HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060112 Ver 1_SW Management Plan_20060602D c L,'C?-o 2006 o 112- DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, LOUISVILLE CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 59 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 40201-0059 http://www.1d.usace.anny.mil CELRL-ED-T 1 June 2006 MEMORANDUM FOR NCDENR, Division of Water Quality SUBJECT: Stonnwater Management Plan Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center 1. Attached is the Stonnwater Management Plan for the Raleigh U.S. Anny Reserve Center (USARC) project, with completed the Stonnwater Management Permit Application Form. This document is submitted for review and approval. Attached to the permit application is a memo regarding decd restrictions on federal property, the bioretention areas and grassed swales O&M agreement, and the applicable Supplement Forms for each BMP. A clieck for the required fee ($420) is also enclosed. 2. If there are any questions regarding this submittal, do not hesitate to call me at (502) 315-6434. Sincerely, p Stephen C. Thibaudeau, P.E. Civil Engineer Attachments Vol, a 2006 SUN 2 8p Oslo'-!m%RR sac" wE OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District 2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compliance): Stephen C. Thibaudeau, Civil Engineer 3. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: P.O. Box 59 City: Louisville Telephone Number: ( 502 ) 315-6434 State: KY Zip: 40242 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center (USARC) 5. Location of Project (street address): 3677 NC 55 HWY City: Cary County: Wake 6. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): From US 64W take the NC-55 ramp toward Apex/Durham. Turn right onto NC-55 and follow for approx. 4 miles. Site will be on the left, approx. 0.6 miles past Green Hope School Road (SR 1621). 7. Latitude: 35.810838 degrees N Longitude: 78.872926 degrees W of project 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project: Name: Stephen C. Thibaudeau Telephone Number: ( 502 ) 315-6434 II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): X New Fonn SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 1 of4 Renewal Modification L% JUN 2 2006 DENR - NVATER 14t QUALITY " 11ArJD5/?,D srcRhft"TER BRAZI 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number and its issue date (if known) 3. Specify the type of project (check one): Low Density High Density Redevelop X General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): _CAMA Major X Sedimentation/Erosion Control X 404/401 Permit X NPDES Stormwater Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748. III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project . The site has been designed to direct surface runoff from developed areas into bioretention areas. The bioretention areas will be vegetated with native species and be pleasing aesthetically, while addressing the stormwater runoff quality. Stormwater will reach these areas by surface runoff through grassed areas, or through sodded ditches. 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Cape Fear River basin. 3. Total Project Area: 18.27 acres 4. Project Built Upon Area: 29.1 % 5. How many drainage areas does the project have? 1 6. Complete the following information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Receiving Stream Name Panther Creek Receiving Stream Class Class WSIII Drainage Area 18.27 Existing Impervious* Area 0 acres Proposed Impervious*Area 5.31 acres Impervious* Area (total) 29.1 % Impervious* Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 On-site Buildings 1.0 acres On-site Streets 1.48 acres On-site Parking 2.7 acres On-site Sidewalks 0.13 acres Other on-site Off-site Total: 5.31 acres Total: * Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 2 of4 How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived?. IV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS ''Please see attached correspondence regarding deed restrictions on federal government property" The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly, a table listing each lot number, size and the allowable built-upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment. 1. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with state stornnvater management permit number as issued by the Division of Water Quality. These covenants tnay not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. 2. No more than square feet of any lot shall be covered by structures or impervious materials. Impervious materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but do not include wood decking or the water surface of swinuning pools. 3. Stvales shall not be filled in, piped, or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings. 4. Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount requires a state storm water management permit modification prior to construction. 5. All permitted runolffrom outparcels or future development shall be directed into the permitted stortmwater control system. These connections to the stormwater control system shall be perfortned in a manner that maintains the integrity and performance of the system as permitted. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under theta, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. "Please see attached correspondence regarding deed restrictions on federal government property" V. SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement forin(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms. Form SWU-102 Form SWU-103 Form SWU-104 Form SWU-105 Form SWU-106 Form SWU-107 Form SWU-108 Form SWU-109 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Infiltration Basin Supplement Low Density Supplement Curb Outlet System Supplement Off-Site System Supplement Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Neuse River Basin Supplement Innovative Best Management Practice Supplement Fornt SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 3 of 4 VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. Initials • Original and one copy of the Stonnwater Management Permit Application Form c_ r- • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP • Permit application processing fee of $420 (payable to NCDENR) • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management `'- • Two copies of plans and specifications, including: -1- - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm -Legend - North arrow - Scale - Revision number & date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures - Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage areas delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VII. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section. Designated agent (individual or firm):. Mailing Address: City:_ Phone: VIII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION State: Zip: Fax: ( ) I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) Stephen C. Thibaudeau certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. Signature: Date: / t ??- ?ml_ Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 4 of 4 _4T i CI?Sr1S-R1;-IZI' DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SAVANNAH DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEER3 P.O. BOX C81 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 31402 -033 03,92 02 May 2006 M11MOIZANDUM FOR C'O,IWMANDFIZ, U. S. ARMY FNGINI:I-R DISTIZIC(, I,Ol1ISVILLI:, ?1'I??I?N: CI;I,KL-l;D=f-C (Stcplten'I?hibau(feau) SUBJECI*: Ralcigh USARC, Military Construction 1'1-0icct - Wake County, North Carolina, • Deed Notification" 1- Ite?crence is made to a request to complete the li\rnt, "Compliance with Wctland &' Butter Regulati01lS" that is included in the application packa-c fir the Section 401 Water Quality Certification Permit tiTr Government owned lands in Wakc County, North Carolina. 2. ;\Itcr CUn-LIltatiOlI N?'ith our legal counsel, it has been determined that the Savannah District Chief; Rcal !'state (toes not. have the authority to place deed restrictions on Government owned lands. The attached nicntorandum (fated March 2, 2001, from the Oftice ofthe Under Secretary of Defense. "Guidance on Land Use Control ALrecments with Environmental Regulatory Agencies- states that the Federal (;mcrnntcnt cannot obligate itself to fiittirc land use Controls over real property that will have the effect of creating, disposing or altering any real property ri??hts.1{t)nl) is not authorized to create a use restriction for recordatio?r..=l)ccd recordation by DuD of•;t use restriction is creating, disposing or altcrin, a real property interest on Federal property that is prohibited by Federal property law, regulations, and policy. 3. Any furthcr questions in this matter should be directed to the IZeal Estate Technical `fanagcr, Belinda Estabrook at (912) 672-5667. l.:nclosu?e .101 IN IZ. '1'1 I01MAS Acting Chief. Regional iManagcntent Branch Kcal Estate Division Guidance on Land Use Control Agrcenicnts with Environmental Regulatory Agencies (2 ... Page 1 of c) col 0ITICE F T I IIE UNDER SECRETARY ..?. 1 o DI:rENSE f {t; , ." 3000 DEFENSE PEWIACON 1VAS11ING'1'ON DC 20301 3000 t; j, ,AC QUItiITION AN1) 2 2001 TP.CiiNOLOG March DUSD ( FS XL) NiI NIOR:\NUI)NI FOR \SSIS'I'/\N'I' SI:CRI:I'i\RY OF "I'I IF \R,INI ------------------------------- (INSTALLATIONS AND ENVIRON,NiF'Nf) - ------------ ----------- ?\SS1S'fi\N1' SI;CItf:"fi\ItY OFTI IF' NAVY ------------------------------ (INSTALLATIONS AND ENVIRONNIi NIT) - - - ------------------- \SSIS'f:\N"f SI;CItI:'I'?1ltY OF "I [ IF AIR i ORCi: ---------------------------- (NiANPO\1'l:lt, itI:sl:izvl; AFFAIRS, -------------------------- --INSTALLA FIONS AND L'NV[RONNtI:N'I ) --------------------------DIRECTOR, DI;FGNSI; LOGISTICS AGL:NCY (D) St JBJEC1': GUidanee o?i Land Use Control Agreements with I'll vironmCIIIA Regulatory :A> cnCies ;\ttachcd is the template, referenced in the January 17, 2001, i)ol) "Police on land Use Controls Associated with Flivironnicrital Restoration Activities," that shall be used when drafting a voluntary agrecincnt for the implcnientation of land use controls (I.(JCs) at Dol) instaIlilt ions. As stated in the DoD LUC policy, there is no legal or regulatory requirerticnt for these aL?reenients; they arc voluntary :uui arc intended to improve the visibility and viability of LUCs at an installation. 'these voluntary a-?rcenicnts N011 environmental rcgulatory a-cncics should only be developed in exceptional cases to facilitate the use of LLJC's at a specific installation (horn ally active installations only) for property under the control of the Component, and are primarily a description of the parties' specific responsibilities within the existing framework of laws and regulations regardin?(I land use controls. 'I'hcy are not cnl'orccablc regulatory documents, nor are they to be an enforceable term or condition of an environmental restoration decision document or intcragcncy agreement. Components may elect to adopt a I-.UC management strategy at installations consistent with the principles stated in this "uidancc without necessarily entering into an agreement xvith regulatory agencies. An agrccnient is normally cf-tcctcd throtioll a memorandum of al,reenient (N10:\) or memorandum ofundcrstanding (NIOU). Generally, N10Us memorialize agi-Ccincnts and NIOAS additionally eontcniplatc a reinilnu-sable support requirement. This guidance provides flexibility to Components to develop tailored installation agreements that are consistent with DoD policy. As stated in the Dol) LUC: policy, an agreement with a regulatory agency that is consistent with the attaclicd template and the principles outlined hops:/iwww.dcnix.osd.mil/dcnix/Public/Library/Cleanup/Iucal"ree.html 5/2/2006 Guidance im Land Use Control Agreements with Environmental Regulatory Agencies (2 ... Page 2 of '9 below is exempt from the 72-hour review requirertlcnt. Significant deviations front the tcnlplate, however, are subject to the 72-hour review rcquircntcnt. As stated in the DoD LUC policy. Mmicver possible, installatiolt5 shall use existillg pr(iccsses and ntechatlisills (c.g., the installation environmental restoration nlanaunictlt action plan, existing land use management practices) for the implementation and ntana-cmenl of LUCs. For property being transferred Out of federal control, documents such as the (Iced caul contract fur sale are appropriate places to define-LUC responsibilities. A separate a?(rccntent may be nccded with a private party (such as the uansfcrec) assumingg. LIIC responsibilities. Neither the Dot I.UC policy nor this guidance restricts such a-rcemcnls. Such agccmcnts with private parties, however, should be consistent with the Dol) Ll_IC policy and the principles and template contained in this guidance. Principles incorporated in the template and to be highlighted ill Agl'cetnctits with regulatory agcllcics arc as 1OIlo\%s: A_urcelllents shall be Consistent with applicable law and authority. Agreements shall not include additional substantive requirements beyond those authorized in Federal and applicable state or local laws and regulations not in conflict with lacderal lane. Responsibility for managing and monitoring'_ LUCs should be at the local level; the property owner should have the primary responsibility, and existing local processes should be used. • .?\gicclllcws should address only specific sites where iA.JCs will be employed, not the installation as a whole, and preferably should be drafted only after the remedy is proposed or selected. • As DoD does not have authority to dispose of any real property rights at an active installation (c.g.. recordin(a restrictive covenant or casement), implclimiting I.UCs will not create, dispose, or alter any real property rights on active installations. f )ol) has authority to Make killd U.Ne (ICCisiOnS at active installations, however, where a proposed land use change requires a change to the decision docuntcnt, tile LICCiSiOll document change normally will require the same level of regulatory involvement as the original decision docutncnt. • Mutually acceptable and reciprocal reservation ofrights clauses should be used to avoid otherwise irreconcilable conflicts and stalemates in the development of the Atuccnlent. • State services in support of L.,UC Agreements and implementation of LUCs are not C()k'cred by the Detetlse Mate Memorandum of Agreenlent (DSNIOA) process and related funding;. Payment of applicable, nondiscriminatory state and local fees for LUC iniplenlcntation and monitoring activities are allowable but must be consistent with Dol) policy and guidance. • agreements will not limit the ability oflhe parties to delete any site front the A,,reentent based on a change in cleanup standards that obviates the need for the 1AJC. • Tl Ie agreement shall specify that it will terminate upon transfer of the subject property, nucl LUC responsibilities should tic incorporated into the contract for sale and decd. The point ofcontact liir this guidance and template is Mr. Shah A. C'houdliury at (703) 697- 7,175. https:lhvww.denix.osd.mil/dcnixlPublic/l.ibrarylCleanup/lucagree.htnll 5/2/2006 GUidallce on La11d Use Control Aurec111ents with hnvirolurlcntal Regulatory Agencies (2 ... Page 3 of 9 Ciary D. Vest Principal Assistant Dcl)uty Under Secretary of velcnse (Flivironnicrntal Security) Attaclullcnt: as stated CC: 1)llsl)(1) "Template for Land_use Colit1'ols Agreement with l llvirt?nmcntal__Re"llI ?toly, Agelicies Illis femplufe provides an anuolaled olaline fill, atireemenls lvith res?ukrlol v agencies .fin- the inanuc;enlenl a10 111011it01'ilrsf ol'Land Use Controls (LCJCs) oil properly !ruder the c•onfl•ol of till in.'aallation. The outline c•onsisis• of'sec•tion headin4,s• with a short descl-ipluln of lrllat should he contained ; addilio?lal explancrlory mane!, is provided ill italic's. Ae template provides a bide rculs e of circumstances to cover- the awlesi extent possible ill till Igivelalelrl; Components and installations are encouraged to eliminate inapplicable provisions and tailor:1greeulenls by usin1 orlh'those specific'seclions trod provisions relevant to file specific circinustances• (1J the I'e111e y (111cl Site. Ill ab'lil!!Il" till :ll;reemenl, /lie eniphasis should be oil it-licit is to be clone by file installation or the i-egulalory agency; describing cut existing process and responsibilities maY su/)ic•e. Neither taxpayers not, proleetion of human Ileallh and file environment are served by developing rechmdaw processes or paperwork that diver! fiuidill?, el]ur1, and_Joc11s• aiv(1_y from file substance of e11111-011me)1tal iTSfal•altioll l'J/i11'1.1' WO 111(lricil;elnellt ol*LUCs. Any cidditional reylrireintwis collemplated colder file : t s;reemeut must be c'osf-c(Jec•live and directly assist in addressing risks'. 13;icl:;;rountl 171is section desci-ibex the background and reasons why LCiCS are being used at the ins tallatioll. 7I1e /b/lowinti des•cv'iptions, as applicable to file installation and specific sites with LUGS, twe to he lased • Statement that investigative activities have revealed contamination and a list (if available) of those sites lilr which silt-spccilic remedies with associated land use controls have been seleciccl or previously implemented. . Statement that Federal or state risk-based cleanup criteria were applied in the remedy selection process to prevent unacceptable exposure. tlttps:/iwww.denix.osd.mil/dcnix/Public/l.ibrary/Cleanup/lucagrcc.html 5/2/2006 Guidance oil Land Use Control Agreciiients with Ltlvironnicntal Regulatory Agencies (2 ... Page 4 of9 • Statement that installation desires that site renlccly determinations take future land use into account. Statement that land use controls are intended to ensure land use restrictions rculain in place and cflcctivc as long as ?tcccssary to ensure remedy remains protective of liuman health and the environment. Staicnicnt that csisting processes and mcchanisnis arc; to be used in the inlplcmcntatIML mct?lagcnlcnt, and monitoring of 1.11Cs. DO-]ni(ions This -section is hitem1cll )1. ( effiling tel-nis specific to the .1 t?re?rlllcul, such cis de initions of LUGS ur decision documents tailolvd to the installation curet shcci/(c sitrs srrhjrct to the .• ",'c'eme'nt. Pul-pose '111is Scctinn should stoic the ohjcctirr(e) to he accomplished throtwh execution of ill I; TCe seem. 7het 0hjCC1hV(s) Will he ouc ol• more of the fillluu'ulg: To Implement a process to ensure: appropriate long-term maintenance of LUCs. The process will elevate 4general awareness ol'LUCs by installation personnel to ensure lone-term protection. To implement a process fir the installation to periodically update the appropriate; regulatory agency conccrnin- the continuation ufany LUCs and any planned changes in land use that may affcct any site rcmcdiatcd in accordance with risk-based criteria. To integ.ite site remedies with i.UCs into the installation's fitcility planning process. • To provide reasonable assurmlces that pathway and czposurc assumptions relied upon in staking the remedial decision will remain valid until dillcrent site controls or unrestricted use are appropriate. Applicability :l l-eeliients.shuulll,filc'tts on site--Ypecific, i-eme Tics. 1•uthcr than gCl7Ct-edpi•ovi.Sions 1'eluthki, to file entire in.Nialleitioli ol. the 1-emeel?" sele•ction Cmd I-emeChal llction pl-oces.s. • Statement that any future Clecisions involving LUCs on the installation must be consistent with the Au'rccntcnt. Statement that the Agrecincia will take effect only after remedy selection. . Statement that implementation of L.UCs under the Agreement will not have the cllcct littps://%vww.(Icilix.os(l.?niI/deniX/Public/Library/Cleaunlp/lucagree.11till1 5/2/2006 Guidance l)n L,:Uld Use Control A recments \vllh Environmental RcPulatory Agencics (2 ... Page 5 of 9 of,crcatin" disposing, or altering any real property rights on active installations. (Afole: Cllllcrss otherlrise cllrlhoi-Led by lute, e.g.. BRAC, DoD is not milhoi-icecl to create a use restrictiolt fr11' recordation. Deed !'c'corclulion by DoD of a use resn•iciion oil uelive ilistallalion proper(y is cvcatins„ disposhl,{, or allel-ill, a real properly, irrlerest 0?1 1•Cclclul property that is prollihiled by 1•i'cler(11pr•operll, liar, regirlcuions, and policy.) site Invedimi/ Review/Certification 711i.,.cecliorl corers uuulagemenl cntcl review primarily interned in.siallatloll resparrsihililies. Reference to exisling proc•cclures or provil/in," l-egulalory figencies a volification enul an invilcllion to observe installation ill.specliolls rluly suJJice, cnlcl is preferred to developnts; duplicalive inspection regimes. • Provision for periodic (as arced) monitoring or visual inspections of LUC sites by the installation. Statement that inspections and reviews by the installation are for purposes of vcrilying that I.UCs are properly maintained. Provision for notice to the appropriate regulatory umicy of deficiencies, and that all appropriate measures have been taken to correct the dcticicncies. e Provision for an annual report to the appropriate rcpulatory agency confirming the continual retention of all L.UCs. (7his• prori.siolr is inlendcd primcu i1y Jilr active installation Ivi-eclllents; if regulaton, agencies are to he notified of ileJiclencies and actions taken, ihcn this provisioll is rcchulclant cell muY not be necllecl ) Annotation Phis section is illicllded Jin• use in Agi-cements lrhere trullsfer ref property is not anticipated, e'. active in.s/c111c1lions. In some slel/rs, Ihcre clay he a requirement to record use rrstricliolls in the local land records. somelllhig that is prohlhiled hl, Federal properiv Icm•, regulalions, (10111 policy.lor active installation real properly. 77lis recorrdalion requirement, however, may he filllillcd 1111-otigh (1/1 agreelncilt with the state to C11111o1ate use restrictions tit the inswIltltion, and some combination of describing inslallcltion processes for rminilor./W and ilrarlcl,f;ing land use, npo1'tiil!; mgioi' land use changes, Cmd c1 pi-ovision fat' deed i-ecol elation rf the property is leant reed out of Fedend conlrol in 0101 fulure. Statement that the installation will develop and incorporate appendices (LUC site listing and others, as needed) into the installation master planning process and geographic information system (G1S) (as available and applicable to the installation), and will provide written notification to the state regulatory agency when incorporated. Statenu:rlt, ifapplicable, that the Agrccnlcrnt satisfies state requirements for LUC recordation. Land_115c Ghangrs/e?I;enc}'_Coordination This seclion is pl•imurily intended file use in Agi-ceinents• trherc iiwn.l r of'property is not https:!!www.dertis.osd.mil/deni,x/Public!Library/Cleanup/luc:tbree.htinl 5/2/2006 Guidance on Land Use Control rlgrcenlents with Environmental Regulatory Agencies (2 ... Pagc 6 of 9 emlicipaled, e.g., cictive illslallations, us tin tlhcrluitire to sleile legal 1•equirements• fe/n recortliIIg land use chtnic;es ill local laud recordv, somelhin shat is prohibited bi, 1%edend pi-oput'1, hall', regultilions, and policy.f lr (retire installation properly. Pliere a hind use change will t•iolule o use res11•iction or risk assumptions ill fire underlying remedy decision, 111e insfallcrtioll roust undertake fia-1h i- environmental restoration actions to ensure c•ompalihili(v of land use with residmil contalllinution. When! a line/ use change does not violcilc the rise resh•ictiatts ill the remedy but mcly under-mine the elfcctireness of the LUCs ossoc•ialed with the property, till' imstcillotioll nlaV aced to mudili, the LUCs to ensin•c inappropriate activities do not occta'. prelccdure; for providing notification to the appropriate regulatory agency regarding any major land use c11an1!cs. Delinition of"major change in land use" (as applicable): 1. Any change in land use (e.g.. Crum industrial or recreational to residential) that would be inconsistent with those specific eNposure assumptions in the human health and/or ecological risk assessments that served as the basis for the LUCs that sere irllplcnu:nted at the site. 2. Any site activity that may disrupt the effectiveness of the implemented LUC (c.g., excavation at a lancilill; groundwater pumping that may impact a ;,round%%atcr pump and treat system; a construction project that may affect ecological habitat prcltccted by the remedy; the permanent removal ofa hence; or the permanent removal of*warning signs). 3. Any site activity intended to alter or negate the nerd for the specific LUC(s) implemented at the site. . Provision tier cvaluation of how a proposed major land use change will affect the re:nledy and assessment ol'the need for additional 1.lJCs or chanues in tile SCICCICLI remedy. NIOA integration 7his• scc•tioil. to he used only if /needed, trill descvihe the tt pe gl'inJonuration about site- ,specific L(iC'Y gird ony standard i ingucige to be included in decision documents. Reference to the "Igreelnetrt in the decision docrmmenf, however, does not stake the Agreement alt cli/ilrccable teen or requirement ol'the decision document or in tilt intenigency a,(rccnleirt F dercrl_lucilities agi-celliew. Commitment to Obtain hundbu, Vol. ct ,tlenrorcr/tchil/t ol'Uiidcrslcurding, this section des'crihes the instidlation asst// ince to obtain funding; for flier implementeition, management, and monitor-hki, g1'LUC's•. Please note these aciiyities• Intl I, he limdeclli•onr soru•ces other fllan alt envil'onlnewtil restoralioll uccornit. iii e.rccptiollcil cases, where file installulion desires reilmhursable services (i.e., a alenroralu sin of.1 greenlerit is being used), this sec•lion should hrielly describe the finding meclumism that is contemplafed. Note that use ol'the Defense State Alemoraltdum of ,1 reement (USA10A) pi-ocess and related finuling is limited to rcinibw•sing sicite suppoil .services dttrh g remedy seleclion and implementation of the p/ti sical i-emedy. State services in leaps://wwsv.dolt\.osd.illiI/dciii,/l)tibIic/library/Cleanup/ILiciiLrce.litnll 5/2/2006 Guidance on Land Use Control Agreements with Environmental Regulatory Agencies (2 ... Page 7 of 9 support o%l.(iCAgrec»rents all(1 nnplementaiion. management, uncl monitoring o%LUO are not covered ht' the DS,11U.1 process. Statement that the installation will use best cffOrts to obtain necessary funding to ensure continual maintenance of LUCs. Future Property Cnnvey,trtces • 77/rs section is ilrlclulecl.Jirr 41greemenis hoth at active insiallalions (inhere trallsfer of proper11. is not tirnicipnte(1411111 the 'Agreclnont is Srtb.S/JtlltJrrf,?li)!'st?te legal reclrrirerueut %or clcccl rccurclutiun) and tit BRAC ilrstallation5 (tl'hr?'c' proper(( Ircnr.?%r is 11111ic•iputccl). 7'he,firllorring provisions Aouhl be tailored to file uPpropriate c•ircrnnstances. RrJ?rc?JCiM till cSttihliShecl process (e. ., hirrclirlt; ol'SuitubilitY to 7ralr.vJ"r (FO 7) process Ji)r• the transr ol'11R: fC' proper{l) ruay sullic•e, aml is prelJ rrccl to creutilrg weir or crclchtional require?ncrlls. • Provision tar written notice to regulatory agency at least (X) (lays before such intended conveyance. Notice should indicate nuchanisms necessary to ensure that LUCs will amain in place after property is conveyed. (phis provision, inhere applicable. is ilrterrclocl prinrcn'ily /ur active installation A recnrents in licit of'clce(l recordation. The notice is intended to be hifi nnutionul to note the chun e in ownership ctnd LUC responsibilities.) • Statement that each LUC will be reviewed and incorporated into those property disposal procedures required to meet CI:RC'LA re(luircments. • Statement that the LUC site will be deleted from the (Agreement upon transfer of the property. Change in :applicable Standards . Statement that the Agreement will not limit the ability of parties to delete any site from the Aorecrnent based on either a change in cleanup standards or a change in contaminant concentration levels allowing for unrestricted use of the formerly i UC- cncumlwrcd property, e.g., deleting a site where groundwater contaminant levels have reached the ,(mediation objective throW-111 treatment. Future Communications Statement that parties to the Agreement will notify each other (within X (lays) of relevant points ofconlact to receive all correspondence and communications. Site Access • provision for regulatory agency access to sites covered by the agreement at reasonable times consistent with the military mission, security, and hcalth/satcty rcyt?irements, and upon presentation of proper credentials. • Statement that regulatory agency access will be coordinated with the installation's environmental restoration program manager. https:/iwww.dcnix.osd.ntil/dcnixll'ublic/Library/Cleantip/lucabrec.html 5/2/2006 Guidance on Land Use Control Agreements with Environmental Rcbulatory Agcnelcs (2 ... Pale 3 of 9 Disputes Provision of'dispute rCSOlUtion procedures. Parties will agree to engage in good-t11' etlbrt to resolve all disputes that may arise about the parties' good-faith compliance with the terms ol'the Agreement. Reservation of Rights 1llis section provides fir 11117tually accel)tublc and recilu-ocal reservation o/ri,?llfs clauses 1/.uCd to avoid otherwise irrecor7cilable conjlicls and sh7lemales in the development of they Installation reserves rights granted to Dol) under federal law, regulation, or executive order, including any right to put all property under control ol'thc installation eonllnarldcr to those uses deemed ncccssarv in his discretion for mission accomplishment or necessary by appropriate military authority to meet needs ol'DoD. (:Vote: The installation must insure that they land use will not violate a use restriction or risk assumptions in 1174 underlving remedial deci.vion and that the 141/741 u.se is compatible with residual contamination. Statement that Dol) is CLRCLA lead wency. • Statcnlcnt that Dol) has sole authority to make land use decisions on active installations. • Rc-;ulatory agencies reserve riy-Ihts to require installation to comply with Fcdcral and state laws and re ulations applicable to investigation, cleanup, and long term tnaintcnailce of-thosc sites covered by the agreement. Anti-Deficiency Act Statement that the Agrcenu nt does not obligate Dol) or IPA (if party to the Agreement) to expend any finds in violation of the federal Anti-Deficiency Act. Anlcndnlent • Provide procedures Cor makin-, anlcndincias to the Agreement. Amendments must be in writing and execute([ by all parties to the Agreenlcllt. Tvrntitt-mion Statenu:nt that Agreement terminates upon mutual concurrence by parties that the objectives ofthe Agreclnent have been Fulfilled. Provision that in the event ofa dispute, any party can withdraw Irom the Agrcei lent upon (X) (lays written notice to other parties, but only after reasonable efforts have first been made by the parties to resolve any disputes. Itcpres.cntativ e,t\ti.thority . A certification that signatories to the Agreement are authorized to enter into a binding https://www.dcnix.osd.nlil/dcniXIPublic/Library/C:lcanup/lucagrce.httnl 5/2/2006 Guidance on Land Use Control Agreements with Environmental Itcgulatory flgcncies (2 ... Page 9 of '9 agreement on behalf oftheir respective accncies. ;Appendices (as applicable to the A-rcemenl) All ullllcjulicc s must he (-oll.vistew with the Agreement, greement, c•rruling no ri,iJltts or obligations hca•ond t/lo.VL..%peci/iccl in t/lc .I1,'rec'Melrt. LUC Site Listing. For each site it %%,ill include site name, site description, and site location. Appendix will be updated periodically (as agrced) to reflect additions or deletions ol'sitcs. Copics of all updates will be sent to the replatory nutlrorities. :1},)c??ey Points of Contact. • Other appendices, as specified in the Agrecment. https:;/vvw?v.denis.osd.ritil/dcnix/Public/Library/Cleanup/It?cagrce.htnil 5/2/2006 Project No. DWQ US A.R. C. Project Name: 06-0112 SUBMITTED DESIGN: 1 6/29/2006 elevations Permanent Pool (ft) 356.5 Temporary Pool (ft) 357 areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 1467 Drainage Area (ac) 0.84 Impervious Area (ac) 0.42 Rational C 0.9 Precipitation (in) 0.07 volumes REQUIRED DESIGN: 0.5 ft. depth 161 sq. ft. ac 50.0 % impervious no sand underdrain Inlet Velocity 0.8 0 fps Inlet Flow Depth 7.92 in Depth to Ground Water 5 6 ft Planting Soil Infiltration 1 0.52 in/hr In-Situ Soil Infiltration 0.2 0.00 in/hr ok ok check veloci ok ok Project No. DWQ US A.R. C. Project Name: 06-0112 SUBMITTED DESIGN: 2 REQUIRED DESIGN: 6/29/2006 elevations Permanent Pool (ft) 355.5 0.5 ft. depth Temporary Pool (ft) 356 areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 1353 111 sq. ft. Drainage Area (ac) 0.58 ac Impervious Area (ac) 0.46 79.3 % impervious Rational C 0.9 Precipitation (in) 0.07 no sand underdrain volumes Inlet Velocity 0.71 0 fps Inlet Plow Depth 9 in Depth to Ground Water 5 6 ft Planting Soil Infiltration 1 0.52 in/hr In-Situ Soil Infiltration 0.2 0.00 in/hr ok ok check veloci ok ok Project No. DWQ US A.R. C. Project Name: 06-0112 SUBMITTED DESIGN: 3 REQUIRED DESIGN: 6/29/2006 elevations Pennanent Pool (ft) 357.5 0.5 ft. depth Temporary Pool (ft) 358 areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 4271 417 sq. ft. Drainage Area (ac) 2.17 ac Impervious Area (ac) 1.32 60.8 % impervious Rational C 0.9 Precipitation (in) 0.07 no sand underdrain volumes Inlet Velocity 0.35 0 fps Inlet Plow Depth 3 in Depth to Ground Water 5 6 ft Planting Soil Infiltration 1 0.52 in/hr In-Situ Soil Infiltration 0.2 0.00 in/hr ok ok ok ok ok Project No. DWQ US A.R. C. Project Name: 06-0112 SUBMITTED DESIGN: 4 REQUIRED DESIGN: 6/29/2006 elevations Permanent Pool (ft) 365.5 0.5 ft. depth Temporary Pool (ft) 366 areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 2163 305 sq. ft. Drainage Area (ac) 1.59 ac Impervious Area (ac) 0.48 30.2 % impervious Rational C 0.9 Precipitation (in) 0.07 no sand underdrain volumes Inlet Velocity 0.32 0 fps Inlet Flow Depth 2.88 in Depth to Ground Water 5 6 ft Planting Soil Infiltration I 0.52 in/hr In-Situ Soil Infiltration 0.2 0.00 in/hr ok ok ok ok ok Project No. DWQ US A.R. C. Project Name: 06-0112 SUBMITTED DESIGN: 5 6/29/2006 elevations Permanent Pool (ft) 363.5 Temporary Pool (ft) 364 areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 1649 Drainage Area (ac) 0.83 Impervious Area (ac) 0.51 Rational C 0.9 Precipitation (in) 0.07 volumes REQUIRED DESIGN: 0.5 ft. depth 159 sq. It ac 61.4 % impervious no sand underdrain Inlet Velocity 1.07 0 fps Inlet Flow Depth 8.9 in Depth to Ground Water 5 6 ft Planting Soil Infiltration 1 0.52 in/lir In-Situ Soil Infiltration 0.2 0.00 in/hr ok ok check veloci ok ok Project No. DWQ US A.R. C. Project Name: 06-0112 SUBMITTED DESIGN: 6 REQUIRED DESIGN: 6/29/2006 elevations Permanent Pool (ft) 365.4 0.5 ft. depth Temporary Pool (ft) 365.9 areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 3546 309 sq. ft. Drainage Area (ac) 1.61 ac Impervious Area (ac) 1.17 72.7 % impervious Rational C 0.9 Precipitation (in) 0.07 no sand underdrain volumes Inlet Velocity 0.95 0 fps Inlet Flow Depth 1.1 in Depth to Ground Water 5 6 ft Planting Soil Infiltration 1 0.52 in/hr In-Situ Soil Infiltration 0.2 0.00 Mir ok ok check veloei ok ok ?x DWQ Project No. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - BIORETENTION AREA WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center Contact Person: Steve Thibaudeau Phone Number: ( 502 ) 315-6434 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: PD9 Permanent Pool Elevation Temporary Pool Elevation Bioretention Surface Area Drainage Area Impervious Area Rational C Coefficient Size % Inlet Velocity Inlet flow depth Depth to Ground Water Planting Soil Infiltration Rate In-Situ Soil Infiltration Rate II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST 356.5 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) 357.0 ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) 1,467 sq. ft. 0.84 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) 0.42 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) 0.9 pavement/ 0.25 grass 7 % (either 5% in w/sand under drain or 7% in w/o) 0.80 cfs fps 7.92 in >5 ft. 1.0 in./hr. (the soil layer down to 4 feet) 0.20 in./hr. (the soil layer below 4 feet or below the sand bed) Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. AoDlicants Initials No vertical sand bed is proposed The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet. Sheet flow is provided at inlet. Water table depth is greater than 6 feet. Minimum of 6" ponding is provided. The ponded area will draw down in less than 4 days. Planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in/hr. a?'T The in-situ soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.2 in/hr. S?-5 A planting plan with species and densities is provided. Mulch layer is specified in plans. Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999) Plan details for the bioretention area provided. ?r Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. An operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Please note that underdrains beneath the planting soil are acceptable in the Piedmont and Mountains DWQ Project No. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY • BIORETENTION AREA WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center Contact Person: Steve Thibaudeau Phone Number: ( 502 ) 315-6434 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: PD7 Permanent Pool Elevation Temporary Pool Elevation Bioretention Surface Area Drainage Area Impervious Area Rational C Coefficient Size % Inlet Velocity Inlet flow depth Depth to Ground Water Planting Soil Infiltration Rate In-Situ Soil Infiltration Rate II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST 355.5 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) 356.0 ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) 1,353 sq. ft. 0.58 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) 0.46 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) 0.9 pavement/ 0.25 grass 7 % (either 5% in w/sand under drain or 7% in w/o) 0.71 cfs fps 9 in >5 ft. 1.0 in./hr. (the soil layer down to 4 feet) 0.2 in./hr. (the soil layer below 4 feet or below the sand bed) Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Aoolicants Initials No vertical sand bed is proposed 7 -i The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet. Sheet flow is provided at inlet. Water table depth is greater than 6 feet. ;h Minimum of 6" ponding is provided. The ponded area will draw down in less than 4 days. ?cfi ' Planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in/hr. cjr The in-situ soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.2 in/hr. , %C A planting plan with species and densities is provided. f?' Mulch layer is specified in plans. Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999) Plan details for the bioretention area provided. Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. '71C-1 An operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Please note that underdrains beneath the planting soil are acceptable in the Piedmont and Mountains DWQ Project No DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY • BIORETENTION AREA WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center Contact Person: Steve Thibaudeau Phone Number: ( 502 ) 315-6434 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: PD5 Permanent Pool Elevation Temporary Pool Elevation Bioretention Surface Area Drainage Area Impervious Area Rational C Coefficient Size % Inlet Velocity Inlet flow depth Depth to Ground Water Planting Soil Infiltration Rate In-Situ Soil Infiltration Rate II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST 357.5 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) 358.0 ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) 4,271 sq. ft. 2.17 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) 1.32 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) 0.9 pavement/ 0.25 grass 7 % (either 5% in w/sand under drain or 7% in w/o) 0.35 cfs fps 3 in >5 ft. 1.0 in./hr. (the soil layer down to 4 feet) 0.20 in./hr. (the soil layer below 4 feet or below the sand bed) Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Aoolicants Initials No vertical sand bed is proposed - The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet. -,7C--T_ Sheet flow is provided at inlet. ct Water table depth is greater than 6 feet. <?T Minimum of 6" ponding is provided. 1'c IF The ponded area will draw down in less than 4 days. Planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in/hr. The in-situ soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.2 in/hr. z - l A planting plan with species and densities is provided. f-Z_ T Mulch layer is specified in plans. Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999) Plan details for the bioretention area provided. Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. An operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Please note that underdrains beneath the planting soil are acceptable in the Piedmont and Mountains DWQ Project DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - BIORETENTION AREA WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center Contact Person: Steve Thibaudeau Phone Number. ( 502 ) 315-6434 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: PD3 Permanent Pool Elevation Temporary Pool Elevation Bioretention Surface Area Drainage Area Impervious Area Rational C Coefficient Size % Inlet Velocity Inlet flow depth Depth to Ground Water Planting Soil Infiltration Rate In-Situ Soil Infiltration Rate REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST 365.5 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) 366.0 ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) 2,163 sq. ft. 1.59 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) 0.48 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) 0.9 pavement/ 0.25 grass 7 % (either 5% in w/sand under drain or 7% in w/o) 0.32 cfs fps 2.88 in >5 ft. 1.0 in./hr. (the soil layer down to 4 feet) 0.20 in./hr. (the soil layer below 4 feet or below the sand bed) Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials No vertical sand bed is proposed The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet. 6 C Sheet flow is provided at inlet. 4t%i ' Water table depth is greater than 6 feet. ch Minimum of 6" ponding is provided. ?Gfl The ponded area will draw down in less than 4 days. Planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in/hr. The in-situ soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.2 in/hr. ?le-'71- A planting plan with species and densities is provided. Mulch layer is specified in plans. <Z-T Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999) I Plan details for the bioretention area provided. Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. An operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Please note that underdrains beneath the planting soil are acceptable in the Piedmont and Mountains DWQ Project DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - BIORETENTION AREA WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name: Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center Contact Person: Steve Thibaudeau Phone Number. ( 502 ) 315-6434 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: PD4 Permanent Pool Elevation Temporary Pool Elevation Bioretention Surface Area Drainage Area Impervious Area Rational C Coefficient Size % Inlet Velocity Inlet flow depth Depth to Ground Water Planting Soil Infiltration Rate In-Situ Soil Infiltration Rate II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST 363.5 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) 364.0 ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) 1,649 sq. ft. 0.83 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) 0.51 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) 0.9 pavement/ 0.25 grass 7 % (either 5% in w/sand under drain or 7% in w/o) 1.07 cfs fps 8.9 in >5 ft. 1.0 in./hr. (the soil layer down to 4 feet) 0.20 in./hr. (the soil layer below 4 feet or below the sand bed) Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials No vertical sand bed is proposed ACT The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet. Uwe -r Sheet flow is provided at inlet. Water table depth is greater than 6 feet. Minimum of 6" ponding is provided. 4e-l- The ponded area will draw down in less than 4 days. <<i Planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in/hr. The in-situ soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.2 in/hr. A planting plan with species and densities is provided. Mulch layer is specified in plans. Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management S Practices Manual, April 1999) Plan details for the bioretention area provided. Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. An operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Please note that underdrains beneath the planting soil are acceptable in the Piedmont and Mountains DWQ Project No. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY • BIORETENTION AREA WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name: Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center Contact Person: Steve Thibaudeau Phone Number: For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: PD2 Permanent Pool Elevation Temporary Pool Elevation Bioretention Surface Area Drainage Area Impervious Area Rational C Coefficient Size % Inlet Velocity Inlet flow depth Depth to Ground Water Planting Soil Infiltration Rate In-Situ Soil Infiltration Rate II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST 365.4 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) 365.9 ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) 3,546 sq. ft. 1.61 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) 1.17 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) 0.9 pavement/ 0.25 grass 7 % (either 5% in w/sand under drain or 7% in w/o) 0.95 cfs fps 1.1 in >5 ft. 1.0 in./hr. (the soil layer down to 4 feet) 0.20 in./hr. (the soil layer below 4 feet or below the sand bed) Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications shouting all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. ADDlicants Initials l? No vertical sand bed is proposed The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet. ?cr Sheet flow is provided at inlet. Water table depth is greater than 6 feet. Minimum of 6" ponding is provided. The ponded area will draw down in less than 4 days. I Planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in/hr. i <'_ The in situ soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.2 in/hr. t3cx 7) ? A planting plan with species and densities is provided. ?C ? Mulch layer is specified in plans. gC-1 Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999) 55?<=i Plan details for the bioretention area provided. --'c 1 Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. 11-f An operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. 502 1 315-6434 Please note that underdrains beneath the planting soil are acceptable in the Piedmont and Mountains DWQ Project No. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY • GRASSED SWALE WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center Contact Person: Steve Thibaudeau Phone Number. (502 ) 315-6434 Swale ID: S1 Grass Swale Length Tributary Drainage Area Impervious Area 330 ft. 1.68 ac. 0.59 ac. 0.84 fps 0.89 fps 6:1 ratio (at least 100 ft. per tributary acre) (on-site and off-site drainage to the swale) (on-site and off-site drainage to the swale) Max. Velocity from 2 Yr. Storm Max. Velocity from 10 Yr. Storm Min, side slopes Steepest Effective Slope Cover Crop II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST (2 fps max.) (3:1 min.) 0.01 ft/ft (check dams may be used) Rod Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials Vegetation Plan provided on plans ?e5c- ? The underlying soils are permeable and non-compacted Swale carries only stormwater flow Y? Water table depth is greater than 1 foot. Plan details for the swale provided. t? E?T Plan details for the inlets and outlets are provided. f3f-? Check dams provided. `7' The operation and maintenance agreement includes annual erosion and vegetation repair, and at least twice annual mowing. °'r The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. DWQ Project DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY • GRASSED SWALE WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center Contact Person: Steve Thibaudeau Phone Number: (502 ) 315-6434 Swale ID: S2 Grass Swale Length Tributary Drainage Area Impervious Area 235 ft. (at least 100 ft. per tributary acre) (on-site and off-site drainage to the swale) (on-site and off-site drainage to the swale) (2 fps max.) (3:1 min.) (check dams may be used) 0.66 ac. 0.43 ac. Max. Velocity from 2 Yr. Storm 1.1 fps Max. Velocity from 10 Yr. Storm 1.38 fps Min. side slopes 6:1 ratio Steepest Effective Slope 0.024 ft/ft Cover Crop Sod II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials Vegetation Plan provided on plans The underlying soils are permeable and non-compacted Swale carries only stormwater flow -7` Water table depth is greater than 1 foot. Plan details for the swale provided. r1 Plan details for the inlets and outlets are provided. Check dams provided. The operation and maintenance agreement includes annual erosion and vegetation repair, and at least twice annual mowing. The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. DWQ Project No. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GRASSED SWALE WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center Contact Person: Steve Thibaudeau Phone Number. (502 ) 315-6434 Swale ID: S3 Grass Swale Length 350 ft. Tributary Drainage Area 1.21 ac. Impervious Area 0.31 ac. Max. Velocity from 2 Yr. Storm 0.94 fps Max. Velocity from 10 Yr. Storm 1.19 fps Min. side slopes 4:1 ratio Steepest Effective Slope 0.014 ft/ft Cover Crop Sod (at least 100 ft. per tributary acre) (on-site and off-site drainage to the Swale) (on-site and off-site drainage to the swale) (2 fps max.) (3:1 min.) (check dams may be used) II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials Vegetation Plan provided on plans The underlying soils are permeable and non-compacted Swale carries only stormwater flow Water table depth is greater than 1 foot. Plan details for the swale provided. Plan details for the inlets and outlets are provided. Check dams provided. f??ci The operation and maintenance agreement includes annual erosion and vegetation repair, and at least twice 'L1 annual mowing. ? The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. DWQ Project DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GRASSED SWALE WORKSHEET 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name: Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center Contact Person: Steve Thibaudeau Phone Number. (502 ) 315-6434 Swale ID: S4 Grass Swale Length Tributary Drainage Area Impervious Area 330 ft. (at least 100 ft. per tributary acre) (on-site and off-site drainage to the swale) (on-site and off-site drainage to the swale) (2 fps max.) (3:1 min.) (check dams may be used) 1.56 ac. 0 ac. Max. Velocity from 2 Yr. Storm 1.99 fps Max. Velocity from 10 Yr. Storm 1.97 fps Min. side slopes 6:1 ratio Steepest Effective Slope 0.063 ft/ft Cover Crop Sod II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials `r ,T_ Vegetation Plan provided on plans The underlying soils are permeable and non-compacted s'P Swale carries only stormwater flow of ?? Water table depth is greater than 1 foot. Plan details for the swale provided. Plan details for the inlets and outlets are provided. JC?i Check dams provided. SC J_ The operation and maintenance agreement includes annual erosion and vegetation repair, and at least twice annual mowing. ?`? The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. BIORETENTION AREAS AND GRASSED SWALES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Bioretention Areas A bioretention area is a landscaped area utilized for the removal of pollutants from stormwater runoff. It is a depression in the ground filled with a soil media mixture (planting soil) that supports water-tolerant vegetation. The surface of the area is protected from weeds, mechanical erosion, and dessication (drying out) by a layer of mulch. In addition, bioretention provides landscaping and habitat enhancement benefits. Initial maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. Water plant material at the end of each day for 14 consecutive days after planting has been completed. 2. Replace support stakes or wires as needed until planted material has stabilized. Ongoing maintenance activities shall be performed in accordance with the following table: Maintenance Activity Method Frequency Time of Year Soi l Inspect and repair Visual Monthly* Monthly erosion Clean up trash By hand Monthly* Monthly Flush underdrain pipes Quarterly March; June; September; December Organic Layer Remulch any void areas By hand Whenever needed Whenever needed Add any additional By hand Bi-annually Spring/Fall mulch if necessary Plants Remove and replace all Mechanical or by Bi-annually March 15 to April 30 dead/diseased hand and vegetation considered Oct 1 to Nov 30 beyond treatment Treat all diseased trees Mechanical or by As needed As needed and shrubs hand Reseed grass filter strip Mechanical or by Bi-annually March 15 to April 30 hand and Oct 1 to Nov 30 Structures Remove mulch from By hand Monthly* Monthly outlets and cleanouts Inspect and repair Mechanical or by Quarterly March; June; outlet pipe, headwalls hand September; and ri ra December *Monthly or after every runoff producing rainfall, whichever comes first Page 1 of 3 BIORETENTION AREAS AND GRASSED SWALES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (cont) Grassed Swales A grassed swale is a shallow open-channel drainageway stabilized with grass or other herbaceous vegetation and designed to convey runoff and filter pollutants. Swales remove pollutants from stormwater by filtration through grasses and other vegetation, settling, and infiltration through soil. Swales work best in conjunction with other BMPs. Grassed swales are occasionally enhanced with check dams to retain water and promote infiltration. Swales rely on vegetation to perform biofiltration functions. Initial maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. Water grass seed/sod at the end of each day for 14 consecutive days after seeding has been completed. 2. Reseed as needed until grass/sod has stabilized. Ongoing maintenance activities shall be performed in accordance with the following table: Maintenance Activity Method Frequency Time of Year Mow grass* Mechanical As required n/a Clean up trash By hand Monthly** Monthly Repair erosion and Mechanical As required n/a regrade the swale to ensure runoff flow is even Revegetate the swale to Mechanical or by As required March-April; maintain dense growth hand Oct-Nov *Cut grass no lower than 5 inches. Allow grass to grow to the maximum height consistent with the species and **Monthly or after every runoff producing rainfall, whichever comes first Page 2 of 3 I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: Title: it v Y/U lS/oA ?1 JG Address: (5?' Rr_u/90 At I Rra IIA e55 LoHd,..f? 2SS? 8J- Phone: .2057- q /2._ Signature: X ?-' Date: 10 ?'LIa v O 35201 I, ir, ?6- " ? , a Notary P blic for the State of AKGXLONW County of J&j , do hereby certify that LRVA?S personally appeare before me this ? day of dIIIJI , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing bioretention area maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SE L My commission expires Page 3 of 3 US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE RALEIGH U.S. ARMY RESERVE CENTER CARY, NORTH CAROLINA U.S. ARMY CORPS Oh ENGINEERS LOUISVILLE DISTRICT June 2006 US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE RALEIGH U.S. ARMY RESERVE CENTER CARY, NORTH CAROLINA is U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOUISVILLE DISTRICT June 2006 ;.err ` . \)R `? 'L?1t16 J wP(??l?U?.°nRl?1GN DENS` an ?S??AYJ PZ ?.R ??ptaP•?!? 0 • • 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 GENERAL ....................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Site Description ....................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Demolition .............................................................................................. 1-1 1.3 Site Improvements .................................................................................. 1-2 1.4 Grading ................................................................................................... 1-2 1.5 Pavements ............................................................................................... 1-2 1.6 Storm Drainage ....................................................................................... 1-2 1.7 Turf and Landscaping ............................................................................. 1-3 1.8 Parking Layout ........................................................................................ 1-3 1.9 Wetlands ................................................................................................. 1-4 1.10 Subsurface Conditions .......................................................................... 1-4 2.0 PROJECT SITE HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS ........................................ 2-1 2.1 Site Drainage ........................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Bioretention Cell Design ......................................................................... 2-2 2.3 Storm Sewer and Overflow Structure Design ......................................... 2-3 3.0 ANTICIPATED SEQUENCE OF ACTIVITY .........................................3-1 APPENDICES A Project Drawings and Details - Site Location Maps - Existing Drainage Areas - Proposed Drainage Areas - Demolition Plan - Erosion Control Plans - Site Plans - Boring Logs - Grading Plans - Landscaping Plan - Utility Plans - Storm and Sanitary Sewer Profiles - Typical Road Sections - Detail Sheets B Specifications - 01355 Environment Protection - 01356 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Measures - 02270 Stone Protection - 02630 Storm Drainage - 02921 Seeding - 02922 Sodding - 02930 Exterior Plants - 02931 Bioretention Areas C Hydrologic Analysis and Details 11 l? u 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Site Description The site for the Raleigh U.S. Army Reserve Center is owned by the U.S. Army Reserves. Located in Wake County on NC 55 about '/z mile north of Green Hope School Road (SR 1621), within the extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of Cary, the site is about 20 miles northwest of downtown Raleigh. The site address is 3677 NC 55 HWY, Cary, North Carolina 27519. North Carolina state highway 55 borders the site to the cast; vacant wooded property borders the site to the north, west and south. The site has an approximate area of 18.25 acres. Frontage along NC 55 is about 640 feet. The site extends to the west from the highway about 1135 feet along the north property line and about 1300 feet along the south property line. The highway casement extends to the west about 76 feet from the east property line. Area within the highway right-of-way is approximately 1.1 acres, leaving about 17.2 acres of available land. The proposed Raleigh USARC site is undeveloped, gently rolling, wooded, and fairly well-drained. The site was timbered in 1982 and has been allowed to reforest naturally. Vegetation at the site consists of dense trees, most 12-inch diameter or • less. Sonic fairly dense areas of pine forest remain on the eastern portion of the site adjacent to NC 55. Currently, NC 55 is undergoing an expansion from an undivided, two-lane highway to a divided, four-lane highway. Most of the trees within the highway right-of-way have been cleared. The site slopes downward from NC 55 to the west. Elevations range from a high of about 390 in the southeast corner of the site down to about 325 in the northwest corner of the site. Slopes range from 2-5% in upland areas of the site to 15-20% adjacent to drainage swales. Drainage swales drain the site to the south and north. Currently, two pipes drain ditches adjacent to NC 55 to a drainage swale which begins in the southern portion of the site along NC 55. This drainage swale continues to the west-southwest, and crosses the south property line close to its midpoint. 1.2 Demolition As previously mentioned, no buildings or structures exist on site and the site is heavily wooded. The site design dictates that most of the trees be cleared and grubbed in the center of the site where the buildings, parking lots, and roads are located. As much as possible, existing trees and vegetation along the property lines will be protected to provide the landscaping buffers required by the Town of Cary. The current design requires that approximately 10.3 acres out of 17.2 acres of trees be cleared. 0 • 1.3 Site Improvements The new Ralcigh USARC will consist of a two-story training building with associated privately-owned vehicle (POV) parking lot of about 142 spaces and an organizational maintenance shop (OMS) building and associated military equipment parking (MEP) lot. The training building will have an access drive on the north side to facilitate access to the unit storage area. The MEP lot will contain a permanent, concrete bi- level loading ramp and also a covered washrack. 1.4 Grading The Training Building has been sited with a first floor elevation of 368.5. This results in some cut at the front of the building and some fill behind the building. The parking lots and detention basin will require 5 to 10 feet of cut and similar amounts of fill. Based on the current design, the cut and fill should be very nearly balanced. Any debris requiring disposal will be disposed of off site at a state certified landfill. The closest such landfill in the area is the Highway 55 C&D Landfill located at 5940 Old Smithfield Road or the South Wake County Landfill, both about 10 miles south of the site. Parking lots have been designed with a maximum grade of 5%. The grade of the POV and MEP lots is generally 1-3%. Grades on the access road range from 1-8%. • The sidewalk leading to the training center cast entrance from the POV lot has been designed to be handicap accessible. The finished floor elevation of the buildings will be at least 6 inches above the adjacent exterior grade. The maximum cut and fill slopes allowed in the final design will be limited to 3 horizontal in 1 vertical. 1.5 Pavements Concrete sidewalks are provided between the POV lot and the Training Building. The new sidewalks vary from 6 to 10 feet wide. A barrier curb is provided along the west side of the access road to enhance the force protection. The POV lot will be light duty asphalt. The entrance drive and roadways are heavy duty asphalt pavement. An access drive is provided for the unit storage area at the Training Building. This access drive will be concrete. A concrete area has been provided for the Mobile Containerized Kitchen Trailer. The dumpstcr pad will also be concrete. The MEP lot is primarily heavy duty asphalt pavement. A concrete apron is provided for ingress and egress to the OMS building. 1.6 Storm Drainage The site and surrounding area are not serviced by storni sewers. Surface runoff will be directed to bioretention areas. Bioretention areas are landscaped areas which provide both water quality and quantity control. Six bioretention areas have been • designed for the site. 1-2 • Outlet control structures will be provided within the detention basins to control outflow during peak rainfall events. Discharge from the detention basin will be directed into a ditch in the southwest section of the site. Rip-rap outlets will be provided at outlet headwalls to minimize erosion and scour. Storm drainage inlets and pipes will be designed for the 10-year storm. Town of Cary ordinances stipulate that the nitrogen runoff from the site must be controlled. The bioretention areas and grass swales directing runoff to the bioretention areas will be used to reduce the nitrogen runoff to meet the Town of Cary requirements. Calculations for the nitrogen control and storm drainage are attached. Trench drains in the bay of the OMS building are planned. An oil/water separator will be located in the MEP lot to collect pollutants from the trench drains and from the covered wash rack before the drainage is discharged through a pipe into the sanitary sewer system. 1.7 Turf and Landscaping After the grading and earthwork are essentially complete, the site will be fine graded in preparation for turf and landscaping. A soil test should be performed on the excavated and stockpiled topsoil to determine soil amendment types and quantities. The topsoil will be spread to a minimum thickness of 4 inches over turf areas. The topsoil and soil amendments will be incorporated into the subgrade. The turf areas of the site will be seeded and mulched. Landscaping will be provided in the front of the building and around the parking lots. Landscaping elements will include trees, shrubs and mulched planting beds. The Town of Cary requires landscaped buffer areas along each property line. Generally, these buffer areas are approximately 30 feet wide. Landscaping will also be required to screen the parking lot and site along NC 55. 1.8 Parking Layout Access to the site is provided with one main entrance from NC 55 into the northeast area of the site. A turning lane will be added to the widened NC 55 across the entire width of the site. The Town of Cary requires this turning lane. The turning lane is 14 feet wide at its full width with 100 feet of taper and 100 lineal feet of deceleration/storage. A full median break was desired to allow vehicles to turn right or left out of the site. A preliminary plan of the driveway and turning lanes was submitted on 17 February 2004 to Brandon Jones of the NCDOT. Russell Broadwell with the NCDOT district office finally indicated to the Louisville District that the full median break was not possible. A left turn only median break might be allowed. This break has been is designed as an option. Approval from the NCDOT will be necessary. 1-3 • The entrance proceeds to the west running parallel with the north property line. The POV parking branches off to the south. The access road continues to the west north of the training building, leading into the MEP. This layout separates POV traffic and pedestrian movement to and from the POV lot from the truck traffic associated with the MEP. 1.9 Wetlands Mapping downloaded from the Town of Cary indicated that the southern drainage swale on the property might be subject to Town of Cary Riparian Buffer Rules (essentially no development 50 feet on either side of the channel). Jennifer Burdett (regulatory specialist from the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) was contacted and set up a site meeting with Matthew Flynn of the Town of Cary Engineering Department to determine if the drainage feature would be subject to the riparian buffer rules. Their site visit determined that the drainage swale was not subject to the riparian buffer rules. However, Ms. Burdette noted that jurisdictional wetlands were present. Ms. Burdette subsequently delineated the wetlands with numbered flags. The wetlands have been surveyed and are shown in the drawings. The measured area of jurisdictional wetlands is 0.28 acres. According to Ms. Burdette, disturbing less than 0.10 acres would not require a permit from the Corps of • Engineers. The anticipated impact to the wetlands for site development is about 0.10 acres. A Section 404 permit has been submitted to the Corps of Engineers and the state of North Carolina. Approval has been obtained from the Corps of Engineers. Further submittals are due to the state of North Carolina to complete the application process. 1.10 Subsurface Conditions Eight test pits were excavated in March 2004 for the preliminary geotechnical assessment. Sixteen soil test borings were completed 22-24 June 2005 for the final geotechnical report. The location of the test pits and boring locations can be found ill the drawings on slieet G0004. The soil encountered was generally a silty clay (CL) with varying sand content. r- -I 1-4 • 2.0 PROJECT SITE HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS 2.1 Site Drainage This analysis is based on the 1 year 24 hour rainfall event, which produces 2.8 inches of precipitation. The requirements are that the peak discharges from a developed drainage area not exceed the pre-project discharge. To meet this requirement, bioretention cells are being used. The design of the bioretention cells are based on guidance from the Sate of North Carolina. Under existing conditions there are five drainage areas and once the project is complete there will still be five drainage areas, however, the size of the drainage areas will be will be changed because of the buildings and parking lots. Table #1 is a list of the drainage areas both pre and post project and the SCS curve number. TABLE #1 C: • Drainage Area Pre- Project Pre- Project Area acres Pre- Project Curve Number Drainage Area Post Project Post- Project Area acres Post-Project Curve Number (composite) ND-1 8.5 78 PD1+PD2+1-li liwa 6.9 83 ND-2 2.3 78 PD 10 1.4 87 ND-3 3.4 78 PD3+PD4+PD5+PD6 5.7 87 ND-4 1.7 78 PD9 1.9 89 ND-5 1.6 78 PD7+PD8 1.6 83.7 ND-6 0.5 78 PD11 0.5 78 The calculated discharge from the drainage areas are based on an HEC-HMS computer model. These discharges are shown in table #2 for both the existing and post project conditions. For the post project conditions the drainage areas were sub-divided so that the necessary areas could be routed through bioretention cells or detention basins. The design of the bioretention cells are based on design guidance from the State of North Carolina. These bioretention cells have the capacity to reduce the runoff by one inch. To reduce the discharge required four bioretention cells. These cells were located in PD-2, PD-3, PD-4, PD-5, and PD-9. 2-1 l? 'J TABLE #2 Drainage Area Pre- Project Discharge (cfs) Drainage Area Post-Project Discharge (cfs) Without Cells Post- Project Discharge (cfs) With Cells ND-1 6.6 PD1+PD2+fli Thwa 10.2 6.5 ND-2 2.0 PD 10 1.4 1.4 ND-3 2.9 PD3+PD4+PD5+PD6 9.2 2.2 ND-4 1.5 PD9 2.4 0.8 ND-5 1.4 PD7+PD8 2.0 0.9 ND-6 0.3 PD 11 0.3 1.2 2.2 Bioretention Cell Design The criteria for the design of the bioretention cells require that the cell be 6-inches in depth and that the surface area be based on the area of pavement and the area of grass that contributed to the basin. Each of these areas is multiplied by a C-factor representative of the surface. For paved areas the C-factor being used is 0.9 and for grass areas the C- factor is 0.25. The resulting areas are added together and multiplied by either 5 percent if • the cell has a sand bed or 7 percent if it does not have a sand bed. For design purposed when sizing the cells it is being assumed that there will be no sand bed. Cell #1: Southwest Corner of Site • Surface Areas . ft. C-factor C-factor x Area (C-factor x Area x 0.07 Pavement 18,225 0.9 16,403 1,148 Grass 18,225 0.25 4,556 319 Totals . ft. 1,467 Cell #2: North Side MEP Parking Lot Surface Areas . ft. C-factor C-factor x Area (C-factor x Area x 0.07 Pavement 20,081 0.9 18,073 1,265 Grass 5,009 0.25 1,252 88 Totals . ft. 1,353 Cell #3: Between Training Building and MEP Parking Lot Surface Areas . ft. C-factor C-factor x Area (C-factor x Area x 0.07 Pavement 57,499 0.9 51,750 3,623 Grass 37,026 0.25 9,257 648 Totals . ft. 4,271 2-2 • • Cell #4: Northeast Side of Training Building Surface Areas . ft. C-factor C-factor x Area C-factor x Area x 0.07 Pavement 20,909 - 0.9 18,818 1,317 Grass 48,352 0.25 12,088 846 Totals . ft.) 2,163 Cell #5: Ditch North of Access Road: Surface Areas . ft. C-factor C-factor x Area C-factor x Area x 0.07 Pavement 22,303 0.9 20,072 1,405 Grass 13,939 0.25 3,485 244 Totals . ft. 1,649 Cell #6: POV Parking Lot on Eastside of Site Surface Areas . ft. C-factor C-factor x Area C-factor x Area x 0.07 Pavement 50,965 0.9 45,869 3,211 Grass 19,166 0.25 4,792 335 Totals . ft. 3,546 2.3 Storm Sewer and Overflow Structure Design Line #1 - From Bioretention Cell #1 Peak Flow = 3.8 cfs Pipe Slope = 0.5% Minimum Pipe Size = 18-inches Overflow Weir - 3.8 feet effective weir length (minimum) Line #2 - From Bioretention Cell #2 Peak Flow = 2.7 cfs Pipe Slope = 0.5% Minimum Pipe Size = 18-inches Overflow Weir - 2.6 feet effective weir length (minimum) Line #3 - From Bioretention Cell #3 Peak Flows = 7.0 cfs into overflow structure 16.9 cfs in outlet pipe (combined flow from Bioretention Cells #3, #4 and #5) Pipe Slope = 0. 5% Minimum Pipe Size = 27-inches Pipe Slope = 0.75% Minimum Pipe Size = 24-inches Pipe Slope = 3% Minimum Pipe Size = 18-inches Overflow Weir - 6.8 feet effective weir length (minimum) Line #4 - From Bioretention Cell #5 Peak Flows = 3.9 cfs into overflow structure 9.9 cfs in outlet pipe (combined flow from Bioretention Cells #4 and #5) • Pipe Slope = 0. 5% Minimum Pipe Size = 24-inches Pipe Slope = 2.0% Minimum Pipe Size = 18-inches Overflow Weir - 3.8 feet effective weir length (minimum) 2-3 C7 Line #5 - From Bioretention Cell #4 Peak Flow = 6.0 cfs into overflow structure Pipe Slope = 0. 5% Minimum Pipe Size = 18-inches Overflow Weir - 5.9 feet effective weir length (minimum) Line #6 - From Bioretention Cell #6 Peak Flow = 6.9 cfs into overflow structure Pipe Slope = 0. 5% Minimum Pipe Size = 18-inches overflow Weir - 6.7 feet effective weir length (minimum) Line #7 - From Roadway Drainage and Existing Pipe Flow in Existing Pipe (assuming 2% slope) - 14 cfs Flow from Roadway - 3.4 cfs Total Flow in Pipes - 17.4 cfs Pipe Slope = 0. 5% Minimum Pipe Size = 27-inches Pipe Slope = 0.75% Minimum Pipe Size = 24-inches Pipe Slope = 1% Minimum Pipe Size = 24-inches ASSUMPTIONS: Concrete pipe or pipe with similar roughness. OVER FLOW STRUCTURE: Effective weir length is based on a depth of flow over the weir of 6-inches. Depending on the configuration of the weir, the entire length of the weir may not be effective. • 2-4 • 3.0 ANTICIPATED SEQUENCE OF ACTIVITY: The following will transpire with the appropriate sequence executed in a manner best afforded to abate anticipated off-site sediment migration: Construct temporary and permanent sediment and erosion control facilities. Erosion and sediment measures sliall be installed prior to any earth moving operation that will influence storm water runoff. All permanent ditches and swales shall be stabilized in accordance within the administered contract's Plans and Specification Section 02921 - Seeding, prior to direction runoff to them. Clear and dispose of debris and demolition materials at state approved landfill approved by the contracting officer's representative. ? Begin permanent and temporary seeding/sodding and mulching. All cut and fill slopes shall be seeded and mulched immediately after their construction. ? Construct new amenities including utilities, buildings, parking areas, and sidewalks. Landscape and grade the site according to the drawings. Complete permanent seeding/sodding and landscaping. 40 ?o Extract the trapped sediment from collector devices as appropriate and then remove the temporary erosion control measures. Y Any areas disturbed by the removal of the temporary controls shall be seeded and mulched within 24 hours. Construct bioretention areas and install landscaping vegetation. See bioretention area construction sequence below. Note 1.) The area of bare soil exposed at any one time by construction operations should be held to a minimum. Note 2.) Contractor will be responsible for determining actual sequence of activities. However, all controls required for an activity must be in place prior to the initiation of work. The following is the sequence of construction for the bioretention areas. Note that the bioretention area locations can be used as temporary sediment traps. However, after site stabilization, they sliall be cleaned out before construction of the bioretcntion area. Thus, the bioretention areas which act as infiltration facilities, will not be subject to sediment from construction activities. 1. Install erosion and sediment control devices as shown on the drawings. 2. Grade site to elevations shown on the drawings. Stabilize grading except for the bioretcntion areas. 3. Finish paving all roadways and parking lots. 4. Complete permanent seeding. 3-1 • 5. Remove trapped/accumulated sediments from bioretention area locations. 6. Excavate bioretention areas to proposed invert depth and scarify the existing soil surfaces, taking care not to compact the in-situ materials. 7. Install underdrain system and clean outs/observation wells. 8. Backfill bioretention areas with planting soil as shown on the drawings and detailed in the specifications. Overfilling is recommended to account for settlement. 9. Presoak the planting soil prior to planting vegetation to allow for settlement. This can be done by water truck or allowing water to enter the pit from a rain event. 10. Excavate or fill to achieve proper design grade, leaving space for the upper layer of mulch and/or topsoil that will bring the surface to final grade and ready for planting. 11. Plant vegetation specified in the landscape plan for bioretention area. 12. Mulch and install erosion protection at entrance points. Remove erosion and sediment control devices after the site is stabilized. E • 3-2 APPENDIX A Project Drawings and Details (Drawings are attached separately) Site Location Maps Existing Drainage Areas • Proposed Drainage Areas Demolition Plan Erosion Control Plans Site Plans Boring Logs Grading Plans Landscaping Plan Utility Plans Storm and Sanitary Sewer Profiles Typical Road Sections Detail Sheets 0 • • 0 APPENDIX B Specifications 01355 Environment Protection 01356 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Measures 02270 Stone Protection 02630 Storm Drainage 02921 Seeding 02922 Sodding 02930 Exterior Plants 02931 Bioretention Areas Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01355A ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 02/05 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Environmental Pollution and Damage 1.2.2 Environmental Protection 1.2.3 Contractor Generated Hazardous Waste 1.2.4 Installation Pest Management Coordinator 1.2.5 Project Pesticide Coordinator 1.2.6 Land Application for Discharge Water 1.2.7 Pesticide 1.2.8 Pests 1.2.9 Surface Discharge 1.2.10 Waters of the United States 1.2.11 Wetlands • 1.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.4 SUBCONTRACTORS 1.5 PAYMENT 1.6 SUBMITTALS 1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN 1.7.1 Compliance 1.7.2 Contents 1.7.3 Appendix 1.8 PROTECTION FEATURES 1.9 NOT USED 1.10 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF CONTRACT DEVIATIONS 1.11 NOTIFICATION 1.12 NOT USED PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS AND COMMITMENTS 3.2 LAND RESOURCES 3.2.1 Work Area Limits 3.2.2 Landscape 3.2.3 Erosion and Sediment Controls 3.2.4 Contractor Facilities and Work Areas 3.3 WATER RESOURCES 3.3.1 Cofferdams, Diversions, and Dewatering Operations 3.3.2 Not Used 3.3.3 Wetlands 3.4 AIR RESOURCES 3.4.1 Particulates RCCO SECTION 01355A Page 1 • u 0 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO 3.4.2 Odors 3.4.3 Sound Intrusions 3.4.4 Burning 3.5 NOT USED 3.6 CHEMICAL MATERIALS MANAGEMENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL 3.6.1 Solid Wastes 3.6.2 Chemicals and Chemical Wastes 3.6.3 Contractor Generated Hazardous Wastes/Excess Hazardous Materials 3.6.4 Fuel and Lubricants 3.6.5 Waste Water 3.7 RECYCLING AND WASTE MINIMIZATION 3.8 NON-HAZARDOUS SOLID WASTE DIVERSION REPORT 3.9 HISTORICAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, AND CULTURAL RESOURCES 3.10 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES 3.11 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT 3.11.1 Pesticide Delivery and Storage 3.11.2 Qualifications 3.11.3 Pesticide Handling Requirements 3.11.4 Application 3.12 PREVIOUSLY USED EQUIPMENT 3.13 MAINTENANCE OF POLLUTION FACILITIES 3.14 MILITARY MUNITIONS 3.15 TRAINING OF CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL 3.16 NOT USED 3.17 POST CONSTRUCTION CLEANUP -- End of Section Table of Contents -- SECTION 01355A Page 2 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC • SECTION 01355A ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 02/05 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification'to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. U.S. AIR FORCE (USAF) AFI 32-1053 (1999) Pest Management Program U.S. ARMY (DA) • DA AR 200-5 (1999) Pest Management U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS (USAGE) EM 385-1-1 (2003) Safety -- Safety and Health Requirements WETLAND MANUAL Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual Technical Report Y-87-1 U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (NARA) 33 CFR 328 Definitions of Waters of the United States 40 CFR 152 - 186 Pesticide Programs 40 CFR 260 Hazardous Waste Management System: General 40 CFR 261 Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste 40 CFR 262 Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste 40 CFR 279 Standards for the Management of Used Oil 40 CFR 302 Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification 40 CFR 355 Emergency Planning and Notification 40 CFR 68 Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions 49 CFR 171 - 178 Hazardous Materials Regulations SECTION 01355A Page 3 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC • 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Environmental Pollution and Damage Environmental pollution and damage is the presence of chemical, physical, or biological elements or agents which adversely affect human health or welfare; unfavorably alter ecological balances of importance to human life; affect other species of importance to humankind; or degrade the environment aesthetically, culturally and/or historically. 1.2.2 Environmental Protection Environmental protection is the prevention/control of pollution and habitat disruption that may occur to the environment during construction. The control of environmental pollution and damage requires consideration of land, water, and air; biological and cultural resources; and includes management of visual aesthetics; noise; solid, chemical, gaseous, and liquid waste; radiant energy and radioactive material as well as other pollutants. 1.2.3 Contractor Generated Hazardous Waste Contractor generated hazardous waste means materials that, if abandoned or disposed of, may meet the definition of a hazardous waste. These waste streams would typically consist of material brought on site by the Contractor to execute work, but are not fully consumed during the course of construction. Examples include, but are not limited to, excess paint is thinners (i.e. methyl ethyl ketone, toluene etc.), waste thinners,excess paints, excess solvents, waste solvents, and excess pesticides, and contaminated pesticide equipment rinse water. 1.2.4 Installation Pest Management Coordinator Installation Pest Management Coordinator (IPMC) is the individual officially designated by the Installation Commander to oversee the Installation Pest Management Program and the Installation Pest Management Plan. 1.2.5 Project Pesticide Coordinator The Project Pesticide Coordinator (PPC) is an individual that resides at a Civil Works Project office and that is responsible for oversight of pesticide application on Project grounds. 1.2.6 Land Application for Discharge Water The term "Land Application" for discharge water implies that the Contractor shall discharge water at a rate which allows the water to percolate into the soil. No sheeting action, soil erosion, discharge into storm sewers, discharge into defined drainage areas, or discharge into the "waters of the United States" shall occur. Land Application shall be in compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. 1.2.7 Pesticide Pesticide is defined as any substance or mixture of substances intended for O Preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest, or intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant. SECTION 01355A Page 4 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC 1.2.8 Pests RCCO The term "pests" means arthropods, birds, rodents, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, viruses, algae, snails, marine borers, snakes, weeds and other organisms (except for human or animal disease-causing organisms) that adversely affect readiness, military operations, or the well-being of personnel and animals; attack or damage real property, supplies, equipment, or vegetation; or are otherwise undesirable. 1.2.9 Surface Discharge The term "Surface Discharge" implies that the water is discharged with possible sheeting action and subsequent soil erosion may occur. Waters that are surface discharged may terminate in drainage ditches, storm sewers,creeks, and/or "waters of the United States" and would require a permit to discharge water from the governing agency. 1.2.10 Waters of the United States All waters which are under the jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act, as defined in 33 CFR 328. 1.2.11 Wetlands Wetlands means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include • swamps, marshes, and bogs. Official determination of whether or not an area is classified as a wetland must be done in accordance with WETLAND MANUAL. 1.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall minimize environmental pollution and damage that may occur as the result of construction operations. The environmental resources within the project boundaries and those affected outside the limits of permanent work shall be protected during the entire duration of this contract. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable environmental Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. The Contractor shall be responsible for any delays resulting from failure to comply with environmental laws and regulations. 1.4 SUBCONTRACTORS The Contractor shall ensure compliance with this section by subcontractors. 1.5 PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for work covered under this section. The Contractor shall be responsible for payment of fees associated with environmental permits, application, and/or notices obtained by the Contractor. All costs associated with this section shall be included in the contract price. The Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all fines/fees for violation or non-compliance with Federal, State, Regional and local laws and regulations. • SECTION 01355A Page 5 l? u Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC 1.6 SUBMITTALS RCCO Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals Environmental Protection Plan; G, RE. The environmental protection plan. 1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN Prior to commencing construction activities or delivery of materials to the site, the Contractor shall submit an Environmental Protection Plan for review and approval by the Contracting Officer. The purpose of the Environmental Protection Plan is to present a comprehensive overview of known or potential environmental issues which the Contractor must address during construction. Issues of concern shall be defined within the Environmental Protection Plan as outlined in this section. The Contractor shall address each topic at a level of detail commensurate with the environmental issue and required construction task(s). Topics or issues which are not identified in this section, but which the Contractor considers necessary, shall be identified and discussed after those items formally identified in this section. Prior to submittal of the Environmental Protection Plan, the Contractor shall meet with the Contracting Officer for the purpose of discussing the implementation of the initial Environmental Protection Plan; possible subsequent additions and revisions to the plan including any reporting requirements; and methods for administration of the Contractor's Environmental Plans. The Environmental Protection Plan shall be current and maintained onsite by the Contractor. 1.7.1 Compliance No requirement in this Section shall be construed as relieving the Contractor of any applicable Federal, State, and local environmental protection laws and regulations. During Construction, the Contractor shall be responsible for identifying, implementing, and submitting for approval any additional requirements to be included in the Environmental Protection Plan. 1.7.2 Contents The environmental protection plan shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: a. Name(s) of person(s) within the Contractor's organization who is(are) responsible for ensuring adherence to the Environmental Protection Plan. b. Name(s) and qualifications of person(s) responsible for manifesting hazardous waste to be removed from the site, if applicable. • C. Name(s) and qualifications of person(s) responsible for training the Contractor's environmental protection personnel. SECTION 01355A Page 6 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO d. Description of the Contractor's environmental protection personnel training program. e. An erosion and sediment control plan which identifies the type and location of the erosion and sediment controls to be provided. The plan shall include monitoring and reporting requirements to assure that the control measures are in compliance with the erosion and sediment control plan, Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) may be substituted for this plan. f. Drawings showing locations of proposed temporary excavations or embankments for haul roads, stream crossings, material storage areas, structures, sanitary facilities, and stockpiles of excess or spoil materials including methods to control runoff and to contain materials on the site. g. Traffic control plans including measures to reduce erosion of temporary roadbeds by construction traffic, especially during wet weather. Plan shall include measures to minimize the amount of mud transported onto paved public roads by vehicles or runoff. h. Work area plan showing the proposed activity in each portion of the area and identifying the areas of limited use or nonuse. Plan should include measures for marking the limits of use areas including methods for protection of features to be preserved within authorized work areas. • i. Drawing showing the location of borrow areas. j. The Spill Control plan shall include the procedures, instructions, and reports to be used in the event of an unforeseen spill of a substance regulated by 40 CFR 68, 40 CFR 302, 40 CFR 355, and/or regulated under state or Local laws and regulations. The Spill Control Plan supplements the requirements of EM 385-1-1. This plan shall include as a minimum: 1. The name of the individual who will report any spills or hazardous substance releases and who will follow up with complete documentation. This individual shall immediately notify the Contracting Officer and the local Fire Department in addition to the legally required Federal, State, and local reporting channels (including the National Response Center 1-800-424-8802) if a reportable quantity is released to the environment. The plan shall contain a list of the required reporting channels and telephone numbers. f 2. The name and qualifications of the individual who will be responsible for implementing and supervising the containment and cleanup. 3. Training requirements for Contractor's personnel and methods of accomplishing the training. 4. A list of materials and equipment to be immediately available at the job site, tailored to cleanup work of the potential hazard(s) identified. 5. The names and locations of suppliers of containment materials and locations of additional fuel oil recovery, cleanup, SECTION 01355A Page 7 • Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO restoration, and material-placement equipment available in case of an unforeseen spill emergency. 6. The methods and procedures to be used for expeditious contaminant cleanup. k. A non-hazardous solid waste disposal plan identifying methods and locations for solid waste disposal including clearing debris. The plan shall include schedules for disposal. The Contractor shall identify any subcontractors responsible for the transportation and disposal of solid waste. Licenses or permits shall be submitted for solid waste disposal sites that are not a commercial operating facility. Evidence of the disposal facility's acceptance of the solid waste shall be attached to this plan during the construction. The Contractor shall attach a copy of each of the Non-hazardous Solid Waste Diversion Reports to the disposal plan. The report shall be submitted on the first working day after the first quarter that non-hazardous solid waste has been disposed and/or diverted and shall be for the previous quarter (e.g. the first working day of January, April, July, and October). The report shall indicate the total amount of waste generated and total amount of waste diverted in cubic yards or tons along with the percent that was diverted. • 1. A recycling and solid waste minimization plan with a list of measures to reduce consumption of energy and natural resources. The plan shall detail the Contractor's actions to comply with and to participate in Federal, State, Regional, and local government sponsored recycling programs to reduce the volume of solid waste at the source. M. An air pollution control plan detailing provisions to assure that dust, debris, materials, trash, etc., do not become air borne and travel off the project site. n. A contaminant prevention plan that: identifies potentially hazardous substances to be used on the job site; identifies the intended actions to prevent introduction of such materials into the air, water, or ground; and details provisions for compliance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations for storage and handling of these materials. In accordance with EM 385-1-1, a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and the maximum quantity of each hazardous material to be on site at any given time shall be included in the contaminant prevention plan. As new hazardous materials are brought on site or removed from the site, the plan shall be updated. f1 u o. A waste water management plan that identifies the methods and procedures for management and/or discharge of waste waters which are directly derived from construction activities, such as concrete curing water, clean-up water, dewatering of ground water, disinfection water, hydrostatic test water, and water used in flushing of lines. If a settling/retention pond is required, the plan shall include the design of the pond including drawings, removal plan, and testing requirements for possible pollutants. If land application will be the method of disposal for the waste water, the plan shall include a sketch showing the location for land application along with a description of the pretreatment methods to be implemented. If surface discharge will be the method of disposal, a copy of the permit and associated documents shall be included as an attachment prior to discharging the waste water. If disposal is to a sanitary sewer, the plan shall include documentation that the Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator has SECTION 01355A Page 8 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC • approved the flow rate, volume, and type of discharge. p. A historical, archaeological, cultural resources biological resources and wetlands plan that defines procedures for identifying and protecting historical, archaeological, cultural resources, biological resources and wetlands known to be on the project site: and/or identifies procedures to be followed if historical archaeological, cultural resources, biological resources and wetlands not previously known to be onsite or in the area are discovered during construction. The plan shall include methods to assure the protection of known or discovered resources and shall identify lines of communication between Contractor personnel and the Contracting Officer. q. A pesticide treatment plan shall be included and updated, as information becomes available. The plan shall include: sequence of treatment, dates, times, locations, pesticide trade name, EPA registration numbers, authorized uses, chemical composition, formulation, original and applied concentration, application rates of active ingredient (i.e. pounds of active ingredient applied), equipment used for application and calibration of equipment. The Contractor is responsible for Federal, State, Regional and Local pest management record keeping and reporting requirements as well as any additional Installation Project office specific requirements. The Contractor shall follow DA AR 200-5 Pest Management, Chapter 2, Section III "Pest Management Records and Reports" for data required to be reported to the Installation. 1.7.3 Appendix Copies of all environmental permits, permit application packages, approvals to construct, notifications, certifications, reports, and termination documents shall be attached,as an appendix, to the Environmental Protection Plan. 1.8 PROTECTION FEATURES This paragraph supplements the Contract Clause PROTECTION OF EXISTING VEGETATION, STRUCTURES, EQUIPMENT, UTILITIES, AND IMPROVEMENTS. Prior to start of any onsite construction activities, the Contractor and the Contracting Officer shall make a joint condition survey. Immediately following the survey, the Contractor shall prepare a brief report including a plan describing the features requiring protection under the provisions of the Contract Clauses, which are not specifically identified on the drawings as environmental features requiring protection along with the condition of trees, shrubs and grassed areas immediately adjacent to the site of work and adjacent to the Contractor's assigned storage area and access route(s), as applicable. This survey report shall be signed by both the the Contractor and the Contracting Officer upon mutual agreement as to its accuracy and completeness. The Contractor shall protect those environmental features included in the survey report and any indicated on the drawings, regardless of interference which their preservation may cause to the Contractor's work under the contract. 1.9 NOT USED 1.10 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF CONTRACT DEVIATIONS • Any deviations, requested by the Contractor, from the drawings,plans and specifications which may have an environmental impact will be subject to SECTION 01355A Page 9 • r? L Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO approval by the Contracting officer and may require an extended review, processing, and approval time. The Contracting officer reserves the right to disapprove alternate methods, even if they are more cost effective, if the Contracting Officer determines that the proposed alternate method will have an adverse environmental impact. 1.11 NOTIFICATION The Contracting officer will notify the Contractor in writing of any observed noncompliance with Federal, State or local environmental laws or regulations, permits, and other elements of the Contractor's Environmental Protection plan. The Contractor shall, after receipt of such notice, inform the Contracting officer of the proposed corrective action and take such action when approved by the Contracting Officer. The Contracting officer may issue an order stopping all or part of the work until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. No time extensions shall be granted or equitable adjustments allowed to the Contractor for any such suspensions. This is in addition to any other actions the Contracting officer may take under the contract, or in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation or Federal Law. 1.12 NOT USED PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS AND COMMITMENTS The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and complying with all environmental permits and commitments required by Federal, State, Regional, and local environmental laws and regulations. 3.2 LAND RESOURCES The Contractor shall confine all activities to areas defined by the drawings and specifications. Prior to the beginning of any construction, the Contractor shall identify any land resources to be preserved within the work area. Except in areas indicated on the drawings or specified to be cleared, the Contractor shall not remove, cut, deface, injure, or destroy land resources including trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, topsoil, and land forms without approval. No ropes, cables, or guys shall be fastened to or attached to any trees for anchorage unless specifically authorized. The Contractor shall provide effective protection for land and vegetation resources at all times as defined in the following subparagraphs. Stone, soil, or other materials displaced into uncleared areas shall be removed by the Contractor. 3.2.1 Work Area Limits Prior to commencing construction activities, the Contractor shall mark the areas that need not be disturbed under this contract. Isolated areas within the general work area which are not to be disturbed shall be marked or fenced. Monuments and markers shall be protected before construction operations commence. Where construction operations are to be conducted during darkness, any markers shall be visible in the dark. The Contractor's personnel shall be knowledgeable of the purpose for marking and/or protecting particular objects. SECTION 01355A Page 10 • C? Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC 3.2.2 Landscape RCCO Trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, land forms and other landscape features indicated and defined on the drawings to be preserved shall be clearly identified by marking, fencing, or wrapping with boards, or any other approved techniques. The Contractor shall restore landscape features damaged or destroyed during construction operations outside the limits of the approved work area. 3.2.3 Erosion and Sediment Controls The Contractor shall be responsible for providing erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. The erosion and sediment controls selected and maintained by the Contractor shall be such that water quality standards are not violated as a result of the Contractor's construction activities. The area of bare soil exposed at any one time by construction operations should be kept to a minimum. The Contractor shall construct or install temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control best management practices (BMPs) as indicated on the drawings and as specified in Section 01356A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES. BMPs may include, but not be limited to, vegetation cover, stream bank stabilization, slope stabilization, silt fences, construction of terraces, interceptor channels, sediment traps, inlet and outfall protection, diversion channels, and sedimentation basins. Any temporary measures shall be removed after the area has been stabilized. 3.2.4 Contractor Facilities and Work Areas The Contractor's field offices, staging temporary buildings shall be placed in as directed by the Contracting Officer. of Contractor facilities shall be made sediment controls shall be provided for prevent sediment from entering nearby embankments for plant and/or work areas adjacent areas. areas, stockpile storage, and areas designated on the drawings or Temporary movement or relocation only when approved. Erosion and on-site borrow and spoil areas to waters. Temporary excavation and shall be controlled to protect 3.3 WATER RESOURCES The Contractor shall monitor construction activities to prevent pollution of surface and ground waters. Toxic or hazardous chemicals shall not be applied to soil or vegetation unless otherwise indicated. All water areas affected by construction activities shall be monitored by the Contractor. For construction activities immediately adjacent to impaired surface waters, the Contractor shall be capable of quantifying sediment or pollutant loading to that surface water when required by State or Federally issued Clean Water Act permits. 3.3.1 Cofferdams, Diversions, and Dewatering Operations anti-degradation provisions. Construction operations for dewatering shall be controlled at all times to maintain compliance with existing State water quality standards and designated uses of the surface water body. The Contractor shall comply with the State of North Carolina water quality standards and SECTION 01355A Page 11 Raleigh Durham USARC • Raleigh USARC 3.3.2 Not Used 3.3.3 Wetlands RCCO The Contractor shall not enter, disturb, destroy, or allow discharge of contaminants into any wetlands except as authorized herein. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of wetlands shown on the drawings in accordance with paragraph ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS, REVIEWS, AND APPROVALS. Authorization to enter specific wetlands identified shall not relieve the Contractor from any obligation to protect other wetlands within, adjacent to, or in the vicinity of the construction site and associated boundaries. 3.4 AIR RESOURCES Equipment operation, activities, or processes performed by the Contractor shall be in accordance with all Federal and State air emission and performance laws and standards. 3.4.1 Particulates Dust particles; aerosols and gaseous by-products from construction activities; and processing and preparation of materials, such as from asphaltic batch plants; shall be controlled at all times, including weekends, holidays and hours when work is not in progress. The Contractor shall maintain excavations, stockpiles, haul roads, permanent and temporary access roads, plant sites, spoil areas, borrow areas, and other work areas within or outside the project boundaries free from particulates which would cause the Federal, State, and local air pollution standards to be exceeded or which would cause a hazard or a nuisance. Sprinkling, chemical treatment of an approved type, baghouse, scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators or other methods will be permitted to control particulates in the work area. Sprinkling, to be efficient, must be repeated to keep the disturbed area damp at all times. The Contractor must have sufficient, competent equipment available to accomplish these tasks. Particulate control shall be performed as the work proceeds and whenever a particulate nuisance or hazard occurs. The Contractor shall comply with all State and local visibility regulations. 3.4.2 Odors odors from construction activities shall be controlled at all times. The odors shall not cause a health hazard and shall be in compliance with State regulations and/or local ordinances. 3.4.3 Sound Intrusions The Contractor shall keep construction activities under surveillance and control to minimize environment damage by noise. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the State of North Carolina rules. 3.4.4 Burning Burning shall be prohibited on the Government premises. 3.5 NOT USED S 3.6 CHEMICAL MATERIALS MANAGEMENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL Disposal of wastes shall be as directed below, unless otherwise specified SECTION 01355A Page 12 • l? u Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC in other sections and/or shown on the drawings. 3.6.1 Solid Wastes Solid wastes (excluding clearing debris) shall be placed in containers which are emptied on a regular schedule. Handling, storage, and disposal shall be conducted to prevent contamination. Segregation measures shall be employed so that no hazardous or toxic waste will become co-mingled with solid waste. The Contractor shall transport solid waste off Government property and dispose of it in compliance with Federal, State, and local requirements for solid waste disposal. A Subtitle D RCRA permitted landfill shall be the minimum acceptable off-site solid waste disposal option. The Contractor shall verify that the selected transporters and disposal facilities have the necessary permits and licenses to operate. 3.6.2 Chemicals and Chemical Wastes Chemicals shall be dispensed ensuring no spillage to the ground or water. Periodic inspections of dispensing areas to identify leakage and initiate corrective action shall be performed and documented. This documentation will be periodically reviewed by the Government. Chemical waste shall be collected in corrosion resistant, compatible containers. Collection drums shall be monitored and removed to a staging or storage area when contents are within 6 inches of the top. Wastes shall be classified, managed, stored, and disposed of in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. 3.6.3 Contractor Generated Hazardous Wastes/Excess Hazardous Materials Hazardous wastes are defined in 40 CFR 261, or are as defined by applicable State and local regulations. Hazardous materials are defined in 49 CFR 171 - 178. The Contractor shall, at a minimum, manage and store hazardous waste in compliance with 40 CFR 262 and shall manage and store hazardous waste in accordance with the Project office hazardous waste management plan. The Contractor shall take sufficient measures to prevent spillage of hazardous and toxic materials during dispensing. The Contractor shall segregate hazardous waste from other materials and wastes, shall protect it from the weather by placing it in a safe covered location, and shall take precautionary measures such as berming or other appropriate measures against accidental spillage. The Contractor shall be responsible for storage, describing, packaging, labeling, marking, and placarding of hazardous waste and hazardous material in accordance with 49 CFR 171 - 178, State, and local laws and regulations. The Contractor shall transport Contractor generated hazardous waste off Government property within 60 days in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation laws and regulations. The Contractor shall dispose of hazardous waste in compliance with Federal, State and local laws and regulations. Spills of hazardous or toxic materials shall be immediately reported to the Contracting Officer. Cleanup and cleanup costs due to spills shall be the Contractor's responsibility. The disposition of Contractor generated hazardous waste and excess hazardous materials are the Contractor's responsibility. 3.6.4 Fuel and Lubricants Storage, fueling and lubrication of conducted in a manner that affords evaporation. Fuel, lubricants and accordance with all Federal, State, equipment and motor vehicles shall be the maximum protection against spill and oil shall be managed and stored in Regional, and local laws and SECTION 01355A Page 13 • Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO regulations. Used lubricants and used oil to be discarded shall be stored in marked corrosion-resistant containers and recycled or disposed in accordance with 40 CFR 279, State, and local laws and regulations. Storage of fuel on the project site shall be accordance with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. 3.6.5 Waste Water Disposal of waste water shall be as specified below. a. Waste water from construction activities, such as onsite material processing, concrete curing, foundation and concrete clean-up, water used in concrete trucks, forms, etc. shall not be allowed to enter water ways or to be discharged prior to being treated to remove pollutants. The Contractor shall dispose of the construction related waste water off-Government property in accordance with all Federal, State, Regional and Local laws and regulations or by collecting and placing it in a retention pond where suspended material can be settled out and/or the water can evaporate to separate pollutants from the water. The site for the retention pond shall be coordinated and approved with the Contracting Officer. The residue left in the pond prior to completion of the project shall be removed, tested, and disposed off-Government property in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. The area shall be backfilled to the original grade, top-soiled and seeded/sodded. b. For discharge of ground water, the Contractor shall surface discharge in accordance with the requirements of the NPDES or State STORM WATER DISCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION SITES permit. C. Water generated from the flushing of lines after disinfection or disinfection in conjunction with hydrostatic testing shall be land applied in accordance with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations for land application. 0 3.7 RECYCLING AND WASTE MINIMIZATION The Contractor shall participate in State and local government sponsored recycling programs. The Contractor is further encouraged to minimize solid waste generation throughout the duration of the project. 3.8 NON-HAZARDOUS SOLID WASTE DIVERSION REPORT The Contractor shall maintain an inventory of non-hazardous solid waste diversion and disposal of construction and demolition debris. The Contractor shall submit a report to the Department of the Army through the Contracting Officer on the first working day after each fiscal year quarter, starting the first quarter that non-hazardous solid waste has been generated. The following shall be included in the report: a. Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Disposed = in cubic yards or tons, as appropriate. b. Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Recycled = in cubic yards or tons, as appropriate. c. Total C&D Debris Generated = in cubic yards or tons, as appropriate. SECTION 01355A Page 14 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC d. Waste Sent to Waste-To-Energy Incineration Plant (This amount should not be included in the recycled amount) = in cubic yards or tons, as appropriate. 3.9 HISTORICAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, AND CULTURAL RESOURCES If during excavation or other construction activities any previously unidentified or unanticipated historical, archaeological, and cultural resources are discovered or found, all activities that may damage or alter such resources shall be temporarily suspended. Resources covered by this paragraph include but are not limited to: any human skeletal remains or burials; artifacts; shell, midden, bone, charcoal, or other deposits; rock or coral alignments, pavings, wall, or other constructed features; and any indication of agricultural or other human activities. Upon such discovery or find, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Contracting Officer so that the appropriate authorities may be notified and a determination made as to their significance and what, if any, special disposition of the finds should be made. The Contractor shall cease all activities that may result in impact to or the destruction of these resources. The Contractor shall secure the area and prevent employees or other persons from trespassing on, removing, or otherwise disturbing such resources. 3.10 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES The Contractor shall minimize interference with, disturbance to, and damage to fish, wildlife, and plants including their habitat. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of threatened and endangered animal and plant species including their habitat in accordance with Federal, State, Regional, and local laws and regulations. 3.11 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT In order to minimize impacts to existing fauna and flora, the Contractor, through the Contracting Officer, shall coordinate with the Project Pesticide Coordinator (PPC)at the earliest possible time prior to pesticide application. The Contractor shall discuss integrated pest management strategies with the PPC and receive concurrence from the PPC through the COR prior to the application of any pesticide associated with these specifications. Project Office Pest Management personnel shall be given the opportunity to be present at all meetings concerning treatment measures for pest or disease control and during application of the pesticide. For termiticide requirements see Section 02360 SOIL TREATMENT FOR SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE CONTROL. The use and management of pesticides are regulated under 40 CFR 152 - 186. 3.11.1 Pesticide Delivery and Storage Pesticides shall be delivered to the site in the original, unopened containers bearing legible labels indicating the EPA registration number and the manufacturer's registered uses. Pesticides shall be stored according to manufacturer's instructions and under lock and key when unattended. 3.11.2 Qualifications For the application of pesticides, the Contractor shall use the services of a subcontractor whose principal business is pest control. The subcontractor shall be licensed and certified in the state where the work SECTION 01355A Page 15 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC is to be performed. 3.11.3 Pesticide Handling Requirements RCCO The Contractor shall formulate, treat with, and dispose of pesticides and associated containers in accordance with label directions and shall use the clothing and personal protective equipment specified on the labeling for use during all phases of the application. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)shall be available for all pesticide products. 3.11.4 Application Pesticides shall be applied by a State Certified Pesticide Applicator in accordance with EPA label restrictions and recommendation. The Certified Applicator shall wear clothing and personal protective equipment as specified on the pesticide label. Water used for formulating shall only come from locations designated by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall not allow the equipment to overflow. Prior to application of pesticide, all equipment shall be inspected for leaks, clogging, wear, or damage and shall be repaired prior to being used. 3.12 PREVIOUSLY USED EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall clean all previously used construction equipment prior to bringing it onto the project site. The Contractor shall ensure that the equipment is free from soil residuals, egg deposits from plant pests, noxious weeds, and plant seeds. The Contractor shall consult with the USDA ® jurisdictional office for additional cleaning requirements. 3.13 MAINTENANCE OF POLLUTION FACILITIES The Contractor shall maintain permanent and temporary pollution control facilities and devices for the duration of the contract or for that length of time construction activities create the particular pollutant. 3.14 MILITARY MUNITIONS In the event the Contractor discovers or uncovers military munitions as defined in 40 CFR 260, the Contractor shall immediately stop work in that area and immediately inform the Contracting Officer. 3.15 TRAINING OF CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL The Contractor's personnel shall be trained in all phases of environmental protection and pollution control. The Contractor shall conduct environmental protection/pollution control meetings for all Contractor personnel prior to commencing construction activities. Additional meetings shall be conducted for new personnel and when site conditions change. The training and meeting agenda shall include: methods of detecting and avoiding pollution; familiarization with statutory and contractual pollution standards; installation and care of devices, vegetative covers, and instruments required for monitoring purposes to ensure adequate and continuous environmental protection/pollution control; anticipated hazardous or toxic chemicals or wastes, and other regulated contaminants; recognition and protection of archaeological sites, artifacts, wetlands, and endangered species and their habitat that are known to be in the area. SECTION 01355A Page 16 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC 3.16 NOT USED 3.17 POST CONSTRUCTION CLEANUP RCCO The Contractor shall clean up all areas used for construction in accordance with Contract Clause: "Cleaning Up". The Contractor shall, unless otherwise instructed in writing by the Contracting officer, obliterate all signs of temporary construction facilities such as haul roads, work area, structures, foundations of temporary structures, stockpiles of excess or waste materials, and other vestiges of construction prior to final acceptance of the work. The disturbed area shall be graded, filled and the entire area seeded unless otherwise indicated. -- End of Section -- 0 • SECTION 01355A Page 17 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01356A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES 08/96 C? PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES 1.2 GENERAL 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1.4 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS 1.4.1 Stabilization Practices Unsuitable Conditions No Activity for Less Than 21 Days 1.4.2 Structural Practices Silt Fences Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit Pad Inlet Protection Stone Silt Checks Stone Sediment Traps Silt Fence Rock Overflows 1.5 ANTICIPATED SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION 1.6 DEMONSTRATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS 1.7 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN AND NOTICE OF INTENT 1.8 SPILL PREVENTION 1.8.1 Good Housekeeping 1.8.2 Hazardous Products: 1.9 SPILL PREVENTION PRACTICES 1.10 SPILL PLANNING AND RESPONSE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS 1.11 SPILL REPORTING 1.12 PRODUCT SPECIFIC PRACTICES 1.12.1 Petroleum Products 1.12.2 Fertilizer 1.12.3 Paints, Solvents, and Sealant: 1.12.4 Concrete Trucks 1.13 Waste Disposal 1.14 Offsite Vehicle Tracking PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 COMPONENTS FOR SILT FENCES 2.1.1 Filter Fabric 2.1.2 Silt Fence Stakes and Posts 2.1.3 Mill Certificate or Affidavit 2.1.4 Identification Storage and Handling 2.2 NOT USED 0 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION OF SILT FENCES SECTION 01356A Page 1 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC 3.2 INSTALLATION OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT PAD 3.3 TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING 3.4 STONE SILT CHECKS AND SEDIMENT TRAPS 3.5 MAINTENANCE 3.5.1 Silt Fence Maintenance 3.5.2 Temporary Construction Entrance/Exit Pad 3.5.3 Temporary Seeding and Mulching 3.5.4 Stone Silt Checks and Sediment Traps 3.6 INSPECTIONS 3.6.1 General 3.6.2 Inspector 3.6.3 Inspections Details 3.6.4 Inspection Reports -- End of Section Table of Contents -- /l u • RCCO SECTION 01356A Page 2 • Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC SECTION 01356A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES 08/96 is PART 1 GENERAL RCCO 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM D 4439 (2004) Geosynthetics ASTM D 4491 (1999a) Water Permeability of Geotextiles by Permittivity ASTM D 4533 (1991; R 1996) Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextiles ASTM D 4632 (1991; R 2003) Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles ASTM D 4751 (1999a) Determining Apparent Opening Size of a Geotextile ASTM D 4873 (2002) Identification, Storage, and Handling of Geosynthetic Rolls and Samples 1.2 GENERAL The Contractor shall implement the storm water pollution prevention measures specified in this section in a manner which will meet the requirements of Section 01355A ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, and the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) which may be reviewed at the Niagara Air Reserve Station Environmental Office. 1.3 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-07 Certificates Mill Certificate or Affidavit is Certificate attesting that the Contractor has met all specified requirements. SECTION 01356A Page 3 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • SD-13 Records Inspection Report RCCO Report of inspections of erosion and sediment control measures as required in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Erosion and Sediment Control Professional; G, RE. Name, qualifications, and experience of individual who will conduct erosion and sediment control inspections. 1.4 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS The controls and measures required by the Contractor are described below. 1.4.1 Stabilization Practices The stabilization practices to be implemented shall include temporary seeding, sod stabilization, and stone protection (riprap). On his daily CQC Report, the Contractor shall record the dates when the major grading activities occur, (e.g., clearing and grubbing, excavation, embankment, and grading); when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site; and when stabilization practices are initiated. Except as provided in paragraphs UNSUITABLE CONDITIONS and NO ACTIVITY FOR LESS THAN 21 DAYS, stabilization practices shall be initiated as soon as practicable, but no more than 14 days, in any portion of the site where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased. Unsuitable Conditions Where the initiation of stabilization measures by the fourteenth day after construction activity temporarily or permanently ceases is precluded by unsuitable conditions caused by the weather, stabilization practices shall be initiated as soon as practicable after conditions become suitable. No Activity for Less Than 21 Days Where construction activity will resume on a portion of the site within 21 days from when activities ceased (e.g., the total time period that construction activity is temporarily ceased is less than 21 days), then stabilization practices do not have to be initiated on that portion of the site by the fourteenth day after construction activity temporarily ceased. 1.4.2 Structural Practices Structural practices shall be implemented to divert flows from exposed soils, temporarily store flows, or otherwise limit runoff and the discharge of pollutants from exposed areas of the site. Structural practices shall be implemented in a timely manner during the construction process to minimize erosion and sediment runoff. Structural practices shall include the following devices. Location and details of installation and construction are shown on the drawings. Silt Fences • The Contractor shall provide silt fences as a temporary structural practice to minimize erosion and sediment runoff. Silt fences shall be properly installed to effectively retain sediment immediately after completing each SECTION 01356A Page 4 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO • Phase of work where erosion would occur in the form of sheet and rill erosion (e.g. clearing and grubbing, excavation, embankment, and grading). Silt fences shall be installed in the locations indicated on the drawings. Final removal of silt fence barriers shall be upon approval by the Contracting Officer. Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit Pad The Contractor shall provide a temporary gravel construction entrance/ exit pad as a temporary structural practice to minimize the amount of mud transported onto paved public roads. The temporary gravel construction entrance/exit pad shall be installed at the location indicated on the drawings. Final removal of the temporary construction entrance/exit pad shall be upon approval by the Contracting Officer Inlet Protection The Contractor shall provide gravel or fabric inlet protection as a temporary structural practice to minimize erosion and sediment runoff. Gravel or fabric inlet protection shall be installed at the locations indicated on the drawings. Final removal of inlet protection shall be upon approval by the Contracting Officer. Stone Silt Checks The Contractor shall provide stone silt checks as a temporary structural practice to minimize erosion and sediment runoff. Stone silt checks shall be installed in the locations indicated on the drawings. Final removal of • stone silt checks shall be upon approval by the Contracting Officer. Stone Sediment Traps The Contractor shall provide stone sediment traps as a temporary structural practice to minimize erosion and sediment runoff. Stone sediment traps shall be installed in the locations indicated on the drawings. Final removal of stone sediment traps shall be upon approval by the Contracting Officer. Silt Fence Rock Overflows The Contractor shall provide silt fence rock overflows as a temporary structural practice to minimize erosion and sediment runoff. Stone Silt fence rock overflows shall be installed at the locations indicated on the drawings. Final removal of silt fence rock overflows shall be upon approval by the Contracting Officer. 1.5 ANTICIPATED SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION Contractor shall construct temporary construction entrance/exit pad, temporary and permanent ditches. Disturbed areas should be limited to that required to perform work efficiently. Erosion control measures shall be placed as shown on the plans as construction proceeds. Additional erosion control measures may be required to comply with the SPDES once construction begins. Any changes to the plan as herein described, will require an amendment. • Surface waters flowing towards the construction area shall be diverted around the disturbed areas to reduce the erosion potential. Silt fences, temporary ditches, and inlet protection devices shall be properly SECTION 01356A Page 5 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC • constructed to detain runoff and trap sediment. Construct new amenities including utilities, buildings, parking areas and sidewalks. Construct the bioretention areas. Landscape and grade the site according to the drawings. Upon completion of the project, remove all temporary controls and take any sediment that is removed to a site approved by the Contracting Officer. Any areas disturbed by the removal of the temporary controls shall be seeded and mulched within 24 hours. The Contractor controls the actual sequence, however, the sediment controls must be established prior to initiation of work in any area. 1.6 DEMONSTRATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS All activities conducted under this contract will be performed in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. The construction contractor's specifications require compliance with all applicable regulations. 1.7 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN AND NOTICE OF INTENT The contractor will implement the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan as shown on the plans and directed in these specifications. This plan must be implemented in accordance with the SPDES permit. A Notice of Intent (NOI) will be prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and submitted to the State of New York a minimum of fourteen days prior to the notice to proceed being issued. The Contractor shall maintain a copy of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan in their construction trailer. Any changes made to the plan must be documented and approved by the Contracting Officer. 1.8 SPILL PREVENTION The following are the material management practices to reduce the risk of spills or other accidental exposure of materials and substances to storm water runoff. 1.8.1 Good Housekeeping a. An effort will be made to store only enough products required to perform the task. Storage shall meet Federal, State, and Local regulations to include 150°% containment of bulk storage over 19 liters. b. All materials stored onsite will be stored in a neat and orderly manner in their appropriate containers. When possible material should be stored under a roof or in an enclosed area. If this is not possible material will be covered with a tarpaulin or suitable replacement to prevent direct contact between storm water and the materials. All runoff from the storage area will be routed through a control structure. C. Products will be kept in their original containers with the original manufacture's label. d. Substances will not be mixed with one another unless recommended by the manufacturer. SECTION 01356A Page 6 l? u • l? u Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO e. Whenever possible, all of the product will be used up before disposing of container. f. Manufactures' recommendations for proper use and disposal will be dictated by Federal, State and Local regulations. Manufactures' recommendations for proper use and disposal will be followed if they are more stringent then Federal, State or Local requirements. g. The contractor will conduct daily inspections to ensure proper use and disposal of materials onsite. 1.8.2 Hazardous Products: These practices are used to reduce the risks associated with hazardous materials and must be incorporated into the Pollution Prevention Plan: a. Products will be kept in their original containers unless they are not resealable. b. Original labels and material safety data will be retained; they contain important product information. c. All containers will have the Diamond label affixed per the National Fire Prevention Association's Publication 704. d. Disposal of surplus product will be done as recommended by the manufacturers' or as required by State and local regulations. 1.9 SPILL PREVENTION PRACTICES In addition to good housekeeping and material management practices discussed in the previous sections of this plan, a Site Specific Spill Contingency Plan (SSSCP) must be prepared by the contractor. In addition to the requirements of the SSSCP, the following practices must be followed for spill prevention and cleanup: a. Materials and equipment necessary for cleanup will be kept in the material storage area. There will be enough equipment to supply at least three men. Equipment and materials will include but not be limited to; brooms, dust pans, mops, rags, gloves, goggles, absorbing compound such as kitty litter, saw dust, sand, etc. and plastic and metal trash containers specifically for this purpose. b. Manufactures' recommended methods for spill cleanup will be clearly posted and site personnel will be made aware of the procedures and the location of information and cleanup supplies. c. All spills will be cleaned up immediately after discovery. d. The spill area will be kept well ventilated and personnel will wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent injury from contact with a hazardous substance. C. All spills of toxic or hazardous materials will be reported to the appropriate State or local government agency. f. Once a spill has occurred, the spill prevention plan will be adjusted to include measures to prevent this type of spill from recurring with a SECTION 01356A Page 7 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO discussion of the appropriate cleanup for that type of spill. A description of the spill, what caused it and the cleanup measures utilized will be included. g. The prime contractor will be responsible for the day-to-day site operations, including spill prevention and will designate an employee by name to be the primary cleanup coordinator. Each subcontractor bringing more than 75 liters or 68 kilograms of a spillable substance shall also designate a cleanup coordinator. The cleanup coordinators will designate three additional site personnel for spill prevention and cleanup. Everyone designated will be trained in spill prevention and cleanup. 1.10 SPILL PLANNING AND RESPONSE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS 1) All personnel involved with the management and handling of oil and hazardous materials must be periodically trained in spill prevention and response. The training will be similar to the Hazardous Communication Program - Worker Right to Know and will include the following key features: a) Health effects of exposure to oil or hazardous materials; b) Applicable first aid procedures to be used following exposure; c) Personal Protective Equipment requirements and procedures for using equipment; d) Evacuation procedures; is e) Spill material combustibility and potential for flash-back along vapor trails; f) Fire fighting procedures and special hazards of combustible products; g) Reactivity of spill material with common materials including water; h) Use and maintenance of all alarms and monitoring equipment associated with spill prevention or response; i) Initial Notification procedures; j) Site specific contingency plans; k) Location of posted Site Specific Spill Contingency Plan; 1) Immediate spill response actions including location of pump controls and valves to stop spill flow; location and use of fire extinguishers, absorbents, neutralizing agents and other immediate spill response procedures; M) Visual inspection requirements of the particular areas; and n) Purpose and requirements of good housekeeping. 2) Spill response training exercises will be conducted once per year for personnel working at oil and hazardous material sites. Personnel entering one of these positions will be trained within two weeks after starting work 40 and after any significant changes to the spill plan or training program. Records of the type, extent, and frequency of each individual's training will be maintained until closure of the applicable area or until three SECTION 01356A Page 8 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC is years after the date the individual last worked in the area. 1.11 SPILL REPORTING a) The first action to be taken in the event of a spill is to report the spill. If you observe a release of a hazardous material, report it to your supervisor and the Fire Department. b) The Fire Department (or Range Control) must be promptly notified of any of the following spills: 1) Any uncontrolled quantity of a hazardous substance, or if assistance is needed by Fire Department or Environmental Division, or as instructed by the MSDS or supervisor's discretion. 1.12 PRODUCT SPECIFIC PRACTICES The following product specific practices will be followed on-site: 1.12.1 Petroleum Products All vehicles will be periodically inspected for leaks and shall receive regular preventative maintenance to reduce the chance of leaks occurring. Petroleum products will be stored in tightly sealed containers that are clearly labeled. Bulk storage areas will be equipped with secondary containment appropriate for risk of loss from the primary container(s). Storage shall meet Federal, State, and Local regulations. Secondary containment shall hold 150% of the bulk amount stored over 5 gallons. The • contractor will maintain a specific spill contingency and countermeasures plan for the bulk storage area. 1.12.2 Fertilizer Fertilizers used will be applied only in the minimum amounts recommended by the manufacturer. Once applied, fertilizer will be worked into the soil to limit exposure to storm water. The contents of any partially used bags of fertilizer will be transferred to a sealable container to avoid spills. 1.12.3 Paints, Solvents, and Sealant: All containers will be tightly sealed and in the storage area when not being used. Excess materials will not be discharged into the storm sewer system but will be properly disposed of according to manufacturers' instructions or state and local regulations. 1.12.4 Concrete Trucks Concrete trucks will be allowed to wash out, discharge surplus concrete and drum wash water only in a designated area. All wash water from the concrete trucks must be retained onsite and treated according to state and local regulations. Upon completion of the job all discharges of surplus concrete and any soil contaminated by the concrete wash water will be removed from the site and taken to an approved disposal area. Water with the potential of entering sinkholes or storm sewers will not be allowed to be discharged. 0 1.13 Waste Disposal Waste Material - All waste material will be collected and disposed of at an SECTION 01356A Page 9 • u Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO approved site during construction. No construction waste materials will be buried on site. All personnel involved with waste material disposal will be instructed on the correct procedures for waste disposal. Notices stating these procedures will be posted in the office trailer and the contractor's quality assurance designee will be responsible for seeing that these procedures are followed. Hazardous Waste - Any hazardous waste material generated or encountered onsite will be disposed of in the manner specified by local or state regulations or as recommended by the manufacturer. Site personnel will be instructed in the disposal of hazardous waste and the procedures will be posted. The quality assurance designee will be responsible for seeing that the proper procedures are carried out. Sanitary Waste - All sanitary waste will be collected from the portable units a minimum of once per week by a licensed sanitary waste management contractor serving the local area. 1.14 Offsite Vehicle Tracking A stabilized construction entrance is provided to help prevent vehicle tracking of sediments off site. The contractor will be responsible for cleaning the roads daily to remove any excess mud, dirt, or rock deposited by the vehicle traffic. Dump trucks used to carry excavated material will be checked prior to exiting the site for large amounts of soil accumulations on the wheels and chassis. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 COMPONENTS FOR SILT FENCES 2.1.1 Filter Fabric The geotextile shall comply with the requirements of ASTM D 4439, and shall consist of polymeric filaments which are formed into a stable network such that filaments retain their relative positions. The filament shall consist of a long-chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 85 percent by weight of ester, propylene, or amide, and shall contain stabilizers and/or inhibitors added to the base plastic to make the filaments resistance to deterioration due to ultraviolet and heat exposure. Synthetic filter fabric shall contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of six months of expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0 to 120 degrees F. The filter fabric shall meet the following requirements: FILTER FABRIC FOR SILT SCREEN FENCE ?J PHYSICAL PROPERTY Grab Tensile Elongation (%) Trapezoid Tear Permittivity AOS (U.S. Std Sieve) TEST PROCEDURE ASTM D 4632 ASTM D 4533 ASTM D 4491 ASTM D 4751 SECTION 01356A Page 10 STRENGTH REQUIREMENT 100 lbs. min. 30 % max. 55 lbs. min. 0.2 sec-1 20-100 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC 2.1.2 Silt Fence Stakes and Posts RCCO The Contractor may use either wooden stakes or steel posts for fence construction. Wooden stakes utilized for silt fence construction, shall have a minimum cross section of 2 inches by 2 inches when oak is used and 4 inches by 4 inches when pine is used, and shall have a minimum length of 5 feet. Steel posts (standard "U" or "T" section) utilized for silt fence construction, shall have a minimum weight of 1.33 pounds per linear foot and a minimum length of 5 feet. 2.1.3 Mill Certificate or Affidavit A mill certificate or affidavit shall be provided attesting that the fabric and factory seams meet chemical, physical, and manufacturing requirements specified above. The mill certificate or affidavit shall specify the actual Minimum Average Roll Values and shall identify the fabric supplied by roll identification numbers. The Contractor shall submit a mill certificate or affidavit signed by a legally authorized official from the company manufacturing the filter fabric. 2.1.4 Identification Storage and Handling Filter fabric shall be identified, stored and handled in accordance with ASTM D 4873. 2.2 NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION OF SILT FENCES Silt fences shall extend a minimum of 16 inches above the ground surface and shall not exceed 34 inches above the ground surface. Filter fabric shall be from a continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid the use of joints. When joints are unavoidable, filter fabric shall be spliced together at a support post, with a minimum 6 inch overlap, and securely sealed. A trench shall be excavated approximately 4 inches wide and 4 inches deep on the upslope side of the location of the silt fence. The 4-inch by 4-inch trench shall be backfilled and the soil compacted over the filter fabric. Silt fences shall be removed upon approval by the Contracting Officer. 3.2 INSTALLATION OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT PAD Avoid locating on steep slope or at curves in public roads. Remove all vegetation and other objectionable material from the foundation area, and grade and crown for positive drainage. If slope towards the road exceeds 2%, construct a 6 inches high water bar with 3:1 side slopes across the foundation area diverting runoff from the road. Install pipe under the pad if needed to maintain proper public road drainage. Place geotextile fabric on the graded foundation to improve stability. Place stone to dimensions shown in the plans. 3.3 TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING Temporary seeding shall be sown in accordance with Section 02921. • Temporary seeding and mulching will be required for those disturbed areas which will be abandoned temporarily while work occurs elsewhere on the site. SECTION 01356A Page 11 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC is 3.4 STONE SILT CHECKS AND SEDIMENT TRAPS RCCO Stone silt checks and sediment traps shall be constructed as shown in the plans. Excavate a cutoff trench 18 inches into the channel banks. Place the rock into the cutoff trench and channel to the dimensions shown in the plans. 3.5 MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall maintain the temporary and permanent vegetation, erosion and sediment control measures, and other protective measures in good and effective operating condition by performing routine inspections to determine condition and effectiveness, by restoration of destroyed vegetative cover, and by repair of erosion and sediment control measures and other protective measures. The following procedures shall be followed to maintain the protective measures. 3.5.1 Silt Fence Maintenance Silt fences shall be inspected in accordance with paragraph INSPECTIONS. Any required repairs shall be made promptly. Close attention shall be paid to the repair of damaged silt fence resulting from end runs and undercutting. Should the fabric on a silt fence decompose or become ineffective, and the barrier is still necessary, the fabric shall be replaced promptly. Sediment deposits shall be removed when deposits reach one-third of the height of the barrier. When a silt fence is no longer required, it shall be removed. The immediate area occupied by the fence and any sediment deposits shall be shaped to an acceptable grade. The areas disturbed by this shaping shall receive erosion control as required by the erosion control drawings.. 3.5.2 Temporary Construction Entrance/Exit Pad Reshape pad as needed for drainage and runoff control. Top dress with clean stone as needed. Immediately remove mud and sediment tracked or washed onto public roads by brushing or sweeping. Repair any broken road pavement immediately. 3.5.3 Temporary Seeding and Mulching Inspect to see if vegetative stands are adequately established; re-seed if necessary. Check for erosion damage and repair; re-seed and mulch if necessary. 3.5.4 Stone Silt Checks and Sediment Traps Stone silt checks and sediment traps shall be inspected in accordance with paragraph INSPECTIONS. Any required repairs shall be made promptly. Close attention shall be paid to the repair of damaged stone silt checks and sediment traps resulting from erosion, piping or rock displacement. Sediment deposits shall be removed when deposits reach one-half of the height of the barrier. When a stone silt check or sediment trap is no longer required, it shall be removed. The immediate area occupied by the stone silt check or sediment trap and any sediment deposits shall be shaped to an acceptable grade. The areas disturbed by this shaping shall be seeded in accordance with Section 02921 SEEDING. • SECTION 01356A Page 12 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • 3.6 INSPECTIONS 3.6.1 General RCCO The Contractor shall inspect disturbed areas of the construction site, areas used for storage of materials that are exposed to precipitation that have not been finally stabilized, stabilization practices, structural practices, other controls, and area where vehicles exit the site at least once every seven (7) calendar days and within 24 hours of the end of any storm that produces 0.5 inches or more rainfall at the site. Where sites have been finally stabilized, such inspection shall be conducted at least once every month. 3.6.2 Inspector The inspections shall be performed by a qualified professional knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control, such as a licensed professional engineer, Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), licensed landscape architect or qualified soil scientist. Alternatively, it is permissible to have someone working under the direction and supervision of a licensed professional engineer or licensed landscape architect perform the inspections, provided that person has experience or training in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. The Contractor shall submit the person who will be the Erosion and Sediment Control Professional, with a short description of their qualifications and experience, to the Contracting Officer's Representative for approval, a maximum of 30 days after Notice To Proceed. 3.6.3 Inspections Details Disturbed areas and areas used for material storage that are exposed to precipitation shall be inspected for evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage system. Erosion and sediment control measures identified in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan shall be observed to ensure that they are operating correctly. Discharge locations or points shall be inspected to ascertain whether erosion control measures are effective in preventing significant impacts to receiving waters. Locations where vehicles exit the site shall be inspected for evidence of offsite sediment tracking. 3.6.4 Inspection Reports For each inspection conducted, the Contractor shall prepare a report summarizing the scope of the inspection, name(s) and qualifications of personnel making the inspection, the date(s) of the inspection, major observations relating to the implementation of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, maintenance performed, and actions taken. The Inspection Report shall be furnished to the Contracting Officer within 24 hours of the inspection as a part of the Contractor's daily CQC REPORT. A copy of the inspection report shall be maintained on the job site. -- End of Section -- 0 SECTION 01356A Page 13 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC s SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 02 - SITE CONSTRUCTION SECTION 02270L STONE PROTECTION 02/01 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY 1.2 NOT USED 1.3 SUBMITTALS PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 SITE PREPARATION 3.2 RIPRAP PROTECTION 3.2.1 General Approval Limits of Placement • 3.2.2 Gradation 3.2.3 Quality 3.2.4 Placement 3.3 FILTER MATERIAL 3.3.1 General Approval Limits of Placement 3.3.2 Gradation 3.3.3 Placement 3.4 NOT USED 3.5 TESTING PROGRAM -- End of Section Table of Contents -- • RCCO SECTION 02270L Page 1 • Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC SECTION 02270L STONE PROTECTION 02/01 • PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY RCCO The work covered by this section consists of performing all operations in connection with the construction of stone protection (filter stone and riprap), gravel road, and relief drain aggregate, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Contracting Officer, in accordance with these specifications and applicable drawings. 1.2 NOT USED 1.3 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals Sources; G,ED. Source(s) from which the Contractor proposes to obtain the filter stone, relief drain aggregate, gravel road surface coarse and riprap shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer. SD-OG Test Reports s Gradation Testing; G, ED. Certified copies of current gradation tests for the riprap (North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (NCDOTSS) Section 1042 Riprap Materials) and filter stone (Aggregate Base Course (ABC)--NCDOTSS Section 1005 General Requirements for Aggregate) shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 SITE PREPARATION All areas where riprap is required shall be cleared in accordance with section 02300, "EARTHWORK". Immediately prior to placing the riprap, the prepared base shall be inspected by the Contracting Officer and no material shall be placed thereon until that area has been approved. SECTION 02270L Page 2 • 0 e Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC 3.2 RIPRAP PROTECTION 3.2.1 General Approval RCCO All riprap for the protection work shall be durable stone as approved by the Contracting Officer. Within 5 days after receipt of Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall identify to the Contracting Officer the sources from which the Contractor proposes to obtain the protection stone for the work. The Contracting officer will indicate to the Contractor, within 15 days of receipt of the identified sources, approval or disapproval of the proposed sources. Limits of Placement Riprap protection shall be placed within the limits shown on the plans or as otherwise required by the Contracting Officer. 3.2.2 Gradation Riprap protection shall be well graded in accordance with Class 2 Riprap in Section 1042 of the NCDOTSS. 3.2.3 Quality Riprap protection must meet the specifications for Riprap Materials as stated in Section 620 of the NYSDOTSS. Quality test data for the proposed sources shall be furnished. Test information shall be less than one year old. 3.2.4 Placement Riprap protection shall be placed in such a manner as to produce a reasonably well graded mass of rock with the minimum practicable percentage of voids, and shall be constructed to the lines and grades shown on the drawings or staked in the field. The stone fill must be placed starting at the toe of the slope. The fill shall be placed to full thickness and progress up the slope. This shall be done to prevent destabilizing the slope. Protection stone shall be placed to its full course thickness in one operation. The larger stone shall be well distributed and the entire mass of stones in their position shall be roughly graded to conform to the gradation specified in paragraph: Gradation hereinbefore. The finished stone protection shall be free from objectional pockets of small stones and clusters of larger stones. Placing some of the designated size in layers will not be permitted. The desired distribution of the various sizes of stones throughout the mass shall be obtained by selective loading of the material at the quarry or other source; by controlled dumping of successive loads during the final placing; or by other methods of placement which will produce the specified results. Care shall be exercised when placing stone adjacent to existing trees, by protecting them using hand placement until there is adequate cover for protection. Rearranging of individual stones by mechanical equipment or by hand will be required to the extent necessary to obtain a reasonably well graded distribution of stone sizes as specified above. Tracked equipment will not be permitted on the riprap surface. The Contractor shall maintain the stone protection until accepted and any material displaced by any cause shall be replaced at this expense to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. SECTION 02270L Page 3 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC 3.3 FILTER MATERIAL 3.3.1 General Approval RCCO All filter stone shall be durable stone as approved by the Contracting Officer. Within 5 days after receipt of Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall identify to the Contracting Officer the sources from which the Contractor proposes to obtain the material for the work. The Contracting officer will indicate to the Contractor, within 15 days of receipt of the identified sources, approval or disapproval of the proposed sources. Limits of Placement Filter stone, relief drain aggregate be placed within the limits shown on the Contracting Officer. and gravel road surface coarse shall the plans or as otherwise required by 3.3.2 Gradation The gradation of the filter stone meet the requirements for aggregate base course (ABC) in accordance with General Requirements for Aggregate, Section 1005 the NCDOTSS. 3.3.3 Placement Filter stone shall be spread uniformly on the prepared base, in a • satisfactory manner, to the slope lines and grades indicated on the drawings. Placing of material by methods which will tend to segregate particle sizes within the filter layer will not be permitted. Tracked equipment will not be permitted on the riprap surface. Any damage to the surface of the base during placing of the filter material shall be repaired before proceeding with the work. Compaction of the filter layer will not be required, but it shall be finished to present a reasonably even surface free from mounds or windrows. 3.4 NOT USED 3.5 TESTING PROGRAM The Contractor shall perform gradation tests for the riprap utilizing the procedures described in the Test Method as prepared by the Louisville District for dumped samples bound at the end of this section of specifications. Testing shall be performed once at the source of stone prior to delivery to the site. Additional tests may be required to demonstrate compliance with the contract. The Contracting Officer may select the time and location of the required tests. The Contractor shall perform gradation tests for each size of the filter stone, relief drain aggregate and gravel road surface coarse according to the Louisville District Test Method, once at the source prior to delivery and once at the placement site, as directed by the Contracting Officer. • SECTION 02270L Page 4 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • LOUISVILLE DISTRICT TEST METHODS STONE GRADATION TESTS GENERAL. RCCO The following test methods shall be used to determine the gradation of any stone product when the maximum size stone specified for that material exceeds 1.2 in. The methods herein cover both in-place and dumped sampling. 1. In-Place Method. The in-place method is used to test the material placed as a final end product. In this method a location is selected on the surface of the lift, layer, or coarse and a surface area the size of which is determined by the maximum size stone specified, (see para 3) is clearly marked delineating the test area. All stone within this area and for the full depth of the layer, course or lift shall be removed and the gradation of the stone within the area is measured and/or weighed to determine the in-place gradation. Care must be taken to insure that all material being tested is removed form the area and material outside of or below the area is not incorporated in the sample. 2. Dumped Sample. The dumped sampling method consists of selecting a random load prior to the placing operation. Care should be taken to prevent contamination of the sample or loss of material by dumping the sample on a tarp or plywood. The minimum size of this sample shall be determined by the maximum size stone specified for this material. These size - quantity requirements are shown in ap ra 3. This sample should reflect all production, processing and loading methods in effect at that time to produce the material for the final specified product. 3. Sample Size. Approximate Sample Quantity Maximum Size Stone Dumped In-Place 10 in. or less 8-10 tons 6x6 ft 10-16 in. 10-12 tons 10x10 ft 4. Recording Test. The results of this test will be recorded and calculated in the form presented below. STONE GRADATION TEST Material: Location (in-place): RIPRAP Screen Size Total Weight of Sample: Riprap Specification Passing Requirements SECTION 02270L Page 5 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • FTT.TRR GTnM7 ABC Specification Screen Size o Passing Requirements RCCO ENG Forms 4055 and 4056 or similar will be used to plot resultant curves. 5. The Contractor shall provide the following equipment: (1) Portable platform scale (+200 lb capacity) (1) Tarps or plywood (1) Set rigid steel squares. Welded rod sufficiently rigid to hold required dimensions. 6. An initial gradation test for approval shall be performed from a stockpile at the stone source by the Contractor at the direction of the Contracting Officer. -- End of Section -- 0 SECTION 02270L Page 6 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 02 - SITE CONSTRUCTION SECTION 02921 SEEDING 05/04 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Stand of Turf 1.3 Not Used 1.4 SUBMITTALS 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery Seed Protection Fertilizer Delivery 1.5.2 Storage Seed, Fertilizer Storage Topsoil Handling 1.6 TIME RESTRICTIONS AND PLANTING CONDITIONS • 1.6.1 Restrictions 1.7 TIME LIMITATIONS 1.7.1 Seed PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SEED 2.1.1 Classification 2.1.2 Planting Dates 2.1.3 Seed Purity 2.1.4 Seed Mixture by Weight 2.2 TOPSOIL 2.2.1 On-Site Topsoil 2.2.2 Off-Site Topsoil 2.2.3 Composition 2.3 SOIL CONDITIONERS 2.3.1 Lime 2.3.2 Aluminum Sulfate 2.3.3 Sulfur 2.3.4 Iron 2.3.5 Peat 2.3.6 Sand 2.3.7 Perlite 2.3.8 Composted Derivatives Particle Size Nitrogen Content 2.3.9 Gypsum • 2.3.10 Calcined Clay 2.4 FERTILIZER 2.4.1 Granular Fertilizer RCCO SECTION 02921 Page 1 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • 2.4.2 Hydroseeding Fertilizer 2.5 MULCH 2.5.1 Straw 2.5.2 Not Used 2.5.3 Not Used 2.6 WATER PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION 3.1.1 EXTENT OF WORK Topsoil Soil Conditioner Application Rates Fertilizer Application Rates 3.2 SEEDING 3.2.1 Seed Application Seasons and Conditions 3.2.2 Seed Application Method Hydroseeding 3.2.3 Mulching Hay or Straw Mulch 3.2.4 Rolling 3.2.5 Not Used 3.2.6 Watering 3.3 PROTECTION OF TURF AREAS 3.4 RESTORATION -- End of Section Table of Contents -- C? J RCCO SECTION 02921 Page 2 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • SECTION 02921 SEEDING 05/04 PART 1 GENERAL RCCO 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM C 602 (1995a; R 2001) Agricultural Liming Materials ASTM D 4427 (1992; R 2002el) Peat Samples by Laboratory Testing ASTM D 4972 (2001) pH of Soils U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) AMS Seed Act (1940; R 1988; R 1998) Federal Seed Act • DOA SSIR 42 (1996) Soil Survey Investigation Report No. 42, Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual, Version 3.0 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Stand of Turf 95 percent ground cover of the established species. 1.3 Not Used 1.4 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. The following shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer for approval: SD-03 Product Data Fertilizer Include physical characteristics, and recommendations. O SD-06 Test Reports Topsoil composition tests (reports and recommendations). SECTION 02921 Page 3 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC 7 ifi cates SD-0 Cert State certification and approval for seed SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions Erosion Control Materials 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery Seed Protection Protect from drying out and from contamination during delivery, on-site storage, and handling. Fertilizer Delivery Deliver to the site in original, unopened containers bearing ma nufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, trademark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer may be furnished in bulk with certificate indicating the above information. 1.5.2 Storage Seed, Fertilizer Storage • from contaminants Store in cool locations awa dr , y . y Topsoil Prior to stockpiling topsoil, treat growing vegetation with app lication of appropriate specified non-selective herbicide. Clear and grub existing vegetation three to four weeks prior to stockpiling topsoil. Handling Do not drop or dump materials from vehicles. 1.6 TIME RESTRICTIONS AND PLANTING CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Restrictions Do not plant when the ground is frozen, snow covered, muddy, or when air temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 1.7 TIME LIMITATIONS 1.7.1 Seed Apply seed within twenty four hours after seed bed preparation. C7 SECTION 02921 Page 4 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SEED 2.1.1 Classification Provide State-approved seed of the latest season's crop delivered in original sealed packages, bearing producer's guaranteed analysis for percentages of mixtures, purity, germination, weedseed content, and inert material. Label in conformance with AMS Seed Act and applicable state seed laws. Wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged seed will be rejected. Field mixes will be acceptable when field mix is performed on site in the presence of the Contracting Officer. 2.1.2 Planting Dates Planting Season Planting Dates Season 1 15 August to 15 October Season 2 15 February to 31 March Temporary Seeding 1 1 January to 1 May Temporary Seeding 2 1 May to 15 July Temporary Seeding 3 15 July to 1 January • 2.1.3 Seed Purity Min. Min. Percent Max. Botanical Common Percent Germination Percent Name Name Pure Seed and Hard Seed Weed Seed Festuca Kentucky 31 97 85 0.5 arundinacea Fescue Festuca Creeping Red 97 85 0.5 rubra Fescue Agrostis alba Red Top 92 85 0.5 Trifolium White Dutch 99 85 0.5 repens Clover Lolium Ryegrass, 99 90 0.5 perenne perennial Poa pratensis Kentucky 95 82 0.5 Bluegrass 2.1.4 Seed Mixture by Weight Planting Season Variety Percent (by Weight) • Season 1 & 2 Kentucky 31 Fescue 65 Creeping Red Fescue 10 Red Top 10 SECTION 02921 Page 5 • Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC Planting Season Temporary Seeding 1 Temporary Seeding 2 Temporary Seeding 3 Variety White Dutch Clover Ryegrass, perennial Italian Rye Korean Lespedeza Summer Oats Sudan-Sorghum Crosses Starr Millet Balboa Rye Italian Rye Percent (by Weight) 5 10 34 33 33 RCCO 100 or 100 67 33 Proportion seed mixtures by weight. Temporary seeding must later be replaced by Season 1 plantings for a permanent stand of grass. The same requirements of turf establishment for Season 1 apply for temporary seeding. 2.2 TOPSOIL 2.2.1 On-Site Topsoil Surface soil stripped and stockpiled on site and modified as necessary to meet the requirements specified for topsoil in paragraph entitled "Composition." When available topsoil shall be existing surface soil stripped and stockpiled on-site. 2.2.2 Off-Site Topsoil Conform to requirements specified in paragraph entitled "Composition." Additional topsoil shall be furnished by the Contractor. 2.2.3 Composition Containing from 5 to 10 percent organic matter as determined by the topsoil composition tests of the Organic Carbon, 6A, Chemical Analysis Method described in DOA SSIR 42. Maximum particle size, 3/4 inch, with maximum 3 percent retained on 1/4 inch screen. The pH shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 4972. Topsoil shall be free of sticks, stones, roots, and other debris and objectionable materials. Other components shall conform to the following limits: Silt 25-50 percent Clay 10-30 percent Sand 20-35 percent pH 5.5 to 7.0 Soluble Salts 600 ppm maximum • 2.3 SOIL CONDITIONERS Add conditioners to topsoil as required to bring into compliance with "composition" standard for topsoil as specified herein. 2.3.1 Lime Commercial grade hydrate limestone containing a calcium carbonate equivalent (C.C.E.) as specified in ASTM C 602 of not less than 110 percent. SECTION 02921 Page 6 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC 2.3.2 Aluminum Sulfate Commercial grade. 2.3.3 Sulfur 100 percent elemental 2.3.4 Iron 100 percent elemental RCCO 2.3.5 Peat Natural product of peat moss derived from a freshwater site and conforming to ASTM D 4427. Shred and granulate peat to pass a 1/2 inch mesh screen and condition in storage pile for minimum 6 months after excavation. 2.3.6 Sand Clean and free of materials harmful to plants. 2.3.7 Perlite Horticultural grade. 2.3.8 Composted Derivatives • Ground bark, nitrolized sawdust, humus or other green wood waste material free of stones, sticks, and soil stabilized with nitrogen and having the following properties: Particle Size Minimum percent by weight passing: No. 4 mesh screen 95 No. 8 mesh screen 80 Nitrogen Content Minimum percent based on dry weight: Fir Sawdust 0.7 Fir or Pine Bark 1.0 2.3.9 Gypsum Coarsely ground gypsum comprised of calcium sulfate dihydrate 91 percent, calcium 22 percent, sulfur 17 percent; minimum 96 percent passing through 20 mesh screen, 100 percent passing thru 16 mesh screen. 2.3.10 Calcined Clay Calcined clay shall be granular particles produced from montmorillonite clay calcined to a minimum temperature of 1200 degrees F. Gradation: A minimum 90 percent shall pass a No. 8 sieve; a minimum 99 percent shall be retained on a No. 60 sieve; and a maximum 2 percent shall pass a No. 100 sieve. Bulk density: A maximum 40 pounds per cubic foot. SECTION 02921 Page 7 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC 2.4 FERTILIZER 2.4.1 Granular Fertilizer organic, granular controlled release fertilizer containing the following minimum percentages, by weight, of plant food nutrients: 10 percent available nitrogen 10 percent available phosphorus 10 percent available potassium 2.4.2 Hydroseeding Fertilizer Controlled release fertilizer, to use with hydroseeding and composed of pills coated with plastic resin to provide a continuous release of nutrients for at least 6 months and containing the following minimum percentages, by weight, of plant food nutrients. 10 percent available nitrogen 10 percent available phosphorus 10 percent available potassium 2.5 MULCH Mulch shall be free from noxious weeds, mold, and other deleterious materials. 2.5.1 Straw ? Stalks from oats, wheat, rye, barley, or rice. Furnish in air-dry condition and of proper consistency for placing with commercial mulch blowing equipment. Straw shall contrain no fertile seed. 2.5.2 Not Used 2.5.3 Not Used 2.6 WATER RCCO Source of water shall be approved by Contracting Officer and of suitable quality for irrigation, containing no elements toxic to plant life. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION 3.1.1 EXTENT OF WORK Provide soil preparation (including soil conditioners as required), fertilizing, seeding, and surface topdressing of all newly graded finished earth surfaces, unless indicated otherwise, and at all areas inside or outside the limits of construction that are disturbed by the Contractor's operations. Topsoil • Provide 4 inches of off-site or on-site topsoil to meet indicated finish grade. After areas have been brought to indicated finish grade, incorporate SECTION 02921 Page 8 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO fertilizer, pH adjusters, and soil conditioners, as required by soil testing, into soil a minimum depth of 4 inches by disking, harrowing, tilling or other method approved by the Contracting Officer. Remove debris and stones larger than 3/4 inch in any dimension remaining on the surface after finish grading. Correct irregularities in finish surfaces to eliminate depressions. Protect finished topsoil areas from damage by vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Soil Conditioner Application Rates Apply soil conditioners at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the soils at the job site. Fertilizer Application Rates Apply fertilizer at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the soils at the job site. For bidding purposes only apply at rates for the following: Organic Granular Fertilizer 20 pounds per 1000 square feet. 3.2 SEEDING 3.2.1 Seed Application Seasons and Conditions Immediately before seeding, restore soil to proper grade. Do not seed when ground is muddy frozen, snow covered, or in an unsatisfactory condition for seeding. If special conditions exist that may warrant a variance in the above seeding dates or conditions, submit a written request to the Contracting Officer stating the special conditions and proposed variance. Apply seed within twenty four hours after seedbed preparation. Sow seed by approved sowing equipment. Sow one-half the seed in one direction, and sow remainder at right angles to the first sowing. 3.2.2 Seed Application Method Seeding method shall be hydroseeding. Hydroseeding First, mix water and fiber. Wood cellulose fiber, paper fiber, or recycled paper shall be applied as part of the hydroseeding operation. Fiber shall be added at 1,000 pounds, dry weight, per acre. Then add and mix seed and fertilizer to produce a homogeneous slurry. Seed shall be mixed to ensure broadcasting at the rate of 2.5pounds per 1000 square feet. When hydraulically sprayed on the ground, material shall form a blotter like cover impregnated uniformly with grass seed. Spread with one application with no second application of mulch. 3.2.3 Mulching Hay or Straw Mulch Hay or straw mulch shall be spread uniformly at the rate of 2 tons per acre. Mulch shall be spread by hand, blower-type mulch spreader, or other is approved method. Mulching shall be started on the windward side of relatively flat areas or on the upper part of steep slopes, and continued uniformly until the area is covered. The mulch shall not be bunched or SECTION 02921 Page 9 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO clumped. Sunlight shall not be completely excluded from penetrating to the ground surface. All areas installed with seed shall be mulched on the same day as the seeding. Mulch shall be anchored immediately following spreading. 3.2.4 Rolling Immediately after seeding, firm entire area except for slopes in excess of 3 to 1 with a roller not exceeding 90 pounds for each foot of roller width. If seeding is performed by hydroseeding, rolling may be eliminated. 3.2.5 Not Used 3.2.6 Watering Start watering areas seeded as required by temperature and wind conditions. Apply water at a rate sufficient to insure thorough wetting of soil to a depth of 2 inches without run off. During the germination process, seed is to be kept actively growing and not allowed to dry out. 3.3 PROTECTION OF TURF AREAS Immediately after turfing, protect area against traffic and other use. 3.4 RESTORATION Restore to original condition existing turf areas which have been damaged during turf installation operations at the Contractor's expense. Keep • clean at all times at least one paved pedestrian access route and one paved vehicular access route to each building. Clean other paving when work in adjacent areas is complete. -- End of Section -- • SECTION 02921 Page 10 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 02 - SITE CONSTRUCTION SECTION 02922 SODDING 05/04 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Stand of Turf 1.3 Not used 1.4 SUBMITTALS 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery Sod Protection Fertilizer Delivery 1.5.2 Storage Sod Storage Topsoil Handling 1.6 TIME RESTRICTIONS AND PLANTING CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Restrictions 1.7 TIME LIMITATIONS 1.7.1 Sod PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SODS 2.1.1 Classification 2.1.2 Purity 2.1.3 Planting Dates 2.1.4 Composition Proportion 2.2 [Enter Appropriate Subpart Title Here] 2.3 TOPSOIL 2.3.1 On-Site Topsoil 2.3.2 Off-Site Topsoil 2.3.3 Composition 2.4 SOIL CONDITIONERS 2.4.1 Lime 2.4.2 Aluminum Sulfate 2.4.3 Sulfur 2.4.4 Iron 2.4.5 Peat 2.4.6 Sand 2.4.7 Perlite 2.4.8 Composted Derivatives Particle Size is Nitrogen Content 2.4.9 Gypsum 2.4.10 Calcined Clay RCCO SECTION 02922 Page 1 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC 2.5 FERTILIZER 2.5.1 Granular Fertilizer 2.6 WATER PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION 3.1.1 EXTENT OF WORK 3.1.2 Soil Preparation Soil Conditioner Application Rates Fertilizer Application Rates 3.2 SODDING 3.2.1 Finished Grade and Topsoil 3.2.2 Placing 3.2.3 Sodding Slopes and Ditches 3.2.4 Finishing 3.2.5 Rolling 3.2.6 Watering 3.3 PROTECTION OF TURF AREAS 3.4 NOT USED 3.5 RESTORATION -- End of Section Table of Contents -- lIr- -II C? RCCO SECTION 02922 Page 2 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • SECTION 02922 SODDING 05/04 PART 1 GENERAL RCCO 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM C 602 (1995a; R 2001) Agricultural Liming Materials ASTM D 4427 (1992; R 2002el) Peat Samples by Laboratory Testing ASTM D 4972 (2001) pH of Soils TURFGRASS PRODUCERS INTERNATIONAL (TPI) TPI GSS (1995) Guideline Specifications to Turfgrass Sodding U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) DOA SSIR 42 (1996) Soil Survey Investigation Report No. 42, Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual, Version 3.0 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Stand of Turf 100 percent ground cover of the established species. 1.3 Not used 1.4 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. The following shall be submitted to the Contracting officer for approval: SD-03 Product Data Fertilizer 0 Include physical characteristics, and recommendations. SECTION 02922 Page 3 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC • SD-06 Test Reports Topsoil composition tests (reports and recommendations). SD-07 Certificates Nursery or sod farm certification for sods. Indicate type of sod in accordance with TPI GSS. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery Sod Protection Protect from drying out and from contamination during delivery, on-site storage, and handling. Fertilizer Delivery Deliver to the site in original, unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, trademark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer may be furnished in bulk with certificate indicating the above information. 1.5.2 Storage Sod Storage Lightly sprinkle with water, cover with moist burlap, straw, or other approved covering; and protect from exposure to wind and direct sunlight until planted. Provide covering that will allow air to circulate so that internal heat will not develop. Do not store sod longer than 24 hours. Do not store directly on concrete or bituminous surfaces. Topsoil Prior to stockpiling topsoil, treat growing vegetation with application of appropriate specified non-selective herbicide. Clear and grub existing vegetation three to four weeks prior to stockpiling topsoil. Handling Do not drop or dump materials from vehicles. 1.6 TIME RESTRICTIONS AND PLANTING CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Restrictions Do not plant when the ground is frozen, snow covered, muddy, or when air temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 1.7 TIME LIMITATIONS 1.7.1 Sod • Place sod a maximum of thirty six hours after initial harvesting, in accordance with TPI GSS as modified herein. SECTION 02922 Page 4 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SODS RCCO 2.1.1 Classification Nursery grown, certified as classified in the TPI GSS. Machine cut sod at a uniform thickness of 3/4 inch within a tolerance of 1/4 inch, excluding top growth and thatch. Each individual sod piece shall be strong enough to support its own weight when lifted by the ends. Broken pads, irregularly shaped pieces, and torn or uneven ends will be rejected.Wood pegs and wire staples for anchorage shall be as recommended by sod supplier. 2.1.2 Purity Sod species shall be genetically pure, free of weeds, pests, and disease. 2.1.3 Planting Dates Lay sod from mid March to mid April for warm season spring planting and from September to mid October for cool season fall planting. 2.1.4 Composition Proportion Proportion grass species as follows. • Botanical Name Common Name Percent: Poa pratensis Kentucky Bluegrass 90 Festuca rubra Creeping Red Fescue 10 2.2 [Enter Appropriate Subpart Title Here]2.2 NOT USED 2.3 TOPSOIL 2.3.1 On-Site Topsoil Surface soil stripped and stockpiled on site and modified as necessary to meet the requirements specified for topsoil in paragraph entitled "Composition." When available topsoil shall be existing surface soil stripped and stockpiled on-site. 2.3.2 Off-Site Topsoil Conform to requirements specified in paragraph entitled "Composition." Additional topsoil shall be furnished by the Contractor . 2.3.3 Composition Containing from 5 to 10 percent organic matter as determined by the topsoil composition tests of the Organic Carbon, 6A, Chemical Analysis Method described in DOA SSIR 42. Maximum particle size, 3/4 inch, with maximum 3 percent retained on 1/4 inch screen. The pH shall be tested in accordance • with ASTM D 4972. Topsoil shall be free of sticks, stones, roots, and other debris and objectionable materials. Other components shall conform to the following limits: SECTION 02922 Page 5 • • • Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC Silt Clay Sand pH Soluble Salts 25-50 percent 10-30 percent 20-35 percent 5.5 to 7.0 600 ppm maximum 2.4 SOIL CONDITIONERS Add conditioners to topsoil as required to bring into compliance with "composition" standard for topsoil as specified herein. 2.4.1 Lime RCCO Commercial grade hydrate limestone containing a calcium carbonate equivalent (C.C.E.) as specified in ASTM C 602 of not less than 110 percent. 2.4.2 Aluminum Sulfate Commercial grade. 2.4.3 Sulfur 100 percent elemental 2.4.4 Iron 100 percent elemental 2.4.5 Peat Natural product of peat moss derived from a freshwater site and conforming to ASTM D 4427 . Shred and granulate peat to pass a 1/2 inch mesh screen and condition in storage pile for minimum 6 months after excavation. 2.4.6 Sand Clean and free of materials harmful to plants. 2.4.7 Perlite Horticultural grade. 2.4.8 Composted Derivatives Ground bark, nitrolized sawdust, humus or other green wood waste material free of stones, sticks, and soil stabilized with nitrogen and having the following properties: Particle Size Minimum percent by weight passing: No. 4 mesh screen 95 No. 8 mesh screen 80 Nitrogen Content Minimum percent based on dry weight: SECTION 02922 Page 6 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC • Fir Sawdust 0.7 Fir or Pine Bark 1.0 2.4.9 Gypsum Coarsely ground gypsum comprised of calcium sulfate dihydrate 91 percent, calcium 22 percent, sulfur 17 percent; minimum 96 percent passing through 20 mesh screen, 100 percent passing thru 16 mesh screen. 2.4.10 Calcined Clay Calcined clay shall be granular particles produced from montmorillonite clay calcined to a minimum temperature of 1200 degrees F. Gradation: A minimum 90 percent shall pass a No. 8 sieve; a minimum 99 percent shall be retained on a No. 60 sieve; and a maximum 2 percent shall pass a No. 100 sieve. Bulk density: A maximum 40 pounds per cubic foot. 2.5 FERTILIZER 2.5.1 Granular Fertilizer Organic, granular controlled release fertilizer containing the following minimum percentages, by weight, of plant food nutrients: 10 percent available nitrogen 10 percent available phosphorus 10 percent available potassium 2.6 WATER Source of water shall be approved by Contracting officer and of suitable quality for irrigation containing no element toxic to plant life. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION 3.1.1 EXTENT OF WORK Provide soil preparation (including soil conditioners), fertilizing, and sodding of all newly graded finished earth surfaces, unless indicated otherwise, and at all areas inside or outside the limits of construction that are disturbed by the Contractor's operations. 3.1.2 Soil Preparation Provide 4 inches of off-site or on-site topsoil to meet indicated finish grade. After areas have been brought to indicated finish grade, incorporate fertilizer, pH adjusters, and soil conditioners, as required by soil testing, into soil a minimum depth of 4 inches by disking, harrowing, tilling or other method approved by the Contracting Officer. Remove debris and stones larger than 3/4 inch in any dimension remaining on the surface after finish grading. Correct irregularities in finish surfaces to eliminate depressions. Protect finished topsoil areas from damage by • vehicular or pedestrian traffic. SECTION 02922 Page 7 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • Soil Conditioner Application Rates RCCO Apply soil conditioners at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the soils at the job site. Fertilizer Application Rates Apply fertilizer at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the soils at the job site. For bidding purposes only apply at rates for the following: Organic Granular Fertilizer 12 pounds per 1000 square feet. 3.2 SODDING 3.2.1 Finished Grade and Topsoil Prior to the commencement of the sodding operation, the Contractor shall verify that finished grades are as indicated on drawings; the placing of topsoil, smooth grading, and compaction requirements have been completed. The prepared surface shall be a maximum 1 inch below the adjoining grade of any surfaced area. New surfaces shall be blended to existing areas. The prepared surface shall be completed with a light raking to remove from the surface debris and stones over a minimum 5/8 inch in any dimension. • 3.2.2 Placing Place sod a maximum of 36 hours after initial harvesting, in accordance with TPI GSS as modified herein. 3.2.3 Sodding Slopes and Ditches For slopes 2:1 and greater, lay sod with long edge perpendicular to the contour. For V-ditches and flat bottomed ditches, lay sod with long edge perpendicular to flow of water. Anchor each piece of sod with wood pegs or wire staples maximum 2 feet on center. On slope areas, start sodding at bottom of the slope. 3.2.4 Finishing After completing sodding, blend edges of sodded area smoothly into surrounding area. Air pockets shall be eliminated and a true and even surface shall be provided. Frayed edges shall be trimmed and holes and missing corners shall be patched with sod. 3.2.5 Rolling Immediately after sodding, firm entire area except for slopes in excess of 3 to 1 with a roller not exceeding 90 pounds for each foot of roller width. 3.2.6 Watering Start watering areas sodded as required by daily temperature and wind conditions. Apply water at a rate sufficient to ensure thorough wetting of soil to minimum depth of 6 inches. Run-off, puddling, and wilting shall be prevented. Unless otherwise directed, watering trucks shall not be driven SECTION 02922 Page 8 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC • over turf areas. Watering of other adjacent areas or plant material shall be prevented. 3.3 PROTECTION OF TURF AREAS Immediately after turfing, protect area against traffic and other use. 3.4 NOT USED 3.5 RESTORATION Restore to original condition existing turf areas which have been damaged during turf installation operations. Keep clean at all times at least one paved pedestrian access route and one paved vehicular access route to each building. Clean other paving when work in adjacent areas is complete. -- End of Section -- is is SECTION 02922 Page 9 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC u SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 02 - SITE CONSTRUCTION SECTION 02930 EXTERIOR PLANTS 05/04 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES 1.2 DEFINITION 1.2.1 NOT USED 1.3 NOT USED 1.4 SUBMITTALS 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery Branched Plant Delivery Fertilizer, Gypsum, Sulfur, Iron, Plant Labels 1.5.2 Storage and Lime Delivery Plant Storage and Protection Fertilizer, Gypsum, pH Adjusters and Mulch Storage • Topsoil Root Control Barrier and Weed Control Fabric 1.5.3 Handling Specimen Plants 1.6 TIME RESTRICTIONS AND PLANTING CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Planting Dates Deciduous Material Evergreen Material 1.6.2 Restrictions 1.7 GUARANTEE PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PLANTS 2.1.1 Regulations and Varieties 2.1.2 Shape and Condition Deciduous Trees and Shrubs Evergreen Trees and Shrubs NOT USED 2.1.3 Plant Size 2.1.4 Root Ball Size Balled and Burlapped and Potted Plants NOT USED NOT USED Container Grown Plants Collected Plants Plantation-Grown Stock 2.2 TOPSOIL (see 02921 Seeding for topsoil requirements) 2.3 NOT USED 2.4 SOIL CONDITIONERS 2.4.1 Peat RCCO SECTION 02930 Page 1 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • 2.4.2 Sand 2.4.3 Perlite 2.4.4 Rotted Manure 2.4.5 Composted Derivatives Particle Size Nitrogen Content 2.4.6 Gypsum 2.5 PLANTING SOIL MIXTURES 2.6 FERTILIZER 2.6.1 Pre-Plant Fertilizer Mixture Fertilizer 2.7 WEED CONTROL FABRIC 2.7.1 NOT USED 2.7.2 NOT USED 2.7.3 Roll Type Polypropylene or Polyester Mats 2.7.4 NON-WOVEN LANDSCAPE BLANKET 2.8 NOT USED 2.9 NOT USED 2.10 MULCHES TOPDRESSING 2.10.1 NOT USED 2.10.2 Organic Mulch Materials 2.11 TRUNK WRAPPING MATERIAL 2.12 STAKING AND GUYING MATERIAL 2.12.1 Staking Material Tree Support Stakes Ground Stakes 2.12.2 Guying material Guying Wire Guying Cable 2.12.3 Hose Chafing Guards 2.12.4 NOT USED 2.12.5 Turnbuckles 2.12.6 Deadmen 2.12.7 Metal Anchors Driven Anchors Screw Anchors 2.13 NOT USED 2.14 ANTIDESICCANTS 2.15 NOT USED 2.16 NOT USED 2.17 WATER 2.18 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXTENT OF WORK 3.2 PREPARATION 3.2.1 Layout 3.2.2 NOT USED 3.2.3 Plant Bed Preparation Ball Diameter 12 Inches or Less Ball Diameter Greater Than 12 Inches Trees 3.2.4 Earth Mounded Watering Basin 3.3 PLANT INSTALLATION 3.3.1 Handling and Setting Mulch Topdressing 10 3.3.2 Balled and Burlapped Stock 3.3.3 NOT USED RCCO SECTION 02930 Page 2 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • 3.3.4 Container Grown Stock 3.3.5 Ground Covers 3.3.6 NOT USED 3.3.7 NOT USED 3.3.8 NOT USED 3.3.9 Watering 3.3.10 NOT USED 3.3.11 Fertilization 3.4 FINISHING 3.4.1 NOT USED 3.4.2 Mulching Placing Inert Mulch Topdressing 3.4.3 NOT USED 3.4.4 NOT USED 3.4.5 NOT USED 3.4.6 NOT USED 3.4.7 Wrapping 3.4.8 Staking and Guying Staking Guying Chafing Guards Deadmen Wood Ground Stakes NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED 3.4.9 Pruning Trees and Shrubs Wound Dressing -- End of Section Table of Contents -- • RCCO SECTION 02930 Page 3 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • 3 SECTION 02930 EXTERIOR PLANTS 05/04 PART 1 GENERAL RCCO 1.1 REFERENCES The p ublications listed below form a part of this specification to the exten t referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. AMERICAN NATION AL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI) ANSI Z133.1 (1994) Tree Care Operations - Pruning, Trimming, Repairing, Maintaining, and Removing Trees and Cutting Brush ANSI Z60.1 (1990) Nursery Stock AMERICAN SOCIET Y FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) ASTM A 580/A 580M (1995; Rev. A) Stainless Steel Wire ASTM C 136 (1996) Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates • ASTM C 4 (1996) Clay Drain Tile ASTM C 498 (1995) Perforated Clay Drain Tile ASTM C 700 (1996) Vitrified Clay Pipe, Extra Strength, Standard Strength, and Perforated ASTM D 2103 (1997) Polyethylene Film and Sheeting ASTM D 2178 (1997; Rev. A) Asphalt Glass Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing ASTM D 2729 (1996) Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTM D 3034 (1996) Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTM D 4427 (1992; R 1996) Peat Samples by Laboratory Testing ASTM F 405 (1997) Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) Tubing and Fittings AMERICAN WOOD-PRESERVERS' ASSOCIATION (AWPA) AWPA C2 (1995) Lumber, Timber, Bridge Ties, and • Mine Ties - Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes SECTION 02930 Page 4 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC • L.H. BAILEY HORTORIUM (LHBH) LHBH (1976) Hortus Third STATE OF [CALIFORNIA] [WASHINGTON] DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CDFA NIPM Regulations for Nursery Inspections U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) AMS Seed Act (1940; R 1988; R 1998) Federal Seed Act DOA SSIR (April 1984) Soil Survey Investigation Report No. 1, Soil Survey Laboratory Methods and Procedures for Collecting Soil Samples, Soil Conservation Service U.S. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (GSA) FS A-A-1909 Fertilizer UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES (UCDANR) UCDANR 4091 (1979) Annotated Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants of California, Oregon and Washington is 1.2 DEFINITION 1.2.1 NOT USED 1.3 NOT USED 1.4 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only or as otherwise designated. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data organic mulch Fertilizer Weed control fabric Root control barrier Metal anchors Include physical characteristics, application and installation instructions and recommendations. ANTIDESICCANTS SD-06 Test Reports S Topsoil composition tests specified in DOA SSIR SECTION 02930 Page 5 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • SD-07 Certificates Nursery certifications Indicate names of plants in accordance with the LHBH, including type, quality, and size. SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions Erosion control materials Metal anchors Root control barrier Include physical characteristics, application and installation instructions, and recommendations. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery Branched Plant Delivery RCCO Deliver with branches tied and exposed branches covered with material which allows air circulation. Prevent damage to root balls and desiccation of leaves. Fertilizer, Gypsum, Sulfur, Iron, and Lime Delivery Deliver to the site in original, unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, or trademark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer, gypsum, sulfur, iron, and lime may be furnished in bulk with a certificate indicating the above information. Plant Labels Deliver plants with durable waterproof labels in weather-resistant ink. Provide labels stating the correct plant name and size as specified in the list of required plants. Attach to plants, bundles, and containers of plants. Groups of plants may be labeled by tagging one plant. Labels shall be legible for a minimum of 60 days after delivery to the planting site. 1.5.2 Storage Plant Storage and Protection Store and protect plants not planted on the day of arrival at the site as follows: a. Shade and protect plants in outside storage areas from the wind and direct sunlight until planted. b. Heel-in bare root plants. C. Protect balled and burlapped plants from freezing or drying out by covering the balls or roots with moist burlap, sawdust, wood chips, shredded bark, peat moss, or other approved material. • Provide covering which allows air circulation. d. Keep plants in a moist condition until planted by watering with a fine mist spray. SECTION 02930 Page 6 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC C. Do not store plant material directly on concrete or bituminous surfaces. Fertilizer, Gypsum, pH Adjusters and Mulch Storage Store in dry locations away from contaminants. Topsoil Prior to stockpiling topsoil, eradicate on site undesirable growing vegetation. Clear and grub existing vegetation three to four weeks prior to stockpiling existing topsoil. Root Control Barrier and Weed Control Fabric Store materials on site in enclosures or under protective covering in dry location. Store under cover out of direct sunlight. Do not store materials directly on ground. 1.5.3 Handling Do not drop or dump plants from vehicles. Avoid damaging plants being moved from nursery or storage area to planting site. Handle balled and burlapped and container plants carefully to avoid damaging or breaking the earth ball or root structure. Do not handle plants by the trunk or stem. Remove damaged plants from the site. Specimen Plants • Protect against breaking soil from root area when digging, binding and wrapping or boxing specimen plants. Prune lightly plants dug and moved by portable hydraulic split shells or four-spade plant moving equipment or plants jerked bare root from the soil and treat the root system with vitamin B extract and plant hormone solution according to manufacturer's directions. Mulch and guy specimen plants in a basin and fertilize within 48 hours after removal from previous location. 1.6 TIME RESTRICTIONS AND PLANTING CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Planting Dates Deciduous Material Deciduous material from March 1 to May 15 for spring planting and from October 1 to December 15 for fall planting. Evergreen Material Evergreen material from March 1 to May 15 for spring planting and from October 1 to December 15 for fall planting. 1.6.2 Restrictions Do not plant when ground is frozen,[snow covered, muddy, or when air temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit 1.7 GUARANTEE Guarantee plants installed during fall planting season until the following SECTION 02930 Page 7 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC • August 1; guarantee plants installed during spring planting season until the following October 1. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PLANTS 2.1.1 Regulations and Varieties Botanical names indicated are listed in LHBH. Furnish nursery stock in accordance with ANSI Z60.1, except as otherwise specified or indicated. Each plant or group of planting shall have a "key" number indicated on the nursery certifications of the plant schedule. Furnish plants grown under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality of the project. . Plants of the same specified size shall be of uniform size and character of growth. Follow additional requirements as indicated in CDFA NIPM. 2.1.2 Shape and Condition Well-branched, well-formed, sound, vigorous, healthy planting stock free from disease, sunscald, windburn, abrasion, and harmful insects or insect eggs and having a healthy, normal, and undamaged root system. Deciduous Trees and Shrubs Symmetrically developed and of uniform habit of growth, with straight boles or stems, and free from objectionable disfigurements. • Evergreen Trees and Shrubs Well developed symmetrical tops with typical spread of branches for each particular species or variety. NOT USED 2.1.3 Plant Size Minimum sizes measured after pruning and with branches in normal position, shall conform to measurements indicated, based on the average width or height of the plant for the species as specified in ANSI Z60.1. Plants larger in size than specified may be provided with approval of the Contracting Officer. When larger plants are provided, increase the ball of earth or spread of roots in accordance with ANSI Z60.1. 2.1.4 Root Ball Size Balled and Burlapped and Potted Plants Root ball sizes and ratios shall conform to ANSI Z60.1. Ball plants with firm, natural balls of soil. Wrap balled and burlapped (B&B) plants firmly with burlap or strong cloth, and tie securely. Wrappings and ties shall be biodegradable. • SECTION 02930 Page 8 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC . NOT USED NOT USED Container Grown Plants Root growth shall be sufficient to hold earth intact when removed from containers. Root bound plants will not be accepted. Collected Plants From native stands or established plantings, with good fibrous root development and vigorous growing condition. Minimum root spread for collected plant materials obtained bare-root shall be one-third greater than minimum root spread of bare-root nursery-grown stock; minimum ball sizes for collected plant materials obtained balled and burlapped shall be the next larger ball size than for nursery-grown stock in accordance with ANSI Z60.1. Plantation-Grown Stock ANSI Z60.1. 2.2 TOPSOIL (see 02921 Seeding for topsoil requirements) 2.3 NOT USED 2.4 SOIL CONDITIONERS Provide singly or in combination as required to meet specified requirements for topsoil. Soil conditioners shall be nontoxic to plants. 2.4.1 Peat Natural product of peat moss derived from a freshwater site and conforming to ASTM D 4427. Shred and granulate peat to pass a 1/2 inch mesh screen and condition in storage pile for minimum 6 months after excavation. 2.4.2 Sand Clean and free of materials harmful to plants. 2.4.3 Perlite Horticultural grade. 2.4.4 Rotted Manure Composted, horse or cattle manure containing a maximum 25 percent by volume of straw, sawdust, or other bedding materials. Manure shall be free of stones, sticks, and soil, viable weed seed, and other materials harmful to plants. 2.4.5 Composted Derivatives Ground bark, nitrolized sawdust, humus or other green wood waste material free of stones, sticks, and soil stabilized with nitrogen and having the following properties: SECTION 02930 Page 9 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC Particle Size Minimum percent by weight passing: No. 4 mesh screen 95 No. 8 mesh screen 80 Nitrogen Content Minimum percent based on dry weight: Fir Sawdust 0.7 Fir or Pine Bark 1.0 RCCO 2.4.6 Gypsum Coarsely ground gypsum comprised of calcium sulfate dihydrate 91 percent, calcium 22 percent, sulfur 17 percent; minimum 96 percent passing through 20 mesh screen, 100 percent passing thru 16 mesh screen. 2.5 PLANTING SOIL MIXTURES 100 percent topsoil as specified herein. 2.6 FERTILIZER 2.6.1 Pre-Plant Fertilizer Mixture Fertilizer mixtures not to exceed one percent granular dust and FS A-A-1909, as specified below. Fertilizer organic, granular fertilizer containing the following minimum percentages, by weight, of plant food nutrients: 10 percent available nitrogen 10 percent available phosphorus 10 percent available potassium 5 percent sulfur 5 percent iron] 2.7 WEED CONTROL FABRIC 2.7.1 NOT USED 2.7.2 NOT USED 2.7.3 Roll Type Polypropylene or Polyester Mats Fabric shall be woven, needle punched and treated for protection against deterioration due to ultraviolet radiation. Fabric shall be minimum 99 percent opaque to prevent photosynthesis and seed germination from occurring, yet allowing air, water and nutrients to pass thru to the roots. Minimum weight shall be 3.5 ounces per square yard with a minimum thickness of 20 mils. • SECTION 02930 Page 10 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC 0 2.7.4 NON-WOVEN LANDSCAPE BLANKET 100 percent polyester, non-woven, needle-punched fabric manufactured specifically for weed control purposes treated for protection against deterioration due to ultraviolet radiation. Fabric shall be 99 percent opaque to prevent photosynthesis and seed germination from occurring yet allowing air, water, and nutrients to pass through to roots. Minimum thickness 0.04 inch. 2.8 NOT USED 2.9 NOT USED 2.10 MULCHES TOPDRESSING Free from noxious weeds, mold, or other deleterious materials. 2.10.1 NOT USED 2.10.2 Organic Mulch Materials Organic mulch shall be shredded hardwood. 2.11 TRUNK WRAPPING MATERIAL Two thicknesses crinkled paper cemented together with bituminous material, minimum 4 inch width, with stretch factor of 33 1/3 percent. Tying material shall be 3 ply, lightly tarred medium or coarse sisal yarn twine. S 2.12 STAKING AND GUYING MATERIAL 2.12.1 Staking Material Tree Support Stakes Rough sawn hard wood free of knots, rot, cross grain, bark, long slivers, or other defects that impair strength. Stakes shall be minimum 2 inches square or 2 1/2 inch diameter by 8 feet long, pointed at one end. Paint or stain wood stakes dark brown. Ground Stakes 2 inches square are by 3 feet long, pointed at one end. 2.12.2 Guying Material Guying Wire 12 gage annealed galvanized steel, ASTM A 580/A 580M. Guying Cable Minimum five-strand, 3/16 inch diameter galvanized steel cable. 2.12.3 Hose Chafing Guards New or used 2 ply 3/4 inch diameter reinforced rubber or plastic hose, black or dark green, all of same color. SECTION 02930 Page 11 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • 2.12.4 NOT USED 2.12.5 Turnbuckles RCCO Galvanized or cadmium-plated steel with minimum 3 inch long openings fitted with screw eyes. Eye bolts shall be galvanized or cadmium-plated steel with one inch diameter eyes and screw length 1 1/2 inches, minimum. 2.12.6 Deadmen 4 by 8 inch rectangular or 8 inch diameter by 36 inch long, pine or fir wood material. 2.12.7 Metal Anchors Driven Anchors Malleable iron, arrow shaped, galvanized, sized as follows: Tree Caliper Anchor Size 2 inches and under 3 inches 3 to 6 inches 4 inches 6 to 8 inches 6 inches 8 to 10 inches 8 inches 10 to 12 inches 10 inches Screw Anchors Steel, screw type with welded-on 3 inch round helical steel plate, minimum 3/8 inch diameter, 15 inches long. 2.13 NOT USED 2.14 ANTIDESICCANTS Sprayable, water insoluble vinyl-vinledine complex which produce a moisture retarding barrier not removable by rain or snow. Film shall form at temperatures commonly encountered out of doors during planting season and have a moisture vapor transmission rate (MVT) of the resultant film of maximum 10 grams per 24 hours at 70 percent humidity. 2.15 NOT USED 2.16 NOT USED 2.17 WATER Source of water to be approved by Contracting Officer and suitable quality for irrigation. 2.18 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL The Contracting officer will inspect plant materials at the project site and approve them. Tag plant materials for size and quality. is SECTION 02930 Page 12 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXTENT OF WORK RCCO Provide soil preparation, fertilizing,tree,shrub, groundcover, staking and guying,and a mulch topdressing of all newly graded finished earth surfaces, unless indicated otherwise, and at all areas inside or outside the limits of construction that are disturbed by the Contractor's operations. 3.2 PREPARATION 3.2.1 Layout Stake out approved plant material locations and planter bed outlines on the project site before digging plant pits or beds. The Contracting officer reserves the right to adjust plant material locations to meet field conditions. 3.2.2 NOT USED 3.2.3 Plant Bed Preparation Prior to excavating for plant pits, the area shall conform to the lines and grades shown. Verify location of underground utilities. Repair any damage done to utility lines shown. If utility lines not shown on the drawings are encountered, notify the Contracting Officer immediately. If lawns have been established prior to planting operations, cover the surrounding turf before excavations are made. Dig plant pits so that pits have vertical sides and flat bottoms. When pits are dug with an auger and sides of plant pits become glazed, scarify the glazed surface. Minimum allowable dimensions of plant pits shall be as indicated. Install plant material as specified in paragraph entitled "Plant Installation." Ball Diameter 12 Inches or Less Balled, potted or container plants with ball or container 12 inches or less in diameter, excavate pits at least 16 inches largerand 6 inches deeper than the size of ball or container. Ground cover in 2 to 3 inch pots shall require pits 4 inches deeper than the size of the container. Ball Diameter Greater Than 12 Inches Balled, potted or container plants, with ball or container greater than 12 inches in diameter, excavate pits at least 24 inches larger in diameter and 6 inches deeper than the size of ball or container. Trees Excavate pits at least 36 inches larger in diameter and 6 inches deeper than the size of ball or spread of the root system. 3.2.4 Earth Mounded Watering Basin Form with topsoil around each plant by placing a mound of topsoil around the edge of each plant pit. Watering basins shall be 6 inches deep for trees and 4 inches deep for shrubs. Construct watering basin in a 4 1/2 4 foot diameter circle around specimen (not planted in a close group) trees and shrubs. SECTION 02930 Page 13 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • 3.3 PLANT INSTALLATION 3.3.1 Handling and Setting RCCO Move balled and burlappedcontainer-grown plant materials only by supporting the root ballorcontainer. Set plants on hand compacted layer of prepared backfill soil mixture 6 inches thick and hold plumb in the center of the pit until soil has been tamped firmly around root ball. Set plant materials, in relation to surrounding finish grade, one to 2 inches above depth at which they were grown in the nursery, collecting field or container. Replace balled and burlapped and container plant material whose root balls are cracked or damaged either before or during the planting process. Mulch Topdressing Provide mulch topdressing over entire planter bed surface including earth mound watering basin around plants to a depth of 3 inches after completion of plant installation and before watering. Keep mulch out of the crowns of shrubs. Place mulch a minimum 3 to 4 inches away from trunk of shrub or tree. 3.3.2 Balled and Burlapped Stock Backfill with prepared soil mixtureor opsoil to approximately half the depth of ball and then tamp and water. Carefully remove or fold back excess burlap and tying materials. Tamp and complete backfill, place mulch topdressing, and water. Remove wires and non-biodegradable materials from plant pit prior to backfill operations. 3.3.3 NOT USED 3.3.4 Container Grown Stock Remove from container and prevent damage to plant or root system. Cut root ball vertically in two to three places with sharp knife before planting. 3.3.5 Ground Covers Smooth planting areas before planting to provide even, smooth finish. Plant after placing weed control fabric and mulch topdressing. Do not remove plant material from flats or containers until immediately before planting. Space at the intervals indicated. Plant at a depth to sufficiently cover all roots. Start watering areas planted as required by temperature and wind conditions. Apply water at a rate sufficient to ensure thorough wetting of soil to a depth of 6 inches without run off. Add mulch topdressing as needed. 3.3.6 NOT USED 3.3.7 NOT USED 3.3.8 NOT USED 3.3.9 Watering Start watering areas seeded as required by temperature and wind conditions. Apply water at a rate sufficient to ensure thorough wetting of soil to a • depth of 6 inches without run off. During the germination process, seed is to be kept actively growing and not allowed to dry out. SECTION 02930 Page 14 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC 3.3.10 NOT USED 3.3.11 Fertilization Place fertilizer planting tablets evenly spaced around the plant pits to the manufacturer's recommended depth and spacing for each of the plant specimen. 3.4 FINISHING 3.4.1 NOT USED 3.4.2 Mulching Provide mulching materials at other indicated locations to a depth of 3 inches. Keep mulch off buildings, sidewalks, roadways, light standards, and other structures. Placing Inert Mulch Topdressing Install weed control fabric with edges lapped 6 to 12 inches to receive inert mulch topdressing. 3.4.3 NOT USED 3.4.4 NOT USED 3.4.5 NOT USED 3.4.6 NOT USED • 3.4.7 Wrapping Tie trunk wrapping material to trunks of deciduous trees with specified material within the next full working day after planting. Contracting Officer will inspect the trunks of deciduous trees for physical damage, insect infestation, or disease, and determine required treatment or rejection prior to wrapping operation. Begin wrapping at base and extend to first branches. Overlap wrapping half the width of underlying wrap and securely tie at top, bottom, and 18 inch maximum intervals with twine. 3.4.8 Staking and Guying Staking Stake items in accordance with drawings. Guying Guy items in accordance with drawings. Chafing Guards Use hose chafing guards, as specified where guy wireor cable will contact the plant. Deadmen Place deadmen minimum 18 inches below ground surface. Place equal distance from tree trunk and around the plant pit. SECTION 02930 Page 15 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO is Wood Ground Stakes Drive wood ground stakes into firm ground outside of plant pit with top of stake flush with ground. Place equal distance from tree trunk and around the plant pit. NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED 3.4.9 Pruning Prune in accordance with safety requirement of ANSI Z133.1. Trees and Shrubs Remove dead and broken branches. Prune to correct structural defects only. Retain typical growth shape of individual plants with as much height and spread as practical. Do not cut central leader on trees. Make cuts with sharp instruments flush with branch collars so that collars remain in place. Do not flush with trunk or adjacent branches requiring collars to be removed. Wound Dressing Do not apply tree wound dressing to cuts. 0 -- End of Section -- • SECTION 02930 Page 16 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC is SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 02 - SITE CONSTRUCTION SECTION 02931L BIORETENTION AREAS 02/06 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES 1.2 SUBMITTALS 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.4 DELIVERY, INSPECTION, STORAGE, AND HANDLING PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PLANTINGS 2.2 WATER 2.3 MULCHES TOPDRESSING 2.3.1 Organic Mulch Materials 2.3.2 Recycled Organic Mulch 2.4 PLANTING SOIL 2.4.1 Planting Soil Composition 2.4.2 Criteria for Planting Soil 2.5 UNDERDRAIN GRAVEL 2.6 UNDERDRAIN PIPING 2.7 GEOTEXTILE 2.8 SAND PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 COMPACTION AND BACKFILLING 3.2 UNDERDRAINS 3.3 PLANT INSTALLATION 3.3.1 Bracing Trees 3.3.2 Fertilizer 3.4 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE -- End of Section Table of Contents -- l? u RCCO SECTION 02931L Page 1 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC • SECTION 02931L BIORETENTION AREAS 02/06 PART 1 GENERAL RCCO 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS (AASHTO) AASHTO M 43 (1988; R 2003) Sizes of Aggregate for Road and Bridge Construction AASHTO M 278 (2002) Standard Specification for Class PS 46 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe AASHTO M 194 (1997) Standard Method of Test for Determination of Organic Matter in Soils by Wet Combustion AASHTO T 88 (2000) Standard Method of Test for Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM C 25 (1999)Chemical Analysis of Limestone, Quicklime, and Hydrated Lime ASTM D 4972 (2001) Standard Test Method for pH of Soils 1.2 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01330L SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals Planting Soil Source; G, RE. SD-03 Product Data Geotextile Fabrics; is Manufacturer's literature including physical characteristics, application and installation instructions. SECTION 02931L Page 2 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC O SD-OG Test Reports Geotextile Fabrics; RCCO Certified reports of inspections and laboratory tests, prepared by an independent testing agency, including analysis and interpretation of test results. Each report shall be properly identified. Test methods used and compliance with recognized test standards shall be described. Planting Soil Sieve Analysis; G, RE. Standard Soil Test; G, RE. Organic Matter Test; G, RE. Soluble Salts Test; G, RE. SD-07 Certificates Geotextile Fabrics; Prior to delivery of materials, certificates of compliance attesting that materials meet the specified requirements. Certified copies of the material certificates shall include the following. For items listed in this section: a. Certification of recycled content or, b. Statement of recycled content. c. Certification of origin including the name, address and telephone number of manufacturer. 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Bioretention areas are small landscaped basins intended to provide water quality management by filtering stormwater runoff before release into stormdrain systems. This work shall consist of installing bioretention areas as specified herein and on the drawings. This work shall include all necessary materials, labor, supervision and equipment for installation of a complete system. This section shall be coordinated with the requirements of Section 02300 EARTHWORK, and Section 02930 EXTERIOR PLANTS. 1.4 DELIVERY, INSPECTION, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Materials shall be stored in designated areas and as recommended by the manufacturer protected from the elements, direct exposure, and damage. Containers shall not be dropped from trucks. Material shall be free of defects that would void required performance or warranty. a. Geotextile fabric shall be furnished in rolls with suitable wrapping to protect against moisture and extended ultraviolet • exposure prior to placement. Geotextile fabric rolls shall be labeled to provide identification sufficient for inventory and quality control purposes. SECTION 02931L Page 3 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC b. Plants shall be inspected upon arrival at the jobsite for conformity to species and quality. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PLANTINGS Plantings are shall be of the species, size, quanitity, and location as specified on the landscaping plan(s) in the drawings. 2.2 WATER Source of water shall be approved by the Contracting Officer, and be of suitable quality for irrigation. 2.3 MULCHES TOPDRESSING Free from noxious weeds, mold, or other deleterious materials. The mulch shall be well aged, 6 months at a minimum. 2.3.1 Organic Mulch Materials Shredded hardwood. 2.3.2 Recycled Organic Mulch Recycled mulch may include compost, tree trimmings, or pine needles with a gradation that passes through a 2-1/2 by 2-1/2 inch screen. It shall be cleaned of all sticks a minimum 1 inch in diameter and plastic materials a minimum 3 inch length. The material shall be treated to retard the growth of mold and fungi. 2.4 PLANTING SOIL The soil shall be a uniform mix, free of stones, stumps, roots or other similar objects larger than one inch. No other materials or substances shall be mixed or dumped within the bioretention area that may be harmful to plant growth, or prove a hindrance to the planting or maintenance operations. The planting soil shall be free of noxious weeds. 2.4.1 Planting Soil Composition The planting soil shall be salvaged or furnished. The planting soil shall contain the following components: a. Sand 50-600 b. Topsoil 20-30% c. Leaf Compost 20-30% d. Clay <2% At least 45 calendar days prior to the start of construction of bioretention areas, the Contractor shall submit the Planting Soil Source to the Contracting Officer's Representative for approval. A Planting Soil Sieve Analysis shall be submitted for approval with the planting soil source. is SECTION 02931L Page 4 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC • 2.4.2 Criteria for Planting Soil The planting soil shall be tested meet the following criteria: a. pH range 5.2 - 7.0 b. organic matter 1.5 - 40 c. magnesium 35 lb./ac. d. phosphorus P205 75 lb./ac. e. potassium K20 85 lb./ac. f. soluble salts not to exceed 500 ppm All bioretention areas shall have a minimum of one test set, submitted for approval. Each test set shall consist of the Standard Soil Test for pH, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, an Organic Matter Test, and a Soluble Salts Test. All testing results shall come from the same testing facility. Should the pH fall outside the acceptable range, it may be modified with lime (to raise) or iron sulfate plus sulfur (to lower). The lime or iron sulfate must be mixed uniformly into the planting soil prior to use in the bioretention area. Should the planting soil not meet the minimum requirement for magnesium, it may be modified with magnesium sulfate. Likewise, should the planting soil not meet the minimum requirements for potassium, it may be modified with potash. Magnesium sulfate and potash must be mixed uniformly into the planting soil prior to use in the bioretention area. 2.5 UNDERDRAIN GRAVEL The underdrain gravel shall meet the gradation requirements of AASHTO M 43, No. 57 stone. 2.6 UNDERDRAIN PIPING The underdrain piping shall comply with AASHTO M 278. 2.7 GEOTEXTILE The geotextile shall have a Class "C" apparent opening size (ASTM D 4751). 2.8 SAND Sand shall comply with ASTM C 33. Sand substitutions such as Diabase and Graystone #10 are not acceptable. No calcium carbonated or dolomitic sand substitutions shall be acceptable. No "rock dust" shall be used for sand. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 COMPACTION AND BACKFILLING Compaction of the base of the bioretention area and the required backfill shall be minimized to the maximum extent. When possible, use excavation hoes to remove the original soil. If bioretention areas are excavated using a loader, the Contractor shall use wide track or marsh track equipment, or light equipment with turf type tires. Use of equipment with narrow tracks or narrow tires, rubber tires with large lugs, or high pressure tires will cause excessive compaction resulting in reduced infiltration rates and storage volumes and is not acceptable. Compaction will significantly contribute to design failure. SECTION 02931L Page 5 Raleigh Durham USARC Raleigh USARC RCCO • compaction shall be alleviated at the base of the bioretention area by using a primary tilling operation such as a chisel plow, ripper, or subsoiler. These tilling operations shall refracture the soil profile to a depth of 12 inches. Substitute methods must be approved by the Contracting Officer's Representative. Rototillers typically do not till deep enough to reduce the effects of compaction from heavy equipment. Thoroughly mix 2 to 3 inches of sand into the base of the bioretention facility before constructing the underdrain. Place 3 to 4 inches of planting soil over the sand, then throughly mix the sand/planting soil to create a gradation zone. Backfill the remainder of the planting soil to final grade. When backfilling the bioretention area, place soil in lifts of 12 to 24, inches. Do not use heavy equipment within the bioretention area. Heavy equipment can be used around the perimeter of the basin to supply soils and sand. Grade bioretention materials to final grade by hand or with light equipment. 3.2 UNDERDRAINS Underdrains shall be constructed as shown in the drawings. The ends of underdrain pipes not terminating in a drainage structure or cleanout/well shall be capped. The underdrain pipe shall be constructed at a minimum slope of 0.50. Cleanouts/observation wells of 6-inch non-perforated pipe shall be placed vertically in the bioretention area as shown on the drawings. The cleanouts/wells shall be connected to the perforated underdrain with the appropriate manufactured connnections. The cleanouts/wells shall extend 6 inches above the grade elevation, and shall be capped with a screw cap. 3.3 PLANT INSTALLATION Mulch around individual plants only. The plant root ball should be planted so 1/8 of the ball is above the final grade surface. Root stock of the plant material shall be kept moist during transport and on-site storage. The diameter of the planting pit shall be at least six inches larger than the diameter of the planting ball. Set and maintain the plant straight during the entire planting process. Thoroughly water ground bed cover after installation. 3.3.1 Bracing Trees Trees shall be braced using 2" x 2" stakes only as necessary and for the first growing season only. Stakes are to be equally spaced on the outside of the tree ball. 3.3.2 Fertilizer The topsoil specifications provide enough organic material to adequately supply nutrients from natural cycling. The primary function of the bioretention area is to improve water quality. Adding fertilizers defeats, or at a minimum impededs this goal. Only add fertilizer if wood chips or mulch is used to amend the soil. Rototill urea fertilizer at a rate of 2 • lb. per 1000 square feet. SECTION 02931L Page 6 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Raleigh USARC • 3.4 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. Install erosion and sediment control devices as shown on the drawings. 2. Grade site to elevations shown on the drawings. Stabilize grading except for the bioretention areas. 3. Finish paving all roadways and parking lots. 4. Complete permanent seeding. 5. Remove trapped/accumulated sediments from bioretention area locations. 6. Excavate bioretention areas to proposed invert depth and scarify the existing soil surfaces, taking care not to compact the in-situ materials. 7. Install underdrain system and clean outs/observation wells. 8. Backfill bioretention areas with planting soil as shown on the drawings and detailed in the specifications. Overfilling is recommended to account for settlement. 9. Presoak the planting soil prior to planting vegetation to allow for settlement. This can be done by water truck or allowing water to enter the pit from a rain event. 10. Excavate or fill to achieve proper design grade, leaving space for the upper layer of mulch and/or topsoil that will bring the surface to final grade and ready for planting. 11. Plant vegetation specified in the landscape plan for bioretention area. 12. Mulch and install erosion protection at entrance points. Remove erosion and sediment control devices after the site is stabilized, and in accordance with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. -- End of Section -- • SECTION 02931L Page 7 Raleigh Durham USARC SECTION 02630 • PART 1 GENERAL STORM DRAINAGE 07/03 RCCO 1.1 REFERENCES 0 The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ACI INTERNATIONAL (ACI) ACT 346 (2001) Specification for Cast-in-Place Concrete Pipe AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS (AASHTO) AASHTO 'ER-17 (2002) Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges AASHTO M 1.67 (2003) Corrugated Steel Structural Plate, Zinc-Coated, for Field-Bolted Pipe, Pipe-Arches and Arches AAS'r.TO M 1130 (1995; R 2000) Bituminous Coated Corrugated Metal Culvert Pipe and Pipe Arches Nr.SITO 1,1 198 (2003) Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants AASHTO M 219 (1992; R 2000) Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Structural Plate for Field-Bolted Pipe, Pipe-Arches, and Arches AASHTO td 2.13 (1996; R 2000) Field-Applied Coating of Corrugated Metal Structural Plate for Pipe, Pipe-Arches, and Arches AASFiTO M 291 (2003) Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 300- to 1200-mm Diameter AASHTO VP7 (2001) Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 1350 and 1500 mm Diameter AMERICAN RAILWAY ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE-OF-WAY ASSOCIATION (AREMA) • AREMA Manual (2004) Manual for Railway Engineering SECTION 02630 Page 1 Raleigh Durham USARC 0 ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) RCCO ASTf•', A 123/A 123M (2002) Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products ASTM A 18/A -1 81,1 (2003) Gray Iron Castings ASTM A 536) (1984; R 2004) Ductile Iron Castings AST,; A 716 (2003) Ductile Iron Culvert Pipe AST1,1 A 7.1 (2004a) Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings AST,,! A 712/A 7421,1 (2003) Steel Sheet, Metallic Coated and Polymer Precoated for Corrugated Steel Pipe ASTM A 760/A 760M (2001a) Corrugated Steel Pipe, Metallic-Coated for Sewers and Drains ASTM A 762/A 762M (2000) Corrugated Steel Pipe, Polymer Precoated for Sewers and Drains AST14 A 798/A 798M (2001) Installing Factory-Made Corrugated Steel Pipe for Sewers and Other Applications ASTM A 807/A 8071,j (2002el) Installing Corrugated Steel Structural Plate Pipe for Sewers and Other Applications ASTM A 8.19 (2000) Post-Applied Coatings, Pavings, and Linings for Corrugated Steel Sewer and Drainage Pipe A=*,' A 929/A 929M, (2001) Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process for Corrugated Steel Pipe ASTM B 26/B 2 6fd (2003) Aluminum-Alloy Sand Castings ASTM B 7.15/B 7.15M (1997) Corrugated Aluminum Pipe for Sewers and Drains ASTMM C 1103 (2003)Joint Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines A::,Tltl C 1103M (2003) Joint Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines (Metric) ASTf?! C 12 (2004) Installing Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines ASTM C 139 (2003) Concrete Masonry Units for Construction of Catch Basins and Manholes ASTM C 14 (2003) Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe • ASTM C 1,133 (2004) Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and SECTION 02630 Page 2 Raleigh Durham USARC • Sewers RCCO ASTM C 1133hi (2004) Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers (Metric) ASTt,i C 1.1Id (2004) Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe (Metric) ASTM C 231 (2004) Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method ASTM C 270 (2004a) Mortar for Unit Masonry ,,STN C 32 (2004) Sewer and Manhole Brick (Made from Clay or Shale) ASTM C 425 (2004) Compression Joints for Vitrified Clay Pipe and Fittings AfSTM C .113 (2003) Joints for Concrete Pipe and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets ASTf; C 1.131, (2003) Joints for Concrete Pipe and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets (Metric) ASTM C ='1 (2003) Perforated Concrete Pipe • ASThi C -11 1d (2003) Perforated Concrete Pipe (Metric) Af= C 478 (2003a) Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections ASTf,', C -1781=11, (2003a) Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections (Metric) ASTf; C 506 (2002) Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe At:,Tt=i C 506t?1 (2002) Reinforced Concrete and Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (Metric ASTI,: C 507 (2002) Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe ASTM, C 50714 (2002) Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (Metric) AST11 C 55 (2003) Concrete Brick ASTM C 561 (2003a) Rubber Gaskets for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings ASTM C 62 (2004) Building Brick (Solid Masonry Units Made from Clay or Shale) ASTM C 655 (2004) Reinforced Concrete D-Load Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe SECTION 02630 Page 3 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO ASTI C 700 (2002) Vitrified Clay Pipe, Extra Strength, Standard Strength, and Perforated ASTM C 76 (2004a) Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe ASTFI C 761,1 (2004) Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (Metric) ASTh1 C 828 (2003) Low-Pressure Air Test of Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines ASTi•1 C 877 (2002) External Sealing Bands for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections ASTI C 37711 (2002) External Sealing Bands for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections (Metric) ASTI.1 C 923 (2002) Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures, Pipes and Laterals ASTIG, C 9231,1 (2002) Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures, Pipes and Laterals (Metric) ASTh1 C 921 (2002) Testing Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines by Low-Pressure Air Test Method AS7,1 C 92'M (2002) Testing Concrete Pipe Sewer Liner by Low-Pressure Air Test Method (Metric) AST1,1 D 105(3 (2000) Flexible Cellular Materials - Sponge or Expanded Rubber ASTh7 D 1.171. (1999) Rubber Deterioration - Surface Ozone Cracking Outdoors or Chamber (Triangular Specimens) ASTN D 1557 (2002el) Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/cu. ft. (2,700 kN-m/cu.m.)) ASTM D 1751. (2004) Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) AST14 D 1752 (2004; Rev A) Preformed Sponge Rubber Cork and Recycled PVC Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction • ASTM D 17£31 (2003) Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds SECTION 02630 Page 4 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO AST14 D 2167 (1994; R 2001) Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method ASTM D 2321 (2000) Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applications ASTN D 2729 (2003) Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTH D 2922 (2004) Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) ASTM D 3017 (2004) Water Content of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) ASTM D 303.1 (2004) Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTM D 3212 (1996a; R 2003) Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals ASTh1 D 3350 (2002a) Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials AST11 F 1-117 (1992; R 1998) Installation Acceptance of Plastic Gravity Sewer Lines Using Low-Pressure Air ASTM F 4,77 (2002el) Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe ASTM F 679 (2003) Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Large-Diameter Plastic Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTM F 71-1 (2003) Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter ASTM F 791 (2003) Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Profile Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings Based on Controlled Inside Diameter AS TM F 89.1 (1998a) Polyethylene (PE) Large Diameter Profile Wall Sewer and Drain Pipe ASTM F 9.19 (2003) Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Corrugated Sewer Pipe with a Smooth Interior and Fittings 1.2 NOT USED 1.3 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for [Contractor Quality Control approval.][information only. When used, a designation following the "G" SECTION 02630 Page 5 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government.] The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data Placing Pipe Printed copies of the manufacturer's recommendations for installation procedures of the material being placed, prior to installation. SD-04 Samples Pipe for Culverts and Storm Drains Samples of the following materials, before work is started: Gaskets. SD-07 Certificates Resin Certification Pipeline Testing Hydrostatic Test on Watertight Joints Determination of Density Frame and Cover for Gratings Certified copies of test reports demonstrating conformance to • applicable pipe specifications, before pipe is installed. Certification on the ability of frame and cover or gratings to carry the imposed live load. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.4.1 Delivery and Storage Materials delivered to site shall be inspected for damage, unloaded, and stored with a minimum of handling. Materials shall not be stored directly on the ground. The inside of pipes and fittings shall be kept free of dirt and debris. Before, during, and after installation, plastic pipe and fittings shall be protected from any environment that would result in damage or deterioration to the material. The Contractor shall have a copy of the manufacturer's instructions available at the construction site at all times and shall follow these instructions unless directed otherwise by the Contracting Officer. Solvents, solvent compounds, lubricants, elastomeric gaskets, and any similar materials required to install plastic pipe shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and shall be discarded if the storage period exceeds the recommended shelf life. Solvents in use shall be discarded when the recommended pot life is exceeded. 1.4.2 Handling Materials shall be handled in a manner that ensures delivery to the trench in sound, undamaged condition. Pipe shall be carried to the trench, not dragged. ?I ?J SECTION 02630 Page 6 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE FOR CULVERTS AND STORM DRAINS Pipe for culverts and storm drains shall be of the sizes indicated and shall conform to the requirements specified. 2.1.1 Concrete Pipe ASTM C 76, Class III, IV, V, or AST14 C 655, 2000 D-Load. 2.1.2 Not Used 2.1.3 Not Used 2.1.4 Not Used 2.1.5 Not Used 2.1.6 Not Used 2.1.7 Ductile Iron Culvert Pipe AST14 A 71.6. 2.1.8 Not Used 2.1.9 Perforated Piping PVC Pipe A STi1 D 2729. 2.1.10 Not Used 2.2 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES 2.2.1 Storm Sewer Catch Basins (CB) and Yard Inlets (YI) Catch basins shall be NCDOT catch basins in accordance with NCDOT standard drawings 840.02 and 840.03. Yard inlets shall be NCDOT yard inlets in accordance with NCDOT standard drawings, and as indicated on the plans. The referenced standard drawings are available from the following NCDOT internet site: http://www.ncdot.org/doh/construction/ps/std_draw/06english. 2.2.2 Headwalls (HW) Headwalls shall be concrete, in accordance with NCDOT standard drawings, and as indicated on the plans. The referenced standard drawings are available from the following NCDOT internet site: http://www.ncdot.org/doh/construction/ps/std_draw/06onglish. 2.3 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS 2.3.1 Concrete Unless otherwise specified, concrete and reinforced concrete shall conform to the requirements for concrete under Section 03300A CAST-IN-PLACE SECTION 02630 Page 7 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO • STRUCTURAL CONCRETE. The concrete mixture shall have air content by volume of concrete, based on measurements made immediately after discharge from the mixer, of 5 to 7 percent when maximum size of coarse aggregate exceeds 1-1/2 inches. Air content shall be determined in accordance with ASTI,, C 231. The concrete covering over steel reinforcing shall not be less than 1 inch thick for covers and not less than 1-1/2 inches thick for walls and flooring. Concrete covering deposited directly against the ground shall have a thickness of at least 3 inches between steel and ground. Expansion-joint filler material shall conform to ASTI D 1751, or ASTM D 1752, or shall be resin-impregnated fiberboard conforming to the physical requirements of ASTt=i D 1752. 2.3.2 Mortar Mortar for pipe joints, connections to other drainage structures, and brick or block construction shall conform to A.STE C 270, Type M, except that the maximum placement time shall be 1 hour. The quantity of water in the mixture shall be sufficient to produce a stiff workable mortar but in no case shall exceed 4 gallons of water per sack of cement. Water shall be clean and free of harmful acids, alkalies, and organic impurities. The mortar shall be used within 30 minutes after the ingredients are mixed with water. The inside of the joint shall be wiped clean and finished smooth. The mortar head on the outside shall be protected from air and sun with a proper covering until satisfactorily cured. 2.3.3 Precast Concrete Segmental Blocks Precast concrete segmental block shall conform to ASTM C 139, not more than • 8 inches thick, not less than 8 inches long, and of such shape that joints can be sealed effectively and bonded with cement mortar. 2.3.4 Brick Brick shall conform to AST.%] C 62, Grade SW; :?.:,Ti,? C 55, Grade S-I or S-II; or A;Tt=? C 3,., Grade MS. Mortar for jointing and plastering shall consist of one part portland cement and two parts fine sand. Lime may be added to the mortar in a quantity not more than 25 percent of the volume of cement. The joints shall be filled completely and shall be smooth and free from surplus mortar on the inside of the structure. Brick structures shall be plastered with 1/2 inch of mortar over the entire outside surface of the walls. For square or rectangular structures, brick shall be laid in stretcher courses with a header course every sixth course. For round structures, brick shall be laid radially with every sixth course a stretcher course. 2.3.5 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manholes Precast reinforced concrete manholes shall conform to AST!,, C 178. Joints between precast concrete risers and tops shall be [full-bedded in cement mortar and shall be smoothed to a uniform surface on both interior and exterior of the structure] [made with flexible watertight, rubber-type gaskets meeting the requirements of paragraph JOINTS]. 2.3.6 Not Used 2.3.7 Frame and Cover for Gratings S Frame and cover for gratings shall be cast gray iron, ASTM A 48/A -18M, Class 35B; cast ductile iron, ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12; or cast aluminum, SECTION 02630 Page 8 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO • ASTN c 26/° 26N, Alloy 356.OT6. Weight, shape, size, and waterway openings for grates and curb inlets (catch basins) shall be as indicated on the plans and in the NCDOT standard drawings. 2.3.8 Joints Flexible Watertight Joints a. Materials: Flexible watertight joints shall be made with plastic or rubber-type gaskets for concrete pipe and with factory-fabricated resilient materials for clay pipe. The design of joints and the physical requirements for plastic gaskets shall conform to AAS11T0 1198, and rubber-type gaskets shall conform to AST[' C 443. Factory-fabricated resilient joint materials shall conform to ASTI? C 4.'25. Gaskets shall have not more than one factory-fabricated splice, except that two factory-fabricated splices of the rubber-type gasket are permitted if the nominal diameter of the pipe being gasketed exceeds 54 inches. b. Test Requirements: Watertight joints shall be tested and shall meet test requirements of paragraph HYDROSTATIC TEST ON WATERTIGHT JOINTS. Rubber gaskets shall comply with the oil resistant gasket requirements of rcT[1 C 443. Certified copies of test results shall be delivered to the Contracting Officer before gaskets or jointing materials are installed. Alternate types of watertight joint may be furnished, if specifically approved. External Sealing Bands • Requirements for external sealing bands shall conform to ASTM C 877. Flexible Watertight, Gasketed Joints a. Gaskets: When infiltration or exfiltration is a concern for pipe lines, the couplings may be required to have gaskets. The closed-cell expanded rubber gaskets shall be a continuous band approximately 7 inches wide and approximately 3/8 inch thick, meeting the requirements of ASTP1 D 1056, Type 2B3, and shall have a quality retention rating of not less than 70 percent when tested for weather resistance by ozone chamber exposure, Method B of ASTM D 1.17.1. Rubber O-ring gaskets shall be 13/16 inch in diameter for pipe diameters of 36 inches or smaller and 7/8 inch in diameter for larger pipe having 1/2 inch deep end corrugation. Rubber O-ring gaskets shall be 1-3/8 inches in diameter for pipe having 1 inch deep end corrugations. O-rings shall meet the requirements of AAz314'70 1?1 138 or 3T11 C 443. Flexible plastic gaskets shall conform to requirements of AASHTO M 198, Type B. b. Connecting Bands: Connecting bands shall be of the type, size and sheet thickness of band, and the size of angles, bolts, rods and lugs as indicated or where not indicated as specified in the applicable standards or specifications for the pipe. Exterior rivet heads in the longitudinal seam under the connecting band shall be countersunk or the rivets shall be omitted and the seam welded. Watertight joints shall be tested and shall meet the test requirements of paragraph HYDROSTATIC TEST ON WATERTIGHT JOINTS. • SECTION 02630 Page 9 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO • Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Ductile Iron Pipe Couplings and fittings shall be as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. 2.4 MANHOLE STEPS Zinc-coated steel conforming to 29 CFR 1910.27. As an option, plastic or rubber coating pressure-molded to the steel may be used. Plastic coating shall conform to ASTM D 4101, copolymer polypropylene. Rubber shall conform to ASTM C 443, except shore A durometer hardness shall be 70 plus or minus 5. Aluminum steps or rungs will not be permitted. The steps shall not be less than 12 inches in width spaced 12 inches apart. The treads of all steps shall have antiskid properties for hand and foot grips. Steps are not required in manholes less than 4 feet deep. 2.5 NOT USED 2.6 RESILIENT CONNECTORS Flexible, watertight connectors used for connecting pipe to manholes and inlets shall conform to ASTM C 923. 2.7 HYDROSTATIC TEST ON WATERTIGHT JOINTS 2.7.1 Concrete Pipe A hydrostatic test shall be made on the watertight joint types as proposed. Only one sample joint of each type needs testing; however, if the sample joint fails because of faulty design or workmanship, an additional sample joint may be tested. During the test period, gaskets or other jointing material shall be protected from extreme temperatures which might adversely affect the performance of such materials. Performance requirements for joints in reinforced and nonreinforced concrete pipe shall conform to AASHTO N, 198 or AST1 C 4-13. 2.8 EROSION CONTROL RIPRAP Provide nonerodible rock not exceeding 15 inches in its greatest dimension and choked with sufficient small rocks to provide a dense mass with a minimum thickness as indicated on the drawings. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION FOR PIPE CULVERTS, STORM DRAINS, AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES Excavation of trenches, and for appurtenances and backfilling for culverts and storm drains, shall be in accordance with the applicable portions of Section 02300L EARTHWORK and the requirements specified below. • SECTION 02630 Page 10 Raleigh Durham USARC e 3.1.1 Trenching RCCO The width of trenches at any point below the top of the pipe shall be not greater than the outside diameter of the pipe plus 24 inches to permit satisfactory jointing and thorough tamping of the bedding material under and around the pipe. Sheeting and bracing, where required, shall be placed within the trench width as specified. Contractor shall not overexcavate. Where trench widths are exceeded, redesign with a resultant increase in cost of stronger pipe or special installation procedures will be necessary. Cost of this redesign and increased cost of pipe or installation shall be borne by the Contractor without additional cost to the Government. 3.1.2 Removal of Rock Rock in either ledge or boulder formation shall be replaced with suitable materials to provide a compacted earth cushion having a thickness between unremoved rock and the pipe of at least a inches or 1/2 inch for each foot of fill over the top of the pipe, whichever is greater, but not more than three-fourths the nominal diameter of the pipe. Where bell-and-spigot pipe is used, the cushion shall be maintained under the bell as well as under the straight portion of the pipe. Rock excavation shall be as specified and defined in Section 02300 EARTHWORK. 3.1.3 Removal of Unstable Material Where wet or otherwise unstable soil incapable of properly supporting the pipe, as determined by the Contracting officer, is unexpectedly encountered in the bottom of a trench, such material shall be removed to the depth • required and replaced to the proper grade with select granular material, compacted as provided in paragraph BACKFILLING. When removal of unstable material is due to the fault or neglect of the Contractor while performing shoring and sheeting, water removal, or other specified requirements, such removal and replacement shall be performed at no additional cost to the Government. 3.2 BEDDING The bedding surface for the pipe shall provide a firm foundation of uniform density throughout the entire length of the pipe. 3.2.1 Concrete Pipe Requirements When no bedding class is specified or detailed on the drawings, concrete pipe shall be bedded in a soil foundation accurately shaped and rounded to conform to the lowest one-fourth of the outside portion of circular pipe or to the lower curved portion of pipe arch for the entire length of the pipe or pipe arch. When necessary, the bedding shall be tamped. Bell holes and depressions for joints shall be not more than the length, depth, and width required for properly making the particular type of joint. 3.3 PLACING PIPE Each pipe shall be thoroughly examined before being laid; defective or damaged pipe shall not be used. Plastic pipe shall be protected from exposure to direct sunlight prior to laying, if necessary to maintain adequate pipe stiffness and meet installation deflection requirements. Pipelines shall be laid to the grades and alignment indicated. Proper facilities shall be provided for lowering sections of pipe into trenches. Lifting lugs in vertically elongated metal pipe shall be placed in the same SECTION 02630 Page 11 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO vertical plane as the major axis of the pipe. Pipe shall not be laid in water, and pipe shall not be laid when trench conditions or weather are unsuitable for such work. Diversion of drainage or dewatering of trenches during construction shall be provided as necessary. Deflection of installed flexible pipe shall not exceed the following limits: MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TYPE OF PIPE DEFLECTION (a) Plastic 7.5 Not less than 30 days after the completion of backfilling, the Government may perform a deflection test on the entire length of installed flexible pipe using a mandrel or other suitable device. Installed flexible pipe showing deflections greater than those indicated above shall be retested by a run from the opposite direction. If the retest also fails, the suspect pipe shall be replaced. 3.3.1 Concrete and Ductile Iron Pipe Laying shall proceed upgrade with spigot ends of bell-and-spigot pipe and tongue ends of tongue-and-groove pipe pointing in the direction of the flow. 3.3.2 Not Used 3.3.3 Not Used 3.3.4 Not Used 3.3.5 Not Used 3.3.6 Not Used 3.3.7 Not Used 3.3.8 Jacking Pipe Through Fills Methods of operation and installation for jacking pipe through fills shall conform to requirements specified in Volume 1, Chapter 1, Part 4 of ARFMA Maniial. 3.4 JOINTING 3.4.1 Concrete Pipe Cement-Mortar Bell-and-Spigot Joint The first pipe shall be bedded to the established gradeline, with the bell end placed upstream. The interior surface of the bell shall be thoroughly cleaned with a wet brush and the lower portion of the bell filled with mortar as required to bring inner surfaces of abutting pipes flush and even. The spigot end of each subsequent pipe shall be cleaned with a wet brush and uniformly matched into a bell so that sections are closely fitted. After each section is laid, the remainder of the joint shall be filled with mortar, and a bead shall be formed around the outside of the • joint with sufficient additional mortar. If mortar is not sufficiently stiff to prevent appreciable slump before setting, the outside of the joint shall be wrapped or bandaged with cheesecloth to hold mortar in place. SECTION 02630 Page 12 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO • Cement-Mortar Oakum Joint for Bell-and-Spigot Pipe A closely twisted gasket shall be made of jute or oakum of the diameter required to support the spigot end of the pipe at the proper grade and to make the joint concentric. Joint packing shall be in one piece of sufficient length to pass around the pipe and lap at top. This gasket shall be thoroughly saturated with neat cement grout. The bell of the pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned with a wet brush, and the gasket shall be laid in the bell for the lower third of the circumference and covered with mortar. The spigot of the pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned with a wet brush, inserted in the bell, and carefully driven home. A small amount of mortar shall be inserted in the annular space for the upper two-thirds of the circumference. The gasket shall be lapped at the top of the pipe and driven home in the annular space with a caulking tool. The remainder of the annular space shall be filled completely with mortar and beveled at an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the outside of the bell. If mortar is not sufficiently stiff to prevent appreciable slump before setting, the outside of the joint thus made shall be wrapped with cheesecloth. Placing of this type of joint shall be kept at least five joints behind laying operations. Cement-Mortar Diaper Joint for Bell-and-Spigot Pipe The pipe shall be centered so that the annular space is uniform. The annular space shall be caulked with jute or oakum. Before caulking, the inside of the bell and the outside of the spigot shall be cleaned. • a. Diaper Bands: Diaper bands shall consist of heavy cloth fabric to hold grout in place at joints and shall be cut in lengths that extend one-eighth of the circumference of pipe above the spring line on one side of the pipe and up to the spring line on the other side of the pipe. Longitudinal edges of fabric bands shall be rolled and stitched around two pieces of wire. Width of fabric bands shall be such that after fabric has been securely stitched around both edges on wires, the wires will be uniformly spaced not less than 8 inches apart. Wires shall be cut into lengths to pass around pipe with sufficient extra length for the ends to be twisted at top of pipe to hold the band securely in place; bands shall be accurately centered around lower portion of joint. b. Grout: Grout shall be poured between band and pipe from the high side of band only, until grout rises to the top of band at the spring line of pipe, or as nearly so as possible, on the opposite side of pipe, to ensure a thorough sealing of joint around the portion of pipe covered by the band. Silt, slush, water, or polluted mortar grout forced up on the lower side shall be forced out by pouring, and removed. C. Remainder of Joint: The remaining unfilled upper portion of the joint shall be filled with mortar and a bead formed around the outside of this upper portion of the joint with a sufficient amount of additional mortar. The diaper shall be left in place. Placing of this type of joint shall be kept at least five joints behind actual laying of pipe. No backfilling around joints shall be done until joints have been fully inspected and approved. 0 SECTION 02630 Page 13 Raleigh Durham USARC ® Cement-Mortar Tongue-and-Groove Joint RCCO The first pipe shall be bedded carefully to the established gradeline with the groove upstream. A shallow excavation shall be made underneath the pipe at the joint and filled with mortar to provide a bed for the pipe. The grooved end of the first pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned with a wet brush, and a layer of soft mortar applied to the lower half of the groove. The tongue of the second pipe shall be cleaned with a wet brush; while in horizontal position, a layer of soft mortar shall be applied to the upper half of the tongue. The tongue end of the second pipe shall be inserted in the grooved end of the first pipe until mortar is squeezed out on interior and exterior surfaces. Sufficient mortar shall be used to fill the joint completely and to form a bead on the outside. Cement-Mortar Diaper Joint for Tongue-and-Groove Pipe The joint shall be of the type described for cement-mortar tongue-and-groove joint in this paragraph, except that the shallow excavation directly beneath the joint shall not be filled with mortar until after a gauze or cheesecloth band dipped in cement mortar has been wrapped around the outside of the joint. The cement-mortar bead at the joint shall be at least 1/2 inch, thick and the width of the diaper band shall be at least 8 inches. The diaper shall be left in place. Placing of this type of joint shall be kept at least five joints behind the actual laying of the pipe. Sackfilling around the joints shall not be done until the joints have been fully inspected and approved. Plastic Sealing Compound Joints for Tongue-and-Grooved Pipe Sealing compounds shall follow the recommendation of the particular manufacturer in regard to special installation requirements. Surfaces to receive lubricants, primers, or adhesives shall be dry and clean. Sealing compounds shall be affixed to the pipe not more than 3 hours prior to installation of the pipe, and shall be protected from the sun, blowing dust, and other deleterious agents at all times. Sealing compounds shall be inspected before installation of the pipe, and any loose or improperly affixed sealing compound shall be removed and replaced. The pipe shall be aligned with the previously installed pipe, and the joint pulled together. If, while making the joint with mastic-type sealant, a slight protrusion of the material is not visible along the entire inner and outer circumference of the joint when the joint is pulled up, the pipe shall be removed and the joint remade. After the joint is made, all inner protrusions shall be cut off flush with the inner surface of the pipe. If nonmastic-type sealant material is used, the "Squeeze-Out" requirement above will be waived. Flexible Watertight Joints Gaskets and jointing materials shall be as recommended by the particular manufacturer in regard to use of lubricants, cements, adhesives, and other special installation requirements. Surfaces to receive lubricants, cements, or adhesives shall be clean and dry. Gaskets and jointing materials shall be affixed to the pipe not more than 24 hours prior to the installation of the pipe, and shall be protected from the sun, blowing dust, and other deleterious agents at all times. Gaskets and jointing materials shall be inspected before installing the pipe; any loose or improperly affixed gaskets and jointing materials shall be removed and replaced. The pipe shall be aligned with the previously installed pipe, and the joint pushed home. If, while the joint is being made the gasket becomes visibly dislocated the pipe shall be removed and the joint remade. SECTION 02630 Page 14 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO External Sealing Band Joint for Noncircular Pipe Surfaces to receive sealing bands shall be dry and clean. Bands shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.4.2 Not Used 3.5 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES 3.5.1 Manholes and Inlets Construction shall be of reinforced concrete, plain concrete, brick, precast reinforced concrete, precast concrete segmental blocks; complete with frames and covers or gratings; and with fixed galvanized steel ladders where indicated. Pipe connections to concrete manholes and inlets shall be made with flexible, watertight connectors. 3.5.2 Walls and Headwalls Construction shall be as indicated. 3.6 MANHOLE STEP INSTALLATION Steps shall be adequately anchored to the wall per the step manufacturer's reccmmendations and in accordance with NCDOT standard drawings. The wall along the line of the steps shall be vertical for its entire length. • 3.7 BACKFILLING 3.7.1 Backfilling Pipe in Trenches After the pipe has been properly bedded, selected material from excavation or borrow, at a moisture content that will facilitate compaction, shall be placed along both sides of pipe in layers not exceeding 6 inches in compacted depth. The backfill shall be brought up evenly on both sides of pipe for the full length of pipe. The fill shall be thoroughly compacted under the haunches of the pipe. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted with mechanical tampers or rammers. This method of filling and compacting shall continue until the fill has reached an elevation of at least 12 inches above the top of the pipe. The remainder of the trench shall be backfilled and compacted by spreading and rolling or compacted by mechanical rammers or tampers in layers not exceeding 6 inches. Tests for density shall be made as necessary to ensure conformance to the compaction requirements specified below. Where it is necessary, in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, that sheeting or portions of bracing used be left in place, the contract will be adjusted accordingly. Untreated sheeting shall not be left in place beneath structures or pavements. 3.7.2 Backfilling Pipe in Fill Sections For pipe placed in fill sections, backfill material and the placement and compaction procedures shall be as specified below. The fill material shall be uniformly spread in layers longitudinally on both sides of the pipe, not exceeding 6 inches in compacted depth, and shall be compacted by rolling parallel with pipe or by mechanical tamping or ramming. Prior to commencing normal filling operations, the crown width of the fill at a height of 12 inches above the top of the pipe shall extend a distance of not less than twice the outside pipe diameter on each side of the pipe or SECTION 02630 Page 15 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO e 12 feet, whichever is less. After the backfill has reached at least 12 inches above the top of the pipe, the remainder of the fill shall be placed and thoroughly compacted in layers not exceeding 6 inches. 3.7.3 Movement of Construction Machinery When compacting by rolling or operating heavy equipment parallel with the pipe, displacement of or injury to the pipe shall be avoided. Movement of construction machinery over a culvert or storm drain at any stage of construction shall be at the Contractor's risk. Any damaged pipe shall be repaired or replaced. 3.7.4 Compaction General Requirements Cohesionless materials include gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, sands, and gravelly sands. Cohesive materials include clayey and silty gravels, gravel-silt mixtures, clayey and silty sands, sand-clay mixtures, clays, silts, and very fine sands. When results of compaction tests for moisture-density relations are recorded on graphs, cohesionless soils will show straight lines or reverse-shaped moisture-density curves, and cohesive soils will show normal moisture-density curves. Minimum Density Backfill over and around the pipe and backfill around and adjacent to drainage structures shall be compacted at the approved moisture content to the following applicable minimum density, which will be determined as specified below. a. Under airfield and heliport pavements, paved roads, streets, parking areas, and similar-use pavements including adjacent shoulder areas, the density shall be not less than 90 percent of maximum density for cohesive material and 95 percent of maximum density for cohesionless material, up to the elevation where requirements for pavement subgrade materials and compaction shall control. b. Under unpaved or turfed traffic areas, density shall not be less than 90 percent of maximum density for cohesive material and 95 percent of maximum density for cohesionless material. c. Under ncntraffic areas, density shall be not less than that of the surrounding material. 3.7.5 Determination of Density Testing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and performed at no additional cost to the Government. Testing shall be performed by an approved commercial testing laboratory or by the Contractor subject to approval. Tests shall be performed in sufficient number to ensure that specified density is being obtained. Laboratory tests for moisture-density relations shall be made in accordance with ASTM D 1557 except that mechanical tampers may be used provided the results are correlated with those obtained with the specified hand tamper. Field density tests shall • be determined in accordance with ASTM D 2167 or ASTM D 2922. When ASTM D 2922 is used, the calibration curves shall be checked and adjusted, if necessary, using the sand cone method as described in paragraph SECTION 02630 Page 16 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO Calibration of the referenced publications. ASTll D 292; results in a wet unit weight of soil and when using this method ASTM D 3017 shall be used to determine the moisture content of the soil. The calibration curves furnished with the moisture gauges shall be checked along with density calibration checks as described in ASTM D 3017 or AST1,1 D 2922. Test results shall be furnished the Contracting Officer. The calibration checks of both the density and moisture gauges shall be made at the beginning of a job on each different type of material encountered and at intervals as directed. 3.8 PIPELINE TESTING 3.8.1 Leakage Tests Lines shall be tested for leakage by low pressure air or water testing or exfiltration tests, as appropriate. Low pressure air testing for vitrified clay pipes shall conform to ASTM C 828. Low pressure air testing for concrete pipes shall conform to AST14; C 92-1. Low pressure air testing for plastic pipe shall conform to ASTN F 1.=17. Low pressure air testing procedures for other pipe materials shall use the pressures and testing times prescribed in ASTM C 82f3 or ASTH C 924, after consultation with the pipe manufacturer. Testing of individual joints for leakage by low pressure air or water shall conform to AS7,1 C 1103. Prior to exfiltration tests, the trench shall be backfilled up to at least the lower half of the pipe. If required, sufficient additional backfill shall be placed to prevent pipe movement during testing, leaving the joints uncovered to permit inspection. Visible leaks encountered shall be corrected regardless of leakage test results. When the water table is 2 feet or more above the • top of the pipe at the upper end of the pipeline section to be tested, infiltration shall be measured using a suitable weir or other device acceptable to the Contracting Officer. An exfiltration test shall be made by filling the line to be tested with water so that a head of at least 2 feet is provided above both the water table and the top of the pipe at the upper end of the pipeline to be tested. The filled line shall be allowed to stand until the pipe has reached its maximum absorption, but not less than 4 hours. After absorption, the head shall be reestablished. The amount of water required to maintain this water level during a 2-hour test period shall be measured. Leakage as measured by the exfiltration test shall not exceed 0.2 gallons per inch in diameter per 100 feet of pipeline per hour. When leakage exceeds the maximum amount specified, satisfactory correction shall be made and retesting accomplished. 3.8.2 Deflection Testing Perform a deflection test on entire length of installed plastic pipeline on completion of work adjacent to and over the pipeline, including leakage tests, backfilling, placement of fill, grading, paving, concreting, and any other superimposed loads. Deflection of pipe in the installed pipeline under external loads shall not exceed 4.5 percent of the average inside diameter of pipe. Determine whether the allowable deflection has been exceeded by use of a pull-through device or a deflection measuring device. a. Pull-through device: This device shall be a spherical, spheroidal, or elliptical ball, a cylinder, or circular sections fused to a common shaft. Circular sections shall be so spaced on the shaft that distance from external faces of front and back is sections will equal or exceed diameter of the circular section. Pull-through device may also be of a design promulgated by the Uni-Sell Plastic Pipe Association, provided that the device meets SECTION 02630 Page 17 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO ® the applicable requirements specified in this paragraph, including those for diameter of the device. Ball, cylinder, or circular sections shall conform to the following: (1) A diameter, or minor diameter as applicable, of 95 percent of the average inside diameter of the pipe; tolerance of plus 0.5 percent will be permitted. (2) A homogeneous material throughout, with a density greater than 1.0 as related to water at 39.2 degrees F, and a surface Brinell hardness of not less than 150. (3) Center bored and through bolted with a 1/4 inch minimum diameter steel shaft having a yield strength of not less than 70,000 psi, with eyes or loops at each end for attaching pulling cables. (4) Each eye or loop shall be suitably backed with a flange or heavy washer such that a pull exerted on opposite end of shaft will produce compression throughout remote end. b. Deflection measuring device: Sensitive to 1.0 percent of the diameter of the pipe being tested and accurate to 1.0 percent of the indicated dimension. Deflection measuring device shall be approved by the Contracting Officer prior to use. C. Pull-through device: Pass the pull-through device through each run of pipe, either by pulling it through or flushing it through • with water. If the device fails to pass freely through a pipe run, replace pipe which has the excessive deflection and completely retest in same manner and under same conditions as specified. d. Deflection measuring device procedure: Measure deflections through each run of installed pipe. If deflection readings in excess of 4.5 percent of average inside diameter of pipe are obtained, retest pipe by a run from the opposite direction. If retest continues to show a deflection in excess of 4.5 percent of average inside diameter of pipe, remove pipe which has excessive deflection, replace with new pipe, and completely retest in same manner and under same conditions. e. Warranty period test: Pipe found to have a deflection of greater than 5 percent of average inside diameter when deflection test is performed just prior to end of one-year warranty period shall be replaced with new pipe and tested as specified for leakage and deflection. 3.9 FIELD PAINTING After installation, clean steel covers and steel or concrete frames not buried in masonry or concrete to bare metal of mortar, dirt, grease, and other deleterious materials. Apply a coat of primer, [ ], to a minimum dry film thickness of [ ] mil; and apply a top coat, [ ] to a minimum dry film thickness of [ ] mils, color optional. Painting shall conform to Section 09900 PAINTS AND COATINGS.] Do not paint surfaces subject to abrasion. End of Section -- SECTION 02630 Page 18 C C7 C7 Raleigh Durham USARC RCCO SECTION 02630 Page 19 C • APPENDIX C Hydrologic Analysis and Details C? BIORETENTION CELLS The following; table lists the inflow depths for the three frequencies being; analyzed. For the three bioretention cells where ditches are the primary contributor the inflow velocity is based on an HEGRAS model of the ditches. The runoff to bioretention cells PD2, PD3 and PD5 will be sheet flow. To determine the velocity and depth of flow a travel time equation utilizing; Manning's kinematic solution was used. • MORE TENTION CALCULATED FLOW DEPTH CELL # VELOCITY FOR THE (FT.) 98%, 50%, AND 10% CHANCE FREQUENCY EVENT CFS 98% 50% 10% 98% 50% 10% PD2 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.05 0.06 0.09 sheet Flow PD3 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.11 0.14 0.24 Sheet Flow PD4 0.89 0.98 1.07 0.58 0.62 0.74 Ditch PD5 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.13 0.16 0.25 sheet Flow PD8 0.58 0.60 0.71 0.59 0.65 0.75 Ditch PD9 0.80 0.74 0.89 0.66 0.76 0.82 Ditch 0 USARC a CARY, NORTH CAROLINA Comparison of the design discharges to the pre-project discharges for the 98% chance frequency event (1 year). Comparison of the design discharges to the pre-project discharges for the 50% chance frequency event (2 year). TRIBUTARY CONTRIBUTING SUB-BASINS NATURAL CONTRIBUTING SUB-BASINS POST PROJECT NATURAL DISCHARGE POST PROJECT DISCHARGE CFS 1 ND1 PD1+PD2+HIGHWAY 10.2 11.5 2 ND2 PD10 3.0 2.0 3 ND3 PD3+PD4+PD5+PD6 3.3 6.0 4 ND5 + ND6 PD7+PD8+PD11 2.9 2.9 5 ND4 PD9 2.3 2.4 TOTAL FROM SITE 22.7 22.0 TRIBUTARY CONTRIBUTING SUB-BASINS NATURAL CONTRIBUTING SUB-BASINS POST PROJECT NATURAL DISCHARGE POST PROJECT DISCHARGE cFS 1 NDI PD1+PD2+HIGHWAY 6.6 6.5 2 ND2 PD10 1.5 1.4 3 ND3 PD3+PD4+PD5+PD6 2.9 2.2 4 ND5 + ND6 PD7+PD8+PD11 1.9 1.2 5 ND4 PD9 1.5 0.8 TOTAL FROM SITE 14.7 10.9 0 *oniparison of the design discharges to the pre-project discharges for the 10% chance frequency event (10 year). TRIBUTARY CONTRIBUTING SUB-BASINS NATURAL CONTRIBUTING SUB-BASINS POST PROJECT NATURAL DISCHARGE POST PROJECT DISCHARGE CFS 1 NDI PDI+PD2+HIGIIWAY 20.9 22.7 2 ND2 PD10 6.0 3.9 3 ND3 PD3+PD4+PD5+PD6 8.9 19.8 4 ND5 + ND6 PD7+PD8+PD11 6.0 5.9 5 ND4 PD9 4.5 5.9 TOTAL FROM SITE 45.8 58.0 SWALE/DITCH DESIGN: The swales/ditches that are being constructed to convey water into the existing streams are designed for Aftie 10% chance fre uenc event as follows: 1MV SWALE/DITCII CALCULATED BOTTOM MAX. PEAK FLOW IDENTIFICATION DISCHARGE FOR THE WIDTH OF SLOPE OF VELOCITY (FPS) NUMBER 98%, 50%, AND 10% SWALE/DITCH BOTTOM CHANCE FREQUENCY EVENT CFS 98% 50% 10% 98% 50% 10% 1 1.7 2.2 3.4 V-Ditch with 6:1 1'% 0.84 0.80 0.89 Side Slopes 2 1.2 1.5 2.4 V-Ditch with 6:1 2.35% 1.1 1.79 1.38 Side Slopes 3 2.2 2.7 3.9 1 foot with 4:1 1.4% .94 .99 1.19 Side Slopes 4 1.2 1.8 3.5 3 ft. lower 131 ft. 2 6.3% 1.99 1.66 1.97 ft. upper 197 ft. of ditch all with 6:1 Side Slopes 0 0 IIEC-IIAIS Proiect: Ralcith USARC Basin Model: Ralciuli r I ND5 I I ND6 • ND3 ND2 ND1 ND4 0 Junction-1 HMS * Summary of Results Project : Raleigh USARC Run Name Run 14 Start of Run : O1JanO5 0600 Basin Model Raleigh USARC End of Run : 03JanO5 0600 Met. Model Raleigh 1 year Execution Time : 05Apr06 1048 Control Specs Raleigh Control Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) ND5 1.4411 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.10196 0.003 ND6 0.44962 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.031811 0.001 Junction-2 1.8907 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.13377 0.003 ND3 2.8838 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.21668 0.005 ND4 1.4655 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.11011 0.003 ND2 1.9540 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.14682 0.004 ND1 6.5749 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.54239 0.013 Junction-1 14.720 O1 Jan 05 1815 1.1498 0.028 1r-7JJ 1 J 0 HMS * Summary of Results Project : Raleigh USARC Run Name Run 24 Start of Run : O1JanO5 0600 Basin Model Raleigh USARC End of Run : 03JanO5 0600 Met. Model Raleigh 2yr Execution Time : 05AprO6 1046 Control Specs Raleigh Control Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) ND5 2.2465 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.15815 0.003 ND6 0.70092 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.049343 0.001 Junction-2 2.9474 O1 Jan O5 1810 0.20749 0.003 ND3 4.4285 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.33610 0.005 ND4 2.2505 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.17080 0.003 ND2 3.0007 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.22774 0.004 ND1 10.246 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.84134 0.013 Junction-1 22.716 O1 Jan 05 1815 1.7835 0.028 • 0 HMS * Summary of Results Project Raleigh USARC Run Name Run 17 Start of Run O1JanO5 0600 Basin Model Raleigh USARC End of Run 03JanO5 0600 Met. Model Raleigh 10 year Execution Time 05Apr06 1045 Control Specs Raleigh Control Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) ND5 4.5654 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.34809 0.003 ND6 1.4244 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.10861 0.001 Junction-2 5.9898 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.45670 0.003 ND3 8.8569 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.73977 0.005 ND4 4.5011 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.37594 0.003 ND2 6.0014 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.50125 0.004 ND1 20.931 O1 Jan 05 1815 1.8518 0.013 Junction-1 45.781 O1 Jan 05 1815 3.9255 0.028 • is • HEC-HMS Proicct: Ralcip-h USARC Basin Model: Ralcip-h Drcersian.gF Jur"ra7 I _ J?f'J7'JF,"JJ • DISCHARGE PANTHER SOUTHWEST CO':ER Juac;ion-3 NORTHEAST CORNER Diversion fi D version-3 , _NORTH SIDE SITE Junction 9 FC3 Cra<; ?t t 'TUFrL _ JJ.nG;on-il SOUTHEASTCORNER/ ` Ju9d:aa-12 ? PD1E.:IL?liG r aPaa h 1ir J n and 1D,TCH Di?crscn5 FPc A?SS'_CFE e D ers an-t Ju on 6 'rC:`,ATJzr,? `??FD2G=,ASS FD'4FA;'E,'ENT FEPA'--%'E 'iT 0 NORTH'AESTCORNER Diversion-21 HMS * Summary of Results • Project : Raleigh USARC Run Name Run 16 Start of Run : O1Jan05 0600 Basin Model Raleigh Basins End of Run : 03Jan05 0600 Met. Model Raleigh 1 year Execution Time : 05Apr06 1043 Control Specs Raleigh Control Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) PD7PAVEMENT 0.85066 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.055904 0.000 PD7GRASS DITCH 0.35714 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.021614 0.000 Diversion-4 0.26296 O1 Jan 05 1830 0.029517 0.001 PDBGRASS 0.88295 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.064979 0.001 Junction-1 0.88295 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.094496 0.002 PD11NATURAL 0.33925 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.025489 0.001 NORTHWEST CORNER 1.2222 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.11999 0.003 PD9GRASSDITCH 0.49801 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.030139 0.001 PD9PAVEMENT 1.1862 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.077955 0.001 Diversion-5 0.21761 O1 Jan 05 1835 0.038094 0.001 PD9NATURAL 0.84675 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.063621 0.002 SOUTHWEST CONER 0.84675 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.10171 0.003 2.6544 O1 Jan 05 1820 0.25031 0.002 DSGRASS 1.0102 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.064518 0.001 Junction-7 Junction-7 3.5153 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.31483 0.003 Diversion-2 1.6267 O1 Jan 05 1835 0.13383 0.003 PD31MP 1.3275 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.089398 0.001 PD3-Grass 1.4056 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.088097 0.002 Junction-9 2.7330 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.17750 0.002 Diversion-6 0.11095 O1 Jan 05 2015 0.044493 0.002 PD4ROADANDDITCH 2.1638 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.13370 0.001 Diversion-3 0.88424 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.063704 0.001 Junction-3 0.88424 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.10820 0.004 PDGGRASS-SLOPE+NAT 1.1545 01 Jan 05 1810 0.073735 0.002 NORTH SIDE SITE 2.2313 O1 Jan 05 1835 0.31576 0.009 PDIONATURAL 1.3714 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.10093 0.002 NORTHEAST CORNER 3.2531 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.41669 0.011 PDIGRASS-SLOPE 0.71579 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.043320 0.001 PDIBUILDING 1.1336 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.074498 0.001 Junction-12 1.8494 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.11782 0.002 PDINATURAL 1.8540 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.15293 0.004 PDIDITCH 1.2266 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.078344 0.002 Junction-11 4.5378 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.34910 0.007 PD2PAVEMENT 3.2549 O1 Jan 05 1805 0.21456 0.002 PD2GRASS 0.56282 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.035946 0.001 Junction-6 3.8113 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.25050 0.003 Diversion-1 1.6394 O1 Jan 05 1820 0.11050 0.003 unction-4 1.6394 O1 Jan 05 1820 0.11050 0.003 Reach-1 1.6394 O1 Jan 05 1825 0.11050 0.003 Road Drainage 1.9891 O1 Jan 05 1805 0.13112 0.001 SOUTHEAST CORNER 6.5230 01 Jan 05 1810 0.59071 0.011 Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) DISCHARGE PANTHER 10.858 01 Jan 05 1815 1.2291 0.028 is 0 Page: 2 HMS * Summary of Results • Project : Raleigh USARC Run Name Run 23 Start of Run : O1JanO5 0600 Basin Model Raleigh Basins End of Run : 03JanO5 0600 Met. Model Raleigh 2yr Execution Time : 05Apr06 1039 Control Specs Raleigh Control Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) PD7PAVEMENT 1.0203 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.071237 0.000 PD7GRASS DITCH 0.52696 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.032775 0.000 Diversion-4 1.0814 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.056011 0.001 PD8GRASS 1.3103 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.098535 0.001 Junction-1 2.3917 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.15455 0.002 PD11NATURAL 0.52097 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.039538 0.001 NORTHWEST CORNER 2.9127 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.19408 0.003 PD9GRASSDITCH 0.73482 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.045704 0.001 PD9PAVEMENT 1.4228 O1 Jan O5 1810 0.099336 0.001 Diversion-5 1.0627 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.075039 0.001 PD9NATURAL 1.3003 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.098687 0.002 SOUTHWEST CONER 2.3630 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.17373 0.003 3.2160 O1 Jan 05 1820 0.31897 0.002 D5GRASS 1.5033 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.097837 0.001 Junction-7 Junction-7 4.4828 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.41681 0.003 Diversion-2 3.4066 O1 Jan 05 1825 0.23580 0.003 PD31MP 1.5945 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.11392 0.001 PD3-Grass 2.0266 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.13076 0.002 Junction-9 3.6211 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.24468 0.002 Diversion-6 1.1753 O1 Jan 05 1825 0.11168 0.002 PD4ROADANDDITCH 2.6573 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.17524 0.001 Diversion-3 2.6573 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.10524 0.001 Junction-3 2.6573 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.21692 0.004 PD6GRASS-SLOPE+NAT 1.7181 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.11181 0.002 NORTH SIDE SITE 6.0450 O1 Jan O5 1825 0.56453 0.009 PD10NATURAL 2.0352 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.15304 0.002 NORTHEAST CORNER 7.3030 O1 Jan 05 1825 0.71758 0.011 PD1GRASS-SLOPE 1.0562 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.065690 0.001 PDIBUILDING 1.3597 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.094931 0.001 Junction-12 2.4159 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.16062 0.002 PDINATURAL 2.8890 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.23723 0.004 PDIDITCH 1.8254 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.11880 0.002 Junction-11 6.6119 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.51665 0.007 PD2PAVEMENT 3.9201 O1 Jan 05 1805 0.27340 0.002 PD2GRASS 0.83756 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.054509 0.001 Junction-6 4.7336 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.32791 0.003 aversion-1 3.7254 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.18791 0.003 unction-4 6 3.7254 O1 Jan 05 1810 0.18791 0.003 each-1 3.7254 O1 Jan 05 1815 0.18791 0.003 Road Drainage 2.3957 O1 Jan 05 1805 0.16708 0.001 SOUTHEAST CORNER 11.481 01 Jan 05 1815 0.87164 0.011 Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) DISCHARGE PANTHER 21.988 01 Jan 05 1815 1.9570 0.028 • 0 Page: 2 HMS * Summary of Results • Project : Raleigh USARC Run Name Run 19 Start of Run : 0lJan05 0600 Basin Model Raleigh Basins End of Run : 03Jan05 0600 Met. Model Raleigh 10 year Execution Time : 05Apr06 1041 Control Specs Raleigh Control Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) f t) (aq mi) PD7PAVEMENT 1.4335 01 Jan 05 1810 0.11616 0.000 PD7GRASS DITCH 0.99290 01 Jan 05 1810 0.069763 0.000 Diversion-4 2.4264 01 Jan 05 1810 0.13793 0.001 PDBGRASS 2.5069 01 Jan 05 1815 0.20974 0.001 Junction-1 4.8525 01 Jan 05 1810 0.34766 0.002 PD11NATURAL 1.0419 01 Jan 05 1815 0.087024 0.001 NORTHWEST CORNER 5.8543 01 Jan 05 1810 0.43468 0.003 PD9GRASSDITCH 1.3845 01 Jan 05 1810 0.097282 0.001 PD9PAVEMENT 1.9990 01 Jan 05 1810 0.16198 0.001 Diversion-5 3.3835 01 Jan 05 1810 0.18927 0.001 PD9NATURAL 2.6006 01 Jan 05 1815 0.21721 0.002 SOUTHWEST CONER 5.8841 01 Jan 05 1810 0.40648 0.003 D51MPERVIOUS 4.6641 01 Jan 05 1820 0.52013 0.002 DSGRASS 2.8732 01 Jan 05 1810 0.20825 0.001 Junction-7 7.0597 01 Jan 05 1815 0.72838 0.003 Diversion-2 7.0597 01 Jan 05 1815 0.54738 0.003 PD31MP 2.2500 01 Jan 05 1810 0.18576 0.001 PD3-Grass 3.7110 01 Jan 05 1810 0.26951 0.002 Junction-9 5.9610 01 Jan 05 1810 0.45528 0.002 Diversion-6 5.9610 01 Jan 05 1810 0.32227 0.002 PD4ROADANDDITCH 3.8871 01 Jan 05 1805 0.29823 0.001 Diversion-3 3.8871 01 Jan 05 1805 0.22823 0.001 Junction-3 9.7956 01 Jan 05 1810 0.55050 0.004 PD6GRASS-SLOPE+NAT 3.2836 01 Jan 05 1810 0.23800 0.002 NORTH SIDE SITE 19.840 01 Jan 05 1810 1.3359 0.009 PD10NATURAL 3.8937 01 Jan 05 1815 0.32576 0.002 NORTHEAST CORNER 23.608 01 Jan 05 1810 1.6616 0.011 PDIGRASS-SLOPE 1.9900 01 Jan 05 1810 0.13982 0.001 PDIBUILDING 1.9104 01 Jan 05 1810 0.15480 0.001 Junction-12 3.9004 01 Jan 05 1810 0.29463 0.002 PDINATURAL 5.9021 01 Jan 05 1815 0.52214 0.004 PDIDITCH 3.4888 01 Jan 05 1810 0.25287 0.002 Junction-11 12.522 01 Jan 05 1810 1.0696 0.007 PD2PAVEMENT 5.5570 01 Jan 05 1805 0.44583 0.002 PD2GRASS 1.6008 01 Jan 05 1810 0.11602 0.001 Junction-6 7.0543 01 Jan 05 1810 0.56185 0.003 iversion-1 7.0543 01 Jan 05 1810 0.42185 0.003 unction-4 7.0543 01 Jan 05 1810 0.42185 0.003 each-1 7.0543 01 Jan 05 1815 0.42185 0.003 Road Drainage 3.3960 01 Jan 05 1805 0.27245 0.001 SOUTHEAST CORNER 22.665 01 Jan 05 1810 1.7639 0.011 Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) DISCHARGE PANTHER 58.011 01 Jan 05 1810 4.2667 0.028 0 • Page: 2 • • • m (n m n M N (D V M O N N N N N N N N N N L U O O o c:) O O O O O O O O u N V 7 O LL O (0 m r m N r m O r o rn a) (n o w m y (D r a) m O m r a) co r o) m r " a U O M N .- r (D r co M (D M r O ?- O m (D (D O O N m (n N (D V N M N N V N N M N N Q 7 z 17 0 r M V C) N 'V V V O (D m ID (n (n m m co m OR n m m r m C o 0 o o 0 o o 0 0 6 0 0 L N U J N N m O o0 a) (n V r O V) N Cl) N V M M N N O) (D '- m m cy r N O V (n N V a) (n ^ ^ m M 0 y 0 rr .- N .- M m o o m o v m o Z5 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o 0 o o o 0 o o o LL! m O (D O r (D Q) r r n V .- a) m (n M (n V M M N N N r r r W co cd a) m rn di m M N M m M N M N M N M N M N M N M m M (D M (D M b v W Cl) (n N (N Q M M a v) r N n O In In Lo 7 K M M M M C) r O N a) (D N m D (D (D M O O m . N (n V M M N N U) r r r co 00 m o) m a) w N N n N N N In m m . ,? M M co co M co M M M M M M n M M 7 - r r r a) a) m (D m (D V V '7 a) a) a) v 'r v n r n n n In W o 0 o r\ r r? (o co o o 0 6 L (n (n (n (n (n (n (n (n (n m (D (D U Q= M M M M M M M M M M M M c ` z o o o o o 0 c c) 0 0 D c) 'R N r V N r V N r V N n M N co N M N M N O N ` F- u d v N O IL N M N M N M N Cl LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL u a s a. n. a s a a, a a a a ?a ? N N N O O O _ O _ O _O M O M O M O (D O (D O (D O O O o c) O O O o cm) O O O L U V - - - - - - - - - - - - U v v v v 'v ? ? ? a c v C? e r V c0 O r (D (D u'1 (D n n (D cD n (D c0 n (D (D n (D (D r N N N N M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N L U o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o O o 0 0 Xk v 0 UL O O O N r N (D N M O N m oo m m n N w O c0 n (n L N O O Cl) (D Cl) N W m M n (D N r r M n r N aD n M r r (D r a) (D (? n (D (D r co (D r c0 (0 n (D (D r (D (D n (D to r F V O O V N M m V n N CO V N N M O M O Cl) N M O m m c l). 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W 2 v? 3 PROPOSED Y S' ' RALEIGH USARC Zm 3 m O p S y a ? IL P z 0 z o m a 0 0 tea= -g . UtlO Z O W - ?F r-i Q Q V) O J 5 600 300 0 600 '200F? SCALE t"= 600' U N Z I S ? Q N N ? LL 7 K = m a w a ' N - 2 a a tt Sheet reference number. GCOO1 Seeet d 03 US Army Corps of Emgimeers Louisv vie District VICINITY MAP j u114 4 106 I ON MAP DENR -lpIA LOCAT NO SCALE will 4gT ftl ----- - ---- -SAFETY PAYS- E C ? D E F AIR ORTHOPHOTO PROVIDED BY WAKE COUNTY GIS s , ORTHOPHOTO PRODUCED FROM AN AERIAL t WA: FLIGHT IN FEBRUARY, 1999. ? ? - , Ir. 4 v YxNt a M1 44 497 r E r AllrtCAS- 41 ji? r xr k ? t c a. .i ?Z r? All ryy? a SI . r ? ? , ?, _ ? ?; c ? ?-?' rz 4°3®®"``• ,r? ? r,F ? ? {?,?j f? ,?..y d 17_ al°.qk Y^ '' X.ek .4F$'" ''Yli:f` Y\Z v +? Z - y ;?"a' ?yy'x' • m m lk IN + Y r Will 01, ilax "-a }.'?x 3 W+ j .. , ¦ r/? KZ E E?? .. Air, all : _ s S-ff E? lip `?+•- ? . :.?, ;,S' • n K ?.cq '.. a 4k A, ;; f r a * s All, Aal jw. - It. 4 `d'fs? - xp . m s,' r off:: aG •Y. A'7F! ek r n t 'i.;. lot A,? to y }G ° y .t" - r, 'SP* 4 it, •,'k n r.F. "'r N,• Thy _ ql;.= '" •,: ,x ?* 'r ?L LL U r^ `?' _+?' tF: {f '..?t { A 4.:?•, r ¢ a .?+?py '? #r y?.,t t _?'°iT. .e: .?? r:-g 7;.:•a.- r'4` j ,4. ir 4X Y -f- AJ 5_ 14 E All 14 ;Iro r ' -Z Zlls .. ? xlF JFC , ? ° ° i ?? s ` ~ agvz* •:3 11?,g r"'? `??!' ~ ? +?, ` ....: { e R dk " E , a k r xu r ? ? t a?'*t z?14) `y • a a . < _ s *n' ; dPERiY gg K _ ,..._ a? LEGEND !tai a.9 •? d: tm A r4 F + 0 X PHOTOGRAPH NUMBER 4 n ' Jill Vs- JS S * SHEET NUMBER OFPHOTGRAPH g ?3 f w; s 1 ? W1 i f i{ J m n ?? a eLL { °a { 1 w a a z .? a z n °° m a Loll o = IUfEU:U J a? Q Ld Q CD 0 Lt.10 ? I " J l0- r to za ? Q N Q W z ? u < a ' Sheet reference number a GCO02 E0 30 0 60 120FT Shea _ of SCALE: 1- 60' US Army Carps of Engineers Louisville Distrid 4 5 6 C9 c o n q J •cO] a FFp ? a }' 4 n a ? W Z p O Y 2 ? N C E a z p o: m ^ x m a z W ;cr < ?Ndci,P,u JW QQIn ?ZQ I- Q IL Q Of ZM U CO Z o j Q )o N S li 0 O n a o N W Z Sheet reference number. SW1 snen of DATE: 12-VAY-2006 12:22 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' RE: T:w?)roj.ACCOrotner+Clvfl.wetlcnes_Eresicn_Stormwater_501Permits+swt.COn m US A ? y Corps of Engineers Louisville District A B ? D E F G H N US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville Distrid 1 •, ' c , i , - PD8 ?j 37 a . - D? a wz its . Ll- w?a o 5 5 c. Z a 6 _. - 60 30 0 60 12CFT - Sheet reference number. - SCALE: 1"• 60' SW2 SM-t N DATE: 12-tAAY-2006 12:22 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS ••' FILE: T.?. j+R000*0tner.ci • -. i E S „, y -SAFETY PAYS - t I ' N ' Et t e5 1 t ' 1 BIORETENTION CELL #3 BIORETENTION i t E , z BIORETENTION CELL #4 CELL #5 ?? -------__.?___------ ---- --- SWALE 3 (SW3) l tE 'I. BIORETENTION s SWALE 2 (SW2) - ------------ -- -- --_ i CELL #2 ------___ or f } 1ft ?? ?? rower A ?. _ _ _ u i tii I t ? ? t ?7F ? ? 1? ? t 11 E _- ?- -?- - -' BIORETENTION ?.. -- LL #6 SWALE 1 (SW1) BIORETENTION 5 CELL #1 - - SWALE 4 (SW4) t i } i i 1 'v 60 30 U_ 60 120FT = SCALE: 1- 60' `i C+ m d c o i Y J b p r a gLL ga i - a p O Y: p a z p EyT CO 0 Z 6~ Lcr = O cin 3U ? v .L Lli WLn F- 0 LrJ Q Q 3Z? F- < Q 0Of Ld F- 0 LL Ln NZs N=L, ti ? O 0 p n a ? o U) J Z Sheet reference number. SW3 snx _ of _ I GAIL: 12-11 AI-2006 1G55 "'SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING- IT PAYS"' FILE: T:+proj*3000 oine'. vier'6'et;cnCs-E,eslon_Stormwcter-401 Perm!lswStormwcter US Amy COPS of Eng,neers L OOSO'e Us'nct "SAFETY PAYS- N f ! . t , -/ ./•? /?/ / /? // it /, /?/ /// ' ; ./ - " :/ /'/ /•- i /i/ /! /i',//i//ii! ?/sib/i/ii///_/??i'///'-„///ii' ?' °?/i //?i?i? ///; / i/?i //it/iii!/?y///ir///i,!i/,!://'ii' //!/i/i'?? ,.??, , / ?•'//? iii ii,/ i??i //i/ iii /'i!/J/i/ /???/ /i_ ///?/// ?,_/ /. i//, //,///?,;{,? / LEGEND CLEAR AND GRUB WETLANDS NO WORK IN THIS AREA - - - TREE PROTECTION FENCE NEW HIGH VISIBILITY ORANGE SAFETY FENCE. FENCE SHALL BE 4 FT. HIGH. FENCE SHALL HAVE 1.5" BY 3" OPENINGS, OR AS APPROVED BY THE COR. FENCE SHALL BE UV STABILIZED, HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE. TREE PROTECTION ZONE SIGNS SHALL BE ATTACHED MIN. EVERY 300 FT. THE SIZE OF EACH SIGN SHALL BE MIN. 2 FT. BY 2 FT. AND MUST CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE: " TREE PROTECTION ZONE, KEEP OUT". FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO START OF EXCAVATION AND MAINTAINED FOR PROJECT DURATION. w I ' f ; N /l/ii CONTRACTOR SHALL INSURE THAT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES DO NOT IMPACT WETLANDS OUTSIDE OF CONTRACTOR WORK LIMITS INSTALL ORANGE SAFETY FENCE ALONG CONTRACTOR WORK LIMITS. SEE SH. G0007 NOTES: 1. SITE IS APPROX. 18.3 ACRES 2. APPROX. 518,469 SO. FT. 111.90 ACRES) CLEARING AND GRUBBING REOUIRED. 3. ALL TREE PROTECTION FENCING SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL SITE WORK IS COMPLETED. EO 30 0 60 120FT SCALE: 1". 60' m o n Y of 7LL .a s w 2 p O y a z p a m m a x fx papa !? ?m 8 x p ?1/i 30 ? U Z JO QI-Z W J J LdOa_ OLd W 0 U N ? a x 7 Q N o p ? to tt = W Z Z) Q. Sheet reference number. CD100 sI-t of J Q n 7 n I GATE: 07-JUN-2006 14:43 "'SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING IT PAYS"' FILE: T:.praj.5000*ton_Oocs*Sneets-Cfvi!+ cc0cd100.dg? • US Army Corps of Engmeers Louisville Disvid -SAFETY PAYS- -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING • IT PAYS"' EO 70 0 EO 12CFT SCALE 1"- 60' DAIS: 01-JU' FILE: T:-,-r< - 0?, ? m c o ? Y J 'po Q ? IL - S Q w z Cr p O w Y N w i L a Z M Z L M S M J Z O rC) Q [ t???8sa LN iU ? K Z a JZ? JO a1-4 cr_?o w0= > r*fl f- Owz O U U N ? o x ? Q ))h N x li E ? 0 o n x ?2 Q Q o U w z E K Sheet reference number. CE100 Shea _ of _ i M US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville District 2 3 4 5 6 "'SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' N EROSION CONTROL LEGEND BCI O BASKET CURB INLET FIP O FABRIC INLET PROTECTION © STONE SILT CHECK RO SILT FENCE ROCK OVERFLOW ROCK FILTER DAM -SF-SF- SILT FENCE - - TD - - TEMPORARY SILT DITCH SEE SHEETS CZ012 & CZ013 FOR EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 107 ' 104 ' 01 10 ? L y 109 I 106 --------------- 2-0 fo o zo acv T SCALE: 1-- 20' m m c o c y N _ ?LL a .- e - ? a a W Z V e O O ? Y < 7 Z on Q a Z on m E I ° m J E2 O :O ¢ a ° 2 O d i cN hU ? ? Z Q Z J CM, U o N J O w L d ~ Z v=i „ O U U co Z O 2 o N I 0 ? O n U = ? a 0 0 to W Z a rr Sheet reference number. CE101 Sheet of m Z) J Q z u- 0 US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville Dlstrid -SAFETY PAYS- MATCH LINE SHEET CE101 -------------- N o a? q o 70 yWj I y Jj h _ ?t71 .?4 C 1-7 a m Q I a E B? N ? O 4 I CB _ j 4 BC. w. a O I I - _______ MATCH LINE SHEET CE103 107 I 104 I 01 10 ' 2 109 j j? 106 I -SUPPORT VAL G - IT PAYS- - - TD - - TEMPORARY SILT DITCH SEE SHEETS CZ012 & CZ013 FOR EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 'EXIST. SAN M4 20 10 O 20 40FT SCALF:I'- 20' DATE: 01-JUN-2cob 14:44 FILE: T:*profl CCO.Con_DOCS*Sheets?Civi J* cc m m b ° Y J O a a €LL ` a G s! ? Y w z u S O O ? Y ? u, W 3 a m a m S = ¢ m J w z=g0B= z s off GN aU ?? Z Q Z _l m 0 0 ~ ,J N -00W O U U y z o I ? Q N N = 0 ? I m N W Z a J Q f- F Sheet m reference number: N CE102 Q Sheet of _ u-- r US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville Distria fY PAYS -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING • IT PAYS"' BCI 0 BASKET CURB INLET FIP 0 FABRIC INLET PROTECTION © STONE SILT CHECK RO SILT FENCE ROCK OVERFLOW ROCK FILTER DAM -SF- SF- SILT FENCE - - TD - - TEMPORARY SILT DITCH SEE SHEETS CZ012 & CZ013 FOR EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 107 ' 104 I 01 10 - 2 109 I 106 20 10 D 20 4CFT SCALE: V- 20' DATE: 01-JUN-2CCE 14:44 FILE: T:+proj+RCC C-C on rocs-:rssis+c U..,. I U?. c m c d c o N a LL a Q F W Z tn or ¢ y f a z m Q 1^ c s _ maJ a, px x O !~ L? 8 x ? € . i 9 zV) 3U J Z Q ZJm CL O 0 1--4 ?Jm O O w LLJ ~ N Z ., O U v N ? o x ? Q )N) C) 7 cc = Q C? o N W Z Z J d Sheet reference number. CE103 Sheet _ of a M US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville District ""SAFETY PAYS- EROSION CONTROL LEGEND BCI O BASKET CURB INLET FIP O FABRIC INLET PROTECTION 1 I © STONE SILT CHECK RO SILT FENCE ROCK OVERFLOW ROCK FILTER DAM - SF- SF- SILT FENCE - -TO- - TEMPORARY SILT DITCH SEE SHEETS CZ012 & CZ013 FOR EROSION CONTROL DETAILS - I IW /' IW ly Iz J I -'I I lcQ IS n 0 W U F W z J x tV G 107 I 104 ' 01 10 - I 2 109 f 106 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS'" DAIS: 01-JUN-20C6 14:4 FILE: T-:)r Oj+ACCg tCon_C ocst9 ee s :irn c?ccsic a. C9 ? tD C Q' J p ? II a eLL Q W Z 4 O O U Y V ¢ Q a ? w m S =; m J Z w Op0 cN 3V ?? Z Q ZJ? U h-I (] 00 ?1=w LLI x Z ? O U 0 co ?o z 7 Q )N N = 0 ? O ? Q o 0 j Z Sheet reference number. CE104 Sn-t of 1 M US Anny Corps of Engineers Louisville Distrid I 2 3 MATCH LINE S??- -- - - -- -' - -- SHEET CE104 - \ -- -------- U ,. h 2 ?6e 67 yg +36? '?? - 6 h ,Eg _ .,?61 b . U9 «?6] °? ' t? h9 .- 2 h i3F .0 0g • C. 0. 0g h b?• • ?, '--'---- _ 'k???,? _ ? 36T 99.._ - - ---- - -365 3 6`FlP ' 367.99 65 -® 765 $ a ..L i .L,-. ` P ...I - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- MATCH LINE SHEET CE106 EROSION CONTROL LEGEND L BCI O BASKET CURB INLET ?D ROCK FILTER DAM ? F2 FIP O FABRIC INLET PROTECTION - SF - SF- SILT FENCE © STONE SILT CHECK - -TD- - TEMPORARY SILT DITCH RO SILT FENCE ROCK OVERFLOW SEE SHEETS CZ012 & CZ013 FOR EROSION CONTROL DETAILS -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS- 20 10 0 20 4CFT 111E?1"• 20' m c d v J N a FFg LL 5 Q 9L f d Q 1 w 2 O 3 O O C y i Q Z T, 3 E m •.• F = b 0] J Z 2 O O'. Q y tr"b?g=O. L?iO yid Z Q ZJm 0?L O ?J? 0 Of W Ld Z 0- U U N Z o z 7 Q yNy m = w : C O Z) O ? Q o N w Z Z) a tt Sheet reference number. CE105 Sheet of m US Anny Corps of Engineers Louism!le District -SAFETY PAYS- 3 4 5 6 SEE SHEETS CZ012 & CZ013 FOR EROSION CONTROL DETAILS -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING • IT PAYS"' 1 I 20 10 0 20 40FT SCALE: V- 2C' I I DATE: 01-JUN-2C06 14:44 FILE: T:*nroj*RCC 0*Con-Oocs*Sheets*Civil*rccCcel C6.og m ro a o o Y J O rr n * a gLL - a 1 ? c a w z v t n C. w Y < < Z m Q & m m J = a E= O r O Z' f~ b? 8 ? E cn iU f K Z Q J ., ZC? O JO O 1D O0:? w t- W Lu Z I O - U U N ? o I 7 Q n N = li O ? O ? ? I m Q o N J Z Sheet reference number. CE106 shl? Of J Fa- H m m US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District 2 EROSION CONTROL LEGEND BCI O BASKET CURB INLET FIP O FABRIC INLET PROTECTION © STONE SILT CHECK RO SILT FENCE ROCK OVERFLOW ROCK FILTER DAM - SF - SF- SILT FENCE - -TD- - TEMPORARY SILT DITCH SEE SHEETS CZ012 & CZ013 FOR EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SAFETY PAYS- 107 ' 104 I 01 t0 . 2 109 106 .a 0 I? IW Ix Iz ix I" a I? I I I MATCH LINE SHEET CE108 z0 10 0 20 40FT SCALE: 1- 20' -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERItiG - IT PAYS"' Z w A VI d U P K V) J r- O? w Of LJ UAIL: 01-JUV-2006 14:44 FILE: T:+proj+-7LCOiC Cn_OocS+Sheets?Civ{Ixcc0ce107. m C7 m C ? Y o u ? e Q s' n E w ? O K y . a z m 3 l QI •• E = F m J ES O r O Z Q ZJm U CL o .-4 W z F- v=i ,. U reference Sheet or U N ? o ? Q } 71 = ?L O ? O O Q L9 o U1 W Z a Sheet number. CE107 J Q f- f- OJ N M US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville District -SAFETY PAYS- 2 °JJ)Ji EROSION CONTROL LEGEND BCI 0 FIP 0 RO BASKET CURB INLET FABRIC INLET PROTECTION STONE SILT CHECK SILT FENCE ROCK OVERFLOW ROCK FILTER DAM SF -SF- SILT FENCE 6" 1 p 62 6 e? c2' 9 TO - - TEMPORARY SILT DITCH SEE SHEETS CZ012 & CZ013 FOR EROSION CONTROL DETAILS q ?101 ' 104 I 01 10 - 2 109 I 106 -- ].,:..: SAN - - - - - - - - - - - - - M. TCH LINE SHEET CE109 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS.. 36 E S9 6E - - - : 1 S • vB a? 0 ?i SANS Al 3-2 o JS ? S . 2n o 0 20 4CFT SCALE' 1"- 20' UAIL: U7-JUN-2006 14:44 FILE: T:*prc1*i CCO*Con-flocs*Sheet s*C i v i l*rcc Oce. 1 09. Cgn c m c d o Y 44 a tl a FLL - ° a 4' 1 a F w Z or v O or y i J co f a Z co G m J Z w o: cN O Z Q Z J m Oho N J co 00? W~= Z `" O U v O Z o i 7 Q n) N = LL 5 ? O ? 0 2 Q < 2 o () J Z Z) a Sheet reference number. CE108 S."t_o_ m US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville Olstrid 6 - - TD - - TEMPORARY SILT DITCH SEE'SHEETS CZ012 & CZ013 FOR EROSION CONTROL DETAILS "SAFETY PAYS'** 107 10 - II 104 01 ¦ 109 I 106 -SUPPORT VALUE EN IT PAYS- 2O 10 0 20 40FT SCU.E: r-• 20' UAIE: 1J1-JUN-2U(16 14:44 FILE: T:?prcjiA000wbn_Oocs*Sheef SOCivil+rccOce109.Cgn rn L 6 C ? N Y J ? • A ? rll ? LL a oa ?' $ z O W Y Ut o7 S Q m J Z O }O 2 a? F= o e• 3U s? Z Q zJm Ono NJC, 0 0 .- Of W W~? Z_ O U 0 N ? o ] Z N Q N Z O ] O I ? < O <nwz ] J a c Sheet reference number. CE109 s?1 at a z u- m US A-y Carps of Engineers Louisalle District A El ? ? E F G H US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE NOTES 1. CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEDIMENT, AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES. EROSION, SEDIMENT AND DETENTION MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY EARTH MOVING OPERATION THAT WILL INFLUENCE STORMWATER RUNOFF. NOTE: LOCATIONS OF BIORETENTION AREAS MAY BE USED FOR TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL, HOWEVER THE ACTUAL BIORETENTICN AREAS SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED UNTIL THE PAVING HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED AND SEEDED. (SEE NOTE 10 BELOW) 2, ALL PERMANENT DITCHES AND SWALES SHALL BE STABILIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATION SECTION 02921 SEEDING, PRIOR TO DIRECTING RUNOFF TO THEM. 3. CLEAR AND DISPOSE OF DEBRIS AT STATE APPROVED LANDFILL APPROVED BY THE i § CONTRACTING OFFICER'S REPRESENTATIVE. ` 4. GRADE AND GRAVEL ROADWAYS AND PARKING AREAS. ALL ROADS AND PARKING SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY AFTER GRADING. 2 5. BEGIN PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY SEEDING/SODDNG AND MULCHING. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THEIR CONSTRUCTION. 6. FINISH PAVING ALL ROADWAYS AND PARKING LOTS. 7. INSPECT AND MAINTAIN ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES. 8. COMPLETE PERMANENT SEEDING/SODDING AND LANDSCAPING (EXCEPT IN BIORETENTION AREAS). 9. REMOVE TRAPPED SEDIMENTS FROM COLLECTOR DEVICES AS APPROPRIATE AND THEN REMOVE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 10 . CONSTRUCT BIORETENTION AREAS. SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 02931L AND SHEET CZ021 FOR DETAILS. P T[Iff I -NOTE: THE AREA OF BARE SOIL EXPOSED AT ANY ONE TIME BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHOULD BE HELD TO A MINIMUM, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATION SECTION 01355. MAXIMUM AREA OF DISTURBANCE OPEN AT ANY TIME SHALL BE 5 ACRES. ..NOTE : STABILIZATION PRACTICES SHALL BE INITIATED AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE, BUT NO m MORE THAN 14 DAYS, IN ANY PORTION OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES m HAVE TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATION ? w 9 SECTION 01356. o . 'n of Z ? LL ea F s EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. STABILIZED DITCHES `HALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. a Z w o 2. STOCKPILED MATERIALS SHALL BE SURROUNDED BY SILT ? i z ¢ FENCE TO CONTAIN SEDIMENT, < n o a 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE CAUTION IN THE PROJECT Y F 0 CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATION LIMITING DISTURBANCE IN AREAS OUTSIDE THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS. ANY AREAS Cn w DISTURBED BEYOND THESE LIMITS SHALL BE k PROTECTED TO PREVENT EROSION PER SPECIFICATIONS. e 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO CLEAN OUT (REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM( SILT FENCE, ROCK SILT CHECKS, A AND ROCK SILT TRAPS WHENEVER THEY BECOME ONE-HALF FULL, AND DISPOSE OF THE MATERIAL AT A STATE APPROVED 4 LANDFILL APPROVED BY THE CONTRACTING OFFICER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 5. ALL EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES WILL BE CHECKED AND READJUSTED AS NECESSARY AFTER EVERY RAIN EVENT. _J 6. ALL EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES WILL BE REMOVED AT THE O 0 (/7) COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OR WHEN TURF IS ESTABLISHED AND NO ERODIABLE SURFACES EXIST. - 0-- W 7. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED PER Cn SPECIFICATION SECTION 01356. B. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A COPY OF THE EROSION Z 414D SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN (OR STORM WATER POLLUTION O a PREVENTION PLAN) IN THEIR CONSTRUCTION - Z TRAILER, PER SPECIFICATION SECTION 00800. W U 9. PRIOR TO COMMENCING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES IN AREAS OTHER THAN INDICATED ON THESE PLANS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A SUPPLEMENTAL EROSION CONTROL PLAN (OR STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANT TO THE OWNER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY. 6 10. TEMPORARY DITCHES SHALL BE INSTALLED ONCE THE TOPSOIL IS STRIPPED, AND MAINTAINED UNTIL THE STORM SEWER AND PARK114C LOT SUBBASE 1S INSTALLED. U N ? o S 7 f N ) ) 7 U p n N w Z CL 6 Sheet reference number. CE 110 Sr-1 af ... DAIS: 01-J L'N -2CCG 14:54 cn r• T•,.?...7,a rrn.n,,.,n............f ....Y._n..,.,,n .__ urrvni VALUE ENGi NEEKIND - II PAYS A B C D E F G H 12° nIN. -F wA ' J 1 73' MIN. NOTES, s - 1 BUT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP I.PUT SILT FENCE OR TREE PROTECTION FENCE UP SEDIMENT ON SITE TO ENSURE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IS USED. DEWATERING CONCRETE BLOCK US Arrny Caps of Engineers I= A:2. IF CONSTRUCTION ON THE SITES ARE SUCH THAT , ?':a•; `,;;;l rF":°.' :?a>G'. THE MUD IS NOT REMOVED BY THE VEHICLE TRAVEL- ?---? .A <, o>a •n , Louisville District _ A ? WEIR WIDTH: SEDIMENT TRAP •1 10 FEET SEDMENT TRAP •2 : 4 FEET NCDOT 'ST WASHED EARTH STONE EMBANKMENT s _ G- ` ^01'•+2'3' STONE TO BE USER.^^ ]NO OVER THE STONE, THEN THE TIRES OF THE 25' OR WIDTH DF XISTING •"?-°rISUAGE STONE OR RAILROH VEHICLES MUST BE WASHED BEFORE ENTERING THE -1 •. _ ?t PROPOSED STREET, PUBLIC ROAD. ROADWAY r?BALLASTrr^.?;, WHICHEVER IS '•'•+'•i?%"'?':?.?-^=H°'!'•`i4J^ •?--%Y• GREATER. 3. IF A PROJECT CONTINUES TO PULL MUD AND DEBRIS ^•?.+.'.::-••+:;::. ?' ?.:%.••, ON TO THE PUBLIC ROAD, THE TOWN WILL CLEAN THE •`i:;+?^??.<?(a:•i-tom .?'.?, AREA AND INVOICE THE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PERSON AS INDICATED ON THE FINANCIAL RESPCNS- IBILITY FORM. THE MINIMUM FEE THE TOWN OF CARY WILL CHARGE TO CLEAN THE STREETS WILL BE $329 FCR THE FIRST HOUR AND $223 FOR EACH HOU TI iERCAFTEll. PLAN = j, E ,i3 rm _ 'M'':?. . .I..': ¦'' - GP ?3 ?S : a A •? p gN• ' -?_ o . 0 -? R • U -? / ,9 t o 0 4 ?lL>z'OmQ..oo? ? o. - - F 2 NCDOT ASS RIPRAP CLASS t? CLASS 1 APRON A UNDISTURBED AREA 5 FT. MIN. FLOW 2 2 NCOOT •57 WASHED WEIR CR STONE 2 FEET A, NCDOT -57 t - APRON WASHED STONE 5' MIN. 15' MIN. 11 NEW CCNSTRUCTIO!J? EXISTING ROADWA J-? :?? '•''• •• •• ?.• + -7,7 12- MIN. 6' H1N ?.••;?,::; `r; ?;`•• >? •' 17 -VA//AA/???A? AYi?/?A?%?••• >? •% 'i0 V\\\?\\?? - \\/\\ \/?-.,. i?: /:?;; ?i/?r,;;.? FABRIC U'N'DER STONE - :1 SLOPE. GRAVEL FILTER WIPE SCREEN I TEMPORARY SEDIMENT -? POOL DEWATER ING _ - ? « 4-+•I 'MIN. 2 3 FILTER OPTION: CLOTH A 12 INCH LAYER OF NCDOT •57 WASHED STONE MAY BE PLACED ON THE UPSTREAM EXCAVATE FOR SIDE OF THE RIPRAP IN PLACE OF IHE AEC'J FRED STORAGE EMBEDDED FILTER CLOTH AS INDICATED IN N PLANS SECTION A STONE SEDIMENT TRAP CROSS SECTION EMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ---- 2' MAX, . 1 FE3...-1?_,=J1?1 .: •T - ill=li-1L?11=1HC J 'll?!!=jlj={!!?'j-1!_}'.':.• "'?I1?=j,'I_T'?r=-b7._•.; sEDInLN---"' -'il-,IL-ITCF••' HII? 0 q w a z LL a I? OW LEVEL SET TO T BY-PASS FLOW x f NOTES. % 1. TEMPCRARY SILT DITCH TO BE USED WHERE TO[ OF FILL SLOPES EXCEEDS 3 FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND ALONG STREAMS TO INTERCEPT FLOW ar;D/OR DIVERT TO A CONTROLLED OUTLET. 2. SILT SHALL BF BEMOCED WHEN SILT DITCH IS CNE-HALF FULL. 3. DITCH SHALL BE RECONSTRUCTED WHEN DAMAGED BY EQUIPMENT OR COVERED AY FILL ONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. LAY ONE BLOCK ON EACH SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE ON ITS SIDE IN T HE BOTTOM RCW TO ALLOW POOL DRAINAGE. THE FOUh'OATION SHOULD BE EXCAVATED AT LEAST 2 INCHES BELOW THE CREST OF THE STORM DRAIN. PLACE THE BOT10N AOY DF BLGCKS AGAINST THE EDGE OF THE STORM DRAIN FOR LATERAL SUPPORT a 7 m vi k Q N m X O F p < p i s y t o OCCURS. O 0I S F W IF NEEEDED GI VE LATERAL SUPPORT TO SUBSEQUENT 4 2' MIN. ROWS BY PLACING 2 X 4 WOOD STUDS THROUGH BLOCK OPENINGS. L FABRIC GEOTEXTRE FA 7 FILTAAT FABRIC F0. N - WASTE MATERIAL-COMPACT, VAR. SEED & MULCH AFTER CONSTRUCTICN OF DITCH -71111 -_ ,-M%'.:'•: +; •????,v;?:. i!-_ .v`-^?T?=`^••-=1V"•. =_-_= 1-1 =_VAR. t•,4H' - 1 - I- - -1 =1 I- -y -IIHI l II-II =I m III- Hof D' - 2' 2°Y - _i--T-i-i l 11 11 1111 -III=III-III= (-1I =1 - li IEll II I I1=1! 1-? - - - =1I-1 - - VIII-'' 2. CAREFULLY FIT HARDWARE CLOTH OR COMPARAELE WIRE MESH WITH 1/2-INCH OPENINGS OVER ALL BLOCK CPENINGS TO HOLD GRAVEL IN PLACE. 3. USE CLEAN GRAVEL, 3/4- TO I/2-INCH IN DIAMETER, PLACED 2 INCHES BELOW THE TOP OF THE BLOCK ON A 2:1 SLOPE R LAT ER AND 0 F T SMOOTH IT TO AN EVEN GRADE. DOT •57 WASHED STONE IS RECOMMENCED. z Z O '^ 0 v/f-Q I--. W Z w W N 0-1 0 WU =III-11 LIE II= BLOCK AND GRAVEL DROP INLET PROTECTION SLOPE -' DIKE TO PREVENT ERS ANW L 1c" IN E HIGH TH TEMPORARY SILT DITCH , PROTECTION 5 I y z a ? ? r N ? LL 0 p O p FABRIC INLET PROTECTION FIP ' n < ? a Z a a 6 Sheet reference I number. CZ012 SHeet -- a1- -- DG 4 4 4 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS.. FILE: T:?,ro;xR000<Con-DocS?SheetSt'.ivll•rccOczOl2.Cgn 2 3 5 6 CONCRETE CURB FABRIC A STORM WATER INLET BOWL OR CATCH BASIN CORBEL -/ BASKET CURB INLET BCI FIRST PLACED BINDINGS 12 FEET MIN n 12 INCH MIN. NCDOT '57 M ?f WASHED STONE .?IUOO? a?.'a., 59 vU ' ? NCDOT •5 SECT IONO "" ED STONE SILT FENCE ROCK OVERFLOW TOP OF STAKE NEARLY FLUSH WITH TOP OF BALE DRIVE STAKE TOWARDS 3 FT. LONG SECTION ADJACENT BALE TO OF 2'X 2•HARDWOOD FORCE BALES TOGETHER STAKES STRAW BALE DAM 58D GRAVE MIN. 10 GA. LINE WIRE F- I ROCK FILTER DAM 2' 12 INCH MIN, jV:2H, NCOOT •57 - ------ 14 FEET (VARIES WASHED STONE BASED ON UPSTREAM FLOW H; t s•- CHANNEL ;CONDITIONS). `ROCK FILL NCDOT RIPRAP CLASS 2 SECTION A ROCK FILTER DAM RF SOD (PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO FLOW) 3; A -rz 50 -' F TEMPORARY DITCH DETAIL 8' MAX. VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER II i X ? ?S ' tjl SI IN T FE rAL NCE i (~1 =T= FRONT VIEWt N')TE, USE SILT FENCE ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA DOES NOT EXCEED 1/4 ACRE AND NEVER IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW STANDARD TEMPORARY SILT FENCE SIDE VIEW FOR REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES. USE NO. 57 WASHED STONE. FOR ANCHOR WHEN SILT FENCE IS PROTECTING CATCH BASIN. TOP ELEVATION OF STORMWATER 0.5,-I SHED MAX. ?ISTONE p DESIGN OF SPILLWAYS Zf N EXISTING SLOPE -Yi_ DRAINAGE AREA WEIR LENGTd _ E - (ACRES) (FT) •1 RIP- RA 1 4.0 VARIES 2 60 3 B..0 4 10.0 5 12.0 1 DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIM'-SIDE VIEW l EXISTING SLOPES, S FRONT VIEW STONE SILT CHECK NOTE: HEIGHT 6 WIDTH DETERMINED BY EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND SEDIMENT STORAGE REQUIRED. KEYED RIP RAP KEY RIP RAP INTO THE DAM FOR STABILIZATION. •S WASHED STONE "'SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' AYS"• STEEL POST WOVEN WIRE FABRIC ?SILT FENCE FABRIC 'm NI N. 12-112 GA. FILL SLOPE INTERMEDIATE WIRES n N z N?-= GRACE j1f\? GRACE 6' MIN. COVER OVER SKIRT iIT IT ANCHOR SKIRT AS I ?. 111 DIRECTED BY ENGINEER DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:2 FILE: T-proj+R000+Con_Dccs•Sreo i s FC 1. 1 w ccOciO n m a o w J Z n z' a PLL - 7 Q Z ? U a z ° i 0 2i Q s 0 O Y i N U O = a zw p ? ? o 3 Y ?? zJ 0 co 0 O 0zF-?~ O W N w C) 0 V! Z o x 0 Q )N N = 11 U ? Q ? o n w Z ? J a Q tt Sheet reference number. CZ013 Sheet of TO BE USED IN THE LOWEST SECTION OF THE SILT FENCE WHERE THERE WILL BE CONCENTRATED FLOW US Army Corps of Engineers Louisn7e District "'SAFETY PAYS"' n G 3 I ?x 7 I' I - I G m ¢ m c d n ? Y a ? §LL QQ „ w z ? O 1 ? N m Z ? Q m ¢ S ?x o a o a ?rE¢ g= ? oN3UgU HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZOOI to FLAT CONCRETE CURB, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ017 1I < 1VI _ 0 LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, SEE DETAIL, SH.CZ001 tv MULTI-USE PATH, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZOIB 0 CONCRETE PAVEMENT, SEE DETAILS, SH. CZ001 & CZ005 O CONCRETE SIDEWALK, SEE DETAILS SH. CZ018 5 Os WHEELCHAIR RAMP, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ022. O CHAIN LINK SECURITY FENCE (FE-6-TR-72), SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ009 & CZOIO 0 AUTOMATED TRAFFIC ARM, SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ106 O FLAGPOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ015 O DUMPSTER PAD ENCLOSURE, SEE DETAILS, ARCHITECTURAL SHEETS. to WASH RACK, SEE DETAIL SH. tt LIGHTED BOLLARD, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ017 u BOLLARD, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ017 B t7 STOP SIGN, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ014 to OIL WATER SEPARATOR, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ008 is PAVEMENT STRIPING, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ014 t6 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER (30"), SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ017 t2 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER (24"). SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ017 20 MANUAL CANTILEVER CHAIN-LINK SLIDE GATE, - SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ011 2t TYPE III OBJECT MARKER SIGN, SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ014 GENERAL NOTES: _ 22 NOT USED 1. SITE IS APPROX. 18.3 ACRES. 2. POV PARKING: 142 SPACES as NC 55 TURN LANE PAVEMENT. SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ001 (INCLUDES 3 HANDICAP SPACES) PRECAST B P APPROX. 3667 SO. YDS. 21 UM ER CURB, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ014 3. MEP PARKING LOT: APPROX. 7222 SO. YDS. ASPHALT 25 RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION, SEE DETAIL SH. CZ015 APPROX. 983 SO. YDS. CONCRETE 26 BIORETENTION AREA. SEE DETAILS. SH. CZ021 4. ACCESS ROADS: AND SPEC. SECTION 02931L. APPROX. 13887 SO. YDS. ASPHALT APPROX. 521 SO. YDS. CONCRETE n MEP GRAVEL PERIMETER, SEE DETAIL, SH., SH. CZ017 5. CONCRETE SIDEWALK: APPROX. 1036 S0. YDS. 28 FACILITY SIGN, SEE DETAILS, ARCHITECTURAL SHEETS. 6. RADIUS DIMENSIONS ARE TO BOTTOM 29 BARRIER CABLE. SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ016. FACE OF CURB. 7. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET. ao DRAINAGE PIPES, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ019. 8. SEE SH. CPIO0 FOR PAVING PLAN. at HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ014. 9. SEE SH. CJ1OO FOR CONCRETE JOINT LAYOUT. 32 PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ015. -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' FO 20 0 _ EO 120FT SCALE 1"• EO' Z JQ JJ Q? WW > F_ C) r-4 U N Z o x Q ))o N = li Z) o ? t m Q ? a N W Z Z) (L Sheet reference number. CS100 Sheet _ ct Z) J Q Z LL "m US Arrr,y Corps of Eng, i rs Louisville District 1 2 4 5 B'. I I I N I I i I EGEND c8 a CATCH BASIN YI ? YARD INLET 0so OUTLET STRUCTURE I H9f? HEADWALL a I "* SANITARY MANHOLE 0 -.CVL C NTRACTOR O W LIMITS W I 0 SITE NOTE. SEE x I Vl SHEET CSIO0 m ZI C.O. • CLEANOUT I )Z( LIGHT POLE SEE . S ELECTRICAL SHEETS I Z I 107 i 104 I ' 01 10 -1 ? g E-H 2 i- - I - 109 i 106 I C? c o ? Y J N a YLL w Z 5 O O y i = N Q Z o Q ! m Co I E2 Co > O Q o? S V ? U Z -- Q J w ? o WW F- w x N (n V U N Z o I Z) C )N) N I LL 0 ¢ I ? ¢ ? o ul w Z Sheet reference number: CS101 J Q f- I- m U) J Q Z_ U- L. o'. p,N M Us Army Caps of Engineers Louisville District - n z so ISO Cl) C :jagwnu CO aouWalal laagS D r A o C, D m 2 70 w , O O A i-- Z m o ? C o Z U) CI ?V) x m Mm n ?D •• Z O 74 No o xo ?Y ?3 'D C) xY Z m n w I A CD D O Z t In C > T. O O ': z m c e Do li A r ? O f !, N o ° 0 C6 w pgsi0 apusirrol vaau15u340 sd,co A-rv, sn '® ?I ob Ds D of Dz S133HS lV31810313 33S '310d 1HO11 001SO 133HS llVMOV3H BAH 33S '31ON 3115 SIIWI1 YHOA 38nio1H1S 1311no Oso H010Va1N00 •- 131N1 08VA ¦I1 31OHNVW A8V11NVS rNVS NISVS HOlVO M 97 ON3931 - - - - - - - BS ZB'Lt11'LLO'z 3 ' ' ' 6L ZbZ (£D Z 3 ZZ'SIO'OSL N 1 90L ` 60L L to "L I I DL 1.0 L I tEIL' 09'986'!1O'Z 3 1 ' . 69'ZCO'OSL N -- 9L b bL 1 L Lt'6WLEO'Z 3 - 81 p 66'150'OSL N 1 g.7 1 " SI p p LL I p S133HS lv8n17311H78V 33S - SL at N " 3S8no0 8310 IOS )(7189 N l i0 ! N U 0 1 9 ?? I of I l o ` ' ' ' 'S ° a V C1 806 L EO Z 3 1 Idll) lds > .O OZ'OOI'OSL N o I (dill bL LL CL I LdW ,12 Id1j1 ZZ 81 Bl I I a N 0 £9'Z!b'LCO'Z 3 ' 0'05( 19'65 N 19'10b'LEO'Z 3 9Z'2II10SL N b bL v ° ° 5'g9£ N 10'S86'LEO'Z 3 ' , v ? ° 1 - a p d p SI.990'OSi N . ° ?JN1a11t19 r a ` ' ' v v ° p ? ° ltl81 1 _ _ _ s 61 blb LtD z 3 ? ? ° gNIN b 90'901'OSL N s y L b 1 ^od 9L gt IL'SBb'LLO'Z 3 9 ' ' L,NI Natld 61 .0CS'1t0'Z 3 b l b£1 OSL N ; 1 bBLCOIICOSL N SZ'I 'I NI I I L ?I 2 ` O ? srb Z m / n I SZ SL -' I 0 N ? e` I bI0Z7 'HS I 33S '83dY1 I B8ni '13 E L O I it 1 \ - S133HS 1Y8n17311 RD 8Y 33S 'W80d1Y1d 310dOY13 YS'•°° " ?L9'IOS'LLO'Z 3 !6'i51'DSL N !f'ZSS'LCO'Z 3 SC'915'Lf0'Z 3 1B'B6t'If0'Z 3 Sb'6SI'OSL N 96•L91'OSL N 60.661.OSL N Off' a 1 9L m C01 H \ IZ'60£'!£0'Z 3 61'F05'1C0'Z 3 tt'061'05L N SL'COZ'OSL N • \ \ Ll \ \ to H FS'OLb'110'Z 3 \ ? \ )(70 Ib'OZZ'OSL N a 1 L 9L•BSb'LEO'Z 3 001 \ 1-b IA o 1 ONIOY 1a !l'OFZ•OSL N I \ bl•OCC'tto'Z 3 Q ` "J OE•ObZ'OSL N 6E'ZOS'!EO'L 3 a a,+ E6•SWOSL N bIOZ7 'HS '11Y130 33S 1 4 '83dY1 88n7 '13 Of a 1 9C'6FS'(LO'Z 3 L b? O Ob'S9Z'0 L N I I a a 1 56'009'1 CO'Z 3 CE'S66•LFO'Z 3 m ° 01.OZt'OSL N 19.16Z'OSL N N 1 I 6I N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N 0 Z3 SL N S133HS 1Y8n17311H78Y? 335 'llYl1 DN1N 3387S 10 1 1N3Nd03 1Y01NYH03. _ IB•901'L£0', 3 9Z'L10'OSL N 1 ? CS'ZOI'LiD'Z 3 IZ'Z80'L£0'Z 3 N LS•ZSO.OSL N LZ•bS0'OSL N 1 b 1 ? aI r ' p 66'LBD'LCO'Z 3 A !6'090.051 N •09 ' T St OZO 'xS 'llY130 A 1 33S 'x1111 1111-\ ?- V9 OI vL-j v O 1 c v 6L •,Sl ti v r? b v v v 7 v v v EC•1911Lt0'Z 3 LB'S61'Lt0'Z 3 OS'OOV OSL N sri, 'OSL N Ivoa SS3:):)tl D p. 0 BI _ o a IrOIS:) 133HS 3NI1 H:)IVW ...SAVd A133VS... \ 1 I 'S I n 1 2 • !0'6FI'LFO'Z 3 r - 9S'b91 'OSL N 1 _ 2 OS•Btl'aO,z 3 1 = fS'691'DSL N m 1 SZ'FYI'!CO'Z 3 N 96'ILI'OSL N o I ? /I / I / I / I I '1C0'Z 3 / 9L fZ'OSL N 1 - 50 I I O I I g` - - - - - - - I I - - ; I9 5 V E z I 2 3 4 5 6 I CB ® CATCH BASIN YI 0 CURB INLET _I 0s0 OUTLET STRUCTURE HWSA HEADWALL nH? SANITARY MANHOLE - C CONTRACTOR WORK LIMITS SHEETNCSIOOSEE C.O.• CLEANOUT )2( LIGHT POLE. SEE ELECTRICAL SHEETS 101 104 f 01 10 2 i 109 I 106 I -SAFETY PAYS"' "SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' a o a 0 I 2 I I 1L O 2 iB p0V PARKING 15 18 SPACES_?? I I IC3 C3_ I? W N W I; 1= u I? I I I I I I 20 70 0 20 4DFT SCALE: V- 20' DATE: 12-MAY-7006 12:24 FILE: T:*proj.RCCO?Con_Docs*Sheets*Civi l+rcc Ocs106.dgn m 0 0 n Y a FP li - a _ W Z 5 ? O y a Z O N Q m m a x c 02 O S? Q i AV) 6 Z ? o Ww ?- w x N V 0 wr L o 2 ? Q O N 2 Q Zm) O ? < o U) w Z a . J H- Sheet reference m i) number CS106 a Z Sheet _ N u- m US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District 1 2 5 6 -SAFETY PAYS- LEGEND CB ® CATCH BASIN Y1 0 YARD INLET N 0S0 OUTLET STRUCTURE I HW? HEADWALL SN SANITARY MANHOLE - CONTRACTOR WORK LIMITS I SITE NOTE. SEE SHEET CSIO0 C.O.0 CLEANOUT jZ LIGHT POLE. SEE ELECTRICAL SHEETS I 107 I ' ? 104 III 01 2 109 I 106 !, I I I I I I a I„ Iu W I= Iz IJ I= IF I I I I I I I 25 0 l? '- 3 nom' I I N 750.324.21 t00' 26 HM 4-4 _ E 2.036.745.11 I?_-_ --- \Xx -.--- --------,--------? 0 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T-?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 - / - - - - - - - - - - - - MATCH LINE SHEET CS108 20 10 0 20 40FT SCALE: I"• 20' -- DAIE• 12-MAY-2006 12.24 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING • IT PAYS- FILE: T:-prof-RCCO-Con-Docs*Sheets-Civil*r m C9 o a O v J p ? II a Fu .a € o a W Z Y ? O i co Z O Q •+ ? I , co m < z `; ou 6U P ti Z Q 04 J ti WW F- w x V) V U y Z o I N Q N I () 7 Q ? I ? fY Q O N W Z J Sheet reference in in number. Z) CS107 Q Z sr?r _ a LL 0 US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District -SAFETY PAYS- B C E1 E F G H 1 3 - - -MATCH LINE SHEET CS107 M 5-2 I -p 5_T N 750,316.00 N 750,321.00 , I U Caps E 2,036,744,93 E 2,036,873.87 E 2,036,834.05 of Engineers N 750,319.22 N 150.291.81 I - - - - - - Louisville District 10' 26 - - - - 4p-11 27 E 2,036,951.92 217.28' I N N 750,300.28 E 2,036,714.78 •O° X O• X COORDINATE SITE GRADING AND X FENCE CONSTRUCTION TO MAINTAIN r' MAX. 2" CLEARANCE BELOW GATE 0 00 ° 00 00 o0 ° ° 00 O ° n° on. ° °o a °o LEGEND BI-LEVEL N 750,282.70 20 0 ° N 750,272.34 RAMP E 2,036,851.99 18 m , I CS c= CATCH BASIN ° o E 2,036.777.82 N 750,257.22 ¢ 15 E 2,036,851.08 Y[ 0 YARD INLET OSC1 OUTLET STRUCTURE ^ X70• ?( 13 SPACES o 91=177' in ° ? O 0.1 9MW HEADWALL ' m r TYF - 18 SMHN? SANITARY MANHOLE o ° r - - 93 1 u - CONTRACTOR v 0 ^ " ° 20' I y 2 WORK LIMITS N 150,211.05 Q SITE NOTE, SEE ° O E 2,037,006.26 I SHEET CSIO0 19 O I ° C Q N 750,240.12 I C.O. A CLEANOUT 11 SPACES it f01=110' x •o E 2,036,971.47 ' ° MEP LOT a u / OYI 4-3 TMA n 27 o ° N 750,227.16 / LIGHT POLE, SEE N 750.157.54 ne 0 C E 2,037,027.16 ' ELECTRICAL SHEETS E 2,o3c,e5i.o2 22' O 6 ti / I o ° .I / o ? D 6 m zo n o o N 750,154.15 0 O X E 2,036,934.97 / ~ a n$ LL X° ° ° 11 SPACES a t0'=110' 20' / / IN o a € 28' N 750,136.75 MEP SPACES PROVIDED C> - E 2,036,934.33 /" IW z 9' x 15' 13 SPACES 1) SPACES a 10'=too' N / " IJ o 0 10' x 18' 32 SPACES ° 10' x 20' - 24 SPACES N 750,113.57 N 150,157.17 N 750,153.27 IU a z ]0' x 22' 14 SPACES E 2,036,855.45 E 2,036,867.44 E 2.036.999.15 Q m m ao Y 10' x 25' 1 SPACE OMS 10' x 32' 1 SPACE ° °X 12 X o FFE=363.5 o I oN a" a 85 TOTAL SPACES N 750.113.19 O I N 750.110.78 I g 1 $ 3 A 4 --------------------------La--------------- MATCH LINE SHEET CS109 N 750 073 41 , , N 750,071.47 E 2.0 6.932. E 2,037,055.87 IJ "- , 33 ?? a ? t 0 O a Z. 0I 3 IJ • COORDINATE SITE GRADING AND SAN 3- FENCE CONSTRUCTION TO MAINTAIN 3_2 27 MAX. 2" CLEARANCE BELOW GATE Z? Q m J LL o m w ~ w I- w x Ln 61 107 I ' 104 I I 01 10 2 109 106 "SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' N 750.027.41 I E 2.036.930.42 I I N Z o N J Q . I yI? Q J I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? o N W Z ? J d J 20 10 0 20 4OFT 1- Sheet SCALE: 1"• 20' reference 03 number. CS108 Q z Sr-t - of U- UAIL: 12-MAY-2006 12:24 FILE: T:*proj*R000-Con-Docs*Sheets*C i vi lG9 "y -SAFETY PAYS"' ---MATCH LINE SHEET CS108 - - -------------- ------------ ---- ---- - -------- ?' --- ONS O a O a O ° a '0 a, 1-3 C7 27 E 2,036,703.68 6 -?-X X-- n=z *SAN MH 1-4 N 749,981.01 E 2,036,940.77 NEW SANITARY C SEWER LIFT 26 STATION 1-5 N 749.955.84 ' N 749,952.46 -4 E 2.036.875.27 3= - - - _ E 2,036,965.44 0 100' YI 6-1 N 749,948.67 ` - - N 749.945.46 E 2,036,875.25 - - - ' - - - - - - _. _ E 2.036.965. 19 6.3 HN 6-2 lu G 25 1 3 4 LEGEND CB ® CATCH BASIN YI 17 YARD INLET Osp OUTLET STRUCTURE HW B HEADWALL SHHNO SANITARY MANHOLE 6 --CL - CONTRACTOR WORK LIMITS SITE NOTE, SEE SHEET CS100 C.0.0 CLEANOUT JZ LIGHT POLE, SEE ELECTRICAL SHEETS 107 I 104 I 01 10 - 2 109 106 i i i I N I I I I- - I I I I? W ~ I W W I ? u Q . I m m o Y o .? s Q ?, LL N G ? k a w Z O O y i on z o m a x cr c A-J ? c Z -• d ? m WW f- w N (n V U I mZo O ? N I ` Q a? o ?2 N W Z I 7?a I I 20 10 0 20 40FT I 7",Sheel SCALE 20' I DATE: 12-NAY-2006 12:24 "'SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS", ILE: T:wproj-RCCO;«Con_ROCS-Sheets-Civil.rccOcs109.dgn US Army Carps of Engmeers Louisville OishNi "'SAFETY PAYS"' UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION (INCLUDING IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION) GROUP FIELD IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOL TYPICAL NAMES (EXCLUDING PARTICLES LARGER THAN 3 INCHES LABORATORY CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA AND BASING FRACTIONS ON ESTIMATED WEIGHTS) 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 WELT--GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES, WIDE PANGS IN GRAIN SIZES AND SUBSTANTIAL C GREATER THAN4 w GW LITTLE OF NO FINES. MOUNTS OF ALL INTERMEDIATE PARTICLE SIZES. U D 10 ' w ' 4 POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS GF0.VC -$q 9 I T R PREDOM' NANT (D 17 C a? b GP , n I M X U ES. ? LY ONE SIRE OR A RANGE OF SIZES WITH IH i J i C • 30 BETWEEN ONE AND 3 a LITTLE OR NO FINES. SOME INTERMEDIATE SIZES MISSING. - DIO X D60 a oo j p o u NOi MEETING ALL GRADATION REQUIREMENTS FOR GIN i m w y GA SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL SAND SILT MIXTURES. NONPLASTIC FNES OF FINES WITH LOW PLASTICITY N a " " _ Hw a~ 3 N - 3 w a (FOR IOCNrFICATION PROCEDURES SFF MI AFI OI LL N ti 0 0 N u ATTCRBERG LIMBS BROW A LINE WITH PI LESS THAN 4 ABOVE 'A"LINE WITH PI BETWEEN 4 AND 7 r0 _ - a N N z_ ARE BORDERLINE CASES w rc _ GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY MATURES PLASTIC FINES (FOR IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES AITERBERG I ABOVE "P"LINE REOUIRING USE OF DUAL rc ? 1?N - a SEE CL BELOW). U WITH PI GREATER THAN 7 SYMBOLS, 27 N p W w? r WELL-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR WIDE RANGE IN GRAIN SIZE AND SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNTS J C u C ? GREATER THANE 0 0 _ SW NO FMCS. OF ALL INTERMEDIATE PARTICLE SIZES. _ u U D10 a0 n _ p w ID o - _ w P POORLY-GRADED ANDS GRAVE: LY SAOS LITTLE OH PREDOMNMTIY DINE SIZE OR A RANGE Of SIZES C 30? BETWEEN ONE AND 7 • W N ?? o U S NO FINES. WITH SON' INTERMEDIATE SIZES MISSING. w? C D10 X 0 60 0? r` u U N i z \ u NOT MEETING ALL GRADATION REQUIREMENTS FOR SW a '' _ LL S. SILTY SANDS SANOSRT MIXTURES NpNPLASTIC FINES OR FINES WITH PLASTICITY 0 - 4 , , (FOR IDENTIFICATION PROCEDUF[$ SCE ML AEIONII. ? o gTTCRBCRC IMITS BELOW "A"I.ME LiM ITS PLOTTING M a ' o w i W'TH P LESS THAN 4 HTCHEO ZONE WITH 3 .? o w } rc z PI BETWEEN 4 AND 7 ,- tt Sc CLAYEY SANDS, AND-CLAY MIXTURES. PLASTIC FINES (FOR IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES o n ATTERBERG LIMITS ABOVE "A" LINE ARE BORDFFLINC CASES - Z? N a SEE CL PCLO. WITH % GREATER THAN 1 PEOURING USC OF DUAL SYMBOLS. IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES - vi n ON FRACTION SMALLER THAN N0. 40 SIEVE SIZE. DRY SIHtNGD( CILATANCY TOUGHNESS (CRUSHING (REACTION (CONSISTENCY T CHARACTERISTICS) TO SHAPING) MAR RE) - u INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS.ROCK o r ML FLOUR SILLY OR CLAYEY FINE S N R 60 n a , A DS O NONE TO St IGHi QUICK 10 SLOW NONE p N CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY. CCMPARING SOILS AT FGOAL IIOUID IMF 7000HN[SS AND DR IR H, INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, N _ _ 5D Y S ENGIH "I WITH INCREASING PLASTICITY INDEX w 0 CC GRAVELLY CI.AYS,SNlCY CLAYS, Stl.1Y CLAYS, MEDIUM TO HIGH NO E TO VERY SLEW MEDIUM - t J LEM CLAYS. rc ¢ ? f. o w 4 x C H- Yd ~ OL ORGANIC SILTS No ORGANIC sLTr CLAYS OF Low acnr to - ° P - rc a PLASTICITY. ; M[OIIM SLOW SLIGHT 30 Zf= OH w y 3 MH INOPGawC D'C OR DIATOMACEOUS SLIGHT 10 LIGHT 'O ? F - - - & M = H o - FINE SANDY Y OR-SILTY SOIi S. ELASTIC SILTS. MEDIUM STOW TO NOME MEDIUM ¢ 20 a - H. W, 0 a ?x CL 0 ix CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS. HIGH TO VERY NONE HIGH ID HIGH ; J CL-MI? ML ORGANIC CLAYS Of MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, NONE To VERY sL1GHT To 0 NO 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 9D 16 3 OH ORGANIC SL75- MEDIUM TO HIGH SLOW MEDIUM LIQUID LIMIT PLASTICITY CHART HIGHLY ORGANIC SOUS RE PCAi AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS. READILY IDENTIFIED BY COLOR, ODOR, SPONGY FEEL MO FREOUCNTLY BY FIBROUS TEXTURE. FOR LABORATORY CLASSIFICATION OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS LEGEND F T FILL TOP SOIL WP WELL PONE DIAG DIAGONAL OF OVFRBURDEN IYf7 - WEATHERED ALT ALTERNATING (SEE GEN. NOIE /) W7 WITH VERT VERTICAL SS - SANDSTONE GR GRAIN HOR HORIZONTAL SH SHALE OCC OCCASIONAL FRAC FRACTURE SLS SILTSTONE BO - BEOCCD OR BTUS Ili CROSSBEDDING LS LIMESTONE INTEO INTERBEDDED SP .. SEAR PLANE CO - COAL I ON LAMIN AS V/J VERTICAL JOINT UC UNCERCLAY XLYN CRYSTALLINE JT JOINT IC INDURATED CI AT ARCS ARGILLACEOUS SOL SOLUTION DOL DOLOMITE V III VERY BLACK ?.A,. ? ''/ / f CAVITY (OPEN CON CONGLOMERATE BR - BROWN I ? / J /f OR FILLED) OTZ QUARTZ GRY GRAY MICA MICACEOUS ROD ROCK OUALIIY DESIGNATION FLU BILE STY 57YLOLITIC NCO NODULES CRN GREEN HIP BEDDING PLAE GRAV GRAVEL OR GRAVELLY F/W FRCS WATER LT' LIGHT YFL YFIIOw - I - DN DARK OB/P OPEN ELUDING PLANE N A w GH ANGLE CAL CALCAREOUS P EZ PEZOMETER IS MOD - SLIGHTLY MODERATELY CARBO CARBONACEOUS POH TOR BOTTOM OF HOLE TOP OF ROCK MCI( MEDIUM fRCO FREQUENT ST SINN, STAINED rR TRACE FOS FOSSILEERCUS AND ANGULAR HD HARD CMTD CEMENTED MIND RO UNDED ROUNDED NUN I "JMEROUS MOT MOTTLED X-RAY DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS N FRAG FRAGMENTS (SEE GENERAL NOTE 11) WOR WEIGHT OF RODS B 13ENTONITE WOH WEIGHT OF HAMMER WT WEIGHT - VIS VISCOSITY (MARSH) CORRELATION OF PENETRATION RESISTMJCE (ASTM D 1586) WITH RELATIVE DENSITY AND CONSISTENCY PENETRATION RCSISTANCE,N RELATIVE DENSITY BIOY$ Ott fool 0 - 4 very Loose 5 10 Loose SADS AND 11 - 30 1 Dense GRAVELS 31 - 50 C,- C- SO very 0- METHODS OF EYPLORATION VEL SEISMIC S SHELBY TUBE OR PISTON SAMPIER HA HAND AUGER A POWER AUGER C COPE BORING D - DRIVE SAMPLER F FISHTAIL U UNDISTURBED BENSON IN WASH BORING T TRENCH TP TEST PIT R ROCK BIT P - PROBE ROD GENERAL NOTES 1, REFUSAL IS DEFINED AS THE POINT BEYOND WHICH FURTHER PENETRATION WAS WEATHERING IMPRACTICAL WITH THE EXPLORATION METHOD USED. SEE "METHODS OF EXPI TION"THIS SHEET INDICATING MEANS BY WHICH THE BORINGS WERE ADVANCED. SEVERE WEATHERING - LOSS OF ROCK COHERANCE MATERIAL CAN BE REMOVED tlY HAND TOOLS. PETAMES 2, WATER ELEVATIONS INDICATED iv 11N CORE ICI, STANDARD PENETRATION (SPi), SOME EVIDENCE OF FISHTML IF). DENISON N1 AND WASH (W) BORINGS MAY HAVE BEEN INFLUENCED ROCK STRUCTURE BY DRILLING OPERATIONS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS INDICATING THE TRUE GROUND WATER LEVEL. MODFRATE WEATHERING MATERIAL MAY BE OYD12FD BUT 3. GROUND WATER LEVELS WILL VARY IN ACCORDANCE WITH RAINFALL AND STREAM MOST PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTIC STAGES, THEREFORE, ACTUAL LEVEL OF GROUND WATER ON ANY DATE OTHER THAN REMPdI. OCCASIONAL BLOCKS MAY THAT SHOWN ON THE LOGS MUST BE DETERMINED BY SEPARATE OBSERVATIONS. BE REMOVED WITH HAND TOOLS. THE OMISSION OF GROUND WATER ELEVATIONS SHALL NOT NECESSARILY BE CONSTRUED AS INDICATING THE A_DSENCE OF GROUND WATER AT A PARTICULAR SLIGHT WEATHERING - MATERIAL GENERALLY FRESH. WITH BORING LOCATION. VARIOUS DEGREES OF WEATHERING KONG JOINTS AND BEDDING. 4. WHEREVER TUC METHOD Or EXPLORATION PRECLUDED THE POSSIBILITY OF RECOVERING SAMPLES ABOVE ROCK, SUITABLE FOR EXAMINATION OR TESTS, THE MATERIAL IS DENOTED AS OVERBURDEN. 5 CLASSIFICATIONS AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SOIL AND ROCK AS SHOWN ON THE LOGS WERE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AND LATER SUPPLEMENTED BY ANALYSIS MADE BY THE DISTRICT GEOLOGIST AND THE LABORATORY TECHMICANS. G. SUPPLEMENTAL INFOPMATION SUCH AS FIELD 0001S, FIELD LOGS, LABORATORY LOGS (PRESENTING THE RESULTS OF LABORATORY TESTS FOR SHEAR, CONSOLIDATION, HUIMEARILITY, ETC, WHEN PERFORMED) AND LDREO LOGS LOGS MAY BE VIEWED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ENGINEER. U.S. ARMY ENGINEER VISIRICT, LOUISVILLE, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, FCDFRAL OFFICE DUILDING,LOUVLLC,KY.FALURC OF THE CONTRACTOR TO AVAIL HIM`,ELF OF THE INFORMATION REPRESENTED BY 111E BORING LOGS,INCLUDING LA.ORATORY TEST RESULTS,SHALL NOT BE GROUNDS FOR A CLAIM THAT THC GOVERNMENT WITHELD INFORMATION ON SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS. 7. THE TERM "LOST WATER" AS SHOWN ON THE LOGS INDICATES A OUAN71TY OF ORTI WATER LOST M ME DRILL HOLE. 8. DRIVE SAMPLES WERE TAKEN WITH A I 3/8"I.D.-2"00. X 2'-1 SPOON SAMPLER USING A 110• HAMMER WITH A 30"DROP,UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON GRAPHIC LOGS. 9, COPE HOLES WERE COMPLETED BY AN I OR NO WIRE LINE SIZE CORE BARREL WITH DIAMOND BIT,Ura E55 CTHEPWSIDICATED ON THE GRAPHIC LOG. IQ WATER CONTENT III AS SHCWN ON GRAPHIC LOG REPRESENTS THE MOISTURE CONTENT OF MATERIAL ON DATE MADE. 11 TOP OF GROUND SHOWN ON THE GRAPHIC LOGS IS THE ELEVATION AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. THE ELEVATION MAY HAVE CHANGED SINCE THAT TIME. 12 OPTIMUM MOISTURE WAS ORT91CO BY STANDARD PROCTOR OR CE 55 COMPACTION IESIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LM 1110-2-1906, APR. VI OR APL STD. C21A METHOD 100: RESPECTIVELY, AS NOTED ON BORING LOG. 13. THE LETTER DESIGNATION USED BEFORE BORING NUMBER INDICATES THE METHOD OF EXPLORATION FOR EYAMPLE:DC•DRIVE SAMPLER AND CORE BORING. .BORING N0.M DATE MADE 7-26- 56 N. GENERAL NOTES 5 AND 6 MAY NOT BE APPLICABLE WHEN EXPLORATION AND TESTING IS PERFORMED BY OTHERS. PENETRATION RESISTANCE.N Bl- Pu foal 0 - 2 Very son 3 - 4 Son SITS AND 5 - 8 11 SLHF CLAYS 9 - 15 St:H 16 - 30 Very Still 31. Ham SOIL DESCRIPTI6E TERMS SIZE SAMPLE TYPE BOULDER > 8 INCHES DS • DRIVE SAMP-E (STANDARD PENETRATION TEST) COBBLE 3 INCHES TO 8 INCHES S • UNDISTURBED SHELBY TUBE COARSE GRAVEL 3/4 INCH TO 3 INCH FINE GRAVEL 1/4 INCH T0314 'NCH A • AUGER COARSE SAND 2 MM TO F4 INCH F • FIEHTML MEDIUM SAND 0.4 MN 70 2 VM U • UNDISTURBED DENISON FINE SAND TRACE 0-075 MM 7O 0.4 MM I TO 10Y CU • UNDISTURBED CUBE OCCASIONAL 11 TO 35/ C • CORE MO 36 TO 50/ J ' JAR LAVMAE 0 10 10 MM ex Box (COPE) LENSE 10 MM TO 50 MM BAND 50 MM TO 2.5 INCH LAYER 2.5 NCH TO 6 INCI TERMS FOR THICKNESS OF ROCK BEDDING PARTING < 0.02 BAND 042'-0.2 THIN BED 0 2'-0.5 MEDIUM BED 051-1.0' THICK BED 10-3 0, MASSIVE > 3-0' m m m ? o n q J oW _ Q Q. 9Q S Y F Lq C) W p y J () 5 Y a d ? 3 i8 E r 2 Q o E O o S y u Z 0 _j UW O[L-w /v/nnJ VJ VJ J U U Z o 2 ? Q )N) N = M. v o ? ? S <o Q ? O W Z ? J d K Sheet reference number. BG 000 SneeL I J a z DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:24 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING • IT PAYS T:.proj•R000.Con_Oocs.Sheets+ttvil•rccObg000.dgn M US Arrny Corps of Engineers Louisville District SAI 3 4 6 AD-3 SHEET 1 OF BORING NO. 1. PROJECT 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION RALEIGH/DURHAM USARC SHOWN ITEM OR MSL) 2. LOCATION N E MSL 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. DRILL METHOD FMSM ENGINEERS. INC. 3/4' HSA. 2' SPT. AUTO HAMMER 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE GARY PAYNTER. S4ME 371.5' 5. DRILL TYPE 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES CME 750 ATV N/A 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER N/A N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 16. DATE HOLE N/A 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE STARTED COMPLETED 6 622-05 6-22-05 9. DIRECTION OF HOLE _ T7. INSPECTOR VERTICAL ® INCLINED ? DEG. FROM VERT JAMES BLACK 4 ELEVATION CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS N n ¢ ¢ REMARKS 371.5 TOPSOIL. ,, 371.1 LIGHT BROWN TO REDDISH BROWN. SANDY OL 5 3 TRACE ROOTLETS a 1.0'. LEAN CLAY. FINE GRAINED. WITH MICA. 1 P 4 LS 1202 MOIST TO DRY (DRY AT SURFACE). MEDIUM T 5 COLORS MOTTLED FROM 1 STIFF TO STIFF. 1.5' TO 3. 0'. MEDIAE( GRAINED FROM I 1.5' TO 4. 0" S 6 2- 2 P 9 1.5 93% T 10 COLORS LAYERED FROM 3- 13.5' TO 4. 5'. 7 S P 4 I T 6 10 15. 2 1.5 367.0 LIGHT BROWN AND REDDISH BROWN AND GRAY ML MOTTLED. SILT WITH FINE GRAINED SANG AND MICR. DRY, STIFF. I S 5 6 ? 4 P 7 27. 1.5 Q% ? ';,I T 10 365.5 BOTTOM OF MOLE a 6.0'. ICAVE-IN TO 2.1'. BACKFILLED WITH (CUTTINGS WITH PLASTIC (PLUG a 1.01. 7 F 9 IF 11 12- 13 4 i 1 1s 16 u 1 le 19 LRL FORM 1202 P 111 M11- ran aasnrlr. -CT RALEIGH/DURHAM USARC ?arE >sAr .I [oRFifw rwlo AD-3 AD-4 SHEET 1 OF 1 BORING NO. 1. PROJECT ll. DATUM FOR ELEVATION RALEIGH/DURHAM USARC SHOWN (TBM OR MSL) 2. LOCATION N E MSL 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. DRILL METHOD FMSM ENGINEERS. INC. 3/4' HSA. 2' SPT. AUTO HAMMER 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE GARY PAYNTER. S6ME 374.9' 5. DRILL TYPE 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES CME 750 ATV N/A 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER N/A N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 16. DATE HOLE N/A 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE STARTED COMPLETED 6 622-05 6-2205 9. DIRECTION OF HOLE 17. INSPECTOR VERTICAL 0 INCLINED O DEG. FROM VERT _ JAMES BLACK 3 ELEVATION CLASSIFICATION g - - - REMMKS OF MATERIALS g N N m 374.9 TOPSOIL. OCCASIONAL TRACE OF 374.7 REDDISH BROWN AND LIGHT BROWN WITH GRAY Ct 3 ORGANICS TO 1.0'. ( MULTICOLORED. SILTY AND SANDY LEAN S MEDIUM GRAINED FROM CLAY WITH MICA. DRY. MEDIUM STIFF TO 1 1 L5 10ZL 0.2' TO 1. 5', STIFF. 5 1 FINE GRAINED FROM 1.5' TO 3. 0'. S 0 2 2 P 11 1.5 93% T 12 CLAYEY LAYER FROM 3.0' 3 TO 3. 4' WITH TRACES OF ORGANICS. % 3 p 9 1.5 47X T 27 370.4 LIGHT BROWN AND GRAY MULTI-COLOREO. ML SANDY SILT. FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED. ' WITH MICA AND TRACE CLAY. DRY. VERY ii S 18 5 STIFF. ? 4 P T 25 37 10.9 1.5 II 368.9 BOTTOM OF HOLE o 6.0'. LAV61N TO 1.8'. BACKFILLED WITH AUGER CUTTING WITH PLASTIC RLG o 1.0'. T B 9 fa II 12 13 - 14 15 16 v le I 19 LAL FORM rmins ronlws Mc oasnr<¢. 12D2 '°F - wofcr RALEIC+UDUHAM USAiC . -a^r xs - -1, was I[.a AT -TIN vss a w1. 1- AD 4 p m c d °n Y J t` a QLL P eQ 4 ? o h w w Lu IL c) 3 3 a Y ¢ ? ? a k 2 a Q € 8 O 8 S//^^f vJ (D 00 JQ (7 z CY) IY 0 OQ im U N Z o 2 N = IL O O ? Q O N J Z Sheet reference m number. D Cn BB 002 Z Sheet of _ lL DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:25 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS" FILE: 7:*proj RC CO+COn_Docs*6heetsWCi„ii _0 0 US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District BORING NO. AD-5 SHEET 1 OF 1. PROJECT 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION BORING NO. AD-6 SHEET I OF 1 1. PROJECT 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION 2. LOCATION 3. DRILLING AGENCY FMSM ENGINEERS. INC. 12. DRILL ML1HOD 3/4' HSA. 2' SPT. 4. NAME OF DRILLER GARY PAYNTER. S&ME 13. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE 371.8' 5. DRILL TYPE CME 750 ATV 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES I 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 10.2' 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 9.3' 16. DATE HOLE 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE 1q.5 STARTED COMPLETED 6-23-05 6-23-05 9. DIRECTION OF HOLE VERTICAL 0 INCLINED 0 -DEG. FROM VERT 17. INSPECTOR JAMES BLACK ELEVATION CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS REMARKS 371*8 TOPSOIL. - a 371.6 BROWN, SANDY SlLI._6R-Y.MEGIUM STIFF. SOME ORGANICS TO 1.5' 371.1 REDDISH BROWN. FAT CLAY, MOIST. STNF. 3 1.5 T 2.1121 1. z 368.7 LIGHT URAY AND YELLOW BROWN ILIY SAND. FINE GRAINED WITH SOM? SMICA. DRY . VERY DENSE. 45 5 6 5 'P T 1 50- 7.4 11.1 Iffl% e 9 3G2.3 SILTY SAND, PARTIALLY LLMENTED. (CORED) BEGIN CORE a 9. 51. e 36I.G LIGHT GRAY AND YELLOW BROWN MOTTLED SANDSTONE. MEDIUM TO COARSE GRAI"C;. SOFT. HIGHLY WEATHENED. FRIABLE. CORED THRU AUGERS. 362.7 DARK REDDISH BROWN. SILTST&4E WITH SOME M I CA, VERY SOFT TO FT. WEATHERED. 4.0 83% 63% URNING BROWN ' z 3 b.9 ?Mx a 13.4 To 13.5'. CLAY-?IKE ZONES BELOW 1 3 . 5 5 is- 17- 3 353.3 YELLOWISH BROWN. SANDSTONE. MEDIUM HARD. WEATHERED. SACKF ILLED WITH PL UG a 1. 01. 352.3 BOTTOM OF HOLE a 19.5'. LRL FORM 1202 RALI.0111.Url ? m o d N `T J • n ? p a Pa _ oa 9 N w o k W J U 5 a i y y Z ? 4 a 3 Z E B O . i d S/n& V W 00 Q /? V f _Z LO x0 0< U N Z o I ? Q >N N I > C) Of 0 :w) O ? U = a ? o t9 J Z Sheet reference number. BB 003 Sheet of US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District G H 3 4 6 AD-10 SHEET I OF 1 BORING NO. 1. PROJECT 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION RALEIGH/DURHAM USARC SHOWN ITBM OR MSL) 2. LOCATION N E MSL 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. DRILL METHOD FMSM ENGINEERS. INC. 3/4' HSA. 2' SPT. AUTO HAMMER. 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE GARY PAYNTER. S&ME 351.8' 5. DRILL TYPE 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES CME 750 ATV N/A 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER 6.0'. N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 16. DATE HOLE N/A 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE STARTED COMPLETED 6-24-05 6.2405 9. DIRECTION OF HOLE 17. INSPECTOR VERTICAL ® INCLINED O DEG. FROM VERT _ JAMES BLACK ELEVATION CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS w o - REMARKS > a m ? m m ? r x 357.8 TOPSOIL. ENCOUNTERED TREE ROOT 357.6 LIGHT BROWN, SILL DRY. SOFT. '?I sP 0 TOP OF HOLE. :? I D 3 10. 0 I1.5 OZX REMNANTS CARRIED TO 356,9 YELLOWISH BROWN AND ORANGE BROWN AND CH 3 BOTTOM OF HOLE BY 3 GRAY. FAT CLAY. MOIST. SOFT TO MEDIUM STIFF z 29 AUGERS. . SP 3 4 2 28. 0 1.5 4¢X t 2 3 sP r 5 1.5 7/. 4 353.3 GARY WITH GROWN TO GRAY WITH REDDISH CL BROWN SANDY LEAN CLAY. DRY. STIFF TO SP VERY STIFF. 4 5 H 5 7 1.5 47[ 5a 351.8 BOTTOM OF MOLE 0 6.0', B 9 u n 12- 13- Is- 17 IB 19 LRL FORM Aa<Aiac mm6e Ax moir9L. 1202 xxL ra. m1 F0 DURHAM usaac ix xsK - . wrz9 -1 .. mn nlox - nw11a less 6 mIU Halo AOIa AD-11 SHEET 1 OF 1 BORING NO. 1. PROJECT 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION RALEIGH/DURHAM USARC SHOWN (TBM OR MSL) 2. LOCATION N E MSL 3, DRILLING AGENCY 12. DRILL METHOD FMSM ENGINEERS. INC. 3/4' HSA, 2' SPT, AUTO HAMMER. 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE GARY PAYNTER, SBME 367.0' 5. DRILL TYPE 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES CME 750 ATV N/A 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER 6.01- N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 16. DATE HOLE N/A 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE STARTED COMPLETED 6 6-24-05 6-24.05 9. DIRECTION OF HOLE 17. INSPECTOR VERTICAL 10 INCLINED 0 DEG. FROM VERT JAMES BLACK u ? ELEVATION CLASSIFICATION w o - REMARKS OF MATERIALS ? w ? m r a rc ¢ 367.0 1 OPS01l. ROOTLETS EXTENDING TO 366.8 LIGHT GRAY AND YELLOWISH BROWN. SILT, d 'I ML SP 3. 01. DRY. STIFF. I 4 I I 1 5 1.5 IOZG 366.0 ORANGE BROWN AND YELLOWISH BROWN WITH CL 6 1 GRAY, CLAY TO SANDY LEAN CLAY. MOIST TO 2 DRY, STIFF. `y 7 = 3 7 1.5 CLX 8 364.0 YELLOWISH BROWN AND REDDISH BROWN AND ML 3 GRAY MOTTLED. SILT WITH SAND AND MICA. DRY. HARD. 7 4 21 1.5 74X 31 I 17 5 '? 5 27 14. 1.5 74X 50- 361.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE 0 6.01. BACKFILLED WITH CUTTINGS WITH PLUG 0 7 e 9 le u Iz 13 14 15 I6 n 18 i 19 LRL FORM 1202 MI[v10E mnl6a w4: aas63re. "u b• AA?m RRLEI LYI/ONewM USANC I ]WB 9,A615k - wAfA I[vfL IT [DR[AIOA PMIIaL 1099 6 W ILL RUIO A0- 11 Kn m m 0 0 ° z Y J [I n a Z ?' a P IL - gQ n w L) 8 r: 3 3 z) a 4 E a ? 3 2 a S Zw a Q 8 O ? 8 a r r OQ I NZ C) LL Q m Q U m z o 2 ? Q yhy V1 = IL O O n ¢ 2 m Q ? O U J Z Sheet reference namher. BB 006 Shee of U_ "'SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' m US Amry Corps of Engineers Louisville District 14 6 "'SAFETY PAYS"' AD-12 SHEET I OF I BORING NO. 1. PROJECT 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION RALEIGH/DURHAM USARC SHOWN (TOM OR MSL) 2. LOCATION N E MSL 3. DRILLING AGENCY - 12. DRILL METHOD FMSM ENGINEERS. INC. 3/4' HSA. 2' SPT. AUTO HAMMER. 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE GARY PAYNTER. SBME 357.4' 5. DRILL TYPE 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES CME 750 ATV N/A 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER 6.0'• N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO RCCK 16. DATE HOLE N/A B. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE STARTED COMPLETED 6 _ 6.24.05 62 4-05 9. DIRECTION OF HOLE . 17. INSPECTOR VERTICAL 0 INCLINED ? DEG. FROM VERT _ _ JAMES BLACK ELEVATION CLASSIFICATION R R OF MATERIALS _ EMA KS m m a a n a 357.4 TOPSOIL. TRACE ORGANICS TO 357.1 LIGHT BROWN. SILT WITH SAND. DRY. '?I.I ML SP 4 12.8'. MEDIUM STIFF. 1 7 5.6 1.5 1002 6 1 355.9 YELLOWISH BROWN AND REDDISH BROWN AND CL TRACE ORGANICS TO GRAY. SANDY LEAN CLAY, DRY. STIFF. SR 2.8'. 7 2 7 20.3 1.5 602 9 354.4 YELLOWISH BROWN AND GRAY. SILT WITH I. ML I 3 MICA. DRY. VERY STIFF. l '' SP l I 7 ? ? 3 10 6 21.8 1.5 BP/. 1 I SR 7 ? 5 1 16 1.5 37/. I I','I 31 351.4 BOTTDM DF HOLE a 6.0'. 8 9 Ie u 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 LRL FORM 1202 weelas minas rrx ?ln. .o. vro.[[i RALEIGH/HAW 115ARC ix TNU sr?ens. rn lrvn Ar -1. a - Awnx uss rc -1L w1o AOIZ -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - G AD 13 SHEET I OF 1 BORING NO. 1. PROJECT 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION RALEIGH/DURHAM USARC SHOWN (IBM OR MSL) 2. LOCATION N E MSL 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. DRILL METHOD FMSM ENGINEERS. INC. 3/4' HSA. 2' SPT. AUTO HAMMER. 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE GARY PAYNTER, SOME 361.2' 5. DRILL TYPE 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES CME 750 ATv N/A 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER 10.0'. WA 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 16. GATE HOLE N/A 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE STARTED COMPLETED 10 6-24-05 6-24-05 9. DIRECTION OF HOLE 17. INSPECTOR VERTICAL ® INCLINEO ? DEC. FROM VERT -- JAMES BLACK ELEVATION CLASSIFICATION a MATERIALS a ° s zo a - a REMARKS 361.2 TOPSOIL. 361.1 LIGHT BROWN. SANDY SILT. OHY. SOFT. II ,i I ML 1 C,P 3 7.1 360,6 ORANGE BROWN. LEAN TO FAT CLAY, MOIST. / CL- 4 15 932 MEDIUM STIFF. EH 2 1 1 24.8 3 16.7 359.4 REDDISH BROWN TO GRAY WITH LIGHT BROWN 1111 ML 7 MOTTLED. SANDY ZONED SILT PITH CLAY ?'II 11 1.5 187X 2 AND MICA. DRY. VERY STIFF. 4 21 10,1 ? 7 P I 16 111 5 31 1.5 102'6 41 1 ? 22 5 I 6 26 1.5 872 7 38 CLAYEY ZONE FROM 5,5' II TO G. 0'. I 6 1? SP 1 7 8 26 1.5 1022 l I 42 7 11 I 9 17 B 36 1 5 I2 352.9 LIGHT CRAY (BROWN AND LIGHT BROWN AND ML 17 . CRAY TO DARK REpOISH BROWN FORM 9.0' TO 1a 10.0'). SILT. DRY. VERY STIFF. I' SP 36 11 50• 1.0 F-7 351.2 BOTTOM OF HOLE a 10,0'. BACKFILLED WITH CUTTINGS WITH PLASTIC PLUG a 1.0'. u II 13 1/ 15 I6 1] 18 19 LRL FORM RV1a¢ lAnlae xc aan2rt. 1202 HL2 a xmEn RALEIGH/DURHAM USAIC ix arse s>«ms. wrzn rnn r ron[ria > M,11Y - a -1 11- A0? 13 m m m W o z Y J O Of FLL ._ Q s uS I 0 F W Y w U 3 3 a x< ¢ ? 3 aL 12 ' r Z L Q 8 O ? i n (./ `.) r O I Z cv EE T 00 W Q U (n ? o I o Q )) 7 Of LL O ? I 12 tt 2 Q O N W Z Z) J d J Q F- t- Sheet reference m number. BB 007 Q Z Sheet of _ _ LL US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville District I 2 3 4 6 AD-14 SHEET 1 OF 1 BORING NO. 1. PROJECT 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION RALEIGH/DURHAM USARC SHORN 1TDM OR MSL) 2. LOCATION N E MSL 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. DRILL METHOD FMSM ENGINEERS. INC. 3/4' HSA. 2' SPT. AUTO HAMMER. 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE GARY PAYNTER. S&ME 356.3' 5. DRILL TYPE 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES CME 750 ATV N/A 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 15. ELEVATION GROUND HATER 10.5'- N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 16. DATE HOLE N/A B. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE STARTED COMPLETED 1 D.5 6-24-D5 6-24-05 9. DIRECTION OF HOLE 17. INSPECTOR VERTICAL ® INCLINED ? DEC. FROM VERT JAMES BLACK ELEVATION CLg?iIF 1 CAi ION OF MATERIALS w z - o - RE-RKS 356.3 TOPSOIL. 356.0 EIGHT BROWN WITH GRAY TO YELLOW BROWN ' ! M. SP 2 1 AND GRAY. SANDY SILT ORY fO.0 TO 1 3 /.0 1.5 872 1.5'1 TO MOIST (1.5' TO 3.0'), MEDIAN 7 1 STIFF. YELLOWISH BROWN CLAY SP 4 INCREASES FROM 115' TO 2 I 2 6 20-2 1.5 732 3. 0'. I 8 1 3h3 YELLOWISH BMUWN 10 REDDISH BROWN AND 0. 3 - GRAY MOTTLCO. GRAY SILTY LEAN CLAY. MOIST. SP STIFF. 5 1 7 25.6 1.5 EE/ 0 351.8 YELLOWISH BROWN AN3 GRAY TO BROWN AND GRAY. SILT WITH FINE SAND AND MICA. eP DRY. VCRY STIFF. 5 5 1 ? B 1.5 60z 14 5 I SP 6 1 7 .5 7'11 6 Iij I7 I 7 SP ' 3 e 6 5 1.5 612 fl 9 j III 8 9 7 9 7.5 BT[ I0 & 345.8 BOTTOM OF HOLE o 10.5'. ' BACKFILLEO WITH CUTTINGS AND HOLE PLUG 11 0 1.0'. 12 13 1, is- Is- 17- Is- '19 LRL FORM eYlas minu6 wC oe;nirz, 1202 '°E ROE[) RALEIGH/DURHAM OSgAC !Yf }AML 6?5. Y.*M tfvEt Yi [D0.RIp AO MPTIM ?RSS aF UILL Ruto RD-11 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING- AD 15 SHEET 1 OF 1 BORING NO. 1. PROJECT 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION RALEIGH/DURHAM USARC SHOWN (IBM OR MSL) 2, LOCATION N E MSL 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. DRILL METHOD FMSM ENGINEERS, INC. 3/4' HSA, 2' SPT. AUTO HAMMER. 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE GARY PAYNTER. E&ME 368.5' 5. DRILL TYPE 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES CME 750 ATV N/A 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 16. DATE HOLE N/A B. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE STARTED COMPLETED __ 6 _ 6-24-05 6-24-05 9. DIRECTION OF HOLE 17. INSPECTCR VERTICAL ® INCLINED ? DEG. FROM VERT JAMES BLACK ELEVATION CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIAL 5 - REMARKS ? N ¢ 3110.5 TOPSOIL OCCASIONAL ORGANIC 6 MATTER (ROOTLETS) TO 368.0 LIGHT BROWN TO BROWN. SANDY SILT WITH jl l rt 3 ' 3.0'. NUMEROUS ORGANICS (ROOTLETS). i ?? 1 4 1.5 1011 [ 367.5 YELLOW BROWN, LEAN CLAY. MOIST. STIFF. EL 4 SP 2 2 6 22. 8 1.5 I= 6 365.5 YELLOW BROWN WITH GRAY. SILT WITH SAID ML a AND MICA. DRY. VERY STIFF. illl? SP 0 3 9 17.4 1.5 .7. 10 i ?I ? 6 5 I C 4 9 23.6 1.5 LOS II I 14 362.5 BOTTOM OF HOLE 0 6.0'. 7- a- 12- 13- 1 15- Is- 17 Is- 'q- 2 LRL FORM 1202 -1-1orTlaw N6 aamcrt. -- '?N1• YR1Ftt AALEIWF OSAAC NYC xs s..s. rzn 11- Yr -1. > - w.vTla Ims 6.- wlu 1 u10 140.75 DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:25 FILE: T1*prol*RCCO*Con-Docs*SheeTs*C i v i I wrccObb006. don m m m 0 d Lu Y Of O n Of z a PLL - sQ 4 ? I 0 W U 3 3 a x2 g ¢ ? 3 a- I ° B Q i O = F ' F o d V Lo r OQ 1 NZ It E r O°a U y ? o I 7 Q yNy N I 4. ? a O ? O n ¢ I m Q O N W Z Sheet reference number. BB 008 Sheet of ff WIT A US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville District I 3 4 16 OD-16 SHEET I OF BORING NO. 1. PROJECT 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION RALEIGH/DURHAM USARC SHOWN (TSM OR MSL) 2. LOCATION _ N E MSL 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. DRILL METHOD FMSM ENGINEERS. INC. 3/4' HSA. 2' SPT. AUTO HAMMER. 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE GARY PAYNTER. S&ME 375.9' 5. DRILL TYPE 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES CME 750 ATV N/A 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER 6.0'. N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 16. DATE HOLE N/A 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE STARTED COMPLETED 6 622-05 622-0 5 9. DIRECTION OF HOLE . _ 17. INSPECTOR VERTICAL to INCLINED Cl DEG. FROM VERT __. JAMES BLACK ELEVATION CLASSIFIOATION OF MATERIALS u N - ¢ REMARKS o 375.9 LIGHT BROWN TO MEDIUM/DARK BROWN WITH CL TRACE TOPSOIL AT GRAY. SILTY LEAN CLAY WITH MICA. DRY TO SP SURFACE MOIST. MEDIUM STIFF. 3 . 1 3 5 26.9 1.5 6T[ TRACE ORGANICS TO 374.4 MEDIUM BROWN TO LIGHT BROWN AND GRAY ML MULT I -COLORED. SANDY SILT WITH CLAY AND SP MICA. MOIST TO DRY. STIFF. I 5 2 . 2 10 27.3 I,5 IC¢X 14 372.9 LIGHT BROWN AND GRAY MUL11-COLORLD. 1 HL WITH BLACK CONCRETIONS 3 SAVOY (SAND INCREASES WITH DEPTH) SILT SP FORM 3.0' TO 6. 0'. WITH MICA AND CLAY. DRY. STIFF. J 7 22 1 5 5 14 11.6 . 7/. 'SAND CONTENT INCREASES - FROM 3.0' TO 6.0'. 4 SP 5 f s 'l "I 4 8 1.5 73k l II 9 I 369.9 BOTTOM OF HOLE o 6.0'. CAVE-IN TO 2.2'. BACKFILLED WITH AUGER ?COTTING6 "I", PLASTIC (PLUG C 1.0'. 7 8 9 le n 12 13 14 IS 16 17 I IB 19 LRL FORM 1202 '"EY°s mmoe "? oeaue 'ne b. nmcn AALEICH/IXAnoM USAP.C .ec seas m.ens. wam L<? .a roanlw r AMINE Lrss n miu nano A0I6 "'SAFETY PAYS"' LUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' H US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville Distrid I m ? m m o z Y J Z n o: z a FLL ° 6 ? a W W k Li U 3 3 a Y< d ? 3 Qe xe a i° B g p E Q J? t NZ? LL O m DATE: FILE: ., ?, .. ?.- ,. U Co Z o S 7 Q n U1 ? ? p n 0 I Q O n Z J J F H- Sheet reference m number. N BB 009 a Z Sheet _ al U_ NOTESs I. ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT OTHERWISE PAYED, LANDSCAPED, BUILDING OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE SEEDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATION SECTION 02921. _ N 2. SEE SHEET L-101 FOR LANDSCAPING PLAN. 3. TO MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO EXISTING TREES NEAR THE INTERIOR EDGE OF BUFFERS AND STREET SCAPES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CUT MINIMUM 2' TRENCHES ALONG THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE, SO AS TO CUT. RATHER THAN TEAR. ROOTS. 4. THE TREE PROTECTION FENCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE SITE UNTIL ALL SITE WORK IS COMPLETED. i 1 12? .' GATE: 03-IE Ar-2000 CS:C6 FILE: T:«proi *R CCOC un ucc s?_r ?, ,.? - -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS- rn m m c d o Y ? o m tt ii d g IL - a s' ? h D 4 W Z 5 p O Y < 4 Z n Q C13 I K 2= o y o Q t1 ?jr E I oVl 3U ? Al z Q J J J ? Q ? w z Ltl ,..., >C) OQ C? O to Z o 7 Q )N) N I U 0 It O :3 O ? I m of Q o CO J Z O a Sheet reference number. CGI00 Sheet of M US Army Caps of Engineers Louisvine District - - - - - MATCH LINE SHEET CG101- M -------------------------------------- US Amy Corps or Engineers LouiWIle District 4 5 6 r p? RELOCATE . / EXISTING 326 © 4 )80 EN1 ANCE '. i I ? or` \ W IP b W t ^lo =r h P ?I? J ?7 ti • Q I ,00 I I i I I I? ? I FIRE.HYOflANT C? -2 y3T i33 I ? o r? 64 m I [ ?. 107 104 } 01 10 - z 109 I 106 I LEGEND - - - - • TREE PROTECTION FENCE -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING . IT PAYS"' I. f9 i EXIST. SAN AH 20 10 0 20 40FT SCALE: P'• 20' OAIE: 03-MAY-2006 09:01 FILE: T:*prcj+RCCO*Con-Oocs*Sheets*Civil*rccOcg102.dgn m o a o Y J ry ? II a PLL - s a *' € D Q W Z 5 ? O Yi a z ? m m a x F `S ? S? a i ° m 8 2 ? t °.i .3 . Z Q J m '^ 0 V N Z F W Qx QN ? CD V N Z o 2 ? Q )N) N x 4 00 ]O a ? a N J Z Sheet reference number. CG102 Shen _ of "'SAFETY PAYS- 1 2 4 6 MATCH LINE SHEET CG102 r-.,-. - ----.- -7 - ---'---------- ------------------------------ ( t m? .. D CB. a° W, m 50 0 C pov PA _ INS ? w. © p' i ? h a - 60 ?o D , ^ p< , ^ ' 3 ^ l A, OL£ , ?. . o i 514. 0 , U n ? d . 00? 0 W w N i % A t Ln {P i W Oflt ; © U , 504 j . t t Q i I r,d 2 - 4 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING"- IT PAYS"' N I 107 ' 104 ' 01 10 - 2 i 109 I 106 LEGEND - • - • - • - • - TREE PROTECTION FENCE 20 10 0 20 SCALE: V- 20' UAIL: 03-MAY-2 006 09:07 FILE: T:*prOj*RCCC*Ccn_Docs*Sheets•Civi l*rcc Oc9l O7.dgn 40FT m m 0 0 ?°v Y ? et tl a .- g u *a S ? O _ T M a w Z I O O y ?i D N a Z ? Q m ?xo m a z '?x o o'4 S O O Z Q -j m ? w 0 C7 rn Z ? ?. w px Q ? C9 U CO Z o x Q N (n = IL O ¢ = m Q O W W Z M a a Sheet reference number. CG103 Sheet cf US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville Distrid 3 4 6 "'SAFETY PAYS - I I I -"N _I I I I LEGEND o -- - — — — — — TREE PROTECTION FENCE I0 WI W IW I= N Z I W 2 I- I I U < I i —SUPPORT VA NG - IT PAYS— DAIL: 03-MAY72006 09:07 FILE: T:n roj<RCCO-Con-Docs*Sheets«Civil+rccOcg104.dgn Mo US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District U y z o [7) _ } 0 Z) O Z) 2 'o 0 U% WJ Z � � a Sheet reference number. CG104 sir f "'SAFETY PAYS- 12 107 104 01 to - z 109 I 106 LEGEND - - - --*--TREE PROTECTION FENCE -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING • IT PAYS"' 20 10 0 20 40FT SCALE V- 20' DATE: 03-MAY-1006 09:0 FILE: T:*oroj*RCCo Cori_Docs*Snee srC 1, *1cc3cq ?.. ?. rn o cl? o d ° v ? C lL Q 9 w z 3 M O yi ] VI Q Z O m o Z w 22 O r0 4 - 1 A nN d0 V Z Q J ^ LL O ul Z _r w ?w Q N V U y Z Q I ] Q )H N = t? 0 O O o N W Z ] J a Sheet reference number. CG105 Sheet d ?Z LL US Army Caps of Engineers Louisdlle District -SAFETY PAYS- I I 2 3 4 6 LEGEND 20 10 0 20 40FT I SCALE: 1- 20? - ? - ? - ? - ? - TREE PROTECTION FENCE I -SUPPORT VAI IT PAYS- UAIL: 05-MAY-2006 09:07 FILE: T:-prof-RCCO-Con_Docs-Sheets-Civil-rccOcg106. dgn m c d n Y J ry a ? YLL - M w 2 - o O y 7 vl ? Y to Z O Q t to •• K = a 10 O OQ Z ?2 : Q > ..,f >K $ T O E ENEUU Q J C" 0 C7 ,? Z w Q ?^ ? V C' U N Z 0 S ? Q )>N O o ? < o N w Z a a tt Sheet reference number. CG106 Sheet or F t- J Q Z U- M US Army Corp of Engineers Louisvi0e District 1 2 4 6 -SAFETY PAYS- 107 ' 104 01 10 - z 109 106 LEGEND - • - • - • - • - TREE PROTECTION DETAIL -SUPPORT VALUE ENGIN N ra lu W IW N I= ?u Q DATE: 03-MAY-2006 09:01 - IT PAYS... FILE: T:*proj*RCCO*Con_Docs*Sheets*Civil*rccOcg107.dgn r m m m O O' N J •fOV ? 11 a FLL a F w z 5 p O y 2 a Z O Q , m ^ I = O O_ Q fr a¢$ ?e oaaL; Z a LL LL O CD r- Zr - W 2 Q ? of U rn Z n j Q o N I O ? o n I m G 9 o U) J Z Sheet reference number. CG107 snen & US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District "`SAFETY PAYS"' - - MATCH LINE SHEET CG107 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - u f YI 5-1 OSL ? N 1 0 ? SSf ," - X ? 9£ o0 o 09F O OCi a6D' _. __ o o• .a, o-?.a o. 09t o- - o o y? BI-LEVEL o o RAMP D " ... 9 0 I'NpAk SITE, GRADING AND .?? '. COOR I ONSTRUC T TaON TO MAIN RIN ? " , 99 MAX. ,2" CLEAQa CE BELOW G(r?E 0 20 ?, Oa 60 - 36 9 o -" ? O 59 ?A 1 3:? 1 ,m ??\. ? ? --r Sy 9r? S9 58 p 59 ,_. -' .? ? a ? ,_ U O i i 10T , Yf 3 ff?? 3 -' SODDED V'1-DITCH 6 SEE DETAIL, SH.11CZO15 0 r O r G Z ?r • - 1S II o ... __.... FFE=363:5_..... . ... .:. I _.. ---? - . ---- , 'Sgt /, . _ .. ...._.._. 09 s c A . .9a .,. BS 9 GS. J Q 2 yy i 9 ? SA9 COO A%. INATE SIT RADONp MA] NNOTAfN_. ?t201 „ n ?. 0 0 X60. _ .o'? fENC CON M T , -CLEARANCE LOW GATE 5 - UNHEATED',,, STORAGE "COVE } l - ti FFE=363RACK As IS?AN .3 X ti 3 -3o ______________ MATCH LINE SHEET CG109 107 I 104 I 01 10 p i 109 106 LEGEND - - -TREE PROTECTION FENCE -SUPPORT VA NG - IT PAYS- 20 10 0 20 40FT SCALE: 1"• 20' DAIL: 03-MAY-2006 09:07 FILE: T:+orOj•R000*Con_DCC5-Sheets*Civi l+rcc Ocg108. dgn m c c o Y J N n e a H' € LL M a W Z 5 O O y ti 3 a z m a m a Z w Yr >¢ $ z o - Z Q a- 0 C7 rA Z? w ?_ -<!2 (if CD U N Z I ? Q N w 2? o? o? 03 N W Z W Z ? J a Sheet reference number. CG108 5?_1_of .' • '. US Army Caps of Engineers Louishlle District -SAFETY PAYS"' 107 I 104 I ' 01 t0 - 2 i 109 I 106 I I LEGEND I - - - - TREE PROTECTION FENCE I I I 20 10 0 20 40FT SCALE: V- 20' - I I r m ro m c b R Y ? II a pFa ?Q 3? 6 N a ` W C) S M O Y i O N O a Z Q m G I ° 'l2 O O 2 j nV EV UO Z Q ^J ? (L C) O CD ? Z r Q O v (.D U N Z o I 7 Q N> N ? LL ao 0_? M< S2 N Z D a Sheet reference number. CG109 sn m F F_ J a z_ u- DATE: 07-MAY-2006 09:01 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS--r FILE: T:*orol*RCCO*Con-Docs*Sheets*CiviI* CCOCg109. M US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District SAFETY PAYS*** MARK QUANTITY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME ROOT SIZE REMARKS Al 17 PRONUS SERRULATA 'MT. FUJI' JAPANESE FLOWERING CHERRY B&B 2" CALIPER WHITE - NO FRUIT A2 15 PRONUS SERRULATA 'KWANZAN' KWANZAN FLOWERING CERRY B&B 2" CALIPER PINK - NO FRUIT A3 32 ACER RUBRUM RED MAPLE B&B 2-112" CALIPER 10' 12' HT. A4 17 BETULA NIGRA RIVER BIRCH B&B MULTI-STEM 10' 12' HT. AS 32 JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA EASTERN RED CEDAR B&B 2-1/2" CALIPER 10' 12' HT. BI 28 HAMAMELIS VIRGINIA WITCH HAZEL CONTAINER 3 GAL. 18' 24' HT. B2 31 EUONYMOUS ALATUS WINGED FUCNYMOUS CONTAINER 3 GAL 18' - 24' HT. 83 B4 24 21 VIBURNUM DENTATUM ILEX GLABYA ARROWED WOOD INK BERRY CONTAINER CONTAINER 3 GAL. 3 GAL. 18' - 24' HT. 18' - 24' HT. Cl 123 JUPIERUS HORIZONTALIS 'BAR HARBOR' CREEPING JUNIPER 3 GAL. C2 13 ILEX VOMITOVIA 'NONA' YAUPON HOLLY 3 GAL. DI 2 HEDERA HELIX ENGLISH IVY PLUGS 8" ON CENTER -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' LANDSCAPE LEGEND MARK SYMBOLOGY NAME AI 1 I A? ?V JAPANESE FLOWERING CHERRY A2 KWANZAN FLOWERING CHERRY A3 RFD MAPPLE A4 O RIVER BIRCH AS rr h y EASTERN RED CEDAR BI (DO WITCH HAZEL 82 WINCED EVONYMOUS B3 ?j ARROW WOOD 84 000 INK BERRY CI 000 CREEPING JUNIPER C2 YAUPON HOLLY DI ME, ENGLISH IVY _ MULCHED BEDS (MULCH TO 3" DEPTH) SOD - O SEED AND STRAW - - " - - - BIOSWALE EXISTING VEGETATION TO REMAIN GENERALNOTE. 1. ALTERNATE BETAEEN Al d A2 ON ACCESS ROAD 50 30 0 60 120FT SCALE: 1- 60' x o x Z x u K _ s € -, W J = p J Y i a a = a o d =x< a£ F ? ? p F W a UQZ Q ?J Q? z Q J U N Z o ? Q N x a 0 Z) p ? ? x Q o M w Z D a Sheet reference number. L-101 SI ee1 of ATE: M US Amy Caps of Engineers Louisville District "'SAFETY PAYS*** NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING ALL UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTING OFFICER SHOULD BE NOTIFIED OF ANY CONFLICTS OR DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. EXISTING SANITARY SEWER WILL REMAIN IN OPERATION WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND TESTED PRIOIR TO MAKING CONNECTION TO EXISTING. CONNECTION SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE. 3. STORM AND SANITARY INVERT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN ON PROFILE SHEETS (CV005 TO CV012). 4. SEE SHEET MU100 FOR GAS AND WATER LINE LOCATIONS. 5. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR ELECTRIC LINE LOCATIONS. LEGEND _ YI 13 YARD INLET. SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ020 CB- CATCH BASIN, SEE DETAILS, SH. CZ023 TO CZ027 NYF==l HEADWALL, SEE DETAIL SH. CZ007 MH0 STORM MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ019 SANITARY MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZOOB nH'S C.00 CLEANOUT, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ007 -- CONTRACTOR WORK LIMITS 1j) SITE NOTE. SEE SHEET CSIOO - PD - PAVEMENT DRAIN, SEE DETAIL, SH CZ001 -SUPPORT VAL 60 30 0 60 120FT SCALE: 1"• 60' DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:2 G - 17 PAVS••, FILE: T: rpr of*i7000?L on _C cc=°Sheei s?Cl ?IccOc„ C c9 o d 0 0 ,? J r K a FLL N D a z p 0 'n 0 F m z in Q = of of m = Y F 3 8 N U (7 i 'o a a a° € 0E ? s 6 v Z O LLQ 0QJ V) F- C' Z >- 1 -4 ? J C Zl- j Q O? (n Z O .Z yNy N = I.. 0 ? 0 zm) 0 ? ? x o (n w z a Sheet reference number. WIN Sheet _ of 2 m 7 N E US Amy Corps of Engineers Louisville Oistrid 1 I I I I I I al 0 3 r 4 6 ° d i I d L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r -SAFETY PAYS"' -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - LEGEND Y113 YARD INLET, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ020 CB® CATCH BASIN, SEE DETAILS. SH. CZ023 TO CZ027 HW 8 HEADWALL, SEE DETAIL SH. CZ007 MHO STORM MANHOLE. SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ019 SMHrlS SANITARY MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ008 C.0® CLEANOUT, SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ007 - CONTRACTOR WORK LIMITS 0 SITE NOTE, SEE SHEET CS100 - PD - PAVEMENT DRAIN, SEE DETAIL, SH CZOOI 107 ' 104 I 01 10 - 2 i 109 I 106 20 10 0 20 40FT SCAT Ea 1"• 20' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BOA T E: 12-M A Y. FILE: T:rprol.w.. .. „ I- p US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District .? a ? o o Y J ry n a .. a F `a ? F w z 5 O O Ya d Z 0 Q £ , m m Z w L?E a S a0 ovt s ? ? c? Z Q ?}-J m Q 0:: Q_ Q o z r-i La °aJ'. V) .. U to Z o I ? Q )N) 0 O O p rt N W Z D a Sheet reference number. CU101 Sheet of 11 3 6 N 7I uI f W xI W 2: S? vI Q f SANITARY FORCE d • D D, '/ CB 1-2 o I ENTRANCE: EXIT 107 I 104 I ' 01 10 - 2 / 109 I 106 I SAFETY PAYS°" T - - - - MATCH LINE SHEET CU101 - - N -RELOCATE. EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT - LEGEND N 750.265.98 Y1 13 YARD INLET, SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ020 E 2,037,774.41 '. C8- CATCH BASIN, SEE DETAILS. SH. CZ023 TO CZ027 HWE=:3 HEADWALL. SEE DETAIL SH. CZ007 MHO STORM MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ019 ENO SANITARY MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ008 i C.00 CLEANOUT, SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ007 -•CWL CONTRACTOR N 750,173.01 WORK LIMITS E 2,037,784.49 tD SITE NOTE, SEE SHEET CSIO0 -PO - PAVEMENT DRAIN. h-3 SEE DETAIL, - SH CZOOI 20 10 0 20 40FT SCALE: 1- 20' -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS ... USAnny Carps of Engineers Louisville District m m m o d o y N J N m a CL YLL - a E en z ? C) Y i ? m a Q t z C1 on ¢ = o on a x o o a ol- K $ 2 ? F oV' aU ?tD Z a zrJ?, a ca C) L ? ? N I Z 1 1 Q W ^< J = I V l v J~ Ln F- 0 (0 z o ? Q N > ) N = I? 0 a O Z:) o ? ? x m Ld o (Q J Z J F F Sheet reference 0] 7 number. to CU102 a z Sheet _ o U_ I 3 4 5 6 r- . u W .T. z. J Z F ' Il I d / 1 I yl ^ I r i A d i 2 d d i j i -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' 107 I 104 I ' 01 10 2 109 106 I LEGEND yl o YARD INLET, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ020 C8- CATCH BASIN, SEE DETAILS, SH. CZ023 TO CZ027 HW 8 HEADWALL, SEE DETAIL SH. CZ007 MHO STORM MANHOLE. SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ019 SHHNO SANITARY MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ008 C.OS CLEANOUT. SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ007 - CONTRACTOR WORK LIMITS SITE NOTE, SEE SHEET CS100 - PD - PAVEMENT DRAIN. SEE DETAIL. SH CZO01 P. ll 20 10 0 20 40FT SCALE: 1"• 20' m m o a R v b ? n a g IL a s' ? Q O y a ? o < m ? x ~ 8= O o?3V ?V Z Q >y- _I Q O ?~} m ? (J) V) ZD U (nzo x 7 Q )N N = li ? m o' O n ? x Q o N W Z Zm) J LL ------------- -- Sheet reference number. CU103 sneer Of J Q Z m US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District I LEGEND 6 nl 0 ?I u W W N W z V F I I I I I I I I I Y113 YARD INLET, SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ020 tB- CATCH BASIN, SEE DETAILS. SH. CZ023 TO CZ027 HWE==l HEADWALL, SEE DETAIL SH. CZ007 "to STORM MANHOLE. SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ019 pN0 SANITARY MANHOLE. SEE DETAIL. SH. CZOOB C.00 CLEANOUT. SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ007 -•CWL • CONTRACTOR WORK LIMITS 1D SITE NOTE. SEE SHEET CSIO0 - PD - PAVEMENT DRAIN. SEE DETAIL. SH CZOOI 107 I 104 ' 101 10 2 109 106 N 150,324.70 E 237,192.25 \ - ?? -? Y14-2------ ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MATCH LINE SHEET CU105 DATE: SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS ... 20 10 0 20 40FT SCALE: 1"• 20' rn m m ? o N Y °alvi `1? I? LL w Z D N Y 2 O Q Q m on < Z ft- b? 8 x 0 o'/r 3 U ? V Z a o? J Q<? a Q 0 U m ? o 2 7 Q >N> N I L 0 Cr 0 Z) O ? ? I m 7 CO W Z 2 0. K L Sheet reference number. cu104 Sheet of E M US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District -SAFETY PAYS- I- 1 C3 0 7 U f x z J x U F Q 5I I 6 107 I 104 01 10 ' . 2 109 I 106 LEGEND ..w.?n unc ancu WtVo YI p YARD INLET, SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ020 -•CVL • CONTRACTOR CBS CATCH BASIN, SEE DETAILS. SH. CZ023 TO CZ027 WORK LIMITS HWE==l HEADWALL, SEE DETAIL SH. CZ007 (D NOS? SITE SEE O SHEET MHO STORM MANHOLE. SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ019 hHNO SANITARY MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ008 - PD - PAVEMENT DRAIN, SEE DETAIL. C.00 CLEANOUT. SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ007 SH CZ001 -SUPPORI VALU: ENGINEERING • IT PAYS"' 20 to 0 20 40FT SCALE: V- 20• 0 u W 2 W z J 2 u Q f US Amry Caps of Engineers Louisville District rn o m 0 o ? J N a YLL a w z 5 O ol Y I 2 z Q E a z o m co a 2 s~ o$= al i o. 3u'd? ?u Z Q Q?LL lL c Q Q F iI ?ZYti W VI I O to z o 2 Q o y N 2 i O D o ? ? 2 m o N W z :m) a J Q H Sheet m reference m number. U) CU105 a 'Z Sheet _ of _ LL - - - _ MATCH LINE SHEET CU104 - - - - - - - - - - MATCH LINE SHEET CU105- r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ HW 3-2 MAIN SANITARY FP CE- i? `- - i 2 3 4 5 ;I 0 W I 1. J LEGEND y1 a YARD INLET, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ020 C8- CATCH BASIN, SEE DETAILS, SH. CZ023 TO CZ027 HWE=l HEADWALL, SEE DETAIL SH. CZ007 6 107 ' 104 01 10 - 2 109 106 I Im 0 STORM MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ019 SMHNO SANITARY MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ008 C.00 CLEANOUT. SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ007 -•CWL . CONTRACTOR WORK LIMITS SITE NOTE. SEE SHEET CSIOO -PD - PAVEMENT DRAIN, SEE DETAIL, SH CZ001 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS- N 749.887 E 2.037.4 y .,4E '.... '4 a., 1 I I N 749,989.96 0 E 7,477.18 , I I I 11 N L_ r J I, L 11 p 0 V PARKING HM 1-8 St ? S N 749.857.84 E 2.037.501.90 ?o lu lei 1-7 W N IZ J 1= u Q l I? I UAIL: 12-MAY-2CCE 12:27 FILE: T:wproj ?'RCC'. Con m m o a ° v J O a ' $ a PLL - s a g' E Q B w Z 3 O O y. a o ? Gf m o: x 0 a z~ai $° Z Aa o N d O f 0 Z Q 0} J QQa-o ~~UD Z ." W p I- Q -? i to NZs Q N m = ? re 0' o? ? x o m w z D a Sheet reference number. CU106 Sheet of i "M US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville Distrid YS I I N ? I I I I I LEGEND 107 I f I 104 I } 01 10 - 2 109 I 106 I Y1 p YARD INLET, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ020 CBS CATCH BASIN, SEE DETAILS, SH. CZ023 TO CZ027 HW 8 HEADWALL, SEE DETAIL SH. CZ007 MHO STORM MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ019 ,H SANITARY MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZOOB C.00 CLEANOUT, SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ007 -,CWL , CONTRACTOR WORK LIMITS (D SITE NOTE. SEE I^ SHEET CSIO0 u I? - PD - PAVEMENT DRAIN, W SEE DETAIL. Ix SH CZ001 I W 2 I? I . I? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ?? l I N 750.327.70 ' HM 4-4 I ` E 2.036.655.21 STORM LINE 5 - - ' - N 750.335.29 --------------------`? ------ - - - - ??-- - - - - - - - E 2.036.982.24 - - - - - - - - - - - MATCH LINE SHEET CU 108 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 10 0 20 4CFT SCALE: 1- 20' GATE: 12-MAY-21 - "SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING IT PAYS"' ,,. ?.- _-.:. ,. FILE: T:*proj+li . ..n .::.. .. _ _ _. 4 5 6 m m m o a a Y J ry a gLL a 4 w z p C) Y a p a Y m rr = p m a E) 0o z F B 8 ? a oNawUo . a . Z Q Q o t- Q Z W ?QJN ?V? ?- y O N Z ? I 7 Q )n) Z) x = ?2 a t? o N W Z Z3 a Sheet reference number. CU107 Sheet of E M US Army Caps of ENmeers Louisville District -------------------6--HW- 5-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 107 I 104 I I 01 10 - 2 109 I 106 I MATCH LINE SHEET CU109 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I o O sa I •l ? I I yc^ I I? j ? I I ?x I I / YI 4-3 o C N 750.212.61 E 2,03 ,039.54 o I / i H IW W / IN W 0 ? / • Z P ' u I °x I? LE2. 6.26 919.90 .o I z? a? ry ?.I N 750,054.53 E 2,037,058.02 SAN Mi 3-2 5 I Sp N13paH" PvC 8 I N 750,005.97 E 2.036.916.32 ----------------J LEGEND y1 a YARD INLET, SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ020 -•?? CONTRACTOR Cep CATCH BASIN. SEE DETAILS, SH. CZ023 TO CZ027 WORK LIMITS HWE==1 HEADWALL, SEE DETAIL SH. CZ007 Q) SITE NOTE, SEE SHEET CS100 MHO STORM MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ019 SANG SANITARY MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ008 - PD - PAVEMENT DRAIN, SEE DETAIL, C.00 CLEANOUT. SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ007 SH CZOOI -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS ..L o, oM+ ri MATCH LINE SHEET CU107 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I- - - - N 750,321.71 YI 5-1 E 2,036,145.02 ?_ - Qo 1?- f x X x? Oo ?'?00 O OI o °o of BI-LEVEL RAMP of xa? °I Oq °I o? x' J al l of D I x d O p C _' X of 00 I I N 750,107.21 E 2,036,893.25 Xo° e Dp PD -- Xo 20 10 0 20 40FT SCALE: 1- 20' rn m m 0 0 a q J N '"A a ?? § d ,a e a O Z 0 Yi a az <_ x 0 a x ?_? zLL F.° B ?. 8NaL; Z Q 0 -J QQ?o C) t, 0 to z n < rv m = 0 m 0 zm) 0 S m < o U) w Z D a Sheet reference number. CU108 Sheet of US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville District 1 2 3 4 6 107 104 I I 01 10 - 2 109 I 106 I 'SAFETY PAYS"' T MATCH LINE SHEET CU108 o ? a ---------Q - - - - ?ws -S -- -1- ---------------- 1-3 a --? °° N °°°° g°°°°°19z° I ??(( U N 14.977.87 2,036,888.63 m? SAN AH 1 I SIN ma ANITARY FORCE ,. NEW SANITARY a q" PVC SEWER LIFT a I STATION 1-5 _ N 749,950.56 I 1 E 2.136.'920:34- - N 749.961.88 : YI 6-1 I E 2.036.888.27 I - ---- -------- m A - m ; N 749.920.78 2.036.923.97 HW 6-2 Z' I I I I I I I I; IW IA IZ IJ I IF ..I LEGEND Y113 YARD INLET. SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ020 CBS CATCH BASIN. SEE DETAILS, SH. CZ023 TO CZ027 HW B HEADWALL, SEE DETAIL SH. CZ007 MH 41 STORM MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ019 SHHH? SANITARY MANHOLE, SEE DETAIL. SH. CZ008 C.09 CLEANOUT. SEE DETAIL, SH. CZ007 -, vL . CONTRACTOR WORK LIMITS 1Q SITE NOTE. SEE SHEET CS100 -PD - PAVEMENT DRAIN, SEE DETAIL. SH CZOO1 "SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' 20 10 0 20 40FT SCALE: V- 20' DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:27 FILE: T:*prof+RCCO+Con-Oocs*Sheets*Civil m ro c o o Y J N a YLL - H 5 a R w z 5 ? (A Y d D z ? a E m o= = a m C) 2x o ? Z w F $ a ?. a A gV Z Q QQ o Oz?W I-QJ1?n U mzo c) Z) o' a ? ? = m 4 ? o N W Z Sheet reference number. CU109 Shea of d US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville District "'SAFETY PAYS- 2 I 3 4 400 _____________________________________..________________ I CB11-1 ----- CB i'3 - - - i - - - -------- ----------------- ------------- q ,.9' CB PINV IN 0+1327.60;42 --- ,--- I ------- Q PVI PV .1 1+32. 19' PV1 1-4 3+31 INVI IN 375.2 INV IN 2374.29 .5i INN IN 373922 I PV1; 1 4+5 'NV-IN 32.37289 .21 I INV OUT 376.38 INV OUT 374.5 I I I I ; INV, OUT 375' 18 ]NV. OUT 368;02 - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 390 --- ----------=------ i - ------- --- -------- -------- = - --------- ------------- - INV OUT 375.18 I I I I ? I ? ? , I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? I I I I 380 -'----- - - - -------"-------?-- - - - - rv----- - - - - - - - ------- I -------- A w r -I--T-- IS' RCP;- - -- - ---?- - -_=_°° -- - 15" RCP IS" RCP C ?- 1.007• 15V RCP I , S= I I I I I s-.-1 ?ao7 I s= 1 pox _ I 370 ------ .._,_______J________L------- ________J________L------- ._______ J _______1_______J L___-___,_______J________L____S__,1.007. _J _24kfP_____I J - ------ I , _11:.00% I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 1 ' ___________ 360 I ----' ?-------. ------------ I . I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IN ^IN IN IN ,N 'N 'N ?N 'fV 'N iN iN 'N 'N ?N iN ?N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N ?N ?N -? NiM - -•, m O, r O,N .TAM r?- r,m mfr mom O,M Q, r?01 mgr ^,N Q,M N, 10?m Oir ?i m OEM m?01 Ml?r ^,Ifl Q,M NI m m i0 C4 i0 m L l ?+ Vl C4 N m u, m N m Q m Q M Q m Q o+ Q m M o; M O M O M O M O N O N O N N m r m r f`• O r J? r, r r,r r,r r,r r r r,r r,r r-,r r-,r I-,r r,r r,r r,r P,r m,r m,r m,r m r m r m r m r r Ip r rp r IO m ?0 ml 3411 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M'M M'M M'M M'M M'M M'M M'M M'M M 0+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 1+00 1+20 1+40 1+60 1+80 2+00 2+20 2+40 2+50 2+80 3+00 3+20 3+40 3+60 3-80 4+00 4+20 4+40 4+60 4+60 5+00 PROFILE - STORM LINE I I I _.____________________________________i_________ i 400 - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MH I'6 PVI 5+65.72 MH 1 7 _ I INV EL 366.69, PSI 7+73.14 1 M I I INV EL 365.65 1 374.1 I I ------- --------------- r - - r R?f1 EC 37 :93 ---- r - ----- 390 HW 1- J--- r I I I I - _ PVI 8}23.91 rr---- I - T - - - INV Eq 365.28 ________y__ I I , T ------ ?-------------?------?--- - - - ------ ------ ----'-- ------ 380 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z I I I I I I I I I I I I ? r I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I t , ' ' ? I ? I I -------1-------J- - --`-------'-------J--------`-`----?4--RCf -'--------`-------?----------------;--- -1_36m .R 1--------L ---\--?-'?---J------- 370 FI I U -0.50 S= -0.75x \ \ ---- r------- r------1--------r----------- -------- I I i 360 I I I , I , I I I I I I I I ' I I ? I Im Im Ir IN 'N IN IN IN iN iN iN im it 350 j0 iQ j0 0 iN y O,Ot m, N,cD r,lll tp,V ID,M m,N O, M,O m,m NI m, I? OI,M M,O Ir NiiO N ip N, t0 ^,iD -?, ip - ,Ip Oo' Co ID C ? miul m?tf1 r itfl UIiN MiIr1 ^iN miN m m,t0 m,10 m,m m,i0 m,i0 m,iD m,l? r,m r,ID r,m r,io r,m r ip r,io r,?n r,ln m,iD M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M'M M M M M M M M M 340 5+40 5+50 5-80 6+00 6+20 6+40 6+60 6+80 7+00 7+20 7+40 7+60 7+80 8+00 8+20 8+40 8+60 8+80 20 10 0 20 4CFT SCALE: 1"•20'HORIZ. 10 5 0 10 20FT SCALE: 1"- 10' VERT. Z m b O Q °rv 0 Y ? N pr a Q 0 LL to Qa N A Z ? o a Z of m m Q s = 0 U Y 2 r o! I 3 E U U (j = t ay F 3 $ p p B S W ,,^^ Vl W W LL J 0 /n L w /? NN w ?+ LL N Oct U N Z I 7 Q ny N ? IL 0 O D O t? I m Q W o to W Z Sheet reference number. CV005 Sheet of ET- L 0,F " Q US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District I 3 4 5 6 -SAFETY PAYS"* 400 _______r________,________r___ -___Y___________________r_______.r_______ 400 CB', 2-1 CU 1-5 PV,I 0+10.00 PVI 2+01.32 INV IN 378'67 INV OUT 376.76 390 ---- ---- +-- ---------------- - - -- ---------- ---- ------- ------- 390 380 - -------'--------`-- ----,..- ----45"-RCP-`------- ' -- ------ '---- ----`---- 380 S='-1.007. 370 ------t------r----r-- '---r- ----,------'-r-------i-- -------- --- ------- 370 360 ------•------"----------- ---+-- ---------------------^-- i --------- ' -----------^------- ' 360 of ?r" rpiL'1 I-iM i0, iti 1n,01 F I P? M iM N,M N, r ,? Oi tD O] 35V DJ ?1? OJ ? r W , r M M M M Fl M m , F- M M CO , ti OJ i F- ? ? r M r'1 FI M M M 9 ? F- M M OJ i ti i0 ? ti M M M M M 350 0+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+60 1+00 1+20 1440 1+60 1+80 2400 2+ 20 PROFILE - STORM LINE 2 390 -------------,-.-------------;------- 390 380 -----YI'3-1--'-'r------r------1--------?------r--__ 380 PV) 0+10.00 HW 3-2 EL :360.80 PV1 1+07 GRATE EL 365.8 EL 359.E3 370 --- ---+---------------- ?------^------'•---- --------- 370 1?F RCP 360 --- ---'------------- - - -?------ S_ = ;--1.007 360 350 --------- ------------------ r-------i--------r------r------ 350 340 I ? I ------- •------------- r ------- ^------ ----------------- 340 M O NCO O -iO HO O?c4 c4 3361' u),un N, M M M M M M M M M M M 330 0+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 1+00 1+20 1+40 PROFILE - STORM LINE 3 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' 20 10 0 _ 20 40FT SCALE:1"- 20'HORIZ. 10 5 0 10 20FT SCALE: 1"- 10' VERT. DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:27 FILE: T: ?proj*RCCO*Con_DOcS*Sheets*C lv1 1 +rccOcv006. Z m rya a °0 x Y ¢ a ?LL d F o ea s € Q7 W Z 0 ? tt no 0 0 5 0 O Y i h- ? I < 8 N U 0 I f £ p LJ.. W WW LL J o ? L N w 20 F w ?+- LL N 00 v U v1 Z g I 7 Q >N> 1 o, O p n p I ? n w Z Z:) a Sheet reference number: CV006 Sheet of J Q E M US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville District ETY PAYS"' - - - r -------:-------- - r -------- ---- ---- -------' -- ----- --- - - --- Y I '4 1 ? r , ----------- -------- ------ -- PVI'0? +10.00 GRAPE EL 361.0 INV:OUT 361;00 I 380 --- ---+------?--- ---r- -----+---- --- Y 1: 4-2 _ PVI 2+11.66 - - ' ' L INV IN 357.98 INV U 356.39 I 370 -- --- '----- '___- ---`-- _ -----'---- -----`--- ---'__ -----'---- --`-- -'--a._-- GgATE_EL_3t9.00_ __ ' --- NEW GRADE ----- ---- - ----- -- ----- --- --- ---- --- ---- -- ------ ---- 1 - --- ------- ---- YI 4-3: -- ' : I.1 VI 4+ 0 . 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US Arnny Corps of Ergire rs Louisville District I z 3 m N O I < ?u a g 9< s Q7 W z pa < Z s M Ei = O <O Y 2 F ? I 3 N O (7 I z w E p = S u W/^ vJ WW LL J r, LL o c7 ?O W y N? W LL N 00- U) U N z o I QZ) >>N N p 4 0 O O p n (n W z Z) a Sheet reference number. CV007 Shed of 0] Z) J a z u- F 1. "'SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' _:_ ...._.....:.:..'._..'_..,_____ _:.....___. 2 3 4 6 "'SAFETY PAYS*** E 380 -- - --- -'--- 380 I ? ? I I I I I I I i 370 ------ ' ----------------------- '-------- '-------L------'------- ?---------------- 371 YI 5-1 HW;5-2 PUJ 0+10.0 1 INV OUT 340.70 PROPOSED PVI 1+45.00 GRATE EL 36.00 GRADE INt 338.00 360 --- ------------ ------- -- i-----I-------'r------- r- ----r--''---r------- 360 350 -- -- - ------?------+------ I -----------'- +- ----- ---- -- RIPRAP UJTLET 350 %ISTING' PROTECTION, SEE GRADE 1 ;DETAIL Ski. CZO15 I I I I 18" qCP 340 -- ------ --- ------ -------- ------- 340 S= -2 00% I I I 330 I ? - i- ' -----'----- r ----- 130 I I I I ? ? 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CZO15 EXISTING I GRADE-?' 340 -------- ?--------.-------'r------- ?----- 340 I 330 -----+---------------------'-+----- 330 o ;O m f•ioJ ?,? f`? - N N QiN MAN N? m N New Vl i to NI Ifli Q 3260 M M M M M _ "' 320 0+00 0+20 0+40 0+6D 0+80 1+00 PROFILE - STORM LINE 6 -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING fT PAYS"' 20 10 0 20 4CFT SCALE: V- 20' HORIZ. 10 5 0 10 20FT SCALE: V- 10' VERT. F L n c _ D 3 o 0 x J N • n ¢ Q §LL _ eQ o Q? W Z o a 03 < r 0 x y 5 Q F vi U (0 x °?,. Z k ° U d 8 3 u W/^ V) w W It J 0 ? L v W 20 F W LL N 00- CO U 'n Z O D Q N m = f D (1 7 o? ? x e 4 2 o m w Z a Sheet reference number. CiV008 Sheet of F= f- m (Jo Z_ LL US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville Distrid "'SAFETY PAYS"' 380 70 ------ T -- - t0 1 VI ;NV ----- - --- - - -r - - - - - - r - - - - - T - - - - - - - - - ---r-- - ---T---------- - - - -1 LS 1,5 0+15.00 PVI 1+54.32 OUT 460.00 INV ;IN 355.9,1 ---- --------•-------•- -- ----- -------- MH I-4 -- PVI I+4442 INV IN 3 8.73 INV OUT 356.03 380 0 380 0 ------'T--'----------.-----------------------'---- ;0 2 1 MH 3 3 I PVI 0+15.60 1+13536 - _--- 1,.-__-_._F-------, PNV 1N y 9 00- _ ----- ____ INV_IN 36 53 INV OUT 380.00 380 70 360 ----' - ----6!'-'PV-C- - ------ 7 _ ----' - -- - 367 _6G-PVC L -1.007 I S= -1.007. , ~ - - 350 S=-1 = - 360 OWS PVI J+21.67 INV N 358.9 .007 - _ , ;8" PVC 350 ------ i-- .34 ------- I -----=PVI 1+3.3 ---= @ -I.00% ? T ;INV OUT 358 82 6'. -I 350 35U r - - --- ----- - 50 . 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N e n 0- Q F l aQ 9 N M Q W Z Q N O 0 A 2 m m Q Y < 0 0 3 e x a n x a z? ? a B o? ? o v <Y LLI a W _j Li- LL - zwo //<n vJ W V) U) IL U Co Z I ? Q )N N x f ? O ? o ? ¢ x m In Ld o N W -. Sheet reference number. CV009 Sheet of J F f- E 0ATL: 12-MAY72006 12 ., "'SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' FILE: L•?rpr oj-R000*C,, .:° _' _' -- US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District A --T - B c rHIO E E F r H i 420 __________________________ 1 I ____________ ___I____ __________ _ ---------- 7 7 7 US Ar my Co rps I 1 I , ' I I o f E ng ine er s I I I ? 1 ' 1 I I ' I I I ? L ow . rn IIa D istrict I I I I I i I I ' ? 1 ? 1 ' 410 ' ' 1 1 I i 1 i I 1 T ------- 1 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I ? I 1 I I 1 1 1 00 1 1 I I 1 I _______________y________,__ 1 1 _____,___ I I I I I I i 1 ? ; I 1 I I I 1 1 1 i I I I 1 1 i I , , ? ' I - 390 I i I L__ -'-'---I-----'------1 ? 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CVO4 I 0 Sheet _ of U- 1G: C-mnI-C UUb 1L:C! -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS..FILE: T:.?roj +RCCOwCon_O oc s.Sheets+C SAFEIY PAYS- h-------;-------,------,- --------,----------------------- ----------- ----------- ------ ------------------------ --- ---- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - I I ? I I I I ---------------- -------- -------- ------ r --i-- r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------I-------- I - ------------- 1 I 1 I I I I , , I I 1 , 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 - .----------------- -------------- II --------_ - ------ ------ I i °ol ' IPVI 8+96'.40 PVI I'+36.54 > - - `------- --- --------`-------;-------- EL 374- EL --_ ---I 374.41 _______ _______1_______!________L_______11 ------- J________L------- ;____ JI L------- 1------- '-------- i ______l I w ; N4r4r55 PVI'8+29.45; I I I , I I I I I ; ^I EL 365.54 I I I ' ------ I I I - , ?? , IF -- -- ; --- - -- ------- 2 I I I , I , I , I I , I , , ? 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I I I --------------- I T I I I - ? 4° Pvc ________ -____ - ? -- 0 1 I 1 ______.. S=I. 567 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? I I I --------------- -------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- -------- ---------------- al s I I ? I I I I I ' I I ? I I I I I i j I ? I I I I ? ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? I I i I ? I II I ? I I I I I I ? ? I I I i I I I I I ' y________r------- +_______y________r------- ________y________r------- +________ Im I? Io i^ Ir1 IN i0 Im O Nam V ,lD N,.1 m,ll N, ?? 1.1?U1 IPiQ r,1? mi0 Oim X0 m 'o Ut vim P iN P??D z c; ini0 ini0 ini0 ut, CJ Ini O u1?0 iDi Q? mid ttl? Ir- mgr- m m m,m m,a, m,m m,m m,m m,m m,m m,m m,m m,m m, ,Nl MIM NI IM M IM I?1fM I+1IM MII?1 MIM MIfM MII YI MIIM t?IIM MIIM M 420 410 400 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 10+60 10+80 11+00 11+20 11+40 11+60 11+80 12+00 12+20 12+40 12+60 12+80 13+00 13+20 "SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' 20 10 0 20 40FT SCALE 1"- 20 HOR12. 10 5 0 10 20FT SCALE: 1 - 10'VERT. DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:27 FILE: T:•proj-ftCCO+Con-D - m m 3 m 0 0 ? Y J N f. a ¢ PLL 9Q 4 o z w 0 Z) C3 N m ? 5 I? Q Y i N 0 I F U C7 Z w a o a x 6 f 4 NN vJ LLLLW v W J 0 3: LL 'I ZW0w Q co 35: W U N Z II- ZM) Q )H N x 0 ? o n x m Q 2 o W J z Q a tY Sheet reference number. CV012 Sheet of US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville District "'SAFETY PAYS*** 1 3 4 5 6 310 -- - --•------•---- -------- ------------------ - ----•------------------- --------- -------------------- 370 PVI'0+10.00 PVI 1+57.06 PVI:2+44.00 EL X60.56 EL 351.11 EL 4'56.00 360 ? _ !________L__ $ 2 _3Er7. _____1______ !________L___ ____a ?-_-_--__L --_-- 360 S= -1.28 7. NEW GRADE (DITCH BOTTOM) EXISTING 350 ---- -"'T'------ - ---- '- , ----- ---- r--- --1---?'=r-----r _ -- .... , GRADE T -------I- _ - T-- --r--'i 1- --- 50 SODDED "V" DITCH SEE DETAIL, 340 ---- ----+----------- --------- ----+-------- -------- - SH. CZ015 ' ? - -----•-------?--- -------------+-- - ------ ------ 340 ttl N,M ,m Q,M M,O? I(1,Q O, pl N MAN i0 m, m 0 ,M M m,M iD,O m Ul r? p mom Ifl ilD Ifl, Vl Mom lll,tn ^i m mom mir N,m Q,III Q N ri r r ?r rDi m Q N Q N Q ,ll m?t0 Q 111 m?10 O?m Q 11 a 33U M M M Nl M M , M M M M M M , , M M M Nl M I M , M I M 1 N,N M I M ML- 330 0100 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80- 1+00 1+20 1+40 160 1+80 2+00 2+20 2+40 2'60 PROFILE - NORTH MEP DITCH 380 ----- ---------------- ---- ---- -------- --- ----- -------- - -- ------- ---- - I , - - - -- - - , ;- ---- --- ? ---- - - -- - ------- ---- -- -------- ------•----- -- ------- 380 _ P.1 O+IO.Cb _ PV1 3+;40.00 54 T EL, 360 EXISTING . I I ? GRADE _ ? EL 356.97 370 -- --'--------- ---- --`--- ---a-------- '-------- `-- ----- a ,-- -- -'----- - _ - T - ' I `-------a----- ------------?.. -------'---- - -- ---- 370 60 -- ---,>'- -•- , I - 1-•-08-- ------- , --------------- 1 _ .? -- ---,-------r----'?-?- ? --- - -- 360 NEW GRADE " " (DITCH BOTTOM) T SODDED V BITCH SEP DETAIL. 350 ---- --- •------- - --- ----•------------------ ----•--------+------------ ---•--- ------ S} 7.-C 2A15- -•------'•-------•------•------ ------ ----- 350 N M ?N Q,Q ,N i0 o1,0 ?m ?r im r, N,IfI M,M ?M ?N ?p - - o, r,r ?m Q,Q 'N 'Q NiN O,O mi m IN :0 im mom Q?Q N, ?r p?OI 0 t0 34M 00 o;p o;0 ID m , l0 ID M M M M m;0 N,ID M M m;m m;w of o4 N,m ln,m m,N M M M M M M m;m m;m mim N,m ln,N ln,m M M M M M M m;m tn,tn M M m;m m;m r;r N,N tn,m N,IP M M M M M M r'r r;r r;r NAM N,m N,N En M M M M M r;to N,N M M 340 0+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 1+00 1+20 1+40 1+60 1+80 2+00 2+20 2+40 2+60 2+80 3+00 3+20 3+40 3+60 PROFILE - SOUTH MEP DITCH 390 ---- ----------------- -------- ------- ----------------------- --- - --- -- PVI 0+10.00 • - --•-- --- ----------- -- ----- - '-- --- ----- --- --- ----•----- -- - ----- 390 EL 69.67 EXISTING PVI 2+02.38 PVI 3+31;.58 GRADE; EL 36$.01 EL 363.01 I - I I . r - r- a -`---- ---, --- ---- ---- ------ -- --'-- -- '--- --------- ------ ----'----- ----- - -- 380 PVI 0+39 19 3 Ft FLAT BOTTOM i - - _ PVI 2+ 7.42 . SODDED DITCH- _ - EL 364.18 EL , 3q , SEE DETAIL, I I 70 --' 5= - 6- --- 2 ---'---- ---?-- SH. CZ015 - y- - ? 9X ; ------ -- ----- - ---- - - - - - - --- ---- 3T0 s= -.1 73-1 ? 7 -1.504 S= -1.60- y N W??G RADE 3 60 ---- --------- -------- ---- (CH BOTTOM) ?. --- 360 r ,Q IN N,p O,m Ir Q,Q IM M,-• ?m IM '? ,r , V NCO IQ m??r Ip QIQ MAO Q, Q, ,Q_ - IQ N, 9 'Q OiI(1 'Q III?N I 0•? M m r' Oit1l m,tD m i0 Oar m ID Oi m ID c; of cD m?I.l' m,tD ",o r m Lr1 LN -,w t0'1Il r' to r?N r m l0'Q rim Q'Q rim MiQ r m c; r to m'M i 0 m' 4 D? N' ? O ? l 350 M M MIM M j M M I M M I M M I M M I M M I M I , M 1 M I M M M , M' M , M M t M M i to n' M tD M tD M 350 0+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+60 1+00 1+20 1+40 . 1+60 1+80 2+00 2+20 2+40 2+60 2+80 3+00 3+20 3+40 3+60 PROFILE - SOUTH POV DITCH 20 10 0 20 4OFT SCALE: V- 20' HORIZ. 10 5 0 10 20FT SCALE: 1"• 10' VERT. —SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:27 FILE: T:-proj+R000-Con_Ooc - p > 0 ? Q O N v o a § a FLL sa s w z 0 O Q Z O B m m Q 3 F O O Y co U l7 = 2 a a z ?' F E ? p 1 ? C 0 8 U) W J LNL 0L F" 0 U (11 Z o am ] Q >>o LL N If 0 ] O O n Z 2 D L? o to J Z ] Q. Sheet reference number. CV013 St,eet of M US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District "'SAFETY PAYS"' I_ PR I I ASPHALT SURFACE 50MM ASPHALT BINDER DRAINAGE LAY[ AGGREGATE BA! •57 ?I UL- I H LL- 1 4 IN. MIN. TACK COAT - PRIME COAT 3I ASPHALT SURFACE ASPHALT BINDER DRAINAGE LAYER AGGREGATE BASE - •57 STONE DETAIL 2 4 5I CONCRETE DETAIL 2A 5' Z s .R ORATED PIPE 1 FILTER FABRIC PAVEMENT COMPOSITIONS LIGHT DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT 1.5 IN. ASPHALT SURFACE(SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 02703) 2.0 IN. ASPHALT BINDER (SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 02703) 4.0 IN. DRAINAGE LAYER (NCDOT SECTION 1005, 457 WASHED STONE, CHOKED WITH 78M STONE) 4.0 IN. AGGREGATE BASE (NCDOT SECTION 1005, AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (ABC) STONE) HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT 2.0 IN. ASPHALT SURFACE(SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 02703) 3.0 IN. ASPHALT BINDER(SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 02703) 4.0 IN. DRAINAGE LAYER (NCDOT SECTION 1005, -57 WASHED STONE, CHOKED WITH 78M STONE) 4.0 IN. AGGREGATE BASE (NCDOT SECTION 1005, AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (ABC) STONE) CONCRETE PAVEMENT 6.0 IN. CONCRETE PAVEMENT (4000 PSI) 5.5 IN. DRAINAGE LAYER(NCDOT SECTION 1005, 457 WASHED STONE, CHOKED WITH 78M STONE) 4.0 IN.'AGGREGATE BASE (NCDOT SECTION 1005, AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (ABC) STONE) FABRIC IN. PERFORATED PIPE PAVEMENT DRAIN DETAILS DRAINAGE LAYER AGGREGATE BASE -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' NC 55 TURN LANE PAVEMENT G IN. PERFORATED 3.0 IN. ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE (NCDOT SECTION 610, TYPE S12.5C) PIPE 4.0 'IN. ASPHALT INTERMEDIATE COURSE (NCDOT SECTION 610, TYPE I 19.OC) 7.0 IN. ASPHALT BASE COURSE (NCDOT SECTION 610, TYPE B25.OC) DATE: 1!-N - e'. FILE: Ii oj. ., .,, n 0 7 J N o- a Q gu - Q? W Z O Q ? L. m Q 5 = 0 0 Y i of x g N U C7 = a Z? o s ? o Qua 8 $ Q Q (n -j O LL L Q Q I- W UUW Q}. rw v f ? , U N ? o 2 7 Q }n N = LL ? I O ? O ? ? I m Q??s N W Z ? J d lr Sheet reference number: CZ001 Sheet of US Amy Caps of Engineers Louisville District CURB DETAIL "'SAFETY PAYS"' A B C p E F ? CL I4' 2' 5' 10' 2' J 2% 2% 1 2% _ 2% 2 \ sy , MULTI-USE PATH 0 SEE DETAIL 2 SH. CZ001 NEW NC 55 TURNING LANE 2 r 5. 1.5' ll' CL 11, 1.5' .5' SLOPE VARIES -? i 27 SLOPE VARIES 3 0 POV ENTRANCE `-SEE DETAIL 2 - SEE CURB SH. CZ001 DETAIL SH. CZ001 CL 1.5 - - - _88.50' 30' 22' 58.5' 1.5 5" I 6, 4 BIORETENTION AREA \ 10p , ,J :1V A? 2?-? 1.5' 2% EEEE? 2' 15' 2" 1.5' fY l% 3H:IV? SEE CURB POV LOT SIDEWALK DETAIL SH. CZ001 SEE DETAIL 2 SH. CZ00 SEE CURB DETAIL r SH. CZ001 5 CL 7.5' 7.5' 7.5' - ?TL 7.5' C 2.130'% 1.7307 0'L 07 s DOCK @ ACCESS ROAD DOCK @ TRAINING BUILDING -SUPPORT VA NG - IT PAYS- DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:27 FILE: T:-Proj+R000 Con_DocsrSheets*C i v i I-rccOczOO2. dgn US Army Caps of Engineers Louisville District i I I o, o d W z n a O a 9 a 9 7 z a o I 7 z F m to Q $ = 0 0 Y 6 U (7 = Z. E o S F Y O n 8 Q 0zv 0? O a _J - N Q~w- (-) w Q. U) v co Z n o 7 Q rv ) ) y ll LL E ? 0 p n N W o Z 7 IL J f- H- Sheet reference m Z) number. N CZ002 a Z sr-t _ m ? "SAFETY PAYS- 2' SLOPE VARIES / 2 2' m-0.65%i SLOPE \ VARIES / 16 B C D F F V H CL 2 m 78' 1.25% 135.25' II' 6' 6' 0.65% , 1.25% 6ry 6N ZG MEP BEGIN SEE DETAIL 2 SH. CZO0 fTYP) WIDTH VARIES 2' e 76 0.75% -- ??r -- 135.25' - _-- I1 6 6 0,65% 0_75% o w MEP END 6v 6 v? WIDTH SEE DETAIL 2 VARIES SH. CZOOI (TYP) -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS- DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:27 FILE: T:+Droj-R000-Con _ - m m m o w n a z PLL sQ € A ?Q W z a o Q ? m m Q 5 = O O xi 1- Cr z =?8 U) O O a F Y ? 3 u a Q U) 0 z v X010 - Co Q UW ?wM }C/)v v1 ? o S 7 Q rv ) ) U1 = li D O D O ? ? o Q (n J z J Sheet reference m D number. U) CZ003 a z Shee N U- m US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville DistriU i 1 i 2. 3 I it -SAFETY PAYS"' D E F CL 22' II' 0.45%_ 0.45% .5' 2' ?7 SLOPE AND WIDTH VARY 0 IA 41 ACCESS ROAD AT NC55 CL 22' l1 2% 2% ACCESS ROAD ENTRANCE STA. 1+42,35 TO STA. 3+36.68 (NOTE: CURBS SHOWN AT STA. 1+42.35) J r j. WIDTH VARIES SEE CURB DETAIL. i SH. CZ001 ACCESS ROAD WITH DITCH STA. 3+64.72 TO STA. 6+45.00 5 CL 2' 2' 10.5' 10' TRANSITION 6' TO II' FROM STA 9+27 TO 9+57 r SLOPE I 2'L VARIES 6% 2% 27. 8Y J WIDTH VARIES \ 3 y 0 6 ACCESS ROAD TO MEP SEE CURB STA. 6+96.92 TO STA. 9+50.00 DETAIL, SH. CZOOI SEE DETAIL 2 / SH. CZ001 -/ - -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' 2' .5' ca- 2% SLOPE AND WIDTH VARY 0 SEE DETAIL 2 SH. CZ001 (TYP) US Army Caps of Ergioee,s Louisville District rn m m 0 0 R lu y cc Q n a Z PLL s ea s ? o 0Z 0 0 a Z , Y m co < 5 = O O Y F a i 5 g 3 z t o a F °a 0 NQ U) LLZ 0 10L _j Q UW U_ W WT O C/) Z o x Q N ) ) N = LL a o ? 2 o Q W Z J Sheet reference CO E) number. CZ004 a 2 sneer _ of u- VARIES SEEDING ' VARIES 1 VARIES ( I I \ 18 NCOOT PLAIN RIPRAP, CLASS 2 `- 6" NCDOT ABC (FILTER STONE) TYPICAL SECTION FLAT BOTTOM RIPRAP DITCH NOT TO SCALE SEEDING 2 VARIES VAR ICS _T I ?-- IS" NCOOT PLAIN RIPRAP, CLASS 2 `- 6" NCOOT ABC (FILTER STONE) TYPICAL SECTION - AGGREGATE "V" DITCH_ NOT TO SCALE SEEDING 3 6 6 TYPICAL SECTION - SODDED "V" DITCH NOT TO SCALE VARIES SEEDING YAfl IES RIES 4 TYPICAL SECTION - FLAT BOTTOM SODDED DITCH NOT TO SCALE FOR WIDTH AND LENGTH SEE PLAN 18" NCOOT PLAIN RIPRAP, CUSS 2 6" NCDOT ABC (FILTER STONE) 5 RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE 6 -SAFETY PAYS*** EXIST. OR NEW CONC. INLET WALL A A 4" 21" OF 6"0 OR B"/ + VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE Ny e`. 6 INCH PIPE FROM I- UNDERDRA IN J MAX. CONC. COLLAR 1?2 A A , ' -- CUT OPENING THRU CONC. WALL, GROUT LINE IN PLACE AS SHOWN. GROUT SHALL BE FLUSH WITH INSIDE FACE OF WALL. CONCRETE COLLAR DETAIL NOT TO SCALE WASH PAD DETAIL NOT TO SCALE DIAMETER GOLD ANODIZED SPIN ALUMINUM BILL SE IL1 WITH FLUSH 5E DIA. STANLESS S9 EEL ARCIWT CABLE CORNER WEIGHT W/- _??? \ BEADED RETAINER RING CONCEAL D NG REVOLV HAL' AJNLES TEFL Y TRUCK T STEEL HINTED ACCESS DOOR W/- CYLINDER LOCK TO CAM ?? GALL BEARINGS ACTION CLEAT W/ SHEAVE •5 BARS 0 6' O.C. c ,1 U _ PROVIDE 3" COVER AS REOIJIREO IN SECTION 03300.•5 0 6" VERTICAL SPACING 21h' _ CONCRETE SHALL RE CIA. IN ACCORDANCE WITH A SECTION 033007- iEE RI 5 WELDED TO SLEEVE FOR CENTERING POLL -?_ :.J I A 11 11 II 2' -PERIMETER SEALANT -ALUMINUM FLASH COLLAR DO NOT FILL SPACE OR FIT COLLAR TOO CLOSELY t 11)2"0'/ "x12"LOOSE HARDW06d WEDGES FOR A CENTERING POLE. REMOVE AFTER SM40 IS IN PLACE AND BEFORE CALKING COMPOUND IS POURED. -BLACK ISPHALTUI PAINT ON SURFACE OF POLE L \ FOUNDATION SLEEVE ASSEMBLY BELOW GRADE. \TAMPERED DRY SCREENED SAND \\METAL SLEEVE STEEL WEDGES. WCLOED NEAT EXCAVATION %p" THICK STEEL PLATE --STEEL BASE PLATE ----SINGLE GROUNDING SPWE FLAG POLE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ORT VALUE EN - IT PAYS" F G DRAIN. SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS 2' 3 •5 BARS 0 6" O.C. 0 5 TIE S IF 6" VERTICAL SPACING SECTION A-A DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:28 FILE: T;* projWRCCO+FC On_C^ -- a US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District a 5 H m m m LIT 0 0 J Z O a ? ea 0 7 W Z O Q n ? 4 m m of S o a 3R vi a U C7 Zw 8 Z) 0 w u) ZJ -j 1F<- w W J W I UQ? U) 2 N ? o z 7 Q )N) N = LL Z) 0 Z) O ? ? 2 m L? o (n w Z J a Sheet reference number. CZ015 Sr,M m PAYS n 1I DRAINAGE PIPE UNDER POV PEDESRTIAN WALK - OUTLET END NOTES: 1. L = THE LENGTH OF THE P,IPRAP APRON. 2. d = 1.5 TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER BUT NOT LESS THAN (" (inches). 3. IN A WELL-DEFINED CHANNEL EXTEND THE APRON UP THE CHANNEL BANKS TO AN ELEVATION OF 6" (inches( ABOVE THE MAXIMUM TAIL WATER DEPTH OR TO THE TOP OF THE BANK, WHICHEVER IS LESS. L - 9. A FILTER BLANKET OR FILTER FABRIC SHOULD BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE RIPRAP AND SOIL FOUNDATION. 4' PIPE <;, r F 7 p d 3 L SECTION 'A-A' FABRIC PIPE OUTLET TO WELL-DEFINED CHANNEL STANDARD TYPE (UP TO 20 FEET IN DEPTH) STANDARD MANHOLE RING AND COVER STANDARD TOP DESIGNED STCPS 16" » FOR HS-20 CN CENTER-- 4A" LOADING MAY BE FLAT OR \ MIN. ECCENTRIC CONE UP.TO 20'-0" 5 PLASTIC CEMENT PUTTY OR BUTYL RUBBER JOINTS BRICK AND MORTAR IN 61 8" DUCTILE_/ Lu IRON PIPE _ DRAINAGE PIPE UNDER POV PEDESTRIAN WALK - INLET END MINIMUM G" THICK MASHED STONE BEDDING DEEP TYPE (OVER 20 FEET IN DEPTH) STANDARD MANHOLC RING AND COVER STANDARD .°- TOP DESIGNED STEPS 16" FOR HS-20 ON CENTER 6D" I.D. LOADING MAY BE FLAT OR MINIMUM .i ECCENTRIC CONE OVER 20'-0" yti 6„ d 5:1 MAX PLASTIC CEMENT PUTTY OR BUTYL R BBER O 0 U J INTS BRICK AND / MINIMUM G" THICK MORTAR INVERT- WASHED STONE BEDDING FLAT TOP DETAIL FLAT TOP DETAIL STANDARD STANDARD STEPS- STEPS 12 .t O SB" 12' I 0 72" STANDARD PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE JUNCTION BOX "'SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING- IT PAYS"' Dal. .._ .':,l 0 m co m ° o E Z e n CL z b - CL z €" - ea s ? WZ 0 O D U) ? F m z of m Q Y a: C) F Cr O 3 € u 01 U Z a a Qf o $ °la x a ? I 0 W (q Z J o JAW -j W W U? G U al z o I 7 a )nn N I LL 0 ? I 10 j Z 0 a Sheet reference number. CZ019 sneer Of US Anny Carps of Engineers Louisville District I 3 4 6 B NCDOT STANDARD 2' x 2' GRATE 'SEE NOTE 5 FOR ORIENTATION OF GRATE) MORTAR BED N CORBEL BRICK I" PER COURSE 0 FOR 6 COURSE 5,1 MAX. a PIPE "r . s z E n FETY PAYS*** CONCRETE 3000 P.S.. SECTION PLAN VIEW NOTES: 1. EITHER SOLID BRICK. SOLID BLOCK, OR PRECAST CONCRETE MAY BE USED. 2. FOR 24 INCH R.C.P. AND LARGER USE PIPE DIAMETER PLUS 12 INCHES FOR MINIMUM INSIDE DIMENSION. 3. CRATED NLETS SHALL NOT BE USED WITHIN TRAVEL AREAS. 4. STANDARD STEPS REQUIRED m 16 INCHES O.C. WHERE DEPTH EXCEEDS 3 FEET. 5. WHERE STEPS ARE REQUIRED. USE OF PRECAST CONCRETE SLAB SHALL BE USED AS TOP AND GRATE POSITIONED OVER STEPS. 6. YARD INLETS DEEPER THAN 10 FEET SHALL REQUIRE DOUBLE WALLS. STANDARD YARD INLET WITH GRATE AND FRAME W TYPICAL RIP RAP CHANNEL 2/3 W =1? _ 11 =1= -__-_ - - - 71 ,??I?IL =_ a -111=TAT'--(I 711. d W =_ - _9=III ?? II- , III- -+I L 4" to Iz" - IB" ? 1.1 Iaj ?Ih • IIHI?? -III-11,. ;, .•- III=1' I-=III-.Ii-III-1(L-'lf III-111= -"mil[ H -111- -FILTER FABRIC OR GRAVEL BEDDING FILTER FABRIC OR GRAVEL BEDDING PARABOLIC-SHAPED WATERWAY WITH STONE CENTER DRAIN TRAPEZOIDAL (SHAPED BY BULLDOZER) W -ILL=III -u_ d fill Il-il - Ie" to 12" NOTES: 6"?-rl'+ '?- FILTER FABRIC OR -TO BE USED WHERE EXCESSIVE STORMWATER =?L GRAVEL BEDDING VELOCITIES PROHIBIT VEGETATIVE LININGS. -SIZE OF STONE MUST BE DETERMINED BY V-SHAPED WATERWAY WITH STONE CENTER DRAIN APPROPRIATE DESIGN PROCEDURE. (SHAPED BY MOTOR GRADER) -DIMENSIONS FOR d & W VARIES ACCORDING TO DESIGN. STANDARD RIPRAP LINED CHANNELS —SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING . IT PAYS... DATE: 12-MAY-2006 12:28 FILE: T:-proj-RCCO?Con_Dccs+Sheets*Ci m 0 0 Y w J Z '' tt O a Z P LL °a : € I w Z O O 7 N O T T m Q Y i I O O f K I Q E N U U I' S Z a a 0 o g O E 8 a O ZU)1 r. 00 J?w J W w x 'U 0 U) U) G U m Z o x ? Q N m x ? O o ? ? I m Q2o W J Z Sheet reference number. CZ020 Sheet of M OS Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District 4" 8" 35" MINIMUM B" 4.. I "'SAFETY PAYS"' LIMIT OF PAVEMENT 3:1 MAX. GRASS (TYP.) - BUFFER GROUND COVER $REE1 OR MULCH (OW ti MAX. PONDED WATER DEPTH LAYER (G INCHES) t PLANTING v SOIL s FRENCH IN-SITU MATERIAL _ DRAIN BIORETENTION AREA PAVEMENT RAINFALL R6,,OFF EXCESS I RUNOFF l ,1r, TURF GRASS --/ GROUND COVER I /IN-SITU MATERIAL BIORETENTION AREA (TYPICAL SECTION) NO SCALE EVAPOTRANSPIRATION BIO-RETENTION AREA y. 04, " 4$$ 4 ^ >1 TURF GRASS ??V ?% .s Y ? ,s fY E - PONDING AREA ?- PLANTING SOIL III INFILTRATION ?- FG" DIA. RENCH DRAINORATED PIDE NON- Ij rj I! PERFORATED UNDER DRIVESUNDER BIORETENTION AREA (PLAN) NO SCALE -SUPPORT VALUE ENGINEERING - IT PAYS"' 12" i- GEOTEXTILE FABRIC WITH AP 2" AT TOP ?- i" DIA. PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE N •57 WASHED STONE IN-SITU MATERIAL 1111= Hill =)III111-lilt= IIII _ I,II _ 1111=!111=!ill =!III=1111- BIORETENTION AREA FRENCH DRAIN NO SCALE DATE: 12-MAY-21 FILE: T.-proj+l 0,e „ - .. m ? N J a 9a W O z H rn m o i $LL a Z 0 Z) m _ ? (0 (0 z m 0 a a ¢ Q x Y 3 3 i $ N U b 2 Z w £ b ? a Al e i Z O _j Z W 0 W Q O Q m U N Z o 2 ? Q >N N K 0 a Z) o ? x m a ? o m w Z Z) a Sheet reference number. CZ021 Sheet of MR US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District p~OPO K'1 ROG a s, E,~; S ; FIOWES 4. ~ h/ r i I<i?'I'C%hLlCr; ' i ~ ~ ~ „ ~ i ,.K ]h URCH ROAD E GROVE r;N p?N , 4 ~ J I F~O~ ~ ~ FS S r , rOR FRo o AO Q i 0 1 ~ pALIIST w COURT O ~ i 68 f } ~ I 67 U p!O ¢ NFFR ~ Ml~c / 66 / ~ i I ~ , m ROAD B5 ~ / ~ I 69 3 ; o p J ~ / ~ 64 i ~ ~ ! ' ~i ~ ' / / ~ I ~ ` / r ~~;i 63 / 55 i i ~ ~ 1 1 ~ i I; I, z I/ i 62 ~ 56 ! ~ i ~ Y D /r } ~ ~ ~ V~~ ~ fOr NifA. rJJr d J ~t ~ ~ t 0 [1 1 ~ tl 61 ; ~ , 1 Ti ~ t ~ ~,~5 ~ i. ~ I N ~~.1' ~f-or-bg-rc~r ~ ~aruxc~.sua ~ ~:rU~' r / ~~~yti i /T i / ~ ' \ / ~ i ~ 53 ~ yy, ~ ~"-'~c~ ior,wu . abr .r f/ I ~ \ ,1 2 r U I I II 1 .r~ , ~ ti ~ l ~ 51 ~c 154 155 / i 57 ~5: ~ : G~ /1 f 181 y, ~ I : , 70 ' i / 156 % ~ 50 ~ j ' 1( -J _ / ll / y ~ i i ~ i ~ / / 153 I 157 ~ ~ / l 71 49 ~ ~ li 158 ~ / , rrcawnau~y snob ~ ~ f~(~ ~ ~ l ! aaoo v ' rfj i / I i 180 182 ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ r.~. L, ~~T ~ ~ ~ „i 48 , 7P ~ ' i tl i / 152 ~ 159 ~ _ ~ ~ A r -l F T ~ 9 I - ~k 151 ~ ~ ~k ~ } ~~lr 1'~ ~ l 179 - i 47 ~ 1~ ~ / , 150 / 147 ~ \ ~ i , „ 73 183 ' \ ; ; r` ~ i 146 ; , ii I 174 174 178 ~ . ` ~ ~ I 'r ~ ~r_ i ~ , ~ i 148 7~/ ~ 195 ~ ~l i , ~ 46 , ~ ° 74 177 l• ,~'1 184 ~ i _ ~ i ~ f1 ~ ~ ~`~C~ > 149 ~ / l 196 ~ ~7 ~a i i ~ ~y i~ - - ' ~ I ~ ~ / 1 y~ 145 F - 1 r: / ~ ~_r, l 175 175 176. ~t 4 % 45 i I 75 - <; ~ ? Z;` ~~i 197. 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PION..,, ,SILL I~,~AD , _ ~ i? . . ~ ` ~ 60' Pi IBLT~' iv"i~ ~ ~ u~, _ - - l ~ , , - - - ~ ` _ i ~ ~ Sit ~ 1131 Y I ':1.`'~. ~ I, ~ i~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~1 ti r1 N 6 d ' \ti ! ~ I ~ ~~y i { d O O O O N CALL ULOCO BEFORE YOU DIG 1). CONTRACTOR IS FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING APPROPRIATE PARTIES AND ASSURING THAT EXISTING /r UTILITIES ARE LOCATED PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. GRAPHIC SCALE OWNER: 2). CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PLACING BARRICADES 200 0 100 2100 N ~ DATE: o USING FLAGMEN, ETC., AS NECESSARY TO INSURE SAFETY 400 9I TO THE PUBLIC. LVi(E a E OCT. 2004 SHEET 3). ALL PAVEMENT CUTS, CONCRETE OR ASPHALT, ARE TO CHI SCALE. ~ ~L~T~~ EDARVALE FAR _1~ ~ ~.r~T~~l4f AI,TERS INC. o = ~ BE REPLACED ACCORDING TO STANDARDS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. x EAL ( IN FEET ) * _i. nnn r. TOWNSHIP 23557 i, CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH C 16507-A NORTHCROSS DRIVE ~a a AROLINA 923 N. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. DRAWN BY. HUNTERSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28078 WINTER PARK TDF awE°°° , FL 32789 (800) 9018-.9.997 CHECKED BY. WF.TTANn DNTIIRRANCF_ MAP TDF aoP° W s Fr.nt~E~ss nl p~~E~ ~~r~ ~ if~0' PUBLIC R ~f~/ ~ o~'~r M P aY ~ ~ 4~i,;~lt3~ i UR~H POA~ GROVE CH PANE I; I l ~ J ~ , l F~O~ I FS S TORF ~ I i ~ Rpq o ~ a ~ i ~ Cq~ 68 2 COUR 1'0 w T I s7 ¢ / ~ ! s 66 / ~ / ~ ~ ~ 9~ U p/0 ~ 65 i, 2 1 69 p NEFA ~ M~~~ R ~ ~ 1 w OAO 0 0 J ~ / ~ ~ ~ 63 ~ ~ti t 55 ~ i i'I i N ~j 0 Y ~ ti ~ ~I IOTAAEI - LIST M/,/, ~ ~ ~ ~ °r l f/ ~.h I ~ f~ ' F Q a D /I 0 r ~ 60 aJ' ~ i << O~'~L, ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 , , 59 ' r 1 / / ~cr ' ~ 9 54 j ~i I ~ # i ~ / ~r I ~ ~ i A ~ 58 i i 53 ~i ~ ~ rrn,xEr . of .r I I ~ I/ 52 / ~ ~ ~ 0, II ~ 57 ~r I ~ V \ 1 ~ f;~ It 154 155 f tat ~ 70 ® ~ 1,~~ 50 ~i I 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 156 " ~ ~ ~ / ~ / ~ ~ r''~~l 71 I ! ; 153 ` ~ r57 r 49 lid 15B ~ ~ i ~ 1/ 7 f-~ ~ 180 i i ~I , f.'•L,~sR~ ~ f~ ~ I / , ! 182 J r >l 48 ` 72 ~ i 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ill ~ i , ~ i 152 I 159 A~ ~ / f ,r.i~ 151 ~ ~ ~ ~ / l~ 179 = i 47 ~ (;l 73 ~1 i 150 ` / / , 147 i ' , 174 ~ ` ` 183 i ~ 178 ~ ~ I 1 1 ,I J , 146 ~ ti,. /i I ~ 174 : -1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 46 ' ~ 74 ' ~ I 148 ~ l J95 ~ / i r~ i / r p / 1 , ~ ~'1 184 - ~ ~ a. 177 ~ - " I 1 ' . 149 ~ / ~ 196 v, ~ 45 I 75 t` ~ , ~ t "l~ 175 145 / ~ ~ ~ 176 , ~ ~ ~ 175 186 ~ , - + ~ ~ ~ ~ ii ~ 197 G~ / / T ~a 11 y ~ ~ .F ~ ~ 1' r {1 I 1 44 `i 76 77 , If ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I l 144 r" ~ 173 y 143 ,~98 r _ ~ , 168 ' ~ ~ 1. 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PIONF~n ,SILL _R,LiAC) i ~~f pI~~LI~.~~~, , . \ ~ _ ~1~...._._ _ _ SR ~ 113~f _ _ - V~ ~ ' \ . I ~1 i I r/ ~ r v 0 a r a J O O N CALL ULOCO BEFORE YOU DIG 1). CONTRACTOR IS FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING APPROPRIATE PARTIES AND ASSURING THAT EXISTING GRAPHIC SCALE OWNER: DATE: NCT, 2004 SHEET UTILITIES ARE LOCATED PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 0 2). CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PLACING BARRICADES 200 0 100 200 400 800 USING FLAGMEN, ETC., AS NECESSARY TO INSURE SAFETY LWEE ado E ro°° C SCALE: ° PIONEER MILL (CHARLOTTE) Alf II~, L.L.L.f s EDARVALE FAR v TO THE PUBLIC. c 1° LATH -WALTE EN E _ = 200' ~~I?IN, INC. EAL n _ TOWNSHIP Af1, CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 3). ALL PAVEMENT CUTS, CONCRETE OR ASPHALT, ARE TO _ 23557 0 = DRAWN BY: BE REPLACED ACCORDING TO STANDARDS OF THE NORTH o CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. IN FF+F+T 16507-A NORTHCROSS DRIVE =-A% 923 N. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. TDF HUNTERSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2807,6 WINTER PARK, FL 32789 CHECKED BY: (800) 986-.999? WFTI.ANn 1)[STURRANC'F MAP TDF - _ - - ***SAFETY PA H E G F C ~ B A i~~~i G104 MATCH LINE SHEET C _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ I US Army orps _ _ - - - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ of Engineers I I Louisville District ~ I I I I a 1 I I o I I i ~ ~ I I I I I / ` N I I 0 I N C 0 I I 1 I I I \ ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ I ~ ~ L_----- 1 I ~ ~ _ - ~ I I ~ - ~ ~ \ ~ I ~ i 1 ~ I ~ ~ i I i ~ I i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ i ~ CB 4-1 ~ ~ \ I 1 $ i I ~ ~ I 1 ~ ~ ~ i i ~ i ~ ~ I I I i ~ i 1 ~ ~ i ~ I I ~ i i 1 i i 1 i / i ~ ~ I I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ I IN o w ~ ~ ti ~ / ~ , ~ 10 0 0 ~ I o I ~ cv ~ oo j ~ ~ o ~ ~ I V J N d~ I ~ i ~ ~ ~ N ~ 8 ~ d \ I W a u_ m V ~ c p v I W ~Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I= m ~ \ Nf ~ N o 3 W~ ~ W ~ W Z I ~ la ~ ~ ~ ~ I- W ~ Z ~ ~ IZ ~ J I ~ ~ a L j I j ~ \I~ w z O O Y V~ \ \a ~ ~ ~ \ I Q Z ~ Q c ~ \ CO ~ I I ~ I ~ m Q w ~ z ~ \ ` I ~I ~ a ~ Q ~ \ 1 ~~oU v ~ ~ I v ~ ~ 1 I \ ~ v \ i l I z ~ i 1 I \ i v~ i ~ I Q v~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ 4 I ~ ~ \ I r I \ ~ I p I I \ I y I I 1 ~ I I Z I ~ ~ I I ~ I ~ ~ I w I I I ~ w ~ I Q ~ I I v I ~ i I ~ ~ Q i I I I I I I I c.o. 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