HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930094 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19930324r ww State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512.North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary March 25, 1993 Mr. Mervin Thigpen Route 1, Box 284A Pink Hill, North Carolina .28572-9706 Dear Mr. Thigpen: Subject: Proposed Fill Access road Onslow County DEM Project # in Wetlands or Waters 93094 Upon review of your request for Water Quality Certification to place fill material in 2.5 acres of wetlands or waters which are tributary to New River for access road located at US 258 in Onslow County, we have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2671 issued January 21, 1992. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 26. If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney at 919/733-1786. Sincerely, qa-3? Freston Howard, J P.E. APH:JD Attachment CC: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Wilmington DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville c el ayeVtgv& F i 1 e sMooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer , DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch May 4, 1993 a i lk [ 0 W ` 2 ROD Action ID. 199301204 and Nationwide Permit No. 26 (Headwaters and Isolated Waters) Mr. Mervin Thigpen Route 1, Box 284A Pink Hill, North Carolina 28572-9706 Dear Mr. Thigpen: Reference your application received February 5, 1993, for Department of the Army authorization to clear and fill 2.5 acres of wetlands for the purpose of constructing an access road and a spray irrigation field for a hog operation in the headwaters of the New River, near Pink Hill in Onslow County, North Carolina. For the purposes of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits. Authorization was provided, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated waters. Your work is authorized by this nationwide permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions and provided you receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management and, in the coastal area, a consistency determination from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management. You should contact Mr. John Dorney, telephone (919) 733-1786, regarding water quality certification, and Mr. Steve Benton, telephone (919) 733-2293, regarding consistency determination. This nationwide permit does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain other required State or local approval. This verification will be valid for 2 years from the date of this letter unless the nationwide authorization is modified, reissued, or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the 2 years if, during that period, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the nationwide permit authorization. If during the 2 years, the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within 12 months of the date of the nationwide permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend, or revoke the authorization. -2- Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Jeff Ricnter, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 251-4636. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Steve Benton NCDHENR Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Mr. Jim Gregson Wilmington Regional Office NC Division of Environmental Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extention Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Mr. Bob Stroud Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 w `r `- 0 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611, 919-733- Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Water Quality Planning Div. of Environmental Management, DEHNR FROM: Richard B. Hamilton Assistant Director DATE: March 15, 1993 SUBJECT: Division of Environmental Management 401 Certification for Mr. Mervin Thigpen, New River, Onslow County, North Carolina Biologists from our staff have reviewed the subject permit application and conducted a site investigation on March 12, 1993 for the purpose of assessing project impacts on wildlife and fisheries resources. This correspondence is provided in accordance with certain provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) and the North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 113-131 et seq.). The applicant is requesting authorization to clear 2.5 acres of vegetated wetland and construct a drainage ditch for a field access requiring a 1750 foot road. The project site follows a cover type boundary along an existing ditch between a loblolly pine plantation and natural mixed pine/hardwood stand. The transitional zone found therein is utilized by many edge- dependent wildlife species and serves as a natural travel corridor. The clearing phase of the project had already been completed prior to the site investigation. The proposal is inconsistent with our policies and guidelines for conservation and protection of wetlands and aquatic habitats. In our opinion, the proposal is also inconsistent with the Environmental Protection Agency's Section 404(b)(1) guidelines in that it is neither water dependent nor has it been demonstrated that there are no practical non-wetland alternatives. Impacting 2.5 acres is an excessive amount when other avenues, involving current access points and correspondingly less wetland habitat are available. Based upon our site investigation and information provided in the permit application, it is our recommendation that the water quality certification request not be issued for the project. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If you require additional information or need to discuss these comments, please call Mr. Brent Wilson, Wildlife Biologist at (919) 638-3475. cc: Honorable Roy Gerodd Sowers, III, Dist. 2 commissioner Brent Wilson, Wildlife Biologist r MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Planning Branch SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RE ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED ( PERMIT YR: 93 PERMIT NO: 000 APPLICANT NAME: MERVIN A THIGPEN Y: ONSLOW 4 PRINT NAMES : ?y_ PROJECT-TYPE: ROAD CROSSING IT_TYPE: NW26 COE_#: DOT-#: RCD_FROM _CDA: APP DATE _FRM_CDA: 02/09/93 REG_OFFICE: WIRO RIVER_AND_SUB_BASIN_#:(j? O s O 0- STREAM-CLASS: E k/ ? STR_INDEX_NO: /''-/ WL_IMPACT?:b/N WL_TYPE: Wr_ WL_REQUESTED: f WL_ACR_EST?: YON WL_SCORE(#) WATER IMPACTED BY FILL?: Yfo HYDRO CNECT?: /N MITIGATION?: Y/0 MITIGATION-TYPE: VIA MITIGATION-SIZE: IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?: Yt?") RECOMMENDATION (Circle One): SSII SSUE/COND DENY COMMENTS : Reviewer:- T_ I\ A WQ Supv. N. jn`? APPLICABLE) cc: Regional Office Central Files 4F-.-,o, DEM IDt X301 ACTION IDt NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT f)t NW P 7-to JOINT FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, HC 28402-1890 ATTNt CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVI To Hifff? AND NATURAL RESO "SE P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-05 I??3 ATTNt MR. JOHN DORNE 99 iTelephone (919) 733-5 83 WETLANDS G.?GU' TW* ` L--- ECTION ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT T -- ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAMEt (°IERV/N A. .'61w am 2. OWNERS ADDRESS t QR I &x Z Sy A- A LiK Nlct 1, NC z 75 72 9 7640 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME) t e919 ,3Zy- / Z Of 7 (WORK) t 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE. NUMBER:. 5. LOCATION OF WORK (MUST ATTACH MAP). COUNTY: O VSL,00 NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.): 6. NAME OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: N aw RiyF- 7. RIVER BASIN: I,JoiTF- A4r- 8. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A WATERSHED CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, OR WS II? YES ( ) NO (?) 9. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN'PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES ( ) NO (vi IF YES, EXPLAIN. 10. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WATERS OF THE U.S., INCLUDING WETLANDS, LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: 2.$ Ac. 7/8/92 -2- 11. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WATERS OF THE U.S., INCLUDING WETLANDS, IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT: GLi-R2E4 Z. r?c. FILLED: ---- DRAINED* FLOODED: EXCAVATED: TOTAL IMPACTED: Z.S. 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS) l YHIs Arses laps ALkF_IgpV -oECN CLKAr4p AN1l AN /7CC6Sf 1?0AD IS PC-aNN&D ro.t rNE goeril 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: To &AIN ACCESS ro nRoPER'rY n 14. STATE REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS. _ lT /S A A -V 0 QibHr-of LIAY j7it,fcR sCO IrRv? AA7OININC? Lr9NDOWNE2 Zd GAW Accttss Te MoPEAry . 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT'AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES ( j NO (Vi RESPONSES PROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO)'REGARDIkG THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES ( j NO [vl i RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEMt A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. E. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? I.yoao?'q- IVD F. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? 5? NI?? 1R.PS SIG?NAT?UR_Ti? .-DEGGf/?'v' DATE Unitbd States Department of Aprldblture January 28, 1993 Soil Donald A. Halsey Ag. Building Conservation 604 College Street Service Jacksonville, NC 28540 Mr. Mervin A. Thigpen Route 1, Box 284A Pink Hill, NC 28572-9706 Dear Mr. Thigpen: This letter pertains to the outlined area on the attached aerial photo map with 1026 for on your property dated October 8, 1992. This outlined area is marked (N) - No hydric or wetland soils, (CW) - Converted. Wetland, or (CW-92) - Converted Wetland after November 28, 1990. The area marked (N) may be converted to cropland or other non-agricultural use. In any year that an agricultural commodity is planted on CW you will be ineligible for USDA benefits. In the area marked CW-92, the person is `ineligible for USDA benefits after conversion regardless of use of land. The person remains ineligible until the wetland is restored or CWNA can be obtained. He is currently applying for a CWNA determination. This determination was made for FSA purposes only. •Other••federal and/or state permits may be required. If I can be of further assistance, please notify. Harr S. Tyso District Conservationist pc: Eunice Bizzell ® the SoN Conservation Service V Is an agency of the Department of Agriculture USDA. : , , SCS-CPA-026 1. Name and Address of Person Soil Conservation Service (June 91) Mervin A. Thigpen RR 1 Box 284A HIGHLY ERODIBLE LAND AND WETLAND Pink Hill,, NC 285729706 CONSERVATION DETERMINATION 4. Name of USDA Agency or Person Requesting Determination 5. Farm No. and Tract No. 2. Date of Request 10-8-92 County Onslow SECTION 1- HIGHLY ERODIBLE LAND FIELD NO.(s) TOTAL ACRES 6. Is soil survey now available tor making a highly erodible land determination? Yes Er No ? 7. Are there highly erodible soil ma units on this farm? Yes ? No (j2' 8. List highly erodible fields that, according to ASCS records, were used to produce an agricultural commodity in any crop year during 1981-1985. 9. List highly erodible fields that have been or will be converted for the production of agricultural commodities and, according to ASCS records, were not used for this purpose in any crop year during 1981-1985; and were not enrolled in a USDA set-aside or diversion program. 10. This Highly Erodible Land determination was completed in the: Office Field Q' SECTION 11- WETLAND FIELD NO.(s) TOTAL ACRES 11 A th ? Y h dd il hi " N f . re ere es [v y c so s on t s arm o ? 12. Wetlands (W), including abandoned wetlands, or Farmed Wetlands (FW) or Farmed Wetlands Pasture (FWP). Wetlands may be farmed under natural conditions. Farmed Wetlands and Farmed Wetlands Pasture may be farmed and maintained in the same manner as they were prior to December 23, 1985, as long as they are not abandoned. 13. Prior Converted Cropland (PC). Wetlands that were converted prior to December 23, 1985. The use, management, drainage, and alteration of prior converted cropland (PC) are not subject to the wetland conservation provisions unless the area reverts to wetland as a result of abandonment. 14. Artificial Wetlands (AW). Artificial wetlands includes irrigation-induced wetlands. These wetlands are not subject to the wetland conservation provisions. 15. Minimal Effect Wetlands (MW). These wetlands are to be farmed according to the minimal-effect agreement signed At the time the minimal-effect determination was made. 16. Mitigation Wetlands (MIW). Wetlands on which a person is actively mitigating a frequently cropped area or a wetland converted between December 23, 1985 and November 28,1990. 17. Restoration with Violation (RVW-year). A restored wetland that was in violation as a result of conversion after November 28,1990, or the planting of an agricultural commodity or forage crop. 18. Restoration without Violation (RSW). A restored wetland converted between December 23, 1985 and November 28, 1990, on which an agricultural commodity has not been planted. 19. Replacement Wetlands (RPW). Wetlands which are converted for purposes other than to increase production, where the wetland values are being replaced at a second site. 20. Good Faith Wetlands (GFW+year). Wetlands on which ASCS has determined a violation to be in good faith and the wetland has been restored. 21. Converted Wetlands (CW). Wetlands converted after December 23, 1985 and prior to November 28, 1990. in any VNKNOwty APORDx . year that an agricultural commodity is planted on these Converted Wetlands, you will be ineligible for USDA benefits. AcLE 22. Converted Wetland (CW+year). Wetlands converted after November 28, 1990. You will be ineligible for USDA ?gjpeon , program benefits until this wetland is restored. C W + ?Z L4N14WbVJ4 A Z S acts 23. Converted Wetland Non-Agricultural use (CWNA). Wetlands that are converted for trees, fish production, shrubs, cranberries, vineyards or building and road construction. 24. Converted Wetland Technical Error (CWTE). Wetlands that were converted as a result of incorrect determination by SCS. 25. The planned alteration measures on wetlands in fields are considered maintenance and are in comoliance with FSA. 26. The planned alteration measures on wetlands in fields are not considered to be maintenance and if installed wilf cause the area to become a Converted Wetland (CW). See item 22 for information on CW+year. 27. The wetland determination was completed in the office ? field ("and was delivered? mailedE210 the person on 28. Remarks. Rtc i iQ To H7'r>1cNF? G.E7-f'Lc92. 29. 1 certify that the above determination is correct and adequate for use in determining 30. Signature of SCS istri9.,X"rvationist 31. DaI eligibility for USDA program benefits, and that wetland hydrology, hydric soils, and ??/??Q?? Z hydrophytic vegetation under normal circumstances exist on all areas outlined as 1 Wetlands Farmed Wetlands. and Farmed Wetlands Pasture. i; Ass/starwe and programs of the Soil Conservation Service available withottt regard to race, religion, color, sex, age, or handicap. SCS Copy rAD-1026 1? sU UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOm" oMa N°' ``' ' ??":l 3?'t{r(alC': ('j1.: ..-••', 1 "!' ,•r f• c... ,b, ,?,. .a :...,.,p.. ,.,M. ,,, 1 "!,if i'ar,tla• ag - • HIGHLY ERODIBLE LAND CONSERVATION (HELL) ANDtWIETLAND' CONSE VATION r WC) CERTIFICATION i y +a,g v: - r?, r. :.,U , r t -s ,. ?, ,,..y + .)r?t4t''4 ft! i ? t ..o.. r•. t 1. Name of Procjucer,?- - • • ' Identification umber - lf, ;,J ;" t r 8.- p Year, -'-•? = ' •- n c 1, " ' '` '' • ' `' YES NO 4. Do the attached AD f026A(s) farmifig ihterests'b? i°otlitty aid 3titiiv curre SCS determinations? If "No", contact your County ASCS Once befoFe cO?nh Nrl'lfymi s forte.` 5. ' Are you now?applying for, or do you have a FmHA insured or guaran'tee'd loanti ,`, . . 1 6. Do you have a crop insurance contract issued or reinsured by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation? J - 7. Are you a landlord on any farm listed on AD-1026A that will not be in compliagce with V HELC and WC provisions? 1 8. Has a HELC exemption been approved on any farms listed on AD-1026A because the --- landlord refuses to comply? 9. List here or attach a list of affiliated persons with fanning interests;-, See reverse or an 1anatlonEnter "N if l' bl l?v?1 - 10 Will l YES NO you p . ant or produce an agricultural commodity on land for which a highly erodible land detennination has not been made? 1 11.. Will you plant ar,prod.uce an agricultural commodity on any land that is or was a writ area on which planting was made possible by draining, dredging, filling, or leveling or any other means after I?eceinber '23 1 g85` ' 3'r = v „a 12.- Will you, or have you since November 28, 1990, made possible the lantiti` Hof do ? ?F1 pasture, agricultural commodity, or other such crop by: (a' copveriing'aira! wet allm by;. draining, dredging, filling, leveling, or any other means, or, (b) improving] arioc?fying; or maintaining, an existing drainage system? 13. Will you convert any wet areas for fish production, trees, vineydidg Ali b9l bbild"J" constructionor other,non-agricultural use? ,i exp . one , c .app tca e.. .. ._ _.. _ . _ - • _. __ .sl -,i .11.'.7 'r .... •`;.'?i '', If items 7 or 8 are answered "YES", circle the applicable farm number on AD-1026A. , °- - During either the crop year entered in item 3 above, or the term of a requested USDA loan: .I,,, If;r?; ,,i.,,_sl •. ; 0 If answers to items "YES" for any one of these items, sign and?datein item 14ibelow, Circle the applicable tract number on AD-1026A, or list teat:t ndrhbet'lrrItem!12,bn`AD-1028AI. ASCSr will 'refer this Ad'1 026 10, 11, 12, or 13 are to SCS for a determination. DO NOT sign in item 16 until SCS determination is complete. r 'NO for all of these items or, §CS At6fminat6id15 are 56m?l?te Ct?rtibiete )fdrti 16. I hereby certify that the above information, and 94 h1fofrirratlb' ohhhhdf 0406A' fa`itue end correct to the best of my 14. Signature of key/ a and belie/!? 1 r 1 r, r, r Data R?fPed " SIgra p1 ASCS R?reden atW lay 15. Referral to SCS Enter a 4 if a SCS determination is needed because S?f [Completed byASCS) "Yes is answered in item 10, 11, 12, or 13 f q... n„- Cc= 4 4 ... :,... ... ! ,[. A P . -,., „ E,a ? 9Y1 tptTfS s Q 1 QO 1 ? J f 4 : r! 1 NOTE: Reiore.signing:In-itern 6; Read AD-102G Appentllx?; ,,. , ?..,,, ,•, „ ;,,,,, ;,, n,, ,t;, „ l;t?eretiy.66011 y that the above in• ormat/on,: ahd ilie IniotrrrAtloii d1i atta?libtl.Al o 6A e, Ys true nrid earn v to the best of y ` w; a ?rve 6 tiarr v knOw/edge 8nd belief. It to my responsibility to file anew AD-1026 In the event If we we any changes in my farming !: f e n ` "' nperaltlo"rrj "YH'lgriingt tlils'fOVrn,'I slab certlly fFial l have Pacelved grid ?vl/t iiWth`tha'itSooiblltanae ndgtiineMents bri .,,AD1026App*nd1X 1 ,aG s1? i?r r 16r gnature of q"v t h r.a r t Itr r;t t r , n Prladud r "JIDate 17. Remarks: r. - 5, r'. ?k•, '? i 1n" 1 ) SCS COPY AD-1026 lRovarsal: 'M'074t'mt1 INSTRUCTIONS The producer requesting benefits on AD-1026 shall list the applicable affiliated persons with farming interests FOR ITEM 8. "in iteI? 4_iM' ?t ?id26 adCtl Ilfl ': o'ff> a df6 lti tite,fidld?r?ri tjkttb scat ?? " -` ' :a `' ^'? j IF producer requesting benefits Is a(en)... T')I t-r, $ F ?f?I.??F<e THEN affiliated persons who must file AD-1026 11 they have farming Interests are ... individual -; spouse with separate farming interests, or who receives benefits under thdirlndividual ID number. ti. NOTE: If the individuaf min r children with separate farming Interests, or who receive tieiiefits under their individual ID number. filing is, minor child J the • ... , , father and mo'her shall be .estates', trusts, partnerships;-and jointiventures that the individual filing or-the irtdividual'9 spouse, or,,; mfnornchildren have an interest,: , , . . , ' : , •...: .. '_ listed a affiliates corporations that the Individual filing or the indlyldyat's spouse or minor childMn have more than 20% interest. ; I general partnership i first level members of the entity j joint venture ! r1r l f, ;r 1r ;;;.1 r. ?t limited partne hip estate j I.3' ;l.,t,. f.- r1 tki :Er'f1i , t. ! ,' , ,r• , ''(: revocable trust , Indian tribal venture Indian roup irrevocable trust corporation with stockholders iNSt1MI members with mote than'20% interest in the corporatibn i !'; +' + "i t?:,,, •r. 21 ?;;s,V. ?,',;s State none Church or other charitable organization , sa t,''r t,, sr , :;ax ,t: .,,1,,,? :i r:. tc!t• 3 r,r .,..., ., ,, ,;, county,, city public school ' i ! r r corpora stockho tion with no lders 6. , HEtt- i Z° KEY TO SCS DETERMINATIONS IN ITEMS 9 THROUGH 13 L13TED ON A101-•1026A , Highly,Erodible Land: i SCS determined highly erodible 68 SC9 d?tdmlined n6 high) 1 erodible larct ' r 9. 021Approved Farm Plan (CPA-027): "Y" i= Tract has an approved farm plan.; : t , t "NTract does not Have an approved larrn plan. "X? HEL flag is "Y". Producer has a 2-year grace period after soil survey fs available Ib obtain eh lapproved iafmplan. I i 10. A027 = Applying Farm Plan: 'Y^" Producef_IS'activeiii'Aipiying An apprdv66 f9trn plant t T" "N"' Ptoduef3r'ig NOT actively applying an approved farmrplan: f fi ; 11. W = Wetlands: "Y'. SCS.determined wetlands on this tract.. (*Spa tootnote-),,.. ,. _...' N" ,_SCS'determ!ned no wetlands on, this tract. vet ' '. ?'?4 ,r. ,. t_ SCS;hasinot made a wetland determination on this tract, 4•, •er. , ?. ^ ;1Y „ ., ? 1. , .. _ t?S haefdetermined'a iLlahd does exist on this tract Contact your Local SOS offfde or A5 5 otftt a for details coriceming th4locabon of the t _..._ t wetlands ankrestrictions applyin4.6the landeccordiig.t SOS determination before planting an agncylfural commodity or performing any • t drainabe or m8nipplga on oq this tract. i " ''-MF1BfCdW 9 tefir"id& aief MAdg'M fi&btda a WlM thb"PW66y Ac!t Sf1974 (S USC 5521) The authority forregaesfhrg"hrformatfon to be-supplied on this form is the Food Security Act of 1985, P.L. 99-198, as amended, and regulations promulgated under•t. Act 7 CFR PART 12). Thp. information will be used to determine ellgibiflly for rogram benefits and other financial assistance administered byXdd)3ttD4 t i Thy ?i?oXriafktYl afly t3ffit i£htsdGto fftt l: USDPIf incfa?,:`I(4 s giJustice , pr jhe"r„yy??Tale ` ; ' L i, V?1@ v a m nt edEle3 ?ffct I?) ?##06 se m dm m otg l °b rswil rmmunat. Fumishrr? nrn R ,, aa. N ' Socva S?eciirity ?VumTier i3 I)dluAtafj?'tHs bfhitequasfeii'irliarrtiatrdn'l§i voluntary; hCrVevar falhird fA?crfnlc'f complete information will result Ina ddlelriiiif$?tii i bf'iridifgiblhYy"fdi/° iGit? it3i?Fam'fitlhong and dtheP#nartdal v9s't§tabod'BdmMlstered byV90A d0hcibfi { The provislond of criminal and civil fraudl 0 {yaakrding 18:1/1SG,286,?iBift Titr641c 1091,; •15.USC,714m, and 34,W.3729,,may. be applicable,to nAo rmatiogprvyld¢d,by the producer on this form. T Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the `tlr>le imol44wjng tn5?ructipns, searching Qxispng § E data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this 13u11dh A#MAt or any other aspegt of this collection o/ information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to Department of Agriculture, Clearance Ofd IRM, Room 404-W,' - - WaaMngton, ?.`G. 20P60; arM to thcOlfioe o/ Marmagemenl and Budget, Paperworic Reduction Project (OMB fVo --0560-0004), Washington,.D.C., 20503.., l: thinN.THIS COMPLETED FORM TO YOUR COUNTY AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION AND CONSERVATION SERVICE (ASCS) OFFICE (address printed in item'6of atta?ChBd AD- 1026A). Y AT).... (.l':)AA f t 1. STATE:NORTH CAROLINA 37 2. COUN 5. PRODUCER NAME 6 ADDRESS MERVIN A THIGPEN RR i BOX 284A FINK HILL, NC 285729706 10'26 ) TELEPHONE ROP YEAR:92 4. ID NO. 243-46-6089 ---------------------------------------------------------- 6. COUNTY OFFICE NAME S ADDRESS TELEPHONE ONSLOW COUNTY ASCS OFFICE (919) 455-4164 BOY, 1336 JACKSONVILLE NC 28541 ----------------------- ---------------------- - - ------ -----------.----------- 7. Circle each tract for which a 'Yes' answer applies to the tract for Items i0, i i, 12, OR 13 on AD- 1026. (OP = Operator, OW = Owner, 00 = Owner-Operator) FARM OF'/ TRACT CROPLAND OWNER ----SCS DETERMINATIONS--- NO OW/ NO 8. 9. 10. 11. 00 HEL 027 A027 W 2550 OP 1 95.3 WILLIE D ALPHIN JR N N N N 2550 OP 3 85.3 ALTON H THIGPEN N N N N '50 00 71 65.4 MERVIN A THIGPEN N N N N 2550 OP 5 65,4 L A THIGPEN N N N N .2550 OP - 142' 819 TALFORD L. JARMAN N N N N 2550 OP 1430 5.7 TALFORD L. JARMAN N N N N 2550 OP 2856 10.2 WILLIE D ALPHIN JF' N N N N Q. List the Farm Number if Items 10, 1i, i2, or i3 on attached FD-1026 .applies on land associated as other producer. When available, list Tract Number below Farm Number. Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Tract Tract Tract Tract Tract FARMS ASSOCIATED AS OTHER PRODUCER: NONE --------------------------------------------NC) O-- . MULTIPLE COUNTY INTEREST: (CONTROL COUNTY:DUF'LIN -------------- -------------------- - NC) OTHER COUNTIES 6 STATE: i 3 DUPLIN NC; JONES NC Farm Tract T j 11 Y r wi Alt, ?t} hob. ' ?Yr t e t i r ,^r tax t IY . d y??a ? ? .e.:iti(sl!.z Or"? 4 ? ? } 7 A i? J W J G \ V Q. ?rr .9 A\ L? f ? a4' S8313WO11M Z 13330000IbZ . lw, (Siaays.swor r S311W Z .ZZ 1,e STATE o (I . MAR - 21993 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury March 1 9r33? North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Mr. Mervin Thigpen Route 1, Box 284-A Pink Hill, NC 28572-9706 RE: DEM ID# 93-094, Nationwide Permit Application for an activity located in Onslow County. Dear Mr. Thigpen: ove ref ation The North Carolina Division of Coastal M ? ag 993nt uhas rsuanti to Sectionb307 ofethecCoastalicZone for a Nationwide Permit dated January pursuant proposed Management Act of 1972 as amended. Based upon asoalrMreview, we ave anagemenhP ogram p o?dedttheefollowi g activity is consistent with the North Carolina conditions are met: The activity described in the above referenced application qualifies to receive one of the Nationwide Permits described in 33 CFR Part 330 with the exception of Numbers 17, 21, 24, and 34 which were found inconsistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. 2. A 401 Water Quality Certification is received, where required, from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. This letter does not relieve you of the responsibility to insure that all other State authorization and/or permit requirements are met prior to ploement ttion of the p Lance. Please feel free to contact me at (919) 726-7021 if you have any questions Sincerely, Charles S. Jones District Manager CSJ/dh cc: Preston P. Pate, Jr. Steve Benton, Consistency Coordinator Wilmington District Engineer; ATTN: CESAW-CO-E John Dorney, DEM/Raleigh PO Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7657 Telephone 919-733-4984 Fax > 919-733-0513 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer t, A DEN IDS q3o74 ACTION IDs NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQ ESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT #)I N W P Vo JOINT FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT H P.O. BOX 1890 AND NATURAL RESOUR (r- t WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 P.O. BOX 29535 Q PA ATTNt CESAW-CO-E RALEIGH, NC 27626-053 Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTNt MR. JOHN DORNEY 1993 (Telephone (919) 733-SO ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO HE CIFdj?y,t.c:? ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N-.C. DIVIS°==-- ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAMES MERV/N A. •TH1acm 26 OWNERS ADDRESS: -k0A 1 Sox Z S'1 A. 1 F1 Ng HILL ? NC 7-F57Z 976(0 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME) t ?9/9)3Zy- /Z97 (WORK) t 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE.. NUMBERS S. LOCATION OF WORK (MUST ATTACH MAP). COUNTY: ONSLo0 NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.): 6. NAME OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: NEW RIVER 7. RIVER BASINt Worm Dqr- 8. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A WATERSHED CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, OR WS II? YES [ J NO [?) 9. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN'PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [ ) NO (vi IF YES, EXPLAIN. 10. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WATERS OF THE U.S., INCLUDING WETLANDS, LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: Z.$ 4c. 7/8/92 V ( P J •1 M . --2.. 11. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WATERS OF THE U.S., INCLODING WETLANDS, IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT: Gtr_kao Z.S pc. FILLED: --- DRAINED: FLOODED: EXCAVATED: TOTAL IMPACTED: 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS) l 7'1416 pKEA 9.45 ALAFAPY -ac-am Ct.igg"0 AND AAI VC CE SS ApAG 15 464AM150 FO.t THE NASA 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: To rap4lN RccESs ro PRoP,6RTY 14. STATE REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS. lT /S A ?O.qO QibHr-o< I?AY MileCRASGO P#4ty l ADTOININ& 44,vDOWNE2 Td CnIN ACCESS re ?AaAeAry . 1S. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES ( ) NO (VI RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO)'AEGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES ( ) NO twl RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. E. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? wo"A-1+mo F. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? Q Ni?IG?N<A`TU?R.T?0"'E Unltbd States Department of Agridditure January 28, 1993 Soil Donald A. Halsey Ag. Building Conservation .604 College Street Service Jacksonville, NC 28540 Mr. Mervin A. Thigpen Route 1, Box 284A Pink Hill, NC 28572-9706 Dear Mr. Thigpen: This letter pertains to the outlined area on the attached aerial x photo map with 1026 for on your property dated October 8, 1992. This outlined area is marked (N) - No hydric or wetland soils, (CW) - Converted Wetland, or'(CW-92) - Converted WetlanO after November 28, 1990. The area marked (N) may be converted to r cropland or other non-agricultural use. In any year that an agricultural` commodity is planted on CW you will be ineligible for USDA benefits. In the area marked CW-92,.;the person is ineligible for USDA benefits after conversion regardless.of use tof land. The person remains ineligible until the wetland is restored or CWNA can be obtained. He is currently applying for a CWNA determination.: This determination was made for FSA purposes only. Other federal and/or state permits may be required. If I can be of further assistance, please notify. Harr S. Tyso District Conservationist pc: Eunice Bizzell O the Sol Conservation Service is an agency of the Department of Agriculture WS.D.A. ° SCS-CPA-026 1. Name and Address of Person 2. Date of Request Soil Conservation Service (June 91) Mervin A. Thigpen RR 1 Box 284A 10-8-92 Pink Hill,, NC 285729706 3. County HIGHLY ERODIBLE LAND AND WETLAND CONSERVATION DETERMINATION On s 1 ow 4. Name of USDA Agency or Person Requesting Determination 5. Farm No. And Tract No. SECTION I - HIGHLY ERODIBLE LAND FIELD NO.(s) TOTAL ACRES 6. Is soil survey now available for making a highly erodible land determination? Yes No ? 7. Are there high) erodible soil map units on this farm? Yes ? No 8. List highly erodible fields that, according to ASCS records, were used to produce an agricultural commodity in any crop year during 1981-1985. 9. List highly erodible fields that have been or will be converted for the production of agricultural commodities and, according to ASCS records, were not used for this purpose in any crop year during 1981-1985; and were not enrolled in a USDA set-aside or diversion program. 10. This Highly Erodible Land determination was completed in the: Office Field 2' SECTION 11 - WETLAND FIELD NO.(s) TOTAL ACRES It. Are there hydric soils on this farm? Yes Ee No ? 12. Wetlands (W), including abandoned wetlands, or Farmed Wetlands (FW) or Farmed Wetlands Pasture (FWP). Wetlands may be farmed under natural conditions. Farmed Wetlands and Farmed Wetlands Pasture may be farmed and maintained in the same manner as they were prior to December 23, 1985, as long as they are not abandoned. 13. Prior Converted Cropland (PC). Wetlands that were converted prior to December 23, 1985. The use, management, drainage, and alteration of prior converted cropland (PC) are not subject to the wetland conservation provisions unless the area reverts to wetland as a result of abandonment. 14. Artificial Wetlands (AW). Artificial wetlands includes irrigation-induced wetlands. These wetlands are not subject to the wetland conservation provisions. 15. Minimal Effect Wetlands (MW). These wetlands are to be farmed according to the minimal-effect agreement signed at the time the minimal-effect determination was made. 16. Mitigation Wetlands (MIW). Wetlands on which a person is actively mitigating a frequently cropped area or a wetland converted between December 23,1985 and November 28, 1990. 17. Restoration with Violation (RVW-year). A restored wetland that was in violation as a result of conversion after November 28, 1990, or the planting of an agricultural commodity or forage crop. 18. Restoration without Violation (RSW). A restored wetland converted between December 23, 1985 and November 28,1990, on which an agricultural commodity has not been planted. 19. Replacement Wetlands (RPW). Wetlands which are converted for purposes other than to increase production, where the wetland values are being replaced at a second site. 20. Good Faith Wetlands (GFW+year). Wetlands on which ASCS has determined a violation to be in good faith and the wetland has been restored. 21. Converted Wetlands (CW). Wetlands converted after December 23,1985 and prior to November 28,1990. In any UNK?.IpWN RPOA6x . year that an agricultural commodity is planted on these Converted Wetlands, you will be ineligible for USDA benefits. /, D heze 22. Converted Wetland (CW+year). Wetlands converted after November 28, 1990. You will be ineligible for USDA AIMO ex . program benefits until this wetland is restored. e w + I?- u A10WN Z 4 Acou 23. Converted Welland Non-Agricultural use (CWNA). Wetlands that are converted for trees, fish production, shrubs, cranberries, vineyards or building and road construction. 24. Converted Wetland Technical Error (CWTE). Wetlands that were converted as a result of incorrect determination by SCS. 25. The planned alteration measures on wetlands in fields are considered maintenance and are in comoliance with FSA. 26. The planned alteration measures on wetlands in fields are not considered to be maintenance and if installed will cause the area to become a Converted Wetland (CW). See item 22 for information on CW+year. 27. The wetland determination was completed in the office ? field galand was delivered? mailedLZIo the person on 28. Remarks. REPtZ To H4'r'gCNF-? /?ETTLct2 , 28. t certify that the shove determination is correct and adequate for use in determining 30. Signature Of SCS QistriCtSipoCervationist I31. Date b? hydro iy jot USDA prouder benefits, and that wetland hydrology, t soils, and 7 hyropbytic veneration under normal circumstances exist on all areas as outlined as / Wetlands. Farmed Wetlands. and Farmed Wetlands Pasture. "'- i s Assistance oW programs of the Soil Conservation Service available without regard to race, religion; color, sex, age, or handicap. SCS Copy, -AD•10? ios_o?-s?? UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE fOn" OW N° t sc,-•,?•. -1 6 ('1'' , f., t., ar .;,` i,: ro i c''?•} t. ..., i,..te -t1! HIGHLY( ERODIBLE LAND CONSERVATION (HELC) AND ;WETLAND; s CONSEF VATION (WC) CERTIFICATION j ° t ,,.•`, .,, -,,r, ?); 1 ? ..> r•"gin 1. , e,?.{ p YES NO 10. Will you plant or produce an agricultural commodity on land for which a highly e ble land determination has not been made? i .... ' 1 ,_ 11. . Will you plant pr.produce an agricultural , commodity on any land that , is or was a wbt area draining, dredging, filling, or leveling or any other on which planting was made possible by e means after EWtinbcr?23 1985V P IA ,aka ear? G', ?a ti t< I J 7 ,i 1? 12.• Will you, or have you since November 28, 1990, made possible th II" O' iip?! crot#„ pasture, agricultural commodity, or other such crop by: (a),copvetlrtv?i<,as 6y: , 7tt draining, dredging, filling, leveling, or any other means, or, (bl m;pf&ingeancllc?sltying; or maintaining, an existing drainage system? 13. Will you convert any wet areas for fish production, trees, vineyk ; ?iii59`T fi118f?t } "' r 1 •, use? "'Ur " `` `srt t 7 '• :, i construe o or other. no a ricuttural . ; tI ?' S If items 7 or 8 are answered "YES", circle the applicable farm number on AD-1026A. r f r +?r+ During either the crop year entered in Item 3 above, or the term of a requested USDA loan: 1. Name of Procjucer: • ' - i;.,, i.ll{y??.? , -:'•1 i , . '1 n 2. Identification umber ,Iq ` fn + 3 .tiC1?, (y?? ,`r'?? 3 Q t ? p Year,...- -' I. t ' ' ' ` Yits No 4. Do the"attachetl +AD?'1026A( ) 'll?C' ill'ydtyr `fafttt>tlg'intere ts'b}f count3ri Md'3bdo, lIcurre ' SCS determinations?- if "No", contact your County ASCS Office befole cd?h irtl Wj'Vhf s form. 5. Are yo?U now applying for, or do you have a 17mHA insured or guarantee loan?l : 6. Do you have a crop insurance contract issued or reinsured by the Federal Drop { Insurance Corporation? 7. Are you a landlord on any farm listed on AD-1026A that will not be in compli e with v HELC and WC provisions? 7 -1 8. Has a HELC exemption been approved on any farms listed on AD-1026A because the -`' c landlord refuses to comply? i to , - ra .,?.. 9. List here or attach a list of affiliated persons-with fanning interests. -1 See 'reverse or an explanation.. Enter '.None'', if applicable.. `t a 0 "YES" for any one of these item; sign and date in iteFR141tfelowr,-Circle the applicable tract- If answers to items number on AD-1026A, or list tr'act`nfirtlb4r'inrftem+12 iorl'AO-1026AIIIASCS will tefer this AD=1026 10, 11, 12, or 13 are to SCS for a determination. DO NOT sign in item 16 until SCS determination is complete. "NO" for all of these items oil SCS i?teYrhinatitiil5 areoittil?t'', titi?letir?i 16. I hereby certify that the abov information, and Ift* ih/drtir?tllt Ifli'8 D? ID'26?1 It fS' bt4 Gird correct tb the best of my 14. Signature of k belief r7a J/ ?` , e a d D fe PrbdUchr ON- ? 41 Dat9 Rift SkFahj" ASCS RbpIB38 l1? • t 15. Reierrai TO SCS Enter a if a SCS dPterminaUon is needed because t ?r f ?o COn1 feted b ASCS Yes" is answered in item 10, 11, 12, or 13. IQ I1 V^^' "`•'? vA -, i N©T ?efioresign g nin item 16; Read AD-11120 Ap enJ" ` +ft k?W/ed ?lnd tbellef It Is my responsl -l to a Iniormetfibri on 6lttdcl . AU i028A . i is to le end co~ to the best of y 3 t1 a new AD-1026 In the event there are any changes in my faniiYng tgYileiy't6t5 lbem, l sisb' d6ndy ihif I hava toosived Aid w?NbbNWY iirtth.'fh#'M*)WA*n*& r* 1OWnents 66 . AD 1026 Appendix 16. bignature of r.•Prod uc6r t t 17 Remarks; g SCS COPY AD•102R IaAvarcalt ,tee:m 9n INSTRUCTIONS The producer reqquestin benefits on 751M shall list the applicable affiliated ersons with farming interests FOR ITEM 9. *fin i,VA IC3466 a?Cbf?l? t f 4b'> ie t $f-Ili h >?elc>` ?1 t btu. tai "?. ;' .' ', IF producer requesting benefits is e(an) ... --' A THEN affiliated persons who must file A, -1026 if they have.. arming Interests are ... mdivid al r s o P `ith ate farmi g i n nterests or_uu woo-receives-benefits- under _thdir_individ a -III-number.- , '- i- NOTE: If the vidual mm nu n wit h sepatatA farming intbrest , or who receive b?ei fpfits undbr their1ridividual ID r children wit .. bet. filing is father mrnd d mo r c ild the:. 'her shall be estates; trusts, artnershi s, and•'ointrventures thattthe individual frl or the iMdiyidUal'ss use, or, 1 minovchildren have an interest,( listed a i aiilBa tes corporatlonslthat the-Individual fljingiarthe Indjvld4al's,spo9se or m1 p ehlldro.n have more than 20% Interest.; ? =err, r!r'?::. i:. genera l partn g rship I first level members of the entity jointve hture r` i = T, 1 = r; d ,r, ''! ".• limited ' artne hip Ir u,'I, •rf! estate l revocable trusd t alv? Indian rtture I..J. 'r r I? r f ,nn J?t+f ., jC ' f ,j . t! 1 ` t ( t r! = ??;r• ndiano I g !tP . l r l ' " . } ; rr ?s ; (r?t ?, j irrevocable tnl st i corporation with A, stockholders ! - , 'flfat-Wbi'Mimbeis' With iriore thaii'206/o Ifrtbrost in the cOrodrMitin ! !> I r ? 1r, r ! r; d- ; 10; State - none Church or other charitable organization € 14 , r '! 71 1"1 t 111 If, Irv nil(Ae,- rs €_, .,,-,. county,- r -_. _ City , _ ., `tll?r.! •t , fi',r,r;, i ,' ,• ,, ,, ,t. ?,1 ,,., ,, ,fir t , public school corpora stockhb tion with no iders r; r 1 KEY TO SCS DETERMINATIONS IN ITEMS 9 THROUGH 13 LISTED ON AD,1626A r , ! a. HEII Highly, Erodible Land "Y SOS determined highly erodible I?rrii a f r f 't i ' ' SCS detHfnlf?etl nb highly eroiiibie lanb t ' f ' 1 r; '' SCS has?rib?•'fRdde?deterii?iiiatiofti ? 1 ? .,, , ;. .. „ ? r , ?„ _. ! I s l , „? , . . ?' i 9. _.02{, . Approved Farm Plan (CPA=027): 'Y 1= Tract hasao improved farm plan i,r i r r, t : r , ` 9 i Tract tubes not hive an approved farm plan. HEL flag is "Y". Producer has a 2-Year grace period after soil survey is available 4b 6bW1n`ih 9 roved Wrh `fen. PP p = 10. A027 Applying Farm Plan: 'T" ' Produ 6i lg"activdq applying an epprbved farni.plaw' Prod0WIs'•NOT- actively applying an approved farm:plan: „• if. W = Wetlands: "Y" SCS;determined wetlands on this tract (',See footnote.), _.SCS'deterriiined no wetlands on this tract.. III ' n -, 4 ?;111 ii, r: SCS,has;notLMade a wetland determination-on this tract 4 : , . c , . = r ? 13 h ieterrnlned a 4e1t9'tild does exist on this tract contact yo(ir local''SCS office or ASKS bf16 for detdllS dodcarning thi location of the i wetlarid§ and restrictions applying t0 the land according to SCS determmationbeforepIanting an agriculfural otimmodity or performing anyQt _ } # v drainage or ri%hnippltttlbn oq this tract. ., .{. ' i. ... ftt 71 rS' ?f; ! ,7 ?; '\. € j 'tin ?4 s ?-...- .<_ ? 5 h??, Tii 8cbidaNce wJtli rhB PiNdayACt bl 1874 (S USC 552a): The aUMCFtWy foritquesHnglft,&fmmatfon to be supplied vn fft k" fs the Food Security Act of 1985, P L 99-198, as amended, and regulations promu sled u atender,.lbe t Ad om( 7 CR F aPPART 12). ; The, mf rm l?aNon will be used t9 date m?ine fb USDA ell &IN# , for rogram benefits and other financial assistance administered b' 2 y i '? g nde$,' 1Fir$: lx, , .)uStio9ArtD? ? ?pv a ?n1g@G T&01=2 tfsa C8 tf3r b7'a '9r"9Ur11p1/ lrlburt9l. FumfSfNtlg t1N9g -all & NumTier it itdluh?? he r`r7? 9A bthn stell'ihibrt?t?tiby, hd?Vevdi, fatNi f d fU'm rl ?t ip information will result in a a N ,, a?fAMli id'I W 'ft*1Vb7*`fdf'fl Wh Yam fthilti? fin dther'linaYltlta/ a_fttahcd'adrtfl Wvmd bylISDDA 40hoft. = The: j mVisiond of criminal and civil fraud l Q :^lrtetdhrss l4piording°f6:USC,286,q$Bi?r161r?itv644c 100f,; 15.U80 714m;.and 3a,USP..3729, may be applicable tagtUpfmat"proVido by the producer on this form, T Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the'er5rie WWln'eiftjristructions, searchingexfsfir?g i E data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this If'Wh'kg6hik or §liy other aspect this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to Department of Agriculture, Clearance Of1fC*, jDIRM, Room #04-W, -- *Wt9t hvgW, G. 20250; and to ,the-Office of Manegement•and Budget, Paperwork ReductionPmisd (OMB No.•:0.560-0004), Washington, _D.C. V503..,f1 1 UHN Ttl/S' COMPLETED FORM TO YOUR COUNTY AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION AND CONSERVATION SERVICE (ASCS) OFFICE (address printed in item 8of attSt:hW AD-1026A). f)1)- 10 26A ( u t) P 1'e in e r) t .i 1. •l:.) AD....1 0 6 F,i.) f1 t?....02....9 i_ STATE:NORTH CAROLINA 37 2. COUNTY:ONSLOW 133,...3. CROP YEAR:92 4. ID NO, 243-46-6089 -------------------------NO, 24---------------------------__ 5. PRODUCER NAME 6 ADDRESS TELEPHONE - 6. COUNTY OFFICE NAME 6 ADDRESS TELEPHONE MERVIN A THIGPEN ONSLOW COUNTY ASCS OFFICE (99) 455-4164 RR i BOX 284A BOX 1336 PINK HILL, NC 285729706 JACKSONVILLE NC 28541 -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ _h' F1 f i tai 1_J. (:Y 1: t! T' I : (C: c) irl? f IIa --1' r' c.) (:I to c: i__i --------------------- ----------------------- - ------- Circle each tract far which a 'Yes' answer applies to the tract for Items f0, i1, 12, OR i3 on AD-1026. (OP = Operator, OW = Owner, 00 = Owner-Operator) FARM OP/ TRACT CROPLAND OWNER ---SCS DETERMINATIONS— NO OW/ NO 8. 9. 10. 11. 00 HEL 027 A027 W 2550 OP 1 95.3 WILLIE D ALPHIN JR N N N N 2550 OP 3 85.3 ALTON H THIGPEN N N N N 2550 00 65.4 MERVIN A THIGPEN N N N N 2550 OP 5 65.4 L A THIGPEN N N N N 2550 OP 1429 819 TALFORD L, JARMAN N N N N 2550 OP 1433 5.7 TALFORD L. JARMAN N N N N 2550 OP 2855 10.2 WILLIE D ALPHIN JR N N N N Q. List the Farm Number if Items 0, ii, 12, or i3 on attached AD-iO26 applies on land associated as other producer. When available, list Tract Number below Farm Number. Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Tract Tract Tact --------- Tract ---------- Tract FARMS ASSOCIATED AS OTHER PRODUCER: NONE -------------------------------------------------------------------•----------------------- 13, MULTIPLE COUNTY INTEREST: (C5RT COUNTY:DUPLIN NC) OTHER COUNTIES 6 STATE: DUPLIN NC; JONES NC Farm Tract �a�.�7j�'�t� t r�yrr�tks,lr7•,�'�"�ftr .:'Y' , t.,t �Cr .., :' r?►.+rt}j.�+ r�' �Ir � r J' " ., ry fid-"; _� •" � p '� + , ti✓ fx�,�,,r" r i, t ',4 � Nyr' llf;, P 1�,,� i '"•r" } r r 1 � -.l r1 1 4y1 f, t+,41A . f•�J t ^Y'ilja�.Y'�'�>r <, M..'.'S a ' �` -:1 1 . ���444���r...,l', t %v'� 4`i�,• �r ,�,b rare ✓, fi -v #A 4. 7" hr S iiJy9ir r.. ti A�JpI i .. i �i"y �• �+t. �t pp. } °. 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