HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190956 Ver 1_TRC - draft report 1-18-2019_20190717Results you can rely on         ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY FOR THE PROPOSED CATHEYS CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT, PISGAH RANGER DISTRICT, PISGAH NATIONAL FOREST< TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAFT REPORT                          TRC ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION January 2019 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY FOR THE PROPOSED CATHEYS CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT, PISGAH RANGER DISTRICT, PISGAH NATIONAL FOREST, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DRAFT REPORT Submitted to: THE RESOURCE INSTITUTE 2631 Reynolda Road, Suite A Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27106 By: TRC ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 5 Dogwood Road Asheville, North Carolina 28806 Authored by: Michael Nelson, Paul Webb, and David Price January 2019 i MANAGEMENT SUMMARY TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) has completed an archaeological survey for the proposed Catheys Creek Stream Restoration Project in Pisgah Ranger District of Pisgah National Forest in Transylvania County, North Carolina. The work was conducted on behalf of The Resource Institute. The study area includes approximately three acres situated on Pisgah National Forest and located between Catheys Creek and Catheys Creek Road (SR 1338 and FS 471), starting just upstream from the City of Brevard’s Catheys Creek Water Treatment Facility and extending west past the confluence of Kuykendall Creek and Catheys Creek, as well as limited areas to the north situated between Kuykendall Creek and Kuykendall Creek Road and extending 50 feet east of Kuykendall Creek. In addition to the archaeological survey, the existing dam at the Water Treatment Facility was documented and evaluated. No survey was conducted on the limited portion of the project located south of Catheys Creek outside Pisgah National Forest. This study was conducted to produce information on the presence and location of any significant cultural resources within the project area to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and so that the information could be considered for planning purposes. The survey satisfies the survey requirements of the National Forests in North Carolina (NFsNC), as well as those specified in the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology’s (OSA) Archaeological Investigation Standards and Guidelines (December 2017). Background research included review of site files and reports and historic structure files at the OSA offices in Raleigh and Asheville, and examination of 19th to 20th century maps and aerial photographs; due to an ongoing partial government shutdown, land records at the National Forests in North Carolina office in Asheville could not be accessed. The research revealed that there have been no previous archaeological surveys and there are no previously recorded archaeological sites within or adjacent to the project area. There are 10 previously recorded sites within a one-mile radius of the project area, however, and the vicinity is generally considered to have a moderate potential for containing archaeological resources. The archaeological fieldwork was conducted on December 31, 2018 and January 2, 2019 and was directed by Michael Nelson. The survey included a walkover of the project area, along with systematic subsurface shovel testing at 10-m intervals across the higher terraces and at 15-m intervals across the lower terraces. Areas exhibiting extreme surface disturbances and/or standing water or hydric soils were not shovel tested. Following NFsNC guidelines, a minimum of three shovel tests were excavated on each habitable landform. A total of 37 shovel tests were excavated (including site delineation tests excavated at 5-m intervals). Two archaeological sites, 31TV1101 and 31TV1102, were recorded. Site 31TV1101 is located on the small terrace between Catheys Creek Road and Catheys Creek, just west of the confluence with Kuykendall Creek, and site 31TV1102 is located on the west bank of Kuykendall Creek, between the creek and Kuykendall Road. Site 31TV1101 is represented by one precontact lithic artifact and one mid-19th to mid-20th century historic period artifact recovered from a single shovel test. The site lacks the potential to provide substantial additional information concerning the prehistory or history of the area and is recommended not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under Criterion D; the site also appears to lack the characteristics necessary for eligibility under NRHP Criteria A–C. Site 31TV1102 is a small Late Woodland to possible Qualla lithic and ceramic scatter located on a small terrace. Given the limited landform, it is unlikely that the site boundaries extend outside the study area. Site 31TV1102 appears to be confined to the current project area and would require additional testing to conclusively determine its NRHP eligibility. This site is considered unassessed and should be avoided by ii the project activities; TRC recommends that a 10- to 15-m buffer be established around the site boundary to protect it from inadvertent disturbances. The dam at the City of Brevard’s Catheys Creek Water Treatment Facility was constructed in the 1980s, a few years after construction of the Water Treatment Facility. As a structure that is less than 50 years old and lacking exceptional importance (NRHP Criteria Consideration G), this structure is not eligible for the NRHP and requires no further consideration for the Catheys Creek project. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TRC would like to thank Charles Anderson and Debbie Dodson of the Resource Institute, Greg Jennings of Jennings Environmental, and Scott Ashcraft of NFsNC for their assistance in facilitating the fieldwork. Dennis Richardson, Operator in Principal Charge at the Catheys Creek Water Treatment Facility, is thanked for providing information on the dam. For TRC, Hannah Smith conducted the background research. Michael Nelson, John Kesler, and Rachael Denton conducted the field survey. Brenda Magouirk-Nelson processed the artifacts, Michael Nelson conducted the lithic and historic artifact analyses, and Tasha Benyshek conducted the precontact ceramic analysis. David Price conducted the evaluation of the dam. Graphics were prepared by Belinda Cox, John Kesler, and Hannah Smith, and the report was copyedited by Heather Millis. iv This page intentionally left blank. v CONTENTS MANAGEMENT SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... i  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................................... iii  FIGURES .................................................................................................................................................... vii  TABLES ...................................................................................................................................................... ix  1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1  2. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING .............................................................................................................. 5  PROJECT SETTING ................................................................................................................................ 5  GEOLOGY, PHYSIOGRAPHY, SOILS, AND HYDROLOGY ............................................................ 5  MODERN CLIMATE .............................................................................................................................. 5  FLORA AND FAUNA ............................................................................................................................. 8  3. CULTURAL BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................. 11  PRECONTACT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................ 11  Paleoindian Period (ca. 10,500–8000 B.C.) ....................................................................................... 11  Archaic Period (ca. 8000–1000 B.C.) ................................................................................................ 12  Woodland Period (ca. 1000 B.C.–A.D. 1000) .................................................................................... 15  Mississippian Period (ca. A.D. 1000–1540)....................................................................................... 18  HISTORIC CHEROKEE OCCUPATIONS ........................................................................................... 18  Pre-Removal Cherokee Occupations ................................................................................................ 19  Eighteenth through Twentieth Century Cherokee Settlements ......................................................... 20  POST-CONTACT PERIOD OVERVIEW ............................................................................................. 22  PREVIOUS ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH ................................................................................. 23  4. RESEARCH GOALS AND METHODS ............................................................................................... 25  RESEARCH GOALS ............................................................................................................................. 25  RESEARCH METHODS ....................................................................................................................... 25  Background Research ........................................................................................................................ 25  Field Methods.................................................................................................................................... 25  Laboratory Methods and Curation .................................................................................................... 25  NRHP Eligibility Evaluation ............................................................................................................. 26  5. RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................... 29  BACKGROUND RESEARCH ............................................................................................................... 29  Previously Identified Resources ........................................................................................................ 29  Historic Map and Land Records Review .......................................................................................... 29  ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELD SURVEY .............................................................................................. 34 31TV1101 ......................................................................................................................................... 34 31TV1102 ......................................................................................................................................... 39 BREVARD WATER TREATMENT FACILITY DAM ........................................................................ 42 6. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................... 45 REFERENCES CITED ............................................................................................................................... 47  APPENDIX 1: ARTIFACT CATALOG vi This page intentionally left blank. vii FIGURES 1.1. Location of the Catheys Creek Project in Transylvania County, North Carolina ............................... 2 1.2. Location of the Catheys Creek Project study area .............................................................................. 3 2.1. Wooded but relatively open terrace along west side of Kuykendall Creek, facing west .................... 6 2.2. Low lying but level terrace at southeastern edge of study area, facing west ..................................... 6 2.3. Upper terrace in background above the confluence of Catheys and Kuykendall creeks, facing northwest .................................................................................................................................. 7 2.4. Heavily scoured area along Catheys Creek at the western edge of study area, facing southwest ...... 7 2.5. Small, marked ephemeral drainage cutting across center of study area, facing north with Catheys Creek Road in background .................................................................................................................. 8 5.1. The approximate project location as shown on the 1808 Price and Strother map of North Carolina ................................................................................................................................... 30 5.2. The approximate project location as shown on the 1905 USGS Pisgah quadrangle ......................... 31 5.3. The approximate project location as shown on the 1906 Transylvania County soils map ............... 31 5.4. The approximate project location as shown on the 1935 USGS Rosman quadrangle ...................... 32 5.5. The approximate project location as shown on the 1946 USGS Rosman quadrangle ...................... 32 5.6. The approximate project location as shown on the 1945/71 USGS Rosman quadrangle ................ 33 5.7. The approximate project location as shown on the 1997 USGS Rosman quadrangle ...................... 33 5.8. The Catheys Creek project area and sites 31TV1101 and 31TV1102 .............................................. 35 5.9. Shovel tests excavated and sites recorded in the Catheys Creek study area ..................................... 36 5.10. Map of sites 31TV1101 and 31TV1102 ............................................................................................ 37 5.11. Overview of Shovel Test 3 at site 31TV1101, facing west .............................................................. 38 5.12. Shovel Test 3 at site 31TV1101 profile photograph ......................................................................... 38 5.13. Shovel Test 3 at site 31TV1101 profile drawing ............................................................................. 39 5.14. Overview of 31TV1102, four positive shovel tests flagged, facing northeast ................................. 40 5.15. Shovel Test 14 at site 31TV1102 profile photograph ...................................................................... 41 5.16. Shovel Test 14 at site 31TV1102 profile drawing ............................................................................ 41 5.17. Selected artifacts from 31TV1102 .................................................................................................... 42 5.18. Dam at the Brevard Water Treatment Facility, facing southwest ..................................................... 43 5.19. Dam at the Brevard Water Treatment Facility, facing south ............................................................ 43 5.20. Dam at the Brevard Water Treatment Facility, facing south ........................................................... 44 5.21. 1982 sketch of dam at the Brevard Water Treatment Facility .......................................................... 44 viii This page intentionally left blank. ix TABLES 3.1. Generalized Cultural Chronology for Western North Carolina through 1838 .................................... 11 5.1. Previously Recorded Sites within One Mile of the Catheys Creek Study Area ................................. 29 5.2. Archaeological Resources Identified during the Survey ..................................................................... 34 x This page intentionally left blank. 1 1. INTRODUCTION TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) has completed an archaeological survey for the proposed Catheys Creek Stream Restoration Project in Pisgah Ranger District of Pisgah National Forest in Transylvania County, North Carolina (Figures 1.1 and 1.2). The work was conducted on behalf of The Resource Institute. The study area includes approximately three acres situated on Pisgah National Forest and located between Catheys Creek and Catheys Creek Road (SR 1338 and FS 471), starting just upstream from the City of Brevard’s Catheys Creek Water Treatment Facility and extending west past the confluence of Kuykendall Creek and Catheys Creek, as well as limited areas to the north situated between Kuykendall Creek and Kuykendall Creek Road and extending 50 feet east of Kuykendall Creek. In addition to the archaeological survey, the existing dam at the Water Treatment Facility was documented and evaluated. No survey was conducted on the limited part of the project area located south of Catheys Creek outside Pisgah National Forest. This study was conducted to produce information on the presence and location of any significant cultural resources within the project corridors to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and so that the information could be considered for planning purposes. The survey satisfies the survey requirements of the National Forests in North Carolina (NFsNC), as well as those specified in the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology’s (OSA) Archaeological Investigation Standards and Guidelines (December 2017). The fieldwork was conducted on December 31, 2018 and January 2, 2019 under the direction of Michael Nelson and required approximately 4.5 person-days. The remainder of this report documents the results of the research and is organized as follows. Chapter 2 provides information on the natural environment, and Chapter 3 presents a summary of the regional culture history. Chapter 4 specifies the research goals and methods, and the results of the background research and the field survey are presented in Chapter 5. The conclusions and recommendations are provided in Chapter 6, which is followed by a list of references cited in the text. Appendix 1 contains the artifact catalog. 2 Figure 1.1. Location of the Catheys Creek Project in Transylvania County, North Carolina. 3 Figure 1.2. Location of the Catheys Creek Project Area. 4 This page intentionally left blank. 5 2. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING PROJECT SETTING The Catheys Creek project area is in the Pisgah Ranger District of Pisgah National Forest in Transylvania County, North Carolina. The project is situated approximately halfway between Brevard (7.0 miles to the east) and Rosman (6.5 miles to the west) off Forest Service Road 471 (Catheys Creek Road) near the Kuykendall Group Campground trailhead. The project area includes approximately three acres along Catheys and Kuykendall creeks. The survey area is located on densely wooded upper and lower terraces with moderate to thick understory. Much of the lower terraces along the southern end of Catheys Creek and the east side of Kuykendall Creek are marked by low lying hydric areas, small drainages, and berms, while the northern end along Catheys Creek, south of the confluence with Kuykendall Creek, is heavily scoured. Small upper terraces are located along the west side of Kuykendall Creek and along Catheys Creek, northwest of the confluence with Kuykendall Creek (Figures 2.1–2.5). GEOLOGY, PHYSIOGRAPHY, SOILS, AND HYDROLOGY The Catheys Creek project area is located within the eastern edge of the southern section of the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province, within the Blue Ridge geologic belts, which are separated by the Brevard Fault (NCGS 1985). The project area is underlain by sedimentary and metamorphic rocks of the Ashe Metamorphic Suite and Tallulah Falls Formation, which are described as locally sulfidic, interlayered and gradational, with mica schist, minor amphibolite, and hornblende gneiss. Elevations in Transylvania County range from 6,043 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) at Chestnut Bald in the north to as low as 1,265 feet AMSL where the Toxaway River enters South Carolina (Sharpe 1965:2094). The portion of the project area along Catheys Creek is relatively flat and ranges from 2,243–2,257 feet AMSL in elevation. Soils over most of the project area are mapped as Dellwood-Reddies complex, 0–3 percent slopes, occasionally flooded; these soils are described as moderately well-drained sandy and gravelly alluvium. The rest of the project area, a small area on the east side of Kuykendall Creek at the northern end of the study area, is mapped as Chestnut-Edneyville complex 30–50 percent slopes, stony (USDA NRCS 2019). The drainage patterns of Transylvania County are counterintuitive. Streams in the eastern part of the county drain into the Gulf of Mexico, and those in the western part drain east into the Atlantic Ocean. Like most of Transylvania County, the proposed project area lies within the French Broad River Basin (King et al. 1974). The project area drains to Catheys Creek, which flows southeast for approximately two miles to its confluence with the French Broad River. The French Broad then follows a northerly route through the eastern portion of Transylvania County and flows north past Asheville before turning west into Tennessee and joining the Holston River to form the Tennessee River. The Tennessee River continues westward to its confluence with the Mississippi River and eventually drains into the Gulf of Mexico. MODERN CLIMATE The variable modern climate of Transylvania County reflects the wide range in elevation and differential exposure to prevailing winds (King et al. 1974:67–69). The climate generally is characterized by cool, relatively short summers and wet, occasionally cold winters. The county averages 159 frost-free days each year (Sharpe 1965:2120). As recorded in Brevard and the Pisgah National Forest (at elevations between 2,100 and 2,200 feet), average maximum summer temperature is about 82° F, with winter temperatures averaging a maximum of 54° F. Thermal belts on intermediate mountain sides may escape many freezing 6 Figure 2.1. Wooded but relatively open terrace along west side of Kuykendall Creek, facing west. Figure 2.2. Low lying but level terrace at southeastern edge of study area, facing west. 7 Figure 2.3. Upper terrace in background above the confluence of Catheys and Kuykendall creeks, facing northwest. Figure 2.4. Heavily scoured area along Catheys Creek at the western edge of study area, facing southwest. 8 Figure 2.5. Small, marked ephemeral drainage cutting across center of study area, facing north with Catheys Creek Road in background. episodes that impact other areas at similar elevations. Most precipitation occurs in the form of rainfall (July is the wettest on average), and summer thunderstorms can be quite severe. Yearly precipitation averages 60–80 inches; because of the collision of the flow of air from the Gulf of Mexico with the Blue Ridge escarpment, rainfall totals for Transylvania County are the highest in the United States east of the Pacific Northwest (Tinsley 1988). FLORA AND FAUNA The study area is situated in the Southern Crystalline Ridges and Mountains subdivision of the Blue Ridge ecoregion as defined by Griffith et al. (2002). This subdivision is dominated by mountains with gently rounded to steep slopes and narrow valleys covered in a mixed deciduous and evergreen forest. The project area also falls in Braun’s (1950) Southern Appalachians section of the Oak-Chestnut Forest region. Prior to the 1920s and the chestnut blight, chestnut (Castanea dentata) dominated the region, although such species as tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), ash (Fraxinus spp.), hemlock (Tsuga spp.), white basswood (Tilia spp.), buckeye (Aesculus spp.), oak (Quercus spp.), red maple (Acer rubrum), walnut (Juglans nigra), wild cherry (Prunus serotina), birch (Betula spp.), and beech (Fagus grandifolia) could be found in the valleys, coves, and along sheltered mountain slopes (Holmes 1911:38). Little or no primary forest vegetation remains in this section of the region due to the blight, logging, and other human activity (see Braun 1950:199). Presently, oak and pine (Pinus spp.) are the most common species, with red maple, locust (Gleditsia spp.), black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum), and dogwood (Cornus spp.) also common on the intermountain plateau (Orr and Stuart 2000:36–37). In addition to arboreal species, the regional forests supported a variety of undergrowth species. The latter included several varieties of edible berries, such as blackberries and raspberries (Rubus spp.) and huckleberries (Gaylussacia spp.), as well as rivercane and numerous other species used for tools, food, and 9 medicinal purposes by both the Cherokee and later Euro-American settlers (Cozzo 2004; Mooney and Olbrechts 1932; Oliver 1989:29). The varied forests in the area would have supported a substantial and diverse fauna during and prior to Euro-American settlement. Potential game species include white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), black bear (Ursus americanus), elk (Cervus elaphus), raccoon (Procyon lotor), opossum (Didelphis marsupialis), gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), and fox squirrel (Sciurus niger). Other species present included beaver (Castor canadensis), gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), otter (Lutra canadensis), muskrat (Ondatra zibethica), mink (Mustela vison), wolf (Canis sp.), panther or mountain lion (Felis concolor), and bobcat (Lynx rufus) (Shelford 1963). Avian species of possible economic importance included turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) and smaller species; other species may have been valuable non-food resources as well. The local rivers would have provided a variety of fish, including catfish (Ictaluridae), sunfish (Centrarchidae), largemouth (Micropterus salmoides) and smallmouth (Micropterus dolomieui) bass, and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) (Altman 2006:Appendix 4). 10 This page intentionally left blank. 11 3. CULTURAL BACKGROUND PRECONTACT OVERVIEW This chapter presents an overview of the precontact occupations of Transylvania County and western North Carolina. Much of the earlier part of the cultural sequence for the region is based on Coe’s (1964) investigations of the precontact cultures of North Carolina, coupled with later research elsewhere in North Carolina (e.g., Daniel 1998) and across the mountains in Tennessee (e.g., Davis 1990; Kimball 1985). Information on the later precontact and contact period Cherokee occupations of western North Carolina is derived from a variety of sources, including Dickens (1976), Keel (1976), Purrington (1983), Riggs (1988, 1996, 1999); Riggs and Rodning (2002), Rodning (2004), Steere (2013), Ward and Davis (1999), and Wetmore (2002). Other data come from recent Cultural Resource Management (CRM) reports for projects in western North Carolina (e.g., Benyshek and Webb 2008, 2009b; Bissett et al. 2009; Idol 2016, 2017; Shumate and Kimball 2016). The precontact history of western North Carolina can be divided into four basic time and cultural periods— Paleoindian, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian—that relate to both social and technological factors. Several authors (e.g., Dickens 1976:10; Keel 1976:18; Riggs and Rodning 2002; Ward and Davis 1999; Wetmore 2002) divide these periods into phases, some of which overlap in time and name, but vary in precise definition (Table 3.1). Table 3.1. Generalized Cultural Chronology for Western North Carolina through 1838. Period Phase Chronology Historic Cherokee Late Qualla A.D. 1700–1838 Protohistoric Middle Qualla A.D. 1500–1700 Mississippian Early Qualla A.D. 1400–1500 Late Pisgah* A.D. 1200–1400 Early Pisgah* A.D. 1000–1200 Late Woodland Undefined (Napier/Woodstock?) A.D. 800–1000 Undefined (Late Swift Creek/Cane Creek) A.D. 600–800 Middle Woodland Connestee A.D. 200–600  Pigeon 200 B.C. – A.D. 200 Early Woodland Swannanoa 1000?–200 B.C. Late Archaic Otarre 1500–1000 B.C. Savannah River 3000–1500 B.C. Middle Archaic Guilford 4000–3000 B.C. Morrow Mountain 6000–4000 B.C. Stanly 6000–5500 B.C. Early Archaic LeCroy 7000–6000 B.C. Kirk/Palmer 7500–7000 B.C.  Big Sandy 8000–7500 B.C. Paleoindian Undefined (Hardaway-Dalton?) 9000–8000 B.C. Clovis 10,500–9000 B.C. Pre-Paleoindian Undifferentiated Unknown  represents overlap into a later period. *The Hiwassee and upper Little Tennessee valleys contain Early and Middle Mississippian ceramic types that are more closely related to the Woodstock, Etowah, and Savannah cultural sequence of northern Georgia (see Benyshek and Webb 2009b; Riggs and Kimball 1996). Paleoindian Period (ca. 10,500–8000 B.C.) The earliest broadly acknowledged human presence in the continental United States dates to approximately 12,500 B.P. during the Paleoindian period. The most well-known cultural manifestation of this occupation is called Clovis, which is represented by distinctive, fluted projectile points that have been found over a wide geographic area in the United States. There is also an increasing number of sites that indicate (if not conclusively demonstrate) a pre-Clovis occupation in the Americas, however; these include Meadowcroft 12 Rockshelter in Pennsylvania (Adovasio et al. 1990, 1999); Saltville in Virginia (McDonald 2000; Weisner 1996); Cactus Hill in Virginia (McAvoy and McAvoy 1997); Topper in South Carolina (Goodyear and Steffy 2003); and the Sloth Hole and Page-Ladson sites in Jefferson County, Florida (Dunbar 2002, 2006; Hemmings 1999, 2004). Although none of those sites is without controversy, those and other sites (e.g., Monte Verde in Chile [Meltzer et al. 1997]) have forced archaeologists to revisit their models for how and when people first arrived in the Americas (e.g., Anderson and Gillam 2000). Most researchers accept that the human occupation of North America began with a migration of people from Asia across the Bering land bridge, which would have been exposed from 20,000 B.P. to perhaps as late as 10,000 B.P. due to lower sea levels associated with the Last Glacial Maximum (Anderson and Gillam 2000; Dixon 1999, 2001; Fladmark 1979; Hoffecker et al. 1993:48; Meltzer 1988, 2004; Smith 1986). Once in North America, the method and timing of migration south into the Americas remain issues of debate. Some researchers have argued that an ice-free corridor allowed for movement into the interior of the continent sometime after 11,000 B.P. (e.g., Haynes 1966, 1969, 1971), while others have suggested that early settlers, once having occupied Beringia, followed a coastal route to colonize the Americas (e.g., Dixon 1999; Faught 2008; Fiedel 2000; Fladmark 1979). Based on a study of Paleoindian settlement patterns, Anderson and Gillam (2000:43) have developed a comprehensive model concerning the colonization of the Western Hemisphere. The study analyzed paths at a continental scale, to determine which routes would have afforded the least cost to traveling hunter- gatherers. Factors in the model included topographic relief, locations of ice sheets and pluvial lakes, and the location of known Paleoindian archaeological sites. The findings suggest that initial dispersal occurred in coastal and riverine settings and on plains, and that founding populations probably spread and diversified rapidly. The model also implies that now-submerged portions of the continental shelf may have been important for early dispersal, whether by foot or by boat. In eastern North America, this is reflected in the distribution of sites along the Atlantic Coastal Plain and the paucity of sites in the Appalachian Mountains, which were a barrier to mobility. Diagnostic Paleoindian artifacts include fluted and unfluted lanceolate projectile points (such as Clovis and Cumberland points); flake tools such as endscrapers, gravers, retouched blades, and burins are also found. Almost all the Paleoindian materials found in the Southeast have come from surface contexts, and as a result few data are available concerning regional subsistence or social organization (Anderson 1990). Hunting of late Pleistocene megafauna is inferred based on evidence from other areas, although direct evidence for use of animals of any kind is rare in the region. Most, if not all, Paleoindian populations probably relied extensively on other animal and plant foods as well (Meltzer and Smith 1986). Paleoindian populations were generally highly mobile, and settlements are thought to have included small temporary camps and less common base camps that were occupied by loosely organized bands. Paleoindians selected high-quality lithic materials for tools, and many sites are linked to important source areas. Paleoindian projectile points are relatively rare in the North Carolina mountains, reflecting their scarcity in the Appalachians as a whole, although a compilation of data on known fluted points from North Carolina revealed several examples from the region (Daniel 2005). The later Paleoindian phase appears to include Dalton (Goodyear 1982) and perhaps Hardaway (Ward 1983) points and related cultures, although both types of artifacts are very rare in the region (Purrington 1983). Archaic Period (ca. 8000–1000 B.C.) The Archaic period began with the onset of Holocene, post-glacial climatic conditions in the East and has been subdivided into Early, Middle, and Late subperiods. Diagnostic projectile points are the primary criteria used to identify and date Archaic manifestations. The Archaic may be seen as a relatively long and successful foraging adaptation, with subsistence based on hunting, fishing, and the collection of wild plant 13 resources. The period is also marked by a general increase in the density and dispersal of archaeological remains, more regionally-distinct tool forms, and the increased use of locally available lithic raw materials. Group size gradually increased during this period, culminating in larger populations by the end of the period. While Archaic groups no doubt used a variety of materials to fashion utilitarian and other items, lithic artifacts are all that remain on most sites in the Southeast due to the lack of preservation in acidic soils. Architectural evidence is rare, suggesting that most structures were not substantial constructions. An increasing number of Archaic sites have been the focus of intensive excavation in the North Carolina mountains (Benyshek and Webb, i.p.; Bissett et al. 2009; Idol 2016; Jorgenson et al. 2017; Purrington 1981; Shumate and Kimball 2016), and others have been investigated in the Tellico area of eastern Tennessee (e.g. Chapman 1981) and in the North Carolina Piedmont (Claggett and Cable 1982; Coe 1964). Early Archaic (ca. 8000–6000 B.C.). During the Early Archaic period, the mixed coniferous forests present in much of the Southeast were replaced by mixed hardwood communities dominated by oak, hemlock, beech, and maple (Claggett and Cable 1982:212), and a modern faunal assemblage was in place following the extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna. Diagnostic markers of the Early Archaic period in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee include side-notched Big Sandy projectile points and later Palmer- Kirk projectile points (ca. 8000–6800 B.C.). Palmer-Kirk projectile points are fairly common and widespread occurrences in the area, but are sparse compared to Middle and Late Archaic types. Bifurcate- based points such as the St. Albans, LeCroy, and Kanawha types (ca. 6900–5800 B.C.) are also found (Kimball 1985). Although these appear to occur more rarely in the mountains than Kirk forms (Kimball 1996; Stanyard 2003), a long-term survey of sites near Asheville (Henry 1992) documented more bifurcate- based points than Kirks, perhaps a reflection of the intensive survey coverage up a smaller tributary (Kimball 1996). Other tools that occur on Early Archaic sites include knives, adzes, end and side scrapers, drills, perforators, and expedient tools (Stanyard 2003). Low regional population densities and a continued high degree of group mobility are inferred for this subperiod in the mountains, where most known sites are located in high upland areas, and over 90 percent of projectile points found are of non-local chert (Bass 1975); it is also possible, however, that site burial in the floodplains could be largely masking Early Archaic period use of these landforms (see Benyshek and Webb 2004; Kimball 1991). The nature of more general land use patterns and strategies for technological organization remain the subjects of discussion. To the west in Tennessee, Kimball (1996) has proposed an ongoing change from logistical (relatively more permanent base camps from which a variety of other satellite camps and specialized use sites were accessed) to residential (wholesale moving frequently within zones to map onto resources) mobility patterns during the later Early Archaic period, perhaps as a result of the first signs of warming climatic conditions. Kimball (1996:173) notes that settlement patterns (and thus perhaps foraging strategies) for bifurcate and Kirk groups were different, with more bifurcate sites found on T1 terraces and islands compared to Kirk sites, which are more dispersed on various landforms, suggesting a change in foraging strategy in the later Early Archaic. Middle Archaic (ca. 6000–4000 B.C.). During the Middle Archaic, the cool, moist conditions of the early Holocene are generally considered to have given way to the warmer, drier climate of the Mid-Holocene Hypsithermal interval, although there is increasing evidence that the Mountains may have seen increased rainfall during this period (e.g., Leigh 2002; Leigh and Webb 2006). Extensive estuarine marshes and riverine swamps began to emerge in coastal regions as sea levels ceased their post-Pleistocene rise by 3000 B.C. The northern hardwoods vegetation matrix in those regions was replaced by an oak-hickory forest, which was in turn replaced by a southern hardwoods-pine forest characterized by the species occupying the region today (Claggett and Cable 1982:212–216; Delcourt and Delcourt 1983, 1985). Subsistence economies became increasingly diversified, particularly evident in the Mid-South and lower Midwest during the Shell Mound Archaic, where riverine settings were chosen more often for occupation (Sassaman 1996). 14 The Middle Archaic witnessed the first substantial occupation of the Smoky Mountains (Bass 1975:109) and presumably of western North Carolina in general. Site file data indicate a marked increase in site numbers from the Early to the Middle Archaic in the Carolinas and Georgia (Anderson 1996), and Morrow Mountain projectile points increase markedly in frequency when compared to earlier types in western North Carolina (Leftwich 1999). Three subperiods recognized in most of North Carolina are identified by the presence of Stanly (ca. 6000–5000 B.C.), Morrow Mountain (ca. 5000–4200 B.C.), and Guilford (ca. 4200– 3500 B.C.) projectile points, following the classic Archaic sequence first identified by Coe (1964), although more recent research demonstrates that additional projectile point forms were used as well (Shumate and Kimball 2016). Archaeologically, the transition from the Early Archaic to the Middle Archaic is characterized by the appearance of stemmed rather than notched projectile points and an increased incidence of groundstone tools. Reliance on locally available quartz and quartzite rather than higher quality non-local chert for stone tools increased in the Appalachian Summit as well as other parts of North Carolina, northern Georgia, and South Carolina. A state-wide distribution study shows that over 77 percent of Middle Archaic projectile points from Mountain counties are made of quartz (McReynolds 2005:23). Atlatl weights make their first appearance in the archaeological record during the Middle Archaic, as do stone net sinkers. The use of a more expedient stone tool technology (see Binford 1977, 1979) predominates during the Middle Archaic (Stanyard 2003). Based on studies in South Carolina, researchers have suggested that Morrow Mountain peoples were foragers who resided at a location until local resources were depleted (Blanton and Sassaman 1989; Sassaman 1983). This idea is consistent with an archaeological pattern characterized by local raw material utilization, the wide distribution of sites in various landscape settings and their small size, the lack of evidence for long-term occupations, and the absence of discernible substantial trade networks (Stanyard 2003:48–49). Morrow Mountain sites are frequently encountered in the uplands of western North Carolina (e.g., Purrington 1981), on smaller drainages (Yu 2001), and in floodplains of major rivers, and are sometimes buried (e.g., Benyshek and Webb 2004). Bass (1975) found that half of the Middle Archaic sites he analyzed were in the uplands, with the others in valleys and coves. Late Archaic (ca. 4000–1000 B.C.). Late Archaic sites are common in western North Carolina as elsewhere in the lower Southeast, suggesting region-wide population increase from the Middle Archaic (Anderson 1996). Late Archaic sites in a wide range of environmental zones, although most major settlements were in riverine or estuarine settings (Bass 1975; Ward 1983). The existence of formal base camps occupied seasonally or longer is inferred, together with a range of smaller resource-exploitation sites, such as hunting, fishing, or plant collecting stations (Claggett and Cable 1982; Ward 1983). Many Late Archaic sites in the Smoky Mountains appear to be situated near quartzite sources (Bass 1975:77; Shumate and Kimball 2016). Grinding implements, polished stone tools, and carved soapstone bowls became fairly common, suggesting increased use of plant resources, and possibly changes in subsistence strategies and cooking technologies. Although regional evidence is minimal, the first experiments with horticulture probably occurred at this time, with the cultivation of plants such as squash (Cucurbita pepo), sunflower (Helianthus sp.), and Chenopodium (Cowan 1985; Ford 1981; Smith 1989). Soapstone vessels appear to have been most widely used in the eastern United States between 1800 to 1000 B.C. (associated dates range from ca. 4000 B.C. to ca. A.D. 0) (Truncer 2004:505–506). The scarcity of earlier dates and wide gaps in geographical distribution suggest that soapstone bowl manufacture occurred continuously at “low levels of production,” or was adopted and then discontinued in some areas (Truncer 2004:497). Although soapstone vessel use appears to have preceded ceramic vessel use in some areas, in the central Savannah River valley, South Carolina, and northeastern Florida, use of soapstone slabs and pottery precedes soapstone vessel use by up to 1000 years (Elliott et al. 1994; Sassaman 1997; Stanyard 2003:54). Soapstone vessels were apparently used for cooking certain plant or animal foods over a direct heat source (e.g., Kroeber 1925:527) and may not have afforded any advantage over alternative cooking methods. 15 Another innovation in Late Archaic cooking technology was the use of drilled or perforated soapstone slabs, presumably for use in stone boiling (Anderson et al. 1979; Dagenhardt 1972; Elliott 1981; Trinkley 1974; Wood et al. 1986). These artifacts are abundant at some Late Archaic sites in the Savannah River and Oconee valleys in the Georgia and South Carolina Piedmont to the Fall Zone (Claflin 1931:32; Elliott 1981; Wood et al. 1986), but appear rarely in North Carolina (e.g., Bissett et al. 2009; Idol 2016). Late Archaic occupations in the Appalachian Summit region are marked by a variety of large- to small- stemmed points. The most prominent and recognizable of these is the Savannah River stemmed, a large, broad-bladed, square stemmed point that appeared ca. 3000 B.C. and lasted to ca. 1500 B.C. Subsequent Late Archaic sites frequently contain slightly smaller stemmed points of the Iddins Undifferentiated stemmed or, perhaps, the Otarre stemmed type (Ward and Davis 1999:71), although these general forms were produced during the Middle Archaic and Early Woodland periods as well and may not be exclusive to the Late Archaic period (Larry Kimball, personal communication 2010). Size reduction of stemmed forms is indicated over the course of the Late Archaic to Early Woodland periods in the region, however (Oliver 1981, 1985). The most common feature type during the Late Archaic is a shallow, rock-filled pit (Chapman 1981; Keel 1976). Toward the end of the Late Archaic, fiber tempered pottery appeared in the coastal regions (Sassaman 1993); although such pottery was found at the Ravensford site in Swain County (Benyshek and Webb 2017), it is a rare occurrence in the Appalachian Summit. There is increased evidence for trade during the Late Archaic period, as indicated by the presence of soapstone, slate, and other materials outside their source areas (Chapman 1985). Woodland Period (ca. 1000 B.C.–A.D. 1000) The Woodland period began as early as 1000 B.C. and continued until the appearance of the Mississippian adaptation around A.D. 1000. Across the eastern Woodlands, the period is marked by the appearance of widespread pottery use, a greatly increased role for horticulture in subsistence economies, and an elaboration of mortuary ceremonialism, including the appearance of burial mounds. Early Woodland (ca. 1000–200 B.C.). Initial Woodland occupations are generally thought to reflect a largely unchanged continuation of Late Archaic lifeways coupled with the first widespread introduction of ceramics. The earliest Early Woodland manifestation in the project area is the Swannanoa phase, which dates ca. 1000–200 B.C. Regional radiocarbon dates for Swannanoa materials include a corrected, uncalibrated date of 2130±40 B.P. (representing a 2-sigma range of 260–100 B.C.) (Benyshek and Webb 2006) and a corrected, uncalibrated date of 2435±25 B.P. (representing a 2-sigma range of 535–435 B.C.) (Benyshek and Webb 2009a). The hallmark of the Early Woodland is distinctive thick, crushed quartz or coarse sand tempered fabric impressed ceramics; cordmarked, plain, check stamped, and simple stamped wares are also thought to date to late in the Early Woodland period (Keel 1976:260–266; Ward and Davis 1999:140–143; Wetmore 2002:254–257). Vessel forms consist of unrestricted conical pots and simple bowls. Eastern Tennessee’s Watts Bar and northern Georgia’s Kellogg phases are similar stylistically to Swannanoa materials, as are Vinette ceramics from as far away as eastern New York (Ward and Davis 1999:142). Early Woodland projectile points consist of smaller stemmed points, the terminal expressions of the large stemmed point tradition, along with large triangular varieties. The latter include the Transylvania and Garden Creek types, which are morphologically equivalent to Badin and Yadkin Piedmont types (Keel 1976; Oliver 1985). Although Swannanoa phase site distributions have not been thoroughly documented, it is apparent that the settlement pattern included large floodplain sites along with numerous small upland extractive camps. Direct evidence is lacking at present, but it seems likely that the Early Woodland inhabitants of the region were engaged in at least some degree of horticulture (Ward and Davis 1999:145). Based on evidence at Phipps Bend in eastern Tennessee, deer, elk, and turkey were the animals primarily 16 hunted (Lafferty 1981). To date, no well-defined Early Woodland structure patterns have been identified in the region. Middle Woodland (ca. 200 B.C.–A.D. 600). The Middle Woodland period in western North Carolina is divided into an earlier Pigeon phase (ca. 200 B.C.–A.D. 200) and a later Connestee phase (ca. A.D. 200– 600), each associated with distinct ceramic styles. Because it has proved difficult to isolate Pigeon phase components for study, relatively little is known about the cultural developments that occurred during this period (Ward and Davis 1999:146). Much more is known about the lifeways, architecture, and subsistence practices of the subsequent Connestee phase. The Connestee phase is characterized by mound construction and intensified long-distance trade, and it is apparent that some western North Carolina groups participated in the Hopewell exchange network (Chapman and Keel 1979; Keel 1976:157; Wetmore 2002:263; Wright 2013) in which raw materials and finished artifacts were traded over vast areas of eastern North America (Brose and Greber 1979; Seeman 1979). Regional sites with Middle Woodland components that have been the focus of intensive investigations include Garden Creek in Haywood County (Keel 1976; Wright 2013), Biltmore Mound in Buncombe County (Kimball and Shumate 2003; Kimball et al. 2004), Ela in Swain County (Wetmore 1989), Harshaw Bottom in Cherokee County (Robinson 1989), Tuckasegee in Jackson County (Keel 1976), the Tyler-Loughridge site in McDowell County (Robinson 1996), the Cherokee EMS site in Swain County (Benyshek 2007), the Bent Creek site in Buncombe County (Shumate and Kimball 2006), the Macon County Airport site (Benyshek and Webb 2009a), and the Icehouse Bottom site in Monroe County in eastern Tennessee (Chapman 1973; Cridlebaugh 1981). Bass (1975:81) reports that while over 50 percent of Middle Woodland sites in his sample occurred on the floodplain, 40 percent were located above the valley in coves and on benches. Numerous large and small sites dating to this period have been found, suggesting periodic aggregation and dispersion or some kind of settlement dichotomy. By Connestee times, however, sites have been demonstrated to occur most often in the floodplains, and a higher percentage are present on the first rise above the river than in the preceding Pigeon or Swannanoa phases (Wetmore et al. 2000). Horticulture is believed to have become increasingly important during this period, although mast resources remain the most visible dietary contributor. Possible late Middle Woodland cultigens in the region include maygrass, little barley, sumpweed, maize (Zea mays), squash, and perhaps Chenopodium (Benyshek 2007; Chapman and Crites 1987; Crites 2004; Robinson 1989). Evidence for the use of animal resources is scarce from Middle Woodland sites in the area, save Biltmore Mound where preservation is excellent. Faunal information from the Connestee phase mound area may not be representative of overall diet and utilization due to the probable ceremonial activities including feasting that took place there, but no information is available from the associated village to date. The assemblage is dominated by terrestrial species (white- tailed deer, turkey, box turtle, raccoon, squirrel), with aquatic resources (fish, mussels) used much less frequently (Whyte 2004). Diagnostic early Middle Woodland ceramics in western North Carolina include the Pigeon series, which Keel (1976:256–260) defines as including check stamped, simple stamped, plain, brushed, and complicated stamped varieties with crushed quartz temper. Vessel forms include conical jars, hemispherical bowls, and tetrapodal and shouldered jars with flaring/everted rims. Pigeon ceramics are relatively common in the region but are generally found in mixed contexts (Ward and Davis 1999:146), perhaps indicative of stable populations inhabiting the same areas for long periods of time. Subsequent Middle Woodland ceramics consist of the Connestee series, which are generally thinner, sand tempered wares most often plain or decorated with simple stamped, cordmarked, or brushed surfaces. Crushed quartz temper was added in small amounts. Fabric impressed and check stamped sherds are also included in the series. Plain necks are characteristic, with punctated shoulders rarely occurring (Keel 1976:247–255). Swift Creek ceramics are sometimes found as a minority ware on Middle Woodland sites 17 in the area (Keel 1976:71; Kimball and Shumate 2003; Robinson 1989). Also found, but extremely rare, are Ohio Hopewellian ceramics (both non-local manufacture and locally made copies) and figurines (Keel 1976:118–119; 120–123; Kimball and Shumate 2003). Lithic artifacts characteristic of the late Middle Woodland include large triangular and side-notched projectile points (Garden Creek and Connestee triangulars, Pigeon side notched), bar gorgets, and a prismatic blade and polyhedral core technology that was probably ultimately derived from the Hopewellian Midwest (Chapman and Keel 1979:157). Copper is also found on Middle Woodland sites in the area but is rare (Chapman and Keel 1979; Setzler and Jennings 1941). Connestee phase populations engaged in mound building, evidenced by such substructure mounds as Garden Creek No. 2 and the Biltmore Mound, and interacted with Hopewellian populations in the Midwest and elsewhere (Keel 1976; Kimball and Shumate 2003; Ward and Davis 1999:151–153; Wright 2013). Connestee series sherds are present on some Hopewellian sites, and small numbers of Hopewellian ceramics and bladelets made of chalcedony from Flint Ridge in Ohio are present at the Garden Creek site, at the Biltmore Mound site, and at Icehouse Bottom (Chapman 1973; Chapman and Keel 1979; Kimball and Shumate 2003; Moore 1984). Marine shell was also traded (Kimball et al. 2004). It has been hypothesized that western North Carolina was one source of the mica that was traded and used widely across the East during this period. Recent investigations at the Garden Creek site have recorded two subrectangular enclosures similar to those found in Midwestern Adena and Hopewell contexts; these appear to result from earlier ritual use of the site and further illustrate the extent of the socio-economic ties developed between local and non-local populations during the Middle Woodland period (Wright 2013). Architectural information has been limited, but at Garden Creek Mound No. 2, at the base of the premound layer, a square structure measuring approximately 6 m across was identified and was attributed to the Connestee occupation (Keel 1976:95, 99). At Ela, eight circular structures 7–8 m in diameter were identified as representative of Connestee phase constructions (Wetmore 1989, 1996, 2002). More recent excavations at the Macon County Airport and Old Elementary School sites have also uncovered Connestee structures, both circular and square to rectangular (Benyshek 2016; Benyshek and Webb 2009a, 2009b; Steere 2017). Late Woodland (ca. A.D. 600–1000). The Late Woodland subperiod in much of the Southeast saw the emergence of sedentary village life and intensive maize horticulture and the development of complex tribal and chiefdom-level political structures. Certainly, by A.D. 1000, many interior Southeastern groups were producing substantial amounts of corn, which continued into the Mississippian period when wild food resources were supplemental to cultivated ones (Scarry 2003:88–89). The Late Woodland in the Appalachian Summit has been described as largely invisible (Wetmore 2002), and a similar lack of recognition of distinctive Late Woodland components has been described in northern Georgia (Rudolph 1991). Part of the problem may be the lack of specific diagnostic artifacts useful for unequivocally identifying sites of this period (as plain sherds and small triangular projectile points can be difficult to qualify), but it is also possible that the Appalachian Summit region was more lightly populated during this time and small, dispersed sites were more typical (Rudolph 1991). Robinson et al. (1994, 1996) indicate that the Connestee phase lasted into the Late Woodland period based on work at several sites. One Late Woodland manifestation was identified by Keel and Egloff (1984) at the Cane Creek site in Mitchell County; the distinctive, largely plain-surfaced assemblage from that site is similar to Connestee wares and associated with a single radiocarbon date of 1340±90 B.P. (uncorrected). Similarly, an AMS date from a Buncombe County site (31BN943) produced multiple 2-sigma ranges of Cal A.D. 690 to 900 and A.D. 920 to 950 associated with sand tempered plain ceramics (Idol 2010). Scattered Napier and Late Swift Creek ceramics and sites (such as Cullowhee Valley School [31JK32] [Ashcraft 1996; Greene 1996:120–121; Moore 1992], Biltmore II [31BN175] [Hall and Baker 1993], 18 Ravensford [31SW78/136] [Benyshek personal communication 2016; Webb 2002; Wild 1994], Hominy Creek [31BN828] [Paré et al. 2007], Sneed [31JK466] [Benyshek 2008], and Boundary Tree [31SW494] [Idol 2011]) also occur in the region and reflect influences from the south during this period. A radiocarbon date obtained from Cullowhee Valley School compares those obtained from the Sneed site, which are calibrated at the 2-sigma level to A.D. 660–860 (Benyshek 2008) and to the one date from Boundary Tree (A.D. 654 to 769) (Idol 2011). Mid- to late 8th century dates obtained from 31SW136 in association with Napier and/or Late Swift Creek ceramics are also comparative (Benyshek and Webb 2017; Wild 1994). Rudolph (1991) suggests that increased regionalization of ceramic styles and site dispersal occurred during this period in northern Georgia, and this appears be the case for western North Carolina as well. Mississippian Period (ca. A.D. 1000–1540) The Mississippian period in the Southeast is marked by the increasing intensification of maize horticulture, the establishment of increasingly hierarchical social structures and settlement systems, and an increase in ceremonialism expressed architecturally in the construction of flat-topped substructure mounds. Increasing evidence exists that territorial boundaries between chiefdoms were closely maintained during the Mississippian period, although individual chiefdoms rose and fell in cyclical patterns. Studies of relations between native chiefdoms and Spanish expeditions suggest that some type of supra-chiefdom level organization was maintained through a system in which paramount chiefs traveled from fief to fief, displaying royal powers and prerogative and receiving gifts and tribute from subservient chiefdoms (Smith and Hally 1992). The Pisgah phase (ca. A.D. 1000–1400) corresponds with the early centuries of the Mississippian period in at least parts of western North Carolina (Dickens 1976:13–14); sites with Etowah phase (ca. A.D. 1100– 1300) components also are present in the Hiwassee River valley (Riggs and Kimball 1996) and in the upper Little Tennessee River valley (Benyshek and Webb 2009a, 2009b). Sites with high percentages of Pisgah pottery are found primarily in the eastern and central parts of the Appalachian Summit region and range from small sites such as Brunk (Moore 1981) to nucleated villages with substructure mounds such as Garden Creek (Ward and Davis 1999:160–161). Pisgah pottery is also found in the western part of the summit region as well, however, and into northern South Carolina, southwestern Virginia, and northeastern Tennessee (Dickens 1976). Diagnostic Pisgah artifacts include small triangular projectile points and distinctive rectilinear complicated stamped vessels with collared, punctated rims. Dickens (1976) suggests that finer-lined complicated stamping and lack of rim elaboration characterize the earlier portion of the phase, and such materials have been documented from the Brunk, Ravensford, and other sites (Benyshek and Webb 2017, Moore 1981; Jane Eastman, personal communication 2017). Corn and other crops were important sources of food, but floral and faunal remains document the persistence of wild resources as major components of the diet (Ward and Davis 1999:171). Warren Wilson is the most extensively explored Pisgah village to date, and work there over several field seasons documented at least seven palisade lines and 17 structures (Dickens 1976; Moore 2002; Ward 1986). Garden Creek Mound and Village also contains a Pisgah component, and the main mound (Mound No. 1) there was constructed during the Pisgah phase (Dickens 1976). HISTORIC CHEROKEE OCCUPATIONS The Qualla phase represents the final centuries of Native American autonomy in the region and reflects the close association between the Cherokees and the Appalachian Summit region. Although elements of the material culture, belief systems, place names, and social structure of Mississippian society lingered in the region well into the 19th century (and in some cases to the present day), the Qualla phase is largely one of social change due to increasing Euro-American intrusion and settlement. 19 The French Broad drainage lies east of the core area of known 17th and 18th century Cherokee settlement, which was located in the Blue Ridge Mountains to the west and southwest. The area was likely frequented by Cherokee hunters, however, and may have contained small settlements at various times as well. According to Mooney (1900:380–381), the French Broad lies west of a neutral area between the Cherokees and the Catawbas, which was bounded by the Catawba River on the east and the Broad River on the west (Mooney 1900:380–381). Pre-Removal Cherokee Occupations The first Euro-American intrusion into western North Carolina took place in 1540, when Hernando de Soto’s expedition passed through the area. Several different reconstructions of de Soto’s route have been proposed, with some early scholars (e.g., Swanton 1985:201–202) suggesting that he crossed Cherokee country by way of the Hiwassee valley. A later reconstruction (Hudson et al. 1984) proposed that de Soto crossed the Blue Ridge farther to the north at Swannanoa Gap and then continued along the French Broad River into Tennessee; more recently, Beck (1997) and Hudson (1997:193) agreed that the expedition probably followed a more northerly route along the Toe River. The route through the Swannanoa Gap may have been taken by Juan Pardo, however, who was a Spanish explorer who traversed much of the same area from 1567–1568 (Beck 1997:167; Hudson 1990:27–46, 1997:193). Whatever the precise routes of these explorers, it is clear that the ancestral Cherokees’ first encounter with Europeans occurred in the mid-16th century (and that the Spanish were unlikely to have traversed the present project area). These encounters were to have dramatic effects. The introduction of European diseases to which the native populations had little resistance caused a major reduction in Native American population levels and extensive changes in political organization. Elsewhere in the Southeast, the fragmentation and reformation of political groups resulted in a general decrease in social complexity and the total disappearance of some precontact societies (Smith 1987). But although substantial disruption occurred, the Cherokees managed to retain control of portions of their homeland. The historic-period Cherokee occupation of western North Carolina is known archaeologically as the Qualla phase (ca. A.D. 1450–1838). Although early formulations of the phase (Dickens 1976) divided it into two segments (Early Qualla, ca. A.D. 1450–1650; and Late Qualla, ca. A.D. 1650–1838), more recent analysts (Riggs and Rodning 2002; Rodning 2004, 2008; Ward and Davis 1999) suggest a tripartite division. Following this latter scheme, the early Qualla phase predates A.D. 1500, and thus was likely contemporaneous with at least the later part of the Pisgah occupations in the region. These authors suggest that Qualla represents an in situ development in the Upper Little Tennessee and Hiwassee basins and likely is not a direct derivative of the Pisgah phase. Early Qualla phase ceramics show affinities to the more southern Savannah and Wilbanks styles, and samples from Coweta Creek and 31SW291 are characterized by grit tempered, primarily rectilinear complicated stamped wares (Riggs and Rodning 2002:39), sometimes with “sawtooth” rims. Red filming also occurs (Rodning 2004). Pisgah collared and punctated rims are not an uncommon occurrence with these Early Qualla wares, however, and Early and Late Pisgah ceramics have been identified at Ravensford (Webb and Benyshek 2005). Domestic structure forms during the Early Qualla are the same as Late Pisgah forms (Benyshek and Webb 2008). Subsequent Middle Qualla phase (ca. A.D. 1500–1700) ceramics are characterized by jar forms with notched appliqué, or more often, folded and notched everted to flared rims, and also by the presence of carinated or cazuela bowls with incised designs. Curvilinear complicated stamping predominates, although rectilinear designs are also present (Rodning 2004). By the Late Qualla phase (post-A.D. 1700), some variations occurred; incised ceramics became much less common, while rectilinear stamped designs, rims with notched appliqué strips or fillets, and check stamping are more common in later, pre-Removal (pre-1838) assemblages. 20 The Qualla phase subsistence base was mixed, and included cultivation of corn, beans, and other foods as well as wild plant gathering, hunting, and fishing (Dickens 1976:14). The Late Qualla phase is marked by the increasing appearance of European goods at Cherokee sites. Although small triangular projectile points are found in Early and Middle Qualla phase assemblages, their manufacture (and most other stone tools) decreased rapidly with the increasing prevalence of European firearms after A.D. 1700 and widespread access to iron tools (Riggs 1999:52). During this time, Cherokee settlements became increasingly less nucleated, often appearing as a linear array of dispersed houses along streams, and agricultural fields were maintained closer to residential areas. European domesticated animals (especially pigs and chickens) and garden crops (notably sweet potatoes) were adopted by the mid-18th century. By this time and in the years after, traditional Cherokee life was increasingly disrupted by depopulation and demographic changes, and alterations to the traditional economies (Hatley 2006). Structure forms varied throughout the Qualla phase. Early Qualla phase structures documented at Ravensford include winter-type structures, rounded squares of rigid post construction typically constructed in basins with central support posts and wall trench entryways. These were accompanied by (but not closely paired with) square to rectangular houses of less regular construction that lacked central support posts and entryway trenches. These domestic structures generally mimic the patterns documented at a number of late precontact and contact period sites in the southern Appalachians (e.g., Hally 1988, 1994, 2008; Moore 2002; Polhemus 1987; Rodning 2009a; Steere 2017). A few rounder 15th-century domestic structures were encountered at Coweeta Creek (Rodning 2009a:13). Larger, rectangular structures of more substantial construction appear to represent contemporaneous public buildings at Ravensford (Benyshek and Webb 2009b). Middle Qualla phase architecture, known from the Coweeta Creek, Macon County Airport (MCA), and McCoy Bridge sites among others, was also similar to late Mississippian (and Early Qualla phase). Domestic structures are typically square with rounded corners and exhibit side or corner entrances and central hearths flanked by four central support posts (e.g., structures 3, 4, and 6 at Coweeta Creek) (Benyshek and Webb 2009b; Idol 2017; Rodning 2009a:11). At MCA these were associated with rectangular summer houses and storage facilities (Benyshek and Webb 2009b). Smaller auxiliary buildings that likely functioned as storehouses are present by the late 17th and early 18th centuries (Benyshek and Webb 2009b; Idol 2016; Shumate et al. 2005). By the end of the Middle Qualla phase (if not before), mounds associated with the cyclical demolishment and reconstruction of public townhouses were a prominent feature of many Cherokee villages and towns (Rodning 2002, 2009b). Contemporary domestic structures in part appear to have been modelled after the designs of the much larger townhouses (Rodning 2009a). By the end of the 17th century into the 18th century, rectangular summer houses were closely paired with and often connected to winter houses, which were typically octagonal (e.g., Benyshek and Webb 2008; Cable et al. 1997; Marcoux 2010; Shumate et al. 2005; Webb and Benyshek 2008). The late 18th century witnessed a shift toward more European-style architecture (Dickens 1976:15); a final shift from traditional post-in-ground architecture to horizontal cribbed log cabin construction occurred in the 1790s (Riggs 1999:515). Eighteenth through Twentieth Century Cherokee Settlements During most of the 18th century, the Cherokees were concentrated in towns and villages throughout much of present-day western North Carolina, eastern Tennessee, and portions of Georgia and South Carolina. The towns in western North Carolina were known as the Middle Towns, the Out Towns, and the Valley Towns; the Lower Towns were situated some distance to the south in upper South Carolina. The Middle and Valley Towns were located northwest of the project area, and the Overhill Towns lay to the west, across the mountains in Tennessee (Greene 1996; Smith 1979). The late 18th century was marked by a general 21 shift to a more dispersed settlement pattern (Dickens 1976:15), but some nucleated settlements remained in the region into the 19th century. The 18th century also brought the continuous arrival of Europeans and the resulting loss of Cherokee lands. Early interaction between the two parties consisted mostly of trade. By the mid-18th century, increased Euro-American settlement began to lead to hostility, and expeditions under Archibald Montgomery and James Grant burned many Cherokee towns in 1760 and 1761. Many Cherokees sided with the British during the American Revolution out of fear of colonial expansion and the loss of more territory. In 1776, after several Cherokee raids, General Griffith Rutherford led a force from Old Fort through present-day Buncombe, Haywood, Jackson, and Macon counties to counter the Cherokee threat. Like the de Soto and Pardo expeditions, the route Rutherford took is open to interpretation. It is believed that his army took a known Native American Indian trail through Swannanoa Gap, down the Swannanoa River and then a short distance up the east bank of the French Broad River, before crossing at Warrior’s Ford (Dykeman 1965:34). Rutherford’s path continued on to present-day Waynesville and then to the southwest to the Middle and Valley towns (Dean 2012). With the signing of the Treaty of Hopewell in 1785, the Cherokees lost their remaining lands east of the Blue Ridge, leading to widespread Euro-American settlements east of Asheville (Mooney 1900:61–62). A subsequent treaty in 1791, the Treaty of Holston, resulted in additional cessions by the Cherokees in the west (Mooney 1900:68–77), and a treaty in 1798 ceded additional lands in present-day Buncombe, Henderson, Transylvania, and Haywood counties (Royce 1887:660–661). A third treaty, signed in 1798, ceded additional lands in North Carolina (Riggs 1988:171). The early 19th century witnessed the increasing acculturation of many Cherokees, largely as a result of increasing contact and intermarriage with white traders and settlers. Other Cherokees resisted changes to their traditional lifestyles, especially those residing in western North Carolina (Riggs 1988:10–11). Accounts by contemporary observers indicate that the population of that area was strongly traditionalist, and contained the highest proportion of fullbloods to be found in the Cherokee Nation (McLoughlin and Cosner 1984:224–225). The late 18th century was marked by a general shift to a more dispersed settlement pattern (Dickens 1976:15), but some nucleated settlements remained in the region into the 19th century. Many remaining Cherokee land claims in North Carolina, including those in the Transylvania County area, were ceded to the U.S. government by the Calhoun Treaty of February 1819 (Royce 1884, 1887). Within two decades, the signing of the Treaty of New Echota set in motion the forced removal of many of the remaining Cherokees to lands in the Arkansas Territory (Mooney 1900:123–133). The cruelty of this march, known as the Trail of Tears, has been well documented. Some Cherokees remained in their former lands despite the Treaty of New Echota and the Trail of Tears, however. A sizeable population living along the Oconaluftee and nearby was allowed to remain as a result of their assistance in the Tsali affair. Other Cherokees remained in the vicinity of Cheoah (along Buffalo Creek in present-day Graham County), primarily due to the difficulty in removing them along poor roads (Duggan 1998); in the Valley River area (Greene 2009); and along Cartoogechaye Creek in Macon County (Alexis 1852). Finally, still other Cherokees managed to evade the Army, escaped during the Removal, or, like Junaluska, returned from the Arkansas territory soon afterward. These groups became the nucleus of the Eastern Band of Cherokee (King 1979). After the death of Chief Yonagusta in 1839, they were increasingly assisted by William H. Thomas, a white merchant who was Yonagusta’s adopted son. Thomas worked on the Cherokees’ behalf for the next 40 years, acquiring land for both individual Cherokees and the tribe. Thomas eventually acquired some 73,000 acres for these communities, mostly within the present- day Qualla Boundary. 22 POST-CONTACT PERIOD OVERVIEW Euro-American settlement of the Transylvania County region began in the late 18th century, even before the Cherokees relinquished title to the area. One early settler was William Porter, who received a grant on Catheys Creek; other early land entries were made along the French Broad and its tributaries, including Cherryfield Creek and the Davidson and Little rivers areas. Many early settlers of the area that would become Transylvania County had been soldiers during the American Revolution and were given land in return for military service (Sharpe 1965:2098; Wetmore 1993:18). The early economy was dominated by small farms and tenant farms primarily raising livestock (Blethen and Wood 1987:79, 82). Early industries in the region included the Davidson River Iron Works, which closed before the Civil War, and a hattery operated by Jimmie Neill that produced hats from animal hides (Sharpe 1965:2099). Gillespie Gun Works located on the East Fork of the French Broad was another early industry, probably in operation until 1803 (Wetmore 1993:18). Several grist mills and likely saw mills were in operation along major streams. Counties in the southwestern portion of North Carolina have undergone numerous transformations prior to their present-day configuration. In 1791, Buncombe County was formed from Burke and Rutherford counties. In 1808, Haywood County was formed from Buncombe. In 1828, Macon County was formed from Haywood County. In 1838, Henderson County was formed from Buncombe. In 1851, Jackson County was formed from Haywood and Macon. Finally, in 1861, Transylvania County was formed from Jackson and Henderson Counties (Corbitt 1950). Euro-American settlement in the area increased in the years before the Civil War. In the first census that included Transylvania County in 1870, the recorded population of the county was 3,536. This figure nearly doubled by 1900 to 6,620. By 1960 the population had climbed to 16,372 persons, and in 2000 29,334 individuals were residing in Transylvania County. The Transylvania Railroad (originally the Henderson & Brevard Railroad) was established in 1894, linking Brevard and Hendersonville. The line was extended to Rosman in 1900 after being purchased by J.F. Hayes who placed it under the control of the Toxaway Company (Poole 1995:68–69). The extension of the railroad to the area increased access to previously inaccessible markets in the eastern part of the state and spurred the development of logging and other industry in the area (Poole 1995:68). The line eventually extended to the Toxaway resort area in 1903, providing access for wealthy vacationers. The years of the early 20th century were relatively good ones for Transylvania and surrounding counties, as the booming lumber industry provided many jobs and directed money to the area. Major logging operations developed during this period, including the Gloucester Lumber Company, the Louis Carr Lumber Company, and the Moltz Lumber Company near Toxaway Mountain. The railroad line that supported the Louis Carr Company ran through the present-day Pisgah National Forest; in 1912 Carr purchased 70,000 acres from George Vanderbilt (Poole 1995:71). Around 1900, Joseph Silversteen established operations at Rosman (formerly Toxaway, and later, Eastatoe). Silversteen founded the Gloucester Lumber Company, which logged the French Broad watershed at its headwaters south of the Vanderbilt holdings, in addition to operating a number of tanneries. The operation expanded in 1910 when Silversteen acquired 30,000 additional acres from Vanderbilt (Ayers and Ashe 1905:19; Van Noppen and Van Noppen 1973:262). J.F. Haynes founded the Brevard Tanning Company to manufacture tannic acid from chestnut bark (Van Noppen and Van Noppen 1973:262). The prosperity brought by the lumber companies was relatively short-lived. The local decline in prosperity was exacerbated by the onset of the Great Depression, and by the 1940s, most of these companies had left the area (Wetmore 1993). 23 The tourism industry in Transylvania County began ca. 1860 when a hotel was opened at Rockbrook. The industry boomed after 1890, when J. Frances Hayes founded the Toxaway Company and began building resorts in the area, including the Franklin Hotel in Brevard and the Toxaway Inn Resort with its associated lake. The Toxaway Inn was completed in 1901, the 540-acre lake was completed in 1903, and the resort was a popular destination for the wealthy (promoted as the “Switzerland of America”) (Powell and Hill 2010). The resort flourished until the Lake Toxaway dam was destroyed during the floods of 1916. The flooding impacted roads, railroads, homes and crops, but infrastructure improvements, TVA assistance, and the establishment of national forest lands helped the area recover (Wetmore 1993). The Ecusta Paper Plant was established prior to World War II and employed a number of Transylvania County citizens. Other companies, including NASA, American Thread, and DuPont were drawn to the area by the region’s clean air and water. Despite this small amount of industrial development, much of the county remains rural. Retail and manufacturing play roles in the current economy, but tourism remains a driving force. The national and state parks draw people to the area in awe of the beauty of the waterfalls, wildlife, and mountain views (Wetmore 1993). PREVIOUS ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH Western North Carolina has been the subject of archaeological research for over a century, and most trends in the history of North American archaeology are reflected in the region. As early as the 1880s, workers from the Valentine Museum in Richmond investigated several mound sites in the region (Dickens 1976:7), and other early investigations were carried out by the Osbornes (Keel 1976). The museum’s work was primarily oriented toward recovering artifacts, although in some cases the resulting data have been useful in addressing present-day research questions (e.g., Dickens 1976:91). Also in the 1880s, researchers from the Smithsonian Institution’s Bureau of Ethnology excavated sites in Buncombe and Henderson counties as part of their investigations into the origin of the “Mound Builders” (Thomas 1894). That research was instrumental in demonstrating that the mounds in western North Carolina and elsewhere had in fact been built by American Indians and were not the products of a mysterious, vanished race. Early 20th century work in western North Carolina continued to focus on mound explorations. Captain R.D. Wainwright examined several mounds in the region in 1913 (Steere et al. 2012), including the now- destroyed Cullowhee mound (31JK2), and between 1915 and 1919, George Heye and associates excavated at the Garden Creek site in Haywood County and other nearby sites (Harrington 1922; Heye 1919; Heye et al. 1918). Although that work was designed to gather artifacts for Heye’s Museum of the American Indian in New York, it did provide some data on the antiquity of the Cherokees in the region (Dickens 1976:7–8). Subsequent work in 1933 and 1934 by the Smithsonian Institution at the Peachtree Mound and Village in Cherokee County was also designed to investigate the relationship between the Cherokees and precontact cultures in the area (Setzler and Jennings 1941). Also in the 1930s, George MacPherson (1936a, 1936b) and Hiram Wilburn conducted surveys of numerous sites in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Although many of their data were to be incorporated into later research (Bass 1975), at the time their work had little impact on the understanding of precontact occupations of the region. Intensive, systematic work in the Appalachian Summit region did not begin until 1964, when the University of North Carolina instituted the Cherokee Archaeological Project. This project, which lasted until 1971, included large-scale surveys and salvage excavations, as well as intensive investigations of late precontact and historic Cherokee sites (Purrington 1983:98–99; Ward 1979; Ward and Davis 1999:17–18). Data from this project have been reported in several theses, dissertations, and other publications (e.g., Dickens 1976; Egloff 1967; Keel 1976), and provide much of the background information on the Appalachian Summit region. As part of that project, substantial work was conducted at the Warren Wilson site, documenting a Mississippian period Pisgah phase village as well as earlier Woodland period occupations (Keel 1976). 24 Other substantial work was accomplished at Coweta Creek (Rodning 2004), Garden Creek (Keel 1976), Townson (Ward and Davis 1999:268–271), and at the Tuckasegee site (Dickens 1976). A 1964 survey conducted as part of the Cherokee Project identified 150 sites (31TV1–31TV150) in Transylvania County (Holden 1966). Almost three decades later, a comprehensive archaeological survey was sponsored by the Transylvania County Historic Properties Commission and the National Park Service (Wetmore 1993). This survey included location of 159 sites throughout the county, revisits to 16 sites, and testing of 10 sites with potentially significant precontact and historic deposits. Most sites were located during the survey using systematic surface collection. Backhoe trenching was also conducted along the French Broad River to determine if buried archaeological sites were present. Much of the more recent archaeological work in Transylvania County has been conducted by U.S. Forest Service archaeologists working in the Pisgah National Forest, usually in response to proposed timber sales (e.g., Baker and Hall 1988; Noel and Snedeker 1994; Snedeker and Ruesch 1986). Several projects have been conducted by or on behalf of NCDOT as part of road improvement projects (e.g., Benyshek and Jackson 2006; Carter 2016; Glover 1994; Joy et al. 2002; Legacy Research Associates 2008, 2010; Nelson 2014). Other environmental compliance surveys have been conducted in advance of infrastructure development and public amenities. 25 4. RESEARCH GOALS AND METHODS RESEARCH GOALS The goal of the survey was to systematically gather data on any archaeological resources present within the project area. If significant resources were encountered, the archaeological field data were to be combined with information obtained in the background research to address the nature of the precontact, contact, and/or post-contact period occupations of the area. RESEARCH METHODS Specific research methods were utilized for the background studies, field research, analysis, and reporting stages of the project, as outlined below. Background Research Background research was conducted to gather information on any known cultural resources on or adjacent to the project area and included examination of the following materials:  Archaeological site files, reports, and data on file at the OSA in Raleigh and Asheville;  Historic structures data available on HPOweb;  Published and on-line information regarding cemeteries in the project vicinity; and  Historical maps and other data available on-line and in TRC’s collection. Field Methods The archaeological survey complied with all pertinent state and federal regulations, including the OSA’s Archaeological Investigation Standards and Guidelines (OSA 2017) and the NFsNC guidelines. The survey consisted of a walkover of the entire study area with shovel tests excavated at 10- to 15-m (ca. 33- to 49-ft) intervals across the non-hydric and undisturbed portions of the project area along Catheys and Kuykendall creeks. Additional 5-m interval shovel tests were subsequently excavated at the western end of Catheys Creek and the west side of Kuykendall Creek at sites 31TV1101 and 31TV1102. In addition, exposed ground surfaces, including existing trails, roads, and tree throws, were visually inspected for surface artifacts and any evidence of above-ground cultural resources (i.e., chimney falls, spring houses, cemeteries, etc.). Each shovel test measured 30 to 35 cm in diameter and was excavated to sterile subsoil. All removed soil was screened through ¼-inch mesh for uniform artifact recovery. Each shovel test was described in terms of depth, soil texture, Munsell soil color, and artifact recovery. All shovel test locations were recorded using a handheld Trimble Geo7X Global Positioning System (GPS) in NAD 27 coordinates and drawn on the project map. Laboratory Methods and Curation All artifacts were returned to the TRC Asheville office for processing and analysis. The artifacts were washed and then sorted into categories according to established regional types or styles. All artifact data were entered into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. 26 Lithic Artifact Analysis. Lithic artifacts were first sorted into general flaked tool and debitage categories and non-flaked stone categories. The following categories were to be considered in the more detailed analysis, although not all are represented in the assemblage. Debitage. Debitage fragments are the byproduct of lithic tool manufacture. Counts, weight, raw material, and size category were recorded for debitage. Most debitage was classified only by size (i.e., true flakes with platforms present and shatter lacking discernible platforms were not differentiated, mainly due to the amount of time required to accurately orient the flake and ambiguity encountered in platform characteristics). Similarly, the presence or absence of cortex was generally not noted, in part because of ambiguity on small flakes. Raw Material Identification. Chipped stone raw materials were identified based on macroscopic characteristics. The only category recognized in the lithic assemblage is chert. Ceramic Artifacts. All sherds greater than 2 cm were classified by surface decoration and aplastic content; the smaller sherds were counted and received no further analysis. The aplastic (inclusion) content was documented as the type (or raw material) of the major material present (e.g., crushed quartz, shell, or sand). Sand temper was identified using fine (< 0.25 mm), medium (0.25–0.5 mm), or coarse (>0.5 mm) categories. The coarse sand category may represent the “grit” tempered designation used by some researchers in the area. In sherds that appear to have both crushed quartz/other rock and sand temper within the same vessel, temper was recorded as such. This category was also used when a determination could not be made whether crushed material (mainly quartz/quartzite) was used; the angular nature of the natural gravel and sand deposits in local streams and rivers often makes that determination difficult within a single sherd. Historic Artifact Analysis. Historic artifacts were classified according to published artifact descriptions. The single historic ceramic artifact recovered was classified according to type (i.e. porcelain, whiteware, ironstone), and any decoration present was described. Curation. The project materials are being prepared for curation in accordance with OSA standards and are currently stored in the TRC Asheville office. The artifacts will ultimately be curated with other NFsNC collections at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee. NRHP Eligibility Evaluation The identified archaeological resources were evaluated as far as possible following the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Eligibility Criteria as outlined in 36 CFR 60.4 (USDOI 1991). The NRHP Eligibility Criteria state: The quality of significance in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects that possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association. (a). That are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or (b). That are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or (c). That embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; or that represent the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values; or that represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or 27 (d). That have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. Several factors were considered in assessing site significance and research potential under Criterion D, including artifact variety and quantity, site clarity and integrity, and environmental context (Glassow 1977). 28 This page intentionally left blank. 29 5. RESULTS BACKGROUND RESEARCH Previously Identified Resources Archaeological Surveys and Sites. A review of files and records at the OSA determined that there have been no previous archaeological surveys within or adjacent to the Catheys Creek project area. There are 10 previously recorded archaeological sites within a one-mile radius of the study area (Table 5.1). Four of the sites (31TV7 and 31TV51–53) were recorded in the 1960s as part of UNC’s Cherokee Project; all four contained both precontact lithic and ceramic artifacts, but have not been assessed for NRHP eligibility. Two sites (31TV544 and 31TV620) were recorded during Ruth Wetmore’s (1993) survey of Transylvania County. One (31TV544) contained a low density of precontact lithic artifacts and was determined not eligible for the NRHP, while the other (31TV620) contained a Woodland component and was recommended for additional work or avoidance. Wetmore also recorded site 31TV658, which contains both Archaic and Woodland components. Three sites (31TV386, 31TV849, and 31TV966) were recorded during surveys of proposed timber sales conducted by the NFsNC and were determined not eligible for the NRHP. None of the 10 recorded sites has the potential to extend into the study area. Table 5.1. Previously Recorded Sites within One Mile of the Catheys Creek Study Area. Site Component(s) NRHP Status Reference* 31TV7 Precontact lithic and ceramic; Unknown Unassessed Smith/Holden 1964 31TV51 Precontact lithic and ceramic; Woodland Unassessed Holden 1964 31TV52 Precontact lithic and ceramic; Woodland Unassessed Holden 1964 31TV53 Precontact lithic and ceramic; Woodland Unassessed Holden 1964 31TV386 Precontact lithic; Unknown Not Eligible Noel and Snedeker 1991 31TV544 Precontact lithic; Unknown Not Eligible Wetmore 1993 31TV620 Precontact lithic and ceramic; Woodland Avoidance Wetmore 1993 31TV658 Precontact lithic; Archaic, Woodland Additional Work Wetmore 1994 31TV849 Precontact lithic; Unknown: Historic; 20th century Not Eligible Best 2006 31TV966 Precontact lithic; Unknown: Historic; 19th-20th century Not Eligible Ashcraft 2010 * References in italics are site forms. Structures. According to the Historic Preservation Office database (HPOweb 2019) there are no recorded historic structural resources within one mile of the project area. Other than the Brevard Water Treatment Facility, no structures were noted within or adjacent to the study area. Cemeteries. No cemeteries were observed within or adjacent to the project area, nor were any listed on available on-line databases for Transylvania County (http://www.ncgenweb.us/transylvania/Cemetery- Survey.html; http://www.usgwtombstones.org/northcarolina/transylvania.html; http://www.findagrave. com; http://cemeterycensus.com/nc/tran/index.htm). Historic Map and Land Records Review NFsNC land records for the Catheys Creek area were not available for examination due to the ongoing partial government shutdown, but late 19th through mid-20th century maps were examined to gather information on historic period land use and assess the potential for unrecorded historic period sites in the vicinity. Catheys Creek is a major drainage of central Transylvania County and is depicted on a number of early historic maps of the region. The earliest map examined that shows the approximate project area is an 1808 survey of North Carolina (Price and Strother 1808). While this map does not show extensive detail of the 30 project area, it does depict Catheys Creek, located in what was then southwestern Buncombe County (Figure 5.1). An 1868 map of the newly formed Transylvania County shows Catheys Creek, but depicts little detail and no structures or other improvements in the area. The earliest identified map showing any detail in the area is the 1905 USGS 1:125,000-scale Pisgah quadrangle (Figure 5.2) (USGS 1905), which is imprecise by modern standards, but shows Catheys Creek Road, Kuykendall Creek and Kuykendall Creek Road. No structures are depicted in the project area. The 1906 Transylvania County soils map (Hearn and MacNider 1906) provides a similar view of conditions, and also shows no structures in the project area (Figure 5.3). Both the 1935 Rosman planimetric quadrangle (Figure 5.4) (USGS 1935), and the 1946 topographic quadrangle (Figure 5.5) (USGS 1946) depict the current Catheys Creek and Kuykendall Creek road and creek configurations; no structures are shown within the project location on either map. The first map to depict any evidence of improvements at the Brevard Water Treatment Facility site is the 1945 (photorevised 1971) topographic quadrangle (Figure 5.6) (USGS 1945/71), which shows a gaging station in the approximate location as the existing dam. The Water Treatment Facility and dam were constructed between 1980 and 1985 and appear on the 1997 USGS map (Figure 5.7) (USGS 1997). Summary. In summary, there are no previously recorded archaeological sites in the immediate project area, although there is potential for precontact sites, especially on relatively level and well drained landforms along the streams. Apart from the roads, there is no documentary evidence of historic period activities prior to construction of a gaging station sometime between 1946 and 1971 and of the Brevard Water Treatment Facility itself in 1980 (see below) Figure 5.1. The approximate project location as shown on the 1808 Price and Strother map of North Carolina. Approx. Project Location 31 Figure 5.2. The approximate project location as shown on the 1905 USGS Pisgah quadrangle. Figure 5.3. The approximate project location as shown on the 1906 Transylvania County soils map (Hearn and MacNider 1906). Approx. Project Location Approx. Project Location 32 Figure 5.4. The approximate project location as shown on the 1935 USGS Rosman quadrangle. Figure 5.5. The approximate project location as shown on the 1946 USGS Rosman quadrangle. Approx. Project Location Approx. Project Location 33 Figure 5.6. The approximate project location as shown on the 1945/71 USGS Rosman quadrangle. Figure 5.7. The approximate project location as shown on the 1997 USGS Rosman quadrangle. Approx. Project Location Approx. Project Location 34 ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELD SURVEY The archaeological survey for the Catheys Creek project began with a systematic pedestrian walkover of the project area to search for any potential surface features (i.e., chimney falls, rock shelters, spring houses etc.). Systematic shovel testing was then conducted at 10- to 15-m intervals in all areas exhibiting less than 20 percent slope and lacking impervious surfaces, standing water, hydric soils, or severe disturbances. The higher terraces along the west side of Kuykendall Creek and the western end of Catheys Creek were shovel tested at 10-m intervals, while the lower more disturbed terraces were tested at 15-m intervals. Per NFsNC standards, at least three shovel tests were placed on each micro-landform. Additional shovel tests were excavated at 5-m intervals to delineate the two archaeological sites discovered (see below). A total of 37 shovel tests were excavated. The shovel tests across the project were varied in both soil composition and depth. Three shovel tests excavated along the east side Kuykendall Creek, north of Catheys Creek Road, all encountered cobbles within 30 cm below surface (cmbs), and soil in those shovel tests consisted of dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) sandy loam. The area between Catheys Creek and Catheys Creek Road was heavily disturbed, with a number of small intermittent drainages (natural and artificial), push piles and berms, and heavy scouring along the creek bank. Soils encountered in shovel tests in this area generally consisted of an A horizon of either dark brown (10YR 3/3) or dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) sandy loam that extended to between 27 and 65 cm below surface (cmbs), overlying a dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) sand B horizon extending up to 75 cmbs or more and overlying stream cobbles. A few shovel tests encountered cobbles or roots at shallower depths preventing further excavation. The survey identified two archaeological sites, 31TV1101 and 31TV1102, in the Catheys Creek stream restoration area (Table 5.2; Figures 5.8–5.10). Table 5.2. Archaeological Resources Identified during the Survey. Site No. Components Recommendation 31TV1101 Precontact: Unknown lithic; Historic: late 19th to mid-20th century Not eligible   31TV1102 Precontact: Late Woodland to Early/Middle Mississippian; possible Qualla Unassessed; avoidance 31TV1101 Component: Precontact: Unknown lithic: Historic: late 19th to mid-20th century Site dimensions: 5 (N-S)  5 m (E-W) UTMs (NAD 27): E337445 N3897981 Landform: Terrace Elevation: ca. 2,306 ft AMSL Soil Type: Dellwood-Reddies complex Recommendation: Not Eligible Description. Site 31TV1101 is identified by a single positive shovel test that produced two artifacts from the Ap (plowzone) horizon. It is located at the western edge of the study area between Catheys Creek and Catheys Creek Road, just west of the confluence with Kuykendall Creek (Figures 5.9–5.11). The site is located in a relatively open area on a terrace that is subject to a high amount of localized foot traffic and has a moderate amount of modern debris on the surface. Soils encountered consisted of a 35 cm thick A horizon of very dark gray (10YR 3/1) sandy clay loam. Beneath the plowzone is a 15 cm thick yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) sand with cobbles (Figures 5.12 and 5.13). 35 Figure 5.8. The Catheys Creek project area and sites 31TV1101 and 31TV1102. 36 Figure 5.9. Shovel tests excavated and sites recorded in the Catheys Creek study area. 37 Figure 5.10. Map of sites 31TV1101 and 31TV1102. 38 Figure 5.11. Overview of Shovel Test 3 at site 31TV1101, facing west. Figure 5.12. Shovel Test 3 at site 31TV1101 profile photograph. 39 Figure 5.13. Shovel Test 3 at site 31TV1101 profile drawing. Four delineation shovel tests were excavated at 5-m intervals in a cruciform pattern around the initial positive shovel test within the project area, and two additional shovel tests were excavated at 10-m intervals across the same landform. None of the additional shovel tests contained artifacts. The site boundaries are defined by two consecutive negative shovel tests to the east and west, Catheys Creek bank to the south, and the road berm and Catheys Creek Road define the northern boundary. The precontact artifact is a small chert flake that is not temporally diagnostic, while the historic artifact is a small fragment of whiteware that could date from the mid-19th century to the present. Summary and Recommendations. Site 31TV1101 consists of single precontact and historic period artifacts recovered from one shovel test. Due to the small size, limited landform, low artifact density, and lack of temporally diagnostic artifacts, site 31TV1101 lacks the potential to yield further information about the prehistory or history of the area and is recommended not eligible for the NRHP under Criterion D; the site also appears to lack the characteristics that would make it eligible under Criteria A, B, or C. No additional work is recommended at this site. 31TV1102 Component: Precontact: Late Woodland to Qualla phase Site dimensions: 15 m (N-S)  15 m (E-W) UTMs (NAD 27): E337455 N3898017 Landform: Terrace Elevation: ca. 2,309 ft. AMSL Soil Type: Dellwood-Reddies complex Recommendation: Unassessed—Avoid site disturbance; provide buffer 40 Description. Site 31TV1102 is a low density, but possibly multi-component, precontact site located along a lightly wooded terrace on the west bank of Kuykendall Creek, north of Catheys Creek Road and east of Kuykendall Road (Figure 5.14; see Figures 5.8–5.10). A total of 14 shovel tests were excavated across the landform at 5- and 10-m intervals, four of which contained a total of nine precontact artifacts. The site measures approximately 15 m north-south by 15 m east-west and is limited to the existing landform. It is bounded to the north by consecutive negative shovel tests, to the south by a negative shovel test and a large berm along a parking area adjacent to Catheys Creek Road, to the east by the bank of Kuykendall Creek, and to the west by large rocks and Kuykendall Road. West of Kuykendall Road is a cut mountainside. Soils at the site are mapped as Dellwood-Reddies complex, 0–3 percent slopes, a sandy and gravelly alluvium that is occasionally flooded and found along drainages in valleys and on floodplains (USDA NRCS 2019). Soils encountered in shovel testing consisted of a very dark gray (10YR 3/1) silty or very fine sandy loam A horizon to depths of 40 to 80 cmbs atop a yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) sand B horizon that extended to depths of 60 to 90 cmbs, at which point cobbles were encountered (Figures 5.15 and 5.16). All artifacts came from the upper stratum to depths up to 80 cmbs. A few shovel tests at the northern end of the site contained bands of alluvial sand prior to encountering cobbles. The artifact assemblage includes a complicated stamped ceramic sherd (Figure 5.17a), a plain sherd, and three residual (less than 2 cm in size) precontact ceramic sherds. The curvilinear stamped sherd (Figure 5.17a) is a fragment of the neck portion of a vessel with wide lands and grooves and possibly dates to the Qualla phase (ca. A.D. 1400–1838), while one of the residual sherds (Figure 5.17b) has a fine line rectilinear complicated stamped design and may date to the Late Woodland to Early/Middle Mississippian periods (ca. A.D. 600–1400). Four chert flakes also were recovered and are not temporally diagnostic, but based on regional raw material use patterns, likely date to the Early Archaic period (ca. 8000–6000 B.C.) or the Middle Woodland through Contact periods (ca. 200 B.C.–A.D. 1750). No evidence of cultural features was observed in any of the shovel tests at 31TV1102. Figure 5.14. Overview of 31TV1102, four positive shovel tests flagged, facing northeast. 41 Figure 5.15. Shovel Test 14 at site 31TV1102 profile photograph. Figure 5.16. Shovel Test 14 at site 31TV1102 profile drawing. 42 Figure 5.17. Selected artifacts from 31TV1102. a: possible Qualla curvilinear complicated stamped sherd; b: Late Woodland to Early/Middle Mississippian fine line rectilinear complicated stamped sherd Discussion and Recommendation. Site 31TV1102 is a small precontact site that likely dates from the Late Woodland period to the Qualla phase and is represented by a low-density scatter of precontact lithic and ceramic artifacts. As defined by the shovel testing within the project area, the precontact artifacts are contained within the A horizon to depths of 80 cmbs. Given the size and orientation of the existing landform, the site is unlikely to extend outside the current project boundaries due to the proximity of Kuykendall Creek, Kuykendall Creek Road, and Catheys Creek Road. While no evidence of cultural features (e.g., pits or structural remains) was encountered during the survey, the presence of multiple ceramic artifacts (which are often associated with semi-permanent occupations) suggests that they might be present. Given this possibility, site 31TV1102 may have the potential to provide substantial information concerning the prehistory of the region (NRHP Criterion D), although it appears to lack the characteristics necessary for NRHP eligibility under Criteria A–C. In the absence of more intensive excavations, the site is considered unassessed for NRHP eligibility. TRC recommends that a 10- to 15-m buffer zone be established around the positive shovel tests to protect the site from any potential disturbances during the Catheys Creek project. BREVARD WATER TREATMENT FACILITY DAM The project also included an assessment of the potential NRHP eligibility of the dam at the Brevard Water Treatment facility. The dam is a concrete structure that extends northeast-southwest across Catheys Creek and connects to a concrete sluice gate and the water treatment facility on the southwest (Figures 5.18–5.20). The Brevard Water Treatment Facility was constructed in 1980 (Asheville Citizen-Times, February 15, 1980), and the dam itself was designed by Maguire/Beebe engineers in 1982 (Figure 5.21) (Dennis Richardson, personal communication January 14, 2019). As a structure that is less than 50 years old and lacking exceptional importance (NRHP Criteria Consideration G), this structure is not eligible for the NRHP and requires no further consideration for the Catheys Creek project. b a 43 Figure 5.18. Dam at the Brevard Water Treatment Facility, facing southwest. Figure 5.19. Dam at the Brevard Water Treatment Facility, facing south. 44 Figure 5.20. Dam at the Brevard Water Treatment Facility, facing south. Figure 5.21. 1982 sketch of dam at the Brevard Water Treatment Facility. 45 6. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) has completed an archaeological survey for the proposed Catheys Creek Stream Restoration Project in Pisgah Ranger District of Pisgah National Forest in Transylvania County, North Carolina. The work was conducted on behalf of The Resource Institute. The study area includes approximately three acres situated on Pisgah National Forest and located between Catheys Creek and Catheys Creek Road (SR 1338 and FS 471), starting just upstream from the City of Brevard’s Catheys Creek Water Treatment Facility and extending west past the confluence of Kuykendall Creek and Catheys Creek, as well as limited areas to the north situated between Kuykendall Creek and Kuykendall Creek Road and extending 50 feet east of Kuykendall Creek. In addition to the archaeological survey, the existing dam at the Water Treatment Facility was documented and evaluated. No survey was conducted on the limited portion of the project area located south of Catheys Creek outside Pisgah National Forest. Background research included review of site files and reports and historic structure files at the OSA offices in Raleigh and Asheville, and examination of 19th to 20th century maps and aerial photographs; due to an ongoing partial government shutdown, land records at the National Forests in North Carolina office in Asheville could not be accessed. The research revealed that there have been no previous archaeological surveys and there are no previously recorded archaeological sites within or adjacent to the project area. There are 10 previously recorded sites within a one-mile radius of the project corridors, however, and the vicinity is generally considered to have a moderate potential for containing archaeological resources. The archaeological fieldwork was conducted on December 31, 2018 and January 2, 2019 and was directed by Michael Nelson. The survey included a walkover of the project area, along with systematic subsurface shovel testing at 10-m intervals across the higher terraces and at 15-m intervals across the lower terraces. Areas exhibiting extreme surface disturbances and/or standing water or hydric soils were not shovel tested. Following NFsNC guidelines, a minimum of three shovel tests were excavated on each habitable landform. A total of 37 shovel tests were excavated (including site delineation tests excavated at 5-m intervals). Two archaeological sites, 31TV1101 and 31TV1102, were recorded. Site 31TV1101 is located on the small terrace between Catheys Creek Road and Catheys Creek, just west of the confluence with Kuykendall Creek, and site 31TV1102 is located on the west bank of Kuykendall Creek, between the creek and Kuykendall Road. Site 31TV1101 is represented by one precontact lithic artifact and one mid-19th to mid-20th century historic period artifact recovered from a single shovel test. That site lacks the potential to provide substantial additional information concerning the prehistory or history of the area and is recommended not eligible for the NRHP under Criterion D; the site also appears to lack the characteristics necessary for eligibility under NRHP Criteria A–C. Site 31TV1102 is a small Late Woodland to possible Qualla lithic and ceramic scatter located on a small terrace. Given the limited landform, it is unlikely that the site boundaries extend outside the study area. Site 31TV1102 appears to be confined to the current project area and would require additional testing to conclusively determine its NRHP eligibility. This site is considered unassessed and should be avoided by the project activities; TRC recommends that a 10- to 15-m buffer be established around the site boundary to protect it from inadvertent disturbances. 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