HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930236 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19930417u -FROM- THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE TO OS L /L G l1 `? / LAt STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG UNIVERSITY PLACE MALL, INC. Petitioner V. FILED Gr"F o;' ADMIN. 1-1EAFUN.GS IN THE OFFICES OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS AUG Z3 5 22 ph T9?3 EHR 0759 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, & NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Respondent PkEHEARING STATEMENT OF PETITIONER COMES NOW Petitioner, University Place Mall, Inc. and files this Prehearing Statement of Petitioner. 1. The issues to be resolved, and the statutes, rules and legal precedent involved are as follows: A. whether the Respondent properly require the submittal of a stormwater plan or the construction and installation of wet detention ponds as prerequisites to issuance of a certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. B. whether the Respondent properly considered downstream impacts from the discharge of stormwater which were not the result of the activity for which certification was sought under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. C. whether the Respondent's requirements of a stormwater plan and the construction of a wet detention pond were ;invalid because the requirements had not been properly promulgated as Rules pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 150B-18, and are otherwise unsupported in the record of this matter. D. whether the Respondent has acted arbitrarily and capriciously in requiring the Petitioner to submit a stormwater plan and construct a particular type of drainage control device without reference to the standards sought to be protected as a result of the discharge permitted under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. RA-E&EACAB W AHNTRENEARLSTM The statutes and rules involved in this matter include 33 U.S.C. §§ 1313 and 1341; N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 143-212(6), 143- 215.1, and 143-215.3; 15A NCAC 2B .0203 and 15A NCAC 2H .0500, et seq. 2. The facts of this case, briefly stated, are as follows: Petitioner proposed to construct a shopping center in Mecklenburg County, north Carolina ("Petitioner's Project" or "the Project"). The construction of the Project involved the placement of fill material into approximately 0.96 acres of ephemeral streams and wetlands. Petitioner applied for a permit under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1344, and received, on May 7, 1993, a letter from the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, which authorized Petitioner's project under Nationwide Permit No. 26, 33 C.F.R., Part 330.6. Petitioner also applied to Respondent for a water quality certification pursuant to 15A N.C.A.C. 2H .0501. By letter of April 19, 1993, Respondent determined that the Project was covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2671, but imposed as an additional condition of final written approval the submittal of a stormwater plan. By letter of April 20, 1993, Respondent provided Petitioner's consultant with materials concerning acceptable designs for detention ponds. By letter of May 25, 1993, Respondent informed Petitioner's consultant that "a wet detention pond will be required." After Petitioner significantly revised its plans, Respondent approved the stormwater plan for the Project. The approved "stormwater plan," essentially the design of an enormous wet detention pond, adds substantially to the cost of the Project.. The condition was imposed arbitrarily and without authority. Neither the Environmental Management Commission nor the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources have adopted any Rule which requires a wet detention pond for projects such as the Petitioner's.Project. Respondent was without authority to impose additional conditions on its General Certification No. 2671 requiring a stormwater plan. 3. Petitioner proposes to call the following witnesses: i. James A. Spangler Barrett Kays and Associates ii. John Dorney NC DEHNR RA-E&EXABINAHMPREHEAR[SCM Scot Thomas NC DEHNR iv. Bill Jackson University Place Mall, Inc. Petitioner reserves the right to call further witnesses as they are identified during preparation for hearing and in discovery. Petitioner will supplement this prehearing statement as such additional witnesses are identified. 4. Petitioner intends to pursue discovery, including requests for admissions, interrogatories, requests for production-of documents, and depositions. Petitioner anticipates that discovery will take a minimum of 60 days. 5. Petitioner requests that the hearing be held in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. 6. Petitioner estimates that the hearing in this matter will take two days. 7. Not applicable. 8. Petitioner anticipates that preparations for hearing will be complete by no later than November 1, 1993. 9. Not applicable. Respectfully submitted this the P-34 day of August, 1993. HUNTON & WILLIAMS By: Craig romby, Esq N.C. Ba. #6526 P. O. Box 109 One Hannover Square Suite 1400 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Attorneys for University Place Mall, Inc. RA-FAF_ "WAHNV'UAEARI.STM a CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing Prehearing Statement of Petitioner has been served by first class mail postage prepaid to opposing counsel and delivered by hand to the Office of Administrative Hearings addressed as follows: The Honorable Robert R. Reilly Administrative Law Judge Office of Administrative Hearings Capehart-Crocker House 424 North Blount Street P. O. Drawer 11666 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Billy R. Godwin Assistant Attorney General N. C. Department of Justice P. O. Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 Respondent This the day of 1993. HUNTON & WILLIAMS - ' ' By: Craig Bromby, E N.C. Bar #6526 P. O. Box 109 One Hannover Square - Suite 1400 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Attorneys for University Place Mall, Inc. RECEIVED AUS 2 4 1993 N. C. ATTORNEY GENERAL Cnvircamentsl Protection Section RA-E&E:\CAB W AM\PREHEARI.SCM ?• s,,. SfNTFo State of North Carolina MICHAEL F. EASLEY Department of Justice ATTORNEY GENERAL P. 0. BOX 629 RALEIGH 27602-0629 August 20, 1993 The Honorable Robert R. Reilly Administrative Law Judge P.O. Drawer 27447 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447 RE: UNIVERSITY MALL PLACE, INC., V EHNR 93 EHR 0759 Dear Judge Reilly: FILED O r ADAIi,4. A Zt? 5 05 PH Enclosed please Respondent's MOTION TO DISMISS and its MOTION TO STAY in the above referenced case. I have enclosed a draft Order for each. I have enclosed a copy of the agency action in this case as Exhibit A to my Motion to Dismiss. Your consideration of this matter is appreciated. Very truly yours, Billy R. !G d in Assistant orney General --BRG/ms . enclosures copy to: Craig A. Bromby An F-mial onnortunity / Affirmative Action EmNover r.- _ STATE OF.NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG UNIVERSITY PLACE MALL, INC. Petitioner, V. N.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, & NATURAL RESOURCES Respondent, FILED OFFIG 101E IN THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS AS U X33 93 EHR 0759 N?? ) MOTION TO DISMISS & MOTION TO STAY IN LIEU ) OF PREHEARING STATEMENT NOW COMES the RESPONDENT and respectfully moves this Court pursuant to G.S. §1A-1, Rule 12(b)(1); G.S. §143-215.1(e); G.S. §150B-36(c); and 26 NCAC 3.0015, for an ORDER dismissing, as a Final Agency Decision, the Petitioner's Contested Case Petition as well as an Order staying the Order for Prehearing Statements issued in this matter on July 22, 1993 until such time as the Motion to Dismiss is decided. In support of its MOTION, the Respondent shows the Court the following: 1. On April 19, 1993, Respondent, by letter, issued a 401 Water Quality Certification authorizing Petitioner to fill approximately .959 acres of wetland as part of a commercial development project. This letter is the document constituting agency action and is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Thirty Day Deadline 2. G.S. §143-215.1(e) requires that contested case petitions shall be filed within 30 days after the agency notifies the permittee or the applicant of the agency action complained of. 3. Exhibit A, the agency action was dated April 19, 1993. __Petitioner did not file'a contested case petition until July 20, 1993, ninety-two (92) days after the date of the agency action. As as a result, the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) lacks subject matter jurisdiction over this case and it must be dismissed. Sixty Day Deadline 4. In the event the administrative law judge finds that G. S. §143-215.1(e) is not proper statutory timetable for appealing 401 Water Quality Certifications, then the only other applicable timetable is G.S. §150B-23(f) which requires that contested case petitions must be filed within 60 days after the agency notifies the aggrieved party of agency action complained of. 5. Since Petitioner's contested case petition was not filed until 92 days after the agency action, then even under G.S. §150B- 23(f), the petition was late thereby making this appeal beyond the w i jurisdiction of OAH. 6. G.S. §150B-36(c) provides that a dismissal for lack of jurisdiction constitutes a final agency decision. 7. Recent appellate case law in North Carolina has consistently held that strict compliance with statutory filing deadlines is necessary for OAH to obtain subject matter jurisdiction. Gaskkill v Cobey, 109 N.C. App 656 (1993); Gummels v Dept. of Human Resources, 98 N.C. App. 675 (1990); Lewis v Dept. of Human Resources, 92 N.C. App. 737 (1989). 8. On July 22, 1993 the Honorable Robert R. Reilly, ALJ presiding, issued an Order for Prehearing Statements to be filed by all parties within 30 days. 9. In light of its Motion to Dismiss, Respondent believes that the interests of justice would be better served by a stay of the Order for Prehearing Statements until such time as this Court rules on the merits of this Motion to Dismiss. For these reasons Respondent has filed these motions in lieu of a Prehearing Statement. WHEREFORE, RESPONDENT PRAYS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That this Court enter an Order dismiss Petitioner's Petition for lack of subject matter jurisdiction; 2. That said Order constitute a final agency decision; 3. For oral argument; 4. That in the interest of justice and economy, the Order for Prehearing Statements be stayed pending a decision on this Motion to Dismiss. 5...-- For any other relief the Court deems just and proper. Respectfully Submitted this the 20th day of August, 1993. MICHAEL F. EASLEY Attorney General Billy R. win Assistant Attorney General N.C. Department of Justice P.O. Box 629 Raleigh, N.C. 27602-0629 (919)-733-7247 N.C. State Bar #13508 2 ar?° State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Realth and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 J=es B. Hunt, Jr., Governor April 19, 1993 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Director Mr. Dale Nelson, VP c/o Rahu Company University Place Mall 12030 Sunrise Valley Drive, *300 Reston, Virginia 22091 Dear Mr. Nelson: Subject: Proposed fill in Wetlands or Wateis Commercial-development, University Place Mall Mecklenburg County Project # 93236 Upon review of your request for 401 Water Quality Certification to place fill material. in 0.959 acres of wetlands or waters which are tributary to mallard Creek for commercial development at Univers=ity Place Mal]. located at Interstate 85 and Razzis Boulevard in Mecklenburg County, we hove determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2671 issued January 21,- 1992. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Per=mit No. 26. An additional condition is that final written approval must be obtained from DEM for a stormwater plan. If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney at 919-•733- 1786 Sincerely, ` ?eston?F:oward, r . P . E . 93236.1tr .`? Attachment 1 CC: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Mooresville DEM Regional Office C=entral Files James Spangler, Barrett 1Gays an Pssociates R.egzoaai ices Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 9191436-1541 704;663-1699 9191571-4700 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 9191896-7007 Pollution Pravanlion Pays P.O. Box 29535, Meigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity A.ffi madve. Action Employer CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that I have this day served Petitioner's attorney with a copy of this MOTION TO DISMISS and MOTION TO STAY, by depositing it in the United States Mail bearing sufficient postage for delivery by first class mail, addressed as follows: Craig A. Bromby, Esq., HUNTON & WILLIAMS P.O. Box 109 Raleigh, N.C. 27602 Respectfully Submitted this the 20th day of August 1993. MICHAEL F. EASLEY Attorney General Bill . Godwin Assist Attorney General N.C. Department of Justice P.O. Box 629 Raleigh, N.C. 27602-0629 (919)-733-7247 N.C. State Bar #13508 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG UNIVERSITY PLACE MALL, INC. Petitioner, IN THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 93 EHR 0759 ORDER TO STAY V. N.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, & NATURAL RESOURCES Respondent, Respondent, having moved for an ORDER staying the effect of this Court's July 20, 1993 Order for Prehearing Statements pending a decision on its Motion to Dismiss, and it appearing to this Court that the Motion for Stay should ALLOWED, it is hereby ORDERED that said Order is stayed pending further Notice from the undersigned. IT IS SO ORDERED This is the day of 1993 Robert R. Reilly Administrative Law Judge, Presiding 4 - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG UNIVERSITY PLACE MALL, INC. Petitioner, V. N.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, & NATURAL RESOURCES Respondent, FINAL AGENCY DECISION This matter having been brought upon Motion of Respondent pursuant to G.S. §1A-1, Rule 12(b)(1); G.S. §143-215.1(e); G.S. §150B-36(c); and 26 NCAC 3.0015 to dismiss Petitioner's contested case petition for lack of subject matter jurisdiction and the court having considered the record herein, hereby makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. On April 19, 1993, Respondent, by letter, issued a 401 Water Quality Certification authorizing Petitioner to fill approximately .959 acres of wetland as part of a commercial development project. 2. G.S. §143-215.1(e) requires' that contested case petitions shall be filed within 30 days after the agency notifies the permittee or the applicant of the agency action complained of. Alternatively, G.S. §150B-23(f) requires that contested case petitions must be filed within 60 days after the agency notifies the permittee or the applicant of the agency action complained of. _._ .. 3.. The 401 Water Quality- Certification, the agency action in this matter, was dated April 19, 1993. Petitioner did not file a contested case petition until July 20, 1993, ninety-two (92) days after the date of the agency action. Under either G.S. §143- 215.1(e) or G.S. §150B-23(f), the petition was late and the office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) lacks subject matter jurisdiction over this case and it must be dismissed. 4. G.S. §150B-36(c) provides that a dismissal for lack of jurisdiction constitutes a final agency decision. CONCLUSION OF LAW That Petitioner has failed to file a timely contested case petition and as a result, the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) lacks subject matter jurisdiction over this case and it must be dismissed and therefore Respondent is entitled, to a Final Agency Decision dismissing Petitioner's contested case petition. In accord: Gaskkill v Cobev, 109 N. C. App. 656 (1993) ; Gummels v Dept. IN THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 93 ERR 0759 of Human Resources, 98 N.C. App. 675 (1990); Lewis v Dent. of Human Resources, 92 N.C. App. 737 (1989). FINAL DECISION This contested case petition is hereby DISMISSED for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. This order constitutes a final agency decision in accordance with G.S. §150B-36(c)(3). NOTICE In order to appeal a Final Decision, the person seeking review must file a Petition in the Superior Court of Wake county or in the superior court of the county where the person resides. The Petition for Judicial Review must be filed within thirty (30) days after the person is served with a copy of the Final Decision. G.S. §150B-46 describes the contents of the Petition and requires service of the Petition on all parties. This is the day of , 1993. Robert R. Reilly Administrative Law Judge 2 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 WATER QUALITY SECTION FAX # (919) 733-1338 TELECOPY TO. «(--Y Gobi FAX NUMBER: -T FROM.2 PHONE: ?33>- /?A NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING THE COVER SHEET: z-'?Crm-?5 7w OUG31? /I,- (+ PAC, n4oidu-a uopoV anpECJJV,Cjjunuoddp junbg uy 91OL-££L-6I6 ouogdaias, 9£90-9Z9LZ EugoxeD W0N `g2TQMI `9Z96Z xog 'O•d S,CD,j uo2JuaAa.1d uoi;n11od' LOOL-9681616 006E-566/616 18t69-9i76/616 OOLil-IL91616 6691-E99/170L It9l-98t,/616 80Z9-T9Z/tOL MOTES-Uolsmm u01sulurl! u032utgseM g2101 g 0111nsai00W aTTtnalla,is3 aTTtnagsy =!g0 ieu018a sagPTOOSSV PUP S?Px ggazzPg 'aaTbuPdS saumr saTT3 TPaguaO GOT990 TPUOTbag YaG aTTznsaaOOW aOT33O pTGT-4 aTTTnausy szaauTbug go sdaoo saaauzbug go sdaoo gozagszQ uogbuzuzTTM :OO l gUGwgOPqqv agT'9£Z86 d d z 'paPMO ?uogsa 'ATaaaOUTS 98LT -58L-6T6 qP AauaOQ UgOr goPquOO asPOTd 'suozq.sanb Aup @Apq noA jI •UPTd aagPMuizogs P aog Waa woaj pauzPggo aq gsnw TPnoaddP uaggTam TPUTJ gPug ST UOTgTpUOO TPUOTq.zppP UV 9Z 'ON gzuizad apTMUOTgPN SaGaUTbuz go sdaO0 aapun abPaanoO aog buzAjTTPnb uz pasn aq APW' uozq.POTJTgaaO STgj •pGgOPgqP ST uoTgP3Tgzgz03 TPZauaS aug 90 Adoo v 'Z66T 'TZ AaPnuPr panssT TL9Z *ON UOTgP0TJTg1a3 AgTTPno zagPM TPaauGS Aq pazanoO aq UPO TTT3 pasodozd aqg gpgq paUTW2agap anPq OM 'Agunoo banquaTXOaH UT paeATTnog szaaPH PUP 58 agPgszaqul gP pagPOOT TTPAT aOPTd A'TSZanzun gP guawdOTanap TPTOaawwOO aOJ xaaaO paPTTPH oq AapgngTaq aaP gOTgm saagPM ao spuPTgaM 90 saaOP 656'0 uz TPTaagPUi TTTJ aOPTd o-4 uozgPOZ3zgaaD AgTTPna zagPM TOb zog q.sanbaa znoA go Maznez uodn 9£Z£6 # gOaCozd Aqunoo banquaTxOaW TTPH aOPTd AgTSaanzun 'quauzdOTanap. TPZOaaunuO3 saagPM ao spuPTgaM uT TTT3 pasodozd :goaCgnS :uosTaN •aH IPaQ T60ZZ PTuTbazn 'uogsag 00E# 'anzaQ AaTTPn aszaunS 080ZT TTPH aOPTd AgzszanTun AuPdwo:D nuPH o/O dA 'uosTON aTPQ • aPq ioloan(j fdmaioaS `SQM0H •g usg7Buo! °piemoH uoIsaJd W 8 6 6 T '6T T T zdv iouSan09 `•.1! `;unH • g sauna! V09LZ EurToJ'ED qPoN "g2101eg .10045 ?mgsijes quoN ZTS juaTUa2'eu.uw IMUO MITnug 10 uoTSTATQ saainosag IuinjuM pun gpiuaH ljuauiuojieua • jo luatulaudaQ nuiioJUD gpoN jo a;u}s 21y)$ GENERAL CERTIFICATION FOR PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBER 26 (HEADW.-aTERS AND'ISOLATED WETLANDS) This General Certification-is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Envi- ronmental Management Regulations in 15A NCAC 2H, Section .0500 and 15A NCAC 2B .0109 and .0201 for the discharge of fill mate- rial to navigable waters and adjacent wetland areas which are above the headwaters or -to wetland areas that are not a part of the *surface tributary system to interstate waters or navigable waters of the United States (i.e., isolated wetlands) as described in 33 CFR 330 Appendix A (B) -(26) of the Corps of Engi- neers •regulations (i.e., Nationwide Permit No. 26). The category of activities shall include any fill activity in. these headwaters and isolated wetland and water areas where the activity results in the loss or substantial modification of not more than 10 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands. This' Certification replaces Water Quality Certification Number 2176 issued on November 5, 1987. The State of North Carolina certifies that the specified category of activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. Proposed .fill or substantial modification of greater 'than- one-third of an acre of such waters, -including wetlands, requires a written concurrence from the Division of Envi- ronmental Management. 2. Proposed fill or substantial modification of equal to or less than one-third of an acre of such waters, including wetlands, does not require written concurrence front the Division of Environmental Management. 3. Proposed fill of greater than one acre in SA, trout, HQW, ORW, WS-I and WS-II watersheds requires public notice and an individual 401 Certification from the Divi- sion of Environmental Management; 4. That established sediment and erosion control practices are utilized to prevent violations bf the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in streams and rivers not designated as trout waters by DEM; 25 NTUs in all. saltwater classes, and all lakes and reset,,-oirs; 10 NTUs in trout. \q ate r. s) ; 5. That additional site-speci.f!.c conditions may be ad_:aed to projects with greater than one-third of an acre impact which are p.r.oposed under this CertifJI_Cation in order to ensure COMIDliance. with all applicable water gtiality and e:f f lucnt st:? ndards ; E? . I9C'.as- .).res sh?i.'!A. 'be to i?revent 1_ :_vc or f res:i COl1C:: C' i.C frolil co!il.l_l-!C; i nt0 COi!taC t. : i :.1; waters c:" 1c State until }iC'. haS h.-irdC-'ned. - C?i1C't?)'. 1: C'llC i' _.1 n!a i?i;!`` State of North Carolina Department of Environment, 'PA Health and Natural Resources 4 • 1 Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, , Secretary ? ? H N A. Preston Howard, Jr., RE., Director June 21, 1993 Mr. Dale Nelson, VP c/o Hahu Company University Place Mall 12030 Sunrise Valley Drive, #300 Reston, Virginia 22091 Dear Mr. Nelson: RE: Proposed fill in wetlands or waters Commercial development, University Place Mall Mecklenburg County DEM # 93236 On 19 April 1993, a 401 Water Quality Certification was issued to you for fill of 0.959 acres of wetlands in order to develop the University Place Mall. A condition was added to that Certification requiring final written approval from DEM for a stormwater plan. Since that time your consultants have developed an acceptable stormwater plan with DEM staff. Therefore I hereby approve the stormwater plan for the University Place Mall dated June 11, 1993. Please call Mr. John Dorney at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions. Sincerely, A? ;Preston Howard„'' Jr. P . E . 93236a.ltr cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Mooresville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Mr. Scott Thomas Central Files Mr. James Spangler, Barrett Kays and Associates P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 501k recycled/ l 01k post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director May 25, 1993 Jim Spangler Barrett Kays Associates 304 E. Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27601 Dear Jim, L9 ED EHNR In our recent meeting concerning University Place, Charlotte, North Carolina, you requested references for our requirements for the use of wet detention ponds for this development and similar developments that require a 401 certification. The Division of Environmental Management (DEM), pursuant to 15A NCAC 2B.0203, is required to protect downstream uses of water when approving 401 certifications. The impact to water quality due to stormwater runoff from large areas of impervious surfaces such as parking lots is clear from the scientific literature as well as DEM experience. Therefore, if a downstream impact is likely, measures must be taken to mitigate that impact. In instances of shopping centers, regional hospitals, or other developments with large amounts of impervious cover DEM routinely requires wet detention ponds to control the runoff from these areas. In this instance a wet detention pond will be required to protect downstream uses in Mallard Creek. In our previous conversation, several options were discussed that would reduce the area needed for the detention pond. One of these options was to reduce the amount of off-site runoff that reaches your site and then drains to the wet detention pond. The detention pond must be designed to account for this runoff volume. Therefore, reducing the amount of offsite runoff entering your site, by diversion or other means, would reduce the size of the wet pond that would be required. This option would require the cooperation of adjacent land owners and the appropriate agencies. The second would require that the receiving lake be capable of handling the additional runoff without a degradation to the water quality of the lake. Please remember that the alternatives discussed are just options. We will not tell you what particular option to implement, but we will hold what ever design is implemented to standards that are consistent with state stormwater rules. I've enclosed a worksheet that demonstrates the size requirements of a wet detention pond that would accommodate the University Place development site based on an impervious cover of 85%. It appears that the impervious cover at the proposed development will actually be greater than 85%, but this table will P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper give you an example of what to expect in the way of SA/DA ratios. Also enclosed is a -graph showing various impervious cover percentages and what SA/DA ratios would be required with a given permanent pool depth. This information, along with the previous material that was sent to you, should provide a good basis to begin your design. If further information is needed, please call me and I can offer suggestions on which reference materials might be of benefit. Also, please let me know if there are specifics you would like to discuss in our next scheduled meeting on Friday, May 28. Sincerely, Scot /ho as Attachments cc: John Dorney (with attachments) Beth McGee (with attachments) Area of Watershed = Impervious % _ 122 85 (Assumed from C value of 0.90) Possible situations with SA/DA ratios, assuming 85% TSS removal n Average Depth ft SA/DA % Surface Area Required - Perm Pool acres Surface Area Required - Perm Pool f02 Proposed SA at Depth(x) iven acres 3.00 3.29 4.01 174595 3.50 2.91 3.55 154740 . 0.44 4.00 2.76 3.37 146893 4.50 2.57 3.14 136778 0.58 5.00 2.34 2.86 124432 5.50 2.22 2.70 117778 0.74 6.00 2.13 2.60 113270 6.50 1.85 2.26 98303 0.91 7.00 1.66 2.03 88290 7.50 1.47 1.80 78277 1.1 8.00 1.28 1.57 68264 The surface area mentioned above is the surface area required for the permanent pool. Above that, the pond must be sized to hold and release over a period of 2-5 days the runoff from the first inch of rainfall. Also above the permanent pool is any flood control volume the pond must be sized to hold and release. From SCS methods: CN = 95 Depth of rainfall 1" Depth of runoff 0.56" Total volume from 1" 5.69 _ ac-ft assuming 122 acres 248,002 ft^3 this would be the volume to detain. More conservative approach: Schueler's Simple Method Rv = 0.85 Depth of rainfall 1" Total volume from 1" 8.64 ac-ft assuming 122 acres 376,358 ft^3 this would be the volume to detain. 00 1 t 1 t • ? 1 1 , 1 ' M I I • 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 i t I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -------------------------- -------------1- -------- 1. - - -- --------- 1 1 1 t I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 I I ; ; t 1 t 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 ?l 1 1 , 1 1 _ ? 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I _ 1 1 1 ' , ?? 1 1 I I ,.? 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J 1 1 1 1 T1 1 1 1 O 1 1 1 , O 1 1 ' ' ------------- /I 1 1 ' 1 1 /? i•-i I 1 1 1 ; t 1 1 ? 1 1 1 t 1 ; 1 V/ O I I ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , I 1 C N W 1 1 - ; 1 , , 1 1 , , I 1 , I I I , , 1 1 1 1 ' I 1 1 ; ----------- Cf) I 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 , 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I , 1 1 1 I , 1 I I M d- in M kr) M N N W-) r" e-4 OTWBU WINS Barrett Kays & Associates Civil Engineering/Environmental Engineering/Environmental Assessment July 7, 1993 Mr. John Dorney NCDEHNR-DEM P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27611 Re: University Place Mall, Inc. - Minimum Acceptable Pollutant Removal. RK4. #92-1102 Dear Mr. Dorney: This letter confirms my discussion yesterday with Mr. Ron Ferrell, in your absence. It is our understanding that the minimum acceptable TSS removal for the UPMI stormwater system is 70%. As per our meeting with the Director last Friday, we are now proceeding with revised concept drawings based on this minimum acceptable pollutant removal percentage and the UPMI-specific drainage area of 57+/- acres. We shall contact you and Mr. Scott Thomas later this week to discuss and review these concepts. Sincerely, BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P.A. AesA.ngler CEI Project Manager JAS.jh cc: Mr. Bill Jackson Mr. Dale Nelson Mr. Craig Bromby 304 East Jones Street / Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Telephone: 919-828-1903 Fax: 919-828-0365 2 ! 1993 y • WETLANDS Barrett Kays & Associates ' --.- WATER UALI1 Civil Engineering/Environmental Engineering/Environmental Assessment July 20, 1993 Mr. John Dorney Wetlands Review Group Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: University Place Mall, BKA Project #9211012 Dear Mr. Dorney: Please find enclosed the submittal materials requested for the revised stormwater concepts as discussed with you and your staff over the last few weeks. Please note that we are submitting two separate concepts and requests, separate approvals of each. Concept one is a concept that achieves 85% pollutant removal. This concept is a revision of the size of the pond that was approved by your office previously. Concept two is a concept with 70% removal. This removal percentage corresponds to your verbal memorandum via Mr. Ron Farrell of your office to me, dated July 7, 1993. This concept includes a revised stormwater impoundment size, as well as a condition that wetland mitigation will be included in addition to the stormwater impoundment in order to meet the goal of 85% pollutant removal for this project. Wetland mitigation may be feasible at sites #5, 4, 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9 on the C, memo provided by your office on July 2 to us. Attached please find a memorandum of field investigations on these potential wetland mitigation areas. The field investigation has been carried out in order to assess the preliminary feasibility of using these areas for wetland mitigation. The preliminary feasibility evaluations include accessibility, wetland hydrology, vegetation and soils presence, and a preliminary evaluation of potential property ownership issues. None of these issues has been studied in detail. 304 East Jones Street / Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Telephone: 919-828-190-3 Fax: 919-828-0365 Letter to John Dorney Page 3 July 20, 1993 Again, thank you and your staff very much for your timely consideration of these issues. We have appreciated the opportunity to work with you and our client also appreciates your willingness to assess the relative value of certain mitigation approaches in conjunction with the real costs, in monetary terms, of moving forward with, these various option. I trust that this submittal proves to be adequate. Should you require any further information, or should you have any questions, please contact me directly as soon as possible. Sincerely, BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P.A. G? . James A. Spangler, CEI Project Manager JAS:cr att: Computer hydrographics, 2 Options Pond Details, 2 Options Pond Structure Details, 2 Options Potential Mitigation area field notes Revised Plan Sheets, 2 options cc: Bill Jackson Dale Nelson Phil Roberts John Wiles Barrett Kays Bill Pollard Craig Bromby State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan 13w..-Howes, Secretary A. Prest?`1 Howard, Jr., P.E., Director August 4, 1993 Mr. Jim Spangler Barrett Kays and Associates 304 East Jones Street Raleigh, N.C. 27601 Dear Mr. Spangler: A14 ID FE 11114-1 F=?L RE: University Place mall stormwater plans Mecklenburg County DEM # 93236 DEM.has reviewed your stormwater and wetland mitigation plans for the above-mentioned project. Scott Thomas has reviewed your stormwater plans for 1) a pond which would remove 850 of.the suspended solids without modifying the site plan, 2) a pond which would remove 85% of the TSS with a modification of the site plan, and 3) a pond which would remove 700 of the TSS with supplemental wetland mitigation. Any of these three plans would be acceptable to meet the condition of the 401 Certification which requires written DEM approval of a final stormwater plan. I understand that the applicant is undergoing an internal review with yourself to select his preferred option. Please advise me when this decision is made. If he opts to build a pond designed for 70% TSS removal, I will need to meet with you to discuss wetland mitigation options in more detail. Please call me at 733-1786 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jo n R. Dorney We lands and T clinical 93236b.1tr cc: Mooresville DEM Regional Office Mr. Preston Howard, Director Scott Thomas Craig Bromby Central Files Asheville Field Office Corps of Engineers Review Group P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equai Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper University Place Mall, Inc. 401 Water Quality Certification Submittal 70 % Treatment Wet Detention Basin July 20, 1993 This submittal is to comply with the conditional water quality certification issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management on April 19, 1993. This submittal includes this bound set of data and a total of 9 oversize blue-line preliminary design plan sheets. Preliminary reviews by NCDEHNR DEM staff on three separate occasions during May and June 1993 have provided guidance on this submittal. This submittal includes data and preliminary (not for ' construction) designs for a wet detention basin as a means of protecting downstream water quality from degradation due to pollutant runoff from post- construction impervious areas. Pollutant removal efficiencies of the proposed wet detention basin and the general basin characteristics have been reviewed and given preliminary approval by DEM staff on June 8, 1993. General basin characteristics include an average depth of 6.92 feet, a surface area at permanent pool elevation 622.0' of 0.79 acres. Short-circuiting of stormwater shall be eliminated by the use of a pond inlet distribution structure composed of header pipes and riser pipes. The bottom of the basin consists of natural subgrade soil. Additional compensation to meet the 85% Treatment Guidelines of NCDEM ' are proposed in the form of wetland mitigation at an as-yet to be determined downstream location (see attached memo). Hydrographics and Pond Routing The existing University Place property includes a watershed sub-basin which ' contributes directly to the proposed detention pond area (now a man-made erosion-control catchment) consists of 46.16 acres. Existing ground-cover is a mixture of woods, brush, and meadow grass, and a minimal area of pavement. Stormwater runoff from this watershed sub-basin flows into an existing 48 inch reinforced concrete culvert. Peak runoff was modeled by use of QTR 55, Version 5.44. Peak 10 year runoff volume for the pre-development hydrograph is 172 cfs. The northern portion of the pre-development property consists of a watershed sub-basin of 8.90 acres. The existing storm runoff in this sub-basin is directed to an existing 36 inch reinforced concrete culvert under I-85. Proposed development will include diversion of this drainage into the proposed wet ' detention pond for water-quality purposes. 1 LJ ?J H Off-site drainage is now flowing onto the University Place property from areas south of W.T. Harris Boulevard. Total off-site drainage area is 57 acres: all this stormwater flow is being directed into the proposed treatment pond. This runoff will then flow into the existing 48 inch culvert which will also receive the reduced discharges from the treatment pond. Based on the proposed final grading plan, total developed area which will contribute to the proposed detention basin is 51.30 acres: pervious area is 3.95 acres (mostly roadway medians and landscaping), and impervious area is 47.35 acres (see attached table of pervious area). However, this study considered that the entire 51.30 acres is to become impervious. Curve number CN95 was used for hydrologic considerations. Post-development peak hydraphic flow for on site and off site acreage, to the treatment pond is calculated to be 401 cfs for the 10 year storm event and 615 cfs for the 100 year event. Routing of stormwater through the treatment basin was modeled by the Pond 2, Version 5.17 by Haestad Methods. Routing for the 10 year storm yields a peak pond outflow of 265.32 cfs. This post development discharge is 12 cfs greater than the pre-development 10 year storm flow. In general drainage considerations, these flows are considered equal. The 100 year out flow is 447.18 cfs. Flow Through The Inlet Distribution System The proposed inlet distribution system is comprised of a header piping network which feeds storm water to a series of vertical riser pipes. These risers are designed to prevent a short circuit from pond inlet to pond outlet. This system provides for the general movement of incoming storm waters. The calculations for the inlet distribution system considers the peak hydrographic inflow and pond attenuation elevation for the 100 year storm event. The peak inflow and pond attenuation elevation have been calculated for the peak inflow hour of 12.10. 1 "Storm Discharge Runoff depth for the one year storm is 0.56 inches. Volume of the 1 inch storm from the 51.3 developed acres is 2.39 ac-ft. The stand pipe crest is designed to the 1 inch rain storage volume elevation. Average out flow rate of the 2.39 ac-ft through the proposed 4 inch discharge tube is 0.4 cfs. Average time of discharge for the 2.39 ac-ft is 3 days. 1 General Notes 1. The on-site drainage area to the wet detention basin is 51.3 acres. 2. The runoff from the upstream off-site drainage area will be collected and ' piped into the wet detention basin. 3. The maximum, reasonable on-site drainage is shown to be diverted into 4. the wet detention basin. See sheets RG-1 and RG-2. These plans consist of only the hydrologic design for the water quality mitigation pursuant to the 401 Water Quality Certification approval. These plans do not address other engineering aspects, including but not limited to foundation design, structural design, and geotechnical design. ' Wet Detention Basin 1. The surface area of the wet detention basin is 0.79 acres. 2. The average depth of the wet detention basin is 6.92 feet. ' 3. The wet detention basin has capacity above the permanent pool to retain one inch of surface runoff for control of the 10-year runoff. Discharge volumes from the basin shall be equal to he pre-construction volumes based on this design. 4. The bottom of the wet detention basin consists of the natural subgrade soil materials. ' 5. Security fencing is to be provided around the wet detention basin. The entrance is to be gated and locked. 6. To prevent short-circuiting, the inlet distribution system is designed to move all of the incoming storm waters toward the outlet structures. ' Development Runoff Areas SUBAREA PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TOTAL ' AAA 1.14 ac. 15.46 ac. 16.60 ac. BBB 2.24 ac. 14.06 ac. 16.30 ac. CCC 0.36 ac. 9.14 ac. .9.50 ac DDD 0.21 ac. 8.69 ac. 8.90 ac fl L INTO NUO1S dV3A N31 1 GNOd N0I1N313a 13M 1N3Yq"3tll %OL I 30Vld AlIS133AINn I t Oui.ck -(k-55 `de?I' .S.44 : /1.41.,_,1`.:)4600 '? Executed- 12i,13:3"S 0 7-2,0 1993 A,S IS 00 N I..'1 1 .1.0 NI !`y OF h'(AY , ;i -.'1>'3 F71_% l;NiV! I_. . . .. .. . Rt_11','0(- . t.t'Y'F, . 1k,,1_IMBi;..Gi D e, r'.L ;:) t, i C? r°i .--a c r.' Z- S_. ) t ni F` 1 _:111 : _'=< cl e Quick TR--155 Ver,.5,44 /N:1.3154C>t::ii 8C? Executed z 112. 43:33 07-20-1993 0N1.VE P\'rISITY PLfA CE MEt.;KI_.FNBl_1R'..( COUNTY . NC wi I)`. i 4 P ED !'R,k;.Tk! ; I_-.to-I" <; s F C'j I Quick "FR-S5 Jet°.5.44 S/N:131S460089 ' Executed; 09:27:06 07-20-1993 ..I\J.IVEF,'SITY PLACE TOWr! CENTER 1ECV,LEN18UR.G COUN'T'Y 50 ?'CRE OFF SITE DRNG. F I.!_E UNlIV ERPL . r..., , . „ .... ? ,. ,. ? . , .. 1=?UNrJc'? ., :^'U(i'VE r NUMBER MJM!,-l(-'flo"Y Of iba r e a A.r°?, a C'N ' - Cier• r,ti.on t' acres J 1ri ;1.!iI'1?f=C? ) AREA. S 0.. 0,10 f I I 0u7.ck T P-SS Vet°. r . 44 /N; 1;3.15460089 Executed: 09:27:06 07-20-1993 UNIVE R ITY PLACE 'FOWN CENT'ER' ME CKLENB --G COUNTY `O A'f'F?IE' (OFF SITE DRNG. FILE UNIVERPL RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA ;can r,-)o , i to Area: MINGLE P REA < C", N! SURFACE DESCRIP'rIONI e s; ii U J1 WEE1J & R AES 17, )0 ._,.,r. -- { _> -> 84 0 f°1 ha C) ._ 1. I _.. 3 R E," C3 i.:, t: i, Quick TR-55 Verv5..44 S/Nx1315460089 ExeCUt.ed: 15:52 .i3 07-- 19-1993 UNIVE"RPL., TCT UN'IVERSITY' PL.A0E ME.CKL_..L-`NBUR( C OUNTY, NC 1.0 YEAR STORM EVENT, 50 fi=tCRE E3 Cl;="t= SIT E, TC C:rMRUTATIONS F(! R. SJ:iIG;Lr.L=_ ORE.A SHEET FL..SW (Applicaanle to Tc; or'Iv) Segment ID I SUrface description WOODS Ma.nni.nJi' _ coeff. , n 0 .07)5Cl F" 1 o w :1 e i'1 q t. h L.. ( t. o t. a 1 o r -- 3 C) 0 f t. ;? C! !.") . C) i' U.I C -',yr t._ 4 • ,.?. - f'1 Y' i" , :1 t't ct.1. ). 1. n ) .. Soo Land t/ f t. 0 . C.! 1(j fl 007 4, ri*L, 0. 4 P2 Hr')L..L..W 0C)NC'r-!'! i R, `)'T D .`l..(7i4 f t if ': is , !:l r) in 1 A Cl r._ ? II c: r .; , ..: l ! „ (.. ,. _. ('I . 1 i_ i Quick TR--SS Ver .5.44 `3/N; 13154Ei(JCi89 Executed z 1S:52:; 33 C:(7-19--1993 UN7:VERPL.. TCT 3l.!hM(.'?R'Y SHEET OR `1'c: or" I't OMPUTATION ( °3o'Lved for- Time u inn TR--F:)=5 Methods) UNIVERSITY PLACE N C;'KLENBURGCOUNTY , kIC• IC', YES-OR STORM EVENT, 50 (? TRIES OFF SITE. FILE UNIVERPL °"ubar°ea.. de- c:r°,. Tc: r.:,r Ti". Tulle (hr s ) Quick. TR-55 Ver.5.4-4 S/N:1.315460089 E x e c u t e d - 09 - 27 : 50 07--20--1993 UNIVE_.RSITY P L A E' MECKLt_NBURG COUNTY., NORTH CAROLINA 7 AC CIE OFF SITE uRNG. FILE UNIVEPLA RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER SUMW?iRY Subarea. 1- escr°itDtion i acr es i t we _r:3hte-'d i (?t OFFSITE 7.00 7 Quick TR-.SS Ver`..5.44 S/N-131.S460089 Executed: 09.27-50 0 7--120---1.99 U!',! I V E F? `J I `i Y P L.- A E ME-.CuL.-ENBl7RG C-:C)i.!f`,TY, NORTH CAf-'MLIN:l-) 7 ACRE f:!F SITE DRN _ FILE UNIVEPL.A RUNUFF C,'URVE, NUMBER DATA', SURF(;C:E: I)E: 30RI PT c> c. ... , . . . . 0 t1 0 `.' J . ` 00 00 C N -7 , (wick' TR-55 Ver.5.44 S/N: 13154.6008 Executed: 1S: 53:40 07-19-1993 UNIVPL r . TCT UNIVERSITY PLACE ME'.v KLENBURf H COUNTY, NC J.0 YEAR STORM EVENT 7 ACRE OFF SITE. FILE UNIVPL-7 IC, CO MPUTATIONS FOR: SINGLE AREA ;i-iEET FLOW (c,pr;:1.:i.cc: ale to Tc cr):l.,,/i Segfnent ID 1 Surface. description WOODS , BRUSH fla.nnJ. ncj' s roughrieCvs c:, of'ff. :. n 0.035o F1.cova length, i.. (t.otr:,il < or - 300) ft 300.':::) Tvio - ar, 2 4--hr rair)fa1.1. . P' 1n 3•.500 Land =,1_ c:> ;p e, -- f t. f t. 0. O 1.01;:1 C).' a ? ? 0-0-L) T 0.1.5 0. Is p ? :Ill ,..:C:?fvL.,:::_`, !°?•; . `_)., f'"' l.))N -f t. 1:: 1. ; f t'. C:1 ,' l c?I i .. .._ .? .. i 1.. (..• ?r; '1V ,) 1'1 i._ ?..? (.?I i?.l (,I ?.? ,nt;1.1 iCa r-i .y 1 Quick TR-S5 'der.S.44 S/N.1315460089 Executed: 1S?S3.40 ('-)7-1.9-1.993 t_ii'jlIVPL7.Tt T SUMMARY SHEET FOR l"c; or Tt f'0MPUTATI0NSI ( Oo]..,,?c.d for Time us:i.nq I"R-S.S Met.hrc1s ) f° EC."'Kl._ENSURGH COUJINTY, NO 10 YEAR `31Cif?l1 EVENT 7 ACRE Of=f= SITE. FILE UNIVPL-7 t. bars <:? cir_:scr' .. Tc or Tt. T rY r-,-: t hr ` l SINGLE AREA Quick TR-55 Version. 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Wage 2 Return Frequency: 10 years TR--55 TABULAR HYDROC- RAPH METHOD Type II. Distribution (<_14 hr',. Duration Storm) Executed-. 07-19-1993 15 , 55 , 33 Wa.t. r°c hed -File- : .-.-> t_.!NIVPL. , MOP Hvdroc ra..nh f i.1=. --> UNIVPL..HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE MF..CKLE.Nf3URG COUNTY NC AS IS CONDITION 9S OF MAY, 1993 1.0 YEAR `;NORM EVENT„ FILE UNIVPL °.i L.! f n tll is. f.. ? r f= l_! 4:? u t r f_:; a T '1 ro e s t. C? r i e a k. FD C_. a. P, ) ]. ` c h a. r' Ci e a t. T -L ill > ~ t o. P ea k <. t `)omr)o!- i. t: e Out-fall. C.- alr)os.i t,e 01.1 t:.f a I'l 12 1. 1..;0 ? ?. yy .? 2 ry .!, i... ,. !_ :1,72 Quick TR--5S Version- 5.44 S/NF 1315460089 Pace: 3 Return Frequency: 10 TR-55 TABLA._OR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Tvpe II. Dietr•i.buti??n (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed- 07-:1.9-1-993 1.S : S? ' Watershed ti.1e: ---> UNIVPL.. ..MOP Hydro cIraph file: --> UNIVPL-. HY',: UN:I:VERSITY Q i_.. =',CE AS 1,3, i"1E:;fItiL E(?B ?a t =t 1? In,+ j'f P OF MAY, 1.9"93 S?t C 10 YEAR VENT . FILE t_?NIV +.... F- L 1 TR-55 Version-. 5.44 S/N: 13154600F39 Page 4 Ret,ur-n Frequency. 10 years ' TR-SS TABULAR HYL)ROGRAPH ME*THOD Type II. Distribution (24 dir. Dut..atLon >t.C)rrn) Exec;u'ted . 07- 1.9- 19 ,,a 15 , 5 5 , 33 ' Watershed H•,, drogrAp file- - _; UI,\!IVPi_ , MOP h -file,, UNIVl=)L. HYD )UNIVE RSI'FY PLACE. ' ME`^KLENEst_ RG (,'Ot_ r-,,ll Y , NC: AS 1:0 CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1,997, 1.0 YEAR. STORM EVENT. F*.F,!-..F t_NIVPL. ' Compoz_,;ite Hvdroc,.-j ,--iyp; .Surirr) ar"w (.. f!.. ) O u b a r e: a 14.0 14.3 14 . ?: 1. _) . C) 1 1. f . C) 16 , ?i 17 . C) 17, J Descri.;:)ti.on t'r° hr hr h r, ht., t°r nr° hr hr B 1 1. 1 1 1 1 0 C) 1w) 7 6 3 3 1. c f ) !1 f 1 Quiok.. TP-SS Version- 5.41. S/N; 1 S].S4600139 Return FI-eCluency TR-5S TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD T,,/pe II ., Distri but.:Lon (24 hr". Duration Stot-rn) Exect_rtt==d: Or 1.S' 5 a Wat:.er•she.d fi.I e- --> t_iNIVPL 110p Hyc'trogr43.;: h file: --; UNIVPL.HYD UNIVERSITY PL.P1,CE ME.i KLENf3l)f• G COUNTY, rJC IS .;ON.(,',I I' IC)N AS OF ri(,,Y, :1.91:?3 1.0 YEAR STORM EVENT. FILE t!i,iIVPL. I .1n'Ic F1. aw, 1..i . t) : 1. 1 ? 1 r, 1 3 .. .1. 1 .1 . r . 2 e"I i 1 :.yi II {. I I ? 9 4 7 i.1 ..., 1. i ?_. l 1 ? ! ` ,. .:, ., ; 1. .. 4- 41 T :J- rtJ { i' 1 ow 1 <-; 14 t. J t.J L -2 c:> .<J i i. t, !. I :1 i. P .qe 5 10 Years Quick TR-55 Version, ,_7:.4tr't ;M 131S460089 Page 6 Re?trurn FrequerIcv: 10 uear^ TR_SS TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Tvpe II. Distribution (244 hr. Duration Storm) Executed- 07-1.9-1993 1`). 55 .. 3 Wat.ershe,d filer -.---> UNIVPL MOP Hydro jr .--iph file, -'-> UNIVPL. HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE P` IE4:::rCi._ENBURG COUNTY, NC'' AS 13 CONDITION AS OF MAY, 199 1.0 YEAR STORM EVENT.. f=1!_E U1\11.VPL Time F"Io t (isr.._) (ot T' i n'i e o 1"'I ( hr-s) (c:: + 1.8 . 6 `1 18,7 4- 1 F:;, 8 44 ...... - 4 t 19 11, _I C;;, _ <_i i ..?? 0 0 i0 j <. . . ...., 20 L?i. .. .?.. <.. 22.4 <.. 22.5 ?'. __ , ' Quick TR-55 Version- 5.44 S/ N, 131.S460OB9 Paae 1 Return Fre quencv: 10 years ` I TR -55 TABULAR HYDROGR KPH METHOD Type II. Distribution ' (24 hr. Duralti.on Storm) E:xt;cuted - 07-:t.`3--1993 15x5B 16 Watershed -F i I.e., UNI'VERPL,, N10P ' Hvdrogr°ak,. )h file; -- t_1NIVE=RPL. HYD UNIVERSI'TY PLACE f° EC:: KLENBURC; COUNTY., NORTH CAROLINA ' 1.0 YEAR }TORN EVENT.. FILE UNI'LVERPL 50 A OFF SITE DRNG. UNIVERPL- ' >>>> C npu. t. Paramr ter',.. Use to Compute f lydrogra ?h <<<< Su ha r..etn-. F;RE:A CAN TC; Tt Pre(:;1p. Rur'off a/ r) De C; r- irat.icn ?a.c r-F.;°?•; ; t tlr??) (1'lrs,) (in) i ir'!) a_nr) ut.; us e d S.NGt_r' AREA (. 0 ti (. 30 10 5( 3.08 1 ( 9 10 i r... ,. Iv el t: i m e. t r o rrl : ; (_r n ?a r 1=:: a. c ?.r t t l .i. t:; c r_t r7 > o . , i t. v:l a t. er° ?~. h e d o u t. -F rj :?. ]_ r: , o ir t..: I --_ 1Su b a r. e-. ,t i n L. e r r..) o 1 a t. i o n b et:. v, + e n is a l r> 1 , o t;a i. t! r" it . 0 _. l (:{ 1 (.. t, .?, o i"1 ".: a f'; r' D- c-.: r o f < .. 1 . i'•1 t._k 1_. r_ 1 iy f_I..il-1 ': r. . .. 1 L ) r•.. ?P.,'_l L.1 i •.. ?. <.Y.! i i :;. i l;) . 1 is e /'( C. 1 3 t 1.f1 _ 1me_ fr" n t. r_ fi i C=. 3 Quick TR-S5 Version; S.44 S/N: 131S460OB9 Page 2 Return Frequency, 10 years .T"R-SS TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II. Distritwticn (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed 07-19-1993 15:S8-16 water-shed file- UNIVERPL.MOP H',/drograph file-,. - UNIVERPI.._ . HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE MEC KL_ENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 10 YEAR STORM EVENT. FILE. UNIVERPI._ SO Pry OFF SITE DRNG, UNIVE.RPI- :>> ;:summary c?f Lw'?l.!k??at-E7t?:Lme`.?• t.c? !'z:a.I^`. Peak. D:i. c:L arrre at Ti f-m-, to Pe :.-I k. a te. C;c?rn c ;?_t.N Out:.fal1 i.':C?ffloosi'le 01-It.fE1.1 SINGLE ARE 4, Quick -TR--S5 Version. 5.44. S/N 1:3154600€39 0 Return E=re<:yuenc:y T"?:-mow, TABULAR HYDROCRP:PH METHOD Type II .. Distribution (','-"4 hrDuration Storm) Exec.ut.t_d- 07--II?--1.91-93 A.S-5B.,1.6 Water- heG file: -- UNIVE3;,PL 11iOP Hydrograph file:,: --> tJN1VERPi... HYD Paste 1.0 years UNIVER?31 TY MECKL..ENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1.0 YEAR STORM EVEN! f" . FILE UNIVERPL.. SO AC OFF `,31.TE DRNG. UNIVERPL.. 7 n t:C)(T1pCr 1. t:.e Hydi...nq, r`;zOpi`1 UfTTi71 ?.1'"'> =: J i. C ;_'r a b a r e a. 1.1.. 0 l a.. 3 11 . C-: 1..:I.. "' 1.2.. C? :i. 2 , :1 12, . 2 :12 1.2 , 4 De. c t-, i;:>t1c?n hr` hr` hr hr E?r° E°r hr hr- t- r r. (\ ( I ... _ i : E=....'-? '$ f a / 0 14 1. ? _ t a 1. r.,* 20 i (? 1. 1.'" 14 .l. I 1 '74 . `) <-1 i. , 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quick TR-5 Version. 5.44 a; N: 1315460089 Return Frequenov TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRIA PH METHOD T b' p e II. D i s ti-,L k? a t.:i () n (/24 h'r°.. Durat.:i nn Storm) Executed: 07-19--1993 1.5r5B:16 Wa t;€ar h e d f i _1,e, - ;> UNIVFRPI_.. i`1Of- Hvr1r°ogratph file: --: UNIVERPL._,.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE. h•1t=.CKLE:NMJRiG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 10 YEAR STORM EVENT. FILE. UNIVE:RWI... 50 W OFF SITE URN(. UNIVERi='L T i ;n . Fµ 1 c:) the ( hr i (cf.; a.1 .:' 6 7 13 3 7 2 1 12 10 i. 7 7,1 54 I Al ! :;1 ?. TIme- F.I.ovi (rf..) 14.8 8 1 7 71 L C 'cj :.1 . 4 Paci 4 10 vears Quick TR-SS Version S.44 /N; 1315460089 Return Frequency TR--55 'FABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II. Distribution i 214 hr . Dur'at.i,on S t o m } Executed- 07--1.9-•1`=93 1-5. `QE's. 1.6 Watershed f i.le -. - t.JNIVE RPL .. t1OP Hvdrogr°_a.r, h fi.1.e: ---; UNIVERPL..HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURC COUNTY., NORTH CAROLINA YEAR STORM EVENT. FILE UNIVE_:RPL 50 AC OFF" SITE DRNG. UNIVERPL T i r n e.. Fl. :_) w .1.8 6 4 1.8 .. 7 4 i.9.8 L9 . 4. ,=f 1 =a `? tel. t 1.9 8 C ('I 2_-I 2 .'1..t CJ :'0 . 7 2C',.` ..7 1 3 /. ?..l. ..:fir, T l rTi e F l o v, ( l...l r `,i ) 1 C, f 4 :.> 2'2' S 2 ,_, 2/- . h 2.? . 7 212.113 .... 2 7 2 4 . ..? 2 2"' . .4 2 1-3 4:, <..., 1. t... j '24 J i. 5 4 r^I ?i Pace S i. C) ve.ars Quick TR-55 Version: S.44 S/N: 131S460089 Page 1 Return Frequencv. 10 Years TR--55 T•{1RtJLAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II. Di.,,F.-,tribution (214 hr. D t., r' a t: i. can Storm) E xe:ct.i tec+ ° 07-19-1993 16:01i19 ' Watershed f:ilc : --? UNT:VPL7 MOP Hydrocir..aph f i le - -- ? t-!NIVPL..7 . HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE TOWN CENTER ' MECKLENBURG COUNTY CHARLOT-TE• NORTH CAROLINA 10 YEAR STORM EVENT. 7 OGRE OFFSITE. FILE: UNIVPL7 LJ I I >=,; Input; Paratoe:t:et,..s Use:fd to Comr,?ut:e Hvch-ogf-Z?-3-0l ;<<< {. abarea AREC:N I'C; ? T nr,e r,1o Runoff 1.a/ p De >cr- iption ( acres ) (?°fr j ( hrs. i in ( in) i.nt:>ut.fused 7 :"sip OFFS' I1'E 7 . (-.)0 87 . 0 Cl _ 30 it_ .. 20 ? . 00 3.57 1:., 06 10 Ti re 1. ti r.,)e from. st_ibarea cut.fa II to c',om,)o,:ite v.jat,ei- h d u t.f?13 p int.. 1 -- :: j b a! e. a 114h e r" e u S e r _. t:.) c i f 1 c' d 1 n t. ? i c.) r-'1 }-) e t: tf,l e e n 1. p t a. U 1 e, s. T J. 7 .. 00 0 . 0 I O9 4 0 f it K> Ii t t f- r l .l, t l <. f-s f I t l... f I n -n -i t 1ni. t va.1J,!_!e,F; ,...i.._if!... 1 fa.? r, '<;r .L;)1 ?< ri ,r 1 ?._4. _ ..__... (.Ji.-t:. Ei I T'°= l? ,..=> t} ,. `.?) t.:? ..>(' i-.? ..:?(] '•,I? ? 4_'c i")u ;c,? ) .. 'I a ' Tf ?. fk't. t. -1- laL <?. l"s C")tt i. i ,.{ t _. 1. IY)??S; _. 1. '.:, t• ,ri;:?Y. f..r -; - d X111-T"', l•)`. Y.. ., <. - 1. Quick TR-55 Version, Sv44 S/N: 13IS460089 Page 2 Return Freauencu: 10 N/e ,rs TR'-SS TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Tv, e II. D iut.ri.but.i c%n (24 hr. Duration Executed- 07-19-19'93 1.6 ; 01 „ ?. Water shed file- --> UNIIVPI_7 MOP H,,/drograph file-, --- UNIVPL7. HYD UNIVERSITY Pl.-i`;'?E:. TOWN CENTER MECKLEi'-IBURG COUNTY CHARLOTTE, NORTH C ()ROL INA. 10 YEAR S1"O!'.;•1 EVENT., 7 s',,.;F OFr S1:'1-F: , J: i_C t_t I. L_ ; ;?>; summary of S l 1 b a r t_, ,.... Fie k, Peak:. 3.°cse- i , ,_, to P&ak at. C: (-) m x:> c; 't t:. e 0 u t.1: .. 11. c' rr; r? L e i-i t-j f ' t 1.1 j. 23 ??ick fn n-?c,- ? ?•'?r?..:,Page 3 ' r:ic?ra: 5.44 S./N- 1315460089 . t to r, n F r €- u e n c v : 1 L ye r T,v'pe I.I. Di tlribL.ation c: 24 hI- . Dt_fra Y:.`i r. `3tor rn } CE X.e?ct_! t- e; d . 0R-- 19 --1.'-,"-' ` 16 . 0.1. ., 1.1- Water ;hed f.l .L c:. > 1-)NTV PL_ i . riUP N„d f.. ,.y , r a I:') t-, f i. I - UN7 V P I H Y D 'kl)N'':V F_:RT'Y PL_P.CE T(jWNI i N'Tc:P M(:':'KL-L=:rABURG (_`tjUf,,.1'.Y: i• 1O YL','r?L,, ,.i I i.aP)1 EV!--.LJ: f, Hvdrorllrar-h ' .1 JL 1, 2 D r :i. n, t:L r 1 2 , ` I-I b w 7 E 'l 1.2 i 2 _ _' 11:3 cIf: Quick. TR-5S Version- 5.44 „N.- 1.31S460089 Page 4 Re-turn Frequency- 10 Years TR--.S5 TABULAR HYDROG!` APH METHOD T,,/pe II. Distribution (24, hr". Duration Storm) Exe c;u ted : 07-19-1993 1.6:01:19 Wat r`shed f-ile-. --> UNIVPL.7 MOP H'v'cAr ogr-'aph f UNIVPL 7. HYD UNI:VERSI.I'Y PLACE TOWN C;EN'TER MECKLENBURG COUNTY (;H -')RL.OT TE , NORTH CAROLINA 10 YEAR STORM EVEfi•IT. 7 ACRE OFFSITE:. FILE UNII,/PL7 T i ny] e i- 1 c? ti"I 1.1..0 i 1 i 1. J . . , . . . 1 .3 J. a. .4 7. 1... 0 1 :- :: l i . . .L..... .. '3 .. . 1.2.6 16 i..`5 1 L1. 7S 11, J T i me F J. v,( f S. 14.8 i. J- 14 , 1 `> 1 ?") . 1 1. .t S t J 3 1. 1 ; '7 1. 16. !. 6 .. ':? 1 7 1 1-6.6 17 ., t) i. 3;.1. 1 ' . i. 1 . - `:?; ] , a i i Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Page 5 Return Frequency: 10 Years TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II. Distribution (24 hr.. Duration Storm) Executed: 07-19-1.993 16;01:19 Watershed file: -- :1 UNIVPL7 MOP Hydrograph file.. ---> UNI VPL7 . HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE. TOWN CENTER MECKLE.NBURG COUNTY CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 1.0 YEAR STORM EVENT. 7 {ACRE OFFSITE.. FILE UNIVPL7 Time Flotij t htrs) -- -- ----(cfs ) 18.6 1 18. 7 1 1.8,8 1 .18.9 1 1.9.0 1 1.9 . _-1 1 19.,._ 1. 1.9 . 1. 1.9 .. 6 1. 1.9.9 1_ 20.0 1. 20 , 1. 20.2 .l. 2 0 . ?{ 1 20.4 1. -10 6 l 2nu7 1 208 1. 2 O . ':? 1 2:1. , 0 1. ,/' 1 1 1 V J 21,3 , 21.. 4 U 21.:. > i1 21, 7 0 2''1..8 0 2.1 9 220 0 2" -1. C" C.? 2 2 2',--' """J 1. ? t j 'rune F1ovi 2.4 0 22.5 0 22.6 0 22.7 0 2,2..8 0 22.9 0 23. 0 23, 1 ? < ... .. ' 1, t, 1 23 - 36 = 23 . t-1 _ ..., ?3 0 2;.1,.,0 1 24.1. () i_4 ..._ ii 24 , -3 r) 24.4 (") 2 <1 .:y i:) 24,6 C) 24.8 0 24 2 r:. 0 ) 2 .. 1 ?. 25.2 _ L 5 , _ A 25.4 C) ?. ' i . `i 0 J C 21. ( i/ J 0 C [?I 1 POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Executed 07-19-1.993 16:Oa;31 Data director,,/- *.HYD File Gummarv for Composite Hvdrograph Time UNIVPL UNIVERPL. UNIVPL7 UNITVL20 (hrs) (Cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (Total) ------ 11...00 -------- 5.0 --------- 4.0 1.0 10.0 11.10 6.0 5.0 1.0 12.0 11.20 6.0 5.0 1.0 12.0 11.30 7.0 6.0 1.0 14.0 11.40 8.0 7.0 1.0 16.0 11.50 1.0.0 7.0 1.0 18.0 11..60 11.0 8.0 1.0 20.0 11.70 24.0 10.0 1 .0 35.0 11.80 36.0 11.0 2.0 49.0 11.90 49.0 13.0 2.0 64.0 .12.00 94,.0 20.0 3..0 11.7.0 12.10 167.0 37.0 6.0 210.0 12.20 172.0 70.0 11,0 253.C) 12.30 1.02.0 11.5:.0 19.0 236.0 12..40 55.0 14. 23,0 2:1.`x.0 1.2, 50 36. 0 1.30.0 21 .0 0 187-0 1. 2 . 0 29.0 102.0 16.0 147. 0 1. ..70 23.0 741 0 12.0 1.09.0 1 %.8C) 1.9.0 _?<.6.c? 9,0 82.0 ".90 1.7.0 42 ,. 0 7. 0 66. O 13.00 15,.,) 173 1..0 5..0 S1..:i7 13. 1. C? 1.4..C) 26:.0 4.,0 44,0 21. , 0 3 . 0 38.0 13 .._'•,0 13.0 18.0 3,0 34.0 13.40 1.2.u 16, (.1 3,. 0 31,0 1.3.50 1.2.0 15.0 3.0 30.0 .1.3 6() 1.1,.C) ell.0 2:.0 14,17 ?0 1. 3 :. 7 10.0 14.0 '16 .. 0 1.3,80 9..0 1.3,0 2.i? -4. ,C) 13.90 9.0 1.2.0 0 23 0 14. 00 9.,0 110 22.0 9.0 10, 0 1.4.3C.) 8.0 1 o ... 0 2 . 0 0 . 0 14.40 8..0 9.0 .. 0 1'9 . C) 1.4.50 7.O 1.7.0 1,,-.1,.60 7.0 BA) :1 .. 0 16 . C) 1.4.70 7.0 8,0 1..C? 16:.0 1. 4. 80 7.0 E-3. 0 1. 0 16. 0 14 .. 9 () 7. 0 8.0 1 , 0 16 . 0 Page 1 of 1 POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N. Pace. 2 of 1 ' Executed 07 -19-1993 16:0.5;31 Data directory: *.HYD ' File SUmmary for Composite Hydrograph UNIVPL Time (hrs) (cfs) l1NTVERPL (cfs) UN1"1-'dt-.20 UNIVPl7 (cfs) (Total) -- - ---- - 15.00 7.0 8.0 1.0 16.0 f 0 n H Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460039 TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 07-19-1993 16:12:07 Watershed file- UNIPLWSD.WSD Hydrograph file: --> UNI PPI PE .. HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 1.0 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKL_ENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM >>>> Input Parameters Used to Compute Hydroqraph <<<< Page 1 Subarea ()REA C1\1 Tc Tt Prr=ci?). Runoff Ia/r,? Description (acres) (hrs) hrs ) ) lr - ( --(in) _.- input/ used - -- SUBAREA AAA --- ---- 16.60 -------- 95.0 - 0.10 0.00 _...- --. _ --- 5.00 4.42 1.02 .10 SUBAREA? BBB 16.30 95.0 0.10 0.00 5.00 4.<42 1..02 .10 SUBAREA CCC 9.50 9s ,0 0.10 0,00 5.00 4.42 I.02 .10 SUBAREA DDD 8,90 95.0 O. 10 0.00 5.00 4..42 I .02 10 Travel time from sub area nut.fall to com posite po lnt:. I -- Subarea. trah'lere user- specified interpo lation T C) t.'a area '51.30 acres o f P t- ak d.1. s c; h ! u. rciEs r L . : t:? (I l.! 1°, e r f 'I :? c`? J. f :i C : 3. t. J. C7 ? C? f [, a r a f n e ? , e., r' ". 1. n p u t . ',r , 1. t..t G; R c? t.i i't c.3 r>: d v ,:l l u e s I Sub< t•.. ea 7 C ? T t I Tt l nt: r r:7 1 e'. Descr:i pt,i.on ( h7r°') t. h?... a hr) i hr a t Ye,_•:3/No i Mf=-=<_ _:a q e c r_ SUBAREA AAA 0. 12 C) , t) 0 0 , 10 N C- r? .;.._i t . d 1 o `'iUBARis=? B88 0,1.0 0.t:?1. 0.1.0 0,00 NIo :.;011t1")ut,=;(1 C.: > BAREA CC: 0 11, .') i'i , ( 0 . "JO No (_ r r ? ! i ..; r> 1. SUBAREA DDD 0.10 0.00 0. 10 0.00 NIC,. 0 ;' a tc='d 'Ca;:.) 1 Travel t :i. rYl ! =: f rom o u. t. f a. l I. t C? c ; o m o r_) s , i i.'. _: Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 131.5460089 TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Tvpe II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 07-19--1993 16:1.2:07 Watershed file: - UNIPLWSD. WSD Hvdrograph file- UNIPPIPE.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE -- 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NO BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM »» Summarv of Subarea Times to Peak <<<< Pale 2 Peal. Discharge at Time to Peak at. Composite Ou'tfall Composite Out-fall Subarea (cfs) (hrrs ) SUBAREA AAA? 11.6 1<-.1. UBO RE:_A BBB 1.14 1.::. 1. SLJE3Af2E(,)1, CCC 66 12.1 5U,BARIE' A D D D 62 12. . Corny.)osi to Water _-,heel )581 1.2.1. ?J H J J 0 Quick TR-55 Version. 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 TR-55 'TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD TvPe II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 07-19-1993 16:12.07 Watershed file: --> UNIPLWSD.WSD HydroOraPh file: --> UNIPPIPE.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM Page 3 Composite Hvdrograph Summary (cfs) Subarea 11-0 11.3 1.1.6 11.9 12.0 12.1 1.2.2 12.3 12.4 Description hr hr hr hr hr hr hr` hr hr SUBAREA AAA 3 4 6 38 74 116 72 25 17 SUB{'-?!'SEA, BBB 3 4 6 38 73 11'l. 71 2 4 17 ,r_! 3s>REwa CCC 2 2 3 22 42 66 41 I4 1.0 SUBAREA DDD 1 2 3 21 40 62, 3': 1.3 9 1 C) t a t ( c_ f <., 9 12 1.8 119 2? 9 358 ,._ i.' 3 76 5 3 t_r#; r ea 1.2,6 1<_.7 12. 13..0 13.2 1.-°.4 6 1;.t= Z)f:)(,l:-a. f:?i') h r ??r ?. ?)r Y?r err err ?ir ?... err .: U B t R J_ . ¢ ; f, fM; c:q 1 <j. 1._2 1 9 f =S 7 S._.Bi i,E 13BB 1 t. 1.? 1. 0 7 6 6 5 5 SUBA1:?:s`-`, DDD 8 6 5 5 4 4 i C? L ;. 1. (<_ f ' ) 44 37 31 28 2 ;'> "._' A. ] _. !. ? 1.6 r, LI CIS C' (wick TR-55 Version. 5,44 S/N: 13154600€39 TR- 5 TABULAR HYDROGRPPH METHOD Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 07-19-1993 16:12:07 Water-shed file: --> UNIPI_W D.WOD Hvdrogr'a.ph file: --> UNIPPIPE.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKL_ENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM Composite Hydrograph Summary (cfs Page 4 Subarea .1.4:.0 14.3 14,6 1S.0 15.5 16.0 16..5 1.'7.0 17.5 Description hr hr hr hr hr hr, hr, hr hr SUBAREA AAA 4 4 4 3 3 2 SUBAREA BBB 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 SUBAREA CCC 2 2 _ 2 :` 2 J. L 1 SUBF'?RE_A DDD 2 2 2 2 1 1. 1 1 Total (cfs) 12 12 12 10 10 9 6 6 6 1 B .. C) 1C) 20. 2.0 ,' C; D e c t, i o r t r_. rt r t.:,,... th r° h r.. SUBAREA AAA SU8AREA BBB 2 1 C) Ci SUBAREA C.CC 1 1 ).. J. SUBAREA DDD 1. 1 1 1 Total ((,.fs) 6 6 -i L 7- I ?7 11 (wick TR-55 Version: 5.44 3/N: 1.31546008' TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Tvpe II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed; 07--19--1993 16:12:07 Watershed file: --> UNIPLW aD.WBDi Hvdrograph f i l.e : --> UNIPPI PE . HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE: .- 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MEC_:KLENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OU'r HYDROGRAPH MROUGH PIPING SYSTEM (hrs) -------- (cfs) --------- - - 11..Cl 9 11.1. 10 1..1 .. 2 1.1 1.1..3 12 1.1 .4 14 11.,5 16 1..1.. 6 18 1.1.7 S2 11.8 85 1.1 .: 9 .119 11 , 0 2""9 1.2 . 1. 3S8 12.2 '23 12.3 76 12.4 12.5 4,4 i2.6 3.7 i. 2 ,. 7 71. 12.6 28 1.2.9 25 1.3.1 22 13.2 2.1 1.3 , 3 1.9 13.5 17 J. 3. 6 1.6 13.7 16 13.8 1.t, 1.3,`x' 14 14.0 1.2 14.2 1.2 14. 12 14.4 1.2 14. i. i.. 14,7 1.1 Ti(Tie Flow hr°?) ( cfS ) 14.8 11 14 . ?';' 10 15.0 10 1.5 . i 1.0 15.2. 1O 15.3 i0 1.5 , 4 1. () 1. ` .. '_, 10 15..., 1.0 15 7 t.6.0 1. E . <: 1.6 ., ._. i. (5 . 6 b., 6 1. 6, 9 E; 17.0 E, 1 7 . a.. E i ? <7 E• 17, 17 . 17 :% . =? E, 1?.`ry 6 ie 0 Page 5 C 0 0 L I I Quick TR-SS Version. 5,44 S/N: 1315460039 TR-SS TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 07-1.9-1993 16:12:07 Watershed file.: --> UNI PLWSD . WSD Hydrograph file: --? UNIPPIPE.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKL_ENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM Time F 1.o(,,a (hers) (cfs) 18.6 6 18.7 6 1.8.8 6 18.9 6 t. 9 .. 0 6 19 ,. 1. 6 19.2 6 1.9,3 S 1.9.4 S ;. 5 1.t7,. S 4 4 20.0 4 20 , : 20.2 2r). 5 4 2 0 i. 6" >1 < Time Flow (hers) (of s) 22.4 4 22..S 4 22.6 3 22.7 22.8 3 22.9 3 23.0 3 23.1 3 G_..).2 3 213..3 23.4 23. 5 2 i ? 3 .... 23. 1?a 2 , C? <". 4 . , 1. 4. Page 6 0 POND-2 Version: 5.17 S NExec:u ted 07-19--l.993 16:23:3-2 Data direct c,)rv: *.HYD xle S;_!(71(rarv for, r C)f)1;'.>o'_.1te T:i.rne t._!i,.IIPPIPE t_!NIV Et?PI.._ tlNIVPl_7 UNITVI_22 ( hrs { :-fs } i -Fs ( cfs ) -------- (Total) -------- 1.1..00 9.0 4.0 1.0 14.0 1.1_,1.0 10.0 5.0 1.0 16.0 11.20 11.0 5.0 1.0 17,0 11,30 12.0 6.0 1.0 19.0 11.40 14.0 7.0 1.0 22..0 1.1.50 16.0 7.0 1.0 24..0 11.60 1.0 .. 0 8.0 1.0 27. () 11.70 52.0 10.0 1.0 63.0 11.00 85..0 11.0 2..0 98.0 1.1.90 119.0 13.0 2.0 134.0 .12.00 229.0 20.0 3.0 252..0 1.2,10 358.0 37.0 6.0 401..0 12.20 223.0 70.0 11..0 304.. 1.2.30 76.0 .11.5.0 19.0 210.0 12.40 5:3.0 141.0 21.3..0 217.0 12..50 44.0 13 () . 0 21,0 19S. 0 1.2 :. (-,,0 37;. 0 102. () 16.0 1. S `:i ,: 0 12,70 31..:0 74.0 12..0 1.1.:.0 1.2 . 80 28.0 54 . C) 9 . 0 91. , 0 1. 2 .. 90 26 .. 0 42 :: 0 7.0 7S . C) 13.00 23.0 `S 0 5. C) 59..0 13. 20 2 :i.:. 0 21 .0 3. 0 4 5. (:) 1.3.30 20. 0 18.0 .3 . 0 41-C) (:) 13, 18.0 16.0 : ,0 37,() 13., SO 17. 0 15 .. 0 =' (_) -)S 0 13,60 16.0 14.0 '.C) -321. , 1.:.,.7t= 161.?) 14.0 `t 32.:(t 13.80 16„0 I'S. 0 2..0 31.0 1.3.90 14„0 1-2..0 2 .0 ,718..0 1.4 . 00 12, C) 1.1 C:t 2 . 0 `, . 0 14. 1. 0 11, 0 25 C.) 14, . 20 1 ?'.. C) ).0. 0 2. 0 24 .. i.) 14.30 12.0 1.0 _t.• _.0 24.(_) 1 ,1 . 40 1, 21 0 9 . 0 '2, 0 '23. C) 1.4,50 1.;1.0 9.(? 1 ,[? 14,.60 1.2..0 8,0 1 C) 0 1.41.r;(a .11.C) 8,C) :i..ti °C) 1 ?• .: i (_1 1, 0 . 0 a , 0 1 :. (_) 1. r.) ., C) Page 1 of 1 I POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/ N ; Paste 2 of 1 Executed 07-19-1993 16:23:32 Data directory: *.HYD File Summary for Composite Hydrogr°aph Time UNIPPIPE UNIVERPL UNIVPL7 UNITVt_22 ---- - (hrs) (of s) (ofs) (cfS) (Total) 15.00 10.0 8.0 1.0 19.0 I 0 1 r f C t k POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N; UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NO WET DETENTION BASIN WITHOUT UPPER WALLS POND # 4. FILE 4UNIVPL CALCULATED 07-19-1993 16:2S:25 DISK FILE: 4UNIVPL VOL Pla.nimeter scale.; 1 :inch = 20 ft. Elevation Planirrreter Area A1+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (spa. i n .) (acres) (acres) (acre-ft) (acre-ft) 622.00 86.03 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 625.00 94.74 0.87 2.49 2.49 2.49 630.00 109.99 1.01 2.82 4.70 7.18 632.00 11.6..52 1.07 3.12 2.08 9.26 2 Ii`, •- sq. r .t( Ar-ea.I + (( Ea.-E_1.) E: 2-E 1.) )'};i _<:? • r't.( Ar.ea2_) r.. t.( A re:a1)) ) where-, El, E2 = Clos,e::st, t.vio ele:vati ow,s. vn.tt°, cwta.t?,l Ei - EIevat:x.on at t,,ihJ.c,h t.o int:e., rr))ola.'t,e arena Are:a1. ,ArE.a,2 Areas cc:)rn ute.11d for.- E1 , '21 , re:s.,.>ect.:ive1v f. Y':a J`. n L. e r ) c_ 1; s. t.. E < I i r E. Ca 1 c'' r F-.l. I.ncre_.m= r',tal '.ioJ.ar1F-: c:? omoute d b'v t;h(:)ni 11 t'rloc, for° pe r'vc-) i.r ,io1.u me:s•. '' (s r e a1 ' Volume * (EL-2-EL A) v.l h e r e ; E L. A. , E. L. 2: f:1;t-.e,_a1_ A,r- e.as:,r°eas, r..orrlput d, Vo1ur me Incr eme=:nt_'?).J. v I.. f:.1 1 E 43 <' t - q, _ I- t:. l f,-1 r e a. 1 * A r e,712 ) ) r° e, 1evnt.:ic',rns. ,-)f the iricr-emerit for- E1_1 . r. e s ; e c: t. j. v e '1. v 1.._I m k:? =' i i •a n l : L_ 1 and E!_"" u Outlet. Structure File; 4UNIVPL STR POND--2 Version. 0.17 SlN: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS POND # 4. FILE UUNIVPL ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** Elevation (ft) 6'22.00 622 SO 623.00 62.- „ X30 '2 0 624. 50 6'2S, 00 62S.. 50 626, 0O r>2E. ":i0 6'7,. i0 E2'::) () t) 6 9 ...'.7 (.) 630. 00 630.. 50 631. 00 631...: 0 0 (cfs) ContribUtir-ig Structures 0.0 1 0.3 1 0.4 1 0.5 1 0..6 1. 0.7 1 () . 7 A. +2 23.0 .1. +2 63,6 1 +2 1. 1.6 . 2 1. + 2 1.7`x.5 1 +2 x'.16.2 1 4- 2 ;x:36 . 8 1 -4- ' 2 7 3 . 1 ). ?.. 1-89.9 1 +2 30`a . 6 1. 1-2 +3 352,3 1 +2 +3 424.7 1 +2 _1.3 1 3 . 7 1 +2 +:;3 6 16. 1. 1. +2 +3 t i Outlet Structure File: 4UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NO WEI' DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS POND # 4. FILE UUNIVPL Outlet Structure File: 4UNIVPL. STR Planimeter Input File: 4UNIVPL VOL_ Rating Table Output, File: 4UNIVPND..PND Min. El.ev.(ft) m 622 Max.. Elev,.(ft) = 632 Incr-.(ft) -- ,.5 Additional elevations (ft:) to be included :in table: * A, * * * * * * *. * * * * * *. :* * * * * * * * * :* * SYSTEM CONNECTIVITY Strkucturr No^_:. Q Table Q! I able: ORI °ICE STAND PIPE 2 2 WEIR-VR 3 0Ut.f.1ow rat. i.ng ta.b1e S'u(Titrtar"'? vaa. tor'e(I in fi.l. 4UNIVPND.PND 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Outlet Structure File: 4UNIVPL OTR POND-2 Version: 5.17 O/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKt_ENBURG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS POND # 4. FILE UUNIVPL »i» Structure No. 1 ««« (Input Data) ORIFICE Orifice - Based on Area and Datum Elevation El elev.(ft)? 62-2, E2 elev.(ft)? 632.001 Orifice coeff. ? 0.6 .Lr ,ir_:rt e1e...?.(ft)? 6 1..0 Datum elev. (ft`.) ? 6'22..0 0ri.fi 0e area (°-;? ft)? 0„0873 Outlet Structure File- 4UNIVPL OTR POND-2 Version: S.17 0/N; Date Executed. Time Executed-. UNIVERSITY PLACE MEC KLENBURG COUNTY., NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS POND # 4. FILE UUNIVPL >>>>>> Structure No. 2 ««« (Input Data) STAND PIPE Stand Pipe with wei r° or orifice f 1.ow E1 elev. (ft )? 62`} E2 elev.(ft)? 632.001 Crest elev. (f t )? 625. 0 Diameter (ft.)? 6.0 Weir coeffi,c:i.entt? 3.33 0r:i.f:tc,e cc-;c.ffin ient? 0,6 Star"t. t.r"anF.J. t`1 on e I e v .. ( f t ) CG ? Tr°arn _it.ion hc- i.ght. ( ft. )? ' Outlet Structure File: 4UNIVPL STR ' POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: H UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS POND # 4. FILE UUNIVPL. »»>> Structure No. 3 ««« (Input Data) WEIR-VR Weir - Vertical. Rectangular El. elev.. (ft )? 630 E2 el.ev.(ft)? 632.001 Weir coefficient? 3..0 Weir elev_(ft)? 630.0 Length ( ft; )? 30 Contracted/ Suppressed (C/S)? S 1 Outlet Structure File: 4UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version; 5.17 0/N; Date Executed: Time Executed: **** *-,< ************************ UNIVERSITY PUCE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS POND # 4. FILE UUNIVPL.. Outflow Rating Table for Structure #1 ORIFICE Orifice -- Based on Area and Datum Elevation Elevation (ft) O (cfs) ComPutat:ion, Messages 622.00 0.0 H =0.0 622.50 0.3 H =• , 5 623.00 0.4 H =1.0 623 . 50 0.5 1--1 =.1 „ 5 624.0c,, 0.6 H =2.0 624.50 0.7 H M:2 ,:5 625.00 0.7 H -=3.0 625, SO 0,B 1-1 -:.3,5 626.00 0.8 i •t =. 4 ., CD 626 . 50 0.9 H =? 4 .:.5 627.00 0.9 FI 6,27 . SO 1.0 H 5 ,. 5 6215.00 1.0 H =6.0 628, SO 1.. 1 H -: 6 ,: 629.00 1.1 i 7-. 7 ,. O 629 ? 50 1.2 1H -: 7 . 5 630.00 1 . 2 H = 83 . n 630. 50 1.2 H 8, 5 631.00 1.13 H = 9 . 631..50 1.3 Ifi .`) .'S 632.00 1 H .10 .0 H (ft) Table elev. - Da t'.urri F, 1.ev . 62 f t: ) O (of s) C * A ** sgr(2q *' H) C Outlet Structure File: 4UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 4.17 Date Executed: S/ N: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS POND # 4. FILE UUNIVPL" Outflow Rating Table for Structure #2 STAND PIPE Stand Pipe vaith weir or orifice florn! ****- INLET CONTROL ASSUMED * ** ** Elevation (f t) 0 (o•fe) COMPu tat.icrl h`1essar-iee 622.00 - 0.0 E < Inv.El. ", 6 2`, 622 . SO 0.0 E < E1,.- 625 623.00 0.0 E <: El= 625 6113.50 0.0 E< E I= 62.5 624- , 00 0 :. 0 E < E:l .... 625 624 .. S0 0'0 E < E 1 =• 625 625:,00 0.0 Weir, -. 6'1715 4 22. 2 Wei r.: ; •f .... S 626.(10 62. Wei- r°. H --1,0 6-/16:.50 115,3 Weir: H 1..5 62.7..00 177.5 W C-'ir- , H -2.Cl 627. `:; O 215.3 0 r i. f :i. c: e. H 2. S 624.. 00 23S.4 C!r".i.ficC.< H =3.i 629.00 2721 .. 3 t_! r i 1 ice 62950 288.8 0r i'i='i.ce.. I; ; 4 5 63)0 . 00 304. 4 t. r. tt a..r_:e ; H :. 5, 0 630.50 319.3 Orifice - ;..I S. 631.00 333.5 Or if i.ce H =6.(.) 601. ,. so 347.1. l_1 r' :1.1` '!. c - : ii -,- 6 . 6:;2.00 360.2 0ri.f:i.ce: ? f - 7. 0 We_i.r 3.33 Weir ten it:.i! 18.4?!956 i't; 0rif1.C.'e C;o 6 Or _I.fic, air Era 28. ?74-S=1. ft,. C.) ( c f ;) (:_' w * L >):: H4, * 1 . 5) to r' t. C; o $' f:,, ::1: =; cw r 2* (0- H) i No t.ra.ns i t,in t. sed, t',ra.ns. i tior; he:i.c?'r'.t 0 W e i. r" e q (_i a t. `L o n w 0 r' i f i c_; C E' c) r i ra? _ 1 e ? .. f: 7 , 1 `=' 1 t; ?I Outlet Structure File: 4UNIVPL OTR POND-2 Version: S.17 S/N: Date Executed- Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKL_ENBURG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPED: WALLS POND # 4. FILE UUNIVPL Outflow Rating Table for- Structure #3 WEIR-VR Weir -- Vertical Rectanar_z1.at° INLET CONTROL ASSUMED u fl n 0 u C Elevation (ft) 0. (of ) Computation _ Messa"-ie`'._...._. 622.00 0.0 E < Inv. E l . •W 630 622.50 0.0 E < Inv.E1.= 630 624.00 0.0 E . I r"iv . E 1.. _ 6,30 623.50 O. 0 E°. . l nv . LE 1, v 630 624.00 0.0 E < I nN,/ . t- l . = 63() 6'214, : SO 0. U s - 625.00 0.0 I , 1 nv ., El . - 6::30 626,.00 0'0 I:_ Ire.. .E'l. 630 6 6 . SO 0 . 0 F I rv, t_.1 630 627.00 6227, 5C) 0.0 E. J. v.E'I 630 62B _ 00 0 0 E= 1 riv . E1 . -- 63"J 628.50 O. 0 L: I riv . E. 1. - 630 629.00 0. 0 E' . I: nv. E 1... - 6:. 0 so 0.0 E: . Im/.E'I. 6i:) 630 . 00 0.0 H "'-' 0 , (7 630. SO 31.8 11 -''s 631.00 90,0 H = :1 , 0 631 ,. SO 1. 65 . H ,• .l • 5 C =. L( f t 3 0 H i.ft:) Table elev... - I.mvert. e 1.?-:?. ( 6 30 ft. ) 0 (C f ' ,) _ (.: '? L . * (i -I * * ]. . ) Weir C POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Page 1 EXECUTED: 07-1.9-1993 16:29:44 ON/OFF SITE Return Freq: 1.0 years UNIVERSITY PUCE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC FOURTH WET DETENTION POND WITHOUT UPPER WALLS 10 YEAR EVENT BUILD OUT. FILE 4UNITVL4 ?;*??:*?'??k?*??**?=KKK*???**%k?k>K? ???k*ak'X.?%:??%i:?Y•???V????%f?*}:%k?%k=k? Inflow Hydrograph: UNITVL22.HYD Rating Table file. 4UNIVPND. PND -----INITIAL CONDITIONS---- Elevation = 622.00 ft Ou tf 1 OW 0. 00 <.:;f s Storage - 0 00 a.c- f t GIVEN POND DATA INTERMEDIATE ROUTING COMPUTATIONS ;ELEVATION; 0L_J-iFLOW STORAGE (ft) ; (cfs) ; (ac-ft) ; , I , 622.00 ; I 0.0 ; I 0.000; 6<,R_' .. SO ; C) . ,., ; 0.398, 623.()0 ; 0. 4 0 :. 803 , 623 , SO 0 . 1. 21, S 6 4 . 0 0 0.6 1 33 I {J-241 , 50 1 0. 7 I 2' .057 , Sm. 0 61 1171 O7 2.489: 626- 00 6 3 6.) 3373: / ' SO 1,16. 31. 8 2' 6,2-'7 00 178.5 4.283: 627 . SO '2 1 6 . 2 ; 4• . I49 ; ; 628.00 ; 1 236 ,. 8 1 S.,.. ? ,?2, , , 8 `0 ">`'S 8 702' <,29 . 00 27 3 . 4 6.1p'-'; -> ; 0 289.9 F 8 I 6,J0. 0t_.1 ; 305.6 71.185I 630,50 352 . 3 ; 7. 693 ; 631.00 424.7 ; 8.209: 631. SO ; 5.1 3. 7 ; 8.733: 632.00 - -616_1 _._.._ ._..__.._9 _.-26 ; I 0.0 0.0 ' 96. 4 1 i 6 .? 7 , 194.3 194."1" ; 293. `? ; 294 .. 4 ' 9`- i 1 39S.7 i 497.c1 I , 498.6 6-1 1 0'`5 I L ) 3 ^) 1 '708..4 -73.1..4 8 8 -7 7 9 2 S. S 1 0,1- A . 7 03L• - 1. 149 . 13 6 5 5 1263 . a L SOS .6 ; 1379.9 ; 163S . 7 ; 149'7. 7 ; 1.77 1 . 1. ; 1, 6.) 17 31 19 () 7, 2 1.738 7 04.41- ,. ; 1.861-8 ?21<-1..1. 1986 :, , ; 24.1 1; . 4• ; '242. 0 ,' 58 . 1 Tirne 1ncremt nt. ( t) -: 0- 1(-,,,, c) r, I ' POND-2 Version: 5.17 8/N: EXECUTED: 07-19--1993 16:29:44 t 0 E Passe 2 ON/OFF SITE Return Freq: 10 years Pond File: 4UNIVPND.PND Inflow Hydrograph: UNITVI_22.HYD Outflow Hydrograph: 4UNTVL44.HYD INFLOW HYDROGRAPH ROUTING COMPUTATIONS ------------------ TIME ; INFLOW ; (hrs) (cfs) 1.1 .000 ; 14.00 ; 11.100 ; 16.00; 11.200 ; 1,7.00! 11.300 ; 19.00; 1.1 . 400 ; 22.00 11.500 ; 24.00; 11.600 ; 27.00 ; 11.700 ; 63.00; 11..800 ; 98,00; 1.1... 900 ; 134.00; 12.:000 ; 252.00; 12.100 ; 40:1.00; .1.2.200 ; 304.00; 12 . 300 ; ! I 12.400 ; 217.00 12. 500 ; 1'?5.00 ; .12 . 600 ; 1.55. 00 ; 12.700 ; 117:.00; 12.800 ; 91.00; 12 ,,900 ; 75.00, 13.00c) ; S9 .00; 1.3 . 100 ; S2.00; .13 . 200 45,001 13. 300 •'i-1..00 ; 13 . 400 ; 37,00: 1.3..500 ; 35.00: 13.600 ; 32.00; 13 . 700 ; 32.00: 13.800 ; 31.00; 13.900 ; 28.00; 14.000 ; 25.00: ; 25.00 ; 14..2.00 24..00; 1.4 . 300 ; 24.00 ; 14.400 ; :.'_3..00; 14 . 500 ; 22.00; 14.600 ; 2 , 1 :, 0C? ; J.4.700 21.C(0; 14 . 800 ; 120 .. 00 14.: 900 ; 1.91-00! 1.5 000 19 - 00 ' 11+12 ; 2S/t - 0 ; 20/t + 0 ; OUTFLOW ;ELEVATION; fs) ; (cfs) ; (c.fs) ; (cfs) ; (ft.) ; '---------'- I I ----- -----'- I ---------- '____-----'---------' I , i ----- ; 0,0 ; 0..0; 0.00 ; 622.00 ; 30 0 ; 29.8 ; 30.0; 0.09 ; 622.16 ; . 33.0 ; 62.4 ; 62.8; 0.19 ; 622.32 ; 36.0 ; 97.8 ; 98.4; 0.30 ; 622.51. ; 41.0 ; 138.1 ; 138.8; 0.34 ; 622.71 46.0 ; 183.4 ; 184.1; 0.39 ; 622.95 ; 51.0 ; 233.5 ; 234.4; 0.44 ; 623.20 ; 90.0 ; 322:.4 ; 323.5; 0.53 ; 623.64 ; 161.0 ; 482.0 ; 483.4; 0.69 ; 624.43 ; 232.0 ; 674.1 ; 71.4.0; 19.98 ; 625.43 ; ' 386.0 ; I 814.S ; 1060.1! 122.80 ; 626.55 ; 653.0 ; 1004.0 ; 1467.5 , 231.76 ; 627.88 70S:.O ; 1178.3 ; 1709.0; 265:.32 ; 628.77 ; ' 514 ., 0 ; , 1.166.0 ; 1.692.3 ; 263.16 ; ; 628:,71 427.0 ; 1093.4 ; 1.593.0; 249.80 ; 628:.34 ; 412.0 ; 1030:,4 1: 05.4 ; C 37 . 1.£_t ; 628. 02 3x0.0 943,5 1380..4; 627.56 272.0 ; I 858:.3 1215.5; 178.60 627.00 208.0 ; 8.16 .'2 ; 1,066.31 1.25? 03 ; 626.57 166.0 ; 788.: 5 982.2; 96.. 88 ; 626 , 32 ; 1 34I S I 922S! 7-7. B I t 626.13 1.11.0 ; 752.0 ; 878.5; 63.27 ; 626.00 ; 97.0 ; 7178.6 949.0 ; 5 `; :. 18 ; ; 625.90 86.0 72:7.<J 824.6; 48.51. 625.81 78 . O ; 71.9.0 ; SOS, 6; 43, 31. ; 62S,75 72.0 ; ,'.1.<'.4 ; 79.1. -19 3J1 625. 70 ; 67 . 0 ; 70 -7, 1 ; 779,4-: 36,17) ; 625.66 ; 64.0 ; 703.4 771-1.: 33.87 ; ; 625.63 63. 0 701 . 2 7 66 . 1 , 32.57 625,62 I f•l I f'I C• t' I 760. I 30.89 I 62S. S3.0 ; 694- . `:i 751. 5 ; ..._8 . i-9 625. S7 50.0 6 9 1.. ,. 744- 5 , ...; t_. ; 6 2' S .::5• I ; 49 . 0 689. 5 -•' 4,0 . 3 ; <:14 ; ; 62S.53 418.0 , I 688,1 737:,S', c :: ?? .: C.J...5 , 62S,52 4-7. 0 687, ;, ? r, 02 ; 625.5.1 , d'5. O 685.7 732.1,; 2 3. 19 61., .S . 50 43.0 633 , , 72B . , 2..- . S.:, 62S . 4 . , 42.0 ' 681-7 ' 2 5 .. ' i ,_...•._ 0 0 ; 6 4 8 Y?.0 ; 677 181 7 ' t'0.7 625. 45 S0 <.. 1 '?l 1 ?? , 2r _? _ i CJ ._ . . X14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 POND--2 Version. 5 .17 S/ N . Page u EXECUTED. 07-19-1.99,3 16.29z44. ON/OFF SITE Return Fr°e-?.. 10 years SUMMARY OF R CJ U T I !\! G O M MU T AT I O N Pond File-. 4-UNI'VPNID.PND Inf'],ow Hydc°c:)gt-ar)h UNITVI__21.HYD 0t.T tf lo !d H`?dr oc rd ph -. ,t..JNTVL_.44 HYD Star 't, ii "t o P c) Y'1 d W . .`.:i .: E l e va t J. o i 1 6 2 C, r :? f= 't; :y :k : F iJ fTT T Y" ` C) IJ :: ?-; "! t 1 .'f .l.:) w c3. n d ll-; -le ti ea .I r { ;. trd Al, is P e a k. O t.a f :i. C) y t.t.'.11?T,<:fi"f C'?t r,.;.T (' lrfluw C:", "IF i Pa q- e 4 0N!0 i=F JIT•E Return Freq- 10 years I n-f 1 LI-I r..<:,<:Ir°4:;:_ h t_1i\,IIT V? .2;' H Y D Cl-!3", 1.C)lad H'Jdr'(?gr :tph : 4UNTV _ 4-4, H`YD E', l-_(IUT ED : 07 -. 1.?--1993 p k 0 u. t -F )_ r) IPd ',' 6 5 . - x .._ P:ak, E t v' 'a'1J.ter, 62f,. I tI C) X15 90 1.31sO 2'F' 27C) 315 360 405 0 49S 11.. :{:. 11. .6 IA, 7 1 1.1 . .1 Y. k - { x 12 7 4: 121 .6 A . I , , _. r UNIVERSITY PLACE 70% TREATMENT WET DETENTION POND ONEHUNDRED YEAR STORM EVENT Quick TR-55 Ver.5.44 S/N:1315460059 Executer.,! 06:03:37 07-20--1993 UN lVRPL TC,T UNIVERSITY PLACE TOWN CENTER MECKLENBURG COUNTY C>iAPL.OTTE, NORTH CAROt._.INs', 100 STORii„ 50 ACRES. OFF SITE. FILE UNIVRPl-, T(-; 001'•1rUTATIONS FOR,, 1 SHEET" FLOW (Aool7.cable to Tc only) Sc-.,q lent. ID 1 Surface descriot'lcrt 6' CJ01)`..: Manr,lna' r"ou shnes=s coC_.ff,. , n 0 03sQ F 1.cU'i .1ertgth, L is L.ct 1. . or :30C., f 3 0C), r) Theo-,./ r' 24. -t'1r°, r°,.:?i nf,a.11 . r 7 ri J .. SOc i Land slo'no", s f IF t. C), 0200 0 E3 0 0 f ? i n s i._ 7 -'- - -- -- ?-t r s 0,12 ; T -- '--- -- - - ?H,A ._.i_t7W ._:iif•....:4.^i?t-i•t'-; k_1' F._.C.l e(:vTia ,t 1:r ,.,; .f . f €' ` r. e. r, .3 ,:LlrrIC:; ..!:? C7 t_1 rt 3.. C r`t...7;.v r'.':.. 1 n Ca t'. r'1 I_. t 7 (.' U .. f W c-l. t:. e r C; C:? (_4 r,..; ._. 1 C' .:,7 e , 9:' r;t f _ r" i t: 1D r.. f;', t.. :J. C) r't J. _i. ?" iA e-T? t te, (;t ?:"?f r" 1. fyi'r.:' r i[- r" 'U.) 1 (? -i V d r°l d r l rl ], n c r t-) t 1 F, r.t ! , r"-'. f' f 4t t_ t ( :, Quick TR.-SS Ver. 5., 44 /N: 1.315460089 Executed: 06:03.37 07--20---1993 IJNTVfdPL . TC F SU11Mi~ RY S F-IEET F 0IF! Tc; or T1: C0MPUTAT10N3 (. 3oIved for, T imms-. us.. nq I'R-55 Me t; hod ) UNIVERSITY TOWN CENTER MEC.'..KLE±,.BURG COUNTY CHARL-OTTE, NORTH 100 STORM. 50 ACRES. OFF SITE., FILE HNIVRPL. Subarea. (:{escr. . 1 c or Tt T3-rile ( hr`s Quick TR-S5 V'er..5.44 0JN:13154600Fj9 Executed- 06:06:04 07--;'0-1993 SuMMAIRY SHEET FOR Tc or Tt COMPUTATIONS (Solved for Ti.me a ;a.nc:1 Lengtt'/Ve.locity) UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENE URG COUNTY. NO 50 ACRE OF SITE TRAVEL TI111E THRU AAA 100 YEAR STORM EVENT. FILE UNT'VL_'_;0 S i. bar-e a de. cr° . Tc car T t T in), i h,r- s i t T t. O u :i.. i Quick TR-55 Ver.5.44 /N:1315460089 Executed: 06:06:04 07-20-1993 UNIVERSITY PI._.ACE_ MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NO 50 ACRE OFF SITE TR!=?VEt_. TIME THRUI AAA 1.00 YEAR STORM EVENT F I:L.E UNTVL 5() Subarea . 1, DESCRIPTION 50 A OFF SITE I_.t_NG Tf-I VELOCITY i IME. 'T 0 l r a L T f., . r7,9 ? 0, 1 ', Quick TR-55 Ver.5.44. S./N; 1315460089 Executed: 06:04:44 07-20-1993 l!NINRP I-.7'.TCT UNIVERSITY PLACE TOWN CENTER MECKL_E:NBU1,G ('OUNTY CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA. FILE UNIVRPL_.7 100 YEAR STORM EVENT 7 P)C:RE OFIF SITE Tc; COMPUTATIONS FOR: 1. SHEET FLOW (Applicable to To c)n.'I,,,/,) Seament ID 1 Surface descr iotiort WOODS BRUSH Mar°,r°,i.r',ca' s r°ouahner_. cor?.,.t:'f . r,, 0.0350 'low 1erigth, L (total or 300) fit: 300.:0 Trio-vr" 24-hr r°air,fi.all.: r';_ 'i r} 3.500 007 fa l >f'1f ;L..I Okl f t. C) .°i f 4, -F t. /ed C, i ; f-', N d E_. 1_. ._ lli <Jt- -1 (T1 c=9f..,i L: 1: f) .7 I,. ,:•• -, ?_ ,. ? e c, t; 'i :., r'? ::t :1 t _- L ::> i;,, {:.:; I ' f- ; a ? ._ _? ?.?? . "f' .i- 13 .::i. i l ; t, s,:; C:f r° :t. rn !_:: 'L: r =. r.. c: ,,,1 i' •. :; . t 'Wet i::a v 'I el s I.. 1:.1 nr::t _.._'.f f: . i`i ..? . .j l i 1 C Quick TR-55 Ver°.5,44, OlN 131546(:089 Executed; 06-04:44 07-20--1993 IJNIVRPL.7..TC1T (,,-I I• AP.Y iEI=T FOR Tc or Tt C0MPUTAT:I(_)i\1 S (Sc-:tve,d for Tirne u in`i TR--.55 Methods) UNIVERSITY PLACE TOWN ,,ENTER MEC KLE.NBURG, COUNTY HA L..OTTE, NORTH CAROLINA. FILE UNI`. RPL7 t 0ii `t'EAI',' 5`31-ORPI EVENT 7 ACRE. OFF O'I TE= u i_" 2 , r` e.'. 'd e s c t" I <; C) "' I L. T 1 !Tl r: f. Ill" ) ]. T c 0 , 51 Quick TP-5S Ver.5.44 O/N:1315460089 Executed: 06:07:11 07-20-1993 SUMMARY sHEE.T FOR To or T t CO(" R T AT I OPTS (Solved for Time Len-th/Ve.loclty ) UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NO 7 OFF SITE TRAVEL. TIME 100 Y :AR STOR1111 EVEN, . EI:L.E U1\1T'Vi..7 ", k.i k± C', r ! c:S e r_. r i" C; _ r° T t T a rn ?. h r <_; 1. T t_. 0 . 14 Quick TR--55 Ver..5.44. /N 1315460089 Executed, 06-07.1.1 07-1-110-- 1993 UNIVERSITY !_.r? E. I`1E:.CKL_ENf3UP.G COUNTY, Nt:`.. _y. ,..,,._ OFF SITE.: TRAVEL ' i" I M E._ T N R AAA 100 YES{?ra STORM E. VENT , E"I I_E U1\1 -TVI._7 Tc or Tt DATA Subarea- I DESCRIPT"IOP,"{ - 7 ACRE OFF a ..IIf-. i HN TH VELOCITY TIME ife'ei:.i tft/ sec7 ina.r°utes hc?ur°s S, SO 8.2 0 !4 0.14 n 1 11 Buick TR--55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 TP--55 TABULAR HYDRCGRAPH METHOD Tvr)e II Di ,tr°"ibut.ion (24 hr°., Duration Storm) Exf:'cu ted - 07--20-1993 OED : 09, 0? Watershed file : -- :> UNPL.AVJS.D. WSD t-ivdrograph file: UNIP7:1.00,HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 1.00 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC', Bt_JII__.D OUT HYDd?ClC1RAPH TH3=!ClUGH PIPING SYSTEM >> Input Par nmc: t:ei- __ Used #_.o Cc)mout.e HvdrC it a h < f Page 1 Sub are, AREi! ON i ~ ? Tt: Pr°e=ca t:) Runoff Ia !!:a Desori.ption i acr°e - ) 7_n) ( in inrnut /u, ed SUBf;;REA AAP; 16 .. 60 9S , C? C). i0 0,0(", ,,... 00 :ir.) iAP,EA BBB 16 . 30 -5 . (i a. C1 ? lVi(_' _)C? 6.41. 1 .. C)? :) 0 S U 8 A I t. E A 1.? r,i C 95. 0 L ?.~? r :i ; ,? CJ .. ''•'N i_ .. 1. C) C. B "l L:' DIDD 8 tyl (.) 1 (..1 C)i .. J_ ?.) -;ravel t.,_inr ft-'0M t?t.f,_. ) t c; 7. su b,--a r"e_a tr.l t"'I e r e t_! `_l t_: r" { . .. 1 ? 1. E' l r l t ),./!' 1 c'. t ). C I 1 I , £°? t rr11. e n 1 't.-ion t hr-) f r 1 c: 1,J r. ,:._ A, a.t. A r , i"' ! t -i i'7 1 f i i is „i•; ?.. ?.i t rr a, ,-., r,-•• , 'EA COO 0 11 (?(" 0 . I Cl , ?.. A. ... C_ , .7 .. 1. i 1 1 1 Quick TR--55 Version. -15.44 S f Nl . .1.3154600€ 9 TR-55 TABULAR h-IYDROGRArH [I TI-{C1,D t' '. <1 h r , D lJ r a t. i. c:) r• r. r m .) Executed: 06 (7-):07 I,n!a t.€wr re: ?_9 f :i_ :1. €= ; - > l_iN(='i._AW`aD . W`..31; UNIVERSITY P1... ?:1 - 1.00 YE AF,' T ( ?2i? I t c:-?I j PSIE 11.-.EI`.IiiURG COl-1i`11TY, N BtJTt....D OUT I1'YC7f C1t I?F?f H THI'?0t.!C ' r_. .I: r. Jf5 Y T ?°i Fl age 2 t_rnrrnrar° <',t .3L :.k>r,r r cts) ' 1 t e W _ .. t'. e r ° ._;1'-l e r C P 0 j C,luick TR-SS Version-. 5.44 /N. 1.31.5460089 TR_,55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distriti:u.t.L(-)n 24 hr. Dur?:a.tion Storm) Exec,?uted 07-20-1993 06:09:,07 Watershed file: UNPLAWSD.6hlSD HvdrocIraph file-. --> UNI PI1.00 . HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE: - 100 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENB ERG COUNTY, NI BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM car}nr.?s.i to HYdr i.J(Tl(T1ar`v' ( ) Pace 3 `3'u b z?. r e a. t 1 . 0 11.3 1. 1 . ? 11.9 :i. 2. i:? I. ''..._, '12..4 p t. o rI r hr h r t. r- r r h t- _s r 3 FR 'E* , AfftA 1- C-:J 6 1 ._ _ l.. ? f3 I, i.. ,.:a e: ' 4 / S5 165 R 4 . .:_ .. i 1. r' . FJ ,.. i. _. n 1- '.. ? :? A.7 I A. ._ : r;;6.•'1.+'.%..'r ? iii,'-- _. -40 0 Quick TR-SS Version: S.44 C/N 131-5460089 J TR--` 5 TABUL.At; HYDROGRAPH METHOD Tvpe Il C)ist;r ibut.ion (14 hr. I)ur°a.ti.on Storm) F1acie el. Exec,a1.ed 0!_..{0-1.9J,") 06,09;0 WatershE,".cl file,. - -> UNPL.AW S:)D ., WSD ' Hvdregr,;: m)h f=:i.1e; ---> UNlP.(.IOO. H'Yf) UNIV ERSITY PLACE. - 100 YEAR `ETC-)RM E:V t-,IT MECKLE::NBURG COUI 1TY., NCB i=.',UTI D OUT HYDROCyRAPH THROUGH PIPIN G SYSTEM r?`' ?? ; rt r? :.w 4.; _t. t. e ? i v c? r_ C, ?:? i" ?=?. ±M, r, ;; a {r, rrf ? r•. v ? ,`: -?? ? ; ti ri u b i:-, r e-` a J. 4- .. 0 I'll > 14 . 6 15 . (_) 1 5. `7 i. to . ) J. !:, - `.) D e <,= c r t. 1. o 'n l-i r, h r hr r h r" h fi f) r' h r" h r. l1 r S?• B C: u. 4 4 S 11)1 A i1Ef _ L-t1?I.i .i •i .:J ?1 ? ?•Y ??? I yy .. I.. a., I c 2 ?_f } I :. 6 16 1? J 1,1 1 1. C j i U 1 D F., c. r i to t. 1 ; r. ?.. r.. L. r.,t I_. l ,. f... r r.. ,.3 _{ Q '. -" - .> L?'r •'. ice. r.. f:.:± i.)t..'f,?,, 4,. .l. .,. 1 ?..? ( I ?.5 ' 3 rn? ? -. _ +,y f t ,I f : ?, c. ?.... - . _ _ _..._ ._ ... _... _ 1 .._ _ ._.... __ _ J. ...... _.._.. _ .._ .I_ ....__ __ _ ... t.! _. _ _ _ _. ._. __ . _ ._.._. _..... __ ..- ._ ... ...__ ._... _ _ _._ .... ..__ .... _....._ ._ ._ 1 FJ n n 0 C L Oui.c !,c. TR-SS Vr-.:rsi.on., S.4,4 S; N. 1.31.5460089 -FR 5 TABUL Pf R F-IYDROi_,RAPH ME T1 1HOD Tvr)e II Di_stribu.tion (24 hr Duration Storm) '= xF::c::u tee 07 - '0--19 3 06x 09: (',17 Wa9_.r?r_ hs ._+ tile. UNPI__OW°SD. W I) Hvdrocira,h tile: -> l.)Na'.PI1.00 HYD UNT',,' ! II'Y PLACE - 100 YEAR STORM EVENT MOC::KI__.1=N8t_3PG C`OUN Y . INC Y3t_1:Ci...I) Clt_!.r HYDYROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING °.-iY 'i EM Tim F7. c:, Time F]c),ra 14 16 1 J... L'S . 1. 1..s c c:; 3 14 1. 4 1., . 161 2 1.6 2 ?.... %6 :i .. 1. r.1 1 F, 1. '.? I 'j Page S Quick TR--SS Version. 5.44 S/N: 13154150089 TR-a TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type IT Dist:ra.buti.on ('.41• ter. Duration Storm i E%<eCL! tee : 07-20--1993 05 09- 07 Watershed f i le y --> UNPL..AWOD v WSD Hydroarar?h file.. --> UNIPI10('I.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 100 YEAR STORM EVENT ME.t_ KL_ENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM 7. m e,' F 1 C71r•J 18:6 Ei L' 7 ?i. 4.17. hl f ? 0 t i. ?-? C ?? ll 2 C) F:1.(1)62 Fl. ow ? 2 4 _. Z- 4- , 2...', :' .: . C) Page 6 ' h a i c_: k T R- SS 3. 4 4 S/ N- :S1..,?:4 6 0 1 ..? P'a =7 e l _.. Tn....'5 ;; Iry''''tr. e- ... t'?d 11 t_. i li'•Ji + C) IL1;-: _. 1 TC. ( l t, P'? ril111!rff Tr_3./ r"I p u t.; u s t<d 0 10 Travel. y" i+ fro re. `-, 7 l t' nr n c r .i jl '.' ilY i t^? ) )(ti.i.f1 ; ( l ) I I L, .' , { • t.r: t"1 Y" c- rl 'i_ f t. E .a area. 00 c r es 7- f Values Re?%uncl-ld ` IF . • 4:: T ca c_. t .1..lii:. f r-s ..."'t-',%.r +_ a ol.! _. 1L H Quick TR--55 Ver'sdon 5.44 S /N. 1,315460089 aaqe 2 Return E'recuencv: 100 years TR--55 *TABULAR HYDROGRA!-`H ME=THOD T`u'i:ae II., Dll.stra bUtica ('/.--14 hr, Dur?.,at on Storm) I-i'vdr°(:)cir-a..i`h f:11e: ---: LJN1-VI..50.!-+YD UNIVERSITY FLAG r°iECKLENE^st_iFcG COUNTY, NO -;C! 1,00 YEAR STORM EVENT !..1 111 {TI r."!. f o f S 1,1 } S 7- f Tl e s to Peak <<<< P E c1 k at T:111); %; <) !-' e a. ! <3. t C:; o m r') o :I. t e 0 u. t. f ;?3. I :1 i t, e: C:i ki t. f {.1 I :'s 1 r ! (=:'- - P i? E ;`? _? (:711'1 ? ` C} L..:1. ?:'. Ei? ?"?1;. ,..:._' f" !.,.I Er. •{ ,_ ,.> `_. ,. ?.. <'•b Quick TR-55 Version: 5.4.4 SIN: 1315460089 Page 3 Return Fr-erauen v• .1.00 %/ears, 0 Ir-- TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type 1'r Distr-ibut_.i.cm (24 hr'. Dura.t:i on •`St.ar,m ) Exec;u't,ed 07--20--1.993 06:12:04 Wa t er?-shed file- -_> UNT VL50 MOP Hv(Jr(:)gt-",-iph f i le - UNTVL_50. HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLEINBURG COUNTY, NC 100 YEAR STORM EVEN'T 50 A RE OFF SITE. FILE (RI-I-VI-50 HL./dr,o.iraph Summar-v (c.fs, ) S U U a r e a 11.3 11 . 6 11"? 12. O 1 2 . 1 . 12. 4. ]. ; _ ,. 4 De<;cr- J.ptio n hr hr, h r 34 6.5 ;:. b a a. r' era D_ 0 G r r n 0 QUi_ck. TR-SS Version: S.44 S/N- 131S460089 Page 4 Refturn Fre.iueric;v, 100 v'ear.s •1"R._k;S TABULAR HYD4 CaGRAPH ME:I'r OE) T•,/Pe II. D:i.str`.i.bt_)tion (24 hr, Duration Storm) Executed- . 07-20- 1993) 06-12-. 04 Hydroar"aC' h -f' i le: -- ;> UNTVL50. 1-!YD ME KLENE,tJRG OUW1 Y , N 100 YEdiR `3TO M EVE1`11' St"l sac;1?E: (DR SITE. F 1:!._.E UNTV1 ....5t' Time -1.C)b•.l r• ^ , ' 11 . t-, 11 .:i. 7 a 11 4 .1.. ' . C3 a. > 3 194 >r 1 71, 1. ..: . i.i 52 L .:i i.<.4,0 c, T i m e i=" l c;,, t,\i 1. 14,8 i. 4 1 A1.5 `) . J '_7 1 "") i L Quick TR-5.5 Version: 5.44 s/N: 1315460039 Rage 5 ' Return Frequenov: 100 years -rR-`'i5 TABULAR HYDROGR>~ PH METHOD ' Type II. Distribution (24 hr.. Duration Storm) Exr cuter!- 07-20--1993 06:. 12:04 Water,-,; red file- UN'TVL.S0 MOP Hvt`?rc>ciY"ash f=i.le: --,> UNTVI._`aO.HYD I UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKL.ENBURG COUNTY, NC 100 YEAR DORM EVENT I S0 ACRE OFF SI.:TE:, FILE UNTVLSO 1 .L (al e L 1. (.. vi T a. f71 e i- 1, c w f. f3 ,. t / 22.4 S .18..7 r 2. 5 4 1. CB . 6 .._,_. . 6 4 i- 8 ^ '-2 2 6 4 I - . - 19 '2 6 4 6 2 15 20,3 6 2 2(D 4- i E:, 1 l I 1.. .4 .... 1. L .., ._. _. 1.". ?. Quick TR-55 VE r i.on. 5,44 `a/11-, 1,3.1,54600"9 Park 1 Re'1:.t. rn F-`regUc ncv; 1.00 Mears TR--55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD ' Tvpe II. Distributrior• (24 hr". Duration St:or'fit ) E xecu t;ed - 07-20-1.993 06; 15 : 0 ' Wa e::r'shed f i 1e - - Utz!T'VL ;f . MOP Hydrogr"aptt f i 1.t:?I. - > t_1N VI-7 . HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKI....c-:NB(.Jt G C'Ol_!NTY ., NC 7 ACRE OFF SITE ' 100 YE!')i, STORM EVENT. FILE i irk-r'VL_7 T: r`r > ut: E=' rarn t". t.: } s U _, f : t. ( ) r a. i:) I"r p .f ' ` I t.! IJ Y" R t'_ ! ! j c T t r e ca , ; I< 1.1 r a r is D s cr°ip t i.on t art.r (t1r":_; j (Y °s, j r Ln j ( i.r, ? L. npi-j.t used SINGLE ARE(,.'; 7 (c°+ -, ;"+ i ;t"+ 0 1 t;? ii ) (,+'j. 1 C1 j 1.. ,./#=) a.1lT'I f• ) i'"C)(Tl b uL Y"£ryc' ?UC1 t',£=. fhJr3{ e1 E'.4 c t i 1 = ) 1.r"?t 1. Su a reai iJh,E?r"E= U-1er ..i)cC;), t a _. ... 7.rit ?rr)C)1. t -ic)ri bet i e e n ? .,.. F> t._.S. _.. ... . T -, ... J t er r; c: 1 r, 0 t.l t r= jfn t' .1° r t l i a" e 1, t, c i c-, <yr .L i")' r'1 ( -(,..._ i "I. ....-._ ._...I.. _ r'. _ ....... .... +. - - - _.( _ . ... .........i. _. ? )- 1.. `.? ?? f- ;.. time .. _ -- r r 7 ?"' `-. t i t ;a r. e .._ 1 1 1 1 1 Quick TR-S5 Version: 5.44 S/N 1.315460089 Pace 2 Return Freauencv- 100 nears -tP--~,5 TABULAR HYDROGR()PH METHOD T,,,/Pe TI. Dist.ribut.ic'm (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed., 07-20-1993 0 .1.5.0; Watershed ti_:1e; --> UN'T Vt_7 .MOP Hvdr,o.cr'z3.ph tile- t1NTVI_7.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE MECL*IIKLENEBURG COUNTY, NC 7 ACRE Or==F" SITE 10() YEAR S>i"ORM EVENT,. FILE UNi VLr' Summary 1 N', 1- F:'. E, A, { , ubar"ea. T.iIn s 6 eak 1):issch,a.r'r.e at !.:crtlp c)s 1. t".e ()ul tf a 11 ' ofs 40 ( 1.me to peak at crI10o it.e uu"t.f 1 h r' <: ) 1.2 1 > r I Quick TR-55 Versi.an. 5.4.4 SIN: 1315460089 Page 3 Return Fre-ctuencv: 100 years TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II. Distribution (24 hr. Duration ;:)term ) EXeOU ter1; 07-20-1993 06:15.02 WaterShf? d 1 :i1.e. UNTVL7 MOP Hydro:graph file: --- t_iNTVI.7.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE MEC;KL.ENBUR( COUNTY. NC; 7 ACRE: CIF:F` SITE 100 YEAR STORM EVENT,, F'IL.E UN'l l"t_ 7 t^or;tpOs:i1":e H'!dr'C)gr.api'i SUMMarY (C;f 3 l) bc?.li"ea 1.1..0 'x.1.3 1.1.E 11.9 1.''.0 i2. I 1.2.2. 1"_.3 .1.2.w De!.-cr:ivat:i.(Dn h r hr hr hr t f t r hr hr hr 2 6 1 36 ! L 1. ; r`; 12 7 1. 1. C t _. .._. 1.-, 4 la ;-, `.?.=: c ; ?• .t. ?:' 1 C.) r 1 1) i ?...., u W. -; 16 11, Quirk TES-5S Vers ion 5 .44 S/N- 13154,60089 Page 4 Return Frequency, 100 Years ' TR--55 '1"P3Bi.!L-ArP HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type 1I. Di.4 tr:i.batl.on (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed;: 07--20-1993 0615:02 Watershed 1'11 e: --> t_!1`1TVL_7 MOP Hvdrorgr"a.ph f:i. 1e : --- : 1. NTVI_.7 . HYD l.!td:CVI::r l"Y PLACE i'1ECKL_.E"N8URG COt_1irlTY, i`it_i ' 7 ACRE Orr= SITE 100 YEAR STORM EVENT. FILE UINTVI-7 T':ime F). ow 1':irne F"1.c,w 1. 1. . t ? i. 1. 4 . rr 2 11.3 ,.. 1 2 i ' 1 t, tj ' 1<'.6 16 i6.<. 1.2 1 , c.; 1 r 1...... '.' .., 1. , !. l Quick TSB-55 Version: 5.44 /N' - 1315460089 Page 5 Return Frequencv, 100 vears TR 55 TABULAR HYDROC RAPH METHOD Type II. Distributi.on 24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed- 07--410-1.993 06K 1S-02 Water he. d f Ae °-> t!NT'VI._7 flop Hvcaroc7traoh file, --> (-jNTVI._7. HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY. NC 7 ACRE OFF SITE 100 YEf-,R STORM EVENT. FILE UNTVI__ 7 I a iT! f` 1 Ctrl ihrs) ;c;f ) 1- IB.7 1. -19.1 1- ? ?.? ..:? 1. 1 .2 0 . J. .? +:.:+ C C Z- J, ?... 7. ,., 1 :. 1. i 1 I l IT] e F .l. avi t, h r ?? t. c f `? 1 22.4 1 22 . S t. 6 l.. -_ . 7 '. '22 8 1 23 i 1 1. ' l ;: . <1• y > _ ?. 24 1 4.4 C 0 POND-2 Version. 5.17 SM `_iU(rlfni,-tr.v for (:o(YlM')c.si t;",e- Fi d(, r:7c r.., t.l T I. (Tl f; J-J f •I :C 7:.1. C) O lJ ?•I i V i_" S 0 i_ i i`? 'r V !.._ ? J N i V: 2 . I 10 14 C', 8.0 1A. ')Cl 1. 4C) I CI - (D 1. tS , C) 4, (.i C'i i 1. 5 ... b ,. 'i 1 ? l 9f "I j P . (:' _.:. (:' .0 Page l of 1 POND-2 Version: 5.17 O./N: Executed 07--210-19 c?3 Data d:-i t°e c;tor°v File Surnmarv for Cl'onmosi Time UN I:P11.f1C) 1.1NIM_50 15 OCI 161.0 1-3 0 06:1851 HL t.s Fl N?dr-o,,ira pt°, UNTV1-7 UNTVL_222 t fs i Total 2.0 31.0 Page 2 of 1 POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N,. UNIVERSITY PLACE ME"CIlKLENBURG COUNTY, NC WE I' DETENTION BASIN WITHOUT UPPER WAl._.L POND # 4. FILE 4UNIVPL CAL-CUL._ATED 07-20-1993 06:261; 16) DISK FILE. 4l. NIV'PL VOL.. Pl an i.mr fi::e::r scal : 1 inch 20 ft E Ie),,a at. PIan:i me ter Ar.a ()l1-P)2+4_,c.{r({a 2; 'tilo1,i.lrfle Volume Sum t f t sq. :i. n . ) ( acre` ; ) ( nr es ! l ac-r'f--f 't ) t :tCY"E - f t ) 622.00 86 ., 03 0 . , 0 .. 0C? 0. 00 0 . 00 62S.00 c .74 0,8-1 2 ., 49 , r> c., 7 c 630.00 1.0`x' .,,9 1..01 2.82 '4 . 70 7. 1(3 632.00 1. 1.6 . :% 1 . 07 . 1 32 ;;' . r 1 3 3 . 6e1 : 1. f- . "l i f•-S r.. {= :vl ) + { !. r--l1 --- E ) ::: 1. `LL'; (::; , L.. :: i h-1 r s :-1 c ) - C r! i•.. . { 1 ?'; r i=' ;:i{ J. J 1 ) w t-! e. r- t , ..J. E? 1 o s I," L: Ir.1(.. El. (1?..1 :=1 It•. f:r•? 'r Y_ .t... L. ,j I... C'; ter Arz J. . f"?r'1:v 32 ofTlou 1: ec! f (-) r" IT. J. , I 1.uu <.,(.:ril r /..:r T ?:? f t 1 ;TI r::. ... !? 1..I ...) f ?• I? (., t_ '_] ?_ L .J f 'r-. 4..i . E:k :3 .i ! f' t. •..) + ;":Y Y' ?r' l ? ? ... .., ? i ..1 ?.,... .... ? ?! !rdl!e r t E L..i, ., l:-.I_.,,' .. L..ov)r.;r rr 1 ?_,.nc; t-vra o 1- T t.e j ?Ic `J (D ] t_I r'rT I r t c: r' f . : ; , ( 1 t . rr . - : I 1 r°! i._ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Outlet. Structure F=ile; 4UNTVPL.. STP POND-2 Versx.on: 5.17 S/N; Da to Executed: 1" imc Executed-. UN CVER,'--3ITY PLACAE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC WET DETEN"FION WI: T H OUT UPPED U,! t- L- L`. POND # 4. FILE Ut..)NIVPL is s h1 F. O> :I i' E O l i T L.. Ca 6^J t.J f f 1 r} Y =: :t :I: Elevation (_ft:) 622 . S(-. 62 00 62,3 . 5( 4, 00 '4 626 628 :. 00 (,29 00 50 630. Cif, 613 0 , ? (_1 (=i J } 00 0.0 1 0.3 1. (_1A 1. () , 6 .1. 0 7 1 f ,- 23.0 i t2 1. 1..c 1. -t-2> 16 + .. 7:..<;t '-S -s S l L t :.. C, 1 f5 . 1 1 ;_ ;. Outlet Structure File: 4UNIVPL OTR ' POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date:: Executed- Time Executed. UNIVERSITY PLACE ' MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC WE I' DETENTION WITH OUT UPPED WALLS POiwi) #i: 4. FILE UUNIVPL OUtIEt. Stt-LICture? Filet: 4UNIVPt_. STR Planifnet_.er I.nPLAt: File- 4UNIVPL VOL 1lat:t_na Table OL{tput:. File;: 4UNIVPN.D.PND 5 Mire, Elev..(ft) 6'2 Max. Elev.(ft) - 63' Incr.(-Ft ) ' "{ c? et ::i t; :i C 1 elevations (ft) to k:) e included in r I V Ir t:r?r•?r•y(w °>`r `.- ?TEr 1 I A y 1 1 S T•. Y. }: .'1: T.. .7--T. ?:...?., *. ;4: ?: '?. :'? :1 ? .T 1. f: h:. -t.:?'. .?'.. ,f, t. .? .t. -i. :}. :}...i. :T::? #. .? :}'. }:. -Y: .{. l: :T: .. #. ;i.. `' ' t i w , ; t` a kh e _ u (T) a v v,1 a n ci :i n 1 €-•: . 4 0} ,,!I .I },t F.:r ;; Outlet Structure File: 4UN1VRL JTR FUND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Da t.e Exe-cu tech : Time Execu t:e d * **4,***,+A,*.*1,******.**** , UNIVERSITY PLACE MErIKLENBURG COUNTY, NO WEE' DETENTION WITH OUT (jp DE-.R WALLS PON[) # 4-. FILE t_1t._!NIVPL_ :**** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * y:.* :+,* ******** >>x,>> Structure No, I <-:<<<< ( I r) ;nu t. Da t;,a. ) 0RIr ICE 0ri.f:ic:e: - 8a ed on .re' H. end 1)atu m El ev ti(,)r( El e e .(ft,)? 6? C_.2 e: 1.(.',v f t, } ? 6.>'2.. (D01 Orifice C)C)eff-.? I n •%? e r t, I. e=. ,? ., i f t;) 6 1.. (7 D %?. t. a (n i`.`• I. e v f 't;,) ? !.:, ;-> ; ' , 0 C.) r i. f J. <; c':: j=r r e: ,? l f t, V? C! . C' U i ;_. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Outlet Structure File- 4UNIVPL. 3TR POND---2 Version- 5.1.7 S/N; Date Executed: Time Executed UNIVERSITY PLACE:. MEOM ENBt,.)RG COUNTY, N(-" W T D E•= T E N I t:l 11 6^J :.I T I I 0 UT U P P E I W / z I_ L POND #, 4.: FILE= UUN:IVPE_. * 1,*4:11 A,,******:S:*I"**-t=*********** u c^ f:. L 1 r e No, . 2 <<<<<< t:I:n`u't; Da tai `)TAN1) PI PE ic e f1. c ...; :.. t. a. r ? .. d? r I. r) :°°: w A. t:1? 1/..) e a. r cy r° c, r f . 2 ei- e v ., f i? 6 C01 D 1 3 f t? s t:. r i f 1; 1? _, . L_! ori!'f l ;e c;i_}e-f f ic':'terit'i C> Outlet Structure File. 4UNIVPL STR FOND Version. S.17 S/N: Date Execl.lted,. Time Executed: UNIVE RSIi'Y PLACE MECKLENi3URG COUNTY, NC: WE`T Dt `TENT'ION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS POND 4 4.. FILE UUNIVPL.. Structure No, 3 <<<<<< ( Input. Da. tA ) Weir Rrc::tanclular E 1 e I eV f t) ? 630 c:.i r' C; o s^, f f" 1 r, '1 r, f"t t: ? 3:: J Wei.r e1ev. i ft'i? .r" 63 0 Lert'?tft i ft': i? 3C:? Outlet Structure File 41_)NIVP[,,. TR PClND--! Version- S.17 S1PSI- Date Executed: Time Executed- UPSII:VER, I:TY ral_.FICE- WE I' DETENTION WITH OUT L!PPER POND tt 4. IL_E Ut!N IV1.3!._ OutfI.oIr:l Ra.,t:i-r,q T, L:)1. for tri..!r.:tur:e #i. ORIFICE Orifice --- (a:.,e.d on Ai ea. ztric..) Elevation :1evat:i.c? r' t' f 0s) :_<7rr,(t?.;.t.ic:r.!__ .M`", --,? .-3e--- -- 622. SO 0.3 1--1 .. S 6213) 00 0 4 H "1 .0 H A. 50 0.7 ? tc Cl )o 27 C) 6 8 0 1-i (.i ) bZ, H r fi e: {.. a. e ; 77 J I I Outlet Structure f=ile- 4UNIVPL. STR POND-"2 Version. 5.17 Date Executed; S/N. Time Executed. UNIVERSITY PLACE ME C.,' ;LE:NBURG COUNTY, NO WET D 'T"xi,,1T10N WITH OUT UPPER WALL. POND ? 4.. FILE Ut_1NIVPL iiutflov,i Rrtt.ino .1.ctble for St.ruC:tt_tre #2 St r"3 n c`? P :L 1;7 !=; irJ 1.. f.', t'1 Ird r: J_ t'" or ' o1.,..1 '(1 C; G `F 1. C) GJ a Tr•? PIPE f l D }'.**** INI.._E- Ct.11`,!T fiOi... (`, Jt.JM L1 ***:?.* E:1.e va..t:t"on f f t Q i, c:ft_. i C(--)mpata.f..1_c}n Mc s _,aqe,,,=. 'j, (-) f ;? ?) _ 0' f c ' , c- br:. .._ C-10 Li We -I r- - iA -s 1r 6 /_' / 50 _'..1 3 t°..1. 1` tc r. j C) r. f cl e, 0 50 We ?l. r,.. f tr.l ,,. .) . , ... W "`.' .? r•. I c.'- r 1 :.t y' ;' i ... ,I t.. C';. I, r 7' ?..' f-, :.?. 0- :. f. i':' I:".. ?.; -• .: C) l_)r I. (1 is ':...I i_T ,:" J'=1 :j {.. .. Outlet Stl-LI_tur e File-, 4UNIVPi_. STR POND-2 Version- S. 17 Date Executed.- S/N- Time Executed.: UNIVERSITY PL_ACD MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NO 14ET I)ETENTI0N WITH OUT 0PPE1--' Ws;!-.I_.O POND # 4. FILE UUNIVPL. W F. I1? -•' Ei ?.' We 1.. I? F: (=• 'f:. ,3. ri r='i t ! 1. ? r ir ' fw f . ?; '1t"-a - ' ' "f Q t t i r l 'W' e - Me < < ) f t.) ,./ a ti ` t E 3, a _ , r, :. ,-; . () m a : q - .._ . ?' '.. 00 0 , (;` E < Inv . E l.... 6 its o o, (? . l..? E .. 1 f "1'?•' t:. L .`:> C "1 11-11 0 ( E 0 Ci T r, f 6 i 611,19. E" 1 ?.? .. i 50 1 1 c.. { 6 1, .. :.d We POND -2 Version z 5.17 S/ N : Page 1. EXECUTED.- 07-20-1993 06:24:53 ON/OFF SITE Return Freq: 100 vear UNIVERSITY PLACE ' FOURTH In)ET DETENTION FOND IPJITHCll.JT t_1PP;-R vi l_.. I.._5 1.0 0 Y E R EVENT F. U I: I_ D C:? U T. FILE 4t .-f N I V R T? ' In Iovi Hvdr°c'r::?r-a.oh. t_1NTVI_222.I-YD Rat.=i.rtci TaL)Ie 1 i.I.e-, 4Ui',lI:VPND.. PNL? ' -----.1NliT-1At.. ':^ONDI1'IONS---- E: 1 e v a ti c) n •- G :' 2 . 0 C:i If t. St.orc3,gE- 0.X10 ac-'ft L 1 -7 (l i V E=_ f'd IF-I 1 N D :Df--,, T i) i._.OV,I r..y ?'Unf;\Cai:: 00 0. C I I Z 1 CIO l.; •.:f• (D F 1. j ,S 6 1" 0 i?.l o-5 ._?1 r..1 i..? .._. .... ,. l..! .._. .... J 62 t t l - ,_ 71 ; `s - - ., 83 6, A C, C.° i. eJ 1 IN T Ef-,' 1` DI£1T'.r__ ROUT I:i lG. c Iz. I t - _ - I ' 1. I- L I , u t ... 71 •(... 1. 1 i? I Y. I.':._ £ 1 !: .. ) - l .' )_ t. 1. ? _ L 0 F it POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Page 2 EXE( UTED- 07-20-1.993 06,24:53 ON/OFF SITE Ret.t_frn Freq 100 Vea.r°e Pond File. J- 0NIVPND. PND T of Iovi Hvr.±rograph : I,INTVL 222 . HYD Out•f 1ovi H,,rc1r,ogi°aph.- <' UNIVhT4 . HYD If'•1i=1.._. 0W HYDROGRAP-! ROUTING (.:OMPUTATIONS TI ME ; INFLOW 11.+1 2 ; 2S/ t, - O ; 2S/ t• + O ; OUTFL OW :ELEVATION: I h {li f re} I I , (cfs) s' I {r.,l } 1 I {cfs} {cfs} , I (c1-e ) ? (ft) I 1.1 . 000 20.00 ; ; ----- -- 0. 0 0 . 0 ; 0 ,. 00 622.00 1 1.. 10 ? i 23.00: 43.0 2 i ,.'(• , . 7 43) I .: C? , 0 .. 1..' 7 6222' . 2 2 . I 1.1. 200 2 6,. 00 ; ; 49.. 0 ; 9 1 . ")_ 91 .7; 0. 28 622 .. 4 7 ; 11. 300 ; 27,00; S5.0 14S.5- ; 1.46 .2 0. 35 6:'2. 7S 1:1 . 4(.')0 33,M ? 62. (:J 206 . 6 0 7 . 0 , x•1.1. 6 2 3 . f_; 6 , 1 1 . S(DO ; 39.w C)t:'+ ; 72.0 277.7 6! 0 . 4E ; 62..3. 42 I 1 .).. ,. f li Y (1 ? 43, 00;' I 62.. t_t 3 J ? .. 7 I 0. 56 , , 623.8)2 1.1 ,. 7 . '1 0' 1.3>' . 0 496. 1 497 . S ; 0 , 70 ; 624,49 I 1 . 900 1--)1,00: ; 247,0 ; 6'.30.7 74,.'- :. 1 ; 26. 21 ; c-, r_5 . 54 1.1. '-,'00.? 204.0CJ; ; 35S.0 810.;_, i.04-S .7; 11.7. 6:) 6: 6, S1. 1. _12 . -J 1 r 590,0 ; 7 . 1 11!,J i i . --) 4, 22 1 53 C 'J 2 6. 'S 1. L .. 1 I. • 0 I 6 1.. S. 00! , l-J , 1. cl o i _ !. E;(_),. ? .„?:. ? i •7 , ! J !.? 7' 12. , 46,61 .Cn.i! (.. CJ 571 4; . 1•._. 613 ' 1 a , <• % 0 (;t ;'s 10 ; t . ) ']' . r ; b t + ._ '1 /1' 1... i. 4 ; 6 30 . 98 , 4 ('t t:, ' ", 30. 60 ._, - 1 ? C' `. i '4• I. . `.'I i•'1 : W) :?. ; , f:? 1 <:j . `=,' , `:? 0 I 3 0 1 l ; 62S l 98 12 7 C I U 4 It 0 ? f 1 3 1 0 (. 6, 25 1. el h ' .L. _.. - '. _' ' !...i. c". f) l.' ""_'l 4.i E .. 0 1.4 ! 6 ; E) t_ r (Ii..t -C ? r', 2 i ;f", A, .') , al_J f, 'c:7 s ' 1 ' l ?: i 46 (:? C!(_? 1 I:; . 0 , Vii.., . l_! 1-i)C;9 ... , ! 0??; .,; r:;-" i•(? ; J..:, S I. ,.? c:Jl.(lfl; r',0 ?',<-4 7t1 ? I f1 ; _;?J l_+' 1 3 . «{- f_t (1 1 1"." 2 Cl. -i L J ; i 1 f_ 56, t_.1'_ ' 11. 4 . 0 74 , JO! 5,2 10B C 1, 6 2,5 9 '2. 1_01 0 1- c. C) '( t? isi 5 "L r>12t 1 14 0() ; 4'o' 0C! E E> . t.. t . 14. .. _ ? 100 4 ... (., t-. , _ 2 .1- 0 61 F-3 C 72 2 7 2 1. 4 a °'f l_- .. 1. C? , fJ ' F 7 , . ' 14 . • , / Ut^?' ? 3111. CM! 7 I iB, •'..I 14. -, ;. I J)(_I I (_I C `v : I;1 I :_ '•. I ?,, . .L. c?.; <'. E'?`.:) ' 1.4 CJ ; . f.J l_J ; .?.:r) (,J ; , i„7i _ C:) i ... .. i .)'"•! !l..) , f,, <_ -.., :.., ',5 I 14. -:; rl ; ; .. t_l .1. 4 I .. C! t.! , J A. t.) f.? _.i .? ... l_,I ; / 1 f-if, (.J L i.' . i ) .. i 1 i 1 POND--2 Version: 5.17 S/N:. Page 3 EXECUTED: 07-20-1993 06.24:S3 ON/OFF SITE Return Frei{: 100 Year surlmf 'N. F?Y C!F { OUTING i'?lN?°U..?.:l..i .IOlrt* *11+::f::<:? **11.1***?:.::i:::sr:;l *: Pond File: 4i_NIVPND.PNID Inflow Hydrogr;i.ph. UNTVL222. HYD Outflovj H"ydrograph. 4(-JNIVRT4.HYD Starting Pond W,O. Elevation -- 622 ft. P +,v' a n. Peak PC:ak 0 utf1.c.)tr,1 a.nd Pea.!. E1.t- 1:. (.1 u t f l C! vi 4 4 I 1- f? C f Ele ,xti orl ... 631..1t; > .1 f 1 r° ; t, t° '•i 1" f•- ? r"'") ;::1. ill rf ? ° L,, .. s 1 c . i"` :.,. i t') :1 t, a c3.1. _ 1'" C> r" ,•?1, ? 7 ca _ .. ,.. P? ( n t, •,'t i- F i,.. .) tT? S t, (.) r" m, _(. o ta ! c t. c:) i n ri ;ii C:' t. I,sJ , i,^d L3 r ? t .i. t"1 ? ; '1-i ".'e cl r, r a I . a > `_t :,. I_. 1,J. 1, 1 . -, t e:) c C) n r' 7. ?:,l ""? ('. ? t''... POND-2 V&'-si.on-. 5.1 7 S /N. Page 4 1 ON/ OFF SITE Return eReturn ?'r??q? 1.00 vears Pond F'i.I.e; ?•l!f??:1:VPND.Pf?J.f.? Inf:1ovj Hydrogrca.p[-,: I-JNTVL222.HYD 0u .f I ow Hvdrogr° ..phi 4UNIVPT4. H Y D Peak Infl<:,??J 615.00 c:f? 6 2 4..S ; Peak 1.?:,r t.ti.on 631-13 ft :? C-:>`a l_ 0 1. 90 n. ;.J 3 J. 1 J 1 i1..7 I -•. ,...1...11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UNIVERSITY PLACE 70% TREATMENT WET DETENTION POND ONEHUNDRED YEAR STORM EVENT POND INLET STRUCTURES CALCULATIONS U n: ?!4 r S i'tr ??c' t v° /fond -T-n 1gf St.vct?re.r --1?- -- A-- - t]_`7 4 a...r.o r h Olt &15.6 t-P e ?ctiri at hoot- 12. l0 • Flow ro M no?t? in/? j?e> ?.t a ?r l Z . ;r /DO, d eJ /??sult?nZ` 'i?-end` s !s ?!. S AVGtiladle r eta/AAA t Jrea_.l :s 24-5-f, at 1,our 17--ID. 'f n r cTr ( 3 »? o-o2R?F or. ?CSM 1_ L C?3i t 1 .4. Sa /.` ? ? t - R v x 'fro P,2 e r -t C7 = 54 . &).n 304 cPS . V-- J 9'• .4- Pn s . 1.&.= 54 3 _ 3 (ail/P1 - 9 .:7 /? r 21• a TLS Jn t .-S, 14 x z 6 7.rs .?? fee V, ,tfeT AOZ r;jLr skeat i1/af ?Pd.l. 7-4.L-S.3 2.3 z !7. o ' I/ R. 12:s.. .- -f _ -r& R.sdr- I_ . `D=?4 _ 0 = 242. . V= 'l S:a-Pns . /•/.- = 3. I? o n e? .bra/t ? S?ruc-kuret Flow 3'o Seu?R?2:?ers C l?'s?T 27'0 ?,Ser 3 !? - ¢ •/ Q - V - Iz. IP ." 4 r Net head of ,Zd,1e-5,3-1.3 2-A. 11.4- - use - / O 1 - ?.b - s 4 2" li/1'V 11 3 f? 5 a ? _ / _-,14 . 4 i US.D of TK Fed4 r UNSUBMERGED 1 Table 8 Inlet control design equations. HWi He Q M Form (1) ------- _ ------ + K ------- - 0.55 ? D D ADO-6 HWi Q M Form (2) ------- = K -------- D ADo.s SUBMERGED s HWi Q 2 ------- = c -------- + Y - 0.5S 1 D ADo.6 (26) (28) Definitions HWi Headwater depth above inlet control section invert, ft D Interior height of culvert barrel, ft He Specific head at critical depth (dc + VC 2/2g), ft Q Discharge, fts/s A Full cross sectional area of culvert barrel, ft2 S Culvert barrel slope, ft/ft K,M,c,Y Constants from table 9 NOTES: i Equations (26) and (27) (unsubmerged) apply up to about Q/ADo.s = 3.5. ? For mitered inlets use +0.75 instead of -0.55 as the slope correc- tion factor. s Equation (28) (submerged) applies above about Q/AD°-6 = 4.0. 11 146 Y Y C p v v 9P v v Piz v v 2- v v v 8 p --- v O v v q b v N t onv O ?o K`x ASa o?? $'•d it 2f ? F° '?Y2 A ?? PO ON K V O O O O O O O O IS P. -9 0, rl M 1 N Y O O O p 2 O bbb O C = O O O N N N O M N N ?- r 1011 N N N y? YY?1 O r r ?- O O ?A?pp ?A?pp .p .O .A.pp ?A?pp A.pp .O .O .O .A.pp A.pp A.pp A.pp .O V .O •O .A.pp A?pp Ap ?O ?O .O Ap ?Ap Ap .O d d y? O N N N W K l[ N O [? O O 0 0 0 O 0 O _ O C G ? Y1 It ?qOpp 11p?1 ?8 9 Z N Y It N(? 1 11 1Mrr/1??1 .N n N n pA. V, y1 .t t 13Z v v It I I O Hp NY O i O t 99 W N N 1y O s r e e a. o b L ° G Y •QQ ? J H ? c? F i 2 i i O V Y Y Y e ,p g g g o n R H Y¦ 4 .. " w oa 00 Cp p H - ° tS 4yp Yyp O O '4p {? O •Y O M ._ O O a M O O •? O 4 G L t V Y i U i J J C C Cp Y Y C O O O ? y O Y 2 L Y U C S A o pp CI co O Oo O o o . t O O p p OI UI = P O Y P P P M M H V -- m 1 r1 pp pS 10 WJ r'- N M ? N M < 0 '• N M ' ? N ? N M ? N M J ? N M .•• N M ? N M o a o e o ? o • < ? Y < Z U U U? U u O O: m O O K m V O K m O K m Y O\ K m M V O O K m = U r• N H b P r ? 147 LJ d Y K A A- v v v - n^ v v v A A A v v v •o .o •O v v r •O v v o v n-- v v v P n n n n "' Y W •O n •O ?O A •O N f? N N •O ? N?^ d h N 4 P O O f? P O b •O A K 11. ? go cy t- ? ? ? A M1 ? p? n? P P? •O ? N MM 1t ? •O n J d o J Y 0 0 O O O O O p C o o 0 o o O O O G o C o _ O N O N N N O N O N N N O O N N ?- N O O •? N N 1n 0 0 N N O O v, N N vNi J NO ^ O O .AO AO `O 'O .Ap AO •DO W K 1L O O N O O O O yp? O O O ?Mp O O O h •ppO A?pp n On N O O ppO.. A O N O O 9 H MI P 1 O J • W 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 N N N N N J O d N N O O N N N O 2 T $O N N N N N J ? Q Y Y • • w RL' Y L L o r i d ? i La ?_ a • a ? b °? E? i e ? ? 3€ €. Y E• E $ -S c c -E L L $$ W J O O u u O u v O M O o O R a i n Q m R i /r? O _? p 8 ?' F 8 8C Y? ?S ?i R i n MI r P I µ O: ?- 1 f N H N N pSp < W p? J pp K VU1 ? N H ? N M .- N M ? N M ? ? N H •N ? N H ? ? N r ? CC Y Y - LL L S O s L "O ?[LyC! ' S ? • Y L • l ¦ L p•?? -. pp p . O p Y ? V y 0 < < 05 , n Y 111 111 4 C < 2 W uC O a O S W U Y a O > W U Yp g m ? m e a o7 ? 6 n p $ ? ? n H oc L < ` U C W u K u Cy O rc U u uC V 8 K U N h ? M H ? N N N N N 148 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ?I 1 1 li 1 1 1 1 180 (0,000 I 168 8,000 EXAMPLE II 156 6,000. D•36 inches (3.0 feet) 5 6 ,000 0.66 cf s ( 3) 144 4,000 . 5. 6• Mw - Mw 132 ? -3,000 D (feat) 5. 6. (1) 1.8 5.4 120 ? 000 (2) 2.1 6.3 2 5. a , (3) 2.2 6.6 4. 108 t 4. D in feet a 96 1,000 3. T 800 3. z 84 ccnn 600 500 400 - -?• 2 W 72 300 . 2. I x j ? 3 1.5 U to Z 60 -?- Z 200 1.5 1.5 1 54 a w a ?S a 0 j 48 U o t Q 9 80 -j u z 60 I.0 1 0 ILL 42 / x 50 . o / 40 Q 1.0 Z'3-6 30 E ENTRP CE w SCA w O L E 9 a Q o I 20 (1) Meoasoll 0 .8 ?.8 30 a ? (2) Mitered to conform LJ to slope Z .8 u 27 10 (3) Projecting z 7 .7 0 8 Z 24 .7 6 N 5 To use scale (2) or (3) project 2 1 4 horizontally to scale (1), then .6 6 use straight inclined line through • 3 o and 0 scales, or reverse as 6 t 8 illustrated. 2 15 .5 1.0 .5 12 ow-Lh F/ow 2 CTIYE GATE TiTt¢ KENTUCKY" Ei"e'- - INLET CONTROL NOMOGRAPH BUREAU OF 3-77 4-510.6 c 1 1 ISO - 10,000 (I 168 8,000 EXAMPLE 15,6 6,000 0=36 inches (3.0 feet) 5,000 0.66 cfs (3) 144 4,000 e 5. 6. I e H 132 ? -3,000 t) D (h 5. 120 (11 1.8 S.? ;y S ry( F 2,000 (2) 2.1 6.3 . ? 4. ZZII 108 (3) 2.2 6.6 a 4 3 .J eD in feet a T 96 F 1,000 3. 800 z 84 r~rt 600 2. 500 400 72 2. w 300 I x 1 3 1.5 U LL ? S 60 U 2 s a??? N 1.5 ? ? W ' i 54 a /? w ? ?- 100 / j 48 D: 80? o J Q Z 60 c0i 42 / N 50 F 1.0 I,0 ILL l-- r 0 Q- 40 wo ) fW 36 30 HW ENTRANCE W D SCALE TYPE F a 33 20 a o (I) Heoaroll 30 .6 ,8 30 (2) Mitered to conform a 2 W U to slope 2 p 27 10 (3) Projecting j c 7 7 Q 8 z 24 6 N 5 To use scab (2) or (3) project 21 4 horizontally to scale (I), then .6 use straight inclined line through .6 3 0 and 0 scales, or reverse as 18 illustrated. 2 15 .5 .5 L 11.0 12 -4-77 th F/bw /''; S'- r- 3 INLET CONTROL NOMOGRAPH 2. 1.5 I_0 .9 .8 7 6 5 KENTUCKY EXI -K BUREAU OF d_rIJ() f; Use 3o f?%??r in J-a» off' s,al.`Jh4r kox (AM 68. 14. C2Z C eys ? 2..3 fi ' U n: vers; tr 7'1ACe ?ond I.,lef S ?.ve?-yre.t ???/ Sur?att.t 17rpa, 0.79 AEres m --W- It i , _ P1_ /'> -If- . b y - ` - - - - / _ » jp r _ --.b.. Flow -IV moth r: s ers i s 3 a 4 oft _? ?Jvc? o?ro,?+ ?/:2?er 6aX riser iS 7 (. cf J 1 Net ,hee?a! ?'pr 3?/mr? to north riser s?1'?te,- box ??0_t-??? • 3? = r3o ?? = l_Js?. r6 .. ??Se_r? %ser &.,M;zz)?'3....._._..... -__ ©- k•3.,ae/a?_? ?7• X 3f?i? _ /33Cr /30C'b__,_,_ 1-= t- ' Unwers%?`y dace /?' Dn? In?-ef 5?rv?-?urEt ._Ai?_ mO4jcs G2ccu?.r hourour?2?.Z-O h?I: n: ar,a sr, ?o va ?•'o r? a ?' u?o s?r?earr? i a lQ .?:,n s lw47 /4-MA, f MN 10 /?;scr `7) _ 42 n. = !ODC?s V = /D•_4 ?,t_? = D, ? rim Use 5& isPr )VIVID. RP dD ?4•? 0? S --- -C ' - 7 -__ t f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .. ISO- 10,000 168 i-6,000 EXAMPLE t 1, be 156 I 6,000 0.36 incites (3.0 feet) 6 R'?? 5,000 0.66 efs t\ (3) )44 4,000 ?+w' MW 5. ?A 6. 132 I 3.000 0 (toot) 6. (1) 1.0 5.4 120 w 2,000 (2) 2.1 6.3 4 5. a (3) 2.2 6.6 108 a 3, 4. *0 in feet a 96 1,000 3. 800 3. 1 84 v, 600 2 500 400 -? - 2. ~~ . 72 2 w 300 1 .?S ? 3 1.5 Z '- 60 Z 200 n /p?rL? 1.5 L 1.5 w f E r 54 c7 ~ I X100 / 7- (r w 48 Cr 80? o > Q Z u v 60 = 1.0 1.0 42 ?N 50 F O / 40 0 1.0 .9 9 r 36 30 HW ENTRANCE ac Iw D SCALE TYPE LAJ g f a Q 33 20 (I) lteaa.on 30 .8 I o 1 r.6 30 (2) Mitered to conform a w to slope 2 •6 U 27 10 (3) Projecting 7 z .7 a 8 Q 24 .7 6 y 5 ? To use scale (2) or (3) Project 21 4 horizontally to scale (1), then .6 use straight inclined line through .6 3 0 and 0 scales, or reverse as .6 16 illustrated. 2 15 - 1.0 12 lilorfh -Z?,Jet .Jo /*e %jc C15111 III T?T:.E 3-77 INLET KC"-rA1 ocNelt OMOGRAPH 5 5 KENTUCKY E:""' BUREAU OF 4-510.6 ' University Place Mall, Inc. 401 Water Quality Certification Submittal 85 % Treatment Wet Detention Basin July 20, 1993 This submittal is to comply with the conditional water quality certification issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management on April 19, 1993. This submittal includes this bound set of data and a total of 9 oversize blue-line ' preliminary design plan sheets. Preliminary reviews by NCDEHNR DEM staff on three separate occasions during May and June 1993 have provided guidance on this submittal. This submittal includes data and preliminary (not for ' construction) designs for a wet detention basin as a means of protecting downstream water quality from degradation due to pollutant runoff from post- construction impervious areas. Pollutant removal efficiencies of the proposed wet detention basin and the general basin characteristics have been reviewed ' and given preliminary approval by DEM staff on June 8, 1993. ' General basin characteristics include an average depth of 5.50 feet, a surface area at permanent pool elevation 621.5' of 1.14 acres. Short-circuiting of stormwater shall be eliminated by the use of a pond inlet distribution structure composed of header pipes and riser pipes. The bottom of the basin consists of ' natural subgrade soil. Additional compensation to meet the 85% Treatment Guidelines of NCDEM are proposed in the form of wetland mitigation at an as-yet to be determined downstream location (see attached memo). ' Hydrographics and Pond Routing The existing University Place property includes a watershed sub-basin which ' contributes directly to the proposed detention pond area (now a man-made erosion-control catchment) consists of 46.16 acres. Existing ground-cover is a mixture of woods, brush, and meadow grass, and a minimal area of pavement. ' Stormwater runoff from this watershed sub-basin flows into an existing 48 inch reinforced concrete culvert. Peak runoff was modeled by use of QTR 55, Version 5.44. Peak 10 year runoff volume for the pre-development hydrograph ' is 172 cfs. The northern portion of the pre-development property consists of a watershed ' sub-basin of 8.90 acres. The existing storm runoff in this sub-basin is directed to an existing 36 inch reinforced concrete culvert under I-85. Proposed development will include diversion of this drainage into the proposed wet ' detention pond for water-quality purposes. I t I I Off-site drainage is now flowing onto the University Place property from areas south of W.T. Harris Boulevard. Total off-site drainage area is 57 acres: all this stormwater flow is being directed into the proposed treatment pond. This runoff will then flow into the existing 48 inch culvert which will also receive the reduced discharges from the treatment pond. Based on the proposed final grading plan, total developed area which will contribute to the proposed detention basin is 51.30 acres: pervious area is 3.95 acres (mostly roadway medians and landscaping), and impervious area is 47.35 acres (see attached table of pervious area). However, this study considered that the entire 51.30 acres is to become impervious. Curve number CN95 was used for hydrologic considerations. Post-development peak hydraphic flow for on site and off site acreage to the treatment pond is calculated to be 401 cfs for the 10 year storm event and 615 cfs for the 100 year event. Routing of stormwater through the treatment basin was modeled by the Pond 2, Version 5.17 by Haestad Methods. Routing for the 10 year storm yields a peak pond outflow of 199.66 cfs. This post development discharge is 53 cfs less than the pre-development 10 year storm flow for on/off site acreage. The 100 year out flow is 336.81 cfs. Flow Through The Inlet Distribution System The proposed inlet distribution system is comprised of a header piping network which feeds storm water to a series of vertical riser pipes. These risers are designed to prevent a short circuit from pond inlet to pond outlet. This system provides for the general movement of incoming storm waters. The calculations for the inlet distribution system considers the peak hydrographic inflow and pond attenuation elevation for the 100 year storm event. The peak inflow and pond attenuation elevation have been calculated for the peak inflow hour of 12.10. 1"Storm Discharge ' Runoff depth for the one year storm is 0.56 inches. Volume of the 1 inch storm from the 51.3 developed acres is 2.39 ac-ft. The stand pipe crest is designed to the 1 inch rain storage volume elevation. Average out flow rate of the 2.39 ac-ft through the proposed 4 inch discharge tube is 0.4 cfs. Average time of discharge for the 2.39 ac-ft is 3 days. 0 1 General Notes 1. The on-site drainage area to the wet detention basin is 51.3 acres. 2. The runoff from the upstream off-site drainage area will be collected and piped into the wet detention basin. 3. The maximum, reasonable on-site drainage is shown to be diverted into the wet detention basin. See sheets RG-1 and RG-2. 4. These plans consist of only the hydrologic design for the water quality mitigation pursuant to the 401 Water Quality Certification approval. These plans do not address other engineering aspects, including but not limited to foundation design, structural design, and geotechnical design. Wet Detention Basin 1. The surface area of the wet detention basin is 1.14 acres. 2. The average depth of the wet detention basin is 5.50 feet. 3. The, wet detention basin has capacity above the permanent pool to retain one inch of surface runoff for control of the 10-year runoff. Discharge volumes from the basin shall be less than the pre-construction volumes based on this design. 4. The bottom of the wet detention basin consists of the natural subgrade soil materials. 5. Security fencing is to be provided around the wet detention basin. The entrance is to be gated and locked. 6. To prevent short-circuiting, the inlet distribution system is designed to move all of the incoming storm waters toward the outlet structures. Development runoff Areas SUBAREA PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TOTAL AAA 1.14 ac. 15.46 ac. 16.60 ac. BBB 2.24 ac. 14.06 ac. 16.30 ac. CCC 0.36 ac. 9.14 ac. 9.50 ac DDD 0.21 ac. 8.69 ac. 8.90 ac C UNIVERSITY PLACE 85% TREATMENT WET DETENTION POND TEN YEAR STORM EVENT u Ouick TR-SS Ver.5..44- S/11,11:1315460089 Executed: 09n 51:4.6 07---,-',0-1993 UNIVERTISITY PID)CE Mf=CKL.LNBt. RG COUNTY, NC AS IS C ONID.I' T I ON AS OF MAY 1993 FTLi:_ L.iNIVPL RU('.C=1FF k2UPVE NUMBEE R SUMMP)RY C? e c r....t 0 t. n o r < acres i t {ra e<-, t° t. e c 700 82 is B 4.. 6 4_ ; AP" 31.94 Quick TR-5S Ver.5.44 S/N.131.S460089 Executed: 09:51..-46 07-20-1993 UNIVERTI:SI TY PLACr:_ MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC AS I:5 C:ONDITTON AS OF f°1AY, 1>" FILE UNlVPL. R -JNC)f= CURVE": NUMBER D,,2,,Tl, C;omr)osa. to Ar F=.a , C R f= ,_a N a..'`;re -_ i 0m F'0.Y> 0) D (., . _ _ _ _ ;., wC)r Quick "i-F'--5'_') Ver-.5.44 S Nz 1.:5.15460089 Executed: !S:19.-2'7 07-14--1993 tli'•dT'VP , 1'C T f ir.C,1<:LENE;URG C*0lJN Y NO AS SITE C"ONDITI:ON r`?`:> OF MAY 1.0 YEAR STORM EVENT. F 1:L-E UNI'VPL T" ,r : C i) I E? l_J .?. f , ..i. ]: C.l h•! FOR,- CC aHEE:T FLOW (Apr)1.:ica.!a:le• to Tc or?l v ) Secimer?t. ID 1. Surf ac-,e d e 5;; C_: r i n t". i o r`1 FJ !.,}+v` it E N! T Maiiin:1.f q`s r"ou(Ihi"1i c< ciff r, U.0 00 FI. oii,l J_efitgt ?, 1_ ( t:,c t:. a. 1. . or -. 3C)O) f1". 1C)0 . i.) T I/•d c_, - v r 4 -- h r' r, a i r'1 f al .,.. ID 2 t r"! 3 5 0 t.? L.., r1d Lope, s ft',%f'k'. C).i:')Io0 o. i 41 : -1 A, L 1- 1 W ?. C) ?'.I i ?:'_: ?•,i .-1. r' ,-, I' F._ D i - L.. 'J W r; u f "71. '- _. t ,,:) ;c3. ". e d (:) !" ! 1 i v e" C W a. t. e d I` 2P '. L._ C it -k`'+, C) C; ;Ts iv N I._ _ r W Se f .1 le, , s. . ,.., - C e W e , c° e r I rt; .-_: t; e r- r-a.1.1a n r° t 1. 1. ::. _. r r`1 j. r l c"i f . Ll :.I 1"} (1, ? •_.: .. ` f L.., , j -, } t 1, 4 r", QLJick TR-SS Ver".5..44 S!N 131S460089 Executed: 1S:19:2-7 07-:.i.4-1.993 UNI'VPL..TCT UNIVERSITY PLACE ME CKLENE3URG COUNTY, NO 10 YIE-AR iTORM EVENT , FI.L._E L!NIV PL_ T c GO("IF'UT G:{T I0N`,_:i FOR'., (:3B SHEET FLOW (Aprn:1i.cable: to TC; t?r3:l.ti; Sec:!ment. ID 1 Surface dz: s-, c; r' '1. ot::i_ c)r', WEED`,, BRUSH Mann i nc, ' F. r"cu q hn ~ sT; c. c)e,1=1= ... r, i . 04001 F.1 o t-,: 1 e r) q t: ; } .. L ( t:, c) La. J_ 0 ?". 3 C? C? ; != t: 100, 0 ;PJ < ! -1yr r" 2 4 - 11 r" i"' %3..1. r"a' ( <3..j- !. i. n 3. 6('),,) Land slope, s f t/ -f t 0. 0100 0 c3 -)0'/" (n*L ) J F' 2 S i ? I P,, f_. L-. 4 J '?: j.J ?'' I I`•: ?_ l? I 7S? r?.? 1 L . 1? FL-OW S `Jr3r. _i1 ,-lil. r..r. 1 ) l-1n c;.\ ec1 F 1 o l A 'e x! i i. 14 I L- Y is !. 5 0 t:? f t, /f t. er_rtmen F lot,,, i_t Hvall t...a..o.l iC; rcartal!`._. , r Ica 1r11 t1 1 °<?l1.'f.1i.g:<< 1.. 1l) 3 f t. 0, U: QU:i Ck T P-55 Ver", 5 /-44 3i N : 131. 5460081` E;<ecuted, 1.5:19:27 07--14 -19,-313 UP IVPL.TCT UNIVERSI'T'Y PEACE ME=:C KL._c:NG(jf, CG COUNTY, NC AS 15 SITE {*ONDI T I JN AS OF MAN . :i.993 1.) YE=..AfR r?iT011',`.M E=VEi,T., FILE t..JNIVPI.... Tc COMPUTATIONS F OR; AA SHEET FLOW Tc' Segment ID 1 t:`+ l_ r-f"ace ,1f s ( ri.K t,).C)n POVf: MEN I E" I o w 1.e, ngth , L ( t.ot:a?i.1. , c, r, >C!0 f t: ;.S C', ::) , r1 Tt?,lo - y'24--hr"' rc3.j.i'tf,a11. P :Ln .?vF;(fty, 0.8 C)c? >> i ti L. i 0 ' 1 -a N' .: t_ ('d T "I A :; ?t f,.. •? C: 4. . '',I {it'1(':;? /°i t° l_1 r t s) 1. `.j e CSI I mr' t e l l -1 f t f I . _:. c> e c t..L i' l Je f t..w Jt? i r rl l nc-I e I"'i 1'1 C f t. Quick T R---SS Ver.5.44 M / N : 131.5460089 Executed: 1.5;19.27 07-14--1993 UNIVPI._.TCT Cli I SUMMARY SHEET FOR Tc or Tt. COMPU`tA'TIOhI8 (Solved for Time w'-nna TR-55 Pl t:h',cds ) UNIVERSITY PU)CE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC A IS SITE CONDITION' AS OF MAY .ca 10 YEAR ;-NORM EVENT f= 1.I.._E t_!h,,lIV PI_. r,. . ' e a (_I r s C " . TC. C) t•.. T. t. T 1 f i 7 c=: l h! 8B -fc 0 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quick TE'-SS Ver. S . 44 S/N 1315460081:.? Executed: 1S:27:40 07--14-1993 Ui°MARY" SHEET FOR Tc: or Tt. C:OMPUTAT IONS (Solved f' C71" I :i. nn e u ` :t. n CX UNIVERSITY PLACE IS CONDITION AS O r1AY 1993 10 YEAR ::y"1ORM k=`dF=-NT. FILE l.)1`,IVP S bare. i (J? sc. r` Tcr_ i" t, 1':i, fn ?,r CC: T t. BB I t 0. 04 w w Quick TR--S5 Ver. 5 , 44 :_>/N . 1315460089 Executed: 15 27:4(? 07-14-1993 UNIVERSITY t='I_ACE. ME(IlKL_E114BERG COUNT, Nt: is CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1993 10 YEAR STOPM EVENT FILE UNIVR. Tc or Tt DATA Sl.)bcD,I,"E C(.: D E CR I P TI C r,+ LEI• GI'H VELOCITY TI.M1:7 (f t e t:) i f L: / e c f (11 n t..l t F `.=, h o f_! r Cs 5 (D S 60 0, 04 ai r?ut: s. hours ! >t; I F'Tl'0 13 a a ID I r tf3 r3... N f!" nui:f_: > t°tcu.I Ti" 'E' I T "Y Quick TR-55 Ver.5.44 O/N.1315460089 Executed. 09:52:54 07-20-1994 UNIVERSITY PLACE TOWN CENTER M CKLF_I',IBURG COUNTY 50 ACRE OFF SITE DRNG,. FILE tJNIVERPL. RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER SUMMARY Subarea Area. CN TD esr..:rirp t:iort (acres) { vie.j,ciht,ed ) ST:?, LE AREA 50.00 82 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quick TR-55 Ve.r.5.44 5/N:1.315460089 Executed., 09.S2-S4 07-20-1.993 UNIVERSITY PLACE TOWN CC=.N'l'ER 50 ACRE. CAFE SITE DRI"AG. FILE (..)NIVERPL RUNOFF URVE Ni_1MBER DATPi _'om,)os°t to 'Area-. SINGL..E AREA jP,lF;";^E. UESCRIPT 113RUSH, WEED (& GRASS -PASTUIRE, S 0m PO i. t AREA C" N ",00 , 84 "'? £=4 r..? ,... i Quick 'TR--SS Ve:r'.5,44 >>/N:13:1 .5460089 Executed- 1.5-.21:16 07-14-1993 U1,!1V RPL.T%T U_ ,!IVERSITY Pl-s"aCE MIC"OKLENBURG ('01-PITY, NC 1.0 YEAR STORM 'VENT-., SO ACRES OF-F" SITE. FILE UNIVERPL T<~ {?OMPUTOTIONG FOR- SINGLE (-AREA S1 EET EL..OW ((r);:)I.'.1cabl to Tc on1v 1. Seg.imE_ n t ID Mann 1. f"} a=f S Y` Cti l? C} 11 C_I c (:7 e f f . n O ., O 3 ) (..? F1 bd I e n f.. 1"1 , L [. '1_. t1 a. I (`? r 3,-- fy) '} {c :5 O 0 . C) 24---h 1,„ f" 7.. r s c3 .L 1. P,' l, f l ca (.? c_' _ r• 007 n*L -- .... I' ,:i i E •`•I l-. L. 0 b d .. 1( 1 `'i 1?'i7 3 1 . r; I -. 1 f f... y w 1, ?) 1 1 Quick TR--SS Ver .5.44 S,/N: 1.31.2 4.60089 Executed; 15:221-.16 07-14--1993 UN:C' ERPL-.T< T ;_i U M I`'7 £=3 R Y ','NEE T FOR _I 1:.. C} 1 T t': O M P U1 f-' 1 ION S (Sr.:)1.Ved for T':i.mC Met:hcd :I UNIVERSI'TY I. 11r:. r:,.: C I_.. i . NBt_j<<: G ?^ .; i.J l_1('•d I ?Y" . i':f i".; 1 YEAR 5-i-0Y M __,r::i\lT" ., S0 ri:. i I T.. E:: I t uk^ .r._.. c^' " es c~t_.._ T_.. <1r- 19_. 1 i.mr,- -?,i-.. i i Quick Tip--.55 'der .5.44 S/N: 1:5154,600€ 9 Executed- 1S:28-.48 07-14-1993 :_sUi•:1MARY SHEET FOR l"c or, 1'f.; (Solved for T:irne usi.rlc; UNIIVEREI.TY PLPlC,,E i°iE:C KL_ENBURG C OUNT CIF , N 50 ACRE OFF SITE TRAVEL FIME AATA" 10 YE-AR STOf:i`1 E VE"NT FILL'. t_!NI"FVL!50 S l.lbr.I C.'. ? de cr° , ! or T t il.e ( hr.'_ aINGC ...E £-?REA Tt i) 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quick TR--55 Ver.5.44 S!N:1315400089 Executed. 1.5;28.48 07-14-1993 UNIVERSITY PLACE ME:: kL.{= NBURG C:Ol..JNTY, 11C 50 ACRE OFF SITE TRAVEL TIME THIN) AAIA. 10 YEAR STORM EVENT. FIl._.E:: UNI1'Vl._50 T. c or I 't D A'1' (,'3 DESCRIPTION 50 A !.at=F SITE LENGT •1 VE I...C.Ji ITY T1M 2600 3 0 6' lri:i rut,e ? our i I' ...... .. J. 4 T Quick TR_.55 Ver.S,44 /N- 1.1S4600F39 Executed. 1.5 ; 10 13 07-14--1993 UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY., NORTH CAROLINV'? 7 ACRE OFF SITE I',RNG. FILE UNI VEPLA RUNOFF CURVE klUMBER SUMMARY Dom. cr:tr)t.ior-, -..t_acres -) - e-a.?q 7 A OFFOITE 7.00 r_' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quick TR-S5 'vc_.r. 5. -1.4 SJN; 1.315460089 Executed: 1`j:18,, 1:3 07--14--1993 UNIVERSITY PLACE MEC;KLENBt_7RG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 7 ACRE OF SITE DRNG. FILE UNIVEPL" f--,lUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA t, r- a.. J I I.-IRIUSH G 13 r) C., I'D _.., r f 1 JNIVE RSIT"Y 10 Y EARI SC 0 FWi EVENT ACRE OFF a i. T E. -f --,_" -. r•. l: '`' ,_ , Tc C.-OMPUTATIONS FOR: SINGLE ARE SHF=E:T F°t_')'vJ F w a :?a? :i.cc3.k?:1 f:,e' Tr_: orrIw ) ^Slecime-r` ". ID 1. 6'JC)C) D S E.f'..H 1.va t.i'i . L { tat '1. -300 P f. :: t: C1 . ti Yw<:)-' r 1,4-';°,r- r-a a.rrf<..1_:1 , P21 i r' .: C-) 0 Land ':; 1. •-: M; h:. r.. f: t:. f t. 0 . t:.i l i f:) 0.8 C .I -- 4',12. !'. i .. . ' 4_I i•...-. _. _:.). C;i • ; t3 . :. f t.: f r l 1.J . ('I'; , :IC C t {::: -. _. -_. ,;t=1_ is ]. ;:'r`i;it ]. !. c?,,••! f-:; r` _...... ?,. _..., . i' .j ..._ r"? wr + t rr a?r? t, r°. I=!,•? f t-, t i 6 t t Quick TKI-SS Ver. `,.44 S''N- l3l.``,46008 Executed- I.5 : -,-,9 ; 45 07-14-1993 i `,;IJP'!L`,FAY SHEET (=-0f; T?_ 1?i; r?w0i'(?-(..!T's=a;?T(:7 f? ,:.:. ( S o L\ ed for Ti. me u_ inci I...ei1gth•,"'Ve1c?C ?",'•.r 1 UNIVERSITY PLACE M`::1. KL._LI` BURG i:'(:a(JN'I.Y III? r L:?r_- OFF :T(_ ..f RAV I_ Tj`,1is_ 1 LiF<a_I ,.: 10 Y -P,,R STORM E'v!= N'T. L_..I:L_.E (Ml 1'"V( .r. S a b c3.1. ea. d ? 'c; c, r .. T C_: o f... Quick TR--55 Ver'.5.4,1. S/i•1:131,5460089 Executed 15:29-.4S 07--14-1.993 UNIVERSITY PLACE. MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC POPE OF=F= SITE TRAVEL. TIME I HRU AAA 10 YEAR STORM EVENT:. FILE t._!NITVL..7 Tc or Tt DATA DE ?. 1y I PT 10N 7 ACRE:: OED 1'TE 'F_IRli AAA LENGTH VELC.C I TY T1.I'lE (feet) f t./sec ) rn n u t e h o u ri ,in l- nu t e -3 h o ul F-.; Quick TR-55 Version: 5x44 /N: 131,5460089 Rac.,e 1 ' et.ur-n Ft-emie.nc;v- 10 year's n TR--55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD T"•/Pe; 11. Distrit:)t_f t.ir_ n (24 hr`. Dur"at.ion tern!) Executed, 07-14-1.993 15-.30:58 ' dater heci f i 1e : > UNIVPL.. , MOP Hvdr`cgrak:'h file- t-jNIVPL..[-IYD ' UNIVERSITY PLACE ME:C KLE'NBURO COUNTY NC AS IS C'ONDITION AS OF MAY, 1.99,3 1.0 YEAR STtal"zM EVENT. FILE t-?I`JI )PL._ ? , . Input Parame ter`sL; l.ised to ",r7'r pi,.i to Hlvd,... qr Fm in Subarea AR E f ti C: h.! -t c: ? r t. P e c i r., . R u !-t (:) f .: I ;fit Des,cr"i t i o n (acr°f_=s i i hr-s) (hrs) i. in (iri) iruuse ..... .... 1 2.0 0"1.0 0.00 IJ 00 8 10 8B 4,62 80 1, 0 1 0 10 AP- 1 4 83,C) T r° a v el t 1. ni E4 f r. c:? m .-: u r', r_ 8 o u t. 1- 1. t o o in i:,) c,`. 'i 1 t aJ ;: t r : h r• ;:' o t r t i. t. . r ... .(. ; l.! ? ? ,ct r ?' ,_ , C:. where (..i!= : n e C: l i ._ i.. i !'. c=' ? ,r.:( t 1 !`! r t 4 . -wr' .-,n • 6 C? : _.. ?:.:! . r:. ? . : -' 0 T " ,... 1.. < 3. r e.: ,-, .... -1.:.......`.:, f; ?a. C 1 0 r- t: .. rle ' i+? o of cJ :i 't` 1: e:= r" k:' t. o -, `5 C7 r r e? . t. e '. Mo `3 i t J t l .! t r t n tr t _.. De g r t r)tic,r1 t r`) i r` r i.: tt 11. tt.-0.'3. ii i tt.t o !!n ':' r '. 1 I- I t. i, iii C[: t f , i,i "' _.. .,..S.i c..?. _ ?... t' ?- ?. i 1 t? <..- til: `..? l t.: a•I< ! :1 ": j l ";"? +. ..: i{`: i. ! i :: 1 1 1 1 Quick TR-a- Version. 5.44. f"/N- 131",46-0089 P?.cge 2 Return Frequenc%i: 10 •v'tears '1'R-SS 'TABULAR HYDROG;RAPH METHOD Pv e IT. D :i. e t. r i b a t.:i_ o n Exc- c,a.tcl. 07-14--1. 193 15, 30, 58 yalr<;,qr p "i f i1e: t_tNIV L_ HYD 1Jjl\HVFRSITY PLACE MECKLICENIBURG COUNTY, NO P,S I'S C::0I'dD 17 1:01`d OF MAY , 1993 1.0 YEAR S'T OPM EVENT . FTL F--- UNIVPi_ ?:i l.! i 1 I`(l f' y C f S 1. 10 a r ce, a I I- f, I e (:. C) P c ?.1/ . <: a t. T 'i m e i:. c P€ a 1 a t. :' (_? u t.1 t. e n tj t: f 1 1 ' Q,Uick TR--55 Vers:i.cn. 5.44 S/N:. 1,315460089 Patc e 3 Return Freaule'tcv, 1.0 Mars ' TR-S5 TABULAR HYDRCIGRl,iFAH METHOD ( 24 hr. DUr°ticri Storm) ' Ext:3Ct. tee 07-14-1997) 15 0..5£3 Watershed UNIVPL. .. MOP Hvdrogjr"aph t i lx. UNI'VPL_ . HY1) ' UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NO f)S IS I ONDI I ION (AS l.)i` MA.Y, .1`99 10 YEAR `.STORM F"'VENi FI.I__E UNI',JPI.- -, '? c ' h `1 t H ;. ( cf : C i o irt:ar,> t-trr m r ac vc .> ;tg .e / . ;r : a Sub& 1..1.0 11, 11.6 11 . 19 12 . C) 1? . 1 12 . 2 12 . > 1.2:. 4 ` r. ,., ;-, i <. r"f t r" h r h r h r. F... r t,. r.. ., r., h r t.. r 1 i 1 6 1 2 16 1 C) 41, ,'DU titc ... .? ........ .,. 1. e.:.. .; ... 12, ( ? `'.:, f ..... 1. L: 1.1 ?") ?:.?. ...J _.. .... _. ?_ ,.. 1. I Y: 3... n 7 1 Quick TR--55 Ve;rsion 5.44 1,31S460089 Page 4 ' R, e turn Fr, e goenr.'v- 10 vear's T'}.-:}S TAUI_ HL YDROGRAPH METHOD ' -T'b pe~ II . D1str'1.ba1:",10r'1 (24. hr. Duration Storm) ' CY:E ct..! tec; r, i i --1.4--1 99 3 15,,,30: 58 Hvdr oclra.p h file- -- UNIVPL. , HYD UNIVERSITY IZILOCE P~ EC;KLI•^N UIIC, CIO(JINTY, r••!C;: AS '15 CONDITION AS OF 199,-5 10 YEAR SI' 01? rte! EVENT FT I._ E t _! -,I V P lL t ompo a9.e F% dr(:)<:,raph `"urnnyt-rrv S u b,? r e:- t=a --- 14. O 1. a- , 3 1.41- . 6 I s . O . ? x `:, 16 . O !. 6 .5 [7 , C7 1.7 .. S Descripti or,, hr ter l., r- t, r.. hr.. hr h r- h r.. r 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Return rrecaue n(:-. y TR--S5, TABULAR HYDR-C)GRAPH METHOD T-,/;.,)e TT. Distrit_iut.ion ('-)4 hrDL.Ir-ati(:)17 Storm) Executed.-. 07-14-1.993 Wa.tershed i ile, -> UNTVPL 'MOP Hv(Jr`ogr,3pt') file. --> UNTVPL.,HYD t. NIVERSI'T`( PLACE M,'%--(.'KLENBUPG COUNTY, NC T` (-) NI D T T T O N A OF MAY, 1. S) 9 3 10 YEAR STORI I EVENT. FfLE t_1N1VPL. ..l If1E3 F I c?t.^d 11.0 1 .3 AAA 6 I . ;: ( ) t 1 r) J. 1. 1 .'.3 ].U ,. "I 4 i 1 . T-l fqe F 1 <'vd / 14 1. `a ..1 i. ` i . 4 , 0 l 6. 21 i. c.:.. 3 1e.,.4 IT 1 61 . : 4 <a f. 11 f Parae 5 10 ears Quick TR-55 Version- 5.44 ?/N- 13]..S460089 Paq 6 Return E regUenc;v - 10 vear5 TR--5'5 IABUI..AP HYDROGW'iPH METHOD Tvpe II. Distribution (24 hr°. Du t at.ion Storm) Execu tee 07--.1.4-1,993 15.30-S8 Watershed f7.:le-. > UN! I v P L .MOP Hvdrograph f i'le ; - UNIVPi.. HYD UfdIVE f,' yIT"Y PLi'' COUNIT`(., NC AS IS C:iND:ITIOH AS OF MAY, 1.99: 10 YEAR TORIM EVENT. FILE t.,!NIVPL- T 1.ffie 1= Ic:.UJ (hr's) tcfs iB.6 4 -> 1.s 61, , 19.0 41 19. 1 ?. 19 4 ' ,1 .. 20, 4 2 0 _J lei C: .. 0 21 ""1 .i . 6 1' i rr16, z- 1 c:> ."! ^. fit' i : I Quick TR-5E Version- a.44 S /N- 13I.S4 0089 Pa(.l I Return F"r'ecwencv- I0 vears T R--55 TABULAR H rTR(- GRAPH ME !--IUD ' T%/pe II.. D3..stri.buti-cr ('124 hr, Durata,on Storm) ' Execu t;ed,. 0"i -- 14-- 199A. .S ,. ,":,,4 07 Water s.hr d i i 1.s:: -:> i..!N1:VEfn:PL.. 1,100) H•,/dr-oQr ar.,)f-' file-, -- , t.1NIVERPL.... HYD UNIVERSITY Pt-.ACE NECKI-ENIBURG C;Ot. IT'Y , NORTH CAROLINA 10 YEAR STORM FILE l±1`dIVErtPi.... ' 50 AC GUFF SITE- DRN(-', . UNIVERPL.- -: , , 1:rI:..,ut... ?.,=?r`.??.rnF=.. t.?--:r"•?; l_,._ .<:? t: •rl..(.at.== fi: .1 ?r• ?7 utu(°;r`=). ?R " iJ 1.,.. .r,..t.. Pr"+c::i` Ru r.Itai 1:;!;> De cI.-lPt.ion [ acres t nr°s ('.r°s ( it°;) u_,P.-.d _ ' - T r. ,a ..,/e r ' 3 ii r f'r`oI ub .v s a Cat l ?. f r .. 1:; I - - - .. I 11 1 1 1 1 1 ;.. !;i... JR COUNTY NORTH CAROL-INA ;t. STORM EVENT FILE UNIVEIPPL, .;0 f?`•:C 0i=E= SITE. DRNG:. t_!NIVE.RPI._ ve a r ~,f 1=3ubar. a Ti.rne s t.rS'caak Peak [ i.sc:;har"ae at 1'a.m?, to pea!, at m p o s i t. e 0 u t, f a.1.:1 141 t 2 1-1 141 i• Quick TR-55 Version; 5.44 S/N; 1315460089 Page, 3 Return Fregl.a>~r(cv.- 10 vc.ar TR-S5 TABULAR HYDF,)OGRAPI-I METHOD Type II, Di tr° .bu i_cr_( ('2'4, hr'. Duration Storm) F_xe r;u tecJ 07--14--.199 3 IS; 34,07 Water"s hed fi.Ie>; _..__ lJNIVERPL.1`"1OP W/(--!rogrx)h f i l_e.; ----> UNI'VERPL. HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE. M}=,( KL I-_NLUfi G ('OUNTY, NORTH 10 '1'F: "iR EVENT. F 1. I.- VE. R,Pi 50 AC' OF-F `!."31TE DRNt_,:. Ur\I1.1 PPI_. ' te, (:;omI::)Os) Hy (A rogr"c (Kah 'Sa!italat•.v () - . u kl ia r e a r ? i ptior D I1 .. 0 1. I ..3 1-r tlr- 1.1.. F, i.1... 9 'h (r hr 1. ' . t ? 'h 'r 12. 1 hr.. - - < I 'h 12. 4 ? t° r° r hr ? >, e? ( _r r - _ - . -- . SIN'-:"L-,E ARc:::f zt 6 F:; >7 . 70 a. `. 141 _. - . .._. _.. _ _ .. - ._ .. - 14 1 u b .a r L ; . k3 i IJ( _ ( L >= i C)t? 1i 1Y I1 i i 1i". I r.. L. f 3 {? ? - s-, l :S t: i 7 C! 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quirk. TR-55 Version-. 5,44 SIN-, 13IS4600r-9 Rage 4 Return Frequerlcv; 10 years T R -5':_; -f-G,,, iu I_.PiR HYDR0GRs``,°H Mz: THOD Type II. Distribution (24 hr. , Duration Storm) -c,t.j te':ct . 07 1 -- I ` 93 1. .5 , 34 . t t7 Hvdrcgr°ar,,)h tJNIVERPL.,HYD PLACE CCiUi'ITY., INORTH CIAROI_.INIA 10 Y ::r-,!` rORM J fd..i. , F IL.E UN:CV 'FOL. `;;") sas=: OFF'- SI I . Df?NG. I.JNI'vf i f'l._. 1 ifl"1E F1ovi ,. 1 11 5 1.1 . -t i Pl? i .. . c? 1 .. 2 7 12, 3 ..: i.:3 0 1 .... -1. irne.. I ovi 14 ,. 8 a 1.4 . rs S.i fa 1 .._, :% 5.4 , 1 ,6 15.3 6 1..6.0 6 t6 2 C: 1 4 c.=., I (-., . 6 A. t, 1` c 4 l.. _ i i Quick TR-.55 Version: 5.44 /N-. 1315460089 Page 5 Return FreGuencv. 10 v e,.-ir=. 'FR--a5 TABULAR HYDROGRIAPH METHOD Tvpe II. Distribution (24 hr. Dur-at.iort Storm) Executed- 07-.14-1993 15.34-0 7 Watershed file: UNIVERPL.MOP HVClr,ogi apt,,, file. --? UNIV'ERPL., HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE ME KL.ENBt.JRG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1.0 YEAR STORM EVENT. FILE UNIVERPI SO PC OFF SITE DRNG.. UNIVERPL Time, F1.ot/,i (hrs) (cte) 1.8.6 4 i. E> .. -7 4 1.8.8 4 18, 9 11 19 t_) 4 i9. 4 1.',' . 6 3 1.7 -1 , 8 3 19 3 °0 0 3 20_ 1 20 ..., 3 0 4 3 1 -20.6 i 20 . -7 0 B 2 1. , t_I 3 3 21. -11, 21.. 8 :L me I 1 C7 iii hr-s) f 225 3 6 22- ;' . 7 - ' _ 3 . <1. 2 6 2 24 C) 4 , 1 i. <1. , 4 1. i.6 ' . :) 2 ..1 Quick TSB-55 Version.- S.44 S/N 131,5460089 Page t ' Return Frec:ul.,.nc:v. 1.0 years T P-55 TABULAR HYDPOGRAPH METHOD ' Type II. Distributi,or, (.(.24 i1r. ,. Duration Storm) ' Exer,"u y. l..l.d - 07-14-- 197) A.5 5(S: 3'e- Watershed file: -> I.INIVPL.. 7 M01P Hydre~graph t i.7-e : --> UNIVPL.. / . H` f) ' l_7('\fI'VE°.K'SITY PLACE TOWN CIEN 'EP ME CKL NE3UI' G COUNTY C',I--,'-'PR_OTTE, NOPTH CC-ROI_INA ' 10 YEAi `NORM EVENT. 7 ACRE Of=F=:-iITF_:. F=II_..E UNfV1'-'L.7 --'----'-'---...-._..--->------I_npt.l t - a c3.i -'--i--- - ------Used ------ Subarea AREP, ClIki Tc + i t_. Preci-p. Runoff Ia/p Descrirat:.:ion (acres ) t hr°.) ; I'°r s, -in) (in) input:./used ' T1-•?3 v,- I t t!`' f r om i. bar"t=''?a (..,,,u t i `' 11 1.o C:o1"";:>C 1 t F v i , ;tit-'. .rlt ? '( 3. tJ C?1 i ,seY' .:r'C%7.f- ^=(: w .. ---- ---- --- --- Otli : c, 4i 1 f, i .. t.. t t C h ") l f"ir' i t ! i t r ( i Ic qe ..... -_ a., 0.S ]`` (1 (-! l1 ..1j ,?(•, .. titF(.?..-1-a fl Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 SlN- 13IS460089 Pace 2 Return Frequenc:v; 10 years TR--S5 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Tvpe ll.. Dist.ribUtior, (24 Pir. Duration Storm) l:_ xecu t.ed 07-14-1.993 1. .`.:7:3(-,J2 W ,_- t. s r- 's i e c! - a l e: ---- , t 1 N I V P L- -7 . M O P" Hv (Ir"c_'gr" r) h f i .r: .. -. -, UNIVPL.7 .HYD UNTVE RS- T`r' PL3)CE TOWN CENTER MECKL.E.t'JBURG COUNTY rlL-!r R!.-.OTT+: ., NORTH CAROl_INIA YE=.AFI.. `3T0f',3 i EVENT, i ACRE OFFOITE. FILE UfAIVPL7 - --- ---- ---- Pe.a.!,< U-i st)ar,ie at Time to Peak, ,?t. om <_) i_t,e 0 k..1t.fa1,1 omposi.t,e Out.fI :! „ 12.4 --- -~ '- 27 12 4 F 7 d F Quick Tip-55 Version.. 5.44 S / N : 1.315460089 Page, 3 Return Fr'erALlencv: 10 gear Ti;-55 TABUL_(, MR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II:. Dig tributic')n (24 hi-. Duration Storm) {' xiucut.ed. 07-14-1993 15,36<3... Watershed file.- L)N:f'VPt_.. 7 MOP Hvdrcgraph f i le . -- r tJNIVPL.7. HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE TOWN C ENITE R' MECKLENBURG !BOUNTY CHr,RLOTTE, i'\IOG:TH ':AROLINA 10 YEAR STORM EVEi'IT.. 7 <? RE Oi=F"aITE". FILE UNIVPL7 Cc?rn;acr= i ,.i 'a r € a 1 1. Cl 11. 31 1. 1 7 AC. OFF SITE :L t r 1'-ivclr" _ r" 3.PY"t ryLIrnmat 11.6 11..9 12.r? 1.2..1. 1. s ?. r.. r., r. h r. 1 3 ?: 1 1 ! 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quick TR-55 Version- 5,44 S/N. 1315460089 h(?turn F"re=quencv: Tf --55 TABULAR HYDROGPAPH METHOD T,,/Pe T.T. Dis,tribut:i.on (2,-. hr.. Dura.t:°l.on ;3torm) (=xec.",t.!t.ed. 07- 1<11.--1.9 9 > 15. 6 3 2 Watershr=:d file: - ? (!NI'•Jf)I.7 ,MOp H•,/dr-ogr•a.ph i=7.le: , -._> UP.l',1PI..-7 AAYD ?.1 N .C 'til F:. R S II Y [: f.. fi•i i?: -1.. O W N v E N TI-E R: hJC)R`F HII CAROLINA 10 7 STORM EVENT. l=? vi:. OFFS3.1. 1I , ` li..E T I Me C, lyd 1_ _l . l l i .L ..4 ?. .. Z. - t-,1 J 1. ?t . 4 ?.. ..i 12 5 I 1. ,.'.. 7 7 r 12.9 1.: . t.i 1.4 r.. 1 - } 1. 4 C? : <i• 1.4 Fa e 4 1.O ve.-ars Quick TR-SS Ver=.ion° .44 S /N 131. 460089 Page 5 Return F=r..equc=r-cy- 10 years TR--5S TABULAR HYDROGRAPH ME THOD Type II. Distribution (24 hr. Duration St_.or`rTr ) Exe(:-.(i ted ; 07- 14--1993 1.5 ;. 36 ; 32 Watershed fi1.e: ---> UNIVPL7 MOP H%/dre,gra.ph UNIVPi._7.HYD UINI'VERSITY PLACE TOWN CENTER MEE:CKLENBURG COUNTY CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 10 YEAR )TORM EVENT. 7 ACRE O FSITE, FILE UNIVPt-7 T 1. M e F° I t) tnt t hrs) t off ) 18 6 1 ?. 5 1 20,0 1.. 2 i. 20, 4 L 20, l 20 , b r. t l . I J. 1 0 i. 21A 0 A A. . r_r l.6 , C? , ;. T''ifile F 1.otd 22,4 22.6 r 2"., 7 '4 ii .: i= _ j POND-2 Version; 5.17 O/N: Exe cuted 07-1.4-199; 1.5-.41:.40 Data, directorv: *.HYD File Summarv for Cornnosi te H'vdrocirar-)h i i11)e UNIVPL. UNIVERPL UNIVPL_7 UNITVL20 t. hir_s i cf s i (cfs) ( C;fs ) ( To tal. 11. 00 5,.0 4..0 1.0 10.0 11.10 6.0 5..0 1.0 12.0 11..20 6 0 5.0 1,.0 12. C) 1.1.. .. 0 , .i1 6.0 1..0 14.0 1.1.40 80 7.0 1.0 1.6„O 1:1, ,: S() 10.0 7,0 1, .0 11.60 1.1 ,C) Es :: C? ' ,0 ' "0 1.1-70 20-0 10.0 1. 0 > D. 0 11..80 6K0 11.0 C1 4.9 0 C) a 0 7 '7 1.2A;0 16 7 0 -.-S -7 Cj 12, 2 0 1(T) 0 1 l' t? tj 1) I i c) 1 I, Page 1. of 4 POND-..2 Ver si.on. 5.17 `.i/N Executed 07--1.4-1993 15 ,41.40 . Data c17_r-ec:tor°v: *:.HYD Fi:1.. t- Sumfnar.v for C(?m C_si te Hvdr°opr aph UN.1V4=%L.. l)NTVERPL 1.) N'IVPL_7 (.!NI i VL....2C) 15.00 7,0 8:0 1..,0 16:.0 .15,1.t:? 7.0 8.0 1.0 16.0 1.S.2Cj , C? 8.0 1. .0 16 0 .i. `? . 4 (.) 7.0 1.. 0 1.111"'0 1. 111 . 5 C? E , i) 7 .. C) 1.0 14 . 0 1,s.60 6.: 7.0 1.0 1.4.,0 s SO 0 i3.0 1.. 0 0 6,0 6. C? 1.0 13 :. (;i 1. 0 Ca.0 1 .. C? 1.:i.(.) ..0 1..0 12..C) 60 C) C) I. .l. t..? ?•? (::1 ?;? '.' ). 10., 0 1. 0 4 4., 7 7 0 1 '0 A, D J 1.`3:.10) 1. C) iC.t) Pape 2 of 4 POND--2 Version: S.17 °::S/N: Executed 07 -14-1.993 . 1S:41.40 Data di_r-e<.,.tor" : *..HYD File 8ummarv foi- Cornposate Hvdr'c)t::,r°?):ah 1 T i_IT]e UNIVPL UNIVE_RPL. UNIVPL.7 UNITVL20 (t°!rs (cfs (of s) (cfs) (Trtal.) 1"?'.1tJ 4.,0 4.0 1.0 9.0 1.9.20 4.0 4.0 1...0 9..0 10)30 3.0 4.0 1.0 8,0 ' 19A0 3.0 4. O 1.. t::! 8 . (:) 1`;.50 3.0 4.0 1<0 8.0 19.6(3 3.0 3..0 1. :. r) 7..0 19 7 , 3.0 1 7.0 ' 19, BO 0 30 I. 1. 9., 9 0 2.0 '. O 1 .. ( 6.0 00 20 2.0 IS 0 1.0 6 .: 0 , 2 3. 0 1...: 0 6 . !! 20 2C) 0 -3 C) 6 C.) 21 0 A, 2 21 0 6. 0 2 2 20.80 2. C) C) I C) C) 0 5 5.0 ' 1 4 0 C. . 21, . 90 ! ) ?t:1 t! (ti 1 j 22 :., w. C) Page 3 of 4 POND-2 Ver's:ion.- S.1.7 S/N: Exec teal 07 --1.4-1.993 1 S :- 41: 40 Data d:i..re:c;tor>>= _ *. -IYD F .i,Ie S u.inmar'Y for '.c)mk:) s'i. te I- dr°?v)ratr) h Time 1.1i\.T.v PL UNlVEf?PI_ 1...NI'dPL<-7 UN11'VL_20 ( hrs :) { f-fs t C..f r,fS) Total 23 . 2'C) 1 . 0 ? :. 0 (D. 0 .0 23.30 1.0 2, 0 0. 0 3.0 23.44 1 .0 2.C) 0_.0 `.0 23.50 1.0 2.0 0.0 .3 .0 23.6C) 1.0 _.. 0 C?_t) 3.,A ;3.70 1. .0 _.,0 0.0 3,0 23. 0 1 0 t 0 n 3. C) 24.00 1..:. 0 G..:. 0 0 .. (.) 3.. 0 4 ...1. 0 1 . 0 :. 0 0 .. Ci 0 24. 20 1. 1 .0 C. 12 4 S C) Page 4 of 4 QLJick. TR-S5 Version: 5.44 S/1"gin 1.315460089 Page .1. TR-S5 TABULAR HY'DROGRAPH METHOD Tvne II Distribution (.24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 0;`-14-1` 9-3 1.5-'45-Z)S Watre~rshe.d fil.r --> tUNIPL_W SD.W aD Hvdro0r ph file- UNIPPIPE,HYD UNIVER'SI T Y PLACE - 10 YEAR STORM ':VENT MECKLENBURG 0C:)UNTY., NC Bt_l:l:l_D OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYS3'TEM 7. npt_i t. Par ; .,. m c-_= .t' e{,.. s Used t. a w c) r r rm.it>u f-i ?•? ., r° o i{,.. a, -) :':> a k? r ?i. f l R t f =t r =' f d T c; I 't.. P r r.; :i r,) . Run , f 1/ r:) D s ' sr•' r- i p t:; i cs rt ( acres ) ( h h r -, ) t i r°r) t :i f-r) i LA t. / u S e c . . t_)BARE:A, AA&I 1.6 < 60 0.10 0 :. 00 5. 00 4,42 1.02 1.0 UB AIR, A f?B? 16. C) :.:,`:? 0 0.10 0<00 5.')0 'i..<?2 I.C',2 10 - - -, i M 00 ..0 io 5 . c) o . 10 0 v (-)C) 5. 00 4. 4 ,._ r . 02 :i. c.) T I ca ? 'L M c: .t; t-- c, L ! 1':1 a i ' ; ..) La t. f all t:. c) c +.: f- m p<) `I.. •t: e wa t e r_ _. h e d ' i. n Y.'. . e r bt_ t-i,,, r_ r . n t c'tL.1 a r ;_, ., 51... r-"' C) _ C)e...)1. , ID - , CiLl tE' -Iev.aJ t 1.?.?-tt l ,1_: i=)'{' 1.II?.Jll1- ?-'??f t.+.i .t. n r) u t c1. J ;J e o L) rl' t..! S T L T rt t". e I'.. C'' ,ie c.r t.ot 1 or ? f1i" ) 1i° l ?, ) !?{ 'i (s I } Ir` ,C.q4 i, 1 •_' i ? i_lf1 ?l ?i i'1 i i ? - '•:rrr•:? S U!'.3F;R E Lit 8 0 1(i ( ) ( f I z 1 I ? r J ILHA r., . . .. . fted i it_!t,{;RE DD[) # Tr•e l i I. „•. ,.oi•1i L.! i. v e :t c ?_!t r?oal1 e id ii t,.?i..`='t i t!t' { 1 1,,i... J Quick TR-55 Version- 5..4 1N: 1315460089 TR-55 TABULAR HYI)ROGRAPH METHOD T pe II Di. tr"i but;i.on (24 t- r. D u f- a. f_. i o n O o f,.. m ) E::xecu t.ed : 07-14--l-993 I5 4S - 35 Water-shed f i.I - -- . l±NIPLWSD . WSD Hydr,ograph fi.Ie-. ---> t_1NIPPI:PE..HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE -- 1..C YEAR'. STORM EVENT ME::'; KLENBURG COUNTY, N' BUILD OUT !-IYDROGRAPH THROI_!GH PIPING SYSTEM Page 2 .>, ::i lfflfl?'.i" of 'z3,u' area t:1f71r to Peak Peak Discharge at Time. to 'Flea.k at. `_?ofrlpo?=;1.te ('l.! i''al..t :%CfIlf>!? 7. t, l_)ut-f-;a.i..l :: fr; o c.._.... t; e War; ' Quick TR-55 Version: S.44 8/N: 131/460089 Rage 3 TRI--S5 I.AI31_IL-f: R HYDROGROPI-I METHOD Type 11 Di. - t.ribu t.i-can i.'_'4 hr. I)ur at ion S t<-,)r"rn) E tic,ut, ci.. C)7-1.4-1.9`:33 H*`rcarrr,graph fi_I{:; UNIRPTPE HYD UNTVER I T'Y` PLACE - 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKL.E NBURG COUN-IY., NC BUILD OUT HYl:iRC-jGR()PH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM ,_; c? rn ;°? r? < i. l': e H '•s c,? r c i r° ?.,.: ? r'. ...> t..r rn r, ?3. r? ? .; c ;1- S t_I k? a r ea 11.0 L. 1... 3 1. 1. ,• t:> 1.1 ( 12.1 i 1;._... ?_ ?.... 12. 4 o n I.? t= G r i r> t, i hr, . hr I I,. hr hr h r . hr . , S._;3Pk l..__A BBB ?l B 24 1-7 ..;1`_; iE A f 2 . 2._2 . -1 ti6 41 t'-! 1 F) ( . 21 4C) tJG,r- . J;mot .t... 1 7 j K y 'f..:f ± it ill", r'.. I"1 u.l 1 h i 1 I. I i r,.. 1 1 i.. 1 11'" I"i IJtEF-', F' tit 14 (. 1 r.) 0 H 1 ' Quick TR--55 Version: 5.44 `S/N- 131540089 Page- 4 TR-55 TABt-ii_ AR HYDROGRAPH METHOD ,F%/Pe II Distribution (2114. hr .: Duration Storm) Executed: 07-14 -- 19, 9,3 15; 45 - 35 Watershed UNIPLWSD:IASD t=ile;; ' HyUr('.)??ir"ap --' h f_r1e -, UN.IPPIPE.HYD UNI VERSITY PLACE -- 10 YEs')R Sl'OW1 EVENT' ME_CI<LENBURG COUNTY, NC BUIL D OUT HYDROGRAPH THFlOU01--i PIPIT,!! SYSTEM ?; C'? rTi ;? c) ? ]. t": tY: i j'•?' ?? r" C) rl t"cl. r) t`l`.'`s L1(il ;?! cZ r_ •,?' (C 1`" `._ `, u k.) a t" e a 14.0 14.3 14, :. Ca 15 . 0 15 . 51 161-0 16 . _? 17 .. 0 J. 7. 5 Da', r r°:!..nt:i.on hr hr r., hr °r° hr, ter hr hrA l.JBr-'RE r-s DDD < 2 1 1 l 31. u k:) a. r et:? -- - -- -- - -- _- _..:r. f3 C ? - -- - i. `_) . C? C1 c,r :i.! ;t- iorr BBB DDII 1, 1, 1 "J _..... .. .... o f a.. I( c f s n u Quick TP-55 Version: 5.44 SM- 1315460089 TR---55 TABULAR HYC.)F?OGI'APH ME"iH01), Type T:1: Distribution ('214 hr, . D(_rr°at d on 3t.or°m ) Exect.ltz~ (J 07-14-1.993 15-4S-,')S Watershed f :i le: -- > UN I. Pl-WSD .. W sD Hydr'ogrMa.p: '- file-, (NIPPIPE:. -IYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 1.0 YEAR, ST OR M Ek--DENT R,1ECKL_EPsiBURG (::l-NTY., NC BUILD OUT HYD(?iCi??RAPi.i THROUGH P..PI:i\lG SYSTEM r,.r L In e F )_ ow 9 1. 1..: 1. i 0 1. 4 16 c: 1 .i. . ,' ...... 1 1 .... C; `:i 1 .. .: ?? '- "' a: , 1 ' .... 7 12, 4 1. <... r..4 i. ,... 1. 2 15 1..I t6 F 1 ovj .11 4 J, 0 15J) . C1 15. 1.' 10 1 6 . 1. 1`3 .1.6 . 1 R 1 7 . .. _ y .1 7 Pacle .5 Quick TP--EIS Version: 5.44 /N; 1315460009 T R-55 TABULAR HY'DROGRAPH METHOD Tyr)e II Distribution ( 24 hr. Duration Storm) ExeCL.l t,ed: 07-14-199-3 1.5 -, 4.5 .:)5 Watershed f i l e -- (JN I PI-WOD . WSD H Uraclr-a.r)h file: --? UNIPPTPE.H'YD UNIVERSITY PLACE -- 10 YEAR -FOR11 EVENT ME.CkL.ENBUPG COUNTY, NO is UI):i.-D OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM T i m p: F 1 cm,,i 18,6 6 18 6 1 f :; 6 O 6 5 1.9 . 4 5 4 ;_)0.6) 1 _ .l .... 4 Time `1av't 22- ''1 4 22.J 22 . E) <;_>.. ? 3 2 2 . 'B, ..5 2 3 ::> . C'• , 2 3 23.4 J 3 . 5 u.. "i ' 9 2,1 , , 1. ;... 4 .. 4 24 ,_. 4 .. (=i 1. 24 .; 1 2,5 Page 6 POND-2 Version.- 5.17 S/N: ExeCUted 07 -14-199: 15:50:37 Data dirsctcrv . .*.HYD File Summarv for C;ompo,)-.i te i'vdreC grais)h Time UN:IP P:1:P UNI:VERPL.. UP11VPL7 UN1T'dl_.22 (hrs) (ofs) icf's) (c;fs) i-i- ntaI 11.00 9.0 4 :. C) 1.0 111.0 11.10 10.0 5.0 1.0 16..0 11.20 I1 . 0 5.0 1.0 17 . C) 1.1.30 1 11.:: 0 6. 0 1 :. 0 19. 0 1.1.40 14..0 7,0 1.0 22.0 11.50 16.0 7 C) I C.) 24 1 60 18.0 8.0 1 0 C. 11.7C-) 52.0 Lo.o 1.0 6:3.0 11.00 85.0 1:i.. () 2 . 0 98 . 0 1.1.:.90 119..o 1.3..0 0 134.0+ 1-41.00 229,0 ?..'`? .. C? 3. 0 252. 0 ''.:::3O 76,0 11s _C) 19,0 '10 0 12. 60 IS t`:) 1 C) ::' . C) 1.6 . C) 1 (_, 1.13 , 1 '22, E:) 13 2 C! 21. C) C 37, 3 0 I C) C7 1. <1 . 13.80 ! t ; t:? (_? ;. 1. 1.3 : cC:? "1 . 0 17? 13 C." 14 00 JA 1, 4 C) 14,40 1... C) 1.4 ?F, 14. 6 C) I tr 1 j =?. ;l .s 14 Wage; 1 of 1 P0NU- S.17 SIN; Lti._ 7 U, 111-111, 1 2,.'. 01 ( 1. `:i /N- t;,} '{` I") T = i A '!" T: O N =• C! i\! L' 4 J I: T I Ca,-I i Vj !... r f ; I 1 . i e: T , 07 --1. ! -1. :i..., . . !_ ,... '1 7. trt c'. 'L'; _:. ' ). ( ;._, S, ! ,?•, ... .•:c:.Y :. t. ..? S-a 1. ' f-2• ?.1'?-;??i t., t G ?I y. {,? 'I ?'1''?.!. la !1 _ .. _!_! (?__ ... !_!1T1 C,: e --f t 1.4 Oij Oo 0.00 "0 39 2.39 ... 3.73 36 4.25 _. .- .. ... ,.. 1 - 4.71 2 9 13. 71 i .4 = I" is !, £ \ !. +:a rs 1 ) 3 i, 1 E.: i ... E 1 J {, E2 `...l ! i,j r- 5? I _. 1 C? < C . ` • L, % I?.1 <' £ 1 Sam'./ r3. t 1. o r.. = c 1. r ! 1 w, e f E r, cl l z' v • 1.,,:i o 1 ? t bJ'i`1 7 C; h t. (1 ;I i ! _ ., 1... J. a t. ! c. <.: . =T r° -::;. J_ . • r' ,.... ; f , Y. . .; c. m M L_7 ; c.. , t "t <:= r° El . i _ ;:' , k i1 ;!" il1c ;". .a? irk 1.l.liil ?:;\tr":t.!'!. ;ca kJ? the Conic', . e:t i!!Ir s?s L„ e,-, .. r•l ,., w ,h Y £F.E - !...!. t l.. 1 •. .... I__ o w Y" ..1 i } f . .. .... f" ! C:. 1. 1 ?::7 ?::) , •.: i {: ).. c., ,. ._ (:: J ct 1. 1. i 1 •'.. .. . .c: 1 ! (S. : s .. r-.c'.a? t" :..1 ('....!Tlr,l.!f',c'.C..: "?C7i" %.?._1 ?L.". Cy ._ c? :1 •./? i. '. i.!Ei' }_ Outlet Structure Fi-le. 2UN1VP1_ ;fitTR POND-2 Version. S.17 S/N Date Executed" T'iffle Executed- UNIVERSITY PLACE M E'^ K t__ E N B t_1 R G COUNTY, N +._: WE.T D T°ENTI0N WITH 0t...JT" UPPER WA!_!.._S :**.:**1c******.*:******:*.*, *:******.**.* * * * t::CJNP00IT"E OUTFLOW `,::)l._J'IMAPY *f? E1evdt,ic_:+fl ( f 41" G=4 C <?f s) t:. < t tr•ib u t-. n 3tr°u c; t;ar'e._ 621 . 50 0.0 i 612- . CIO 0. 3 1. 6'22 . `JO (D.. 4 i 623.00 O'S 1. 624.50 ?3 6 2 00 9 6 C', ,? 6 !_7 ?..,' 1. `, (..) . ;;I. 1. "1" .... 6 !57- C-1 64 3 50 12 -5 9, 00 2 9 434 i Outlet. S3truc'ture F:ile 2UNIVPL_ .,OTR POND-2 Ver :i.on.-- S.17 /N- Date Executa.ecl. Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE ME CKLi-.(` BURG COUNTY, NO WET DETENTION WITH OUT t_!RRER WAL.L_S (.,.)utlet. `.'.3)tr'°aCtur-e File; 'i_!NIVPL_ „O"FR Pl,.n:!.meter° I r°.oat. File- 2UN7VPl._ VOL.. Ra.tir°,c,:; 1'4a.k)lc-_: 0-it.pat. ile;. UflIVn(Jf,1D.PND Min. Ele`r,(ft.) 621-`:i 11,.3.x. Elev.(ft) = 632. Incr..(ft) = S A d ,.:1:i. t c::? r° ?;( :l l t_ ? ,::a +, :i c r"', ; i t. j 1, r•, be i, ri c:, l u d ed in t ab l c- :?..r" 7 1 I! (?tdr It::f I t ?'1 FY 0 6'; 1. C 1" f 117 (-' :1: - vJ : T t< - V'R .: t; f ri r" 3.., '1 r" q t; ? ? a.:., r t: .. r 1 C" i 1 ]- ? t t JN"; I- V , P N D OLItlet, Structure F=ile; 2UNIVPL _ STR POND--2 Version: 5.1.7 O/N; Date Executed- Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBUPC COUNTY. NC. WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPf'-)LEP WALLS Otructure No, 1 <<<<<< I. n o a t. D t,,-:;3. ) ORIFICE 0 r"]'1.C;i t - B c;:.cca c:?f" l=Y";.3 ',r'id DI;u fTi F: .).C-' 3.t.L .. r.,i E 1. e l e3 v.( f= t j 6"21 . `-i D ca t l_! (1 I v ,. t f t: Orifice ,',. i 'L) 7 Outlet, Structure File- 2UNIVPL_ OTR POND--2 Version: 5.17 S/NI- Dat:.e Executed- Time E xec;u te-c UNIVEP TY PL_OC:E WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS >>>x>> St.r'uct.ure Nc;. 2 .: ( I:rt: Dat a.. STAND PIPE ,_i t,--. n dil P, . p e v.J :1. . f"1 t j e 1. r, c.) r.. <1 r- f i c_, f i. <) lFa f t' Outlet. Structure File. 2UNIVPL yTR POND--2 Version- S.17 S/N Date Executed- Time Executed UNIVERSITY PLACE ME.t:;KLENBUR t:;Clt. NTY , NO WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALL >>>: Structure No. 3 <<<<<," ( Input:. Data) VdEI!<:--V R W ir° - Ve rti c;<a:1. R e=cta nciu1.ar E1, eIe:v.(fP:.)? 63i:? E2 e:lev. (f t. )':l 632.001 Weir. coe,ffi.c"ie n ;? 3.0 Vaei_r elev.(ft.)? 630.0 1._engi':i°t is ft )? 3 i i.' `y t e t' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Outlet Structure File. 2UNIVPL. ST'R POND--2 Version:. ~'a . 1.7 Of N - Date Executed, Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLC'ICE MECKLENBUR.G COUNTY.. NC WET DETENT"I.ON WITH OUT UPPER WALLS Out:f: ov,i Rating -Gable. for Structure #1 ORIt=I.CE.. Cjr .tic:e, - Based on f rea. and Datum r..Leva.t.ion Elevation ( ft. C." ( cf ) C%C)(rlputa.t.:i.on Me s. AC;es, --------- ---- -- - 6'<'i.50 ().C') :.:0.0 E7 2 2 . C-1 0 O?? 622.JC) 0.4 .:0 623. 0O t_) " s I.-I :. I . `> 2- 50 626, O(D "4,5 62(", SO 628. S(J 6 2 9 . 0 61,29 .. 50 .1 2 8 0 630, 50 _. w, Cj C.) _? f t, H i f.. 7 1 i.. i. b .?. t ., j,_ 1. ''./ 5 + A. 1 ' Outlet Structure f=ile. 2(JNIVPi_- S'Ttiy POND-2 Version.- 5.17 `J./N. Da. to Exe.cu t.ed Time. Executed- UNIVERSITY PLACE MEC KL_ENBURG COUNTY NCB IAET D;?:.TENT:ION WIT--I OUT UPPER WALLS Outflow Ra.t:i.ncj T,:s.ble f(.,) r- Structure fl. 2 S7AND PIPE Ot?.-ir-)d P`i.pe v:i..tJ"1 weir, c)r or-:i.f:i.c e flow 1N1L_.. ET C;0NTR0L _ P; S:rUI"i!-.1) 3 ,}c*:? Elevat.ion (ft.} C! (cfs C(:)m:utat.ion Me s;sa.ges. 62 J. ..S C.) 0.(-') .. .. 1r1v.E1.. - 6 23.5 6 2' 2 El.-- 623 S 622 , s0 0. 0 F . [ 1:-- 6<_3 . 5 2 < `7' L 624. C)0, B. 5 t r" 625.00 9 6.1 .1 Vj E, "IS .1-1,1C 0 1. ,'` f::, 6'2 Pl, (10 6 110 1)r L f 1< £; H 1 -j i ' 6,29 O 1. 6, (fir ti ict; Ji ) I F,, (t 00 41 . O . f i c e:: I? r C r 3 C) 1--i 7 E7_ 1 '3 C) c 4 (.fir I f. c L-; `c 1 y We 11 flf h 07 ' , t [ 1t..l f i. 0 r" i, f t. . ! 3 NcJ j.I:._ I LI_? }"... ;, (' 1,^ =' i t ri' q t 1 1! 1. C i in r j. 1 f i c c" t l `, C i o r'1 i i- ,: =7 t i tc Y Outlet Str°uctut-e File; 2UNIVPL_ CTR POND-2 Version: S.17 S/N: Date Executed, Time Executed UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKL_Er'\F3t.)RG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS Out-fl.ov, Rating- Tab1.e for- Str-Ll tUr-e # WEIf.---'VP Weir, - VerMt.ical. Rec;tar'.qU1-ar.. *Y, *:*:* INL ET CONTROL. ASSUMED Elevation (ft.) Q (cfs) Con"ip Utat. 1.on mess-sacles ,... i.?;J M)l-? 0 +. _i l._. .. 1'r w . E.. -t i:J ? ; .:?• .: 0 0 0 1. nv .. E.t. (-., 4 , 50 t_) , C 1 ,". , :t r -i , f_ 1 t:.:>(.) f ; , 0 O 0.'o s=' < !,`?:? 1 )t) +,.+. 0 E" .. 1.11\ .-..1 0 E 1. r 1 v i ...-f 'O .00 -; +" -F t ,+ ? c3. L, 1. e :: i `'i V ' FOND-2 Version: 5.17 0/N Pacie 1 EXECUTED: 07-14•--1993 16:07:36 ON/OFF SITE Return Frec. 10 vears H UNIVERSITY PLACE 51. A , 5O AC- OFF SITE, 7 AC OFF SITE 10 YEAR STORM E`, EI',AT. F TLE:: UNIII-Vl,_30 4< l.:nr1c?;?:? EI''r<?!r°n r'< Kat°?: UNITVL22,,HYD f: ti nq T<a.k.:1.e f i_1e:. UNTVPC)ND v PND --INITIAL. 4"ONDTTI&,,!0--- -- E l e va t: i.. o n 621.50 f t:. oa t:,f low 0 , 00 cf -, t. c, h. a s;= 0. 00 a c;-- f? t GIVEN BOND L:ATA? L -E'Vs`)_i-.It)N ; 0 Ull FL .0W '7) c -a c, , tom;' L O o . ('? I c; r 4, 1 ?. ; 0 7,8 C) 2 P. ;:. 7 1. 4 -1, 2 1 4, A 0 0 l! L 0 F POND-2 Versl.on,- 5A.7 S/N. Paq-e 2 EXECUTED: 07-14-1913 16:07,36 ON/OFF SITE Retu rn Freq-. 10 ve ars Pond File:. UNIVPOND.P(-AD I of low Hvclrograph. (_!NITV l.._22 . FIYI:' Outflow Hvdrogr2.ph,- I.JNITVI_30.HYD RA?I Fi INi=L.O4',I HY%1RCiC,n{ P ROUTING COMPU T A-1I IONS _TIM £: -- - - -INFLOW ' - 11+ 1:2- 2S./ t. - O 25/t + O OUTFLOW !ELEVAT ION: (hrs) (cfs) ((-;f`+) i (rfs) (Cfs) ; (cfs) ; (ft) ; I 11.000 a.4 .00 ; - -- - C) . 0 0.0! 0.00 621. S0 , 11 10+::? 16 a 00 ; 30 0 29.. 9 30.01 0. 06 ; 62:1.. 61. , 11 . 200 17.001, 33.0 62.6 62.9: 0-13 ; 621. 72 , 1.1.300 ?':. CiC7I , 1. , 36 .. C: 41?J C}? 2 98.6 ' I ' 0.21 It 611.. 85 1 . 400 1 22. 00; 41.. (:) 1 38 .. 6 1, 3 T . 21 0.30 6212.. 00 - ' 11- . Soo 2?.,. C? (:) , 46. is I `' a.83 J,?' 1. O,a. . 6 , C) 3 3 62.2 . 16 I 6CD0 11 2-11.001, 2,34.2 234.9! O37 2 3 . .1, 1 700 6 3 , 0 0 9 0 3,2 -, 3 3 4... 2 , 0.43 2,2` 6 4 1.1 . 800 98:. 00 , 1. 6711 ,. c ; I 4 8,3 . 3 , 12 , 000 i52 0C) ; 3B6.0 9 0A.. _:. I06`^> . n ; 84 .:>a.. 6:'4 . 86 , _2 (! ) , L /(- , : I \)4:C"10 , ..? 1 705 i.., i 7 i "Y C' l.) l... j I r.. ?l /,16 /.,1. ! , 1 I f ? 1_ i `::, ?rl ' 6 " Y I : 1 l_: ' I . 2 C.) (.? , I (! C,10 l t 1 1. %( ., (. i ' 1 (., ! !.. 1 ,.''_.I t. ?.', .. 81 ; J, 716 6' " 7 7 ' 1? .(('ICi 1 7 . `.:(.'I l < t 1 27 4 2 , ! J. '_r V Ii.. .? , , .., .. (:l: , I t' 7 i?:; 6.1..!_ .. , .1 ?, 1 `i 1. Il, C) J. 4 '22 S 144,74 .!. ;. L , ! ? l t ? .', . J. 12 44 J ' 120, 59 } 71. ' ?.. ,-.] e_ f I ( 4 i (. ! , 1 I ., 0 9 q: L 10 Cl -1 4 9 .7 C) in ! J 8(l .I L..+ ' 1. 31. (_I l.l I I 6 ... i.! .. .. 7?., . .1 I ..?4. . .._J , 13. )(.0 1? 0C); 9.C., 7C.-IOR_7 _'6, 1. .? E,i' ! ' 14.1 OC-! (J ^, S i I i..l i t 4, ? " ..J 14. 1. CO 1? 5 C) 0 74.?. 0 Q -7 '2 IR ,0C W) C j, 4 7 0 7 c-. ; i ?. - 1 { > 1611_) j, •1 L ..I ,r !'_' J,. _. 15 l)(1(.! ? 1900 ! ;: .. 3 ..1?.... <..(..t !'. ::-,,. .. 1. POND-2 Ver°ei.on; S.17 S/N< EXECUTED- 07-14-1.993 1.6 - 07 . 6 Page :3 ONI/OFF SITE Return Fr-er1 1.0 vearc -m.'IM(..? ?Y OFROUTING `OMPt. TATIOt"J:? Pon( File- UNIVPOND.PND Inflow Hvc!rograph- t.Ji"•I:ITVI_.22.I-!YD QUt:f l ola Hydr-ogre;'. h - U N IT VI_ 3 C) H Y D Ot<a.rti rig Pond W.'S. F::lev t.:ion :.. G'<?1,`'a ft S U m M GJ. r- Of P a O U t. f 1_ (> t o and P F D !•; Elevation Pf3rt!,? 1.nf J_t:;(rd 401.00 t;f p a..!,-? 0 u t: f .I o(n,( ,199 , E:, 6 ;p: ;?. ;?: lJ'Tl i'f1 a f"' V U !- ) '? J. C I S t: z a e L( t C) 0 t, 1 o f 1. C ;' ; •J I.. v (.! r', l i:: 1 " .1 -11h G"t '. f ") 5. 1 9 : L ("1 "i .i C7 l,1 (;! 1 C l ! :3 i::) i"1 ; i"" t l r) c8 '(. ( I 0 Cl ' POND-2 Vers2.c)n: 5.,1.7 S/N: Page 4 ON/OFF SITE Return ?req- 1.0 Years Pored File: UNIVPOND.. PND ' Inflow HYdrograph UNITVI-22-HYD Outflow HYdrogr°ph-.. UNITVl..30. HYt) Ptak. In low 401,110) cf 16:0 :; ' Peak Outflow 19 9.66 cf P ,ak Elevation 62-17 . ?'2 f t. ' Flow (cfs ) 0 45 90 135 ISO 225 270 31 S 360 405 450 495 11. ; ' -' 11.4 !I'S ix ? :: ' 11.6 -; `< 11.., L2, 1- 7• T ?. ._ .4 X f i i 1 r 1 ?7 UNIVERSITY PLACE 85% TREATMENT WET DETENTION POND ONEHUNDRED YEAR STORM EVENT t POND INLET STRUCTURES CALCULATIONS fl 0 I I _ lJ d m i ai I r ti ?: v _ ?? tLd 017 2 ?.?.T._...,..?_?.5....5 'L.S ?.02 5 $ c ?s w,?' ? S ? •' $.? r i c g t? l o 'T ? e?... -y 9, h 7 c-?s -,2e2-6 = 7-(O•_z- bo Nei U n, vet- j; C e? C r 2 [ Q ?o sir 3 L/ = r lD?i ? 1/z i'??-,?qp?.4 M' so- a sRl: U - A& A rw a - al't et /?? ? f7ea? ?? iJet? 2?0• Z - ? • 9 - 2 4 3. $? ?.4- = ??•?.? - ' ??:?X".aS r ya .1-.._• ?s M .l' "?` 0110 .: •?, ," eseapch?Develo meet ? x HYDRAULIC`DESIGN OF-HIGHWAY ? Fr atld:et:h?noo.E .f, urner Fairbank highway ?; Research'renter 9 x? r sk C U E R T?S ?i- 6300 Georgetown Pike McLean a 221.01 " i?? ? i ?? _I??"J t? • h' ?"?j b _ j, s ti? ???? J r ?r^Y'?§s?= n''r?y Hydraulic Design , Seres, No "5 r U$ pepctrtmeni Report No. nx Ot TrC1r15pO[1QilOn F H W A I P 8 5 15 3 44- ad M' HStrOf1 Sepfember`1985 `y This document is available to the U.S. public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 Table 8 UNSUBMERGEDi Inlet control design equations. HWi He Q M Form (1) ------- _ ------ + K ------- US! (26) D D ADO-5 HWi Q M Form (2) K ADOX SUBMERGED3 HWi Q 2 ---D-- = c -------- + Y - US 1 (28) ADO-5 Definitions HWi Headwater depth above inlet control section invert, ft D Interior height of culvert barrel, ft He Specific head at critical depth (dc + VC 2/2g), ft Q Discharge, fts/s A Full cross sectional area of culvert barrel, ftz S Culvert barrel slope, ft/ft K,M,c,Y Constants from table 9 NOTES: 1 Equations (26) and (27) (unsubmerged) apply up to about Q/AD0.6 = 3.5. 1 For mitered inlets use +0.7S instead of -0.5S as the slope correc- tion factor. s Equation (28) (submerged) applies above about Q/ADO.6 - 4.0. 146 4 v 4 v v V N N v N N ? m W a 2 Q .O.r 2 v Q v v v 2 v v v N v N V A O d A 1X „„ A O ryry p b O O pp O p t A q M A .O K. . . . ?i ?j q p . . ?. . } .O N u n Y jQi? pN. A O O O Q?j .M N O O O ? O N `QQ?`? MY 0 0 P O O J N 0 0 ?pN} Nv O lV O O O O O O 0 O p = O O O N N N O M N N ? .- N N NN N yy?? yy?? O A f? ? O O .A.pp A.pp .O .O A?pp A?pp A?pp .O ?O .O A?pp A?pp A.pp .A.pp O .O .O .O .A.pp A?pp A?pp .O O .O ?A?pp .A.pp A?pp .O 'O V yy?? O Iv N ? K 1L {{ p O 0 0 O O . pp . pp 0 0 0 .app 9 ,pp J ?y M V N N N V Ap, M y? V V y? (r? 19 1?g O m N O 0 N .f N J ? v . p O ~ ? W r r r . r N N N N N r O tl s O O 4 Y g _ g a a w 14. v Y Y ?YY w • 2 M L C t V Y Y C O O ] O L Y 3 6 y m 4 m oo pp O Y? p p p M H M nn pp MI P P P P V J? ? V M? P r y < W {{ ? N M ?•• N M < m ? N M ?- N ?- N M ? N M J .- N M ? N M .- N M L J ° O O O O O ? q M <.. W . 3 4 y ? ? p ? C p 1 C p 1 C p ? C L ? Y j ? L C A & O 6 m m e?c m m oY m n K m$ U ~ u M b P o r b 147 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 d Y vAi h r v v v ? h h v v v A A r v v v .O h h v v v O .O N v v v N A^ v ? ? v v v v v v ? v v i. v M K y W .O ?O 'O A `PO N f. IfM1 N .O A NO 1? 1. N q P O tl^ P O b .O I? p N ppry,? ..??pp}} ?.p} p.p.}pp ..?? 0 C Fa, 12 v ? F? ..pp m 0 U 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 . . . O . . . 0 0 . . . 0 0 . . . O . . . O O . .. O . . . O . O . . 0 .. . = O N O N N N O N O N N N O O W! N ? ? N N N N N N N C 1/ O ?p N} yp ?? O p p nnppp .} O M p. pp N O O p. pp N O O ?„p O 10?f .? N P .p M O J y? f? .O .O O O W Z O O O O 999 O 99 O O O O O O O O O N N N N J N N N N ? ~? O W ?- r r r r ?- N N N N N O • Y ntl nY is t g4 ti c o P = s ? Q ' o E E .. o m 8 E S ' LM a ? s a ? e € a € • ? € • Y ? m 3 8 Y = = w Y = 8 8 Yq u v 8 8 v i v a 0 {n a i i Y w w ac r - N N i J M tl C V M ? Y • t y Y G a l L p ? G a L L t y y C a L L • _ • uO V ? 1? • L • L • p,? M L • p,1 N W pp ,? M N t Y. a U a L < WO V J t UO a a Y C• L C• L s 2 W _ ` i W U Y Y W U d0 d K _ CD ? OL _ Q M K u ` < ?' U C W? {{?? Y K y uC V O K U u uC tl O K U <? S U N M ? H M ? O ? N ? N N N 148 in too 10,000 168 8,000 EXAMPLE (i) 156 6,000 D•36 inches (3.0 feet) 6. 5,000 0.66cfs NWID=5.5 13) 1 A4 4,000 t+we ttw i 5. 6. 132 I 75,000 0 (feet) 5. 6. ? (1) 1.8 3.4 -120 (2) 2.1 6.3 5. 2,000 4. a (3) 2.2 6.6 108 n 3. 4. .J e0 in feet a 96 1,000 3. 800 3. 84 t''n 600 2, r 500 400 - --? ?' 72 N 300 / 1.5 U N 2 Z Z 60 200 *P?6? 1.5 1.5 w L 54 ?/ w F- w 100 a 80? = 8? G? S o > V4 J Z 1.0 u 50 = 1 0 wo 4 0 o 1.0 Cr F 30 HW ENTRANCE cr w p SCALE TYPE r 9 a 20 a (1) Heoc.011 3: .8 .8 (2) Mitered to conform Q U.1 to slope = •8 U p 27 10 (3) Project inq o: •7 .7 a 8 a 24 .7 6 n 5 To use scale (2) or (3) project 21 4 horizontally to scale (I), then 6 use straight inclined line through 3 0 and 0 scales, or reverse as 6 18 illustrated. 2 15 1.0 12 So th Flow loser. 2 3-77 TIT:E INLET CONTROL NOMOGRAPH CORR. METAL PIPE CULVERTS 5 5 BUREAU OFI 4-510.6 HIGHWAYS 1180-17 10,000 168 8,000 EXAMPLE 156 6,000 0.36 incites (3.0 feet) 6. 5,000 0.66 cis (3) (44 4,000 / 5. 6. e aw MW 132 3,000 D (feet) 5. 6. ? t; (1) 1.6 5.4 120 F 2,000 (2) 2.1 6.3 5 `! 4. j 108 (3) 2.2 6.6 l M 4. 3 . Din feet 11 - 96 1,000 =1A 3 T v 3. 800 64 m 600 2. 500 400 7 T . w 72 300 S / ? 1.5 U N b Z F- -?- 60 v 200 l? 1.5 w p 54 /? w w 100 / a 48 ? o > J' _ 80 Z v 60 = 1.0 1.0 t 42 / N E 50 l '- 40 0 cc: 36 30 HW ENTRANCE A E w L D SC TYPE Q 33 20 (1) aeodroll Q 0 8 8 oI a . I - 30 (2) Mitered to conform w to slope = u p 27 10 (3) Projecting d 7 .7 a 0 8 Z 24 6 m S To use scol!(2) or (3) project 21 4 hori:ontally to scale (1), then .6 6 use straight inclined line through • 3 0 and 0 scales, or reverse as 18 illustrated. 2 15 - 1.0 .5 2. 1.5 1.0 .9 .8 7 6 5 12 Sovf-i T7ow ;,dr 3 cirvE OGTE TITLE 3-77 INLET CONTROL NOMOGRAPH CORR. METAL PIPE CULVERTS BUREAU 4-510.6 1 _J >. 14 Ac i C .F?bX ??SG r42 : SE .5,.?,?e a 4 " •?;?@f i n?d? a?' S ? l: ttcr 6e 9c = 2 6.2 /2 = I .S. t- 2 , 4?• ve f s, Sur A-eN A rec. . 1.14 Ac re-s ??G-7 ?r? '>??zy eo,ri .Ca.s f . :a?'low R:,eC N2. E 41 D w -1--o n or- 1 r Is er t i s ye-e . L- o e i-e4161/ ><'.o,- I/o w to ------- _ 4 Neo,? u:,?_?d f? 1'Yow gcf's t6>-tt_ aL• '?_o_?c r:s?!._.._ _ _ ---- . --- b_s 1.7 12 ; s? r f. To R%Mu-t_2_ `D = 4 Z. ?? 3 x_114-? .. V =1' cf ?iea a ?S@r 2 2It .2 -24 N --- 1 _ . -- ....Use-__30_,?._?.?-r___. __!?.LN??._=.. ?'-_./ _-•-__.,_. _ __.. 1 -7 4 0 a LA ?He?rm.or? ina<'le(I OZ aL9 CLa aegjarx 4.-e hoar Ili - - - - r? N_ Te l2, : s&r :. ? =?_Z ? ? 0 D C J V= ? fl • ¢ ?'t + °° ?? " t. 3 - - -? 3 L." r-;.l ey- . iIPVln =.A.b (1) . //D LEA r%AfI&"4,. V _= : 4- -- ------------ - - F?/ w &Am North J--"/g I D Q Y.,AY S a ran ,€yren t 1 1 1 1 '- 180 10,000 168 8,000 EXAMPLE 156 6,000 0=36 inches (3.0 fret) 6. (2? 5,000 0=66 cis (3) )44 4,000 e i 5. p 6. ttw MW 132 3,000 D (fret) x 5 6. t1 (1) 1.8 5.4 . 120 #AJ 2,000 (2) 2.1 6.3 4 5. J (3) 2.2 6.6 108 a 3 4, e0 in feet a T 96 1,000 3. 800 3. o 1 84 N 600 2. 500 400 72 ? 2. ~~ 2. w 300 I U N = 1.5 s / 2001%0 f.5 ?- 1.5 r j Z 60- Z _I w L 54 w F 100 ir / C w 48 Cr t- 80? o v 42 v 50 = 1.0 1.0 w ~ O 40 O I.0 rw- 36 30 HW ENTRANCE tr w D SCALE TYPE .9 a 33 a 20 O (1) Meod.otl .8 •8 F f (2) Mitered to conform w _ 30 r to slope = •6 u or 27 10 (3) Projecting a < 7 .7 8 0 Z 24 7 o 6 `, 5 To use scale (2) or (3) protect 21 4 hori=ontally to scale (t), then 6 use straight inclined line through .6 3 0 and 0 scales, or reverse as 6 18 illustrated. 2 15 .5 1.0 .5 12 North In -i0t 70 R:.te .TIVE DATE TITLE KENTUCKY lExm'&- - 3-77 INLET CONTROL NOMOGRAPH BUREAU OF 4-510.6 CORR. METAL PIPE CULVERTS HIGHWAYS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UNIVERSITY PLACE 85% TREATMENT WET DETENTION POND ONEHUNDRED YEAR STORM EVENT ' Quick TP-55 Ver . 5..4ri S/N. 1315460089 EXecuted;. 16:15;06 07-14-1993 UNIV EPLA.TC T UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKI.._Er,,l8URG CIOUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 100 YEP,,.R STORM EVENT . FILE UNIVEPLA AS IS PREOEV tELOPMEN T To COMPUTATIONS FO R- 1. SHEET FLOW (App l.:i.c?:,.bl e to Tc only) Segment. ID 1 Surface. description BRUSH Manninci`s r0Ucj hnc_;s.s coe3ff. n 0. 0350 F"I.aw 1en9th, 4_ ( •i:,ot'.a.I. or 00 ft .300,.() T IrJ o- v J._ 24--hr- r a. `.i. o f a.1 ].. P2 i. n 3, 5 0 Ct Land ^ 1 o p e, s .i,:.t / f t, 0. 0 12.1 C_1 C) 007 i. n*'L_ h r s 0, 1.2 µ 0 .. 1.2 I' i ?,, L. i._ (a b',) .^. O ('•d C ?:_ (? i"' 4? ?':, }' ..:.1:; F.- l.. 0 W :?{(Tlf ID - Surface (;)av'd or t1 pr :vvr~d j? t_ r}r.),;i'Jed G. 5 nJ L 1 (:: I' c 4.1 t"`t v e7 t.. f 16 1. ) 4.._, r"'= : I Sc;clme'nt ID .- (:; t,.. C? ` F a °_:, VII (-? t... , ._; t •s r t.:J C? I"; f3. L . . . Wet t.r.d ner iIiteti:t" `F t. H v d _ t_t l i c r ;a. ,'J i u r, . r a/ P ii i n n e 3. s l or',, e J ... _._ --_ _...._ L, ... _..._ ..., .. ri I -• ,.. 6 l..' 1.O•. b ) _ .. •.. Quick Tn-S5 Ver..5.44 S1N.13IS460089 ExeCUt;ed: 16:IS.-06 07-14-1993 1.1NIVEPLA.TCT SUMMARY SHEET FOR T'c; or- T't. COMPUTATIONS (Solved for Time (..,lsinq TR-.5S llethodls ) UNIVERSITY PLACE Mt=:CKi._.ENB(.JRG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1.00 YEAR ;: i'T' O F; il-1 EVENT. FILE 1.1 N I V EF=% I.... A AS IS PREDEVE.LOPMEtIT ;. _ U l::) a. I- s_ a d e c; r o r T t. 1' :i. rn e i h r-= i 1. Tc O.21 Quick T R-5S Ver.S..44 S/N-. 1.3I.S 460089 Executed: 16.16:22 07-14--1.993 UN IVRPL_.TCT UNIVERSITY PLACE TOWN ,, .-EN l'ER 11 ECKL_EN8URG 0 0UN1TY CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA. 100 STORM. 50 ACRES. OFF SITE.. FILE ONIVRIPL. Tc COMPUTATIONS FOR- .1 SHEET FLOW (Applicable to 'T c. only) Segment.. ID 1 Surface descr°:i pt:•ion WOOD Manni.rigj, s rc;t_lqhiness noeff . , n 0.03 55 0 F1.aw .1enq i`t, L_ ( (:)t:a I or- 00) ft; 3000.0 TtAlc-N/r 24-•-1)r rai_n f?,i I.I , P2. in 3. 00 Land slc)pe_:, ft;/ft:' 0 ()200 ("1 „ f .007 (r•} * L ) T --- Mfr". 0. 1 ::. 0.12 0-1-5 0, 4 H; L-LOW C:' C)1`•! i:::':_ (`d i ?? T L: I) FLOW i l_i r" f c ?' I o r.. u n to ".r:; r'I .7 ? l.1 n r' i_3. `,i t'3 C ra F1.oi,,i 1e.rtc t:;h , L- t:' J ft./ f ''t. V (i ;.' (,? fa v-jhe-. r_ e. t.tr ,4aj. Jr t-J 1 f_ . 1- 45 ! a v r HPINNE.L. FLOW C t".: ? •?..-. ,.i t-' <_ ?. J. f.? I 1 Es..l .- 1_ <? lrJ h'? f,• i':` c3.., : a. ... f t. ,... ?. We t t t:rt 0E"lr M. f:e t° PV'I H' r y , ,-.t l1 1 J. 1 . A 4„ a •I C: f .. t°1 L . n r'} _L r l Cl r ' 1 --i t 1 r1 F 1. ' Quick TR--5.5 Ver.5r44 5/N:1315460089 Executed: 16;16;22 07-14-1993 UNIVPPL,TCT ' SUMMARY Sf--iEET FOR Tc or, T t i:;(:)MPUTATIONG (Solved to Ti.rne using TR.-S5 Methods) UNIVERSITY PLACE TOWN CENTER MEC'KLENBURG COUNTY ("'H ARL.OT" i"E , NORTH CAROLINA STORM,50 ACRES. OFF SITE. FILE L.jNIVPPL. Subarea <'e= c:;r° Tc or T't. 1'irne. ( hr.. ) 1 Quick TR-SS Ver.S.44 SM13154,60089 Executed: 16.19.43 07-14-1993 SUP•1IIARY SHEET FOR Tc or Tt COMPUTATIONS (Solved for Time a inq I_ei1ytii/VeloC;'G tv) t_iNZVE:r.T NIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC 50 ACRE OEt= SITE TRAVEL.. TIME THRU (r `) 100 YEAR STORM EVEN"f . FILE UNT'VL_5 Subarea de cr T? or' T T.irn (h r. i i. T. 't`. 0 .: 13 Quick TES-_` 5 Ver`.5.44" /N:13154600& 9 Executed: 16-19:43 07-14--1993 UNIVERSITY PL?-'?CE ME_CK E_NBURC-3 i'-OUNTY. NC fit:) A IRE OF SITE TRAVEL. TIME THRU AAPi 1,00 YEAR :STORM EVENT. FILE UNTVL-50 Tc or- T'l. DA ('? Su bar-ea : 1 DESCRIPTION 50 AC OFF SITE L El 1,,l TH VELOCITY T I M F tt. i t f't./sec:) m_tnutiss hours `600 .x"70 ",9 0. 13 r 1. nu tec_, I y ou rs sir..( aL.. 'f t, ---, 7. 9 0. 13 Ot?ick TR-55 Ver.5.44 Sr`N;1315460089 Executed- 1.6.-1.7:49 07-14-1993 UN IVR{: L 7. TC;'f UNIVERSITY PLACE TOWN CENTER MEC:KLE:.NBURG COUNTY CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA. F=ILE UNIVRFL7 YEAR, STORM EVENT 7 ACRE OFF SITE To COMPUTATIONS FOR: 1 SLEET F=L.OW ; Appl i,cable to To only) Segment ID 1 Sur f,ac:e description WOODS BRUSH Pianninq' _; r,oucj, °-,ness c;oef f ..; n 0. 0:__>.50 E1ovj length, L.. (total or 300) ft 300.0 Two-yr 4--hr rai.nfa1.1.. P2 in ..SOO Land s ft/ft 0,0100 0.8 007 '}, (n * L ) 0.5 0.4 FLOW r' T ,. U Y` fa),. ': r'. (A C. i ` u r"1 K) r3.'•,/ i..; •..,.) f 1° 5 00. (-? 4'J;cJ i;c: r •f i. % f t, ?....I;Ji,.''.)ed cif 6. 28 la? i e <-1 Iii e t...l J. i.;' 0* r o :' _., .. e c.: i. < ) ri t 1. 1= :l c) vj A r ., :i. f rt. , . , s. CI 4d : t, t ;_...,' r, a. ;n ,_. , . £_:: r° . '=' ra i-l''/ cf r a l.i < L t-i r"' P yr l Imo, 11 a n n C.: ,.l f _, If i. % 7 t. C) ( .i I iiarInA .?.'l coe. ( f 0t '..1.) Quick TR-55 Ver.5.44 8/N.1315460089 Executed: 1.6.17,49 07--14-1993 (JNIVRP! 7. "TCT SUMMi,)RY SHEE=T FOR Tc or Tt COMPUTAT IONS (Solved for Time usir'iq Tip--55 Methods ) UNIVERSITY PLACE J'OWN CENTER ME'f,"KLENBURG COUNTY CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAF;CJLINr"r . FILE lei` IVRPI_7 100 YEAR S"T'OPM EVENT 7 Af.'RE OFF SITE 8 u b a r, d e c r° . T <_? r T i fl" _= i .. r.) I Tc: 0, 31 Quick TR-SS Ver.S 44 S /N:1.3154,60089 Executed. 16 -. 18 : `::,';7 07---14-1993 :: LiP,,MA,RY ; I-iE.ET FOR Tc or Tt: C)P P-)TATIONS (;yo.t.ved for Time. L_en th/Velocitv) t)IVERSITY PLACE. MEC,'KL_,ENBLJPG COUNTY , NO ? ?'',CRE. CAF SI f E TR W,VE.L TIME THR AAA 100 YEAR NORM (:=VENT . FILE t-jNTVL...-7 de';sor T<-, or Tt Time (f;r"`% ) 1. T t 0.14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quick TR-SS Ver.5.44 S/l,\!=1.31.S460089 Executed: 16.15:57 07-14-1993 UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKL'+_'NBURG COUNTY. NO 7 ACRE OFF S.I.TE. TRAVEL. TIME. T"HP A ,AA 100 YEAR STORM EVENT FILE Ui'.T'VL- 7 Tc or T t DATA DESCRIPTION 7 t`yr;:RE OFF SITE [-E::NGTfi VEI_.0 I:T'Y ]Fl i'lE (feet) (1 aninut.es hours 700 5. S0 8.2 0,14 mi.nut.e h(,.)uI E Quick TR-5S Version- 5.44 S/ N: 1.31546089 Page 1 n I L H Th-55 TABULAR HYDROC;RAPH METHOD T\,/,r)e II Distribution (24 hr Duration `=rtor'm) EXec;ut::ed: 07 -1.4'--1.`)93 1.6; '2:11. Watershed file; -'-% (±NPE_AW`.7yD.WSD Hvdr'Ogrca.pf) file, - ; Ui'\lIPI:100,h-}'YD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 100 YEt--1( STORM EVENT f1t:.CKLENBURG (;'OUNTY, f•. BUILD 01-JT HYDF,'OGRAPH Tf-!S'c(_1UGH PIPING SYSTEM Input t. c, H Yd - ( -1 t.. F+ ;°) h <:. . Sabar'ea AREA t.c 4- T t:. Pre.c].ra Runoff L-a/rJ Descr"ipt.tc,n ( acr,es,,) t fir`.-) in) ir1pu (tile ed [:. R ` f f_ C.? I (' I-? I (( 1 1 O C', ', 6.. 4 1. 1. 0 (^) 5 t.) 8 A } i E £s -: CC 5 0 ., w.> , 0 CI . .! 0 . G (_' Ea ,. 4 1. I , C) . l- t S ! f.- .? 1 1 Yj C.,t (' '..j^• A ) (? (-,I C) _l 0 ...f-., ; , I ry 1 .1" (. i"' ,_ '•.r t' i. 1" _, `!l i=' from l ' f= "., le•I e e r . r a.. ' ;7 t lz.?b l r':'?'l . j J f 1t RC;!.!r`C.-l 'd ?.'._.... P. = .I_; ,•'r` ._7 u. b a I" ._ :?. j) -e . ; r; 1. a. ' l`. 1 o n T C°: : f; -1 .. `} [_: ) ;r:: ?':: .r. r"; t: t. I I•:r ,. f . _. y r "?' ?.L . r }..? .I .. - P.A t.) Es {'. }? F: c>, CC,,(-. O 1 1. C). M) 0 i ..' ! t. t t_ c.! 1. ,..; A. i(:,,iz 1 t.(;r( 1,_l L,1f?.1 7 Quick TR-55 Versi.onr 5.,44 S1N. 1315460089 TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD TvPe II Distr:ibutiori (24 hr'. Dur<ati.rr, Storm) Fxuc:L.i ted . 07 - 14-19 51 3 6) .. 22.1.1 Watershed f i.:l.e : -- UNPLAWSD. W5D H`vdI`(:)gr°atDt f:i.le; -. ._, UNIPI'100.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 100 YEAR STORM EVENT MEC,KLENBURG COUNTY, NO E3t.!Tt_..D OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSI-t-EM P a q >>>> ummar"v of ...I_:i.mes to Pe.a.k <. Peak, D:isc:t,ra.rqe at, rim to a..t; Composi't::.t:-: Outt.fall. Comnos to Uutfa11. Soba.rea. ( c:: f= ? is t" r . ) ? . ?? C.) t() ??) C„^1 ? 7, Y.. E:; t? ? G,. I.?: E? I" ..; t ? r,•"= (?;{ `J ,.,' ?• ?? ,.._. .t ' Quick TR-.55 Ver'si.('.m. 5,.44 U/N. 131S460089 Page 3 TOBUL AR HYDI:GGPf',PH JjE'T L] JD Type II Diastribut.Lor, (24 hr°. Duration Storm) ExeCUted 07-14-1,993 16-,22 . 11 Wat:er_<.hed file. -_> UNPLAWSD.WSD ' Hvdrograop '-.+ fa.1.e: - l.NIPI10O.H'YD NI 'wE_R;.,.[TY PLACE - 100 YES?;; .JTDn MECKLEt-,HBURG COUNTY, NC M +_. Jr. ! BU'.f LD OUT HYDROGR KPH THROUGH PIPI NG `:SYSTEM S U T1 Y r= `y% (..f< ) 8 u h a.i r` e a. 1:I.. 0 1.1.3 11 . 6 11. . 9 1.u' . 0 1.2.11- 1 2. 2. 1:_. ,. 5) !2.4 De.scrip tio.n hr hr. hr 1,r_ hr hr, hr ;,r.. 1,r.. % i S r Ell A R, E 5 c 1 C t 1 r 1 ell, 2 4 'i i_;' f i h £=` F3 18 5 1 C! 6 T ,. 5 107 4 Ili Lji F' E f", '•-•'•-, 4 : 32 ., ..:. ? l . . -? S I`1 A R DDD ..S _.) ..i .Fi 64 1. (D 1.?< r 5 1. i5 Tot-1 a 1,76 C? L. ?. 6 ,_ .?? I ?. .: („ i .J i.l ? ? r ..? 1.. ?•r' i 6 1. :.) j ?. (_. (•, r.. n.l `. _r. _) r1 r•, r:.. hr, . )', t•-. ?., tr. i.1 t... ?., r... 1 , .. ?... I..'r... I` 1. •:.r 1. ,, t 1 c:) .. C R 1) S;UBARD-'i A L , __ _ . t ' CIui_C;k TF--55 Version-. 5 .44 S/N.- 1315460089 Page 4 TR-55 TABUL_F?i•<'. HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distribution ' 24 hr. Duration Storm) Execu t edc 0 -14--" 1993 16-.22-11 Watershed file, --? UNPLAWSD,. WOD ' HvdrOgrar)h file- - -> +._JN:T PI 10O . HYD ' UNIV ERSITY PLACE - 1.00 YEAP STORM EVENI MEC;KLENBURG C'OUNTY , NO BU]'L_I) OUT HYDROGSeAPH THROUGH PIPING, SYSTEM ; C ff1;JC)` :l t. c: H` d r'O';ir'aph Summary ' ---S:?s°_ -ar`?:< --- -- 14 ,r) 14.3 14..x:, 1`_•x..0 15.5 I C.) 16.5 1,7 C-) 1.7 .5 De'-,cr°ip t. :i. on hr hr t°,r hr t°,r t°,r hr hr hr Tt-, .a.? Version-. `?. 1 b :_,/f 1. ?....°,?t'r.,. %- _<<I T GZ... ,.j j "f'<_a )!..1i.-f';}' i Y ?' :l1(ri;'r- ) '..,.__)•) )I... -F H 1 'D I A-] N, L W 1, ,_,. . ,, i i'i'j t•I (.?.f i,r.iii,J i- .:iiUr)PIPING °s`STI" I I C) 1.2 14 E) 1.1 .4 1. .. , 77 '2 7 , 12 ry i. `<... 4 1. ''.. s 64 1.2 6 c• ,: 12 7 1-4 37 ?5 1.3 . 1. L J .. 3 ..... . `y 2 14, 2 14.8 1. =i.. 1:)_0 t. a. L s i D..: 6 14 1 t:..._ 1 ?..? F.J 1 t...l C) t 1 1 1 Quick TR-55 Version- 5..44 S/N: 131546()089 TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD 'Type II Di.stribut?ion (24. hr, Duration Storm) Executed: 07--14-199,3 16.22:11. Watershed f i.1.e ; - > UNPLAWSD. WSD Hydro graph file.,. ---> UNIWT1.00,.HYD l_iNI VERSITY PLACE -- 10('' YEAR STORM EVENT ME.CKL1r:NBURG COUNTY, NC UIL,_D t:UIF I.-IYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM Ti rn f I o ?. ? 1.8.6 15. 1 I 18 .l i 19 2 4 1. ?? • '_) ?-) 9 f 6 ' , ..J 2C ?f j ,7 hr 2 E 6 2 . ? 's I t.) T"imr? i- Iow ( t"r'` ) ( (.-; 'i' 22A 4 `) 22,5 5 ,22.6 s 22,7 5 :^:2 c? 5 4 2..•) ..?. •Z L??• 4 ' d .: . f 4 ,,._ ...i ,.n1 24 24. 11 Page 6 ' Quick TP-.SS Version. 5.44 S/N- 131.5460089 page 1 Return Frequencv: 100 Years TR-55 TABULAR HYDPOGRAPH METHOD ' Tvpe II. Distribution ((24 ter. Dura.t.ion Storm) ' Executed: 07-1.4-1.993 16:25 1.9 Watershed ---> UNTVL-S0 MOP Hydrograph file. - UNTVL_5O. HYD ' UNIVERSITY PL_A.CE i•1ECKL_E:Nf UIRG COUNTY, NC 100 YEAR STORM EVENT ' Sid A RE. OFF SITE.., FILE. UNJ`VI-50 r 'zra.met erg-; Used to i'c)(nr,)u tom: Hvdr_ograph <<<< - - -.-_....__._...- Subarea ARIC:P,, ;N Tc; ? I't Precip. Rarvl"ff i.a/p Des c. r :i. {:a "L.:i o Y`t (acres) h r' s ) t h r° s) kin) in) .i. n J. t.. ! us e d {-P L ( AREA" S Sill 82.0 fa . 30 0.14-10 ...??J i S <10 i l C .10 :n j ; <c 1 T 1 Tl+'. f r (, !2 r'.Y outfal.J_ o cC`r(p{ (-.)Ste viater hed ( utfa t I ? f1t';. I u L_ r `` r) e c i "'f i e( i r 1 t. r r r) C:) l a t i o i `t !C)(L_1 (...cS = 'JO,. -10.. ?r• 0 .C1713 13 S'` i(i1. f;(':",...+f r^t, f1(:')l,i.+.I i `L.1(' jy ;if Ln;ut .. t. c I C' . , Y U = fi" 1. l _ t -,r + t hr .1 1. hr 013 0,20 N'l - --- --- --- --- r••_,•,: „m ,,..,.,.+l + .:. .; ti s• 1 {.<? E i i ._. , f ...?. t:... I .4 t+.r r 0 I I D i Quick TR--55 Version- 5.44 S/N: 1.315460089 Prag 2 Return f= rscIur-_ nc%/ : 100 years TR--55 TABULAR HYL)ROGRt=KPH MEI'LlOl:) Tvps Il. Distribution (24 hr'. Duration Storm.) E xE.,-,:CU t ed - 07 -1.4 - i.' ?3 16 : 2''=, 1 y' Wa't.eY Tshed 1:i_Ie. --> UN-I-VI._SO MC)P H <IrC)?ar°s i,>l..s f i.:l e ? -- ; t_ NTVL_.50 . HYB UNIVERSITY PLACE ME CKI.._EN{3lJRG COUNTY, NC 100 YIEAR `31'ORM EVENT 50 ACRIE OFF SITE, FILE UINTV'L-150 > > % U i n n ea r v of Su :? . r' c; ct. T =t. 1Y1 e t::. C ,_' e a. I : : <: Peak (.) ie C r.; . r- e a t.. t °L m e. t.. c P e a. k. a. t_. CcmhoS:L t`.e Otu t:'.f a.l I_ Cc;nlp c} , :i t,e 0t_1 t:.f a I l -c 12 41 I I n (wick TR-5.5 Version. S..44 S/Nz 131.S46008 Puree: 3 Return l= reciuencv - 100 years TR-'-5S TABULAR HYDRO(= RAPH METHOD Tvr)e IT. Di.str:i.bution (24 hr.. Duration Storm) C:,c ?cu ted. 0 ; -1 4-19'::)3 1.6 , 2S . 1 9 Watershed file- --? UNT'VL_` 0 MOP HYCJ(Ir°(-,)qr-a.Y: h i i. l.r - - -, UNTVL_50, H`(D UNIVERSITY PL-IACE ME )KL ENBI. RG COUNTY. NC 100 YEAR ',:".',TOR M EVENT tit:) t i;;frk: OF(= SUE, F'IL- UNTV'L_SO Subarea. 11.0 11 11,6 11,9 1.2.Ci 1.2.1 12.2 12.3 12,. 1 Descr°:i pta.or'. t° r° r'r lir 1", hr° hr hr hr, 1,r S1 N(.a L... 4 _ F R. Al J f:) .., 1. 1. '•.^t _L 4- ?. Sa S a kD r a V, ?. ' .._a - .: J........ G 3 _ 1: . E? i. Licit r t t-t ?-i L, ny 2,11 i t_1 1:.? a r° e a. 1. A. C.) 4 :J_ % '.. `.'? D e ` r• t; :L. o r.. i "• r r.. 1 r }... L. I. N t 1.... i=. f i_. s --- --- --- --- - J, '21 Quick TR--55 Version: 5.44 S/N. 131S460089 Pawie- 4 Return Frequency. 100 years. T IR 55 TABULAR' HYDROGR()PH METHOD Type 1I. Di ti'.-ibution (214 hi-.. Duration Stoi,,m) E>,,e ut.ed- 07 -14- 19 93 1.6:.25, 19 Watrer heal Mile:: -; UNT'VL.50 IOP Hydrograph Ui-,iTVL5(D. i- YD UNIV x'.`.31.. I'Y PL,-',,,,CE 100 YE!-iF: l,3'rOi;M EVENT _ _..._ rirne FIowi? 1. 1. .. (D 7 1. 1. .. ?< n 11 ..) 9 1. .1. . 4 ,.. (.1 1.1.I ?6 1 1 . s=s 11..9 2 0 74 ,.J 2 E-3 12. 5 11,20 12, 7 1. 12 9 1. 'S .. 4 .. `!i .. , i"ime E1. ow 14,B 1,. P.n .. ..... tom. 1,.w* 4 1.' 1 ?5 . _. 1 Ci 1.. . 16 a i_, .. t. 1 ;i' r_% -, J ?I' Quick 1'R--SS Version: S.44. S/N-. 1.31S?•60089 Pa.q S Return requencv. 100 vears TR-SS TABULAR HYDROGRAPH MIETI-10D Tvpe II. Dist.'r°i.bUt.i.Ort (24 hr. Duration Storm) Exect_rted - 0'7-1.4-- -1993 16.,`L'S..19 Wat.e-:rs sd f:iTe . ---> UNTVLSO MOP H d rr'gr'iap?-,, f i J_s : --> t_ NT'VLSO . I-IYD UNIVER",T I Y PLACE ME:C)KLENBURG COUNTY, N-2- 100 YEAR ` TOR)M EVENT SO AC::RE. OFF SITE. FILE. (.;NT''kii..._SO T i_ m e {= :l, c) r,,a (cf s) . is 6 1 c l 1. 10; 6 L ci , l..) F 6 .1. ^ 4 20 , 0 6 :1. C::) 6 l.., Jl, f j C, e 6 •r... ., 4 f... ) _ 1. , u .. t T :.i m e=. Fl ow 2'5 as ,_) .. c> 21". _i."i el, Cu7..ck TR-5.5 Version. 5.44 O/N: 131S460089 Page 1 ' Return F•recluency. 100 years TR--55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type IT. Distribution ( 24. hr. Duration Storm) Executed- 07-1.4-1.993 16.27:41. ' 6^ Ja.ter-'4?;hed file- > !.. NTVL7 . 11i0 P Hydregrapf°i f i le,-. ---> UNTVL-7. HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE MEC'.KLENBURG COUNTY, NC 7 ACRE OFF SITE 100 YEAR STOW-1 EVENT. FILE Ur-,,!TVL,7 >>>> I:rir ut:, c'ar alreter Used to Compute Fiydr°o ra pt'I < < <., Subarea AR. EA CN i c ? l t. Pt &.C -Lp., RU nr.;ff Ia./P De°mcrin t. on ( acres ) t hrs) ( firs ( in ( in inr)ut./ used - -. -------._._. -.. ------` ------ ------`- -- . ---._ .. -._ ---- -- ?.__.. SLNt"?i._1=: ARF._A 00 7 1 , 7 ? C a>Q 10 8 T ..?0 T .. ??,1. 10 , ' r r-a.,je? time, from s(-ll' area. ot.?.tfall to cc>tT,,pos.,i.t°.e wa.tt-rsh c, < utf l ? v)oI nt S(Amlr ?a I.-ih `re use--i` ?7E.G1f.lE.?? in e!'Dolation b t.viei ,n Ta./M' ?; J4 J art:--,a. M; 7.00 ac!'.es, _ or (-') Peak disof'7a.r°ct 40 ,,(')1,01:-)4 . rr i. cf. ~ P - . e r s a, i a. m e -, l:n,wuV idt_':c° a, 1.aet. Pl.ot_!r a. s-; ! r ?:. T - i t. T j. 't:. .C r . t:. _ c; h r ° .i ( f t i i i t,, 'r' _.. `' i'; <: r 'Y e,_-,,,' .1. 4 ( C: 0.10 t ! 1. t... ` ... r 1. t; 1 .T::_ f !' _i (P al u i:4'3. r e ",l o u 'i f . a 1. i t.::_. C: s i - I,,,) w. t, C., :.... '; „ c. i r J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quick TR.-55 Version- 5.44 >/N: 13154.60089 Pare 2 Return Frequency: 100 years. TR°-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II. Distribution (24 hr.. Duration Storm) Execr_t ted : 07-14-1993 16 ; 27 : 4.1 Watersl-ied file- --> UNTVL7 ..MOP Hydreygrapht f i l ; < --> UNTVL7. HYD UNIVERSITY PLP;CE. i` ECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC 7 ACRIE OFF SITE 1.00 YE(-)R STORM EV "N'T . FILE UNTVL.7 >>>> LeiIUMfrlar"y pa ll b8.. r"ea Sili-dr-J-l-.._ ARr._.A..__....._ of Subarea Tinnes to Peak. <<< Peak Discharge at Time to at Composite Out.fall Com;>o -,it.e Outf cl? 40 1 ... ._. Quick TR-55 Version- 5.44 SJN: 1.315460089 Rage 3 Return Frequency: 100 years TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH MFTI--IOD ' Type II.. Di.st.ribUt;ir,ri (24 I-ir. Dur,at::ion Storm) Exec:u t.ed : 07-14-1993 1.6 : 27 - 41 ' Water"shy=rt file. --;> UNTVL-7 .MOP Hydro Mr°apI ", f i.1.e::: - U NTVL..7 . H Y D ' UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKI._E.NBURG COUNTY., NC 7 ACRE OFF SITE ' 10C) YEAR `-, I DRM EVENT. FILE UNTVL7 ' Composite Hydrogra.ph Summary (cfs',, Subarea 11.0 11.3 1.1 E, 11.9 1.2.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12:.4 ' Descr°i.Pt.ion I';r- I) r hr hr- hr t°,r° h r hr I-, r, SINGLE AREA I- 2 2 6 12 3 36 40 33 2 6 4 0 J u b <.-.>t r- e a . . .?.) I. .. 6 1. !._ !1 l.. ... :: .. i3.0 13 .. <_ 1,3:,4 13. 6 1..... , r..? 1 L.? c:r _L4':)t , h ',l 5 1 I,J Gi 1 _. 1 ?: 11 ? 4 R r:1u i_ck. TR-SS Ver-s i_c n; : ,44 11N 1:31.S46S 008 Pacie 4 Return Frequemcw: 100 ` ear s T'ABUL- ,R 1-IYDf?CiGf?AP M _:THOD ( '' 1 i'1 r` . D u r 4a. t.:i. o ri S c:? r m j Ex c:::?..! e, (--,A . 07--1..ij.- 9 '°i'.'3 16: "? . 41 H,, . c; r' S'r'i f :i 1. e, - - , U N T V L. 7 H Y D ( ,,!t•VE';F,lS:l:TY FLAG?:.: fi°11:= i. KI_. Ef i' i_ R(G f ; f) i. N T Y , N. 7 r-z R OFF' S 'L" T t0C? STORM EVENT, FILE-- (.)NTVL-7 F l c.) tN T'i m e F 1. o w i t. .... .i. ,. ..? .L (?. 14 .. c1) .?. ij t.... 1. , <,j. ?' 1. '.: .._ .... 40 1 1.6 . ,... i 1 1 1 C> .. i. 3 1 ;b 1 i . a. ,.. .. <'; ?.. 1. 1. Quick TR-55 Version- S.44 >; N: 1315460OB9 F'acle 5 Return r= requencv z 1.00 vears TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Tvpe II. Dist .ri.but.icart (24 hr. Duration Storm) Exec^,u t,?=,d ; 07--1.4--1.1?973 16 : 2- X1.1 Water' ad file: -- , UNITVI__7 . m(:) p Hti, <_+rogr°aph f i le . --;> UNTVl._7 , HYD UN1.VE RS1:TY c-,i_ACE ME':IKLEN URC COUNTY, NC: 7 ACRE OFF SITE'. 1.00 YEAR STORM. EVENT, FIi._E t_NTVL 7 I' J. me. F I o!?i 18.7 i 1s?.E 1. 1.9 7 1 1.9 . R 1. 10 .. 0 1. 1 (.} , .1 20.3 1 4 1- 1 '20,7 o i. rn e= w ,..':' . 1. 1 ...-.:> 'd. ,i 1 7. POND-2 Versicm.- S.17 S/N: Executed 07 -14-1993 16:30.52 Data C irector°'y: *,HYD File SllfmuT dry for Composi te Hydr-oqr-aph T i.me UNIPI100 UNT'1t_50 t. NTVL_7 UNTVL..222 (4•rs) (c;fS) (cfs) (cfs) (_Tot.al) 1.1.00 1.4 .0 7.0 1..0 20.0 1..1.1.0 1-4.:0 8,0 1.0 23.:0 1.1 . 20 16, 0 80 2.0 26„ 0 11.30 le. 0 9"0 2.0 C? 29. 11.4-0 21..,0 10.0 2.0 33,0 11.-.5C) <'.5..0 12,0 2t0 39,0 11. ,. 6() 28 . C) 13,0 2.0 43.0 11, ? 70 77.. () 1.6,0 3.0 96.0 11 . 80 1.27 . 0 1 c) . 0 5.0 151.. 0 1.1 :. 90 1.76 :. 0 2-1,0 6"0 204 0 12 00 10t`:? --+.(.) 12.0 356.0 j.2, 40 D 2'7 0 1, 7 O ?, 4 .. 0 C l !. 80 4,C) - C) 9 „ (_) 1 tit t 1 .. t..? RO C) 68 4. 0 6 C) 3, 60 13 8 C) 0 1. 4 C 71 O 4(- ) (,) 1. 4 0 41 11, C) c, -1, 4. SC 41, 1. _ j ,...' CI :.. _... , Page 1 of 1. 1 1 1 POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N_r Executed 07-1,1.-,1.993 16:30 S2.. Data directorv. *.HYD File S(,Afnmir',r for Composite Hvdr,c:u:°,rit. t° Tifile UNIP1100 UN'TVL_En0 UNTVL7 UNTVL 222 (hrs.) (cfs) tcfs. (cfs) "Total) 1.6.00 16.0 13.0 2.0 31..0 Page 2 of 1 POND--2 Version. 5.17 SfN. UNIVCRSITY PLACE PIE:^..ul_ENBURG COUNTY. P.lC; WET DETE=NTION POND WITHOUT UPPER WALLS C()LCULATErD 07-1.4--1` 9,3 1.6 32.51. DISK FILE. 2UNIVPL_ VOL_ P1..d.i°i7_£Tieter sc,,ale; 1 1i'1ch ,: 0 ft. E:, 1, e,,,/ a ta. C? f`l P1 ra;. i'1 'l. r n F t c', i'" { Y" e a { ,1 n i" 4 ! •' a V C ? .I. u! £TJ'c`:: Ct• (ft) `,ci.i.t't:• ) (acres) 1 .cr+._`:;) (ac( e-ft ) (a(_'re-ft) 621.50 124 .: 15 1. 1.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 623. 50 135 „ 74 1...25 3. 5Ci 2.39 1 . 39 625. CI) 1.35. t:i/..1' 1.24 ... 73 1.86 4.25 63 !_'t _ 0 CI 1. 2, .1.6 1 . 411.1") 3. 96, 6 . 6 C) 1. C). €3 5 632. 00 1 mE . >' 1 46 4.. 2. 2. 86 17. 71 2 .? r. _ t. _...i i t( . ._ ,'.t l J -} E_ .1. 1 -4- ( - J n, t"; Ec^ r.., f,: E'2 EA. ;:? 1 C) w, t L. tf,J e ]. e v, t :i. c) i' <' a t.': r3. t_ ... £ `i {M l_iL. L'. d 1 c'r r'_ 1. ` ° ?. {... 1.': ?= r.J e t ..{.. v %._ .. ?. 1 i 1 i". ,. r 1... ;. t e__: d ci {... e a f C) { _. 1. '.i o 1 ). ± m e c) nI p,_I t (:; ,,j 1:)''r 1. h e. r C) CI 1 f f !.. t o c'! +C,: I:. 1 rf dc 1.(-1 IiIr""= _ i 1 J) t. ._ L .._ EL_I t c. I' eci t -{ A w ("I +'• ("r; r'. .. !. o IJ t:= f° n t_. 3 ! I _i t;- r• I=. I,, E. .. ._ _ '?i C.:I.. C i-13.i= ii=' , ,{'_. i" ' 1 . El.l. i .. ,. I"' F'. v e Vo1.u'f.,e ;. T('IC"-r, filerit" 1. V01.1_!fT'I'._ Uf='; /1 Ear) 1. 1 (lt:[ L.<C i Outlet. Structure F-i-le- 2UNIVPI._ STR POND-2 Versdon: 5.17 S/N; Date Executed: Time Executed- UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKL.E.P` BURG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALL.,3 .+:*.**'* COMPOSITE O1.1TFL(:)W SUMMf=)RY **:** 11--1evatior t f t} Q{ (^fs ) Ccntr:i.butir)c 1,t.r°uctures 62''i :. 50 0.0 1. 622 , 00 0.3 1. 6 <_ , 0 0 . 41, 1 6 3. 00 0.5 1. 6 . `a0 0 , 6 i +2 6',," 4. 5 U S"-s . 0 L + 6 12.5 .. 0 (.) 3 ri . l F ,... 6 2,5 ('.,1 134 1 4-2 626 1 50 .. 4 1 -1-2 6r?6. 0 1.64,. 7 1- 4-i'. 6 . . C) 0 1.7 ! 1 1.. .C. 62'E,?.00 201 .C, 1 '... 6 +3.' C) 21 6" .??0 2.9 1 +' 6, 2Q. so 232 6 630.50 2r;::_ .2 i. 4.2 4.:.:5 6 7) 1 C) C) 6 ::i J. , C50 1.:i %!.. 1 1. d- Outlet Structure File. 2UNIVP{__ ., STP POND-2 Version: `x.1.7 S/1"', Date Executed: Time EXecuted: UNIVERSITY PLP)CE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER W{--MLLE Outlet. tr uctt.Jre=; F i..l.z< 2UNIVPL.. t TIR _. P1 la n i m e t€??r, :C n r?>at. File- 1i* <' L P {J:V f=? 1... f . V '-ND a 1??.n O G?. u is ,Put, F -, l : ?_I `•I. ,r1 i JO N ..D ., I" I i i r . El e v . ('F t:) 6, 2 l.. 5 tl ax . E 1, e \/ ,. (. f t;) - 6-32 {_1,c.-'di i.ona1. if •.?,a.)..?..nn (ft) to be :i.ncA.t..tded :i. r° ?.-.ab1.e: TI V ID u. t f. c 11/ J r a I. 7 n cl i', a L% 1 : t. J tT) l j,,. v b l; ( fi t E--: t 1 r"; U1 T V IOr.D r- ! 11) Outlet Struct°ure( f=i_l 2UN7.VPL. QTR POND--2 Ve;rsic:)n: 5.1.7 N Date Executed. Tame Executed t!NIVERETTY PUACE M C,KLENBURG COUNTY, NC; WET I)E. TENI'].Or,! 1A.11-11-1 OUT UPPER WALLS 1, ni") Lit D at C:)1'F 'J". (" : C) r `i. f= i e: (:: c _J or". a. r't cl Datum Elevation Outlet. Structure File: 2UNI.VPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 O/N: Date EXecuted: Time Executed UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS »»>> Structure No. 3 <<<<<< (Input Data) WEIR--VR Weir - Vertical Rectangular El elev.(ft)? 6350 E2 e l e:',a . (f t) ? 632. (--,01 Weir coeff ic;_i.e:=.nt? 3.0 Weir el-e_:v..(ft)? G30..0 Length (ft.)? 170 ( C / S)r C w i Outlet Structure File. 2UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKL.ENBURG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OU'T' UPPER WALLS Outflow Rating Table for Structure #1 ORIFICE. Orifice - Based on Area and Datum Elevation Elevation (ft.) Q (cfs ------- ) Computation i~1essage,s -- ---------------------------- .50 621 0.0 H =0.0 ^y 622 .U0 0.3 H =.5 622,50 0.4 H =1.0 6213. 00 0.5 H =1 .. S Ey23..50 0.6 H =:2.:0 . 0O 0.7 H =2-15 CJ24, SO 0.7 H J .I..) 625:,00 0..8 H -3.5 625.50 0.8 H =4..0 626.00 0.9 H 4. S 62; ..O0 1.0 H M.S. 627.S0 1.. 0 H 6, 0 62113., 00 .1 1, H 6. S ra. _ O 62c. ?:, 1 ,. 1 H 0. 0 629. 00 1.. 2 1-1 '7 ..S 629,S0 1..2 H =8..0 6-30.00 1.2 H '-8 . 5 6 3 :t.. i.? 0 1.. 3 H . :? :,"9 631-50 1 .. IS H '- 10 . ii 6 3'2 . 0 C? 1 . 4. 11-1 =10.5 i. (ft:) Table elev' - Datum e;1ev i 621 .5 ft. 7 J Outlet Structure File: 2UNIVPL 5TR POND-2 Version]: 5.17 Date Executed: S/N: Time Executed UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS Outflow Ra.tir]c) Table for Structure #2 STAND PIPtE. Stared Pd,pe tnii-th weir_ or ori.fi.ce f1cwi **** * INLET CONTROL_ ASSUMED ****?*: Elevation (ft) 0 (ofs) Computation] Message. 621.50 0.0 E < Inv.ElvM 62;x.5 622,00 0.0 i : El= 623.,5 6 ?2. 51'_ a 0.0 E: . El= C:12 7. 5 623 , 00 0.0 E < E I - 623 . °a 623 . 5ca 0.0 Wei. r -.. H :-:O' 0 624 . 0::a 18-S Weir. H 624. S(.) 5 3 Wei r. 1-1 1.. 0 62.5 , 00 96 , 1. Wei r ; H 1 . 5 626.:00 1.49-.5 0 r i f i.ce: H w..5 6'1"'7. C) 0 1- 7 6 :. 9 Orifice, H _-3. 5 62E, ,. (D0 '2 11 0 0. 6 Or-if ice ;. 1-1 :. 4 tC D 628.50 211.44 0r. i.f:ice: H 629.00 221.7 Or:if ic;'e ii IS . 5 6.i0.00 241.0 Orifice- H -6:.5 630 . 150 250 , 1 0I'. i f i c;e - I•-1 - ,' . 0 6.3 1 :. 00 2 S 8 . '-31 0 i" ]. f .L. C E E' i 7 Cy 6 31 1.S0 267,1 0r-j,fi(.:e-' H M8 0 632. 00 27S„ 6 0 r i- f i. c:{ I-1 5 Weir Cw 3 33 c= :i r• i e na cit. , -a ... 1 .; (:} 796 -F'i.: Orifice 0o - 6 0r°i.fic e area. 1'x. 6._,<"!•` F: ft.. 0 (.`; f - ) NC-± t.rat1" i t1.0n u,wed, tra.r-] `.;:1. a.;i(:.)n fleiCif"i i; ). f l`JR. i.r equai:.i.on ._ Or'i-f i.ce: e,;?waljior1 @ i Outlet Structure F=ile: 2UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE ME.CKLENBURG COUNTY, NC WET DETENTION WITH OUT UPPER WALLS Outflow Rati.nr) Table for-, Structure #3 WEIR-VR Weir - Vertical Rectangular ***** INL ET CONTROL- ASSUMED ***** Elevation (ft) 0 (ofs) Computation Messa0es ------------------------------ 621. SO 0 .. 0 E < Inv, E1.. r 630 6'22. 00 0.0 E_ <. l nv . El.. - 63)0 622.50 0.0 E < I. nv,. E 1. , -= 6)30 623 . (_1C 0.0 l- <. Inv. E 1.. • 630 623 . 11_10 0.0 E < Inv. El .. = 63() 624. 00 0.0 E <. I nv . E1 . = 63(.) 624 .. S0 0.0 E: < Inv. El .:; 6: 0 62S,00 0.0 E <. Inv. E l . -.: 630 62S . SO 0.0 E < Inv. E.1 . = 630 626.00 0.0 E . Inv. E 1, .._ 630 626. 50 0 . 0 E < I nv . E I . = 630 627.00.) 0.0 E , Inv.El.... 630 627.50 0.0 F,' < 1. r) v . El 630 628.00 O .. 0 E < Inv. El , 630 628,50 0,0 E < Inv . El , - 630 629.00 0.0 E < I nv. El, r._ 630 629,50 0.0 E < I:nv.El.- 630 63('1.. 00 0.0 I-1 =0, : 0 6.30.x:0 >1.S H =.S 6.-1.. 0 c"1 9 0. 0 1-i "'I.0 0 631_50 16 S . 3 H -.-I ., .S 2.0 - L. (.E:t) 30 H (ft) T?;.kale= elev. -- I.r -ver-t F, 'Lev. { E> 30 f t 0 ;. c f s (.; * E.. * ( LHI *. =',1 . 5 ) -- -- ?-; l..i p r, r. e -; se d W e i r- ' POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Page 1 EXECUTED: 07-14-1.993 16:36:27 ON/OFF SITE Return Freq: 100 vears H UNIVERSITY PLACE W * MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC ? WET DETENTION POND WITHOUT UPPER WALLS 100 STORM EVENT. FILE 2UNIVRT2 Inflow HydragraPh: UNTVL222.HYD Rating Table file: UNIVPOND.. PNI:Y -----1NITIAL CONDITIONS---- Elevation - 621,50 ft Ou tf 1..01".) - 0.00 cf Storage - 0.00 ac-ft GIVEN POND DATA INTERMEDIATE ROUTING COMPUTATIONS ; ELE'VATIOW OUTFLOW ; STORAGE (ft;) ? (cfS) ? (ac-f t) f I I 621.50 + 0.0 ; 0.000; 622. 00 0 n, 3 ; O . 577 ; 622,50 0.4 1.166; 62,3.00 0,5 ; 1.769! 62?.50 ; 0.6 2.386; 6 "c' ;:;• .: 00 ; 1. 9 . <.... 008 ; 6'2? 4 . _,0 S3.0 3 , 630 62S.00 ? 96.9 , 4.2S I; 6"S :. 50 ; 1, . 5 ; 34 4.8'74; 626.00 150.4 ; 5.506; 626 . SO 1.64 ,. 7 ; 6.146: - 0 612i.... 0 177.9 ; 6.7931 62 7.50 ; 190.1. 7. 449 ; 628 . 00 201 . Cf 8,,1.1,2: 628.50 ; 1. 12 . 5 ; e..784: 62? . 00 ; I 222.9 ; 9. 4631 629.50 ; 232:.8 ; 10.151; 630 . 00 ; '242 . 3 ; 1-0.847: 1 f_' I 630. SO ;_ 283.2 G L.a(, a1.. ? 631. 00 350. 2 2" 262 ' ; 631... 50 ; 434.1 £?t i ' ].'' `- . "'-',00 53.] 706; 2S/ t ; 2'5 / t:. .+. 0 , 0.0 I 0 139.5 139. 8 , 282.2 282.6 ; 428.2 428,-7 57 1 . 3 ; S'7 7. 728. `.1 ; 7 4 7 . 2 ; 878-S 931's 1028.6 1. 1. 25.. `i ; 1179.6 1314.1. 148 . ...1 i 1.615111 . 0 , 1644. 0 ; 1821- . 9 18 CI 2 . 6 ; i. 7 ?... 7 1963. 1 ; x'164- . 7 21.," 23,-..5F . 1 262,1, 9 07 8 . 4 I 31 11.111 1 POND-2 Version: 5.17 J/N. Page 21 EXECUTED. 07-14-1993 16.36.27 0f-,!/OFF SITE Return Freq; 100 vear°s Pond File. t_!NIVP0ND.. PND 1 Inflow Hyd rograph- U!•,!TVL2212. HY1) 0utf1. o w Hv dr°c_,gr?; >h 21- 1N1VIRT2.HYD ' INFL.ObJ OU`iING COM'*,..1i?-,'I''fOl.;` TIME ; INF_L,0W ; I1.+122 ; '.C1/1. - 0 21':I/t; -1- 0 C)UII LOW ;ELEVATION; ' (i1i"'.>) Cf` i s fiefs, _..._(of`•.)- i-Cf``-}--' i -`< f ft) , ! 11 . 000 I 20 0cl. i I I ; - ---- 1 0.0 I 0.01 C? :. (?) 1 1 1.1 ..10 0 O O ! <rj 0 4 <., ,_ ` . C. 10 E, w; ; 1 11.200 26J . 00 49_ 0 , 1. = . 20 ; ; 621.83 I I . ZOO 71c-' 0. 30 ; 622. 02 ; ' 11,11100 11.. 5C? C} J... on C?C) ! i ;'. ,. ;' 2 7 8 . 3 ; 207 . 8 ; 279 .1 ; 0.35 0 . 40 622.24 62.2.49 ; 11 . 60,01 . , 00 ; 82.0 359.4 ; 360,3: 0.45 ; ; 622.77 , 1.1 , c. _ , 96,00! 139.0 497.3 498.4: 0.5,5 623.23 , 1. 1.. 800 151.00 ; ; 247.0 ; 706.6 ; 744, 3; 18.88 ; 623.99 ; ' 11.900 ; 20,1• . 00! , ; 3s5 . 0 ; 896. 7 ; 1061.6 ; 82.43 ; 624.84 12 . 000 ; 386.00 ; ; 5g0 . 0 ; 1.185. 3 ; 1486.7! 150 , 72 ; 626 . 01 ; 12. 100 ; 12.200 615.00 ; 484.00 , ; 1001 . 0 ; 1 o g7 :. 0 1. 7130.4 2390.0 21.86 . 3 ; 287',,' . =G , 202.95 2'44. . a ; 628.06 6,30. I 121.300 1 347.00: i?3 1 . 0 2 574 . 7 3<_._ i _ Ci , 2 3 _ 17 630 , ) , 1.2 . 400 ?? 348 . 0t., f j ?. ," E.95.?t? 25>'6.1.. Z2`69, 7 , '' ),.16. 81. 630.90 , ' 1-/- I . Soo 307.00: - 1::,5.r-- .-1,c:! 2. 58; ( (? 3<- l 2_n )1..i, 331 ?? c- ? 8E, I E>3 C . i , ? 12,600 , 24,1,00! I S48 . t , 2S37.3 J 1.3 . y .• .32 , 630.62 i I 12.700 I A. B0.CJo' i 421„0 1 1 2438.4 I 2958,5; 2??9.9<•1 6130.'22 I , 12.800 ! 140, 00: !_< 0 .: O I . 11-18 S 2758,41 i >'°1' 12 ? 0 c:? 1. 1.6 , 00: ., 6 . 0 2C . ; 2. <1• 25'=!• 1.. <-1 , _ 5 t_. , 629 08 13.000 93.00! ; 0`? , 0 1881 ? 0 ; 123) 01 . 4 ! '1? It"I 628 . 39 ' ! 1 13,100 13. 2 00 ?t:) . (:J C)! I 68 . (?t;? ; .1. 7 .: 0 ; 1%r8 .t:? 1. E,65 :. c5 ; 1.?115`? ."i '(:) 5 4 1.?i1.3:6 ! 1 `9'4 . 20 177,2(-) 62 7 .. E1F.::; ; 626-98 I 13.. 300 ; 64 . C)0 ; :i_, 2 .. 0 12.72 .. 159J_1; i_5`-;' . S5 .. 626. 32 13 . 400 ; 5 8 :. 0 o ; '_ 2 . r_..I 1. 11 O _) 3 514 . (: ' 14 r1 . C? t. ; 6215.74 1.3. 500 56 .< o a , 11. 4 :. C) ) q o . 9 1224. C:J , 1.1.6 . 521 . 625. 26, ? 13,600 2 ? .( ?.. ,-.? ICt ? 4,t1 ,j 1; l 4 `' `='C. ? ..88 6-24 93 13.700 :x.9.00: 1.01.0) ; 872.9 1.C;-1 f..;.<.., 7 2,61 ; 621.72 1.3 .. 800 ; 46, 00 95.0 ; 84S.4 `=>'67 . ' ; 61. 2, ,: 21 9 14.000 42-1 . 00 ! , B6.0 814. 2, 9 13 . 6! 4 "? -' 2,1 1, 1 14.100 ; 1.4.2() 0 ; 40. 00 ; 38,00; ; 82.0 ; 78.0 ; 80?) .. 1 ; 793. f: 1 996.) . 2"! 8 :-r1.. i ; 4,3. 7r 62'1.: ,-1.0 624.. 36 14.300 36 , C?0 , 74.0 C,...,0 ?:,_ 6 -!• 1 2 (,: 4 ':.)•3 ! i 14.400 i ,? 4 .0 0 . ! ! I 70.0 I 777,!. 1 li`? C' ? - _.. ) . .,C3. 98 3J .-., 6. %i1 "2119 .. ' ? 14,500 34.00: 681 0 170 ?3 84_, I J! 1 5 6214 .27 I 14 .. 6,i ?O ; ,'i- . 00) ; E,6 :. O 65 5 836 L2; ; 6 3 _ 6,.. <1 24 , 14 .700 ! 32, 00! 4. :. ._? , 7 6(.) .. 7 , 8, 29 , 34.30 1 ?i:-: ;:j,_.... 1 14. 800 14.900 :1 . 00 I ?s I cm: 64.0 (51 3 0 7 -5) -, C', 755;,S F3 . ' 8, 2 1. :) 5 3) *2 1-11 E> o- 2 1 15,000 ._a1 CJ I,-? 1 I ?J/? t.) 15.. .: sJ `' . ... r.. -I ... .. J POND--2 Version. S. 1.7 0/N; Page 3 EXECUTED: 07-1.4--11793 16:36:27 ON/Or=F= SITE Return F=req: 100 years SUMMARY OF ROUTING C;Ot1Pt!..( A'-J'IOW Pond File: UNIVPOND.PND Inflow HYdr(-,,gr-aph - UNTVL222. H'r D Outflow Hvdrogr°r3ph 2UNIVRT2 HY:.0 Starting Fond W.O, Elevation = 621.._.50 f'r E'iurrimarv of Pea!,,, 0u.fi:f Ic)I,•,I r` nd 1°'ea'k. Elevat:ion P ;a1 J; ,3 S. f. friRr..', ,f ?`,' i,)Pt C:>:1 T1, 1'i.'.', i r t Ji , 7. r:7 c E., t C^. 1. t"1 c7 ('v... W a r,., r I r I r=i ?. r'•,1:1 1.' C , t ' , } :i i 1 L; I'" U r'1 t:' r; c l :.. 6'v i 1 - n l`' ?. 1"i I'1 'y' C'? C i } i cl 71 1 t:. I,,, i 1 t ` ' , f r I r. .L } I ; POND--2 Versior). S. 17 s/ N : Page 4 ON/OFF SITE Peti_rrn Frecl,. 100 Years Pond File: IVPOND.PND UN Inflow H/'?drogrw.? h ?; ry UNT'VL22 2 . HYD Outflorhr Hydrograph ; 2UNIVRT2.HYU EXECUTED- 07-14--1993 Peak Inflow 615.00 c-fs 16. 16,.2"7 ' Peak. Outflovj 336.81 Cf?; Peak Elevat:J.on '.. 6,W.90 ft F1oUJ (c_;fs) LC 0 65 130 LF 4 19S 26C_1 31S 390 [.11.SS 520 585 6JO 715 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 I I t I x 1 11,x• -;x 11's x 1 X /., 1:1, .6 X i n t ?. 1 1: 1 T f 'f E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES 304 East Jones Street RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27601 (919) 828-1903 r r TO ............ .......... _:.... ETLiINl>5.............. k WE ARE SENDING YOU Cnow 'Attached L ? Shop drawings ? Prints LCEUTCR OF IMMS UTT9 L DATE JOB NO. 7Zo?y3 ?Z// 0 iZ ATTENTION / up J0l?i7 ,v0 rn2 'v ... ............ ......:' ?II?? N 4 Wf tLANOS G S CT ION the following items: ? Plans ? Samples ? Specifications ? Copy of letter ? Change order ? COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2• 71zolg3 Ae tj ??// n?,..Al .4r 461&e 7" CGndt' ?;,o eonilolttce, -- Z 0,P1101\1S • /) 76% TsS 4,w,., J' t art O 7/7- O THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ?Forroval ? Approved as submitted ? For your use ? Approved as noted ? As requested ? Returned for corrections ? For review and comment ? ? FOR BIDS DUE 19 - REMARKS \4)?-- - W u l`' c ? Resubmit copies for approval ? Submit copies for distribution ? Return corrected prints ? PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US 141e, /'? el 4 x Z' S COPY TO PRODUCT239 ®Inc.,Groton, Mass. 01471. To Order PHONE TOLL FREE I-800-225 SIGNED: rN&Q?? If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at one . Field Notes for Potential Mitigation Sites: University Place Site Evaluation July 20. 1993 Field day, July 19, 1993. This is for the University Place Mall Project, project #9211012. The purpose of this site visit is to assess the feasibility of using some mitigation sites downstream of the detention pond, located at University Place Mall. The purpose of using mitigation sites is to mitigate the loss of pollutant removal by the implementation of one of the storm water options that we have previously come up with. The stormwater option includes the construction of a 0.79 acre surface area detention facility that has been calculated to have approximately 70% pollutant removal. The guidelines provided to us by the division of Environmental Management indicate that the goal for pollutant removal via stormwater structures is 85%, therefore this mitigation would be wetlands mitigation for the purpose of adding approximately 15% pollutant removal capability to the overall project, thereby protecting Mallard Creek, which is downstream of the project site. We have received previously, on July 2, 1993, from John Dorney from DEM, Water Quality Section, a possible wetland restoration site list for University Mall project (attached). The concept is that a less efficient stormwater quality control pond would be acceptable to DEM, provided that wetland mitigation is done nearby, and preferably downstream, thereby keeping constant the effective protection of water quality via pollutant removal. What we have proposed is approximately 1 acre of wetland fill, a portion of that will then be in a wet pond configuration, therefore something less than 1 acre is the actual loss of wet habitat. Therefore, mitigation would be approximately 2 acres in size or less, given the memo from DEM, dated 7/2. The mitigation of 2 acres is assumed via the mitigation ratios of 2 to 1 that were proposed by DEM as a mitigation regime in previous documentation not specific to this project. Page 1 of 6 First Site Site #6 on the list provided by DEM. This is a large flood plain on both sides of Mallard Creek, just west of Highway 29. This is the area that's just to the north of the existing golf course and just to the east of the golf course impoundment. This area is approximately 4 acres in size, and appears to have enough area to be used for mitigation. However, the golf does have some stored implements as well as some oil drums and things down in this flood plain area and it appears as though there may be some other environmental issues associated with this site, associated with the golf course including storage of old pesticide and herbicid containers. It appears while this site is fairly large and probably would h e benefits to Mallard Creek from cleaning it up, the golf course probabl oes own this site, or at least a majority of it and as such it may be somewhat to put together a mitigation plan and purchase plan or easement plan for this. This site is very accessible from Highway 29 and it appears as though from a size standard it would be feasible, however the topo does not appear to be exactly correct on the Topo map, in particular, where the word 'Mallard' appears on the Topo map. There does appear to be some deposited material either from overwash from Mallard Creek or perhaps dumping from nearby development. We'll have to check that out further. Second Site: The second site that I'm looking at is immediately to the west of Site #6; this is referred to as Site #9 on the DEM map and memo that they provided. This area is approximately an acre to an acre and one-half. There does appear to be a good likelihood for use as a mitigation area, however, the accessibility of this area is somewhat difficult in that there are no roads that are immediately adjacent to it and we would either have to access this site by going through the floodplain and wetland area described earlier as Site #6 or enter it somehow from the easement from I-85, that would be even more difficult. There has been some clearing; vegetation is now growing up in pines and also in cedar and sweet gum; vegetation-wise it appears to be facultative, not much wetter than that. However, there are depositional remnants from overtopping the banks of Mallard Creek and sediment being deposited along the northern creekbank. This area, again, is only about an acre, perhaps less, and it is very difficult to get to in order to construct a mitigation area. This is probably less suitable for mitigation than #6 from an accessibility standpoint. Page 2 of 6 Third Site: The next site is site #8 on the map supplied by DEM, this site is east of Site #6, on the other side of Highway 29 and is just downstream on the right hand bank of Mallard Creek, just downstream of the Toby Creek confluence. This area here is an extension of the flood plain described as #6; it's a small depressional area that sits off the site of the creek bed and this may be one of the better areas from a hydrologic standpoint, in that there is some water impounded in this depressional area now, we've had some rain recently to put that water there. However, there will be an accessibility problem in getting equipment from Highway 29 and also perhaps across Mallard Creek to this site. It appears as though this site is maybe half an acre or so. in size (the depressional area); it also appears as though it may be spring-fed. The water seems to be fairly clear, and not much sediment. There's a lot of vegetation, though, that could probably also be doing some water quality cleansing, if you will. The soil appears to be gleyed to the 4 to 6 inch depth, and the feasibility of vegetation coming back into this area if we mucked it to increase the size appears to be pretty good, based on the past clearing that's taken place and the way it's revegetated already. I have no idea how we would get across the Toby Creek confluence area. It's fairly wide down there, except for right at the confluence, but then again there's only a topo difference of may a couple feet at the confluence so we've got a really wide flood plain to go across in order to get to this area. This is a fairly good area and one that I may recommend. Fourth Site• Site #7 on the DEM supplied map is upstream on Toby Creek, approximately half a mile or so, and is denoted on the map being adjacent to the power line that cuts across UNC-Charlotte property. I would suggest perhaps not going so far up the Tobie Creek basin and staying down near sites #8 and 6, down near the confluence of Tobie Creek and also of Mallard Creek, for two reasons: number one, accessibility via the University of North Carolina at Charlotte property might be a little difficult and second there's just more area to work with on downstream on Tobie Creek from the area that's delineated on the DEM map; there's just more flood plain area to work with. There's also a better chance of accessibility via Highway 29 flood plain than there is trying to come across UNC- Charlotte property or coming up some other way. Page 3 of 6 Fifth Site: The next site I'm looking at is site #1, which is on the right hand bank of Mallard Creek to the east of SR2467 and to the north of WT Harris. This site is approximately an acre and a half in size and is adjacent to a fairly large widening out of the flood plain of Mallard Creek to the south. This area appears to be pretty good from a mitigation possibility standpoint, although again accessibility is really difficult if we have to muck out in order to facilitate the hydrologic requirements of a wetland. Also, it should be noted that there is significant residential development upstream in this location, adjacent to the Derita subdivisions (or whatever they're called) but this area has grown rapidly and is very residential at this point. It would be very difficult, I think, to actually make this particular site work from an accessibility standpoint and a lot of other reasons also, but mainly accessibility and also what's gone on around this site. Sixth Site° The next sites that I was going to look at were sites #2 & 3 on the DEM map but those sites are now gone because of the cloverleaf and the highway construction associated with WT Harris Boulevard. Seventh Site Site #4 on the DEM supplied map is upstream of WT Harris along Doby Creek; this is the creek that the mall site would discharge into after flowing underneath I-85. The depth of Doby Creek today is about 3 feet and it's about 8 feet wide in this location. This particular site, site #4, is immediately adjacent to an area that has been impacted by runoff from I-85. There is a lot of debris in this area, and it appears as though some drainage modifications have taken place in order to facilitate the residential development on the other side of Doby Creek. I would not recommend this particular site from a mitigation feasibility standpoint, in that it appears as though maintenance of this area, because of its proximity to I-85, would present a problem. However, I should note that from a cost standpoint, because of the adjacency to I-85, it may be one of the more unusable sites for development or for other reasons, and as such it might be fairly cheap. It's a little bit unclear as to exactly where the highway right-of-way extends and so easements and what have you would have to be explored more in- depth. Page 4 of 6 Eighth Site Site #5 is the last site on the map that DEM supplied us; it's approximately a mile and a half up SR2494 and it is north of WT Harris. This site is immediately adjacent to Mallard Creek and unfortunately has been completely surrounded by residential subdivisions. I would not recommend this site for mitigation. Summary In summary, I've evaluated all of the locations that were denoted on the map supplied to us July 2 by DEM. It appears as though many of the sites may be feasible for wetland mitigation. Sites #6, 8, 7, and perhaps 9 on the maps supplied by DEM seem to be the most feasible. Those sites are all located in the Toby Creek and Mallard Creek flood plain, basically immediately adjacent to the Highway 29 area, where the golf course is (actually just north of there), and these all appear to be fairly intact areas that have not had much development pressure; again, they're in a wide flood plain area so development pressure in the future is somewhat limited and they're also just upstream of the sewage disposal plant on Mallard Creek. The water quality that gets to them, while there are about three sewage disposal locations upstream of them, at least they're tempering some of the pollutant removal prior to that sewage disposal plant on Mallard Creel wnstream. From an accessibility standpoint, they're all fairly good; robabl 1 the best in that we can access it via the golf course and right off of Highway 29. #8 is not so good, in that from an accessibility standpoint we would have to cross Tobie Creek, but from a hydrologic standpoint it appears to be the best site in that there's already depressional area there, possibly spring-fed, and there's also an adjacent stream that feeds into it just downstream on Mallard Creek but it appears as though that flood plain is large enough that it's also being fed by that intermittent stream. That's probably the best site from a mitigation standpoint. Ownership is difficult, there's a lot of flagging in the field down in that area, perhaps because of UNC-Charlotte, perhaps because of the residential development that's going on, perhaps also because of the DOT mitigation adjacent to Mallard Creek in that general vicinity. The other sites evaluated, sites #2 & 3, do not exist because of the highway construction that's taken place. Site #1 appears to be a pretty good site, although accessibility is difficult, as is site #5 a fairly good site but accessibility again is very difficult. We're getting into some resident' 1 area in those areas and so ownership issues become somewhat difficul Site # is adjacent to I-85, maintenance would be difficult although land prices t would probably be the best. Page 5 of 6 This concludes the field investigation of the wetland locations. As a suggestion, future investigations should include evaluating the property owners of sites #6, 8, and 7, perhaps 9 as a contingency. Also, I would recommend evaluating the ownership of the area around site #4. It appears, based on the locations of these, that we could be dealing with a multitude of various property owners, including the State DOT, as well as the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. After property ownership has been evaluated, the sites should be prioritized based on a combination of the accessibility comments in this memo. The ownership evaluations, whether or not the owners are a sophisticated group or whether we could possibly obtain easements or the property outright without much of a hassle, and then, once those sites have been prioritized, I would suggest that an on site evaluation, consisting of detailed soils investigations and detailed mapping of the available area, using perhaps basic land survey methods so that we meet the mitigation ratios and the soil suitability requirements of a mitigation area as well as the hydrologic requirements can be evaluated. That would probably be the last step prior to entering into an easement contract or some other agreement with the property owner. Page 6 of 6 R-Ti?ll2?V I ?3 7J?iv1 67/k POSSIBLE WETLAND RESTORATION SITES UNIVERSITY MALL PROJECT MECKLENBURG COUNTY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION July 2, 1993 Concept:. A less efficient stormwater quality control pond may be acceptable to DEM if wetland mitigation is done nearby (prefer'ably downstream) which is effective.in improving/protecting water quality. About one acre of wetland fill is proposed. Mitigation would be about 2 acres in size. These sites are shown on the attached map. Site # 1 5.5 acre field in floodplain of Mallard Creek just upstream of confluence with Doby Creek Monacan soil NWI - PF01A adjacent Site # 2 2 acre field in floodplain near the confluence of Doby Creek tribs Monacan soil NWI - nothing Expensive property? Site # 3 1 acre field in floodplain of Doby Creek downstream of site Monacan soil NWI - nothing Site # 4 4 acre field in floodplain of Doby Creek upstream of site Monacan soil NWI - nothing Quasi-land locked parcel Site # 5 3 acre field at confluence of Mallard Creek and tribs. Upstream of site Monacan soil NWI - nothing Site # 6 5.5 acre field along Mallard Creek. Downstream of site. Monacan soil NWI - 2SS1C across stream Site # 7 8 acre field along Toby Creek. Offsite from mall. Monacan soil. NWI - between two Bottomland hardwood sites UNC-C owned property? ?- Site # 8 1 acre field/marsh along Mallard Creek. Downstream of site Monacan soil NWI - part is marsh, possible expansion? Site # 9 2 acre field along Mallard Creek and confluence of unnamed tributary. Monacan soil NWI -nothing. univmall.mit Co :. 3911 0 ?.yV ?, C ? 'Q4 '4yG ' cp 5 y + °0' a'(??'a'y? ,a;" e ° 3910 _ . ? S o y t. 20 P?e oa ,?y7.? a ry'yoS,k O ? W?el CI ?? yb o? x yea aoe? 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(?1`' - _\' _ \' { I + ! fix. ?O ?• / /?`' i'. ol 7 \,• n,.? ? . / ' w !.<n'n' : : !S' . -. N/ _ (hfAR 'SSURGI ! ? _ .' r r ?ri?QR. S.°. C:.`...- % '•I 1. o 0 4854 i SW ? o V rn i ARDS I X11 R DASIN MAP FI1 E - AND IOVE D N1 0 i R, Ov r. our State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street - Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Jim Spangler Barrett Kays Associates 304 E. Jones Street Raleigh, NC9,9 8 , / ?7 Dear Jim, A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. Director April 20, 1993 U ? ? 0 W 3= APR 2 01993 b") Enclosed you should find materials that have been put together to assist you in preparing a wet . detention pond design to be submitted to the Division. Specifically, this is in regard to your design that was submitted for the University Place, Charlotte, North Carolina site. You should find enclosed: 1. "An Overview of Wet Detention Basin Design" 2. Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio, Table and Explanation 3. Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio, Graphs 4. Example of an outlet structure with drawdown control, Diagram This information should help you understand how a wet detention pond will be evaluated by the Division, but is not intended to provide a detailed design manual for wet detention ponds. These documents are in draft form and are subject to revision at anytime in the future, although the design methodology should remain consistent. The sizing guidelines mentioned in the enclosed documents are based on the work of Eugene D. Driscoll in Methodology for Analysis of Detention Basins for Control of Urban Runoff Quality, EPA 440/5-87-001. So that your design can be evaluated accurately and in a timely manner, please include the following information in addition to all other information in the package that you normally submit for approval: 1. Design details of the inlet structure REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 2. Design details of the outlet structure, including: a. means of discharging flow for flood control, and b. means of discharging water quality control volume (examples: perforated riser, orifice, inverted orifice, etc.) c. emergency spillway (if necessary) 3. Design details of any forebay or sedimentation basin 4. Site plan with final contours and grading plan 5. Routing or hydrograph calculations into the pond 6. Routing or hydrograph calculations for the: a. drawdown of the water quality control volume in the specified time (48-72 hours) b. for control of the specified year flood 7. Provisions for maintenance of the forebay and pond Wet detention ponds should always be designed to control the design storm that is specified by relevant guidelines and code, and should be designed with generally accepted practices of safety and maintenance applied. If you have any questions regarding this material, or need clarification of these guidelines, please call me at (919) 733-5083. Sincerely, cot Thomas Attachments cc: John Dorney Beth McGee AN OVERVIEW OF WET DETENTION BASIN DESIGN Control of nonpoint source pollution is a stated goal of the 1987 Water Quality Act. An important source of these pollutants is stormwater runoff from urban areas. This runoff has the potential to degrade water quality in all types of waters, including, among others, those classified as water supply watersheds, shellfish areas and nutrient sensitive waters. Land-use control (ie. low density) is the preferred method of reducing pollution from urban areas. In cases where low density is not feasible, engineered stormwater controls are viable solutions to reducing pollution. However proper design of these engineered solutions is essential for adequate pollutant removal. In turn, dissemination of technical information to both engineers and local officials on the design and maintenance of engineered solutions is equally important. Wet detention basins used as an engineered solution for stormwater control are the subject of this DEM Technical paper. Wet detention basins have proven to be effective in improving the quality of runoff from urban areas (Hartigan and Quaesbarth, 1985; Yousef et al. 1985; US EPA, 1983). Benefits of wet detention ponds over other stormwater devices are many. In contrast to wet detention basins, dry detention basins are inefficient in removing suspended solids and other pollutants (US EPA, 1983; Metropolitan Washington COG, 1983) and hold little aesthetic value (Maryland DNR, 1986). Wet detention basins are also appropriate in areas where infiltration is impractical due to low infiltration rates of the underlying soils. In addition to water quality benefits, wet detention ponds can reduce the peak runoff rate from a developed site and control downstream erosion. DEM's approach to water quality control of stormwater in surface drinking water supply watersheds is based first on minimizing impervious surfaces and secondly on treating stormwater runoff from these surfaces. The guidelines on page 33 (NCDNRCD, DEM, 8/28/87) for wet detention basins provide information on the appropriate volume storm to treat and the corresponding basin size. The design of these wet detention basins is based on retaining the runoff from a storm for an extended length of time in order to settle out suspended solids and pollutants (such as heavy metals and nutrients). Biological treatment also occurs (US EPA, 1983; Metropolitan Washington COG 1983). Driscoll's model (US EPA, 1986) was chosen for the permanent pool water quality component of the design. The model uses as input a long-term average storm statistically calculated from the historical rainfall record. By using this storm and the appropriate watershed characteristics (e.g., impervious cover), a permanent water quality pool is sized to detain the storm long enough to attain the target TSS removal. The model incorporates settling that occurs during the storm (dynamic) and between storms (quiescent). The movement of the storm runoff through the basin is assumed to be via plug flow. In general, to obtain 62% and 85% TSS removal in basins designed for the long-term average piedmont storm, runoff from the first 1/2-inch and 1-inch of rainfall will be detained ten days and two weeks respectively (NCDNRCD, DEM, 8/28/87).. In addition to the permanent water quality pool, the basin should have a temporary water quality pool for this extended detention. This temporary water quality storage, located above the permanent pool, is necessary for periods when runoff entering the basin is significantly warmer than the permanent water quality pool. During these periods, a thermocline is established, plug flow does not occur and runoff exits the basin without being detained long enough to achieve maximum settling. To counteract this lack of detention time and settling, the runoff (from the 1-inch storm) should be slowly released through a negatively sloped pipe (Figure 1). Once the minimum surface area and temporary storage volume of the basin needed to achieve the stated water quality goals is determined, the principal outlet and emergency spillway may be sized for flood or erosion control. The storage allocated to flood control is located on top of both water quality pools, while the storage for erosion control occupies the same storage as the temporary water quality pool (Figure 1). Each locality should decide whether a policy based solely on flood control (i.e., peak flow reduction ) or on erosion control (i.e., bed-material load reduction or velocity control, both of which may also control flooding) is appropriate. An example of a flood control goal might be to reduce the 10-yr post-development peak discharge to the 10-yr pre-development peak discharge and safely pass the 100-yr storm. However research has shown that detention practices which control the after-development peak discharge of large storms are not effective in reducing downstream erosion. This peak flow reduction does not control bed-material loadings or reduce the duration during which the discharge velocity exceeds the critical velocity of the receiving channel (McCuen and Moglen, 1987; Schueler, 1987). Smaller more frequent storms (those that produce a bankfull flood) are responsible for the majority of streambank erosion (McCuen, 1987; Andersen, 1970; Leopold et al., 1964). In a natural watershed this bankfull flood is caused by a storm which occurs on average every 1.5 to 2 years. However as the watershed develops and stormwater volumes and peaks increase, banlfull floods occur more frequently and channel erosion is more probable. Therefore designs based on detaining runoff from a small storm, such as a 1-inch storm, for 24-40 hours should reduce the probability of downstream erosion (Schueler, 1987). A stormwater routing technique should be executed to assure that each outlet (principal and emergency) performs satisfactorily for its design storm. The wetted perimeter of the basin should be planted with aquatic vegetation (Maryland DNR, 1987; Schueler, 1987; Florida DER, 1986). This vegetation not only DESIGN OF PERMANENT POOL DETENTION BASINS A. Design For Water Quality Control 1. For the permanent water quality pool, use basin surface area/drainage area (SA/DA) ratios for given levels of impervious cover and basin depths (NCDNRCD, DEM, 8/28/87). 2. Average permanent water quality pool depths should be between 3 to 6 feet. 3. Use impervious levels expected in the final stages of development 4. Locate the.temporary water quality pool for extended detention above the permanent water quality pool. The orifice of the negatively sloped pipe should be sized to release runoff from the first 1-inch rainfall over a 48 hour period (Schueler, 1987, pp. 3.4-3.5). 5. Basin shape should minimize dead storage areas: average length of flow to effective width > 2.0 (Barfield, et al., 1981, pp. 426-429; Florida DER, 1982 draft, pg. 6-289). 6. A forebay (may be established by a weir) should be included to encourage early settling. This allows drainage of only a portion of the basin in order to excavate accumulated sediment. The forebay volume should equal about 20% of the basin volume (Figure 2). 7. Check area ratios to make sure that the watershed will support a wet basin on existing soils (NCDNRCD, DEM, 8/28/87 attached, and Harrington, 1986). 8. If the basin is used as a sediment trap during construction, make sure that all sediment deposited during construction is removed before normal operation begins. 9. While not required at this time, sand filters or other treatment may be necessary on the effluent from the water quality basins especially in the Piedmont. The UNC WRRI has funded a study by Dr. Wu at UNC-Charlotte to evaluate the removal efficiency and sediment size distribution of inflow and outflow samples and other aspects of detention basins. Results are expected in the near future. Basin designs should ensure that the flood flow does not pass through the sand filters (Urbonas and Ruzzo, 1986, pp. 739-760). 10. Aquatic vegetation should be included for a wetland type detention basin (Maryland DNR, March 1987; Schueler, 1987, Chapter 4 and 9). A minimum 10 foot wide, one foot deep shelf is required around the edge of the basin for safety and to provide appropriate conditions for aquatic vegetation establishment (Schueler, 1987). This shelf should be sloped 6:1 or flatter and extend out to a point 2 to 2.5 feet below the surface (Florida DER, 1986). A list of suitable wetland species and propagation techniques are provided in Schueler (1987) and Maryland DNR (1987). 11. An emergency drain (with a pipe sized to drain the pond in less than 24 hours) should be installed in all ponds to allow access for riser repairs and See Malcom and New, 1975, pp. 106-109. 5. Stage Discharge a. See appropriate equations for outflow structures and when each equation is the limiting factor (Barfield, et al., 1981, pp. 227-236; Malcom and New, 1975, pp. 3-9 to 3-11), or b. Use methods in Land Quality's Sediment Basin handout (NCDNRCD, Land Quality, 12/86, pg. 5). 6. Emergency Spillway and Dam Height a. Use SCS methods for emergency spillway design (Engineering Field Manual, USDA, SCS, 1986, Chapter 11; NCDNRCD, Land Quality, 12/86). b. Include calculation for wave height and wind setup for a detailed freeboard analysis (Lindsley and Franzini, 1972, pp. 179-183). c. Dams 15 feet or higher with an impoundment capacity of 10-ac-feet or greater at the top of the dam must obtain a Dam Safety permit from NCDNRCD, Land Quality. 7. Storm Routing a. Use either Storage Indication Method (Viessman, et al., 1977, pp. 240-244; Malcom and New, 1975, pp. 113-115; USDA, SCS, National Engineering Handbook, Sec. 4, Chapter 17), or b. Use HRM (H.R. Malcom) method of routing which is easy to execute and approximates the Storage-Indication Method (Malcom and New, 1975, pp. 3-2 to 3-6, 110-113), or c. Use SCS TR-20 method of routing. d. The TR-55 routing method may be used for preliminary design (USDA, SCS, 1986, TR-55, pp. 7-6 to 7-13). 8. Downstream Protection a. As required in the Sedimentation Control Plan (NCDNRCD, 8/1/85, Title 15, NCAC 4B.0009). The post construction velocity of the 10-yr storm runoff shall not exceed the greater of: 1) the maximum permissible velocity for the given channel lining, 2) the 10-yr pre-development velocity. b. Use methods in N.C. Division of Land Quality's Energy Dissipater 1. Routine maintenance is vital to the proper operation of the wet basin (Schueler, 1987, pp. 4.13-4.17; Maryland DNR, 1986). 2. Adequate funding is the most important factor in a successful maintenance program (Maryland DNR, 1986). 3. Designation of a lead agency(ies) is important to assure proper inspection and maintenance. The Maryland DNR report (March 1987) surveyed different counties to find the strengths and weaknesses of various inspection and maintenance arrangements. 4. Estimated annual operation and maintenance (O&M) costs for wet basins of 5% of construction costs were found in a survey conducted by the State of Maryland on their wet detention basins (Maryland DNR, 1986, pg. 37). In addition the NtJRP study in Washington, D.C. estimated O&M costs to be 5% of construction costs (Metropolitan Washington COG, 1983, Chapter 3). 5. A study of Maryland basins found that in general people had more favorable impressions of wet basins, were less likely to throw litter in them, and were more likely to clean and perform routine maintenance on these basins (Maryland DNR, 1986). 6. A permanent easement must be provided to assure easy access for maintenance. Care should be taken to secure all appropriate legal agreements for the easement. 7. A benchmark for sediment removal should be established to assure adequate storage for water quality and flood control functions. D. Location 1. In order to avoid sizing the basin for the entire upstream drainage area, basins should be located out of the streambed and sized for smaller subbasins in the development. Particular care should be taken to modify storm drainage so that all developed areas drain to the basin especially if the site is intensively developed (e.g., condominium or commercial). This method will assure that all runoff from impervious areas will be treated, without the necessity of retreating upstream runoff. 2. In newly developing areas of the watershed, a regional detention basin may be an option for the local government and developers to consider. Compensation and joint maintenance contracts between upstream and downstream property owners would probably be necessary. 3. Buffers around the basin should be determined by the flood pool (usually the 100-yr storm). REFERENCES 1) Andersen, L.W. 1970. Effects of Urban Development of Floods in Northern Virginia. United States Geological Survey. Water Supply Paper 2001-C. Washington, D.C. 2) Barfield, B.J., R.C. Warner and C.T. Haan. 1981. Applied Hydrology and Sedimentology for Disturbed Areas. Oklahoma Technical Press, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 3) Brater, E.F. and H.W. King. 1976. Handbook of Hydraulics. 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, USA. 4) Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, Nonpoint Source Management Section, Tallahassee, FL. 1984 Draft. The Florida Development Manual: A Guide to Sound Land and Water Management. 5) Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, Nonpoint Source Management Section, Tallahassee, FL. 1986. Current DER Criteria for Wet Detention Systems. 6) Harrington, B.W. 1987a. Design Procedures for Stormwater Management Extended Detention Structures. Maryland Department of the Environment, Sediment and Stormwater Division, Annapolis, MD. 7) Harrington, B.W. 1987b. Design Procedures for Stormwater Management Detention Structures. Maryland Department of the Environment, Sediment and Stormwater Division, Annapolis, MD. 8) Harrington, B.W. 1986. Feasibility and Design of Wet Ponds to Achieve Water Quality Control. Maryland Water Resources Administration, Sediment and Stormwater Division, Annapolis, MD. 9) Hartigan, J.P. 1986. Regional BMP Master Plans. In: Urban Runoff Quality- Impact and Quality Enhancement Technology. Urbonas, B. and L.A. Roesner, Eds. American Society of Civil Engineers, USA. 10) Hartigan, J.P. and T.F. Quasebarth. 1985. Urban Nonpoint Pollution Management for Water Supply Protection: Regional vs. Onsite BMP Plans. In: Proceedings of Twelfth International Symposium on Urban Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Sediment Control, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, pp. 121-130. 11) James, W.P., J.F. Bell and D.L. Leslie. 1987. Size and Location of Detention Storage. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 113(1): 15-28. 25) North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Planning, Raleigh, NC. August 28, 1987. Guidelines for Permanent Pool Detention Pond Design For Piedmont Areas Using Driscoll's Model. 26) North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Land Quality, Raleigh, NC. December 1986. Sediment Basins. 27) North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Land Quality, Raleigh, NC. July 1986. Hydrology. 28) North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Land Quality, Raleigh, NC. Energy Dissipators. 29) Schueler, T.R. 1987. Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs. Department of Environmental Programs, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. 30) United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, North Carolina. 1987. Pond. Technical Guide, Section IV, No. 378-1. 31) United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1986. Engineering Field Manual for Conservation Practices. 32) United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1986. Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds. Technical Release No. 55. 33) United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1970. Soil Survey, Wake County, North Carolina. 34) United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. National Engineering Handbook. 35) United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads. December 1965. "Hydraulic Charts for the Selection of Highway Culverts," Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 5, USGPO, Washington, D.C. 36) United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1986. Methodology for Analysis of Detention Basins for Control of Urban Runoff. EPA 440/5-87-001. 37) United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1983. Final Report of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Volume 1. Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio (SA/DA) For Permanent Pool Sizing 85% Pollutant Removal Efficiency Impervious % Permanent Pool Depths (feet) 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 10 0.59 0.54 0.49 0.47 0.43 0.39 ' 0.35 20 0.97 0.88 0.79 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.59 30 1.34 1.20 1.08 1.03 0.97 0.91 0.85 40 1.73 1.58 1.43 1.36 1.25 1.14 1.03 50 2.00 1.82 1.73 1.64 1.50 1.40 1.33 60 2.39 2.09 2.03 1.87 1.66 1.56 1.51 70 2.75 2.44 2.27 2.12 1.96 1.87 1.79 Using the Chart The numbers in the chart represent surface area (SA) to drainage area (DA) percentages. SA = the wet detention pond permanent pool surface area required for 85% pollutant removal. The chart is based on the amount of impervious cover as a percentage of the area draining to the pond and the depth of the permanent pool of the pond. Impervious percentages are in the left hand column of the chart and depths are given across the table from 3 feet to 6 feet in half foot increments. To determine the required permanent pool size use the following steps: 1. Calculate the percent impervious cover of the site draining to the pond. * amount of impervious area / total site area 2. Determine the permanent pool depth (or select a depth for comparison purposes). 3. Go to the above chart with the impervious percentage found in 1. Go across the chart at this impervious percentage until you are under the appropriate permanent pool depth and read the value in the table. The number in the chart is given as a percent (%). If your impervious percentage or pond depth is between one of the values given you can interpolate between values. . 4. To determine the required surface area of the pond take the number from the chart, divide by 100 and multiple this number by the contributing drainage area. y For example: assume a 10 acre site with 3 acres of impervious cover. 1. % impervious = 3/10 = .30 or 30% - 2. Assume a 4 foot permanent pool depth 3. From the chart, with 30% impervious and 4 foot depth, the SAIDA ratio is given as 1.08. 4. So the required surface area of the permanent pool is: (1.08/100) * 10 = .108 acres or 4,705 square feet 5. The design runoff volume to be controlled must then be held in the pond above this permanent pool level. n. LO m ? 0 LO ri ? vNI: '? ? NI: L6 ? ? coo CY) O co O CCS O ? ? Q _0 O ? Q E c-+ O ? 'd" i Q) CL O Co O N O r co CV r O oilul uaay abeuiuaa uaay aou:pnS 0 a_ O 3 Q? ?t O _ O O -z s CD _ n ml m ? ? I' CCDD .:. , . . -? Cn 0 0 CD Sv U CIO O CD C.. cn w r. *u c fn r, ^ cn M r• -, H- 0 3 m c rr rr R - O ,l } ..? r• fD fC - rr m n rr R r+ r- ?a C < d n 4 n l 4 r-, N ? L1 O O CD ?. O U CJ QJ J cn O O J DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch May 6, 1993 Action ID. 199302103 and Nationwide Permit No. 26 (Headwaters and Isolated Waters) University Place Mall, Incorporated c/o The Hahn Company 12030 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300 Reston, Virginia 22091 Gentlemen: Reference your application of March 18, 1993, for Department of the Army authorization to place fill material into approximately .96 acre of waters and wetlands (.57 acre open water and .39 acre wetland) on an unnamed, headwaters tributary to Doby Creek northeast of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. For the purposes of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits (NWP). Authorization was provided, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated waters provided: a. The discharge does not cause the loss of more than 10 acres of waters of the United States; b. The permittee notifies the District Engineer if the discharge would cause the loss of waters of the United States greater than one acre in accordance with the "Notification" general condition. For discharges in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the notification must also include a delineation of affected specific aquatic sites, including wetlands; and c. The discharge, including all attendant features, both temporary and permanent, is part of a single and complete project. Your work is authorized by this NWP provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions. This NWP does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain any required State or local approval. If you have not already done so, you should contact Mr. John Dorney, NC Division of Environmental Management, at telephone (919) 733-1786 regarding state water quality certification for the work. r5'rkg -2- This verification will be valid for 2 years from the date of this letter unless the NWP authorization is modified, reissued, or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the 2 years if, during that period, the NWP authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the NWP authorization. If during the 2 years, the NWP authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terns and conditions of the NWP, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the NWP will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within 12 months of the date of the NWP's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend, or revoke the authorization. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Steven Lund, Asheville Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (704) 271-0857. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 ir. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. James A. Spangler Barrett Kays & Associates 304 East Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 S9£0-M-U6 :Xej £061.-M-U6 :auogdajaj L09LZ eu'IOJPD 41JON `48iale-d / IaaIIS sauo( ISe3 ti0£ spagoH inld 'aL1i salIM uuoP uIq suuzogy ggooS 'aU1i u09313ur ilia *jw uoslaN aluQ aw :oo ouzaW :juauzgo ejjjV gr*SVr 192uuL,w pafoad IHD `aal.2uudS •V sauzur 'V'd `SH,LVIOOSSV 28 SAVXZZH'HHVg `?laaaautS •uotjuuuojui lumpIppu Suu paou noK plnogs am jouluoa asuald •sluauzpuamu asagl uo posuq suuld ano ,lo smoinaa sig apum sug au puu `ooUjo anoX ,lo suuuogl 4joaS •aW gjrm possnoslp uaaq anug sjuauzpuauIU asagy •aould K4tsaaniun ju tuajsXs aalumm.1ols aqj jo 2uiuopounj aadoad agp aoj Kaussaaou pamoop suu aaaui2uo lu4uouzuoainua ano Imp sluauzpuauzu aouiuz 2uiziuzall uznpuuaouzauz u pagoullu puig asuald :.fauao(I •aWauaQ 1vinwgns uzsng uolluaiag lam .caivalmiois •aui `11VI'v aan1d ,CI?s caaiun 01 sluawpuauty jo ic.cvzumns :aH 0661 Z Z Nnr o u +? 0 119Lz ON `g2joluH 9£96Z Xog 'O'd dnoaO 2uiuuuld SItluno aajuAVspuuljaAk WHQ-'HNHHQON Sauao(I ugor •aW 9661 `19 gun!' IuaWssassy Ieluauau0ainu3/x9uiaaaUISUg lejuauauoainu]/,9UIaaaUISU] lini:) saIvl:)ossv 7g SAP)j Ijaing To: Jim Spangler From: John Wiles C?? Re: University Place une 1& 1993 MEMORANDUM 398 R. M &-I T-93 1. The narrative, as submitted to NCDEHNR DEM on June 11, 1993, contains a statement concerning the weir channel invert slope: Item 8 under "WET DETENTION BASIN" states that the weir channel slope is 0.50%. This slope should read 0.10% in order to conform to the design as shown on Sheet PD-2. 2. Outlet structures are tabulated within the sections entitled "OUTLET STRUCTURES WITH RATING TABLE". Structure No. 1(Orifice) is shown to be a 2 inch tube in the narrative. The plan as shown on Sheet PD-2 calls for a 3 inch orifice. The 3 inch orifice is to be incorporated into the construction design. Scott Thomas, NCDEHNR DEM, has been notified about this matter. 3. "SECTION CC" of Sheet PD-2 shows "ENTRANCE TO WEIR CHANNEL 60" R.C.P.'s. The invert within the entrance erroneously shows a 0.10% slope. This entrance invert is to have a 0.00% slope. The 0.10% slope in the weir channel invert begins 13.0 feet each side of the center line designation of SECTION CC. 4. The discharge manhole "SECTION BB", Sheet PD-2, will pass 301 cfs during the 10 year storm event (detention pond plus off-site drainage). The head water at. the 66 inch discharge pipe will ue 9:9- feet. The 100 ye"= storm event will contribute 549 cfs. The head water at the 66 inch discharge pipe will be 22.0 feet for the 100 year storms. 5. Sheet PR-3 shows the pipe size to be 42 inch between MH JJ and MH II, and to inlet. The pipe line size from MH AA to MH II, and to inlet is to be a 60 inch RCP. Wetland area Nearest road • • Wetland type (select one) ? Other ? Swamp forest Q-,"Bottomiand hardwood forest ? ? Shoreline Stream channel • • Carolina bay ? Salt marsh • ? Pocosin ? Brackish marsh • Pine savannah ? Freshwater marsh ; -ZI Wet flat ? Bog/Fen • D Perched ? Vernal pool ; ••o•oo.•••.,•.•.••••,•,..sum•••o„• ,.,,,...••.,,,. •,.,..•« • Water storage ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Bank/Shoreline stabilization `` `<<"'>? :::; x 4.00 = >«:`` . Pollutant removal-'<`` • ..................... ....... . Sensitive watershed x 1.50 = Travel corridor 0 _ :: > `± :... ';:> : • Wetland score • aHydrologically connected ? Hydrologically isolated ?? \C "\ ? \\ j '%`.I ?:'?•?', ,1 `I? ??,_ //? 1 \ ? ??? I \ \?. ?" 8? ,\• III '/ / i /~ , C/) 506E? WB. / ?\ ?????/ /,? // OSL ?,??• ?,fj8, 9. .Ij•J' .\\ !/r •/ ?" '% 1 ?ili C D?_?U? fS i. 1005? i 906£ • ` ?'. • "? % ?? ? ?? k % l I rs-3 I - .f ! C, 2? n ~ ` r r1ri rri 9J YRI mA??? OL f f ?? S£tL , Li / 0111 w 0691 % % kkk ? V1 'oe 016E \>i?-% •j, ?, % //? 1? ??\ \ \' ,; / \\l ^ ?r r O 6 . ooh 1; rl I ?, 'I ?` 1 _ ?.? 11 9t , * 116£ /17 J _ 1 ' J o / ` I 3!d laneIE) ll l -vj ?4 , C 01, waoaljlnyeuo. 1334 000069 t`. etrz Q I, % 00 ti16E ?? - ,= •%?? ?'?? -?.? 'nr .. I,: / %\ dsoa l ?? • '". H.quulof 9 8 3912 j :C ?r 1? O 11 3911 / _? 6rc O ? ?.1 n r \ll A ? O 3910 '/"" 20 rert-t'te, ca 3909 O 650 2 650 ?. SL . 3908 `. if tI C 65 ?Q 716 41* 07 „ 723 l\722 ems > ?; 6,94- C? \("-f 700 \ U? )? -C - •i ?f'I l1A'C" C II \ ?... 11 Cl \ j ' i? Mill Ill /> V ` (1 p 1 ?Fy 71 \ N ?.? a C N '- C N a 71 c\ I ? !!?-`? ICI \?`\ ' / I C CC° ? c \\ 1, c oa j f! S ` 1 -?\\ 10p \? Tank hW G 11 •715 OD 9 r \/ j C_• , =C 3907 ina C Q 6h t F?• 734 +?- ii=o 1 ? i \?? ! ?? .fie°? :13-'"?C ' • `? 1? ?'?\ -???) C-100_ C CCCCC Sy. ?? •,? C 3906 . N Jam.-•JI'?' 1 49. • \ ' C 3905 7,0'? \ 3904 560 000 FEET 3903 Yadkin River Basin _,) 'Ttawba River Basin y „.a C... ???(Radio • • ?• \ i ?i •,SO C •? 1 \\ 732 743 ? \ \ • /\)1 100 nil ? v • ! . (, ? li^ ?u ; 7so. ? ? C 750 7?7 750 0... S \? 76 i c tier Gh ! ` 'u \ G yr ???? '5 MEMO DATE: TO: SUBJECT: C; S ron IvV / 5 ?k, mina Department of and Natural Resources Environment, ??? Printed on Re ti A Barrett Kays ,& Associates Civil. Engineering/Environmental Engineering/Environmental Assessment March 19, 1993 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning _..?,.. Division of Environmental Management MAR 1 9 1993 NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources WE T1 0n P.O. Bog 29535 ??mnW?r`s< Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 - Re: Section 401 Certification, University Place Mall, Inc. Charlotte, NC (BKA #9211012) VIA HAND DELIVERY Dear Mr. Dorney: Please find attached seven (7) copies of the joint Form for Nationwide Permit 26 for the above-referenced project. Mr. Steve Lund of US Army Corps of Engineers, has concurred with the locations of jurisdictional area, as shown on the attached maps. Data forms are on file with the Corps. Please note that nearly half of the anticipated jurisdictional acreage to be filled are man-made, partially rip rapped detention areas, used as sediment and erosion-control. Also, please note that the man-made • lake along the east property line will not be impacted. Please contact me should you have any questions. We are anticipating 304 East Jones Street / Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Telephone: 919-828-1903 Fax: 919-828-0365 14 Letter to Mr. John Dorney Page 2 March 19, 1993 acknowledgment and processing of this request for certification within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter. Sincerely, BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P.A. James A. Spangler, CEI Project Manager JAS:jh Attachments: (7 sets) cc: Mr. Dale Nelson, Hahn Company Mr. T. J. Pappas, CEI Mr. Steve Lund, USACOE VP Letter to Mr. John Dorney Page 2 March 19, 1993 acknowledgment and processing of this request for certification within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter. Sincerely, BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P.A. P '-__"James A. Spangler, CEI Project Manager JAS:jh Attachments: (7 sets) cc: Mr. Dale Nelson, Hahn Company Mr. T. J. Pappas, CEI Mr. Steve Lund, USACOE } .k; DEM ID: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): 26 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONME NT "' DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRO , HE P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES ?A Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Box 29535 MR f 9 ATTN: CESAW CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY WETLrNps GRGUf''_° ' Telephone (919) 733-5083 WATER UNDs SECT1t'? ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF E ' - - RS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: 'University Place Mall, Inc. C/0 The Hahn Co n3N *.&94Qs Vice Pres 2. Owners Address: 12030 Sunrise Valley Dr. #300 Reston, 2091 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): NA (W0194-MM 0 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone . WETL",NDS GROUP' Mr. James A. Spangler, Project Manager umWATLR QUALITY SEC11g- w_ Barrett Kays and Associates, P.A. 304 E Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 828-1903 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Mecklenburg County Nearest Town or City: Charlotte Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Northeast sector of Interstate 85 and W.T. Harris Boulevard junction 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: Mallard Creek 7. River Basin: PEE DEE River Basin 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS IT? YES [ ] NO [)q 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [ ] NO [X] If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project si 1.751 11. Number of acres of waters 9f the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: 0.959 Drained: Flooded: Excavated: Total Impacted: 0.959 AREAS M BE FILLED WETLAND AREA A AREA 0.187 AC AREA C 0.108 AC AREA D • 0.091 AC MAN-MA DE DETENTION AREA AREA B • 0.321 AC AREA E •0.118 AC STREAM STREAM 1 • 0.009 AC STREAM 2 • • 0.124 AC STREAM 3 • • 0.001 AC TOTAL ACREAGE TO BE FILLED 0.959 AC E-1 TO E-2 S 31-54-26 E 17.40 A-1 TO A-2 N 70-33-39 W 18.35 E-2 TO D-3 S 47-36-01 E 40.43 A-2 TO A-3 N 77-13-45 W 23.94 D-3 TO E-4 S 59-23-47 E 43.47 A-3 TO A-4 S 87-15-10 W 48.17 E-4 TO E-15 S 36-34-42 W 44.27 A-4 TO A-5 S 35-49-35 W 96.99 E-15 TO E-16 N 43-45-09 W 32.18 A-5 TO A-6 S 68-15-02 E 38.73 E-16 TO E-17 N 43-37-29 W 21.50 A-6 TO A-7 N 70-21-38 E 21.09 E-17 TO E-18 N 63-18-47 W 43.22 A-7 TO A-8 N 63-47-01 E 27.79 E-18 TO E-19 N 62-00-00 W 19.89 A-8 TO A-9 N 72-19-56 E 24.90 E-19 TO E-20 S 86-15-49 W 11.34 A-9 TO A-10 N 39-01-12 E 22.32 E-20 TO E-21 N 33-17-17 E 47.89 A-10 TO A-11 N 63-23-49 E 28.27 E-21 TO E-22 N 71-04-56 E 17.23 A-1 t TO A-1 N 03-36-19 E 27.03 E-22 TO E-1 S 43-03-55 E 17.42 B-1 TO B-2 S 34-20-16 W 34.23 D-5 TO D-6 S 57-47-15 E 49.21 B-2 TO B-3 N 86-54-33 W 24.92 0-6 TO D-7 S 47-41-36 E 42.73 B-3 TO B-4 S 43-53-37 W 57.94 D-7 TO D-8 S 65-22-52 E 24.07 B-4 TO B-5 S 29-35-23 E 24.92 D-8 TO D-9 S 71-35-48 W 8.30 B-5 TO B-6 S 47-14-00 E 33.87 D-9 TO D-10 S 67-00-36 W 12.76 B-6 TO B-7 S 88-02-12 E 30.00 D-10 TO D-11 N 81-49-14 W 30.17 B-7 TO B-8 S 89-25-29 E 26.53 D-11 TO D-12 N 72-57-11 W 20.03 B-8 TO B-9 S 67-27-35 E 37.07 D-12 TO D-13 N 67-06-02 W 41.09 B-9 TO 8-10 N 78-19-40 E 34.01 D-13 TO D-14 N 51-05-24 W 27.61 B-10 TO B-11 N 81-03-15 E 17.27 D-14 TO D-5 N 48-27-01 E 43.90 B-11 TO B-12 N 14-50-03 E 13.44 B-12 TO B-13 N 17-58-20 W / 22.80 B-13 TO 8-14 N 32-45-16 W 39.67 B-14 TO B-15 N 56-42-39 W 45.09 C-1 TO C-2 N 60-09-18 W 33.17 B-15 TO B-16 N 39-50-07 W 26.32 C-2 TO C-3 N 49-11-09 W 36.45 B-16 TO B-1 N 66-20-44 W 15.62 C-3 TO C-15 S 48-54-05 W 56.25 C-15 TO C-16 S 56-07-18 E 30.39 C-16 TO C-17 S 66-05-19 E 39.29 C-17 TO C-18 S 63-37-55 E 35.14 C-18 TO C-1 N 07-42-56 E 45.53 Z OF3 SCAL S =NaW) BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P. A. DATE: MARCH 1993 UNIVERSITY PLACE Civil Engineering / Environmental PRUCT NUMBS: 921 1012 Engineeri ng / Environmental Assessment / NAME: MISC UP_SITE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 304 East Jones Street DRAIMN BY: JAC Raleigh. N. Carolina 27601, 919-828-1903 '.PD- 10 D-6 ? •?; D-11 0-12 0-5 p' ' D-13 E-4 D-14 E-3 " E-15 EE PG •' E-16 -17 E- E E-22 ..:: ' MAN-MI E-21 E-18 0 BE C-1 E-19 E-20 PG' C-17 WETLAND AREA i A.... E FILLED) C-16 (TO C-15 STREAM 1 0.009 AC (TO BE FILLED) ?.::.:. A-10 A- 9;187 AC: A A-5 NORTH STREAM 2 0.124 AC (TO BE FILLED) 3.1' WIDE I d m m E m B-10 T0 BE Fit n ro I :..........'. I m :''•0;321 AC:.- B-8 B-1 B-2 B-7 B-3 B-6 B- B-5 STREAM 3 0.001 AC (TO BE FILLED) 1993 UNIVERSITY PLACE 1101 EE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SITE j OFJ BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P. A. Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Environmental Assessment / 304 East Jones Street Raleigh, N. Carolina 27601, 919-828-1903 4 'L r DEM ID: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): 26 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Box 29535 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT T, THE CORPS OF E SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF Ef qYK OI [ I T PLEASE PRINT. s a el 1. Owners Name: 'University Place Mall, Inc. C/0 The Hahn; Co- 4 LITY SECTION 2. Owners Address: 12030 Sunrise Valley Dr. #300 Reston; iaz&L- , Vice Pres 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): NA (Work): (7030 391.6001 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: Mr. James A. Spangler, Project Manager Barrett Kays and Associates, P.A. 304 E Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 828-1903 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Mecklenburg County Nearest Town or City: . Charlotte Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Northeast sector of Interstate 85 and W.T. Harris Boulevard junction 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: Mallard Creek 7. River Basin: PEE DEE River Basin 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES [ J NO [)q 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [ J NO [)q If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 1.751 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: 0.959 Drained: Flooded: Excavated: Total Impacted: 0.959 4 1 "E E I TIC I s I I SCALE 1 = 301 DATE: MARCH, 199 PROJECT NUMBER: 921 101 MIT` HE! SEE 1 s M'= Is MI?= M-aI.r.--= sssaaaa aaaaasssaa asaasaaaraaa ??E= Is?s.?I ?'k.sT?sIL1 +?*S,*TSIIIIiIII ISIItILSIIE "Ou" 88818"a anus" S??t1IISIIIII IISIiIIIiII . i OEM ffy...?wt.C.?.tw?.fLfyf? t?aa?t Mf • \w q / •? ? thl?y6,lib EYYtS,?EfEF 1 01 11 111 i ?6 =4 4'>a E EEE EE EEE ?J 1 1 1 1 .1 .1 1 .1 UNIVERSITY PLACE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA (oF3 BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P. A. Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Environmental Assessment / 304 East Jones Street Raleigh, N. Carolina 29801, 919-828-1903 AREAS M BE FUED WETLAND AREA AREA A • 0.187 AC AREA C 0.108 AC AREA D 0.091 AC MAN-MADE DETENTION AREA AREA B 0.321 AC AREA E 0.118 AC STREAM STREAM 1 0.009 AC STREAM 2 • 0.124 AC STREAM 3 0.001 AC TOTAL ACREAGE TO BE FILLED 0.959 AC E-1 TO E-2 S 31-54-26 E 17.40 A-1 TO A-2 N 70-33-39 W 18.35 E-2 TO D-3 S 47-36-01 E 40.43 A-2 TO A-3 N 77-13-45 W 23.94 D-3 TO E-4 S 59-23-47 E 43.47 A-3 TO A-4 S 87-15-10 W 48.17 E-4 TO E-15 S 36-34-42 W 44.27 A-4 TO A-5 S 35-49-35 W 96.99 E-15 TO E-16 N 43-45-09 W 32.18 A-5 TO A-6 S 68-15-02 E 38.73 E-16 TO E-17 N 43-37-29 W 21.50 A-6 TO A-7 N 70-21-38 E 21.09 E-17 TO E-18 N 63-18-47 W 43.22 A-7 TO A-8 N 63-47-01 E 27.79 E-18 TO E-19 N 62-00-00 W 19.89 A-8 TO A-9 N 72-19-56 E 24.90 E-19 TO E-20 S 86-15-49 W 11.34 A-9 TO A-10 N 39-01-12 E 22.32 E-20 TO E-21 N 33-17-17 E 47.89 A-10 TO A-11 N 63-23-49 E 28.27 E-21 TO E-22 N 71-04-56 E 17.23 A-11 TO A-1 N 03-36-19 E 27.03 E-22 TO E-1 S 43-03-55 E 17.42 B-1 TO 8-2 S 34-20-16 W 34.23 D-5 TO D-6 S 57-47-15 E 49.21 B-2 TO B-3 N 86-54-33 W 24.92 D-6 TO D-7 S 47-41-36 E 42.73 B-3 TO B-4 S 43-53-37 W 57.94 D-7 TO D-8 S 65-22-52 E 24.07 B-4 TO B-5 S 29-35-23 E 24.92 D-8 TO D-9 S 71-35-48 W 8.30 B-5 TO B-6 S 47-14-00 E 33.87 D-9 TO D-10 S 67-00-36 W 12.76 B-6 TO B-7 S 88-02-12 E 30.00 D-10 TO D-11 N 81-49-14 W 30.17 B-7 TO B-8 S 89-25-29 E 26.53 D-11 TO 0-12 N 72-57-11 W 20.03 B-8 TO B-9 S 67-27-35 E 37.07 D-12 TO D-13 N 67-06-02 W 41.09 8-9 TO 8-10 N 78-19-40 E 34.01 D-13 TO D-14 N 51-05-24 W 27.61 B-10 TO B-11 N 81-03-15 E 17.27 D-14 TO D-5 N 48-27-01 E 43.90 B-11 TO B-12 N 14-50-03 E 13.44 B-12 TO 8-13 N 17-58-20 W 22.80 B-13 TO B-14 N 32-45-16 W 39.67 B-14 TO B-15 N 56-42-39 W 45.09 C-1 TO C-2 N 60-09-18 W 33.17 8-15 TO B-16 8-16 TO B-1 N 39-50-07 W N 66-20-44 W 26.32 15.62 C-2 TO C-3 N 49-11-09 W 36.45 C-3 TO C-15 S 48-54-05 W 56.25 C-15 TO C-16 S 56-07-18 E 30.39 C-16 TO C-17 S 66-05-19 E 39.29 C-17 TO C-18 S 63-37-55 E 35.14 C-18 TO C-1 N 07-42-56 E 45.53 i ii UNIVERSITY PLACE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA JAC Z 60 BAM17 KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Environmental Assessment / 304 East Jones Street Raleigh, N. Carolina 27601, 919-828-1903 DEM ID: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): 26 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Box 29535 ATTN: CESAW CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SE S OF EN .INFERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF E^tC EMIENT. PLEASE PRINT.' N sop Vice Pres 1. Owners Name: University Place Mall, Inc. C/0 The Hahn oinpq?p 2. Owners Address: 12030 Sunrise Valley Dr. 4300 Reston, VA 21 ?R A«?'SECTIONi 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): NA (Work): (703 ') 391- 6001 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: Mr. James A. Spangler, Project Manager Barrett Kays and Associates, P.A. 304 E Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 828-1903 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Mecklenburg County Nearest Town or City: Charlotte Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Northeast sector of Interstate 85 and W.T. Harris Boulevard junction 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: Mallard Creek 7. River Basin: PEE DEE River Basin 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS R? YES [ ] NO [)q 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [ ] NO [XJ If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 1,751 11. Number of acres of waters 9f the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: 0.959 Drained: Flooded: Excavated: Total Impacted: 0.959 AREAS M BE FILLED AREA A 0.187 AC AREA C 0.106 AC AREA D 0.091 AC MAN-MADE DETENTION AREA AREA B 0.321 AC AREA E 0.118 AC STREAM STREAM 1 STREAM 2 STREAM 3 0.009 AC 0.124 AC 0.001 AC TOTAL ACREAGE TO BE FILLED 0.959 AC E-1 TO E-2 S 31-54-26 E 17.40 A-1 TO A-2 N 70-33-39 W 18.35 E-2 TO 0-3 S 47-36-01 E 40.43 A-2 TO A-3 N 77-13-45 W 23.94 D-3 TO E-4 S 59-23-47 E 43.47 A-3 TO A-4 S 87-15-10 W 48.17 E-4 TO E-15 S 36-34-42 W 44.27 A-4 TO A-5 S 35-49-35 W 96.99 E-15 TO E-16 N 43-45-09 W 32.18 A-5 TO A-6 S 68-15-02 E 38.73 E-16 TO E-17 N 43-37-29 W 21.50 A-6 TO A-7 N 70-21-38 E 21.09 E-17 TO E-18 N 63-18-47 W 43.22 A-7 TO A-8 N 63-47-01 E 27.79 E-18 TO E-19 N 62-00-00 W 19.89 A-8 TO A-9 N 72-19-56 E 24.90 E-19 TO E-20 S 86-15-49 W 11.34 A-9 TO A-10 N 39-01-12 E 22.32 E-20 TO E-21 N 33-17-17 E 47.89 A-10 TO A-11 N 63-23-49 E 28.27 E-21 TO E-22 N 71-04-56 E 17.23 A-11 TO A-1 N 03-36-19 E 27.03 E-22 TO E-1 S 43-03-55 E 17.42 B-1 TO B-2 S 34-20-16 W 34.23 D-5 TO D-6 S 57-47-15 E 49.21 B-2 TO B-3 N 86-54-33 W 24.92 D-6 TO D-7 S 47-41-36 E 42.73 B-3 TO B-4 S 43-53-37 W 57.94 D-7 TO D-8 S 65-22-52 E 24.07 8-4 TO B-5 S 29-35-23 E 24.92 D-8 TO D-9 S 71-35-48 W 8.30 B-5 TO B-6 S 47-14-00 E 33.87 D-9 TO D-10 S 67-00-36 W 12.76 B-6 TO B-7 S 88-02-12 E 30.00 D-10 TO 0-11 N 81-49-14 W 30.17 B-7 TO B-8 S 89-25-29 E 26.53 D-11 TO D-12 N 72-57-11 W 20.03 B-8 TO B-9 S 67-27-35 E 37.07 D-12 TO D-13 N 67-06-02 W 41.09 B-9 TO B-10 N 78-19-40 E 34.01 D-13 TO D-14 N 51-05-24 W 27.61 B-10 TO B-11 N 81-03-15 E 17.27 D-14 TO D-5 N 48-27-01 E 43.90 B-11 TO B-12 N 14-50-03 E 13.44 B-12 TO B-13 N 17-58-20 W 22.80 8-13 TO B-14 N 32-45-16 W 39.67 B-14 TO B-15 N 56-42-39 W 45.09 C-1 TO C-2 N 60-09-18 W 33.17 B-15 TO B-16 B-16 TO B-1 N 39-50-07 W N 66-20-44 W 26.32 15.62 C-2 TO C-3 N 49-11-09 W 36.45 C-3 TO C-15 S 48-54-05 W 56.25 C-15 TO C-16 S 56-07-18 E 30.39 C-16 TO C-17 S 66-05-19 E 39.29 C-17 TO C-18 S 63-37-55 E 35.14 C-18 TO C-1 N 07-42-56 E 45.53 UNIVERSITY PLACE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA JAC z 60 BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P. A. Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Environmental Assessment / 304 East Jones Street Raleigh, N. Carolina 27601, 919-828-1903 J DEM ID: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested,(Provide Nationwide Permit #): JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Box 29535 ATTN: CESAW CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: University Place Mall, Inc. C/0 The Hahn Company, Mr. Dale Nelson, Vice Pres 2. Owners Address: 12030 Sunrise Valley Dr. 41300 Reston,. VA 22091 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): NA (Work): (7030 391-.6001 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone num Mr. James A. Spangler, Project Manager IOT r ill? ?=U ty Barrett Kays and Associates, P.A. ![e???? MAD I 304 E Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 828-•19031 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Mecklenburg Count Nearest Town or City: Charlotte Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Northeast sector of Ineerstate 85 and W.T. Harris Boulevard junction 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: 7. River Basin: Mallard Creek PEE DEE River Basin 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS 11? YES [ ] NO [)q 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [ ] NO [X] If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 1.751 11. Number of acres of waters 9f the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: 0.959 Drained: Flooded: Excavated: 26 Total Impacted: 0.959 lk flo a a 1 r I ?,. I El - 6 MUM IILIIIIII mi*I.Sl= sasses sasssssssa #maYa#"" -1°S.P ITEM=}} jmTzT23 is M 6:'EYltia il4da" 99 ktlEYEEEkSLLk IIIIIIIIIIIII I111=111! sssasssassaEasas easssasssss IMrtt'II,IIIIIIII IiiIiulta ;iwb11w1p COMM% 1911 ii iii 171 '.1- 6 EE6 6d 6EE ?J I' 1 1 .1 1 1 (OF3 SCALE- 1 = 300• DATE: MARCH 1 BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P.A. DATE 993 UNIVERSITY PLACE Civil Engineering / Environmental PROJECT NUMBER: 9211012 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Engineering / Environmental Assessment / NAME. MISC UP_SITE 304 East Jones Street DRAWN BY: JAC Raleigh, N. Carolina 27601, 919-828-1903 R AREAS TO BE MLED WETLAND AREA AREA A 0.187 AC AREA C 0.108 AC AREA D 0.091 AC MAN-MADE DETENTION A REA AREA B • 0.321 AC AREA E 0.118 AC STREAM STREAM 1 0.009 AC STREAM 2 0.124 AC STREAM 3 0.001 AC TOTAL ACREAGE TO BE FILLED 0.959 AC E-1 TO E-2 S 31-54-26 E 17.40 A-1 TO A-2 N 70-33-39 W 18.35 E-2 TO D-3 S 47-36-01 E 40.43 A-2 TO A-3 N 77-13-45 W 23.94 D-3 TO E-4 S 59-23-47 E 43.47 A-3 TO A-4 S 87-15-10 W 48.17 E-4 TO E-15 S 36-34-42 W 44.27 A-4 TO A-5 S 35-49-35 W 96.99 E-15 TO E-16 N 43-45-09 W 32.18 A-5 TO A-6 S 68-15-02 E 38.73 E-16 TO E-17 N 43-37-29 W 21.50 A-6 TO A-7 N 70-21-38 E 21.09 E-17 TO E-18 N 63-18-47 W 43.22 A-7 TO A-8 N 63-47-01 E 27.79 E-18 TO E-19 N 62-00-00 W 19.89 A-8 TO A-9 N 72-19-56 E 24.90 E-19 TO E-20 S 86-15-49 W 11.34 A-9 TO A-10 N 39-01-12 E 22.32 E-20 TO E-21 N 33-17-17 E 47.89 A-10 TO A-11 N 63-23-49 E 28.27 E-21 TO E-22 N 71-04-56 E 17.23 A-11 TO A-1 N 03-36-19 E 27.03 E-22 TO E-1 S 43-03-55 E 17.42 B-1 TO B-2 S 34-20-16 W 34.23 D-5 TO D-6 S 57-47-15 E 49.21 B-2 TO B-3 N 86-54-33 W 24.92 D-6 TO D-7 S 47-41-36 E 42.73 8-3 TO B-4 S 43-53-37 W 57.94 D-7 TO D-8 S 65-22-52 E 24.07 8-4 TO B-5 S 29-35-23 E 24.92 D-8 TO D-9 S 71-35-48 W 8.30 B-5 TO B-6 S 47-14-00 E 33.87 D-9 TO D-10 S 67-00-36 W 12.76 B-6 TO B-7 S 88-02-12 E 30.00 D-10 TO D-11 N 81-49-14 W 30.17 B-7 TO 0-8 S 89-25-29 E 26.53 D-11 TO D-12 N 72-57-11 W 20.03 B-8 TO B-9 S 67-27-35 E 37.07 D-12 TO D-13 N 67-06-02 W 41.09 B-9 TO B-10 N 78-19-40 E 34.01 D-13 TO D-14 N 51-05-24 W 27.61 B-10 TO 8-11 N 81-03-15 E 17.27 D-14 TO D-5 N 48-27-01 E 43.90 B-11 TO B-12 N 14-50-03 E 13.44 B-12 TO B-13 N 17-58-20 W 22.80 B-13 TO B-14 N 32-45-16 W 39.67 8-14 TO B-15 N 56-42-39 W 45.09 C-1 TO C-2 N 60-09-18 W 33.17 8-15 TO B-16 N 39-50-07 W 26.32 C-2 TO C-3 N 49-11-09 W 36.45 B-16 TO B-1 N 66-20-44 W 15.62 C-3 TO C-15 S 48-54-05 W 56.25 C-15 TO C-16 S 56-07-18 E 30.39 C-16 TO C-17 S 66-05-19 E 39.29 C-17 TO C-18 S 63-37-55 E 35.14 C-18 TO C-1 N 07-42-56 E 45.53 1 VU- 31 PLACE 1c0, CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 2 60 BAMTT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P. A. Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Environmental Assessment / 304 East Jones Street Raleigh, N. Carolina 27601, 919-828-1903 DEM ID: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING 9-- CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONME G "l9 ' DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIR P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Box 29535 MAR { 9 1993 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATM: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 WETU'NDS GROUP WATER UALITY SECTI"?; ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TQ I"OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: University Place Mall, Inc. C/0 The Hahn Company, Mr. Dale Nelson, Vice Pres 2. Owners Address: ' 12030 Sunrise Valley Dr. #300 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): NA (Work): (703') 391..6001 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: Mr. James A. Spangler, Project Manager Barrett Kays and Associates, P.A. 304 E Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 828-1903 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Mecklenburg County Nearest Town or City: Charlotte Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Northeast sector of Interstate 85 and W.T. Harris Boulevard junction 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: 7. River Basin: Mallard Creek PEE DEE River Basin 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES [ ] NO [ X] 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [ ] NO [X] If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 1,751 11. Number of acres of waters 9f the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: 0.959 Drained: Flooded: Excavated: Total Impacted: 0.959 26 Reston, VA 22091 AREAS M BE FILED WETLAND AREA AREA A 0.187 AC AREA C 0.108 AC AREA D • 0.091 AC MAN-MADE DETENTION AREA AREA B • 0.321 AC AREA E • 0.118 AC STREAM STREAM 1 • 0.009 AC STREAM 2 • • 0.124 AC STREAM 3- • 0.001 AC TOTAL ACREAGE TO BE FILLED 0.959 AC E-1 TO E-2 S 31-54-26 E 17.40 A-1 TO A-2 N 70-33-39 W 18.35 E-2 TO D-3 S 47-36-01 E 40.43 A-2 TO A-3 N 77-13-45 W 23.94 D-3 TO E-4 S 59-23-47 E 43.47 A-3 TO A-4 S 87-15-10 W 48.17 E-4 TO E-15 S 36-34-42 W 44.27 A-4 TO A-5 S 35-49-35 W 96.99 E-15 TO E-16 N 43-45-09 W 32.18 A-5 TO A-6 S 68-15-02 E 38.73 E-16 TO E-17 N 43-37-29 W 21.50 A-6 TO A-7 N 70-21-38 E 21.09 E-17 TO E-18 N 63-18-47 W 43.22 A-7 TO A-8 N 63-47-01 E 27.79 E-18 TO E-19 N 62-00-00 W 19.89 A-8 TO A-9 N 72-19-56 E 24.90 E-19 TO E-20 S 86-15-49 W 11.34 A-9 TO A-10 N 39-01-12 E 22.32 E-20 TO E-21 N 33-17-17 E 47.89 A-10 TO A-11 N 63-23-49 E 28.27 E-21 TO E-22 N 71-04-56 E 17.23 A-11 TO A-1 N 03-36-19 E 27.03 E-22 TO E-1 S 43-03-55 E 17.42 B-1 TO B-2 S 34-20-16 W 34.23 D-5 TO D-6 S 57-47-15 E 49.21 B-2 TO B-3 N 86-54-33 W 24.92 D-6 TO D-7 S 47-41-36 E 42.73 B-3 TO B-4 S 43-53-37 W 57.94 D-7 TO D-8 S 65-22-52 E 24.07 B-4 TO B-5 S 29-35-23 E 24.92 D-8 TO D-9 S 71-35-48 W 8.30 B-5 TO B-6 S 47-14-00 E 33.87 D-9 TO D-10 S 67-00-36 W 12.76 B-6 TO B-7 S 88-02-12 E 30.00 D-10 TO D-11 N 81-49-14 W 30.17 B-7 TO B-8 S 89-25-29 E 26.53 D-11 TO D-12 N 72-57-11 W 20.03 B-8 TO B-9 S 67-27-35 E 37.07 D-12 TO D-13 N 67-06-02 W 41.09 B-9 TO B-10 N 78-19-40 E 34.01 D-13 TO D-14 N 51-05-24 W 27.61 B-10 TO B-11 N 81-03-15 E 17.27 D-14 TO D-5 N 48-27-01 E 43.90 B-11 TO B-12 N 14-50-03 E 13.44 B-12 TO B-13 N 17-58-20 W 22.80 B-13 TO 8-14 N 32-45-16 W 39.67 B-14 TO B-15 N 56-42-39 W 45.09 C-1 TO C-2 N 60-09-18 W 33.17 B-15 TO B-16 N 39-50-07 W 26.32 C-2 TO C-3 N 49-11-09 W 36.45 B-16 TO B-1 N 66-20-44 W 15.62 C-3 TO C-15 S 48-54-05 W 56.25 C-15 TO C-16 S 56-07-18 E 30.39 C-16 TO C-17 S 66-05-19 E 39.29 C-17 TO C-18 S 63-37-55 E 35.14 C-18 TO C-1 N 07-42-56 E 45.53 11 UNIVERSITY PLACE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA JAC 2 60 BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P. A. Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Environmental Assessment / 304 East Jones Street Raleigh, N. Carolina 27601, 919-828-1903 TRANSMISSION REPORT ****************************** ( MAR 23 '93 10:22AM ) * * * * DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. FILE TIME IDENTIFICATION PAGES CODE NO. * * * * * MAR 23 10:19AM 704 663 6040 G3E ST 02'11" OK 05 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >k>k%Y.>k>k>K>k>K>k>k>K>K>K>K5k>k>k>I:>k>F:>F: W.>k>k>k*.>k>k>k>K>I:>F:>K>K>K%k%ksk>k>K>f: W->k>K>k%KsK>k>k>{: >I:>k>K>k>K>K>k>k>k>k>k>k>k>k>k>K>K?Ic%K?>kW>K>K>K>k>k>k>k>k>k:k>f:>k*%Y•>k?K>K>K>K>K 'r f DEM ID: Nationwide Permit Requested.(Provide Nationwide Permit ft ACTION 26 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT- DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Box 29535 Q0 ATTN: CESAW CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 v Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINES SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMEi ?GtN E PLEASE PRINT. new irv or^ _ 1. Owners Name: University Place Mall, Inc. C/0 The Hahn Company, Mr. Dale Nelson;`Vice `Pres 2. Owners Address: * 12030 Sunrise Valley Dr. 4300 Reston, : VA 22091 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): NA (Work): (7030 391.6001 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: Mr. James A. Spangler, Project Manager Barrett Kays and Associates, P.A. 304 E Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 828-1903 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Mecklenburg County Nearest Town or City: Charlotte Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Northeast sector of Interstate 85 and W.T. Harris Boulevard junction 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: Mallard Creek 7. River Basin: PEE DEE River Basin 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES [ ] NO [ X] 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [ ] NO [X] If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 1.751 11. Number of acres of waters 9f the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: 0.959 Drained: Flooded: Excavated: Total Impacted: 0.959 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8 1/2" X 11" drawings only): Site preparation for proposed Commercial development no plans available 13. Purpose of proposed work: site preparation for proposed commercial development 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activimust be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to minimize wetland impacts. West use of property All appropriate erosion control BMP's scheduled to be installed during site work. 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES [ ] NO [X ] RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS XND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [ ] NO [X ] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this pproject, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? Commercial and Mixed residential F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? NA Owner's Signature Date VIcA Re?. V IIS: 1M-1 *ts i "=- aaasaaa sougs8we "defecate" I= IVIMIIII M-= S R so M .W., Eti"W92 rf i ( I I a i 1 P a J' C 1 z**TM!?!!IIIfiil.*I I?I3LLII3II aasaaasaaaaaasaa aaaasaaaaaa I?IIfIIITII IIIIILIIiI3 MUNI C i Imu tic ? ? 1? 111 i ? S Va a asa se aaa • \w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N, NIX X ?J tOF.3 SCALE: 1 = 300, BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, PT DATE: MARCH 1993 UNIVERSITY PLACE Civil Engineering / Environmental PROJECT NUMBER: 9211012 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Engineering / Environmental Assessment / NAME: MISC UP SITE 304 East Jones Street DRAWN BY. JAC Raleigh, N. Carolina 27801, 919-828-1903 AREAS TO BE MLED WETLAND AREA AREA A 0.187 AC AREA C 0.108 AC AREA D 0.091 AC MAN-MADE DETENTION AREA AREA B 0.321 AC AREA E 0.118 AC STREAM STREAM 1 0.009 AC STREAM 2 0.124 AC STREAM 3 O.OUJ AC ?? TOTAL ACREAGE TO BE Fl D 0.959 A DATE: RY. E-1 TO E-2 S 31-54-26 E 17.40 A-1 TO A-2 N 70-33-39 W 18.35 E-2 TO D-3 S 47-36-01 E 40.43 A-2 TO A-3 N 77-13-45 W 23.94 D-3 TO E-4 S 59-23-47 E 43.47 A-3 TO A-4 S 87-15-10 W 48.17 E-4 TO E-15 S 36-34-42 W 44.27 A-4 TO A-5 S 35-49-35 W 96.99 E-15 TO E-16 N 43-45-09 W 32.18 A-5 TO A-6 S 68-15-02 E 38.73 E-16 TO E-17 N 43-37-29 W 21.50 A-6 TO A-7 N 70-21-38 E 21.09 E-17 TO E-18 N 63-18-47 W 43.22 A-7 TO A-8 N 63-47-01 E 27.79 E-18 TO E-19 N 62-00-00 W 19.89 A-8 TO A-9 N 72-19-56 E 24.90 E-19 TO E-20 S 86-15-49 W 11.34 A-9 TO A-10 N 39-01-12 E 22.32 E-20 TO E-21 N 33-17-17 E 47.89 A-10 TO A-11 N 63-23-49 E 28.27 E-21 TO E-22 N 71-04-56 E 17.23 A-11 TO A-1 N 03-36-19 E 27.03 E-22 TO E-1 S 43-03-55 E 17.42 B-1 TO 8-2 S 34-20-16 W 34.23 D-5 TO D-6 S 57-47-15 E 49.21 B-2 TO B-3 N 86-54-33 W 24.92 0-6 TO D-7 S 47-41-36 E 42.73 B-3 TO B-4 S 43-53-37 W 57.94 D-7 TO D-8 S 65-22-52 E 24.07 B-4 TO B-5 S 29-35-23 E 24.92 D-8 TO D-9 S 71-35-48 W 8.30 8-5 TO B-6 S 47-14-00 E 33.87 D-9 TO D-10 S 67-00-36 W 12.76 B-6 TO B-7 S 88-02-12 E 30.00 D-10 TO D-11 N 81-49-14 W 30.17 B-7 TO B-8 S 89-25-29 E 26.53 D-11 TO D-12 N 72-57-11 W 20.03 B-8 TO B-9 S 67-27-35 E 37.07 D-12 TO D-13 N 67-06-02 W 41.09 B-9 TO B-10 N 78-19-40 E 34.01 D-13 TO D-14 N 51-05-24 W 27.61 B-10 TO B-11 N 81-03-15 E 17.27 D-14 TO D-5 N 48-27-01 E 43.90 B-11 TO B-12 N 14-50-03 E 13.44 B-12 TO B-13 N 17-58-20 W 22.80 B-13 TO B-14 N 32-45-16 W 39.67 B-14 TO B-15 N 56-42-39 W 45.09 C-1 TO C-2 N 60-09-18 W 33.17 B-15 TO B-16 N 39-50-07 W 26.32 C-2 TO C-3 N 49-11-09 W 36.45 8-16 TO B-1 N 66-20-44 W 15.62 C-3 TO C-15 S 48-54-05 W 56.25 C-15 TO C-16 S 56-07-18 E 30.39 C-16 TO C-17 S 66-05-19 E 39.29 C-17 TO C-18 S 63-37-55 E 35.14 C-18 TO C-1 N 07-42-56 E 45.53 UNIVERSITY PLACE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 2 400 BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Environmental Assessment / 304 East Jones Street Raleigh, N. Carolina 27601, 919-828-1903 L -7 10 D-6 : PG D-11 ?. •p?..: 0-12 ' D-13 E-4 D-14 E-3 E-15 PG: E-16 E-EE 1 :E-17 MAN-A4 E-22 ; ; 0 BE E-21 E-18 C-1 E-19 E-20 C-2 C-18 PG' C-17 C- WETLAND AREA A TO BE FILLED C-16 C-15 a STREAM 1 0.009 AC a (TO BE FILLED) a Q.1.8NORTH 7AC.. MEN- STREAM 2 0.124 AC (TO BE FILLED) 3.1' WIDE .mss ?/• TO BE FILLED / M N I a mi m A - NTION AREA B I 8-10 TO BE FILLED a `° Im B-9 • m \ :''•0;321 AC. B-8 B-1 ':. B-7 B-2 B-3 B-6 \ ---? B- B-5 \ STREAM 3 0.001 AC (TO BE FILLED) 1UNIVERSITY PLACE 190213 IT CH ARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SITE 3 0 F,3 BARRETT KAYS & ASSOCIATES, P. A. Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Environmental Assessment / 304 East Jones Street <? POSSIBLE WETLAND RESTORATION SITES UNIVERSITY MALL PROJECT MECKLENBURG COUNTY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION July 2, 1993 Concept: A less efficient stormwater quality control pond may be acceptable to DEM if wetland mitigation is done nearby (preferably downstream) which is effective in improving/protecting water quality. About one acre of wetland fill is proposed. Mitigation would be about 2 acres in size. These sites are shown on the attached map. Site # 1 5.5 acre field in floodplain of mallard Creek just upstream of confluence with Doby Creek Monacan soil NWI - PF01A adjacent Site # 2 2 acre field in floodplain near the confluence of Doby Creek tribs Monacan soil NWI - nothing Expensive property? Site # 3 l acre field in floodplain of Doby Creek downstream of site Monacan soil NWI - nothing site # 4 4 acre field in floodplain of Doby Creek upstream of site Monacan soil NWI - nothing Quasi-land locked parcel Site # 5 3 acre field at confluence of Mallard Creek and tribs. Upstream of site Monacan soil NWI - nothing Site # 6 5.5 acre field along Mallard Creek. Downstream of site. Monacan soil NWI - PSS1C across stream Site # 7 8 acre field along Toby Creek. Offsite from mall. Monacan soil. NWI - between two Bottomland hardwood sites UNC-C owned property? Site # 8 1 acre field/marsh along Mallard Creek. Downstream of site Monacan soil NWI - part is marsh, possible expansion? Site # 9 2 acre field along Mallard Creek and confluence of unnamed tributary. Monacan soil NWI -nothing. univmall.mit POSSIBLE WETLAND RESTORATION SITES UNIVERSITY MALL PROJECT MECKLENBURG COUNTY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION July 2, 1993 Concept: A less efficient.stormwater quality.control pond may be acceptable to DEM if wetland mitigation is done nearby (preferably downstream) which is effective in improving/protecting water quality. About one acre of wetland fill is proposed. Mitigation would be about 2 acres in size. These sites are shown on the attached map. Site # 1 5.5 acre field in floodplain of Mallard Creek just upstream of confluence with Doby Creek Monacan soil NWI - PF01A adjacent Site # 2 2 acre field in floodplain near the confluence of Doby Creek tribs Monacan soil NWI - nothing Expensive property? Site # 3 1 acre field in floodplain of Doby Creek downstream of site Monacan soil NWI - nothing Site # 4 4 acre field in floodplain of Doby Creek upstream of site Monacan soil NWI - nothing Quasi-land locked parcel Site # 5 3 acre field at confluence of Mallard Creek and tribs. Upstream of site Monacan soil NWI - nothing Site # 6 5.5 acre field along Mallard Creek. Downstream of site. Monacan soil NWI - PSS1C across stream Site # 7 8 acre field along Toby Creek. Offsite from mall. Monacan soil. NWI - between two Bottomland hardwood sites UNC-C owned property? Site # 8 1 acre field/marsh along Mallard Creek. Downstream of site Monacan soil NWI - part is marsh, possible expansion? Site # 9 2 acre field along Mallard Creek and confluence of unnamed tributary. Monacan soil NWI -nothing. univmall.mit r de, __ - - - - - - 1-??1.- __ -- -- - - - -- - -- - -- -- -- - MAY- s _ -? - n cc?'rm - -- - - - -- _.. _- _?s - - - --- --------3,7q ld - -------------- CIA_ O ? \ V ?a 1/GY1 SPA-?I1I /? %? Yl ??,a? _ u4,14y t 1: ?aA ? 111 (((„yyy.?000JJJ _, ?? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INDEX I. Narrative II. As Is Conditions - Hydrograph III. 10 Year Storm Event Build Out Conditions Detention Pond Volume Calculations Outlet Structures With Rating Table 10 Year Detention Pond Rating IV. 100 Year Storm Event Build Out Conditions Detention Pond Volume Calculations Outlet Structures With Rating Table 100 Year Detention Pond Routing INDEX I. Narrative II. As Is Conditions - Hydrograph III. 10 Year Storm Event Build Out Conditions Detention Pond Volume Calculations Outlet Structures With Rating Table 10 Year Detention Pond Rating IV. 100 Year Storm Event Build Out Conditions Detention Pond Volume Calculations Outlet Structures With Rating Table 100 Year Detention Pond Routing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INDEX I. Narrative II. As Is Conditions - Hydrograph III. 10 Year Storm Event Build Out Conditions Detention Pond Volume Calculations Outlet Structures With Rating Table 10 Year Detention Pond Rating IV. 100 Year Storm Event Build Out Conditions Detention Pond Volume Calculations Outlet Structures With Rating Table 100 Year Detention Pond Routing 0 io 1 ?2 Cotdirml 0 11 u n 7 1 F University Place Mall, Inc. 401 Water Quality-Gertification Submittal June 11, 1993 This submittal is to comply with the conditional water quality certification issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management on April 19, 1993. This submittal includes this bound set of data and a total of 11 oversize blue-line preliminary design plan sheets. Preliminary reviews by NCDEHNR DEM staff on three separate occasions during May and June 1993 have provided guidance on this submittal. This submittal includes data and preliminary (not for construction) designs for a wet detention basin as a means of protecting downstream water quality from degradation due to pollutant runoff from post- construction impervious areas. Pollutant removal efficiencies of the proposed wet detention basin and the general basin characteristics have been reviewed and given preliminary approval by DEM staff on June 8, 1993. General basin characteristics include an average depth of 8.41 feet, a surface area at permanent pool elevation 612:5' of 0.79 acres. Short-circuiting of stormwater shall be eliminated by the use of a sloped weir at the inflow point. The bottom of the basin consists of natural subgrade soil. Access for maintenance of the weir and outlet structure shall be accomplished by direct access. 0 Hydrographics and Pond Routing The existing University Place property includes a watershed sub-basin which contributes directly to the proposed detention pond area (now a man-made erosion-control catchment) consists of 46.16 acres. Existing ground-cover is a mixture of woods, brush, and meadow grass, and a minimal area of pavement. Stormwater runoff from this watershed sub-basin flows into an existing 48 inch reinforced concrete culvert. Peak runoff was modeled by use of QTR 55, Version 5.44. Peak 10 year runoff volume for the pre-development hydrograph is 181 cfs. The northern portion of the pre-development property consists of a watershed sub-basin of 8.90 acres. The existing storm runoff in this sub-basin is directed to an existing 36 inch reinforced concrete culvert under I-85. Proposed development will include diversion of this drainage into the proposed wet detention pond for water-quality purposes. Off-site drainage is now flowing onto the University Place property from areas south of W. T. Harris Boulevard. Total off-site drainage area is 57 acres: all this stormwater flow is being diverted to bypass the proposed treatment pond. This runoff will then flow into the existing 48 inch culvert which will also receive the reduced discharges from the treatment pond. 0 Based on the proposed final grading plan, total developed area which will contribute to the proposed detention basin is 51.30 acres: pervious area is 3.95 acres (mostly roadway medians and landscaping), and impervious area is 47.35 acres (see attached table of pervious area). However, this study considered that the entire 51.30 acres is to become impervious. Curve number CN95 was used for hydrologic considerations. Post-development peak hydraphic flow to the treatment pond is calculated to be 358 cfs for the 10 year storm event and 529 cfs for the 100 year event. Routing of stormwater through the treatment basin was modeled by the Pond 2, Version 5.17 by Haestad Methods. Routing for the 10 year storm yields a peak pond outflow of 112.34 cfs. This post development discharge is 69 cfs less than the pre-development 10 year storm flow. The 100 year out flow is 241.49 cfs. Flow Through Weir Channel The proposed weir channel is designed to distribute stormwater around the treatment pond perimeter in order to prevent short circuiting (see sheet PD-2). 1 Peak 10 year post development flow into the weir channel is 358 cfs. The proposed weir channel is 4 feet wide and the weir wall is 3 feet high. Total weir length is 445 feet. The longest travel distance in the channel being 280 feet. The ' weir channel can withstand 42.45 cfs. Velocity in the weir channel is 3.5 fps, with travel time at approximately 1.3 minutes. As the flow settles, an average weir head will develop. The weir head will develop as the flow settles. As the inflow approaches 3 feet in height, each orifice in the weir (0.6 coefficient) will outflow 4.2 cfs. Total orifice flow will be 188 cfs with a 3 foot head. Approximately 45 12"x6" orifices will be incorporated into the weir channel. Net flow to the weir will be: 358-42-188 = 128 cfs. Weir head: h = 1280.0 x 445)0.67 = 1.1'. ' Pipe Hydraulics 10 year flow to junction box on storm sewer line AA near storm sewer line ' DD is 230 cfs. Q=230, n=0.015 D=5' So=0.020 ' HW/D=1.8 HW=9.0' ' Dual Lines Q = 292/2 = 150 n = 0.015 D = 5 So = 0.005 HW/D=1.15 HW=5.8' 1 1 Rect?anaiular° Channel anal.',,/sis & Desicir", Open Channel - Uniform flow Worksheet. Name- Comment - Solve For Di charc',,e Given Input Data- Bottorn Width .... Channel Der)th.-.-..... Compu ted t?esu 1 t, S D i scha. rc.je; ......... Flow A r ea FIow Vora Width Wetted Per;i.met.er . C r i t. i o;=a. l` l o >: e . F'r,cude, Number..... 4., 00 ft 0..015 0,0010 ft/ft 42.45 c; -f 3. E)4 fp 12,00 5"f x..00 ft ?. `._I . 0 C) f t 1 . 1 f t, 0 , ll 6 I, .I.1 ? ? 4hJ i s ",u t.) c_; r J. t. J ' J t r? '.. t'1 < ! } n e ,..J t"i ,.? <"!' r. E. r i ` i" t G.. Circular Channel Analvsis & Desicin Solved with Manna.na, s Equat.irn 0r)en 0 ha.nne1 - Unitorrn f1. ow Worksheet Name- Comment- 1.0 YEAR STORM EVENT Solve For Actual Deoth Gi.ve;, input Data- .......... Diameter Slot">e.............. Manninc)"s n. Discharge. ._...... nntr:>u t.ed Resu 1 t'. E, D e l;D t. h ... ,........ . . .. .. . . Velocity, F1.cw (Ar•a ., . C:r:i ti C;a? Der> t:.i) ... . Critic°.a1. `31cpe.. .. Percent Full . Fl_{ 11 Ca.loa.c i tv . .... .. r,ou(Je t' umber ,. .. 00 f t; 0.0200 ft/ft. 0. , 01. s 2 _?0. 00 cfr_. :-) . 14 f t. 17, "70 fos 1-5., 00 f 4 f: t 15 . <.., !. c f s 34..r.'38 cf-, 1. ., ":? (.) if], cat") -is 5t-!f e r (:; r :L t i r_. ,:a I) l'J1::> tl C t,-:ti'titc?t!. 1 <= t:.i (1:?'?U 1 c Yet < ,1 ? j Ci ?,?(("?'?_ t.a ??.. l';i f;_ J-t.,l (?'?(_{?, 1 ??, r• ?k ., r i" ?C.. ?, _. ?. _. i.\.r! :k. ?r,l ?. _, ?. ., i., lt?, r .. ?. Ci1-.c;Ular- Channel Pmalvsi & Desigin Solved with Mann:ing- ' ._J E_ciuation Open Channel - Uniform flaw Worksheet. Name- Comment -. 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Solve For Actual Depth Given Input Data.: Dlametef........ Slope ...........v..... Mann°!i.nai`r. n......... ?1Ghai...rc Cc)mnk-i t e d Re!-- u 1 is DeDtt'1...: , Velocl.ty. ' . f-1.ow Area. .. Slone Percent :.?11.... . 1- u,1. l c:: 'i- t v . . F r'< u d e Nl.tmL')r .. S. 00 f t 0. 0050 f t'/ f t. 0.,015 1.5,,0,00 c,f_. . 8 s f t. 1.6 . 23 s. -f 3.51 I ft CJ,,.i?0 6 <:.. ft:./-P t: 77 (33 j F rLL; f 1. C !nl i. c) :'!_1 t ,. . 4 .1 r- ..., t1.51.`.:'.f..?? { . .?_,r•t1 C"'C.:?, .fi"iC.': 1 GENERAL NOTES ' 1. The on-site drainage area to the wet detention basin is 51.3 acres. 2. The runoff from the upstream off-site drainage area will be ' collected, piped, and will by-pass the wet detention basin. 3. The maximum, reasonable on-site drainage is shown to be diverted into the wet detention basin. See sheets RG-1 and RG-2. 4. These plans consist of only the hydrologic design for the water quality mitigation pursuant to the 401 Water Quality Certification approval. These plans do not address other engineering aspects, including but not limited to, foundation design, structural design, t and geotechnical design. WET DETENTION BASIN 1. The surface area of the wet detention basin is 0.79 acres. 2. The average depth of the wet detention basin is 8.41 feet. 3. The wet detention basin has capacity above the permanent pool ' (elevation 612.51) to retain one inch of surface runoff plus control the 10-year runoff. Discharge volumes from the basin shall be less than pre-construction volumes based on this design. ' 4. The bottom of the wet detention basin consists of the natural subgrade soil materials. 5. Security fencing is to be provided around the wet detention basin. The entrance drive is to be gated and locked. A service ' drive is provided for maintenance. 6. The stepped retaining walls will allow for 5 foot wide terraces which will be landscaped. ' 7. Guard posts shall be made of 611 black iron and filled with concrete. 8. To prevent short-circuiting, the inflow distribution design of the weir channel includes a 0.50% slope of the weir channel bottom ' towards each end of the weir channel from the inflow pipe. ' PERVIOUS AREAS SUBAREA PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TOTAL ' AAA 1.14 ac. 15.46 ac. 16.60 ac. BBB 2.24 ac. 14.06 ac. 16.30 ac. CCC 0.36 ac. 9.14 ac. 9.50 ac. ' DDD 0.21 ac. 8.69 ac. 8.90 ac. 1 GENERAL NOTES 1. The on-site drainage area to the wet detention basin is 51.3 acres. 2. The runoff from the upstream off-site drainage area will be collected, piped, and will by-pass the wet detention basin. 3. The maximum, reasonable on-site drainage is shown to be diverted into the wet detention basin. See sheets RG-1 and RG-2. 4. These plans consist of only the hydrologic design for the water quality mitigation pursuant to the 401 Water Quality Certification approval. These plans do not address other engineering aspects, including but not limited to, foundation design, structural design, and geotechnical design. WET DETENTION BASIN 1. The surface area of the wet detention basin is 0.79 acres. 2. The average depth of the wet detention basin is 8.41 feet. 3. The wet detention basin has capacity above the permanent pool (elevation 612.51) to retain one inch of surface runoff plus control the 10-year runoff. Discharge volumes from the basin shall be less than pre-construction volumes based on this design. 4. The bottom of the wet detention basin consists of the natural subgrade soil materials. 5. Security fencing is to be provided around the wet detention basin. The entrance drive is to be gated and locked. A service drive is provided for maintenance. 6. The.stepped retaining walls will allow for 5 foot wide terraces which will be landscaped. 7. Guard posts shall be made of 61, black iron and filled with concrete. 8. To prevent short-circuiting, the inflow distribution design of the weir channel includes a 0.50% slope of the weir channel bottom towards each end of the weir channel from the inflow pipe. PERVIOUS AREAS SUBAREA PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TOTAL AAA 1.14 ac. 15.46 ac. 16.60 ac. BBB 2.24 ac. 14.06 ac. 16.30 ac. CCC 0.36 ac. 9.14 ac. 9.50 ac. DDD 0.21 ac. 8.69 ac. 8.90 ac. I r r ?a Gardinal 1 UNIVERTISITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC QTR55 CALCULATIONS AS IS CONDITIONS 1 1 1 1 1 Quick TR-SS Ver.5.44 S/N:131S460089 Executed= 14:30:31 06-01-1993 UNIVERTISITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC AS IS CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1.993 RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Composite Area. CC AREA CN SURFACE DESCRIPTION (acres) ---------------------------------- --------- ---- BRUSH WEED GRASS 4.82 77 WOODS 3.94 86 PAVED PARKING LOT 0.84 98 COMPOSITE AREA - -) 9.60 82.5 Composite Area, BB AREA CN SURFACE DESCRIPTION (acres) --------------------------------- ---------- ---- BUSH WEED GRASS 1.62 77 WOODS 3.00 86 COMPOSITE AREA - ) 4.62 82.8 Composite Area: AA COMPOSITE ( 83 ) ?. rnr°,.._.rt CAP`. SURFACE DESCR [.PT I OPT BUSH WEED GRASS :10,95 77 WOODS 0. PAVED PARKING LOT,-' ( 8:3 ) Quick TR-55 Ver.5.44 S/N-13154600£39 Executed: 14:30,31 06--01-1993 UNIVERTISITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNT`( NC AS IS CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1993 RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER SUMMARY Subarea Area CN Description (acres) (weighted) -------------- --------- ------------ CC 9.60 83 BB 4.62 83 AA 31.94 83 Quick TR--55 Ver.5.44 S/N:1315460089 Executed: 14:28:15 06-01-1993 UNIV PL.TCT UNIVERSITY PLACE ' MECKL_ENBURG C OUNTY, NC AS IS CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1993 COMPUTATIONS FO T R: CC c SHEET FLOW (Applicable to Tc only) ' Segment ID 1 Surface description PAVEMENT Manning's roughness coeff., n 0.0200 ' Flow length, L (total < or = 300) ft 100.0 Two--yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 3.500 Land slope, s ft/ft 0.0100 p 0.8 ' .007 * (n*L ) T = -------------- hrs 0.04 0.5 0.4 ' P2 * s SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW ' Segment. ID 2 Surface (paved or unpaved)? Unpaved Flow length, L ft 200.0 ' Watercourse slope, s ft/ft 0.0200 0.5 Avg .V = ' Csf * (s) ft/s 2 , 2313 ' where. Unpaved Csf = 16.1345 Paved Csf = 20.3282 ' T = L / (3600*V) hr-s 0.02 CHANNEL FLOW ' Segment ID 3 Cross Sectional Flow Area, a sq.ft 5,2 ' Wetted per.imeter-, Pw Hydraulic radius, r -` a/Pw ft ft. 5.5(11 0..955: " Channel slope, _ ft/ft 0.. 01.5`C Manning's roughness coeff . , n 0.0-10C 1 .49 r V v _ _ -- - - ?I ft/s 5 '71 0.04 0. 02 F1 ow 1.engt.h , I_. l (nnri T = L / ( 3600*V) ht ' Quick TR-55 Ver.5.44 Executed: 14:28:15 S/N:1315460089 06-01-1993 UNIVPL.TCT UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC AS IS CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1,993 Tc COMPUTATIONS FOR: BB ' SHEET FLOW (Applicable to Tc only) Segment ID 1 Surface description WEEDS BRUSH Manning's roughness coeff., n 0.0400 ' Flow length, L (total < or = 300) ft 100.0 Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 3.600 Land slope, s ft/ft 0.0100 ' .007 * (n*L ) 0.8 T _ --------------- hrs ' 0.5 0.4 P2 * s SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW ' Segment ID Surface (paved or unpaved)? Flow length, L ft Watercourse slope, s ft/ft 0.5 Avg. V = Csf (s) f t /s where: Unpaved Csf = 1.6.1345 Paved Csf = 20.3282 ' T w L / (3600*V) hrs ' CHANNEL. FLOW Segment ID Cross Sectional Flow Area, a Wetted perimeter, Pw ' Hydraulic radius, r ='a/Pw Channel - lnp? M.anning's roughness coeff, r 2/' 1, ._ 1..49 * r * s r7 0.07 2 Unpaved 150.0 0.0300 2.7946 0 .01. sq. f t 2.80 ft 4.50 ft 0 .62:°' ft/ft 0.0150 0.0300 ft./s 4.4 :34 - 7.07 0.01 i Quick TR-55 Ver.5.44 S/N=1315460089 Executed: 14:28.15 06-01-1993 UN IVPL.TCT UNIVERSITY PLACE ' MECKLENBURG C OUNTY, NC AS IS CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1.993 Tc COMPUTATIONS FO R: AA SHEET FLOW (Applicable to Tc only) Segment ID 1 Surface description PAVEMENT Manning's roughness coeff., n 0.0200 ' Flow length, L (total < or = 300) ft 300.0 Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 3.600 Land slope, s ft./ft 0.0200 ' 0.8 .007 * (n*L ) T ______________ hrs 0.07 - 0.07 0.5 0.4 ' P2 * S SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW ' Segment ID 2 Surface (paved or unpaved)? Unpaved Flow length, L ft 300.0 Watercourse slope, s ft/ft 0.0200 0.5 Avg. V = 'Csf * (s) f t/s 2.2818 ' where. Unpaved Csf = 16.1345 Paved Csf = 20.3282 T = L / (3600*V) hrs 0.04 - 0,04 CHANNEL FLOW ' Segment ID 3 Cross Sectional Flow Area, ? sp. f t. 1.1.30 Wetted perimeter, Pw Hydraulic radius, 1" a% Pb•.? ft ft, 6.40 1 . 766 Channel :lope, s ft./ft 0.0150 Manning's roughness coeff. , n 0.0300 2/3 112 1.49 * r * S ' V - --------------------- n ft.;/.s s, ••8861 Flow length, L ft 1500 T I_ / (3600*V) ? -, .._ 1 Quick TR-55 Ver.5.44 S/N:1315460089 Executed: 14:28:15 06-01-1993 UNIVPL.TCT SUMMARY SHEET FOR Tc or Tt COMPUTATIONS (Solved for Time using TR-55 Methods) UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC AS IS CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1993 Subarea descr. Tc or Tt Time (hrs) --------------- -------- ----------- cc Tc BB Tc 0 12 ' AA Tc 0.16 H n Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Pagge 1 Return Frequency: 10 years TR--55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II. Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 06-01-1993 14:24:36 Watershed file: --> UNIVPL MOP Hydrograph file: -) UNIVPL.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC AS IS CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1.993 1 >>>> Input Parameters Used to Comput e Hydrograph <<<< - ----- I- --------------- -------- --------- -----_ --_------- 1 -_ __----_ -----?------.._ Subarea AREA CN To Tt Precip. Runoff Ia/p Description (acres) (hrs) ( hrs) (in) ; (in) input/used ?G ----------- -o--- -- ------- --0--- -- - o-- --- --Q- -- - --- ----i_ -- --3_ __ ?_0? G 9 6 83 o i 0 0 5 10 26 BB 4.62 83.0 0.10 0.10 5.10 ; 3:.26 1.08 .10 AA ?---- ---- 31..94 ----- 83.0 --- _--- 0.20 - ------ 0.00 - 5.10 ; 3.26 1.08 .10 - Travel - from subarea o Ut-all --_--- } to composite -_-----_----- i---1 ----?.-------__---- watershed outfall point . I --- Subarea where user sp ecified interpolation between Ia/p tables . Total. area = 46.:16 acres or 0. 07213 sq.mi Peak dis charge - '181 cfs I WARNING: Drainage areas of two or more subareas differ by a factor of 5 or greater. 1 >>>> Computer Modifications -------- of Input --------- Parameters ----------- <<C<< --------------- ------- Input --------- Values - Rounde d Values Ia/p Subarea To * Tt To Tt. Interpolate d Ia./p ' Description --------------- ( hr) ------- ( hr) --- ------ ( hr) -------- ( hr ) ---------- (Yes/No) ------------ Message; -- CC' 0.1 1 0,04 0.1.0 0,00 No Coinpu ed Ia%P C 1. 3E ? . 0.12 0.04 0.10 0.10 No Corri pu t e d Ia; r) < 1 A 0.16 0.00 0.20 0.00 No Computed Ia/p :l Travel. t.a.mF front su bare•. out. fa, 11 to composite vi atP. r i-ed 0 ..tt:.f_:<1.1 P0. nt: . IF Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Page 2 Return Frequency: 10 years ' TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II. Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) ' Executed: 06-01--1993 14:24:36 Watershed file: > UNIVPL MOP Hydrograph file: --> UNIVPL.HYD ' UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC ' AS IS CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1993 >>>> Summary of Subarea. Times to Peak <<<< Peak Discharge at Time to Peak at ' Composite Outfall Composite Outfall Subarea (cfs) (hrs ) ' ------------- ._ ------------- -- cc -- ---------- -- 12 1 ----_ BB 20 12.2 AA 130 12.2 - -------------- -- h i d i ____ ---------- 181 te Waters Compos e Compos te 1:7 1 Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Page 3 Return Frequency; 10 years ' TR-55 TABULAR HYDRQGRAPH METHOD Type II. Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed= 06-01-1993 14:24:36 Watershed file: --> UNIVPL MOP Hydrograph file, --> UNIVPL.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE. MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC AS IS CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1.993 --------------- ------__ Composite -----_-----_ Hydrograph __--__------ Summary --------- (cfs ) -----__ _------ ------- _----- Subarea 11.0 11.3 11.6 11.9 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Description ----------- hr ------ hr ---------- hr hr ----------- hr --------- hr ------- hr ------- hr -------- hr ------- ---- 'C - 1 2 3 16 32 49 31 11 7 B 0 1. 1 3 6 12 20 16 9 A 4 5 8 34 66 120 1.30 78 41. ?,?l - (cfs) __-_ ot _-___?_ _____?_____ _??______??_ ___ 104 -_ __ 181 ___ -..?81 ___ _ 105 ___ __??__ Subarea 1.2.5 12.6 12.7 12. 13.0 13.2 13.:4 13.6 13..8 Description -------- hr --------- hr -__-_-_- hr -.__--_.__ hr .-_-__-- hr --_--___ hr __- -___ hr ______- h7- ---_ __ hr C 6 5 4 4 ., Y 2 _ 2 BB 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 A 27 21 17 14 11 10 9 8 7 ------------- - Total (c:fs) -------- 38 --------- 30 -------- 24 -------- 20 16 15 12 1 1 10 ' Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Page 4 Return Frequency: 10 years ' TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II. Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 06-01-1993 1.4:24:36 Watershed file: --> UNIVPL MOP Hydrograph file. -) UNIVPL.HYD ' UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKL_ENBURG COUNTY, NC ' AS IS CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1993 Composite --------- -Hydrograph ----------- Summary ------- (cfs ) ----- Subarea 14.0 14.3 14.6 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 Description __--__---- hr -------- hr --------__ hr hr __---__-___- hr -___--_- hr __----_ hr -__---__- hr _-___---- hr ------ C C 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 A 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 ------------- Total (cfs) ----- -- 10 ---- ----- 9 -- ------ --- 8 7 ---- --- 6 --- --- 6 ---- -_ 4 --- 4 -- - -- 4 [--Subarea 18.0 -1.9.0--- 20.0---22.0- _-26_0__- --_--_ -__._---_ --__---- -__-_-- De.script.ion hr hr hr hr hr --------------- -------- ---------- ----__------ ---_-__--- -_____ -__---- _--_____ _----- C 1 1 1 1. 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 AA 3 3 2 2 0 total-( Gf s __---- .) ---__.-- 4 4 ----- __--_ 4 -_ 3 ---_--_- 3 -_ 3 ______ 0 ---- ------ ------- -------- ------_- Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Page 5 ' Return Frequency: 10 years TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II. Distribution (24 hr, Duration Storm) Executed: 06-01-1993 14:24:36 ' Watershed file: --> UNIVPL 311OP Hydrograp h file: --> UNIVPL.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNT`(, NC AS IS CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1993 Time Flow Time Flow (hrs) ----- (cfs) (hrs) ------------- ------- (cfs) ---------- 11 ..0 5 14 .:8 7 ' 11.1 6 14.9 7 11.2 7 15 .0 7 1.1.3 8 15.1 7 ' 11.4 9 1.5.2 7 11.5 11 15.3 6 11.6 1.2 15.4 6 11.7 26 15„s 6 ' 11.8 39 15 .6 6 11.9 53 15,7 6 ' 12.0 12.1 104 15.:8 181 15.9 6 6 12.2 181 16.0 6 12.3 105 1.6.1 6 12.4 57 16.2 5 12.5 38 16.3 5 12.6 30 1.6 .4 4 12.7 24 16.5 4 12.8 20 16.6 4 12.9 18 167 4 13.0 16 16.8 4 ' 13.1 15 16.9 4 13.2 15 17.O 4 13.3 13 17 . 1 4 13.. 4 1.2 ]. 7 . `'2 4. ' 13.5 12 17,3 4 13.6 1.1 17 t ,4 4 1.3..7 10 17.x', 4 1.3.8 1.0 17.6 13.9 10 17.7 14.0 10 17.8 ' 14.1 10`- 14 .2 14.3 9 14.5 ' Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Page 6 Return Frequency: 10 years ' TR-SS TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II. Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed, 06-01-1993 14:24:36 Watershed file: --> UNIVPL MOP Hydrograph file: --> UNIVPL.HYD ' UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC AS IS CONDITION AS OF MAY, 1993 ' Time Flow (hrs) (cfs) 186 18.7 4 18.8 18.9 4 19.0 4 19.1 4 19.2 4 19.3 4 19.4 4 19.5 4 ' 19.6 3 19.7 3 ' 19.8 19.9 3 3 20.0 3 20.1 3 20.2 3 ' 20.3 3 20.4 3 20.5 3 ' 20.6 3 20.7 20.8 3 ' 20.9 21.0 21.1 21.2 ' 21.3 :3 21..4 _3 21 5 21.6 3 3 21.7 _. 21.8 ' 21.9 :-, 22. 0 2.2.1. 22,2 2 2 Time Flow (hrs) --------- (cfs) -------- 22 .4 3 22.5 3 22.6 3 22.7 2 22.8 2 22 .9 2 23.0 2 23.1 2 23.2 2 23,3 2 23.4 2 23.5 2 23.6 2 23,7 2 23.8 2 23.9 2 24-0 2 24.1 1 24.2 1. 24.3 1 24.4 1 24.5 1 24.6 1 24 .7 1 24.8 3. 24 .'-q 1 2F) .0 1 25,1 1 J.2 L ? 5 .3 1 2S 4 j r_ t- .. 5./ .. n 1 ir 1 ?2 Candinai UNIVERTISITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC QTR55 CALCULATIONS 10 YEAR STORM EVENT BUILD OUT CONDITIONS U U U N a? U w 0 p ro x ,d a a a) U N 0 0 z "ru d C? ¢ a W? M? W M Quick TR-55 Version. 5.44 5/N= 1315460089 Page 1 TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distribution ( 24 hr . Duration Storm } ' Executed: 06-05-1993 11:12:28 Watershed file: -> UNIPLWSD.WSD Hydrograph file: --> UNIPPIPE.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC ' BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM >>>> Input Parameters Used to Compute Hydrograph <<<< ---------------------- ----- ----- -- Subarea ----------- AREA ----------------- CN Tc ----- * Tt Precip. ; Runoff Ia/p Description ___-- (acres) ----------__ (hrs) _----------------- (hrs) --------- - (in) _ ---_----- ___(in )-- input/used SUBAREA AAA 16.60 95.0 0.10 0.00 5.00 ; 4.42 1.02 .10 SUBAREA BBB 16.30 95.0 0.10 0.00 5.00 ; 4.42 1.02 .10 ' SUBAREA CCC 9.50 95.0 0.10 0.00 5.00 4.42 1.02 .10 SUBAREA DDD 8.90 95.0 0.10 -------------- 0.00 -------- 5.00 ----------- 4.42 ------------- 1.02 ----- .10 ------ -------------- * Travel time ----------- from subar --- ea outfall to com posite watershed outfall po int. I __--- Subarea where user specified interpo lation between Ia /p tables. ' Total ar ea - 51.30 acres Peak discharge or 0. = 358 08016 sq.m cfs i ' > > C t f M difi ti I t Parameters <<<<< > er ompu > ons o o ca --------- npu ------------- ------------ Input Va lues Rounded V alues Ia/p ' Subarea Tc Tt Tc Tt. I nterpolate d Ia/p Description ( hr) ( hr) ( hr) t hr) (Yes/No) Messages --------------- UBAREA AAA ----------- -`v 0.12 F--^ . 0.00 010 0.00 No Computed Ia/p < .1 UBAREA BBB 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.00 No Computed Ia/p < .1 SUBAREA CCC 0.11 0.00 0.10 0.00 No Computed Ia/p < .1 UBAREA DDD 0.10 0-.00 0.10 0.00 No Comc)u t ed I a/p : .1 Travel time from subar ea outfall to com posite ,.iatershed o-ttfall point. k Q i TR-55 V i : 5 44 S/N: 1315460089 u c ers on . Page 2 TR--55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD ' Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 06-05-1993 11:12:28 Watershed file: - > UNIPLWSD.WSD Hydrograph file. --> UNIPPIPE.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC ' BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM ' k < >>>> Summary of Subarea Times to Pea <<< Peak Discharge at. Time to Peak at Composite Out.fall Composite Outfall. Subarea ( cfs ) ( hrs ) ' ---- --------------- --- AAA 116 SUBAREA ------ 72 1 BBB 114 SUBAREA 12.1 SUBAREA CCC 66 12.1 ' SUBAREA DDD ----_---2_ __ ___ -- ---------- -- ----_ Composite Watershed 3S8 12..1 n Quick TR-55 Version. 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Page 3 TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD ' Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) ' Executed 06-05-1993 11:12:28 Watershed file: --> UNIPLWSD.WSD Hydrograph file; > UNIPPIPE.HYD ' UNIVERSITY PLACE - 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM Composite --------- Hydrograph ----- Summary (cfs) Subarea 11.0 11.3 11.6 ----- 11.9 ------- 12.0 ----- 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Description -------------- hr -------- hr --------- hr ------ hr ------ hr - hr hr hr hr SUBAREA AAA 3 4 6 38 ------ 74 ------- 116 -------- 72 ------- 25 ------- 17 UBAREA BBB 3 4 6 38 73 114 71 24 17 If UBAREA CCC 2 2 3 22 42 66 41 14 10 SUBAREA DDD 1 2 3 21 40 62 39 13 9 ?al - (cfs) --__ ot _____9__ _ ___??____ _??__--? -_ 119 W_ __???_ _. _ . _?58 -._ __??3___ __.,J_--- ---_53___ ________-_____ ________ _________ ____..__ _______ __.-_____ __.._--_--_ ____ Subarea 12.5 12.6 12.7 12..8 13.0 13.2 13.4 13.6 13.8 Description hr hr hr hr hr hr hr hr- hr _.._ _UBAREA AAA 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 S SUBAREA BBB 14 12 10 9 7 6 6 5 5 I UBAREA CCC 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 UBAREA DDD 8 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 -------------- ?otal ( cfs ) -------- 44 --------- 37 ------ 31 ------ 28 ------- 23 ------- 21 -------- 18 ------ 16 ------- 16 u Quick TR-55 Version." 5.44 S/N. 1315460089 ' TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) ' Executed: 06-OS-1993 11:12:28 Watershed file: > UNIPLWSD.WSD Hydrograph file: - > UNIPPIPE.HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM Page 4 t-------------- ------_- Composite Hydrograph _ - Summary (cfs) - _ _____ ___ ______ - ------ Subarea 14.0 14.3 14.6 15.0 15.S 16.0 16.S 17.0 17.5 "Description -------------- hr --------- hr -_.__- ._.-- --- hr -- ---_ hr -_ ----- -- hr -_.- hr ---- -- hr ---- -- hr --_ --_-- hr-- _-_.-- aAAA 4 4 ? 3 3 - - 2 SUBAREA BBB 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 BAREA CCC UU 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 DDD BAREA 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 total (cfs ) 12 12 12 10 10 9 6 6 6 t-- ----- ------- --------- ----- ------ - - --- ---_.--- ------._ ------- -----.-- Subarea 18.0 19.0 20.0 22.0 0 26 . Description hr hr hr hr hr UBAREA AAA 2 2 1 1 0 SUBAREA BBB 2 2 1 1 0 UBAREA CCC 1 1 1 1 0 UBAREA DDD 1 ----- 1 ---------- 1 ----- 1 ------- 0 - --------------- Total (cfs ) -- 6 6 4 4 0 1 Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 06--05-1993 11:12:28 Watershed file: --> UNIPLWSD.WSD Hydrograph file: --> UNIPPIPE.HYD LJ u UNIVERSITY PLACE - 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM Time Flow ( hrs)--- ----( cfs ) 11.0 9 11.1 10 1.1.2 11 11.3 12 11.4 14 11 .5 16 11.6 18 11.7 52 11.8 85 11.9 119 12.0 229 12.1 358 12.2 223 12.3 76 12.4 53 12.S 44 12.6 37 12.7 31 12.8 28 12.9 25 13.0 23 13.1 22 1.3..2 21 13.3 19 13.4 18 13.5 17 1.3.6 16 13.7 16 13.8 16, 13.9 14 14.0 12 14.1 12 14.2 12 14.3 12 14.4 12. 14 .5 12. 14.6 1.2 Time Flow ( hrs ?____ ____( cfs ) 14.8 11 14.9 10 15.0 10 15.1 10 1S.2 10 15.3 10 15.4 10 15.:5 10 15.6 10 15.7 10 15.8 9 15.9 9 16.0 9 16.1 8 16.2 8 16.3 7 16.4 7 16.x, 6 16.6 6 16 .7 6 16. 61, 16 . `-; 6 1'.0 6 17.1 6 17.2 r 17.3 > 17 .4 6 17-5 !. 17.6 6 1.7.x. 1 7 `. Page 5 Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) ' Executed= 06-05-1993 11:12:28 Watershed file. - > UNIPLWSD.WSD Hydrograph file: --> UNIPPIPE.HYD UNIV ERSITY PLACE - 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM ' ' Time Flow Time Flow (hrs) (cfs) (hrs) (cfs) ------- 1 8 6 . 6 ------------ ------------ 2- ---- - 7 1 8 . 6 22.5 4 18.8 6 22,6 3 18.9 6 22.7 3 19.0 6 22.8 3 19.1 6 22.9 3 19.2 6 23.0 3 ' 1.9.3 5 23.1 3 19.4 5 23.2 3 19.5 5 23.3 3 19.6 5 23.4 3 19.7 5 23.5 3 19.8 4 23.6 2 ' 19.9 4 23.7 2 20.0 4 23.8 2 20.1 4 23.9 2 20.2 4 24.0 2 20.3 4 24.1 2 20.4 4 24.2 2 20 5 4 24.3 2 ' . 20.6 4 24.4 2 20.7 4 24.5 2 20.8 4 24.6 1 20.9 4 24.7 1 21.0 4 24.8 1 21.1 4 24.") 1 21.2 4 23.0 1 ' 4 25,1 1 21.4 4 25.2 1 21.5 4 25.3 1 ' 21.6 4 2s .4 1 21.7 4 25, E. i. 21,8 !E 15 .' 21.9 4 25, 7 ' 22.0 4 ''17 22 . 1 22.2 22. Page 6 ' (Quick. TR-55 Ver°eion: 5.44 Sy 1•.l; 1315450089 pace 1 TR-SS TABULAR' HYDROGRAPH METHOD Tvpe I1 Di tvr'ibut;icn (24 hr-. D u r a t. `ion .`.;3 t. <:> r° ITT ) ' ct.`# t e.(J _ 06--07-1993 12: 38 29 Watershed H;dr"ocr°;ar:)i"I f'i 1_e , --, t_1PdTVC CC H`t' D ' l_!NI VE:R TTY F'LAt 1= P.ECKLEt-,1BURG COUNTY, NC; 1.0 Y•E..hh 'S,T•0YM EVEf`,T FOR DPAINIf,(_,E SECTION C.,CC " f 1 t_#baa rec3, A,REA N1 TL. '#` Tt e C: i. pi .. p r 3. J t Ui1o ))esCr=ipt i c n l 3C.'rt r 1 ( hr' ) t t7r'=•': J l n 7 t in input,Jt_#seC.; Tr"'aVe1. ir'#1c=. from ' uV-)a r ea. o0t.+a1.1 t:C) C!')mP)C)`I.t.?; 4da..t,eY hd C?lJt ta1 .!. C)1.i)t; .? .._ ` St..# b ar 'i nd !.: r ! .L. ?:. (..? t ?c3. !,,.J--,ere ... tables, 1. 1 d 1"' r .:a (:I (C_; r` E' :; C) f (.) . ?.! i. J :' ,l ?: Gy . !Tl 1 C?f Input I ' O !?r'1v :'c1t: J t <`: f:1 ' % C . :?? .. . .. . • C!iT.,..) ._ J u E ? r° e a I;..ir,ut V;..l_!ef.. Rounded !2i..1.h1z_.... T_ c 1 t T T t, 1a1t." T; I t e r' ). a t. e r; T, r) . , . DesC';r'i pt J- cn i1 r. .) i1I"') 1"ir") L Yeti Nic Mlle`=_';a qes i.t r C)(?:;;. No r# t)t.e d t ' -T r' a. 'v e Z t i m c-,,. f i. C) r(1 a lb3 r' e is o l.1 't:. f a 1. Z t. C) C o! T1 r r) s :L f; ('? v,J a t:, e r.. c; i 1 r: , f u 'f: ` =j l l n -L r. t. . 1 .?. . e T c & Tt are ,: M; c.M t.`I `•.? <°; r° r ?i r. ?3 r:> t°? t. ;?, r-? .. ?= M t ?=. p L I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quick 1 R J S Version: . 5.44 .`'.7 /N1 TR--SS TABULAR HlYDROGRAPH METHOD Watershed file- Utl\flvc(-'C !-ivdr ograr),,) tile., > i_Ji`•11\?CCC; . HYD M {l'.-Kl_._E::N'BURt: COUNTY, !•iC ,C) YFA R 5 TO R.M 'E"Vk--,k!T f=0R 1)Rs`-lINs` (AIL-. ECT0N . ?> i_! I l i t11 rt r"v ubz r.ea COO c_; :rU?'S r'.r'e-a 1 :1.fl'Ir'.`i1 C) t.i t: f : ,J:t l r;.f s i t'j c J to ,,<<< Page 2 ' QUiCk, T°R--SS U rsior.r, SA-1 S!i\. 1315460089 Pace TABULAR HYDF-,?OGRAPI-i METHOD T. %f Y) e I I D _i c.; t, r :i !:> a t: i o n .. c;a 8 - 219 HYD 1 Mt=_CuL.Ei.i83 JRi C;0UhiT"Y , NC 1C? YEAR T'0k1f~1 EVENT E=(.?P Dl-,'A INAGI'E" ECI'TGf'i r4rCC U b a, r- e ; t 1 1... `a .12 .. 0 1. .! 12.2 1 '. , 3 1.2 . 4 Desmcrir)1,ion hr !ar rr i°. r' t1 r° r t°r" I, r° hr -5, 4 1.2 8 Total. c -4 e-3 w H 7- L 11.2 7 t.._ .. 1 ' . r ? 1.:z 1. J . 4 i '_, De C; r `:i r,) t. i < n r f 1 r Quick TR-SS Ver-si.on. S ..44 SIN. 131...5460089 1..R--55 TA8I._Il-..r-,R HYDRt:)GRf?1-IH METF?(:)D T`!?:ie II D1s,tr ibu.tion (2e.,! t"1 r' . D (.! r a :i l' o n r . - - 1 993 1.2 2:, Executed- 06-07-1. W ,a tet'..sh d file.. > :II'll1NCICi', WSr) Hyc_1r°oa -apt-i fi.1e --, UNT.VC^CC HYU UNIVERSITY FC,LP,CE r 10 YEA w' ECKI_.ENBURt COUPITY, NCI R ?i'TORM EVENT FOR DRAINt)!=.iF: SECTION C::` C.:; 1 T m £= F 1. U v.7 T 1.. Ill e F I 11 'o "i. 1 A.. E, r .1 ,2 : y 1 i.L.4 2 1:`j.L <. r° fl J , r ; 1. .4 r a I ,cam' 1 ! 1.:; •L 4'-(', 1 1 ` t. 1. . w; 15 1. 1.2 12 17 6 6 16 , /1 i. t 4, 1.6 . 1"S 1 t. t . r . I 1 c ., r Paa>>e 4 Quick TR-SS Version: 5..44 `3/N- 13-315-160089 TR--SS TABULAR i-i`r'1)sY'C1t h2AP11 METHOD (24 hr., Duration Storm) 1A L. s.., he c! i 1.e . - -> l_JN1.'; r`r :r ,^J D f 1 .). e, - H Y 1..} 1.0 YE AlR S (C) R M , 1 0)i .-i ]. rn €-: F 7 ca t a ± :i- rri :° = :I o ?;. 2 1. 2 2 1F 1. _ i. 9 ":S 19 E'll 9 61 i- 9 7 2C. 2 0.. e> 1. •.1. :' 2 0 -17 Cl -17 21 ^.. 21 1. 22' ! Page, 5 j UNIVERTISITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC DETENTION POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS ' POND--2 Version: 5.17 S/N: UNIVERSTIY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC DETENTION POND VOLUME CALCULATED 06--05-1993 11:20:41. DISK FILE: UNIVPL VOL Planimeter scale: 1 inch - 20 ft. Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(Al*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq. in .) (acres) (acres) --- (acre-ft) (acre-ft) -------__-------__...----_ ----------- 612.50 ----------_..- 86.03 --------_--_--------_-_--- 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 613.00 86.03 0.79 2.37 0.39 0.39 615.00 88.21 0.81 2.40 1.60 1.99 620.00 91.48 0.84 2.47 4.12 6.12 625.00 95.83 0.88 2.58 4.30 10.42 630.00 96.93 0.89 2.66 4.43 14.84 IA = (sq.rt( Areal) + ((Ei-E1 )/( E2-EI) }*( sq.rt( Ar ea2 )-sq.)-t( Areal)) ) where: El, E2 = Closest two elevations with planimeter data ' Ei = Elevation at which to inter polate area Areal,Area2 w Areas computed for El, E2, respectively IA = Interpolated area for Ei Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-ELI) * (Areal + Area2 + sq .rt .( Areal*Area2) ) ' where: ELI, EL2 w Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for ELI, EL 2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between E!_.1 and EL2 UNIVERTISITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES WITH RATING TABLE UNIVERSITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC 1" STORM VOLUME TOTAL CONTRIBUTING ACREAGE = 51.3 ACRES RUNOFF DEPTH FOR CN95 CURVE = 0.56" POND SURFACE AREA =0.79 ACRES VOLUME OF RUNOFF = 51.3 x 0.56/12 = 2.39 AC-FT DEPTH OF 1" STORM RUNOFF IN DET. POND = 3.03' NORMAL POOL SURFACE ELEVATION = 612.50' DISCHARGE INVERT ELEVATION FOR 1' STORM DISCHARGE ORFICE = 612.50' SURFACE ELEVATION OF 1" STORM IN DETENTION POND = 615.53' DATUM ELEVATION FOR MULTI DISCHARGE STRUCTURES = 615.53' ' Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N' Date Executed: Time Executed= UNIVERSITY PLACE -- STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUM MARY **** Elevation (ft) Q (cfs) ---- Contributing Structures ------------------------ -------------- 612.50 --- 0.0 1.. 613.00 0.1 1. 613.50 0.1 1. 614.00 0.1 1. 614.50 0.1 1. 615.00 0.2 1. 615.50 0.2 1. 616.00 0.2 1. +2 616.50 15.0 1. +2 617.00 42.1 1. '+2 617.50 74.3 1. +2 ' 618.00 85.8 1. +2 618.50 95.:9 1. +2 619 00 105.1 1. +2 ' . 619.50 113,5 1. +2 620.00 121.3 1. +2 620.50 128.7 1. +2 621.00 135.6 1. +2 621.50 142.2 1. +2 622.00 148.5 1. +2 622.50 623.00 154.6 160.4 1. 1. +2 +2 623.50 166.1 1. +2 624.00 171.5 1. +2 624.50 176.8 1. +2 625.00 181.9 1. +2 +3 625.50 208.1 1. +2 +-3 626.00 251.7 1. +2 +3 626.50 306.7 1. +2 +3 627.00 370.8 1. +2 +3 L! Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE - STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENEURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR Planimeter Input File: UNIVPL VOL Rating Table Output File: UNISTAGE.PND Min. Elev.(ft) = 612.5 Max. Elev.(ft) = 627 Incr.(ft) = .5 Additional elevations, (ft) to be included in table: SYSTEM CONNECTIVITY Structure No. 0 Table 0 Table - ORIFICE 1. -> 1. STAND PIPE 2 -> 2 WEIR-VR 3 -; 3 Outflow rating table summary was stored in file: UNISTAGE.PND t Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: S.17 S/N- Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE -- STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES >>>>>> Structure No. 1. <<<<<< (Input Data) ORIFICE Orifice - Based on Area and Datum Elevation E1 elev.(ft)? 612.5 E2 elev.(ft )? 627.001 Orifice coeff.? ..6 Invert elev.(ft.)? 612.5 Datum elev.(ft) ? 612.5 Orifice area (sp ft)? 0.0218 t Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND--2 Version: 5.17 S/N Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE -- STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MEC:KLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES >>>>>> Structure No, 2 <<<<<< (Input Data) STAND PIPE Stand Pipe with weir or orifice flow E1 el.ev.(ft )? 616 E2 elev,(ft)? 627.001 Crest elev.(ft )? 616.0 Diameter (ft)? 4.0 Weir coefficient? 3.33 Orifice coefficient? .6 Start transition elev.(ft) Transition height. (ft)? t Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE - STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES >>>>>> Structure No. 3 <<<<<< (Input Data) WEIR-VR Weir - Vertical Rectangular E1 elev.(ft )? 625 E2 elev. (ft. )? 627.001 Weir coefficient? 3.0 Weir elev j ft )? 625.0 Length (ft)? 20 Contracted/Suppresses! (C/S )? S I? H Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE -- STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES Outflow Rating Table for Structure #1.: ORIFICE Orifice - Based on Area and Datum Elevation Elevation (ft) Q (cfs) Computation Messages 612.50 0.0 H =0.0 613.00 0.1 H =.5 613.50 0.1 H =1.0 614.00 0.1 H =1.5 614.50 0.1 H =2.0 615.00 0.2 H =2.5 615.50 0.2 H =3.0 616.00 0.2 H =3.5 616.50 0.2 H =4.0 617.00 0.2 H =4.5 617 .5O 0.2 H =S.0 618.00 0.2 H =5.5 618 .50 0.3 H =6.0 619.00 0.3 H =6.5 619.50 0.3 H =7.0 620.00 0.3 H =7.5 620.50 0.3 H =8.0 621.00 0.3 H =8.5 621.50 0.3 H =9„0 622.00 0.3 H =9.5 622.50 0.3 H =10.0 623.00 0.3 H x=10.5 623.50 0.3 H =11.0 624.00 0.4 H =11.5 624.50 0.4 H =12.0 625.00 0.4 -i ==12.5 625.50 0.4 H =13.O 626.00 0.4 H =13Z 626.50 0.4 H =14.O 627.00 0.4 H =14.5 C = .6 A = 0218 sg.ft. H (ft.) - Table elev. - Datum elev. ( 612.5 ft. 0 (cfs) - C * A *: sgr(2g k H) Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 Date Executed: S/N: Time Executed: ' UNIVERSITY PLACE - STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES 1 Outflow Rating Table for Structure #2 STAND PIPE Stand Pipe with weir or orifice flow ***** INLET CONTROL ASSUMED ***** Elevation (ft) Q (cfs) Computation Messages 612.,50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 616 613.00 0.0 E < E1= 616 613.50 0.0 E < E1= 616 614.00 0.0 E < E1= 616 614.50 0.0 E < E1= 616 615.00 0.0 E < E1= 616 615.50 0.0 E < E1= 616 616.00 0.0 Weir: H =0.0 616 .50 14.8 Wei-r" H =.5 617.00 41.8 Weir. H =1.0 617.50 74.1. Orifice: H =1.5 618.00 85.6 Orifice: H =2.0 618.50 95.7 Orifice: H =2.5 619.00 104.8 Orifice: H =3.0 619.50 113.2 Orifice: H =3.5 620.00 121.0 Orifice: H =4.0 620.50 128.4 Orifice: H =4.5 621.00 135.3 Orifice: H =5.0 621.50 141.9 Orifice: H =5.5 622.00 148.2 Orifice: H =6.0 622.50 154.3 Orifice: H =6.S 623.00 160.1 Orifice: H =7.0 623.50 165.7 Orifice: H r-7 .S 624.00 171.1 Orifice: H =8.0 624.50 176.4 Orifice: H =8.5 625.00 181.5 Orifice: H =9.0 625.50 186.5 Orifice: 1-1 =9.5 626.00 191.: Orifice: H =10.0 626.50 196.1 Orifice: H'1 =10.5 627.00 200.7 Orifice-: H =11.0 Weir Cw = 3.33 Weir length - 12.56637 ft Orifice Co = .6 Orific Z:re:- 12.' 6637 sq..ft. Q (c f s) = (C w 3; L _. No transition u:s(,.:d, tran sitinj Weir equation -- Or i f i '- r-iu 'I? 1 Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 Date Executed. S/N. Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE - STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES Outflow Rating Table for Structure #3 WEIR-VR Weir - Vertical Rectangular ***** INLET CONTROL ASSUMED ***** Elevation (ft) Q (cfs) Computation Messages 612.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 613.00 0.0 E < Inv.E1.= 625 613.50 0.0 E < Inv. E l .. = 625 614.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 614.50 0..0 E < Inv.El.= 625 615.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 615.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 616.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 616.50 0.0 E 0 Inv. E 1 . = 625 617.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 617.50 0.,0 E < Inv.El.= 625 618.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 618.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 619.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 619.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 620.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 620.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 621.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 621.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 622.00 0.0 E <. Inv.El.= 62S 622.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 623.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 623.50 0.0 E < Inv. E 1 . = 625 24.00 0.0 E , I nv. E l . - 625 624.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 625.00 0.0 H = 0.0 625 .50 21.2 H = .5 626.00 60.0 H = 1.0 626.50 110.2 H = 1.5 , 627.00 169.7 H = 2.0 C = 3 L (ft) = 20 H (ft) = Table elev. Invert elev. ( 6 2S ft:, Q (cfs) = C * L * (H*.*1 ..5) .___ S uppressed W•: L UNIVERTISITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC 10 YEAR DETENTION POND ROUTING POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: EXECUTED: 06-06-1993 10=26:19 UNIVPL Page 1 Return Freq: 10 years UNIVERSTIY PLACE - 10 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC * BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM Inflow Hydrograph: UNIPPIPE.HYD Rating Table file: UNISTAGE.PND ----INITIAL CONDITIONS---- Elevation 612.50 ft outflow 0.00 cfs Storage - 0.00 ac-ft GIVEN POND DATA INTERMEDIATE ROUTING COMPUTATIONS L? ELEVATION; OUTFLOW ; STORAGE (ft) ; (cfs) ; (ac-ft) --_----_--- 612.50 ; 0.0 ; 0.000; 613.00 ; 0.0 ; 0.395; 613.50 ; 0.0 ; 0.791; 614.00 ; 0.0 ; 1.190; 614.50 ; 0.0 ; 1.591; 615.00 ; 0.0 ; 1.995; 615.50 ; 0.0 ; 2.401; 616.00 ; 0.1 ; 2.808; 616.50 ; 0.1 ; 3.217; 617.00 ; 0.1 ; 3.627; 617.50 ; 0.1 ; 4.039; 618.00 ; 0.2 ; 4.452; 618.50 ; 0.2 ; 4.867; 619.00 ; 0.2 ; 5.283; 619.50 ; 15.0 ; 5.701; 620.00 ; 42.1 ; 6.120; 620.50 ; 74.3 ; 6.541; 621.00 ; 8S.8 ; 6.964; 621.50 ; 95.9 ; 7.389; 622.00 ; 105.1 ; 7.816; 622.50 ; 113.5 ; 8.245; 623.00 ; 121.3 ; 8.676; 623.50 ; 128.7 ; 9.109; 624.00 ; 135.6 ; 9.544;. 624.50 ; 142.2 ; 9.981; 625.00 ; 148.5 ; 10.420; 625.50 ; 175.8 ; 10.860; 626.00 ; 220.4 ; 11.300; E,26.50 276.3 ; 11.742; 627..00 ; 341.2 ; 12.184; 2S/t ; 2S/t + 0 (cfs) i -------------- (cfs) ------------ 0.0 ; 0.0 9S.6 ; 95.6 191.5 191.5 ; 288.0 ; 288.0 385.1 385.1 482.8 482.8 ; 581.0 ; S81.0 679.5 ; 679.6 ; 778.4 ; 778.5 ; 877.7 877.8 ; 977.3 ; 977.4 1077.4 ; 1077.6 ; 1177.7 ; 1177.9 1278.4 ; 1278.6 1379.5 1394.5 ; 1481.0 ; 1523.1 ; 1582.9 1657.2 1685.2 1771.0 1788.1 1884.0 1891,4 ; 1996.S 1995.2 ; 2108.7 ; 2099.5 ; 2220.8 ; 2204.3 ? 2333.0 230?? .5 2445.1 2.41 . 255/.5 2521 .5 ; 2670.0 2628,1 ; 2803. 2 7 3 u POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: EXECUTED: 06-06-1993 10:26:19 Pond File: UNISTAGE.PND Inflow Hydrograph: UNIPPIPE.HYD Outflow Hydrograph: UNIV10 HYD INFLOW HYDROGRAPH ------------------ TIME ; INFLOW ; ( hrs ) ; ( cfs ) ' 11.000 ; 9.00; 11.100 ; 10.00; 11.200 ; 11.00; 11.300 ; 12.00; 11.400 ; 14.00; 11.500 ; 16.00; ' 11.600 ; 11.700 ; 18.00; 52.00; 11.800 ; 85.00; 11.900 ; 119.00; 12.000 ; 229.00; 12 . 100 ; 3S8..00: 12.200 ; 223.00; ' 12.300 ; 12.400 ; 76..00; 53.00; 12 .500 ; 44.00: 12.600 ; 37.00; 12.700 ; 31.00; 12.800 ; 28.00; 12.900 ; 26.00: .; 13.000 ; 23.00; 13.100 ; 22.00; 13.200 ; 21.00; ' 13.300 ; 13.400 ; 20.00; 18.00: 13.500 ; 17.00; 13.600 ; 7 16.00; ' 13.700 ; 16.00; 13.800 ; 16.00; 13.900 ; 14.00; 14.000 ; 12.00; 14.100 ; 12.00; 14.200 ; 12.00; 14.300 ; 14.400 ; 12.00: 12.00; 14.500 ; 12.00; 14.600 ; 12.00; 14.700 ; 12.00; 14.800 ; 11.00; 14.900 ; 10..00; 15.000 ; 15.100 ; 10.00; 10.,00; 15.200 ; 10.00; 15.300 ; 10..00; 15.400 ; 10.00; I1+I2 (cfs) 19.0 21.0 23.0 26.0 30.0 34.0 70.0 137.0 204.0 348.0 587.0 581.0 299.0 129.0 97.0 81.0 68.0 59.0 S4.0 49.0 45.0 43.0 41.0 38.0 35.0 33.0 32.0 32.0 30.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 24 .0 24.0 24.0 24.0 2.4 .0 23.0 21.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20 .O Page 2 UNIVPL Return Freq: 10 years ROUTING COMPUTATIONS 2S/t -- 0 (cfs ) ------------ 0.0 19.0 40.0 63.0 89.0 119.0 153.0 223.0 360.0 564.0 911.8 1424.8 1794.2 1868.6 1787.2 1692 .4. 1601.4 1518.3 1467.1 1437.7 1417.9 1404.1 1394.9 1388.S 1383.0 1378.1 1374.1 1371 .2 1369.6 1367.5 1363.7 1359.5 1,3S6.3 1353.9 1352.2 1350.9 1349.9 1349 .2 1347.9 1345.4 1342 1341 0 13?1.L" 1. ?7 1 r-? S= 2S/t + 0 (cfs) 0.0 19.0 40.0 63.0 89.0 119.0 153.0 223.0 360.0 564.0 912.0 1498.8 2005.8 2093.2 1997.6 1884.2 1773.4 1669.4. 1577.3 1521.1 1486.7 1462.9 1447.1 1435.9 1426.5 1418.0 1411.1 1406.1 1403.2 1399.6 1393.5 1387.7 1383.5 1380.3 1.377.9 137<> .2 1374.9 1373.9 1372.2 1.368.9 1 16- 1 5.4 OUTFLOW ;ELEVATION; (cfs) i (ft) 0.00 ; 612.50 0.00 ; 612.60 ; 0.00 ; 612.71 ; 0.00 ; 612.83 ; 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 36.98 105.80 112.34 105 .18 95.92 86.01 75.S3 55.12 41.67 ' 11.'612.97 34.43 29.40 26.07 23.72 21.73 19.95 18.49 17.44 16.83 16.06 14.86 14.13 ' 13.S9 13.18 12' .88 12.65 12.49 ' 12.36 1 '.1.4 613.12 613.30 613.66 614.37 63-5.41 617.17 619.91 622.04 622.43 622.00 621.50 621.01 620.55 620.20 619.99 619.86 619.77 619.70 619.66 619.62 619.59 619.56 619.55 619.53 619.52 (61.9.50 61.9.47 619.45 619.44 619.43 619.42 619.42 619 .41. 1 4 1POND-2 Version: 5.17 EXECUTED: 06--06-1993 lPond File: Inflow Hydrograph: Outflow Hydrograph: INFLOW HYDROGRAPH TIME __, -- - INFLOW (hrs) ; (cfs) ; 15.500 ; 10.00; ' 15.600 ; 10.00; 15.700 ; 10.00; 15.800 ; 9.00; 15.900 ; 9.00; 16.000 ; 9.00: ' 16.100 ; 16.200 ; 8.00; 8.00; 16.300 ; 7.00; 16.400 ; 7.00; 16.500 ; 6.00 16.600 ; 6.00; 16.700 ; 6.00. ' 16.800 ; 16.900 ; 6.00; 6.00 17.000 ; 6.00; 17.100 ; 6.00 17.200 6.00 17.300 ; 6.00 17.400 ; 6.00 ' 17.500 ; '6.00 17.600 ; 6.00 17.700 ; 6.00 ' 17.800 ; 17.900 ; 6.00 6.00 18.000 ; 6.00 18.100 ; 6.00 ' 18.200 ; 6.00 18.300 ; 6.00 18.400 ; 6.00 18.500 6.00 18.600 ; 6.00 18.700 ; 6.00 I; 18.800 ; 18.900 ; 6.00 6.00 19.000 6.00 19.100 ; 6.00 19.200 ; 6,00 19.300 ; 5.00 19.400 ; 5.00 19.500 ; 5.00 19.600 ; 5.00 19.700 ; 5.00 19.800 ; 19.900 4.00 4.00 20.000 4.00 S/N: 10:26:19 UNIVPL UNISTAGE.PND UNIPPIPE.HYD UNIV10 HYD Page 3 Return Freq: 10 years ROUTING COMPUTATIONS -------------------___------------------_------__-__----- I1+I2 ; 2S/t. - 0 ; 2S/t + 0 (cfs) ; (cfs) ----------- ; (cfs) ; ?---__--___--? 20.0 ; - 1337.1 ; 1357.7; 20.0 ; 1336.7 ; 1357.1; 20.0 ; 1336.3 ; 1356.7; 19.0 ; 1335.3 ; 1355.3; 18.0 ; 1333.9 ; 1353.3', 18.0 ; 1332.8 ; 1351.9; 17.0 ; 1331.2 ; 1349.8 16.0 ; 1329.3 ; 1347 .2 15.0 ; 1327.1 ; 1344.3 14.0 ; 1324.8 ; 1341.1 13.0 ; 1322.3 ; 1337.8 12.0 1319.7 ; 1334.3 12.0 ; 1317.7 ; 1331.7 12.0 ; 1316.3 ; 1329.7 12.0 ; 1315.2 ; 1328.3 12.0 ; 131.4.4, ; 1327.2 12.0 ; 1313.8 ; 1326.4 12.0 ; 1313.4 ; 1325.8 12.0 ; 1313.0 ; 1325.4 12.0 ; 1312.8 ; 1325.0 12.0 ; 1312.6 ; 1324.8 12.0 ; 1312.5 ; 1324.6 12.0 ; 1312.4 ; 1324.5 12.0 ; 1312.3 ; 1324.4 12.0 ; 1312.2 ; 1324.3 12.0 ; 1312.2 ; 1324.2 12.0 ; 1312.2 ; 1324.2 12.0 ; 1312.1 ; 1324.2 12.0 ; 1312.1 ; 1324.1 12.0 ; 1312.1 ; 1324.1 12.0 1312.1 ; 1324.1 12.0 ; 1312.1 ; 1.324.1 12.0 ; 1312.1 ; 1324.1 12.0 ; 1312..1 ; 1324.1. 12.0 1312.1. 1324.1 12,0 ; 1312.1 ; 1324.1 12.0 ; 1312.1 ; 1324.1 12.0 ; 1.312.1 ; 1324..1 11.0 ; 1311.3 ; 1323..1 10.0 ; 1310.0 ; 1321.3 10.0 ; 1309.1 13 2 0 ) 10.0 ; 1308.3 10.0 ; 1307.8 t'_ f 9.0 8.0 ,05 . 1. ? .." OUTFLOW ;ELEVATION; (cfs) ; (ft) 10.29 ; 619.34 10.22 ; 619.34 10.16 ; 619.34 9.99 ; 619.33 9.74 ; 619.32 9.55 ; 619.32 9.28 ; 619.31 8.95 ; 619.30 8.S8 ; 619.28 8.18 ; 619.27 7.75 ; 619.26 7.30 ; 619.24 6.97 ; 619.23 6.72 ; 619.22 6.54 ; 619.21 6.40 ; 619.21 6.30 ; 619.21 6.22 ; 619.20 6.17 ; 619.20 6.12 ; 619.20 6.09 ; 619.20 6.07 ; 619.20 6.05 ; 619.20 6.04 ; 619.20 6.03 ; 619.20 6.02 ; 619.20 6.02 ; 619.20 6.01 ; 619.20 6.01 ; 619.20 6.01 ; 619.20 6.00 ; 619,20 6.00 ; 619.20 6.00 ; 619.20 6.00 ; 619.20 6.00 19.20 6.00 ; 619.20 6.00 ; 619.20 6.00 ; `19.20 5.87 ; 619.19 1 1POND-2 Version: S.17 EXECUTED: 06-06-1993 ,Pond File: Inflow Hydrograph: Outflow Hydrograph: INFLOW HYDROGRAPH TIME (hrs) INFLOW (cfs) 20 . 100 20.200 20.300 20.400 20.500 20.600 20.700 20.800 20.900 21.000 21.100 21.200 21.300 21.400 21 . S00 21.600 21.700 21.800 21.900 22.000 22.100 22.200 22.300 22.400 22.500 22.600 22.700 22.800 22.900 23.000 23 . 100 23.200 23.300 23.400 23.500 23.600 23.700 23.800 23.900 24.000 24 . 100 24.200 24.300 24.400 24 .500 24.-600 4.00; 4.00; 4 .00 4.00; 4.00; 4.00 4.00; 4.00 4.001 4.00 4 .00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4 .00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 .00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.:00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2 .00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2 .00 1.00 S/N: 10:26:19 UNIVPL UNISTAGE.PND UNIPPIPE.HYD UNIV10 HYD 2S/t + 0 (cfs) ROUTING COMPUTATIONS ____________________--_------------------------------_--- I1+I2 (cfs) 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 S.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 2S/t - 0 ( cfs ) ------------ 1303.0 1302.3 1301.8 1301.5 1301.2 1301.0 1300.8 1300.7 1300..6 1300.6 1300.5 1300.5 1300.5 1300.5 1300.4 1300.4 1300.4 1300.4 1300.4 1300.4 1300.4 1300.4 1300.4 1300.4 1300.4 1299.7 1298.4 1297.4 1296.:7 1296.1 1295.7 1295.4 1295.2 1295.1 1 2 9 4 .. 2 ].292 .8 1291.8 1291.0 1290.4 1290.0 1.289 .. 7 1289 , J1 128 Page 4 Return Freq: 10 years OUTFLOW (cfs) 1311.9; 1311 .0 1310.3; 1309.8; 1309.5; 1309.2; 1309.0; 1308.8; 1308.7; 1308.6; 1308.6; 1308.5; 1308.5; 1308.5; 1308.5; 1308.4; 1308.4; 1308.4; 1308.4; 1308.4; 1308.4; 1308.4; 1308.4; 1 308.4; 1308.4: 1307.4; 1305.7; 1304.4; 1303.4; 1302.7; 1302.1 ' 1301.7; 1.301..4; 1301 .2 1300. 1 J. 29 8. 2: 1.296.8; 7.295.8, 1295.0; :1.294.4; 4.44 4.33 4.25 4.18 4.14 4.10 4.08 4.06 4.04 4.03 4.02 4.02 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.87 3.6S 3.48 3.36 3.27 3.20 3.15 3.11 3.08 2.93 2.70 2.S2 2.39 2.29 ._._'1 ELEVATION; (ft) 619.14 619.14 619.14 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.13 619.12 619.12 619.11 63.9.11 619.10 619.10 619.10 619.10 619.10 619.09 619.08 619.08 619.07 619 .07 r 11) .07 .0 , ?_ . . 06 ,19.06 POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Page 5 EXECUTED: 06-06-1993 10:26=19 UNIVPL Return Freq: 10 years ' Pond File: UNISTAGE.PND Inflow Hydrograph: UNIPPIPE.HYD ' Outflow Hydrograph: UNIV10 HYD INFLOW HYDROGRAPH ROUTING COMPUTATIONS --- ---------- --------- TIME ; --------- INFLOW ---------- I1+I2 ; --------------- 2S/t - 0 ; ---------- 2S/t + 0 ; ------ OUTFLOW ;ELEVATION; (hrs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) ; ----------------- (cfs) ; --------- (cfs) --------- (ft) ---------? 24.700 ; 1.00; ; 2.0 ; 1286.9 ; 1290.2; 1.68 ; 619.05 ' 24.800 ; 1.00; 2.0 ; 1285..8 ; 1288.9; 1.50 ; 619.04 24.900 ; 1.00; 2.0 ; 1285.1 ; 1287.8; 1.38 ; 619.04 ' 25.000 ; 1.00; ; 2.0 ; 1284.5 ; 1287.1; 1.28 ; 619.04 25.100 ; 1.00; ; 2.0 ; 1284.1 ; 1286.5; 1.21 ; 619.03 25.200 ; 1.00; ; 2.0 ; 1.283.8 ; 1286.1; 1.15 ; 619.03 ' 25.300 ; 25.400 ; 1.00; 1.00; ; 2.0 ; ; 2.0 1283.6 ; 1283.4 1285.8; 1285.6; 1.12 1.09 ; 619.03 ; 619.03 25.500 ; 0.00; ; 1.0 ; 1282.5 1284.4; 0.94 ; 619.02 25.600 ; 0.00; ; 0.0 1281,1 ; 1282.5; 0.70 ; 619.02 25.700 ; 0.00; ; 0.0 1280.1 1281.1; 0.52 619.01 25.800 ; 0.00; ; 0.0 1279.3 ; 1280.1; 0.39 ; 619.01 25.900 ; 0.00; ; 0.0 ; 1278.8 ; 1279.3; 0.29 ; 619.00 --------- -------- d P L POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Page 6 EXECUTED: 06--06-1993 10:26:19 UNIVPL Return Freq: 10 years *********** SUMMARY OF ROUTING CO MPUTATIONS ************ Pond File: UNISTAGE.PND Inflow Hydrograph: UNIPPIPE.HYD ' Outflow Hydrograph: UNIV10 HYD ' Starting Pond W.S. Elevation = 612.50 ft *** Summary of Peak Outflow a nd Peak Elevation **? ' Peak Inflow - 358.00 cfs Peak outflow - 112.34 cfs 1 Peak Elevation = 622.43 ft ' *** Summary of Approximate Peak Storage **?* Initial Storage 0.00 ac-ft Peak Storage From Storm - 8.19 ac-ft. i d l -Y -- - -ft Storage n Pon Tota - 8.19 ac Warning= Inflow hydrograph truncated on left aide. POND-2 Version: 5.1 7 S/N: UNIVPL Pond File: UNISTAGE.PND Inflow Hydrograph: UNIPPIPE.HYD Outflow Hydrograph: UNIV10 HYD ' Peak Inflow _ 358.00 cfs Peak Outflow - 112.34 cfs Peak Elevation = 622.43 ft. Page 7 Return Freq: 10 years EXECUTED. 06-06-1993 10.26=19 Flow (cfs ) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 I i i I I I I I I I I I---I- 1 1 11.3 -Ix. X .* ?1.4 -;x x 1.5 -;x x 1.6 -;x x 1.7 -:x x 11.8 -;x 1.9 x -; x x 12.0 -;x 1 I I x 2.1 -; x x 2.2 ; x I I I x 12.3 -; x ?2.4 ' I -; x x x 12.5 -; x ' x 112.6 ; x ' I x 12.7 - * X I X 12.8 - ; x ?LG I 1 -- I k x X: ' I X 13.0 -; x I X *x *x 113. 2 - ; . x TIME ( h r s ) File: UNIPFIIFIE . HYC> "- i 1 ; _ I Ik.II 1.11 r1 f-IYF (lilic! }: ,I 1 4 1 ?2 r Cardinal(") t UNIVERTISITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC QTR55 CALCULATIONS 100 YEAR STORM EVENT BUILD OUT CONDITIONS J 1 Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Page 1 ' TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 06-05-1993 11:08:55 Watershed file: - > UNPLAWSD.WSD Hydrograph file: --> UNIPIPE HYD ' UNIVERSITY PLACE - 100 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM >>>> Input. Parameters Used to Compute Hydrograph <<<< Subarea ------ AREA --------_-_------_ CN Tc ------- * Tt. ----------- Precip. -------------- Runoff Ia ----- /p Description --_ -(acres) --- -----------( hrs)- --(hrs) ---(in)---, ---( i.n)-- input /used SUBAREA AAA 16.60 95.:0 0.1.0 0.00 7.00 ; 6.41 1.:02 .10 SUBAREA BBB 16.30 95.0 0.10 0.00 7.00 6.41 1.02 10 ' SUBAREA CCC 9.50 95.0 0.10 0.00 7.:00 6.41 1.02 . .10 SUBAREA DDD ------------ 8.90 95.0 0.10 0.00 7.70 ; 7.10 .01 .10 - * Travel time ' ----------- from subar ------------------ ea out-fall to com -------- posite ------------- watershed o --- ---------- utfall point.- ----- - I -- Subarea where user specified interpo lation between Ia/ p tables. Total ar ea = 51.30 acres or 0. 08016 sq.mi ' Peak discharge = 529 cfs >> >> Com t M difi ti f pu er ------ o ca ons o --------------- Input. ___ Parameters -_.._.-------- <<<<< -------_-_..---- ----__ -------------- ----- Input Va - - lues Rounded V ---- alues Ia/p Subarea Tc * Tt Tc * Tt I nterpolated Ia/p Description (hr) (hr) ( hr ) ( hr ) (Yes/No) Messages ------------_- tUBAREA AAA -----_----- 0.12 ----------------- 0.00 0,10 ------- 0.00 ----------- No -------------- Computed Ia/p ------- < .1 UBAREA BBB 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.00 No Computed Ia/p < .1. SUBAREA CCC 0.11 0.00 0.10 0.00 No Computed Ia/p <: .1 UBAREA DDD 0.10 0.00 0.10 .. 0.00 No Computed Ia/p < .1 * Travel time ___-----_ from subar _....__-__ ___-..___.____._ ea outfall to com posite klatershe=d o utf 11 point .. Quick TR-55 Version" 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Page 2 ' TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) ' Executed: 06-05-1993 11:08:55 Watershed file: --> UNPLAWSD.WSD Hydrograph file: --> UNIPIPE HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 100 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM >>>> Summary of Subarea Times to Peak <<<< Peak Discharge at Time to Peak at. Composite Outfall Composite Outfall Subarea ( cfs ) ( hrs ) _ _---_ -__ --__-- AAA 168 SUBAREA 12.1 SUBAREA BBB 165 12.1 SUBAREA CCC 96 12.1 ' SUBAREA DDD 100 --------------- -------------- _ 12.1 _------ _- Composite Watershed 529 -- 12.1 t Quick TR-55 Version= 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) ' Executed: 06-05-1993 11:08:55 Watershed file= --> UNPLAWSD.WSD ' Hydrograph file: --) UNIPIPE HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE 100 YEAR, STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC ' BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM Page 3 Composite Hydrograph Summary (cfs) --------------- Subarea ---------_ 11.0 --------- 11.3 -_-__ 11.6 __----- 11.9 -------- 12.0 -------_ 12.1 --------- 12.2 ----_-- 12.3 ------- 12.4 Description hr hr hr hr hr hr hr hr hr- --------------- UBAREA AAA -----_...-- 4 -------...... 6 ....... ---- 9 ------ 56 -------.. 108 .. _ ..----_ 168 ------- 104 _------- 36 -----_ 24 UBAREA BBB 4 6 9 5S 106 165 103 3S 24 SUBAREA CCC 2 3 5 32 62 96 60 21 14 UBAREA DDD 2 3 S 33 64 100 62 21 15 otal (cfs) 12 18 28 176 --- 340 --- 529 --- 329 --- 113 77 -------------- Subarea ------ 12.5 ---------- 12.6 ----- 12.7 ------- 12.8 ------ _- 13.0 -_------ 13.2 ------- 13.4 ------ 13.6 --_-- 13.8 ' Description ___----_-_---__-- hr ------- hr ---------- hr ------ hr -----___ hr _-,V ---- hr -------- hr ------ hr -_-_--- hr ---_---- UBAREA AAA 20 17 14 13 11 9 8 8 7 UBAREA BBB 20 17 14 12 11 9 8 8 7 UBAREA CCC 12 10 8 7 6 5 S 4 4 SUBAREA DDD 12 10 8 8 7 6 5 S 4 ---- Io - -- - -- - -- ----b -- ---- - ----- - - - -- ----- --- --- ---- - -- -- -c--_ - ---?- t a 1 ( cf s ) 4 5 4 4 4 40 29- ?6 2 2 D r n Quick TR-55 Version: 5.44 S/N: 1315460089 Page 4 TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 06-05-1993 11:08:55 Watershed file: --> UNPLAWSD.WSD Hydrograph file: -> UNIPIPE HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE - 100 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM --------------- -_..----__ Composite ----_----- Hydrograph ----_------_ Summary .._---_--- (cfs) _---____ _------ _______ ------ Subarea Description ______________ 14.0 hr _______ 14.3 hr __________ 14.6 hr _____ 15.0 hr ____ 15.5 hr ____ 16.0 hr __ 16.5 hr 17.0 hr 17.5 hr SUBAREA AAA 6 6 5 __ 5 ____ 4 4 3 3 3 t UBAREA BBB 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 UBAREA CCC 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 SUBAREA DDD 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 otal (cfs) 20 18_ _ _16 13 12 10 10 10 --------------- ------- ----------- ___-_ -___-_.. -------- ------- ------- ----_ ---- --_---_- Subarea 18.0 19.0 20.0 22.0 26.0 Description -------_------- hr ------- hr -------__-- hr ------ hr -_---_- hr _------- ---__----_ -----_- -------_ _--- SUBAREA AAA 3 2 2 2 0 UBAREA BBB 3 2 2 2 0 UBAREA CCC 2 1 1 1 0 UBAREA DDD 2 1 1 1 0 -------------- ?ota1 ( cfs ) ------- 10 ---------- 6 ------ 6 ------- 6 ---------- 0 Quick TR-55 Version: 5,44 S/N: 1315460089 TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD ' Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) Executed: 06-05-1993 11:08:55 Watershed file: --> UNPLAWSD.WSD Hydrograph file: > UNIPIPE HYD ' UNIVERSITY PLACE - 100 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM ' Time Flow Time Flow (hrs) -------- (cfs) --------- (hrs) --_----_-- (cfs) -------- 11.0 12 14.8 16 11.1 14 14.9 16 11.2 16 15.0 16 11.3 18 15.1 15 ' 11.4 21 15.2 15 11 .5 25 15.3 14 11.6 28 15.4 14 ' 11,7 77 15.5 13 11.8 127 15.6 13 11.9 176 15.7 13 12.0 340 15.8 12 ' 12.1 529 15.9 12 12.2 329 16.0 12 ' 12.3 12.4 113 77 16.1 16.2 12 11 12.5 64 16.3 11 12.6 54 16.4 10 ' 12.7 44 16.S 10 12.8 40 16:.6 10 12.9 37 16.7 10 13.0 35 16.8 10 ' 13.1 32 16.9 10 13.2 29 17.0 10 3.3 1 27 17.1 10 . 13.4 26 17.2 10 13.5 26 17.3 10 1.3.6 25 17.4 10 13.7 23 17..5 10 13.8 22 17,6 10 13.9 21 17.7 10 14,0 20 1 10 ' 14, 1 19 1 1.4.2 19 l 3 . Ci _ 1/4.3 18 ' 14.4 14.5 Page 5 ' Quick TR-55 Version- 5.44 S/N= 1315460089 ' TR-55 TABULAR HYDROGRAPH METHOD Type II Distribution (24 hr. Duration Storm) ' Executed: 06-05-1993 11:08:55 Watershed file: --> UNPLAWSD.WSD ' Hydrograph file: - > UNIPIPE HYD UNIVERSITY PLACE -- 100 YEAR STORM EVENT MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC ' BUILD OUT HYDROGRAPH THROUGH PIPING SYSTEM 1 Time Flow Time Flow ' ( hrs)___ ----- ____( cf s) ----- ( h-s)____ ---- ___(cfs ) ----- 18.6 8 22.4 5 ' 18.7 18.8 7 7 22.5 22.6 5 5 18.9 6 22.7 5 19.0 6 22.8 5 19.1 6 22.9 5 ' 19.2 6 23.0 5 19.3 6 23.1 4 19.4 6 23.2 4 ' 19.5 6 23„3 4 19.6 6 23.4 4 19.7 6 23.5 4 ' 19.8 6 23.6 4 19.9 6 23.7 3 20.0 6 23.8 3 20.1 6 23.9 3 ' 20.2 6 24.0 3 20.3 6 24.1 3 20.4 6 24 . ? 3 ' 20.5 6 24.3 3 20.6 6 24.4 2 20,7 6 24,5 2 ' 20.8 6 24.6 2 20.9 6 24.7 2 21.0 6 24.8 2 21.1 6 24.9 2 ' 21.2 6 25.0 2 21.3 6 25.1 1 21.4 6 25.2 1 ' 21.5 6 25.3 . 1 21.6 6 25 . 4 .4_ 21.7 6 21.8 6 ' 21.9 /, ; 22.O 6 22.1 6 22.2 i. 22.3 L? Page 6 1 1 1 1 1 UNIVERTISITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC DETENTION POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS 1 ' POND-2 Version: 5.17 H 11 11 11 UNIVERSTIY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC DETENTION POND VOLUME CALCULATED 06--05-1993 11:19:35 DISK FILE: UNIVPL VOL Planimeter scale: 1 inch = 20 ft. Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(Al*A2) Volume Volume Sum __ (f t) _ (--_l-_)__ __- (acres) • --_-_(acres) _______ ___(acre -f t) _ _ _(acre-ft) __ __ _ 612.50 _ 86.03 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 613.00 86.03 0.79 2.37 0.39 0.39 615.00 88.21 0.81 2.40 1.60 1.99 620.00 91.48 0.84 2.47 4.12 6.12 625.00 95.83 0.88 2.58 4.30 10.42 630.00 96.93 0.89 2.66 4.43 14.84 2 IA = (sq.rt( Areal) + ((Ei-El )/( E2-El))*( sq .rt( Area2)~sq .rt( Areal)) ) where: El, E2 w= Closet two elevations with planimeter data ' Ei = Elevation at which to interpolate area Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for El, E2, respectively IA = Interpolated area for W. 1-1 0 Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * ( EL2--ELl) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt .( Areal*Area2) ) where: ELI, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations; of the increment. Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for ELI, EL2, respectively volume ; Incremental volume between ELI and EL2 ' UNIVERTISITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES WITH RATING TABLE Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE -- STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** Elevation (ft) Q (cfs) Contributing Structures 612.50 0.0 1. 613.00 0.1 1 613.50 0.1 1 614.00 0.1 1 614.50 0.1 1 615.00 0.2_ 1 615.50 0.2_ 1 616.00 0.2 1. +2 61.6.50 15.0 1. +2 617.00 42.1 1. +2 617.50 74.3 1. +2 618.00 85.8 1. +2 618.50 95.9 1. +2 619.00 105.1 1. +2 61.9.50 113.5 1. +2 620.00 121.3 1. +2 620.50 128.7 1. +2 621.00 135.6 1. +2 621.50 142.2 1. +2 622.00 148.5 1. +2 622.50 154.6 1. +-2 623.00 160..4 1. +2 623.50 166.1 1.: +-2 624.00 171.5 1. +2 624.50 176.8 1- +2 625.00 181.9 1. +?' +3 625.50 208.1 1. +-2 +-:3 626.00 251.7 1. +4 + 626.50 306.7 1. -+-2 4`3 627.00 370 ,. F' J.... + _ +.:, Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed= UNIVERSITY PLACE - STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR Planimeter Input File: UNIVPL VOL Rating Table Output File. UNISTAGE.PND Min. Elev.(ft) = 6,12.5 Max. Elev.(ft) = 6,27 Incr.(ft.) = S Additional elevations (ft) to be included in table= SYSTEM CONNECTIVITY Structure No. Q Table Q Table ----------- --- ------ ORIFICE 1. -> 1. STAND PIPE: 2 -) 2 WEIR-VR 3 > 3 Outflow rating table summary was stored in file: UNISTAGE.PND Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND--2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE - STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES >>>>>> Structure No. 1. <<<<<< (Input Data) ORIFICE Orifice - Eased on Area and Datum Elevation E1 elev..(ft )? 612.5 E2 elev.(ft. )? 627.001 Orifice coeff.? .6 Invert. elev.(ft )? 612.S Datum elev.(ft.) ? 612.5 Orifice area (sq ft)? 0.0218 Outlet Structure File. UNIVPL STR POND--2 Version: 5.17 S/N" Date Executed: Time Executed= UNIVERSITY PLACE -- STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES >>>>>> Structure No. 2 <<<<<< (Input Data) STAND PIPE Stand Pipe with weir or orifice flow E1 elev. (ft )? 616 E2 elev.(ft)? 627.001 Crest elev.(ft. )? 616.0 Diameter (ft)? 4.0 Weir coefficient? 3.33 Orifice coefficient? .6 Start transition elev.(ft) « ? Transition height (ft)? Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE - STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES >i>)>> Structure No. 3 <<<<<< (Input Data) WEIR-VR Weir - Vertical Rectangular E1 elev.(ft )? 625 E2 elev. (ft. )? 627.001 Weir coefficient"? 3.0 Weir elev.(ft )? 625.0 Lengtl'1 (ft)? 20 Contracted/Suppressed (C/S)? S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N' Date Executed. Time Executed= UNIVERSITY PLACE - STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES Outflow Rating Table for Structure #1. ORIFICE Orifice - Based on Area and Datum Elevation Elevation (ft) 0 (cfs) Computation Messages 61.2.50 0.0 H =0.0 613.00 0.1 H =.5 613.50 0.1 H =1.0 614.00 0.1 H =1.5 614.50 0.1 H =2.0 615.00 0.2 H =2.5 615.50 0.2 H =3.0 616.00 0.2 H =3.5 616.50 0.2 H ="4.0 617.00 0.2 H =4.5 617.:50 0.2 H =5.0 613.00 0.2 H =5.5 618.50 0.3 H =6.0 619.00 0.3 H =6.5 619.50 0.3 H =7.0 620.00 0.3 H =7.5 620.50 0.3 H =8.0 621.00 0.3 H =8.5 621.50 0.3 H =9.0 622.00 0.3 H =9.5 622.50 0.3 H =10.0 623.00 0.3 1-1 =10.S 623.50 0.3 I, =1.1.0 624.00 0.4 H =11.5 624.50 0.4 H =12.0 625.00 0.4 H -z 12 . 5 625.50 0..4 I =1.3.0 626.00 0.4 H =13.5 626.50 0.4 H ---14.0 627.00 0.4 1-1 =14 .5 G = .6 A = .0218 sq. 1-1 (ft) - Table elev. _ Da-t ur G ( cfs' - C A: A 3, s q r ( 29 * 1H ) u 0 Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR FOND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE - STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES Outflow Rating Table for Structure #2 STAND PIPE Stand Pipe with weir or orifice flow ***** INLET CONTROL ASSUMED ***** Elevation (ft) Q (cfs) Computation Messages 612.50 0.0 E < Inv.E1..= 616 613.00 0.0 E < E1= 616 613.50 0.0 E < E1= 616 614.00 0.0 E < E1= 616 614.50 0.0 E < E1= 616 615.00 0.0 E < E1= 616 615.50 0.0 E < E1= 616 616.00 0.0 Weir; H =0.0 616.50 14.8 Weir: H =.S 617.00 41.8 Weir: H =1.0 617.50 74.1 Orifice: H =1.5 618.00 85.6 Orifice: H =2.0 618.50 95.7 Orifice: H =2.S 619.00 104.8 Orifice: H =3.0 619.50 113.2 Orifice: H =3.S 620.00 121.0 Orifice: H =4.0 620.50 128.4 Orifice: H =4.5 621.00 135.3 Orifice: H =5.0 621.50 141.9 Orifice; H =5.5 622.00 148.2 Orifice: H --6.0 622.50 154 .3 Orifice: H =6.S 623.00 160.1 Orifices H =7.0 623.50 165.,7 Or- ifice: H =7.5 624.00 171.1 Orifice: H =8.0 624..50 176,4 Orifice: I-I -=8.5 625.00 181.5 Orifice.: H =9.0 625.50 186.5 Orifi H. =9,5 626.00 191.3 Orifice. H ,--10.0 626,50 196.1 O'r ificr' ; H' --10.5 627.00 200.7 Orifice: H =11.0 Weir Cw = 3 .33 Weir 1.engI-h -: 1.2 . `?E r F1?. Orifice Co = . 6 Orifice area 0 (c f s) - ( C r =r' L * H ** 1 . 5 } o r . C -> k No transition used, traris i.tion f-=i?Irt W eir equatior'I = C)1"1 f LC I J 17 0 Outlet Structure File: UNIVPL STR POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: UNIVERSITY PLACE -- STORM OUTLET STRUCTURES MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC OUTLET STRUCTURES Outflow Rating Table for Structure #3 WEIR-VR Weir -- Vertical Rectangular ***** INLET CONTROL ASSUMED ***** Elevation (ft) Q (cfs) Computation Messages 612.50 0.0 E < Inv.E1.= 625 613.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 613.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 614.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 61.4.50 0..0 E < Inv.El.= 625 615.00 0.0 E < I nv. El .= 62S 615.50 0.0 E < .Inv.El.= 625 61.6.00 0.0 E < Inv.E1.= 62S 616.50 0.0 E < Inv.E1.= 625 617.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 62S 617.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 618.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 618.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 619.00 0.0 E < I riv . E l . = 625 619.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 625 620.00 0.0 E < In,,/.El.= 625 620.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.: 625 621.00 0.0 E < I rev . E l . = 62S 621 .50 0.0 E < I n,,., . E 1 ..= 625 622.00 0.0 E < Inv. E 1 . = 625 622.50 0.0 E < Inv. E1 . - 625 623.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 62S 623.50 0.0 E < Inv.El.= 62-11-- 624.00 0.0 E Int ,E.1 .== r, 2- S 624 .50 0.0 E I nv . E 1 .: = 6 % 6 25.00 0.0 H = 0„0 625 .50 21.2 H = . 6 26 .00 60.0 H = 1.0 626.50 110.2 ?°1 = 1.,S 627.00 169 .7 1°1 = 2„ a C = 3 L (ft) = 20 tI (ft) - Table elev. - In}.i e r f 0 (cfs ) = C * L (H**1.5) j; :...__... i!...,. H UNIVERTISITY PLACE MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NC 100 YEAR DETENTION POND ROUTING 0 POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: Page 2 EXECUTED: 06--06--1993 10=52:36 UNIPLA Return Freq= 100 years ' Pond File: Inflow Hydrograph- Outflow Hydrograph: 'INFLOW HYDROGRAPH ------___--w-------- TIME ; (hrs) 11.000 11.100 11.200 11.300 11.400 11.500 11.600 ' 11.700 11.800 11.900 12.000 ' 12.100 12.200 12.300 12.400 12 .500 12.600 ' 12.700 12.800 12.900 13.000 ' 13.100 13.200 13.300 ' 13.400 13.500 13.600 13.700 13.800 13.900 14.000 14.100 14.200 14.300 ' 14.400 14 .500 14.600 14.700 14.800 14.900 15.000 1S.100 15.200 15.300 ' 15.400 INFLOW (cfs) ' 12.00: 14. 00 : 16.00: 18.00; 22.00; 26.00: 30.00: 84.00: 138.00; 192.00: 368.00: S74.00: 357.00: 123.00: 83. 00 70.00: 59.00: 48. 00 : 44.00: 42.00: 39.00: 35.00: 31 .00: 30.00: 28.00: 28. 00: 27.00: 26.00: 24 .00: 23. 00: 22.00: 21.00: 20.00: 19.00: 18.00: 17.00: 16.00: 16.00: 16.00: 16.00: 16.00: 15.00: 15.00, 14.00: 14.00: UNISTAGE.PND UNPLASUM.HYD UNIPLSUM.HYD ROUTING COMPUTATIONS ____ -----------------------------------------------_..---- I1+I2 (cfs:) 26.0 30.0 34.0 40.0 48.0 56.0 114.0 222.0 330.0 560.0 942.0 931.0 480.0 206.0 153.0 129.0 107,0 92.0 86.0 81.0 74.0 66.0 61.0 58.0 56.0 5S.0 S3.0 50 .0 47.0 45.0 43.0 41.0 39.0 37 .0 35.0 33.0 32.0 32.0 32. 0 32.0 2S/t - 0 (cfs) ------------ 30.0 291 .0 40 0.0 26.0 56.0 90.0 130.0 178.0 234.0 348.0 570.0 899.8 1402.3 2085.5 2533.5 2532.6 2413.6 2281.2 2143.3 2003.8 1870.7 1753.0 1651.2_ 1562.8 1493..9 1455.4 1433.3 1419 .3 1410.7 1404.5 1399.2 1394 .4 1390.5 1387 .. 1 1383.9 1381.0 .1378.1 1375.,3 1372.5 1370.3 1369.0 1368 .3 1367. c: 1367.0 1 66.0 136 4 ... 2S/t + 0 (cfs) OUTFLOW ( cfs ) 0.0; 26.0: 56.0; 90.0; 130.0; 178.0: 234. 0: 348.0: 570.0; 900.0; 1459.8; 2344.3; 3016.5: 3013.5: 2738.6: 2566.6: 2410.2: 2250.3: 2095.8: 1956.7: 1834.0: 1725.2: 1628.8: 1554.9: 1513.4: 1489.3: 1474.3: 1463.7! 1454.5: 1446.2: 1439.4, 1433. S: 1428.1: 1422.9' 1.418 .0: 1413.1: 1408.3: 1404 . S: 1402.3: 1401.0: 1400.3: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 28.76 129.40 241.49 240.47 162.49 142.71 133.45 123.24 112.53 101.8s 91.43 81.17 67.49 49.73 40.06 34.97 31.82 29.58 27.65 2S.90 24.47 23.22 22.07 20.99 19.94 1.8 .91 17.89 17.10 16 .6 16.37 Lr ELEVATION (ft) 612.50 612.64 612.79 612.97 613.18 613.43 613.72 614.31 615.44 617.11 619.75 623.55 626.19 626.18 625.26 624.54 623.84 623.1.3 622.44 621.82 621.28 620.80 620.39 620.12 619.96 619.87 619.81 619.77 619.73 619.70 619.67 61.9.65 619.63 619.61 61.9. 59 619.57 619.55 619.54 C19.`;:. Version: 5.17 S/N: Page 3 ,POND-2 EXECUTED: 06--06-1993 10:52:36 UNIPLA Return Freq: 100 years Pond File: UNISTAGE.PND 'Inflow Hydrograph: UNPLASUM.HYD Outflow Hydrograph= UNIPLSUM.HYD 'INFLOW HYDROGRAPH ROUTING COMPUTATIONS ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ TIME ; (hrs) INFLOW (cfs) 15.500 ; 13.00; 15.600 ; 13.00: 15.700 ; 13.00; 15.800 ; 12.00; 15,900 ; 12.00; 16.000 ; 12 .00 16.100 ; 12.00 16.200 ; 11.00; 16,300 ; 11,00 16.400 10,00; 16.500 ; 10,00 ' 16.600 ; 10.00; 16.700 ; 10.00 16.800 ; 16.900 ; 10.W 10.00 17 , 000 : 10.00 17.100 : 10.00 ' 17.200 ; 17.300 : 10.00 10,00 17.400 : 10.00 : 17.500 : 10.00 17.600 ; 10.00. 17.700 : 10.00 : 17.800 : 10.00 17.900 : 18.000 : 10.00 10.00 18,100 : 10.00 : 18.200 : 9,00 18.300 : 9.00 18.400 ; 8.00 : 18.500 : 8,00 18.600 : 8.00 18.700 : 7.00 18.800 : 7.00 18.900 ; 19.000 : 6.00 6.00 19,100 : 6.00 : 19.200 : 6,00 19.300 : 6,00 19.400 : 6.00 : 19.500 : 6.00 19.600 : 6,00 19.700 ; 6,00 19.800 : 6.00 19.900 : 20.000 : 6.00 6.00 I1+I2 ( cfs)-- 27 .0 26.0 26.0 2S.0 24,0 24.0 24.0 23.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 20.0 20,0 20.0 20.0 20 ,O 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20,0 19,0 18,0 17.0 16.0 16.0 15.0 14 .0 13.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 1.2 .0 2S/t - 0 ; 2S/t + 0 (cfs) (cfs) ------------ ----------- 1361.3 1359.2 1357.6 1355.6 1353.4 13S1.8 1350,6 1348.9 1347.0 1344.8 134.4 1340.6 1339.3 1338.3 1337.S 1.337.0 1336.6 1336.3 1336.0 1335.9 1335,8 1335.7 1335.6 1335.5 1335.5 1335 , 5 1335,4 1,334.7 1 333 .4 1331.7 1329.6 1328 ., 1 1326.3 1324 .1 7 323 8 131`; . 3 I317. S 1316.1 1,31.5.1 1314. 3 1313.7 1 f13 .3 13 1 0 OUTFLOW :ELEVATION: (cfs) (ft) 1390.2; 1387,3: 1385.2: 1382.6; 1379.6; 1377.4; 1375.8: 1373.6; 1370.9; 1368.0; 1364.8 : 1362.4; 1360.6; 1359.3: 1358.3: 1357,5: 1357.0: 1356.6: 1356,3; 1.356.0: 1355,9: 1355.8: 1355.7: 1355.6: 1355.5: 1355 .5 1355,5: 1354 .4: 1352,7: 1350.4: 1347,7: 1345.6; 1343,1: 1.340.3: 13•;7,3..; 1333.3; 133 . 1:i 29.:5: 1328.1: 1327 .1 L , 14.45 14.08 13.80 13.47 13,10 12.82 12.61 12.32 11,99 11 ,61 11.20 10,89 10,66 10,49 10.37 10,27 10,20 10.15 10.11 10.08 10,06 10,05 10,03 10.03 10.02 10.01 10,01 9.88 9.66 9 .36 9.01 8.7S 843 8 .0'7 7.67 7 .24 6.92 6.69 6 .38 619.48 619.47 619,46 619.45 619.44 619.43 619.42 619,41 619.40 619.39 619.37 619.36 619.35 619 .3 5 619.34 619.34 619.34 619.34 619.33 619.33 619.33 619.33 619,33 619,33 619.33 619.33 619.33 619.33 619.32 619,31 619.30 619.29 619.28 619.27 619.25 619,24 619,23 619 , 22 z, 1.9.21 6 9 "21 9 =a : rl 'POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: EXECUTED: 06-06-1993 10:52:36 Pond File: Inflow Hydrograph: Outflow Hydrograph: 'INFLOW HYDROGRAPH ------------------ TIME (hrs) 20. 100 20.200 20.300 20.400 20.500 20.600 20.700 20.800 20.900 21.000 21 .100 21.200 21.300 21.400 ' 21 .500 21.600 21.700 21.800 ' 21.900 22.000 22.100 22.200 22.300 22.400 22.500 22.600 22.700 22.800 22.900 23.000 23.100 ' 23.200 ' 23.300 23.400 23.500 23.600 23 .700 23.800 23.900 24.000 24.100 ' 24.200 24 .300 24.400 24 .500 24.600 INFLOW --( cfs ) 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6 .00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 S.00 S.00 S.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 :3.00 .00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2 .00 ___._...2.00 UNISTAGE.PND UNPLASUM.HYD UNIPLSUM.HYD I1+I2 (cfs) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12..0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 8 .. 0 8.0 ' 8.0 8.0 8 .0 8.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6 0 ' 6.0 i ' 0 4.0 4,0 Page 4 UNIPLA Return Freq: 100 years ROUTING COMPUTATIONS ------------- 2S/t - 0 ------------ (cf 1312.3 1.312.3 1312.2 1312.2 1312.2 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1, 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1312.1 1311.3 1310.0 1309.1 1308.3 1307.8 1307.4 1306.4 1304.8 1303.7 1302.9 1302.2 1301.8 1301.4 1300.4 1298.9 12`;7.8 1297.0 1296.4 1295.9 1295„6 1294 ------------- 2S/t + 0 cfs ) ----------- 1324.4 1324.3 1324.3 1324.2 1324.2 1324.2 1324.1 1324.1 1324.1 1324.1 1324.1 1324.1 1324.1 1324.1 1324.1 1324.1 1324.1 1324.1 1324 .1. 1324.1 1324.1 1324.1 1324.1 1323.1 1321.3 1320.0 1319.1 1318.3 1317.8 1316.4 1314.4 1312.8 .7 1310.9 1310.2 1309.8 i 308 .4 1306.4 1304.9 1::,x)3 , 8 ;0? .0 OUTFLOW 6.05 6 .04 6.03 6.02 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6 .. 0 0 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 S.87 5.65 5.48 5.36 5.27 S.20 5.02 4.76 4.57 4.42 4.31 4-23 4.17^ 4.00 3.7 41 ELEVATION 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.20 619.19 619.18 619.18 619.1:7 61.'.17 619.17 619.16 61`91 .15 619.15 619.14 619.14 619.:14 619.13 619.13 619.12 619.. 619. 11. -. 1 = e I ( POND-2 Version: 5.17 5/N: 'EXECUTED: 06-06-1993 10:S2:36 Pond File: UNISTAGE.PND Inflow Hydrograph: UNPLASUM.HYD Outflow Hydrograph: UNIPLSUM.HYD 'INFLOW HYDROGRAPH -------_..-___------ ' TIME (hrs) 24.700 24.800 24.900 25.000 25.100 25.200 25.300 ' 25.400 25.500 2S.600 25.700 ' 2S.800 25.900 INFLOW ; (cfs) ' 2.00; 2.00; 2.00; 2.00; 1.00; 1.00; 1.00; 1 .00 1.00; 1 .00 0.00; 0.00; 0.00; Page 5 UNIPLA Return Freq: 100 years ROUTING COMPUTATIONS I1+I2 ; 2S/t - 0 ; 2S/t + 0 ; OUTFLOW ;ELEVATION; (cfs) (cfs) ; ------------ ; (cfs) ----------- ? (cfs) --------- ; (ft) ; --------- 4.0 ; 1291.1 ; 1296.0; 2.41 619.07 ; 4.0 ; 1290.5 ; 1295.1; 2.31 ; 619.07 ; 4.0 ; 1290.1 ; 1294.5; 2.23 ; 619.07 ; 4.0 ; 1289.7 ; 1294.1; 2.17 ; 619.07 ; 3.0 ; 1288.7 ; 1292.7; 2.00 ; 619.06 2.0 ; 1287.2 ; 1290.7; 1.74 ; 619.05 ; 2.0 ; 1286.1 ; 1289.2; 1.55 ; 619.05 2.0 ; 1285.3 ; 1288.1; 1.41 ; 619.04 2.0 ; 1284.7 ; 1287.3; 1.31 ; 619.04 2.0 ; 1284.2 1286.7; 1.23 ; 619.03 1.0 ; 1283.2 ; 1285.2; 1.04 ; 619.03 0.0 ; 1281.6 ; 1283.2; 0.78 619.02 0.0 ; ----------- 1280.4 ; - ---------------- 1281.6; ------------- 0.S8 -- ; 619.01 ' POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N: EXECUTED: 06-06-1993 10:52:36 1 1 Page 6 UNIPLA Return Freq. 100 years ************ SUMMARY OF ROUTING COMPUTATIONS ************* ' Pond File: UNISTAGE.PND Inflow Hydrograph_ UNPLASUM.HYD Outflow Hydrograph: UNIPLSUM.HYD Starting Pond W.S. Elevation = 61.2.50 ft ' Summary of Peak Outflow and Peak Elevation *?** ' Peak Inflow - 574.00 cfs Peak Outflow - 241.49 cfs Peak Elevation = 626.19 ft Summary of Approximate Peak Storage ' Initial Storage 0.00 ac-ft Peak Storage: From Storm - 11.47 ac-ft -------------- Total Storage in Pond - 11.47 ac-ft Warning: Inflow hydrograph truncated on left side. POND-2 Version: 5.1 7 S/N: UNIPLA Pond File: UNISTAGE.PND Inflow Hydrograph: Outflow Hydrograph: UNPLASUM.HYD UNIPLSUM HYD . Peak Inflow 574.00 cfs - Peak Outflow 241.49 cfs Peak Elevation = 626.19 ft Page 7 Return Freq: 100 years EXECUTED: 06-06-1993 10:52:36 ' Flow ( cfs ) 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 1.3 , , -;x x 11.4 -;x * 1 x * 1.S -;x x 1.6 -:x * ;x 11.7 -;x ?1.8 x -;x x 11.9 -;x 1 x 2.0 -; x x 2.1 -? x I ; x 12.2 -; x 2.3 , x x * x 12.4 -? * x , * X 1.2.S x , x 2.6 -; * x 0 , x 2.7 -; x '2 8 1 , * x x x 12.9 -; * x , x 1.3.0 x x , , x X 3.2 -; * x. TIME 1 (hrs ) ?. Fi1e: UNPL.ASUM. 111YO ran, a x ' x File: UNIPL.SUM. H,r0 C-)