HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190998 Ver 1_SIA_2019-06-20_20190724 STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS PARK APARTMENTS / WDF-17000 / JUNE 2019 PARK APARTMENTS CHAPEL HILL, NC STORIVIWATER ItVI PACT ANALYSIS FO RIVI DISTRICT PER I\4 IT CASE #: TBD PRorEcr NuMseR: Drsrcruro By: Dnrr wDF-17000 JosH SHtNtrt, PE KElu Gancn, PE Cnnte BRur-RRo, El Jurur 2019 lltlll c gJ /n ;\1rA*erua= 2905 lVl rnrotaru PaRrway DuRHrrv, NonrH Cnnolr Na 277 1,3 NC Lrc. # C-0293 NARRATIVE > WDF-17000 2905 Meridian Parkway, Durham, NC 27713 / 919. 361. 5000creatingexperiences through experience PARK APARTMENTS Stormwater Impact Analysis GENERAL DESCRIPTION Park Apartments is an approximately 13.66-acre proposed multi-family development off Ephesus Church Road in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The proposed project is an existing site to be redeveloped, The Park at Chapel Hill Apartments. Existing buildings, parking lots, utilities, and other supporting infrastructure will be removed and replaced with new buildings, parking, and associated utilities and infrastructure. The proposed development is located within the Cape Fear River basin, with stormwater runoff from the proposed development draining to Brooker Creek. According to the N.C. Division of Water Resources’ NC Surface Water Classifications Map, Brooker Creek (Stream Index #16-41-1-15-2-(5)) is classified as WS-IV;NSW at this location. Per City of Chapel Hill regulations, stormwater management on this site shall meet the stormwater management performance standards for development set forth in Chapel Hill “Land Use Management Ordinance (LUMO) Sec. 3.11 Ephesus/Fordham Form District – Version March 6, 2017”. The regulations are as follows: Applicability (Chapel Hill Land Use Management Ordinance (LUMO) Sec. Ephesus/Fordham Form District). 1.This section applies to all new development and redevelopment projects for which a form district permit is required. No development or redevelopments for which a form district permit is required pursuant to this section shall occur except in compliance with the provisions, conditions, and limitations of the permit. Design and Performance Standards (Chapel Hill Land Use Management Ordinance (LUMO) Sec. Ephesus/Fordham Form District). 1.Stormwater treatment shall be designed to achieve average annual 85% total suspended solids (TSS) removal and must apply to the volume of post-development runoff resulting from the one-inch of precipitation. Alternative treatment methods to achieve 85% annual TSS removal may be acceptable. The 85% requirement applies to 85% of the additional; suspended solids that are the result of the new development. 2.The stormwater runoff volume leaving the site post-development shall not exceed the stormwater runoff volume leaving the site pre-development (existing conditions) for the local 2-year frequency, 24-hour duration storm event for all development. This may be achieved by hydrologic abstraction, recycling and/or reuse, or any other accepted scientific method. 3.The stormwater runoff rate leaving the site post-development shall not exceed the stormwater runoff rate leaving the site pre-development (existing conditions) for the local 1-year, 2-year, and 25-year 24-hours storm events. 4.Notwithstanding subsection, the minimum impervious area treated for eighty-five (85) percent average annual TSS removal shall be fifty (50) percent of the post-construction total impervious area. To meet the above Town of Chapel Hill standards, one dry detention pond and a StormFilter system are proposed. This report contains the calculations detailing the expected stormwater impacts as a result of the proposed NARRATIVE > WDF-17000 creating experiences through experience 2 of 3 development, along with the final design of the dry detention pond and StormFilter system that will be used to mitigate impacts. Please refer to the appropriate section of this report for additional information. CALCULATION METHODOLOGY §Rainfall data for this area in the Chapel Hill, NC, region is from NOAA Atlas 14. This data contains a depth- duration-frequency (DDF) table describing rainfall depth versus time for varying return periods in the area. These rainfall depths are input into the meteorological model within PondPack for peak flow rate calculations. Please reference the precipitation information section within this report for additional information. §A composite SCS Curve Number was calculated for the post-development condition for each subbasin using SCS curve numbers and land cover conditions. Land cover conditions for the pre-development condition were taken from a combination of field survey information and aerial imagery. Land cover conditions for the post- development condition were taken from the proposed development plan. §Using WebSoil Survey, the on-site soils were determined to be hydrologic soil group (HSG) ‘D’ soils. Since the method chosen to compute pre- and post-development peak flow rates and runoff volumes is dependent upon the soil type, care was taken when selecting the appropriate Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS CN). -Within each sub-basin, an approximate proportion of each soil group was determined using Web Soil Survey Maps. Once an approximate proportion was determined, a composite SCS CN was computed for each cover condition. §The time of concentration was calculated using SCS TR-55 (Segmental Approach, 1986). The Tc flow path can be divided into three segments: overland flow, concentrated flow, and channel flow. The travel time was then computed for each segment, from which the overall time of concentration was determined by taking the sum of each segmental time. §Existing topographic information used in this analysis is from an onsite survey conducted by McAdams Company and Orange County GIS for offsite drainage areas. §The lot west of Street ‘A’ and north of Elliot Road will not be built-out in the current phase of the project, as such it is modeled as open space in post-development hydrologic condition (referred to as ‘Subbasin 1B- Bypass’ in this report). §PondPack Version V8i was used in determining the post-development peak flow rates for the 1-year, 2-year, 25-year, and 100-year storm event, as well as routing calculations for the proposed stormwater control measure. §A dry pond is proposed on this site to manage peak flows from stormwater runoff from the proposed development in Subbasins 1-to SCMA and 1-SCM B. Contech StormFilter is proposed to meet water quality requirements. NARRATIVE > WDF-17000 creating experiences through experience 3 of 3 §The runoff volume difference Pre- to Post-development in the 2-year 24-hour storm event is greater than the volume from the Water Quality event captured in the Stormfilter system. This volume difference will be captured and treated within the proposed dry detention pond. To ensure adequate treatment within the dry detention pond, the 2-year Volume Storage will be detained by a 4.0” orifice on the outlet riser structure that will slowly release the 2-year Volume Storage. §The Ephesus/Fordham District requires that a minimum of 50% of proposed development must be treated for TSS removal. All impervious allocated on the proposed future phase lot must be treated for TSS removal. §TN-Export and TP-Export calculations were computed using the Stormwater Nitrogen and Phosphorous Tool v4.0. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS PEAK RUNOFF CONTROL REQUIREMENTS The peak flow for the 1-yr, 2-yr, and 25-yr storm meets peak flow requirements at POA#1. Please refer to the Summary of Results for the reduction in flows from the pre- to post-development condition. POLLUTANT AND NUTRIENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS The site meets the 10 lbs/ac/yr maximum nitrogen loading rate using the proposed on-site StormFilter system. Additionally, 85% TSS removal requirements are met by the StormFilter system. Water quality calculations will need to be amended with the future development of the remaining lot. CONCLUSION If the development on this tract is built as proposed within this report, then the requirements set forth in Ephesus/Fordham regulations will be met without additional stormwater control measures. However, modifications to the proposed development may require that this analysis be revised. Some modifications that would require this analysis to be revised include: 1.The proposed site impervious surface exceeds the amount accounted for in this report. 2.The post-development watershed breaks change significantly from those used to prepare this report. The above modifications may result in the assumptions within this report becoming invalid. The computations within this report will need to be revisited if any of the above conditions become apparent as development of the proposed site moves forward. 7 NUTRIENT LOADING CALCULATIONS 1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS 2 MISCELLANEOUS SITE INFORMATION 6 STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURE 'B' CALCULATIONS 5 STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURE 'A' CALCULATIONS 3 PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS 4 POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 SUMMARY OF RESULTS PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 SUMMARY OF RESULTS C. BALLARD 6/20/2019 RELEASE RATE MANAGEMENT RESULTS Return Period Pre-Dev Post-Dev Post-Dev % Increase without SCM with SCM [cfs][cfs][cfs][%] 1-Year 34.20 52.39 34.03 -0.5% 2-Year 43.80 64.61 41.53 -5.2% 25-Year 72.32 98.69 70.33 -2.8% Return Period Pre-Dev Post-Dev Post-Dev % Increase without SCM with SCM [cfs][cfs][cfs][%] 1-Year 0.90 0.00 0.00 -100% 2-Year 1.16 0.00 0.00 -100% 25-Year 1.91 0.00 0.00 -100% POINT OF ANALYSIS #1 POINT OF ANALYSIS #2 PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Runoff Volume Management C. BALLARD 6/20/2019 ==> 2-YEAR VOLUME MANAGEMENT RESULTS PRE-DEVELOPMENT 2YR-24HR VOLUME SUMMARY Total On-Site Area =13.66 acres Area Weighted On-site SCS CN =88 S =1.37 P (2-yr / 24-hour) =3.57 inches Q* =2.33 inches On-site Run-off Volume =2.65 acre-feet =115,489 cf POST-DEVELOPMENT 2YR-24HR VOLUME SUMMARY Total On-Site Area =13.66 acres Area Weighted On-site SCS CN =92 S =0.90 P (2-yr / 24-hour) =3.57 inches Q* =2.68 inches Total On-site Run-off Volume =3.05 acre-feet =132,823 cf PRE TO POST-DEVELOPMENT 2YR-24HR VOLUME DIFFERENCE Pre-Post 2yr Runoff Volume Difference =17,334 cf SUMMARY OF 2YR-24HR VOLUME CAPTURE SCM A - Dry Pond Volume Captured =4,409 cf SCM B - Stormfilter System Volume Captured =12,965 cf Total Pre-Post 2yr Runoff Volume Detained =17,374 cf PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 SUMMARY OF RESULTS SCM A - Dry Pond C. BALLARD 6/20/2019 STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURE SUMMARY Design Drainage Area =8.64 ac Design Impervious Area =5.99 ac % Impervious =69.3% Top of Dam =262.00 ft Bottom of Pond =256.50 ft Orifice Diameter =4.00 in Orifice Invert Elevation =256.50 ft Number of Area Orifices =3 Area Orifice Dimensions =1.5' (L) x 1.0' (H) Area Orifice Invert Elevation =257.30 ft Riser Size =5' x 5' Riser Crest =260.20 ft Barrel Diameter =30 in # of Barrels =1 Upstream Invert =256.50 ft Downstream Invert =256.00 ft Length =26 ft Slope =0.0192 ft/ft STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURE ROUTING RESULTS Return Period Inflow Outflow Max. WSE Freeboard [cfs][cfs][ft][ft] 1-Year 31.99 16.42 259.25 2.75 2-Year 39.40 19.64 259.74 2.26 10-Year 53.45 31.46 260.55 1.45 25-Year 59.67 38.42 260.81 1.19 100-Year 68.08 43.15 261.23 0.77 100-Year - Worst Case***68.08 43.29 261.25 0.75 *** See narrative for explanation of the modeled worst case scenario *Dry Pond sized for both Subbasins 1 to SCM A and 1 to SCM B PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS TRACKING K.GARCIA, PE 6/19/2019 Park Apartments Impervious Treatment Total Onsite Impervious* =474,666 sf Required Imp Treatment* =237,333 sf 50% treatment requirment Onsite Imp Treated =282,874 sf Onsite Imp Treated Over Req. =45,541 sf Onsite Elliot Rd ROW Imp = 76,940 sf Elliot Rd ROW Treated = 39,750 sf Elliot Rd ROW Imp Bypass =37,443 sf Oniste Imp. Percentage Treated =59.6% Elliot Rd Bypass Imp Percentage =7.9% * For future lot, assumed 90% onsite impervious area and all impervious area treated New Graph POA 1 - Pre-Dev 1yr-24hr - Flow POA 1 - Post-Dev 1yr-24hr - FlowFlow (ft³/s)35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Time (min) 1,440.001,296.001,152.001,008.00864.00720.00576.00432.00288.00144.000.00 New Graph POA 1 - Pre-Dev 2 yr-24 hr - Flow POA 1 - Post-Dev 2 yr-24 hr - FlowFlow (ft³/s)45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Time (min) 1,440.001,296.001,152.001,008.00864.00720.00576.00432.00288.00144.000.00 New Graph POA 1 - Pre-Dev 25 yr-24 hr - Flow POA 1 - Post-Dev 25 yr-24 hr - FlowFlow (ft³/s)75.00 68.75 62.50 56.25 50.00 43.75 37.50 31.25 25.00 18.75 12.50 6.25 0.00 Time (min) 1,440.001,296.001,152.001,008.00864.00720.00576.00432.00288.00144.000.00 New Graph POA-2 - Pre-Dev 1yr-24hr - Flow POA-2 - Post-Dev 1yr-24hr - FlowFlow (ft³/s)1.00 0.88 0.75 0.63 0.50 0.38 0.25 0.13 0.00 Time (min) 1,440.001,296.001,152.001,008.00864.00720.00576.00432.00288.00144.000.00 New Graph POA-2 - Pre-Dev 2 yr-24 hr - Flow POA-2 - Post-Dev 2 yr-24 hr - FlowFlow (ft³/s)1.25 1.13 1.00 0.88 0.75 0.63 0.50 0.38 0.25 0.13 0.00 Time (min) 1,440.001,296.001,152.001,008.00864.00720.00576.00432.00288.00144.000.00 New Graph POA-2 - Pre-Dev 25 yr-24 hr - Flow POA-2 - Post-Dev 25 yr-24 hr - FlowFlow (ft³/s)2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 Time (min) 1,440.001,296.001,152.001,008.00864.00720.00576.00432.00288.00144.000.00 PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 MISCELLANEOUS SITE INFORMATION NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis, Esri, HERE, Garmin, ©OpenStreetMap contributors 0 500 1,000250Feet1 inch = 500 feet ¯PARK APARTMENTSSITE AERIAL MAPPROJECT #: WDF-17000 CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed 0 2,000 4,0001,000 Feet1 inch = 2,000 feet ¯PARK APARTMENTSUSGS TOPO MAPPROJECT #: WDF-17000CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA Hydrologic Soil Group—Orange County, North Carolina (PROPERTY) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 11/13/2018 Page 1 of 439781903978240397829039783403978390397844039784903978190397824039782903978340397839039784403978490678270678320678370678420678470678520678570678620678670678720678770 678270 678320 678370 678420 678470 678520 678570 678620 678670 678720 678770 35° 56' 4'' N 79° 1' 26'' W35° 56' 4'' N79° 1' 5'' W35° 55' 53'' N 79° 1' 26'' W35° 55' 53'' N 79° 1' 5'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 17N WGS84 0 100 200 400 600 Feet 0 35 70 140 210 Meters Map Scale: 1:2,460 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:20,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Orange County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 18, Sep 10, 2018 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Apr 27, 2014—May 6, 2014 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Hydrologic Soil Group—Orange County, North Carolina (PROPERTY) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 11/13/2018 Page 2 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI Ch Chewacla loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded B/D 0.5 3.5% Ur Urban land 1.3 9.3% WtC2 White Store clay loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded D 0.5 3.5% WwC White Store-Urban land complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes D 11.4 83.7% Totals for Area of Interest 13.7 100.0% Hydrologic Soil Group—Orange County, North Carolina PROPERTY Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 11/13/2018 Page 3 of 4 Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher Hydrologic Soil Group—Orange County, North Carolina PROPERTY Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 11/13/2018 Page 4 of 4 NC DENR - DIVISON OF WATER RESOURCES Name of Stream Description Class Class Date Index No. 2B .0300 . 0311 CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN Cedar Fork WS-V,B;NSW 08/11/09 16-41-1-15-2-3From source to Eastwood Lake, Booker Creek Unnamed Tributary at Wright Mobile Homes WS-V,B;NSW 08/11/09 16-41-1-15-2-3-1From source to Cedar Fork Booker Creek WS-V;NSW 08/11/09 16-41-1-15-2-(4)From dam at Eastwood Lake to U.S. Hwy. 15 Booker Creek WS-IV;NSW 08/03/92 16-41-1-15-2-(5)From U.S. Hwy. 15 to Little Creek Little Creek WS-IV;NSW,CA 08/03/92 16-41-1-15-(3)From a point 0.7 mile downstream of Durham County SR 1110 to New Hope Creek Crooked Creek WS-V;NSW 08/03/92 16-41-1-16-(1)From source to a point 0.7 mile upstream of mouth Crooked Creek WS-IV;NSW,CA 08/03/92 16-41-1-16-(2)From a point 0.7 mile upstream of mouth to New Hope Creek Arm of B. Everett Jordan Lake Northeast Creek WS-V;NSW 08/11/09 16-41-1-17-(0.3)From source to N.C. Hwy. 55 Northeast Creek WS-IV;NSW 08/03/92 16-41-1-17-(0.7)From N.C. Hwy. 55 to a point 0.5 mile downstream of Panther Creek Burdens Creek WS-V;NSW 08/11/09 16-41-1-17-1- (0.3) From source to Durham County SR 2028 Burdens Creek WS-IV;NSW 08/03/92 16-41-1-17-1- (0.7) From Durham County SR 2028 to Northeast Creek Buck Branch WS-IV;NSW 08/03/92 16-41-1-17-1-1From source to Burdens Creek Kit Creek WS-V;NSW 08/11/09 16-41-1-17-2- (0.3) From source to a point 1.3 miles upstream of N.C. Hwy. 55 Kit Creek WS-IV;NSW 08/03/92 16-41-1-17-2- (0.7) From a point 1.3 miles upstream of N.C. Hwy. 55 to Northeast Creek Long Branch WS-IV;NSW 08/03/92 16-41-1-17-2-1From source to Kit Creek Panther Creek WS-IV;NSW 08/03/92 16-41-1-17-3From source to New Hope Creek Morris Branch WS-IV;NSW 08/03/92 16-41-1-17-3-1From source to Panther Creek Nancy Branch WS-IV;NSW 08/03/92 16-41-1-17-3-2From source to Panther Creek Northeast Creek WS-IV;NSW,CA 08/03/92 16-41-1-17-(4)From a point 0.5 mile downstream of Panther Creek to New Hope Creek Arm of B. Everett Jordan Lake Indian Creek WS-IV;NSW 08/03/92 16-41-1-18-(1)From source to a point 0.4 mile upstream of N.C. Hwy. 751 Indian Creek WS-IV;NSW,CA 08/03/92 16-41-1-18-(2)From a point 0.4 mile upstream of N.C. Hwy. 751 to New Hope Creek Arm of New Hope River Arm of B. Everett Jordan Lake Morgan Creek WS-II;HQW,NSW 08/03/92 16-41-2-(1)From source to a point 1.4 miles downstream of N.C. Hwy. 54 Morgan Creek (University Lake)WS-II;HQW,NSW, CA 08/03/92 16-41-2-(1.5)From a point 1.4 miles downstream of N.C. Hwy. 54 to dam at University Lake Phils Creek WS-II;HQW,NSW 08/03/92 16-41-2-2-(0.3)From source to a point 0.2 mile downstream of Orange County SR 1005 Phils Creek WS-II;HQW,NSW, CA 08/03/92 16-41-2-2-(0.7)From a point 0.2 mile downstream of Orange County SR 1005 to University Lake, Morgan Creek 10 1990000 FEET 2000000 FEET 800000 FEET 79°2'0"W 79'1'30'W 79°1'0"W 79°0'313"W 79'0'0-W 800000 FEET ZONE AE ,!I �1 p{pe9g�Q .�: � ►-' � '-' I .-_.. - '.�� �®V1' QieridggDt �. ,• , � - - r. ygr�t-p* picker r c. ra _ o 9� qtr 1 C' r c 10 _ g{e �" a (tar r dim l.D T i O'F Mc gar Dr �• #" � >. l s t r 1. m - � ■ : IZ �� r ti � Et .. ' 3 1 Rd y �acvey �By C 2 6 { ,T t � 1•►i11 r £l Y �` tfr •s ! 6g :5 - '[7 �5,: �✓•y in -! 9-# a s OI Durtiarn Rd !. 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Co 4'., Inn $pry, �----.'-_-y - ( Wlk nr� Igs 41 z' --..,266.0_ � . ,�. � :: , , • ._55 'I, ' - _ � ...4 .�gss Q a S VA �3 ZONE AE � _ �'ik R - lira QZci 270NO�+sto� b¢� tlIl hfr rLLr ! ar - Iy I' - r rt,; '� 11�► 4g�' 1 ._4. ?.g', z.. _ .: r _ 790000 FEET 790000 FEET 79°2'0"W 79°1'30"W 79°1'0"W 79'0'30'"W 790'0"W 1990000 FEET 2000000 FEET 1 FEMA'SCCOPERATIN6 TEr-HKCALPAMNER This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a unique cooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The State of North Carolina has implemented a long term approach to floodplain management to decrease the costs associated with flooding. This is demonstrated by the State's commitment to map flood hazard areas at the local level. As a part of this effort, the State of North Carolina has joined in a Cooperating Technical State agreement with FEMA to produce and maintain this digital FIRM. FLOOD HAZARD INFORMATION NOTES TO USERS SCALE SEE FIS REPORT FOR ZONE DESCRIPTIONS AND INDEX MAP THE INFORMATION DEPICTED ON THIS MAP AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION ARE ALSO AVAILABLE IN DIGITAL FORMAT AT HTTP://FPIS.NG.G0V/ F'P1S SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS OTHER AREAS OF FLOOD HAZARD OTHER AREAS GENERAL STRU CTU R ES OTHER FEATURES Without Base Flood Elevation (BFE) Zane A, V, A99 With BFE or Depth Zone AL. AO, ars, VE, AR Regulatory Floodway . 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard, Areas of 1% Annual Chance Flood with Average Depth Less Than One Foot or With Drainage Areas of Less Than One Square Mile zone X Future Conditions 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard Zone x Area with Reduced Flood Risk due to Levee See Notes zooX Areas Determined to be Outside the 0.2%Q Annual Chance Floodplain zone x ------------- Channel, Culvert, or Storm Sewer - Accredited or Provisionally Accredited Levee, Dike, or Floodwall I I i I l r I k I l l a l Nan -accredited Levee, Dike, Lir FloodwaII BM5510 x North Carolina Geodetic Survey bench mark BM5510& National Geodetic Survey bench mark BM5510� Contractor Est. NCFMP Survey bench mark 01 1'8-2— Cross Sections with 1% Annual Chance I Water Surface Elevation (BFE) (s - - - - - - Coastal Transect - - - - - Coastal Transect Baseline Profile Baseline 11 Hydrographic Feature Limit of Study Jurisdiction Bou For information and questions about this map, available products associated with this FIRM including historic versions of this FIRM, how to order products or the National Flood Insurance Program in general, please call the FEMA Map Information eXchange at 1 -877 -FEMA -MAP (1-877-336-2627) or visit the FEMA Map Service Center website at http:llmsc.fema.gov. An accompanying Flood Insurance Study report, Letter of Map Revision (LOMB) or Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) revising portions of this panel, and digital versions of this FIRM may be available. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program website at http:llwww.ncflocdrnap or contact the FEMA Map Service Center. Communities annexing land on adjacent FIRM panels must obtain a current copy of the adjacent panel as well as the current FIRM index. These may be ordered directly from the Map Service Center at the number listed above. For community and countywide map dates refer to the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. To determine if flood insurance is available in the community, contact your Insurance agent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1-800-638-6620. Flood Insurance Study (FIS) means an examination, evaluation, and determination of flood hazards, corresponding water surface elevations, flood hazard risk zones, and other flood data in a community issued by the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP). The Flood Insurance Study (FIS) is comprised of the following products used together: the Digital Flood Hazard Database, the Water Surface Elevation Rasters, the digitally derived, autogenerated Flood Insurance Rate Map and the Flood Insurance Survey Report. AFlood Insurance Survey is a compilation and presentation of flood risk data for specific watercourses, lakes, and coastal flood hazard areas within a community. This report contains detailed flood elevation data, data tables and FIRM indices- When a flood study is completed for the NFIP, the digital information, reports and maps are assembled into an FIS. Information shown on this FIRM is provided In digital format by the NCFMP. Base map information shown on this FIRM was provided in digital format by the NCFMP. The source of this information can be determined from the metadata available in the digita€ FLOOD database and in the Technical Support Data Notebook (ISDN). ACCREDITED LEVEE NOTES TO USERS: If an accredited levee note appears on this panel check with your local community to obtain more information, such as the estimated level of protection provided (which may exceed the 1 -percent -annual -chance level) and Emergency Action Plan, on the levee system(s) shown as providing protection. To mitigate flood risk in residual risk areas. property owners and residents are encouraged to consider flood insurance and floodproofing or other protective measures. For more information on flood insurance, interested parties should visit the FEMA Website at http:llwww.fema.gov/b usInessfnfip/index.shtm. PROVISIONALLY ACCREDITED LEVEE NOTES TO USERS: If a Provisionally Accredited Levee (PAL) note appears on this panel, check with your local community to obtain more information, such as the estimated level of protection provided (which may exceed the 1 -percent -annual -chance level) and Emergency Action Plan, on the Levee system(s) shown as providing protection. To maintain accreditation, the levee owner or community is required to submit the data and documentation necessary to comply with Section 65.10 of the NFIP regulations. If the community or owner does not provide the necessary data and documentation or if the data and documentation provided indicates the levee system does not comply with Section 65.10 requirements, FEMA will revise the flood hazard and risk information for this area to reflect de -accreditation of the levee system. To mitigate flood risk in residual risk areas, property owners and residents are encouraged to consider flood insurance and floodproofing or other protective measures. For more information on flood insurance, interested parties should visit the FEMA Website at http:llwww.fema.gov/business/nfip/index.shtm. LIMIT OF MODERATE WAVE ACTION NOTES TO USERS: For some coastal flooding zones the AE Zone category has been divided by a Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA)- The LiMWA represents the approximate landward limit of the 1.5 -foot breaking wave. The effects of wave hazards between the VE Zone and the JMWA (or between the shoreline and the LiMWA for areas where VE Zones are not identified) will be similar to, but less severe than those in the VE Zone. Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA) COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) NOTE This map may include approximate boundaries of the CBRS for informational purposes only. Flood insurance is not available within CBRS areas for structures that are newly built or substantially improved on or after the date($) indicated on the map. For more information see http:l/www.fws.gov/Gbra, the FIS Report, or call the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Customer Service Center at 1 -900 -344 -WILD. CBRS Area ti .; Otherwise Protected Area Map Projection: North Carolina State Plane Projection Feet (Zone 3200) Datum: NAD 1983 (Horizontal), NAVID 1988 (Vertical) 1 inch = 500 feet 1:6,000 0 250 500 1,000 Feet Meters 0 75 150 300 PANEL LO CATO R A'lamai-,c rc=11 9920 , 99401 9960 I r I 9849 9859 9889 9899 0809 4819 f 9828 Ca li>8 9848 9858 9888 9898 0808 10818 i I 9827 I 9837 9847 9857 9867 9877 9887 9897 4807 l08t7 9826 I 9836 9846 9856 9866 9876 9886 9896 08061' ! 0805 08114 I 9825 9835 9845 9855 9865 9875 9885 9895 I 9824 9834 9844 9854 9854 9874 9884 9894 I 1" 0J03 i F 0802 r ;0801 9823 9833 9843 9853 9863 9873 9883 9893 9822 9832 9842 9852 9862 9872 9882 9892 I 9841 9851 9861 9871 9881 9891 9820 I 984O t9850 9860 9870 9880 9890 0800 I +9729 I 9739 9749 9759 9769 9779 9789 k 9,728 9738 9748 9758 9768 9778 9788 [ 9798 9721 9737 9767 9777 9787 9797 ,ti CiizlYhans 9766 9776 9786 9796 Gurhani r -.0, A44. co U. cc cc Z NORTH CAROLINA FLOODPLAIN MAPPING PROGRAM NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NORTH CAROLINA PANEL 9799 FEMA Panel Contains: COMMUNITY CHAPEL HILL, TOWN OF DURHAM, CITY OF CID PANEL SUFFIX 370180 9799 L 370086 9799 L VERSION NUMBER MAP NUMBER 3710979900L MAP REVISED January 19, 2019 11/13/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 ' Location name: Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA* Latitude: 35.9331°, Longitude: -79.0213° , vk�m Elevation: 268.1 ft** * source: ESRI Maps "source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular i PF graphical i Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS -based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)1 Average recurrence interval (years) 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 0.409 -O-.4-81---IF-O-.5-52---JF-O-.6-1 1 0.671 0.715 0.753 0.786 0.821 0.849 5 -min 1(0.374-0.447)11(0.441-0.525) (0.506-0.602) (0.559-0.666) 1(0.611-0.731)11(0.649-0.779) (0.680-0.821) (0.705-0.858) (0.730-0.896) (0.748-0.929) 0.653 -O-.7-69---JF-O-.8-84---JF-O-.9-77- 1.07 1.14 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.34 10 -min 1(0.598-0.714)11(0.705-0.840)1(0.810-0.964)1(0.894-1.07) (0.974-1.17) (1.03-1.24) 1 (1.08-1.30) 1 (1.12-1.36) 1 (1.16-1.42) 11 (1.18-1.46) 0.817 0.966 1.12 1.24 1.36 1.44 1.51 1.57 1.63 1.68 15 -min (0.748-0.892) (0.886-1.06) (1.02-1.22) (1.13-1.35) 1 (1.24-1.48) 11 (1.31-1.57) 1 (1.37-1.65) 1 (1.41-1.72) 1 (1.45-1.78) 11 (1.48-1.84) 2.72 1.12 1.34 1.59 1.79 2.01 2.17 2.32 2.45 2.60 30 -min (1.02-1.22) (1.22-1.46) (1.46-1.73) 1 (1.83-2.19) 1 (1.97-2.37) 1 (2.09-2.53) 1 (2.19-2.67) (2.31-2.84) (2.40-2.97) 1.40 1.68 2.04 2.33 2.68 2.94 3.19 3A3 3.73 3.97 60 -min (1.28-1.53) (1.54-1.83) (1.87-2.22) 1 (2.44-2.91) 1 (2.67-3.20) 11 (2.88-3.48) 1 (3.08-3.75) (3.32-4.07) (3.50-4.34) F 5.25 1.67 2.01 2.47 2.85 3.31 3.68 4.04 4.40 4.87 2 -hr (1.52-1.84) (1.84-2.20) (2.25-2.70) (2.59-3.12) (2.99-3.62) (3.32-4.03) (3.62-4.42) 1 (3.91-4.81) 1 (4.28-5.32) 11 (4.58-5.76) 1.78 2.14 2.64 3.06 3.59 4.03 4.45 4.89 5.47 5.97 3 -hr (1.6 3-1.95) (1.97-2.35) (2.42-2.89) (2.80-3.35) (3.25-3.92) (3.63-4.39) (3.98-4.86) 1 (4.34-5.34) (4.80-5.98) 11 (5.18-6.54) 2.14 2.57 3.17 3.69 4.35 4.91 5.46 6.04 6.81 7.48 6 -hr (1.97-2.34) (2.37-2.81) (2.91-3.46)1 (3.38-4.02) (3.96-4.73) (4.43-5.33) (4.89-5.93) (5.35-6.55) (5.95-7.40) (6.45-8.14) 2.53 --505--]3.77 4.42 5.26 5.98 6.71 7.48 8.55 9.48 12 -hr (2.34-2.76) 11 (2.81-3.32) 1 (4.05-4.80) (4.78-5.69) (5.39-6.45) (5.99-7.23) (6.60-8.06) (7.41-9.21) (8.09-10.2) 24 -hr 2.779616 3. 5 3?82 (4. 8 4677 (4.82-5.51) (5.68-6.52) (6.36-7.32) (7.04-8.14) (7.74-8.99) (8.68-10.2) (9.41-11.1) 3.46 4.17 5.17 5.93 6.96 7.77 8.59 9.43 10.6 11.5 2 -day (3.24-3.70) 1(3.91-4.46) (4.84-5.53)1 (5.55-6.34) (6.48-7.44) 1(7.22-8.32)1 1 (6.80-7.81) 11 (7.95-9.22) 1 (8.69-10.1) 1 (9.70-11.4) (10.5-12.4) 3 -day 3.66 (3.43-3.91) 11 4.40 (4.13-4.70) 5.43 1 (5.09-5.80) --6.-23--]F-7-.30-77-8.-15- 1 (5.82-6.65) (7.57-8.73) 9.02 1 (8.34-9.67) 9.90 1 (9.12-10.6) 11.1 1 (10.2-12.0) 11 12.1 (11.0-13.0) 4 -day 3.86 (3.62-4.13) 4.63 (4.34-4.95) 5.69 (5.33-6.07) 6.52 (6.10-6.97) 7.65 (7.12-8.18) 8.53 (7.92-9.14) 9.44 (8.73-10.1) 10.4 (9.55-11.1) 11.7 ( 10.7-12.6) 12.7 ( 11.5-13.7) 4.43 5.29 6.42 7.31 8.53 9.49 10.5 11.5 12.9 14.0 7 -day (4.18-4.72) (4.99-5.63) 1 (6.05-6.84) (6.88-7.79) (8.00-9.10) (8.87-10.1) (9.75-11.2) (10.6-12.3) (11.9-13.8) (12.8-15.0) 14.9 5.04 --51.99--]7.19 8.13 9.39 10.4 11.4 12.4 13.8 10 -day (4.76-5.36) (5.65-6.36) 1 (7.65-8.64) 11 (8.82-9.99) (9.72-11.1) (10.6-12.2) (11.6-13.3) (12.8-14.8) 1 (13.7-16.0) 20 -day (6.36-7.13) 7.51 8 40(8.85-9.92) (9.92-11.1) (11.3-12.8) 12.14- 4.1 13.16-15.5 14.17- 6.8 1612-18.7) (17.18 0.2 9.85 11.4 12.7 14.3 15.6 16.8 18.1 19.7 21.0 30-day8.36 (7.93-8.85) (9.32-10.4) 1 (13.5-15.1) 11 (14.6-16.5) (15.7-17.8) (16.9-19.2) 1 (18.3-21.0) (19.5-22.4) 18.9 20.3 21.6 23.4 24.8 10.7 12.5 14.3 15.7 17.5 45 -day (10.2-11.2)j 1 (16.6-18.4) 11 (17.9-19.9) 1 (19.1-21.4) 1 (20.3-22.8) 1 (21.9-24.8) 11 (23.1-26.3) FI -11 6-.18-7.6 60 -day 2.7 12.12-1$3.4 14.3- 5.6 16 17.1819.2 (19 2021.2 2 61 21?8- 4.2 23 04 5.7 24?6-27.5 25?8- 9.0 Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top PF graphical https:Hhdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.9331 &Ion=-79.0213&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 1/4 Storm Data Detailed Report: WDF-17000 Element Details 33ID Notes WDF-17000Label 1 yr-24 hr 1 yr-24 hrLabel min5.00Increment years1Return Event min1,440.00End Time min0.00Start Time CumulativeStorm Event Depth Type 1 yr-24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0120.0090.0060.0030.0000.00 0.0270.0240.0210.0180.01525.00 0.0420.0390.0360.0330.03050.00 0.0570.0540.0510.0480.04575.00 0.0720.0690.0660.0630.060100.00 0.0870.0840.0810.0780.075125.00 0.1020.0990.0960.0930.090150.00 0.1160.1130.1100.1080.105175.00 0.1310.1280.1250.1220.119200.00 0.1460.1430.1400.1370.134225.00 0.1610.1580.1550.1520.149250.00 0.1760.1730.1700.1670.164275.00 0.1910.1880.1850.1820.179300.00 0.2060.2030.2000.1970.194325.00 0.2260.2200.2150.2120.209350.00 0.2530.2480.2420.2370.231375.00 0.2800.2750.2690.2640.258400.00 0.3070.3020.2960.2910.285425.00 0.3340.3290.3230.3180.313450.00 0.3610.3560.3500.3450.340475.00 0.3880.3830.3780.3720.367500.00 0.4200.4100.4050.3990.394525.00 0.4700.4600.4500.4400.430550.00 0.5200.5100.5000.4900.480575.00 0.5700.5600.5500.5400.530600.00 0.6180.6080.5990.5900.580625.00 0.6900.6680.6450.6360.627650.00 0.8450.7800.7580.7350.713675.00 1.6521.2431.0390.9740.910700.00 2.1152.0501.9861.9211.856725.00 2.2702.2482.2252.2032.180750.00 2.3432.3332.3242.3152.293775.00 2.3902.3802.3702.3612.352800.00 2.4402.4302.4202.4102.400825.00 2.4902.4802.4702.4602.450850.00 2.5402.5302.5202.5102.500875.00 2.5722.5662.5612.5552.550900.00 2/21/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Storm Data Detailed Report: WDF-17000 1 yr-24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 2.5992.5932.5882.5832.577925.00 2.6262.6202.6152.6102.604950.00 2.6532.6482.6422.6372.631975.00 2.6802.6752.6692.6642.6581,000.00 2.7072.7022.6962.6912.6851,025.00 2.7342.7292.7232.7182.7131,050.00 2.7542.7512.7482.7452.7401,075.00 2.7692.7662.7632.7602.7571,100.00 2.7842.7812.7782.7752.7721,125.00 2.7992.7962.7932.7902.7871,150.00 2.8142.8112.8082.8052.8021,175.00 2.8292.8262.8232.8202.8171,200.00 2.8442.8412.8382.8352.8321,225.00 2.8582.8552.8532.8502.8471,250.00 2.8732.8702.8672.8642.8611,275.00 2.8882.8852.8822.8792.8761,300.00 2.9032.9002.8972.8942.8911,325.00 2.9182.9152.9122.9092.9061,350.00 2.9332.9302.9272.9242.9211,375.00 2.9482.9452.9422.9392.9361,400.00 (N/A)2.9602.9572.9542.9511,425.00 2 yr-24 hr 2 yr-24 hrLabel min5.00Increment years2Return Event min1,440.00End Time min0.00Start Time CumulativeStorm Event Depth Type 2 yr-24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0140.0110.0070.0040.0000.00 0.0330.0290.0250.0220.01825.00 0.0510.0470.0430.0400.03650.00 0.0690.0650.0610.0580.05475.00 0.0870.0830.0790.0760.072100.00 0.1050.1010.0970.0940.090125.00 0.1230.1190.1160.1120.108150.00 0.1410.1370.1340.1300.126175.00 0.1590.1550.1520.1480.144200.00 0.1770.1730.1700.1660.163225.00 0.1950.1910.1880.1840.181250.00 0.2130.2090.2060.2020.199275.00 0.2310.2280.2240.2200.217300.00 0.2490.2460.2420.2380.235325.00 0.2730.2670.2600.2560.253350.00 0.3070.3000.2930.2870.280375.00 2/21/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Storm Data Detailed Report: WDF-17000 2 yr-24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.3400.3330.3270.3200.313400.00 0.3730.3670.3600.3530.347425.00 0.4070.4000.3930.3870.380450.00 0.4400.4330.4270.4200.413475.00 0.4730.4670.4600.4530.447500.00 0.5120.5000.4930.4870.480525.00 0.5720.5600.5480.5360.524550.00 0.6310.6190.6080.5960.584575.00 0.6910.6790.6670.6550.643600.00 0.7480.7370.7260.7150.703625.00 0.8350.8080.7800.7690.758650.00 1.0240.9450.9180.8900.863675.00 1.9861.5051.2621.1831.104700.00 2.5462.4662.3872.3082.228725.00 2.7352.7082.6802.6532.625750.00 2.8232.8122.8012.7902.763775.00 2.8792.8672.8552.8442.833800.00 2.9392.9272.9152.9032.891825.00 2.9982.9862.9742.9632.951850.00 3.0583.0463.0343.0223.010875.00 3.0973.0903.0833.0773.070900.00 3.1303.1233.1173.1103.103925.00 3.1633.1573.1503.1433.137950.00 3.1973.1903.1833.1773.170975.00 3.2303.2233.2173.2103.2031,000.00 3.2633.2573.2503.2433.2371,025.00 3.2973.2903.2833.2773.2701,050.00 3.3213.3173.3143.3103.3031,075.00 3.3393.3353.3323.3283.3241,100.00 3.3573.3533.3503.3463.3431,125.00 3.3753.3713.3683.3643.3611,150.00 3.3933.3893.3863.3823.3791,175.00 3.4113.4083.4043.4003.3971,200.00 3.4293.4263.4223.4183.4151,225.00 3.4473.4443.4403.4363.4331,250.00 3.4653.4623.4583.4543.4511,275.00 3.4833.4803.4763.4733.4691,300.00 3.5013.4983.4943.4913.4871,325.00 3.5193.5163.5123.5093.5051,350.00 3.5383.5343.5303.5273.5231,375.00 3.5563.5523.5483.5453.5411,400.00 (N/A)3.5703.5663.5633.5591,425.00 10 yr-24 hr 10 yr-24 hrLabel min5.00Increment years10Return Event min1,440.00End Time 2/21/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Storm Data Detailed Report: WDF-17000 10 yr-24 hr min0.00Start Time CumulativeStorm Event Depth Type 10 yr-24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0150.0100.0050.0000.0000.00 0.0410.0360.0310.0260.02125.00 0.0670.0620.0570.0510.04650.00 0.0930.0870.0820.0770.07275.00 0.1180.1130.1080.1030.098100.00 0.1440.1390.1340.1280.123125.00 0.1700.1640.1590.1540.149150.00 0.1950.1900.1850.1800.175175.00 0.2210.2160.2110.2060.200200.00 0.2470.2420.2360.2310.226225.00 0.2720.2670.2620.2570.252250.00 0.2980.2930.2880.2830.278275.00 0.3240.3190.3130.3080.303300.00 0.3490.3440.3390.3340.329325.00 0.3800.3700.3650.3600.355350.00 0.4310.4210.4110.4000.390375.00 0.4820.4710.4610.4510.441400.00 0.5320.5220.5120.5020.492425.00 0.5830.5730.5630.5530.542450.00 0.6340.6230.6130.6030.593475.00 0.6840.6740.6640.6540.644500.00 0.7350.7250.7150.7050.694525.00 0.8230.8050.7880.7700.753550.00 0.9100.8930.8750.8580.840575.00 0.9980.9800.9630.9450.928600.00 1.0851.0681.0501.0331.015625.00 1.1981.1551.1381.1201.103650.00 1.4151.3721.3281.2851.242675.00 2.2141.8991.7781.6571.536700.00 3.5033.3823.2613.1392.825725.00 3.8753.8323.7883.7453.624750.00 4.0404.0234.0053.9623.918775.00 4.1284.1104.0934.0754.058800.00 4.2154.1984.1804.1634.145825.00 4.3034.2854.2684.2504.233850.00 4.3904.3734.3554.3384.320875.00 4.4554.4454.4354.4254.408900.00 4.5064.4964.4864.4764.466925.00 4.5574.5474.5374.5264.516950.00 4.6084.5974.5874.5774.567975.00 4.6584.6484.6384.6284.6181,000.00 4.7094.6994.6894.6784.6681,025.00 4.7604.7494.7394.7294.7191,050.00 2/21/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Storm Data Detailed Report: WDF-17000 10 yr-24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 4.8004.7954.7904.7804.7701,075.00 4.8264.8214.8164.8114.8051,100.00 4.8524.8474.8414.8364.8311,125.00 4.8774.8724.8674.8624.8571,150.00 4.9034.8984.8934.8884.8831,175.00 4.9294.9244.9184.9134.9081,200.00 4.9544.9494.9444.9394.9341,225.00 4.9804.9754.9704.9654.9601,250.00 5.0065.0014.9964.9904.9851,275.00 5.0325.0265.0215.0165.0111,300.00 5.0575.0525.0475.0425.0371,325.00 5.0835.0785.0735.0685.0621,350.00 5.1095.1035.0985.0935.0881,375.00 5.1345.1295.1245.1195.1141,400.00 (N/A)5.1555.1505.1455.1391,425.00 25 yr-24 hr 25 yr-24 hrLabel min5.00Increment years25Return Event min1,440.00End Time min0.00Start Time CumulativeStorm Event Depth Type 25 yr-24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0230.0180.0120.0060.0000.00 0.0530.0470.0410.0350.02925.00 0.0820.0760.0700.0640.05850.00 0.1110.1050.0990.0930.08875.00 0.1400.1340.1280.1230.117100.00 0.1690.1630.1580.1520.146125.00 0.1980.1930.1870.1810.175150.00 0.2280.2220.2160.2100.204175.00 0.2570.2510.2450.2390.233200.00 0.2860.2800.2740.2680.263225.00 0.3150.3090.3030.2980.292250.00 0.3440.3380.3330.3270.321275.00 0.3730.3680.3620.3560.350300.00 0.4030.3970.3910.3850.379325.00 0.4450.4330.4200.4140.408350.00 0.5080.4960.4830.4710.458375.00 0.5720.5590.5460.5340.521400.00 0.6350.6220.6100.5970.584425.00 0.6980.6850.6730.6600.648450.00 0.7610.7490.7360.7230.711475.00 0.8240.8120.7990.7870.774500.00 0.8960.8750.8620.8500.837525.00 2/21/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Storm Data Detailed Report: WDF-17000 25 yr-24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 1.0020.9810.9590.9380.917550.00 1.1071.0861.0651.0441.023575.00 1.2131.1921.1711.1491.128600.00 1.3251.3021.2781.2551.234625.00 1.5001.4481.3951.3721.348650.00 1.8571.7101.6581.6051.553675.00 3.3122.6412.2972.1502.003700.00 4.2434.0973.9503.8033.657725.00 4.6004.5484.4954.4434.390750.00 4.7754.7524.7284.7054.653775.00 4.8874.8664.8454.8224.798800.00 4.9934.9724.9514.9294.908825.00 5.0985.0775.0565.0355.014850.00 5.2045.1835.1625.1415.119875.00 5.2765.2635.2505.2385.225900.00 5.3395.3265.3135.3015.288925.00 5.4025.3895.3775.3645.351950.00 5.4655.4535.4405.4275.415975.00 5.5285.5165.5035.4905.4781,000.00 5.5925.5795.5665.5545.5411,025.00 5.6555.6425.6295.6175.6041,050.00 5.6985.6925.6865.6805.6671,075.00 5.7275.7215.7155.7095.7031,100.00 5.7565.7505.7445.7385.7331,125.00 5.7855.7795.7735.7685.7621,150.00 5.8145.8085.8035.7975.7911,175.00 5.8435.8385.8325.8265.8201,200.00 5.8735.8675.8615.8555.8491,225.00 5.9025.8965.8905.8845.8781,250.00 5.9315.9255.9195.9135.9081,275.00 5.9605.9545.9485.9435.9371,300.00 5.9895.9835.9785.9725.9661,325.00 6.0186.0136.0076.0015.9951,350.00 6.0486.0426.0366.0306.0241,375.00 6.0776.0716.0656.0596.0531,400.00 (N/A)6.1006.0946.0886.0831,425.00 100 yr-24 hr 100 yr-24 hrLabel min5.00Increment years100Return Event min1,440.00End Time min0.00Start Time CumulativeStorm Event Depth Type 100 yr-24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0250.0190.0120.0060.0000.00 2/21/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Storm Data Detailed Report: WDF-17000 100 yr-24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0560.0490.0430.0370.03125.00 0.0870.0800.0740.0680.06250.00 0.1170.1110.1050.0990.09375.00 0.1480.1420.1360.1300.124100.00 0.1790.1730.1670.1610.155125.00 0.2100.2040.1980.1920.185150.00 0.2410.2350.2290.2220.216175.00 0.2720.2660.2600.2530.247200.00 0.3030.2970.2900.2840.278225.00 0.3340.3280.3210.3150.309250.00 0.3650.3580.3520.3460.340275.00 0.3960.3890.3830.3770.371300.00 0.4260.4200.4140.4080.402325.00 0.4800.4620.4450.4390.433350.00 0.5670.5490.5320.5140.497375.00 0.6530.6360.6190.6010.584400.00 0.7400.7230.7050.6880.671425.00 0.8270.8100.7920.7750.757450.00 0.9140.8960.8790.8620.844475.00 1.0010.9830.9660.9480.931500.00 1.0981.0701.0531.0351.018525.00 1.2381.2101.1821.1541.126550.00 1.3791.3511.3231.2941.266575.00 1.5191.4911.4631.4351.407600.00 1.6781.6431.6091.5751.547625.00 1.9221.8511.7801.7461.712650.00 2.3922.2052.1342.0631.993675.00 4.0833.3302.9522.7652.578700.00 5.2085.0224.8354.6484.462725.00 5.6785.6085.5375.4665.395750.00 5.9225.8885.8545.8205.749775.00 6.0816.0536.0255.9915.957800.00 6.2216.1936.1656.1376.109825.00 6.3626.3346.3066.2776.249850.00 6.5026.4746.4466.4186.390875.00 6.5996.5826.5656.5476.530900.00 6.6866.6696.6526.6346.617925.00 6.7736.7566.7386.7216.704950.00 6.8606.8426.8256.8086.790975.00 6.9476.9296.9126.8956.8771,000.00 7.0337.0166.9996.9816.9641,025.00 7.1207.1037.0867.0687.0511,050.00 7.1747.1677.1617.1557.1381,075.00 7.2047.1987.1927.1867.1801,100.00 7.2357.2297.2237.2177.2111,125.00 7.2667.2607.2547.2487.2421,150.00 7.2977.2917.2857.2797.2721,175.00 2/21/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Storm Data Detailed Report: WDF-17000 100 yr-24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 7.3287.3227.3167.3107.3031,200.00 7.3597.3537.3477.3407.3341,225.00 7.3907.3847.3777.3717.3651,250.00 7.4217.4157.4087.4027.3961,275.00 7.4527.4457.4397.4337.4271,300.00 7.4837.4767.4707.4647.4581,325.00 7.5137.5077.5017.4957.4891,350.00 7.5447.5387.5327.5267.5201,375.00 7.5757.5697.5637.5577.5511,400.00 (N/A)7.6007.5947.5887.5811,425.00 100 yr-24 hr 25 yr-24 hr 10 yr-24 hr 2 yr-24 hr 1 yr-24 hrDepth(in)8.750 7.500 6.250 5.000 3.750 2.500 1.250 0.000 Time (min) 1,400.001,200.001,000.00800.00600.00400.00200.000.00 2/21/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY Summary of Results C. BALLARD 5/2/2019 HYDROLOGY INPUT SUMMARY Impervious Open Wooded Pond Total Impervious Open Wooded Pond Total 1 6.51 6.06 1.00 0.00 13.57 0.29 0.50 0.81 0.00 1.60 15.17 88 12.96 2 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.11 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.30 87 5.00 Totals =6.51 6.15 1.00 0.00 13.66 0.40 0.60 0.81 0.00 1.81 15.47 NUTRIENT INPUT SUMMARY ***Jordan/Falls Lake Stormwater Nitrogen and Phosphorus Tool Land Use Area (sf)Area (ac) Roof Area 80,221 1.84 Roadway Area 0 0.00 Parking/Driveway/Sidewalk 203,320 4.67 Wooded 43,635 1.00 Open 268,021 6.15 Pond 0 0.00 Total 595,197 13.66 2-YEAR / 24-HOUR VOLUME SUMMARY Total On-Site Area =13.66 acres Area Weighted On-site SCS CN =88 S =1.37 P (2-yr / 24-hour) =3.57 inches Q* =2.33 inches Total On-site Run-off Volume =2.65 acre-feet =115,489 cf Sub-basin ID Onsite Area [acres]Tc [min]Offsite Area [acres]Total Area [acres]SCS CN PARKS APARTMENTS WDF-17000 PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY Subbasin 1 C. BALLARD 5/2/2019 I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume:HSG 'A' =0.0% HSG 'B' =0.0% HSG 'C' =0.0% HSG 'D' =100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 80 Wooded 77 II. PRE-DEVELOPMENT A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area Area [sf]Area [ac] Roadway Area 0 0.00 Driveway / Parking Lot 155,275 3.56 Roof 80,221 1.84 Sidewalk / Patio 47,873 1.10 Other 0 0.00 Totals 283,369 6.51 B. Watershed Land Use Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [sf]Area [acres] Onsite impervious 98 283,369 6.51 Onsite open 80 264,167 6.06 Onsite wooded 77 43,635 1.00 Onsite pond 100 0 0.00 Offsite impervious 98 12,548 0.29 Offsite open 80 21,946 0.50 Offsite wooded 77 35,272 0.81 Offsite pond 100 0 0.00 Total area =15.17 acres 660,937 sf Composite SCS CN =88 % Impervious =44.8% Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition - - Assume good condition Assume good condition - Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition PARKS APARTMENTS WDF-17000 PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY Subbasin 1 C. BALLARD 5/2/2019 C. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length =100 ft Length =94 ft Top Elev =293.00 ft Top Elev =286.00 ft Bot Elev =286.00 ft Bot Elev =282.91 ft Height =7 ft Height =3 ft Slope =0.0700 ft/ft Slope =0.0329 ft/ft Manning's n =0.24 dense grass Paved ? =No P (2-year/24-hour) =3.57 inches (Chapel Hill, NC)Velocity =2.93 ft/sec Segment Time =8.19 minutes Segment Time =0.54 minutes Segment 3: Pipe Flow Segment 4: Channel Flow Length =304 ft Length =126 ft Top Elev =282.91 ft Top Elev =273.99 ft Bot Elev =273.99 ft Bot Elev =267.21 ft Height =8.92 ft Height =6.78 ft Slope =0.0293 ft/ft Slope =0.0538 ft/ft Manning's n =0.013 concrete pipe Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Pipe Diameter=12.00 in Flow Area =2.00 sf (assume 2'W x 1'H) Flow Area =0.79 sf Wetted Perimeter =4.00 lf (assume 2'W x 1'H) Wetted Perimeter =3.14 lf (1 ft ID pipe)Channel Velocity =4.84 ft/sec Channel Velocity =7.79 ft/sec Segment Time =0.43 minutes Segment Time =0.65 minutes Segment 5: Pipe Flow Segment 6: Channel Flow Length =574 ft Length =490 ft Top Elev =267.21 ft Top Elev =254.90 ft Bot Elev =254.90 ft Bot Elev =250.00 ft Height =12.31 ft Height =4.9 ft Slope =0.0214 ft/ft Slope =0.0100 ft/ft Manning's n =0.013 concrete pipe Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Pipe Diameter=12.00 in Flow Area =24.00 sf (assume 6'W x 4'H) Flow Area =0.79 sf Wetted Perimeter =14.00 lf (assume 6'W x 4'H) Wetted Perimeter =3.14 lf (1 ft ID pipe)Channel Velocity =4.74 ft/sec Channel Velocity =6.66 ft/sec Segment Time =1.72 minutes Segment Time =1.44 minutes Time of Concentration =12.96 minutes SCS Lag Time =7.78 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment =2.26 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) D. 2-Year Runoff Volume Calculation Pre-development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) where, Q* =Direct Runoff [inches] S =Potential Abstraction => (1000 / SCS Curve Number) - 10 P =Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches] Per Town of Chapel Hill ordinance requirements, the increase in volume between pre- and post-development for the 2-year 24-hour storm shall be treated within the proposed stormwater management facility. On-Site Area =13.57 On-site SCS CN =88 S =1.36 P (2-yr / 24-hour) =3.57 Q* =2.33 On-site Run-off Volume =2.64 acre-feet =114,913 cf PARKS APARTMENTS WDF-17000 PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY Subbasin 2 C. BALLARD 5/2/2019 I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume:HSG 'A' =0.0% HSG 'B' =0.0% HSG 'C' =0.0% HSG 'D' =100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 80 Wooded 77 II. PRE-DEVELOPMENT A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area Area [sf]Area [ac] Roadway Area 0 0.00 Driveway / Parking Lot 0 0.00 Roof 0 0.00 Sidewalk / Patio 172 0.00 Other 0 0.00 Totals 172 0.00 B. Watershed Land Use Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [sf]Area [acres] Onsite impervious 98 172 0.00 Onsite open 80 3,854 0.09 Onsite wooded 77 0 0.00 Onsite pond 100 0 0.00 Offsite impervious 98 4,873 0.11 Offsite open 80 4,170 0.10 Offsite wooded 77 0 0.00 Offsite pond 100 0 0.00 Total area =0.30 acres 13,069 sf Composite SCS CN =87 % Impervious =38.6% C. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (TR-55). Time of Concentration =5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time =3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment =0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) D. 2-Year Runoff Volume Calculation Pre-development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) where, Q* =Direct Runoff [inches] S =Potential Abstraction => (1000 / SCS Curve Number) - 10 P =Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches] Per Town of Chapel Hill ordinance requirements, the increase in volume between pre- and post-development for the 2-year 24-hour storm shall be treated within the proposed stormwater management facility. On-Site Area =0.09 On-site SCS CN =81 S =2.35 P (2-yr / 24-hour) =3.57 Q* =1.77 On-site Run-off Volume =0.01 acre-feet =592 cf Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition Comments - - Assume good condition Assume good condition - - Assume good condition Assume good condition Scenario: Pre- Development 2/28/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments FlexTable: Catchment Table (WDF-17000.ppc) Current Time: 0.00 min NotesTime of Concentration (min) SCS CNArea (ft²) Outflow NodeLabel PRE12.9688.0660,937POA 1SUB 1 PRE5.0087.013,069POA-2SUB 2 5/2/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Subsection: Master Network Summary Catchments Summary Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel 34.20726.0097,8861Pre-Dev 1yr-24hrSUB 1 43.80726.00128,1002Pre-Dev 2 yr-24 hrSUB 1 72.32726.00259,45325Pre-Dev 25 yr-24 hrSUB 1 0.90721.001,8541Pre-Dev 1yr-24hrSUB 2 1.16721.002,4422Pre-Dev 2 yr-24 hrSUB 2 1.91721.005,01925Pre-Dev 25 yr-24 hrSUB 2 Node Summary Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel 34.20726.0097,8861Pre-Dev 1yr-24hrPOA 1 43.80726.00128,1002Pre-Dev 2 yr-24 hrPOA 1 72.32726.00259,45325Pre-Dev 25 yr-24 hrPOA 1 0.90721.001,8541Pre-Dev 1yr-24hrPOA-2 1.16721.002,4422Pre-Dev 2 yr-24 hrPOA-2 1.91721.005,01925Pre-Dev 25 yr-24 hrPOA-2 5/2/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments CLIENT REVISIONS PROJECT NO. FILENAME CHECKED BY DRAWN BY SCALE DATE 02. 28. 2019 N0.DATE \\johnrmcadams.com\dfsrt1\Projects\WDF\WDF-17000\Storm\Form District Permit\Current Drawings\WDF17000-PRE.dwg, 5/2/2019 11:16:30 AM, Ballard, CraigThe John R. McAdams Company, Inc. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 phone 919. 361. 5000 fax 919. 361. 2269 license number: C-0293 www.mcadamsco.com PARK APARTMENTSFORM DISTRICT PERMIT1250 EPHESUS CHURCH ROADCHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, 27517SHEET PLAN INFORMATION WOODFIELD INVESTMENTS 11425 HORSEMAN'S TRAIL RALEIGH, NC 27613 PHONE: 919. 535. 8947 FINAL DRAWING - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION WDF-17000 1 05. 03. 2019 PER CHAPEL HILL AND OWASA COMMENTS SUB 1 AREA = 15.17 ac.S1S2TC PAT H S3 POA 1 WDF17000-PRE KEG SCB 1" = 50' PRE DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY MAP PRE GRAPHIC SCALE 0 25 50 100 1 inch = 50 ft.S4 S5 E P H E S U S C H U R C H R D FRANC E S S T REGULATORY FLOODWAY POA 2 SUB 2 AREA = 0.30 ac. 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN PROPERTY LINE AREA = 13.66 ac. BOO K E R C R E E K 50' JORDAN LAKE WATERSHED BUFFERS6 PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY Summary of Results C. BALLARD, EI 6/19/2019 HYDROLOGY INPUT SUMMARY Impervious Open Wooded Pond Total Impervious Open Wooded Pond Total 1A - Bypass 3.31 0.88 0.09 0.00 4.28 0.30 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.34 4.63 94 5.00 1B - Bypass 0.00 2.19 0.00 0.00 2.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.19 80 13.34 1 - to SCM A 1.09 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.59 92 5.00 1- to SCM B 4.52 1.08 0.00 0.00 5.59 0.38 0.29 0.78 0.00 1.45 7.05 92 5.00 Totals =8.92 4.66 0.09 0.00 13.66 0.68 0.33 0.78 0.00 1.80 15.46 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS SUMMARY Contributing Area Area [sf]Area [ac] Roof 132,389 3.04 Road 80,801 1.85 Parking/Driveway/Sidewalk 175,436 4.03 Wooded 3,791 0.09 Open 202,780 4.66 Pond 0 0.00 Totals 595,197 13.66 2-YEAR / 24-HOUR VOLUME SUMMARY Total On-Site Area =13.66 acres Area Weighted On-site SCS CN =92 S =0.90 P (2-yr / 24-hour) =3.57 inches Q* =2.68 inches Total On-site Run-off Volume =3.05 acre-feet =132,823 cf Tc [min]Offsite Area [acres]Total Area [acres]SCS CNSub-basin ID Onsite Area [acres] PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY Subbasin 1A - Bypass C. BALLARD, EI 6/19/2019 I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume:HSG 'A' =0.0% HSG 'B' =0.0% HSG 'C' =0.0% HSG 'D' =100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 80 Wooded 77 II. POST-DEVELOPMENT A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area Area [sf]Area [acres] Roof 34,990 0.80 Road 52,253 1.20 Parking/Driveway/Sidewalk 57,111 1.31 Totals 144,354 3.31 B. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [sf]Area [acres] Onsite impervious 98 144,354 3.31 Onsite open 80 38,378 0.88 Onsite wooded 77 3,791 0.09 Onsite pond 100 0 0.00 Offsite impervious 98 13,052 0.30 Offsite open 80 1,936 0.04 Offsite wooded 77 0 0.00 Offsite pond 100 0 0.00 Total area =4.63 acres 201,511 sq.ft. Composite SCS CN =94 % Impervious =78.1% C. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (TR-55). Time of Concentration =5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time =3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment =0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) D. Runoff Volume Calculations Pre-development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2) / (P+0.8*S) where, Q* =Direct Runoff [inches] S =Potential Abstraction => (1000 / SCS Curve Number) - 10 P =Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches] On-Site Area =4.28 acres On-site SCS CN =94 S =0.65 P (2-yr / 24-hour) =3.57 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) Q* =2.89 inches Onsite Run-off Volume =1.03 acre-feet =44929 cf Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition - - Assume good condition Comments Assume good condition - - Assume good condition Assume good condition PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY Subbasin 1B - Bypass C. BALLARD, EI 6/19/2019 I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume:HSG 'A' =0.0% HSG 'B' =0.0% HSG 'C' =0.0% HSG 'D' =100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 80 Wooded 77 II. POST-DEVELOPMENT A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area Area [sf]Area [acres] Roof 0 0.00 Road 0 0.00 Parking/Driveway/Sidewalk 0 0.00 Totals 0 0.00 B. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [sf]Area [acres] Onsite impervious 98 0 0.00 Onsite open 80 95,600 2.19 Onsite wooded 77 0 0.00 Onsite pond 100 0 0.00 Offsite impervious 98 0 0.00 Offsite open 80 0 0.00 Offsite wooded 77 0 0.00 Offsite pond 100 0 0.00 Total area =2.19 acres 95,600 sq.ft. Composite SCS CN =80 % Impervious =0.0% Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition Comments - - Assume good condition Assume good condition - - Assume good condition Assume good condition PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY Subbasin 1B - Bypass C. BALLARD, EI 6/19/2019 C. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length =100 ft Length =367 ft Top Elev =268.00 ft Top Elev =266.00 ft Bot Elev =266.00 ft Bot Elev =262.00 ft Height =2 ft Height =4 ft Slope =0.0200 ft/ft Slope =0.0109 ft/ft Manning's n =0.15 short grass Paved ? =No P (2-year/24-hour) =3.57 inches (Chapel Hill, NC)Velocity =1.68 ft/sec Segment Time =9.28 minutes Segment Time =3.63 minutes Segment 3: Pipe Flow Segment 4: Channel Flow Length =178 ft Length =47 ft Top Elev =258.00 ft Top Elev =252.00 ft Bot Elev =252.00 ft Bot Elev =250.00 ft Height =6 ft Height =2 ft Slope =0.0337 ft/ft Slope =0.0426 ft/ft Manning's n =0.013 concrete pipe Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Pipe Diameter=18.00 in Flow Area =3.00 sf (assume 3'W x 1'H) Flow Area =1.77 sf Wetted Perimeter =5.00 lf (assume 3'W x 1'H) Wetted Perimeter =4.71 lf (1 ft ID pipe)Channel Velocity =4.86 ft/sec Channel Velocity =10.94 ft/sec Segment Time =0.16 minutes Segment Time =0.27 minutes Time of Concentration =13.34 minutes SCS Lag Time =8.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment =2.32 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) D. Runoff Volume Calculations Pre-development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2) / (P+0.8*S) where, Q* =Direct Runoff [inches] S =Potential Abstraction => (1000 / SCS Curve Number) - 10 P =Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches] On-Site Area =2.19 acres On-site SCS CN =80 S =2.50 P (2-yr / 24-hour) =3.57 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) Q* =1.69 inches Onsite Run-off Volume =0.31 acre-feet =13480 cf PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY Subbasin 1 - to SCM A C. BALLARD, EI 6/19/2019 I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume:HSG 'A' =0.0% HSG 'B' =0.0% HSG 'C' =0.0% HSG 'D' =100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 80 Wooded 77 II. POST-DEVELOPMENT A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area Area [sf]Area [acres] Roof 18,177 0.42 Road 0 0.00 Parking/Driveway/Sidewalk 29,261 0.67 Totals 47,438 1.09 B. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [sf]Area [acres] Onsite impervious 98 47,438 1.09 Onsite open 80 21,974 0.50 Onsite wooded 77 0 0.00 Onsite pond 100 0 0.00 Offsite impervious 98 0 0.00 Offsite open 80 0 0.00 Offsite wooded 77 0 0.00 Offsite pond 100 0 0.00 Total area =1.59 acres 69,412 sq.ft. Composite SCS CN =92 % Impervious =68.3% C. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is assumed to be 5 minutes. Time of Concentration =5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time =3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment =0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) D. Runoff Volume Calculations Pre-development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2) / (P+0.8*S) where, Q* =Direct Runoff [inches] S =Potential Abstraction => (1000 / SCS Curve Number) - 10 P =Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches] On-Site Area =1.59 acres On-site SCS CN =92 S =0.83 P (2-yr / 24-hour) =3.57 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) Q* =2.73 inches Onsite Run-off Volume =0.36 acre-feet =15810 cf - Assume good condition Assume good condition - - Assume good condition Assume good condition Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition Comments - PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY Subbasin 1 - to SCM B C. BALLARD, EI 6/19/2019 I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume:HSG 'A' =0.0% HSG 'B' =0.0% HSG 'C' =0.0% HSG 'D' =100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 80 Wooded 77 II. POST-DEVELOPMENT A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area Area [sf]Area [acres] Roof 79,222 1.82 Road 28,548 0.66 Parking/Driveway/Sidewalk 89,064 2.04 Totals 196,834 4.52 B. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [sf]Area [acres] Onsite impervious 98 196,834 4.52 Onsite open 80 46,828 1.08 Onsite wooded 77 0 0.00 Onsite pond 100 0 0.00 Offsite impervious 98 16,604 0.38 Offsite open 80 12,610 0.29 Offsite wooded 77 34,106 0.78 Offsite pond 100 0 0.00 Total area =7.05 acres 306,982 sq.ft. Composite SCS CN =92 % Impervious =69.5% C. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is assumed to be 5 minutes. Time of Concentration =5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time =3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment =0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) D. Runoff Volume Calculations Pre-development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2) / (P+0.8*S) where, Q* =Direct Runoff [inches] S =Potential Abstraction => (1000 / SCS Curve Number) - 10 P =Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches] On-Site Area =5.59 acres On-site SCS CN =95 S =0.58 P (2-yr / 24-hour) =3.57 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) Q* =2.96 inches Onsite Run-off Volume =1.38 acre-feet =60098 cf Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition Comments - - Assume good condition Assume good condition - - Assume good condition Assume good condition Scenario: Post- Development 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments FlexTable: Catchment Table (WDF-17000.ppc) Current Time: 0.00 min NotesTime of Concentration (min) SCS CNArea (User Defined) (ft²) Outflow NodeLabel POST13.3480.095,600POA 1SUB 1B Bypass POST5.0092.069,412SCM ASUB 1 to SCM A POST5.0094.0201,511POA 1SUB 1A Bypass POST5.0092.0306,982SCM BSUB 1 to SCM B 6/19/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Subsection: Master Network Summary Catchments Summary Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel 3.26727.009,6821Post-Dev 1yr-24hrSUB 1B Bypass 4.51727.0013,4322Post-Dev 2 yr-24 hrSUB 1B Bypass 8.67727.0030,75525Post-Dev 25 yr-24 hrSUB 1B Bypass 5.90721.0012,2691Post-Dev 1yr-24hrSUB 1 to SCM A 7.27721.0015,6232Post-Dev 2 yr-24 hrSUB 1 to SCM A 11.00721.0029,86525Post-Dev 25 yr-24 hrSUB 1 to SCM A 18.34721.0038,7771Post-Dev 1yr-24hrSUB 1A Bypass 22.25721.0048,7142Post-Dev 2 yr-24 hrSUB 1A Bypass 32.72721.0090,52925Post-Dev 25 yr-24 hrSUB 1A Bypass 26.09721.0054,2631Post-Dev 1yr-24hrSUB 1 to SCM B 32.13721.0069,0932Post-Dev 2 yr-24 hrSUB 1 to SCM B 48.67721.00132,08325Post-Dev 25 yr-24 hrSUB 1 to SCM B Node Summary Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel 34.04722.00110,4911Post-Dev 1yr-24hrPOA 1 41.53722.00142,1372Post-Dev 2 yr-24 hrPOA 1 70.33724.00278,15125Post-Dev 25 yr-24 hrPOA 1 26.09721.0054,2631Post-Dev 1yr-24hrSCM B 32.13721.0069,0932Post-Dev 2 yr-24 hrSCM B 48.67721.00132,08325Post-Dev 25 yr-24 hrSCM B Pond Summary Maximum Pond Storage (ft³) Maximum Water Surface Elevation (ft) Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel (N/A)(N/A)31.99721.0066,5321Post-Dev 1yr- 24hr SCM A (IN) 17,539259.2516.42728.0062,0321Post-Dev 1yr- 24hr SCM A (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)39.40721.0084,7162Post-Dev 2 yr- 24 hr SCM A (IN) 21,082259.7419.64728.0079,9912Post-Dev 2 yr- 24 hr SCM A (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)59.67721.00161,94925Post-Dev 25 yr -24 hr SCM A (IN) 29,331260.8138.42726.00156,86825Post-Dev 25 yr -24 hr SCM A (OUT) 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments GRAPHIC SCALE 0 25 50 100 1 inch = 50 ft. WDF17000-POST KEG BMS 1" = 50' SUB 1 to SCM A AREA = 1.59 ac. POA 1 POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY MAP POST-DA FRANCE S S T REGULATORY FLOODWAY 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN SUB 1A BYPASS AREA = 4.63 ac. SUB 1B BYPASS AREA = 2.19 ac. ELLIOT T R D (VARIA B L E WI D T H P U B LI C R / W ) DESIGN E D B Y KI M L E Y H O R N EPHESUS CHURCH RD. (VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W) DESIGNED BY KIMLEY HORN STREET "B"(60' PUBLIC R/ W) S T R E E T " A " ( 6 0 ' P U B L I C R /W ) SCM A DRY DETENTION POND SCM B CMP / STORMFILTER SYSTEM BOOK ER CR E E K PROPERTY LINE AREA = 13.66 ac. SUB 1 to SCM B AREA = 7.05 ac. 50' JORDAN LAKE WATERSHED BUFFERS1S2TC PATHS3S4CLIENT REVISIONS PROJECT NO. FILENAME CHECKED BY DRAWN BY SCALE DATE 02. 28. 2019 N0.DATE X:\Projects\WDF\WDF-17000\Storm\Form District Permit\Current Drawings\WDF17000-POST.dwg, 6/20/2019 8:27:21 AM, Saur, BrieanaThe John R. McAdams Company, Inc. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 phone 919. 361. 5000 fax 919. 361. 2269 license number: C-0293 www.mcadamsco.com PARK APARTMENTSFORM DISTRICT PERMIT1250 EPHESUS CHURCH ROADCHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, 27517SHEET PLAN INFORMATION WOODFIELD INVESTMENTS 11425 HORSEMAN'S TRAIL RALEIGH, NC 27613 PHONE: 919. 535. 8947 FINAL DRAWING - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION WDF-17000 1 05. 03. 2019 PER CHAPEL HILL AND OWASA COMMENTS 2 06. 20. 2019 PER CHAPEL HILL AND OWASA COMMENTS 06-18-2019 PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURE ‘A’ DESIGN CALCULATIONS PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURE 'A' Stage-Storage Function C. BALLARD 5/1/2019 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet)(feet)(SF)(SF)(CF)(CF)(feet) 256.50 0.00 5,584 258.00 1.50 6,455 6020 9029 9029 1.51 260.00 3.50 7,573 7014 14028 23057 3.45 262.00 5.50 8,835 8204 16408 39465 5.55 1.131517164 8.643956893 5675.743759 KS =5676 b =1.1315 y = 5675.7x1.1315 R² = 0.9997 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00Storage(CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURE 'A' Detained Volume Calculations C. BALLARD 5/1/2019 ASSOCIATED DEPTH IN POND Volume Detained =4409 cf. Stage / Storage Data: Ks =5676 b =1.132 Zo =256.50 Calculated values: Depth in Basin =0.80 ft =9.60 inches Elevation =257.30 ft Parks Apartments Storm Event: 1 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Elevation-Area Volume Curve Volume (Total) (ft³) Volume (ft³) A1+A2+sqr (A1*A2) (ft²) Area (ft²) Planimeter (ft²) Elevation (ft) 0005,5840.000256.50 9,0219,02118,0436,4550.000258.00 23,03414,01321,0207,5730.000260.00 39,42616,39224,5888,8350.000262.00 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 1 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations ft256.50Minimum (Headwater) ft0.10Increment (Headwater) ft262.00Maximum (Headwater) Outlet Connectivity E2 (ft) E1 (ft) OutfallDirectionOutlet IDStructure Type 258.30257.30CulvertForwardWeir - 1cRectangular Weir 258.30257.30CulvertForwardWeir - 1bRectangular Weir 258.30257.30CulvertForwardWeir - 1aRectangular Weir 262.00258.30CulvertForwardOrifice - 1Orifice-Area 262.00260.20CulvertForwardRiserInlet Box 262.00256.50CulvertForwardOrifice - 2yr Volume Orifice-Circular 262.00256.50TWForwardCulvertCulvert-Circular (N/A)(N/A)TailwaterTailwater Settings 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 1 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Riser Structure Type: Inlet Box 1Number of Openings ft260.20Elevation ft²25.000Orifice Area 0.6Orifice Coefficient ft20.00Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient 1.0K Reverse 0.0Manning's n 0.0Kev, Charged Riser FalseWeir Submergence FalseOrifice H to crest 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 1 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Culvert Structure Type: Culvert-Circular 1Number of Barrels in30.00Diameter ft26.00Length ft26.00Length (Computed Barrel) ft/ft0.019Slope (Computed) Outlet Control Data 0.013Manning's n 0.5Ke 0.0Kb 0.5Kr ft0.00Convergence Tolerance Inlet Control Data Form 1Equation Form 0.0098K 2.0000M 0.0398C 0.6700Y 0.0T1 ratio (HW/D) 1.3T2 ratio (HW/D) -0.5Slope Correction Factor Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... ft256.50T1 Elevation ft³/s27.16T1 Flow ft259.74T2 Elevation ft³/s31.05T2 Flow 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 1 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Orifice - 1 Structure Type: Orifice-Area 3Number of Openings ft257.30Elevation ft²1.500Orifice Area ft258.30Top Elevation ft257.80Datum Elevation 0.6Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: Weir - 1a Structure Type: Rectangular Weir 1Number of Openings ft257.30Elevation ft1.50Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient Structure ID: Weir - 1b Structure Type: Rectangular Weir 1Number of Openings ft257.30Elevation ft1.50Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient Structure ID: Weir - 1c Structure Type: Rectangular Weir 1Number of Openings ft257.30Elevation ft1.50Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient Structure ID: Orifice - 2yr Volume Structure Type: Orifice-Circular 1Number of Openings ft256.50Elevation in4.00Orifice Diameter 0.6Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Free OutfallTailwater Type Convergence Tolerances 30Maximum Iterations ft0.01Tailwater Tolerance (Minimum) ft0.50Tailwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft0.01Headwater Tolerance (Minimum) 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 1 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Convergence Tolerances ft0.50Headwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft³/s0.001Flow Tolerance (Minimum) ft³/s10.000Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 1 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.00256.50 Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.02256.60 Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.05256.70 Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.13256.80 Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.18256.90 Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.22257.00 Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.25257.10 Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.28257.20 Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.31257.30 Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.71257.40 Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.44257.50 Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.37257.60 Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)3.28257.70 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 1 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)4.11257.80 Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)4.94257.90 Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)5.79258.00 Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)6.67258.10 Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00(N/A)7.56258.20 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)9.55258.30 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)10.29258.40 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)11.04258.50 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)11.78258.60 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)12.52258.70 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)13.24258.80 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)13.96258.90 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)14.67259.00 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 1 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)15.38259.10 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)16.05259.20 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)16.74259.30 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)17.41259.40 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)18.08259.50 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)18.75259.60 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)19.39259.70 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)20.03259.80 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)20.65259.90 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)21.26260.00 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)21.88260.10 Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser) 0.00(N/A)22.47260.20 Orifice - 1,Riser,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a) 0.00(N/A)24.12260.30 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 1 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Orifice - 1,Riser,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a) 0.00(N/A)26.64260.40 Orifice - 1,Riser,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a) 0.00(N/A)29.66260.50 Orifice - 1,Riser,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a) 0.00(N/A)32.96260.60 Orifice - 1,Riser,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a) 0.00(N/A)35.72260.70 Orifice - 1,Riser,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a) 0.00(N/A)38.31260.80 Orifice - 1,Riser,Orifice - 2yr Volume,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a) 0.00(N/A)40.35260.90 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume) 0.00(N/A)41.53261.00 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume) 0.00(N/A)42.25261.10 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume) 0.00(N/A)42.96261.20 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume) 0.00(N/A)43.67261.30 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume) 0.00(N/A)44.35261.40 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume) 0.00(N/A)45.03261.50 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume) 0.00(N/A)45.69261.60 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 1 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume) 0.00(N/A)46.35261.70 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume) 0.00(N/A)47.00261.80 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume) 0.00(N/A)47.64261.90 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1c,Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Orifice - 2yr Volume) 0.00(N/A)48.27262.00 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 1 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A (IN) Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft256.50Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s31.99Flow (Peak In)min721.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s16.42Flow (Peak Outlet)min728.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft259.25Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³17,539Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0Volume (Initial) ft³66,532Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³62,032Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³4,481Volume (Retained) ft³-19Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 2 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A (IN) Return Event: 2 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft256.50Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s39.40Flow (Peak In)min721.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s19.64Flow (Peak Outlet)min728.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft259.74Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³21,082Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0Volume (Initial) ft³84,716Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³79,991Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³4,703Volume (Retained) ft³-21Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 10 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A (IN) Return Event: 10 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft256.50Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s53.45Flow (Peak In)min726.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s31.46Flow (Peak Outlet)min732.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft260.55Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³27,327Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0Volume (Initial) ft³132,894Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³127,911Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³4,951Volume (Retained) ft³-32Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 25 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A (IN) Return Event: 25 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft256.50Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s59.67Flow (Peak In)min721.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s38.42Flow (Peak Outlet)min726.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft260.81Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³29,331Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0Volume (Initial) ft³161,949Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³156,868Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³5,045Volume (Retained) ft³-36Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 100 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A (IN) Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft256.50Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s68.08Flow (Peak In)min721.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s43.15Flow (Peak Outlet)min726.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft261.23Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³32,789Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0Volume (Initial) ft³208,366Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³203,217Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³5,111Volume (Retained) ft³-38Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 100 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A - WC Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations ft256.50Minimum (Headwater) ft0.10Increment (Headwater) ft262.00Maximum (Headwater) Outlet Connectivity E2 (ft) E1 (ft) OutfallDirectionOutlet IDStructure Type 258.30257.30CulvertForwardWeir - 1bRectangular Weir 258.30257.30CulvertForwardWeir - 1aRectangular Weir 262.00258.30CulvertForwardOrifice - 1Orifice-Area 262.00260.20CulvertForwardRiserInlet Box 258.30257.30CulvertForwardWeir - 1cRectangular Weir 262.00256.50TWForwardCulvertCulvert-Circular (N/A)(N/A)TailwaterTailwater Settings 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 100 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A - WC Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Riser Structure Type: Inlet Box 1Number of Openings ft260.20Elevation ft²25.000Orifice Area 0.6Orifice Coefficient ft20.00Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient 1.0K Reverse 0.0Manning's n 0.0Kev, Charged Riser FalseWeir Submergence FalseOrifice H to crest 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 100 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A - WC Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Culvert Structure Type: Culvert-Circular 1Number of Barrels in30.00Diameter ft26.00Length ft26.00Length (Computed Barrel) ft/ft0.019Slope (Computed) Outlet Control Data 0.013Manning's n 0.5Ke 0.0Kb 0.5Kr ft0.00Convergence Tolerance Inlet Control Data Form 1Equation Form 0.0098K 2.0000M 0.0398C 0.6700Y 1.2T1 ratio (HW/D) 1.3T2 ratio (HW/D) -0.5Slope Correction Factor Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... ft259.38T1 Elevation ft³/s27.16T1 Flow ft259.74T2 Elevation ft³/s31.05T2 Flow 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 100 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A - WC Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Orifice - 1 Structure Type: Orifice-Area 3Number of Openings ft257.30Elevation ft²1.500Orifice Area ft258.30Top Elevation ft257.80Datum Elevation 0.6Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: Weir - 1a Structure Type: Rectangular Weir 1Number of Openings ft257.30Elevation ft1.50Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient Structure ID: Weir - 1b Structure Type: Rectangular Weir 1Number of Openings ft257.30Elevation ft1.50Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient Structure ID: Weir - 1c Structure Type: Rectangular Weir 1Number of Openings ft257.30Elevation ft1.50Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 100 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A - WC Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00256.50 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00256.60 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00256.70 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00256.80 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00256.90 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00257.00 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00257.10 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00257.20 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00257.30 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00257.40 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00257.50 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00257.60 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00257.70 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00257.80 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00257.90 (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Riser,Weir - 1c,Culvert) 0.00258.000.00258.00 Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Weir - 1c,Culvert (no Q: Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00258.003.91258.10 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 100 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A - WC Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Weir - 1c,Culvert (no Q: Orifice - 1,Riser) 0.00258.005.66258.20 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.008.51258.30 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.009.79258.40 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0010.89258.50 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0011.83258.60 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0012.65258.70 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0013.21258.80 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0013.85258.90 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0014.55259.00 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0015.24259.10 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0015.91259.20 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0016.58259.30 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0017.25259.40 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0017.91259.50 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0018.56259.60 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0019.19259.70 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0019.81259.80 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 100 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A - WC Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0020.44259.90 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0021.04260.00 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0021.66260.10 Orifice - 1,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Riser,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0022.25260.20 Orifice - 1,Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0023.90260.30 Orifice - 1,Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0026.43260.40 Orifice - 1,Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0029.46260.50 Orifice - 1,Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0032.80260.60 Orifice - 1,Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0035.63260.70 Orifice - 1,Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0038.27260.80 Orifice - 1,Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0040.32260.90 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0041.53261.00 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0042.25261.10 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0042.96261.20 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0043.67261.30 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0044.35261.40 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0045.03261.50 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 100 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A - WC Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0045.69261.60 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0046.35261.70 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0047.00261.80 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0047.64261.90 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Weir - 1b,Weir - 1a,Orifice - 1,Weir - 1c) 0.00258.0048.27262.00 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments Parks Apartments Storm Event: 100 yr-24 hrLabel: SCM A (IN) Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft257.30Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³4,649Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s68.08Flow (Peak In)min721.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s43.29Flow (Peak Outlet)min726.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft261.25Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³32,956Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³4,649Volume (Initial) ft³208,366Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³203,889Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³9,094Volume (Retained) ft³-32Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 5/1/2019WDF-17000.ppc C. BallardParks Apartments PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 STORMWATER CONTORL MEASURE 'A' Anti-Flotation Block Calculations K.GARCIA, PE 6/10/2019 RISER ANTI-FLOTATION CALCULATION Input Data ==> Safety Factor: Safety factor to use =1.15 (recommend 1.15 or higher) Concrete: Concrete unit weight =142.0 PCF Note: NC Products lists unit wt. of manhole concrete at 142 PCF. Riser: Inside height of Riser =3.70 feet Inside length of riser =5.00 feet Inside width of riser =5.00 feet Wall thickness of riser =6.00 inches Base thickness of riser =6.00 inches Base length of riser =6.00 feet Base width of riser =6.00 feet Openings: Total Orifice Area = 4.587 SF OD of barrel exiting manhole =38.50 inches Size of drain pipe (if present) =6.0 inches Trash Rack: Bottom Length = 8.40 feet Bottom Width = 8.40 feet Top Length = 2.10 feet Top Width = 2.10 feet Height = 2.00 feet Trash Rack water displacement =61.74 CF Concrete Present in Riser Structure ==> Total amount of concrete: Base of Riser =18.00 CF Riser Walls =40.70 CF Adjust for openings: Opening for Orifices = 2.29 CF Opening for barrel =4.04 CF Opening for drain pipe =0.10 CF Total Concrete present, adjusted for openings =52.266 CF Weight of concrete present =7,422 lbs PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 STORMWATER CONTORL MEASURE 'A' Anti-Flotation Block Calculations K.GARCIA, PE 6/10/2019 Amount of water displaced by Riser Structure ==> Displacement by concrete =52.27 CF Displacement by open air in riser =92.50 CF Displacement by trash rack =61.74 CF Total water displaced by riser/barrel structure =206.51 CF Weight of water displaced =12,886 lbs Calculate size of base for riser assembly ==> Length =9.00 feet Width =9.00 feet Thickness =18 inches Concrete Present =121.50 CF Check validity of base as designed ==> Total Water Displaced =310.01 CF Total Concrete Present =173.77 CF Total Water Displaced =19,344 lbs Total Concrete Present =24,675 lbs Actual safety factor =1.28 OK Results of design ==> Base length =9.00 feet Base width =9.00 feet Base Thickness =18.00 inches CY of concrete total in base =4.50 CY Concrete unit weight in added base >=142.0 PCF PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 STORMWATER CONTORL MEASURE 'A' Anti-Flotation Block Calculations K.GARCIA, PE 6/10/2019 II. CALCULATION FOR RISER ANTI-FLOTATION STEEL Input Data ==> Anti-Floatation Block Length =9.0 feet Anti-Floatation Block Width =9.0 feet Anti-Floatation Block Thickness =18 inches Asteel to Aconcrete Ratio =0.0020 (recommend 0.0018 or higher) Cross-Section Calculations==> Cross-Section Area* =13.50 SF Minimum Steel Area Required =0.027 SF 3.89 SI *Note: Assumes a "square" x-sec (L and W same) Rebar Calculations ==> Bar Size 4 5 6 7 8 Diameter (inches)0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 1.000 X-Sec Area (SI)0.196 0.307 0.442 0.601 0.785 Minimum Number of Bars Each X-Sec 20 13 9 7 5 Project Date 5/1/2019 Project No.Designer SCB Outlet ID Flow, Q10-yr 31.46 cfs Slope, S 1.92 % Pipe Diameter, Do 30 inches Pipe Diameter, Do 2.5 feet Number of pipes 1 Pipe separation 0 feet Manning's n 0.013 Zone from graph above =3 Outlet pipe diameter 30 in.Length =20.0 ft. Outlet flowrate 31.5 cfs Width =7.5 ft. Outlet velocity 11.9 ft/sec Stone diameter =13 in. Material =Class I Thickness =22 in. Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o)3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o)3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o)3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o)3 x D(o) 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o)3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o)3 x D(o) 7 1. Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 2. Outlet velocity based on full-flow velocity DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 SCM A Special study required 11.9 ft/sec 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Velocity(ft/sec)Pipe diameter (ft) Figure 8.06.b.1 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 SCM A - Rip Rap Outlet Protection Design5/1/2019 PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURE ‘B’ DESIGN CALCULATIONS PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 STORM FILTER DESIGN SCM B K.GARCIA, PE 6/19/2019 Determination of Water Quality Volume (WQV) Note: The following design calculations are based upon requirements from the 2007 NCDENR BMP Manual. where, WQV= water quality volume (CF) RV = 0.05+0.009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (in inches) Input data: Total area, A =7.05 acres Impervious area =4.90 acres Percent impervious cover, I =69.5 % Rainfall, P =1.0 inches Calculated values: RV =0.68 WQV =0.40 acre-ft =17287 cf. Sizing is based upon the adjusted water quality volume, WQV adj (75% of the total WQV). WQVadj =12965 cf.(Volume contained between the sedimentation chamber and the sand filter - above the sand) WQvol Storage Pipe Size Estimate Number of pipes =3 Pipe diameter =60 inch Pipe length =220 feet Number of Cartridges =32 WQV = (P)(RV)(A)/12 x 43,560 ©2008 CONTECH Stormwater Solutions contechstormwater.com 1 of 1 Design Engineer:LRS Blue Cells =Input Date 5/1/2019 Black Cells =Calculation Site Information Project Name Park Apartments REV1 Project State North Carolina Project Location Chapel Hill Drainage Area, Ad 7.05 ac Impervious Area, Ai 4.88 ac Pervious Area, Ap 2.17 % Impervious 69% Runoff Coefficient, Rv 0.67 =0.05+0.9*(Ai/Ad) Water Quality Volume Calculations Design storm rainfall depth, Rd 1.0 in Water quality volume, WQV 17222.5 ft3 =Ad*Rv*Rd*(43560/12) Storage Component Calculations Capture 75% of WQV 12916.9 ft3 =0.75*WQV Pretreatment credit (estimated or calculated), %pre 30% Mass loading calculations Mean Annual Rainfall, P 46 in Agency required % removal 85% Percent Runoff Capture (% capture)90% Mean Annual Runoff,Vt 713,013 ft3 =P*Ad*Rv*(43560/12)*%capture Event Mean Concentration of Pollutant, EMC 70.0 mg/l (Suggestion: Use 60 for residential, 70 for Commercial, 100 for Industrial) Annual Mass Load, Mtotal 3113.95 lbs =EMC*Vt*(28.3)*(0.000001)*(2.2046) Filter System Filtration brand StormFilter Cartridge height 27 in Cartridge Quantity Calculation Mass removed by pretreatment system, Mpre 934 lbs =Mtotal * %removal Mass load to filters after pretreatment, Mpass1 2180 lbs =Mtotal - Mpre Estimate the required filter efficiency, Efilter 79%=1+(%removal - 1)/(1 - %pre) Mass to be captured by filters, Mfilter 1713 lbs =Mpass1 * Efilter Maximum Cartridge Flow rate, Qcart 7.5 gpm =q * (7.5 ft2/cartridge) Mass load per cartridge, Mcart (lbs)54 lbs =lookup mass load per cartridge Number of Cartridges required, Nmass 32 =ROUNDUP(Mfilter/Mcart,0) Maximum Treatment Capacity 0.53 =Nmass*(Qcart/449) SUMMARY Maximum Treatment Flow Rate, cfs 0.53 Target Pollutant(s):TSS, N & P Cartridge Flow Rate, gpm 7.5 Media:Phosphosorb Number of Cartridges 32 Determining Number of Cartridges for Volume-Based Design in NC PARK APARTMENTS WDF-17000 NUTRIENT LOADING CALCULATIONS Jordan Nutrient Load Reporting Form. September 12, 2012 Jordan Lake Developer Nutrient Reporting Form (Note: A separate form is available for Neuse, Tar-Pamlico, and Falls Lake reporting.) Please complete and submit the following information to the local government permitting your development project to characterize it and assess the need to purchase nutrient offsets. Contact and rule implementation information can be found online at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/nps/nutrientoffsetintro. PROJECT INFORMATION (for Jordan Lake) Applicant Name: Woodfield Investments Project Name: Park Apartments Project Address (if available): Street: Ephesus Church Road City/Town: Chapel Hill County: Orange Date: (mo/d/yr) 06/20/2019 Project Location : Lat: (decimal degrees) 35.933139 Long: (decimal degrees) -79.021256 Is this Redevelopment? - Yes - No Development Type (Please check all that apply) Impervious Cover (%): (Pre-Construction) 47.64% Commercial Industrial Institutional Mixed-Use Duplex Residential Single Fam. Residential Multi-Fam. Residential Impervious Cover (%): (Post-Construction) 65.30% JORDAN WATERSHED INFORMATION Small Watershed ID (6 digits): (See next page or online map.) New Development Load Requirements (See individual rules for a full description of nutrient requirements.) Jordan Subwatershed (Please check one) Loading Rate Targets Nitrogen (N) & Phosphorus (P) Offsite Thresholds Haw River 3.8 N lb/ac/yr 1.43 P lb/ac/yr 6 N lbs/ac Residential; 10 N lbs/ac Commercial (must meet all onsite treatment requirements) Upper New Hope 2.2 N lb/ac/yr 0.82 P lb/ac/yr Lower New Hope 4.4 N lb/ac/yr 0.78 P lb/ac/yr NUTRIENT OFFSET REQUEST(Must meet the offsite thresholds – see above) Nitrogen Loading / Offset Needs (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (Where Applicable) Untreated Loading Rate (lbs/ac/yr) Treated Loading Rate (lbs/ac/yr) Loading Rate Target (lbs/ac/yr) Reduction Need (lbs/ac/yr) B - C Project Size (ac) Offset Duration (yrs) Delivery Factor (%) State Buy Down Amount (lbs) D * E * F * G Local Gov’t Buy Down Amount (lbs) 8.70 6.26 2.20 4.06 13.66 30 97% 1613.87 Phosphorus Loading / Offset Needs (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (Where Applicable) Untreated Load Rate (lbs/ac/yr) Treated Load Rate (lbs/ac/yr) Loading Rate Target (lbs/ac/yr) Reduction Need (lbs/ac/yr) B - C Project Size (ac) Offset Duration (yrs) Delivery Factor (%) State Buy Down Amount (lbs) D * E * F * G Local Gov’t Buy Down Amount (lbs) 1.31 0.89 0.82 0.07 13.66 30 96% 27.54 Authorizing Local Government Name: Staff Name: Staff Email: Phone: Jordan Nutrient Load Reporting Form. September 12, 2012 Project Information Project Name:Park Apartments Submission Date:06/20/2019 Project Area (ft2):595,197 ft2 Disturbed Area (ft2):595,197 ft2 Development Land Use Type:Multi-Family Residential Development Activity Type:Development - Expansion Designated Downtown Area?no Project Location/Address:Elliot Road County:Orange Local Jurisdiction:Chapel Hill Project Latitude Coordinates:35.933139 N Project Longitude Coordinates:-79.021256 W Precipitation Station:Chapel Hill Physiographic Region:Piedmont Nutrient Management Watershed:Jordan Lake Subwatershed:Jordan - Upper New Hope Phosphorus Delivery Zone:Jordan Zone 10 Nitrogen Delivery Zone:Jordan Zone 10 Project Designer and Contact Phone Number / Email:Kelli Garcia / garcia@mcadamsco.com Part of Common Development Plan?no Project Owner Type:Private Project Description: Green cells require data for NUTRIENT TARGETS, BUYDOWN, & CREDIT/DEBIT calculations Yellow cells require data for PROJECT AREA RUNOFF and NUTRIENT TREATMENT calculations Roof 1.18 0.11 80,221 132,389 Roadway 1.64 0.34 80,801 Parking/Driveway/Sidewalk 1.42 0.18 203,320 175,436 Protected Forest 0.97 0.03 43,635 3,791 Other Pervious/Landscaping 2.48 1.07 268,021 202,780 CUSTOM LAND COVER 1 CUSTOM LAND COVER 2 CUSTOM LAND COVER 3 LAND TAKEN UP BY SCM 1.18 0.11 SIMPLE METHOD Stormwater Runoff Volume Generated, V Runoff Coefficient, R v V =Pj * Rv * (P/12) * A Rv = 0.05 + (0.009 *I)where A =drainage area (ft2) where I =percent impervious (%)Pj = Average Annual Pollutant Load, L P = L = where C = Pre-Project:Post-Project: A = 13.6638 ac A =13.6638 ac P = 47.31 in.P =47.31 in. V = 1011062 ft3 V =1346643 ft3 I = 48%I = 65% Rv = 0.48 Rv = 0.64 Pj = 0.9 Pj = 0.9 CTN = 1.40 mg/L CTN = 1.41 mg/L CTP = 0.20 mg/L CTP = 0.21 mg/L LTN = 88.53 lb/yr LTN = 118.82 lb/yr LTP = 12.75 lb/yr LTP = 17.90 lb/yr Net Change of Land Covers (ft2):132,969 Total Pre-Project Calculated Area (ft2): Total Post-Project Calculated Area (ft2): Total Project Area Entered (ft2):595,197 595,197 595,197 LAND COVER AREA CHECK PROJECT AREA LAND COVERS TN EMC (mg/L) TP EMC (mg/L) Post- Project Area (ft2) Pre- Project Area (ft2) event mean concentration (mg/L) Equations Used and Project Area Calculations fraction of rain events with runoff average annual rainfall depth (in) (Pj * Rv * (P/12 )) * (C * A * 2.72) 3. SCM Characteristics Catchment ID 1 1 1 SCM ID 101 102 103 Type of SCM StormFilter per MDC Predominant hydrologic soil group at SCM location D SCM Description SCM B Design Storm Size (inches/24hrs)1.00 Percent of Full Size 100% Hydrologic Value - Percent Annual Effluent 90% Hydrologic Value - Percent Annual Overflow 10% Hydrologic Value - Percent Annual ET/Infiltrated 0% SCM Effluent TP EMC (mg/L)0.03 SCM Effluent TN EMC (mg/L)0.48 SCM Land Cover TP EMC (mg/L)0.11 SCM Land Cover TN EMC (mg/L)1.18 Drains to SCM ID 0 Catchment Routing (Source Catchment)Catchments Draining to SCM 101 Catchments Draining to SCM 102 Catchments Draining to SCM 103 Catchment 1 Catchment 2 Catchment 3 Catchment 4 Catchment 5 Catchment 6 SCM ID:101 102 103 SCM Drainage Area Land Covers Area Draining Directly to SCM 101 (ft2) Area Draining Directly to SCM 102 (ft2) Area Draining Directly to SCM 103 (ft2) Total Land Use Area Treated By All SCMs (ft2) Allowable Total Land Use Area to be Treated Based on Post-Project Areas (ft2) Post-Project Untreated Land Area (ft2) Roof 79,222 79,222 132,389 53,167 Roadway 28,548 28,548 80,801 52,253 Parking/Driveway/Sidewalk 89,064 89,064 175,436 86,372 Protected Forest 0 3,791 3,791 Other Pervious/Landscaping 46,828 46,828 202,780 155,952 CUSTOM LAND COVER 1 0 0 0 CUSTOM LAND COVER 2 0 0 0 CUSTOM LAND COVER 3 0 0 0 LAND TAKEN UP BY SCM 0 0 0 TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO SCM (ft2): 243,662 0 0 243,662 595,197 351,535 CATCHMENT AREA (ft2):243,662 Project Summary 595,197 ft2 13.6638 acres 595,197 ft2 13.6638 acres 96%97% 0.82 2.20 11.20 30.06 12.18 85.50 10.00 6.70 88.76 0.97 55.44 0.94 53.78 Nutrient Export Summary Pre-Project Whole Site Conditions Post-Project Whole Site without SCMs Post-Project Whole Site with SCMs Post-Project SCM-Treated Area Post-Project Untreated Area 47.6%65.3%65.3%80.8%54.6% 47.6%65.3%65.3%80.8%54.6% 1,011,062 1,346,643 1,346,643 671,803 674,840 0%33%33% 1.40 1.41 1.02 0.58 1.46 88.53 118.82 85.50 24.13 61.37 6.48 8.70 6.26 4.31 7.60 0%34%-3% 0.20 0.21 0.14 0.05 0.24 12.75 17.90 12.18 2.09 10.09 0.93 1.31 0.89 0.37 1.25 0%40%-4% Orange Local Jurisdiction:Chapel Hill Total Phosphorus % Change (relative to pre-D) Total P Load Reduction Needed (lb/yr): Nitrogen Loading Rate Target (lb/ac/yr): Nitrogen Load Target at Site (lb/yr): Nitrogen Load Leaving Site w/SCMs (lb/yr): N Offsite Buy-Down Threshold Load (lb/ac/yr): Total N Load Reduction Needed (lb/yr): Private Submission Date: June 20, 2019 Total Phosphorus Load Leaving Site (lb/yr) Total Phosphorus Loading Rate (lb/ac/yr) Percent Built-Upon Area (BUA) (%) Annual Runoff Volume (ft3) Annual Runoff % Change (relative to pre-D) Total Nitrogen EMC (mg/L) Total Nitrogen Load Leaving Site (lb/yr) Development Activity Type: Percent Impervious (for runoff calculation) (%) Total Phosphorus EMC (mg/L) Phosphorus Loading Rate Target (lb/ac/yr): Phosphorus Load Target at Site (lb/yr): Phosphorus Load Leaving Site w/SCMs (lb/yr): P Offsite Buy-Down Threshold Load (lb/ac/yr): Park Apartments Total Nitrogen Loading Rate (lb/ac/yr) Total Nitrogen % Change (relative to pre-D) Project Name: Project Area (ft2): Disturbed Area (ft2): County: Development Land Use Type: P Load Treatment Balance at Lake (lb/yr):N Load Treatment Balance at Lake (lb/yr): Nutrient Management Watershed: Phosphorus Delivery Zone: N Load Treatment Balance at Site (lb/yr): Phosphorus Delivery Factor (%): P Load Treatment Balance at Site (lb/yr): Nitrogen Delivery Factor (%): Owner Type: Designated Downtown Area? Subwatershed: Nitrogen Delivery Zone: Multi-Family Residential no Jordan - Upper New Hope Jordan Zone 10 Jordan Lake Jordan Zone 10 Development - Expansion CLIENT REVISIONS PROJECT NO. FILENAME CHECKED BY DRAWN BY SCALE DATE 02. 28. 2019 N0.DATE \\johnrmcadams.com\dfsrt1\Projects\WDF\WDF-17000\Storm\Form District Permit\Current Drawings\WDF17000-PRE.dwg, 5/2/2019 11:15:53 AM, Ballard, CraigThe John R. McAdams Company, Inc. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 phone 919. 361. 5000 fax 919. 361. 2269 license number: C-0293 www.mcadamsco.com PARK APARTMENTSFORM DISTRICT PERMIT1250 EPHESUS CHURCH ROADCHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, 27517SHEET PLAN INFORMATION WOODFIELD INVESTMENTS 11425 HORSEMAN'S TRAIL RALEIGH, NC 27613 PHONE: 919. 535. 8947 FINAL DRAWING - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION WDF-17000 1 05. 03. 2019 PER CHAPEL HILL AND OWASA COMMENTS GRAPHIC SCALE 0 25 50 100 1 inch = 50 ft. WDF17000-PRE KEG SCB 1" = 50' PRE DEVELOPMENT NUTRIENT MAP PRE-TN LEGEND PROPERTY AREA TOTAL: 595,197 sf NUTRIENT BOUNDARY TOTAL: 595,197 sf IMPERVIOUS AREA - ROOF TOTAL: 80,221 sf IMPERVIOUS AREA - PARKING/DRIVEWAY/SIDEWALK TOTAL: 203,320 sf WOODED AREA TOTAL: 43,635 sf OPEN AREA TOTAL: 268,021 sf E P H E S U S C H U R C H R D FRANC E S S T GRAPHIC SCALE025501001 inch = 50 ft.WDF17000-POSTJESBMS1" = 50'POST DEVELOPMENTNUTRIENT MAPPOST-TNFRANCES STEPHESUS CHURCH RD.(VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W)DESIGNED BY KIMLEY HORNELLIOTT RD(VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W)DESIGNED BY KIMLEY HORNCLIENTREVISIONSPROJECT NO.FILENAMECHECKED BYDRAWN BYSCALEDATE02. 28. 2019N0.DATEX:\Projects\WDF\WDF-17000\Storm\Form District Permit\Current Drawings\WDF17000-POST.dwg, 6/20/2019 8:40:59 AM, Saur, Brieana The John R. McAdams Company, Inc.2905 Meridian ParkwayDurham, NC 27713phone 919. 361. 5000fax 919. 361. 2269license number: C-0293www.mcadamsco.comPARK APARTMENTS FORM DISTRICT PERMIT 1250 EPHESUS CHURCH ROAD CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, 27517SHEETPLAN INFORMATIONWOODFIELD INVESTMENTS11425 HORSEMAN'S TRAILRALEIGH, NC 27613PHONE: 919. 535. 8947FINAL DRAWING - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTIONWDF-17000105. 03. 2019PER CHAPEL HILL AND OWASA COMMENTS206. 20. 2019PER CHAPEL HILL AND OWASA COMMENTSLEGENDPROPERTY AREATOTAL: 595,197 sfNUTRIENT BOUNDARYTOTAL: 595,197 sfIMPERVIOUS AREA - PARKING/DRIVEWAY/SIDEWALK (TREATED)TOTAL: 89,064 sfWOODED AREA - (BYPASS)TOTAL: 3,791 sfOPEN AREA - (TREATED)TOTAL: 46,828 sfIMPERVIOUS AREA - ROOF (BYPASS)TOTAL: 53,167 sfIMPERVIOUS AREA - PARKING/DRIVEWAY/SIDEWALK (BYPASS)TOTAL: 86,372 sfSUB-BASINS TO TREATMENT SCMSIMPERVIOUS AREA - ROADWAY (BYPASS)TOTAL: 52,253 sfOPEN AREA - (BYPASS)TOTAL: 155,952 sfIMPERVIOUS AREA - ROOF (TREATED)TOTAL: 79,222 sfIMPERVIOUS AREA - ROADWAY (TREATED)TOTAL: 28,548 sf06-20-2019