HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930222 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19930316March 17, 1993 Mr. Kevin Martin FIL E G"'O P Y Soil and Environmental Consultants 3818 Bland Road Raleigh, N.C. 27609 Dear Mr. Martin: RE: 401 Certification for University Commons project Durham County DEM Permit # 93222 On 29 May 1992, I was copied on a letter from you to Eric Alsmeyer of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concerning a reauthorization of the 404 Permit and the 401 Certification for the University Commons project in Durham, N.C. This project earlier received authorization under Nationwide Number 26 and its related 401 Certification in 1988. Since the Division of Environmental Management has not acted on the application within 130 days, we have waived our right to issue, condition or deny a Certification in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0504. However if the 404 Permit again expires for this project or is modified to include additional wetland fill, your applicant will need to reapply for a Certification and we will then review it under our existing procedures. Please call me at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Joh R. Dorney Wetlands and Technical Review Group univcom.ltr cc: Eric Alsmeyer, US Army Corps of Engineers Central Files DEM Raleigh Regional Office 03/16/93 11:42 .».-.... 9197909117 -c&EG INC. FAUL el • • Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3818 Bland Road ¦ Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 ¦ (919) 790-9117 ¦ Fax (919) 790-1728 May 29, 1992 US Army Corps of Engineers post-it' brand tax transmittal memo 7677 #of pages ? Attn : Mr. Eric Alsmeyer ' D_nknP ' 1143 Falls of the Neuse Road co co C Wake Forest, NC 27587 Dear Mr. Alsmeyer: _337 The purpose of this letter is to request a "reauthorization" of our clients Nationwide 26 permit for the project known as university commons, Durham, NC.. You originally issued SAW26- 88-35, Jarvis in July 1988 ( see copy attached). Therefore, unless reauthorized, our client must complete work in permitted wetland areas prior to January 13,, 1993. We believe the project has "commenced" since significant funds have been allocated to the project for permitting, planning, and land aquisition based on the assumption that the proposed project was feasible. However, due to the "slow" commercial real estate market over the last few yearn this project has moved more slowly than our client had hoped. Based on current market conditions, our client should be able to complete the project within the time limit allowed under a new Nationwide 26. The 1988 Corp$ approved wetland delineation is shown on the attached map. The Water Quality Certification from DEM issued in June, 1988 is attached. Mr. John Dorney has informed ou? client that the 401 Certification is still valid for the pro3eet since it has no expiration date. The property is located southwest of the intersection of University Drive and Southern Parkway as shown on the enclosed blueprint. A completed Permit application form is attached as per current rules Please note that the address and name of the permittee are different than on the original application but the same group of persons still own the si e. Fill in the, Waters of the U.S. on-site wild be required to utilize thei property for a commercial and/? residential development including stormwater retention, roadways, etc. (See attached blueprint). The original permit was authori2ed Evaluation ¦ Mapping and Physical Analysis ¦ Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation ¦ Environmental Audits Qn-Site Waste Treatment Systems, Evaluation and Design I 03/16/93 11:42 5157505117 S&EC INC. 4. f without specific development plans, so none provided. In fact none are finalized yet b is awaiting your decision on the applicatio forward with final plans. we will provide plans when the are prepared to assure they permit. are being cause our client prior to moving du kith such cooly with the PAVE X12 It will be necessary to fill 3.75 acres (see map) of jurisdictionallIWaters of the U.S. above headwaters for placement of the proposed facilities. This dis an unnamed tributary to New Hope Creek. Please call if you have questions or require further information. f you plan to visit the site please call and we will be glad to accompany you if necess j If this Iapplication is?incomplete in any way please ca11 immediately. We appreciate your prompt attention to this mater, however prior to taking any final action on this r eft please call to informime of your intended decision. 7u Sincerely, Kevin C. Xartin Encs. cc: David Franklin, US USF&?S cult ra.1IResources DIEM, I John Darney Army corps, Dist tict E gineer 03/16/93 11:42 9197909117 S&EC INC. PAGE 03 I I DEM ID: i ACTION ID: JOINT APPLICATION FORM FOR NATIONWDE P}?RMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THIS DISTRICT ENGINEER NATIO ,DE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE NATION DEJ 09RMITS THAT REQUIRE INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION I WILMINGTON DIS CORPS OF ENMA DEPARTMENT 6F P.O. BOX 1800 WILMINGTON,:NC ATTN: CESAW-C Telephone (919 ONE (1) COPY Old ENGINEERS. ;?SE ENVIRONMENT, ? 1. OWNERS DAMS 12. OWNERS PDi 3. OWNERS 4. IF APPL PHONE NUMBE ?5. LOCATIONIOF COUNTY: NEAREST tOW SPECIFICI LO, ?j P177.d_ __ S 17 ?' NAME OF CLOI RIVER BASIN IS THIS R04 WS 1, OR WS tI? HAVE ANYISEC i ROPERTY? ,?F YES, EXPLAIN, "reauthoriza ?0. ESTIMAThD 1 1 8.15 (1980 d T ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PL*NING DIVISION OF, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 11 ARMY NC DEPARTbflW ? OF (ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL ,SOURCES 7,6402-1890 P.O. BOX 29535 1 RALEIGH, NC; 2766-0535 51-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN gORNEY Telephone (+919) 7133-5083 IS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD, Be S*T TO THE CORPS OF (7) COPIES SHOULD HE SENT TO THE #.C.!? DIVISION OF 'GEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. u ?: Attn: U. Jerry Levit, Genoral Partner PO Box 13866 Research Trian le Part! NC?j 770 (UMBER (HOME): (OORx : (919) 493-6905 AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE C RP-oRA E OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, it and Environmental Cons u]tant``tts 18 grand Rd. e g , n : even ar Z.ri WORK (ATTACH MAP). (:1'1' T : ON (INCL STREAM/RIVER: e Of New Hope Creek ? T LOCATED IN A WATERSHED CLASSIF'.IEbIA.ITROUT, SA, HQW, ORW, YES [ ] NO [x] T 16N 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQb$STED FOR USE ON THIS YES [ x] NO [ ] Nationwide 26 was previously,issued, this is a tidbn" request (see a ac e ' . DThL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOC?TEDalON PROJECT SITU: Nineati.an) _ I 03/16/93 11:42 9197909117 0Z Q. 13. i 1 CARF IMP; 15. (USF OR A SPEC PROP 16. (SHP MAY t17. S&EC INC. PAVE 04 i -2- NUMBERIOF RES OF WETLAND IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSE PROJECT: FILLED:1 ! 3.75 DRAINED, 0 FLOODED1 1 0 EXCAVATiD:? 0 TOTAL I*PA t : 3.75 DESCRInI F PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS): Lan radin to allow far c dial and or residential develo m nt of pr cpety N. Y II PURPOSE 0 I P OPOSED WORK: Allow for util!i?atil lon of upland on the pr`,[o oz ty for development. , tream ers wi a main al STATE REA??N L WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT IS? IACTIVITY MUST BE IED OUT] 1Np kd S' 4 LANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAK&N 1'10 ?INIMIZE WETLAND e t CTS. tached Letter from S14! Environmental onsu an s i i YOU AR U WS) AND R A IRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AM tIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE NW) IFE SERVICE EGARDING THE PRESENCE NY FEDE LIj MISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING END E D OR THREATENED IES OR C*I% C L HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT AY BE AFFECTED BY THE OSED PR 04E HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES 6a ] k0 q [ ] RESPONSE ,,O THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE q A HED. ? YOU AR R U IRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRE ERVATION OFFICER J) REGA I E PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERT E? IIN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH BE AFFE ' B THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE Yo R SO. YES ?¢ ] No i [ ] RESPONS F M I THE SHPO SHOULD BE ATTACHED. ADDITICINA A ORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: ? A. WE o ' tjl' .INEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS!, a S REAMS, AND LAKES ON PHE PR . M B. IF kVAI7 A LE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH WMA ?TDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. IF DOELI E TION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSUL.TAN'T ?iI LUDE ALL DATA SHEETS 3ELEVANT?,T T , E PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION L'IN?? - D. IF k ST R WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR IS PROJECT, ATTACH ;OPY _ .. WHAT IS ?L D USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? o ercial IF AVPPL . ABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF iSE? 4GE DISPOSAL? Munk l sewer II -IMPRIS 5LG DAZE ? `' Gewvr-- I II ned. 03/16/93 11:42 i ? i. L N Regulatory Action ID. 1 waters) University C, ATTN: Mr. J Post office Research Tki Dear Mr. Referepc 1992, req%voa material lot headwatorq, o North Cargllli approved Icy present ex For the Title 33, C Federal Rd Authorixa#l for dischAr provided: 9197909117 1111 B S&EC INC. i DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENI INN P,O.iBOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1 0 0 MTO August: 27, 1992 I 1 403 and Nationwide Permit No. 26' as Investment Group Levit, General Partner 13866 e park, North Carolina 27709 HAVE 6t) tars and Isolated made to your Pre-Qiecharge Ngtifi"tic'n received June 4, Department of the iArmy authorizaitiign do discharge fill 75 acres of wetlands located adj44g0t to and above the unnamed tributary to New Hope ar"Ic i>? Durham, Durham County, This request in fqr "reauthorir t c?n"lof work previously U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wai, hlo of be completed by the on date of January 13, 1993. tees of the U.S. Army Corps of K194000 s' Regulatory Program, r Federal Regulations (CFR), Park ?0. , published in the on November 22, 1$191, lists nat onlviidl permits (NW). a provided, pursuant to Section =0 of the Clean Water Act, f dredged or fill material into 6i4watere and isolated waters A. TOO scharge does not cause the 1000 of mote of the Units gg States; b. T" II r ittes notifies the District zagineAi cause the,lo bf waters of the United States grba7?r accordance w tl?l the "Notification general conditi04- sites, including wetlands, the IaQtill opecial a6jua , 11 a delineatio I o affected specific; aquatic sites, c c. The imcharge, including all attendant feat) permanent, i art of a single and complete project; ' Your wor, involving the discharge of fill Mat6? wetlands loailtod adjacent to and above the he"tp? tributary., i3lauthorized by this XWP provided i iI s accordance w ? the enclosed conditions. This 1Wpj responoibili , jto obtain any required State or Loc? s? I I. to Acres of waters the discharge would han one acre in For di»_harges in tion must also include ding wetlands; and , both temporary and into 3.75 acres of the aforementioned mpliahed in strict not relieve you of the roval, including a ,I 03/16/93 11:42 9197909117 h } -2_ S&EG 1NG. section 401 W' Certification of Environ*an This veri unless the NN verification authorization any subasi the NWP aught that the *ctj pwP, activcitj under Con'Crac provided the expiration, c been exerc3iso authoriaatioi Question office, Rskgu ?e Quality Certification. QuestioPsl 1 &hpuld be addressed to Mr. John Dorney T33"u loll Management. at telephone (919) ,gation will be valid for 2 years ffir o jauthorisation in modified, reissuedr rll remain valid for the 2 yearn' reissued without modification 4# s codification of the NWP authoria tr ji.aation expires or iA auspsndsd or1ity would no longer domply with the sjwhich have countanc4d (i.e., are 4n4i r too commence in reliance upon the ?ctivity is complated1within 12 months; 3d?f ication or revocatione unless die 4 on a case-by-case basis to modify, I !!or comments may be addressed to Mr. ? Ist Ory Branch, telepho'" (919) 876-9441, Sincerely, Enclosure Copies Purn phgd (without enclosure): Mr. John P ?r North Carol a,, DepartMOnt of Enviro(uit ' Health and Natural ?qurces post Office jhcpx 27687 Raleigh, No 11 Carolina 27611-7087 Mr. John Do_ 4Y water QuAl Section Division, o Environmental Managei+ent North Caro + Department of Enviro ?, Health and Natural eburces post offic HQx 27687 Raleigh, N th Carolina 27611-7687 O. Wayne ? Chief, Reg Z FurT4er Sevifl ? Pic sail 3818 8?'latl ] Ralei h,l ?tol FAU bb nq Water Quality Carolina Division s data of this letter revoked. Also, this ng that period, the NW ctivity Complies with if during the 2 years, d, or is modified, such and conditions of the onetrnction) or are 1 remain authorized the date of the MP 'o ,onary authority has ind, or revoke the Alemeyer, Raleigh Field Branch (with enclosure): in mental consultants d Carolina 27609 03/16/93 11:42 9197909117 S&EC INC. HAVE bl s I Ja G. Martin, C rn S ?as Rhodes, Mr. Sam Jar Jarvis & At, Suite 201, Raleigh, NC State of North Carolina ht of Natural Resources and Comm, Unity Development Division of Environmental Managem" 612 North Salisbury Strmt a Raleigh, North Cl roliha 17611 j R. Pau! Wilms June 6, 1988 Dirmtor i i gciates, P.A. j +00 Falls of Neusie Road 2'7609 Subject: Proposed F?11 -in Neadwateis or Isolated Wetlands VanguardjA sociates Durham 060ty Dear Mr. Jakvi.s : Upon r view of your request for water Ou lity Certifica?ti h to place fill mAterial in a uhjtlands area on an unnamed )'lbutary to Sandy:Creek, we hA" determined that the propose iAill can be cove ed by Gener;kl,!Wa:er Quality Certificat3,9 'No. 2176 issued7November 4, 1907, ?A copy of the General l eirtification is attached. Thisili Certification may be used'.'n qualifying for1coverage under Corps of Engineers' >`>tionwide Permit No. 26. If ymu ?ave any questions, please corxtact(Bill Mills at 919/733-5083?w Sincerely, R. Paul WilMS RPW/dkb Attachment CC: Wilming n. District Corps of Engineers Raleighegional Office Pollution »rverilio„ Pays i ~ t? ? C?J '\ :'"„ - ?+. .,r "- "+.i MEMO DATE: TO SUBJECT: a C?- r ?. From: ? i? STATF o ??C MAY >o ,,, North Carolina Department of Environment Health, and Natural Resources 7?t?? 't+, ? LJ? Primed on Recycled Paper IMPORTANT _ To Date Time HILE YOU WERE OUT M_?_ t of ,0 2-1 AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL Message -???`1k9?ytTTCc? ?? iCce-t -t? Signedv ? N.C. Dept. of Environment. Health. and Natural Resources 1 a Printed on Recycled Paper v iF 0 3v6 65 /,b/ - 4/-/ -(0,s ) (_ NS • Wetland type (select one) ? Other ? Swamp forest ? Shoreline • `54? Bottom land hardwood forest ? Stream channel o Carolina bay ? Salt marsh ? Pocosin Lt Brackish marsh • ? Pine savannah ? Freshwater marsh Wet flat ? Bog/Fen • Perched ? Vernal pool i O 0 O O O O O • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O O • O • • • su 6 • • . • • • • . • O • • • • • • • • • • • • Water storage m, Bank/Shoreline stabilization x 4.00 - - 7 • Pollutant removal Sensitive watershed _ Travel corridor ._Q 1 50 _ C? 1 " • Wetland score. • Special ecological attributes -_ Wildlife habitat I x 1.50 = rr Aquatic life value Recreation/Education ,_ Economic value a 0.25 = o • ' 0 n 0 • c o v n o o • • o • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o • o • • o • o w • • • • • • • • • • • e • , / ----_ osz ?Z w a m • 4w ,.., - ?m - o6Z Q? 3o/ r 4000 \\\ ? III \ ?C %clIx s -Oc 0c). - ? tenth ozz, ' OWAA -, ag e 4 • ?- --'y l; s 1 l i s°, i r? I ?t O J A N -:2:2 - 9 3 F R I 9: 0 9 VANGUARD ASSOCIATES ID:919-419-1596 R _ 0:2 JAN 21'93 20:04 No.015 P,02 f. Z z f? th o? pl.", fv /???`?? `.x'44.. ??_.~ • _?'??`'(/'.' i F E S- 1 1- 9 3 T H U 1 1 2 8 P 0 1 Post-It° Wand _ _ _ "•'?IPa? ;- Jr;ToaaytDal? Fax Transm a--?l Memo 7672 „ From _ _..., ... ........ Company S .... ` ._ ._....._..._^; .._....... »_ ..w,. ..., ..? Com _,..,•..., ,..._.,._, ......,_.........._.. , _..r..-.? .... ,,; .w .:.,,..,.; . .,. .. au?s,...7,c,o?,,.,, a%4. +--c. CA - ...m.:_...__ ...... .........?...?.._.,..,. ___..... ? nM.?1?.. . ...................... Dept. .... ........... Fex II Telephone P Til•pnonei . ? /? e q ?D 5.(p .........................................,.......,......,...•..,. •.?,.,., ... C] Destroy Relum D Call for plokup slllon, t FED- 1 1 -<93 THU 11:2S RICHARD CURL I TZ A I A 9 1 94936937 P.01 J?O • ' Orocer. r 8 )o a 1. ' , ? -? sod To 141 Par In 0? .•?, ! • ;p2 411; OroO Store ! 9,600 ef ' ! ?Il 45 spaces i +? • .68 Ac, Out eoe Parcel ' 68 Ao, ?/ so.000 ' f 0, / .1? iii s ???? ?, ? • \ ? /