HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130918_Inerchange Re-design_20090831Gregory, Sonia From: Euliss, Amy Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 10:34 AM To: Gregory, Sonia Subject: FW: U-2525B and C Greensboro Eastern Loop Interchange Re-design (fts - no attachment) Will you add this to the file for U-2525B? Thanks. From: Feller, Lisa M [mailto:lfeller@ncdot.gov] Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 5:13 PM To: Militscher.Chris@epamail.epa.gov Cc: Andy Williams; gary-jordan@fws.gov; Gledhill-earley, Renee; Wilson, Travis W.; Amy Euliss; Robinson, Beverly G Subject: RE: U-2525B and C Greensboro Eastern Loop Interchange Re-design (fts - no attachment) Good afternoon Every one, 1 will work on compiling answers to Chris's questions in the coming weeks 1 [ere is a little more back-ound about the situation: The U-2525 Corridor Protection maps were filed with the Register of Deeds oil-ice in Guilford County back in the Mid 1990's with a Texas Box type interchange design at US 29 and the Loop. When US 29 was designated as Future 1-755 sometime between 2000 and 2005 (I don't know an exact date), the original interchange design could not handle the additional traffic, and it was not an appropriate design for an interstate to interstate intersection. Our Roadway Design folks redesigned the interchange to lit the new designation. and the revised interchange impacted some areas outside ofthe original protected corridor. While we were in the redesign stage not knowing what the footprint of the new interchange would be, a developer obtained a permit based on the original corridor mapping and started building a subdivision. When Roadway was preparing plans for right of way acquisition, the new subdivision was discovered. A public meeting was held in January of this year and the new design was shown to the public. There have been quite a few articles in the Greensboro News and Record about the situation. PDF,A and Roadway Design met with the Division Engineer and the Board of Transportation member to discuss solutions. Roadway Design is trying to prepare a newer design that will avoid the subdivision and minimize impacts to other resources too. This newer desion may impact other resources more than the other interchange, which is why we want to hold a meeting with the mei-er team in a tcvy months. I'll get back with you all once I hear t'rom everyone on the merger team about holding a field meetin?a or an office meeting. Thanks! Lisa Lisa M. Feller. PE Project Planning, Engineer NCDOT-PDEA Phone # (91 g') 733-7844. ext. 262 From: Militscher.Chris@epamail.epa.gov [mailto:Militscher.Chris@epamail.epa.gov] Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 12:10 PM To: Feller, Lisa M Cc: Andy Williams; gary_jordan@fws.gov; Gledhill-earley, Renee; Wilson, Travis W.; Amy Euliss Subject: Re: U-25258 and C Greensboro Eastern Loop Interchange Re-design (fts - no attachment) Lisa: Your e-mail refers to 'avoid major impacts'....are you referring to the increased relocations for the subdivision? What are the substantial acquisition and relocation costs? Are these increased relocations relevant or significant to the overall relocations for the U-2525 project? How do these costs compare to the overall project costs for the Greensboro Eastern Loop? Was the current interchange design presented to the public at one of the EIS hearings? Do you have a copy of the FEIS and could you make it available for the field re-visit? What are the actual increases in jurisdictional wetland and stream impacts from a re- design? What information does the MPO regarding the siting of a subdivision in the middle of a proposed interchange for a project that was included as part of the 2035 LRTP? What is the quality and quantity of the streams and wetlands being impacted? What specific CWA Section 404(b)(1) avoidance and minimization measures is the NCDOT willing to commit to in order to get a re-design approved? By missing the subdivision, are you increasing the noise receptor impacts? Are their going to be additional noise issues as there is with at least one other recently completed Guilford Co. project? With a 're- design'... are you proposing to hold another public hearing? If U-2525A is already built, did the USACE permit the whole project of just the earlier segment? As NCDOT project engineer, are you 'empowered' to make CP 2A/4A decisions (that involve $$$) for the department? I hope the answers to these questions can be provided at or prior to the field meeting. I think a field meeting would be very appropiate. Christopher A. Militscher, REM, CHMM USEPA Raleigh Office 919-856-4206 -----"Feller, Lisa M" <Ifeller@ncdot.gov> wrote: ----- To: Andy Williams <andrew.e.williams2@usace.army.mil>, "gary_jordan@fws.gov" <gary Jordan@fws.gov>, Chris M i litscher/R4/USEPA/US@ EPA, "Gledhill-earley, Renee" <renee.gledhill- earley@ncdcr.gov>, "Wilson, Travis W." <travis.wilson@ncwildlife. org>, Amy Euliss <amy.euliss@ncmail.net> From: "Feller, Lisa M" <Ifeller@ncdot.gov> Date: 08/26/2009 04:32PM Subject: U-25258 and C Greensboro Eastern Loop Interchange Re-design (fts - no attachment) I sent the email below earlier with a map attached, and I received messages back that some people did not receive it because of the attachment size. I am resending it wit the attachment and will fts you the map separately. I'm sorry if you get this into twice, but I would rather send it twice than you not receive it at all. Thanks! While preparing the U-2525B plans for right of way acquisition, NCDOT discovered that a subdivision was being constructed within the Greensboro Loop/US 29 interchange area. Fo background information, here is a brief summary of where we are in the Greensboro Urban Loop planning and design process: The Greensboro Eastern Urban Loop is a pipeline project for which the environmental documents were completed in the mid-1990's before the NEPA/404 Merger process was initiated. The main purposes of the proposed Loop are to provide an efficient circumferential connection for major arterial thoroughfares such as I-85, I-40, US 29 and US 70; and to improve service for local traffic in Eastern and Northern Greensboro/Guilford County. The project will also connect to other portions of the planned Greensboro Urban Loop. A portion of this project, U-2525A, has already been constructed. In the summer of 2005, the merger team agreed that the project should enter the NEPA/404 Merger Process at Concurrence Point 2A/4A. A field meeting was held in January 2006, and the Concurrence Point 2A/4A meeting was held in April 2006. A Concurrence Point 4B meeting for U-2525B was held in September 2008. To avoid major impacts and substantial acquisition and relocation costs for approximately 15 families in the Quail Oaks subdivision, the Greensboro Loop/US 29 interchange requires a re-design. The subdivision is located in the Western interchange quadrant (Quadrant A) as shown on the map that I will send by fts shortly. The stream and wetlands located in the Northern interchange quadrant (Quadrant D) have not been specifically discussed in previous merger meetings, and this area will be impacted with a re-design. We are hoping to have the proposed re-design completed in October along with stream and wetland impact calculations that we can share with the merger team. Would you all like to meet in the field and hold the meeting on-site, or will an office meeting suffice? If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Thanks, Lisa Lisa M. Feller, PE Project Planning Engineer NCDOT - PDEA Phone # (919) 733-7844, ext. 262 Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 3