HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930003 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19931122l f??E copy February 3, 1993 Mr. James Poteat 275 Red Fox Trail Hampstead, N.C. 28443 Dear Mr. Poteat: RE: Applications for 401 Certifications for Richard Thompson (#92763), J.R. Hollis (#92761) and E.W. Hollis, Jr. (#93003) New Hanover County The Division of Environmental Management received your applications for the abovementioned projects on December 31, December 31 and January 5, respectively. My understanding is that these parcels are adjacent to each other. The Division also received an application for a stormwater management plan for B and D Development Company that included all three parcels. Therefore we believe that these three applications constitute a single project rather than three separate projects. In addition, the total impact will be greater than 10 acres. In addition, Mr. Jim Gregson of our Wilmington Regional Office has discussed the matter with Jeff Richter of the Corps of Engineers. Therefore I am retiring these projects since our Certification for Nationwide Permit 26 will not be applicable to this entire project. Your next step will be to contact Mr. Richter of the Corps of Engineers in order to determine which type of permit is applicable to the project. If the project is redesigned and thereby eligible for NW Permit 26, you can reapply with a new site design at that time. Please contact me at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions. Sincere , John Dorney Wetla ds and Technical eview Group poteata.ltr cc: Wilmington DEM Regional Office Wilmington Field Office - Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Office Corps of Engineers Central Files li North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salishury Street, Raleigh, Nortl, Carolina 27611, 919-733-3391 ( :harles R. Fullwoo 1, Executive I)ireetcir MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Water Quality Planning FROM: Richard B. Hamilton Assistant Director DATE: February 7, 1993 ' FEB 1993 RECEIVED Inland Fi M60S WRC SUBJECT: 401 Water Quality Certification for Mr. E. W. Hollis, Jr., between South College Road and Masonboro Loop Road, Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. We have reviewed the subject permit application and biologists on our staff are familiar with habitat values of the project area. An on-site investigation was conducted on January 20, 1993 for the purpose of assessing construction impacts to wildlife and fisheries resources. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et. seq.). The applicant, Mr. E. W. Hollis, Jr., proposes to fill 5.4 acres of previously altered, 11404" jurisdictional wetlands. Alterations to the wetlands are in the form of ditches that appear to have been dug within the last three months. Spoil from the excavation has been deposited beside the ditches. The wetlands are located in two areas. Area 1 (1.9 acres) is almost adjacent to NC 132 and Area 2 (3.5 acres) is approximately 1.4 miles from NC 132. Wetland Areas 1 and 2 both extend into the property of Mr. J. R. Hollis. Area 2 further extends through the J. R. Hollis property and into the Mr. Richard Thompson property. All three landowners have applied for 11401" certification to fill wetlands on their properties. Water from the affected wetlands reportedly flows into a portion of the AIWW classified as Outstanding Resource Water, designated Primary Nursery Area, and at times is open to the harvest of shellfish. Cumulative effects from the ditching, draining and filling of wetlands associated with this project and others like it in the vicinity could negatively impact sensitive receiving waters. Buffering qualities of the wetlands (sediment, fresh water, and other pollutant retention) would be lost and downstream water quality could decline. The project would result in the direct loss of 5.4 acres of wetlands providing habitat for rabbit, raccoon, fox, deer, and a number of bird species. The project is not water dependent and no mitigation for wetland loss is proposed. We therefore find the application inconsistent with our Policies and Guidelines for Conservation of Wetlands and Aquatic Habitats and recommend denial of the water quality certification. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this application. If you need to discuss these comments or if you need additional information, please call Bennett Wynne at (919) 522-9736. cc: Honorable Roy Gerodd Sowers, III, District 2 Commissioner Bennett Wynne, District 2 Fisheries Biologist DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Through: Subject: January 29, 1993 John Dorney Planning Branch FEB - 21993 o?? I .rc?? nnu? vnvur WATER QUALITY SECTIO James H. Gregson? Wilmington Regional Office Dave AdkirRional WilmingtoOffice Regional Office Review and Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill Central Office Permit #92763 - Richard Thompson #92761 - J.R. Hollis #93003 - E.W. Hollis New Hanover County The three subject Nationwide 26 projects were received as separate 401 Certification requests. The three projects tracts are all adjacent to one another and are all part of a platted subdivision called Crosswinds. This Office has received a stormwater management plan for B & D Development Company that includes all three tracts. Wetland impacts for all three projects total 10.5 acres. It is recommended that the three projects should be submitted as a single 401 Certification request. Because total impacts are greater than 10 acres, Nationwide 26 should not be valid. Conversations with Jeff Richter (COE) indicate that the Corps will probably require an individual permit for these projects. cc: Wilmington Regional Office Files Central Files 93 C03 James A. Poteat Environmental Consultant 275 Red Fox Trail Hampstead. NC 28443 December 28, 1992 Mr. John Dorney Water, Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development PO Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Dear John, (919) 270-2485 (919) 270-2664 :I -5 Please accept Mr. E. W.Hollis' application for a 401 Certification to construct a road crossing, retention pond, and several strategically placed earthen fills within 5.4 acres of altered wetlands lying within a narrow undeveloped tract, located two miles north of Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. This development will require the construction of: state and county approved roads; curb and gutter; retention ponds; water and sewer ; underground utilities; as well as a myriad of yet- to- be- identified engineering and zoning components inherent to many of the Coastal Plain's single family developments. All of the project will be confined to the 27 acre tract. Total wetland impacts (excavation and fills) have been reduced to 3.9 acres. As the enclosed plan demonstrates, the wetland portions of the tract have been significantly altered by encroaching development (on all sides), and strategically placed drainage ditches in and around the tract's perimeter. At the time of my November evaluation, these wetlands met the Wilmington District Corps' wetland criteria in only two of three categories - soils and vegetation. No ground water was found within 2 112 feet of the soil's surface, while, similar undrained systems in the vicinity of Crosswinds were saturated to the surface (wetland evaluation forms enclosed). Other indicators, such as subsiding shallow peat surfaces and sandy (easily drained) subsoils were also noted by the Corps In spite of this evidence, representatives of the Wilmington District Corps Field Office are reluctant to release any portion of these systems until the soil water table has been proven to fall below the Corps' hydrology parameter. Unfortunately, my client cannot afford to suffer the economic consequences of an 1 1 month construction delay. Mr. Hollis' more timely needs has prompted him to accept the present wetland delineation, provided the option to reduce his "wetland areas" ( through well monitoring, etc.) remains available. Corps representative, Mr. Jeff Richter, is familiar with Mr. Hollis' project and has visited the site several times during the past year. Unfortunately, unusually harsh weather', holiday leave, and scheduling demands have delayed Jeff's confirmation of the wetlands delineation. I have been assured by Jeff that his evaluation is imminent. Until then, the delineation may be identified by numbered, bright pink and orange ribbon in the locations outlined on the enclosed plan. Please contact me at ( 919) 270-2485, if you require further information. Sincerely, Jim Poteat 9-3 ct) 3 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 SAW26-87- ATTN: CESAW-CO-E PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT 26 NOTES: If Item A.7. (below) is 10 acres or more or if any of the conditions listed in Section B. (below) are not met, the applicant must submit an individual permit application. Please contact the District for forms and information. Applicant is required to obtain a Section 401 Water quality Certification from the State of North Carolina for NWP 26 to be valid. This certification should be furnished with this pre-discharge notification. PLEASE PRINT 1. NAME: -A me 6...\ I HOW* %ir ( OWA,Ee) "JAMSS T?' EAT" Z7 Q? Fbx X1L 2. ADDRESS: /39 4e.L1S L?AA_ . _ ....- . c 3. PHONE NUMBER (HOME): (( ?9) Z70 Uo( (WORK): (Q?? L7D Z?f? S 4. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK: COUNTY: _ NEW 17ky w1a Go SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE STREAM NAMES ROAD NUMBERS ETC.): S ATICuV MAP /?.1T4C1?E.r? 260,x Ae>rnz? 7Mcr 5. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK: 6. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: 05 Qu i ?- hn c?or-S 7. APPROXIMATE SIZE OF WATERS AND WETLANDS WHICH WILL BE LOST OR SUBSTANTIALLY ADVERSELY MODIFIED AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED WORK (EXPRESS IN TENTHS OF ACRES) : 3.9 A^ ZE PO2T1Ok) O F 1 k&Q SY'S?M S -T47M U N? 6j .,t?d?C S /, LL nQF- /r L 0 • Z>Z Q 8. INFORMATION THAT THE APPLICANT BELIEVES IS APPROPRIATE: r?r_-rN770 S Ek4 ?rM1?EA?rci? t?X I7Ei/ELOPME?IT3 Lam-w kxv:rJ_ Spy ,? aiF"ME'10dc.r /11k1SVf7 -7 M.. r_? J.t ..?- . 1 T%I A?._? W20VdAJ0VT -rW* -rRAGT'_ o4DWF.•uFR Gc7NsR2?C?'iCN SGHa.DtlLtt c &b7' A%.L1 W FOP- A SeASONAL ?`ItAM?1J1'tION CJ9 7&W WkMZ -rAQ .kc (AS PF-Z WitMING-WN J??T'ZKT Coo-, iA.1zMcnw3\ t"?uu?TbcnJ wpS C3ASSp CU soyLS ' tCeWc- A'nnrj AT 7iN1E Or -OF_ tJM4-nGU,.J ALL w4TG_.Z,. TA B V gW_F FbjW uAWLA_ LIE J-00 T74E GOWPO 141C2OLOGy PAQAmarme. 9. DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE EXISTENCE OF ENDA ERED SPECIES ON OR NEAR THE PROPOSED PROJECT AREA? YES [ ] NO [V IF YES, INDICATE WHAT SPECIES. 10. DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES WHICH ARE LISTED OR DETERMINED ELIGIBLE FOR LISTING ON THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES THAT OCCUR IN THE VICINITY OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT? YES [ ] NO ?f 11. WILL THE ACTIVITY INTERFERE WITH NAVIGATION? YES [ ] NO [Vf B. CONDITIONS. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS MUST BE MET FOR THE NATIONWIDE PERMITS TO BE VALID (33 CFR 330.5-.6): MET NOT MET 1. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL WILL NOT ?]- 000UR IN THE PROXIMITY OF A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INTAKE. 2. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL WILL NOT [t/j [ ] OCCUR IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED SHELLFISH PRODUCTION UNLESS THE DISCHARGE IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO AN AUTHORIZED SHELLFISH HARVESTING ACTIVITY. 3. THE ACTIVITY SHALL NOT SIGNIFICANTLY DISRUPT THE [V? [ ] MOV EMENT OF THOSE SPECIES OF AQUATIC LIFE INDIGENOUS TO THE WATERBODY (UNLESS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE FILL IS TO IMPOUND WATER). 4. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED O R FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST [1/]r [ ] OF SUITABLE MATERIAL FREE FROM TOXIC POLLUTANTS IN TOXIC AMOUNTS. 5. ANY STRUCTURE OR FILL AUTHORIZED SHALL BE PROPERLY [v? MAINTAINED. 6. THE ACTIVITY WILL NOT OCCUR IN A COMPONENT OF THE [v]? ( ] NATIONAL WILD AND SCENIC RIVER SYSTEM; NOR IN A RIVER CURRENTLY DESIGNATED BY CONGRESS AS A "STUDY RIVER" FOR POSSIBLE INCLUSION. 7. THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE ACTIVITY WILL [vl [ ) NOT IMPAIR RESERVED TRIBAL RIGHTS. C. MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. THE FOLLOWING MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE FOLLOWED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE PRACTICES MAY BE CAUSE FOR REQUIRING AN INDIVIDUAL PERMIT. APPLICANT SHOULD PROVIDE EXPLANATION FOR MANAGEMENT PRACTICES NOT MET. MET NOT MET 1. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WATERS PT -T-T- OF THE UNITED STATES SHALL BE AVOIDED OR MINIMIZED THROUGH THE USE OF OTHER PRACTICAL ALTERNATIVES. 2. DISCHARGES IN SPAWNING AREAS DURING SPAWNING SEASONS SHALL BE AVOIDED. [?1 [ ] 3. DISCHARGES SHALL NOT RESTRICT OR IMPEDE THE [v] [ ] MOVEMENT OF AQUATIC SPECIES INDIGENOUS TO THE WATERS OR THE PASSAGE OF NORMAL OR EXPECTED HIGH FLOWS OR CAUSE THE RELOCATION OF THE WATER (UNLESS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE FILL IS TO IMPOUND WATERS). 4. IF THE DISCHARGE CREATES AN IMPOUNDMENT OF WATER, [? [ ] ADVERSE IMPACTS ON THE AQUATIC SYSTEM CAUSED BY THE ACCELERATED PASSAGE OF WATER AND/OR THE RESTRICTION OF ITS FLOW SHALL BE MINIMIZED. 5. DISCHARGE IN WETLAND AREAS SHALL BE AVOIDED. 1vf [ ] 6. HEAVY EQUIPMENT WORKING IN WETLANDS SHALL BE PLACED [? ( ] ON MATS. 7. DISCHARGES INTO BREEEDING AREAS FOR MIGRATORY 1A [ ] WATERFOWL SHALL BE AVOIDED. 8. ALL TEMPORARY FILLS SHALL BE REMOVED IN THEIR [? [ ] ENTIRETY. A LI ANT'S IGNATURE DATE DEM ID: -,)00" )2 ID: NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT 0): JOINT FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS j NATIONWIDE 'PERMITS•THAT REQUIRE-APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS. DEPARTMENT'OF THE ARMY P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E ' Telephon3.(919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING - DIVISION'OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY. Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF'THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: IjR E.W. t4OL.LIS ?1Z.. 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: /:S9 ?4DLLP S Lb-.05 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER. ( HOME) : 0919) Z70 - Z G G (WORK): (9/9 ? 70 - Z'S?8 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: ?oMEs j?-rL?car H MAP). 5. LOCATION OF WORK (MUST AummimG NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: SPECIFIC LOCATION.(INCLUDE ROAD NUt, - • - ET 6. NAME OF CLOSEST:. STREAM/RIVER: T W %4 & &41LES E5AST 7. RIVER BASIN: apr_ 8. IS-THIS PROJECT. LOCATED IN A- WATERSHED -CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, SA,HQW, ORW, WS is OR WS II? YES [ ] NO [L? 9. HAVE' ANY 'SECTION 404'PERMITS -BEEN PRE IOUSLY 'REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [ ) NO [ IF YES, EXPLAIN. mi PZ0GT1c-_-55 - cok-ITACT `I6-= F"F 4mL COUNTY : IJc m I-Id+JVygerZ 10. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WAT RS OF THE U.S., INCLUDING WETLANDS, LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: Acze!4_ O F /10/92 -2- 11. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WATERS OF THE U.S., INCLUDING WETLANDS, IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT: FILLED:. 9 DRAINED: i4t*7, Qlc.ALI? Nl4 JED FLOODED: EXCAVATED: TOTAL IMPACTED: 3. 12. DESCRIPTION. OF PROPOSED/ WORK (ATTACH PLANS): i?rJAi7 C 2D_45-15 1 Iv G S I L UtASE2 -7'qA" ?nc P_7k90 I/ 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: Qe-iC- yco '7-:W17 J Access P2Az>S -TY? M t?ET" C013A) T Y Sr?Ct't: reeotj ZEM7c-- ? 14 STATE REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED PUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS: W1CT'L/?w?DJ ?? 4iZF SI?ua?ED ??AQ AS'T1?AcT MAKE T1-hgIQ l1TlL?Tl MANl»TORy? FI?,TP/??JG? s LAsjth.SCA«Dt_9 1a 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT.THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED-OR. PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA T PT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES -NO [ I RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE-PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED. PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [?? NO [ ] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE,FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL, WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B.' IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS,TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT,. INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT'OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. E. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? ?S? i7aL : Co"6'lMCr/?L F. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? 4: ?__ yi 4& p z S 1c9c.9Z OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE 1 gpvo ABC LOCATION MAP MAJDR W"AIIJA!oE MATCHES UP TD /ZW, ---- - - Pf2opr=RTv LINE Ho,/ WETLAND-l n? I ?Q 1 y k ? o I i ? r i i I i i i ?L v N d I ? r 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I .? o. 1 1 1 I 1 D N r L ? O\ r g? pF 4f 3 1 I LI UI I I I I _ I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 xl 1 $? 1 I 1 I lip .0Ow , 1'ASONBORO Lono n,. t A .D C, 1 WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM COORDINATOR: 1g Q TIME: DATE: _/ Nb ZCOUNTY: meW E-I/?AIQ?/FJ?S.o NEAREST TOWN: Wllm(&mN WATERWAY: NO? - ISOLad ?"'. QUAD: LOCATION: PROPERTY OWNER: (NAME ADDRESS) PARTY DOING WORKS NAME ADDRESS) ?? z ?J ?J /?,N1F5 I i Z. f'?trJ Fax. TZ41 L 1 ^I ?-IAM?1? Sri ¦r.?i W :r. PHONE: ( ) - PHONE: Z?Q,r OTHER INDIVIDUALS PRESENT: IS PROPERTY UNIFORM / OR SEPARATE DISCRETE VEGETATIVE UNITS -DTAL 50'1a VEGETATION: (IN ORDER OF DOMINANCE, DRAW LINE ABOVE NON-DOMINANT SPECIES) TREES: SPECIES---X COVER--INDICATOR GROUND COVER: SPECIES-Z COVER-INDICATOR 1. Pml> pitJE 1. S.G9ZLI06S Ov= a 3Ql- 2. LOW)C Ly ANE 2. eVj? 4106 U WE- &CsMy 3. LDS Leg&F r->(NF 3. SM1lAro( MO MAY 4 4. 13ZA(L49 0 MB0 . m O&W- 5. INaIv 5. )/6(.(,D`a o14SSEMl#JE. e .264APLINGS/SHRUBS: 6. w:LD 1. S&,Pl. S OC 48C 7. . 2. 8. .. .. 3. G41.Lr-VxRe-/ WOODY VINES: ; 4. i P*=V-=X 999 ? A 3 d \/r 5. WAK •MY2TU5 2. % OF.DOMINANT SPECIES (OBL.- FAC.)„g0 OTHER INDICATORS: HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES v"NO BASIS: EO%, + 19r V C-om=5 A- SAC UK- ,/...F-777Ej? TYPICAL: ?.COMPLETE BELOW) ATYPICAL:-(COMPLETE BACK) SOIL: SV1 NO SERIES: ON HYDRIC SOILS LIST: MOTTLED: YES NO MATRIX COLOR: HYDRIC SOILS: YES NO BASIS: ' /?s ur ?c.ic?aF1J Ihl 501L S0ZV?Y OG Nr'vJ Wb^j1VV9-2 Q2 HYDROLOGY: INUNDATED: YES N0_ZDEPTH OF WATER: N SATURATED SOILS: YES V NO DEPTH TO SATURATION WATER TABLE OTHER.INDICATORS: WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES NO ? BASIS: ,grtoVI ATYPICAL SITUATION: YES ?NO NORMAL?CONDITIONS: YES NO _ ytpAm&Mfm2 WETLAND DETERMINATION: WETLAND: . NON-WETLAND: ^ / r PHOTOS TAKEN: YES NO ? AUTHORITY: 10 404 p 10/404 NONE JURISDICTION: ABOYE HEADWATERS ISOLATED ADJ NWT DETERMINED BY: v I lw-5 5? t war- /-/45 1Qi6,4 DW iO-cA WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM COORDINATOR: Q TIME; DATE : ?U_ Z_COUNTY: = Q NEAREST TOWN: WATERWAY:= l? QUAD: LOCATION: ' PROPERTY OWNER: K ADDRESS) PARTY DOIN WORKS NAME ADDRESS LC- 'Za PHONES PHONE: I MQ- i Z ' Z OTHER INDIVIDUALS PRESENT: IS PROPERTY UNIFORM OR SEPARATE DISCRETE VEGETATIVE UNITS - uTA S d VEGETATION: (IN ORDER'OF DOMINANCEp DRAW LINE ABOVE NON-DOMINANT SPECIES) TREES: SPECIES---% COVER--INDICATOR GROUND COVER: SPECIES-X COVER-INDICATOR /D? 1. ouiD IUNE 1. gBOX 2. 4o&wL .y P-c 2. 2ot,*x:x• tau F3EP I 3. LGuG 054,4- 3. smiv-q 4. M eA-1 4. gP4.JJ f;EZAJ 5. ui4T?x OA H 5. yr-u? vt4sse- «7"ic SAPLINGS /SHRUBS: 6. 1..sDU?6s O? 03 7. 2. (Z • E? 8. 3. Get ?COL?? WOODY VINES: 4. pEpAAW Grx4 5. i4AdX #"yr4U 2. % OZ-DOMINANT SPECIES (OBL.- FAC.)COTHER INDICATORS: HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES` NO :3A51? s _--p h r ar 1Txa?y Fwe v •+? TYPICAL:- (COMPLETE BELOW) ATYPICAL:!(COMPLETE*BACK) SOIL: SERIES: 0oAA'a _7_bm ? ON HYDRIC SOILS LISTS YF LNO MOTTLED: YES NO MATRIX COLOR: HYDRIC SOILSx YES L NO_ BASIS: ' 4 -aStpl9<Q to -TOIL cc •I9FW 14w-A.'a 4* HYDROLOGY: NUNDATEDs YES NO DEPTH OF WATER: 'SATURATED SOILS: YES NO DEPTH TO OTHER.INDICATORS: WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES NO ? BASIS: ?VAQMLtO_ Plr_ ?- u•f W.T ATYPICAL SITUATION: Yw'_j/,NO NpR AL CONDITION : YES("/Njjjj WETLAND DETERMINATION: WETLAN . . NON-WETLAND:, PHOTOS TAKEN: YES NOAUTHORITY; 10 404 10/404 NONE JURISDICTION: ABOVE HEADWATERS ISOLATED ADJACENT ?•Nw? .S7q pia{ JuT?tSDs c.Tt DETERMINED BY: ATYPICAL SITUATIONS ?crV?S VEGETATION : J?2A i j04 6 TYPE OF ALTERATION: J()OL*,r AL-11" ZS?S"TEI.?Tr - Z)BU64 i-C-- EFFECT ON VEGETATION: "?k MIVe S o t K.e,( - IUL4Z4R PREVIOUS VEGETATION: HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES NO SOILS: TYPE OF ALTERATION: EFFECT ON SOILS: PREVIOUS SOILS: HYDRIC SOILS: YES NOSES yC /? C,l HYDROLOGY: q? NIA L TYPE OF ALTERATION: EFFECT ON HYDROLOGY: tqA r Dpi Wn LA U_ ' b s PREVIOUS HYDROLOGY: Q&OA - WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES NO -Y-- AUTHORITY: SECTION 10 404 ?T10/404 NNE JURISDICTION: ABOVE WATERS y orISOLATED V ADJACENT NATIONWIDE ? YES NO IF YES, #Z(o PHOTOS TAKEN ? YES NO ATTACH DRAWING W /PHOTO ANGLES AND DIMENSIONS: 6v ps 26-T-4 aS rry M,q,,v r?J1 J>,2csD? czr ?`