HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161200 Ver 1_Draft Mitigation Plan Review_20190726Strickland, Bev From: Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, July 26, 2019 9:40 AM To: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Kim Browning; Haupt, Mac; Davis, Erin B; Wilson, Travis W.; Merritt, Katie; kathryn_matthews@fws.gov; Wells, Emily N; Bowers, Todd; Williams, Andrew E CIV USARMY CESAD (USA); Gibby, Jean B CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Cc: Allen, Melonie Subject: [External] Notice of NCDMS Draft Mitigation Plan Review/ Millstone Creek Site / Randolph County/ SAW -2019-01363 (UNCLASSIFIED) Attachments: Millstone Prospectus.pdf, NCIRT Mitigation Plan Review Process for NCDMS Projects 20180228.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<maiIto: report.spam@nc.gov> CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Good morning folks, The below referenced Draft Mitigation Plan has been posted by NCDMS on the Draft Mitigation Plan Review section of the DMS & IRT SharePoint Site. Per Section 332.8(g) of the 2008 Mitigation Rule, this review period will remain open for 30 calendar days from this email notification. Please post comments by 5 PM on the 30 -day comment deadline shown below. When posting comments please indicate if your concerns are great enough that you intend to initiate the Dispute Resolution Process described in Section 332.8(3) of the Mitigation Rule. Comments posted after the 30 -day comment deadline (shown below) may not be considered. This comment period may be extended at the request of NCDMS if they determine that additional time is necessary to make changes to the Draft Mitigation Plan. Please note that NCDMS may post responses to the comments on the SharePoint site as well. At the conclusion of this comment period, a copy of all comments will be provided to NCDMS and the NCIRT of the District Engineer's intent to approve or disapprove this project. More information, including instructions to access and use the SharePoint Site, and a flow chart detailing the process are included in the document attached to this email notice. NCDMS & IRT SharePoint Site Address: https://ncconnect.sharepoint.com/sites/deq_ext/dwm_irt/default.aspx The Millstone Creek (Ken Cox) Mitigation Plan is ready for IRT review and approval. This DBB project was instituted on 5/22/2006. Project information is as follows: Millstone Creek (Ken Cox) DMS Project # 204 Institution Date: 5/22/2006 Cape Fear River Basin Cataloging Unit 03030003 Randolph, North Carolina USACE Action ID #: SAW -2019-01363 DW R#: 20161200 Proposed Mitigation Plan Assets: 3,647 SMUs/ 1.181 WMUs NCDEQ- DMS Project Manager: Melonie Allen, Allen, Melonie <melonie.allen@ncdenr.gov>, (919) 368-9352 The full Mitigation Plan has been uploaded to the NCDEQ SharePoint Mitigation Plan Review page and can be accessed here: https://ncconnect.sharepoint.com/sites/deq_ext/dwm_irt/IRT%20Upload/20Documents/20Here/Forms/AIIitems.aspx ?id=%2Fsites%2Fdeq 5Fext%2Fdwm5Firt%2FIRT%20Upload%20Documents%20Here%2FMillstone%20Creek 30 -Day Comment Start Date: July 26, 2019 30 -Day Comment Deadline: August 25, 2019 60 -Day Intent to Approve Deadline: September 24, 2019 ***NOTE: It looks like we haven't visited this site since 2011. 1 assume we'll want to visit this during the review period threw out a few dates to Melonie (August 19-21), so let me know if you'd like to do a site visit and propose a date of those don't work for you. I attached the prospectus document from 2016 as well for your information. It looks like this project was done with NCSU (DBB). Please contact the Wilmington District Mitigation Office if you have questions. Kim Browning Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Dr, Ste. 105 1 Wake Forest, NC 27587 1 919.554.4884 x60 BUILDING STRONG (r) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Integrating Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance into Millstone Creek Mitigation Site Design Millstone Creek (Ken Cox) is a Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) mitigation site located in Randolph County in the Cape Fear 0300303 Hydrologic Unit Code. The project site is protected by an 18.8 -acre conservation easement and is comprised of 2,010 linear feet of Millstone Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Millstone Creek identified as Ut to Millstone (1,238 linear feet) and North Branch (405 linear feet). Millstone Creek and North Branch are currently both perennial streams for their entire project lengths. Ut to Millstone Creek is intermittent for the first 100 linear feet. Millstone Creek's drainage area at the downstream end of the project is 8.1 square miles. Both tributaries have drainage areas of 0.041 square miles above the confluence; the drainage area of Ut Millstone below the confluence is 0.089 square miles. The watershed is rural, with over 50% of the watershed zoned as rural agricultural. The project is located on a working cattle and hog farm with a nutrient management plan in place. The project reaches are surrounded by active cattle pasture. The pastures are subjected to additional nutrient inputs from spray applied hog lagoon waste. DMS identified the two tributaries to Millstone Creek as suitable candidates for regenerative stormwater conveyance (RSC). Ut to Millstone and the North Branch begin at head cuts of approximately 8 and 10 feet respectively and are vertically contained, incised, and lack an adequate riparian buffer. DMS surmised that nutrient inputs from grazing cattle and applied hog waste in conjunction with sediment inputs resulting from both fluvial processes and hoof shear from cattle grazing negatively impacted both water quality and aquatic habitat on these reaches. The affects of these stressors is exacerbated by lack of floodplain access. DMS is proposing to exclude cattle on all project reaches, plant the buffer zones with native hardwood species, rehabilitate Millstone Creek, and implement regenerative stormwater conveyance on the upper reaches of Ut to Millstone and the North Branch. RSC will address these stressors by stabilizing the tributaries, conveying base flow and stormflow through a series of constructed step pools thereby extending time of resonance, enhancing infiltration, and concurrently ameliorating nutrient inputs through the use of carbon rich media in these pools to promote nutrient cycling. DMS has contracted with NCSU-BAE for preconstruction monitoring and design services for Millstone Creek. DMS is funding and collaborating with NCSU on data collection and design to avail the program to the best available design techniques and to foster much needed research focused on RSC design and efficacy. The practice of RSC has been implemented in states such as Maryland, and more recently in North Carolina; however, there is little published on nutrient reduction efficacy associated with RSC. The use of this typically urban retro fit on stream channels with rural catchments is also novel. DMS scoped NCSU-BAE to instrument the site, collect, and analyze pre -construction water quality and microbenthic survey data. Stage -discharge ratings are being developed for the main stem and tributaries. A paired watershed design approach is being used to characterize nutrient inputs on both tributaries. Surface water monitoring stations have been installed just upstream of the confluence on Ut to Millstone and North Branch. Composite samples of base flow and stormflow discharge are being collected bi-monthly and analyzed for total Kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia -N, nitrate and nitrite N, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids. Groundwater wells have been installed at transects adjacent to each tributary to characterize groundwater flow and temperature. A subset of these wells are equipped with pressure transducers to enable continuous water level measurements; these wells are also periodically bailed and sampled for nutrient analysis as described above with the exception of TSS. Baseline habitat assessment has been completed in the upstream reaches of both tributaries as well as downstream of the confluence of the tributaries. Figure 1 defines the project extent and monitoring station locations. Surface water sampling began in August of 2014, groundwater sampling began in October of 2014 and microbenthic sampling has been completed in both the fall and spring between 2014 and 2016. All sampling is ongoing, the results presented in Table 2 below are interim. Elevated levels of TSS were reported for both tributaries with 62% of the total TSS occurring during a single sample event after two storm events; 55% of TP reported is also associated with the same post storm sample. With little to no erosion evidenced in the vegetated upland pastures, the likely source of the sediment are stream banks. Elevated levels of nitrogen were also reported on both tributaries. Groundwater well data also indicated elevated levels of NOx, particularly in stream side groundwater wells, indicating little to no denitrification occurring via the existing buffer as the current channel elevations are below the rooting depths in most locations along upper reaches of both tributaries. This preliminary data indicates that regenerative stormwater conveyance would be effective at addressing site stressors. Table 2. Millstone Creek Total (base flow + stormflow) Discharge and Pollutant Loads Reach Discharge Q/rain TKN Nox-N NH3-N TN TP TSS mm Kg/ha-yr Ut Millstone 192 0.19 5.33 6.99 0.57 12.32 1.23 771 North Branch 199 0.22 3.19 11.78 0.42 14.97 0.66 240 Water Quality and aquatic habitat will also be addressed through the rehabilitation of Millstone Creek and Ut Millstone downstream of the regenerative stormwater conveyance. Localized bank instability will be addressed by affecting stream geometry where necessary and utilizing vegetative and woody materials to stabilize meander bends. Inner berms and floodplain benching will provide sediment storage and flood flow attenuation. The use of woody debris in riffles, brush toe and cover logs in pools and the incorporation of wood structures to induce bedform diversity and protect banks will increase in - stream carbon and promote diversity of aquatic habitat. Vegetated localized depressions in the floodplain will be expanded to retain storm flow, enhancing nutrient cycling. A conceptual plan view of the Millstone Design, Figure 2 has been included for review. Figure 1. Figure 2. MILLSTONE GREEK °6°===�?–�„ _q _ I —, a MILLSTONE CREEYf �ti—�-nJ _ ��__ _� ��] -- - OEM _ ___ _ _` ~_ __� 2 4 f} _ _ •` _ __ - _--- _-i ti4'=-4lSTONE Z. CR EEK �-. �,�' \` - Axa `.^ �_ � ` �� I -ti —='Jl - •�, J��y ; y-• - - __ Ile III y ...-� e. TRIBUTARIES 1I}��1 ~�•�� J31 LLA 49 L 'J CESAW-RG/Tugwell DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 SUBJECT: NCIRT Mitigation Plan Review Process for NCDMS Projects From: Todd Tugwell, USACE Wilmington District NCIRT Chair February 28, 2018 To: North Carolina Interagency Review Team and North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services As the chair of the North Carolina Interagency Review Team (NCIRT), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District (District) is required by the 2008 Final Mitigation Rule to provide the NCIRT with an opportunity to comment on proposed mitigation plans. In order to achieve this review for all North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) projects instituted after the approval of their new instrument (July 28, 2010), a Mitigation Plan Review section has been established on NCDMS's SharePoint site. This process has been set up to comply with the timeframes established in 33 CFR Section 332.8(g)(2) of the Mitigation Rule, which explains the Streamlined Review Process. Review of proposed mitigation plans will now precede NCDMS's submittal of permit applications, which will allow the District and NCIRT to comment on and, if necessary, modify mitigation plans before permits are issued. This process will be routinely updated to include improvements and comply with changes in the regulations. (Please note that an additional review may be conducted by the NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR), who is the lead agency and NCIRT co-chair for all projects that also propose mitigation for state buffer or nutrient rules or mitigation related solely to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act.) For all Draft and Final Mitigation Plan and PCN submittals, NCDMS will submit a paper copy of the mitigation plan and PCN, and a digital copy (disc containing PDF files of all materials) to the Wilmington District Mitigation Office and the appropriate District Field Office county representative (available on the Wilmington District website at http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory-Permit-Program/Contact). Paper and electronic copies should also be provided to the appropriate NCDWR Office, as specified by NCDWR. The following procedure has been set up for NCIRT review and comment for proposed NCDMS Mitigation Plans: 1. Obtain access to the IRT SharePoint site. In order to gain access to the site, you must contact Lindsay Crocker with NCDMS by e-mail (Lindsay.Crocker@ncdenr.gov) or by phone (919-807-8944) to request an invitation. 2. Once you receive the e-mail invitation, click on the link provided to access the homepage. You must set up a Microsoft account using the same e-mail address where you received the invitation. If you have designated others to comment on mitigation plans, they must also contact NCDMS so they can gain access to the site. Please provide the Corps with a list of all individuals designated to review plans as we have established email distribution lists for different regions/counties. Lastly, if you do not want to continue to receive these emails, please let us know and we will remove your name from the distribution lists. 3. Once NCDMS is ready to begin the review of a Draft Mitigation Plan, they will email the District Mitigation Office that a plan has been posted for review, and send a paper copy and a digital copy (pdf) of the plan to the mitigation office. Once the paper copy has been received, we will send out an email to all NCIRT members (using regional distribution lists) that a plan is available for download from the portal, with instructions and timeframes for conducting the review. A flow chart detailing this process is attached. 4. The address for the IRT SharePoint site is: https://ncconnect.sharepoint.com/sites/deg ext/dwm in/default.aspx A. Draft Mitigation Plans will be posted on the left side of this page. Clicking on the file beside the name of the plan will open anew page under Draft Mitigation Plan Review where you will seethe mitigation plan and a word document. Click on the mitigation plan pdf to access the plan for viewing or printing. The plan may also be downloaded and saved. B. Once you have completed your review, click on the word document to post comments. Click on edit document to open the document. You may choose to edit in Word or in your browser. Please remember to include the date, agency name, and your name with your comments. C. You may also choose to upload a document with your comments under the Draft Mitigation Plan Review section. Uploaded documents should be titled to indicate the contents and author. D. NCDMS may post responses to comments on this page, so if you post a comment you should check back for a response from NCDMS. The responses from NCDMS that get posted on the portal will be coordinated so that only certain individuals will post response (e.g., NCDMS Project Mangers). This is necessary to provide consistency and reduce the number of posts for a given project. E. This site will list multiple Draft Mitigation Plans at any given time, but plans may be removed once the comment period is complete or a plan has been withdrawn. Final Mitigation Plans will be posted on NCDMS's documents page. A link, entitled "Project Documents" has been added to the NCDMS webpage at https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/mitigation-services/dms-projects. Click on DMS project documents to open the excel file with links to project plans and monitoring reports. 5. Reviewers will have 30 days to review the Draft Mitigation Plan and post comments. An extension to this timeframe may be requested by NCDMS if they or their providers need more time to accommodate necessary changes to the Draft Mitigation Plan based on comments they have received. Additionally, NCIRT members may also request an extension to this timeframe, but NCIRT extension requests must be approved by the District Mitigation Office in consultation with NCDMS. The review period may be extended to accommodate office or on-site meetings necessary to address concerns of NCIRT members. Time extensions will generally be limited in an effort to ensure that delays in reviewing Draft Mitigation Plans are minimized. Posted comments will be immediately available on the SharePoint site to both the NCDMS and all NCIRT members. We will attempt to resolve minor issues within the 30 -day process if at all possible. NCDMS may also post comments on the SharePoint site to address certain concerns/comments or to commit to addressing concerns in the Final Mitigation Plan. NCDMS may choose to withdraw Draft Mitigation Plans from the SharePoint site based on comments received during the 30 -day comment period. Any withdrawn mitigation plans must restart the review process from the beginning. If plans are withdrawn by NCDMS, we will notify the NCIRT that the mitigation plan is no longer available for comment. Please note that the posted Draft Mitigation Plan will not necessarily be updated to reflect changes based on the comments, so be sure to review comments made by other NCIRT members and by NCDMS to see if an issue has already been addressed. Also, if you have a concern regarding a project that is serious enough that you would consider initiating the Dispute Resolution Process described in Section 332.8(e) of the Mitigation Rule, please be sure to state this in your comment. Comments should be made only by specific individuals identified by the NCIRT members to conduct these reviews on behalf of their agency. This is critical to keep the process moving and to keep agency comments consistent. If there are others who you would like to comment on a particular plan, please let us know. PLEASE DO NOT SEND THESE EMAILS OUT TO OTHERS IN YOUR AGENCY FOR THEM TO MAKE COMMENT WITHOUT FIRST DISCUSSING THIS WITH US. COMMENTS COMING FROM PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT DESIGNATED AS THE NCIRT REPRESENTATIVE FOR THEIR AGENCY MAY NOT BE CONSIDERED. 6. At the end of the 30 -day comment process (or the end of the extension) and within 60 days of sending out the initial email beginning the review, we will review the comments and provide the NCIRT members with a notice of our intent to approve or disapprove the mitigation plan. NCDMS will be copied with this notice. Once we have notified the NCIRT of our intent to approve or disapprove a project, NCDMS may not withdraw plans from this process without starting the review from the beginning. 7. If the NCIRT reviewing agencies choose to do so, they may notify us (District Mitigation Office) that they are initiating the dispute resolution process. We must receive this notification within 15 days from the date of our notice of intent to approve or disapprove a project. This process is intended to address major concerns with mitigation plans, and can only be initiated by a letter from senior official of the agency. Please do not initiate this process without trying to resolve concerns during the 30 -day comment period first — this is not intended to be procedure used to extend the review process or address minor concerns. If the dispute resolution process is initiated during this step, we will follow the procedures outlined in Section 332.8(e) of the Mitigation Rule, in which case the following steps will be delayed until the resolution of this process. 8. At the end of the 15 -day dispute resolution notification period (or following the completion of the dispute resolution process), we will provide NCDMS with notice of approval or disapproval of the mitigation plan, with a copy provided to all NCIRT members. This notice will include all comments generated during the 30 - day comment period, and it will identify all issues that must be addressed in the Final Mitigation Plan. Any major issues that were not resolved during the comment process may lead to disapproval. If a project is disapproved, the issues or concerns will have to be addressed and the project must be resubmitted for review, starting the process over. 9. NCDMS coordinates with the mitigation provider to finalize the mitigation plan and incorporate the comments/concerns. 10. NCDMS submits the Nationwide Permit (NWP) 27 Preconstruction Notification Application (PCN) application along with the Final Mitigation Plan to the District mitigation office and NCDWR (and DCM if appropriate) for 404/401/CAMA approval. If it is determined that the project does not require a Department of the Army permit, NCDMS must still provide a copy of the Final Mitigation Plan, along with a copy of the approval letter, to the District mitigation office at least 30 days in advance of beginning construction of the project. The following apply to permit applications submitted for NCDMS projects: A. NCDMS must be listed as the permit applicant. B. Full -delivery providers or contracted design firms maybe listed as authorized agents. C. The application and mitigation plan will be submitted by NCDMS, not the providers. D. The permit application must include a copy of the Final Mitigation Plan and a copy of the mitigation plan approval letter identifying all the required modifications to the mitigation plan, including references to where the comment responses are addressed in the mitigation plan (page number and paragraph or figure). Failure to include the approval letter will result in the permit application being returned to NCDMS. E. District review will focus primarily on the applicability of NWP 27. This review will also verify that any comments provided in the approval letter are addressed in the Final Mitigation Plan, which is why it is critical to identify the location that comments are addressed in the mitigation plan. Failure to adequately address concerns included in the approval letter may result in a delay in the issuance of the NWP 27 until those concerns are adequately addressed, or the inclusion of permit conditions in the permit authorization to address the stated concerns. 11. NWP 27 authorization is verified; project construction can begin. NCDMS is responsible for ensuring compliance with the permit conditions, including returning the Post -Construction Compliance Form (attached to the permit) at the completion of the authorized work. Approval of the project and/or issuance of the permit authorization does not guarantee that the project will generate the requested amount of mitigation credit. Unforeseen issues may arise during construction or monitoring of the project may require maintenance and may lead to changes in the credit amounts proposed in the mitigation plan. For questions regarding this process, please contact the District Mitigation Office. Contact information is below: Contact Todd Tugwell at (919)554-4884 extension 58 or by e-mail to todd.tugwell@usace.army.mil Contact Andrea Hughes at (919) 554-4884 extension 59 or by e-mail to andrea.w.hughes@usace.army.mil Contact Kim Browning at (919) 554-4884 extension 60 or by e-mail to kimberly.e.browning@usace.army.mil Mitigation Comment & Approval Streamlined Review Process, 33 CFR 332.8(g)(2, START DMS posts mitigation plan to sharepoint, provides paper copy to USACE/DWR DMS emails notification to District DMS withdraws Engineer and provides link for review project from review process to address comments � DE forwards email to IRT and USACE county PMs Yes IRT reviews mitigation plan and posts comments on SharePoint Do IRT members identify serious DE reviews comments and attempts to concerns with resolve concerns with DMS mitigation plan? �__ O—> DE notifies IRT & DMS of Intent to Approve or Disapprove Process Start of 60 days DMS modifies project to address comments Within 30 days of receipt of email from DE DE may extend timeline per DMS o IRT reauest Within 60 days of email YeS notification to DE, unless extension is granted Within 15 days of DE notification of intent to approve/disapprove Do Proceed with dispute RT members initiate Yes—► resolution process per 33 dispute resolution CFR 332.8(e)* process? DMS decides whether to Does DE N Approve? revise and No resubmit project Yes Does DE DMS Completes MitigationDDWR Approve. Yeses Comment Process & Sends NO Application to USACE and/or No February 28, 2018 Revisions Mitigation Plan Comment Process End of Process FID. IMP.PR0.01.01.01 Page 1 of 1 * DE must be notified by letter from a senior official of the agency represented on the Owner: 06/29/2011 IRT within 15 days of receipt of DE's notification of intent to approve the modification Jurek, Jeff Rev. 0 per 33 CFR 332.8(e)