HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161200 Ver 1_Mit_Plan_Draft_20190716ID#* 20161200 Select Reviewer:* Mac Haupt Initial Review Completed Date 07/17/2019 Mitigation Project Submittal - 7/16/2019 Version* 1 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site? * Type of Mitigation Project:* fJ Stream rJ Wetlands r Buffer r Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Company/Owner:* NC DEQ DMS Contact Name:* Melonie Allen Project Information r Yes r No Email Address:* Melonie.Allen@ncdenr.gov Project Type: F DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: DRAFT Millstone Creek (Ken -Cox) County: Randolph Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Plans File Upload: Millstone _ Creek —Mit _ Plan_Draft_07122019.pdf 56MB Rease upload only one RDF of the conplete file that needs to be subnitted... Signature Print Name:* Melonie Allen Signature: * Millstone Creek Mitigation Site Randolph County, North Carolina DRAFT MITIGATION PLAN DMS Project Number: IMS # 204 Deep River Basin - 14-digit HUC 03030003020030 USACE Action ID: DWR ID: Prepared for: NC Department of Environment Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 DRAFT - April 15, 2019 Prepared by: Jonathan L. Page, PE & Barbara A. Doll, PhD, PE Biological & Agricultural Engineering Department, NC State University Box 7625, Raleigh, NC 27695 This mitigation plan has been written in conformance with the requirements of the following documents, which govern NCDMS operations and procedures for the delivery of compensatory mitigation: •Federal rule for compensatory mitigation project sites as described in the Federal Register Title 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters Volume 3 Chapter 2 Section § 332.8 paragraphs (c)(2) through (c)(14). •NCDENR Division of Mitigation Services In-Lieu Fee Instrument signed and dated July 28, 2010 Millstone Creek Site - Randolph County Mitigation Plan 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ 4  LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... 6  1. PROJECT INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 8  2.WATERSHED APPROACH AND SITE SELECTION ............................................. 13  2.1 River Basin and Watershed Planning Context .................................................... 13  2.2 Stream Use Classification ................................................................................... 14  3.BASELINE AND EXISTING CONDITIONS ............................................................ 15  3.1 Watershed Processes and Landscape Characteristics ....................................... 15  3.1.1 Watershed and Site Geology ....................................................................... 15  3.1.2 Watershed and Site Landuse ....................................................................... 19  3.1.3 Site Soils ...................................................................................................... 21  3.1.4 Site Vegetation ............................................................................................. 23  4.2 Site Resources ................................................................................................... 26  4.2.1 NT R1 and UTA R1 ....................................................................................... 26  4.2.2 NT R2 and UT R2 ......................................................................................... 26  4.2.3 UTB ............................................................................................................... 28  4.2.4 Millstone Creek ............................................................................................. 31  4.2.5 Wetland 1 ...................................................................................................... 33  5. REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................ 35  5.1 Threatened and Endangered Species ................................................................. 35  5.2 Cultural Resources .............................................................................................. 37  5.3 404/401 ................................................................................................................ 37  6. FUNCTIONAL UPLIFT POTENTIAL ......................................................................... 38  6.1 Stream Functional Uplift Potential ........................................................................ 38  6.1.1 Hydrology ...................................................................................................... 39  6.1.2 Hydraulics ..................................................................................................... 39  6.1.3 Geomorphology ............................................................................................. 40  6.1.4 Physicochemical ........................................................................................... 40  6.1.5 Biology .......................................................................................................... 40  6.2 Constraints to Functional Uplift ............................................................................ 42  7. MITIGATION SITE GOALS AND FUNCTIONAL OBJECTIVES ............................... 42  8. DESIGN APPROACH AND MITIGATION WORK PLAN ........................................... 45  2 8.1 Design Approach Summary ................................................................................. 45  8.2 NT R1 and UTA R2 Basis for Design ................................................................... 46  8.2.1 Design Channel Size and Discharge ............................................................. 47  8.2.2 Reference Streams and Morphological Design Criteria ................................ 48  8.3 NT R2, UTA R2 and UTB Basis for Design ......................................................... 49  8.3.4 Implementation Plan ..................................................................................... 49  8.4 Millstone Creek Basis for Design ......................................................................... 50  8.4.1 Design Channel Size and Discharge ............................................................. 50  8.4.2 Reference Streams ....................................................................................... 51  8.4.3 Morphological Design Criteria ....................................................................... 53  8.4.4 Sediment Transport ....................................................................................... 54  8.4.5 Implementation Plan ..................................................................................... 56  8.5 Wetland Basis for Design .................................................................................... 57  8.5.1 Wetland 1 Design Approach .......................................................................... 57  8.5.2 Implementation Plan ..................................................................................... 58  8.6 Riparian Vegetation and Planting Plan ................................................................ 58  8.7 Post-Construction Stabilization Plan .................................................................... 63  8.8 Stream Crossings ................................................................................................ 63  8.9 Project Risks and Uncertainties ........................................................................... 63  10. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND MITIGATION SUCCESS CRITERIA ........... 64  10.1 Streams ............................................................................................................. 65  10.1.1 Channel Dimension ..................................................................................... 65  10.1.2 Longitudinal Profile and Planform Geometry ............................................... 65  10.1.3 Channel Substrate ...................................................................................... 66  10.1.4 Channel Hydrology ...................................................................................... 66  10.1.5 Visual Assessments and Semi-annual Inspections ..................................... 66  10.1.6 Photo Documentation .................................................................................. 67  10.2 Wetlands ............................................................................................................ 67  10.3 Vegetation ......................................................................................................... 68  10.4 Additional Monitoring ......................................................................................... 68  10.4.1 Physicochemical ......................................................................................... 68  10.4.2 Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Habitat Assessment ................................. 69  11. SITE MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE PLAN .................................................. 69  11.1 Monitoring Plan .................................................................................................. 69  3 11.2 Site Maintenance Plan ....................................................................................... 75  11.3 Adaptive Management Plan ............................................................................... 75  11.4 Long-Term Management Plan ........................................................................... 76  12. DETERMINATION OF CREDITS ............................................................................ 77  13. REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 78  14. APPENDICIES .................................................................................................... 81  14.1 Appendix A – Detailed Functional Uplift Study with SQT .............................. 81  14.1.1 Hydrology .................................................................................................... 81  14.1.2 Hydraulics ................................................................................................... 82  14.1.3 Channel Geomorphology ............................................................................ 83  14.1.4 Physicochemical ......................................................................................... 85  14.1.5 Biology ........................................................................................................ 93  Fish Assessment ....................................................................................................... 97  14.2 Appendix B – Field Morphology Data ................................................................ 99  14.3 Appendix C – Detailed Millstone Creek Sediment Supply Analysis ................. 125  14.4 Appendix D – Additional Maps and Figures ..................................................... 133  LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Site Mitigation Summary .................................................................................... 9 Table 2: Watershed Temporal Landuse Summary by Site Resource ........................... 20 Table 3: Site Existing Stream Summary ........................................................................ 27 Table 4: Regulatory Considerations for Millstone Creek Mitigation Site ........................ 35 Table 5: Federally Endangered Species Listed for Randolph County, NC .................... 36 Table 6: Federal Species of Concern Listed for Randolph County, NC ........................ 36 Table 7: Estimated Impacts to Site Wetlands ................................................................ 38 Table 8: Millstone Creek Stream Functional Uplift Summary ........................................ 39 Table 9: Millstone Creek Mitigation Site Goals and Objectives ...................................... 44 Table 10: Millstone Creek Mitigation Site Restoration Approach Summary ................... 46 Table 11: NT R1 and UTA R1 design summary ............................................................ 48 Table 12: Select Reference Streams from Zink et al. (2012) with proposed Morphological Design Criteria ....................................................................................... 49 Table 13: Millstone Creek Reach 2 Channel Size and Discharge Analysis ................... 50 Table 14: Millstone Creek Reach 2 Reference Stream Summary ................................. 52 Table 15: Millstone Creek Morphological Design Criteria .............................................. 54 Table 16: Millstone Creek Sediment Supply Summary ................................................. 55 Table 17: Summary for Wetland Treatment Zones and Depths ..................................... 58 Table 18: Planting Plan Zones ...................................................................................... 61 Table 19: Summary of Performance Standards and Monitoring Metrics ....................... 70 Table 20: Millstone Creek Stream Mitigation Monitoring Plan ....................................... 72 Table 21: Millstone Creek Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Plan ...................................... 73 Table 22: General Site Maintenance Plan ..................................................................... 75 Table 23: Determination of Mitigation Credits ................................................................ 77 Table 24: Millstone Creek Site Resource Hydrology Functional Parameters ................. 81 Table 25: Millstone Creek Site Resource Hydraulic Functional Parameters .................. 82 Table 26: Select Millstone Creek Site Resource Geomorphology Functional Parameters ...................................................................................................................................... 84 Table 27: Millstone Creek Reachwide Streambank Erosion and Deposition Summary 84 Table 28: Summary Statistics for Stormflow WQ Samples in NT and UTA .................. 86 Table 29: Summary Statistics for Baseflow WQ Samples in NT and UTA .................... 87 Table 30: Total load of Nutrients for NT and UTA ......................................................... 88 Table 31: Summary of Physicochemical Functional Parameters .................................. 93 Table 32: Macroinvertebrate Assessment Summary ..................................................... 96 Table 33: Summary Biology Functional Parameters ...................................................... 99 Table 34: LWD piece and debris dam counts and scores for Millstone Creek. .............. 99 Table 35: LWD piece and debris dam counts and scores for the North Tributary .......... 99 Table 36: LWD piece and debris dam counts and scores for UT to Millstone Reach A .................................................................................................................................... 100 Table 37: LWD piece and debris dam counts and scores for UTB .............................. 101 Table 38: NT R1 and NT R2 BEHI Assessment ......................................................... 121 Table 39: UTA R1 and UTA R2 BEHI Assessment ..................................................... 122 Table 40: UT Millstone Reach B BEHI Assessment .................................................... 123 Table 41: Millstone Creek BEHI Assessment ............................................................. 124 Table 42: Millstone Creek SSC Concentration and Sediment Load from TSS data and the general USGS Equation ........................................................................................ 126 Table 43: ArcSWAT Model Summary for Sediment Load and TSS concentration for Simulation Period from 1990 to 2006 .......................................................................... 129 Table 44: Millstone Creek Sediment Loads Delivered to Modeled Cross-Sections ..... 132 Table 45: Millstone Creek Streambank Adjustment Summary ................................... 141 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Site Vicinity Map ............................................................................................. 10 Figure 2: Existing Site Resources ................................................................................. 11 Figure 3: Site Mitigation Summary................................................................................. 12 Figure 4: Granite Rock Outcroppings Just Outside the Conservation Easement for Millstone Creek Project Site .......................................................................................... 16 Figure 5: Bimodal streambed of angular granite and sand (photo from approximately two miles upstream of Site) ........................................................................................... 16 Figure 6: Boulder outcropping with large log creates bedform and flow diversity. Photo taken in Millstone Creek upstream of the easement boundary. ..................................... 17 Figure 7: Stream and Geologic Features of Millstone Creek Mitigation Site. ................. 18 Figure 8: Millstone Creek Site Soils ............................................................................... 22 Figure 9: Millstone Creek Site Existing Vegetation ........................................................ 25 Figure 10: North Tributary at station 0+87 looking downstream (left). Note the steep, eroded and sparsely vegetated streambanks. ............................................................... 26 Figure 11: NT R2 (left) and UTA R2 (right) .................................................................... 28 Figure 12: UTB looking upstream (left) and downstream at STA 8 + 60 FT .................. 30 Figure 13: Millstone Creek at STA 15 + 50 FT (left) and STA 19 + 10 FT (right) ........... 32 Figure 14: Wetland 1 Existing Conditions ...................................................................... 34 Figure 15: Step-pool systems with underlying sand layer in Anne Arundel County, MD (left) and Durham, NC (right) ......................................................................................... 47 Figure 16: Terrible Creek Reference Reach .................................................................. 51 Figure 17: Sandy Creek Reference Reach .................................................................... 52 Figure 18: Riparian Vegetation and Planting Plan ......................................................... 60 Figure 19: Millstone Creek Site Monitoring Plan ............................................................ 74 Figure 20: NOx-N Concentrations pre-fencing (left) and post-fencing (right) for UT Reach A (UT) and North Tributary (N) ........................................................................... 88 Figure 21: Total Nutrient Loads From Baseflow and Stormflow for UT to Millstone Reach A and North Tributary ......................................................................................... 89 Figure 22: In-situ probe conductivity measurements at NT and UTA. .......................... 90 Figure 23: Fecal coliform in grab samples at Millstone (UT-base, N-base, and Mill-dn) and Jordan Lake (JL-pre and JL-post). .......................................................................... 91 Figure 24: TKN, NOx-N, NH3-N, and TP (left) and TSS (right) concentrations at Mill-dn. ...................................................................................................................................... 92 Figure 25: Total taxa richness for Millstone Creek tributaries ....................................... 95 Figure 26: EPT taxa richness for Millstone Creek tributaries ........................................ 95 Figure 27: EPT abundance for Millstone Creek tributaries ........................................... 95 Figure 28: North Tributary Existing Longitudinal Profile .............................................. 102 Figure 29: North Tributary XS1 STA. 0 + 87 FT ......................................................... 102 Figure 30: North Tributary Station 0+87 looking upstream ......................................... 103 Figure 31: North Tributary XS1 STA. 1 + 86 FT ......................................................... 103 Figure 32: North Tributary Station 1+86 looking downstream ..................................... 104 Figure 33: North Tributary XS1 STA. 3 + 16 FT ......................................................... 104 Figure 34: North Tributary station 3+16 looking upstream .......................................... 105 Figure 35: UTA Longitudinal Profile ............................................................................ 106 Figure 36: UTA XS1 STA. 0 + 64 FT ........................................................................... 107 Figure 37: UT Millstone Reach A STA. 0+64 Looking Upstream ................................. 107 Figure 38: UTA XS2 STA. 2 + 49 FT .......................................................................... 108 Figure 39: UT Millstone Reach A STA. 2+49 Looking Downstream ............................ 108 Figure 40: UTA XS3 STA. 3+95 FT ............................................................................ 109 Figure 41: UT Millstone Reach A STA. 3+95 Looking Downstream ............................ 109 Figure 42: UTA XS4 STA. 5+30 FT ............................................................................ 110 Figure 43: UT Millstone Reach A STA 5+30 Looking Upstream .................................. 110 Figure 44: UTB Existing Longitudinal Profile .............................................................. 111 Figure 45: UTB STA. 6 + 76 FT .................................................................................. 112 Figure 46: UTB STA. 6+76 looking downstream ......................................................... 112 Figure 47: UTB STA. 8 + 62 FT .................................................................................. 113 Figure 48: UTB STA. 10 + 98 FT ................................................................................ 114 Figure 49: Millstone Creek Existing Longitudinal Profile Summary ........................... 114 Figure 50: MC XS1 STA. 1 + 75 FT ............................................................................ 115 Figure 51: MS XS1 STA. 1+75 Looking Downstream .................................................. 115 Figure 52: MC XS2 STA. 3 + 91 FT ............................................................................ 116 Figure 53: MC XS2 STA. 3 + 91 FT Looking Upstream .............................................. 116 Figure 54: MC XS3 STA. 8 + 37 FT ............................................................................ 117 Figure 55: MC XS3 STA. 8 + 37 FT Looking Upstream. .............................................. 117 Figure 56: MC XS4 STA. 13 + 33 FT .......................................................................... 118 Figure 57: MC XS4 STA. 13 + 33 FT Looking Upstream ............................................ 118 Figure 58: MC XS4 STA. 17 + 37 FT .......................................................................... 119 Figure 59: MC XS4 STA. 17 + 37 FT .......................................................................... 119 Figure 60: MC XS6 STA. 19 + 84 FT .......................................................................... 120 Figure 61: MC XS6 STA. 19 + 84 FT Looking Upstream ............................................. 120 Figure 62: BEHI assessment locations STA. 0+15, STA. 0+30, STA. 0+52 and 1+95 .................................................................................................................................... 121 Figure 63: BEHI Assessment Locations (From Left to Right) STA. 0+25, STA. 1+89 Right Bank and STA. 1+89 Left Bank. ......................................................................... 122 Figure 64: HEC-RAS Model of the Existing Millstone Creek Project Reach ............... 130 Figure 65: Streambed Elevations from Quasi-unsteady HEC-RAS Model of the Existing Millstone Creek Project Reach .................................................................................... 131 Figure 66: Millstone Creek Watershed Slopes ............................................................ 133 Figure 67: Millstone Creek Watershed Landuse .......................................................... 134 Figure 68: Millstone Creek Drainage Area ................................................................... 135 Figure 69: Millstone Creek Site Tributary DA’s and Topography ................................. 136 Figure 70: Millstone Creek Site Streambank Condition Summary ............................... 137 Figure 71: Morphology Survey Cross-Section and Soil Boring Locations ................... 138 Figure 72: Millstone Creek Substrate Sampling Locations (Upstream) ....................... 139 Figure 73: Millstone Creek Substrate Sampling Locations (Downstream) ................... 140 Figure 74: Millstone Creek Channel Adjustment Summary ........................................ 143 Figure 75: Millstone Creek 2007 – 2010 Deposition and Erosion ............................... 144 Figure 76: Millstone Creek 2010 – 2014 Deposition and Erosion ............................... 145 Figure 77: Millstone Creek 2014 – 2016 Deposition and Erosion ............................... 146 1. PROJECT INTRODUCTION The proposed Millstone Creek Mitigation Site (Site) is located in the Deep River sub-basin of the Cape Fear River Basin in Randolph County, North Carolina (HUC: 03030003020030, N35°41'48.06" W79°37'26.24"). The Site is located approximately 3 miles southeast of the Town of Ramseur off Highway 22 (Figure 1). The existing conservation easement extends across two parcels: one owned by Joe Dean Cox and Billie Jo Cox, and the other is owned by Victor Craig Staley and Anthony Todd Stout. See Appendix E for the Site location and conservation easement delineation. The site and contributing rural watersheds are located within the Carolina Slate Belt (EPA Ecoregion 45c) with rolling hills typical of the NC Piedmont. Land adjacent to the Site and within the established conservation easement has been heavily impacted by cattle grazing and the land application of swine waste for 20+ years. This agricultural production practice has led to severe water quality and aquatic habitat impairment, streambank trampling and degradation of the riparian and wetland vegetation on all of the site’s mitigation assets. There are four (4) streams and one (1) wetland feature located within the existing easement (Figure 2). Site streams are divided into seven (7) reaches: NT R1 (303 LF), NT R2 (103 LF), UTA R1 (505 LF), UTA R2 (100 LF), UTB (605 LF), Millstone Creek R1 (1,462 LF) and Millstone Creek R2 (553 LF). The total existing stream length onsite is 3,631 LF. The tributaries (NT, UTA and UTB) have all been heavily impacted by grazing, livestock trampling and land applications of swine wastes. UTB terminates at a jurisdictional wetland feature (1.159 AC) that formed through sediment deposition behind a remnant sawmill impoundment. Seepage along the terrace toe of slope is likely contributing additional hydrologic input. A ditch drains the wetland area and flows offsite and eventually into Millstone Creek approximately 400 feet south of the easement boundary. Millstone Creek is a large sand bed system with high sediment supply, lack of sediment storage on point bars and low benches, bank erosion and lateral migration and lack of native woody riparian vegetation. Mitigation activities within the Site are designed to address specific stressors to water quality and aquatic habitats. On reaches NT R1 and UTA R1, riffle-step- pool systems with an underlying sand layer have been proposed to provide processing and treatment of extremely high nutrient concentrations and loads. Enhancement I activities on reaches NT R2 and UTA R2 include minor bank grading and bedform diversity with enhanced native riffles and log steps. Enhanced riffles and log steps will be placed within the UTB channel for grade control, increased bed elevation and to target a more appropriate pool- to-pool spacing ratio. Two small pieces of Wetland 1 will be enhanced through invasive species control and the replanting of native wetland species. Much of Wetland 1 will be re-established through removal the existing ditch and berm, moderate excavation and grading. Bank grading, wood structures and brush toe protection will be implemented on Millstone Creek Reach 1. Reach 2 will be realigned with wood structures and habitat features. The proposed mitigation work will result in the 3,647 stream mitigation units and 0.88 wetland mitigation units (Table 1, Figure 3). Through a research partnership established in August 2014 between North Carolina State University Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering (NCSU BAE) and the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NC DMS), substantial effort has been made to collect detailed hydrologic, water quality, macroinvertebrate, landscape process, geomorphic and functional data at the proposed mitigation site. The field measured dataset has been used to develop and guide the mitigation planning effort. The proposed restoration approach for the Site is designed to optimize functional upl ift with respect to existing conditions, site constraints, specific landscape processes, in -stream fluvial processes and onsite constraints. Table 1: Site Mitigation Summary Site Resource Existing Proposed Level Ratio Credits NT R1 303 LF 325 LF Restoration 1:1 325 NT R2 103 LF 103 LF Enhancement I 1:1 103 UTA R1 505 LF 523 LF Restoration 1:1 523 UTA R2 100 LF 100 LF Enhancement I 1:1 100 UTB 605 LF 596 LF Enhancement* 1:1 596 Millstone Creek R1 1,462 LF 1,462 LF Enhancement I 1:1 1,462 Millstone Creek R2 553 LF 538 LF Restoration 1:1 538 Wetland 1.159 ac 1.159 AC Rehabilitation 2:1 0.580 0.601 AC Reestablishment 1:1 0.601 Total Stream Credits = 3,647 Total Wetland Credits = 1.185 * Ut B subject to 1.5:1 ratio, this has been increased to 1:1 to yield 199 additional credits (5.5%) to offset cost of supplemental monitoring associated with regenerative stormwater conveyance Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 9 Figure 1: Site Vicinity Map Figure 2: Existing Site Resources Figure 3: Site Mitigation Summary Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan 2.WATERSHED APPROACH AND SITE SELECTION 2.1 River Basin and Watershed Planning Context Millstone Creek (HUC 03030003) is 7.22 miles long and flows into the Deep River, which is a tributary to the Cape Fear River. The proposed Millstone Creek Mitigation Site is located 1.39 miles above the confluence of Millstone Creek and the Deep River. Neither Millstone Creek nor the sub-basin of the Deep River (HUC 03030003020030) that it lies within are included in DMS’s Compensation Planning Framework (CPF). Further, there is no site specific benthic or water quality monitoring data available for Millstone Creek from the NC Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) or the Upper Cape Fear River Basin Association (UCFRBA). In addition, there is no specific mention of Millstone Creek in any watershed plans available from neither the NC DEQ, NC DMS nor the Piedmont Triad Regional Council (PTRC). PTRC is a voluntary association of municipal and county governments enabled by state law to promote regional issues and cooperation among members. The PTRC serves local governments in 12 counties including Randolph and conducts watershed planning as part of its water resources efforts. (NC-DEQ, 2005) Cape Fear River Basin-Wide Plan noted that the Deep River from Haskett Creek to Brush Creek (20.9 miles) is supporting of aquatic life because of a “good” benthic community qualitative rating just D/S of the Town of Ramseur. The location of this “good” benthic macroinvertebrate rating is approximately 5 miles U/S of the Deep River’s confluence with Millstone creek. However, turbidity was noted as exceeding water quality standards on several occasions at the Upper Cape Fear River Basin Association (UCFRBA) ambient monitoring station B5100000, which is located a short distance of approximately 0.4 miles downstream of the Millstone Creek confluence with the Deep River. Ambient monitoring data for this station from 2008 to 2012 reported 8 occurrences of exceeding the fecal coliform standard (200/400) and 4 for exceeding the turbidity standard (50 NTU) (n=60 samples). The station reported no exceedance for Nitrate/Nitrite, TKN, TN, TP, DO, TSS, Temp, pH, or specific conductance. Similarly, the upstream ambient monitoring station on the Deep River in Ramseur (B5070000), approximately 5 miles upstream of the Millstone Creek confluence, reported 3 exceedances for Turbidity and 8 for fecal coliform during the same four year monitoring period (NCDEQ, 2014). This reach of the Deep River is not rated for recreational use because of the fecal coliform bacteria screening criteria at these stations both U/S and D/S of the Millstone Creek confluence. In contrast, the current 319 Watershed Restoration Plan Map lists the 18.2 mile reach from Gabriel’s Creek to Brush Creek as impaired, which spans U/S and D/S of the confluence (NCDEQ, 2015). However, this impairment is attributed to Copper concentrations and Mercury in fish tissue. The reach is currently meeting the 50 NTU criteria for turbidity and fecal coliform of 200 counts per 400 mL. The draft 2016 303(d) list does not include this stretch of the river citing inconclusive data for Chlorophyll a (40 ug/l standard) and no mention of copper or mercury (NC DEQ, 2016). PTRC (2016) also indicates that 20 miles of the Deep River are currently listed as impaired for biological community either due to low dissolved oxygen levels and/or high chlorophyll-a levels, both indicative of high nutrient inputs and eutrophication. This impairment is likely the result of large contributions of nutrients from agricultural production practices in sub- basin. Exacerbating the effects of these pollutants are several small dams - most are poorly maintained and slow water flow. The stagnant river flows allow algal growth and possible river eutrophication, which can lead to hypoxic water conditions and biological die-off. PTRC (2016) speculates that the rare and endangered species endemic to the Deep River may be driven from this river system under these conditions. PTRC (2016) has outlined the need for an Asheboro Municipal Watershed Restoration Plan and is currently seeking funds to produce a comprehensive watershed restoration plan including a detailed watershed assessment, policy and program recommendations to address water quality needs. Based on the NC DEQ Cape Fear Basin plan assessment of the Deep River D/S of the Millstone Creek confluence combined with the observations and priorities of the PTRC and TJCOG, reducing the export of sediment, nutrients and pathogens to the Deep River should be a priority for the watershed and its tributaries, which includes Millstone Creek. Given the presence of cultivated and pasture lands in the watershed, the conclusion that Millstone Creek is contributing substantial loading of sediment, nutrients and fecal pollution to affected segment of the Deep River is reasonable. The mitigation plan for the Site should be targeted at addressing these pollutant issues. 2.2 Stream Use Classification Millstone Creek is the only perennial stream located within the project area (DWQ Stream Index Number 17-19) with a designated stream use classification. DWQ classifies Millstone Creek as “C”. The “C” classification indicates waters protected for secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish and aquatic life propagation and survival, agriculture and other uses suitable for Class C. There are no restrictions on watershed development or types of discharges. A stream evaluation of Millstone Creek determined it to be a strong perennial stream with a score of 32.5. The tributaries (NT, UTA, UTB) classified as at least intermittent streams with scores of 26 or greater. Therefore, surface waters within the embankments of Millstone Creek and its tributaries are subject to jurisdictional consideration under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as waters of the U.S. (33 CFR Section 328.3). 3. BASELINE AND EXISTING CONDITIONS 3.1 Watershed Processes and Landscape Characteristics 3.1.1 Watershed and Site Geology The Site and contributing watersheds are located within the Carolina Slate Belt. The Carolina Slate Belt consists mostly of rocks originally deposited on or near the earth’s surface by volcanic eruption and sedimentation (North Carolina Geological Survey, 1985). The major rocks of the slate belt are volcanic argillites, basic and acid tuffs, breccias and flows (Daniels et al., 1999). Volcanic igneous rocks rise above the surrounding slates as high rolling hills and small mountains. The interfluves are irregular, and sharp topographic breaks like knolls and saddles are common. The valley sides are relatively short. Thick soils tend to occur on the smoother parts of the Slate Belt and thin soils occur on the broken or sharply irregular landscapes. Alluvial fills in the small streams draining the Slate Belt are narrow, shallow to hard rock, and contain an abundance of slate fragments. The small first and second order streams or drainage ways tend to be short and stubby with high angle junctions. Alignment of tributaries across the main stream is common and may be related to the underlying rock structures. Right angle turns are also common in the main channels (Daniels, Buol, Kleiss, & Ditzler, 1999). Most of the non-eroded or moderately eroded soils have silt loam surfaces and over 30 percent silt with fine sand in the B horizon. Soils formed in the Carolina Slate Belt have relatively high silt contents and overlie relatively thin saprolite compared to soils formed in the felsic crystalline areas. Soils in the Slate system have more slowly permeable B horizons and saprolite than their felsic crystalline counterparts. The Slate Belt is cut in several places by coarse-grained intrusive rocks, generally termed granites, which are relatively un-deformed due to intrusion following the metamorphism that affected the sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Millstone Creek and nearly the entire contributing watershed are located in a sub-region characterized by primarily intrusive rocks and metamorphosed granite rock. Intrusive granite material has been observed as outcroppings within and adjacent to the existing site easement as well as in the U/S reaches of Millstone Creek (Figure 4). The substrate of the reach of Millstone Creek that is within the proposed mitigation site is dominated by sand, however in the upstream reaches cleaved rock and rounded granite boulders are common. The cleaved rock and the erodible silty sand of the region combine to produce a bimodal bed in these U/S reaches (Figure 5). Millstone Creek also contains periodic granite rock clusters and outcroppings, which provide an important source of flow and bedform diversity (Figure 6). Outcroppings are common in the creek, the floodplain and in the pasture area adjacent to the easement as well. Figure 4: Granite Rock Outcroppings Just Outside the Conservation Easement for Millstone Creek Project Site Figure 5: Bimodal streambed of angular granite and sand (photo from approximately two miles upstream of Site) Figure 6: Boulder outcropping with large log creates bedform and flow diversity. Photo taken in Millstone Creek upstream of the easement boundary. Slopes within the watershed range from approximately 15% to 20% along some of the interior ridges to approximately 2% to 4% along the watershed boundary and near the streams. The highest elevations in the watershed are greater than 730 ft above mean sea level in the southern portion of the drainage area, and the lowest elevations are at the most downstream area of the project at approximate elevation 425 ft. The topographic relief within in the Millstone Creek watershed is approximately 305 ft. Topography within the site easement varies widely. With the Site boundaries, the valleys of NT and UTA are relatively steep longitudinally with gentle hillside slopes connecting to the terrace. UTB and Millstone Creek have flatter valleys with steep hillside slopes connecting to the terrace. Elevations within the site range from 480 ft above UTA down to 424 ft at the D/S end of Millstone Creek. Figure 7: Stream and Geologic Features of Millstone Creek Mitigation Site. 3.1.2 Watershed and Site Landuse For the last 25+ years, landuse characteristics in the NT, UTA and UTB watersheds have been relatively constant with the majority of land being managed as pasture or hay production and the remainder in forest cover (Table 2). Swine wastes have also been land applied to the pastures in the vicinity of the tributaries. By 2001, much of the remaining forest cover was removed and the tributary watersheds on Site were almost entirely managed as pasture or hay production. This landuse change is supported by aerial photos from 1993 that shows forest cover in the valleys and riparian zone of the proposed mitigation site. The 2014 aerial shows that most of the forested area in the valleys and along the streams was removed for hay production and grazing. Landuse changes in the Millstone Creek watershed have been relatively dramatic since 1992. There has been a consistent trend in the conversion of forest to pasture and hay production going from 62% forest in 1992 to 35% forest in 2011 with the majority of the landuse change occurring between 1992 and 2001. Disturbances like changes in land cover may lead to changes in flow regime and sediment supply boundary conditions, which can cause channel incision, down cutting and subsequent widening. There are no major metropolitan areas, rapidly expanding municipalities or NC DOT planned highway construction projects in the Millstone Creek watershed. The watershed is very rural with just 4% developed and less than 1% impervious cover. Urbanization and impervious cover is not expected to be a factor of future landuse changes. The Millstone Creek watershed is more likely to experience the continued trend of the conversion of forest cover to pasture and hay production potentially impacting future stream flow and sediment supply regimes. The watersheds of the tributaries are nearly entirely in pasture and simply establishing riparian vegetation within the existing easement will lead to a substantial increase in forested cover likely similar to the 1992/3 conditions. Table 2: Watershed Temporal Landuse Summary by Site Resource North Tributary – 26 Acres (0.04 mi2) Landuse1 19922 2001 20062 2011 Forest 10% - - - Grasslands - - - - Shrub / Scrub - - - - Pasture 90% 99% 99% 99% Developed - <1% <1% <1% Impervious - <1% <1% <1% Other - - - - UT Reach A – 26 Acres (0.04 mi2) Landuse1 19922 2001 20062 2011 Forest 18% - - - Grasslands - - - - Shrub / Scrub - - - - Pasture 82% 95% 95% 95% Developed - 5% 5% 5% Impervious - <1% <1% <1% Other - - - - UT Reach B – 53 Acres (0.1 mi2) Landuse1 19922 2001 20062 2011 Forest 25% - - - Grasslands - - - - Shrub / Scrub - - - - Pasture 75% 98% 98% 98% Developed - 2% 2% 2% Impervious - <1% <1% <1% Other - - - - Millstone Creek – 8.3 mi2 Landuse1 19922 2001 20062 2011 Forest 62% 39% 37% 35% Grasslands - 5% 6% 7% Shrub / Scrub - 4% 4% 5% Pasture 37% 48% 49% 48% Developed <1% 4% 4% 4% Impervious <1% <1% <1% <1% Other - <1% <1% <1% 1Landuse data and category obtained from the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2 For 1992 and 2006, NLCD reports Pasture and Hay Production as “Planted Area” 3.1.3 Site Soils Soils at the proposed Millstone Creek Mitigation Site are generally described as loams on moderately steep to steep slopes. The dominant soil type within the easement is MaC or “Mecklenburg Loam” on 8 to 15% slopes. MaC soils tend to form in long narrow swaths and along ridges and hillslopes (USDA NRCS, 1995). Mecklenburg Loams are highly erodible on slopes with limited fertility properties unless supplemented with fertilization inputs. This soil type characteristic of soils across the Slate Belt with relatively high silt contents that overlie relatively thin saprolite layers. The 8% to 15% slope designation is indicative of the valley configuration within the site where the valley walls slope quickly and steeply from a terrace to the valley floor. RvA or “Riverview Sandy Loam” on 0% to 2% slopes and described as “frequently flooded” is also present within the easement in the vicinity of the D/S reach of UTB and Wetland 1. RvA soil type extends west and north beyond the existing earthen berm towards Millstone Creek. Other soil types located within the site are CcB (“Cecil Sandy Loam”, 2% to 8% slopes), MaD (“Mecklenburg Loam”, 15% to 25% slopes), and MeB2 (“Mecklenburg Clay Loam”, 2% to 8% slopes), however these soils are outside the extents of the proposed restoration effort. The soil type distribution within the easement boundary is shown in Figure 8.. Figure 8: Millstone Creek Site Soils 3.1.4 Site Vegetation Plant community classifications were originally conducted by the Catena Group in 2007. The Catena Group delineated and described three vegetation community types within the easement boundary based on the Schafale and Weakley classification for the site (Schafale & Weakley, 1990). The three types are described below and their range is shown on Figure 9 9. Piedmont Alluvial Forest Remnants of this community are located along the banks of Millstone Creek. This area transitions into a Pasture/Disturbed community throughout the remainder of the Cox property. The canopy along Millstone Creek is fragmented and mainly consists of yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), box elder (Acer negundo), sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), hackberry (Celtis laevigata), red elm (Ulmus rubra), sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), red maple (Acer rubrum), and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). Sub- canopy and shrub species observed include black willow (Salix nigra), box elder, elderberry (Sambucus canadensis), ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), and the invasive exotics, multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) and Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense). The herbaceous layer includes poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), greenbriar (Smilax spp.), violets (Viola spp.), southern crownbeard (Verbesina occidentalis), poor man’s pepper (Lepidium virginicum), (Bermuda grass (Cynodon sp.), and the invasive Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica). Piedmont Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest This community is confined to a narrow buffer along NT and UTA. These tributaries converge at UTB and then transition into Wetland 1 and are encompassed by the Pasture/Disturbed community. The canopy along NT and UTA consists of yellow poplar, sweet gum, hackberry, red elm, sycamore, red maple, green ash, American beech, (Fagus grandifolia), cucumber tree (Magnolia acuminata), and mockernut hickory (Carya alba). Sub-canopy and shrub species black willow, elderberry, American holly (Ilex opaca), ironwood, and the invasive exotics, multiflora rose and Chinese privet. The herbaceous layer includes poison ivy, greenbriar (Smilax spp.), violets (Viola spp.), polkweed (Phytolacca americana), southern crownbeard, Bermuda grass, and the invasive Japanese honeysuckle. Pasture/Disturbed Community Land adjacent to and within the Site is used for animal production, primarily cattle and hogs. As a result, pasture and disturbed conditions dominate the property mostly due to heavy cattle grazing. This plant community is dominated by Bermuda grass, fescue (Festuca spp.), poor man’s pepper, sow thistle (Sonchus sp.), and weedy dogfennel (Chamaemelum mixtum). There is scattering of tree species such as loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), sweet gum, box elder, green ash, and Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) in these open areas. Shrub and herbaceous species such as multiflora rose, blackberry (Rubus spp.), and the invasive exotic Chinese privet are present and often common along community ecotones. Figure 9: Millstone Creek Site Existing Vegetation Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 26 4.2 Site Resources 4.2.1 NT R1 and UTA R1 NT R1 (303 LF) and UTA R1 (505 LF) are small headwater tributaries that lie within confined valleys with small drainage areas managed nearly 100% as pasture (Table 3, Figure 10). NT R1 and UTA R1 are perennial channels, however the flow regime has likely been impacted by downcutting and intersection of the groundwater table. These systems would likely be intermittent systems in the absence of channel degradation in a post-restoration scenario. Headcutting that migrated up valley has resulted in an incised system and the export of approximately 2,500 tons of sediment from each reach (determined by surface comparison in AutoCAD C3D). The exported sediment was deposited in what is now Wetland 1 below UTB. The disturbance that triggered channel degradation may include conversion of forested area to pasture, encroachment and removal of the riparian vegetation that resulted in a change in sediment supply, sediment size, flow regime or bank vegetation boundary conditions. Cattle access and bank trampling has also contributed to degradation of the channel. Figure 10: North Tributary at station 0+87 looking downstream (left). Note the steep, eroded and sparsely vegetated streambanks. 4.2.2 NT R2 and UT R2 NT R2 and UTA R2 are both relatively short perennial streams in confined valleys located below NT R1 and UTA R1 (Table 3, Figure 11). The disturbance that triggered channel degradation may include conversion of forested area to pasture, encroachment and removal of the riparian vegetation or change in sediment supply, sediment size, flow regime or vegetation boundary conditions. NT R2 is a B5 stream type (Rosgen, 1994). Entrenchment varies from entrenched to moderately entrenched (ER = 1.4 to 2.0). The existing channel is straight with a relatively steep channel slope of 0.0386 ft/ft, low width- to-depth ratio (median = 10.2) and a D50 particle size of fine sand (0.4 mm). UTA R2 is an F5 stream type with low sinuosity (1.07) and low entrenchment ratio (1.1) (Rosgen, 1994). The D50 for NT R1 and UTA R1 is sand, however both reaches also contain some coarse riffle material and the streambed is dominated by riffle/run with little habitat heterogeneity. From the existing longitudinal profile (see Appendices), it is clear that these reaches lack pools and other bedform feature diversity. Table 3: Site Existing Stream Summary Parameter Site Resource NT (R1 / R2) UTA (R1 / R2) UTB Millstone Creek Drainage Area 0.04 mi2 0.04 mi2 0.1 mi2 8.3 mi2 Stream Order 1st 1st 2nd 4th Flow Regime Perennial Perennial Perennial Perennial Existing Length 303 LF / 103 LF 505 LF / 100 LF 605 LF 2,015 LF Stream Type G5 / B5 G5 / F5 G5 / E5 E5 / C5 QBKF (ft3/s) 8.7 6.7 9.7 171 - 295 ABKF (ft2) 2.3 14.6 2.1 – 3.7 75.3 – 123.6 WBKF (ft) 4.9 14.5 4.4 – 5.6 28.9 – 46.6 DBKF (ft) 0.5 1.0 0.5 – 0.7 2.6 – 3.4 W/D 10.2 14.3 6.6 – 9.3 9.0 – 17.6 BHR 1.5 2.0 1.0 – 2.3 1.1 – 1.2 ER 2.0 1.1 1.8 – 20 7.1 – 12.3 K 1.05 1.02 1.08 1.09 Valley Confinement Confined Confined Moderately Confined Moderately Confined Valley Type Colluvial Colluvial Alluvial Alluvial Valley Slope 0.0405 ft/ft 0.0265 ft/ft 0.0163 ft/ft 0.0023 ft/ft Channel Slope 0.0370 ft/ft 0.0270 ft/ft 0.0144 ft/ft 0.0021 ft/ft D16 (mm) <0.062 <0.062 0.4 0.3 D50 (mm) 1 0.5 0.5 0.6 D84 (mm) 38 23 9 1.6 D100 (mm) 256 512 256 5.7 Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 27 Figure 11: NT R2 (left) and UTA R2 (right) A small channel with depositional benches and good herbaceous grass cover has formed in NT R2. A cross-section was measured at NT R2 STA. 3 +16 FT. This cross- section was assumed to represent the bankfull dimensions and stage for this channel and the depth to water surface from the bankfull feature was transposed to other cross- sections upstream to measure channel dimensions and the degree of degradation. The bankfull dimensions at NT R2 STA. 3 +16 FT were ABKF = 2.3 ft2, WBKF = 4.9 ft, DBKF = 0.5 ft and DMAX = 0.6 ft. Estimated QBKF is 8.7 cfs using Manning’s equation with a roughness value of 0.035. Published regional curves for North Carolina do not include gauged sites below 0.1 mi2, however extrapolating below the curves using the regression equations (ABKF = 21.99*DA0.67 and QBKF = 91.62*DA0.71) for a 0.04 mi2 drainage area, ABKF and QBKF are expected to be 2.5 ft2 and 9.3 cfs, respectively. While it is not always appropriate to extrapolate the regional linear relationships beyond measured values, in this instance predicted values from the regional curves support field measurements. A representative bankfull cross-section was measured just above UTA R2. This cross-section was determined to represent the bankfull dimensions and stage for this channel and the depth to water surface from the bankfull feature was transposed to other cross-sections upstream and downstream to measure channel dimensions and the degree of degradation. The bankfull dimensions at UTA R1 STA. 3+95 FT were ABKF = 2.0 ft2, W BKF = 7.9 ft, DBKF = 0.3 ft and DMAX = 1.2 ft. Estimated QBKF is 6.7 cfs using Manning’s equation with a roughness value of 0.035. Per the NC Regional Curves, ABKF and QBKF are expected to be 2.5 ft2 and 9.3 cfs, respectively. 4.2.3 UTB UTB is a 2nd order perennial system that begins below the confluence of NT R2 and UTA R2 in the vicinity of a former impoundment for cattle watering (Table 3, Figure 12). The drainage area is 56 ac and managed mostly as pasture. The valley is alluvial and moderately confined relative to channel width and meander belt width with a valley Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 29 slope of 0.0169 ft/ft. The existing channel water surface slope is 0.0161 ft/ft. The valley floor rises steeply to a high terrace at the edge of the existing pasture. UTB is moderately incised through the upstream and middle reaches and has been impacted by historical channelization along the southern hillslope toe, livestock trampling, heavy cattle grazing of riparian vegetation and impoundments at the upstream and downstream extents. UTB is nearly a plane bed system characterized by mostly riffle – run features, two log steps and no defined pools. The channel has limited floodplain connection due to moderate degradation. UTB terminates at a jurisdictional wetland feature (Wetland 1) that formed through sediment deposition behind a remnant sawmill impoundment. Bank height ratios are 1.4 to 2.3 in much of the reach. At the downstream end where the stream flows into Wetland 1, the longitudinal slope decreases and the bankfull stage appears to be at top of bank (BHR=1). The stream is a G5 / E5 stream type (Rosgen, 1994). Most of the reach is moderately entrenched (ER = 1.4 to 1.8), has low sinuosity (1.19) and low width-to-depth ratio (6.6 to 9.3). The lower end of the stream is not incised and has more available floodplain area (ER=20), however the hydraulics and flow regime may be influenced by Wetland 1. Detailed Plots and photos of cross-sections are shown in included in the Appendices. The streambed contained a wide range of particle sizes from fine silts and clays (<0.062 mm) to cobbles 180 - 256 mm in size. The high proportion of silt/clay and sand in the bed is due to the disturbance from cattle and extensive bank erosion within UTB and in the reaches above (NT R1, R2 and UTA R1, R2). A bimodal distribution of particles was also observed, which is typical of streams and rivers experiencing bank erosion and incision. The median partible size (D50) is sand in the 0.5 mm size range, however this is heavily influenced by the bank erosion and bank trampling. A second peak in the distribution is visible for small gravels 5.7 – 8 mm in size. Figure 12: UTB looking upstream (left) and downstream at STA 8 + 60 FT No clear bankfull indicators can be found in the upper reach of UTB due to the active incision, erosion and cattle trampling that has occurred in the reach. However, near the downstream end of UTB bank heights have decreased and bankfull features are visible. In this lower section, the channel is small, has stable banks and good herbaceous grass and wetland vegetation cover. However, this lower reach is impacted by the former impoundment and Wetland 1 just downstream. At STA 10+95 FT, the left top of bank may represent the bankfull stage. This cross-section was assumed to represent the bankfull dimensions and stage for this channel and the depth to water surface from the bankfull feature was transposed to other cross-sections upstream and downstream to measure channel dimensions and the degree of degradation. The bankfull dimensions at UTB STA. 10+98 FT were ABKF = 2.1 ft2, WBKF = 4.4 ft, DBKF = 0.5 ft and DMAX = 0.9 ft. Estimated QBKF is 5.7 cfs using Manning’s equation with a roughness value of 0.035. Published regional curves for North Carolina do not include gauged sites below 0.1 mi2, however extrapolating below the curves slightly using the regression equations (ABKF = 21.99*DA0.67 and QBKF = 91.62*DA0.71) for a 0.1 mi2 drainage area, ABKF and QBKF are expected to be 4.7 ft2 and 17.8 cfs, respectively. These values are somewhat greater than the field measured geometry and discharge, and may be explained by the hydrologic regime and landscape position. Continuously measured discharge on NT R2 and UTA R2 just above the confluence with UTB has suggested the surface runoff volumes and rates are half of what is typically expected for similarly sized watersheds. This would subsequently impact bankfull channel geometry. The jurisdictional wetland is also located just downstream of the measured cross-section at STA. 10+98 FT, which may also be impacting hydraulics and flow regime at this cross-section. 4.2.4 Millstone Creek Millstone Creek is a 4th order sand bed system with a relatively large watershed (DA = 8.3 mi2), low sinuosity and low channel water surface slope (0.0020 ft/ft) (Table 3, Figures 13). The valley is flat (0.0023 ft/ft) and confined within the easement boundaries. The hillside slopes steeply down from terraces on the east and west sides of the valley. Channel bedform is dominated by riffle, ripple, dune and run features with a few pools at meander bends and around large woody debris (LWD). There are a few point bars and depositional benches in the in the stream, however, they are providing limited storage for heavy sediment loads that are being transported to the reach. Rather, sediment is accumulating across the streambed, marginalizing aquatic habitat and forming mid channel and transverse bars. The banks have been impacted by cattle access and removal of native riparian vegetation, which has caused mild to severe bank erosion and lateral migration of several meander bends. The context of the Simon and Hupp’s (1986) channel evolution model, Millstone Creek has experienced relatively recent (on geologic time scales) disturbance, degradation and is now is continuing into the degradation and widening phase (Stage IV). The disturbance that triggered channel degradation may include conversion of forested area to pasture and hay production, encroachment and removal of the riparian vegetation or change in sediment supply, sediment size and flow regime boundary conditions. The project reach of Millstone Creek terminates at the southernmost easement boundary. The stream has incised slightly with bank height ratios of 1.1 to 1.2 meaning the stream has some access to the floodplain. The slight degree of incision is likely due to floodplain aggradation and deposition rather than downcutting of the channel bed. The existing project reach is an E5/C5 stream type (Rosgen, 1994). The stream is not entrenched (ER = 7.1 to 12.3), has moderate width-to-depth ratio (median = 11).The reach also has a low sinuosity (1.09), which is not indicative of a typical E or C stream type. However, two meander bends (STA 15+00 FT to STA 18+00 FT) with tight radii of curvature are contributing to bank erosion and lateral adjustment. Bulk samples were collected in the field to characterize the bed material rather than conducting a reach-wide pebble count. The median particle size (D50) for Millstone Creek is 0.6 mm, which is medium to coarse sand. Some fine to very fine gravels were also present in the bulk samples. The depth of the substrate was measured to evaluate the deformability of the bed. At all auger sample site locations, the substrate was a consistent texture (sand with some fine gravels) until a restrictive clay layer was encountered or the total depth of the auger was reached. Boulders and bedrock were not encountered during the sampling Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 31 effort. The depth of the substrate ranged from 0.9 ft to 2.0 ft before the restrictive clay layer was reached for most sample sites. At several substrate depth locations, a restrictive layer was not encountered (> 4 ft). Substrate depth measurements were used as inputs for the hydraulic and sediment transport modeling and to inform the restoration design approach. Figure 13: Millstone Creek at STA 15 + 50 FT (left) and STA 19 + 10 FT (right) Few defined bankfull features were present within the Millstone Creek project reach. For the three riffle cross-sections that were surveyed at STA. 1+75 FT, STA. 8+37 and STA. 19+84 FT, the cross-sectional areas up to top of bank were 158 ft2, 138 ft2 and 156 ft2 respectively. These areas are substantially greater than the cross-sectional area predicted by the regional curve (ABKF = 21.99*DA0.67) of 90 ft2 for an 8.3 mi2 drainage area (Doll et al., 2002). This suggests that the channel may have enlarged through incision and widening. Measuring the channel area from a lower distinguishable bankfull feature at the surveyed riffle cross-sections resulted in bankfull cross-sectional areas of 75 ft2, 106 ft2 and 124 ft2, which are more similar to the cross-sectional area predicted by the regional curve and support measurements made in the field. The lower bankfull features resulted in in BHR’s of 1.1 – 1.2, indicating a mild degree of incision. The bankfull ABKF measurements resulted in QBKF‘s of 171 cfs, 282 cfs and 295 cfs (mean = 240 cfs). These discharges are somewhat lower than the discharge predicted by the NC Piedmont regional curve (QBKF = 91.62*DA0.71) estimate of 412 cfs. A gage station was installed below the project reach of Millstone Creek in January 2016 and a rating curve was developed from the continuous stage and discharge measurements. From the rating curve and known hydraulic geometry, Manning’s n was determined to be 0.05 for flows up to top of bank at the gauge. The calculated Manning’s n value is higher than other typical Slate Belt systems due to increase bedform roughness created by the high sand supply to the project reach. 4.2.4 Wetland 1 Jurisdictional delineations were performed by The Catena Group Inc. in 2007 using the three-parameter approach as prescribed in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratories 1987). Supplementary technical literature describing the parameters of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and hydrological indicators was also utilized. One area (Wetland 1) was classified as jurisdictional wetland within the project site (Figure 14). According to the Cowardin Wetland Classification System, this wetland feature is classified as a “farmed palustrine wetland forested with deciduous tree species” (PFO1f). All three wetland criteria were observed in Wetland 1. Wetland 1 is a 1.159 acre herbaceous dominated depression contiguous to UTB. A few small canopy trees were observed which include swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii) and black willow (Salix nigra). Other younger tree species were sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). The herbaceous layer was dominated by common rush (Juncus effusus), sedges (Carex sp.), Pennsylvania smartweed (Persicaria pennsylvanica), switchgrass (Dicanthelium sp.), monkey flower (Mimulus ringens), arrowhead (Sagitaria latifolia var. latifolia), seedbox (Ludwigia sp.), water hemlock (Cicuta maculata), and orange jewelweed (Impatiens capensis). Wetland 1 has been degraded by damming, ditching, cattle access, grazing and deposition of sediments from NT, UTA and UTB. Anecdotal evidence was gathered from the current land owner, who indicates that UTB was historically used for a sawmill and a small impoundment formerly existed in the area of the wetland. This evidence is reasonable given the presence of the berm and the ditch along the eastern boundary. This is also a depositional area where eroded sediment from NT, UTA and UTB has settled. Up to 5,000 tons of legacy material may accumulated behind the small mill dam. Groundwater gauges were installed by the Catena Group in February 2007 and monitored through October of 2008. The wells were installed at selected locations to assist in evaluating the shape and fluctuation of the groundwater. The location of the wells is shown in Figure 14. Gauge 2 is located within Wetland 1 and Gauge 1 is located in the UTB floodplain. Graphs of the resulting groundwater elevations from the well monitoring period are provided in Figure 14. Gauge 2 demonstrates extended periods of saturation within 12 inches of the ground surface and some standing water above the soil surface during the wet season. Gauge 1 also shows some periods of high water table and standing water present, however these conditions occur less frequently and to a lesser degree than what is observed in the jurisdictional wetland area. Figure 14: Wetland 1 Existing Conditions 5. REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS Regulatory considerations for the proposed Millstone Creek Mitigation Site include Section 404/401, Endangered Species Act, Historic Preservation Act and FEMA Floodplain Compliance. Site regulatory investigations, requirements and summary is included in Table 4 and the following sections. Table 4: Regulatory Considerations for Millstone Creek Mitigation Site Regulatory Consideration Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Docs. Waters of US – Section 404 Yes PCN to be prepared Appendix F Waters of US – Section 401 Yes PCN to be prepared Appendix F Endangered Species Act Yes Yes Appendix G Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes Appendix G Coastal Zone Management Act / Coastal Area Management Act No N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes NA NA Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A 5.1 Threatened and Endangered Species An August 26, 2008 search of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) digital database of rare plants, animals, and natural areas for records of threatened and endangered species or federally designated habitat found within one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the project site resulted in no elemental occurrences. The US Fish and Wildlife Service website was consulted on August 27, 2007, to obtain a listing of all threatened and endangered species for Randolph County (Table 5). Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered, Threatened, Proposed Endangered, and Proposed Threatened are protected under provisions of Sections 7 and 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. There are two federally protected species listed for Randolph County. The proposed project is Not Likely to Effect Cape Fear Shiner populations in the vicinity of the project and will have No Effect on Schweinitz’s sunflower. Table 5: Federally Endangered Species Listed for Randolph County, NC Common Name Scientific name Status Cape Fear shiner Notropis mekistocholas E Schweinitz's sunflower Helianthus schweinitzii E There are ten Federal Species of Concern (FSC) listed by the USFWS for Randolph County (Table 6). FSC are not afforded federal protection under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, and are not subject to any of its provisions, including Section 7, until they are formally proposed or listed as Threatened or Endangered. FSC species are those under consideration for listing or for which there is insufficient information to support listing. In addition, FSCs which are listed as Endangered, Threatened, or Special Concern by the NCNHP list of Rare Plant and Animal Species are afforded state protection under the NC State Endangered Species Act and the NC Plant Protection and Conservation Act of 1979, as amended. Table 2.7.1 summarizes federal species of concern listed for Randolph Counties (August 27, 2008 USFWS list). Table 6: Federal Species of Concern Listed for Randolph County, NC Vertebrates Common Name Scientific name Record American eel Anguilla rostrata FSC Carolina darter Etheostoma collis collis FSC Carolina redhorse Moxostoma sp. 2 FSC Invertebrate Common Name Scientific name Record Atlantic pigtoe Fusconaia mason FSC brook floater Alasmidonta varicose FSC Carolina creekshell Villosa vaughaniana FSC Savannah Lilliput Toxolasma pullus FSC yellow lampmussel Lampsilis cariosa FSC Vascular Plant Common Name Scientific name Record Georgia aster Symphyotrichum georgianum C birdsfoot-trefoil Lotus unifoliolatus var. Helleri FSC 5.2 Cultural Resources NCDOT Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch conducted a feasibility study for the Cox Site in 2004. According to the report, files were reviewed at both the North Carolina Archeology Office and the North Carolina State Historical Preservation Office on December 12, 2003, and all records indicated no known archeological or historically relevant site within the project area. 5.3 404/401 The results of the onsite delineation of jurisdictional waters of the US indicates four (4) jurisdictional channels including Millstone Creek and three (3) unnamed tributaries within the Site. Stream determinations for on‐site channels are included in Table 3. Just 1 jurisdictional wetland area was delineated within the proposed project area, totaling 1.159 acres. Jurisdictional wetlands were delineated using the USACE Routine On‐Site Determination Method. This method is defined by the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual and subsequent Eastern Mountain and Piedmont Regional Supplement. Wetland determination data forms representative of on‐site jurisdictional areas as well as non‐jurisdictional upland areas have been included in the Appendices. The jurisdictional determination is currently under review by the USACE. During project development and design, impacts to jurisdictional streams and wetlands were avoided and minimized as much as possible. Temporary and permanent impacts to Wetland 1 are anticipated with the proposed rehabilitation and reestablishment activities. However, rehabilitation and reestablishment activities will result in an overall increase of functional uplift. During the design phase, efforts were made to align proposed restoration stream sections to avoid existing wetlands as much as possible and minimize grading impacts. Minor wetland impacts will be necessary during the construction of UTB and rehabilitation of Wetland 1. The majority of wetland impacts, approximately 0.3 acres, will be temporary for construction access and/or minor grading (Table 7). The hydrology and vegetation of the impacted wetland will be improved after grading and restoration activities are completed. Approximately 0.26 acres of wetland will be permanently filled or converted to stream in areas of proposed stream restoration. These permanent wetland impacts will be offset by rehabilitation and re-establishement of Wetland 1 and vernal pool creation within the Millstone Creek floodplain. Stream and wetland impacts will be detailed in the 401/404 PCN application. Project streams and wetlands will continue to be protected under the conservation easement placed on the property. Table 7: Estimated Impacts to Site Wetlands Jurisdictional Feature Type Area Permanent Impact Temporary Impact Activity Impact Area Activity Impact Area Wetland 1 Palustrine 1.159 ac Stream Re- alignment 0.02 Grading and Excavation 0.3 6.FUNCTIONAL UPLIFT POTENTIAL 6.1 Stream Functional Uplift Potential The potential for functional uplift at the Millstone Creek Mitigation Site has been evaluated in the context of the “Stream Functions Pyramid” described Harman et al. (2012), which uses a hierarchy of five stream functions, each of which supports the functions above it on the pyramid (and may reinforce those functions below it). The functions from top to bottom are hydrology, geomorphology, physicochemical and biology. This functional approach is based on the 2008 Federal Mitigation Rule (33 C.F.R. § 332/40 C.F.R. § 230) that provided a new regulatory definition for stream restoration: “Restoration means the manipulation of the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of a site with the goal of returning natural/historic functions to a former or degraded aquatic resource.” The North Carolina “Stream Quantification Tool” (SQT) was used to evaluate and quantify the functional uplift potential for all stream reaches at the Site and is summarized in Table 8. In general, all streams on the Site can reach the “Functioning at Risk” designation that that is quantified by the SQT. The primary limitation to functional uplift for all reaches at the Site is related to the hydrology and physicochemical parameters of the contributing drainage areas. The tributaries will all be moved from “Not Functioning” to “Functioning at Risk” with most of the lift produced by restoring hydrology, hydraulics and geomorphology functions. Millstone Creek will remain “Functioning at Risk” (FAR score increased from 0.39 to 0.58), however substantial gains in geomorphology function will result from the restoration efforts. Additional limitations and constraints to functional uplift are described in Section 5.4. Table 8: Millstone Creek Stream Functional Uplift Summary Site Resource NT R2 UTA R2 UTB Millstone Creek Functional Category Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Hydrology 0.32 0.89 0.32 0.89 0.28 0.86 0.17 0.35 Hydraulics 0.62 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.15 1.00 0.85 1.00 Geomorphology 0.19 0.88 0.28 0.71 0.15 0.86 0.23 0.73 Physicochemical 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.19 0.07 0.07 Biology 0.05 0.35 0.02 0.35 0.15 0.45 0.19 0.19 Overall Score 0.24 0.66 0.12 0.59 0.15 0.67 0.39 0.58 Functional Lift 175% 391% 346% 49% Stream Functional Feet 25 69 12 59 181 366 796 1201 BMP Functional Feet 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - Functional Feet Gained 44 47 185 405 Not Functioning (NF): 0.0 - 0.29 Functioning at Risk (FAR): 0.3 - 0.69 Functioning (F): 0.7 - 1.0 6.1.1 Hydrology The major documented watershed disturbance for streams at the Site has been the conversion of forested cover to pasture lands and hay production. The tributary catchments are nearly 100% pasture or managed for hay production and the Millstone Creek catchment is only 35% forest and 48% pasture and hay production. Loss of forested land cover, canopy interception and uptake frequently results in a change in stream flow regime or sediment supply boundary conditions. Surface runoff volumes and peak discharges increase, while the time to peak decreases meaning greater discharges arrive at the watershed outlet sooner (Leopold, 1968). Sediment supply may also increase from more erodible upland areas and channel and bank sources as stream flow and power increase. Uplift is produced for hydrology of the tributaries by reducing reach-scale runoff through buffer planting (reforesting) and implementation of the riffle-step-pool systems with an underlying sand layer, which will provide temporary storage, treatment and elimination of the erosional gullies (concentrated flow points). The Millstone Creek watershed is relatively large (8.3 mi2) and the restoration effort will not produce uplift in catchment hydrology. Some reach-scale hydrology uplift is possible through establishment of riparian buffer. 6.1.2 Hydraulics Restoration efforts on the tributaries will address incision and entrenchment. Floodplain connection will increase the water table elevation in the riparian zone for enhanced nutrient processing and uptake. Increased flood frequency will provide additional opportunity for detention and spreading of flood flows to decrease in-channel Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 39 velocities and shear stresses. The hydraulics of Millstone Creek are currently “Functioning”, however this not indicative of a healthy and functioning system overall. Substantial bank erosion and lateral migration has been documented, degrading Geomorphology functions described in Section 6.2.3. The restoration effort will result in “Functioning” hydraulics for all tributaries and enhance the hydraulic function of Millstone Creek. 6.1.3 Geomorphology Geomorphology for all stream reaches has been designated “Not Functioning”. All reaches lack native woody riparian vegetation with the exception of the area east of the left bank of Millstone Creek. The bedform of the tributaries is nearly 100% riffle / run, with no pools. The tributaries are also relatively straight with low sinuosity, which is not uncommon for streams in confined valleys with relatively steep water surface slopes. Millstone Creek does have several shallow pools with median pool-to-pool spacing ratio (P-P/W BKF) of 5.9, however the range of P-P/W BKF is inconsistent and varies widely from 2.5 to 20.0. There is very little large woody debris (LWD) in all of the streams. Geomorphology uplift will be created by incorporating LWD into channels and riparian area, enhancing riffles, excavating deep pools and establishing native riparian vegetation. 6.1.4 Physicochemical Rigorous surface water and groundwater quality monitoring has been conducted on the tributaries and mainstem of Millstone Creek since summer 2014. High nutrient and pathogen inputs from land applied swine wastes are the most prevalent physicochemical stressors on the Site’s tributaries and wetland. To provide physicochemical uplift at the site, the proposed restoration design includes planting and reestablishment of woody and herbaceous riparian vegetation, reconnection of streams to floodplains, construction of riffle-step-pool channels with underlying sand layers as BMPs above NT R2 and UTA R2, and an expanded wetland downstream of UTB. Riparian buffer establishment will provide shade to decrease in-stream temperatures and supply organic material. Exclusion fencing and an undisturbed riparian zone may also filter some pathogens from surface runoff. Uptake and processing of nitrogen, which is a major stressor at the site, may also be increased through more frequent floodplain inundation and a higher water table in the riparian zone. The riffle-step-pool systems and expanded wetland area are designed to increase processing and filtration of nutrients and fecal coliform before being transported downstream. 6.1.5 Biology Benthic macroinvertebrate assessments have been conducted at the Site on four occasions including November 2014, April and November 2015 and May 2016. All sampling has been conducted using protocols developed by the North Carolina Division Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan of Water Resources (NC DEQ, 2016). For the first two visits (November 2014 and April 2015), the NT exhibited significant accumulated Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM) suggesting limited flow. The benthic fauna was dominated by tolerant taxa including midges (Zavrelimyia in the fall and Tanytarsus in the spring) and amphipods; no EPT organisms were collected. The NT scored poor and fair bioclassification during these visits, respectively. (Note: DWQ Biotic Index values for small Piedmont streams with seasonal correction factors applied as appropriate). UTA had less CPOM suggesting more flow and more cobble and small boulders were present, however the fauna at this location was also dominated by very tolerant taxa (mostly midges including Conchapelopia group and Zavrelimyia spp). Two EPT organisms were collected (one mayfly and one caddisfly) on the first visit and only one the second visit. During the third site visit in Fall 2015, both tributaries exhibited positive differences in taxa richness, the presence of intolerant taxa (having a BI of 2.5 or less) and lower biotic index values. EPT taxa richness and the presence of intolerant taxa increased in 2015, which resulted in a lower biotic index and an improved bioclassification (Good/Fair). This sampling suggested that conditions had improved in both locations since fence of the cattle had occurred. The caddisfly, Diplectrona modesta was present in both of the tributaries and the caddisfly Lepidostoma spp was found in the UTA. During the fourth visit in spring 2016, taxa richness values were similar to the values noted from this location in the fall 2015. However, there was an increase in abundance of tolerant taxa (especially Simulium spp, Chironomus spp., and Physella spp.), which increased the Biotic Index values and resulted in a Poor bioclassification for the North Trib. and Fair for UT Reach A. The sample location of UTB is approximately 160 ft. below the confluence of NT and UTA. The instream habitat at this location becomes slightly more heterogeneous and the presence of bank habitat was noted. For the first sampling in Fall 2014, the total number of taxa was 18 at this location and 3 EPT taxa were collected (two mayflies; Paraleptophlebia spp, which was common, and Centroptilum spp: and one caddisfly Ptilostomis spp). The benthic fauna at this location is also dominated by tolerant taxa including midges and Physidae snails. Three taxa that have a NC Biotic Index of < 2.5 were collected, which lowered the total biotic index for the site to 6.12 and a Fair bioclassification using these criteria. Millstone Creek was sampled within the project reach and just D/S of the project at a location below the confluence with UTB in November 2015. During the May 2016 sampling Millstone Creek was sampled just U/S and within the project reach. The habitat in all sampling locations is dominated by shifting sand. At all locations, the taxa richness and abundance in Millstone Creek is much higher than those recorded from all tributary locations. Implementation of the mitigation plan will address stressors leading to degraded biological conditions on the Site tributaries and Millstone Creek. Streambanks will be stabilized and revegetated to decrease the reach-scale sediment and nutrient inputs, treatment systems on the tributaries will be constructed to enhance nutrient processing Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan and uptake, and instream habitat will be improved by adding LWD and bedform diversity. 6.2 Constraints to Functional Uplift Significant site constraints to creating functional uplift exist at the Millstone Creek Mitigation Site. Constraints are primarily related to catchment management and size, physical site boundaries within the existing conservation easement, and the jurisdictional wetland onsite. NT, UTA and UTB are all significantly impacted by management practices in their small contributing drainage areas, which are nearly 100% pasture with land applied swine wastes. This has resulted in extremely high nitrogen and phosphorus loads in the base flows and storm flows of the tributaries. Some of the contributing drainage area will be reclaimed as riparian buffer from the streams out to the easement boundary (6% of NT, 9% of UTA and 10% of UTB) but it is not likely to impact the overall catchment hydrologic response and condition. BMP applications (RSCs) have also been proposed on reaches above NT R2 and UTA R2 to provide additional nutrient processing and physicochemical lift, however it is unlikely that instream TN and TP concentrations and loads of the receiving tributaries will be decreased to a reference quality condition as described by the NC Quantification Tool (Harman et al., 2012). Ongoing and rigorous field monitoring of nutrient concentrations and loads will continue through the post- implementation phase of the project to evaluate the overall nutrient processing and benefits to the tributaries. The contributing drainage area to Millstone Creek is very large (8.3 mi2) and will be unchanged by any restoration activities within the project easement. Proposed enhancement and restoration stream lengths are relatively short and their valleys are confined to moderately confined. Establishing optimal and appropriate planform geometry is limited within the existing conservation easement, and limited reach lengths. Millstone Creek in particular is constrained by the confined valley and easement boundaries. The proposed stream length is just 51 bankfull widths and is limited at the D/S extent by Wetland 1 and the existing channel at the easement boundary along the toe of the eastern hillslope. A break in the existing conservation easement to provided cattle access and a ford crossing also restricts the proposed alignment configuration. UTB is similarly impacted by a confined valley, short reach length and confluence with Wetland 1 and the D/S extent. 7.MITIGATION SITE GOALS AND FUNCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The proposed mitigation goals represent desired outcomes that are verifiable through physical field measurements or visual assessments and the specific restoration objectives are activities that will result in the accomplishment of the stated goals. The project goals, restoration objectives and expected outcomes are presented in Table 9. For the development and preparation of this mitigation plan, substantial amounts of baseline and existing condition data have been collected and will be used in the development of post-implementation performance standards and project success criteria. However, some goals and restoration objectives will not be incorporated into the proposed performance standards and success criteria. This is particularly true for physicochemical and biology restoration objectives, which typically are not included in project success criteria. Additional monitoring of physicochemical and biology parameters will be included the post-implementation evaluation of the project for the purpose of research and advancement of the science and practice of compensatory mitigation and stream restoration. Proposed project performance standards and success criteria are described in Section 10. Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 44 Table 9: Millstone Creek Mitigation Site Goals and Objectives Goal Restoration Objective Expected Outcomes Function(s) Supported Enhance processing of nutrients from onsite sources. Construct stream and wetland systems designed process nitrogen and phosphorus. Contribute to NC DEQ Cape Fear Basin Plan by reducing and managing nutrient inputs. Temporary storage and detention of surface runoff. Improve water quality and conditions for macroinvertebrate recruitment. Hydrology, Physicochemical, Biology Direct onsite stream channels towards equilibrium condition. Construct channels with appropriate dimensions, planform geometry and profile such that streams transport water and sediment without excessive aggradation, degradation or lateral adjustment. Significantly reduce sediment inputs from onsite channel and bank erosion. Efficiently transport high sediment load supplied to Millstone Creek. Geomorphology Restore and enhance native streambank and floodplain vegetation. Plant native tree and understory species in riparian zone and on streambank. Reduce sediment inputs from bank erosion and reach-scale runoff. Increase nutrient processing, uptake and storage within the floodplain. Create riparian habitats. Add a source of LWD and organic material to stream. Hydrology (reach- scale), Hydraulics, Geomorphology, Physicochemical, Biology Improve instream habitat and bedform diversity. Install habitat features and LWD including log riffles, log j-hooks and brush toe protection. Add additional LWD to channel bed. Increase and diversify available habitats for macroinvertebrates, fish, and amphibians supporting existing aquatic communities and recruitment, leading to an increase in biodiversity over time. Geomorphology, Biology Permanently protect the Site from local disturbance and other uses. Establish conservation easement on the Site. Install livestock exclusion fencing. Protect Site from encroachment on the riparian corridor and direct impact to streams and wetlands. Hydrology (reach- scale), Hydraulics, Geomorphology, Physicochemical, Biology 8. DESIGN APPROACH AND MITIGATION WORK PLAN 8.1 Design Approach Summary The design approach for the Site was developed to meet the mitigation goals and restoration objectives presented in Section 7. The restoration objectives are based on existing conditions, site constraints, specific stressors to Site resources and downstream ecosystems and the potential for functional uplift for the site. Design approaches for enhancement and restoration activities have utilized analog, analytical, empirical and other published design guidance as a basis for design and the development of design criteria. Proposed channels have been sized through evaluation of local and regional empirical relationships, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and field collected measurements. Sediment transport competency and capacity was used to calibrate and validate the hydraulic design of the proposed stream channels. This design approach has been used successfully by the NCSU BAE Stream Restoration Program for other projects throughout North Carolina and the methods and process are covered in detail in the River Course Workshop Series (RC 101, 201, 302 and 311). As described in previous sections, the Site’s tributaries have all been heavily impacted by encroachment and removal of the riparian vegetation, cattle access, grazing, headcutting and high nutrient concentrations in baseflows and stormflows from land applied swine wastes. On reaches NT R1 and UTA R1, riffle-step-pool systems with an underlying sand layer have been proposed to provide processing and treatment of extremely high nutrient concentrations and loads before being conveyed to downstream tributaries NT R2, UTA R2 and UTB and Wetland 1. Enhancement I activities on reaches NT R2 and UTA R2 include minor bank grading and bedform diversity with enhanced native riffles and log steps. Enhanced riffles and log steps will be placed within the UTB channel for grade control, increased bed elevation and to target a more appropriate pool- to-pool spacing ratio. UTB flows into the only jurisdictional wetland feature on the site – Wetland 1. Two small pieces of Wetland 1 will be enhanced through invasive species control and the replanting of native wetland species. Wetland 1 will be re- established through removal the existing ditch and berm, moderate excavation and grading. The re- habilitated wetland area is designed to increase hydraulic residence time of baseflows and stormflows conveyed by UTB to provide additional nutrient uptake and processing. Millstone Creek is a large sand bed system and the proposed design has been developed to address its specific stressors, which include high sediment supply, lack of sediment storage on point bars and low benches, bank erosion and lateral migration and lack of native woody riparian vegetation. Bank grading, wood structures and brush toe protection will be implemented on Millstone Creek Reach 1. Reach 2 will be realigned with wood structures and habitat features. Appropriate riparian vegetation will be planted along all project reaches and out to the extents of the easement boundaries. The restoration activities will be protected in perpetuity by an existing Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 45 conservation easement have has be placed on the project area. The proposed mitigation and plan and restoration approach summary are included in Table 10 and Figure 3. Table 10: Millstone Creek Mitigation Site Restoration Approach Summary Site Resource Existing Proposed Level Notes NT R1 303 LF 325 LF Restoration Realignment, riffle-step-pool system with sandy fill material to provide treatment and processing of nutrients from ag. sources NT R2 103 LF 103 LF Enhancement I Some bank grading, enhanced riffles and log steps, planting UTA R1 505 LF 523 LF Restoration Realignment, riffle-step-pool system with sandy fill material to provide treatment and processing of nutrients from ag. sources UTA R2 100 LF 100 LF Enhancement I Some bank grading, enhanced riffles and log steps, planting UTB 605 LF 596 LF Enhancement I Some bank grading, enhanced riffles and log steps, planting. Millstone Creek R1 1,462 LF 1,462 LF Enhancement I Bank grading, wood and habitat structures, bank treatments and enhanced depositional areas for sediment storage. Millstone Creek R2 553 LF 538 LF Restoration Realignment, appropriate channel dimensions, wood and habitat structures, bank treatments Wetland 1.159 ac 1.159 AC Rehabilitation Invasive species control, re-plant appropriate vegetation. 0.601 AC Re- establishment Plug ditch, invasive species control, re-plant appropriate vegetation, re-establish additional wetland area and hydrology through grading and excavation. 8.2 NT R1 and UTA R1 Basis for Design The design approach for NT R1 and UTA R1 specifically targets nutrient processing and treatment mitigation goals for the site. Riffle-step-pool systems with an underlying sand layer will be implemented on NT R1 and UTA R1 (Figure 15). This is an innovative approach to the restoration of headcuts and incised gullies that also enhances nutrient processing. The proposed systems include a series of pools connected by riffles, boulder steps and a subsurface sand seepage layer (Brown et al., 2010). The riffles, steps and pools provide grade control, energy dissipation and bedform diversity to restore high gradient systems. When stream flow fills a pool, a hydraulic gradient is created forcing water downward into the sand seepage layer providing added filtration. This interaction between the surface and subsurface, the hyporheic zone (Boulton, 2007), is a hotspot for microbial growth and nutrient processing (Groffman et al., 2005). The hyporheic zone is a critical component of both the hydrology and water quality benefits of these systems. Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 46 Figure 15: Step-pool systems with underlying sand layer in Anne Arundel County, MD (left) and Durham, NC (right) The channel morphology characteristics of high gradient headwater streams in North Carolina have been characterized by Zink et al. (2012) and are applicable as a starting point for design of riffle-step-pool systems. Morphological design parameters of particular interest in riffle-step-pool system design for energy dissipation, grade control and stability are riffle slope ratio, riffle length ratio, pool length ratio, pool-to-pool spacing and step height ratio. A hybrid design approach was adapted for NT R1 and UTA R1 that incorporates, analytical, analog and empirical techniques. The primary purpose of the proposed step-pool systems is to provide grade control and energy dissipation as stormflows move down valley and to enhance physicochemical functions through processing of nutrient loads. 8.2.1 Design Channel Size and Discharge The proposed step-pool systems are designed for storage and treatment of runoff from 1.0” of rainfall and conveyance of the Q2 and Q100 discharges. A summary of NT R1 and UTA R2 design parameters is included in Table 11. Storage for runoff occurs in upland ponds, pools and the underlying sand layer. The water quality design storm ratio (runoff volume / design storage volume) is 1.0 and 1.3 for NT R1 and UTA R2, respectively. More storage is available in UTA R1 because it is longer than NT R1. The additional length of UTA R1 is needed to fill the eroded gully and to decrease the design reach slope. The riffle cross-sections are sized to convey the Q2 discharge within the channel. Higher flows will spread onto vegetated benches beyond top of bank. A high with-to-depth ratio and wide floodplain bench has been designed to minimize flow depths, velocities and shear stresses. Max depth for the Q100 discharge is 0.9 ft in the bankfull channel and 0.3 ft on the vegetated benches. Large riffle substrate material is needed to resist the high shear stresses of the relatively steep channel slopes. For both reaches, the design D50 and D85 particles are 150 mm and 430 mm, respectively, which will resist Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan shear stresses and mobilization up to the Q100 discharge. Boulder step structures will be used for additional grade control and energy dissipation. The boulder structures will be silled in across the vegetated bench perpendicular to flow to prevent scour and failure around the structures during high flows. Table 11: NT R1 and UTA R1 design summary Watershed and Hydrologic Summary Parameter NT R1 UTA R1 DA (ac) 23.1 25.9 1 in ROV (ft3)1 4,164 4,513 1-Year 24-Hour Q (ft3/s) 10.1 10.9 2-Year 24-Hour Q (ft3/s) 15.7 17.3 10-Year 24-Hour Q (ft3/s) 32.5 35.2 100-Year 24-Hour Q (ft3/s) 61.4 66.5 Runoff Storage and Sand Layer Design Stream Length (ft) 325 523 Pond Storage (ft3) 1,050 1,750 Pool Storage (ft3) 1,018 1,872 Sand Storage (ft3) 1,968 2,429 Total Storage (ft3) 4,036 6,051 Design Storm Ratio2 1.0 1.3 Sand Layer Volume (yd3) 180 300 Channel Design Hydraulic Summary Q2 Q100 QBKF Q100 SWSE (ft/ft) 0.0478 0.0478 0.0518 0.0518 Area (ft2) 3.5 12.4 3.5 12.4 Width (ft) 8 22.5 8 22.5 Depth (ft) 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 Dmax (ft) 0.5 0.9 0.5 0.9 W/D 18.3 40.7 18.3 40.7 Discharge (cfs) 16.1 61.4 16.8 66.5 Velocity (ft/s) 4.6 5.6 4.8 5.8 tCH (lb/ft2) 1.2 1.6 1.3 1.7 Competency – min. (mm) 95 127 104 138 Competency – max. (mm) 288 385 313 418 Proposed D50 (mm) 150 150 Proposed D84 (mm) 430 430 8.2.2 Reference Streams and Morphological Design Criteria Select morphological parameters reported by Zink et al. (2012) with similar longitudinal slopes to NT R1 and UTA R1 are presented in Table 23 with proposed design Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan parameters for NR R1 and UTA R1. All morphological design parameters are within the range of the reference dataset with the expectation of pool-length ratio (LPOOL/ WBKF) and pool-to-pool spacing ratio (p-p/ WBKF). These parameters are slightly higher than the reference data because the proposed pools were designed to be over wide (oversized) for extra storage of runoff and energy dissipation. The increased pool width subsequently increased pool length and pool-to-pool spacing. The decision to increase pool width and storage was made based on observations of several similar systems in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic that appeared to have undersized pools not sufficient to dissipate energy and store runoff. Table 12: Select Reference Streams from Zink et al. (2012) with proposed Morphological Design Criteria Stream S (ft/ft) D50 D84 W/D HSTEP/ WBKF SRIF/ SWSE LRIF/ WBKF LPOOL/ WBKF p-p/ WBKF LS4 0.0370 71 347 21.5 0.02 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.6 LS2 0.0450 175 512 18.1 0.04 0.8 1.3 1.0 2.1 BF 0.0480 39 194 16.9 0.04 1.6 0.7 0.9 1.6 LS1 0.0540 145 450 18.4 0.04 - - 0.8 1.0 SR1 0.0680 163 745 17.6 0.07 0.4 1 0.7 1.3 AC 0.0900 70 191 20.7 0.08 1.1 0.8 0.7 2.0 NC 0.0920 47 154 25.0 0.09 0.7 1.5 0.7 1.9 PC 0.1040 96 268 19.5 0.10 0.8 1.5 0.2 1.3 Min 0.0370 39 154 16.9 0.02 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.6 Median 0.0610 84 308 19.0 0.06 0.8 1.0 0.7 1.5 Max 0.1040 175 745 25.0 0.10 1.6 1.5 1.0 2.1 NT R1 0.0478 150 430 18.3 0.08 0.7 1.3 1.5 2.6 UTA R1 0.0518 150 430 18.3 0.08 0.7 1.3 1.5 2.6 8.3 NT R2, UTA R2 and UTB Basis for Design 8.3.4 Implementation Plan NT R2 and UTA R2 are relatively short perennial reaches located below the step- pool streams on NT R1 and UTA R1. The existing channel alignment is not being changed and the streams are relatively straight with K values near 1.0. Minor bank grading will be constructed with threshold riffles, log steps and pools for energy dissipation. An old embankment that created a pond at the confluence of NT R2 and UTA R2 will be removed. Invasive species will also be controlled and native riparian vegetation will be planted for reforestation. The design channel slope is still relatively steep through each reach (NT R2 = 0.0370 ft/ft, UTA R2 = 0.0270 ft/ft). On UTB, log steps and constructed riffles will be used to raise the existing bed elevation up to within 0.7’ – 0.8’ of the existing floodplain elevation to enhance floodplain connection. Near the downstream terminus of Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 50 UTB from STA 5+29 to STA 5+96, the stream will be realigned to flow into the re- established wetland area. Constructed riffles, riffles with log rollers and log and boulder step structures will be used to create habitat features for macroinvertebrates and hold grade. Pool-to-pool spacing ratios between 1.8 to 3.2 will targeted for energy dissipation and habitat. 8.4 Millstone Creek Basis for Design 8.4.1 Design Channel Size and Discharge Empirical and analytical methods were used to develop the channel design for Millstone Creek Reach 2 (Table 13). Where bankfull indicators were present, field cross- sections were measured and Manning’s equation was used to estimate QBKF. Additionally, NCSU BAE installed a gage station on Millstone Creek in fall 2015 and discharge data collection has been ongoing. The field gage station has been used to back calculate roughness coefficients for modeling purposes and estimate bankfull area and discharge. Clear bankfull indicators are not present at the gage station cross-section. Bankfull area and discharge at the gage station where determined by translating the bankfull stage from other cross-sections in modeling scenarios. Field measured channel dimensions and discharges were compared the NC Piedmont Regional Curve, the Alan Walker Curve and Lowther (2008) reference reach curves and outputs from a watershed hydrology model. For Millstone Creek Reach 2. ABKF and QBKF is 85 ft2 and 305 ft2, respectively. The proposed channel area is smaller than two of the three surveyed cross-sections and slightly less than the channel predicted by the NC Piedmont Regional Curve. Proposed QBKF is substantially lower that the discharge predicted by the NC Piedmont and Alan Walker Curves, which is likely due to the very low slope (0.0020 ft/ft) of the project reach. Proposed QBKF has been selected to be very close in value to modeled QBKF at the field gage station. Table 13: Millstone Creek Reach 2 Channel Size and Discharge Analysis Millstone Creek DA = 8.3 mi2 and Proposed SWSE = 0.0019 (ft/ft) ABKF QBKF Empirical Relationships NC Piedmont Regional Curve 91 412 Alan Walker Curve - 373 Lowther Piedmont Reference Reach Curve 38 89 Manning’s from Field XS MC XS 1 124 370 MC XS 3 75 245 MC XS 4 105 352 Field Monitoring Downstream Gage Station 109 311 Summary of Parameters Mean 87 307 Median 89 352 Design 85 305 Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 51 8.4.2 Reference Streams Two reference streams were used to develop channel dimension, planform geometry and longitudinal profile morphological design criteria. The project reach of Millstone Creek is a unique stream in that it is a large sand bed system with high sediment supply in a moderately confined valley located within the Carolina Slate Belt. Streams in the Slate Belt region typically have gravel beds with some large angular bed material and low sediment supply. Reference quality reaches were not located upstream or downstream of the project reach. Locating a reference reach with the exact valley and morphology characteristics proved challenging. Select reference streams used in development of morphological design criteria are described below and in detail in Table 31. Terrible Creek Terrible Creek is located near Fuquay Varina in Wake County (Figure 16). This reach classifies as a C5 stream with a drainage area of 2.30 square miles. The stream has an average bankfull width of 19.3 feet and an average slope 0.0049 ft/ft. Good riparian buffer corridor with mix of pine and hardwood trees present. Wetland and aquatic plants are prevalent on streambanks and in streambed. Streambank cover is highly variable with large tree and extensive shade in some sections, while other areas are dominated by vines, other herbaceous plants and woody vegetation and are more open to sunlight. The upstream section of the reference appears to have been formerly impacted by beaver, which likely contributed to timber loss and more open canopy. Some invasive species present. Overhanging vegetation is prevalent along much of the reach. Figure 16: Terrible Creek Reference Reach Sandy Creek Sandy Creek is located in Randolph County (Figure 17). The reach length surveyed is 1213 feet. This reach classifies as an E5 stream with a drainage area of 2.63 square miles. The stream has an average bankfull width of 20.9 feet and an average slope 0.0057 ft/ft. Fairly well developed riparian buffer is present with a thick understory. Streambank cover consists of some trees, grass and other herbaceous plants, including Microstigium. Some streambanks are bare in spots. Overhanging vegetation is present and the forest canopy nearly completely shades the creek bed. Figure 17: Sandy Creek Reference Reach Table 14: Millstone Creek Reach 2 Reference Stream Summary Parameter Existing Millstone Creek Terrible Creek Sandy Creek Proposed Millstone Creek R2 DA (mi2) 8.3 mi2 2.3 mi2 2.6 mi2 8.3 mi2 Stream Type E5 C5 E5 C5 / E5 D50 (mm) 0.4 1.8 1.4 0.4 Valley Type Confined - Mod. Confined Alluvial Unconfined Alluvial Unconfined Alluvial Confined - Mod. Confined Alluvial SVAL (ft/ft) 0.0021 0.0071 0.0114 0.0021 SWSE (ft/ft) 0.0020 0.0050 0.0060 0.0020 K (ft/ft) 1.09 1.41 1.90 1.11 Parameter Channel Dimension Comparison Min Median Max Min Median Max Min Median Max Min Median Max Wbkf (ft) 28.9 30.9 46.6 19.1 19.2 19.3 16.9 20.9 24.9 - 36.0 - Dbkf (ft) 2.6 2.7 3.4 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.9 2.1 - 2.6 - W/D 9.0 11.1 17.6 11.5 14.0 16.4 10.6 11.0 11.9 - 14.0 - Abkf (ft2) 75 106 124 22.3 27.4 32.5 36.2 38.6 40.9 - 85.0 - Dmbkf (ft) 3.3 4.1 4.3 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.5 - 3.6 - ER 7.1 7.5 12.3 3.2 4.0 5.7 4.7 6.1 8.9 6.0 9.2 10.6 BHR 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 - 1.0 - Parameter Channel Hydraulic Comparison Min Median Max Min Median Max Min Median Max Min Median Max Qbkf (cfs) 245 403 422 76 106 139 163 195 221 - 305 - Vbkf (ft/s) 3.2 3.4 3.8 3.4 3.9 4.3 4.5 5.1 5.4 - 3.6 - tbkf (lb/ft2) 0.28 0.30 0.35 0.37 0.45 0.53 0.60 0.71 0.79 - 0.29 - wbkf (lb/ft/s) 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.7 2.3 2.7 3.6 4.3 - 1.0 - Compt. (min) (mm) 23 24 29 30 37 43 49 58 64 - 24 - Compt. (max) (mm) 68 74 87 92 111 130 147 175 193 - 72 - 8.4.2 Morphological Design Criteria Proposed morphological design criteria are presented in Table 15. For the channel dimensions, a width-to-depth ratio (W/D) of 14.0 was to develop channel dimensions. A W/D of 14.0 is fairly common approach in restoration design. It is difficult to construct large channels like Millstone Creek with low W/D because it requires side slopes to be steep and bank heights to be higher, which brings additional risk and uncertainty to project establishment and long-term stability. After implementation, W/D may decrease as the channel narrows with sediment deposited on the low benches and channel side slopes. A maximum riffle depth ratio (Dmbkf/Dbkf) of 1.3 was used because sediment supply is expected to be high and sediment transport capacity is needed to avoid aggradation in the channel bottom. For pool depths, a maximum pool depth ratio of 3.0 is proposed to create deep pools for habitat, energy dissipation and potential settling of sediment due to the low valley slope. The pools are also designed to be relatively wide with a pool width ratio of 1.4 (W bkfp/W bkf), which will allow for construction of a gently sloping (7:1) point bar for sediment deposition and storage. Radius of curvature ratio (RC/W bkf) ranged from 2.2 to 3.6. Lower RC/W bkf are represented in the reference reach dataset, however in NCSU BAE’s experience bank treatments or structures are needed to deflect flows until streambank vegetation becomes established. RC/W bkf between 2.0 and 3.5 tend to yield the most stable outside meander bends. Meander width ratio (W blt/W bkf) ranged 2.0 to 4.8, which was limited somewhat by the easement and valley constraints. Pools are spaced at 3.5 to 7.1 channel widths with a median of 5.5, and proposed riffle length ratios ranged from 0.5 to 2.9. Some of the design pool-to-pool spacing and riffle length ratios are outside of the reference reach criteria due to constraints caused by working within the existing channel. However, the median values are with the acceptable range of the reference reach criteria. Table 15: Millstone Creek Morphological Design Criteria Reach Terrible Creek – C5 Sandy Creek – E5 Proposed Stream – E5 / C5 Parameter Dimension Summary Dimension Summary Dimension Summary Min Median Max Min Median Max Min Median Max W/D 11.5 14.0 16.4 10.6 11.0 11.9 - 14.0 - Dmbkf/Dbkf 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.3 - 1.3 - Dbkfp/Dbkf 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.1 1.4 1.8 - 1.7 - Wbkfp/Wbkf 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.1 - 1.4 - Abkfp/Abkf 2.1 2.3 2.5 1.0 1.5 2.1 - 2.5 - Dmbkfp/Dbkf 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.0 2.0 2.1 - 3.0 - Parameter Planform Summary Planform Summary Planform Summary Min Median Max Min Median Max Min Median Max Lm/Wbkf 4.2 5.2 9.4 5.7 12.6 23.1 7.5 10.2 12.4 Rc/Wbkf 1.1 1.2 2.2 1.4 1.8 8.1 2.2 2.5 3.6 Wblt/Wbkf 1.6 2.5 3.6 2.8 4.3 4.7 2.0 3.1 4.8 Parameter Profile Summary Profile Summary Planform Summary Min Median Max Min Median Max Min Median Max Lp/Wbkf 0.4 1.7 3.8 0.6 1.6 4.4 0.9 3.0 4.6 p-p/Wbkf 0.6 2.3 4.6 1.2 3.0 5.6 3.5 5.5 7.1 Sp/S 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lrif/Wbkf 0.2 0.8 1.3 0.4 0.7 3.0 0.5 2.1 2.9 Srif/S 1.6 5.7 14.6 2.1 3.2 7.5 1.9 1.9 2.4 8.4.3 Sediment Transport Millstone Creek receives a relatively high watershed and reach sediment supply. Sediment sources include upland, channel and bank sediments. The project reach has also experienced mild incision and subsequent widening, decreasing in-channel velocities, shear stress and stream power, which resulted in moderate aggradation of sand and fine gravels in pools and on lateral bars. The reach also lacks sufficient depositional storage for supplied sediment on low benches and point bars. Quantitative sediment supply estimates can be highly variable and erroneous due to watershed, channel, landscape, soils and fluvial process variability. To characterize sediment supply to the project reach of Millstone Creek for the existing conditions assessment and restoration design approach, three (3) distinct methods were employed: 1. Estimating the annual sediment load measured at the Millstone Creek field monitoring station and converting TSS concentrations to SSC concentrations with USGS regression equations described by Glysson et al. (2000). 2. Modeling of the Millstone Creek watershed and streams using ArcSWAT and ArcGIS 3. Modeling annual sediment load that is transported by the existing project reach of Millstone Creek in HEC-RAS. Each method for estimating sediment supply to the Millstone Creek project reach has strengths and weaknesses related to data collection and measurement methods, model nuances and inherent variability. The methods and technical approach for estimating sediment supply are described in detail below. Details of each method and quantification approach are included in Appendix C. Millstone Creek Sediment Supply Summary Estimates of sediment supply ranged from 4,300 tons per year to 11,340 tons per year. The approaches included estimates based on field collected TSS data and correlated SSC data using the general USGS regression, watershed modeling of uplands and streams using ArcSWAT, and finally hydraulic and sediment transport modeling using HEC-RAS. Table 16: Millstone Creek Sediment Supply Summary Method and Approach Predicted Annual Sediment Load Field measured TSS data and the general USGS equation for SSC concentration 4,300 to 8,600 tons per year Watershed modeling in ArcSWAT using historical weather data 11,340 tons per year Mobile bed and annual sediment transport capacity modeling in HEC-RAS 9,305 tons per year While field collected data is often preferred for technical analysis, TSS data collected at the project reach presents several challenges for use in estimating sediment supply, which includes the configuration of the sampling apparatus, error in the correlation of TSS data to SSC data and lack of bedload data. The sampling methods used can dramatically under predict the sand fraction of the stream flow sample and do not capture bed load at all. Thus, a substantial amount of error is introduced to the estimate. ArcSWAT has the ability to estimate upland, channel bed and bank sediment loads from historical weather and discharge records, which can determine long term averages or trends. However, the model must be calibrated and validated to field collected weather, flow and water quality data to accurately simulate discharges and pollutant loads. Calibration and validation of a SWAT model was beyond the scope of this mitigation planning effort, but the model outputs were loosely calibrated to field collected TSS data. Additionally, SWAT’s routines for simulating channel bed and bank erosion are somewhat coarse with multiple adjustable calibration coefficients. SWAT also lacks reach-scale sediment Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 56 transport routines. Of the three (3) technical approaches used, hydraulic and mobile bed sediment transport modeling with HEC-RAS 5.0 likely provides the most reliable estimate of sediment supply for the Millstone Creek project reach. However, it should be noted that is produced a number that is still only an estimate. This approach focused hydraulic and sediment transport properties of the study channel rather than modeling and characterizing the watershed, which means it is more feasible to physically measure all necessary model input parameters. Model inputs like channel substrate gradation, channel substrate depth, unsteady stream flow and cross-sectional geometry were all physically measured in the field. Sediment transport equations described by Yang (1987) (which solve for suspended and bedload concentration) were then used to simulate the movement of sediment from one (1) cross-section to the next. This approach minimizes error compared to the other technical approaches described. Millstone Creek Sediment Transport Capacity Sediment transport capacity of the existing Millstone Creek project reach was modeled using the hydraulic design tools in HEC-RAS 5.0 (Figure 64). Sediment transport capacity analysis is most valuable when used to compare the study reach to a reference condition U/S or D/S of the project or to a proposed design configuration. A suitable reference condition was not available U/S or D/S of the project reach, thus the existing sediment transport capacity analysis will be compared to proposed design and functional objectives for the design. The existing project reach has shown signs of aggradation through the formation of mid-channel and lateral bars. One of the functional objectives of the restoration design approach will be to moderately increase the sediment transport capacity of the proposed channel such that more sediment will be moved through the system to D/S reaches or be deposited on depositional features like low benches and point bars within the project reach. For the design QBKF of 305 cfs, the existing channel can move up to 3,000 tons of sediment per day. Compare this to the proposed channel at QBKF (305 cfs) where the channel can now move up to 4,100 tons of sediment per day. This modeling analysis shows a moderate increase in sediment transport capacity from the existing to the proposed condition. The moderate increase incapacity should alleviate aggradation within the existing channel in conjunction with the proposed depositional features like low benches and wide point bars. 8.4.5 Implementation Plan Millstone Creek Reach 1 begins at the north boundary of the Site easement and flows to the break in the easement at STA 14+62. This reach will not be realigned. Log riffles, log vanes and brush toe protection will be installed to target a pool-to-pool spacing ratio between 4.0 and 6.0. Additional wood structures including cover logs and log sills will be added to the channel to enhance bedform diversity and aquatic habitats. Vertical and unvegetated banks will be sloped back at 3:1 and planted aggressively with native woody vegetation. Millstone Creek Reach 2 has been designed as a Rosgen E4/C4. Reach 2 will be realigned from STA 14+18 to STA 20+20. Sinuosity and slope are relatively low due to site and valley constraints. The low valley slope, U/S and D/S tie in elevations set by the easement boundary. Reconfigured riffle and pool cross-sections will be constructed throughout the reach that are designed to moderately increase sediment transport capacity and depositional surface area for storage of sediment within the reach. Large woody debris (LWD) will be incorporated into the channel for habitat features, flow diversity, bank protection and grade control. Log riffles will be used for grade control and brush toe protection will be used on most outside meander bends. Log j-hooks, sod mats and soil geolifts will be used where outside meander bends are construction in fill material or where lower radius of curvature ratios (RC/W BKF) were used for the proposed alignment. Riffles with smaller woody debris and boulders may also be used to diversify the bed features. 8.5 Wetland Basis for Design 8.5.1 Wetland 1 Design Approach The design approach for Wetland 1 specifically targets nutrient processing and treatment mitigation goals for the site. The proposed rehabilitation and reestablishment of Wetland 1 is modeled after the layout and function of a treatment wetlands. Specific modifications to Wetland 1 include: •Remove existing berms that are remnant of past damming and hydromodification. •Plug existing ditch. •Increase the surface area of the wetland. •Include deep pools for settling of sediment and attached phosphorus and provide amphibian habitat. •Create wetland hydrology and planting zones including shallow water and shallow land to encourage nutrient processing, uptake and removal. •Incorporate variable depths and roughness to elongate the flow path and increase the hydraulic retention time. The wetland will include three zones of varying water depths and wetland plant communities. A description of the three zones is provided in Table 17. Water depths and available surface storage of runoff within Wetland 1 will vary from 0 – 12 inches seasonally with more storage available during summer months and substantially less storage available in the winter months when the water table rises. Table 17: Summary for Wetland Treatment Zones and Depths Zone Depth below Ground Surface Description and Function Deep Pool 18-36 inches Persistent deep water with little to no vegetation. Dissipate energy, trap sediment, amphibian habitat. Shallow Water 0-6 inches Shallow standing water and/or saturated soil conditions during most of the year and dominated by extensive wetland vegetation. Shallow Land 0 Inundated with water during stormflows and saturated conditions during the wet periods; planted with appropriate vegetation to withstand periodic flooding. 8.5.2 Implementation Plan Wetland 1 is a jurisdictional feature located within the Millstone Creek floodplain that has been degraded by damming, ditching, cattle access and trampling, settlement of eroded material from NT, UTA and UTB and invasive species. The existing area of Wetland 1 is 1.159 acres and the proposed design will expand this area to 1.76 acres. To construct the restored UTB channel, 0.02 acres of Wetland 1 will be permanently occupied by the new channel. Wetland 1 is the primary recipient of extremely high nutrient and sediment loads conveyed by the tributaries. This will be rehabilitated and re- established to provide additional water quality treatment to tributary baseflows and stormflows flows. The proposed design includes 1.159 acres of wetland rehabilitation to control invasive species and re-plant desirable wetland vegetation. An additional 0.601 acres of wetland will be re-established through grading and removal of an existing earthen berm, plugging on an existing ditch, invasive species control and planting of wetland species. Specifically, the wetland will be designed to maintain wetland hydrology and to increase physical, chemical and biological processes of nutrient processing and uptake by elongating the hydraulic flow path and retention time. A strip of ground at higher elevation will be graded into the wetland to lengthen the flow path and increase hydraulic retention time. An armored outfall will be constructed to safely convey flows from the wetland to Millstone Creek. 8.6 Riparian Vegetation and Planting Plan The primary objective of the riparian vegetation and planting plan for the Site is to establish native woody and herbaceous species to support geomorphic, physicochemical and biological functions. Deep rooting vegetation is a key element to post-construction stabilization, long-term success, establishment of new channel boundary conditions and Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 58 functional uplift. The entire area within the conservation easement will be planted and revegetated by distinct zones described in Figure 18 and Table 18. Four riparian vegetation communities are proposed for the site. Species planted as bare roots or live stakes will be planted at 12‐foot by 6‐foot spacing for an initial density of 605 stems per acre. The targeted density after monitoring year 3 is 320 stems per acre. Live stakes will be planted on channel banks at 6‐foot spacing. No live stakes will be installed below base flow elevation. Sod mats have also been proposed on outside meander bends of Millstone Creek. All invasive and undesirable species will be chemically treated or mechanically removed during construction. Excess woody debris, branches and trunks from invasive plants may be chipped, burned or removed from the site. To ensure vegetation growth and survival, soil amendments may be added. Soil tests will be conducted to determine appropriate rates of lime and fertilizer. Excavated topsoil may be stockpiled, reapplied and disked as needed before seeding and planting activities occur. During post- implementation monitoring, appropriately spaced vegetation plots will be established on all restoration and enhancement reaches. Invasive species within the conservation easement will be also be identified and mapped. Recommendations will be made for corrective action should additional invasive species treatment and control be needed. Figure 18: Riparian Vegetation and Planting Plan Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 Draft - April 15, 2019 61 Table 18: Planting Plan Zones Zone Name Description Area Materials Methods Management 1 Upland Hardwood Forest Tree and shrub species well suited for deep, well- drained, slowly permeable Mecklenburg loams. Fruit- bearing shrubs and oak species selected to provide food for deer, wild turkey and other wildlife Steep, well- drained slopes adjacent to NT and UTA and extending to a point at which the slopes flatten out to the valley bottom Bareroot seedlings Permanent herbaceous seed Invasive plants (e.g. multi-flora rose and Chinese privet) chemically treated and physically removed. Soil tests to be performed and amendments added as appropriate Supplemental planting, pruning, mulching and fertilizing as needed. Chemical and or physical treatment/removal of invasive plants 2 Floodplain Riparian Area Trees and shrubs that are common to Piedmont alluvial floodplains. Canopy, sub-canopy and shrub species that are known to endure periodic flooding and occasional brief periods of saturation following flood events and moist soil condition during the wet season of the year. lowland floodplain areas of UTB and Millstone Creek, minimum width of 50’ Tublings Invasive plants (e.g. honeysuckle and Chinese privet) chemically treated and physically removed. Soil tests to be performed and amendments added as necessary Supplemental planting, pruning, mulching and fertilizing as needed. Chemical and or physical treatment/removal of invasive plants 3 Streambank Tree and shrub species that persist in Piedmont riparian zones where they provide excellent rootmass and root structure. High bush blueberry included on upper slopes to provide wildlife benefit. All streambanks Millstone Creek and all tributaries Small tree and shrub live stakes and plugs, Permanent herbaceous seed Live stakes planted during dormant season above baseflow elevation. Supplemental planting, pruning, mulching as needed. Chemical and or physical treatment/removal of invasive plants Zone Name Description Area Materials Methods Management 4 Wetland Tree and shrub species typically observed within a Piedmont alluvial forest and tolerant of periodic inundation and fluctuating water table. Herbaceous plants typical of Piedmont wetlands that are tolerant of persistent shallow water and/or saturated soil conditions Shallow Land Zone of Wetland 1 and along the edges of the existing and low areas of Millstone Creek and UTB floodplain Tublings, plugs, bare roots Spread 4 - 6 inches of topsoil (as needed) on the surface of the wetland for plant establishment. Supplemental planting, pruning, chemical and/or physical treatment/removal of invasive plants Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 DRAFT – April 15, 2019 63 8.7 Post-Construction Stabilization Plan Immediately following grading, excavation and channel work, topsoil may be reapplied and seasonally appropriate temporary seed, permeant seed, fertilizer, lime (or other necessary soil amendments) and mulch will be spread over all bare earth. Coir matting or sod mats will placed on all streambanks. Live stakes will be installed in the outside of meander bends to help anchor sod mats in place. Sod will be harvested from excavated areas within the valley. The sod will be stripped and immediately transported and installed to newly constructed streambanks. Irrigation (from the stream) will be established to water the sod for the first 4 weeks following construction as needed, depending on rainfall amounts. Erosion control matting will be installed on all streambanks and anchored with wooden stakes. Additional post-construction stabilization and S&EC descriptions and details are available in the construction documents. 8.8 Stream Crossings A single easement break and stream crossing will be established at approximate STA 15 + 10 FT on Millstone Creek. The crossing will be an armored ford crossing for livestock access to pastures on the adjacent landowner’s property. The crossing will be gated and fenced off. The fencing may be charged with high tensile wire when the crossing is in active use. Cattle will not have access to Millstone Creek when moving through the crossing. 8.9 Project Risks and Uncertainties Land adjacent to and surrounding the project and established conservation easement is managed for cattle grazing and hay production. There is potential for cattle to inadvertently access the project area. The exclusion fencing will be inspected twice a year during post-implementation monitoring and signs of cattle intrusion will be reported. A swine waste pond exists just upslope of Millstone Creek and swine wastes are also applied on the fields adjacent to the project streams. Swine waste applications adjacent to the tributaries have been targeted with treatment systems and the expansion and re- establishment of the existing wetland area. However, it is possible that the waste application areas or zones could change over time. There is a break in the easement with a ford crossing through Millstone Creek for cattle access and grazing in fields east of the project. The easement break may be mowed or maintained occasionally by the landowner. Contributing drainage areas to all site streams are very rural with no documented plans for urban development or NC DOT roadway construction and expansion. Substantial amounts of land cover have already been converted from forest to pasture and hay production or shrub / scrub cover. It is unlikely that additional changes in landuse would alter the hydrology, hydraulics and sediment supply to the project reaches. There are three primary risks to the project which are detailed below: 1. Sediment supply to Millstone Creek is high, particularly from reaches immediately upstream of the project where channel bed and bank erosion persist. Substantial effort has been made to evaluate and quantify existing sediment supply the project reach on Millstone Creek through field evaluations and analytical studies. The existing channel also shows signs of aggradation in the form of mid-channel bars, alternating lateral bars and filling of pools. The proposed channel has been designed to provide storage on point bars and low benches (inner berm) and moderately increase sediment transport capacity to decrease the risk of aggradation within the channel. Aggradation within the channel can negatively impact hydraulic, geomorphology and biology functions. However, an increase in sediment transport capacity may also create the risk of channel degradation. Analysis of the proposed design indicates the risk or channel degradation is low. In general, with high sediment supply systems like Millstone Creek there is substantial risk of dramatic post-implementation adjustment of channel dimensions to occur as sediment is transported and stored within the system. 2. Riffle-step-pool systems with underlying sand layer on NT R1 and UTA R1. The primary purpose of the systems is to enhance nutrient processing, detain storm flow runoff and adequately convey high flows without degradation from the drainage area over a relatively steep gradient (NT R1 = 0.042 ft/ft, UTA R1 = 0.048 ft/ft) to the tributaries. The grade controls and pools have been designed to resist the shear stresses and dissipate energy up the Q100 discharge. RSCs have been used in urban areas with mixed success of processing and treatment of nutrients. However, this is largely due the low nutrient concentrations and loads that are typically found in influent urban runoff (i.e. it is difficult to clean relatively clean water). There are no published research studies available on the application and performance of the system in and agricultural environment with high nutrient supply. However, the principles and design approach or the urban and agricultural systems are similar and the treatment and processing capability at the project site is expected to be higher than an urban scenario. This is because nutrient concentrations and loads are extremely high in both storm flows and base flows. 3. Restored stream features (bedforms, banks, structures and floodplain) are particularly vulnerable to damage from flooding and overbank flows in the 1 – 2 years following implementation. Overbank and flood flows can degrade immature streambank and floodplain vegetation leading to bank erosion, floodplain rills and channelization, and structure failure. This risk of damage during high flows decreases substantially after vegetation becomes established on the streambanks and floodplain. Adaptive management strategies are detailed Section 12. 10. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND MITIGATION SUCCESS CRITERIA The stream and wetland performance standards for the project will follow approved Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 DRAFT – April 15, 2019 65 performance standards presented in the DMS Mitigation Plan Template (version 2.3, 12/18/2014), the Annual Monitoring Template (April 2015), and the Stream Mitigation Guidelines issued April 2003 by the USACE and DWR. Annual monitoring and semi‐ annual site visits will be conducted to assess the condition of site resources after implementation. Performance standards are proposed for stream morphology, hydrology and vegetation and wetland hydrology and vegetation. Performance standards for streams will be evaluated throughout the seven year post‐construction monitoring. If all performance standards have been successfully met, NC DMS may propose to terminate stream, wetland and/or vegetation monitoring after MY5. 10.1 Streams 10.1.1 Channel Dimension Riffle cross-sections on the restoration reaches should function in a state of dynamic equilibrium. Changes in bankfull area, maximum depth ratio, and width‐to‐depth ratio will be evaluated based on the magnitude and rate of adjustment in comparison to other natural or reference adjustments. For restored, meandering streams, such as Rosgen C and E‐type streams, entrenchment ratios shall be at least 2.2 and bank height ratios shall be less than 1.2. If channel adjustments do occur, these changes will be evaluated to assess whether the stream channel is showing signs of departure from natural adjustments. Indicators of instability include a vertically incising stream bed or eroding channel banks. Changes in the channel that indicate a movement toward equilibrium or enhanced habitat include a decrease in the width‐to‐depth ratio in meandering channels or an increase in pool depth. Corrective action would not be taken if channel changes indicate a movement toward equilibrium as the proposed boundary conditions become established. To assess post-implementation channel dimensions, 6 permanent cross-sections will be established on Millstone Creek (3 riffle, 3 pool), one riffle cross-section on NT R1, two riffle cross-sections on UTA R1 and two riffle cross-sections on UTB NC DMS guidance. Each cross-section will be monumented with rebar pins, NCSU BAE caps and stakes to establish its location and tied to the original survey datum. The permanent cross- sections will be surveyed annually. Cross-section surveys will include points measured at all breaks in slope, including top of bank, bankfull, edge of water, thalweg and any other significant geomorphic features. If bank erosion is observed within permanent pool cross- sections during the post-implementation monitoring period, bank pin arrays or 3D surface modeling will be used to document bank erosion rates and exported sediment volume. 10.1.2 Longitudinal Profile and Planform Geometry An as-built longitudinal profile survey will be conducted following project implementation and will include top of bank, bankfull, thalweg and water surface. In general, riffles are expected to be steeper and shallower than pool features. Pools are expected to be deep with a nearly flat water surface profile between the P.C. and P.T. The total fraction of riffles and pools is not expected to change significantly from the as- built condition for tributaries. Adjustments in the lengths and slopes of run and glide features are expected. For Millstone Creek, variability of bedform feature location and quantity is expected from year-to-year. This is due to high sediment supply and sand bedded nature of the existing and proposed channel. Wood structure will be used to create some bedform diversity through grade control and scour, but substantial changes in bedform features are expected because the channel bed is highly mobile. The longitudinal profile survey should indicate that BHRs remain near to 1.0 for NT R2, UT A2, UTB and Millstone Creek. Planform geometry data will not be collected or reported during the annual monitoring surveys unless dramatic lateral adjustments and excessive bank erosion are observed at permanent cross-sections or through visual inspection. 10.1.3 Channel Substrate Channel substrate materials will be sampled with the pebble count method. Restoration reaches are expected to show maintenance of coarser materials in the riffle features and finer particles in the pool features. A modified Wolman reach‐wide pebble count will be performed in each restoration reach each monitoring year for classification purposes. A wetted perimeter pebble count will be performed at each surveyed riffle to characterize the specific riffle material. 10.1.4 Channel Hydrology The occurrence of bankfull events will be documented throughout the monitoring period. Two bankfull flow events must be documented within the seven‐year monitoring period and must occur in separate years. Stream monitoring will continue until performance standards in the form of two bankfull events have been documented. Bankfull events will be documented using photographs and a pressure transducer or similar continuous monitoring equipment, as appropriate for site conditions. The selected measurement device will be installed in the stream within a surveyed riffle cross section. The device will be checked at each site visit to determine if a bankfull event has occurred. Photographs will also be used to document the occurrence of debris lines and sediment deposition. 10.1.5 Visual Assessments and Semi-annual Inspections Visual assessments will be performed along stream reaches on a semi‐annual basis during the seven year monitoring period. Potential problem areas such as channel bed and bank erosion, structure failure, vegetation health (e.g. low stem density, vegetation mortality, invasive species or encroachment), beaver activity, or livestock access will be noted in project documents. Potential problem areas will be mapped, photographed and accompanied by a written description in the annual monitoring report. Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 DRAFT – April 15, 2019 66 Problem areas with be re‐evaluated during each subsequent semi-annual visual assessment. If remedial actions are required, recommendations for maintenance activities and / or repairs will be provided in the annual monitoring report. 10.1.6 Photo Documentation Photographs will be taken once a year to visually document stability for five years following construction. Permanent markers will be established and located with GPS equipment so that the same locations and view directions on the site are photographed each year. Photos will be used to monitor restoration reaches as well as vegetation plots. Cross-sectional photos will be taken of each permanent cross-section looking upstream and downstream. Reference photos will also be taken for each of the vegetation plots. Representative digital photos of each permanent photo point, cross-section and vegetation plot will be taken on the same day that the stream and vegetation assessments are conducted. The photographer will make every effort to consistently maintain the same area in each photo over time. Photographs should illustrate the site’s vegetation and morphological stability on an annual basis. Cross section photos should demonstrate no excessive erosion or degradation of the banks. Longitudinal photos should indicate the absence of persistent bars within the channel or vertical incision. Grade control structures should remain stable. Deposition of sediment on the bank side of vane arms is preferable. Maintenance of scour pools on the channel side of vane arms is expected. Using the NC DMS Baseline Monitoring Report Template (02/2014), a baseline monitoring document and as‐built record drawings of the project will be developed within 60 days of the completion of planting and monitoring device installation on the site. Complete monitoring reports will be prepared annually in the fall and submitted to NC DMS using the NC DMS Annual Monitoring Report Format, Data Requirements, and Content Guidance (April 2015). The monitoring report shall provide a project data chronology that will facilitate an understanding of project status and trends, population of NC DMS databases for analysis, research purposes, and assist in decision making regarding close‐out. The monitoring period will extend seven years beyond completion of construction or until performance criteria have been met. All survey will be tied to grid. 10.2 Wetlands Wetland hydrology monitoring will be conducted to ensure the jurisdictional wetlands are meeting 8% wetland hydrology. The site will present continuous saturated or inundated hydrologic conditions for at least 8% of the growing season during normal weather conditions. A “normal” year is based on NRCS climatological data for Randolph County, using the 30th to 70th percentile thresholds as the range of normal. The growing season for Randolph County, using the 50% chance of higher than 28 F method, is from March 21st through November 14th ,238 days. Hydrologic performance will be determined through evaluation of automatic recording gauge data. Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 DRAFT – April 15, 2019 67 10.3 Vegetation Vegetative performance for riparian vegetation associated with the stream restoration component of the project will be in accordance with the Stream Mitigation Guidelines issued October 2016 by the USACE. The success criteria are an interim survival rate of 320 planted stems per acre at the end of monitoring year three (MY3) and a final survival rate of 210 stems per acre at the end of monitoring year 7 (MY7). The expected buffer planting areas are shown in Figure 36. Areas outside of the buffer planting areas currently have trees, but will be planted as needed following construction activities to achieve the target density. Additional Monitoring 10.3.1 Physicochemical Pre-implementation water quality data collected by NCSU BAE indicates that the primary stressors to the site streams are elevated nitrogen concentrations in the tributaries during baseflows and stormflows. Increased fecal coliform counts, TSS and TP concentrations were also documented during storm flows. To evaluate post- implementation water quality, 4 permanent continuous discharge and water quality sampling stations will be established at the site (3 tributary stations and 1 station on Millstone Creek above the proposed confluence with the UTB / Wetland 1). Locations of the permanent monitoring stations are shown in Figure 37. Additional water quality parameters will include: a.Total Nitrogen (NH3, NOx, TKN) b. Total Phosphorus c.TSS d.Fecal Coliform e.Conductivity f.pH g.DO Parameters a through c will be collected using automatic flow-paced sampling equipment and analyzed by a State‐certified water quality lab. Grab samples for Fecal Coliform analysis will collected on every other site visit (approx. monthly) Additional items e through g will be measured with calibrated water quality meters in the field during site visits to collect water quality samples (approx. every 2 weeks or more frequently). Cattle has been fenced out of the entire easement as part of project. This activity should remove the primary source of elevated fecal coliform counts. Stabilization of the headcuts on NT Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 DRAFT – April 15, 2019 69 R1 and UTA R1 should remove the primary source of fine sediment entering project streams. Treatment of agricultural runoff in by BMPs on NT R1 and UTA R1 should reduce nutrient concentrations, fecal coliform and fine sediment inputs. However, due to the inability to control land management practices and treat the entire contributing drainage area to the tributaries, NCSU BAE and NC DMS are not proposing to tie water quality data to specific project performance criteria. 10.4.2 Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Habitat Assessment Post‐construction benthic macroinvertebrate and habitat assessments will be conducted semi-annually on NT R2, UTA R2, UTB and Millstone Creek to assess changes that may result from the restoration and best management activities. Sample site locations will be based on those utilized during the pre‐construction data collection efforts. The benthic macroinvertebrate samples will be collected following the Qual‐4 method as described in the Standard Operating Procedures for Collection and Analysis of Benthic Macroinvertebrates (February 2016). No specific performance criteria are proposed based on benthic macroinvertebrate surveys or habitat assessments. 11. SITE MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE PLAN 11.1 Monitoring Plan The Site monitoring plan has been developed to ensure that the required performance standards are met and project goals and objectives are achieved. Annual monitoring data will be reported using the DMS Annual Monitoring Reporting Template (April 2015). The monitoring report shall provide project data chronology that will facilitate an understanding of project status and trends, ease population of DMS databases for analysis and research purposes, and assist in close‐out decision making. Using the DMS As‐Built Baseline Monitoring Report Template (February 2014), a baseline monitoring document and as‐built record drawings of the project will be developed within 60 days of the planting completion and monitoring installation on the restored site. Monitoring reports will be prepared in the fall of each monitoring year and submitted to DMS by November 30. These reports will be based on the DMS Annual Monitoring Template (April 2015) and Closeout Report Template (March 2015). Closeout monitoring period for stream mitigation credits will be seven years beyond completion of construction or until performance standards have been met. Table 19 describes how the proposed monitoring plan is designed to verify that project goals, objectives and functional uplift have been achieved. Detailed steam and wetland monitoring components are included in Table 20, Figure 19. Table 19: Summary of Performance Standards and Monitoring Metrics Goal Treatment Performance Standard Monitoring Metric Expected Outcomes Functional Uplift Enhance processing of nutrients from onsite sources. Construct stream and wetland systems designed to process nitrogen and phosphorus. *15% decrease in TN and TP loads to NT R2, UTA R2 and UTB. Instream monitoring of discharge, TN and TP concentrations on NT R2, UTA R2 and UTB Contribute to NC DEQ Cape Fear Basin Plan by reducing and managing nutrient inputs. Improve water quality and conditions for Site resources and downstream ecosystems. Hydrology, Physicochemical, Biology Direct onsite stream channels towards equilibrium condition. Construct stream channels with appropriate dimensions, planform geometry and profile such that channel maintenance and adjustments are representative of other natural systems. ER > 2.2, BHR < 1.2, graphical presentations of stream processes and hydraulic and geomorphic functions. Permanent cross-section monitoring, visual inspections and photo documentation. Decrease sediment inputs from channel and bank erosion. Efficiently transport high sediment and stream flow. Improved overall hydraulic geomorphic functions. Improve bedform diversity and instream habitat. Install habitat features and structures, add LWD, increase bedform diversity, improve in- stream water quality. Longitudinal profile (as-built), stable riffles and deep pools. > 35% riffle features in streams (as-built and closeout survey) and DMPOOL / DBKF > 2 at permanent pool XS Diverse bedform features. Improved conditions and desirable habitat for macroinvertebrates. Biology Restore native riparian vegetation. Plant native tree, understory and grass species in riparian zones, streambank and wetland areas. 210 planted stems per acre at MY7. Interim survival rate of 320 planted stems per acre at MY3 and 260 at MY5. 100 m2 vegetation plots will be placed on 2% of the planted area of the project and monitoring annually. Planted stem densities will be at or above 210 planted stems per acre at MY7, with volunteer trees also growing onsite. Reduce sediment inputs from bank erosion. Increase nutrient processing, uptake and storage within the floodplain. Create riparian habitats. Add a source of LWD and organic material to stream. Permanently protect site resources from local disturbance and other uses. Establish and record conservation easement on the Site. Install in livestock exclusion fencing. Prevent easement encroachment. Site and easement boundary visually inspected annually for encroachment. No detrimental impacts to the conservation easement, site streams, wetlands or riparian buffer. Hydrology (reach-scale), Hydraulic, Geomorphology, Physicochemical, Biology * NCSU BAE and NC DMS are not proposing to tie water quality data to specific project performance criteria; this is proposed as a non-binding target Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 DRAFT – April 15, 2019 72 Table 20: Millstone Creek Stream Mitigation Monitoring Plan Monitoring Parameter Monitoring Method Quantity per Stream Frequency Notes NT R1 NT R2 UTA R1 UTA R2 UTB Millstone Creek Dimension Riffle XS 1 0 2 0 2 3 Annual - Pool XS 0 1 0 0 0 3 Planform Geometry Field Survey N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 Longitudinal Profile Field Survey N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A As-built 2 Substrate Reach Wide (RW), Wetted Perimeter (WP) 100 pebble count 1 RW, 1 WP 1 RW, 1 WP 1 RW, 1 WP 1 RW, 1 WP 1 RW, 2 WP 1 RW, 3 WP Annual - Hydrology Gage Station 1 1 1 1 1 1 Continuous 3 Vegetation Plot Stem Counts 1 1 1 1 2 4 Annual 4 Invasive Vegetation Field Inspection Annual 5 Easement Boundary Field Inspection Annual 6 Reference Station Photos Photographs 2 1 2 1 2 4 Annual - 1.Pattern data will be collected during as‐built baseline monitoring survey only, unless XS and visual observations indicate substantial lateral migration. 2.Profile data will be collected during as‐built baseline monitoring survey only, unless XS and visual observations indicate substantial vertical adjustment. 3.Crest gages and/or transducers will be inspected during semi‐annual site visits, evidence of bankfull events will be documented with a photo when possible. Transducers will be set to record stage once every two hours. Devices will be inspected and downloaded semi‐annually. 4.The size of individual quadrants will be 100 square meters (10m x 10m) for woody tree species and shrubs. Vegetation assessments will be conducted following the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) Level 2 Protocol for Recording Vegetation (2006). 5.Locations of invasive vegetation will be mapped and submitted with the annual monitoring report. 6.Locations of fence damage, vegetation damage, boundary encroachments, etc. will be mapped and submitted with the annual monitoring report. Millstone Creek Site - Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 DRAFT - April 15, 2019 73 Table 21: Millstone Creek Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Plan Monitoring Parameter Monitoring Method Quantity per Wetland Resource Frequency Rehabilitation Reestablishment Groundwater Hydrology Gage Station 1 1 Data downloaded quarterly for MY0 – MY5 Wetland Vegetation Plot Stem Counts 1 1 Annual Figure 19: Millstone Creek Site Monitoring Plan 11.2 Site Maintenance Plan The site will be monitored on a regular basis and a physical inspection of all site features and easement boundaries shall be conducted a minimum of once per year throughout the post‐construction monitoring period until performance standards are met. These site inspections may identify site components and features that require routine maintenance. Routine maintenance should be expected most often in the first two years following site construction and is described in Table 22. Table 22: General Site Maintenance Plan Site Feature Maintenance through Project Close-out Stream Routine channel maintenance and repair activities may include chinking of instream structures to prevent piping, securing of loose coir matting, and supplemental installations of live stakes and other target vegetation along the channel. Areas where storm water and floodplain flows intercept the channel may also require maintenance to prevent bank failures and head‐cutting. Beaver activity will be monitored and beaver dams on project streams will typically be removed during the monitoring period by a contracted entity to allow for bank stabilization and stream development outside of this type of influence. Wetland Routine wetland maintenance and repair activities may include supplemental plantings of live stakes or containerized plants and spreading of wetland seed mixes. Areas where floodplain flows intersect the wetland may also require maintenance to prevent scour. Riparian Vegetation Riparian vegetation shall be maintained to ensure the health and vigor of the targeted community. Routine vegetation maintenance and repair activities may include supplemental planting, pruning, mulching, and fertilizing. Invasive plant species or excessive native volunteer tree growth that threatens the viability of planted species shall be controlled by mechanical and/or chemical methods. Any vegetation control requiring herbicide application will be performed in accordance with NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations. Easement Boundaries Easement boundaries shall be identified in the field to ensure clear distinction between the mitigation site and adjacent properties. Boundaries may be identified by fence, marker, bollard, post, tree‐blazing, or other means as allowed by site conditions and/or conservation easement. Boundary markers disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as needed basis. 11.3 Adaptive Management Plan Upon completion of site construction DMS will implement the post‐construction monitoring protocols previously described in this document. Project maintenance will be performed as described previously in this document. If, during the course of annual monitoring it is determined the site’s ability to achieve site performance standards are jeopardized, NC DMS will notify USACE of the need to develop a Plan of Corrective Action. The Plan of Corrective Action may be prepared using in‐house technical staff or may require engineering and consulting services. 11.4 Long-Term Management Plan Upon approval for close‐out by the Interagency Review Team (IRT) the site will be transferred to the NC DEQ Division of Natural Resource Planning and Conservation’s Stewardship Program. This party shall be responsible for periodic inspection of the site to ensure that restrictions required in the conservation easement or the deed restriction document(s) are upheld. Endowment funds required to uphold easement and deed restrictions shall be negotiated prior to site transfer to the responsible party. The NC DEQ Division of Natural Resource Planning and Conservation’s Stewardship Program currently houses DMS stewardship endowments within the non‐reverting, interest‐ bearing Conservation Lands Stewardship Endowment Account. The use of funds from the Endowment Account is governed by North Carolina General Statue GS 113A‐ 232(d)(3). Interest gained by the endowment fund may be used only for the purpose of stewardship, monitoring, stewardship administration, and land transaction costs, if applicable. The NCDEQ Stewardship Program intends to manage the account as a non‐ wasting endowment. Only interest generated from the endowment funds will be used to steward the compensatory mitigation sites. Interest funds not used for those purposes will be re‐invested in the Endowment Account to offset losses due to inflation. 12. DETERMINATION OF CREDITS The estimated stream and wetland credits proposed for the Site are listed in Table 23. Table 23: Determination of Mitigation Credits Mitigation Credits Type Stream Riparian Wetland Non- riparian Wetland Riparian Buffer Nitrogen Offset Phosphorus Offset Project Totals 3,647 N/A 0.88 N/A N/A N/A Project Components Resource Existing Approach Level Proposed Mitigation Ratio Proposed Credit NT R1 303 LF Realignment, riffle-step- pool system with sandy fill material R 325 LF 1:1 325 NT R2 103 LF Some bank grading, enhanced riffles and log steps, planting E1 103 LF 1:1 103 UTA R1 505 LF Realignment, riffle-step- pool system with sandy fill material R 523 LF 1:1 523 UTA R2 100 LF Some bank grading, enhanced riffles and log steps, planting E1 100 LF 1:1 100 UTB 605 LF Some bank grading, enhanced riffles and log steps, planting. E1 596 LF 1:1 596 Millstone Creek R1 1,462 LF Bank grading, wood and habitat structures, bank treatments E1 1,462 LF 1,462 Millstone Creek R2 553 LF Realignment, appropriate channel dimensions, wood and habitat structures, bank treatments R 538 LF 1:1 538 Wetland 1 1.159 Invasive species control, re-plant appropriate vegetation. Rehab 1.159 AC 2:1 0.580 Wetland 1 Plug ditch, invasive species control, re-plant appropriate vegetation, re-establish additional wetland area and hydrology through grading and excavation. Re-estab 0.601 AC 1:1 0.601 Millstone Creek Site - Randolph County Mitigation Plan IMS Project # 204 DRAFT - April 15, 2019 77 13. REFERENCES Daniels, R., Buol, S., Kleiss, H., & Ditzler, C. (1999). Soil Systems in North Carolina. Technical Bulletin. Soil Science Department. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC. Doll, B., Jennings, G., Spooner, J., Penrose, D., Usset, J., Blackwell, J., & Fernandez, M. (2016). 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A practical method of computing streambank erosion rate. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference. Schafale, M. P., & Weakley, A. S. (1990). Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina. Third approximation. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation, Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh. Simon, A. (1989). A model of channel response in disturbed alluvial channels. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 14(1), 11-26. doi:10.1002/esp.3290140103 Spruill, T. B., Eimers, J. L., & Morey, A. E. (1997). Nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in shallow ground water of the coastal plain of the Albemarle-Pamlico drainage study unit, North Carolina and Virginia. Fact Sheet FS-241-96. Reston, Va. US Geological Survey. Starr, R., Harman, W. A., & Davis, S. (2015). Final Draft Function-Based Rapid Stream Assessment Methodology Assessment Methodology. Annapolis, Md. Retrieved from http://www.fws.gov/chesapeakebay/stream/StreamsPDF/FinalDraftFunctionBasedRapid StreamAssessmentMethodologyandAppendices5-29-15.pdf. US Forest Service. (2012). Uwharrie National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. Troy, NC. USDA NRCS. (1995). Soil Survey of Randolph County, NC. Retrieved from https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_MANUSCRIPTS/north_carolina/NC151/ 0/Randolph.pdf. USDA NRCS. (2017). The PLANTS Database Retrieved from http://plants.usda.gov. Yang, C. T. (1979). Unit stream power equations for total load. Journal of Hydrology, 40(1-2), 123-138. 14. APPENDICIES 14.1 Ap pendix A – Detailed Functional Uplift Study with SQT 14.1.1 Hydrology The major documented watershed disturbance for streams at the Site has been the conversion of forested cover to pasture lands and hay production. The tributary catchments are nearly 100% pasture or managed for hay production and the Millstone Creek catchment is only 35% forest and 48% pasture and hay production. Loss of forested land cover, canopy interception and uptake frequently results in a change in stream flow regime or sediment supply boundary conditions. Surface runoff volumes and peak discharges increase, while the time to peak decreases meaning greater discharges arrive at the watershed outlet sooner (Leopold, 1968). Sediment supply may also increase from more erodible upland areas and channel and bank sources as stream flow and power increase. A gauge with long-term flow records does not existing within the Site drainage areas, so the actual magnitude and rate of change in hydrologic regime cannot be confirmed. Urban development and growth is not anticipated within the project drainage areas and NC DOT has no current or long range plans for road construction and infrastructure development. The SQT quantifies catchment landuse and condition with the CN, and lower CNs are taken to be more representative of forested reference conditions and higher functioning systems. All drainage area CN’s resulted in “Not Functioning” scores for hydrology functions (Table 24). Uplift is produced for hydrology of the tributaries by reducing reach-scale runoff through buffer planning (reforesting) and with upstream BMPs. The proposed RSCs and temporary storage of runoff above NT R2, UTA R2 and UTB will eliminate the erosional gullies (concentrated flow points) and result in catchment hydrology more similar to a forested condition. CNs were estimated for the tributary catchments with BMPs under the proposed or restored site conditions to capture the uplift in hydrology function. The Millstone Creek watershed is relatively large (8.3 mi2) and the restoration effort will not produce uplift in catchment hydrology. Some reach-scale hydrology uplift is possible through establishment of riparian buffer outside the right bank; however, it is insignificant in comparison to the larger catchment. Table 24: Millstone Creek Site Resource Hydrology Functional Parameters Site Resource Catchment Hydrology Reach Runoff Concentrated Flow Points Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed NT R2 73 30 73 61 1 0 UTA R2 73 30 73 61 1 0 UTB 73 40 73 61 2 0 Millstone Creek 75 75 73 61 - - Not Functioning (NF) Functioning at Risk (FAR) Functioning (F) 14.1.2 Hydraulics Tributaries NT R2 and UTA R2 are incised and entrenched systems with bank height ratios (BHRs) of 1.5 and 1.8 and entrenchment ratios (ER) of 2.0 and 1.1, respectively. NT R2 hydraulics are “Functioning-at-Risk” and UTA R2 is “Not Functioning”. UTB is a channelized and incised system as well with BHR and ER of 1.3 – 2.3 and 1.4 – 1.8, respectively. On a hydraulics basis, UTB is designated “Functioning- at-Risk”. Millstone Creek hydraulics are “Functioning” as quantified by the SQT. The system is only slightly incised (BHR = 1.1 – 1.2) and not entrenched (ER = 7.1 – 12.3). This moderate degree of incision is likely linked to aggradation of post-European settlement legacy sediments in the valley bottom. Restoration efforts on the tributaries and the mainstem of Millstone Creek will create channels that are connected to their floodplains such that at bankfull discharges, stream flow is accessing the floodplain without impediment. BHRs for all reaches will be 1.0 after project implementation. Floodplain connection will increase the water table elevation in the riparian zone for enhanced nutrient processing and uptake. Increased flood frequency will provide additional opportunity for detention and spreading of flood flows to decrease in-channel velocities and shear stresses. On reaches NT R2 and UTA R2, bankfull benching will increase ERs to 3.5 or greater. ER for UTB will be increased to 3.5 – 7.5 and ER on Millstone Creek will remain relatively high. The hydraulics of Millstone Creek are currently “Functioning”, however this not indicative of a healthy and functioning system overall. Substantial bank erosion and lateral migration has been documented, degrading Geomorphology functions described in Section 5.1.3. The restoration effort will result in “Functioning” hydraulics for all tributaries and enhance the hydraulic function of Millstone Creek (Table 25). Table 25: Millstone Creek Site Resource Hydraulic Functional Parameters Site Resource BHR ER Existing Proposed Existing Proposed NT R2 1.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 UTA R2 1.8 1.0 1.1 3.0 UTB 1.8 1.0 1.2 3.5 Millstone Creek 1.2 1.0 5.5 7.0 Not Functioning (NF) Functioning at Risk (FAR) Functioning (F) 14.1.3 Channel Geomorphology Channel geomorphology for all stream reaches has been designated “Not Functioning”. Select existing and proposed channel geomorphology functional parameters are presented in Table 26. All reaches lack woody riparian vegetation with the exception of the area east of the left bank of Millstone Creek. The bedform of the tributaries is nearly 100% riffle / run, lacking pools entirely. The tributaries are also relatively straight with low sinuosity, which is not uncommon for streams in confined valleys with relatively steep water surface slopes. Millstone Creek does have several shallow pools with median pool-to-pool spacing ratio (P-P/W BKF) of 5.9, however the range of P-P/W BKF is inconsistent and varies widely from 2.5 to 20.0. Fifty-two percent of the stream banks on Millstone Creek show signs of erosion (surface source, mass wasting, hoof shear) and several of the meander mender bends are migrating and adjusting laterally up to 4 ft/yr. LWD counts for all streams were low and designated “Not Functioning”, with some sub-reaches completely devoid of any large wood. The proposed restoration design for the Site will bring all stream reaches up from “Not Functioning” to “Functioning” on a Geomorphology basis. On tributaries NT R2 and UTA R2, geomorphology functions will be restored through an Enhancement II level approach by reconfiguring the longitudinal profile to establish appropriate feature lengths, pool-to-pool spacings (P-P/W BKF = 2.0) and pool depths appropriate for the B stream type. Enhanced riffles with native substrate and log steps will be used to diversify the bedforms, hold grade and maintain pools through energy dissipation and scour. A similar (though restoration level) approach will be implemented on UTB. The proposed UTB channel will be reconstructed with appropriate channel dimensions, planform geometry and bedform features for a B4c stream type. Millstone Creek has incised slightly through 1.5 – 2.5 feet of post-European settlement sediments that have accumulated in the valley bottom. Millstone Creek channel will be reconstructed with several new meander bends to establish appropriate planform geometry and longitudinal profile with feature lengths, pool-to-pool spacings and pool depths appropriate for E5/C5 stream types. LWD will be added to the system as wood riffles, bank treatments and select habitat features. Table 26: Select Millstone Creek Site Resource Geomorphology Functional Parameters Site Resource P-P/WBKF DPOOL/DBKF % Riffle Sinuosity Exst. Prop. Exst. Prop. Exst. Prop. Exst. Prop. NT R2 - 2.0 - 1.7 100% 51% 1.01 1.01 UTA R2 - 2.0 - 1.7 100% 51% 1.01 1.01 UTB - 3.4 - 1.7 100% 45% 1.08 1.10 Millstone Creek 5.9 4.9 1.2 1.4 31% 50% 1.09 1.11 Not Functioning (NF) Functioning at Risk (FAR) Functioning (F) Millstone Creek Reach-wide Streambank Erosion and Deposition Summary An analytical study of streambank adjustments was conducted for the reach of Millstone Creek that is within the existing site easement (Table 27). Methods described by Purvis and Fox (2016) were followed to quantify adjustments of individual streambanks and the net change in sediment flux from field measurements and historical aerial photos. Aerial photos from 2007, 2010, 2014 and a field survey from 2016 were used to identify the left and right top of bank (LTOB and RTOB) for the reach. The erosional and depositional areas were traced using GIS software and summed for each study interval. On site, bulk density samples were collected at four (4) locations within the project reach and from four (4) distinctly different or stratified layers of the bank material. From the four sample sites and four (4) stratified layers, a weighted average bulk density of 91.1 lb/ft3 or 1.46 g/cm3 was calculated for the reach using stratified layer thickness as a basis. The traced erosional and depositional areas were then multiplied by the reach average bank height (5.6 ft) and the reach weighted average bulk density to determine total sediment erosion and deposition within the project reach for each study interval. Table 27: Millstone Creek Reachwide Streambank Erosion and Deposition Summary Study Interval Erosion Summary Deposition Summary Reach Balance (tons) Area (ft2) Mass (tons) Rate (tons/yr) Area (ft2) Mass (tons) Rate (tons/yr) 2007 - 2010 9,337 425 142 7,099 323 108 -102 2010 - 2014 10,532 480 120 4,574 208 52 -271 2014 - 2016 18,892 860 430 3,716 169 85 -691 Average 12,920 588 231 5,130 234 81 -355 The project reach showed a net export of sediment from bank erosion for all three (3) study intervals totaling 1,064 tons. While deposition of sediment on streambanks did occur for all study intervals, depositional surface area and the total mass of sediment was substantially less than eroded sediment mass. The Millstone Creek project reach is a significant source of sediment, on average the reach exports 231 tons (net 150 tons) of sediment each year from bank erosion. There was a substantial increase in sediment export from 2014 – 2016. It is possible that the increase in erosional area is related to the 2016 field survey and slight differences in aerial overlay or TOB traces. However, the overwhelming majority of the erosional area from 2014 – 2016 occurred between Bank 2 and Bank 3 (STA. 4+00 FT to STA. 11+00 FT) in Figure 74. This reach of the project in particular has been significantly impacted by cattle access, bank trampling and lack of riparian vegetation. Seven (7) individual streambanks were also studied through aerial photos and the 2016 field survey (Figure 18). Total lateral adjustment and average annual adjustment rates were quantified. In general, the study streambanks have shown substantial lateral adjustments due to both deposition and erosion. The outside meander bends of Banks 1, 2, and 3 have been highly unstable, moving laterally more than 3.0 feet per year. Bank 2 has eroded laterally up to 5.0 ft / yr. The outside meander bends of Banks 4, 5, 6 and 7 have been slightly less unstable during the study intervals, adjusting laterally 0.5 ft to 2.1 ft per year on average. Deposition of sediment has also occurred on the streambanks within the study period. The high level of lateral streambank adjustment observed within the project reach is likely linked to high sediment supply and suspended load transported by Millstone Creek, lack of deep rooting riparian vegetation on the right bank, cattle access, bank trampling and a moderate degree of incision. The analysis of the lateral adjustments of the existing streambanks has been used to inform the proposed restoration design approach on Millstone Creek and bank treatments. 14.1.4 Physicochemical Rigorous surface water and groundwater quality monitoring has been conducted on the tributaries and mainstem of Millstone Creek since summer 2014. High nutrient and pathogen inputs from land applied swine wastes are the most prevalent physicochemical stressors on the Site’s tributaries. The tributary monitoring stations were located on NT R2 and UTA R2 just above the confluence with UTB. All water quality degradation observed on NT and UTA is also similarly impacting UTB. For functional parameters in the SQT, the mean or aggregate of the parameter (which ever was appropriate and most representative) was used. On a Physicochemical basis, the tributaries are extremely degraded and “Not Functioning”. However, conductivity of the stream flow was measured and is suitable for macroinvertebrate habitat and recruitment. The mainstem of Millstone Creek is also “Not Functioning”, though nutrient concentrations are much lower and fecal coliform counts are much higher than those observed on the tributaries. As part of the Millstone Creek mitigation effort, cattle exclusion fencing and watering stations were installed in summer of 2015. However, due to issues with cattle watering devices and electrical supply, cattle were not excluded from the conservation area until approximately December 2015. Data from the pre-exclusion (8/5/14 to 12/2/15) and post-exclusion (1/1/16 to 9/7/16) periods are separated to evaluate the results of the cattle exclusion effort, which is a component of the restoration effort. It should be noted that NCSU BAE staff have observed a few cattle inside the conservation easement during nearly all visits to the site since December 2015. Generally, only 8-10 cows or fewer have been observed inside the fence. In some instances, NCSU BAE staff have herded the stray cows outside the fence during these visits in an effort to preserve the validity of the pre- and post- fencing comparisons. Pre-Implementation Water Quality Monitoring Results Tables 28 and 29 below contain summary statistics of nutrient and sediment concentration data obtained from water quality analysis results of surface water samples collected during storm event discharge and non-storm (baseflow) discharge through 9/7/16. For storm samples on NT, the pollutant concentration means during the pre- and post-fencing periods are similar with the post-fencing means being slightly greater. For UTA, the post-fencing means are less than the pre-fencing. The reason for the seemingly greater effect in on UTA was likely the result of greater channel and bank erosion and the observation that the cows appeared to spend more time in UTA during the pre-fencing period given that they were observed there more often and that the area adjacent to the stream was more inviting (shaded and relatively flat) for cattle lounging as compared to NT (not shaded) where easily accessible. Table 28: Summary Statistics for Stormflow WQ Samples in NT and UTA North Tributary (NT): Pre-fencing Statistic TKN (mg/L) NOx-N (mg/L) NH3-N (mg/L) TP (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) Mean 6.55 7.47 0.79 2.40 1082 Median 5.72 5.11 0.55 2.25 582 Count 11 11 11 11 11 North Tributary (NT): Post-fencing Statistic TKN (mg/L) NOx-N (mg/L) NH3-N (mg/L) TP (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) Mean 7.45 7.64 0.84 2.62 1274 Median 8.80 5.32 0.80 3.16 1257 Count 7 7 7 7 7 UT Reach A (UTA): Pre-fencing Statistic TKN (mg/L) NOx-N (mg/L) NH3-N (mg/L) TP (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) Mean 12.58 5.70 1.21 3.21 2122 Median 12.90 5.35 0.78 2.43 665 Count 16 16 16 16 16 UT Reach A (UTA): Post-fencing Statistic TKN (mg/L) NOx-N (mg/L) NH3-N (mg/L) TP (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) Mean 10.15 4.83 0.69 2.82 1404 Median 11.90 3.49 0.58 2.71 1558 Count 7 7 7 7 10 Table 29: Summary Statistics for Baseflow WQ Samples in NT and UTA North Tributary (NT): Pre-fencing Statistic TKN (mg/L) NOx-N (mg/L) NH3-N (mg/L) TP (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) Mean 1.87 16.32 0.33 0.22 40 Median 1.48 17.15 0.26 0.13 25 Count 26 26 26 26 25 North Tributary (NT): Post-fencing Statistic TKN (mg/L) NOx-N (mg/L) NH3-N (mg/L) TP (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) Mean 1.00 18.05 0.23 0.10 16 Median 0.97 18.03 0.21 0.08 6 Count 18 18 18 18 21 UT Reach A (UTA): Pre-fencing Statistic TKN (mg/L) NOx-N (mg/L) NH3-N (mg/L) TP (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) Mean 5.28 8.78 0.94 1.02 150 Median 3.74 8.65 0.49 0.55 77 Count 24 24 24 24 22 UT Reach A (UTA): Post-fencing Statistic TKN (mg/L) NOx-N (mg/L) NH3-N (mg/L) TP (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) Mean 3.31 10.09 0.33 0.68 76 Median 2.02 9.64 0.27 0.39 24 Count 16 16 16 16 23 For baseflow samples from both tributaries, mean concentrations of TKN, NH3-N, TP, and TSS decreased from the pre- to post-fencing periods, in contrast the mean concentration of NOx-N increased. This was expected as TKN, NH3-N, TP, and TSS tend to increase when cattle have unlimited access to a stream and decrease when excluded, whereas, NOx-N is unaffected. Comparing concentrations between tributaries, the greatest differences occur for NOx-N. Boxplots comparing stormflow and baseflow concentrations of NOx-N for UTA and NT show that during the pre- and post-fencing periods the NOx-N concentrations in NT baseflow were much greater than in UTA. This suggests the groundwater flowing to the North Tributary has a much greater NOx-N concentration than that contributing to the UTA. The reason for the higher concentration for NT is unknown, but may be due to the closer proximity of this tributary to the swine production operation and waste application equipment. Evaluation of the nutrient management plan and waste application permit for the farm could perhaps provide some insight relative to the variation between the tributaries. Figure 20: NOx-N Concentrations pre-fencing (left) and post-fencing (right) for UT Reach A (UT) and North Tributary (N). Discharge and pollutant mass export for UTA and NT are included in Table 30. and in Figure 20. The duration of the pre-exclusion fencing period was 1.33 years, which is marginally sufficient to characterize the hydrology, whereas the post-fencing duration of 0.67 years was not yet adequate. Discharge in both tributaries decreased considerably from the pre- to post-fencing periods thereby complicating direct pre- to post-fencing load/export comparisons (8.6 to 6.3 in/yr for the UTA and 9.3 in/yr to 7.4 in/yr for NT). For the UTA, export of all nitrogen forms, phosphorus, and TSS decreased from the pre- to post-fencing period. The greatest decreases by percentage were for NH3-N and TSS. For the North Tributary, export of all nitrogen forms, except NOx-N, along with phosphorus and sediment decreased following exclusion fencing. This was expected given that past studies have shown that exclusion fencing has a little effect on NOx-N export, at least in the short-term (Line, Osmond, & Childres, 2016). Table 30: Total load of Nutrients for NT and UTA North Tributary (NT) Treatment Period Dur. (yr) Rain (in/yr) Q (in/yr) ----------------------- Export lbs / ac / yr ----------------------- TKN NOx-N NH3-N TN TP TSS Pre-fence 1.33 47.9 9.3 8.34 31.15 1.36 39.5 2.12 707 Post-fence 0.67 45.1 7.4 4.03 32.07 0.64 36.1 0.96 401 25.0 25.0 20.0 20.0 15.0 15.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 UT-storm UT-base N-storm N-base UT-storm UT-base N-storm N-base NOx-N (mg/L) NOx-N (mg/L) UT Reach A (UTA) Treatment Period Dur. (yr) Rain (in/yr) Q (in/yr) ----------------------- Export lbs / ac / yr ----------------------- TKN NOx-N NH3-N TN TP TSS Pre-fence 1.33 47.9 8.6 11.76 17.38 1.54 29.1 2.73 1303 Post-fence 0.67 45.1 6.3 5.23 15.37 0.54 20.6 1.28 420 The baseflow discharge on both streams was much greater than the storm discharge, which was unexpected considering the slope of the pasture and the soils. The low storm discharge may be attributed to the relatively dense pasture grass, roughness and contouring of the ground surface. The pasture has many 8-10 ft diameter and 1-2 ft deep depressions and several terraces. These depressions create a macro-roughness that likely enhances infiltration and reduces surface runoff. Figure 21 shows that baseflow export for NOx, NH3-N and TN are much greater in baseflow than in stormflow. In contrast, stormflow export of TP exceed those from baseflow as phosphorus attaches to sediment. TKN is near equal in stormflow and baseflow. This figure also indicates that total export is greater for NT compared to UTA. Large reductions in sediment export occurred as a result of the fencing, especially in the UTA. Figure 21: Total Nutrient Loads From Baseflow and Stormflow for UT to Millstone Reach A and North Tributary Stream conductivity is an important indicator of suitable water chemistry conditions for fish and macroinvertebrates. In-situ conductivity measurements for UTA are shown in Figure 22. As shown, while there are many anomalous measurements, which are typical of in-situ probes, the vast majority of the conductivity measurements were about 190 µS/cm. During periods of surface discharge (4 large events), the conductivity decreased considerably. For NT, the majority of the conductivity measurements were about 325 µS/cm, which was considerably greater than those at UTA. One possible reason for the higher conductivity at the NT was that it had higher NOx-N concentrations, which means it had more anions in the water to increase the conductivity. This may also help explain why during periods of surface discharge the conductivity decreased given that NOx-N concentrations were much less in storm flow samples. The conductivity of most rivers in the US is generally between 50 to 1500 µS/cm. Studies of inland fresh waters indicates that streams supporting good mixed fisheries have a range between 150 and 500 µS/cm. This suggests that tributary conductivity measurements are already within the suitable range for macroinvertebrate communities. Furthermore, clay soils tend to have higher conductivity due to the presence of materials that ionize when mixed with runoff or stream flow. There is additional opportunity to decrease conductivity by preventing bank erosion and creating shallow groundwater flows within U/S BMPs to enhance water chemistry for macroinvertebrates. Figure 22: In-situ probe conductivity measurements at NT and UTA. Boxplots of fecal coliform (FC) levels in grab samples collected after exclusion fencing installation on the tributaries and on Millstone Creek (Mill-dn) are shown in Figure 22. Median levels are similar (about 300 cfu/100ml) for both tributaries with the UTA having higher 1st and 3rd quartiles. The median fecal coliform level at Millstone Creek was more than 3 times greater than the tributaries. This was likely due to cattle having unlimited access to Millstone Creek just upstream of the exclusion corridor and throughout the watershed, while there was no direct access to the tributaries. Boxplots of FC levels before (JL-pre) and after (JL-post) livestock (beef cattle) exclusion from a small stream located near Silk Hope, NC are also shown in Figure 23 to compare and represent a similar restoration site. Note there was a considerable decrease in FC levels following exclusion of the cattle and that the post-exclusion levels are similar to those of the tributaries. Figure 23: Fecal coliform in grab samples at Millstone (UT-base, N-base, and Mill-dn) and Jordan Lake (JL-pre and JL-post). For Millstone Creek, boxplots of water quality samples collected are presented in Figure 24. The median TKN and NH3-N concentrations were similar to baseflow medians of the tributaries (post-fencing), whereas the NOx-N was much less than that of the tributaries. The median TP concentration was almost exactly at the midpoint between the medians of the tributaries. The median TSS concentrationwas greater than those for baseflow from the tributaries, but much less than those for stormflow from the tributaries. This was expected as the samples collected from Mill-dn were a combination of baseflow and stormflow. JL-post JL-pre Mill-dn N-base UT-base 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Fecal Coliform (cfu/100 ml) Millstone Concentration (mg/L) TSS Concentration (mg/L) 8.0 450 7.0 400 6.0 350 5.0 4.0 3.0 300 250 200 150 2.0 100 1.0 50 0.0 0 TKN NOx-N NH3-N TP Mill UT North Figure 24: TKN, NOx-N, NH3-N, and TP (left) and TSS (right) concentrations at Mill- dn. To provide physicochemical uplift at the site, the proposed restoration design includes planting and reestablishment of woody and herbaceous riparian vegetation, reconnection of streams to floodplains, construction of RSCs as BMPs above NT R2 and UTA R2, and an expanded wetland downstream of UTB. Riparian buffer establishment will provide shade to decrease in-stream temperatures and supply organic material. Exclusion fencing and an undisturbed riparian zone may also filter some pathogens from surface runoff. Uptake and processing of nitrogen, which is a major stressor at the site, may also be increased through more frequent floodplain inundation and a higher water table in the riparian zone. The BMPs and expanded wetland area are designed to increase processing and filtration of nutrients and fecal coliform before being transported downstream. For the purpose of quantifying functional uplift in advance of implementation and monitoring, some assumptions have been made to estimate the level of treatment and processing. For TN, TP and fecal coliform treatment efficiencies of 60% have been assumed for the RSCs above the tributaries as recommended by Anne Arundel County and WV DEQ. Actual physicochemical uplift will be determined by detailed post- implementation field monitoring. However, even with these pollutant removal efficiencies and the uplift provided by the additional treatment efforts, the reaches and site will not get beyond the “Not functioning” designation (Table 31). This is because the SQT uses reference stream water quality as a basis for determining stream function. If the SQT were to be used as the mitigation credit determination for this project, there would actually be no incentive implement and monitor the BMPs because the degree of departure from the reference condition is so great. Similar findings are presented for the biology parameters in the following sections. For this Site, the SQT may not adequately capture and describe the physicochemical uplift provided by the mitigation effort. In fact, the SQT dis- incentivizes implementation of BMPs and physicochemical monitoring at highly degraded sites because they are less likely to achieve reference quality conditions necessary to receive credit as assigned by the tool currently. Table 31: Summary of Physicochemical Functional Parameters Site Resource TN (mg/L) TP (mg/L) FC (cfu/100mL) Conductivity (µS/cm) Exst. Prop. Exst. Prop. Exst. Prop. Exst. Prop. NT R2 17.7 6.8 2.6 1.1 300 120 323 100 UTA R2 14.2 5.7 2.8 1.1 293 118 191 100 UTB 15.9 6.4 2.7 1.1 297 119 257 100 Millstone Creek 2.9 2.9 0.3 0.3 1450 1200 - - Not Functioning (NF) Functioning at Risk (FAR) Functioning (F) 14.1.5 Biology Macroinvertebrate Assessment Benthic macroinvertebrate assessments have been conducted at the Site on four occasions including November 2014, April and November 2015 and May 2016. All sampling has been conducted using protocols developed by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NC DEQ, 2016). For the first two visits, sampling was conducted only in the tributaries at three locations (NT, UTA and UTB). The three tributary locations have been sampled during all four visits to the site. In November 2015 sampling of Millstone Creek was included. This sampling has varied in location including sites U/S, within and D/S of the project reach to characterize the project reach and the likelihood of recruitment. A summary of the sampling results including richness, biotic indices and bioclassification metrics are provided in Table 18. Raw data results are included in the appendices. For the first two visits (November 2014 and April 2015), the NT exhibited significant accumulated Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM) suggesting limited flow. The benthic fauna was dominated by tolerant taxa including midges (Zavrelimyia in the fall and Tanytarsus in the spring) and amphipods; no EPT organisms were collected. The NT scored poor and fair bioclassification during these visits, respectively. (Note: DWQ Biotic Index values for small Piedmont streams with seasonal correction factors applied as appropriate). UTA had less CPOM suggesting more flow and more cobble and small boulders were present, however the fauna at this location was also dominated by very tolerant taxa (mostly midges including Conchapelopia group and Zavrelimyia spp). Two EPT organisms were collected (one mayfly and one caddisfly) on the first visit and only one the second visit. The very high biotic index at this location resulted in a Poor bioclassification for both sampling visits. During the third site visit in Fall 2015, both tributaries exhibited positive differences in taxa richness, the presence of intolerant taxa (having a BI of 2.5 or less) and lower biotic index values. EPT taxa richness and the presence of intolerant taxa increased in 2015, which resulted in a lower biotic index and an improved bioclassification (Good/Fair). This sampling suggested that conditions had improved in both locations. The caddisfly, Diplectrona modesta was present in both of the tributaries and the caddisfly Lepidostoma spp was found in the UTA. During the fourth visit in spring 2016, taxa richness values were similar to the values noted from this location in the fall 2015. However, there was an increase in abundance of tolerant taxa (especially Simulium spp, Chironomus spp., and Physella spp.), which increased the Biotic Index values and resulted in a Poor bioclassification for the North Trib. and Fair for UT Reach A. Mosquito larvae and Crustacea were also abundant during this survey. The sample location of UTB is approximately 160 ft. below the confluence of NT and UTA. The instream habitat at this location becomes slightly more heterogeneous and the presence of bank habitat was noted. For the first sampling in Fall 2014, the total number of taxa was 18 at this location and 3 EPT taxa were collected (two mayflies; Paraleptophlebia spp, which was common, and Centroptilum spp: and one caddisfly Ptilostomis spp). The benthic fauna at this location is also dominated by tolerant taxa including midges and Physidae snails. Three taxa that have a NC Biotic Index of < 2.5 were collected, which lowered the total biotic index for the site to 6.12 and a Fair bioclassification using these criteria. The improvement in biological conditions noted at the NT and UTA during the third sampling, however, was not seen at the UTB station below the confluence. Comparison of November 2014 and 2015 samples at this location noted a slight decline in the fauna; slightly lower taxa richness values and a lower number of intolerant taxa. During the spring 2016 visit, the bioclassification increased only slightly in UTB. Extremely high numbers of blackfly larvae were collected during this survey, but interestingly the relatively intolerant baetid mayfly Baetis pluto became abundant during this survey. This mayfly has only been collected from these stations only during the last two surveys and only abundantly from this site. These data resulted in a Fair bioclassification for all four surveys at this reach. Comparisons of total taxa richness and EPT taxa richness and abundance for the three tributary sampling stations are provided in Figures 25 - 27 below. Figure 25: Total taxa richness for Millstone Creek tributaries Figure 26: EPT taxa richness for Millstone Creek tributaries Figure 27: EPT abundance for Millstone Creek tributaries Table 32: Macroinvertebrate Assessment Summary Collection Location Mill U/S Mill PR1 Mill PR1 Mill D/S North Tributary (NT) UT Reach A (UTA) UT Reach B (UTB) Collection Date (yr/mo) 2016 May 2015 Nov 2016 May 2015 Nov 2014 Nov 2015 Apr 2015 Nov 2016 May 2014 Nov 2015 Apr 2015 Nov 2016 May 2014 Nov 2015 Apr 2015 Nov 2016 May Total Taxa Richness 25 24 33 31 10 11 19 18 11 15 18 14 18 17 17 16 EPT Taxa Richness 7 11 8 13 0 0 3 2 2 1 4 2 3 1 1 2 EPT Seasonal Correction** 7 8 8 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA EPT Abundance 24 57 41 36 0 0 7 2 2 1 8 2 5 1 3 13 Biotic Index 6.51 5.54 5.67 5.54 7.16 6.37 5.49 6.94 7.43 7.05 5.33 6.62 6.02 5.88 5.78 5.24 BI Seasonal Correction* 6.71 5.64 5.87 5.64 7.26 6.57 5.59 7.14 7.53 7.25 5.43 6.82 6.12 6.08 5.88 5.44 Number of taxa = 2.5 or less 1 5 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 0 1 1 Classification Criterion EPT Richness NC Biotic Index NC Biotic Index NC Biotic Index Bioclassification Fair Fair Fair Fair Poor Fair Fair/ Good Poor Poor Poor Fair/ Good Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair/ Good 1PR = Millstone Creek Project Reach * Seasonal correction for BI; +0.1 fall, +0.2 spring ** Seasonal correction for EPT richness, subtract seasonal Plecoptera taxa from list. Millstone Creek was sampled within the project reach and just D/S of the project at a location below the confluence with UTB in November 2015. During the May 2016 sampling Millstone Creek was sampled just U/S and within the project reach. The habitat in all sampling locations is dominated by shifting sand. At all locations, the taxa richness and abundance in Millstone Creek is much higher than those recorded from all tributary locations. Total and EPT taxa richness values are 24/11 and 31/13 respectively for 2015 and 25/7 and 33/8 for 2016. Taxa richness and EPT abundance was slightly higher at the D/S locations. Several EPT taxa were found only at the D/S site during the first visit including Eurylophella verisimils, Maccaffertium modestum and Triaenodes ignitus. The only stonefly collected during the spring 2016 survey was collected in Millstone (Perlesta spp.) whereas four stonefly taxa were collected from Millstone Creek during the 2015 surveys. Because Millstone Creek is much larger and has greater habitat heterogeneity, NC DWR recommends using the total number of EPT taxa (corrected for season) as the metric to define the bioclassification (DWR 2013). As a result, all locations on Millstone Creek were given Fair bioclassifications for both sampling visits. Fish Assessment The NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) was contacted to determine if they had interest in sampling fish in Millstone Creek to document existing fish habitat and restoration potential. NC WRC declined the opportunity indicating that improved fish assemblage was not expected from the proposed restoration project, and thereby a sampling effort would not benefit the research results. However, WRC provided the following observations regarding the mainstem of Millstone Creek: • The project is somewhat high in the watershed; it is fairly sizeable but for the slate belt it’s still in a range that can see periods of little to no surface flow. That alone will affect the expected fish assemblage in this region. • As with any stream restoration project if the site has degraded habitat above and below the site it will be difficult to reestablish those communities. • Staff looked at multiple crossings of this system and each one exhibited degraded habitat. • Species observed during site visit, sunfish, creek chubs, and corbicula, are all very tolerant. The upstream and downstream reaches did not have any additional species diversity. Due to these survey results, we don’t expect recolonization of the restored reach with anything other than what is currently present. • Improved aquatic assemblage would not be expected by the proposed restoration effort. Macroinvertebrate monitoring should be a better biological measure for uplift at this location. In general, there is little habitat in the Site streams to support rich and diverse macroinvertebrate communities. The tributaries are plane bed systems comprised of mostly riffle / run bedforms with little to no flow or bedform diversity. No deep pools are present. The riffles do contain some well-graded gravel substrate, however the particle size analysis of the bed materials indicated large fractions of sand and silt/clay had also accumulated in the channel bed. The fine material likely originates from upstream channel and bank sources and buries suitable habitat for macroinvertebrates as it is transported downstream. There is a limited amount and supply of LWD to the tributaries to provide flow diversity and pocket habitats. Woody riparian vegetation is non-existent on UTB and there is little riparian vegetation on NT and UTA to provide shading and a source of organic material through leaf fall and die off. Few terrestrial species exist in the riparian zone other than pasture grasses. The hydraulic conditions of the incised systems are not suitable for macroinvertebrates as in-stream velocities and shear stresses are increased at lower flows due floodplain disconnection. Physicochemical inputs to the tributaries are extremely high and may be the greatest stressor to aquatic organisms and habitat. The jurisdictional wetland just below the UTB may be a barrier to aquatic organism passage and potential recruitment. Pre-restoration macroinvertebrate assessments of biotic indices and EPT taxa present in the tributaries have scored poorly. This is may be due to several factors including lack of bedform diversity, fine material accumulating in the riffles, few habitat features and extremely high physicochemical stressors. It is unclear if uplift in biology functions will be detected on the tributaries, however post-restoration macroinvertebrate assessments will be conducted for evaluation. Millstone Creek is a sand bed system with some small gravels deposited on bars and in riffles, but lacks larger angular gravels typical of other Slate Belt streams suitable that typically support macroinvertebrate habitat. Some LWD is present within the project reach and has created pocket pool habitat and cover for aquatic organisms. Similar to the tributaries, Millstone Creek also lacks riparian vegetation and floodplain connection. Physicochemical stressors also exist (as described in Section 5.1.4), but at substantially lower concentrations compared to the tributaries. Interestingly, Millstone Creek has had a relatively high number of EPT Taxa present during sampling events (mean = 40). However, biotic indices have remained high because most of the taxa are tolerant species and EPT Taxa richness has remained low. There is some potential for biology parameters to improve in Millstone Creek with the enhancement of bedform diversity, shade from riparian vegetation and the addition of large wood and habitat features. For the purpose of using the SQT, targets for biotic indices have been selected to lift biology functions from “Not Functioning” to “Functioning at Risk” (Table 33). This will be monitored post- construction to quantify the actual uplift. It may require additional monitoring beyond the typical 5 or 7-year monitoring period to detect a trend in uplift of biology functions. Table 33: Summary Biology Functional Parameters Site Resource Biotic Index EPT Taxa Present Existing Proposed Existing Proposed NT R2 6.6 5.8 2.3 15 UTA R2 6.8 5.8 3.3 15 UTB 5.9 5.5 5.5 15 Millstone Creek 5.9 5.5 40 50 Not Functioning (NF) Functioning at Risk (FAR) Functioning (F) 14.2 Appendix B – Field Morphology Data Table 34: LWD piece and debris dam counts and scores for Millstone Creek. Stream Name: Millstone Creek Sample Length (ft): 2040 LWD Score Pieces 1 2 3 4 5 Count Total Score Length/Bankfull Width 20 9 3 3 3 38 74 Diameter 10 9 7 6 6 38 103 Location 4 17 17 38 165 Type 1 16 13 8 38 141 Structure 24 4 6 4 38 70 Stability 1 3 7 3 24 38 160 Orientation 13 6 8 4 7 38 100 Total 69 31 51 46 69 813 Ave. Score/ Linear Foot 0.4 Ave. Total for 300 feet 121 Debris Dams Length 3 1 4 6 Height 2 2 4 8 Structure 3 1 4 14 Location 1 1 2 4 15 Stability 2 2 4 8 Total 7 1 9 0 3 51 Ave. Score/ Linear Foot 0.0 Ave. Total for 300 feet 8 Table 35: LWD piece and debris dam counts and scores for the North Tributary Stream Name: North Tributary Sample Length (ft): 409 Score Pieces 1 2 3 4 5 Count Total Score Length/Bankfull Width 3 1 3 7 24 Diameter 4 2 1 7 11 Location 2 1 2 1 1 7 19 Type 1 4 2 7 23 Structure 6 1 7 9 Stability 3 1 3 7 20 Orientation 3 1 3 7 20 Total 19 8 9 1 12 126 Ave. Score/ Linear Foot 0.3 Ave. Total for 300 feet 92 Debris Dams Length 1 1 5 Height 1 1 5 Structure 1 1 3 Location 1 1 3 Stability 1 1 3 Total 0 0 3 0 2 19 Ave. Score/ Linear Foot 0.05 Ave. Total for 300 feet 14 Table 36: LWD piece and debris dam counts and scores for UT to Millstone Reach A Stream Name: UT Reach A Sample Length (ft): 595 Score Pieces 1 2 3 4 5 Count Total Score Length/Bankfull Width 1 5 6 29 Diameter 2 3 1 6 11 Location 3 2 1 6 11 Type 1 1 3 1 6 17 Structure 5 1 6 7 Stability 3 1 2 6 15 Orientation 2 1 1 2 6 17 Total 16 9 5 2 10 107 Ave. Score/ Linear Foot 0.2 Ave. Total for 300 feet 54 Debris Dams Length 1 1 2 8 Height 1 1 2 8 Structure 1 1 2 8 Location 1 1 2 6 Stability 1 1 2 6 Total 1 1 3 1 4 36 Ave. Score/ Linear Foot 0.06 Ave. Total for 300 feet 18 Table 37: LWD piece and debris dam counts and scores for UTB Stream Name: UT Millstone Reach B Sample Length (ft): 514 Score Pieces 1 2 3 4 5 Count Total Score Length/Bankfull Width 2 2 4 8 34 Diameter 6 1 1 8 11 Location 2 2 1 3 8 27 Type 1 3 4 8 26 Structure 7 1 8 11 Stability 1 4 1 2 8 27 Orientation 4 2 2 8 20 Total 21 1 14 9 11 156 Ave. Score/ Linear Foot 0.3 Ave. Total for 300 feet 91 Debris Dams Length 1 1 5 Height 1 1 3 Structure 1 1 3 Location 1 1 4 Stability 1 1 2 Total 0 1 2 1 1 17 Ave. Score/ Linear Foot 0.03 Ave. Total for 300 feet 10 North Tributary STA. 0 + 87 FT (NT XS1) 460 455 450 445 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance (ft) XS WSE BKF LBH Figure 28: North Tributary Existing Longitudinal Profile Type = G5 ABKF = 3.7 ft2 W BKF = 5.9 ft DBKF = 0.6 ft DMAX = 0.9 ft W/D = 9.4 ER = 1.4 Figure 29: North Tributary XS1 STA. 0 + 87 FT Elevation (ft) WSE Station (ft) RTOB BKF LTOB TW 4+50 4+00 3+50 2+50 3+00 2+00 1+50 1+00 +50 +0 470 465 460 455 450 445 440 435 430 North Tributary Profile Elevation (ft) Figure 30: North Tributary Station 0+87 looking upstream Figure 31: North Tributary XS1 STA. 1 + 86 FT BKF LBH XS WSE Distance (ft) 50 40 30 20 10 0 440 Type = F5 ABKF = 2.3 ft2 WBKF = 5.8 ft DBKF = 0.4 ft DMAX = 0.6 ft W/D = 14.5 ER = 1.5 450 445 455 460 North Tributary STA. 1 + 86 FT (NT XS2) Elevation (ft) Figure 32: North Tributary Station 1+86 looking downstream Figure 33: North Tributary XS1 STA. 3 + 16 FT BKF LBH XS WSE Distance (ft) 50 40 30 20 450 Type = B5 ABKF = 2.3 ft2 WBKF = 4.9 ft 445 DBKF = 0.5 ft DMAX = 0.6 ft W/D = 10.2 ER = 2.0 440 0 10 455 North Tributary STA. 3 + 16 FT (NT XS3) Elevation (ft) Figure 34: North Tributary station 3+16 looking upstream Figure 35: UTA Longitudinal Profile Elevation (ft) RTOB TW 6+00 5+00 4+00 3+00 Station (ft) LTOB 2+00 1+00 +0 475 470 465 460 455 450 445 440 435 UTA Longitudinal Profile Figure 36: UTA XS1 STA. 0 + 64 FT Figure 37: UT Millstone Reach A STA. 0+64 Looking Upstream Elevation (ft) BKF LBH XS WSE Distance (ft) 50 40 30 20 10 0 455 Type = F5 ABKF = 9.9 ft2 WBKF = 11.9 ft DBKF = 0.8 ft DMAX = 1.2 ft W/D = 14.3 ER = 1.5 465 460 470 475 UTA R1 - STA. 0 + 64 FT (UTA XS1) UTA R1 - STA. 2 + 49 FT (UTA XS2) 465 460 455 450 445 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance (ft) XS WSE BKF LBH Type = F5 ABKF = 8.0 ft2 WBKF = 11.3 ft DBKF = 0.7 ft DMAX = 1.2 ft W/D = 15.8 ER = 1.2 Figure 38: UTA XS2 STA. 2 + 49 FT Figure 39: UT Millstone Reach A STA. 2+49 Looking Downstream Elevation (ft) Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan Figure 40: UTA XS3 STA. 3+95 FT Figure 41: UT Millstone Reach A STA. 3+95 Looking Downstream Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan Elevation (ft) BKF LBH XS WSE Distance (ft) 50 40 30 20 450 Class = B5 ABKF = 2.0 ft2 WBKF = 7.2 ft DBKF = 0.3 ft 445 DMAX = 1.2 ft W/D = 26.0 ER = 2.5 440 0 10 455 460 UTA R2 - STA. 3 + 95 FT (UTA XS3) Figure 42: UTA XS4 STA. 5+30 FT Figure 43: UT Millstone Reach A STA 5+30 Looking Upstream Elevation (ft) BKF LBH XS WSE Distance (ft) 50 40 30 20 10 0 435 = 14.6 ft2 = 14.5 ft = 1.0 ft = 1.3 ft = 14.3 = 1.1 ABKF WBKF DBKF DMAX W/D ER 440 Class = F5 445 450 455 UTA R2 - STA. 5 + 30 FT (UTA XS4) Figure 44: UTB Existing Longitudinal Profile Elevation (ft) Station (ft) TW LTOB RTOB 13+00 12+00 11+00 10+00 9+00 8+00 7+00 425 6+00 430 435 440 445 UTB Longitudinal Profile UT Reach B STA. 6 + 76 FT (UTB XS1) 445 440 435 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance (ft) Series1 WSE BKF LBH Type = G5 ABKF = 3.7 ft2 WBKF = 5.6 ft DBKF = 0.7 ft DMAX = 0.9 ft W/D = 8.4 ER = 1.8 Figure 45: UTB STA. 6 + 76 FT Figure 46: UTB STA. 6+76 looking downstream Elevation (ft) Figure 47: UTB STA. 8 + 62 FT Elevation (ft) BKF LBH XS WSE Distance (ft) 50 40 30 20 10 0 435 Type = G5 ABKF = 3.0 ft2 WBKF = 4.4 ft DBKF = 0.7 ft DMAX = 0.9 ft W/D = 6.6 ER = 1.4 440 445 UT Reach B STA. 8 + 62 FT (UTB XS2) Figure 48: UTB STA. 10 + 98 FT Figure 49: Millstone Creek Existing Longitudinal Profile Summary Elevation (ft) Distance (ft) XS WSE BKF 50 40 30 20 10 0 430 Class = E5 ABKF = 2.1 ft2 WBKF = 4.4 ft DBKF = 0.5 ft DMAX = 0.9 ft W/D = 9.3 ER = 20 435 440 UTB STA. 10 + 98 FT (UTB XS3) WSE BKF RTOB LTOB TW 20+00 15+00 10+00 Station (ft) 5+00 +0 420 425 430 435 440 Millstone Creek Longitudinal Profile Elevation (ft) Figure 50: MC XS1 STA. 1 + 75 FT Figure 51: MS XS1 STA. 1+75 Looking Downstream Elevation (ft) BKF LBH XS WSE Distance (ft) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 425 Type = C5 ABKF = 123.6 ft2 WBKF = 46.6 ft DBKF = 2.7 ft DMAX = 4.1 ft W/D = 17.6 ER = 7.1 430 435 440 Millstone Creek STA. 1 + 75 FT (MC XS1) Figure 52: MC XS2 STA. 3 + 91 FT Figure 53: MC XS2 STA. 3 + 91 FT Looking Upstream Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan Elevation (ft) Distance (ft) XS WSE BKF 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 425 430 = 7.8:1 PBS DPOOL = 2.3 ft DMPOOL = 4.3 ft 435 APOOL = 95.9 ft2 WPOOL = 42.1 ft 440 Millstone Creek STA. 3 + 91 FT (MC XS2) Figure 54: MC XS3 STA. 8 + 37 FT Figure 55: MC XS3 STA. 8 + 37 FT Looking Upstream. Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan Elevation (ft) BKF LBH XS WSE 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Distance (ft) 425 430 Type = C5 ABKF = 75.3 ft2 WBKF = 28.9 ft DBKF = 2.6 ft DMAX = 3.3 ft W/D = 11.1 ER = 7.5 435 440 Millstone Creek STA. 8 + 37 FT (MC XS3) Figure 56: MC XS4 STA. 13 + 33 FT Figure 57: MC XS4 STA. 13 + 33 FT Looking Upstream Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan Elevation (ft) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Distance (ft) XS WSE BKF 425 430 DPOOL = 3.5 ft DMPOOL = 5.6 ft PBS = 4.2:1 435 APOOL = 151.0 ft2 WPOOL = 43.4 ft 440 Millstone Creek STA. 13 + 39 FT (MC XS4) Figure 58: MC XS4 STA. 17 + 37 FT Figure 59: MC XS5 STA. 17 + 37 FT Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan Elevation (ft) Distance (ft) XS WSE BKF 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 425 430 = 3.3:1 PBS DMPOOL = 5.2 ft 435 APOOL = 105.2 ft2 WPOOL = 32.2 ft DPOOL = 3.2 ft 440 Millstone Creek STA. 17 + 37 FT (MC XS5) Figure 60: MC XS6 STA. 19 + 84 FT Figure 61: MC XS6 STA. 19 + 84 FT Looking Upstream Millstone Creek – Randolph County Mitigation Plan Elevation (ft) BKF LBH XS WSE Distance (ft) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 425 430 Type = E5 ABKF = 105.8 ft2 WBKF = 30.9 ft DBKF = 3.4 ft DMAX = 4.3 ft W/D = 9.0 ER = 12.3 435 440 Millstone Creek STA. 19 + 84 FT (MC XS6) Table 38: NT R1 and NT R2 BEHI Assessment Sta. Bank Height BKF Height Bank Height/ Bankfull Root Depth Root Depth/ Bank Height Root Density Bank Angle Surface Protection Adjust. Near Bank Stress Total Score Erosion Potential Category Adjust. Notes Units ft ft # Index ft (%) Index % Index ° Index % Index Units ft ft # Index 0+15 12.9 0.7 18.4 10.0 12.9 8.2 50 4.4 70 5.0 55 3.8 3 Mod 34.4 High Sand 0+30 10 0.7 14.3 9.5 10 100 1.0 40 6.0 50 4.2 10 8.7 5 High 34.4 High Sand 0+52 5 0.7 7.1 10.0 2 40 5.2 20 7.8 42 3.6 2 9.4 5 High 41.0 Very High Sand 1+95 6 0.7 8.6 7.9 6 100 1.0 30 6.9 30 2.8 25 7.4 5 Low 30.9 High Sand Figure 62: BEHI assessment locations STA. 0+15, STA. 0+30, STA. 0+52 and 1+95 Table 39: UTA R1 and UTA R2 BEHI Assessment Sta. Bank Height BKF Height Bank Height/ Bankfull Root Depth Root Depth/ Bank Height Root Density Bank Angle Surface Protection Adjust. Near Bank Stres s Total Score Erosion Potential Category Adjust. Notes Units ft ft # Index ft (%) Index % Index ° Index % Index Units ft ft # Index 0+25 7.5 0.9 8.3 10.0 5.5 73.3 2.5 20 7.8 90 7.1 5 9.1 10 Mod 46.5 Extreme Sand + Strati. 1+89 Left 13 0.9 14.4 9.5 3 23.1 6.9 5 9.2 90 7.1 0 9.5 0 High 42.3 Very High none 1+89 Right 8 0.9 8.9 10.0 3 37.5 5.4 25 7.4 90 7.1 20 7.8 10 High 47.7 Extreme Sand + Strati. Figure 63: BEHI Assessment Locations (From Left to Right) STA. 0+25, STA. 1+89 Right Bank and STA. 1+89 Left Bank. Table 40: UT Millstone Reach B BEHI Assessment Sta. Bank Height BKF Height Bank Height/ Bankfull Root Depth Root Depth/ Bank Height Root Density Bank Angle Surface Protection Adjust. Near Bank Stress Total Score Erosion Potential Category Adjust. Notes Units ft ft # Index ft (%) Index % Index ° Index % Index Units ft ft # Index 7+20 1.95 0.9 2.2 8.5 1 51.3 4.3 30 1.95 115 8.9 20 7.8 0 Low 34.4 High n/a 8+50 2.55 0.9 2.8 10 1 39.2 5.3 25 2.55 110 8.6 15 8.2 0 Low 34.4 High n/a 10+20 1.45 0.9 1.6 7 1 69.0 2.9 70 1.45 85 6.7 50 5.2 0 Low 41.0 Moderate n/a Table 41: Millstone Creek BEHI Assessment Sta. Bank Height BKF Height Bank Height/ Bankfull Root Depth Root Depth/ Bank Height Root Density Bank Angle Surface Protection Adjust. Near Bank Stress Total Score Erosion Potential Category Adjust. Notes Units ft ft # Index ft (%) Index % Index ° Index % Index - - - - - 0+43 6 3.2 1.9 7.5 4 66.7 3.1 15 8.0 60 4.0 20 7.3 10 Mod 39.9 High Stratify 2+43 6 4.3 1.4 6.0 2.3 38.3 5.3 25 7.4 60 4.9 25 7.4 10 High 40.9 Very High Stratify 3+83 5.7 3.1 1.8 7.4 2.5 43.9 4.9 30 6.9 90 7.1 25 7.4 10 High 43.6 Very High Stratify 4+49 5 3.1 1.6 6.0 5 100 1.0 80 2.4 85 6.7 90 1.7 10 Mod 27.8 Moderate Stratify 4+92 4.4 3.1 1.4 5.5 4.4 100 1.0 50 5.1 45 3.8 35 6.5 10 High 31.9 High Stratify 7+50 4.8 3 1.6 6.0 4.8 100 1.0 80 2.4 85 6.7 65 3.8 5 Mod 25.0 Moderate Stratify 8+57 3.2 3.2 1.0 1.0 0.7 21.9 7.1 5 9.2 90 7.1 5 9.1 5 Mod 38.5 High Stratify 11+19 4.5 4.5 1.0 5.9 1 22.2 7.0 10 8.7 60 4.9 10 8.7 10 Mod 45.2 Extreme Stratify 12+02 4.3 4.3 1.0 1.0 4.3 100 1.0 45 5.5 100 7.8 25 7.4 10 High 32.7 High Stratify 15+65 4.4 4.4 1.0 5.9 4.4 100 1.0 85 1.9 90 7.1 70 3.4 10 Mod 29.3 Moderate Stratify 16+97 5.4 2.3 2.3 8.4 2.7 50 4.4 25 7.4 90 7.1 20 7.8 10 Mod 45.1 Extreme Stratify 17+03 4 4 1.0 5.9 1.5 37.5 5.4 20 7.8 85 6.7 15 8.2 10 V. High 44.0 Very High Stratify 18+29 6.1 3 2.0 8.0 3 49.2 4.5 30 6.9 75 6.0 20 7.8 10 V. High 43.2 Very High Stratify 18+68 5.8 3.9 1.5 6.0 5.8 100 1.0 90 1.5 55 4.6 85 2.1 5 Mod 20.1 Moderate Stratify 14.3 Appendix C – Detailed Millstone Creek Sediment Supply Analysis Field Collected TSS Data and USGS Equations to Estimate Sediment Loads A significant amount of suspended sediment data has been produced using the total suspended solids (TSS) laboratory analysis method. However, TSS concentration data does not necessarily relate directly to suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) and suspended sediment loads. Glysson et al. (Glysson, Gray, & Conge, 2000) have described the differences between TSS and SSC samples in detail: “The fundamental difference between SSC (ASTM, 1999) and TSS (APHA and others, 1995) analytical methods arises during the preparation of the sample for subsequent filtering, drying, and weighing. A TSS analysis generally entails withdrawal of an aliquot of the original sample for subsequent analysis, although as determined in a previous study, there may be a lack of consistency in methods used in the sample preparation phase of the TSS analyses. The SSC analytical method uses the entire water- sediment mixture to calculate SSC values. Subsampling in itself can introduce error into the analysis. Also, if a sample contains a significant percentage of sand-size material, stirring, shaking, or otherwise agitating the sample before obtaining a subsample will rarely produce an aliquot representative of the sediment concentration and particle-size distribution of the original sample. This is a by-product of the relatively rapid settling properties of sand-size material, compared to those for silt- and clay-size material, as described by Stokes Law. Aliquots obtained by pipette might be withdrawn from the lower part of the sample where the sand concentration tends to be enriched immediately after agitation.” USGS analysis of 14,466 paired SSC and TSS samples from 48 states showed that the TSS concentrations tended to be substantially smaller than SSC concentrations throughout the observed range of TSS and SSC concentration. Glysson et al. (2000) developed a general equation to relate TSS and SSC measurements: SSC (mg/L) = 126 + 1.0857*[TSS (mg/L)] This equation resulted in a significant linear relationship and an R2 of 0.54. However, USGS recommends exercising caution when relating SSC and TSS using the general equation, particularly when sand fractions within the sample are high. A more robust approach would be to develop a regression relationship between TSS and SSC concentration for the specific monitoring station where the TSS data has been collected. However, a substantial number (30+) of samples is likely necessary to produce a significant regression relationship, if the relationship exists. The general equation was used to relate TSS data to SSC data for the project reach of Millstone Creek and suspended sediment load was calculated using field measured flow data from 12/16/2016 to 10/6/2016 (9.66 months) ( Table 42). The summation of loads method was then used to determine the total suspended sediment load during the monitoring period. Based on these methods, 1,755 tons of suspended sediment passed through the system in the 9.66 month monitoring period with 37.54 in of rainfall, which can be converted to an annual sediment load of 2,135 tons using annual rainfall as a basis. However, this estimate of annual sediment load is likely under predicted by two (2) to four (4) times, because the majority of the sediment transported by the project reach is sand, which is consistently under predicted in TSS and SSC measurements as described by Glysson et al. (2000). This approach also does not account for bedload transported by the stream. For Millstone Creek, bedload may only include some fine gravels and coarse sand, nonetheless this fraction of the total sediment load has not been accounted for. By the field collected TSS and flow data and methods and nuances of TSS and SSC data collection and analysis described by Glysson et al. (2000), the actual range of annual sediment load moving through the Millstone Creek project reach may be between 4,300 tons and 8,600 tons. Table 42: Millstone Creek SSC Concentration and Sediment Load from TSS data and the general USGS Equation Sample Date Stream Flow (ft3) TSS (mg/L) SSC (mg/L) Suspended Sediment Mass (Tons) 12/16/2015 81,349,434 104 239 607 1/7/2016 11,302,862 158 298 105 1/21/2016 22,957,038 9 136 97 2/8/2016 30,130,628 62 193 182 2/25/2016 12,271,916 142 280 107 3/9/2016 9,622,358 20 148 44 3/24/2016 16,014,984 8 135 67 4/5/2016 7,971,933 71 203 51 4/21/2016 4,936,839 14 141 22 5/3/2016 11,077,476 29 157 54 5/18/2016 9,431,462 39 168 50 5/31/2016 3,461,001 139 277 30 6/15/2016 2,499,300 57 188 15 6/28/2016 1,841,857 48 178 10 7/13/2016 605,174 120 256 5 7/26/2016 4,867,325 26 154 23 8/10/2016 1,050,599 308 460 15 8/23/2016 1,594,747 321 474 24 9/7/2016 2,926,892 104 239 22 9/20/2016 11,550,132 348 503 181 10/6/2016 7,300,988 63 194 44 Study Period Load (Tons) = 1,755 Estimated Annual Load (Tons/year) = 2,135 ArcSWAT Modeling of Historical Annual Sediment Supply The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) has been integrated with ArcGIS to conduct large scale spatial and temporal modeling studies of watersheds. ArcSWAT is design to assess the sediment and nutrient loading contributed by different land use types, sub-basins, reservoirs and streams. SWAT is a physically based basin-scale, continuous time and distributed parameter hydrologic model that uses spatially distributed data on soil, land cover data, Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and historical weather data for hydrologic modeling and operates on a daily time step (Arnold et al. 1998 and Neitsch et al. 2002). An accelerated and simplified modeling approach was used with ArcSWAT to estimate historical upland and channel sediment supply to the project reach of Millstone Creek from 1/1/1990 to 12/31/2006 (17 years). Calibrating and validating the SWAT model with field collected discharge, water quality, rainfall and weather data was beyond the scope of this mitigation planning effort. However, sediment data outputs from the SWAT model were roughly calibrated to field collected TSS data with guidance from Narasimhan et al. (2007). In ArcSWAT, the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database for Randolph County was used to extract soil attributes. The land cover data was obtained from the 2011 National Land Cover Dataset and 10m Digital Elevation Model from USGS was used to characterize watershed topography. Based on these input datasets the Millstone Creek project reach watershed was divided up into 19 distinct Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs). Daily records of rainfall, maximum and minimum temperature, solar radiation and wind parameters were brought in from the ArcSWAT database. Standard values for typical crop production and management practices were used for row crops, hay production, timber and pasture lands. The Yang (Yang, 1979) equations for channel degradation and sediment transport were used. Narasimhan et al. (2007) provides a detailed description of using ArcSWAT to model upland, channel and bank sediment loads. Streambank erosion and power function parameters in ArcSWAT (spcon and spexp) were adjusted based on field inspection and study aerial imagery. Channel physical properties such as channel vegetation cover factor (Cch) (0.1 to 1.0) and channel erodibility factor (Kch) (0.3 to 0.8) were adjusted for individual stream segments based on field assessment, geological data and study of aerial imagery. Higher values of Cch and Kch result in greater risk of channel and bank erosion. Model coefficients were calibrated such the predicted average TSS concentrations from model were within the range of TSS concentrations measured at the Millstone Creek project reach monitoring station. This was done based on guidance from Narasimhan (Narasimhan et al., 2007). Predicted annual sediment loads to the project reach of Millstone Creek ranged from 811 tons to 28,650 tons with an average annual sediment load of 11,340 tons (Table 43). TSS concentrations ranged from 14 mg/L to 185 mg/L with an average of 98 mg/L. The 17-year average TSS concentration predicted by model is similar to the average TSS concentration measured at the Millstone Creek monitoring station of 104 mg/L. Table 43: ArcSWAT Model Summary for Sediment Load and TSS concentration for Simulation Period from 1990 to 2006 Modeling Year Sediment Load Delivered (tons) Predicted Reach TSS (mg/L) 1990 6,678 83 1991 6,467 90 1992 12,420 81 1993 9,467 75 1994 13,370 118 1995 14,500 151 1996 13,190 93 1997 7,539 68 1998 15,650 149 1999 16,870 134 2000 1,970 29 2001 811 14 2002 1,766 28 2003 28,650 185 2004 6,459 81 2005 25,230 161 2006 11,750 127 Study Minimum 811 14 Study Maximum 28,650 185 Study Average 11,340 98 HEC-RAS Modeling of Annual Sediment Transported Hydraulic design and sediment transport modeling functions in HEC-RAS 5.0 can be used to model and simulate rivers with highly mobile beds. These functions and tools are designed to track cross-section geometry changes at each time step of given flow series. The quasi-unsteady sediment transport functions can also be used estimate the sediment load that moves through each cross-section over the duration of the flow series. Multiple sediment transport modeling equations are available in HEC-RAS 5.0 including Ackers-White, Engelund-Hansen, Copeland, Myer Peter Muller (MPM), Toffaleti and Yang. Due the sand bedded nature (with some fine gravels) of the Millstone Creek project reach, the Yang equations for sediment transport were used for model simulations (Figure 64). Figure 64: HEC-RAS Model of the Existing Millstone Creek Project Reach Field measured hourly flow data from 12/16/2015 to 11/17/2016 (336 days) from the Millstone Creek monitoring station was used to populate a quasi-unsteady flow series for sediment transport modeling. Substrate bulk samples and depth measurements were collected from the project reach for inputs to the model. A rating curve developed for the monitoring station was used as the D/S boundary condition to begin the model simulation. For quasi-unsteady sediment transport modeling, an U/S boundary condition is needed to describe the influent sediment load. Various boundary conditions may be used including a sediment rating curve, sediment data series or an equilibrium load. For this modeling study, an equilibrium load was used as the U/S boundary condition. The equilibrium load condition assumes that the influent sediment load is equal to the sediment transport capacity of the cross-section, which is a relatively reasonable assumption so long as the river system is not in a state of total disequilibrium. The U/S extent of the project reach of Millstone Creek has shown some signs of minor incision, widening, sediment aggradation within the channel and some lateral adjustments at select meander bends. However, not to the degree that the system would be characterized as being in a state of total disequilibrium with dramatic changes occurring routinely. Outputs from the quasi-unsteady sediment transport simulation of the existing conditions of the project reach are included in Table 44 and Figure 65. Figure 65 includes graphical representations of simulated streambed elevations on 12/16/15, 3/15/16, MILLSTONE CREEK SEDIMENT TRANSPORT STUDY Plan: Plan 17 3/2/2017 2000 1700 1800 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600400 500 300 200 0 WS PF 1 Ground Bank Sta Legend Millstone Creek Bed Elevation 429.5 429.0 428.5 428.0 427.5 427.0 426.5 426.0 425.5 425.0 424.5 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 River Station (ft) 16-Dec-15 15-Mar-16 15-Jun-16 15-Sep-16 17-Nov-16 6/15/16, 9/15/16 and 11/17/16. In general, moderate deposition occurred in the first 500 ft of the reach and sediment settled behind the thalweg elevation of STA. 1+ 500 FT. Fewer changes in bed elevation occurred through the middle and D/S extents of the project reach. Sediment transport capacity of the project reach and its importance to the restoration design approach will be discussed in detail in below. Figure 65: Streambed Elevations from Quasi-unsteady HEC-RAS Model of the Existing Millstone Creek Project Reach Table 44 details the total sediment load delivered to each cross-section of the project reach during the 336 day simulation. At STA 20+00 FT the boundary condition was set to an equilibrium load, which means the total mass of sediment that can be moved by cross-section 20+00 FT during the simulation period is 8,838 tons or 9,600 tons per year. Cross-sections D/S of STA 20+00 FT received slightly less sediment load, indicating that some deposition was occurring within project reach and that cross-sections below STA 20+00 were not able to transport the entire equilibrium load. The average sediment moved through the reach was 8,566 tons or 9,305 tons per year. Bed Elevation (ft) Table 44: Millstone Creek Sediment Loads Delivered to Modeled Cross-Sections Reach Station (ft) Total Sediment Load Delivered to Cross-section (tons) 20 + 00 8,838 19 + 00 8,838 18 + 00 8,731 17 + 00 8,617 16 + 00 8,512 15 + 00 8,396 14 + 00 8,408 13 + 00 8,409 12 + 00 8,449 11 + 00 8,466 10 + 00 8,484 9 + 00 8,513 8 + 00 8,500 7 + 00 8,504 6 + 00 8,580 5 + 00 8,594 4 + 00 8,584 3 + 00 8,594 2 + 00 8,589 1 + 00 8,616 0 + 00 8,643 Study Reach Average = 8,566 Annual Reach Average = 9,305 14.4 Appendix D – Additional Maps and Figures Figure 66: Millstone Creek Watershed Slopes Figure 67: Millstone Creek Watershed Landuse Figure 68: Millstone Creek Drainage Area Figure 69: Millstone Creek Site Tributary DA’s and Topography Figure 70: Millstone Creek Site Streambank Condition Summary Figure 71: Morphology Survey Cross-Section and Soil Boring Locations Figure 72: Millstone Creek Substrate Sampling Locations (Upstream) Figure 73: Millstone Creek Substrate Sampling Locations (Downstream) Table 45: Millstone Creek Streambank Adjustment Summary Bank 1 Period Left Bank (ft) Left Bank Rate (ft/yr) Right Bank* (ft) Right Bank Rate (ft/yr) 2007 - 2010 -16 -5.3 +13 +4.3 2010 - 2014 +12 +3.0 -11 -2.8 2014 - 2016 -18 -9.0 -4 -2.0 Average2 15.3 5.8 9.3 3.0 Bank 2 Period Left Bank* (ft) Left Bank Rate (ft/yr) Right Bank (ft) Right Bank Rate (ft/yr) 2007 - 2010 -7 -2.3 -10 -3.3 2010 - 2014 -21 -5.3 +22 +5.5 2014 - 2016 -10 -5.0 +4 +2.0 Average2 12.7 4.2 12.0 3.6 Bank 3 Period Left Bank (ft) Left Bank Rate (ft/yr) Right Bank* (ft) Right Bank Rate (ft/yr) 2007 - 2010 -17 -5.7 +14 +4.7 2010 - 2014 +17 +4.3 -12 -3.0 2014 - 2016 -7 -3.5 +6 +3.0 Average2 13.7 4.5 10.7 3.6 Bank 4 Period Left Bank* (ft) Left Bank Rate (ft/yr) Right Bank (ft) Right Bank Rate (ft/yr) 2007 - 2010 -3 -1.0 +1 +0.3 2010 - 2014 0 0.0 0 0.0 2014 - 2016 -1 -0.5 -8 -4.0 Average2 1.3 0.5 3.0 1.4 Bank 5 Period Left Bank (ft) Left Bank Rate (ft/yr) Right Bank* (ft) Right Bank Rate (ft/yr) 2007 - 2010 +3 +1.0 -7 -2.3 2010 - 2014 +10 +2.5 -6 -1.5 2014 - 2016 -6 -3.0 -4 -2.0 Average2 6.3 2.2 5.7 1.9 Bank 6 Period Left Bank* (ft) Left Bank Rate (ft/yr) Right Bank (ft) Right Bank Rate (ft/yr) 2007 - 2010 -2 -0.7 -6 -2.0 2010 - 2014 -4 -1.0 -1 -0.3 2014 - 2016 +2 +1.0 -1 -0.5 Average2 2.7 0.9 2.7 0.9 Bank 7 Period Left Bank (ft) Left Bank Rate (ft/yr) Right Bank* (ft) Right Bank Rate (ft/yr) 2007 - 2010 -3 -1.0 +9 +3.0 2010 - 2014 0 0.0 -7 -1.8 2014 - 2016 -14 -7.0 +3 +1.5 Average2 5.7 2.7 6.3 2.1 *Denotes outside streambank of meander bend 1 ”-“ indicates erosion “+” deposition 2Average of absolute values of adjustments Figure 74: Millstone Creek Channel Adjustment Summary Figure 75: Millstone Creek 2007 – 2010 Deposition and Erosion Figure 76: Millstone Creek 2010 – 2014 Deposition and Erosion Figure 77: Millstone Creek 2014 – 2016 Deposition and Erosion STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY SPO File Number 76-Z EEP Site ID 204 Prepared by: Office of the Attorney General Property Control Section Return to: D partment of Administration State Property ffice 1321 Mail Seryi e Center Raleigh, NC_.276 -1321 FILED Krista M Lowe Register of Deeds, Randolph Co,NC ��0���l n�s�:r� !�1 t�0 $ 00 20090806000131150 R / W Bk:RE2141 Pg:1027 08/06/2009 10:29,58 AM 1/12 CONSERVATION EASEMENT AND ACCESS EASEMENT /��h>', � '2-4-h\.-i h.m'or f o e,t))(.. 'Lo 6� 3 � b '1\.A> NC ;:l. 'l 4 2..z, THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT DEED, pursuant to the provisions of N.C. General Statutes Chapter 121, Article 4 and made this � -t--"' day of A,�krl 2009, by Joe Dean Cox, legally divorced and Billie White Cox, legally divorce �each holding equal ownership as tenants in common ("Grantor"), whose mailing address is P.O. Box 1090, Ramseur, NC 27316, to the State of North Carolina, ("Grantee"), whose mailing address is State of North Carolina, Department of Administration, State Property Office, 1321 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1321. The designations Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as required by context. WITNESS ETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-214.8 ��the State of North Carolina has established the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (formerly known as the Wetlands Restoration Program) within the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for the purposes of acquiring, maintaining, restoring, enhancing, creating and preserving wetland and riparian resources that contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; and WHEREAS, The State of North Carolina is qualified to be the Grantee of a Conservation Easement pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat.§ 121-35; and WHEREAS, the Ecosystem Enhancement Program in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has approved acceptance of this instrument; and 1 t �►�1U�����UIU��►,►��UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII RE2141 1028 2112 WHEREAS, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District entered into a Memorandum of Agreement, (MOA) duly executed by all parties in Greensboro, NC on July 22, 2003. This MOA recognizes that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program is to provide for compensatory mitigation by effective protection of the land, water and natural resources of the State by restoring, enhancing and preserving ecosystem functions; and WHEREAS, the acceptance of this instrument for and on behalf of the State of North Carolina was granted to the Department of Administration by resolution as approved by the Governor and Council of State adopted at a meeting held in the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 8th day of February 2000; and WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple certain real property situated, lying, and being in Leicester Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina (the "Property"), and being more particularly described as that certain parcel of land containing approximately 90.1 acres and being conveyed to the Grantor by deed as recorded in Deed Book 1228 at Page 1304 of the Randolph County Registry. WHEREAS, Grantor is willing to grant a Conservation Easement over the herein described areas of the Property, thereby restricting and limiting the use of the included areas of the Property to the terms and conditions and purposes hereinafter set forth, and Grantee is willing to accept such Conservation Easement. This Conservation Easement shall be for the protection and benefit of the waters of Millstone Creek. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms, conditions, and restrictions hereinafter set forth, Grantor unconditionally and irrevocably hereby grants and conveys unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity, a Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent hereinafter set forth, over a described area of the Property, referred to hereafter as the "Easement Area", for the benefit of the people of North Carolina. The Easement Area consists of Tract One containing 6.13 acres and Tract Two containing 11.19 acres for a total of 17.32 acres in Conservation Easement, along with a total of 0.64 acres in Access Easements denoted as Tracts "A" and `B" as shown on the plat of survey entitled "Final Plat, Conservation Easement for NCEEP, Project Name: MILLSTONE CREEK, SPO File No. 76-Z, Property of Joe Dean Cox and Billie White Cox" sealed April 21, 2009 as certified by Douglas R. Yarbrough, PLS Number 3395. Plat is recorded in the Randolph County Register of Deeds at Plat Book 121, Pages 34. See attached "Exhibit A", Legal Description. The purposes of this Conservation Easement are to maintain, restore, enhance, create and preserve wetland and/or riparian resources in the Easement Area that contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; to maintain permanently the Easement Area in its natural condition, consistent with these purposes; and to prevent any use of the Easement Area that will significantly impair or interfere with these purposes. To achieve these purposes, the following conditions and restrictions are set forth: 2 �► R►12141 1029 1���3/12 U II I I II II III I II I I I I I II I III 011111111111 Dili "AyKIME1341-WMy 30-1 DRI I Pursuant to law, including the above referenced statutes, this Conservation Easement shall be perpetual and it shall run with, and be a continuing restriction upon the use of, the Property, and it shall be enforceable by the Grantee against the Grantor and against Grantor's heirs, successors and assigns, personal representatives, agents, lessees, and licensees. II. GRANTOR RESERVED USES AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITES The Easement Area shall be restricted from any development or usage that would impair or interfere with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Unless expressly reserved as a compatible use herein, any activity in, or use of, the Easement Area by the Grantor is prohibited as inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Any rights not expressly reserved hereunder by the Grantor have been acquired by the Grantee. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following specific uses are prohibited, restricted, or reserved as indicated: A. Recreational Uses. Grantor expressly reserves the right to undeveloped recreational uses, including hiking, bird watching, hunting and fishing, and access to the Easement Area for the purposes thereof. Usage of motorized vehicles in the Easement Area is prohibited, except as they are used exclusively for management, maintenance, or stewardship purposes, and on existing trails, paths or roads. B. Educational Uses. The Grantor reserves the right to engage in and permit others to engage in educational uses in the Easement Area not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement, and the right of access to the Easement Area for such purposes including organized educational activities such as site visits and observations. Educational uses of the property shall not alter vegetation, hydrology or topography of the site. C. Vegetative Cutting. Except as related to the removal of non-native plants, diseased or damaged trees, and vegetation that obstructs, destabilizes or renders unsafe the Easement Area to persons or natural habitat, all cutting, removal, mowing, harming, or destruction of any trees and vegetation in the Easement Area is prohibited. D. Industrial, Residential and Commercial Uses. All are prohibited in the Easement Area. E. Agricultural Use. All agricultural uses within the Easement Area including any use for cropland, waste lagoons, or pastureland are prohibited. F. New Construction. There shall be no building, facility, mobile home, antenna, utility pole, tower, or other structure constructed or placed in the Easement Area. G. Roads and Trails. There shall be no construction of roads, trails, walkways, or paving in the Easement Area. Existing roads or trails located in the Easement Area may be maintained by Grantor in order to minimize runoff, sedimentation and for access to the interior of the Property for management, maintenance, stewardship purposes, or undeveloped 3 � ���l1UU��UlU�U�,IaUUllilllill IIIII RE2141 1030 4/12 recreational and educational uses of the Easement Area. Existing roads, trails or paths may be maintained with loose gravel or permanent vegetation to stabilize or cover the surfaces. H. Signs. No signs shall be permitted in the Easement Area except interpretive signs describing restoration activities and the conservation values of the Easement Area, signs identifying the owner of the Property and the holder of the Conservation Easement, signs giving directions, or signs prescribing rules and regulations for the use of the Easement Area may be allowed. I. Dumping or Storing. Dumping or storage of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances or machinery, or other material in the Easement Area is prohibited. J. Grading, Mineral Use, Excavation, Dredging. There shall be no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining, or drilling; no removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals, or other materials. K. Water Quality and Drainage Patterns. There shall be no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding or diverting, causing, allowing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground water. No altering or tampering with water control structures or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns. All removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides is prohibited. In the event of an emergency interruption or shortage of all other water sources, water from within the Easement Area may temporarily be used for good cause shown as needed for the survival of livestock and agricultural production. L. Subdivision and Conveyance. Grantor voluntarily agrees that no subdivision, partitioning, or dividing of the underlying fee that is subject to this Easement is allowed. Unless agreed to by the Grantee in writing, any future conveyance of the underlying fee for the Easement Area and the rights as conveyed herein shall be as a single block of property. Any future transfer of the fee simple shall be subject to this Conservation Easement. Any transfer of the fee is subject to the Grantee's right of unlimited and repeated ingress and egress over and across the Property to the Easement Area for the purposes set forth herein. M. Development Rights. All development rights are removed from the Easement Area and shall not be transferred. N. Disturbance of Natural Features. Any change, disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural features of the Easement Area or any intentional introduction of non- native plants, trees and/or animal species by Grantor is prohibited. The Grantor may request permission to vary from the above restrictions for good cause shown, provided that any such request is consistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. The Grantor shall not vary from the above restrictions without first obtaining written approval from the N.C. Ecosystem Enhancement Program, whose mailing address is 1652 Mail Services Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652. ►RE2141 � 1031 5/12 I IINII IIIIII II IIIIII �I III. GRANTEE RESERVED USES A. Ingress, Egress, and Inspection. The Grantee, its employees and agents, successors and assigns, receive the perpetual right of unlimited and repeated ingress and egress to the Easement Area over the Property at reasonable times to undertake any activities to restore, manage, maintain, enhance, and monitor the wetland and riparian resources of the Easement Area, in accordance with restoration activities or a long-term management plan. Unless otherwise specifically set forth in this Conservation Easement, the rights granted herein do not include or establish for the public any access rights. B. Restoration Activities. These activities include planting of trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation, installation of monitoring wells, utilization of heavy equipment to grade, fill, and prepare the soil, modification of the hydrology of the site, and installation of natural and manmade materials as needed to direct in -stream, above ground, and subterraneous water flow. IV. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A. Enforcement. To accomplish the purposes of this Conservation Easement, Grantee is allowed to prevent any activity within the Easement Area that is inconsistent with the purposes of this Easement and to require the restoration of such areas or features of the Easement Area that may have been damaged by such activity or use. Upon any breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement by Grantor, their successors or assigns, that comes to the attention of the Grantee, the Grantee shall, except as provided below, notify the Grantor, their successors or assigns in writing of such breach. The Grantor shall have ninety (90) days after receipt of such notice to correct the conditions constituting such breach. If the breach remains uncured after ninety (90) days, the Grantee may enforce this Conservation Easement by appropriate legal proceedings including damages, injunctive and other relief. The Grantee shall also have the power and authority, consistent with its statutory authority: (a) to prevent any impairment of the Easement Area by acts which may be unlawful or in violation of this Conservation Easement; (b) to otherwise preserve or protect its interest in the Property; or (c) to seek damages from any appropriate person or entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Grantee reserves the immediate right, without notice, to obtain a temporary restraining order, injunctive or other appropriate relief if the breach of the term of this Conservation Easement is or would irreversibly or otherwise materially impair the benefits to be derived from this Conservation Easement. The Grantor and Grantee acknowledge that under such circumstances damage to the Grantee would be irreparable and remedies at law will be inadequate. The rights and remedies of the Grantee provided hereunder shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, all other rights and remedies available to Grantee in connection with this Conservation Easement. B. Inspection. The Grantee, its employees and agents, successors and assigns, have the right, with reasonable notice, to enter the Easement Area over the Property at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection to determine whether the Grantor, their successors or assigns are complying with the terms, conditions and restrictions of this Conservation Easement. C. Acts Beyond Grantor's Control. Nothing contained in this Conservation Easement shall be construed to entitle Grantee to bring any action against Grantor, their successors or assigns, for any injury or change in the Easement Area caused by third parties, resulting from causes beyond the Grantor's control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, RE2141 1032 6/12 storm, and earth movement, or from any prudent action taken in good faith by the Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to life, damage to property or harm to the Property resulting from such causes. D. Costs of Enforcement. Beyond regular and typical monitoring, any costs incurred by Grantee in enforcing the terms of this Conservation Easement against Grantor, their successors or assigns, including, without limitation, any costs of restoration necessitated by Grantor's acts or omissions in violation of the terms of this Conservation Easement, shall be borne by Grantor. E. No Waiver. Enforcement of this Easement shall be at the discretion of the Grantee and any forbearance, delay or omission by Grantee to exercise its rights hereunder in the event of any breach of any term set forth herein shall not be construed to be a waiver by Grantee. V. MISCELLANEOUS A. This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of the Conservation Easement, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. B. Any notices shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested to the parties at their addresses shown above or to other address(es) as either party establishes in writing upon notification to the other. C. Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing of the name and address and any party to whom the Property or any part thereof is to be transferred at or prior to the time said transfer is made. Grantor further agrees to make any subsequent lease, deed, or other legal instrument by which any interest in the Property is conveyed subject to the Conservation Easement herein created. D. The Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Property or any portion thereof. E. This Conservation Easement may be amended, but only in writing signed by all parties hereto, and provided such amendment does not affect the qualification of this Conservation Easement or the status of the Grantee under any applicable laws, and is consistent with the purposes of the Conservation Easement. F. The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable provided, however, that the Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et seq. and § 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document. � ��1U���UlU�U, IUUIIIIIIII 1111111 IIIIIIIII RE2141 1033 7/12 VI. QUIET ENJOYMENT Grantor reserves all remaining rights accruing from ownership of the Property, including the right to engage in or permit or invite others to engage in only those uses of the Easement Area that are expressly reserved herein, not prohibited or restricted herein, and are not inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Grantor expressly reserves to the Grantor, and the Grantor's invitees and licensees, the right of access to the Easement Area, and the right of quiet enjoyment of the Easement Area. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto the State of North Carolina for the aforesaid purposes. AND Grantor covenants that Grantor is seized of said premises in fee and has the right to convey the permanent Conservation Easement herein granted; that the same are free from encumbrances and that Grantor will warrant and defend title to the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and ye r first ab ve written. (SEAL) o ean Cox, legally divo ed &t� (SEAL) Billie W. Cox, legally divorced NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF i r I, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Joe Dean Cox; legally divorced, Grantor, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. IN I�r SIE I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the CP4 Notary Public oI.' .......... FSrti,✓ Jr My coinwiistcan expires: �J1zn1 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF (31,, ,1 (ov d ����1���l��►U1U��,Ia�U IIIIIIII IIIIIIII II II III RE2141 1034 8/12 I, 10-. j (,,,s 'F�, tri cr 72 , a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Billie White CoxMegally divorced, Grantor, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the day of Qti , 200. � bb tD Notary Public My commission expires: ���q,•FAi /0 10 �: IOTA k%. p 1I�1U1���lUIU��I,I��Ullllllllllllllllllllll III RE2141 1035 9/12 Exhibit "A" Metes and bounds descriptions of tracts for Access and Conservation Easements for NCEEP, Project Name: Millstone Creek, SPO File No. 76-Z, Property of Joe Dean Cox and Billie White Cox. TRACT "A" 15 foot permanent access easement across the property of Billie W. Cox in Coleridge Township, Randolph County, North Carolina. Beginning at a new iron pipe at the southeast corner of the eastern terminus of a 40 foot private drive easement of Jo Dean Trail as shown in Randolph County Register of Deeds Plat Book 98 Page 11 and being in the line of Joe Dean Cox and Billie Jo Cox and Billie W. Cox, said new iron pipe being N 88°27'51" E 767.21' from North Carolina Geodetic Monument "Barrett 1975", running thence with the said Cox line and with the eastern terminus of Jo Dean Trail N 05018'48" W 15.26' to a new iron pipe; thence crossing the property of Billie W. Cox S 84047'23" E 75.73' to a computed point in the line of Joe Dean Cox and Billie Jo Cox and Billie W. Cox; thence with the said Cox line S 77°12'58" W 48.56' to a computed point is said Cox line; thence crossing the property of Billie W. Cox N 84'47'23" W 26.76' to the point and place of beginning and containing 0.02 acres to the point and place of beginning and containing 0.02 act as recorded in Plat Book 121 Page 34 of the Randolph County Register of Deeds, said plat entitled "Final Plat, Conservation Easement for NCEEP, Project Name: Millstone Creek, SPO File No. 76-Z, Property of, Joe Dean Cox and Billie White Cox" as surveyed by Landmark Surveying, Inc., dated March 30, 2007 and revised September 25, 2008, December 23, 2008, and April 21, 2009. TRACT `B" 15 foot permanent access easement across the property of Joe Dean Cox and Billie White Cox in Coleridge Township, Randolph County, North Carolina. Beginning at a new iron pipe in the line of Daniel Junior Staley and wife Mary L. Staley, said new iron pipe being N 78°05'20" E 2428.61' from North Carolina Geodetic Monument "Barrett 1975", thence crossing the property of Joe Dean Cox and Billie Jo Cox the following: S 09017'25" W 15.16' to a new iron pipe N 89001'24" W 137.04' to a new iron pipe S 26026'19" W 65.40' to a new iron pipe S 48015'14" W 195.52' to a new iron pipe S 50032'34" W 99.95' to a new iron pipe S 55037'06" W 50.20' to a new iron pipe S 38008'24" W 50.05' to a new iron pipe S 15033'06" W 49.92' to a new iron pipe S 12024'34" W 49.96' to a new iron pipe S 19036'20" W 49.98' to a new iron pipe S 40022'34" W 49.85' to a new iron pipe S 64047'48" W 49.79' to a new iron pipe N 75002'09" W 133.96' to a new iron pipe S 88048'23" W 586.43' to a new iron pipe N 83045'34" W 199.89' to a new iron pipe ���UU�����►UIU���,11�U IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII 1111111 RE2141 1036 10/12 N 84047'23" W 86.31' to a mathematical point in the line of Billie W. Cox; thence with the line of Billie W. Cox N 77°12'58" E 48.56' to a mathematical point; thence crossing the property of Joe Dean Cox and Billie Jo Cox the following: S 84°47'23" E 40.26' to a new iron pipe S 83045'34" E 199.05' to a new iron pipe N 88048'23" E 587.58' to a new iron pipe S 75002'09" E 130.61' to a new iron pipe N 64047'48" E 41.06' to a new iron pipe N 40022'34" E 43.86' to a new iron pipe N 19036'20" E 46.29' to a new iron pipe N 12024'34" E 49.43' to a new iron pipe N 15°33'06" E 53.32' to a new iron pipe N 38008'24" E 55.35' to a new iron pipe N 55037'06" E 51.84' to a new iron pipe N 50032'34" E 98.99' to a new iron pipe N 48015'14" E 192.33' to a new iron pipe N 26026'19" E 71.99' to a new iron pipe in the line of Daniel Junior Staley and wife Mary L. Staley; running thence with said Staley line S 89°01'24" E 148.70' to the point and place of beginning and containing 0.63 acres± as recorded in Plat Book 121 Page 34 of the Randolph County Register of Deeds, said plat entitled "Final Plat, Conservation Easement for NCEEP, Project Name: Millstone Creek, SPO File No. 76-Z, Property of, Joe Dean Cox and Billie White Cox" as surveyed by Landmark Surveying, Inc., dated March 30, 2007 and revised September 25, 2008, December 23, 2008, and April 21, 2009. TRACT ONE Conservation Easement on the property of Joe Dean Cox and Billie White Cox in Coleridge Township, Randolph County, North Carolina. Beginning at a new iron pipe in the line of Daniel Junior Staley and wife Mary L. Staley, said new iron pipe being N 78°05'20" E 2428.61' from North Carolina Geodetic Monument "Barrett 1975", thence with the line of Daniel Junior Staley and wife Mary L. Staley the following: S 89001'24" E 232.45' to an existing 1.5" open iron pipe S 04036'38" W 113.01' to a new iron pipe S 04036'38" W 91.99' to a new iron pipe S 04036'38" W 137.37' to a new iron pipe S 04036'38" W 386.59' to a new iron pipe S 04036'38" W 320.33' to a new iron pipe S 04036'38" W 187.90' to a new iron pipe S 04036'38" W 208.17' to a new iron pipe the line of Daniel Junior Staley and wife Mary L. Staley; thence crossing the property of Joe Dean Cox and Billie White Cox the following: N 47003'05" W 120.35' to a new iron pipe N 47003'05" W 90.03' to a new iron pipe N 47003'05" W 149.98' to a new iron pipe N 25038'01" E 245.89' to a new iron pipe N 25038'01" E 209.50' to a new iron pipe N 05049'42" W 199.98' to a new iron pipe N 05049'42" W 171.58' to a new iron pipe N 05049'42" W 177.81' to a new iron pipe 10 ' �►�1U1�l�UlU��►,►��UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII RE2141 1037 11/12 N 10010'26" W 98.58' to a new iron pipe N 09°17'25" E 131.76' to a new iron pipe N 09017'25" E 15.16' to the point and place of beginning and containing 6.13 acres± as recorded in Plat Book 121 Page 34 of the Randolph County Register of Deeds, said plat entitled "Final Plat, Conservation Easement for NCEEP, Project Name: Millstone Creek, SPO File No. 76-Z, Property of, Joe Dean Cox and Billie White Cox" as surveyed by Landmark Surveying, Inc., dated March 30, 2007 and revised September 25, 2008, December 23, 2008, and April 21, 2009. TRACT TWO Conservation Easement on the property of Joe Dean Cox and Billie White Cox in Coleridge Township, Randolph County, North Carolina. Beginning at an existing rebar in the line of Daniel Junior Staley and wife Mary L. Staley and a corner with Karolyn C. Carmac, said new iron pipe being S 61°21'34" E 2803.05' from North Carolina Geodetic Monument "Barrett 1975", thence with the line said Carmac the following: N 85044'50" W 215.01' to a new iron pipe N 85044'50" W 170.82' to an existing iron pipe N 85044'50" W 87.19' to a new iron pipe in the line of said Carmac; thence crossing the property of Joe Dean Cox and Billie White Cox the following: N 04056'45" E 69.96' to a new iron pipe N 29005'26" W 132.42' to a new iron pipe N 29005'26" W 87.80' to a new iron pipe N 77033'57" W 177.50' to a new iron pipe N 77033'57" W 194.18' to a new iron pipe S 87058'38" W 192.05' to a new iron pipe S 88007'52" W 191.01' to a new iron pipe S 88007'52" W 145.00' to a new iron pipe S 75026'46" W 132.02' to a new iron pipe N 04"07'10" E 103.68' to a new iron pipe in the line of Kenneth W. Cox and wife Theresa B. Cox; thence with Kenneth W. Cox and wife Theresa B. Cox N 8399,12" E 18.71' to a new iron pipe a corner Kenneth W. Cox and wife Theresa B. Cox; thence with the line of Kenneth W. Cox and wife Theresa B. Cox N 10°02'46" W 17.76' to a new iron pipe; thence crossing the property of Joe Dean Cox and Billie White Cox the following: N 84023'12" E 97.12' to a new iron pipe N 76033'15" E 265.89' to a new iron pipe N 76°3Y1 5" E 105.01' to a new iron pipe S 89018'54" E 131.46' to a new iron pipe N 56022'28" W 222.05' to a new iron pipe N 15°11'31" W 147.44' to a new iron pipe N 35053'56" E 51.22' to a new iron pipe S 70044'09" E 191.85' to a new iron pipe S 41002'39" E 268.26' to a new iron pipe S 67026'52" E 242.80' to a new iron pipe S 67026'52" E 215.85' to a new iron pipe N 36050'31" E 216.34' to a new iron pipe N 25038'01" E 50.64' to a new iron pipe S 47003'05" E 150.01' to a new iron pipe S 47003'05" E 89.35' to a new iron pipe M II�11���l��1UIU��►,►��� illlllll 111111 l 1111111 III RE2141 1038 12/12 S 47003'05" E 130.58' to a new iron pipe in the line of Daniel Junior Staley and wife Mary L. Staley; thence with the line of the line of Daniel Junior Staley and wife Mary L. Staley S 04036'38" W 376.63' to the point and place of beginning and containing 11.19 acres± as recorded in Plat Book 121 Page 34 of the Randolph County Register of Deeds, said plat entitled "Final Plat, Conservation Easement for NCEEP, Project Name: Millstone Creek, SPO File No. 76-Z, Property of, Joe Dean Cox and Billie White Cox" as surveyed by Landmark Surveying, Inc., dated March 30, 2007 and revised September 25, 2008, December 23, 2008, and April 21, 2009. 12 N ¢ ONrn o w y lb Nh _ LOQ N oZ O 348 w _ Z z s z p vu o BARO!/r ° o q �N 8 a y p = 0! 0- A"E w e�� 1. ♦ a kmp� �g - nmo— VR�o � ryS z 3z�^N w F 09 O aw Z ' w - ed mga 0. vWi FR' a a 6 �OW pW, 8a s d gb'�gg�p�y7 F p N$ r Z,• °�w��� xz ay � a � � � LL F.i pqG q �i �J. r 1pn�O °i � eo av`Vim°�iomwwmniO "a,mn q qp. � Qi y b JQ�n9�Sa ^�<N9N&Namo°nos y Z d I O] 3w33w .www ww w3;3333333333333 Z� rum v,n ,4W o� ox��mN< PNoo���� O� pW� saa UWmmNH-«"�iPnn Seip PSe+ p'on£Vaoa V w m Z �R'eQ y� ca 0.a"i O d0 i'iC ^aaR€QQ �OwO^ u u bFyo m E88 ! p 3 wit �! 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J • y Farr i a t - Po 66, a0343 Gceer\sbore, Ae A7gao STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY SPO File Number 076 -AP EEP Site ID 204 Prepared by: Office of the Attorney General Property Control Section Rem. e: NC Department of Administration State Property Office 1321 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1321 FIL� sRegister ofrDeedsM Randolph Co,NC ` / Recording Fee: $44.00 NC Real Estate x Tx:$.00 20100729000108450 R/W Bk:RE2192 Pg:1144 07/29/2010 04:28:48 PM 1/11 ���U��IIIiUIu�� CONSERVATION EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF ACCESS THIS DEED OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF ACCESS, pursuant to the provisions of N.C. General Statutes Chapter 121, Article 4 and made this 29 day of July , 2010, by Victor Craig Staley, Anthony Todd Stout, and Mary Magalene Lawson Staley, Co -Trustees of the Magalene Staley Family Trust, ("Grantor"), whose mailing address 5810 Old Siler City Road, Ramseur, NC 27316, to the State of North Carolina, ("Grantee"), whose mailing address is State of North Carolina, Department of Administration, State Property Office, 1321 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1321. The designations Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-214.8 et sea•, the State of North Carolina has established the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (formerly known as the Wetlands Restoration Program) within the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for the purposes of acquiring, maintaining, restoring, enhancing, creating and preserving wetland and riparian resources that contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; and WHEREAS, The State of North Carolina is qualified to be the Grantee of a Conservation Easement pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-35; and WHEREAS, the Ecosystem Enhancement Program in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has approved acceptance of this instrument; and Page 1 of 8 �UIWI�YIIIIWII�IIVIIRE2192 1145 2/11 WHEREAS, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District entered into a Memorandum of Agreement, (MOA) duly executed by all parties in Greensboro, NC on July 22, 2003. This MOA recognizes that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program is to provide for compensatory mitigation by effective protection of the land, water and natural resources of the State by restoring, enhancing and preserving ecosystem functions; and WHEREAS, the acceptance of this instrument for and on behalf of the State of North Carolina was granted to the Department of Administration by resolution as approved by the Governor and Council of State adopted at a meeting held in the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 8th day of February 2000; and WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple certain real property situated, lying, and being in Coleridge Township, Randolph County, North Carolina (the "Property"), and being more particularly described as that certain parcel of land containing approximately 93.05 +/- acres and being conveyed to the Grantor by deed as recorded in Deed Book 2053 at Page 1450 of the Randolph County Registry, North Carolina; and WHEREAS, Grantor is willing to grant a Conservation Easement and Right of Access over the herein described areas of the Property, thereby restricting and limiting the use of the included areas of the Property to the terms and conditions and purposes hereinafter set forth, and Grantee is willing to accept said Easement and Access Rights. The Conservation Easement shall be for the protection and benefit of the waters of Millstone Creep NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms, conditions, and restrictions hereinafter set forth, Grantor unconditionally and irrevocably hereby grants and conveys unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity, a Conservation Easement along with a general Right of Access. The Easement Area consists of the following: Conservation Easement A containing a total of 1.49 acres as shown on the plat of survey entitled "Final Plat Conservation Easement for NCEEP, Project Name: MILLSTONE CREEK, SPO File No. 076-Z, EEP Project No. 204, Property of Victor Craig Staley, Anthony Todd Stout, and Mary Magalene Lawson Staley Co -Trustees of the Magalene Staley Family Trust" dated 02/17/2410 by Douglas R. Yarbrough, PLS Number 3395 and recorded in the Randolph County, North Carolina Register of Deeds at Plat Book 125 Page 81. See attached "Exhibit A", Legal Description. See attached "Attachment 1", Table of Coordinates The purposes of this Conservation Easement are to maintain, restore, enhance, construct, create and preserve wetland and/or riparian resources in the Easement Area that contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, aquatic habitat, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; to maintain permanently the Easement Area in its natural condition, consistent with these purposes; and to prevent any use of the Easement Area that will Page 2 of 8 �9�V!�I IWl�111IIIIIIIIIIIIIRE2192 1146 3111 significantly impair or interfere with these purposes. To achieve these purposes, the following conditions and restrictions are set forth: I. DURATION OF EASEMENT Pursuant to law, including the above referenced statutes, this Conservation Easement and Right of Access shall be perpetual and it shall run with, and be a continuing restriction upon the use of, the Property, and it shall be enforceable by the Grantee against the Grantor and against Grantor's heirs, successors and assigns, personal representatives, agents, lessees, and licensees. II. GRANTOR RESERVED USES AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITES The Easement Area shall be restricted from any development or usage that would impair or interfere with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Unless expressly reserved as a compatible use herein, any activity in, or use of, the Easement Area by the Grantor is prohibited as inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Any rights not expressly reserved hereunder by the Grantor have been acquired by the Grantee. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following specific uses are prohibited, restricted, or reserved as indicated: A. Recreational Uses. Grantor expressly reserves the right to undeveloped recreational uses, including hiking, bird watching, hunting and fishing, and access to the Easement Area for the purposes thereof. Usage of motorized vehicles in the Easement Area is prohibited, except as they are used exclusively for management, maintenance, or stewardship purposes, and on existing trails, paths or roads. B. Educational Uses. The Grantor reserves the right to engage in and permit others to engage in educational uses in the Easement Area not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement, and the right of access to the Easement Area for such purposes including organized educational activities such as site visits and observations. Educational uses of the property shall not alter vegetation, hydrology or topography of the site. C. Vegetative Cutting. Except as related to the removal of non-native plants, diseased or damaged trees, and vegetation that obstructs, destabilizes or renders unsafe the Easement Area to persons or natural habitat, all cutting, removal, mowing, harming, or destruction of any trees and vegetation in the Easement Area is prohibited. D. Industrial, Residential and Commercial Uses. All are prohibited in the Easement Area. E. Agricultural Use. All agricultural uses within the Easement Area including any use for cropland, waste lagoons, or pastureland are prohibited. F. New Construction. There shall be no building, facility, mobile home, antenna, utility pole, tower, or other structure constructed or placed in the Easement Area. G. Roads and Trails. There shall be no construction of roads, trails, walkways, or paving in the Easement Area. Page 3 of 8 1147 4111 H. Signs. No signs shall be permitted in the Easement Area except interpretive signs describing restoration activities and the conservation values of the Easement Area, signs identifying the owner of the Property and the holder of the Conservation Easement, signs giving directions, or signs prescribing rules and regulations for the use of the Easement Area may be allowed. I. Dumping or Storing. Dumping or storage of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances or machinery, or other material in the Easement Area is prohibited. J. Grading, Mineral Use, Excavation, Dredging. There shall be no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining, or drilling; no removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals, or other materials. K. Water Quality and Drainage Patterns. There shall be no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding or diverting, causing, allowing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground water. No altering or tampering with water control structures or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns. All removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides is prohibited. In the event of an emergency interruption or shortage of all other water sources, water from within the Easement Area may temporarily be used for good cause shown as needed for the survival of livestock and agricultural production. L. Subdivision and Conveyance. Grantor voluntarily agrees that no subdivision, partitioning, or dividing of the underlying fee that is subject to this Easement is allowed. Unless agreed to by the Grantee in writing, any future conveyance of the underlying fee for the Easement Area and the rights as conveyed herein shall be as a single block of property. Any future transfer of the fee simple shall be subject to this Conservation Easement. Any transfer of the fee is subject to the Grantee's right of unlimited and repeated ingress and egress over and across the Property to the Easement Area for the purposes set forth herein. M. Development Rights. All development rights are removed from the Easement Area and shall not be transferred. N. Disturbance of Natural Features. Any change, disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural features of the Easement Area or any intentional introduction of non-native plants, trees and/or animal species by Grantor is prohibited. The Grantor may request permission to vary from the above restrictions for good cause shown, provided that any such request is consistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. The Grantor shall not vary from the above restrictions without first obtaining written approval from the N.C. Ecosystem Enhancement Program, whose mailing address is 1652 Mail Services Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652. III. GRANTEE RESERVED USES A. Right of Access, Construction, and Inspection. The Grantee, its employees and agents, successors and assigns, receive a perpetual Right of Access to the Easement Area over the Page 4 of 8 RE219248 651,11��llillpNlWl Property at reasonable times to undertake any activities to restore, construct, manage, maintain, enhance, and monitor the stream, wetland and any other riparian resources of the Easement Area, in accordance with restoration activities or a long-term management plan. Unless otherwise specifically set forth in this Conservation Easement, the rights granted herein do not include or establish for the public any access rights. B. Restoration Activities. These activities include planting of trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation, installation of monitoring wells, utilization of heavy equipment to grade, fill, and prepare the soil, modification of the hydrology of the site, and installation of natural and manmade materials as needed to direct in -stream, above ground, and subterraneous water flow. C. Signs. The Grantee, its employees and agents, successors or assigns, shall be permitted to place signs and witness posts on the Property to include any or all of the following: describe the project, prohibited activities within the Conservation Easement, or identify the project boundaries and the holder of the Conservation Easement. IV. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A. Enforcement. To accomplish the purposes of this Conservation Easement, Grantee is allowed to prevent any activity within the Easement Area that is inconsistent with the purposes of this Easement and to require the restoration of such areas or features of the Easement Area that may have been damaged by such activity or use. Upon any breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement by Grantor, their successors or assigns, that comes to the attention of the Grantee, the Grantee shall, except as provided below, notify the Grantor, their successors or assigns in writing of such breach. The Grantor shall have ninety (90) days after receipt of such notice to correct the conditions constituting such breach. If the breach remains uncured after ninety (90) days, the Grantee may enforce this Conservation Easement by appropriate legal proceedings including damages, injunctive and other relief. The Grantee shall also have the power and authority, consistent with its statutory authority: (a) to prevent any impairment of the Easement Area by acts which may be unlawful or in violation of this Conservation Easement; (b) to otherwise preserve or protect its interest in the Property; or (c) to seek damages from any appropriate person or entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Grantee reserves the immediate right, without notice, to obtain a temporary restraining order, injunctive or other appropriate relief if the breach of the term of this Conservation Easement is or would irreversibly or otherwise materially impair the benefits to be derived from this Conservation Easement. The Grantor and Grantee acknowledge that under such circumstances damage to the Grantee would be irreparable and remedies at law will be inadequate. The rights and remedies of the Grantee provided hereunder shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, all other rights and remedies available to Grantee in connection with this Conservation Easement. B. Inspection. The Grantee, its employees and agents, successors and assigns, have the right, with reasonable notice, to enter the Easement Area over the Property at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection to determine whether the Grantor, their successors or assigns are complying with the terms, conditions and restrictions of this Conservation Easement. C. Acts Beyond Grantor's Control. Nothing contained in this Conservation Easement shall be construed to entitle Grantee to bring any action against Grantor, their successors or assigns, for any injury or change in the Easement Area caused by third parties, resulting from Page 5 of 8 �,�l;2V9U114ll6l11�ll IiIIIIIVI I I causes beyond the Grantor's control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, storm, and earth movement, or from any prudent action taken in good faith by the Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to life, damage to property or harm to the Property resulting from such causes. D. Costs of Enforcement. Beyond regular and typical monitoring, any costs incurred by Grantee in enforcing the terms of this Conservation Easement against Grantor, their successors or assigns, including, without limitation, any costs of restoration necessitated by Grantor's acts or omissions in violation of the terms of this Conservation Easement, shall be borne by Grantor. E. No Waiver. Enforcement of this Easement shall be at the discretion of the Grantee and any forbearance, delay or omission by Grantee to exercise its rights hereunder in the event of any breach of any term set forth herein shall not be construed to be a waiver by Grantee. V. MISCELLANEOUS A. This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of the Conservation Easement, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. B. Any notices shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested to the parties at their addresses shown herein or to other addresses as either party establishes in writing upon notification to the other. C. Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing of the name and address and any party to whom the Property or any part thereof is to be transferred at or prior to the time said transfer is made. Grantor further agrees to make any subsequent lease, deed, or other legal instrument by which any interest in the Property is conveyed subject to the Conservation Easement herein created. D. The Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Property or any portion thereof. E. This Conservation Easement and Right of Access may be amended, but only in writing signed by all parties hereto, and provided such amendment does not affect the qualification of this Conservation Easement or the status of the Grantee under any applicable laws, and is consistent with the purposes of the Conservation Easement. The owner of the Property shall notify the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in writing sixty (60) days prior to the initiation of any transfer of all or any part of the Property. Such notification shall be addressed to: Justin McCorkle, General Counsel, US Army Corps of Engineers, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403 F. The parties recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable provided, however, that the Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-34 et seq. and § 170(h) of the Page 6 of 8 11�!�'IWIU150 ll��Mllllp�lll Internal Revenue Code, and the Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue in perpetuity the conservation purposes described in this document. VI. QUIET ENJOYMENT Grantor reserves all remaining rights accruing from ownership of the Property, including the right to engage in or permit or invite others to engage in only those uses of the Easement Area that are expressly reserved herein, not prohibited or restricted herein, and are not inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Grantor expressly reserves to the Grantor, and the Grantor's invitees and licensees, the right of access to the Easement Area, and the right of quiet enjoyment of the Easement Area. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto the State of North Carolina for the aforesaid purposes. AND Grantor covenants that Grantor is seized of said premises in fee and has the right to convey the permanent Conservation Easement herein granted; that the same are free from encumbrances and that Grantor will warrant and defend title to the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. Victor Craig Staley, Attorney -In -Fact for Mary Magalene Lawson Staley, Co -Trustee By: A ZV y — Anthony odd Stout, Attorney -In -Fact for Mary Magalene Lawson Staley, Co -Trustee Grantor Page 7 of 8 By: G�i�/iyt� Victor Craig Staley, Co -Trustee By: a�'lu *`+ Anthony odd Stout , Co -Trustee ��ll�lU�I��NIIIIIpIVpIRE2192 1151 Bill NORTH CAROLINA . COUNTY OF G'U,a' I W I, ,T-. " Ais F--,, F--k,,)fL, -U t- 'a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Victor Craig Staley, and Anthony Todd Stout, attorneys -in - fact for Mary Magalene Lawson Staley personally appeared before me this day, and being by me duly sworn, says that they executed the foregoing and annexed instrument for and in behalf of Mary Magalene Lawson Staley, and that their authority to execute and acknowledge said instrument is contained in an instrument duly executed, acknowledged, and recorded in the office of the Randolph County, North Carolina, Register of Deeds at Book 2046, Page 603, on the Stn day of October, 2007, and that this instrument was executed under and by virtue of the authority given by said instrument granting him power of attorney; that the said Victor Craig Staley and Anthony Todd Stout acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing and annexed instrument for the purposed therein expressed for and in behalf of the said Mary Magalene Lawson Staley. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal this the a 9 -� day of Jam, ,� , 2010. My commission expires: 4.�' ' A ° JFV/pr ; N 0 TA- G:pU8 •c o v N� A. w J Notary Public Page 8 of 8 ��UIU�llIN9�B�IIII�IIYIIRE2192 1152 9/11 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - COUNTY OF GUILFORD I, U • Rky-ws V-1moo- -T(L , [print name] a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, and ❑ I have personal knowledge of the identity of the principal(s) 'A I have seen satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity, by a current state or federal identification with the principal's photograph. ❑ A credible witness has sworn to the identity of the principal(s); each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Date: Zul D Commission Expires: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - COUNTY OF GUILFORD 1,73- & (�s Fa a kAun- T (Z , [print name] a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, and ❑ I have personal knowledge of the identity of the principal(s) `ia I have seen satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity, by a current state or federal identification with the principal's photograph. ❑ A credible witness has sworn to the identity of the principal(s); each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: ........ NAME CAPACITY ` �' • °'o ` ANTHONY TODD STOUT Individual(s) Date: TAR U � � ►� sn�=�•.,�i �.. � � � Commission Expires: IVq��I W�I�NIIIIENYYIINRE2192 1153 10/11 ',X kAislT A Description of a conservation easement on the property of Victor Craig Staley, Anthony Todd Stout, and Mary Magalene Lawson Staley in Coleridge Township, Randolph County, North Carolina, adjoining the property of Joe Dean Cox and wife Billie Jo Cox: Beginning at an existing rebar and cap in the line of Victor Craig Staley etal and Joe Dean Cox and wife Billie Jo Cox, said point of beginning being N 83'32'13" E 2608.70 feet from geodetic monument "Barrett 1975"; thence from said point of beginning and crossing through the property of Victor Craig Staley etal the following: S 11°36'47" E 202.68 feet to a new rebar and cap S 05039'51" E 186.79 feet to a new rebar and cap S 08054'36" W 201.30 feet to a new rebar and cap S 09011'22" W 198.41 feet to a new rebar and cap S 09°11'21" W 206.15 feet to a new rebar and cap S 13058'50" W 261.45 feet to an existing rebar and cap in the line of Joe Dean Cox and wife Billie Jo Cox; thence with the line of Joe Dean Cox and wife Billie Jo Cox the following: N 04°36'38" E 208.17 feet to an existing rebar and cap N 04036'38" E 187.90 feet to an existing rebar and cap N 04036'38" E 320.33 feet to an existing rebar and cap N 04036'38" E 368.59 feet to an existing rebar and cap N 04036'38" E 137.37 feet to the point and place of beginning and containing 1.49 acres more or less as shown on a plat by Landmark Surveying, Inc. dated February 17, 2010 and entitled "Final Plat, Conservation Easement for NCEEP, Project Name: Millstone Creek, SPO File No. 76-Z NCEEP Project No. 204, Property of, Victory Craig Staley, Anthony Todd Stout and Mary Magalene Lawson Staley, Co - Trustees of, The Magalene Staley Family Trust" as recorded in the Randolph County Registrar of Deeds at Plat Book 125 at Page 81 arbrough PLS L-6 .��OrQOFss8/0 r I q 9< 9 SEAL BOG fLI 95Q C?: ti o ` 92�V154HGI9I�fIi�Elliii0 A -m -A &H mf N-, -i staleyascii 1,710268.162249054,1815597.58190042,0, 2,710069.60454,1815638.38712,0, 3,709883.72643,1815656.82309,0, 4,709684.85444,1815625.64528,0, 5,709488.9954,1815593.9624,0, 6,709285.48805,1815561.04024,0, 7,709031.78305386,1815497.8761002,0, 8,709239.279380556,1815514.62352139,0, 9,709426.571670354,1815529.72543038,0, 10,709745.86257592,1815555.4684452,0, 11,710131.204286921,1815586.54282888,0, l�� W O W U 5 z d y� 8 2 WE�•+QZFWziI[EzIW a ci pn a "Eo P �� w z a W R 8$ d �V.WE`o E— onmwESL'm$€3eQa z z o U o �� o z� Nie U � � o ,$ OS6I 8otld ESOZ NOON aaaa F ah Isnxcx myv�xa�ucsanm �yovw (� W W ° xil'7V.LS NOSMV77NrTWDVW j.SM Sag,,17LL-q� �'i' S (� C x JJIOyg aao, xNo I a AJ.NV'x9'IVJ.S ior"D Fig B Q w $ 'LE _ 98£ 9--,65 0 A cs 'u -Sm O Iw-- �wo OMO W � . aWoaO 0$Ug��^m RRRO( 0 U a; t; d yd700RraAl ` y>p g rU U /V x .'Lm po �, 41Z Yi�j 1 Za O 8N `• S 4lwzpp 1 I Op 0 QI Q� UwwQ mcg 1 I A �E aT � ``°'s• Wo JQa 11 I ^ mm ,:�� `$ HII m Cox QI. — ANDCox r'�ya N Pfi°`y :yrya rr' J P�°•.`i 1 1 p �459YAO$69 ,"DOVGp�, 1 1 8 O4 °7 � x xa g fie.°y AM ��--___ _----- slAll �a of R zz so � _NCH[ ate. -way W°Bail y J W r 5 � a� W O W U 5 z d y� 8 2 WE�•+QZFWziI[EzIW a ci pn a "Eo P �� w z a W R 8$ d �V.WE`o E— onmwESL'm$€3eQa z z o U o �� o z� Nie U � � o ,$ OS6I 8otld ESOZ NOON aaaa F ah Isnxcx myv�xa�ucsanm �yovw (� W W ° xil'7V.LS NOSMV77NrTWDVW j.SM Sag,,17LL-q� �'i' S (� C x JJIOyg aao, xNo I a AJ.NV'x9'IVJ.S ior"D Fig B Q w $ 'LE _ 98£ 9--,65 0 A cs 'u -Sm O Iw-- �wo OMO W � . aWoaO 0$Ug��^m RRRO( 0 U a; t; d yd700RraAl ` y>p g rU U /V x .'Lm po �, 41Z Yi�j 1 Za O 8N `• S 4lwzpp 1 I Op 0 QI Q� UwwQ mcg 1 I A �E aT � ``°'s• Wo JQa 11 I ^ mm ,:�� `$ HII m Cox QI. — ANDCox r'�ya N Pfi°`y :yrya rr' J P�°•.`i 1 1 p �459YAO$69 ,"DOVGp�, 1 1 8 O4 °7 � x xa g fie.°y AM ��--___ _----- slAll �a of R zz so � _NCH[ ate. -way W°Bail !( !( !(!( !(!( !( !( !(!(!(!( !( !(!( MaC CcB MaC MeB2 MaD RvA MaDMeB2 CcB RvA MeB2MillstoneUt M illsto neDitch- CoxSeepN orthern Tributary Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CN ES/Airbus DS, USDA, U SGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community Leg end NCEEP_Co nservat ion_Ease ments selection channels Reach Ditch - Carma c Ditch- Cox Millstone Northern Tributary See p Ut Millsto ne Conto ur_002 !(<all oth er value s> INDICATOR !(f3 !(F3 SAT Existin g_Wetla nds <all oth er value s> Mapunit Symbol RvA 240 0 240120 Feet . Millstone C reek Soils & LiDAR deriv ed 2' Contour Map q\N A\ X17,, , N I i► f NU liWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 ' . ' Date: Project/Site: Evaluator:, J�\� I County / 1 ,R - Total Total Points: Stream Determination (c Stream is at least intermittent Ephemeral Intermitten( if 2 99 or perennial if 2:30* Latitude: 3S' f SCl Longitude: Other e.g. Quad Name: A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = ,,� l ) Absent Weak Moderate S"9 1"Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 3 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 r 1 ripple -Fool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 _1.� 2 3 9. Grade control '0.5 . 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0, 1 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel a - No = 0 Yes = 3 anuuaai uucnes are nvi raieu, see uiscussions in manual B. Hydrology (Subtotal = 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 rg 1 1.511 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 1 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Res = 31 C_ Rinlnnv tSnhtntal = V ) 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 2 3 22. Fish 0 .5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 r 1 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other ='O *perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch: , (41 SVA 2��s 1 zb�4 1v c,5u Djr_1 q J V S -t C. M41 `--r1I m/v NC DWO Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 UT ' U� N AN1)'` ° `� Date: i Project/Site: \1 r Latitude: Evaluator: � n�I y 1 l� County: ., `� Longitude: 9 ► ��� n� :} Total Points: Stream is at least intermittent Stream Dete n ('rcle one) Other if> 99 orperennial if> 30" Ephemeral ntermitten`' erennial p e. Quad Name: g A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = ) Absent Weak Moderate Str ng 1" Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 15. Sediment on plants or debris _3) 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, 0 No = 0 2 es = 3 ` ri le ool sequence 70 1 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 0.5 t _2 3 5. Active/relict floodplain l 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches A 0.5 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. Headcuts _C _ 1 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 +' T . 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yes = 3 anmciai uncnes are not rates; see aisscc�ussions In manual B. Hvdrolonv (Subtotal = X 1 12. Presence of Baseflow 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 0 2 2 3 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5' 1 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 2 es = 3 ` C. tilology (Subtotal = q,. j ) 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 (22 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 2 3 22. Fish 70 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae , +' 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other 0 ; 'perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. f Notes: Sketch: SIWIc� �, �/ /� i �►.Av� 1U �; Z► : ► rn�� ,qJ& w V-L� 5(v'\ � h*NCsV CUA -L q r�r'r( aA e 1v U V W V stream identification t'orm Version 4.11 , v _ Date: 51 a 1 l Project/Site: `,'l\�' Gl Latitude: 3 �' Evaluator: Jul County: 1 �/ 1 J� Longitude: Total Points: Stream Dete ircle one) Other Stream is at least intermittent 3 hent _ Ephemeral Intermittent erennial e.g. Quad Name: if 2:19 or perennial if > 30' A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = 12. ) Absent Weak Moderate Str ng 1 a. Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 'I 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 s- 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple -pool se uence 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 5. Active/relict floodplain - � p r1 ,, 0 0.5 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0.5 1 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0) 26. Wetland plants in streambed 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 _ 2 3 9. Grade control 0 ; 0.5 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yes = 3 anmciai ancnes are not rareu; see uiscussions in manual B. Hvdroloov (Subtotal 12. Presence of Baseflow 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 14. Leaf litter 1.5 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0.5 + 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 .: �.5 1 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 es = 3 C. Bioloav (Subtotal = i ] �J 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 2 3 22. Fish 0 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other 0 `perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch: r- 10I !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( 98 7 6 54 0 3 1 2 11 10 00 12 0000 MaC RvA MaD MeB2 Mi l l st oneSeepDitch- CoxUt Millstone Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CN ES/Airbus DS, USDA, U SGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community Leg end Soil_Bore !(<all other values> !(F3 INUN D !(f3 NCEEP_Co nservat ion_Ease ments selection channels Reach Ditch - Carma c Ditch- Cox Millstone Northern Tributary See p Ut A Conto ur_002 Existin g_Wetla nds <all oth er value s> Mapunit Symbol RvA cpf_nw i 70 0 7035 Feet . Millstone Creek Existing Wetland & Soil Bore Map Project/Site:Sampling Date: Applicant/Owner:State:Sampling Point: Investigator(s): Landform (hillside, terrace, etc.): Subregion (LRR or MLRA):Lat:Long: Soil Map Unit Name: x Are Vegetation x , Soil , or Hydrology Yes x Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrology SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. No x No X X No X Yes Yes Yes X Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators (minimum of one is required; check all that apply) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Drainage Patterns (B10) Moss Trim Lines (B16) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Crayfish Burrows (C8) Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) Secondary Indicators (minimum of two required) Geomorphic Position (D2) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Aquatic Fauna (B13) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Wetland Hydrology Present? Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) NoYes Is the Sampled Area sunny, 35 degrees, no precipiation for 16 days prior to site visit, area was in pasture and actively grazed approximately 1.5 years ago HYDROLOGY Yes Yes Yes Hydric Soil Present? Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Nowithin a Wetland?Yes No No Water Table Present? Remarks: Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): No Saturation Present? (includes capillary fringe) City/County:Millstone Creek (Ken Cox) Stream and Wetland Site Ramseur/ Randolph 0000 5/28/19 Melonie Allen - NC DEQ Division of Mitigation Services NC WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region No Section, Township, Range:RamseurMelonie Allen 0planarflood plain Datum:Nad 83-79.6224135.69683LRR P, MLRA 136 NANWI classification:Riverview sandy loam Slope (%):Local relief (concave, convex, none): Surface Water Present? Yes NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year?(If no, explain in Remarks.) significantly disturbed? naturally problematic? Are “Normal Circumstances” present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Remarks: Field Observations: True Aquatic Plants (B14) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) Thin Muck Surface (C7) Other (Explain in Remarks) Iron Deposits (B5) US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.(A/B) 7. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover:x 1 = Sapling/Shrub Stratum (Plot size:x 2 = 1.x 3 = 2.x 4 = 3.x 5 = 4.Column Totals:(B) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 4 - Morphological Adaptations1 (Provide supporting 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Herb Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover:Yes x =Total Cover Remarks: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet.) ) =Total Cover Yes 1 - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 2 - Dominance Test is >50% VEGETATION (Four Strata)– Use scientific names of plants. 15 6 0 Yes Yes FAC FACU 30 0 80 Multiply by: 0 3.67Prevalence Index = B/A = 0 Prevalence Index worksheet: Total % Cover of: 10 20 (A) (B) (A) 1435 Definitions of Four Vegetation Strata: Woody Vine – All woody vines greater than 3.28 ft in height. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? =Total Cover Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of size, and woody plants less than 3.28 ft tall. ) 70 Cynodon 70 Tree Stratum ) =Total Cover Juniperus virginiana Acer negundo 10 x 10 ) 30 Indicator Status 20 10 Dominant Species? OBL species FACW species FAC species Sapling/Shrub – Woody plants, excluding vines, less than 3 in. DBH and greater than or equal to 3.28 ft (1 m) tall. Tree – Woody plants, excluding vines, 3 in. (7.6 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height. 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Absolute % Cover 33.3% Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 3 - Prevalence Index is ≤3.01 data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) No 0000 1 3 FACU species UPL species Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 0 110 0 30 Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.(A/B) 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Sapling Stratum (Plot size:x 1 = 1.x 2 = 2.x 3 = 3.x 4 = 4.x 5 = 5.Column Totals:(B) 6. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2.4 - Morphological Adaptations1 (Provide supporting 3. 4. 5. 6. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Herb Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Remarks: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet.) Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, including herbaceous vines, regardless of size, and woody plants, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 ft (1 m) in height. Woody Vine – All woody vines, regardless of height. VEGETATION (Five Strata)– Use scientific names of plants.0000 Tree Stratum ) Absolute % Cover Dominant Species? Indicator Status Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: (B) (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Prevalence Index worksheet:=Total Cover OBL species FACU species (A) Total % Cover of:Multiply by: FACW species Prevalence Index = B/A = UPL species FAC species 2 - Dominance Test is >50% 3 - Prevalence Index is ≤3.01 Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 1 - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) ) 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. =Total Cover Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: Shrub - Woody Plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 3 to 20 ft (1 to 6 m) in height. =Total Cover ) Hydrophytic Vegetation Present?Yes No ) ) Tree – Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more in height and 3 in. (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). Sapling – Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more in height and less than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH. =Total Cover =Total Cover US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Version 2.0 Depth (inches):X Sampling Point: Yes Restrictive Layer (if observed): Remarks: This data sheet is revised from Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Regional Supplement Version 2.0 to include the NRCS Field Indicators of Hydric Soils, Version 8.0, 2016. Hydric Soil Present? Type: Histosol (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Black Histic (A3) Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Stratified Layers (A5) Loc2 65 Loamy/Clayey Loamy/Clayey 70 Color (moist) Matrix 10YR 5/3 7.5YR 5/4 2-12 0-2 0000SOIL Type1 Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Redox FeaturesDepth (inches)Color (moist)Remarks 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains.2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. %%Texture Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) Sandy Redox (S5) Stripped Matrix (S6) Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR N,Other (Explain in Remarks) 3Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology must be present, Umbric Surface (F13) (MLRA 122, 136) Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 148) Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4)MLRA 136) Dark Surface (S7)unless disturbed or problematic.Red Parent Material (F21) (MLRA 127, 147, 148) No Hydric Soil Indicators: Polyvalue Below Surface (S8) (MLRA 147, 148) Thin Dark Surface (S9) (MLRA 147, 148) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Redox Depressions (F8) Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (MLRA 136) Depleted Matrix (F3) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) 2 cm Muck (A10) (MLRA 147) Coast Prairie Redox (A16) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: (MLRA 147, 148) Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 136, 147) Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Red Parent Material (F21) (outside MLRA 127, 147, 148) 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR N) US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Version 2.0 Project/Site:Sampling Date: Applicant/Owner:State:Sampling Point: Investigator(s): Landform (hillside, terrace, etc.): Subregion (LRR or MLRA):Lat:Long: Soil Map Unit Name: x Are Vegetation x , Soil , or Hydrology Yes x Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrology SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. X No X No X X No x X Yes x Yes x Yes x X Local relief (concave, convex, none): Surface Water Present? Yes NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year?(If no, explain in Remarks.) significantly disturbed? naturally problematic? Are “Normal Circumstances” present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Remarks: Field Observations: True Aquatic Plants (B14) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) Thin Muck Surface (C7) Other (Explain in Remarks) Iron Deposits (B5) City/County:Millstone Creek (Ken Cox) Stream and Wetland Site Ramseur/ Randolph 2 5/28/19 Melonie Allen - NC DEQ Division of Mitigation Services NC WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region No Section, Township, Range:RamseurMelonie Allen 2planarflood plain Datum:NAD 83-79.6238935.69649LRR P, MLRA 136 NANWI classification:Riverview sandy loam Slope (%): Remarks: Photo points 1 -5 Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): No Saturation Present? (includes capillary fringe) Land use active pasture prior to 2015, livestock fenced out in 2015 NoYes Is the Sampled Area sunny, 85 degrees, 0.3 inches of raiin on 5/23 (5 days ago) HYDROLOGY Yes Yes Yes Hydric Soil Present? Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Nowithin a Wetland?Yes No No Water Table Present? Geomorphic Position (D2) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Aquatic Fauna (B13) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Wetland Hydrology Present? Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators (minimum of one is required; check all that apply) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Drainage Patterns (B10) Moss Trim Lines (B16) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Crayfish Burrows (C8) Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) Secondary Indicators (minimum of two required) US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.(A/B) 7. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover:x 1 = Sapling/Shrub Stratum (Plot size:x 2 = 1.x 3 = 2.x 4 = 3.x 5 = 4.Column Totals:(B) 5. 6. 7. 8.X 9.X 4 - Morphological Adaptations1 (Provide supporting 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Herb Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover:Yes X 3 - Prevalence Index is ≤3.01 data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) No 2 3 4 FACU species UPL species Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 0 140 0 70 Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: OBL species FACW species FAC species Sapling/Shrub – Woody plants, excluding vines, less than 3 in. DBH and greater than or equal to 3.28 ft (1 m) tall. Tree – Woody plants, excluding vines, 3 in. (7.6 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height. 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Absolute % Cover 75.0% Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Tree Stratum ) =Total Cover 1 m2 ) Indicator Status Dominant Species? Leersia oryzoides Yes Yes Yes 20Panicum virgatum 30Festuca Ludwigia alternifolia 10 1 m2 Definitions of Four Vegetation Strata: Woody Vine – All woody vines greater than 3.28 ft in height. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? FACW =Total Cover Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of size, and woody plants less than 3.28 ft tall. ) 100 OBLYes 2050 Juncus scirpoides 20 20 Prevalence Index worksheet: Total % Cover of: 20 0 (A) (B) (A) 60 20 0 Multiply by: 60 2.00Prevalence Index = B/A = 30 1 - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 2 - Dominance Test is >50% VEGETATION (Four Strata)– Use scientific names of plants. 20 Remarks: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet.) )1 m2 =Total Cover FACW FAC No =Total Cover US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.(A/B) 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Sapling Stratum (Plot size:x 1 = 1.x 2 = 2.x 3 = 3.x 4 = 4.x 5 = 5.Column Totals:(B) 6. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2.4 - Morphological Adaptations1 (Provide supporting 3. 4. 5. 6. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Herb Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Present?Yes No ) ) Tree – Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more in height and 3 in. (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). Sapling – Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more in height and less than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH. =Total Cover =Total Cover ) Shrub - Woody Plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 3 to 20 ft (1 to 6 m) in height. =Total Cover Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) ) 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. 1 - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 2 - Dominance Test is >50% 3 - Prevalence Index is ≤3.01 Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: Multiply by: FACW species Prevalence Index = B/A = UPL species FAC species Prevalence Index worksheet:=Total Cover OBL species FACU species (A) Total % Cover of: Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: (B) (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Remarks: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet.) Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, including herbaceous vines, regardless of size, and woody plants, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 ft (1 m) in height. Woody Vine – All woody vines, regardless of height. VEGETATION (Five Strata)– Use scientific names of plants.2 Tree Stratum ) Absolute % Cover Dominant Species? Indicator Status Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Version 2.0 x Depth (inches):X Dark Surface (S7)unless disturbed or problematic.Red Parent Material (F21) (MLRA 127, 147, 148) No Hydric Soil Indicators: Polyvalue Below Surface (S8) (MLRA 147, 148) Thin Dark Surface (S9) (MLRA 147, 148) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Redox Depressions (F8) Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (MLRA 136) Depleted Matrix (F3) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) 2 cm Muck (A10) (MLRA 147) Coast Prairie Redox (A16) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: (MLRA 147, 148) Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 136, 147) Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Red Parent Material (F21) (outside MLRA 127, 147, 148) 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR N) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) Sandy Redox (S5) Stripped Matrix (S6) Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR N,Other (Explain in Remarks) 3Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology must be present, Umbric Surface (F13) (MLRA 122, 136) Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 148) Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4)MLRA 136) % M2 deposition of alluvium Texture Prominent redox concentrations 2SOIL Type1 Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Redox FeaturesDepth (inches)Color (moist)Remarks 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains.2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. % Matrix C7.5YR 6/2 7.5YR 5/4 7.5YR 4/62-12 0-2 Loc2 60 Sandy Loamy/Clayey 80 Color (moist) Sampling Point: Yes Restrictive Layer (if observed): Remarks: This data sheet is revised from Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Regional Supplement Version 2.0 to include the NRCS Field Indicators of Hydric Soils, Version 8.0, 2016. Hydric Soil Present? Type: Histosol (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Black Histic (A3) Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Stratified Layers (A5) US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Version 2.0 x Depth (inches): Dark Surface (S7)unless disturbed or problematic.Red Parent Material (F21) (MLRA 127, 147, 148) No Hydric Soil Indicators: Polyvalue Below Surface (S8) (MLRA 147, 148) Thin Dark Surface (S9) (MLRA 147, 148) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Redox Depressions (F8) Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (MLRA 136) Depleted Matrix (F3) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) 2 cm Muck (A10) (MLRA 147) Coast Prairie Redox (A16) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: (MLRA 147, 148) Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 136, 147) Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Red Parent Material (F21) (outside MLRA 127, 147, 148) 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR N) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) Sandy Redox (S5) Stripped Matrix (S6) Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR N,Other (Explain in Remarks) 3Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology must be present, Umbric Surface (F13) (MLRA 122, 136) Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 148) Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4)MLRA 136) % M2 Texture 40 M 10SOIL Type1 Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Redox FeaturesDepth (inches)Color (moist)Remarks 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains.2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. % Matrix C7.5YR 6/1 7.5YR 5/2 7.5YR 5/6 7.5YR 5/69-12 0-9 Loc2 60 Loamy/Clayey Loamy/Clayey 60 C Color (moist) Sampling Point: Yes Restrictive Layer (if observed): Remarks: This data sheet is revised from Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Regional Supplement Version 2.0 to include the NRCS Field Indicators of Hydric Soils, Version 8.0, 2016. Hydric Soil Present? Type: Histosol (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Black Histic (A3) Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Stratified Layers (A5) US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Version 2.0 Project/Site:Sampling Date: Applicant/Owner:State:Sampling Point: Investigator(s): Landform (hillside, terrace, etc.): Subregion (LRR or MLRA):Lat:Long: Soil Map Unit Name: x Are Vegetation x , Soil , or Hydrology Yes x Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrology SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. X No x No X X No x x x X Yes x Yes Yes x X Local relief (concave, convex, none): Surface Water Present? Yes NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year?(If no, explain in Remarks.) significantly disturbed? naturally problematic? Are “Normal Circumstances” present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Remarks: Field Observations: True Aquatic Plants (B14) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) Thin Muck Surface (C7) Other (Explain in Remarks) Iron Deposits (B5) City/County:Millstone Creek (Ken Cox) Stream and Wetland Site Ramseur/ Randolph 10 5/28/2019 Melonie Allen - NC DEQ Division of Mitigation Services NC WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region No Section, Township, Range:RamseurMelonie Allen 2planarflood plain Datum:NAD 83-79.6224635.69623LRR P, MLRA 136 NWI classification:Riverview sandy loam Slope (%): Remarks: Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): No Saturation Present? (includes capillary fringe) Land use active pasture prior to 2015, livestock fenced out in 2015; Bore location adjacent to relic ditch (no longer maintained) NoYes 6 Is the Sampled Area sunny, 85 degrees, last rain 5 days ago 0.3 inches HYDROLOGY Yes Yes Yes Hydric Soil Present? Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Nowithin a Wetland?Yes No No Water Table Present? Geomorphic Position (D2) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Aquatic Fauna (B13) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Wetland Hydrology Present? Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators (minimum of one is required; check all that apply) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Drainage Patterns (B10) Moss Trim Lines (B16) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Crayfish Burrows (C8) Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) Secondary Indicators (minimum of two required) US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.(A/B) 7. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover:x 1 = Sapling/Shrub Stratum (Plot size:x 2 = 1.x 3 = 2.x 4 = 3.x 5 = 4.Column Totals:(B) 5. 6. 7. 8.X 9.X 4 - Morphological Adaptations1 (Provide supporting 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Herb Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover:Yes X 3 - Prevalence Index is ≤3.01 data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) No 10 4 4 FACU species UPL species Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 0 180 0 100 Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: FAC OBL species FACW species FAC species Sapling/Shrub – Woody plants, excluding vines, less than 3 in. DBH and greater than or equal to 3.28 ft (1 m) tall. Tree – Woody plants, excluding vines, 3 in. (7.6 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height. 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Absolute % Cover 100.0% Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 5 Acer negundo Tree Stratum ) =Total Cover Salix nigra Fraxinus pennsylvanica Populus deltoides Quercus michauxii 10/ x10') 60 Indicator Status 20 20 No Dominant Species? Yes Persicaria pensylvanica No Yes 5 5 Panicum virgatum 20Mimulus ringens OBL Ludwigia alternifolia 5 10' x10' Definitions of Four Vegetation Strata: Woody Vine – All woody vines greater than 3.28 ft in height. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? =Total Cover Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of size, and woody plants less than 3.28 ft tall. ) 35 FACWNo 7 13 18 5 Prevalence Index worksheet: FAC Total % Cover of: 20 0 (A) (B) (A) 60 40 0 Multiply by: 80 1.80Prevalence Index = B/A = 40 1 - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 2 - Dominance Test is >50% VEGETATION (Four Strata)– Use scientific names of plants. 30 12 10 40 10 No FACW Yes Yes FACW OBL Remarks: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet.) )10' x 10' =Total Cover FACW FAC No =Total Cover US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.(A/B) 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Sapling Stratum (Plot size:x 1 = 1.x 2 = 2.x 3 = 3.x 4 = 4.x 5 = 5.Column Totals:(B) 6. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2.4 - Morphological Adaptations1 (Provide supporting 3. 4. 5. 6. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Herb Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 50% of total cover:20% of total cover: =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Present?Yes No ) ) Tree – Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more in height and 3 in. (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). Sapling – Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft (6 m) or more in height and less than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH. =Total Cover =Total Cover ) Shrub - Woody Plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 3 to 20 ft (1 to 6 m) in height. =Total Cover Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) ) 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. 1 - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 2 - Dominance Test is >50% 3 - Prevalence Index is ≤3.01 Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: Multiply by: FACW species Prevalence Index = B/A = UPL species FAC species Prevalence Index worksheet:=Total Cover OBL species FACU species (A) Total % Cover of: Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: (B) (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Remarks: (Include photo numbers here or on a separate sheet.) Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, including herbaceous vines, regardless of size, and woody plants, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 ft (1 m) in height. Woody Vine – All woody vines, regardless of height. VEGETATION (Five Strata)– Use scientific names of plants.10 Tree Stratum ) Absolute % Cover Dominant Species? Indicator Status Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont – Version 2.0 Categorical Exclusion Form for Ecosystem Enhancement Program Projects Version 1.4 Note: Only Appendix A should to be submitted (along with any supporting documentation) as the environmental document. Project Name:Millstone CrPnk Rlcn n� iOR Version 1.4,8/16/05 ountName: ando EP er: 04 roNum 'ect Sponsor: N Project Contact Name: Melonie Allen ro'eContact ddress: 217 West Jones Street, Ra ei h N 27603 ro'ect ct Contact -mal: elonie. Ilen ncderin ov P ProjectManager; Me onie Allen Project Description E N D ivision o itigation ervices will complete a stream and wetland enhancement project on Millstone Creek and two unnamed tributaries to Millstone Creek consisting of approximately 3, 819 linear feet of stream enhancement and 1.2 acres of wetland enhancement. NC DEQ has secured a conservation easement on the parent parcel owned by Joe Dean and Billie White Cox. . • • nly Reviewed By: (6 et 24 Date EEP Project Manager Conditional Approved By: Date For Division Administrator FHWA ❑ Check this box if there are outstanding issues Final Approval By: D= Z7 -/ Date 'For Division Administrator FHWA Version 1.4,8/16/05 Version 1.4, 8/16/05 2 Part 2: All Projects Regulation/Question Response Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) 1. Is the project located in a CAMA county? Yes No 2. Does the project involve ground-disturbing activities within a CAMA Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? Yes No N/A 3. Has a CAMA permit been secured? Yes No N/A 4. Has NCDCM agreed that the project is consistent with the NC Coastal Management Program? Yes No N/A Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) 1. Is this a “full-delivery” project? Yes No 2. Has the zoning/land use of the subject property and adjacent properties ever been designated as commercial or industrial? Yes No N/A 3. As a result of a limited Phase I Site Assessment, are there known or potential hazardous waste sites within or adjacent to the project area? Yes No N/A 4. As a result of a Phase I Site Assessment, are there known or potential hazardous waste sites within or adjacent to the project area? Yes No N/A 5. As a result of a Phase II Site Assessment, are there known or potential hazardous waste sites within the project area? Yes No N/A 6. Is there an approved hazardous mitigation plan? Yes No N/A National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) 1. Are there properties listed on, or eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places in the project area? Yes No 2. Does the project affect such properties and does the SHPO/THPO concur? Yes No N/A 3. If the effects are adverse, have they been resolved? Yes No N/A Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (Uniform Act) 1. Is this a “full-delivery” project? Yes No 2. Does the project require the acquisition of real estate? Yes No N/A 3. Was the property acquisition completed prior to the intent to use federal funds? Yes No N/A 4. Has the owner of the property been informed: * prior to making an offer that the agency does not have condemnation authority; and * what the fair market value is believed to be? Yes No N/A Version 1.4, 8/16/05 3 Part 3: Ground-Disturbing Activities Regulation/Question Response American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) 1. Is the project located in a county claimed as “territory” by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians? Yes No 2. Is the site of religious importance to American Indians? Yes No N/A 3. Is the project listed on, or eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places? Yes No N/A 4. Have the effects of the project on this site been considered? Yes No N/A Antiquities Act (AA) 1. Is the project located on Federal lands? Yes No 2. Will there be loss or destruction of historic or prehistoric ruins, monuments or objects of antiquity? Yes No N/A 3. Will a permit from the appropriate Federal agency be required? Yes No N/A 4. Has a permit been obtained? Yes No N/A Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) 1. Is the project located on federal or Indian lands (reservation)? Yes No 2. Will there be a loss or destruction of archaeological resources? Yes No N/A 3. Will a permit from the appropriate Federal agency be required? Yes No N/A 4. Has a permit been obtained? Yes No N/A Endangered Species Act (ESA) 1. Are federal Threatened and Endangered species and/or Designated Critical Habitat listed for the county? Yes No 2. Is Designated Critical Habitat or suitable habitat present for listed species? Yes No N/A 3. Are T&E species present or is the project being conducted in Designated Critical Habitat? Yes No N/A 4. Is the project “likely to adversely affect” the specie and/or “likely to adversely modify” Designated Critical Habitat? Yes No N/A 5. Does the USFWS/NOAA-Fisheries concur in the effects determination? Yes No N/A 6. Has the USFWS/NOAA-Fisheries rendered a “jeopardy” determination? Yes No N/A Version 1.4, 8/16/05 4 Executive Order 13007 (Indian Sacred Sites) 1. Is the project located on Federal lands that are within a county claimed as “territory” by the EBCI? Yes No 2. Has the EBCI indicated that Indian sacred sites may be impacted by the proposed project? Yes No N/A 3. Have accommodations been made for access to and ceremonial use of Indian sacred sites? Yes No N/A Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) 1. Will real estate be acquired? Yes No 2. Has NRCS determined that the project contains prime, unique, statewide or locally important farmland? Yes No N/A 3. Has the completed Form AD-1006 been submitted to NRCS? Yes No N/A Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) 1. Will the project impound, divert, channel deepen, or otherwise control/modify any water body? Yes No 2. Have the USFWS and the NCWRC been consulted? Yes No N/A Land and Water Conservation Fund Act (Section 6(f)) 1. Will the project require the conversion of such property to a use other than public, outdoor recreation? Yes No 2. Has the NPS approved of the conversion? Yes No N/A Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Essential Fish Habitat) 1. Is the project located in an estuarine system? Yes No 2. Is suitable habitat present for EFH-protected species? Yes No N/A 3. Is sufficient design information available to make a determination of the effect of the project on EFH? Yes No N/A 4. Will the project adversely affect EFH? Yes No N/A 5. Has consultation with NOAA-Fisheries occurred? Yes No N/A Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) 1. Does the USFWS have any recommendations with the project relative to the MBTA? Yes No 2. Have the USFWS recommendations been incorporated? Yes No N/A Wilderness Act 1. Is the project in a Wilderness area? Yes No 2. Has a special use permit and/or easement been obtained from the maintaining federal agency? Yes No N/A The Catena Group Appendix A: Letters, Responses, Etc. 410-B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919) 732-1300 The Catena ,Group National Historic Preservation Act: 410-B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919) 732-1300 Files at the North Carolina State Archeology Office were reviewed on December 12th, 2003. No listed archeological sites were within the project boundaries (Stream and Wetland Mitigation Feasibility Study, Cox Property, Randolph County, NC.- TIP Project No. R-0609WM, NCDOT, 2004). The Catena Group Dale Suiter USFWS Raleigh Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636 410-B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919) 732-1300 July 27, 2010 Subject: EEP Stream mitigation project (Ken Cox) on Millstone Creek, Randolph County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Suiter, The purpose of this letter is to notify you of activities occurring in Randolph County on the Ken Cox site stream mitigation project. The Ken Cox site has been identified for the purpose of providing in-kind mitigation for unavoidable stream channel impacts. A total of 3,819 linear feet of stream restoration, 3.76 acres of wetland restoration, and 1.2 acres of wetland enhancement of Millstone Creek are proposed (Figure 1). Two endangered species, Schweinitz's sunflower and the Cape Fear shiner, are known to occur in Randolph County ( and http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/es/countyfr.html). Potential project -related impacts to these two species were evaluated in the Restoration Plan to be submitted to the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) for this project. These findings are summarized below and provided for your information. Biological Conclusion No Effect Potential habitat exists for Schweinitz's sunflower on the Ken Cox property along pasture and road edges but not in the proposed area of impact of steam restoration activities. Surveys were conducted on September 24, 2007, by Kate Montieth and Jennifer Logan of The Catena Group and no plants were found. The nearest known population of Schweinitz's sunflower is over eight miles away, northeast of Asheboro Given the fact that potential habitat on the site is outside of the area of impact and the fact that no individuals were found during surveys, it can be concluded that the proposed stream mitigation project will have "_No Effect" on Schweinitz's sunflower. Biological Conclusion No Effect The Cape Fear shiner is limited primarily to small stretches of the Deep, Haw, and Rocky Rivers of the Cape Fear River basin (USFWS 1988). The most recent data on the Cape Fear shiner population in the Deep River indicate that it is not currently known upstream of the Coleridge Dam on the Deep River. Millstone Creek, a tributary in the Deep River watershed above Coleridge Dam, flows through the Ken Cox site. This portion of the stream is highly degraded through agricultural activities, is fairly narrow and shallow, and does not contain habitat elements (shallow rocky shoals) typical of water bodies where the Cape Fear shiner is currently known to occur. Although the Cape Fear shiner is reported to utilize smaller tributaries during high water periods in winter months (http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/fish/CFS_Fact_Sheetl.pdi), the presence of the Coleridge Dam could restrict the known population from utilizing the stream in the project area. It is possible that a currently unknown population of Cape Fear shiner could be present in the Deep River above the Coleridge Dam, however, the likelihood of it utilizing the stream on site is slim due to the extreme habitat degradation. Based on the lack of typical habitat and the presence of barriers between known occupied habitat and the project area, it can be concluded that the proposed stream mitigation project will "Not Likely to Effect' the Cape Fear shiner. Additionally, strict erosion control measures and BMPs should be utilized during construction to protect downstream aquatic habitats. Additionally, please provide comments on any possible issues that might emerge with respect to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) or the Fish & Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) from the construction of the stream restoration project on the subject property. If we have not heard from you in 30 days we will assume that you do not have any comments regarding associated laws and that you do not have any other information relevant to this project at the current time. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have concerning the extent of site disturbance associated with this project. Sincerely, Kate Montieth The Catena Group 410-B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 cc: Melonie Allen EEP Project Manager 1652 -Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Becky Ward Ward Consulting Engineers, PC 8386 Six Forks Road, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615 The Catena --_ _ Grou 410-B Millstone Drive - - . p Hillsborough, NC 27278 -``,- - (919) 732-1300 July 27, 2010 Shannon Deaton North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Division of Inland Fisheries 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Subject EEP Stream mitigation project (Ken Cox) on Millstone Creek, Randolph County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Deaton, The purpose of this letter is to request review and comment on any possible issues that might emerge with respect to fish and wildlife issues associated with a potential wetland and stream restoration project on the Bowman site. The Ken Cox site has been identified for the purpose of providing in-kind mitigation for unavoidable stream channel impacts. A total of 3,819 linear feet of stream restoration, 3.76 acres of wetland restoration, and 1.2 acres of wetland enhancement of Millstone Creek are proposed (Figure 1). We thank you in advance for your timely response and cooperation. Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have concerning the extent of site disturbance associated with this project. Sincerely, Kate Montieth The Catena Group 410-B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 cc: Melonie Allen EEP Project Manager 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Becky Ward Ward Consulting Engineers, PC 8386 Six Forks Road, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615 P 1 , e 77— -_ < 5 $34 ' �� • � + � J �{ � � ` �� ��� 1, 'Y' ,d.i` f 5fkr •y4�� v.. y i)sr' 21. ' •fir v �i�1 ! � { �� �� � spF ° 45C! '.rte - - ,, • �' � ._'`'l''� �;•� f I 1(f rf �I I I fIr _ �,a`.•V tttf ri,�y.\`+,.�}.�f� .. �'�,1r II i r: Soo —41 IX 0 1,000 2.000 Feet jI ..`� ( , ; t 17777-7-7'r r The Ken Cox Stream Catena Restoration Site Group Property Boundary As Shown Randolph County, North Carolina Date: Novfrnrber 2001 Figure sca k-�. As Shown .lab No.; 4124 REVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONTITLE 1.1PROJECT DIRECTORYPROJECT OWNER NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICESMELONIE ALLEN217 WEST JONES STREETRALEIGH, NC 27603919.707.8540melonie.allen@ncdenr.govENGINEER / TSP NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITYBARBARA A. DOLL, PHD, PECAMPUS BOX 7625RALEIGH, NC 27695919.515.5287BDOLL@NCSU.EDUJONATHAN L. PAGE, PECAMPUS BOX 7625RALEIGH, NC 27695919.515.8595jlpage3@ncsu.eduSHEET INDEXTITLE SHEET1.0PROJECT OVERVIEW2.0PROPOSED STREAM CROSS-SECTIONS3.0PROPOSED PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS4.0PROPOSED DETAILS5.0MILLSTONE CREEK MITIGATION SITENC DMS PROJECT: IMS 2045500 JOE DEAN TRAIL, RAMSEUR, NC 27316REVISED MITIGATION PLANJUNE 1, 2018SITE AERIAL PHOTOMILLSTONE CREEKUT REACH BNORTH TRIBUTARYUT REACH A SHEET 4.5REVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONOVERVIEW 4.1 SCALE: 1" = 100' Feet 0 100 200 PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL MATTINGCOIR FIBER 700 GRAMVEGETATED BENCHVEGETATED BENCH6.0'8.0'0.5'WIDTH VARIES PER PLANTIE TO EXISTINGPER PLAN3:13:1SAND AND WOOD CHIP MIXDEPTH VARIES PER PROFILEMIN. DEPTH BELOW RIFFLE /CASCADE = 2.5'PROPOSED CENTERLINE ALIGNMENTPROPOSED EROSION CONTROL MATTINGCOIR FIBER 700 GRAM4.5'4.5'1.5'PROPOSED GRADEWIDTH VARIES PER PLAN3 : 13 : 1PROPOSED CENTERLINE ALIGNMENTSAND AND WOOD CHIP MIXDEPTH VARIES PER PROFILEMIN. DEPTH BELOW POOL = 1.5'TIE TO EXISTINGPER PLANPROPOSED GRADENT R1, UTA R1 RSC CHANNEL RIFFLE CROSS-SECTION (TYP.)2:12:1PROPOSED 8 OZ. HIGH FLOWNON-WOVEN FABRICQBKF = 8 CFSWBKF= 8 FTABKF = 3.3 FT2DBKF = 0.4 FTDMAX = 0.5 FTW/D = 19.7PROPOSED RIFFLE / CASCADE50% NC DOT CLASS A ROCK, 50% NC DOTCLASS B ROCK (CLEAN ONSITE ROCK OFSIMILAR GRADATION MAY BE SUBSTITUTEDPER THE ENGINEER)8.0'FILTER MEDIA EXTENTSNT R1, UTA R1 RSC CHANNEL POOL CROSS-SECTION (TYP.)REVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONBMP XS: NT R1, UTA R1 3.1 FLOODPLAINFLOODPLAIN8.5'0.7'WIDTH VARIES PER PLANTIE TO EXISTINGPER GRADING PLAN3:13:1PROPOSED CENTERLINE ALIGNMENTPROPOSED GRADEUTB R2 RIFFLE CROSS-SECTION STA. 5+29 TO 5+96 (TYP.)PROPOSED EROSION CONTROLMATTING OR SOD MATPER PLAN AND DETAILFLOODPLAINFLOODPLAIN9.0'WIDTH VARIES PER PLANTIE TO EXISTINGPER GRADING PLAN3:13:1PROPOSED CENTERLINE ALIGNMENT1.8'2 : 12 : 12 : 13 : 1QBKF = 15.6 CFSWBKF = 8.5 FTABKF = 4.7 FT2DBKF = 0.6 FTDMAX = 0.7 FTW/D = 15.4K = 1.10S = 0.0159 FT/FT5.4'2.7'1.4'4.9'PROPOSED GRADEPROPOSED BKF WSE, QBKF = 18 CFSPROPOSED EROSION CONTROL MATTINGCOIR FIBER 700 GRAM1 : 1PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL MATTINGCOIR FIBER 700 GRAMPROPOSED BKF WSE, QBKF = 15.6 CFSUTB R2 POOL CROSS-SECTION STA. 5+29 TO 5+96 (TYP.)REVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONXS: UTB R2 3.2 PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL MATTINGCOIR FIBER 700 GRAMBANKFULL BENCHBANKFULL BENCHWIDTH VARIES PER PLANTIE TO EXISTINGPER GRADINGPLAN3 : 13 : 1PROPOSED CENTERLINE ALIGNMENTMC R2 RIFFLE CROSS-SECTION STA 14+82 FT TO 20+20 FT (TYP.)MC R2 POOL CROSS-SECTION STA 14+82 TO 20+20 (TYP.)PROPOSED GRADE36.0'3.52.5 : 12.5 : 1PROPOSED EROSION CONTROLMATTING OR SOD MAT PERPLAN AND DETAILWIDTH VARIES PER PLAN3 : 1PROPOSED CENTERLINE ALIGNMENTPROPOSED GRADE48.6'7 : 1TIE TO EXISTINGPER GRADINGPLAN3 : 1POINT BAR7.7'PROPOSED BKF WSEWBKF = 36 FTABKF = 85 FT2DBKF = 2.6 FTDMAX = 3.3 FTW/D = 14.0K = 1.11S = 0.0019 FT/FT2 : 118.5'WBKFP = 48.6 FTABKFP = 185 FT2DBKFP = 5.9 FTDMAXP = 7.7 FTPROPOSED BKF WSEPROPOSED IB WSEBANKFULL BENCHBANKFULL BENCHREVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONXS: MC R2 3.3 0+000+501+000+001+000+001+00 2+003+004+004+295 + 5 0 6+ 0 0435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470 4354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694700+001+002+003+004+004+356.0%5.3%6.0%5.0%5.0%5.0%6.0%5.0%6.0%6.0%6.0%7.0%6.3%6.0%4.8%5.2%4.9%5.3%STA = 0+31.47ELEV = 457.91STA = 0+64.04ELEV = 456.47STA = 0+86.58ELEV = 455.10STA = 1+01.48ELEV = 454.35 STA = 1+25.74 ELEV = 453.22 STA = 1+48.64 ELEV = 452.10 STA = 1+71.18 ELEV = 450.98 STA = 1+94.02 ELEV = 449.84 STA = 2+18.08 ELEV = 448.67 STA = 2+41.51 ELEV = 447.20 STA = 2+56.79 ELEV = 446.45 STA = 2+80.60 ELEV = 445.32 STA = 3+04.08 ELEV = 443.83 STA = 3+18.76 ELEV = 443.33 STA = 3+31.18 ELEV = 442.33 STA = 3+53.64 ELEV = 441.30 STA = 3+73.14 ELEV = 440.65 STA = 3+94.14 ELEV = 439.44 STA = 0+22.48ELEV = 459.66STA = 0+40.46ELEV = 458.91STA = 0+57.63ELEV = 458.00STA = 0+70.32ELEV = 457.47STA = 0+80.67ELEV = 456.85STA = 0+95.24ELEV = 456.10STA = 1+07.71ELEV = 455.35STA = 1+20.43 ELEV = 454.71 STA = 1+31.05 ELEV = 454.22 STA = 1+43.32 ELEV = 453.60 STA = 1+53.96 ELEV = 453.10 STA = 1+66.34 ELEV = 452.48 STA = 1+76.02 ELEV = 451.98 STA = 1+89.02 ELEV = 451.20 STA = 1+99.05 ELEV = 450.84 STA = 2+12.84 ELEV = 450.16 STA = 2+23.31 ELEV = 449.68 STA = 2+35.44 ELEV = 448.95 STA = 2+50.53 ELEV = 448.20 STA = 2+63.04 ELEV = 447.45 STA = 2+75.39 ELEV = 446.71 STA = 2+85.81 ELEV = 446.33 STA = 2+98.22 ELEV = 445.58 STA = 3+12.38 ELEV = 444.83 STA = 3+25.14 ELEV = 444.33 STA = 3+37.14 ELEV = 443.83 STA = 3+46.14 ELEV = 443.20 STA = 3+61.14 ELEV = 442.80 STA = 3+67.14 ELEV = 442.43 STA = 3+79.14 ELEV = 442.15 STA = 3+88.14 ELEV = 441.60 STA = 4+00.14 ELEV = 440.94 REVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONNT: PLAN - PROFILE 4.1SCALE: 1" = 20'Feet02040 0+000+004+004+290+000+501+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+505+005+506+004354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744750+001+002+003+004+005+006+00 6+256.0%5.0%5.5%6.0%6.0%6.0%6.0%5.5%6.5%5.0%6.0%6.0%5.0%6.0%6.0%6.0%6.0%4.8%4.1%4.0%2.2%STA = 0+17.52ELEV = 468.45STA = 0+35.36ELEV = 467.70STA = 0+47.79ELEV = 467.07STA = 0+60.04ELEV = 466.58STA = 0+72.14ELEV = 465.92STA = 0+83.43ELEV = 465.47STA = 0+93.13ELEV = 464.89STA = 1+04.95ELEV = 464.42STA = 1+17.96ELEV = 463.65STA = 1+28.04ELEV = 463.28STA = 1+40.95ELEV = 462.51STA = 1+55.95ELEV = 461.76STA = 1+68.02ELEV = 461.01STA = 1+81.00ELEV = 460.23STA = 1+96.02ELEV = 459.48STA = 2+10.44ELEV = 458.73 STA = 2+23.06 ELEV = 457.98 STA = 2+35.48 ELEV = 457.30 STA = 2+46.33 ELEV = 456.86 STA = 2+59.86 ELEV = 455.99 STA = 2+74.40 ELEV = 455.29 STA = 2+86.91 ELEV = 454.54 STA = 2+99.63 ELEV = 453.90 STA = 3+10.78 ELEV = 453.41 STA = 3+22.21 ELEV = 452.73 STA = 3+32.75 ELEV = 452.32 STA = 3+46.04 ELEV = 451.52 STA = 3+60.28 ELEV = 450.77 STA = 3+72.51 ELEV = 450.02 STA = 3+83.09 ELEV = 449.49 STA = 3+97.64 ELEV = 448.95 STA = 4+08.32 ELEV = 448.31 STA = 4+19.09 ELEV = 447.88 STA = 4+31.29 ELEV = 447.15 STA = 4+47.20 ELEV = 446.40 STA = 4+60.36 ELEV = 445.65 STA = 4+71.79 ELEV = 444.96 STA = 4+82.37 ELEV = 444.56 STA = 4+95.58 ELEV = 443.77 STA = 5+10.27 ELEV = 443.02 STA = 5+23.17 ELEV = 442.52 STA = 5+35.19 ELEV = 442.19 STA = 5+44.19 ELEV = 441.76 STA = 5+59.19 ELEV = 441.53 STA = 5+65.19 ELEV = 441.28 STA = 5+77.19 ELEV = 441.28 STA = 5+86.19 ELEV = 440.92 STA = 5+98.19 ELEV = 440.52 STA = 6+08.87 ELEV = 440.29 STA = 0+26.44ELEV = 466.70STA = 0+53.92ELEV = 465.58STA = 0+77.79ELEV = 464.46STA = 0+99.09ELEV = 463.42STA = 1+23.00ELEV = 462.28STA = 1+47.10ELEV = 460.75STA = 1+61.98ELEV = 460.00STA = 1+86.71ELEV = 458.48STA = 2+01.78ELEV = 457.73 STA = 2+16.75 ELEV = 456.98 STA = 2+40.90 ELEV = 455.85 STA = 2+66.08 ELEV = 454.29 STA = 2+80.66 ELEV = 453.54 STA = 3+05.20 ELEV = 452.41 STA = 3+27.48 ELEV = 451.32 STA = 3+51.91 ELEV = 449.77 STA = 3+66.40 ELEV = 449.02 STA = 3+90.37 ELEV = 447.95 STA = 4+13.71 ELEV = 446.88 STA = 4+37.91 ELEV = 445.40 STA = 4+53.78 ELEV = 444.65 STA = 4+77.08 ELEV = 443.56 STA = 5+01.60 ELEV = 442.02 STA = 5+16.72 ELEV = 441.52 STA = 5+29.23 ELEV = 440.69 STA = 5+51.85 ELEV = 440.03 STA = 5+71.19 ELEV = 439.79 STA = 5+92.19 ELEV = 439.02 4.4%5.5%5.5%5.5%4.5%4.8%6.0%4.5%5.2%5.1%5.4%5.4%REVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONUTA: PLAN - PROFILE 4.2SCALE: 1" = 20'Feet02040 0+000+501+001+502 + 0 0 2+503+003+504 + 0 0 4 + 5 0 5+005+505+960+001+002 + 0 0 3+004 + 0 0 5+005+964+004+295+00 5+50 6+00425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445 4254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444450+001+002+003+004+005+006+00STA = 0+00.00ELEV = 440.00STA = 0+29.95ELEV = 439.83STA = 0+44.96ELEV = 439.74STA = 0+74.89ELEV = 439.58STA = 0+89.89ELEV = 439.50STA = 1+19.32ELEV = 439.03STA = 1+34.32ELEV = 438.79STA = 1+63.74ELEV = 438.32STA = 1+78.74ELEV = 438.09 STA = 2+05.56 ELEV = 437.61 STA = 2+30.10 ELEV = 437.23 STA = 2+45.10 ELEV = 437.00 STA = 2+62.26 ELEV = 436.50 STA = 2+80.34 ELEV = 436.00 STA = 2+98.31 ELEV = 435.50 STA = 3+15.90 ELEV = 435.00 STA = 3+34.29 ELEV = 434.50 STA = 3+72.54 ELEV = 434.01 STA = 4+19.72 ELEV = 433.51 STA = 4+39.72 ELEV = 433.16 STA = 4+69.16 ELEV = 432.69 STA = 4+84.09 ELEV = 432.44 STA = 5+13.51 ELEV = 431.97 STA = 5+29.08 ELEV = 431.71 STA = 5+61.41 ELEV = 431.12 STA = 5+47.61 ELEV = 431.41 STA = 5+81.62 ELEV = 430.82 STA = 5+96.32 ELEV = 430.50 STA = 0+17.34ELEV = 437.83STA = 0+61.16ELEV = 437.58STA = 1+06.29ELEV = 437.03STA = 1+50.57ELEV = 436.82STA = 1+93.51ELEV = 436.11 STA = 2+19.26 ELEV = 435.73 STA = 2+54.97 ELEV = 435.50 STA = 2+72.71 ELEV = 435.00 STA = 2+90.66 ELEV = 434.50 STA = 3+08.44 ELEV = 434.00 STA = 3+26.09 ELEV = 433.51 STA = 3+54.96 ELEV = 432.01 STA = 3+97.59 ELEV = 432.01 STA = 4+56.00 ELEV = 431.19 STA = 5+00.34 ELEV = 430.47 STA = 5+38.34 ELEV = 429.91 STA = 5+71.51 ELEV = 429.32 0.6%0.5%1.6%1.6%1.5%1.8%1.7%1.7%2.1%2.1%REVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONUTB: PLAN - PROFILE 4.3SCALE: 1" = 20'Feet02040 MATC H L I N E S T A 1 1 + 9 4 . 7 2 F T MATCHLINE STA 11+94.72 FT0+001+002+003+00 4+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0011+0012+00BP: 0+00.00PI: 0+36.59PI: 0+97.17PI: 1+57.00 PI: 2+77.95PI: 3+42.23PI: 5+15.22 PI: 5+95.59 PI: 7+28 . 7 9 PI: 8+27. 0 3 PI: 9+ 3 2 . 1 2 PI: 10 + 1 7 . 5 6 PI: 11+61 . 5 8 PI: 12+42.814104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444450+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+001.0%0.5%0.5%0.5%0.5%1.0%0.5%0.5%0.5%0.5%STA = 0+00.00ELEV = 429.79STA = 0+36.59ELEV = 429.44STA = 0+97.17ELEV = 429.44STA = 1+57.00ELEV = 429.14STA = 2+77.95ELEV = 429.14 STA = 3+42.23 ELEV = 428.82 STA = 5+15.22 ELEV = 428.82 STA = 5+95.59 ELEV = 428.45 STA = 7+28.79 ELEV = 428.49 STA = 8+27.03 ELEV = 428.45 STA = 9+32.12 ELEV = 428.45 STA = 0+66.88ELEV = 425.23STA = 2+17.48ELEV = 424.68 STA = 4+28.73 ELEV = 424.35 STA = 6+62.19 ELEV = 425.45 STA = 7+77.03 ELEV = 425.45 STA = 8+80.12 ELEV = 425.45 REVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONMC: PLAN - PROFILE 4.4SCALE: 1" = 40'BEGIN MC R1 ENHANCEMENT 1 APPROACHAT PARCEL BOUNDARYPROPOSED LOG RIFFLE (BOULDERS MAY BEPLACED FOR HABITAT AND FLOW DIVERSITY)PER DETAILTOE WOOD REVETMENT, SOILGEOLIFTS AND SOD MATPROPOSED LOG VANE WITH LOG SILLPER DETAILPROPOSED LOG RIFFLEPER DETAILPROPOSED LOG RIFFLEPER DETAILPROPOSED LOG VANE WITH LOG SILLPER DETAILFeet04080LWD TO PROMOTE SCOURAND FLOW DIVERSITYTOE WOOD REVETMENT, SOILGEOLIFTS AND SOD MATTOE WOOD REVETMENT, SOILGEOLIFTS AND SOD MATTOE WOOD REVETMENT, SOILGEOLIFTS AND SOD MATSOD MAT AND TOPSOIL HARVEST AREASOD MAT AND TOPSOIL HARVEST AREASOD MAT AND TOPSOIL HARVEST AREAEXISTING CHANNEL PROFIELEXISTING TOBPROPOSED CHANNEL PROFILE MATCHLINE STA 11+94.72 FT MATCHLINE STA 11+94.72 FT9+0010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0015+0016+0017+001 8 + 0 0 19+0020+0020+20PI: 9+32.12PI: 10+17.56 PI: 11+61.58PI: 12+42.81PI: 13+41.09 PI: 13 + 9 4 . 9 9 PI: 1 4 + 4 6 . 2 3 P C : 1 4 + 9 5 . 8 5 Mi d : 1 5 + 4 1 . 3 9 PT: 15+ 8 6 . 9 2 PC: 16+ 6 4 . 5 3 Mid: 17+ 1 9 . 3 3 PT: 17+74.12PC: 18+48.49Mid: 19+06.04PT: 19 + 6 3 . 5 9 EP: 20 + 1 9 . 9 05+505+965+96410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445 41041141241341441541641741841942042142242342442542642742842943043143243343443543643743843944044144244344444510+0011+0012+0013+0014+0015+0016+0017+0018+0019+0020+0020+200.5%0.8%0.8%0.8%0.7%STA = 10+17.56ELEV = 428.04STA = 11+61.58ELEV = 428.04STA = 12+42.81ELEV = 427.66 STA = 13+41.09 ELEV = 427.66 STA = 13+94.99 ELEV = 427.66 STA = 14+46.23 ELEV = 427.66 STA = 14+95.85 ELEV = 427.28 STA = 15+86.92 ELEV = 427.28 STA = 16+64.53 ELEV = 426.69 STA = 17+74.12 ELEV = 426.69 STA = 18+48.49 ELEV = 426.13 STA = 19+63.59 ELEV = 426.13 STA = 10+89.57ELEV = 423.32STA = 12+91.95ELEV = 423.00 STA = 13+67.54 ELEV = 425.66 STA = 14+20.61 ELEV = 425.66 STA = 15+41.39 ELEV = 422.61 STA = 17+19.33 ELEV = 422.33 STA = 19+06.04 ELEV = 422.06 REVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONMC: PLAN - PROFILE 4.5SCALE: 1" = 40'Feet04080PROPOSED LOG RIFFLE (BOULDERS MAY BEPLACED FOR HABITAT AND FLOW DIVERSITY)PER DETAILTOE WOOD REVETMENT, SOILGEOLIFTS AND SOD MATPROPOSED LOG VANE WITH LOG SILLPER DETAILLWD TO PROMOTE SCOURAND FLOW DIVERSITYTOE WOOD REVETMENT, SOILGEOLIFTS AND SOD MATTOE WOOD REVETMENT, SOILGEOLIFTS AND SOD MATSOD MAT AND TOPSOIL HARVEST AREAEXISTING CHANNEL PROFIELEXISTING TOBPROPOSED CHANNEL PROFILE FLOW13 BKF13 BKF13 BKFWBKFSCOURPOOLDETAILED PLANNOT TO SCALESECTION A - A'NOT TO SCALENON-WOVENGEOTEXTILEVANE ARM HEADER LOGVANE ARM FOOTER LOGSECTION B - B'NOT TO SCALEPROPOSED BANKFULL WSEVANE ARM INTO STREAM BANK@ 13 BKF STAGEEXTEND LOG INTO STREAMBANKMINIMUM 10.0 FT.ARM SLOPE = 1 - 3%LOG VANE WITH LOG SILLNOTESSELECT BACKFILLBEHIND STRUCTUREHIGH DENSITYLIVE STAKINGBURY LOGS INTOSTREAMBANKMIN. 15.0 FTNON-WOVENGEOTEXTILEBANKFULLFLOWEXTEND LOG SILLINTO STREAMBANKMIN. 15.0 FTHEADER LOG (VANE ARM)FOOTER LOG (VANE ARM)BURY VANE ARM INTOSTREAMBED MIN. 15.0 FTSELECTBACKFILLSCOUR POOLBELOW STRUCTURENOTCH HEADER LOGOF VANE ARM TO FITTIGHTLY OVER SILL LOGB'B A'AHEADER LOG (SILL)FOOTER LOG (SILL)NOTCH VANE ARM HEADERAND SILL HEADER13 DIA. OF LOG EACHFIT FOOTER TIGHTLY WITH SILLEXTEND LOG INTO STREAMBEDMINIMUM 10.0 FT.LOG VANE WITH LOG SILLLOG VANE WITH LOG SILLLOG VANE WITH LOG SILL1. THE LOG VANE WITH LOG SILL IS A DESIGN FEATURE USED TO PROVIDE GRADE CONTROL, ENERGY DISSIPATION AND FLOWDIRECTION CONTROL. THIS STRUCTURE WILL ALSO ENCOURAGE POOL MAINTENANCE AND CREATE A DIVERSITY OF AQUATICHABITAT THROUGH SCOUR OF THE STREAM BED. THE LOG VANE WITH LOG SILL IS COMPOSED OF A LOG SILL, WHICH IS A LOGSET AT A P.C. ELEVATION PROVIDED IN THE PROPOSED PROFILE THAT SPANS PERPENDICULAR TO AND SLIGHTLYDOWNSTREAM ACROSS THE CHANNEL. THE LOG SILL EXTENDS EXTENDS FROM A LOG VANE ARM INTO THE OPPOSITE (INSIDE)STREAMBANK. THE LOG VANE ARM EXTENDS UP AND TOWARDS THE OUTSIDE STREAMBANK, EVENTUALLY KEYING INTO THEBANK AT AN ELEVATION HIGHER THAN THE SILL BOULDERS. THE LOG VANE ARM IS BURIED IN THE STREAMBED UPSTREAM OFTHE LOG SILL AND BURIED INTO THE OUTSIDE STREAMBANK TO PREVENT SCOUR AND FAILURE AROUND THE STRUCTURE.2. ALL LOGS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM DIAMETER OF 1.5 FT, BE RELATIVELY STRAIGHT AND LIMBS AND BRUSH TRIMMED FLUSH.3. HEADER LOGS ARE THE TOP MOST LOGS USED IN EACH LOG STRUCTURE. HEADER LOGS MAY BE SEEN PROTRUDING FROMTHE WATER SURFACE DURING BASE FLOWS.4. HEADER LOGS SHALL BE OFFSET SLIGHTLY DOWNSTREAM OF THE FOOTER LOGS WHERE SCOUR POOLS ARE ANTICIPATED TOFORM AS SHOWN IN THE DETAIL.10. SET INVERTS AT ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS. NO ELEVATIONS OF THE STRUCTURES MAY VARYFROM THE PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS WITHOUT DIRECTIONS FROM THE ENGINEER.11. HEADER LOG SHALL TIE INTO THE STREAMBANK AT A MAXIMUM ELEVATION OF 14 DMAX (MEASURED AT THE NEXT DOWNSTREAMRIFFLE) BELOW BANKFULL ELEVATION AND A MINIMUM ELEVATION OF 13 DMAX (MEASURED AT THE NEXT DOWNSTREAM RIFFLE)BELOW BANKFULL ELEVATION UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.15. THE LOG VANE ARM SHALL EXTEND INTO THE OUTSIDE STREAMBANK AND STREAMBED A MINIMUM OF 10.0 FT ON EACH END.16. THE LOG SILL SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 10.0 FT INTO THE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE STREAM\BANK AS SHOWN IN THE DETAIL.17. AT THE CONNECTION POINT OF THE LOG VANE ARM AND LOG SILL, BOTH HEADER LOGS SHALL BE NOTCHED TO A DEPTH NOGREATER THAN 13 OF THE LOG DIAMETER AS SHOWN IN THE DETAIL. THE NOTCHES SHALL BE CUT SUCH THAT THE HEADERLOGS FIT TIGHTLY TOGETHER.18. ELEVATIONS, DIMENSIONS AND SLOPES OF STRUCTURES DESCRIBED IN THE DETAIL MAY BE ADJUSTED BY DESIGN ENGINEERTO FIT CONDITIONS ONSITE.19. CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO FIT LOGS TOGETHER TIGHTLY. ALL LOGS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH FOOTERS.20. ALL GAPS/VOIDS LARGER THAN 1 INCH BETWEEN THE HEADER AND FOOTING LOGS SHALL BE CHINKED WITH LIMBS AND/ORBRUSH ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE GEOTEXTILE.21. ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE LOGS NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED ON THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THELOG VANE ARM AND LOG SILL. NAIL NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE TO EDGE OF HEADER LOG.22. BACKFILL STRUCTURE WITH SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.23. SELECT BACKFILL AND SOIL BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE COMPACTED SUCH THAT FUTURE SETTLEMENT OF THE MATERIAL ISKEPT TO A MINIMUM.24. THE SURFACE OF THIS STRUCTURE SHALL BE FINISHED TO A SMOOTH AND COMPACT SURFACE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THELINES, GRADES, AND CROSS-SECTIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. THE DEGREE OF FINISH FOR INVERTELEVATIONS SHALL BE WITHIN 0.1 FT OF THE GRADES AND ELEVATIONS INDICATED.25. RE-DRESSING OF CHANNEL AND BANKFULL BENCH/FLOODPLAIN WILL LIKELY BE REQUIRED FOLLOWING INSTALLATION OFIN-STREAM STRUCTURES AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO CONSTRUCTION.DEPARTURE ANGLE VARIES PER PLAN ORAS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER ONSITEREVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONLOG VANE W/LOG SILL 5.1 EROSION CONTROL MATTINGCOIR 700 GRAMDETAILED PLANNOT TO SCALEA'ADETAILED CROSS-SECTION A - A'NOT TO SCALENOTESNOT TO SCALECONSTRUCTED RIFFLEDETAILED CROSS-SECTION B - B'NOT TO SCALEB'BRIFFLE SLOPE VARIES PER PROFILESELECT RIFFLE SUBSTRATEMATERIAL DEPTH AND GRADATION PER NOTESP.C. STATIONPER PLANP.T. STATIONPER PLANBANKFULL STAGESTREAMBANK TOE OF SLOPESTREAMBEDRIFFLE LENGTH VARIESPER PLANBANKFULLCONSTRUCTED RIFFLECONSTRUCTED RIFFLECONSTRUCTED RIFFLE WITH LOG ROLLERSP.C. ELEVATIONPER PROFILESELECT RIFFLE SUBSTRATEMATERIAL GRADATION PER NOTESRIFFLE SUBSTRATEDEPTH MIN. = 2.5*D100 FTP.T. ELEVATIONPER PROFILEEXTEND RIFFLESUBSTRATE INTORUN MIN. 3.0 FTEXTEND RIFFLESUBSTRATE INTORUN MIN. 3.0 FTFLOWBASEFLOW WSESELECT RIFFLE SUBSTRATEMATERIAL PER NOTESGLIDERUNBANKFULL WSEBASEFLOW WSEBANKFULL WSE1. THE CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE IS A STREAM AND RIVER RESTORATION DESIGN FEATURE THAT INCORPORATESCOARSE MATERIAL IN THE CHANNEL BOTTOM THAT WILL NOT BE MOBILIZED UNDER DEFINED FLOWCONDITIONS. REPLACING (OR ADDING TO) THE NATIVE CHANNEL BED MATERIAL WITH LARGER DIAMETERROCK CREATES A RIFFLE THAT FUNCTIONS AS A RIGID GRADE CONTROL. LARGER ROCK MATERIALENHANCES FLOW DIVERSITY AND TURBULENCE UNDER BASE FLOW CONDITIONS, WHICH PROMOTESAQUATIC HABITAT, NUTRIENT PROCESSING AND RE-AERATION OF STREAM FLOW BENEFITING WATERQUALITY. THE D50, D85, D90 OR D100 PARTICLES OF THE CONSTRUCTED MAY BE DESIGNED TO RESIST tBKFWHILE ALLOWING SMALLER SUBSTRATE PARTICLES TO BE MOBILIZED AND REPLACED BY UPSTREAMSEDIMENT SEDIMENT SUPPLY.2. ALL SELECT RIFFLE MATERIAL SHALL BE QUARRIED STONE UNLESS NATIVE MATERIAL OF SIMILAR SIZE ISAVAILABLE ONSITE AND MEETS THE CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE SIZE SPECIFICATIONS. THE ENGINEER MUSTAPPROVE THE USE OF ALL ONSITE NATIVE MATERIAL.3. THE GRAVEL AND COBBLE SUBSTRATE USED FOR THIS DESIGN FEATURE SHOULD BE PREFERENTIALLYHARVESTED FROM THE EXISITING CHANNEL AND OTHER DESIGNATED MINING AREAS ONSITE.4. SORTING AND SIEVING OF THE HARVESTED RIFFLE SUBSTRATE IS INCIDENTAL TO THE CONSTRUCTION OFTHIS STRUCTURE.5. SELECT RIFFLE MATERIAL SHALL HAVE A GRADATION AS DEFINED IN THE TABLE WITHIN THIS DETAIL OR ASAPPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. SELECT RIFFLE MATERIAL SHALL BE WELL GRADED WHEN IT IS PLACED INTHE CHANNEL.6. FOR INSTALLATION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OVER EXCAVATE THE LENGTH OF THE RIFFLE, INSTALL 700GRAM COIR FIBER EROSION CONTROL MATTING, KEY MATTING INTO THE RIFFLE TRENCH AND BACKFILLWITH THE SPECIFIED SELECT RIFFLE MATERIAL TO THE ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PROPOSED PROFILE.7. CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE MATERIAL SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 3.0 FT U/S OF THE P.T. INTO THE GLIDE ANDD/S TO THE P.C.8. P.T. AND P.C. STATIONS AND ELEVATIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSED PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS.9. SELECT RIFFLE MATERIAL DEPTH SHALL BE AT LEAST 2.5 TIMES THE D100 (MM) SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER.10. SELECT RIFFLE MATERIAL WILL BE PLACED AT A UNIFORM THICKNESS.11. THE SELECT RIFFLE MATERIAL WILL BE PLACED SUCH THAT, IN CROSS-SECTION, ITS LOWEST ELEVATIONOCCURS IN THE CENTER OF THE CHANNEL AS PER THE DETAIL.12. SELECT RIFFLE MATERIAL SHALL BE COMPACTED USING TRACK EQUIPMENT OR AN EXCAVATOR BUCKETSUCH THAT FUTURE SETTLEMENT OF THE MATERIAL IS KEPT TO A MINIMUM.13. THE SURFACE OF THIS STRUCTURE SHALL BE FINISHED TO A SMOOTH AND COMPACT SURFACE INACCORDANCE WITH THE LINES, GRADES, AND CROSS-SECTIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THEDRAWINGS. THE DEGREE OF FINISH FOR INVERT ELEVATIONS SHALL BE WITHIN 0.1 FT OF THE GRADES ANDELEVATIONS INDICATED.14. RE-DRESSING OF CHANNEL AND BANKFULL BENCH/FLOODPLAIN WILL LIKELY BE REQUIRED FOLLOWINGINSTALLATION OF IN-STREAM STRUCTURES AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO CONSTRUCTION.15. SEE TYPICAL RIFFLE CROSS SECTION FOR DIMENSIONS. REVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTED RIFFLE 5.2 EROSION CONTROL MATTINGCOIR 700 GRAMINNER BERMDETAILED PLANNOT TO SCALECONSTRUCTED LOG RIFFLEA'ADETAILED CROSS-SECTION A - A'NOT TO SCALECONSTRUCTED LOG RIFFLENOTESNOT TO SCALECONSTRUCTED LOG RIFFLEDETAILED CROSS-SECTION B - B'NOT TO SCALECONSTRUCTED LOG RIFFLEB'BNON-WOVENGEOTEXTILE FABRICSELECTBACKFILL MATERIALMAX. SPACING =12*WBKFHEADER LOGFOOTER LOGP.C. STATIONPER PLANP.T. STATIONPER PLANSILL LOGSSILL LOGSSELECTBACKFILL MATERIALBANKFULLINNER BERMSTREAMBEDBURY LOGS INTOSTREAMBANK MIN. 10 FTBURY LOGS INTOSTREAMBANK MIN. 10 FTRIFFLE LENGTH VARIESPER PLANLOG SLOPE 1 - 3%LOG ROLLERBANKFULLBURY LOGS INTOSTREAMBANK MIN. 10.0 FTHEADER LOGFOOTER LOG1. THE CONSTRUCTED LOG RIFFLE IS A STREAM AND RIVER RESTORATION DESIGN FEATURE THATINCORPORATES LOGS (LARGE WOOD) IN THE CHANNEL BOTTOM THAT WILL NOT BE MOBILIZED UNDERDEFINED FLOW CONDITIONS. ADDING LOG RIFFLES TO AN ALLUVIAL SAND BED SYSTEM CREATES A RIFFLETHAT FUNCTIONS AS A RIGID GRADE CONTROL. LOG RIFFLES ENHANCES FLOW DIVERSITY ANDTURBULENCE UNDER BASE FLOW CONDITIONS, WHICH PROMOTES AQUATIC HABITAT, NUTRIENTPROCESSING AND RE-AERATION OF STREAM FLOW BENEFITING WATER QUALITY.2. LOGS SHALL HAVE MINIMUM DIAMETER OF 1.5 FT. LOGS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM LENGTH OF 50 FEET.3. ALL LOGS SHALL BE RELATIVELY STRAIGHT AND LIMBS AND BRANCHES SHALL BE TRIMMED FLUSH.4. FOOTER LOGS ARE LOGS PLACED TO PROVIDE A FOUNDATION AND SCOUR PROTECTION FOR THE HEADERLOGS. THE UPSTREAM (AT THE P.C.) AND DOWNSTREAM (AT THE P.T.) HEADER LOGS SHALL BE UNDERLAINBY FOOTER LOGS TO PROVIDE A SILL UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.5. HEADER LOGS ARE THE TOP MOST LOGS USED IN EACH LOG STRUCTURE. HEADER LOGS FOR THISSTRUCTURE ARE ONLY VISIBLE BETWEEN THE INNER BERM FEATURE.6. P.T. AND P.C. STATIONS AND ELEVATIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSED PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS.SET RIFFLE INVERTS AT ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS. NO ELEVATIONS OF THECONSTRUCTED LOG RIFFLE MAY VARY FROM THE PLAN SHEETS WITHOUT DIRECTION FROM THE ENGINEER.7. THE VERTICAL SLOPE OF EACH LOG SHALL NOT EXCEED 3% UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THEENGINEER. THE SLOPES WILL BE DICTATED BY THE WIDTH TO DEPTH RATIO OF THE REACH, TYPICAL RIFFLEINNER BERM CHANNEL, AND THE VERTICAL DROP OVER THE LOG AND LOG DIAMETER.8. THE MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN LOGS SHALL BE 12 WBKF. MAXIMUM ELEVATION DROP BETWEEN LOGS IS 14OF THE LOG DIAMETER.9. ALL GAPS/VOIDS LARGER THAN 1 INCHES BETWEEN THE HEADER AND FOOTER LOGS SHALL BE CHINKEDWITH LIMBS AND/OR BRUSH ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE GEOTEXTILE.10. ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE VANE ARM AND SILL LOGS A LAYER OF NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRICSHALL BE PLACED AS SHOWN IN THE DETAIL THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE LOG.11. SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE FILL MATERIAL GENERATED ON-SITE WITH A MINIMUM D50 OF 60 MMOR A GRADATION SUBMITTED IN WRITING AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. A WELL-GRADED BLEND OFNCDOT CLASS A RIP-RAP AND ASTM #57 ROCK WILL BE AN ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTE.12. SELECT BACKFILL AND SOIL BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE COMPACTED SUCH THAT FUTURE SETTLEMENTOF THE MATERIAL IS KEPT TO A MINIMUM.13. SECURE ALL GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ON TOP OF FOOTER LOG USING 3 IN 10D GALVANIZED COMMON NAIL ON12 IN SPACING ALONG LOG. NAIL NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE TO EDGE OF HEADER LOG AND BACKFILL.14. THE SURFACE OF THIS STRUCTURE SHALL BE FINISHED TO A SMOOTH AND COMPACT SURFACE INACCORDANCE WITH THE LINES, GRADES, AND CROSS-SECTIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THEDRAWINGS. THE DEGREE OF FINISH FOR INVERT ELEVATIONS SHALL BE WITHIN 0.1 FT OF THE GRADES ANDELEVATIONS INDICATED, PROVIDED ANY HEIGHT DOES NOT EXCEED MAX. ALLOWABLE DROP OF 0.4 FT FORTHIS STRUCTURE.15. RE-DRESSING OF CHANNEL AND BANKFULL BENCH/FLOODPLAIN WILL LIKELY BE REQUIRED FOLLOWINGINSTALLATION OF IN-STREAM STRUCTURES AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO CONSTRUCTION.16. SEE TYPICAL RIFFLE CROSS SECTION FOR DIMENSIONS.GLIDERUNBASEFLOW WSEBANKFULL WSEP.C. ELEVATIONPER PROFILEP.T. ELEVATIONPER PROFILEMAX. DROP =14*LOG DIAM.RIFFLE SLOPE VARIES PER PROFILEBASEFLOW WSEBANKFULL WSEREVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONLOG RIFFLE 5.3 SCOURPOOLDETAILED PLANNOT TO SCALEDETAILED SECTION A - A'NOT TO SCALENON-WOVENGEOTEXTILESELECT BACKFILL MATERIALBEHIND STRUCTUREHIGH DENSITYLIVE STAKINGNON-WOVENGEOTEXTILEBANKFULLEXTEND LOGS INTOSTREAMBANK MIN. 5.0 FTSELECTBACKFILL MATERIALSCOUR POOLBELOW STRUCTUREB'BA'AEXTEND LOGS INTOSTREAMBANK MIN. 5.0 FTTOE OF SLOPELOG STEPLOG STEPP.C. STATIONPER PLANP.C. ELEVATIONPER PROFILESTREAMBEDFIT LOGS TIGHTLY TOGETHERDEPARTURE ANGLE VARIES PER PLAN ORAS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER ONSITE1. THE LOG STEP IS A STREAM AND RIVER RESTORATION DESIGN FEATURE THAT INCORPORATES LOGS(LARGE WOOD) IN THE CHANNEL FOR GRADE CONTROL, ENERGY DISSIPATION, POOL MAINTENANCE ANDHABITAT. LOG STEPS ENHANCE FLOW DIVERSITY AND TURBULENCE UNDER BASE FLOW CONDITIONS,WHICH PROMOTES AQUATIC HABITAT, NUTRIENT PROCESSING AND RE-AERATION OF STREAM FLOWBENEFITING WATER QUALITY.2. LOGS SHALL HAVE MINIMUM DIAMETER OF 1.5 FT. LOGS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM LENGTH OF 18 FEET.3. ALL LOGS SHALL BE RELATIVELY STRAIGHT AND LIMBS AND BRANCHES SHALL BE TRIMMED FLUSH.4. FOOTER LOGS ARE LOGS PLACED TO PROVIDE A FOUNDATION AND SCOUR PROTECTION FOR THE HEADERLOGS. HEADER LOGS SHALL BE UNDERLAIN BY FOOTER LOGS TO PROVIDE A SILL UNLESS OTHERWISEDIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.5. HEADER LOGS ARE THE TOP MOST LOGS USED IN EACH LOG STRUCTURE.9. HEADER LOG SHALL BE OFFSET SLIGHTLY DOWNSTREAM OF THE FOOTER LOG..10. P.C. STATIONS AND ELEVATIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSED PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS. SET LOGSTEP INVERTS AT ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS. NO ELEVATIONS OF THE LOGSTEP MAY VARY FROM THE PLAN SHEETS WITHOUT DIRECTION FROM THE ENGINEER.11. THE VERTICAL SLOPE OF EACH LOG SHALL NOT EXCEED 1% UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THEENGINEER.12. ALL GAPS/VOIDS LARGER THAN 1 INCHES BETWEEN THE HEADER AND FOOTER LOGS SHALL BE CHINKEDWITH LIMBS AND/OR BRUSH ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE GEOTEXTILE.13. ON THE UPSTREAM LOGS A LAYER OF NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED AS SHOWN INTHE DETAIL THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE LOG.14. SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE FILL MATERIAL GENERATED ON-SITE WITH A MINIMUM D50 OF 60 MMOR A GRADATION SUBMITTED IN WRITING AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. A WELL-GRADED BLEND OFNCDOT CLASS A RIP-RAP AND ASTM #57 ROCK WILL BE AN ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTE.15. SELECT BACKFILL AND SOIL BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE COMPACTED SUCH THAT FUTURE SETTLEMENTOF THE MATERIAL IS KEPT TO A MINIMUM.16. SECURE ALL GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ON TOP OF FOOTER LOG USING 3 IN 10D GALVANIZED COMMON NAIL ON12 IN SPACING ALONG LOG. NAIL NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE TO EDGE OF HEADER LOG AND BACKFILL.17. THE SURFACE OF THIS STRUCTURE SHALL BE FINISHED TO A SMOOTH AND COMPACT SURFACE INACCORDANCE WITH THE LINES, GRADES, AND CROSS-SECTIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THEDRAWINGS. THE DEGREE OF FINISH FOR INVERT ELEVATIONS SHALL BE WITHIN 0.1 FT OF THE GRADES ANDELEVATIONS INDICATED.18. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DROP IS 0.5 FT OVER THIS STRUCTURE.19. RE-DRESSING OF CHANNEL AND BANKFULL BENCH/FLOODPLAIN WILL LIKELY BE REQUIRED FOLLOWINGINSTALLATION OF IN-STREAM STRUCTURES AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO CONSTRUCTION.20. SEE TYPICAL RIFFLE CROSS SECTION FOR DIMENSIONS.EROSION CONTROL MATTINGCOIR 700 GRAMLOG SLOPE 0 - 1%BANKFULLBURY LOGS INTOSTREAMBANK MIN. 10.0 FTHEADER LOGFOOTER LOGBASEFLOW WSEBANKFULL WSEPROPOSED BANKFULL WSEBASEFLOW WSEP.C. ELEVATIONPER PROFILENOTESNOT TO SCALELOG STEPDETAILED CROSS-SECTION B - B'NOT TO SCALELOG STEPREVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONLOG STEP 5.4 A'ADIAMETER VARIES(TYP. 1/2" TO 1")BRUSH TOE PROTECTIONLIFT SETBACK (TYP.)FLOW LENGTH VARIES(TYP. 3 TO 5 FT.)LAYER OF LIVE BRANCHESAND TOPSOIL (TYP.)700 GRAM COIR EROSIONCONTROL MATTING6" - 1'(TYP.)SOIL BACKFILL (TYP.)EXCAVATIONLIMITSUNDISTURBED GROUNDOR PREVIOUS FILLLIVE STAKES SPACING = 2.0 FT O.C.APPROX. BASE FLOW WSESELECT GRAVEL BACK FILL FORFIRST SOIL LIFTTRANSITION GEOLIFTSINTO RIVER BANKBANKFULL STAGEFILL ALL VOIDS WITH FINEWOODY DEBRIS AND GRAVELLIVE BRANCHCOARSE WOODY DEBRISLIFT SETBACK = 2.0 FTLIFT HEIGHT= 1.0 FTDETAILED PROFILE - SECTION A - A'NOT TO SCALEBRUSH TOE PROTECTION WITH SOIL GEOLIFT AND SOD MATDETAILED PLANNOT TO SCALENOTESBRUSH TOE PROTECTION WITH SOIL GEOLIFT AND SOD MATBRUSH TOE PROTECTION WITH GEOLIFTS AND SOD MATSOD MATWIDTHMIN. = 8.0 FTLIVE STAKES ORBAREROOT PLANTINGSBANKFULL STAGEPOINT BARLAYER OF LIVEBRANCHES (TYP.)SOIL GEOLIFTS1. THE BRUSH TOE PROTECTION WITH GEOLIFTS AND SOD MAT IS A BANK TREATMENT AND REVETMENTDESIGNED TO PROVIDE STRUCTURE AND STABILITY TO THE STREAMBANK UNTIL THE VEGETATIONBECOMES ESTABLISHED.2. COARSE WOODY DEBRIS SHALL CONSIST OF LOGS, ROOTWADS, AND LARGE BRANCHES NOT SUITABLEFOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES. ALL MATERIALS ARE TO BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.3. COARSE WOODY DEBRIS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH THE LARGEST MATERIAL PLACED FIRST. NO LOGSSHALL BE PLACED PARALLEL TO THE FLOW OF WATER, UNLESS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. LOGS SHALLBE PLACED IN A CROSSING PATTERN OR WEAVE SUCH THAT EACH LOG IS ANCHORED BY ANOTHER LOG.4. SMALL/FINE WOODY DEBRIS SHALL CONSIST OF MEDIUM TO SMALL LIMBS, BRANCHES, BUSHES, AND/ORLOGS. INVASIVE SPECIES SHALL NOT BE USED.5. SMALL/FINE WOODY DEBRIS SHALL BE PLACED ABOVE THE COARSE WOODY DEBRIS WITH THE LARGESTMATERIAL BEING PLACED FIRST AND THE SMALLEST MATERIAL PLACED LAST.6. ALL WOODY DEBRIS SHALL BE COMPACTED WITH THE EXCAVATOR BUCKET IN ORDER TO REDUCE THEPRESENCE OF VOIDS IN THE SMALL/FINE WOODY DEBRIS LAYER.7. THE HORIZONTAL LOCATIONS OF ALL WOODY DEBRIS ARE LOCATED ON THE PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS.NO LOCATIONS OF WOODY DEBRIS SHALL VARY FROM THE PLAN LOCATIONS WITHOUT DIRECTION FROMTHE ENGINEER.8. GRAVEL LEVELING BASE SHALL BE INSTALLED ABOVE THE HIGHEST ELEVATION OF THE WOODY DEBRISBEFORE THE SOIL LIFTS ARE INSTALLED.9. THE SOIL BACKFILL USED FOR LIFTS AND TOPSOIL USED FOR LAYERING WITH THE LIVE BRANCHES SHALLBE FREE OF ANY LARGE ROOTS OR WOODY DEBRIS AND SHALL GENERALLY BE FREE FROM ANY GRAVELOR COBBLE MATERIAL.10. SOIL BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED SUCH THAT FUTURE SETTLING WILL BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM; YET,NOT SUCH THAT THE UNDERLYING BRUSH IS DISPLACED OR DAMAGED.11. THE TOP OF THE BACKFILL FOR THE FIRST LIFT SHALL BE SLOPED AT APPROXIMATELY 5% AWAY FROM THESTREAM.12. PLACE A LAYER OF TOPSOIL AND LIVE BRANCHES ON TOP OF EACH SOIL LIFT SUCH THAT APPROXIMATELY6 INCHES TO 1 FOOT OF EACH LIVE BRANCH WILL BE EXPOSED AND THE REMAINDER (2' TO 4') OF EACH LIVEBRANCH WILL BE COVERED BY THE NEXT SOIL LIFT.13. LIVE BRANCHES SHALL BE OF THE SPECIES SPECIFIED FOR LIVE STAKES OR APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.14. PLACE A LAYER OF 6.5 FEET WIDE COIR 700 GRAM EROSION CONTROL BLANKET, OR EQUIVALENT, ON TOPOF THE TOPSOIL AND LIVE BRANCHES SUCH THAT 2.5 FEET OF THE BLANKET WILL BE BURIED BELOW THENEXT SOIL LIFT. ALLOW THE REMAINING 4.5 FEET OF BLANKET TO HANG OVER THE PRECEDING SOIL LIFTOR COIR FIBER LOGS.15. PLACE A LAYER OF 6.5 FEET WIDE NON-WOVEN COIR MATTING OVER THE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TOTHE SAME LIMITS.16. SOIL CAN BE COMPACTED BY STACKING A PIECE OF 2 X 6 SAWN LUMBER EDGEWAYS UP TO THE LIFTHEIGHT SPECIFIED IN THE STRUCTURE TABLE AND SECURING WITH WOODEN STAKES TO PROVIDE A RIGIDBACKSTOP FOR COMPACTING SOIL LIFT.17. PLACE SOIL BACKFILL UP TO THE LIFT HEIGHT SPECIFIED OF NO GREATER THAN 1.0 FT BEING CAREFULNOT TO PUSH/PULL OR TEAR THE FABRIC PREVIOUSLY PLACED.18. THE TOP OF THE SOIL BACKFILL SHALL BE FLAT WITHIN THE LIFT SETBACK DISTANCE SPECIFIED IN THESTRUCTURE TABLE. BEYOND THE LIFT SETBACK DISTANCE, THE SOIL BACKFILL SHALL BE SLOPED AT ANAPPROXIMATE 5% SLOPE AWAY FROM THE STREAM.19. TOP DRESS THE SOIL LIFT WITH TOPSOIL FROM THE FACE OF THE SOIL LIFT BACK INTO THE FLOODPLAINAT LEAST 4.0 FT.20. REMOVE THE SAWN LUMBER AND WOODEN STAKES FROM THE FACE OF THE SOIL LIFT AND WRAP THEFACE AND TOP OF THE SOIL LIFT USING THE WOVEN AND NON-WOVEN COIR MATTING HANGING OVER THEPREVIOUS LIFT/COIR FIBER LOGS.21. THE EROSION CONTROL FABRIC SHALL BE PULLED AS TIGHT AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT TEARING OREXCESSIVELY DISTORTING THE FABRIC.22. SECURE THE EROSION CONTROL AND NON-WOVEN MATTING IN PLACE BY STAKING THE END OF THEEROSION CONTROL FABRIC WITH WOODEN STAKES ON 1.5-FOOT CENTERS.23. BEGIN CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEXT SOIL LIFT BY REPEATING THE PREVIOUS NOTES STARTING WITH NOTE11.24. FINISH THE BANK TREATMENT BY USING A SOD MAT ABOVE THE FINAL GEOLIFT TO ELEVATIONS SHOWN ONTHE PLANS.25.26. THE SURFACE OF THIS STRUCTURE SHALL BE FINISHED TO A SMOOTH AND COMPACT SURFACE INACCORDANCE WITH THE LINES, GRADES, AND CROSS-SECTIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THEDRAWINGS. THE DEGREE OF FINISH FOR ELEVATIONS SHALL BE WITHIN 0.1 FT OF THE GRADES ANDELEVATIONS INDICATED OR APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.27. RE-DRESSING OF CHANNEL AND BANKFULL BENCH/FLOODPLAIN WILL LIKELY BE REQUIRED FOLLOWINGINSTALLATION OF IN-STREAM STRUCTURES AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO CONSTRUCTION.REVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONBRUSH TOE W/LIFT&MAT 5.5 RSCDETAILED PROFILE - SECTION A - A'NOT TO SCALEWSEWSEWSERIFFLE - STEP - POOL SEQUENCESTEP - POOL SEQUENCE6.0'8.0'RSCDETAILED RIFFLE - SECTION B - B'NOT TO SCALE4.5'3:13:18.0'RSCDETAILED POOL - SECTION C - C'NOT TO SCALEA'AC'CB'BRSCDETAILED PLANNOT TO SCALEFLOWCONSTRUCTEDRIFFLEEXTENT OF UNDERLYING FILTERMEDIAPOOLTIE OUT BOULDERKEY INTO SLOPEMIN. 2'EXTEND RIFFLE MATERIAL INTOGLIDE MIN. 2 FTBLEND RIFFLE MATERIAL INTOSTRUCTURE BACKFILLRIFFLE MATERIALU/S OF STRUCTUREFILTER MEDIAEXISTING EARTH OR FILLMATERIALRIFFLE SLOPE VARIES PER PROFILE8 OZ. HIGH FLOW NON-WOVENGEOTEXTILEBOULDER STEP STRUCTUREEXTEND RIFFLE MATERIAL INTO GLIDE MIN. 2'PLACE RIFFLE MATERIAL IN GLIDE U/S OFSTRUCTURE FOR STEP - POOL SEQUENCE MIN. 2'MINIMUM 1.5'MINIMUM 2.5'RIFFLESTEPPOOLRIFFLESTEPPOOLSTEPPOOLRIFFLEGLIDEFILTER MEDIA DEPTH VARIES PER PROFILEMIN. DEPTH = 2.5'8 OZ. HIGH FLOW NON-WOVENGEOTEXTILE4.5'FILTER MEDIA DEPTH VARIES PER PROFILEMIN. DEPTH = 1.5'FILTER MEDIAEXISTING EARTH OR FILLMATERIAL0.5'CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE50% NC DOT CLASS A, 50% NC DOT CLASS BMIN. 0.75 ' DEPTHEROSION CONTROL MATTING700 GRAM COIRFILTER MEDIAEXISTING EARTH OR FILLMATERIALEROSION CONTROL MATTING700 GRAM COIRSUPERIMPOSED U/SRIFFLE CROSS-SECTION1.5'REVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONRSC 5.6 CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE50% NC DOT CLASS A50% NC DOT CLASS BMIN 0.75' DEPTHA'A1. ALL BOULDERS SHALL BE NATIVE STRUCTURAL STONE OR SHOT ROCK,CUBICAL OR RECTANGULAR IN SHAPE.2. DIMENSIONS AND SLOPES OF STRUCTURES MAY BE ADJUSTED BY DESIGNENGINEER ONSITE TO PER FIELD CONDITIONS.3. BOULDERS SHALL BE 1.5 FT X 2.5 FT X 1.5 FT +/- 0.5 FT.4. CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO FIT STRUCTURE BOULDERS TIGHTLY.5. GAPS BETWEEN BOULDERS SHALL BE MINIMIZED BY FITTING BOULDERSTOGETHER AND PLUGGING WITH STRUCTURE STONE CLASS A AND SELECTMATERIAL ONSITE OR OTHER CHINKING STONE APPROVED BY DESIGNENGINEER.6. FOOTER BOULDER SHALL BE PLACED INTO THE FILTER MEDIA A MINIMUM OFTHE BOULDER THICKNESS.7. SLOPE OF BOULDERS FROM CENTERLINE TO THE TOP OF THE STRUCTUREARM SHALL BE 2-4%.8. 8OZ. NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPSTREAMSIDE OF THE STRUCTURE TO PREVENT PIPING OF STREAM FLOW ANDWASHOUT OF FILTER MEDIA THROUGH BOULDER GAPS. FILTER FABRIC SHALLEXTEND FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTER BOULDER TO THE FINISHEDGRADE OF THE HEADER BOULDER AND SHALL BE PLACED THE ENTIRELENGTH OF THE STRUCTURE.9. TIE OUT BOULDERS SHALL BE KEYED INTO THE TERRACE SLOPE A MINIMUMOF 2 FT. WHERE THIS CONFLICTS WITH SIGNIFICANT TREE ROOTS ORBEDROCK, THE TIE OUT BOULDERS MAY BE ADJUSTED OR ELIMINATED BY THEDESIGN ENGINEER ONSITE.10. THERE SHALL BE NO ELEVATION DROP GREATER THAN 0.5 FT OVER A SINGLESTEP (SEE PROPOSED PROFILE) .11. THE STRUCTURE ELEVATION TABLE IS INCLUDED ON SHEET____.12. WSE = WATER SURFACE ELEVATION13. ELV. PT. = ELEVATION POINT (DESCRIBED IN TABLE BELOW)B'BPOOLFLOW 17.0'TOE OF SLOPESEE TYP. SECTIONHIGH DENSITY LIVE STAKING8 OZ. HIGH FLOWNON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILETIE OUT BOULDERKEY INTO SLOPE MIN. 2'EXTENTS OF FILTER MEDIAVEGETATED BENCHSEE TYP. SECTION8.0'3.2'FLOW ELV. PT. 1ELV. PT. 2ELV. PT. 3BLEND RIFFLE MATERIAL INTOSTRUCTURE BACKFILLPOOLWSEFLOW8 OZ. HIGH FLOWNON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FILTER MEDIADEPTH PER PROFILECONSTRUCTED RIFFLE50% NC DOT CLASS A50% NC DOT CLASS BMIN. 0.75 ' DEPTHELV. PT. 1ELV. PT. 2ELV. PT. 3BOULDER STEP STRUCTUREPLANNOT TO SCALEBOULDER STEP STRUCTUREDIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONSNOT TO SCALEBOULDER STEP STRUCTURESECTION A - A'NOT TO SCALEBOULDER STEP STRUCTURESECTION B - B'NOT TO SCALEBOULDER STEP STRUCTURENOTES22.0'ELV. PT. 1FILTER MEDIAEXISTING STREAM BEDOR ONSITE FILL MATERIALTIE OUT BOULDERKEY INTO SLOPE MIN. 2'ELV. PT. 2MINIMIZE BOULDER GAPS WITHTIGHT FIT AND CHINKINGD/S WSEU/S WSEHEADER BOULDERFOOTER BOULDER3-5% ARM SLOPE8 OZ. HIGH FLOWNON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILEREVISED MITIGATION PLAN RANDOLPH COUNTY NC DMS MITIGATION SITE MILLSTONE CREEK APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NAME : SCALE : DATE : PROJECT # PHASE # JLP JLP, BAD MILLSTONE CREEK AS NOTED JUNE 1, 2018 PRELI MI NARY NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONRSC ROCK STEP 5.7