HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010866 Ver 1_Complete File_20090101i srwt;i? 01 J_ . ° F L°UNf Y, M°Pt, OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Ms. Laurie Moorhead NCDENR, Division of Water Quality Asheville Regional Office Interchange Building 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 Subject: North Swannanoa Sewer, Phase 11, Sections 2 & 3 MSD of Buncombe County, NC Dear Ms. Moorhead: Submitted herewith, as requested, is a copy of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Application, including the following items: • 401 Waters Quality Certification Approval • Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit No. 12 • Cover letter of 401 WQ Application to Mr. John Dorney • Corps of Engineers pre-construction notification application • Oteen, Black Mountain, and Montreat USGS quadrangle maps showing the proposed project • Detail Drawings of typical stream crossing • Item V, Grassing, Planting and Erosion Control of the MSD Standard Specifications • The original C.O.E. permit • The original 401 WQ certification • The Finding of No Significant Impact issued by NCDEM. • Location Plan for each project. I f 'you need additional information please let me know. Sincerely, William P. Conner, P.E. C'c: Ed Bradford Stan Boyd --Protecting Our Natural Resources--- O Metropolitan Sewerage District P.O. BOX 8969 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28814 TELEPHONE: (828)254-9646 FAX: (828)254-3299 WEBSITE: www.msdbc.org v ~" °?"»+r`r.j Michael F. Easley (y? Governor W r ?- William G. Ross, Secretary r Department of Environment and Natural Resources 5, Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality May 23, 2001 Buncombe County DWQ Project # 010517 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification William P. Conner, Project Manager Metropolitan Sewer District of Buncombe County Post Office Box 8969 Asheville, NC 28814 Dear Mr. Conner: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached oondltlons, to place fill material in waters for the purpose of Constructing a sewer line along Swannanoa River and Flat Creek, as you described in your application dated March 23, 2001 (complete application received April 6, 2001). After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3288. This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 12 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and send us a new application. If the property Is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all Conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described In 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. This approval shall expire when the corresponding Nationwide Permit expires or as otherwise provided in the General Certification. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this Certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This Certification and Its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, . Steven Attachment cC: Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office File Copy Central Flies Division of Water Quality 1650 Mall Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 WeVands/401 Una: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733.6893 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. 200130645 County Buncombe GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property owner: Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County Attn: Tom Hartye,P.E., General Manager Address: 2008 Riverside Drive Asheville, North Carolina 28804 Telephone No.: (828)225-8201 Size and Location of project (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): The Swannanoa River, Flat Creek and tributaries thereof from Grassy Branch to Ridgecrest and Montreat, NC, essentially following Highway 70, Interstate 40, and Highway 9. Description of Activity: to construct numerous subaqueous sewer line crossings of the Swannanoa River, Flat Creek, and tributaries In conjunction with the construction of the Phase H, Section 2 and 3 North Swannanoa Sewer project. The project is to replace sewer lines dating back to the 1920' which are severely deteriorated and subject to frequent overflows. (Project originally authorized 5/6/94 and has subsequently expired). Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C.1344). (check all that apply) Section 10 (River and Harbor Act of 1899). Authorization: Regional General Permit Number. 12 Nationwide Permit Number. Your work is authorized by this Regional General (RGP) or Nationwide Permit (NWP) provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans, and those conditions outlined in the original April 13, 1994 NC Wildlife Resources Commission letter. If your activity is subject to Section 404 (if Section 404 block above is checked), before beginning work you must also receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the N.C. Division of Water Quality, telephone (919) 733-1786. Please read and carefully comply with the attached conditions of the RGP or NWP. Any violation of the conditions of the RGP or the NWP referenced above may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army RGP or NWP verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If there are any questions regarding this authorization or any of the conditions of the General Permit or Nationwide Permit, please contact the Corps Regulatory Official specified below. Date 4/26/01 Corps Regulatory Official David Baker Telephone No. (828) 271-4856 Expiration Date of Vaiticsttion 4/26/03 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETI ANiD DELINEATION FORMS, PROJECT PLANS, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE YELLOW (FILE) COPY OF THIS FORM, TF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS ASHEVILLE REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE '151 PATTON AVENUE, ROOM 208 P"LYTO ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801-5006 AMMON OF. Permit Number: 200130645 Permit Type: NW 12 Name of County: Buncombe Name of Permittee: Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County Date of Issuance: 26 April 2001 Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Attention: CESAW-RG-A 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by an U.S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. If you fail to comply with this permit you are subject to permit suspension, modification, or revocation. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date SPECIAL CONDITIONS: a. Pipeline/utility line construction through jurisdictional waters and wetlands will be accomplished utilizing directional drilling/boring methods to the maximum extent practicable. b. The temporary discharge of excavated or fill material in waters or wetlands will be for the absolute minimum period of time necessary to accomplish the work. Temporary discharges will be fully contained with appropriate erosion control/containment methods or otherwise such fills will consist of non-erodable materials, c. The areas of waters of the U.S. that are disturbed will be limited to the minimum necessary to install the utility lime. The work area authorized by this permit, including temporary access roadways and permanent fills will be minimized to the greatest extent practicable. Work corridors (i.e. cleared area) will generally not exceed forty (40) feet unless specifically authorized by the District Engineer. Justification for increased corridor width will be based on pipeline diameter and length, size of equipment required to construct the utility line and other construction information deemed necessary to support the request. The applicant is required to provide this information with the initial notification package. d. Temporary access roadways will not span more than one-half way across any waters or wetlands at any one time. e. The permittee must perform the work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any degradation of water quality. f. A plan to restore and revegetate wetland areas cleared for construction must be submitted with the required pre-construction notification. Cleared wetland areas will be revegetated to the maximum extent practicable with native species of canopy, shrub, and herbaceous species. Fescue grass will not be utilized. tion. 3 Federal Register/Vol. 65, No. 47/Thursday, March 9, 2000 Nationwide Permit General Conditions The following general conditions must be followed in order for any authorization by an N WP to be valid: 1. Navigation. No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect on navigation. 2. Proper Maintenance. Any structure or fill authorized shall be properly maintained, including maintenance to ensure public safety. 3. Soil Erosion and Sediment Controls. Appropriate soil erosion and sediment controls must be used and maintained in effective operating condition during construction, and all exposed soil and other fills, as well as any work below the ordinary high water mark or high tide line, must be permanently stabilized at the earliest practicable date. 4. Aquatic Life Movements. No activity may substantially disrupt the movement of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody, including those species which normally migrate through the area, unless the activity's primary purpose is to impound water. Culverts placed in streams must be installed to maintain low flow conditions. 5. Equipment. Heavy equipment working in wetlands must be placed on mats, or other measures must be taken to minimize soil disturbance. 6. Regional and Case-By-Case Conditions. The activity must comply with any regional conditions which may have been added by the division engineer (see 33 CFR 330.4(e)) and with any case specific conditions added by the Corps or by the State or tribe in its Section 401 water quality certification and Coastal Zone Management Act consistency determination. 7. Wild and Scenic Rivers. No activity may occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System; or in a river officially designated by Congress as a "study river" for possible inclusion in the system, while the river is in an official study status; unless the appropriate Federal agency, with direct management responsibility for such river, has determined in writing that the proposed activity will not adversely affect the Wild and Scenic River designation, or study status. Information on Wild and Scenic Rivers may be obtained from the appropriate Federal land management agency in the area (e.g., National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 8. Tribal Rights. No activity or its operation may impair reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights. 9. Water Quality. (a) In certain States and tribal lands an individual 401 water quality certification must be obtained or waived (See 33 CFR 330.4(c)). (b) for NWPs 12, 14, 17, 18, 32, 39, 40, 42, 43, and 44, where the' State or tribal 401 certification (either generically or individually) does not require'or'appi'ove a water quality management plan, the permittee must of Historic Places (see 33 CFR 330.4(g)). For activities that may affect historic properties listed in, or eligible for listing in, the National Register of Historic Places, the notification must state which historic property may be affected by the proposed work or include a vicinity map indicating the location of the historic property. 13. Notification. (a) Timing: Where required by the terms of the NWP, the prospective permittee must notify the District Engineer with a preconstruction notification (PCN) as early as possible. The District Engineer must determine if the PCN is complete within 30 days of the date of receipt and can request the additional information necessary to make the PCN complete only once. However, if the prospective permittee does not provide all of the requested information, then the District Engineer will notify the prospective permittee that the PCN is still incomplete and the PCN review process will not commence until all of the requested information has been received by the District Engineer. The prospective penmittee shall not begin the activity: (1) Until notified in writing by the District Engineer that the activity may proceed under the NWP with any special conditions imposed by the District or Division Engineer; or (2) If notified in writing by the District or Division Engineer that an individual permit is required; or (3) Unless 45 days have passed from the District Engineer's receipt of the complete notification and the prospective permittee has not received written notice from the District or Division Engineer. Subsequently, the permittee's right to proceed under the NWP may be modified, suspended, or revoked only in accordance with the procedure set forth in 33 CFR 330.5(d)(2). (b) Contents of Notification: The notification must be in writing and include the following information: (1) Name, address, and telephone numbers of the prospective permittee; (2) Location of the proposed project; (3) Brief description of the proposed project; the project's purpose; direct and indirect adverse environmental effects the project would cause; any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permit(s) used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the proposed project or any related activity; and (4) For NWPs 7, 12, 14, 18, 21, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43, the PCN must also include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands, vegetated shallows (e.g., submerged aquatic vegetation, seagrass beds), and riffle and pool complexes (see paragraph 13(f)); (5) For NWP 7, Outfall Structures and Maintenance, the PCN must include information regarding the original design capacities and configurations of those areas of the facility where maintenance dredging or excavation is proposed.' t , 1 .1 (14) For NWP 40, Agricultural Activities, the PCN must include a compensatory mitigation proposal to offset losses of waters of the United States. (15) For NWP 43, Stormwater Management Facilities, the PCN must include, for the construction of new stormwater management facilities, a maintenance plan (in accordance with State and local requirements, if applicable) and a compensatory mitigation proposal to offset losses of waters of the United States. (16) For NWP 44, Mining Activities, the PCN must include a description of all waters of the United States adversely affected by the project, a description of measures taken to minimize adverse effects to waters of the United States, a description of measures taken to comply with the criteria of the NWP, and a reclamation plan (for aggregate mining activities in isolated waters and non-tidal wetlands adjacent to headwaters and any hard rock/mineral mining activities). (17) For activities that may adversely affect Federally-listed endangered or threatened species, the PCN must include the name(s) of those endangered or threatened species that may be affected by the proposed work or utilize the designated critical habitat that may be affected by the proposed work. (18) For activities that may affect historic properties listed in, or eligible for listing in, the National Register of Historic Places, the PCN must state which historic property may be affected by the proposed work or include a vicinity map indicating the location of the historic property. .(19) For NWPs 12, 14, 29, 39, 40, 42, 43, and 44, where the proposed work involves discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States resulting in permanent, above-grade fills within 100-year floodplains (as identified on FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps), the notification must include documentation demonstrating that the proposed work complies with the appropriate FEMA or FEMA-approved local floodplain construction requirements. (c) Form of Notification: The standard individual permit application form (Form ENG 4345) may be used as the notification but must clearly indicate that it is a PCN and must include all of the information required in (b) (1)-(19) of General Condition 13. A letter containing the requisite information may also be used. (d) District Engineer's Decision: In reviewing the PCN for the proposed activity, the District Engineer will determine whether the activity authorized by the NWP will result in more than minimal individual or cumulative adverse environmental effects or may be contrary to the public interest. The prospective permittee may, optionally, submit a proposed mitigation plan with the PCN to expedite the process and the District Engineer will consider any proposed compensatory mitigation the applicant has included in the proposal in determining whether the net adverse environmental effects to the aquatic environment of the proposed work are minimal. 5 If so contacted by an agency, the District Engineer will wait an additional 15 calendar days before making a decision on the notification. The District Engineer will fully consider agency comments received within the specified time frame, but will provide no response to the resource agency, except as provided below. The District Engineer will indicate in the administrative record associated with each notification that the resource agencies' concerns were considered. As required by Section 305(b)(4)(B) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the District Engineer will provide a response to National Marine Fisheries Service within 30 days of receipt of any Essential Fish Habitat conservation recommendations. Applicants are encouraged to provide the Corps multiple copies of notifications to expedite agency notification. (f) Wetlands Delineations: Wetland delineations must be prepared in accordance with the current method required by the Corps. For NWP 29 see paragraph (b)(9)(iii) for parcels less than I/4 acre in size. The permittee may ask the Corps to delineate the special aquatic site. There may be some delay if the Corps does the delineation. Furthermore, the 45-day period will not start until the wetland delineation has been completed and submitted to the Corps, where appropriate. 14. Compliance Certification. Every permittee who has received a Nationwide permit verification from the Corps will submit a signed certification regarding the completed work and any required mitigation. The certification will be forwarded by the Corps with the authorization letter. The certification will include: (a) A statement that the authorized work was done in accordance with the Corps authorization, including any general or specific conditions; (b) A statement that any required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions; and (c) The signature of the permittee certifying the completion of the work and mitigation. 15. Use of Multiple Nationwide Permits. The use of more than one NWP for a single and complete project is prohibited, except when the acreage loss of waters of the United States authorized by the NWPs does not exceed the acreage limit of the NWP with the highest specified acreage limit. For example, if a road crossing over tidal waters is constructed under NWP 14, with associated bank stabilization authorized by NWP 13, the maximum acreage loss of waters of the United States for the total project cannot exceed \1/3\ acre. 16. Water Supply Intakes. No activity, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, may occur in the proximity of a public water supply intake except where the activity is for repair of the public water supply intake structures or adjacent bank stabilization. 17. Shellfish Beds. No activity, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, may occur in areas of concentrated shellfish populations, unless the activity is directly related to a shellfish harvesting activity authorized by NWP 4. 18. Suitable Material. No activity, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, may consist of unsuitable material (e.g., trash, debris,'car bodies, asphalt, etc.) and material used for construction or discharged must betfree'fbih'toxic pollutants in toxic amounts (see Section 307 of the Clean Water Act). 7 consolidated mitigation approaches, such as mitigation banks, will be the preferred method of providing compensatory mitigation, unless the District Engineer determines that activity-specific compensatory mitigation is more appropriate, based on which is best for the aquatic environment. These types of mitigation are preferred because they involve larger blocks of protected aquatic environment, are more likely to meet the mitigation goals, and are more easily checked for compliance. If a mitigation bank or other consolidated mitigation approach is not available in the watershed, the District Engineer will consider other appropriate forms of compensatory mitigation to offset the losses of waters of the United States to ensure that the net adverse effects of the authorized work on the aquatic environment are minimal. 20. Spawning Areas. Activities, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, in spawning areas during spawning seasons must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. Activities that result in the physical destruction (e.g., excavate, fill, or smother downstream by substantial turbidity) of an important spawning area are not authorized. 21. Management of Water Flows. To the maximum extent practicable, the activity must be designed to maintain preconstruction downstream flow conditions (e.g., location, capacity, and flow rates). Furthermore, the activity must not permanently restrict or impede the passage of normal or expected high flows (unless the primary purpose of the fill is to impound waters) and the structure or discharge of dredged or fill material must withstand expected high flows. The activity must, to the maximum extent practicable, provide for retaining excess flows from the site, provide for maintaining surface flow rates from the site similar to preconstruction conditions, and must not increase water flows from the project site, relocate water, or redirect water flow beyond preconstruction conditions. In addition, the activity must, to the maximum extent practicable, reduce adverse effects such as flooding or erosion downstream and upstream of the project site, unless the activity is part of a larger system designed to manage water flows. 22. Adverse Effects From Impoundments. If the activity, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharge of dredged or fill material, creates an impoundment of water, adverse effects on the aquatic system caused by the accelerated passage of water and/or the restriction of its flow shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 23. Waterfowl Breeding Areas. Activities, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. 24. Removal of Temporary Fills. Any temporary fills must be removed in their entirety and the affected areas returned to their preexisting elevation. 25. Designated Critical Resource Waters. Critical resource waters include, NOAA- designated marine sanctuaries, National Estuarine Research Reserves, National Wild and Scenic Rivers, critical habitat for Federally listed threatened and endangered species, coral reefs, State natural heritage sites, and outstanding national resource waters or other waters officially 9 permittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13 and the notification must include documentation that any permanent, above grade fills proposed in the floodway comply with FEMA or FEMA-approved local floodplain construction requirements. D. Further Information 1. District engineers have authority to determine if an activity complies with the terms and conditions of an NWP. 2. NWPs do not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, State, or local permits, approvals, or authorizations required by law. 3. NWPs do not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. 4. NWPs do not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. 5. NWPs do not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. MSID Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County, North Carolina W.H. Mull, RE., General Manager P.O. Box 8989, Asheville, N.C. 28814 Telephone: Area Code (828) 254-9848 Teloooplec (828) 2543299 Wllllam Clarke, General Counsel March 23, 2001 Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality NCDENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 `Q?\??? sEwEgtQ?\ W H i \•••••rtRVI 0 Brady M. Blackburn, Chairman C. Michael Sobol, Vice-Chairman Jackie W. Bryson, Secretary/rreasurer Steven T. Aceto Barbaro A. Field David Gantt Elizabeth C. Graham E. Glenn Kelly Ben Pace S. Douglas Spell W. Donald Venable Subject: North Swannanoa Sewer, Phase II, Sections 2 & 3 MSD of Buncombe County, NC Dear Mr. Dorney: Submitted herewith, for your review, are seven (7) copies each of the following items: • Corps of Engineers pre-construction notification application • Oteen, Black Mountain, and Montreat USGS quadrangle maps showing the proposed project • Detail Drawings • Item V, Grassing, Planting and Erosion Control of the MSD Standard Specifications • The original C.O.E. permit • The original 401 WQ certification • The Finding of No Significant Impact issued by NCDEM. The North Swannanoa Sewer Interceptor Phase II was originally permitted by the C.O.E. and D.W.Q. under General Permit No. 198100049. After talking to the C.O.E., it is my understanding that General Permit No. 198100049 was not renewed. Projects previously permitted under 198100049 are now being re- permitted under NW 12. Therefore, we are applying for a C.O.E. Nationwide Permit No. 12, and hereby reapplying for 401 Water Quality Certification, for the same project that was originally permitted. Webslte: www.main.nc.uslMSD 9k?t 1. Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality March 23, 2001 Page 2 This project will complete the replacement of the existing sewer along the Swannanoa River between Asheville and Black Mountain. The existing sewer dates back to the 1920's and is severely deteriorated and subject to frequent overflows. The District has been under a directive from NCDEM for several years to complete the North Swannanoa project. Please be aware that North Swannanoa Sewer Phase II, Section 2 and Section 3 will be separate construction contracts. Section 2 funding includes an EPA Grant. Section 3 funding is 100% local funds. There are some locations on this project where Item 4 of the Conditions of Certification cannot be adhered to, therefore requiring written concurrence/notification. Due to the topography at these locations, we are either closer than 10 ft. to the stream, or crossing at less than 75 ° or more than 105 °. No significant changes have been made in the design of this project since the original 401 WQ certification. A check in the amount of $475.00, for the permit fee, is enclosed. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at (828) 225- 8269. Sincerely, William P. Conner, P.E. Project Manager WPC/drm Enclosures Copy: Tom Hartye Ed Bradford File . z DEM ID: CORPS ACTION ID: NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT #): 12- PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE: 1) NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2) APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION 3) COORDINATION WITH THE NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT SEND THE ORIGINAL AND (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE APPROPRIATE FIELD OFFICE OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME : /NgI1zD?U' L/TAM ??9* 49;24 ?C 2. MAILING ADDRESS : J21VE9a51,99 f3L 4Q",= 55 P,CI0k . ZPZO RIVLQ95/O4 neI VE SUBDIVISION NAME: CITY: smorirmmed6, STATE: /VG ZIP CODE: Z0ee?4- PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLUDING SUBDIVISION NAME (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS ABOVE) : (/,t194alS ZC[r l?/l/5 /?LCYV?4 ,SWAA10J0 ,44d 1V9Q--" AA/O R4-1- - en? /n/ --4W n/n /?NOLI L?n/D B[ pGK M4U?/T?J/ti/, NG QS 5AiN /?/ G+k/ ATrAcr??yit-1Ays. 3 . TELEPHONE NUMBER (HOME) : /V11A (WORK) : (BZS) 025- 6069 4. IF APPLICABLE: -ASONT''S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER : -r6VVI NA,e7YE . P gyp./ A?' A44k/,G1 C9t 6Z9) 025 ozev 5. LOCATION OF WORK (PROVIDE A MAP, PREFERABLY A COPY OF USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WITH SCALE): COUNTY: 941NLOMBL4?7 NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: BL.L(GK /{/?DL1?/l.Yl/^/? /VC SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.) 6. IMPACTED OR NEAREST STREAM/RIVER: !5V,44 RIVER BASIN: 7P. 1441 SQA4Q 7a. IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDAL SALTWATER (SA), HIGH QUALITY WATER•S/(HQW), OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW), WATER SUPPLY (WS-I OR WS-II) ? YES [v ] NO [ ] IF YES, EXPLAIN: ;$W,4A/iJAAAI4 g/VACZ /s :.^T?s?iS?Y 6c/Tb?? TxsbttT" ?tyl - .:?Tf?U?I GLS?'S6/F/?srTK?^.1 /S ?C ?: 7b. IF THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ARE OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC)? 14A YES [ ] NO [ ] 7c. IF THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A COASTAL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 FOR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES), WHAT IS THE LAND USE PLAN (LUP) DESIGNATION: /ti[/A 8a. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [? J NO [ ] IF YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF PREVIOUS PERMIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF 401 CERTIFICATION) : 11215 L"T?/4/JS?_y P£R, axa> t1nyxp c*Ekta=R&L pwg,y Ay 1981 49. Ac ,60 --coo 199462460 8b. ARE ADDITIONAL PERMIT REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE FUTURE? YES [ ] NO [bllf IF YES, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: 9A. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES IN TRACT OF LAND: N?Q , e,6WW- 9??I0747' 9B. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: D K,NGWiV sJA4¢1S"e-,"&v4L wzmMkvoS. 10A. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT BY: FILLING: EXCAVATION : 01u5i -T6- vv/?4A5 /,F=- FLOODING: 7oNA? W?'Tt.?{ti/oS OTHER : DRAINAGE: TOTAL ACRES TO BE IMPACTED: 10B. (1) STREAM CHANNEL TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELOCATED, PROVIDE DISTANCE BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER RELOCATION): CULVERT LENGTH: /l/& FT LENGTH OF BANK STABILIZATION: /,j=• FT - LENGTH BEFORE: A114 FT AFTER: Al FT WIDTH BEFORE (based on normal high water contours): A4 1A FT WIDTH AFTER: 11A FT AVERAGE DEPTH BEFORE: NIA _FT AFTER: 141 FT (2) STREAM CHANNEL IMPACTS WILL RESULT FROM: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: PLACEMENT OF PIPE IN CHANNEL: CHANNEL ELEVATION: CONSTRUCTION OF A DAM/FLOODING: OTHER : ?rG3 i / /5 -,"Zo4M TD g LJ i W Ea,-:51r . -7"?E • 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OF A/ POND IS PROPOSED, WHAT IS THE SIZE OF THE WATERSHED DRAINING TO THE POND? WHAT IS THE EXPECTED POND SURFACE AREA? E5T/M GB 4*7',y 40F --4=--4A4644K ?rs?8/G./z'34T11?/ FZ ?^?'4 F72u?1 -- Su?A ? 0r)VOYM -*Oo AAGS. AWAAflAG Okie G 17Z1,? +/ GRo.?C? /s L/.N/l? SYca????'r.?rcrtan/ ?<1,54?'1ENT5. 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED (ATTACH PLANS: 8 % X 11" DRAWINGS ONLY): l dAOMIdMA/ 41cr 6&W&V L/N? ? i qGE?/?1%, AD?11?,fcsG.eoSSYiJ?S ? ?dngl-T» S wme- Re s Pk -160-46;0 W144-957 /A8rAL...&7J gEZ *J ?ST ZE,?IrVl BEa ANO .ssy IAJ40 7T.?k?B?cK.c, S 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: (n/!GL B? u5®• AQ5;6s A,( Mw/C amng5 BAS To -r;4e • 4 -7? ZO ?5 ANO /6 .5EYE,?y ogg ?G y-=p AAyD 5 uS?./?'?i To 14. STATE REASONS WHY IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. (INCLUDE ANY MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS): 15. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) LAND? YES [Vf'**'NO [ ] (IF NO, GO TO 16) a. IF YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQUIRE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT? ?vv/1a?vM?n1?,¢SSE?S?r9v?tT•, ?(RSf? /^I /993 YES [k'-] NO [ ] NG,D6'M 1S.5[1SZ> Fb"« l 712.ah 3. b. IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN REVIEWED THROUGH THE. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARINGHOUSE? YES [v'] NO [ ] FavS I 165l1AV 7*193 , ?G ITT /? IF ANSWER TO 15b IS YES, THEN SUBMIT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FROM THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE TO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT. QUESTIONS REGARDING THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE REVIEW PROCESS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO MS. CHRYS BAGGETT, DIRECTOR STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603-8003, TELEPHONE (919) 733-6369. 16. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IF PROPOSED ACTIVITY INVOLVES THE DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WETLANDS: a. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY (FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 14, 18, 21, 26, 29, AND 38). ALL STREAMS (INTERMITTENT AND PERMANENT) ON THE PROPERTY MUST BE SHOWN ON THE MAP. MAP SCALES SHOULD BE 1 INCH EQUALS 50 FEET OR 1 INCH EQUALS 100 FEET OR THEIR EQUIVALENT. b. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. c. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. d. ATTACH A COPY OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IF REQUIRED. alA e. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? /NDl1S7L?/.?G ??/GI? 414 A177 44i? CzIZX 71,G 4 L • f. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? AO AIA Sir=;WA64' )=/oV/ 8Y -77-115 B92J4CT' g. SIGNED AND DATED BY AGENT AUTHORIZATION LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. NOTE: WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. MAY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIOR TO: 1) ISSUANCE OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, AND 2) EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (WATER QUALITY) CERTIFICATION. ?- c 3 /s o ER'S/AGENT S I ATURE DA E (AGENT'S SIGN E VALID ONLY IF AUTHORIZAT ON LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS PROVIDED (16G.)) -mM !-d4?TYE? P E o?Bun«ouc??4XI ? llNC -I rn=rn0n 0 1- 0-?rn rnD DDKr -I U Fnrno?0 DZ ??rn03 ? rn 00rrnn0p70 -11 r"n G) z-u u 9 70 -o Cnr n 0 ?? < 00 R G>rn ' X70 -?,r?,7oD.?rn??zz7o? z rn0 ?<? ?D??1 70? D-?1Z ?prn zrn 01r-n cn nn a0D 03 rn ?yz0D 70?{ rnZ O-1Z-?I-17?7or- Op a? rn=z-?(5)' z ?Z O7 -i0 Ton rrn=° rn?rno? U) 95, =n?rn r n ? ern ?? -°- II -uFAD o Z U) z 1 < a co n =Z T n W ?iti? , • ? I /? o u) -? n 00 0 00C) -n -° / c? p -u 70 v \ CO nU) ? O w f?l o o ,-3 --? n r 00 X z 3 > 70 Z rn D ?rn 0 a rn 700 :30M 70 •71 l C (JD O z d Z z n n{ rn s O ? 0 Drn rn n z r- ' Oz d = o rn ?r L ?.,. ?" 0 z z V 70 rn 70 C? OrVn V) z G> O z n rn rn Z V rn K Z -i D Q 'U rn o 0 (D o co O D , b z c rn o o a D --I 3 ;u rn `?- rn d . z ? n C/) CD co > V (J) Z d rn O rn 3 ? d C) ^^ .a rn z o rn o d 05, y cu F rn 0 Q N Tll? n 'o o u a n ? - Z, 70 ulo0 rn v > 70 ON c? z - Q Z ?D -o ? rn rn a] rn 0 -0 F 70 It 70 _ -n z r O -DI 70rn rn D r 1. SHEET PILING @ CONTRACTOR5 OPTION FILTER COMPACTED SELECT FABRIC MATERIAL 1 24" CLA55 II 1 RIP-RAP RIVER FLOOR CONCRETE DUCTILE IRON PIPE 5ANDBAG5 OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL CLA55 II RIP-RAP RIVER FLOOR SECTION A-A COMPACTED SELECT MATERIAL FILL W/ NATIVE MATERIAL UP TO RIVER FLOOR NOTE: NARROW 5TREAM5 -?` MAY REQUIRE PLACEMENT CLA55 II OF TEMPORARY CULVERT .-RIP-RAP 24" CLA55 II RIP-RAP VER BANK RIVER BANK PLAN RIVER CROSSI NG COFFERDAM DETAI L N.T.5. STANDARD DETAIL Sewerage District Metropolitan of Buncombe County, North Carolina TEMPORARY COFFERDAM DETAIL APPROVED: JANUARY 27, 1997 1# MSD-69A 5.01 Scone (a) Grassing, planting and surface restoration consists of performing all labor and furnishing all materials to do the grassing and planting work complete as shown on the plans and specified herein, including ground preparation and fertilizing, seeding, hydro-seeding, mulching, erosion control netting, and tree root protection, vines, shrubs and tree planting and transplanting. This work shall also include the maintenance and watering and any necessary replanting. (b) Fertilizing, seeding, and mulching of disturbed areas shall be completed within thirty (30) working days following the initial ground disturbing activity. This may require that a temporary seeding mixture be used during given dates of the year when permanent seeding would not be allowed. Said temporary seeding for compliance shall be replaced by permanent seeding during allowed seeding dates. (c) Slopes steeper than 3:1 shall require Hydro-seeding unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. (d) The area within the limits shown on the plans, (and upon the direction of the Engineer, all areas disturbed as a result of the construction of the sanitary sewers) shall be planted with a mixture of grassing seeds and mulched as herein specified. (e) Vines, shrubs and trees shall be placed as shown on the planting plan or as authorized by the Engineer. (f) Grassing shall be seeding and mulching or hydroseeding. Mulching shall be straw as specified herein. 5.02 Materials (a) Fertilizer (1) The quality of all fertilizer and all operations in connection with the furnishing of this material shall comply with the requirements of the North Carolina Fertilizer Law and with the rules and regulations, adopted by the North Carolina Board of Agriculture in accordance with the provisions of said law, in effect at the time of sampling. All fertilizer will be subject to sampling and testing by the Engineer, or by an authorized representative of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, or both. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI - V - Pagel North Swann Phase fl, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc (2) Dry fertilizer shall have been manufactured from cured stock. During handling and storing the fertilizer shall be cared for in such a manner that it will be protected against hardening, caking, or loss of plant food values. Any hardened or caked fertilizer shall be pulverized to its original condition before being used. (3) Liquid fertilizer shall be stored and cared for after manufacture in a manner that will prevent loss of plant food values, and a homogeneous blend of plant food elements shall be maintained or re-blended to the original condition immediately before use. (b) Limestone (1) The quality of all limestone and all operations in connection with the furnishing of this material shall comply with the requirements of the North Carolina Lime Law and with the rules and regulations, adopted by the North Carolina Board of Agriculture in accordance with the provisions of said law, in effect at time of sampling. All limestone will be subject to sampling and testing by the Engineer, or by an authorized representative of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, or both. (2) Limestone shall be agricultural grade ground limestone. Either dolomitic or calcitic limestone may be used. All limestone shall contain not less than 90 percent calcium carbonate equivalents. Dolomitic limestone shall contain not less than 10 percent of magnesium. Dolomitic limestone shall be so graded that at least 90 percent will pass through a U.S. Standard 20 mesh screen, and at least 35 percent will pass through a U.S. Standard 100 mesh screen. Calcitic limestone shall be so graded that at least 90 percent will pass through a U.S. Standard 20 mesh screen, and at least 25 percent will pass through a U.S. Standard 100 mesh screen. Where current grading requirements of the North Carolina Board of Agriculture are different from the above, the requirements of the Board of Agriculture shall apply. (3) During handling and storing, the limestone shall be cared for in such manner that it will be protected against hardening or caking. Any hardened or caked limestone shall be pulverized to its original condition before being used. (c) Nutri-Lime (1) Nutri-Lime, produced at the MSD Sewage Treatment Plant, is an acceptable substitution for commercially produced limestone. This product may be picked up at the MSD Treatment Plant, if available. The ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI - V - Paget North Swann Phase [I, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc Contractor shall contact the treatment plant director to verify availability. Application shall be increased at a rate of 30 percent greater than conventional lime. (2) The use of Nutri-Lime is subject to property owner approval. (d) Sg-Qd (1) The quality of all seed and all operations in connection with the furnishing of this material shall comply with the requirements of the North Carolina Seed Law and with the rules and regulations, adopted by the North Carolina Board of Agriculture in accordance with the provisions of said law, in effect at time of sampling. All seed will be subject to sampling by the Engineer, or by an authorized representative of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, or both; and will be tested by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. Supplementary testing for seed germination may be performed by the Engineer. (2) The quality of all seed will be based on the percentage of pure live seed, which will be computed by multiplying the percentage of purity by the percentage of germination and dividing the result by 100. (3) Seed shall have been approved by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture before being sown. No seed will be accepted with a date of test more than eight (8) months prior to the date of sowing, excluding the month in which the test was completed. Such testing, however, will not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility for furnishing and sowing seed that meets these specifications at the time of sowing. The Engineer may retest seed for germination after a five (5) month storing period; at the beginning of each normal seeding season for the particular kind of seed involved; or at any time that the condition of the seed appears to have deteriorated. (4) When a low percentage of germination causes the quality of the seed to fall below the minimum pure live seed specified, the Contractor may elect, subject to the approval of the Engineer, to increase the rate of application sufficiently to obtain the minimum pure live seed content specified, provided that such an increase in the rate of application does not cause the quantity of noxious weed seed per acre or square yard, as the case may be to exceed the quantity that would be allowable at the regular rate of application. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI - V - Page 3 North Swann Phase 11, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc (5) Each of the species or varieties of seed shall be furnished and delivered in separate bags. If seed is to be mixed before sowing, such mixing shall be done in a commercial seed mixing machine or by equally thorough means after sampling and testing have been completed. (6) During handling and storing, the seed shall be cared for in such a manner that it will be protected from damage by heat, moisture, rodents, or other causes. (e) Straw Mulch (1) Straw mulch shall be threshed straw of oats, rye, or wheat and shall be free of mature seed, and free of any weed or grass species which would germinate and be detrimental to the specified grass. (0 Erosion Control Matting (1) Erosion Control Matting shall be jute, cotton, excelsior, or plastic material. Matting shall not be dyed, bleached or otherwise treated in a manner that will result in toxicity to vegetation. When used within NCDOT right-of- ways, matting shall be either jute or excelsior and shall be certified in accordance with NCDOT Section 1060-7. (2) Jute matting shall be woven from plain single jute yarn, averaging 130 pounds per spindle of 14,400 yards. The yarn shall be loosely twisted and shall not vary in thickness by more than 1/2 its normal diameter. The finished mesh shall be of uniform, open (nominal one inch) plain weave, furnished in rolls as follows: Width: 48 inches, plus or minus one inch, with 78 warp ends, plus or minus 2 ends, per width of matting. Length: Convenience lengths, 50 yards minimum, with 41 weft ends, plus or minus 1 end, per linear yard. Weight: Average 1.22 pounds per linear yard, plus or minus 5 percent. (3) Cotton netting shall be woven from undyed and unbleached cotton yard. The finished netting shall be of uniform open weave forming an open rectangular or square mesh of 1/4 to 1/2 inch, and furnished in rolls with the following characteristics: ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI-V-Page4 North Swann Phase 11, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc Width: 48 inches minimum Length: Convenient lengths, 50 yards minimum Weight: Minimum average 0.12 pounds per linear yard of 48 inch wide material (4) Excelsior mattinu shall consist of a machine produced mat of curled wood Excelsior at least 47 inches in width. The mat shall be 0.975 pounds per square yard with a tolerance of plus or minus 10 percent. At least 80 percent of the individual excelsior fibers shall be 6-inches or more in length. The Excelsior fibers shall be evenly distributed over the entire area of the blanket. One side of the Excelsior matting shall be covered with a woven fabric of twisted paper cord or cotton cord, or with an extruded plastic mesh. The mesh size of either the fabric or plastic mesh shall be a minimum of V x 1 and a maximum of 1 1/2" x 3". (5) Plastic netting shall be an extruded polypropylene or other acceptable plastic material, extruded in such a manner as to form a net with 1/4 to 1/2 inch rectangular or square openings with strands of approximately nine (9) millimeters thickness. The netting shall be furnished in rolls meeting the following characteristics: Width: 48 inches minimum Length: Convenient lengths, 50 yards minimum Weight: Minimum average five (5) pounds per 1,000 square feet (6) Staples to hold erosion control netting in place shall .be "U" shaped and shall be approximately six (6) inches long and one inch wide. Machine made staples shall be of No. 11 gauge or heavier steel wire. Hand made staples shall be made from 13-inch lengths of No. 9 gauge or heavier steel wire. (g) Shrubs and Trees (1) Samples of materials proposed to be furnished hereunder shall be submitted to the Engineer for inspection prior to delivery of materials. All materials delivered hereafter shall conform to accepted samples, which shall be stored on the site and protected until the delivery of like materials has been completed. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI - V - Pages North Swann Phase 11, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc Section VI - Technical Specifications shall be uniformly spread in a layer not less than four inches thick. Additional topsoil from other sources shall be furnished by the Contractor if necessary, to cover the area to be planted to the specified depth. The entire area to be planted shall be carefully finished to exact line and grade before planting. Care shall be used to shape the surface of the ground properly around structures. Topsoil to be furnished shall be fertile, friable, natural topsoil typical of topsoil of locality. It shall be without admixture of subsoil and shall be reasonably free of stones, lumps, plants, roots, sticks, and other extraneous matter, and shall not be used for planting operations while in a frozen or muddy condition. (b) The Contractor shall cut and satisfactorily dispose of weeds or other unacceptable growth on the areas to be seeded. Uneven and rough areas, such as crop rows, farm contours, ditches and ditch spoil banks, fence line and hedgerow soil accumulations, and other minor irregularities which cannot be obliterated by normal seedbed preparation operations, shall be shaped and smoothed as directed by the Engineer to provide for more effective seeding and for ease of subsequent mowing operations. (c) The soil shall then be scarified or otherwise loosened to a depth of not less than 4- inches except as otherwise provided below or otherwise directed by the Engineer. Clods shall be broken and the top 2 to 3 inches of soil shall be worked into an acceptable seedbed by the use of soil pulverizers, drags, or harrows, or by other methods approved by the Engineer. All rock and debris shall be removed prior to the application of seed and fertilizer. (d) Prior to distribution of topsoil the sub-grade shall be scarified as described above. After the topsoil is spread the surface of all areas to be planted shall be prepared by plowing and discing in both direction, when feasible, to a depth of not less than four (4) inches. After removal of all large particles which cannot be broken, the surface shall then be harrowed and cultivated. Plowing and harrowing shall be performed with proper equipment and in such manner as to break up all clods, lumps, or earth balls, and to remove all rocks, stumps, large roots, or other particles so as to provide a suitable planting bed. Hand tools shall be used in inaccessible small areas. (e) The preparation of seedbeds shall not be done when the soil is frozen, extremely wet, or when the Engineer determines that it is an otherwise unfavorable working condition. (f) All soil to be used in a tree, shrub and vine pit for planting operations shall be conditioned by thoroughly mixing one part by volume of peat, one part by volume of rotted manure and four parts by volume of topsoil. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI - V - Pagel North Swann Phase 11, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc 5.04 Applying and Covering Limestone, Fertilizer, and Seed (a) General (1) Seasonal limitation for seeding operations; the kinds of grades of fertilizers; the kinds of seed; and the rates of application of limestone, fertilizer, and seed shall be as stated in the special provisions. (2) Equipment to be used for the application, covering, or compaction of limestone, fertilizer, and seed shall have been approved by the Engineer before being used on the project. Approval may be revoked at any time if equipment is not maintained in satisfactory working condition, or if the equipment operation damages the seed. (3) Limestone, fertilizer, and seed shall be applied within 24 hours after completion of seedbed preparation unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, but no limestone or fertilizer shall be distributed and no seed shall be sown when the Engineer determines that weather and soil conditions are unfavorable for such operations. (4) During the application of fertilizer, adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent damage to traffic, structures, houses, vehicles, or any other appurtenances. The Contractor shall either provide adequate covering or change methods of application as required to avoid such damage. When such damage occurs the Contractor shall repair it, including any cleaning that may be necessary. (b) Limestone and Fertilizer (1) Limestone may be applied as a part of the seedbed preparation, provided it is immediately worked into the soil. If not so applied, limestone and fertilizer shall be distributed uniformly over the prepared seedbed at the specified rate of application and then harrowed, raked, or otherwise thoroughly worked or mixed into the seedbed. (2) If liquid fertilizer is used, storage containers for the liquid fertilizer shall be located on the project and shall be equipped for agitation of the liquid prior to its use. The storage containers shall be equipped with approved measuring or metering devices which will enable the Engineer to record at any time the amount of liquid (3) Fertilizers shall be applied uniformly into the areas to be planted or improved in such amount and to such depth and according to the methods indicated in the specifications for the various ground covers. The fertilizer ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI-V-Page 8 North Swann Phase II, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc shall be well pulverized and free of lumps when applied. In no case shall full strength fertilizer be permitted in direct contact with roots. When fertilizers are applied hydraulically they must be diluted sufficiently as directed so that no damage is done to either seed or established grasses and legumes. Agricultural limestone and basic slag shall be applied in a separate operation but may be incorporated in soil with fertilizers in one operation. (c) &td (1) The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least twenty-four hours in advance of the time he intends to start inoculating and mixing seed or begin sowing seed and shall not proceed with such work until permission to do so has been given. (2) Prior to sowing, the seed accepted for use shall be inoculated as provided herein. Each kind of seed shall be inoculated separately with the appropriate commercial culture according to instructions of the manufacturer of the material accepted for use, then allowed to surface dry to a free flowing state before mixing or sowing. In general, no greater quantity of seed shall be inoculated at one time than can be sowed by the end of the following working day. All inoculated seed shall be protected from the sun and direct contact with commercial fertilizers. (3) Seed shall be distributed uniformly over the seedbed at the required rate of application, and immediately harrowed, dragged, raked, or otherwise worked so as to cover the seed with a layer of soil. The depth of covering shall be as recommended by the seed company. If two kinds of seed are to be used which require different depths of covering, they shall be sown separately. (4) Sowing of seed shall follow promptly after incorporation of fertilizer. Sowing shall be done uniformly at the specified rate by approved mechanical seeders. Hand operated cyclone sowers will be considered mechanical seeders. No sowing shall be done during windy weather, when the prepared surface is crusted, or when the ground is frozen, wet or otherwise in a nontillable condition. When a combination seed and fertilizer drill is used, fertilizer may be drilled in with the seed after limestone has been applied and worked into the soil. If 2 kinds of seed are being used which require different depth of covering, the seeding requiring the lighter covering may be sown broadcast or with a special attachment to the drill, or drilled lightly following the initial drilling operation. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI-V-Page9 North Swann Phase 11, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc (5) When a hydraulic seeder is used for application of seed and fertilizer, the seed shall not remain in water containing fertilizer for more than 30 minutes prior to application unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. (6) Immediately after sowing, the seeded area shall be harrowed, dragged, raked or otherwise worked so as to work the seed into the soil. Care shall be exercised during covering operations to preserve the line, grade and cross-section of the seeded areas and to see that areas adjacent to pavement, walks, etc., are not left higher than the paved surface. After the seed has been properly covered the seed bed shall be compacted immediately by means of a cultipacker, light roller or approved drag. Rolling or covering of seed may be omitted when seeding is done hydraulically and mulched. (7) The Contractor shall water, fill washes, and otherwise protect and maintain the seeded areas until permanent grass is established. Damage by either pedestrian, vehicular traffic, or other causes shall be repaired by the Contractor. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to establish and maintain a satisfactory stand of grass until final acceptance of the project and for the warrantee period. A satisfactory stand of established grass shall be defined as a dense uniform growth three (3) inches high with complete cover of living grass (limited to the species of seed that are expected to germinate in the current season). If a satisfactory stand of grass is not established, the area shall be reseeded by the Contractor until permanent grass is established. Seeded areas shall be mowed as required and when weeds or other undesirable vegetation threaten to smother the planted species. (8) Existing privately maintained lawns shall be matched with a permanent seeding mixture. Said mixture rates and dates of seeding are to be documented by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer prior to application. Certain lawns may require sodding or sprigging in order to match existing lawns within the warranty period. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI-V- Page 10 North Swann Phase 11, Sect. 2 - Revised 617/2000 prnc (9) PERMANENT SEEDING MIXTURE - LAWNS Falcon Fescue 175 Rebel Fescue 175 Jaguar Fescue 175 Biltmore Mix 200 The plans, Technical Special Conditions, or Special Easement Provisions may specify seed other than above for specific properties or areas. August 15 - September 1 March 1 - April 1 Possible July 25 - September 15 March 1 - May 10 Complete seeding earlier in fall, and start later in spring on north and east facing slopes. Soil Amendments Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests or apply 4,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 1,000 lb/acre 5-10-10 fertilizer along with 500 lb/acre of 0-20-0 superphosphate. Apply 4,000 - 5,000 lb/acre grain straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulching material. Anchor mulch by tacking with asphalt, roving or netting, if specified on the plans, in the Special Conditions, or if directed by the Engineer or his representative. Jute, Excelsior or other specified erosion control material shall be used in ditches and swales. Maintenance In all areas where an adequate stand of grass is not established rework the seed bed, as specified and seed and mulch again. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI - V - Page 11 North Swann Phase 11, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc (10) PERMANENT SEEDING MIXTURE -OPEN FIELDS AND . PASTURES Kentucky 31 Fescue 175 - 200 The plans, Technical Special Conditions, or Special Easement Provisions may specify seed other than above for specific properties or areas. B-tg August 15 - September 1 March 1 - April 1 Possible July 25 - September 15 March 1 - May 10 Complete seeding earlier in fall, and start later in spring on north and east facing slopes. Soil Amendments Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests or apply 4,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 1,000 lb/acre 5-10-10 fertilizer along with 500 lb/acre of 0-20-0 superphosphate. Mulch Apply 3,000 - 4,000 lb/acre grain straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulching material. Anchor mulch by tacking with asphalt, roving or netting, if specified on the plans, in the Special Conditions, or if directed by the Engineer or his representative. Jute, Excelsior or other specified erosion control material shall be used in ditches and swales. Maintenance In all areas where an adequate stand of grass is not established rework the seed bed, as specified and seed and mulch again. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI-V- Page 12 North Swann Phase II, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc (11) PERMANENT SEEDING MIXTURE for R-O-W CLEARED THROUGH WOODS Species Rate (lb/acrel Kentucky 31 Fescue 175 - 200 The plans, Technical Special Conditions, or Special Easement Provisions may specify seed other than above for specific properties or areas. Suggested Seeding Dates Best August 15 - September 1 March 1 - April 1 Possible July 25 - September 15 March 1 - May 10 Complete seeding earlier in fall, and start later in spring on north and east facing slopes. Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests or apply 4,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 1,000 lb/acre 5-10-10 fertilizer along with 500 lb/acre of 0-20-0 superphosphate. Mulch Apply 3,000 - 4,000 lb/acre grain straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulching material. Anchor mulch by tacking with asphalt, roving or netting, if specified on the plans, in the Special Conditions, or if directed by the Engineer or his representative. Jute, Excelsior or other specified erosion control material shall be used in ditches and swales. Maintenance In all areas where an adequate stand of grass is not established rework the seed bed, as specified and seed and mulch again. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI - V - Page 13 North Swann Phase 11, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc 5.05 Mulching (a) General (1) All seeded areas shall be mulched unless otherwise indicated in the special provisions or directed by the Engineer. (2) Grain straw may be used as mulch at any time of the year. If permission to use material other than grain straw is requested by the Contractor and the use of such material is approved by the Engineer, the seasonal limitations, the methods and rates of application, the type of binding material, or other conditions governing the use of such material will be established by the Engineer at the time of approval. (b) Applying Mulch (1) Mulch shall be applied within 24 hours after completion of seeding unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Care shall be exercised to prevent displacement of soil or seed or other damage to the seeded area during the mulching operations. (2) Mulch shall be uniformly spread by hand or by approved mechanical spreaders or blowers which will provide an acceptable application. An acceptable application will be that which will allow some sunlight to penetrate and air to circulate but also partially shade the ground, reduce erosion, and conserve soil moisture. (3) Straw mulch shall be applied at the rate of not less than 2 tons per acre. (4) Straw mulch may be applied by hand or with a mechanical mulch spreader. The spreader shall be designed to break up balls or clusters of the mulch and apply it evenly and uniformly over the surface so as not to exclude penetration of sunlight. (5) Immediately after the area to be mulched has received ground preparation and specified planting, the mulch shall be applied at the rates specified above. Mulch which is too fresh, or excessively brittle, or so decomposed as to retard growth of grass will not be acceptable. The asphalt adhesive shall be applied at a rate of 200 to 250 gallons per acre of undiluted asphalt. (6) Mulch shall not be applied during period of high winds or other un- favorable conditions. Care shall be exercised to protect the public, adjacent property, buildings, curbs, sidewalks, and the like form discoloration by ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI - V - Page 14 North Swann Phase 11, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc the asphalt adhesive. The Contractor shall be responsible for any such damage to public or private property. Any damage or discoloration to structures shall be repaired without delay at the Contractor's expense. (c) Holding Mulch (1) Where directed by the Engineer or his representative or called for on the plans or in the Special Conditions, mulch shall be held in place by applying a sufficient amount of asphalt or other approved binding material. The rate and method of application of binding material shall meet the approval of the Engineer. Where the binding material is not applied directly with the mulch it shall be applied immediately following the mulch application. (2) During the application of asphalt binding material, or other approved binding materials, adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent damage to traffic, structures, sidewalks, houses, or any other appurtenances. The Contractor shall either provide adequate covering or change methods of application as required to avoid such damage. When such damage occurs the Contractor shall immediately repair it, including any cleaning that may be necessary. 5.06 Hydro Seeding and Mulching (a) Hydro-seeding and mulching shall consist of sowing seeds by hydraulic equipment and covering, compacting, mulching, and maintaining seeded areas. Seeds, hydro-seeding and mulching shall comply with applicable portions of these specifications. Hydro-seeding and mulching shall be performed at the locations and at the time shown on the plans and in conformity with these specifications. (b) Hydro-seeding shall be performed by approved equipment designed for the purpose. The equipment shall be designed to pump a water-seed-inoculant uni- formly over the areas to be seeded. It shall include a power driven agitator to keep the mixture uniform during application. The equipment shall be of sufficient force and capacity to apply a uniform application to the upper limits of all cut slopes and the lower limits of all fill slopes. For hay or straw mulch, equipment shall be as specified herein. (c) Apply legume inoculates at four (4) times the manufacturer's recommended rates when adding inoculant to hydro-seeder slurry. The seeds shall be placed in the culture solution and mixed by mechanical agitator in the hydraulic feeder. Seeds shall be applied at the rate specified herein, and shall not remain in contact with the fertilizer for more than one hour prior to application. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI - V - Page 15 North Swann Phase 11, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc 5.07 Maintenance of Seed and Mulching (a) Areas where seeding and mulching have been performed shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition until final acceptance of the project. Maintenance shall include mowing at the location and times directed by the Engineer. (b) Areas of damage or failure due to any cause shall be corrected by being repaired or by being completely redone as may be directed by the Engineer. (c) Where correction will require extensive seedbed preparation, or where earthwork repairs or complete reshaping are necessary, the seeding and mulching shall be redone in accordance with this section. (d) As an exception to the above, areas of damage or failure resulting either from negligence on the part of the Contractor in performing subsequent construction operations or from not taking adequate precautions to control erosion and siltation as required throughout the various sections of the specifications, shall be repaired by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer at no cost to the District. 5.08 Erosion Control Netting (Jute) (a) Erosion control netting shall be applied to seeded and mulched ground areas where directed by the Engineer or his representative, or where called for on the plans or in the Special Conditions. (b) Erosion control netting shall be placed immediately after completion of ground preparation, fertilizing, seeding, and mulching in accordance with these specifications. The netting strips shall be rolled out flat, parallel to the direction of flow. When 2 or more strips are required to cover an area, they shall overlap 3 inches, minimum. Ends of strips shall overlap 6 inches, minimum, with the upgrade section on top. The upslope end (anchor slot) of each strip shall be buried in 6 inch vertical slots, and soil tamped firmly against it. When, in the opinion of the Engineer, conditions warrant, any other edge exposed to excessive flow shall be buried similarly. (c) The netting shall be spread evenly and smoothly, and in contact with the mulch at all points. It shall be tamped or stapled to assure close contact with the mulch. Each strip shall be stapled in 3 rows; each edge and the center, spaced at not more than 3 feet longitudinally. Ends of strips shall be stapled at 9 inch intervals across their width. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI-V- Page 16 North Swann Phase II, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc Section VI - Technical Specifications (d) Care during construction shall consist of protection and of repairs made necessary by erosion, wind, fire; and/or other causes. Repairs shall be such as to re-establish the condition and grade of the soil as existing prior to application of the netting, restoring damaged ground preparation, refertilization and replanting of damaged areas, without additional compensation. The period of care shall continue until acceptance of the contract. Care shall be performed without additional compensation. 5.09 Excelsior Matting (a) Excelsior matting may be used instead of erosion control netting and mulching on ground areas having a slope greater than 5 to 1 or at other locations as directed by the Engineer or his representative, or where called for on the plans or in the Special Conditions. (b) The area to be covered by the matting shall be properly prepared, fertilized, and seeded before the matting is applied...When the matting is unrolled, the netting shall be on top and the fibers in contact with the soil over the entire area. In ditches the matting shall be applied in the direction of the flow of water, butted snugly at ends and sides and stapled. On slopes the matting shall be applied either horizontally or vertically to the slope and ends and sides butted' snugly and stapled. (c) Staples shall vary with soil conditions. The staples shall be driven vertically into the ground, spaced approximately two lineal yards apart, on each side, and one row in the center alternately spaced between each side (60 staples on each blanket) a common row of staples shall be used on adjoining blankets. 5.10 Planting Shrubs and Trees (a) Remove rock or other underground obstructions to the depths necessary to permit proper installation of planting, unless other locations are selected by the Engineer. (b) Stake plant locations and secure approval before excavating pits, making any adjustments necessary; locate no plants, except vines, closer than two feet to pavement or structure. (c) Excavate pits in circular outline, with vertical sides, for all plants except hedge plants. (d) Tree pits shall be at least two feet greater in diameter than diameter of ball or spread of roots; and at least two feet in depth. Shrub pits shall be at least one foot greater in diameter than diameter of ball or spread of roots and at least one foot in depth. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI-V- Page 17 North Swann Please 11, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc (e) Set plants in center of pits, placing ball or roots on a layer of topsoil at least two inches in depth, adjusting depth as necessary so that crown of plant will stand at finished grade; set hedge plants, evenly spaced, along center line of trench. Compact soil around balls or roots of plants and water thoroughly. Form ridge of soil around edge of pit to facilitate watering. Use clean soil excavation from plant pits between shrub pits, if arranged in groups, as necessary to bring planted areas to finished grade, and dispose of excess excavated soil as directed; cultivate between pits to a depth of 6 inches, rake smoothly and neatly outline. (f) Prune plant in accordance with standard horticultural practice. Mulch plant pits one inch deep, using well rotted manure lightly incorporated in soil. (g) Stake trees as follows: setting each stake vertically and at least one third of its length in ground, approximately 12 inches from trunk; guy trees to upper end of stakes with canvas ties folded to a 1 1/2 inch width. Single stake trees under two inches in caliper if so indicate by drawings. Double stake each tree two or three inches in caliper setting each stake vertically at least one third of its length in the ground, approximately 12 inches from trunk. Guy trees to upper end of stake with canvas ties folded to one and one half inches in width. (h) Wrap trunk of trees, spirally to height of second branches and tie the wrapping in place with suitable cord. 5.11 Guaran , and Replacements (a) The Contractor will replace during the next planting season all dead trees, shrubs, and grass at no additional cost. Plants used for replacement shall be of the same kind and size removed or as specified elsewhere and shall be furnished, planted and mulched as specified. (b) The Contractor shall maintain planting at his own expense until expiration of the warrantee period, and until one (1) year after planting. Maintenance shall consist of preserving, protecting, watering, replacing, and such other work as may be necessary to keep the work in a satisfactory condition. 5.12 Erosion Control (a) The Owner will obtain the Certificate of Plan approval of the erosion and sedimentation control plan and a general stormwater NPDES Permit, if required, prior to beginning construction. The plan is issued by the Land Quality Section, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, North Carolina 28802. A copy of the Permit is included in the Special Conditions. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI - V - Page 18 North Swann Phase 11. Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc Section VI - Technical Specifications (b) The Contractor shall be required to perform the items of work shown on the plans, described in the Special Conditions of the Specifications and listed in the Permit. (c) During the construction of the project, the Contractor shall be required to take the necessary steps to minimize soil erosion and siltation of rivers, streams, lakes and property. The Contractor shall comply with the applicable regulations of the appropriate governmental agencies in regard to soil erosion control and sedimentation prevention. (d) The Owner will limit the area over which clearing and grubbing and excavation operations are performed whenever the Contractor's operations do not make effective use of proper erosion control measures. (e) Prior to the end of each work day on the project, the Contractor shall take the necessary measures to protect the construction area from erosion. (f) Temporary and permanent erosion control measures shall be accomplished at the earliest practicable time. Temporary erosion control measures shall be coordinated with permanent measures to insure economical effective and continuous erosion control during the life of the project. (g) Temporary erosion control measures shall include but not be limited to the use of temporary berms, dams, dikes, drainage ditches, silt ditches, silt fences, vegetation, mulches, mats, netting or any other methods or devices that are necessary. (h) Erosion control measures installed by the Contractor shall be suitably maintained by the Contractor, until the site is fully stabilized. (i) Where excavation is adjacent to streams, lakes or other surface waters, the Contractor shall not place excavated materials between the excavation and the surface waters. Where this practice is impractical, the Contractor shall provide temporary erosion control measures as authorized by the Owner, shown on the plans, described in the Special Conditions of the specifications, or listed in the permit. (j) Where live streams are crossed by the project, the Contractor shall exercise particular care to minimize siltation of the stream. Disturbance shall be limited to the width allowed by the US Army Corps of Engineers Permit, if applicable, at all live streams. Temporary erosion control measures shall be constructed as authorized by the Owner. These may include but not be limited to use of coffer dam in the stream, dikes, diversion ditches and/or temporary sediment traps at the top of the banks, and silt fences on all creek banks. All temporary erosion control ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI-V- Page 19 North Swann Phase II, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc Section VI - Technical Specifications measures shall be acceptably maintained until permanent erosion control measures at stream crossings shall include but not be limited to filter fabric and dumped rip-rap on the creek banks and the establishment of permanent grass cover on all disturbed and exposed soil. (k) Where runoff on natural ground may cause erosion of the trench or erosion of the backfill in the trench, the Contractor shall construct temporary erosion control measures. These may include but not be limited to diversion ditches, check dams and silt basins or other suitable erosion control measures as authorized by the Owner's representative. (1) Clearing and grubbing operations shall be limited to a maximum of three thousand (3,000) feet ahead of pipe installation crews. Temporary erosion control measures shall be constructed by the Contractor on cleared areas of the project as authorized by the Owner. These shall include but not be limited to dikes, diversion ditches, silt basins, check dams and silt fences. (m) Permanent seeding of disturbed areas shall be accomplished at the earliest practicable time. Temporary seeding may be required. The Contractor shall perform temporary seeding on disturbed areas as authorized by the Owner's representative. The Contractor shall not place more than 500 feet of sewer line ahead of temporary or permanent seeding of disturbed areas. Seeding shall meet the requirements of Item V of the Technical Specifications. (n) Gravel construction entrances shall be installed at all locations used regularly as ingress and egress to the project site. (o) Stream and River Crossings (1) Stream and River Crossings shall include all equipment, labor and materials for complete construction of crossing including all excavations, coffer dams, ductile iron pipe installation, concrete encasement of pipe, stream or river diversion, shoring, backfill or excavations, removal of fill from the water course, rip-rap on stream banks, and all related work required to complete the river stream crossing, and any work required by US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Tennessee Valley Authority or any other Federal, State, or Local Agency having jurisdiction in the area of work. (2) The sides and ends of concrete encasements shall be formed. (3) Diversion ditches shall be constructed at or near the top of each river bank at river crossings. Localized stormwater runoff shall be diverted by way of the diversion ditches away from the disturbed stream bank. Water coming into contact with uncured concrete shall be pumped to a separate ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI - V - Page 20 North Swann Phase H, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc Section VI - Technical ?necif_ Iccations holding tank or basin and shall not be returned to the river until proper settlement of solids and adjustment of pH to between sever (7) and nine (9). Temporary sediment traps may be required if determined necessary by the Engineer. (4) Steam and River Crossings shall meet the requirements of Item V of the Technical Specifications. (p) Dumped Rip Rap for River and Stream Bank Protection (1) Rip-Rap, where specified on the plans, shall be placed to provide a minimum of 1.5 feet of cover and shall conform to the existing river bank slope and alignment. Where rip-rap is to be placed on river banks, the banks shall be excavated to accommodate the proposed rip-rap, leaving the rip-rap surface flush with the adjoining existing surfaces. (2) Geotextile fabric shall be placed on stream banks prior to placing rip-rap as shown on plans and shall meet the following requirements: Grab tensile strength shall be a minimum of 200 lbs. in accordance with ASTM- D4632. Elongation at failure shall be 50% minimum in accordance with ASTM D4632. Burst strength shall be minimum 360 PSI in accordance with ASTM D3786. Coefficient of normal permeability shall not be less than 0.1 CM/SEC. Vertical water flow shall be a minimum of 80 GPM/FZ in accordance with ASTM D4491. Apparent opening size shall be 70 (US Std. Sieve Number). (3) Puncture strength shall be a minimum of 90 lb in accordance with ASTM D3787. Trapezoid tear strength shall be a minimum of 75 lbs. in accordance with ASTM D4533. The above values shall be taken as minimum average roll value in the weakest principal direction. The geotextile fabric shall be Trevira Spunbond Type 1125 as manufactured by Hoechst Celanese, or approved equal. (4) Rip-Rap shall conform to the requirements for Type II rip-rap of the Specifications or for Class 2 rip-rap of Section 942-1 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Structures dated January 1, 1984, of NCDOT. (5) Select excavated trench rock may be used in lieu of quarry stone for dumped rip-rap. Stones shall be well graded weighing from 10 to 250 pounds each. Generally, not more than 10 (10%) percent by total weight shall weigh less than ten (10) pounds each, and not more than ten (10%) percent by total weight shall weigh more than three hundred (250) pounds each. Select excavated trench rock used for dumped rip-rap shall be free of excessive fines. ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI-V- Page 21 North Swann Phase 11, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pmc Section VI - Technical Specifications (6) Payment for dumped rip-rap shall be made at the contract unit price in the proposal. 5.13 Determination of Pay Quantities (a) Seeding and mulching and hydroseeding shall be considered incidental to sewer construction and no separate payment will be made therefore. (b) On unit price contracts the quantities of erosion control devices and landscape plantings for which payment will be allowed shall be determined as follows, for each type and size of erosion control device specified, and for each species and size of pl anting specified. Type of Work UBil Measurement • Construction Entrance Each Actual No. Installed • Temporary Sediment Trap Each Actual No. Installed • Check Dam Each Actual No. Installed • Silt Fence L.F. Horizontal Length Measured in place. • Rip-rap Streambank Protection S.Y. Actual Length and Width placed to nearest 1/10 s.y. • Excelsior Matting S.Y. Actual Length and Width placed to nearest 1/10 s.y. • Landscape Planting Each Actual number planted 5.14 a nt (a) On unit price contracts payment for erosion control devices and landscape plantings installed under these specifications, and accepted by the Engineer or his representative, shall be made for the quantities determined in the manner specified above. (b) Payment shall cover the cost of furnishing all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and other incidental items in connection with or incidental to the work. Payment for erosion control devices shall also include all site preparation, geotextile fabric where specified, maintenance during construction and removal and site restoration after completion of construction. My Documents\Generic Specs New 99\V[ Section S - Grassing, planting, erosion ITEM V - GRASSING, PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROL VI-V- Page 22 North Swann Phase II, Sect. 2 - Revised 6/7/2000 pine DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 May 6, 1994 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199402408, General Permit No. 198100049 Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County William H. Mull ???***•..III Post Office Box 8969 Asheville, North Carolina 28814 MAY 9 - 1994 Dear Mr. Mull: 111 c., .,r..?, {);... - f Reference your application of March 7, 1994 for D S?? 6 eke Ai?iy (DA) authorization to conSrLfUet the Phase II North $wannaYl 'fii1lLa?f'jf` ewer interceptor replacement project which extends from Grassy Branch at the end bf Phase I eastward to Ridgecrest and Montreat, Buncombe County, North Carolina. The project will involve numerous subaqueous crossings of the Swannanoa River, Flat Creek and tributaries thereof. The proposal has been reviewed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC). On January 1, 1994, we renewed general permit No. 198100049, (copy enclosed) that authorizes the maintenance, repair and installation of aerial and subaqueous utility lines with attendant structures and the discharge of excavated or fill materials, within construction/access corridors, associated with utility line maintenance, repair and installation in navigable waters and waters of the United States in the State of North Carolina. Your proposed work is authorized if you can comply with all general permit conditions, and those outlined in the attached April 13, 1994 WRC letter. Please read the enclosed permit to prevent an unintentional violation of Federal law. As this Department of the Army general permit does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain any other required approvals, you should contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If you have questions, contact David Baker in our Asheville Regulatory Office at (704) 271-4856. Sincerely, G. r Wrig i Regula ry Branch Enclosure -2- Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Hendon Engineering Associates, Inc. William P. Conner, P.E. Post Office Box 7623 Asheville, North Carolina 28802 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Stephanie E. Goudreau 320 South Garden Street Marion, North Carolina 28752 C- North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 0 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188,919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM. TO David Baker, permit coordinator Asheville Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers FROM: Stephanie E. Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: April 13, 1994 SUBJECT: Review of application to replace North Swannanoa Sanitary Sewer Interceptor along the Swannanoa River and Flat Creek (Phase II), Buncombe County. Mr. William P. Conner, P.E. of Hendon Engineering Associates is requesting a letter of concurrence from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) to obtain a 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The NCWRC has reviewed information provided by the applicant and conducted a site visit on November 18, 1992. These comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et seq.), and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d.). Project sponsors propose to replace approximately 95,700 feet of existing sewer line from Grassy Branch to Ridgecrest along the Swannanoa River and from Black Mountain to Montreat along Flat Creek. The Swannanoa River in this area is Hatchery Supported Designated Public Mountain Trout Water (DPMTW) and is heavily fished. Flat Creek is not DPMTW; however, it supports wild rainbow trout. The NCWRC does not object to the issuance of this permit, provided the applicant implements the following conditions: 1) An undisturbed vegetated buffer zone of at least 25 feet should be„left between streams (except at crossings) and construction activities where possible. This will minimize sedimentation into streams, preserve riparian vegetation that stabilizes stream banks, and maintain a travel corridor for wildlife. North Swannanoa Sewer Page 2 April 13, 1994 2) xn areas where existing development ai prevent leaving a 25-foot undisturbed sedimentation control measures should streams and construction activities. silt fencing in front of hay bales or fencing. 3d/or topography buffer zone, extra be placed between These might include a double row of silt 3) Excavated material should be stockpiled away from streams. 4) Old sewer lines to be abandoned should be removed where they cross streams as these may block fish passage and collect debris. We are pleased that the applicant proposes to bury new sewer lines at-crossings. 5) Encasing sewer lines in concrete at crossings must be accomplished so that wet. concrete does not contact stream water. This will lessen.the chance of raising the pH of stream..water and causing a fish kill. Water coming in contact with wet concrete should not be returned to streams until the-- H of the water drops to 9 or less after being held in stilling basins or after chemical treatment. 6) Riparian vegetation, especially trees, should be preserved as much as possible at stream crossings. Trees that must be removed should be out near ground level, leaving the stump and roots in the bank for stability and to possibly sprout. Trees removed should be replaced with saplings of willow, alder, sycamore, or other native species. 7) Natural materials should be used as much as possible to restore stream banks at crossings. Riprap may be used on the stream bank below the high water mark, but vegetation should be used for stabilization above high water. 8) Permanent herbaceous vegetation in disturbed areas should be established within 15 days of ground disturbing activities to?provide long term erosion control. We prefer a "seed as you go" strategy rather than allowing a large amount of soil to lay bare. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If you.have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 704/652-4257. cc: Mr. Micky Clemmons, District 9 Fisheries Biologist Mr. Joffrey Brooks, District 9 Wildlife Biologist Mr. William P. Conner, Hendon Engineering Associates DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 General Permit No. 198100049 Name of Permittee: General Public Effective Date: January 1, 1994 Expiration Date: December 31, 1999 DEPARTMENT OF TECH ARMY GENERAL PERMIT A general permit to perform work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States and waters of the United States, upon recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3, 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403), and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344), is hereby modified and renewed by authority of the Secretary of the Army by District Engineer U.S. Army Engineer District, Wilmington Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 TO MAINTAIN, REPAIR AND INSTALL AERIAL AND SUBAQUEOUS UTILITY LINES WITH ATTENDANT STRUCTURES AND TO DISCHARGE EXCAVATED AND/OR FILL MATERIALS WITHIN CONSTRUCTION/ACCESS CORRIDORS IN NAVIGABLE WATERS AND WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1. Special Conditions. a. Work authorized by this general permit includes the installation of pipes and pipelines for the transportation of any gaseous liquid, liquefiable or slurry substance and any cable, line or wire for the transmission of electrical energy, telephone or telegraph messages, and radio and television communication. This general permit authorizes the temporary discharge of excavated material from trenches or footings, the temporary discharge of excavated or fill material for construction of access roads, the temporary stockpiling of excavated or fill material for bedding and backfill and the discharge of material for bedding and backfill, including outfall and intake structures. All work will conform to the standards contained herein. Other construction activities are not authorized by this general permit. b. Excavation or discharge of dredged or fill material in any emergent wetlands, forested wetlands, beds of submerged aquatic vegetation or shellfish beds is discouraged. Whenever practicable, utility line routes will avoid areas of concentrated shellfish production and submerged beds of vascular aquatic vegetation. C. Installation of aerial utility lines in Currituck Sound, Core Sound, lower Pamlico Sound, Falls Lake, Jordan Lake and other areas identified as important to avifauna migration and movement, will be specifically coordinated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. -2- d. To install a utility line under the authority of this general permit, the permittee must apply to the District Engineer by submitting a written description of the work and appropriate drawings on 8-1/2 inch by 11 inch paper. Immediately after receipt of an application, the District Engineer will assign an action identification number and examine the proposal to determine the applicability of this general permit. If the proposal satisfies the general permit conditions, the District Engineer will so inform the permittee by letter which may contain additional, specific conditions to assure that the work will have only a minimal impact on resources. The permittee may not commence construction until he receives the District Engineer's letter. Copies of this letter, with drawings, will be furnished to the Director, Atlantic Marine Center, National Ocean Service, Norfolk, Virginia, and NOAA, the National Ocean Survey, Marine Chart Branch, Rockville, Maryland. e. The temporary discharge of excavated or fill material in waters or wetlands will be for the absolute minimum period of time necessary to accomplish the work. f. This general permit does not authorize any permanent changes in preconstruction elevation contours in waters or wetlands. A permittee will have a specific plan for restoring wetland contours. Any excess material will be removed to a highground disposal area. g. The area of waters of the U.S. that is disturbed will be limited to the minimum necessary to install the utility line. The work area authorized by this general permit, including temporary access roadways, will be minimized to the greatest extent practicable. In no case will the work corridor width exceed forty (40) feet. h. This general permit does authorize temporary roadway access, as determined by the District Engineer, to be essential for maintenance, repair and/or installation of utility lines. (1) Temporary access roadways will not span more than one-half way across any waters or wetlands at any one time. ,(2) Temporary access roadways will be constructed of non-erodible materials. i. Material resulting from trench excavation may be temporarily sidecast into waters of the U.S. provided that the material is not placed in such a manner that it is dispersed by currents or other forces. j. In wetlands, the top 6" to 12" of the trench will be backfilled with topsoil from the trench. k. Measures will be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the State until the concrete has hardened. 1. Stabilization will be required immediately on completion of each individual utility line crossing. Any exposed slopes and streambanks must be stabilized immediately upon installation of the utility line. -3- m. Appropriate erosion and sedimentation control measures, in accordance with State standards as directed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, will be employed whenever excavated or fill materials are discharged in or near waters or wetlands. n. This general permit does not authorize the discharge of fill material for roadways or any excavation of channels in navigable waters of the United States, waters subject to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Equipment operating in such waters must work from barges or wooden mats. o. This general permit does not authorize the discharge of excavated or fill material in fin fish or shrimp nursery areas or areas subject to anadromous fish spawning runs during the period between March 1 and November 15 of any year. This general permit does not authorize the discharge of excavated or fill material in designated trout waters during the period between November 1 and April 15 of any year. p. This general permit does not authorize any work which would adversely affect any public water supply intake. q. In areas where a subaqueous utility line is to cross a Federally- maintained channel, i.e., the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), it will be buried at a minimum depth of six (6) feet below the depth of the authorized channel. in other areas where subaqueous lines are subject to interfere with navigation, they will be installed at a minimum depth of two (2) feet below the substrate. r. The minimum clearance for aerial communication lines, or any lines not transmitting electrical power, will be ten (10) feet above the clearance required for bridges in the vicinity as established by the U.S. Coast Guard. S. The clearance for an aerial line is based on the low point of the line under conditions which produce the greatest sag, taking into consideration temperature, load, wind, length or span and the type of supports. The minimum clearance for an aerial electrical power transmission line will be governed by the system voltage as indicated below: Nominal System Minimum Clearance Voltage, kilovolt Above Bridge Clearance (As Established by the U.S. Coast Guard) 115 and below 20 feet 138 22 161 24 230 26 350 30 500 35 700 42 750 to 765 45 t. The District Engineer reserves the right to require that subaqueous lines be placed at greater depths or aerial lines be placed at greater heights if the general public interest so indicates. U. This general permit does not apply to utility lines that are a part of a water power project. Federal authorization for such lines must be obtained from the U.S. Department of Energy. -4- v. This general permit does not relieve the permittee from the responsibility of obtaining an easement to cross navigable waters from the North Carolina Department of Administration, State Property office, pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 143-341 (4), 146-11 and 146-12. 2. General Conditions. a. There will be no unreasonable interference with navigation or the right of the public to riparian access by the existence or use of activities authorized by this general permit. b. A permittee, upon receipt of written notice from the Wilmington District Engineer of failure to comply with the terms or conditions of this general permit, will, within 60 days, without expense to the U.S. Government, and in such manner as the Wilmington District Engineer may direct, affect compliance with the terms and conditions or return the worksite to a pre-work condition. C. The permittee must make every reasonable effort to perform the work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any adverse impact on fish, wildlife and natural environmental values. d. The permittee must perform the work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any degradation of water quality. The activity will be conducted in such a manner as to prevent a significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction-related discharge. Increases such that the turbidity in the waterbody is 50 NTU's or less in all rivers not designated as trout waters by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), 25 NTU's or less in all saltwater classes and in all lakes and reservoirs, and 10 NTU's or less in trout waters, are not considered significant. e. The permittee will permit the Wilmington District Engineer or his representative to make periodic inspections at any time deemed necessary in order to assure that the activity is being performed or maintained in strict accordance with the Special and General Conditions of this permit. f. This general permit does not convey any rights, either in real estate or material, or any exclusive privileges; and it does not authorize any injury to property or invasion of rights or any infringement of Federal, State or local laws or regulations, nor does it obviate the requirement to-obtain State or local assent required by law for the activity authorized herein. These may include, but are not necessarily limited to, a Dredge and/or Fill Permit (N.C.G.S. 113-229), a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Permit (N.C.G.S. 113A-118), an Easement to Fill (N.C.G.S. 146-12) and a Water Quality Certification pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. g. Authorization provided by this general permit may be either modified, suspended or revoked in whole or in part if the Wilmington District Engineer, acting on behalf of the Secretary of the Army, determines that such action would be in the best public interest. Unless subject to modification, suspension or revocation, the term of this general permit shall be five years. Any modification, suspension or revocation of this authorization will not be the basis for any claim for damages against the U.S. Government. -5- h. This general permit does not authorize the interference with any existing or proposed Federal project and the permittee will not be entitled to compensation for damages or injury to the structures or work authorized herein which may be caused by or result from existing or future operations undertaken by the United States in the public interest. i. This general permit will not be applicable to proposed construction when the Wilmington District Engineer determines that the proposed activity would significantly affect the quality of the human environment and determines that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared. j. This general permit will not be applicable to proposed construction when the Wilmington District Engineer determines, after any necessary investigations, that the proposed activity would adversely affect areas which possess historic, cultural, scenic, conservation or recreational values. Application of this exemption applies to: (1) Rivers named in Section 3 of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (15 U.S.C. 1273), those proposed for inclusion as provided by Sections 4 and 5 of the Act and wild, scenic and recreational rivers established by State and local entities. (2) Historic, cultural or archeological sites listed in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places as defined in the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and its codified regulations, the National Historic Preservation Amendment Acts of 1980 and 1992, the Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. (3) Sites included in or determined eligible for listing in the National Registry of Natural Landmarks. (4) Endangered or threatened species or habitat of such species as determined by the Secretaries of Interior or Commerce and concerned in accordance with the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1531). k. Permittees are advised that development activities in or near a floodway may be subject to the National Flood Insurance Program which prohibits any development, including fill within a floodway that results in any increase in base flood elevations. 1. At his discretion, the Wilmington District Engineer may determine that this general permit will not be applicable to a specific construction proposal. In such case, the procedure for rocessing an individual permit accordance with 33 CFR 325 will be avai e. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE Geor L. Ca j igK- Colo el, corps //of District Engineer in State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality JamesB. Hunt, Jr., Govemor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Presto n Howard, Jr., P.E., Directo r APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. William Conner Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe county P.O. Box 8969 Asheville, NC 28814 Dear Mr. Conner. ?EHNR October 30, 1996 Buncombe County DWQ Pro #b of BUI.CumLi- (,aunty You have our approval to place fill material in 3.6 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of cosntructing the North Swannanoa Sanitary Sewer Intercepter Phase H, Section IA, as•you described in your application dated 14 October 1996. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3022. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 12 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files Pton Ho aid, Jr. P 961008.1tr Division of Water Quality • Environmental Sciences Branch Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper i f DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT April 23, 1996 Memorandum To: Interested P From: John Dorn Subject: Wetland PlantPgs rG eral Certification 3022 The Division of Environmental Management (DEM) has received numerous requests for appropriate annual species suitable for wet locations that can be used for soil and erosion control purposes. DEM approached the Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) to develop a planting list. Using a mixture of species on either side of the optimum window may increase soil stabilization. The WRC developed this listing: COASTAL PLAIN NORMAL PLANTING DATES Annual Rye Grass September 1 - November 15 Rye September 1 - November 15 Wheat September 1 - November 1 Oats September 1 - November 15 Barley Not well adapt&d Foxtail and Japanese Millet April 20 - June 30 Sorghum April 20 - June 30 Annual lespedeza February 1 - March 20 PIEDMONT and TIDEWATER REGIONS NORMAL PLANTING DATES Annual Rye Grass August 20 - October 31 Rye August 20 - October 31 Wheat August 20 - October 31 Oats August 20 - October 31 Barley August 20 - October 31 Millet May 1 - June 3i3 Sorghum April 25 - June 30 Annual lespedeza February 1 - March 30 MOUNTAIN REGION ' NORMAL PLANTING DATES Annual Rye Grass July 15 - August 31 Rye August 1 Oct:,ber 10 Wheat August 1 - Oct=-ber 10 Oats Not well adapted Barley August 1 - October 10 Foxtail and Japanese Millet May 1 - June 30 Sorghum May 1 - June 30 Annual lespedeza March 1 - Apd! 15 The mountain dates can be extended in the fall by 20 days and 15 days earlier in the spring for elevations below 2500 feet. 7. The construction corridor (including access roads and stockpiling o materials) is limited to 40 feet (12.2 meters) in width and must be minimized to the maximum. extent practicable. 8. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from com'.:Ig into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardenec; 9. Permanent, maintained access corridors shall be restricted to the minimum width. practicable and shall not exceed 10 feet (3. meters) n width except at manhole locations. A 10 feet (3 meters) by 10 feet 3 meters) perpendicular vehicle turnaround must be spaced at least 5D0 feet (152.4 meters) apart. 10. An anti-seep collar shall be placed at the downstream (utility line gradient) wetland boundary and every 150 feet (45.7 meters) up the gradient until the utility exits the wetland for buried utility lines. Anti-seep collars may be constructed with class B concrete or compacted clay. Perpendicular wetland crossings less than 150 feet (45.7 meters) long do not require anti-seep collar. The compacted clay shall have a specific discharge of 1 X 10*5 cm/s=c or less. A section and plan view diagram is attached for compacted cry and concrete anti-seep col:ars. The following specifications shall apply to class B concrete: a) Minimum cement cogent, sacks per cubic yard with roun`ed course aggregate 5.0 b) Minimum cement cogent, sacks per cubic yard with angu`ar course aggregate - 5.5 c) Maximum water-cement ratio gallons per sack 6.8 d) Slump range 2" to 4" e) Minimum strength - 23 day psl 2,500- 11. Placement of rip rap is restricted to stream bottom and banks direct!: impacted by the placement of the utility line. The stream berm mus: be restored to the original contour after construction; 12. This general certification does not authorize any permanent changes in preconstruction elevation contours in waters or wetlands. The perm`-ee will have a specific plan for restoring wetland contours. Any excess material will be removed to a high'ground disposal area; 13. If an environmental document is required, this Certification is not val;-j ANTI -SEEP COLLAR I 18 I I Inches I Utility Line I I (Diameter Varies) 1 foot I I Class B Concrete I? or Compacted Clay I 6 inches ranch Width 6 Inches -? -4 - 1.4 00-1 Not to exceed 40 feet SECTION Class B Concrete or Compacted Clay 12 Inches 6 lnches,.W.,- +?I?6 inches PLAN State of North Ck... )Iina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director MEMORAMUM July 28, 1993 TO: Chrys Baggett, State Clearinghouse FROM: Monica Swihartl?,Water Quality Planning Branch SUBJECT: EA/FONSI for the North Swannanoa Sanitary Interceptor Phase II Sewer Enclosed are ten copies of the subject EA/FONSI for State Clearinghouse review. The document has been reviewed by the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (EHNR) and has been approved for release by the EHNR Office of Policy and Development. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Enclosures NSWANDA.mem cc: Carolyn McCaskill Roy Davis/Forrest Melba McGee William P. Conner, Westall Hendon Engineering r.? tu.. .w HENG!'^ ri d?; p..ri Sn r? C?EHN P.O. Box 29535, Rdelgh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper M E8 S FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT North Swannanoa Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Phase II Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County An environmental assessment (EA) has been prepared, pursuant to the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act, for the proposed construction of the North Swannanoa Sanitary Sewer Interceptor, Phase II, which will replace approximately 21 miles of existing sewer line along the Swannanoa River in Buncombe County. The project will serve to replace existing sewers, most of which are over 60 years old, with severe infiltration problems. In addition, the project will increase the capacity of the existing sewers to accommodate the projected flows for the year 2040. This EA and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) are prerequisites for the issuance of a nondischarge permit by the Division of Environmental Management for the construction of this project. It is concluded that the proposed project will not result in significant impacts to the environment provided that it is carried out in accordance with the impact avoidance/mitigation measures contained in the EA. Pending approval by the State Clearinghouse, the environmental review for this project will be concluded. An environmental impact statement will not be prepared for this project. North Carolina Division of Environmental Management July 26, 1993 ? ? .?-- ? it ,?• ?°v' • i? ? 14 <?-- .??.? ? '.?11 I ` l P" ???? i _??.?1 ?!p ? ? '? j I f? b• -n\` I ? \\ •??,?- -il' \ ?1?I \ t ?'! •? 00 ??_1 . ?, ? .1#- /? Ili, e11•.?.• ii?? _l,r?l r __ - r, „? ,AA CII JID ' I { o iz ;-ter ( i _ ? 1? ? 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O f(iYQ1f z 0 a o f1J V V m O LL (/J m o o Q r W O y?y O 1 r} O o m 1 m \\V\1? A A O ?T i m N , J. frr- III f 5 U5 O O O N 0 zu 0 ¦ a kf) N N 000 N M Q Q N N zOU? z ??gg QQ d Q t? w N .+ N M eM off ?O 1? Op m Lo 00 N ? d' t0 E N M C ?d o e? C F zQ F w° d? OC 1... N 00 T .D zs? gig aA ??. i? ~ ~ IS ? i5 oo w o N O o n? n a LD m OF WATFR©G r > September 9, 2002 DWQ # 02-1384 McDowell County CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Oscar Vasquez Lake James Properties, LLC Post Office Box 961 Granite Falls, NC 28630 Dear Mr. Vasquez: On August 29, 2002 the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) was notified by receipt of your application regarding your plan to fill wetland for the purpose of residential development in McDowell County. Approval from DWQ is required to disturb these areas. Please provide seven copies of the following information and refer to the DWQ# listed above in your reply. In particular as described in 15A NCAC 2B .0502, we will require you to locate all streams and ponds on the property. Please show these on maps of suitable scale (for instance 1" = 100 feet) so we can begin to determine your projects' compliance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500. 1. The Catawba buffer rules apply to this project. A more detailed map (site plan) is needed to evaluate compliance with these rules. How will the lake buffer requirement be met? 2. A better scale of map with lots and streams is needed to show if additional stream impacts will occur. Please telephone me at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions or would require copies of our rules or procedural materials. This project will remain on hold as incomplete in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0505(c). The processing time for this application will begin when this information is received. If we do not hear from you by writing within three (3) weeks we will assume you no longer want to pursue the project and will consider it withdrawn. V I/ t R. ?-ney Water Quali Ce ification Program cc: Asheville DWQ Regional Office Asheville Corps of Engineers Central Files File Copy Tamp Brandy, Wetland & Natural Resource Consultants, Inc. N. NMEW C. Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) (919) 733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality P. O. Box 234 Boiling Springs, NC 28017 704-434-0706 704-434-7100 Fax September 23, 2002 Mr. John Dorney NC Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Re: Lake James Properties, LLC 200 Boat Slips on The Arbor on Lake James Dear Mr. Dorney: SEp 2 This letter is in response to the letter I received from your office dated September 5, 2002, concerning the development on The Arbor on Lake James in McDowell County. You stated that Lake James Properties, LLC might need to apply for a 401 Water Quality Certification from your office if The Army Corps of Engineers requires a 404 Permit concerning the installation of 200 boat slips. The Army Corps of Engineers says that no authorization is required by them. Enclosed is a copy of the letter that I received from them. Thank you for your time and response concerning this project. `Sincerely, `4 Sue Harmon, Agent Enclosures (1) U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. 200231337 County McDowell Quad MARION EAST NO DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED Property Owner Lake James Properties, LLC Property owner Address PO Box 961 Granite Falls, NC 28630 UTM or LAT/LONG North: 3955121 East: 412911 Telephone Zone 17 Size and Location of project (waterbody, road name/number, town, etc.) on Lake James near Marion, McDowell County, North Carolina Description of Activity Lake James Properties , LLC is proposing to construct 200 boat slips as part of The Arbor development on Lake James. The project will not require dredging, construction of boat ramps, or shoreline stabilization. Your work as described above does not require Department of the Army authorization for the following reason(s): There are no jurisdictional waters or wetlands within the boundaries of the project as described above. This determination is effective for five years from the date of this document. _X. The proposed project does not have a regulated impact on jurisdictional waters or wetlands. The proposed project is exempt from Department of the Army regulations. (Specify) Any changes in the described work resulting in impacts to jurisdictional waters or wetlands or any new work in jurisdictional waters or wetlands outside the area described above must be coordinated with the Corps of Engineers prior to commencement. Please contact the Regulatory Official specified below. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties, before beginning work, you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management at telephone (919) 733-2293 to discuss any required State permit authorization. This Department of the Army determination does not relieve the property owner of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. Date September 16, 2002 Corps Regulatory Official Timothy J. Smith Telephone (828) 271-7980 x 8 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS, PROJECT PLANS, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. cc: S. Harmon (Permits, Etc.) SAW Form 654 February 1999 NjATF Michael F. Easley, Governor \O1010 9QG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Cq 7 Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director r Division of Water Quality October 3, 2002 DWQ# 02-1384 McDowell County Mr. Oscar Vasquez Lake James Properties, LLC P.O. Box 961 Granite Falls, NC, 28630 APPROVAL of Catawba River Buffer Rules with Additional Conditions Dear Mr. Vasquez: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to install 200 boat slips at The Arbor on Lake James in McDowell County, as you described in your application received by the Division of Water Quality on August 29, 2002 and in additional correspondence received September 27, 2002. This approval is valid for the Catawba River Mainstem and Lake Buffer Protection Rule (15A NCAC 2B .0243). In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us in writing and you may be required to send us a new application for a new approval. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions of the Catawba Buffer Rules and the additional conditions listed below: 1. No trees greater than 6 inches diameter at the stump may be removed except for those directly within the construction corridor. If trees are removed, forested vegetation shall be re-established within the construction access or other temporary impact area occurring in the protected buffer zone within the next growing season following construction of the project; 2. You are required to return the attached Certification of Completion form to notify DWO when all work included in the approval has been completed. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this approval, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This approval and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Mike Parker in DWQ's Asheville Regional Office at 828-251-6208 or Cyndi Karoly at 919-733-9721. Questions regarding the Catawba Buffer Rules should be directed to Bob Zarzecki at 919-733-9726. mek, P?t_ AW K/cbk Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office Central Files File Copy Sue Harmon, P.O. Box 234, Boiling Springs, NC, 28017 021384 N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 _ _ i I N PROPOSED NORTH SW,4/VNANOA SANITARY SEWER /NTERCEPTOR PHASE ll, SECT/ON 2 v V FqR ~ M ~ S ~ -Ch'0 VQ- 0 % = HOC ~ Q 0 ~ ~ Off/ I o v ~ a N ~ SO-- VI_~- ~ DA v o~ ~ 5 J ~ / o ~ ~ ~ EXIST/NG 30" SEW ~ h / s ~ - US 70 ~ ~ ii ~ EXISTING 36 SEWER OLD ~ ~ \ - ~ ~o j 1 GRO~EST ~ ONE ONE / FGW/WM/~~~ , __~1 - ~ I~~ ~ AD/O _ ~ - D / / 40 / _ ~5 ~ ~ ~ 12 \ 6 _ . ~;r. _ ~ 13 _ - \ - 1 _ BLUE R/OGE ROgO ~ ~ ~ _ _ 13 14 = - - u 5 i ~ ~ ~ ~ o - ~ 0 z 8 Y IIWA - ~ UNTA~N FUTURE SEWER REPLACEMENT i~ t ,y,( 4 RA CK 9 B~ N BIA~K MO , ER - - SC = ~ K - pF~ ~ ~r\ N i- SWANNANOA RISER ~E f Ut~l~fy Owners Phone Fox 40 - , _ ! _ _ ~ TC/ Coble of Asheville - _ / , , - _ _ _ _ 255 0000 253 4236 172 Charlotte Sf. i;- _ ~ ~ t A.,hevi,le, h,C 2,9801 i ~ Attn.• Mr. Lewis Lance Public Service Gas Co. of NC 253-1821 258-9800 ~ P.O. Box 620 Asheville, NC 28802 ~ Attn: Bill DeBruhl ~ Carolina Power & Light Co. 258-6315 258-6 234 P.O. Box 1601 Asheville, NC 28802 LEGEND Atfn: Mr. Kevin Butler Southern Bell Te/e hone - _ p Co. 258 7139 252 7207 79 Woodfin St. Asheville, NC 28801 EXIST RAILROAD --f---~, - Attn: Mr. Tom Mims PROPOSED S.S. NC Dept. of Transportation 251-6171 251-6394 P.O. Box 3279 NOTE.• THE LIST OF UT/CITY OW. UT/L/TY OWNERS /S NOT FUTURE S.S. ~ Asheville, NC 28802-3279 CO NSIDERED TO BE AN ALL INc Attn: Mr. Dan Martin 4N ALL INCLUS/~E UST UT/CITIES MAY EXIST WHICH ARE WH/CH ARE OWNED BY RIVER MSD of Buncombe Co. 251-4781 252-145 COMPANIES NOT SHOWN ON Th 'WN ON THE UST. THE P 9 ro~ect Manager CONTRACTOR SHALL CONT ACT /l P.O. Box 8969 C ALL AND /NDI ~/DUAL UTILITY 0 CONTACT N. C. ONE INTERSTATE HWY ~qp, Asheville, NC 28804 NECESSARY, FOR UTILITY LOCA1 UT/L/TY OWNER, lF ~ Attn: Mr. Bill Conner L/IY LOCAT/O/VS. U.S. HWY r~,; MSD of Buncombe Co. 255-0061 251-9040 Maintenance Diw'sion N.C. HWY ( Riverside Business Park Asheville, NC 28804 \.9_ Attn: Ms. Ann Lemieux I City of Asheville 259-5935 259-5767 Public Works Dept. P.O. Box 7148 Asheville, NC 28802 THE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT ~ Attn: Mork Combs SCALE OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA City of Asheville 259-5955 Director of Water Authority P.O. Box 7148 Asheville, NC 28802 ,ooo soo o ,oo0 2000 LOCATION PLAN County of Buncombe 255-5777 255-5722 Planning Director 46 Volley Sf. ~ CARU~ Asheville, NC 28801 Attn: Mr. Jon Cr ''2 HENDON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. e~ghton 2 6/26/01 ADD UTILITY OWNERS LIST D.N. WPC Town of Black Mountain 669 7316 669-4204 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA 1 5-5-00 TEXT REVS, ALIGN.CHG. PGS 5,6,7 D.N. WPC Public Works Director P1, !~tp ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA NASHVILLE, TENNESS[E ~ 102 Montreot Rd. T n, S HE LAW N0. DATE DESCRIPTION CHKD. APPR. Black Mountain NC o 28711 CALL NC ONE CALL BEFORE 1 ~W `~~qM'p Cn~~ DRAWN J.R.N. SCALE 1 = 1000 SHEET X OF=`, SHEEfS _ BEFORE YOU DIG CHECKED wPC. APPROVED REVISIONS Attn: Mr. Bob Watts _ 1.800-632-4949 ?-asas G~~j~/ - onrE FEB. 1996 ~ 6- 2- ~ 3 _ _..I..... I ,t ~ ~ / L NE B 1 Y` W W v LINE B r 1~ i~ 11 _ - RlO ECRES~ N _ ' i ~ , _ - J - ' I _.J LINE A ~ i Q it i a J ~ LINE A BLACK MOUNTAIN i ~ ~~7 Q~ LEGEND 1, Q 5 o PROPOSED S.S. FUTURE S.S. ~ ~ ~ EXIST RAILROAD a ~~r~ _~,t E RIVER ~ INTERSTATE HWY 40 D~. 40 ~ > r,! r~ U.S. HWY OA F~ N.C. HWY B LUE RIOGE ROAD scn~E THE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLIi~ ~ 1000 500 o iooo LOCATION PLAN ~ CARO S~ ~ HENDON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 ~i _ AIRMINf,NAM AI aRGAnn INE,o ASHEVILLE NORTH CAR OLINA NASHVILLE, TENNE SEE G P. ~ 1 1/20/00 ADD SLATS. 4a-4b-4c fr SEC.2 DN WPC 0 DRAWN DAP SCALE "'=1000' SHEET X 01 X SHEETS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION BY APPR. 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