HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930291 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19930607 WILMINGTON DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO April 15, 1993 Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199300640 and Nationwide Permit No. 26 (Headwaters and Isolated Waters) Herndon Woods Subdivision c/o Village Bank Attn: Mr. Dan Fox Post Office Box 2564 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27515-2564 Dear Mr. Fox: artment of the Army Reference your application of April 6, <ar Pzedtrt authorization to discharge fill material i f waters and/or wetlands of the United States associated wuction of a cul-de-sac and eight private driveways (two of which o access four dual lots) off Hubert Herndon Road, west of N.C. Highway 15-501, indivi adjacent to and above the headwaters of an unnamed tributaries to Pokeberry Creek, north of Pittsboro,:Chatham County-; North Carolina. The purpose of the proposed work is to provide access to ten lots in a subdivision. For the purposes of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits (NWP). Authorization was provided, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated waters provided: a. The discharge does not cause the loss of more than 10 acres of waters of the United States; b. The permittee notifies the District Engineer if the discharge would cause the loss of waters of the United States greater than one acre in accordance with the "Notification" general condition. For discharges in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the notification must also include a delineation of affected specific aquatic sites, including wetlands; and c. The discharge, including all attendant features, both temporary and permanent, is part of a single and complete project. Your proposed work associated with the construction of the cul-de-sac and eight private driveways is authorized by this NWP provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions and provided you receive a -2- Section 401 water quality certification from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. You should contact Mr. John Dorney, telephone (919) 733-1786, regarding water quality certification. This NWP does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain other required State or local approval. This verification will be valid for 2 years from the date of this letter unless the NWP authorization is modified, reissued, or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the 2 years if, during that period, the NWP authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the NWP authorization. If during the 2 years, the NWP authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the NWP, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the NWP will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within 12 months of the date of the NWP's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend, or revoke the authorization. Questions or comments may be addressed to Ms. Jean Benton, Raleigh Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 876-8441, Extension 24. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Copy Furnished (with enclosure): Mr. John Parker Mr. William F. Spang North Carolina Department of Spang Development Company Environment, Health and 111 Cloister Court, Suite 102 Natural Resources Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 IMPVRTANT To ) In Date v Time WHIL ?P U WERE OUT On^ M of ?j Phone AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION Message 4&.- h1?<- Signed TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU --URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL N.C. Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources ?v v3 Printed on Recycled Paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, XLF Health and Natural Resources • • Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ? C ?J F1 Jonathan. B. Howes, , Secretary A. Presto, Howard, Jr., P.E., Director June 10, 1993 The Village Bank 77 South Elliott Drive Post Office Box 2564 Chapel Hill, N.C. 27515 Dear Sirs: Subject: Proposed fill in Wetlands or Waters Residential road crossing Chatham County DEM Project # 93291 Upon review of your request for 401 Water Quality Certification to place fill material in 0.60 acres of wetlands or waters which are tributary to Pokeberry Creek for road crossing located at the end of Hubert Herndon Road in Chatham County, as described in your submittal dated 6 April, 1993, we have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 232 issued January 21, 1992. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 14. An additional condition is that deed restrictions must be placed on lots, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 to prevent additional fill. The state must be listed in the deed restriction as a beneficiary. These restrictions shall run with the land and be recorded before any property in the development is transferred. If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, Cf ??"lf C?.?? -,A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. 93291.Itr / Attachment C` cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Raleigh Regional Office ,F.-Mr. John Dorney Central Files William Spang; Spang Real Estate Development P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 1 0% post-consumer paper MEMORANDUM PRINT NAMES: Reviewer: TO: John Dorney WO Supv. --- Planning Branch DATE: 1y3 SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDA'T'IONS ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED (US=E N/A FOR NOT APPLICABLE) * * PERMIT YR : 93 PERMIT NO : APPLICANT NAME: THE VILLAGE BANK. - PROJECT-TYPE: ROAD CROSSINGS (8) COE #. RCD_FROM _CDA: APP REG_OFF I CE : PRO STREAM_CLASS : W S5- /USA WL__IMPACT? :(j9N 0000291 COT_TNTY: CHATHAM HERDON WOOLS PHASE II : Ntn11 ?f PERMIT-TYPE DOT-A.: DATE _FRNI_CDA: __# RIVER _AND_SUB-__BASIN C r? aar,?, Or of D f STR-_INDENO:/6 WL_TYPE : dU 9 .57VI 1 WL_REOTTESTED:r °V°? WL_ACR_EST'? :?N WL__SCORE ( #) :e57,4wqi;a6 ncoder ot. WATER IMPACTED BY FILL?: Y45) HYDRO_CNECT? :®/N MITIGATION?: Y40 MITI GAT I ON-_TYPE : N,4 MITI GA.T I ON__S I Z E : IM IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED? : Y/(? `' ur ,mod ° 1?oivf /4?3, __ .??= y slate` ?.r? d u?' /o.?es- wetl?ma -+ -, c? C i' RECOMMENDATION (Circle One) : ISSUE DENY COMMENTS : 'tip. : cc: Regional Office ?'?l i ?- Central Files I !? I? I 5 eOPAN13u JUN 04 '93 11 q TO: i.. ? j 4.] er G 7. f PERMIT;:, ;. APPLICANT PROJECT CO RCD_,,FR0 E R.EG OFF ; r!J'? I' it STRF CLA !'b WL„•,IMPAC I WL_REQUESTED i' WL_a .,CORE ( y I I HYDRO CNECt! !? I 2ITIGATION T l' A COMMENT MI I ? I C: R C' I earl I:i fly ?. I A ,11101 im rw I-,F PRI Revieza??.., wo 5upv.: DATE: T I ONS (USE N/A FOR NOT APPLICABLE) *+A 0291 COUNTY: CHATHAM DON WOODS PHASE 11 PERMIT_.TYPE. NW14 DOT.-#: DATE _FRM__CDA : 04/1'2/9t ' VER-ANn-SUB_BA S I N_#: 5 ti eql? Fem. o? o? a R_INDEX_NO: 16 3..? WL•_,_TYPE: WL_...ACR_EST? :oN ER IMPACTED BY FILL?: Ytip MITIGATION?: Y40 MITIGATION_SIZE:IVR HEET ATTACHED? : Y/ e One): ISSUE SSUE/CON DENY ?12 fax transmittal rr%em0 m7t N, I;eo . . fie. Riev Memo Y ? Fax # P.1/1 ).y iE?ny e,,dak . w ??eot' DEM ID: 9 )af / / JOINT APPLICATION FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONM AND NATURAL RESOURCE P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 ATTN : MR. JOHN DORNEY APR p L oa.rv Telephone (919) 733-5083 _ ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO T E C0 IAU ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISI ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. / HL / B?k 1. OWNERS NAME: I L L-A--66 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: 7 7 Sou- Y LL/071---DryLIE C,L 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME): 4. IF APPLICABLE* AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE PHONE NUMBER: £ .' ;?h L, 11c 7. RIVER BASIN: ?? l v t:I 8. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A WATERSHED CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, OR WS II? YES [ ] NO Xj 9. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PER14ITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? `YES [ ] NO [ IF YES, EXPLAIN. 10. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: 2/3/92 ACTION ID: 2'1Si?-Yn?? (WORK): 9 1 % 929 - 0 )RPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, P/11 Al "7- 4:?o 5. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK (ATTACH MAP). COUNTY: C 1 NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: ?a SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE, ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.): zi // f / O -5- mi Y K all d" 'vm d7 u, 6. NAME OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: ??,???? cl ?? r/ ed. J ry ?. IL -2.- 11. NUMBER, OF ACRES OF WETLAND IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT: FILLED: ®o 60 GZ;Gr" DRAINED: FLOODED: EXCAVATED: TOTAL IMPACTED: 12. DESCRIPTION OF P WORK (ATTACH /P-LANS) : ?/ 7L ,Il /Iryl , />-Vnle /.t 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK S' ?f?f.-vim cW 1 vi 14. STATE REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WET/LANDS. LSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO INIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS . rv,6.td -1-n d-7 (.te-4%?d. 1vt V,;,Y tfdf ,, Cr3J J I P" D O li¢/'c ' i -s v?. " i v 15. YOU ARE R UIRED TO ZONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA T AT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [ NO [ ] RESPONSES FROM 7HE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOUL E ATTACHED. {??? f?evi?-c vZtZ c?,?,?' l?C P???-?/ Q.?e- ?? C? Q?-?? 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE JTATE HISTORIC UPRESERVATION 0 rICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [ ] NO [ ] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE ATTACHED. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: .A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS,'STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMW,ATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. E. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? F. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? a, ATE a. Vi Z) - 00 r a / i / f 00 JO Q V S r ? LLI ?J ? r WQCn rn ? V i 1 o \ UH ! i` \\ CID CS' a -? Q. I1 i 11 I Co a b j I p, I N i N O I ty 0 , I ? % 00 rl 0_ < CL QW ? gyp. , [7 tr 00 \ C to WQN C / \ 1 OO % W V-I ? q w 1 1 cr 0] LL- C / P I 1 Qw\' l \1V1 \?J, I 1 W .\': PMsboro•," I .'1 .-..7-? a1i "ssLKU1,1:5•uu. Ln?tt'S•h;1C. OX) of s 41 2 t ORANGE COUNTY DURHAM COUNTY P ^ \10 A V 10 IS 1 731 301 I 3!2 CWar .L ?I r - r -?/. - Creek irn inl I s3v GSOVe oc?' w r 1/ Imo`. n 1 o K Ii'Iy - HAW O? 0? !i3? t.3 1s36 113 `72s 1613-1 t. p .7 1603 1 i? - ?? 1 1726 ° 153i 1.0. 133v oW felt 17 b ' r % 1731 1776 • 1 d Is]e ! J - 1727 ? 1337 p (? 1733 , 1ii2 , Su ?_ M' c 1 1,12 b W501 1339 ML lYgrp a !?31 o ry u P4a3p-M lift ? s33 1 e M°?» ',,r _ $45 .k .9:? T?tr?Mt !4ffi m 1125 }?! y JIJ o• S Mp011et dye .? 1 i]i'? i".a C, l e. CIL P 7 1730 I71] 1 S w G. 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"°w"D vt' itsi ? a creel' ?i, J , - ? , Creek s Morn 2191 9p3 lb X42 'e t9L °4r`n 1' !t3! _ -.?? -J 1903 t7 e r e ° s32 w^ L- _J t?z to ? _ .._.907 SPA&NG R E A L E S T A T E D E V E L O P M E N T 1 April 6, 1993 Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of Environmental Health and Natural Resources ATT: John Dorney P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: Herndon Woods, Phase II Chatham County, N.C. Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed find seven copies of our application for nationwide permit for the subject single-family subdivision. Also find attached a delineated map of wetlands on the property, the proposed subdivision layout with expected driveway crossings, and map of the neighborhood indicating the exact location of the subdivision. Mr. Karl Shafer of your office is scheduled to review our site on April 10, 1993. If there is any additional information you need, please don't hesitate to contact me immediately. Please let me know what additional steps need to be taken to secure your approval of the nationwide permit. ang WFS:mwc enclosures is Spang Development Co -111 Cloister Court - Suite 102 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 - (919) 489-9192 April 6, 1993 r' Ms. Mike Gantt U.S. Fish and Wildlife Agency P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636 RE: Herndon Woods, Phase II Chatham County, N.C. Dear Ms. Gantt: I represent The Village Bank who owns the subject property. The Corps of Engineers has delineated 1.5 acres of wetlands on the property and I have made application for nationwide permit. Village Bank intends tp develop 15 single family lots for construction of homes according to the plan attached. Enclosed for your review find a copy of the wetlands delineation, the proposed subdivision layout showing the impact on the wetlands our driveway accesses will have, and a map of the neighborhood indicating the location of the subdivision. Please let me know if you anticipate any impact on endangered species this development may have. If you have any such indication, please fax what you can to me at (919) 490-6993 or telephone me as quickly as convenient. Sincer William F. Spa/ng WFS:mwc enclosures Spang Development Co • 111 Cloister Court • Suite 102 rhanol Hill Nnrth rgrnlina 97514 . lQ1014R0-0109