HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930295 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19930417joXo1dur3 uopoy anpu=jj7y fjjunlioddO Tanbd uy ML-££L-616 ouogdalas, 9£S0-9Z9LZ EuT1oieD WON `q$TaluU`9£96Z xog '0'd s,(Dd uoi;ua,iald uor;nY1od LOOL-9681616 006£-56£/616 IM-9V6/6T6 00LIvIL91616 6691-£99410L 117SI-98V/616 80Z9-1 9Z/ti0L mates-u0lsMAA, u0j2utu3T!M 130a2uigsa2A q2T? )JEg allTnsaiooW a111nau0rCE3 aljTnaUjS_V S-?O1HO IU012OU d IAaxoys Aapq SOTT3 TPa4ua3 4a Aau.z-oQ uuoe • JDq OOT990 TPuOTbag PgHG aTTTAausK aoTJJO PTOT3 aTTTA0TgSV saaauTbus Jo sdaoo saaauTbuH go sdaoo goTagSTQ uogbuTUZTTM :oo quauigopgqv . ,t a?T'S6Z86 d ar 'paPMOH ; uo-.saad 'ATaaaouTS •98LT-£8L-6T6 -4-e Aouao(I uuor 43a4uo0 as-eaTd 'suoTgsanb Aua @APTq noA gI ' rvT • ON p.TUiaad 0PTMuOT4PN ,saaauTbus go sdaoZ) aapun ab12aanoo aoJ buTAJTT72nb UT pasn aq Apui uoTgPDTJTgaao sTgl •pag0Pq P ST uoTq.e' Tpa80 TPaaua0 auq go Adoo v •Z66T. 'TZ Aapnupr panssT ZBLZ -ON uoTgP0TJTga03 AgTTpno aagPM TPaaua0 Aq paaanoo aq uPo TTTJ pasodoad aq4 4Pgq PauTUUagap aAPq OM '866T TTadV L Pa4PP TpggTuiqns anOA UT pagTaosap sn AqunOD poOMAPH UT 8T8T US qP P8gPOOT buTssoao ppoa aoi xaaao uoooopg off. AapqngTaq OJP gOTT4M saagLM ao spuPTgaM 30 saaOP ZO - 0 uT TPTaa-412ur TTTJ a0PTd o-4 uoTq-e0TgT_43a3 AgTTpno aagaM T0b aOJ gsenbea anoA go MaTAaa uodn 56Z£6 saagPM ao spu'eTgaM UT #.•?.oaCoad LQ?Q A4uno3 POOMAnH bu-rssoao p7eog TTTJ Pasodoad :goaCgns : uaano • ays apac 98L8Z 'D•N 'OTTTnsauAPM PPog xaaaO aTxonP1 III 'ueann uilo.0 i01309C C 6 6 T ' T Z T TadV 4-M=Z)s `saMog g U731pu f .g.d "Jf `P.MMOH uolsa.rd .?, iouiano0 `uf `lung •g sauim t09LZ '9u'g0-T9D TION `uSlOpU . jaa•TjS,LmgsTpS TIljoN ZX S juauia20uew MuoaraOSlnua JO uOYStniQ saoinosag luznjuN puu ipluag '4uamu0.zteua jo juauxptda(l uuiloxED 11poN jo aluls 31V1S GARY D. MCKAY, P. E. 211 WEST MAIN STREET POST OFFICE BOX 157 HAZELWOOD, NORTH CAROLINA 28738 April 7, 1993 Att: Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Dear Mr. Dorney: APR i 2 ?o Please find enclosed the request for. permit for the installation of a culvert to replace an existing arm bridge on the property of John Queen III. Please direct any question or response to: Gary D. McKay, P. E. Post Office Box 157 211 West Main Street Hazelwood, North Carolina 28738 (704) 456-9570 Sincerely, Gary D. McKay, P. E. Enclosures GDM1jms Ds* IOi ACTION IDs X&TIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE 88RgIT #)s „ JOINT FORK FOR NATIONWIDS rx"ITs TWIT RXQUIRS NOTIFICATION TO TALC CORPS OF ZWQIN4BRS MATIAMWIDn PEANITB T"T REQUIRE APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT D P.O. BOX EPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC')SPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, 1890 AND.NATURhL RESOURCE M WILMINGTON, MC 28402-1890 P.O. BOX 29535 ATTNs CBSAW-CO-8 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535, Tolepbww (949) 254-4511 ATTNs MR. JOHN DORSEY APR 121993 Telephone (919) 733-5083 L / ONS (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD 88 SENT TOT =A Ty(;?S GROUP ZNGIN$ERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD 88 SENT TO THE N. C. DIVISI UHLITY SECTION XXVIROMNATAL MANAGTMENT. PLEASE PRI`NT'. OWNsRS NAMES ?-owN /2-1 OWNERS ADDRESS 'e"'ee 0. OW NERS PHONE N UtWXR (HOME) ( WORK) s 10 IF APPLICABL89 AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBERS ._._.,.?, i J9 LOCATION OF WORK (MUST ATTACH MAP). +COUMTV, NI?I YL?GrFr? N8ARMST TOWN OR CITY& SPECIFIC LOC.nicl (IN j? ?P'• XW OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: 17/, RIVER 8ASINs ?mw LAxk--) ? ®• 14 THIS PROJECT LOCATED-IN A WATERSHRO CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, as vs II? Ys8 ( I NO ftl--'`i `Q HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES ( j NO IF X88, EXPLAIN. BSTIMATBD TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WATERS OF Tyr, U.S., INCLUDING W*TLANDs# LOCATED ON PROJECT SITES bA0 ?- - Mow- 1/14/93•. _-,. , NUMBER OF ACRES OF WATaw OF TH$ U.S., ;NCLUDING WSTLAN,DS, IMPACTED or 1O< fRokoSED PAWECTt P"CiapTlow OF PROP"" WORK (ATTACH PLANS-8 112n X 11" DRAWINGS ONLY)i Pr?osg of ?FILLJiot ' DRAINJiQ t FLOOQEQs ? EXCAVATJCD t ;e,TQTAL IN,PACTXD?2. ' ?L ?e7?i ?•JSi?LL?'?? e- 14. STAT8,1Rg"ONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BS CARRIED OUT IN WXTL1 q ,Sp NOT SU S TAKEN O HIM; HIS* WETLAND -r, l ? n 0'7r....- ''.. ¦'?¦*?.a?!.????i--?;.. -. =-Wes...-..-.-?.?...? _ AN01 0--' • YOU ARB R&QUIR$Q TO CONTACT THS U.S. FISH AND WILDJ-IFIi SERVICE (M?irwo) "WOR NATIONAL MABINS rZaHakla$ 8SHVICd (N"Fu "GA"ING ) THS PJiJCSJiNCJi OR ANY I'ADERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING SNDANGZ$zo OR THREATENEQ CPECIBB QR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE VX MIT AR" THAT ,KAY Sax AFf$CTJsV $Y THS ? , Mew" PROJ$CT. HAVE YOU DONS SO? YES-4'-r- NO ( j "sPoorm$ FROM THJi USFWS ANQ/OR NMFs &HOULC BE FORWAA.0" TO CORPS. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THS STAT$ HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER ism) REGARDING THE PRESENC$ OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY " AFFECTED by THS PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVS YOU DONE SO? YES NO j Riiof"61; FROM THE SHPO SHOULD D$ FORWARDEDTo CORPS. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DSMt A. WSTLANQ DELINEATION MAP' SHOWING .ALJ. WFTLJWASf STREAMS. AND LAKES ON Tug PROPERTY. a. IF AVA "I"E, REPRESSNTATIVM PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO aN IMPACTED aY PROJMCT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED By A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHESTS N"VANT TO THE K ACSMENT OF THS QSLINSATION LINS. D. IF A STORMWATSR MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS Pji,O,TSCT, ATTACH $• WHAT 16 LAND UsS OF SURROUNQING PROPERTYY F. IF APP:.IC,P8L$, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF 6SWAG$ DISPOSAL? h;3 J:R' SIGNATU?v? ??? ?T 1 I 1 i Spl?ti?? V ? 23 ' i t 4Q ? ? I ? \ •.•••••••. i? Mew Z 1 • oa = r ? w1 90 SPt/M - ? + ?o { r W¢ b 4 $r ?y \?? '? { ,= C W ?` WALNUT ST O Y Y ?` ~ MAPLE BT 30 P GNLANY / ?%Z ¢ J t c1.9 :`` p a r HAZEL ST' .4411 OyNOAAY O a 11???w ??` ??` sP +?? w 3 \ / •. / •• ?1 01 ?` ?/ N F ' O-NTS 1-?L .... ...... •' 6' o 0 4wp 10 VIEW 0H 0 ?•i C M1 y. i 10 gt 1 n r ti 000 r+ P O? 2 i 1a W 9 t?? ? t? ? v G • I 90 30 ? I 1 T ST N MAIN ST 0 Bu b 0 C ??c cif ? y ? . ? ~: • ? / .. I ` ?y s? fN 1 ` \ ` ?' 'i P NTH t?riow J1 r r NOUN ? NArt. ? M ?iQ( t +1`t?C M? ?4r MO Apr ft"L of POU" r • r ? ? r • d «? o ? •F r PLoTT 1 1 I-OCATooJ oi` IICX- . /f-? p r3E' E e, e. 7:; . !:,:e- *4b 1 .?M Lr M• ? rt ?I R.. e. ' z • ?i> I'?? r'h ?.+S: aMw?' ?, ''y..r?`'1?., v'ti+w;'r:'i?'u"l.:e?r? `n` ,v +i'Pi?!?•.. ??'?t' ....? ..._ ... r.r.. ?. .. ..... ... .. .. .. .. .... .r. .. .. .. I-O"V24 flaw, NWIT nil: , I-OK-CO Should be used only when round pipe will not R Pipe-Arch satisfy the specific site requirements regard- ing minimum cover and flow characteristics. Desirable Characteristics of Pipe-Arch: Useful in conditions of limited cover. Provides adequate capacity without raising grade or installing several smaller openings. Valuable in case of flash-flood-producing storms where fast, unrestricted runoff is required ml 41 d T 7 r 'lC;1t' '-?. 1 N n.ti 4`4A x,.;.11,, •.? ? , Installing a Republic Corrugated Steel Pipe-Arch Storm sewer System for a Shopping Center near Sharon, Penna. 12 DESIGN DETAILS OF CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE-ARCHES' (3 x 1 In.) Diameter -' i f of E ual Span, Rise Waterway Periphery, . Inches' Inches' Area,, Sq Ft Inches 60 66 66 51 73 19.3 72 55 81 59 23.2 78 84 87 63 27.4 32.1 90 95 67 103 71 37.0 96 102 11112 75 7 42.4 48.0 108 79 128 83 54.2 114 120 137 87 60.5 67.4 142 91 74.5 Data in this table jr, subject to manufacturing toerances DESIGN DETAILS OF CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE-ARCHES (22/3 x tb In.)* Diameter of Pipe of Equal Pe riphery Span, Rise, ' Waterway Area, , Inches Inches Inches' Sq Ft 15 18 17 13 21 1.1 21 24 15 24 18 1.6 2.2 30 28 20 2.9 36 35 24 42 g 4.5 42 48 49 33` 8.5 8.9 54 57 38 64 43 11.6 60 66 71 47 14. 18.1 1 , 72 77 52 83 57 21.9" _ 26.0 'Data in this table is subject to manufacturing tolerances. •- •••n-,,,,o - I c ww w-gage (0.1id") Republic Corrugated Steel Pipe-Arch used to solve this culvert proDlem-limited cover with a relatively low, wide waterway area required. HEIGHT-OF-COVER LIMITS, IN FEET, FOR H-20 HIGHWAY LOADING GOOD BACKFILL, 85% COMPACTIONt 2 2/3" x 1/2" and 2 x 1/2" Corrugations Site in Inches Minimum Maximum Haight-ol-Fill Over Pipe-Arch Specified Thickness for the Following Corner Bearing Pressures in Tons per Sq. Ft. Equiv Span x Rise Required . Pipe in Inches Diam. 2 Tons 3 Tons 4 Tons 15 17 x 13 0.064 15 22 30 18 21 x 15 0.064 14 21 28 21 24 x 18 0.064 12 19 25 24 28 x 20 0.064 12 18 24 30 35 x 24 0.064 12 18 24 36 42 x 29 0.064 10 15 20 42 49 x 33 0.079 9 14 19 48 57 x 38 0.109 9 14 19 54 64 x 43 0.109 9 14 19 60 71 x 47 0.138 9 14 19 66 77 x 52 0.168 9 14 19 72 83 x 57 0.168 10 15 20 5" x 1" ;or 3" x 1" Corrugations Site in Inch" Minimum Maximum Height-of-Fill Over Specified Pipe-Arch for the Following Thickness Corner Bearing Pressures Equiv. Pipe Span x Rise Required in Inch s Minimum Cover in Tons per Sq. Ft. Diam. ' 2 Tons 3 Tons 4 Tons 60 66 x 51 0.109 12 inches 21 31 42 66 73 x 55 0.109 12 inches 21 31 42 72 81 x 59 0.109 12 inches 17 26 35 78 87 x 63 0.109 12 inches 17 26 35 84 95 x 67 0.109 12 inches 17 26 34 90 103 x 71 0.109 18 inches 17 25 34 96 112 x 75 0.109 18 inches 17 25 34 102 117 x 79 0.109 18 inches 16 25 34 108 128 x 83 0.109 24 inches 16 25 33 114 137 x 87 0.109 1 24 inches 16 25 33 120 142 x 91 0.136 24 inches 16 25 32 Minimum cover from top of pipe-arch to top of subgrade - 1 It. HEIGHT-OF-COVER LIMITS, IN FEET, FOR E-80 RAILROAD LOADING GOOD BACKFILL, 85% COMPACTIONt 2 2/3" x 1/2" and 2" x 1/2" Corrugations Site Height of Cover in Feet 2 3-4 5-7 8-15 Equiv . Pipe Span x Rise. in In. Diam. Specified Thickness in Inches 15 17 x 13 .079 .079 .079 .079 .18 21 x 15 .079 .079 .079 .079 21 24 x 16 .1'09 .079 .079 .079 24 28 x 20 .109 .109 .079 .079 30 35 x24 .138 .109 .109 .109 36 42 x 29 .168 .138 .138 .109 42 49 x 33 .168 .138 .138 48 57 x 38 .168 .168 54 64 x 43 .168 60 71 x 47 .168 The above table is an gmpin"I "gage" table based on experience. 5" x 1" or 3" x 1" Corrugations Site in Inches Maximum Height-ol-fill Over Minimum Pipe-Arch for the Following Specified Minimum Corner Been g Pressures Thickness Cover in Tons par Sq. Ft. . uiv E Required q . Pipe Span x Rise in Inches Diem. 3 Tons 4 Tons. 60 66 x 51 0.109 36 inches 31 42 66 73 x 55 0.109 36 inches 31 42 72 81 x 59 0.109 42 inches 25 35 78 87 x 63 0.109 48 inches 25 35 84 95 x 67 0.109 48 inches 24 34 90 103 x 71 0.109 54 inches, 24 34. 96 112 x 75 0.109 60 inches 24 34 102 117 x 79 0.109 Winches 23 34 108 128 x 83 0.109 72 inches 23. 33 114 137 x 87 0.109 72 inches 22 33 120 142 x 91 0.138 72 inches 22 32 tSelected granular backfill material compacted to 85% of standard density based on AASHTO Specification T-99. The information for the tables above was taken from the American Iron & Steel Institute's "Handbook of Steel Drainage 8 Highway Construction Products" 1983. The following values are used for the soil and steel parameters: Unit Weight of Soil-120 lb. per cu. ft. Helative Density of Compacted Backfill - Minimum 65% Std AASHTO Yield Point of Steel -33,OGiD psi. Thickness requirements in this -table assume the pipe to be bedded on an adequate, uniform foundation backfilled with selected granu- lar material placed in 6" layers evenly on both sides of the structure and tamped thoroughly. `Additional cover may be required during construction to protect the conduit from heavy wheel loads of construction equipment. 13 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 'NILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1390 !N REPLY REFER TO May 10, 1993 Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199302275 and Nationwide Permit No. 14 (Road Crossing) Mr. John Queen III Muckle Cove Road Waynesville, North Carolina 28786 Dear Mr. Queen: i5 Reference your application of April 7, 1993, for Department of the Army authorization to construct a culverted road crossing of Raccoon Creek at your property located off of SR 1818, Ratcliffe Cove Road, in Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina. The culvert is to replace a deteriorated wooden bridge. The project has been reviewed by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) for potential adverse impacts to designated trout waters. For the purposes of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits. Authorization, pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, was provided for fills for roads crossing waters of the United States (including wetlands and other special aquatic sites) provided: a. The width of the fill is limited to the minimum necessary for the actual crossing; b. The fill placed in waters of the United States is limited to a filled area of no more than one-third acre. Furthermore, no more than a total of 200 linear feet of the fill for the roadway can occur in special aquatic sites, including wetlands; C. The crossing is culverted, bridged or otherwise designed to prevent the restriction of, and to withstand, expected highflows and the movement of aquatic organisms; d. The crossing, including all attendant features, both temporary and permanent, is part of a single and complete project for crossing of a water of the United States; and e. For fills in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the permittee notifies the District Engineer in accordance with the "Notification" general condition. 77 t -2- Your work is authorized by this nationwide permit provided it _3 accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions. This nationwide permit does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain any required state or local approval. Information regarding issuance of a section 401 Water Quality Certification may be obtained through John Dorney, Division of Environmental Management, at (919) 733-1786. This verification will be valid for 2 years from the date of this letter unless the nationwide authorization is modified, reissued, or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the 2 years if, during that period, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the nationwide permit authorization. If during the 2 years, the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within 12 months of the date of the nationwide permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend, or revoke the authorization. Questions or comments may be addressed to David Baker in our Asheville Regulatory office at (704) 271-4856. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 r. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687