HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190992 Ver 1_U-2719 & U-4437_4B_Meeting Minutes_Final_20190723Project: U-2719/ U-4437 I-440 Design Build TO: Merger Team From: James Rice, PE Meeting Location: NCDOT Century Center Date: March 13, 2019 Subject: U-2719/ U-4437 4B Meeting Minutes April 5, 2019 - FINAL Attendees: Eric Alsmeyer — USACE Rob Ridings — NC DWR Robert Patterson — NCDWR Nikki Thomson — Division 5 Environmental Heather Montague - Division 5 Environmental Mitchell Wimberly — KLF Jason Dilday — NCDOT EAU Paul Atkinson — NCDOT Hydraulics Josh Dalton — Sungate David Hering — NCDOT DB Byron Kyle — NCDOT DB Mark Staley — REU (attended via Phone) Jeff Moore — Lane Meagan Sylvia — Lane Jeremy Hogan — Lane Troy Carter — Lane Heath Wadsworth — Gradient, PLLC Paul Meehan - HDR James Rice — HDR Erskine Brooks — HDR Pete Thompson — HDR Vickie Miller — HDR Eanas Alia — HDR James Heaton — HDR Josh Massrock - HDR General • Introductions and sign -in sheet • U-2719 - I-440 / US 1 from South of SR 1313 (Walnut Street) to North of SR 1728 (Wade Avenue). Approx. 6.3 miles of widening to a six -lane divided facility. Major interchanges: Jones Franklin Rd, Melbourne Rd, Western Blvd, Hillsborough St, and Wade Avenue. • U-4437 - Grade separation at Hillsborough Street and Blue Ridge Road. — No Jurisdictional features and separate funding, so no environmental permit is expected. • Drainage design and analysis incorporate the future land use developed by the City of Raleigh. Land use through the project corridor ranges from low density residential to high density commercial facilities. • Project located within the Neuse River Basin, buffer rules are in effect. • Stormwater Basin locations are preliminary and still under review. Steep terrain and proximity to water table may limit use in some cases. Soil borings are currently being conducted. • Due to steep terrain, some outlets of large pipes and culverts have high velocities. We tried to mitigate with additional rip rap and placed rip rap in the bed of the jurisdictional streams, and rip rap in streams will be embedded flush with existing stream bed. • We have also assumed that many of the steep pipes will not be buried. • All pipe/culvert sizes are preliminary and may change. • We have photos of many of the sites, but not all field work is complete yet. • Jurisdictional features are shown in Blue. Stream and Wetland labels have been added from the NRTR and the streams were further labeled with intermittent or perennial label. • We are still working with the traffic control group to identify any temporary impacts needed due to traffic control. • There was a requirement in the RFP to replace all existing pipes on the project James Rice mentioned that the Team would like to pursue the GP 31 permit for this project. In the event that the Team would be required to submit an IP then the Team would pursue early works packages for portions of the project and these would be identified in the 4C meeting. Eric Alsmeyer mentioned that a meeting would need to be set up to discuss the mitigation ratios for the project and this would be done prior to the 4C meeting in June. Nikki Thomson identified existing pipes that were not labeled to be retained or removed. The Team will label existing pipes for the 4C meeting. U-2719 PSH 4 • First part of the project will be replacing concrete shoulders and extending acceleration lanes on US 1. Minor work on the outsides. • No jurisdictional features PSH 5 • Jurisdictional streams o Streams SAE, SAI, SAH, and SAJ run along the southern portion of the project. o Project does not directly impact any jurisdictional features or buffers. • Wetland o WQ — no impacts to wetland PSH 6 • Jurisdictional streams o Streams SAE, SAF, and SAG o Roadway Impacts: Replacement of guardrail with minimal grading. Tie side slopes within Existing Transportation Facility (ETF) from 156+00 to 158+00 — L 1- LT. Impacts to the buffers are not anticipated. • Wetland Impacts o WE — no impacts to wetlands • SCMS — Permitted Stormwater Control Measures 0 1767 (Preformed Scour Hole) — no impact 0 1925 (Swale) — no impact 0 1768 (Swale) — no impact 0 2625 (Swale) — Project will relocate swale James stated that SCMS measures that are impacted as part of the project will be replaced. PSH 7-9 • No jurisdictional features PSH 10 • Jurisdictional streams o Stream SX —project does not directly impact stream • SCMS 0 3039 (Forebay) — no impact 0 3040 (Energy Dissipator Basin) — no impact 0 2530 (Filtration Basin) — no impact PSH 11 • Jurisdictional streams o SX — utilizing retaining wall to eliminate impacts. o SAK — Proposing Class `I' Rip Rap in stream bed to minimize stream erosion. o SW — no impacts • Wetland o WN — no impacts to wetland James indicated that the Team would look at adjusting the pipe outlet location impacting stream SAK. PSH 12 • Jurisdictional streams o SW ■ Existing stream channel is lined with rip rap in stream bed. Additional outlet protection is being proposed in stream bed ■ Proposing to supplement existing box culvert with 72" pipe under Jones Franklin Rd. Team will provide clarity at 4C to identify low flow barrel as part of the 72" supplemental pipe. The Team will also provide more detail on the outlet of the 72" pipe and how the Team plans to tie in the new pipe in relation to the existing box culverts. o SX — Walnut Creek ■ Retaining wall is being proposed to avoid extending triple 9' x 10' RCBC conveying Walnut Creek. ■ RFP directs the Team to clean out and remove all accumulated sediment from existing barrels. Discussion was had on whether culverts will be cleaned out to the culvert bottom or if any sediment was going to remain in the barrels. NCDOT indicated the intent in the RFP was to clean out the sediment completely from the box culvert. ■ Bank stabilization at outlet of 72" supplemental pipe ■ Dry detention basin in D quadrant o SY — no impacts o SZ — no impacts o SAA — no impacts • Wetlands o WK — There is an existing ditch adjacent to the wetlands, will try to utilize the existing ditch to avoid impacts, but existing ditch will need to be evaluated. o WL — no impacts. Retaining wall being proposed to avoid wetland impacts o WM — no impacts • Ponds o OWF — no impacts o OWD — pond is being completely drained as part of this project. Pond draining plan will be discussed in the permit. Discussion was had as to whether pond OWD and OWF are jurisdictional. If they are not jurisdictional then an AJD will need to be completed to remove them. Jason Dilday stated that he would verify notes from the site visit for further clarification. Nikki Thomson stated that inset boxes would need to be added to all interchange sheets for the 4C plans. PSH 13 • No jurisdictional features PSH 14 • Jurisdictional streams o ST ■ Retaining and extending existing 8' x 7' RCBC at inlet and outlet. ■ The existing culvert is not buried and the extension is not proposed to be buried. ■ Embankment Rip -Rap for inlet of culvert and fill in scour hole at outlet of culvert. ■ Proposed location of stormwater basin, waiting on soil borings ■ Roadway Impacts: 2:1 slopes with barrier used to minimize impacts o SU ■ Roadway Impacts: 2:1 slopes with barrier used to minimize impacts ■ Potential Impacts due to culvert construction o SV ■ Roadway Impacts: 2:1 slopes with barrier used to minimize impacts ■ Approx. 243 if of stream relocation Eric Alsmeyer inquired about the proposed channel geometry for relocated stream SV. James stated that this relocation would be the standard trapezoidal ditch geometry based on the hydraulic analysis. The channel relocation was not intended to be mitigation. • Wetlands o WF Roadway Impacts: 2:1 slopes with barrier to minimize impacts Potential Impacts due to culvert construction o WG — no impacts o WH Potential impacts due to culvert construction o WI ■ Potential impacts due to culvert construction ■ Non -erosive velocities for ditch entering wetland • Pond o OWC — White Oak Lake ■ City of Raleigh has current plans to relocate pond outside of NCDOT ROW prior to U-2719 construction. Team asked for clarification on whether impacts should be shown for Pond OWC (White Oak Lake). It was determined that the Team would show impacts for the 4C permit drawings but these impacts would be removed if White Oak Lake is under construction when the permit gets submitted. Team will provide an update on the lake reconstruction during 4C. The Team will also look at revising the drainage layout to incorporate as much roadway drainage as practical into the detention basin. PSH 15 -16 • No jurisdictional features PSH 17 • Jurisdictional streams o SS ■ Potential impacts due to culvert construction ■ Replacing existing 54" pipe with 90" pipe o SR — Bushy Branch ■ Stream starts at outlet of existing 96" CMP flows to existing RCBC under Western/I-440 ■ Replacing existing 8'X5' Box culvert with 120" pipe ■ Large scour hole located at culvert outlet — proposing to fill scour hole w/ Class `II' Rip Rap to natural channel elevation o SO ■ Approx. 825 if of stream relocation to maximize amount of daylighted stream. ■ Replacing existing 66" pipe with 108" pipe ■ Approx. 168 if of stream being filled by roadway: 2:1 slopes with guardrail used to minimize impacts. Eric Alsmeyer inquired about the proposed channel geometry for the daylighted portion of stream SO. James stated that this relocation would be the standard trapezoidal ditch geometry based on the hydraulic analysis and may require rip rap to stabilize channel. The channel relocation was not intended for mitigation. The pipe at this location also has a 3% slope and very long. It is anticipated that this pipe will not be buried at this time. It was indicated that streams SO and SP may not require mitigation. PSH 18 • Jurisdictional streams o SN ■ No impacts o SO ■ Roadway Impacts: 2:1 slopes with barrier used to minimize impacts ■ Stream being relocated in two places: 354+84 to 356+25 —L2RT and 364+35 to 365+15 —L2RT- ■ 66" RCP buried 1' under Ligon Street. Pipe slope is approx. 4.5%, is burying pipe beneficial. ■ Outlet protection embedded to natural stream elevation @ outlet of 36" bore and jack pipe. Nikki Thomson stated that a portion of the relocated stream SO was not in ROW or easement. Team will add any required ROW or easement to the 4C plans to account for the stream relocation. o SP Proposing to relocate driveway over stream o SQ ■ Stream is lined with rip rap ■ No impacts • Ligon Street realignment is being considered along with retaining walls to minimize impacts to the apartment complex adjacent to Ligon Street. The retaining wall option will potentially reduce impacts to stream SO. Eric Alsmeyer mentioned that SO would likely not require mitigation as the stream does not have much function. The proposed field meeting will verify the mitigation ratios. PSH 19 • No impacts PSH 20 • Pond o OWC — no impacts • Stormwater basins are being proposed interior to the interchange loops PSH 21 • Jurisdictional streams o SC (House Creek) ■ Retaining and extending existing 8' x 8' RCBC on the outlet end, existing culvert is not buried. ■ Outlet protection embedded to natural stream elevation due to scour hole at outlet of existing culvert. ■ Roadway Impacts: 2:1 slopes with barrier used to minimize impacts o SF ■ No impacts o SAN ■ Stream has rip rap in bed of stream. ■ Potential temporary impacts due to culvert construction • Wetland o WA — no impacts • SCMS o The following existing SCMS devices will be impacted by the proposed project ■ 2550 (Filtration Basin), 2980 (Level Spreader), 2982 (Swale), 2705 (Filtration Basin), 2981 (Level Spreader), 2983 (Swale), 2706 (DDB), and 2707 (DDB). o Treating the same or more impervious area with proposed stormwater basins interior to loops. It was identified that one of the SCMS devices was a filtration basin and that the Team will look at options to include some type of filtration into the proposed basin inside of—Y35LPB-. PSH 22 • Jurisdictional Streams o SC ■ No impacts o SE ■ Extending 48" RCP on the outlet end. 2:1 slopes being proposed to minimize impact. o SG ■ No impacts PSH 23 • Jurisdictional Streams o SA ■ No impacts o SB ■ No impacts o SC ■ No impacts o SD ■ No impacts PSH 24 • No jurisdictional features PSH 25 • Pond o OWF — no impacts PSH 26-27 • No jurisdictional features PSH 28 • Jurisdictional Streams o SW ■ 12' x 9' RCBC being proposed. Site visit indicated visible bedrock in the area and Team is getting additional borings in this area. ■ Stream SW is lined with large rip rap in bed and on banks Eric Alsmeyer mentioned if a bottomless culvert is proposed then it needs to match stream width if possible or Team needs to line banks with rip rap to prevent bank erosion. PSH 29-35 9 No jurisdictional features PSH 36 • Jurisdictional Stream o SM ■ No impacts • Wetlands o WB ■ No impacts o WD ■ No impacts • Pond o OWE ■ No impacts • Field investigation showed a large amount of debris in stream SM outside of the project limits where the stream flows into the culvert under Hillsborough Street. Cleaning stream in this area would result in additional impacts but would greatly benefit hydraulic flow to the stream. Question was asked about why stream SM looks the way it does and if this stream would require buffers, Team will also update easement area. This stream will be further investigated and the Team will provide any finds during 4C. Team needs to determine if stream is jurisdictional prior to 4C. PSH 37 • Jurisdictional Stream o SH ■ No impacts PSH 38-39 • No jurisdictional features PSH 40 • Jurisdictional Streams o SC ■ The RFP called to repair the existing drainage ditch at approx. 37+00 — Y365RPA- due to slope failures. Impacts to buffers and potential stream impacts to repair the existing slope failure. o SK ■ No impacts o SI ■ No impacts o SJ ■ No impacts PSH 41 • Jurisdictional Streams o SAP ■ No impacts o SAO ■ No impacts • Wetland o WS ■ No impacts o WT ■ No impacts PSH 42 • No jurisdictional features U-4437 PSH 1004-1011 • No jurisdictional features Discussion on Utilizing General Permit The permit type will be decided on in the next week or so after further discussion is had on whether or not the project meets the GP 31 criteria. HDR provided additional information to the USACE on Friday March 15th consisting of a table of preliminary impacts per jurisdictional resource and graphics of the Western Blvd and Wade Ave. A field meeting to determine mitigation ratios has been scheduled for March 28t''. 4C will tentatively be scheduled for June 19, 2019