPLICATION (ID #199401539) FOR A 4.1 ACRE LAKE AND 18.5 ACRES FILL WITHIN 404 WETLANDS. THE TOM KEITH TRACT IS -28.6 ACRES IN TOTAL SIZE AND HAS BEEN OWNED BY THIS FAMILY SINCE THE 1940'S. UNDER CURRENT 404 REGULA- TIONS "24.6 ACRES ("86%) OF THIS TRACT ARE CLASSIFIED AS ISOLATED JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS. PRIOR TO 1985, NONE OF THIS TRACT WOULD HAVE BEEN CLASSIFIED AS JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS OR SUBJECT TO PERMITTING RESTRICTIONS, AS THESE REGULATIONS APPLIED ONLY TO ADJACENT AND BELOW HEADWATERS 404 WETLANDS. PRIOR TO 1978, WETLANDS WERE ONLY REGULATED WITHIN OR ALONG NAVIGABLE INTERSTATE WATERS. THUS, THE TOM KEITH TRACT HAS BEEN REGULATED BY 404 WETLAND REGULATIONS FOR ONLY "8 Yrs OUT OF "50 Yrs OF PRIVATE OWNERSHIP. THE OWNER DESIRES TO DEVELOPE THIS TRACT IN ORDER TO REALIZE AN ECONOMIC RETURN ON THIS LONG-TERM INVESTMENT. THE TRACT IS ONE OF THE FEW UNDEVELOPED, WATERFRONT TRACTS ALONG WHITE LAKE, WHICH HAS A STRONG MARKET POTENTIAL FOR SALES. THE PERMIT APPLICATION REQUESTS TO BUILD A 4.1 ACRE LAKE IN THE CENTRAL PORTION AND ESSENTIALLY FILLING THE BALANCE OF THE TRACT PAGE 2. TOM KEITH, INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT WITH 1.8.5 ACRES OF CLEAN FILL. THE 404 WETLANDS TO BE FILLED ARE OF TYPICAL POCOSIN VARIETY THAT ARE COMMONLY FOUND THROUGHOUT THE SOUTHEASTERN COASTAL PLAINS. THE WETLAND IS VEGETATED WITH COMMON POCOSIN VEGETATIVE SPECIES AND HYDRIC SOILS AS STATED WITHIN THE PUBLIC NOTICE. THERE APPEARS TO BE NO SPECIAL OR SIGNIFICANT QUALITIES TO THESE WETLANDS EXCEPT THEY OCCUR NEXT TO THE LAKE. WE AGREE WITH THE PUBLIC NOTICE THAT THE LAKE RE- CHARGES/DISCHARGES PRINCIPALLY THROUGH RAINFALL AND EVAPORATIONAL EVENTS. THUS, THESE WETLANDS PLAY NO SIGNIFICANT ROLE AS TO THE LAKE'S HYDROLOGY DESPITE THEIR PROXIMITY TO IT. AVOIDANCE: THE TRACT HAS "86% JURISDICTIONAL 404 WETLANDS. WITH THIS EX- PANSE OF WETLANDS THERE ARE NO FEASIBLE ALTERNATIVES AS TO AVOID- ING THESE AREAS. MINIMIZATION: IN ORDER TO REALIZE THE TRACT'S FULL POTENTIAL VALUE IT IS NECES- SARY TO FILL 18.5 ACRES TO ALLOW SUFFICIENT LOT DIMENSIONS FOR LOT LAYOUTS FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE TRACT. THE 4.1 ACRE LAKE PLANNED IN THE CENTRAL PORTION IS FOR PRODUCING DREDGE SPOILS FOR FILLING THE 18.5 ACRES, DRAINAGE RUN-OFF CONTROL, AND AESTHETICS. IT COULD BE POSSIBLE TO CONVERT THIS AREA INTO A CYPRESS/TUPELO LAKE WITH INUNDATED WETLAND FUNCTIONS CONSERVED IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE IMPACTS TO THIS AREA. MITIGATION: THERE WILL •BE A LOSS OF THE 18.5 ACRE WETLANDS TO BE FILLED, EVEN THOUGH SIGNIFICANT WETLAND VALUES AND LOSSES ARE QUESTIONABLE. IF REQUIRED FOR ISSUANCE OF THE INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT, MITIGATION WILL BE COMPLETED BY CONVERTING OFF-SITE PRIOR-CONVERTED WETLANDS OR OFF-SITE UPLANDS TO WETLANDS. CONSIDERING THE POCOSIN WETLAND TYPE WE FEEL A 1:1 RATIO IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE FILL WITHIN THE 18.5 ACRE WETLANDS AREA. THE 4.1 ACRE LAKE WILL CONTINUE TO FUNCTION AS AN INUNDATED 404 WETLANDS WITH CYPRESS/TUPELO CON- SERVED AT "5-8 TREES/ACRE. THE LAKE AREA WILL HAVE WETLAND FUNCTIONS/VALUES OF RUN-OFF DETENTION AND POLLUTENT REMOVAL, AQUATICS VEGETATION, AQUATICS WILDLIFE, BIRD SANCTUARY, FISHER- IES, AND UNCONFINED AQUIFER/LAKE RECHARGE. WE FEEL THIS 4.1 ACRE OF WETLANDS DISTURBANCE FOR THE LAKE SHOULD NOT BE MITIGATED AS WETLAND VALUES WILL BE ACCENTED AND NOT REMOVED. WE WILL BE GLAD TO DISCUSS ANY SUGGGESTIONS OR RECOMMENDA'T'IONS YOUR AGENCY MAY HAVE REGARDING MINIMIZATION/MITIGATION FOR THIS NECESSARY PERMIT ON THIS PROJECT. LARR F. BALDWIN, CPSS/SC c:c Mr Jahn Dorney, NCDFH&NR V, ono &aG At 61#m .pi a; 2522 ?YoWA W mi,w 28402 ?el 919-451-0001 .Y.(U.bl? aT. GJG 9(' DATE: APRIL 15, 1994 yw& 94 .7805 %4uylelo'dk .,A.. 'k,6nim9lrm.. r 2X40.7 SUBJECT: 404 WETLANDS REEVALUATION WITH THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGI- NEERS OF THE TOM KEITH TRACT ("28.6 Acres) FOR NATURAL UPLAND AREAS, EXEMPT HISTORIC FILL AREAS, PERMITTED FILL AREAS, AND OVER-FILL NON-PERMITTED AREAS. TRACT LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WHITE LAKE & SOUTH OF U.S. HWY 701/N.C. HWY 41, BLADEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. TO: MR. SCOTT McLENDON MR. ERNIE JAHNKE & REGULATORY BRANCH ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 (910) 251-4725 MR. TOM KEITH 121 S. COOL SPRING STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28301 (910) 323-3222 OUR FIRM MET WITH THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS REPRESENTATIVE MR. ERNIE JAHNKE ON 04/12/94 IN ORDER TO: (1) CONFIRM THE CURRENT 404 WETLANDS STATUS; (2) AGREE UPON HISTORIC VS RECENT FILL ACTIVITIES WITHIN 404 WETLAND AREAS; (3) DETERMINE EXTENT OF PERMITTED/NON-PERMITTED FILL ACTIVITIES, AND (4) DETERMINE RESTO- RATION EFFORTS/PROGRESS WITHIN NON-PERMITTED FILL AREAS. THE ENCLOSED PRELIMINARY WETLANDS MAP SHOWS THE REVISED AND/OR AGREED UPON DELINEATIONS FOUND WITHIN THE TOM KEITH TRACT AS TO 404 WETLANDS, UPLANDS, HISTORIC FILL, AND PERMITTED/NON-PERMITTED FILL AREAS WITHIN 404 WETLANDS. THE FOLLOWING ARE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE VARIOUS LAND CLASSIFICATIONS: THE "oooooo" AREAS ("1.0 Acres; See Map) ARE NATURAL UPLAND AREAS THAT WERE AGREED UPON WITH THE ARMY CORPS AND SHOULD NOT BE CLAS- SIFIED AS 404 WETLANDS. THESE AREAS HAVE NON-HYDRIC SOILS OF MANDARIN, CENTENARY, AND LEON-DRY PHASE. THESE AREAS HAVE BEEN RECENTLY CLEARED AND SURFACES DISTURBED IN THE PROCESS. THESE AREAS ARE DELINEATED IN THE FIELD WITH "Pink/Black-Striped" FLAG- GING. THE AREAS ("3.0 Acres; See Map) ARE HISTORIC, SANDY- FILL, UPLAND AREAS THAT WERE AGREED UPON WITH THE ARMY CORPS. THESE AREAS WERE FILLED AND ESTABLISHED PRIOR TO 1985, BEFORE 404 WETLAND JURISDICTION WAS EXTENDED TO THESE AREAS. THESE AREAS PAGE 2. TOM KEITH TRACT, 404 WETLANDS ARE. DELINEATED IN THE FIELD WITH "Pink/Black-Striped" FLAGGING. THE "WHITE/----" AREAS ("1.5 Acres; See Map) ARE HISTORIC FILL ROADS ALONG THE TRACT'S EAST & WEST PERIMETER FROM U.S. HWY 701 TO WHITE LAKE, AND ALSO AN OLD WOODS ROAD ACROSS THE NORTHERN PORTION OF THE TRACT (-0.4 of above "1.5 Acs). THESE FILL ROADS WERE ESTABLISHED PRIOR TO 1985, BEFORE 404 WETLANDS JURISDICTION WAS EXTENDED TO THESE AREAS WHICH WAS AGREED UPON WITH THE ARMY CORPS. THE PERIMETER ROADS AVERAGE 18-22 Ft IN WIDTH. THE OLD WOODS ROAD HISTORIC FILL IS "15 Ft IN WIDTH, IS FLAGGED WITH "Pink/Black-Striped" FLAGGING WITHIN THE EASTERN DISTURBED AREA OF THE TRACT, AND WAS AGREED UPON WITH THE ARMY CORPS. THE "++++++" AREAS ("2.6 Acres; See Map) ARE RECENTLY FILLED PERMITTED AREAS OVER 404 WETLANDS. THESE AREAS WERE FILLED UNDER FULL COMPLIANCE WITH ARMY CORPS/EPA NWP# 26 PREDISCHARGE NOTICE PERMIT DATED 5/17/90. THESE 404 WETLANDS HAVE BEEN DEFINED AS ISOLATED WETLANDS BY THE ARMY CORPS. THIS 2.6 ACRE AREA IS RECOGNIZED BY THE ARMY CORPS TO BE FILLED IN FULL COMPLIANCE. THE "+/+/+/+/" AREAS (-3.3 Acres); See Map) ARE RECENTLY FILLED NON-PERMITTED AREAS OVER 404 WETLANDS. THESE AREAS WERE FILLED IN ERROR AS PART OF THE 5/17/90 NWP #26 PERMIT. THESE AREAS ARE BEING RESTORED BACK TO THEIR NATURAL CONTOUR ELEVATIONS. AS OF 4/12/94 "1.8 ACRES ("55%) OF THIS AREA HAS BEEN RESTORED WHICH LEAVES A BALANCE OF "1.5 ACRES MORE TO BE COMPLETED. THERE HAS BEEN SOME CONFUSION AS TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF AREA TO BE RESTORED BUT IT WAS AGREED UPON WITH THE ARMY CORPS THE RECENT FILL WITHIN THE NORTHERN AREA TO THE UPLANDS LINE AND EXCLUSIVE OF THE OLD WOODS ROAD WOULD NEED RESTORATION BACK TO NATURAL CONTOUR ELEVA- TIONS WHICH IS "1.5 ACRES. IT WAS DISCUSSED WITH THE CORPS IF THIS FILL COULD REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE CURRENT INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT FILL APPLICATION HAD BEEN PROCESSED IN ORDER TO REDUCE FURTHER SITE DISTURBANCES AND REPETITION. THE ARMY CORPS EX- PLAINED THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN REVIEWED AND DENIED FOR "AFTER-THE- FACT" PERMIT PROCESSING IN THEIR 02/18/94 LETTER. THUS, THE "1.5 ACRE OF NON-PERMITTED FILL WITH THE NORTHERN SECTION MUST BE REMOVED AND RESTORED BACK TO ORIGINAL ELEVATIONAL CONTOURS. THE "+#+#+#+#+" AREAS ("1.8 Acres; See Map) PREVIOUSLY FILLED, NON-PERMITTED 404 WETLANDS THAT HAVE BEEN RESTORED AS OF 04/12/94. THIS AREA WAS MEASURED AND CONFIRMED WITH THE ARMY CORPS TO ESTABLISH THE TOTAL RESTORED ACREAGE. THE "(Pond)" AREA ("0.3 Acres; See Map) IS A HISTORIC MAN-MADE POND WITHIN CURRENTLY DEFINED 404 WETLANDS. THIS POND WAS ESTAB- LISHED PRIOR TO 1985, BEFORE 404 WETLANDS JURISDICTION WAS EX- TENDED TO THESE AREAS. THE POND HAS ACCLIMATED WITH AQUATIC SPECIES AND FUNCTIONS AS 404 WETLANDS AND THUS WOULD BE DEFINED AS SUCH. PAGE 3. TOM KEITH TRACT, 404 WETLANDS THE AREAS (-17.1 Acres; See Map) ARE NATURAL, UNDIS- TURBED 404 WETLANDS. THESE AREAS HAVE HYDRIC SOILS OF LEON-WET PHASE, LYNN-HAVEN, CROATAN, AND PAMLICO. PRIMARY HYDRIC VEGETA- TIVE INDICATORS ARE BLACK TUPELO, BLACK GUM, POND CYPRESS, BALD CYPRESS, POND PINE, SWAMP RED MAPLE, TITI, LOBLOLLY BAY, FETTER- BUSH, SWEET GALLBERRY, ROYAL FERN, AND NETTED CHAIN FERN. THESE AREAS COME UNDER ARMY CORPS/ EPA/NCDEH&NR JURISDICTIONS AND RE- QUIRE PERMITS BEFORE ANY MASSIVE DISTURBANCE OR FILL ACTIVITIES ARE INITIATED. THESE 404 WETLANDS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY DEFINED AS "ISOLATED" BY THE ARMY CORPS. AS TO DATE, THE JURISDICTIONAL VS NON-JURISDICTIONAL 404 WETLAND AREAS, AND THE PERMITTED VS NON-PERMITTED FILL AREAS HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED WITH THE ARMY CORPS. THE PRINCIPAL CONCERN WAS TO DEFINE THE TOTAL 404 WETLAND AREAS THAT NEED TO BE RESTORED, WHICH IS -1.5 ACRES WITHIN THE NORTHERN SECTION OF THE TRACT AND IS EXCLUSIVE OF THE DELINEATED OLD WOODS ROAD. THE ARMY CORPS WILL NOT COMPLETE THE CURRENT INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT (#199401539) APPLICATION FOR 18.5 ACRES OF FILL, UNTIL THE RESTORATION IS COM- PLETED WITHIN THE NON-PERMITTED AREAS. AFTER THIS IS COMPLIED WITH, WE CAN HOPEFULLY ATTAIN USAGE OF YOUR TRACT PENDING APPROV- AL, OF THE INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT. LARRY F. BALDWIN CPSS/SC #2183 cc Mt-. Jahn Dorney, NCDEH<&NR --?, u I ` vino s 0 I- ua luarXXI pq puTe. • 1 S%IV % /1SJ1N91?S Tt^,s" ?v ? TVNOISS3dOdd 031d11yy'? \`\ Waive • d {nw AAi - ?4t tio 0 ?%?! . (9013V 8-1ti) WZi/k d0 SV SQNV'I•LdM tot QHHOISHU -- .TEIO.L saIOV 9.8Z •(sa13V I'Ll-) SaNV'I• 21A t06 uHgHrLSI(INfl - •(sa1oV g-0-) QNOd dQVW-NVW ONI•LSIXd -' .d ?A *("'3V I' I-) NOI,LOIQSIUflf tot -980MI AIIAI.LOV - '111d QV08 (5861>) oisO• SOIH a'IO - ..now go-mo •(sa13V f•g-) NOIIVHO.LS3H d0 SdO0Hd NId SUNV'I13A tot NI 'TIId Qd.L.LIW?Idd--NON - • (sa1oV 9'Z•--) I'IId 9Z#-dMN Z6/91/t SOIAR Sd .- ?? - (sa1oV 0-g-) •uoggTl {6PadTlls-XouTq/3juTd P029ETd 'NOI.LOIQSI21IIf t0i+ 3HOd3S AIIAI•LOV 'TIId (986i>) OI2IO.LSIH a'IO 4? l 10 ro4? a"0 N -?'+-f4 +++4+- + P ?. + -I- k ?-?-' -uoggil {PadT1Is-3i3UTq/HuTd{{ 14ITM Pa22eTd O 0000 ,10 (sa13V 0-1-) SV-9HV QNH`Idfl 'IV?If1LVN QggdrasIQ " oo ° o °OC?o (V661 `Zi 'II?IdV QdSIAHM) V66I - HO?IVW (XO1ddV sauTI pueTIOM) ?aa3 00Z = Lieu I T = a- -ivos rP sr?v? `,puod) ?* ? O Q ? 00 000000 O p ° OOOp p°0 0 90°00 00 v 900 O ° 0 O tal T? °ooa o°O 99 0 ° ?d 110. 01. `0 L? Atli O? •'J'? VNI'IO?IVO HISON - AINIIOO NdQV'IH - dxV'I HIIHM Sv212iv Q21'1'1I3-Nc3rI v -VI I3 JLNazl2iflD OZ Sid ( Dv 9 ' S Z--- ) LDVZIS HZ 12131 tidOs 21HZ 30 dvhi SQrItT'IZ21M ib O V AI2IVri I Yd I 'I212Id PREL I M I NARY 4 04 WETLANDS MAP OF THE TOM KE I TH TRACT (^-2 S - 6 Ac ) AS TO CURRENT F ILL & NON-F I LLEI) AREAS WHITE LAKE - BLADEN COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA o $3 s?. r? d1 r? Y l?l ?.0• ??G?WA C KNY N 41 °°° oe°°o °• G N-j Io, ° 00 1'?Z o°ao° ; °oo 0 0 0° ?' o°O°o cJ' , e p o V • o?p0 0 ? ? ° ° 1 .l•- .To 1yG ?Vondl SCALE: 1 Inch = 200 Fc342it (Wetland Lines Approx) MARCH - 1994 (REVISED APRIL 12, 1994) r - 0 0o c ° DISTURBED NATURAL UPLAND AREAS H-0 Acres) uoo°oo Flagged with "pink/black-striped" ribbon. t + + o. ? r t fi tt 0 t-fittt N °°00 ;I,'•'1' OLD HISTORIC (<1985) FILL. ACTIVITY BEFORE 404 JURIS Flagged with "pink/black-striped," ribbon. DICTION. (-3,0 Acres) + -t- t +t - PREVIOUS 4/16/92 NWP-#26 FILL (--•2.6 Acres). - NON-PERMITTED FILL IN 404 WETLANDS IN PROCESS OF RESTORATION (-3.3 Acres). AS OF 4/12/94 ^-1.5 Acres MORE TO BE RESTORED OLD HISTORIC (<1985) ROAD FILL. ACTIVITY BEFORE 404 JURISDICTION H-1 Acres). OLD WOODS ROAD -15 Ft Wide (-0.4 Acres) - EXISTING MAN-MADE POND (-0.3 Acres). - UNDISTURBED 404 WETLANDS (-17.1 Acres). 28.6 Acres Total. -- RESTORED 404 WETLANDS AS OF 4/12/94 (-1.8 Acres) . v-pf CERT- .' ' colors An, 1 - F. BALOW01 ''A ?: \\ C, UFfFO PROFESSIONAL 1 ' "IL SClslfrrSri 4/ ?`?,,? CLASSIFIER i Land Mant-_4E2?mt3ntCr«up. 1 nc- ri l 16 1994 N.C. Division of Environmental Management Post Office Box 27687 APR I S 1994 Raleigh, N.C. 276 1 1-7687 WATE€ lIT"Y Dear Environmental Management Officials: I am writing in regard to the application tlltkd by Thomas Keith and Larry Baldwin of the Land Management Group in Wilmington to develop the area into residential sites with access to White Lake. Plans show the proposed excavation of a 4.1-acre lake in the center of the 29-acre tract and the deposit of the spoil material over the remainder of the property. I would llike to call to your attention that White Lake is one of the unique bay areas in Southeastern North Carolina. It is a crystal clear, shallow body of water formerly fed by springs, renewed by the water table regenerated by adjacent wetlands. The eco-system of the lake is fragile and already suffering from overdevelopment. The Keith land is some of the last remaining adjacent wetlands. It is unfortunate that Mr. Keith filled in seven acres last year when he only was given permission to fill two acres. It is a sad sight to see the dying trees and vegetation, especially the wonderful old cypress trees. There seems to be little or no correction of this so-called mistake. I have been going to White Lake for over 50 years, and it is sad to see the consequences of overdevelopment. It is said that there has been some flooding in developments near Mr. Keith's land, and there is water standing near the highway. This did not happen before Mr. Keith filled in seven acres of lowlands. Needless to say, this standing water breeds mosquitoes and has other undesirable effects. There is no way the water can remain clear and environmentally desirable if Mr. Keith is allowed to proceed with his plan to change the natural environment of White Lake, which is one of the most beautiful and desirable natural resources in the world. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Helen S. Sharpe 1015 Riverside Blvd. Lumberton, N.C. 28358 cc: Governor James Hunt Head of the Department of Natural Resources Congressman Charles Rose Senator Lauch Faircloth Senator David Parnell II III f 4 Ql 'U 4d) ??1 ice? CV iD Ci C; L(1, -) M n) U C, Ci U1 r-? •rl ctS r-I n1 r clS C ? r? O r, 0c) C: O ,c^ r , [1S -1 N F)a:15rI > +? cl H. Zack Smith, D.D.S., M.S., P.A. American Association cif Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics April 18, 1994 Mr. John Dorsey N.C. Department of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Dorsey, a IF?APR ?>> p p 1994 wt:rL -,N0, ,. I am a property owner at White Lake, NC and my property is 8 piers from the White Lake Marina. I have been made aware of Mr. Tom Keith's intention to develop his piece of property next to the marina for houses. His property is lower than White Lake and I always felt it was wet lands until Tom started hauling dirt into the area. He was quoted as saying his reason was to beautify the property but obviously it was to turn a dollar. I view this development as a serious problem to the entire area of White Lake. I feel it will cause flooding problems and damage the wildlife that lives in that area. I have been told that Mr. Keith has already caused problems for the Turtle Cove development with his initial development. Thank you very much for listening to me and I wish you well in your job which I know must be difficult! Sincerely, rc ?H. Z3 Smith, DDS, MS HZS:lp 573 Executive Place Fayetteville, N.C. 28305 9101323-5821 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary August 25, 1994 LT1.9;VA ID FE F=1 2 91994 Dr. G. Wayne Wright Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 Dear Dr. Wright: In keeping with your request, this office has circulated to interested state review agencies U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice and Action ID. 199401539 dated March 31, 1994 which describes a project proposal by Mr. Thomas Keith represented by the Land Management Group, Inc. of Wilmington. The project, involving the excavation of a 4 acre lake and filling of some 18 acres of adjacent wetland is located adjacent White Lake in Bladen County. During the course of the review of this slightly modified version of a 1993 project review, three key state agencies objected to the project for a second time. These objections include the August 8, 1994 denial of the required Section 401 Water Quality Certification by the Division of Environmental Management. The Wildlife Resources Commission and the Natural Heritage Program of the Division of Parks and Recreation objected to the project due to the importance of these riparian wetlands to the water quality of White Lake and value of this wetland block in general. Both agencies also referred to their 1993 objections. This viewpoint position fully supports the agency input and recommends permit denial. P. O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-715-4100 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/] 0% post-consumer paper Dr. G. Wayne Wright Page 2 August 24, 1994 Should you require additional input from the state on this matter, do not hesitate to contact this office or the cooperating agencies. Very sincerely, Jo CIR-. Parker, Jr. Inland '404 Coordinator JRP: jr/aw cc: Wildlife Resources Commission Division of Environmental Management Division of Parks & Recreation MEMO DATE: ?S r r 4r5 TO: SUBJECT: &W? N JP-V;w Pn jv-? 0, ? t Sam a ? y0j coy- I c O ? ,? p I a? qoov\ V\ s+ V -,, tL O s saw ??- ?I V From: UL 28 1994 WATER QUALITY North Carolina Department of Eh9twment T ?. Health, and Natural Resources Printed on Recycled Paper ?•rrY Worn M*'? a State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested LT." F mom ?EHNR 11 g iqq? Mr. Tom Keith 121 South Cool Springs Street Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 Dear Mr. Keith: Subject: Denial of request for 401 Water Quality Certification DEM # 94310, COE # 199401539 Bladen County Your application for a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act was received by the Division on 30 May 1994, with supplemental information dated 25 May 1994. The activity for which the Certification is sought is to fill or excavate about 22 acres of wetlands for pond and residential development. A water Quality Certification is a determination by the Division that the activity for which the federal permit or license is sought is not expected to result in a violation of state water quality standards for the waters of the state. After a thorough, on-site inspection of your property, my staff has determined that existing uses are present in the wetlands for which you have requested a certification. These uses include water storage, pollutant removal, and aquatic life habitat. As provided by 15A NCAC 2B .0109, the 404(b)(1) Guidelines are used as guidance in determining if a proposed project will remove the existing uses of a wetland. In accordance with these guidelines the Division has determined that the subject project is not water dependent and that you have not demonstrated that practicable alternatives to the proposed project cannot be constructed in an upland area. Due to these findings, I have determined that the subject project would result in a violation of 15A NCAC 2B .0201(b). Therefore, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0504(e), I have determined that the 401 Water Quality Certification for this project shall be denied. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper i Mr., Keith Page 2 If this denial is unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this denial. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made, this denial shall be final and binding. Finally, we are available to further discuss modification to your proposal which would answer our objections and allow issuance of a 401 Certification. If you have any questions concerning thi8 denial, please contact Mr. John Dorney in the Water Quality Planning Branch of this Division at (919) 733-1786. Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. 94310.den cc: Fayetteville DEM Regional Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office John Parker John Dorney Central Files Larry Baldwin; Land Management Group 411 C r DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 February 18, 1994 I'Vr f, ;,; IN REPLY REFER TO n 1117 t Regulatory Branch r ,) ACTION ID 199300498 Mr. Tom Keith 121 South Cool Spring Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 Dear Mr. Keith: Please reference your February 7, 1994, telephone conversation with Mr. Ernest Jahnke of my regulatory staff and Mr. Jahnke's subsequent onsite visit on February 8, 1994, at your property, located on the northwest edge of White Lake, off U.S. Highway 701, in Bladen County, North Carolina. Accompanying Mr. Jahnke was Mrs. Marta Boris, also of my regulatory staff. Mr. Jahnke and Ms. Boris confirmed that your contractor, Mr. William Mote, had initiated action to remove approximately 4.6 acres of unauthorized fill material (including an estimated 57810 square feet of fill material located adjacent to and parallel to US 701) from the jurisdictional wetland area with a front end loader. This material was subsequential placed into a dump truck and was being deposited within the fill area previously authorized by your Department of the Army (DA) Nationwide No. 26 permit. An estimated 5,000 square feet of the adversely effected wetland had been returned to original elevation contour since commencement on February 3, 1994. Mr. Jahnke advised Mr. Mote that the completed work is satisfactory and that he should continue to remove the unauthorized material to the same elevation throughout the unauthorized fill area. As Mr. Jahnke stated during your telephone conversation, we expect all unauthorized fill to be removed and the affected area restored to original wetland elevation by March 7, 1994 (within 30 days of your discussion). We are concerned that this deadline will not be met using the front end loader and the dump truck. Larger equipment, such as a backhoe and a bulldozer would be more efficient and increase the likelihood of meeting the March 7 deadline. We are in receipt of your application to excavate and fill approximately 18.5 acres of wetlands on the subject property to develop residential lots. The Public Notice initiating our public interest review of this proposal will be issued by the end of February. Processing of this request for a DA permit has no bearing on the restoration work presently being accomplished in conjunction with the violation of your previous permit conditions. All restoration work must continue and be completed within the time constraints discussed above. Thank you for your cooperation in resolving this matter. However, you are cautioned that, barring unforeseen circumstances, failure to complete the work within the specified time period may result in this matter being referred to the U.S. Attorney for appropriate legal resolution. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Scott McLendon at telephone (910) 251-4725 or Mr. Jahnke at (910) 251-4467. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch -2- Copies Furnished: Ms. Carolyn Lane Route 2, Box 396 White Lake, North Carolina 28336 United States Attorney Eastern District of North Carolina Post Office Box 26897 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Thomas Welborn, Chief U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region IV Wetlands Regulatory Unit 345 Courtland Street, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Regional Director National Marine Fisheries Services, NOAA Duval Building 9450 Koger Boulevard Saint Petersburg, Florida 33702 Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management NCDHENR Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 State Property Office North Carolina Department of Administration 116 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Ms. L.K. (Mike) Gantt U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management NCDHENR Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Mr. Dennis Stewart NCWRC Habitat Conservation Protection Leader Post Office Box 118 Northside, North Carolina 27564 ?IU:tG '94 15: 16 'jH4 FUl Anct r?l•; ? `^r.??'. , w 1+-?-...,?, dal e Jgox 252.2 J L""' 1994 284,02 l 910-43; Z. Post-It brand fax transmittal memo 7671 N o1 pagee 0, F JQ2t C Co. Co. ?{? 5/?y/??? .i1?I.H.io?. Dept. g? Phone N Fa; Q (! 7 ?!_ 3 Fox 4 DATE: MAY 25, 1994 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO NCDEH&NR-WATER QUALTTY-WETLANDS SECTION LETTER (04/19/94) CONCERNING ACTION PROJECT #9431U; COE #199401539 AS TO AVOIDANCE-MINIMIZATION-MITIGATION WITHIN 404 WETLANDS OF THE TOM KEITH TRACT ('28.6 Acres) FOR A 4.1 ACRE LAKE AND 18.5 ACRES FILL. TRACT LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WHITE LAKE & SOUTH OF U.S. HWV 701/N.C. HWY 41, BLADEN COUNTY, N.C. TO: MR. JOHN DORNEY MR. TOM KEITH NCDEH&NR, WETLANDS 121 SOUTH COOL SPRING STREET P.O. BOX 29535 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28301 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 (910) 323-3222 (919) 733-508 THIS IS IN RESPONSE TO THE NCDEH&.NR'S WETLANDS SECTION CONCERNS AS TO ADDRESS AVOIDANCE, MINIMIZATI.ON, AND/OR MITIGATION ISSUES RELATING TO THE TOM KEITH INDIVIDUAL 404/401 PERMIT APPLICATION VOR A 4.1 ACRE LAKE AND 18.5 A FILL WITHIN 404 WETLANDS. THE TOM KEITH TRACT IS `28.6 ACRES IN TOTAL SIZE AND HAS BEEN OWNED BY THIS FAMILY SINGE THE 1940'3. UNDER CURRENT 404 REGULA- TIONS `24 .6 ACRES ( `86%) OF THIS TRACI' IS CLASSIFIED AS ISOLATED/ABOVE HEADWATERS JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS. PRIOR TO 1985, NONE OF THIS TRACT WOULD HAVE BEEN CLASSIFIED AS JURISDIC- 'T'IONAL WETLANDS OR SUBJECT TO PERMI'T'TING RESTRICTIONS, AS THESE REGULATIONS APPLIED ONLY TO ADJACENT AND BELOW IjjZAkWATERS 404 WETLANDS. PRIOR TO 1978, WETLANDS WERE ONLY RRGULATED WITHIN OR ALONG NAVIGABLE INTERSTATE WATERS. THUS, THE TOM KEITH TRACT HAS BEEN REGULATED BY 404 WETLAND REGULATTONS FOR ONLY -8 Yrs OUT OF `50 Yrs OF PRIVATE OWNERSHIP. THF. OWNER DESIRES TO DEVELOPF, THIS TRACT IN ORDER TO REALIZE AN ECONOMIC RETURN ON THIS LONG-TERM INVESTMENT. THE TRACT IS ONE OF THE FEW UNDEVELOPED, WATERFRONT TRACTS ALONG WHITE LAKE, WHICH HAS A STRONG MARKET POTENTIAL FOR SALES. `T'HE PERMIT APPLICATION REQUESTS TO BUILD A 4.1 ACRE LAKE IN THE CENTRAL PORTION AND ESSEN'T'IALLY FILLING THE BALANCE OF THE TRACT WITH 18.5 ACRES OF CLEAN FILL. THE 404 WETLANDS TO BE FILLED ARE 01a TYPICAL, POCOSIN VARIETY THAT ARE COMMONLY FOUND THROUGHOUT THE SOUTHEAS'T'ERN COASTAL PLAINS. THE WETLAND IS VEGETATED WITH JUf IJ_ '94 15:17 PAGE 2. TOM KEITH, INDIVIDUAL 404/401. PERMIT 84 rU COMMON POCOSIN VEGETATIVE SPECIES AND HYDRIC SOILS AS S'T'ATED WITHIN THE PERMIT APPLICATION AND PUBLIC NO'T'ICE. THERE APPEARS TO BE NO SPECIAL OR SIGNIFICAN'T' QUALITIES TO THESE WETLANDS EXCEPT THEY OCCUR NEXT TO THE LAKE. WE AGEt.EE WITH THE PUBLIC NO'T'ICE THAT THE, LAKE RECHARGES/DISCHARGES PRINCIPALLY THROUGH RAINFALL, AND EVAPORATIONAL EVENTS, NOT THROUGH GROUNDWATER RE- CHARGE. THUS, THESE. WETLANDS DO NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT FUNCTION AS TO THE LAKE'S HYDROLOGY DESPITE: THEIR PROXIMITY TO IT. AVOIDANCE: THE, TRACT HAS "86% JURISDICTIONAL 404 WETLANDS. WITH THIS EX- PANSE OF WETLANDS THERR ARE NO FEASIBLE ALTERNATIVES AS TO AVOID- ING THESE AREAS AND REALIZE.. ANY SIGNIFICANT ECONOMIC POTENTIAL,. MINIMIZATION: IN ORDER TO REALIZE THE TRACT'S FULL POTENTIAL VALUE IT IS NECES- SARY TO FILL 18.5 ACRES TO ALLOW SUFFICIENT LOT DIMENSIONS FOR 1,01' LAYOUTS FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE 'T'RACT. THE. 4.1 ACRE LAKE PLANNED IN THE CENTRAL PORTION IS FOR PRODUCING DREDGE. SPOILS FOR FILLING THE 1E3,b ACRES, DRAINAGE RUN-OFF CON'T'ROL, AND AESTHETICS. IT COULD BE POSSIBLE TO CONVERT THIS AREA INTO A CYPRESS/TUPELO LAKE WITH INUNDATED WETLAND FUNCTIONS CONSERVED IN ORDER TO MLNIMIZE IMPACTS TO THIS AREA. MITIGATION: THERE WILT, BE A LOSS OF THE 18.5 ACRE WETLANDS TO BE FILLED, EVEN 'T'HOUGH SIGNIFICANT WETLAND VALUES AND LOSSES ARE QUESTIONABLE. IF REQUIRED FOR ISSUANCE OF THE INDIVIDUAL 404 PERMIT, MITIGATION WILL BE COMPLETED BY CONVERTING OFF-SITE PRIOR-CONVERTED WETLANDS OR OFF--SITE UPLANDS TO WETLANDS. CONSIDERING THE POCOSIN WETLAND TYPE WE FEEL A 1:1 RATIO IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE FILL WITHIN THE 18.5 ACRE WETLANDS AREA. THE 4.1 ACRE LAKE WILL CONTINUE TO FUNCTION AS AN INUNDATED 404 WETLANDS WITH CYPRESS/TUPELO CON- SERVED AT -5-8 TREES/ACRE. THE LAKE, AREA WILL HAVE WETLAND FUNCTIONS/VALUES OF RUN-OFF DETENTION AND POLLUTENT REMOVAL, AQUATICS VECETATION, AQUATICS WILDLTFE, BIRD SANCTUARY, FISHER- IES, AND UNCONFINED AQUIFER/LAK.E RECHARGE. WE FEEL THIS 4.1 ACRE OF WETLANDS DISTURBANCE: FOR THE LAKE SHOULD NOT BE MITIGATED AS WETLAND VALUES WILL BE ACCENTED AND NOT REMOVED. THE MAJOR DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THIS APPLICATION AND THE PRIOR A13PLICATION OF 06/02/93 ARE: (1) ALL WATERS WILL BE DIRECTED TO AND DETAINED WITHIN THE INUNDATED LAKE: AREA TO PROVIDE SEDIMENT & ANY POLLUTANT REMOVAL; (2) THESE WATERS WILL PROVIDE GROUNDWATER RECHARGE & STORAGE; (3) THIS IS STRICTLY A FILL REQUEST WITH NO DRAINAGE TO OUTLETS; (4) THE 4.1 Ac LAKE AND WETLANDS EDGE WILL PROVIDE MULTIPLE. AQUATIC WILDLIFE AND WETLAND BENEFITS. WE WILL BE GLAD TO DISCUSS ANY SUGGGESTIONS OR RECOMMENDA'T'IONS YOUR AGENCY MAY HAVE REGARDING MINIMIZATION/MITIGATION FOR THIS NECESSARY PERMIT ON THIS PROJECT. L AR,R'r? F . (,c Mr. I:en Aver i Lte, NCDf_H&NRl Fayetteville C)) SJ/.rc E3ALGWIN 0 CP ??/?C 2103 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources AT441i" • Division of Environmental Management MOOR James B. Hunt, Governor p E H N F? Jonathan B. Howes, Secretory A, Preston Howard, Jr., P.E„ Director April 19, 1994 Mr. Thomas Keith 121 S. Cool Spring St. Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 Project # 94310, COE # 199401539 Dear Mr. Keith The Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Section has reviewed your plans for wetland fill for 22 acres of wetlands at White Lake in Bladen County for pond and residential development. Based on this review, we have identified significant uses which would be removed by this project. These uses are water storage, pollutant removal, wildlife habitat and aquatic life habitat. Furthermore, insufficient evidence is present in our files to conclude that your project must be built as planned in wetlands. Therefore, we are moving toward denial of your 401 Certification. Until we receive additional information, we are requesting (by copy of this letter) that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and/or the N.C. Division of Coastal management place your project on administrative hold. Please provide us with information supporting your position that your project must be constructed as planned and that you have no practicable alternative to fill. of these wetlands. Specifically can you construct your residential development on nearby uplands or wetlands which have been approved for fill? Any documentation such as maps and narrative which you can supply to address upland alternatives may be helpful in our review of your 401 Certification. Please be sure to send us a copy of any information sent to the Corps of Engineers concerning site plans, alternatives or mitigation plans. Also please inform us of the differences (if any) between this application and your earlier project (Public Notice dated June 2 1993). Please respond within two weeks of the date of this letter by sending a copy of this information to me and one copy to our Mr. Ken Averitte at the Fayetteville Regional Office at Wachovia Building, Suite 714, Fayetteville, N.C. 2.8301. S' c?reLy, Jo n R. DoY- Wetlands and Techn_cal Review Group 94311.1_tr cc: Fayetteville DEM Reqiona] Office John Parker., Division of Coastal Management Wilmington Office Corps of Engineers Central Files Larry Baldwin; Land Management Group P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper jowl 01m sm; 2522 Admaimg Inc, ?YoW% % to 28402 .1d. 919-452-0001 92oAml Y jfttmd Vat 50 046,411,01n it `ay Jet 1);A I'k: MARCH 31 , 1999 [ J2lj i; ', APR 81994- ,, . . Sow ?4 ?ourteen` ?tantlc ??fire fae% 3305 r)!%?, t, iYY? 28403 SI).11;C"I': PRELIMINARY A01 W1i;TLANDS 1?VALUAT1,ON' OI,' THF: TOM KF]'I'll TRACT ('2H.G Aures) FOR NATURAL UPLAND AREAS, EXEMPT HISTORIC FILL ,ARRAS, 1'F:I?.M I'1"I1:T) F'_I LI, ARF,AS, AND OV1?R,- Fl LL: NON-PFRMI TIED AREAS. TRACT LOCA'T'ED ON THE NORTH S I UF, OI,' WHITE I,AK K & SOUTH OF U.S. HW'Y 701/N.C. HWY 4 I , BkAI)kN (OUNT1 , NORTH CAROLINA. TO: MR. SCOT;' vJaLF:NOON Mlt.. I'OM KF;1'I'H MR. ER.N 1 E JAHNKE R 121 S. COOL SPRING STREET REGULATORY ICI?,;ANCH FAYE'l TEV I LLE, NC 2S301 ARMY COOPS OF EN(I I NF ER.S (910) 323-3222 P.O. BOX 1H90 WILMINGTON, NU 28102-1M90 (910) 251-1725 1 LAND ?• SOILS EVALUATION WAS MADE? OF THE TOM KEITH TRACT (- 2H . f; Ar re!--, ) TO DFTFR.M I NF, CURRENT 104 WI?TLANDS S`T'ATUS, 111 S'I'C)R.l C AND RECENT FILL ACTT V I T I FS WITHIN 101 WETLAND ARI-;AS, AND I?;XTJ-INT OF PVRM I TTFD/NON-PERM I ` I TKD FILL A C T I V I T I E S WITHIN 104 WETLAND AREAS. MIJC II ("OkR.FSPONDENCF; AND DIALOGUI'; HAS BEEN GENERATED AS A HfAULT OF MIS.. K I ? L ` 1 ' l l ' S L ; F ' I ' O R ' 1 ' S T O IMPROVE H I S Pl?OPI,;Iy',TY FOR, DkVI:hOPMI?NT PUR.I')SFS. HOPEFULLY THIS REPORT AND CONCURR.FNCFS FROM THE AR.MN' CORPS CAN ESTABLISH A BASIS TO WORK FROM AS TO 401 WETLAND/UPLANI) ACPVAGFS AND PAST/PRFSKNT/FUTURE FILL ;NC TI V I'I'I VS. TII1-; kNCL,OSFD ITEk 1 M I NARY MAP SHOWS OUR 111 RM' S EVALUATION OF THE TOM I<F;1,1'11 TR,AC,I' AS TO IDA WETLANDS, UPLANDS, HISTORIC Vrkk, AND I'I?R?i I'I"I'l;l)/NON-P1?l?M 17"I'1?D FILL ARF;AS WITHIN 104 WFTI,ANUS. TIrF FOIJ,OW I NG ARE DESCRIPTIONS OF TH F: VARIOUS LAND CI-ASST F I CATIONS : THE "oooooo" AREAS (-1.0 Acres; See Mop) ARF NATURAL UPLANDS THAT SHOULD NOT BE CLASSI VI NI) AS 101 WETLANDS. I'HFSF: AREAS HAVE NON- fh l)R.1C SOI L?, OF MANDARIN, C KNTHNARY, AND ITON-DRY PHASE';. THFSE ARFA:-; IIAVI? BEEN HF,C'F\Tl,V CKF:ARKI) AND SU F\C KS DISTURBED IN Tilk II ,0('FS', . l'IfI:SI; \11,1-:\S Wl :RF I)kf, I NF: ATM D IN 'I Hl,: h I I',lD W L'I'1I "L' i Hk/H I nwk-SLri-pPd" FI. AKQ I NC; . 'I'H AREAS ('A.0 \c•vow; Soo Mop) ART? HISTORIC SANDY Flr,1, TH \T WAS VSTABL I SHVI) PRIOR O 19X5, nVVORF 101 WF'I'I.,ANDS J UP I SD I V- T TON W \S PXTVNDEO ") TU PSK AREAS. TH VSh :AHK AS WElti F DFT, I NE,A'I'VD IN THV VIVID WITH "Phil /ijlNuk-St ril,M FLAMWING. IO^I ITI I I'h, I', II) I- W1-:I IN1) TI I E " W I I ITF,I ----- " A UI?AS ( 1 . 1 A c r p P ; S r v Mrrl, ) ;ANF H I S10I;TU F11.1 PO ADS \LON(; THE TRACT'S VAST & WEST PFU I MI?'I'kN FNOM t' . S . HW) 701 TO W'l ITF LAKE. 'I'IINSF 1`111, PU;AI)S WERE ESTABLISHED PNION TO 1955, HFFOI101 h 1-'T],ANUS JUk I SO I ("I' I ON WAS 01{U TO TIII':Sk ARI?AS . TJII'' RO \I)?-; A\`I''Ii'\GN I H--2V 1''t- I N W I DTH . '1'111,' "i--U++++" AREAS ( -.-.. (; A(-t-0m; S0 MriI, ) AIk+1 1, 1 1,1,1?'P PERMITTED ARE AS OVER 101 WETLANDS. THESE ARRAS WEIMF; VI kLkD UNDER V't'I.1; C OMPI. I ANC'I?, l? I'l H \RM1 NWPt 26 Ph'f,]1) I S('ILAI?GI? NOT I Cl-: Pl,:R^TI I' DA FH 5/1 7/90. THFOR 10 1 WET LAN DS II \1) kl,1I:N UI?I? INk1) AK ISOLATED WETLANDS ITS THY ARMY COUPS. THE "+/+/+/+/" AREAS ( . 5 An rpm ) ; Swr Ann ) ARF RECENTLY F I LLKD NON-PI,:I MI-'I'1'F;I) AREAS OVER 101 WF;TVAN1)S. THINSK AREAS WERE Flkkl,:i) IN ERROR AS PART OF THE 5/ 1 7 /90 NWP M PERMIT. CURRENTLY '1 HVSk \Pl; AS ARF; REI NG RF'STO h: l) RACK I'O 'I IHl I R N?V'11I A1, CONTOUR T10N:;. AS OF 3/7/9 1 +60% OR TH I S AREA H AD HKKN RESTORED. '1'111, TOI \I, AMOUNT OF ARF;iV '1'0 RF'STOU1I? WAS KOMKWHAT 1N QUESTION AT THA'I' PO I NT I'N`I' 1 I, WF; C'Ot I11) 11, \Itl, 1 SII THF; STATt!S ()F TH I S I'I??NCT . '1111, IlAI,'\NCk 1411:1; HF kI,:S'IO1?+1 1) \P CON FIR^1AT I.ON FROM THE ARM1 CUR Ph. THE "(Pond)" AURA ( -O.A \wros; S(- M,"P) IS \ H15TORIC MAN-NIA011: POND WITHIN (THRINNTLY DEFINED 40d WETLANDS. THIS POND WAS WSTAH-- KISIIICU PRIOR. TO 1955, HI',FORE? 101 WJTLANUS JUPT`--,I)IC'ION W'rAS F;X- T1,:NllF;II III T I I ItiSF: ANFAK . 'I II E,' 11ON I) II \S ;,\('('I, I NJ A'I'J,!D W I °I'II AQU V'1' 1 C SPECIES AND FUNCTIONS AS 101 WETLANDS ANI) I'll('S WOULD hk I)I?f" I NEI) AS S1 CH . T111': nUEAS l ` 1 7 . 1 Aw rpq ; SOP V NIP) \RF; NATURAL, UN I) I S- I'UNItF'P !OI WF:'T'I„ANI)S. THESE AREAS HAVE HYURI(' SOILS OF IKON-WVT PHASE, nYNN-HAVMN, CROAT\N, AND PAM1 ICO. PRIMARY HYI)N.IC V1;GETA- T1V4' IN'UI(';VIORS 1PF I(I,;A('K ITITIO, HLA(K GUM, POND CYPRESS, ITALD CYPRI?SS, POND PINK, SW'AMI' RED MAPLE, '1'_1'1'1 , I,OI;LOLI,Y HAY, VI;'ITVU- RUSH, SWEET GALI,HKPHY, ROYAL FERN, AND NETTED Cllr'sIN VVRN. THFST? \R.E,AS ('0A11,; iiNl)F;I? \RM) " ('OBI'S/I?;l',\/NC'I)1?H NN JUR I SI)1 ('T f ON-, AND RR- (lUl l,'I: I'I?;Rh11'I'S REI,'OPl,, ANY MASSIVE I)IS'1'UR"ANCII OR FILL ACTIVITIES ARE I N I T I \TF0. ITF;SE 101 WETLANDS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY DEFINED AS "ISOLATED" I',Y THY ARMS COUPS, WE PVWUKS'T' AN ON-S I'I'I? REVIEW' WITH THE ARMY COUPS AT THEIR FARL I -- MS'I' ('ONV KN I F;NC V, I N ORDF R TO (`ONL I HM 10 1 WET LAN I) J U R I SDI CT I UNA1. L I M I T S , I ? ; ti A M I N f ? ; I;FS'IORATIOti AND CONFIRM Pl,; MITTI?J)/NONi- PEPM I T I F ; I ) F l l l , T l l I S W i l l , IIOT'T,11,JIL .Y FSIA!IL I SII AN A(;RI,:1,;0 UPON ll?\S I S TO COMI'I,I?:Il,; Tlll,; I NI) I V 11)UAk I( )I I'lilt 1 I'I' I? I I:I, I.I?;(?UF:` `T' (('OV ?A( t i 0 ii Jon 199101519) FOR THE PROIVOSI,'l) ' I. l ACR.1-; I„AKIN; ANI) "1<T \Ckll,;S OF \1)01'1'lONAL FILL FOR 1;1:5l I)}?;?;'I'I X11; I)1?AEI?LOl'MI?^?'1'. AT THIS MFKT l NG PRUFORMA?\FF U I TPR I A FOR S'\T I SF \("I OUN RI(SP)HAT ION O NON - Pf, PM I T'I kD 1?'I I,l; APF', A:? \N0 r_1I1, I'IFR I\ 1,0I; Tfl I" I N'1) I \ I UI' \I 101 I'l'A"M I'1' (,\% Rl?? OF'CI OI,:I) 1?11ON . t y X I y x Tom Keith !q., i111 121 S. Cool Spring Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 & Associates, Inc. FEf; (910) 323-3222 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS Fax (910) 323-1 180 rP)V. OF ENV,.'' ""AINT. Tom J. Keith, MAI, ASA John H. Ploeger Fred R. Keith, LLD 1970-1988 D. Keith McDonald Derrieck E. Pool J. Clayton Mauldin D. Jeff Allen, MBA Sir r•,Mgr.ua+nu.: ,.,,.:.,,.?...,;,:«?, Robert W. Dodge January 28, 1994 FEB 4 1994 Mr. A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. PO Box 29535 V Raleigh,NC 27626-0535 RE DEM # 93518, COE # 199300498 Dear Mr. Howard: I am in receipt of your letter of October 12, 1993, recommending denial of the above referred to application. This appears to be a recommendation or report to the COE and would come under the Rules of the Board of Registration for Engineers and Land Surveyors as a recommendation involving your professional opinion and qualification for the protection of the public. The Rules also require sealing of recommendations. In light of the above, please submit to me all of the engineering data upon which your decision was based. I have also requested a copy of all of my file documentation. I visited your office on two separate occasions and no one knew where the file was. I did not appeal this case since your office has a history of never having reversed a denial. My consultant thought it a waste of time. Mr. Steve Tetter of your office could not cite one private landowner case that has ever been overturned from a denial to a granting of a permit. In talking with Mr. Tetter, I am of the opinion that your and your staff's decision were based on erroneous information. hope you understand my concern about this matter since it amounts to a taking of property worth over one million dollars in value. Tom Keith ?„ DO 2 -o I (f) C r ? G ? c v? N vi n 7) S x to r-F ? F ? N v ? ? N T n ? Jl J 0 b Z x ?n z) >rE,'I Lj r? ? r 1 fl 4 I i,?a!1,1J1 o\ m I ON ? •r1 a) U 1-1 O>4 O (a r I O cd U) ?N+P N'H (1) ?j N cd cad O N cd +' N 4-) ?q U rd q a) Sri /;dzP ? 4.3r-gCda, P, ci 0 ? 3 rd CF-I -1 ? 0 i0-I .N -P zt r. •rl .-i P, 4-3 -P H -1 O N UO) .. cd N Q) •rl O O N a) a) f. O co 4A P, d f; N r9 0) 0 U U) •rl H U] N O O O cd fII U Z Ed 3 O •rl P, o 1 N H o r4 Cd H (1) (L) Q) m tloaom-P f4 A'•roiJ ? ?0a) `I 0 0 ri P, " -N a) H a) \\ ?rl o --) + 0 LN ? o W + a ? ? ? l l~ -P H m cd o 41 a) O q -1 cd b(D - r-I 4-3 -P P, +3 g 'd 10. O a) r-i r1 a +? a) >4 4-3 4j H Q) -P 9P a) O N ? (1) +3 d "A -1 +? UV) N 9 > a) P, a) 4H U) > (1) rd b O W 0 9 C: r-, N N O -P - U) H a) N U) o P, •rl ? O 2i N 0 cd ? Q cd •-1 o w .C •r-Ii o a) -1 U) -P H -N ;j ?r F? O 0. P, N' +3 a >a r-1 H O 'd N cd O ca a N s.' r-1 cd ri y ?-• N U) O rI (1) a) .? a) cd r-I +3 •r1 a) p ri 'd u N 0 cd -rl +) (1) c m m SO! j ? Y F b7 "? O C r^ pNp ? W W V W o N (_ Oq bd tJ d X -4 N P. In 'Z N UT (D • -?7 N• ?C nrn0 - OD 0 N 0 Fb c\ M C C OD 0 00 0 / J -Ij? D IuI -51 wv r .ir `med •d oat 1!11!!1 M y M ?Q yN ? ? 4J •oo N Z N ? x r J ? p O F ? ?o y ?J PREL I M I NARY 4 04 WETLANDS MAP OF THE TOM KE I TH TRACT (---2 S _ 6 Ac AS TO CURRENT F I 1..L & NON-F I LLED AREAS WHITE LAKE - BLADEN COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA N SCALE - -- DISTURBED NATURAL UPLAND AREAS H-0 Acres) Flagged with "pink/black-striped" ribbon. tfit f f + --'PREVIOUS 4/16/92 NWP-#26 FILL (-2.6 Acres). -I t fi - NON-PERMITTED FILL IN 404 WETLANDS IN PROCESS OF RESTORATION (-3.3 Acres). AS OF 4/12/94 -1.5 Acres MORE TO BE RESTORED OLD HISTORIC (<1985) ROAD FILL. ACTIVITY BEFORE 404 JURISDICTION H-1 Acres). OLD WOODS ROAD -15 Ft Wide (-0.4 Acres) - EXISTING MAN-MADE POND (-0.3 Acres). - UNDISTURBED 404 WETLANDS (~17.1 Acres). 28.6 Acres Total. - RESTORED 404 WETLANDS AS OF 4/12/94 H-8 Acres 200 Fc3ct (Wetland Lines Approx) MARCH - 1994 (REVISED APRIL 12, ? ?-0. CERT/ vtops soft Q c. 01 it ?L ?.? F. SALO WIN x:11 MM-IFO PROFESSIONAL % 1 3011. SC16 MT/ % 4 f 14 CLASSIFIER P. • Land Man em?nt G r oula Inc _ ?oaye E?yS OLD HISTORIC (<1985) FILL. ACTIVITY BEFORE 404 JURISDICTION. Flagged with " pink/black-striped•• ribbon. 3.0 //Acres) IMPORTANT TO DATE WHILE YOU M MESSAGE A.M. TIME P.M. WERE OUT OF Area Code & Exchange Message Operator TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL Nis No. 153