HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5190702_NC Veterans Home Geotechnical Report 071618_7/12/2019Tai and Associates, PLLC P.O. Box 90067 Raleigh, NC 27675 (919) 782-9525 www.taiandassociates.com PRELIMINARY SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT Conducted On: North Carolina Veterans Home Raleigh, North Carolina Tai Job No. 18-137-1 For: CALYX Engineers 6750 Tryon Road Cary, North Carolina July 16, 2018 Prepared By: Tai and Associates, PLLC NC Firm License No. P-0370 DocuSigned by: Matthew TYYan, PE 9AF83C687C44407... `O0� ° - SEAL 027467 219T �NGIN ... Tai and Associates, PLLC P.O. Box 90067 Raleigh, NC 27675 (919) 782-9525 www.taiandassociates.com July 16, 2018 Mr. Michael D. Allen, PE CALYX Engineers 6750 Tryon Road Cary, North Carolina 27518 Re: Preliminary Subsurface Exploration Report North Carolina Veterans Home Raleigh, North Carolina Tai Job No.: 18-137-1 Dear Mr. Allen: As authorized, we have completed a preliminary subsurface exploration program for the referenced project. This program consisted of the drilling of six (6) soil borings, classification of soil samples recovered, site visit, engineering services including analyses of subsurface conditions, and the preparation of this written report. FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration program consisted of the drilling of six (6) soil borings (B-I through B-6) advanced to a maximum depth of 40.0 feet below the ground surface. The drilling was performed by a CME 550 drill rig using 2-'/4" inside diameter hollow stem augers to advance the boreholes. Standard Penetration Tests (ASTM D-1586) were performed at every 2.5-foot interval to 10.0 feet followed by one at every 5.0- foot interval utilizing an auto -hammer. The approximate locations and logs of the soil borings are shown on the attached "Boring Location Plan" and "Boring Logs". The boring elevations were interpolated from the Wake County GIS website and should also be considered approximate. LABORATORY TESTING The laboratory -testing program consisted of the visual classification of all soil samples recovered (ASTM D-2488). The descriptions of the subsurface materials as represented by the soil samples recovered are indicated on the "Boring Logs." All samples will be discarded in 60 days unless otherwise instructed. SURFACE CONDITIONS The site is currently wooded, undeveloped land, and has not been developed since at least 1938 according to historical aerial photographs, with the exception of agricultural usage. The topography varies in elevation from 410.0 to 460.0. North Carolina Veterans Home Tai Job No. 18-137-1 July 16, 2018 Page 2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Based on the results of the field exploration program, the subsurface materials of the project site can be described as consisting of the following units of soil: Topsoil: Topsoil was encountered in all of the soil borings and was 5.0 to 6.0 inches thick. 2. Silty Residual Soil: Below the topsoil is the natural, residual soil derived from the in -place weathering of the parent rock. This is the predominant subsurface material found at the site and it is found in all of the soil borings. It generally comprises clayey, sandy silt and fine sandy silt. a. Clayey, sandy silt is red/brown in color, contains variable amounts of mica, and is found up to a depth of 3.0 feet below ground surface. SPT N-Values for this soil were 8 to 11 (firm to stiff). This soil is of a moderate engineering quality. b. Fine sandy silt is found below 3.0 feet depth and it is red, brown, purple, tan and gray in color. This soil is firm to very stiff (SPT N-Values of 8 to 30) and micaceous. Trace gravel was encountered at variable depths in borings B-2, B-4 and B-6. This soil is of a moderate engineering quality. Groundwater: Groundwater was not encountered in any of the soil borings. Some trapped or perched groundwater probably exists between the borings. PROPOSED PROJECT Based on correspondence with the design team, we understand that at this preliminary stage of design, the proposed project consists of the design and construction of a single -story, 120-bed, skilled nursing care facility and the related infrastructure. The 110,000 to 140,000 sf building location has not been selected, and the finish floor elevation is unknown. We presume the building will consist of wood -framed or cold - formed steel framed construction over slab -on -grade. Foundation loading is unknown, but for preliminary planning purposes, we anticipate maximum column and wall loads to be on the order of 125 kips and 4 kips per linear foot, respectively. Cuts and fills up to 10.0 feet is anticipated. RECOMMENDATIONS Foundations We recommend the proposed building be supported on single, combined, or continuous footings designed for the net allowable bearing pressure (net contact pressure) shown below. The net allowable bearing pressure (net contact pressure) refers to the pressure, which may be transmitted to the foundation bearing material in excess of the final surrounding overburden pressure. All footings shall be supported on North Carolina Veterans Home Tai Job No. 18-137-1 July 16, 2018 Page 3 firm or stiff residual soils, new controlled fill, or an improved subgrade. All footing subgrades must be inspected and approved for the required bearing capacity utilizing field engineering judgment. The estimated maximum total and differential post -construction settlement is 1.0 and 0.5 inches, respectively. All foundation systems should be designed at elevations such that no utility lines, utility line excavation, or retaining wall, and any other footings are located within a 1:1 zone of influence of the edge of the subject footing. There should be at least 12.0 inches of cover on all exterior footings to prevent frost penetration. See attachment for settlement estimates. Building Net Allowable Bearing Capacity Soil Bearing Condition 1-Story 3,000 psf Up to 125-kip column loads break. Expansion joints should be provided on the exterior walls at regular intervals and at every building Excavation All normal size earth -moving equipment can easily move the materials encountered in the borings. It appears that footings and utilities within the building pad should be excavatable with a rubber -tire backhoe. Rock excavation is not anticipated within 20.0 feet of existing ground surface at the site. The project specification should include the definition of rock. Rock should be defined as materials that cannot be excavated with a CAT 325 track -mounted hydraulic excavator, equipped with rock teeth. Boulders exceeding 1.0 cy in mass excavations and 0.75 cy in trench excavations should also be classified as rock. We do not anticipate rock excavation for the footings; however, a definition and unit prices for mass rock and trench excavation should be included in the specification and contract. Cut and Fill All fill and any backfill should be placed and compacted to a minimum of 98% of the Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D-698). The moisture content of the fill during placement must be kept within ±2% of the optimum value. Most of the natural, non -plastic residual soils in the cut areas should provide suitable regular backfill fill material except for any plastic clay pockets and all boulders larger than 6.0 inches in any dimension. In -place density tests should be performed at a rate of one test per lift per 2,500 sf, per lift, per day (ASTM D-1556). North Carolina Veterans Home Tai Job No. 18-137-1 July 16, 2018 Page 4 Utilities All utility pipes should be supported on top of at least 6.0 inches of granular free draining material. The backfill should consist of clean natural soil, or suitable fill, and should be compacted to 98% of the Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D-698), within 2% of the optimum moisture content. Seismic Classification The project site subsoil belongs to seismic Site Class D, as determined in accordance with equation 16-41 of the 2012 North Carolina Building Code. Slabs The floor slab can be designed as slab -on -grade over a well -prepared subgrade. The slabs should be constructed over four (4) inches of ABC Stone. 457 stone can be utilized as an alternative. The slabs should be isolated from the walls and columns. ACI 301.2 indicates that a contraction joint spacing of 24 to 36 times the slab thickness up to a maximum spacing of 18.0 feet have produced acceptable results for unreinforced, plain concrete slabs. Retaining. We recommend that either a layer of prefabricated drainage material such as Enkadrain or 2-foot wide layer of free -draining, granular material (such as 457 washed stone) be used as backfill for the entire, below -grade face of all site concrete retaining walls. A filter fabric (Mirafi 140N or equal) should be used to separate the 457 stone and the regular soil backfill to avoid losing fines into the voids. The retaining walls without top supports, if any, should be designed against an active equivalent fluid pressure. Perimeter foundation drains should be installed behind the walls. All other soil backfill must be placed in thin layers and compacted to 98% of the maximum Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D-698). The following soil parameters should be used in analyzing the stability of the wall and footing: Friction angle 28 deg. O Unit weight 105 pcf ka Active earth pressure coefficient 0.361 ko At -rest earth pressure coefficient 0.531 k Passive earth pressure coefficient 2.770 ka (Equivalent active earthpressure) 38 pcf ko (Equivalent at -rest earthpressure) 56 pcf k (Equivalent passive earthpressure) 291 pcf Sliding Friction of Coefficient at Base 0.45 North Carolina Veterans Home Tai Job No. 18-137-1 July 16, 2018 Page 5 Pavement The pavement system should be supported on a carefully prepared site subgrade as outlined in the next section. Based on the NC DOT Interim Pavement Design Procedure, and assumed soaked CBR Value of 6.0, the pavement system should be as outlined below. The subgrade and the ABC stone base course should be inspected, tested and proofrolled prior to placement of the subsequent lift. ABC STONE I-19.OB As halt 5-9.513 Asphalt Equiv. 18,000 lb. Axle Trips / Da Light Duty 8 2.0 cars only Intermediate Duty 8 3.0 3.7 Heavy Duty 8 2.5 1.5 9.9 Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered in the soil borings. However, perched or trapped groundwater within the upper soil layers is common in the geology of the project site. The design of the building must take into account the potential for minor trapped groundwater below the slab. Provisions should be made to divert all surface water away from the building, and a foundation drain tied to the storm drain system should be installed around the entire perimeter of the building and at all below -grade retaining walls CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS Engineering Behavior of Soils The on -site silty soils are sensitive to surface water damage. Grading operations performed in the wet winter months of November through March will be difficult, time consuming and expensive. Stiff natural silty soils, if kept dry, will provide an adequate subgrade to placement of additional fills, where required. However, upon excavation, even some of these soils can become unsuitable if they become wet. Groundwater While not encountered in the soil borings, groundwater is commonly encountered in gravel veins in this geologic region and between clayey soil layers, and it is possible that perched or trapped groundwater is present on site. Upon reaching grade during mass excavation, portions of the subgrade will likely consist of low -permeability soils that will not drain freely. As a result, surface water will not infiltrate the soil and all surface water in cut areas will require pumping if the area cannot be graded to shed surface water. Additionally, as mentioned, we anticipate some trapped or perched groundwater within the upper soil layers to enter any cut slopes continuously or intermittently at a slow rate during construction. We expect that surface and groundwater control measures, such as sumps, pumps, French drains, or diversion ditches will be required. North Carolina Veterans Home Tai Job No. 18-137-1 July 16, 2018 Page 6 Grading The project site should be cleared of all the existing surface features such as topsoil, tree stumps, debris, etc. Most of the natural, non -plastic residual soil excavated can be reused as structural fill. Any existing fill, plastic clays, wet clays, or soft soils will not likely be suitable for re -use as structural fill. Surface water control measures must be in -place prior to any grading and earthwork activity. We anticipate that after each rainfall event during construction, wet conditions will result in rain impact days and the generation of wet, unsuitable soil. Surface water control measures must be placed prior to any grading and earthwork activity. The cleared site should be carefully proofrolled and inspected to identify any soft soil, existing fill soil, plastic soils, or other unsuitable soil that requires undercutting. Should plastic soils be encountered, these may require undercut and/or placement of separation geofabric (Mirafi 500X, or equal). We suggest budgeting for undercut in the about of approximately 10% of the total fill required to grade the site. The on -site soils are difficult to work with. The low density, clayey -silty soil can be difficult to maintain near the optimum moisture, and some pumping is occasionally observed during fill placement and compaction, even when achieving the desired compaction density. Field engineering judgement will be required by the geotechnical engineer to verify the suitability of the on -site soils for re -use as structural fill during grading. Shallow Foundations The foundation excavation not poured immediately should be covered by a 3-inch thick mud slab to protect from surface water damage. All footing subgrades must be inspected and approved for the required bearing capacity by a representative of this firm utilizing field engineering judgment. Footing undercut should be backfilled with lean concrete or other material approved by the geotechnical engineer. Pavement and Slab Subgrades The subgrade for the concrete and asphalt pavement systems will require inspection of the subgrade and ABC stone subbase. Some additional improvement may be required including undercutting and/or placement of Mirafi 500X geofabric due to existing fill or areas damaged by surface water and construction traffic. ADDITIONAL SERVICES As the design progresses, and when selection of building location, building elevation, parking lot layout, and utility locations has been made, a final geotechnical report consisting of additional soil test borings can be prepared. North Carolina Veterans Home Tai Job No. 18-137-1 July 16, 2018 Page 7 FIELD SERVICES The final geotechnical report must be performed and all earthwork and foundation construction activities must be observed by a field representative of this firm to ensure that the actual subsurface conditions encountered during construction are consistent with the design intent and the intended design considerations are met in every phase of the earthwork and foundation construction. Some modification of the design recommendations presented in this report may be required and any such changes must be verified by this firm. We cannot be held responsible for the conditions stated above and the post -construction performance of the foundation and the pavement systems unless we are authorized to perform the field services required. CLOSURE It is our continued pleasure to work with you and your design team on the preliminary phase of this project. Please call us if you have any questions or if we can offer any additional information or services during the design phase of this project. Very Truly Yours, Tai and Associates, PLLC Firm License No. P-0370 DocuSigned by: 9AF83C687C44407... Matthew T. Ryan, PE Attachments: _ \ Zo ass o0`�`9 1. Boring Location Plan (1) - °°Q� SEAL- 2. Boring Log Symbols and Nomenclature Legend (1) 3. Boring Logs (6) 027467 CC: Michael Allen, PE <mallen(a calyxengineers.com>; / �9TryEW I° �yP , �'IIriiii11++++ APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY 0 Tai and Associates, PLLC _ P.O. Box 90067 Raleigh, NC 27675 (919) 782-9525 www.taiandassociates.com Symbols and Nomenclature Penetration Resistance Results - Sands Undisturbed Sample (UD) Number of blows, N Relative Density 925 Standard penetration resistance (ASTM D-1586) , with SPT N-Value 0-4 very loose 50/0.2 Number of blows (50) to drive the spoon a measured distance (0.2 feet) 5-10 loose AX,BX,NX Core barrel sizes for rock cores 11-20 firm 65% Percentage of rock core recovered 21-30 very firm RQD Rock quality designation - % of core 4 or more inches long 31-50 dense _T_ Water table at least 24 hours after drilling over 50 very dense or weathered rock V Water table one hour or less after drilling 50/0.2' Partially weathered rock o Loss of drilling water A Atterberg Limits test performed Penetration Resistance Results - Silts and Clays C Consolidation test performed Number of blows, N Approx. consistency GS Grain size test performed T Triaxial shear test performed 0-1 very soft P Proctor compaction test performed 2-4 soft M=18 Natural moisture content (percent) 5-8 firm 9-15 stiff DRILLING PROCEDURES 16-30 very stiff Soil sampling and standard penetration testing performed in accordance with ASTM D-1586. The standard penetration resistance is the number of blows of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 31-50 hard inches to drive a 2 inch O.D., 1.4 inch I.D. split spoon sampler one foot. Core drilling performed over 50 very hard or weathered rock in accordance with ASTM D-2113. Undisturbed sampling (shelby tube) performed in 50/0.2' Partially weathered rock accordance with ASTM D-1587. Soil classification performed in accordance with ASTM D2487/D-2488. ABBREVIATIONS SOIL MOISTURE - CORRELATION OF TERMS AR -AUGER REFUSAL NP. - NON PLASTIC FIELD MOISTURE DESCRIPTION GUIDE -FIELD MOISTURE DESC. BOF—BOTTOM OF FOOTING PFG — PROPOSED FINAL GRADE (SAT.) SATURATED - SAT. USUALLY LIQUID, VERY WET, TCR - TRICONE REFUSAL USUALLY FROM THE BELOW BT - BORING TERMINATED GROUND WATER TABLE TOF —TOP OF FOOTING DCP Nc — DYNAMIC CONE PENT. TEST w -MOISTURE CONTENT WET - (W) SEMISOLID: REQUIRES DRYING TO e - VOID RATIO V —VERY ATTAIN OPTIMUM MOISTURE FFE — FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION y - UNIT WEIGHT MOIST - (M) SOLID: AT OR NEAR OPTIMUM HI. — HIGHLY yd - DRY UNIT WEIGHT MOISTURE HP —HIGH PLASTICITY DRY-(D) REQUIRES ADDITIONAL WATER TO INV — INVERT SAMPLE ABBREVIATIONS ATTAIN OPTIMUM MOISTURE LP — LOW PLASTICITY S - BULK EQUIPMENT USED ON SUBJECT PROJECT MP —MEDIUM PLASTICITY SS- SPLIT SPOON ST - SHELBY TUBE RS - ROCK DRILL UNITS ADVANCING TOOLS: MED. - MEDIUM RT - RECOMP. TRIAXIAL MICA. -MICACEOUS CBR- CAILFORNIABEARINGRATIO ❑ CMESS ElCLAY BITS MOD. — MODERATELY ❑ CMESSATV ❑ 6"CONT. FLIGHTAUGER N —STANDARD PENETRATION TEST ❑ 8" HOLLOW AUGER PERCENTAGE OF MATERIAL ❑ El ❑ CASING o W/ADVANCER ORGANIC MATERIAL GRANULAR SOILS SILT -CLAY SOILS OTHER MATERIAL TRACE OF ORGANIC MATTER 2-3% 3-5% TRACE 1-10% CORE SIZE ❑ TRICONE_STEEL TEETH LITTLE ORGANIC MATTER 3-5% 5-12% LITTLE 10-20% ❑-B ❑ TRICONE_TUNG.CARB. MODERATELY ORGANIC 5-10% 12-20% SOME 20-35 HIGHLYORGANIC >10% >20% HIGHLY 35%AND ABOVE ❑-N ❑ CORE BIT ❑-H ❑ PLASTICITY HAMMER TYPE: PLASTICITY INDEX (PI) DRY STRENGTH ❑ AUTOMATIC ❑ CAT HEAD NONPLASTIC 0-5 VERY LOW HAND TOOLS: LOW PLASTICITY 6-15 SLIGHT ❑ POST HOLE DIGGER ❑ MEDIUM PLASTICITY 16-25 MEDIUM HIGH HIGH PLASTICITY 26OR MORE ❑ HAND AUGER ❑ ❑ SOUNDING ROD ❑ ❑ VANE SHEAR TEST BORING LOG PROJECT: NORTH CAROLINA VETERAN'S HOME LOCATION: RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA CLIENT: CALYX ENGINEERS TlF PTA TlF',C P TPTTC)I\T BORING NO. B-1 PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE: JULY 5, 2018 N-VALUE (ASTM D-1586) GW ELEV 10 50 90 1.0 TOPSOIL (6") 432 9 3.0 Red, brown, dry, firm, fine sandy SILT, with mica 427 9 DRY 10 422 Red, brown, purple, tan, gray, dry, stiff, micaceous, fine sandy SILT I 12 417 CAVED I 9 20.0 412 Boring Terminated at 20.0 Feet 407 402 397 392 TAI JOB NO. 18-137-1 '1'Al and ASSOCIA'l'ES, PLLC PO BOX 90067 RALEIGH, NC 27675 919-782-9525 BORING LOG PROJECT: NORTH CAROLINA VETERAN'S HOME LOCATION: RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA CLIENT: CALYX ENGINEERS TlF PTA TlF',C P TPTTC)I\T BORING NO. B-2 PAGE I OF I DATE: JULY 5, 2018 N-VALUE (ASTM D-1586) GW ELEV 10 50 90 1.0 TOPSOIL (6") 452 447 �11 12 3.0 Red, brown, dry, stiff, fine sandy SILT, with mica 10 DRY 442 12 Red, brown, purple, tan, gray, dry, stiff to very stiff, micaceous, fine sandy SILT, with trace quartz gravel from 8.0 to 12.0 feet 437 �20 CAVED / 20.0 432 111 Boring Terminated at 20.0 Feet 427 422 417 412 TAI JOB NO. 18-137-1 '1'Al and ASSOCIA'l'ES, PLLC PO BOX 90067 RALEIGH, NC 27675 919-782-9525 BORING LOG PROJECT: NORTH CAROLINA VETERAN'S HOME LOCATION: RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA CLIENT: CALYX ENGINEERS TlF PTA TlF',C P TPTTC)I\T BORING NO. B-3 PAGE I OF I DATE: JULY 5, 2018 N-VALUE (ASTM D-1586) GW ELEV 10 50 90 1.0 TOPSOIL (5") 436 Red, brown, dry, firm, slightly clayey, fine sandy SILT 3.0 with mica 431 13 DRY �14 426 6 Red, brown, purple, tan, gray, dry, stiff to very stiff, micaceous, fine sandy SILT 421 2 I CAVED I 20.0 416 ll Boring Terminated at 20.0 Feet 411 406 401 396 TAI JOB NO. 18-137-1 '1'Al and ASSOCIA'l'ES, PLLC PO BOX 90067 RALEIGH, NC 27675 919-782-9525 BORING LOG PROJECT: NORTH CAROLINA VETERAN'S HOME LOCATION: RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA CLIENT: CALYX ENGINEERS DEPTH DESCRIPTION BORING NO. B-4 PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE: JULY 5, 2018 N-VALUE (ASTM D-1586) GW ELEV 10 50 90 1.0 TOPSOIL (6") 454 10 Red, brown, dry, stiff, clayey, fine sandy SILT, with mica 3.0 12 449 10 DRY 444 I I 9 439 I 10 434 Red, brown, purple, tan, gray, dry, firm to very stiff, micaceous, fine sandy SILT, with trace gravel from 3.0 to 5.5 feet and 32.0 to 37.0 feet 12 429 I I 1 424 22 419 CAVED 1 1 30 40.0 414 Boring Terminated at 40.0 Feet TAI JOB NO. 18-137-1 TAI and ASSOCIATES, PLLC PO BOX 90067 RALEIGH, NC 27675 919-782-9525 BORING LOG PROJECT: NORTH CAROLINA VETERAN'S HOME LOCATION: RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA CLIENT: CALYX ENGINEERS TlF PTA TlF',C P TPTTC)I\T BORING NO. B-5 PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE: JULY 5, 2018 N-VALUE (ASTM D-1586) GW ELEV 10 50 90 1.0 TOPSOIL (5") 460 11 Red, brown, dry, stiff, slightly clayey, fine sandy SILT, 3.0 with mica 455 1 DRY 450 9 Red, brown, purple, tan, gray, dry, firm to very stiff, micaceous, fine sandy SILT 445 9 CAVED I I 20.0 440 • Boring Terminated at 20.0 Feet 435 430 425 420 TAI JOB NO. 18-137-1 '1'Al and ASSOCIA'l'ES, PLLC PO BOX 90067 RALEIGH, NC 27675 919-782-9525 BORING LOG PROJECT: NORTH CAROLINA VETERAN'S HOME LOCATION: RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA CLIENT: CALYX ENGINEERS TlF PTA TlF',C P TPTTC)I\T BORING NO. B-6 PAGE I OF I DATE: JULY 5, 2018 N-VALUE (ASTM D-1586) GW ELEV 10 50 90 1.0 TOPSOIL (6") 450 9 Red, brown, dry, stiff, slightly clayey, fine sandy SILT, 3.0 with mica 19 445 7 DRY 21 440 Red, brown, purple, tan, gray, dry, very stiff, micaceous, fine sandy SILT, with trace gravel from 3.0 to 5.5 feet I 1 435 CAVED I I 19 20.0 430 Boring Terminated at 20.0 Feet 425 420 415 410 TAI JOB NO. 18-137-1 '1'Al and ASSOCIA'l'ES, PLLC PO BOX 90067 RALEIGH, NC 27675 919-782-9525