HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010460 Ver 1_Restoration Info_20050622 D JUN 2 2 2005 ?ENR - WATER nsr ° '? QUALITY ?s?wT Hernandez Mitigation Project Slow Creek Restoration DWQ #010460 Prepared for submission to: US Corps of Engineers NC Dept of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Prepared by: Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc, Whittier, NC June 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures ...................................................................................................................... i List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... ii PROJECT SITE ...................................................................................................................1 REFERENCE SITE .............................................................................................................1 METHODS ..........................................................................................................................1 RESULTS ............................................................................................................................4 FUTURE SAMPLING .........................................................................................................8 Appendix A Preconstruction Benthic Monitoring ......................................................................10 Preconstruction Photographs .................................................................................14 Appendix B ' Longitudinal Profile Photographs, January 2003 ...................................................20 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs, June 2003 ............................................30 ' Appendix C Cross Section Photographs, March 2004 ...............................................................36 ' Pebble Count Graphs, March 2004 - October 2004 ..............................................41 Survey Graphs, Longitudinal and Cross Section Graphs, 2004 and 2005 .............47 ' Appendix D Longitudinal Photographs ......................................................................................54 Cross Section Photographs ....................................................................................64 ' Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.............................69 October 2004 Benthic Data. .73 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 List of Figures Figure 1. Project Location Map ..........................................................................................2 Figure 2. Slow Creek Stream Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC .........................3 ii List of Tables ' l Pl t ti S i bl 1 V t 5 T o s ..................................................................................... on urv va e . ege a a ' Table 2. Summary Table of Biological Monitoring Results 2002- 2004 ...........................7 Table 3. Bank Erosion Pin ..................................................................................................8 1 t t 1 iii I d Hernandez Mitigation Project Slow Creek Restoration DWQ #010460 Post-Construction Sampling 1 11 PROJECT SITE The Slow Creek Restoration Project is in Cherokee County, NC and is in the mountain ecoregion of North Carolina. The creek flows into Peachtree Creek and then into the Hiwassee River and is within the Hiwassee River Basin. Slow Creek watershed above the project site has a total drainage area of 1.75 square miles and is located in the eight digit hydrologic unit code (HUC) 05020002. The stream is located east of Murphy off US 62 between Hwy. 141 and Canyon Road loop (Figure 1). The restoration site is near the headwaters of Slow Creek. The creek becomes a third order creek at the confluence of the unnamed tributary at the half-way point of the project. The project restored 1,320 feet of Slow Creek (Figure 2). The creek flows through fallow fields, utility right of way and wooded banks. An unnamed tributary joins with Slow Creek in the middle of the project, but is not a part of the restoration. Preconstruction conditions can be seen in the photographs of the project site (Appendix A). ' The property was formerly used for pasture and hay production. It is presently lying fallow and has been sold as part of a small tract. The new owner has no plans to use the area for livestock. There has been some additional soil work in the areas of the old r channel where it was too wet initially to do final grading. The current owners are leveling the old channel when conditions are dry. t REFERENCE SITE An upstream site on Slow Creek was utilized for a reference site for the restoration project. The site was located on the upstream side of the Canyon Road bridge over the creek. This section is wooded and flows between Highway 141 and a wooded slope. Further upstream, Slow Creek flows through pasture areas that are currently being used to pasture cattle. METHODS Standard quantitative collection methods were used for the reference site and two sites within the project reach as the drainage area was >1.0 square miles in size. This collection method consists of two kick net samples, three dip net samples, one leaf-pack sample, two fine-mesh rock and/or log wash samples, one sand sample and visual collections. Insects were picked/separated from the rest of the sample in the field. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,A"p J ! V i i N 1 f` i j Slow Creek Cherokee County North Carolina Figure 1 Project Location Map 0.7 0 0.7 1.4 Wes I 2 ' R ?? I t 4 ". w U i I e i a 1 t z i U ? O t ? y v , ? ?FDi ?/ bS/ W / r / 1 o N ? w .mayy'''' O bA U y ,? y d ? N ? tOC :i H x u? g V ? G,+,LA ?? ' Organisms were picked roughly in proportion to their abundance, but not all organisms were collected. If a species was identified, then only 10 individuals were collected. Pre ' and post construction samples were taken at three sites - above Canyon Road (reference site), within the upper restored sinuosity area and near the end of the project reach (See attached project site map). The reference site and the middle site were both above the ' confluence of the unnamed tributary. All taxa were picked and sent to a certified lab for identification. The certified lab of Pennington and Associates, Inc. in Cookeville, TN was used for the identification of the invertebrates. ' Cross section surveys were performed at two riffle areas and two pool areas. Longitudinal profile was surveyed for the entire project. Pebble counts were taken at all ' cross section locations and a reach-wide pebble count was also sampled. ' RESULTS Pre Construction Monitoring October 2002 t Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring The attached preconstruction results show all three sites experiencing some impairment ' to the biological community with similar biotic index values (Appendix A). The reference site results showed similar values (EPT, No. of taxa) or even lower values (Biotic index) than the project sites downstream. The lower site where the stream was ' experiencing the least instability had similar percentages of EPTs to the middle site where the stream was experiencing more instability. 11 Pre-construction observations of the stream showed less riffle and pool sequences in the upper reach than the downstream half. Overhanging vegetation along the stream bank provided sources for woody structures and leaf packs in the stream. Sediment deposits were noted in the creek. There was little to no vegetation immediately adjacent to the waters edge. Due to the incised nature of the stream banks, root material at water level was absent. Vegetation Survival Plots 2003 Construction and plantings were completed in February 2003. Vegetation plots were established, trees flagged and live stakes counted during the summer of 2003. Initial results are shown in Table 1. Herbaceous cover was documented as initial conditions after construction. Photo documentation of the vegetation plots can be found in Appendix B. 11 Table 1. Vegetation Survival Plots 2003 2004 Plant # # Alive Plant # # Alive Tree Plot #1 40 36 10 10 Survival % 90% 25% Tree Plot #2 35 31 3 3 Survival % 89% 9% Live Stake Plot #1 35 16 19 9 Survival % 46% 26% Live Stake Plot #2 39 36 30 29 Survival % 92% 74% Live Stake Plot #3 39 36 23 22 Survival % 92% 56% Live Stake Plot #4 23 23 Survival % 100% Herbaceous Plot #1 100% Cover 100% Cover See Photos in App endix B See Photos in App endix D Herbaceous Plot #1 100% Cover 100% Cover See Photos in App endix B See Photos in App endix D Post Construction Monitoring March 2004 ' Cross Section and Longitudinal Profile ' Post construction surveys of the restored channel were made in March 2004. Longitudinal profile and four cross sections were surveyed. Pebble counts for the four cross sections and one reach-wide section were documented. Data from the surveys can ' be seen in Appendix C. Photographs in Appendix C show as built construction conditions in the restored stream. ' Post construction restored riffles and pools in the upper reach and vegetation was planted along the stream banks. Sediment deposits were observed in the reach and the reference site due to upstream impacts outside the project area. 1 Fj Post Construction Monitoring October 2004-March 2005 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Vegetation Survival Plots Cross Section and Longitudinal Profile Bank Erosion Estimates Pebble Counts Sampling was not performed in September 2004 due to the high rain events from hurricane remnants that crossed the region. Benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring, vegetation survival, photographic documentation, bank erosion estimates and longitudinal profiles were performed in October 2004. Cross section surveys were rained out twice and were finally completed in March 2005. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Benthic sampling results are shown in Appendix D for October 2004. The results in Table 2 show all three sites experiencing some improvement to the biological community with increases in numbers of organisms, taxa, EPT organisms and EPT Taxa. NC Biotic Index showed improvement in the Reference Site and Middle Site between 2002 and 2004. There was a decrease in Biotic Index values for the Lower Site between 2002 and 2004, despite the increase in EPT numbers and taxa. In 2002, the lower site was experiencing the least instability and so it may be the slowest to show improvement with the restored stream design. Vegetation Survival Plots Vegetation was surveyed during October 2004 for live stakes, tree plantings and herbaceous cover in the monitoring plots. The results for 2004 are show in Table 1. All soil was stabilized and had established cover. Many volunteer trees and shrubs were present. Many of the planted trees had poor survival and it appeared that the area had been bush hogged after the trees had been planted. Volunteer tree and shrub species were growing and replacing the initial plantings as can be seen in the photographs in Appendix D. 6 i i i i i i Table 2. Summary Table of Biological Monitoring Results 2002-2004 TOTAL NO. OF ORGANISMS TOTAL NO. OF TAXA 2002 2004 2005 2002 2004 2005 Reference Site 109 118 27 35 Middle Site 141 138 38 41 Lower Site 67 99 21 32 TOTAL NO. OF EPT TOTAL NO. OF EPT TAXA 2002 2004 2005 2002 2004 2005 Reference Site 35 52 12 13 Middle Site 75 77 19 20 Lower Site 39 65 11 15 NC BIOTIC INDEX (ASSIGNED VALUES) NC BIOTIC INDEX 2002 2004 2005 2002 2004 2005 Reference Site 5.44 3.25 4.88 3.50 Middle Site 4.31 3.85 4.20 3.98 Lower Site 4.24 4.92 4.20 4.95 Cross Section and Longitudinal Profile Four cross sections and the longitudinal profile were surveyed and plotted in October 2004 and March 2005 and are shown in Appendix D. The longitudinal profile is shown plotted over the previous profiles for tracking changes. There were some shifting of 7 L pools and riffles between the first two years as shown in the longitudinal profile. No major headcutting was observed and it appeared that the stream channel was adjusting to a stable condition. All cross sections appeared to be stable as shown in the photographs in Appendix D. Bank Erosion Estimates All of the banks appeared stable through most of the project area. Some minor bank undercutting was occurring in the areas just downstream of the installed stream structures. Some of the initial erosion around the pool bank pins may have been due to the soil settling in the rock and root wad structures. No visible signs of bank erosion was seen at the cross sections as shown by the photographs in Appendix D. Table 3. Bank Erosion Pin 2004 Initial Set 2005 2006 2007 2008 Cross Section #1 Pool 0.14' 0.20' Cross Section #2 Riffle 0.00 0.00 Cross Section #3 Riffle 0.00 0.00 Cross Section #4 Pool 0.00 0.15' Bank Erosion Hazard. Index was rated as Low for Slow Creek. Pebble Counts Pebble counts at each cross section and one reach wide count was done in March 2004 and March 2005. Results are shown in Appendix D. All sites showed the presence of larger pebbles in 2005 than in 2004, but the overall component of Slow Creek was fine gravels to silty clay particles. FUTURE SAMPLING Post construction sampling will be performed in September 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. Appendix A Preconstruction Benthic Monitoring 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TABLE 1. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM HERNANDEZ MITIGATION PROJECT, SLOW CREEK, CHEROKEE COUNTY, NC, OCTOBER 22, 2002. SPECIES T.V.** F.F.G.*** SLOW CREEK Lower Mid Reference MOLLUSCA Gastropoda Mesogastropoda Pleuroceridae Elimia sp. 2.46 SC C C C Basommatophora Ancylidae SC Ferrissia rivularis 6.55 SC R ANNELIDA Oligochaeta *10 CG Haplotaxida Naididae *8 CG R Nais communis 8.81 CG R Lumbriculida Lumbriculidae 7.03 CG C ARTHROPODA Crustacea Decapoda Cambaridae Cambarus sp. *1 P R Insecta Ephemeroptera Baetidae *4 CG R Baetis sp. *4 CG C R Plauditus sp. *4 CG R Ephemerellidae *1 SC Serratella sp. *1 SC C R Heptageniidae *4 SC Stenonema modestum 5.5 Sc C A C Leptophlebiidae *2 CG Paraleptophlebia sp. 0.94 CG R C Odonata Aeshnidae *3 P Boyeria vinosa 5.89 P R R Calopterygidae *5 P Calopteryx sp. 7.78 P R Calopteryx maculata 7.78 P C Cordulegastridae *3 P Cordulegaster sp. 5.73 P R Gomphidae *1 P R Plecoptera Leuctridae *0 SH Leuctra sp. 0.67 SH R C Peltoperlidae - SH Tallaperla sp. 1.18 SH R R C Perlidae *1 P Acroneuria abnormis 2.06 P R Eccoptura xanthenes 3.74 P A C C Pennington and Associates, Inc. Page 1 of 3 Slow Creek Report October 2002 5/23/03 TABLE 1. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM HERNANDEZ MITIGATION PROJECT, SLOW CREEK, CHEROKEE COUNTY, NC, OCTOBER 22, 2002. SPECIES T.V.** F.F.G.*** SLOW CREEP( Lower Mid Reference Hemiptera Corixidae 9 PI R Veliidae - P Microvelia sp. - P R Megaloptera Corydalidae *0 P Nigronia semicornis 4.95 P Trichoptera Brachycentridae *1 SH Brachycentrus sp. 2.08 FC R Glossosomatidae *0 SC Glossosoma sp. 1.55 Sc R R Hydropsychidae *4 FC Cheumatopsyche sp. 6.22 FC C C Diplectrona modesta 2.21 FC R Hydropsyche sp. *5 FC C C Hydropsyche betteni gp. 7.78 FC R R Limnephilidae *4 SH Pycnopsyche sp. 2.52 SH R C Odontoceridae *0 Sc Psilotreta sp. 6.37 Sc R Philopotamidae *3 FC Chimarra aterrima 2.76 FC C Dolophilodes sp. 0.81 FC C A Rhyacophilidae *0 P Rhyacophila fuscula 1.88 P R R Coleoptera Dryopidae *5 Helichus basalis 4.63 SC R Elmidae *5 CG Dubiraphia sp. 5.93 Sc Gyrinidae P Dineutus sp. 5.54 P R Diptera Chironomidae R Brillia flavifrons 5.8 SH R Cricotopus sp. *7 CG R Microtendipes sp. 5.53 CG A Orthocladius sp. 5.34 CG R Polypedilum flavum (convictum) 4.93 SH C A Polypedilum illinoense 9 SH R Tanytarsus sp. 6.76 FC R R Thienemanniella xena 5.86 CG R Thienemannimyia gp. 8.42 P Tvetenia bavarica gp. 3.61 CG R R Culicidae *8 FC Anopheles sp. 8.58 FC Empididae 7.57 P Pennington and Associates, Inc. R R R R R R R R C R R Page 2 of 3 Slow Creek Report October 2002 5/23/03 ' TABLE 1. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM HERNANDEZ MITIGATION PROJECT, SLOW CREEK, CHEROKEE COUNTY, NC, OCTOBER 22, 2002. ' SPECIES T.V.** F.F.G.*** SLOW CREEK Lower Mid Reference ' Neoplasta sp. 7.57 * P R Simuliidae 6 FC Simulium sp. 4 FC R C ' Tipulidae *3 SH Tipula sp. 7.33 SH R A TOTAL NO. OF ORGANISMS 67 141 109 ' TOTAL NO. OF TAXA 21 38 27 TOTAL NO. OF EPT 39 75 35 TOTAL NO. OF EPT TAXA 11 19 12 ' NC BIOTIC INDEX 4.24 4.31 5.44 NC BIOTIC INDEX ASSIGNED VALUES 4.20 4.20 4.88 ' *Hilsenhoff Tolerance Values used when North Carolina Tolerance Values are not available **North Carolina Tolerance Values range from 0 for organisms very intolerant of organic wastes to 10 for organisms very tolerant of organic wastes ' ***Functional Feeding Group: CG=Collector/Gatherer, FC=Filtering/Collectors, SC=Scrapers, SH=Shredders, P=Predators, P1=Piercer Pennington and Associates, Inc. Page 3 of 3 Slow Creek Report October 2002 5/23/03 1 1 1 d 7 Preconstruction Photographs 14 Slow Creek 13+20, looking downstream, bank slump river left and eroded banks river right, pre-construction conditions, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC, 2002. 4 t? 1 t E ', 4'_.. r ? F "MOK Slow Creek near 13+00, looking upstream at bank undercutting, pre-construction conditions, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC, 2002. I u li 11 F H Slow Creek 15+50, looking downstream, pre-construction conditions, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC, 2002. a 11 w 11 11 t Slow Creek 15+60, looking downstream, pre-construction conditions, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC, 2002. u Slow Creek, looking downstream, pre-construction conditions, Slow C reek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC, 2002. Slow Creek, looking downstream, pre-construction conditions, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC, 2002. a ? ?ZK eWy ; . y 1 , 'A +L. 1 ?y i ? 9?; ? Y 1 n !Yj S . ?F1.f!fi ...lV?iQ.4jr Slow Creek looking at head of project, Canyon road bridge, late 2002 pre- construction, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC, 2002. Slow Creek looking downstream, late 2002 pre-construction, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC, 2002. II II 11 II 11 II 11 III T D 11 III 11 11 III Appendix B 2003 Photographs 19 Longitudinal Profile Photographs January 2003 20 r tw " i _ ? 41 ? a . MI Slow Creek looking downstream from Head of Project, Station 0+00, rock vane structure, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, ;f r? i s.9 . A1 Slow Creek looking downstream at root wads, bend and pool, Station 1+06, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. Slow Creek looking downstream to pool at bend, Station 1+40, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. Slow Creek looking downstream from pool at bend, Station 1+40, rock vane structure at Station 2+36, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. iw i 3 y 4 -_ 1 q 7 Slow Creek looking upstream at pool, Station 3+05, root wads on bend, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. Slow Creek looking downstream from pool, Station 3+05, rock vane structure, root wads on bend, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Slow Creek looking downstream from pool, Station 3+45, rock vane structure at Station 3+68, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Slow Creek looking downstream at riffle, Station 4+31, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. 4 Slow Creek looking downstream towards pool, Station 5+33, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. Slow- Creek looking downstream from pool, Station 5+33, post construction, January 2003. Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. Stow Creek looking downstream at UT confluence on river left and head of pool, Station 7+98, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. Slow Creek looking downstream from pool, Station 6+81,to rock vane structure Station 7+50, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. 0. J 1 sE?' k e? I ! '. '? x Y? 1 ?'+,1??? i_. ? ?,: r ??,-ice •. ! ?_ 4. f ? +r! Nor 'A- Slow Creek, plug at old channel, Station 7+98, post construction, January 2003' Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. R Rio„ Lreex looking downstream from U'l confluence, Station 7+98, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. Slow Creek looking downstream from double rock vane structure at Station 9+46,to pool at Station 10+45, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. t Slow Creek looking upstream towards double rock vane structure and pool; Station 9+46, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. Stow Creek looking downstream from pool at Station 10+45, rock van; at Station 10+85, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. Slow Creek looking downstream at rock vane structure at Station 10+91, to end of project, post construction, January 2003, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. H I I I Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs June 2003 30 x ? 140 . 44 *'.'' z 1,n4 ? d ? _3tt. F ' y. ro Slow- Creek Restoration Project, Tree Plot #1, June 11, 2003, Cherokee County, NC. AT N Slow Creek Restoration Project, Tree Plot #2, June 11, 2003, Cherokee County, NC. 4i } µ IFIN Slow Creek Restoration Project, Herbaceous Plot #l, looking west, June 11, 20031 Cherokee County, NC. ti P E1 r {gyp, ?? f -?' rp 7 9, d ?.--.::sTt-.. s"?' ?. :3 .' _ • ?iiE?.- .? ? b. ? u ?"b r :7s.e._ .... efA. 8 Slow Creek Restoration Project, Herbaceous Plot #2, looking east, June 11, 2003, Cherokee County, NC. v t ?• Siov'y Creel: Restoration Project, Live Stake Plot 41, looking downstream. June 11, 2003, Cherokee County, NC. ` r P ... • ?.may.,,, J? s x a Slow Creek Restoration Project, Live Stake Plot #2, looking downstream, June 11, 2003, Cherokee County, NC. fl 1 1 1 n 1 1 11 1 Slow Creek Restoration Project, Live Stake Plot #3, looking downstream, June 11, 2003, Cherokee County, NC. n I w 11 q 11 II 'I I u 11 u 11 Appendix C 2004 Photographs, Pebble Count and Survey Graphs 35 I 11 m II II q u III 11 0 I 0 11 w n Cross Section Photographs March 2004 36 11 d ?.. ? 'y 4} 4 t} r y k' ? '? t e` ?£ kF Ate ,ni [[[ } 1? ?3r ? ?y S v Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cross Section #1 Pool, Looking cast, M.-rch 2004, Cherokee County, NC. E ? A .,P Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cross Section #1 Pool, Looking west, March 2004, Cherokee County, NC. .rack Z '.r ?i-- ?[ , i` `nth ???• ? d?. ? ?r`• ? + . - ; ? .till t7 ? t f?fi ?gt 17 1, ff'• f f F t 2 f'$ ? f 9a pca u? at 14 v _ ?^? SSA. ?,• ? ????. ? . Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cross Section 42 Riffle, Looking west, March 2004, Cherokee County, NC. 1 . Y OL Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cross Section #3 Riffle, Looking south, March 2004, Cherokee County, NC. a r? A' ya Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cross Section #3 Riffle, Looking north, March 2004, Cherokee County, NC. 4 Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cross Section #4 Pool, Looking west, March 2004, Cherokee County, NC. ?`?_ ? - .?? ? 1 w-,fib§. ? ? F.. • .. r_ fi '. wt, A { I r Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cross Section #4 Pool, Looking east, March 2004, Cherokee County, NC. ' v T I I i 9 11 11 II u D I I I 11 11 II Pebble Count Graphs March 2004 - October 2004 41 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L U 3 0 O U .Q a a? 3 V O 0 O N 0 0 E U O LO 0 0 N 0 a) E E N U N U_ R5 Q f O o \ \ \ \ o O O O O Cl O O O d') 00 f? CO LO ? X- O 0 0 0 0 0 o O O O O M N T- ueyj aauq juaaaad CD O O O O O O L U 3 0 0 U 4) B a 0 0 a It O O O N O o Z3 U O r LO O O N -0 0 N E m E N_ U _N U m Q- C) o 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O 00 h O L T- 010 ?0 0 0 0 ? a O O O O M N r ueyj aaui} luaoiad L U _O a5 O U a) Z N 0 0 O 0 r 0 0 0 O O O r E E a N U m a r O T- O 0 o O O 1;T i o' 0 04 o 1 >I c? E' U VIII O I C) 04 \° I o Ni m ? i E. U' _l 0 0 0 0 o ?.Io 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 f- CD ? ? M CN r ueyl jauil luaoaad O O O O T Y d L V 3 0 O V a M W ?N 1.? O O 0 V ,It O O O (V O o T ? U O O O N 0 E 4NJ IU ? y a? T U tII Q T O T O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 07 00 f- Co LO ICT co (V T T ueuj aaug }uaaaad O O O O T O O O T- L) 3 0 0 U 4) 4) CL p a 0 0 0 0 o 0 O O O O O O O O O 00 O LO d Tl- 0 0 80- C) O O M N O O T- O T- N U_ (6 Q 7 O J o C:) o 0 O lq- O O N 0- (D m Z3 E U O O N 0 a) m E U ueyj jaui} luaoaad 0 II II II 1 Survey Graphs 1 Longitudinal and Cross Section Graphs 2004 and 2005 11 q I n 0 II T 47 11 L U 0 Cl) 0 L. a 0 J O O N O O O T- O O 00 (1) U O Cl) O •- O ? O O ,It U O O N 0 rn rn rn ? ? ? (}}) uoi;enal3 O III U 0 O' (CS ', i L?j O O 0. r O ._ V Cl) O L V L V O HE 0 0 0 cle) 0 N 0 0 t 4-0 LO o' c? o? L ?T I?Co LO ?MN?CD M (}}) uoiIenal3 H N O f+ V Cl) O L V V O m O LO 0 d- O M O N 0 0 t ?n C? II i O (Zf I i I? CO LO d' c'7 N ? O (11) u01}en813 M O V Cl) O L V a? L V O Cl) 0 LO 0 0 CY) 0 N 0 r 0 LO' o? M 7I c? T ?I I` CO U-) d' N ? (1}) u01jen813 O O O V V? O V O It O CY) 0 N O O t .a LO O co mot- Oi ca , 1 001`COIO 1?1- (hNrO (}}) uoiIenal3 Appendix D October 2004 - March 2005 Monitoring Conditions 53 I I l 11 II 11 11 III V r II 11 Longitudinal Photographs 54- } ! ' ' § y .: ?.- .y ty s .. fin. ji f 0 N 4 'E ?jy ,-:'kk '^44 t?ti.t5 RT`. P ?' M ?4 14 -' ix. Slow Creek looking downstream from Head of Project, Station 0+00, rock vane structure, October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. » • • ??'af _`'l I,. tRt4"' ,y ". ?9`? i a f rte" . Cy .a. II a ?-- vAls -r AJ K Slow Creek looking downstream from root wads, bend and pool, Station 1+06, October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. e ,? • # ?? ;. 'Y 41 • ?* - `sue "c? ,;'?`; r ?Lp ?y ?? •? ?3i +(?? g ;SA W f v Slow Creek looking downstream to bend, Station 1+40, October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. g ; s` .... ?ff ,??, r +?,lna°?a•. '7'S?4y+? x??i,{ f < Slow Creek looking downstream from Station 3+68, October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. 911 ?i sr 3 _ z zr.n. I- se g Y f ?e-a qi ..? Slow Creek looking downstream at Riffle at Station 4+31, October 2004 Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. ?'? 1. i ,° ,,. xs' _."' yam'".'#=:- ?r # t. <T ¦ t ' . 1T i •,,r R [ t ?k J V/ F Ogg ?e?' w 4'? * 0 ?s "fie _ Slow Creek looking downstream from Riffle at Station 4+31, October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. a 4 ? 4 14 4w ? re a? t •u??r. dqt?},. A? p ' ? ?-? ar v . } , Ab 5 r y ?` ? f ? NS Ji F? ' ? Y ` • u . .I . ' f YY C ;. J Ho K'?' '"<. 7 3y Sk . p V ,: •?7. t 1 - lilt MJ a..frs,",+ }?ri1?A Ikii Nne s Z 'may ;?.'t i y4 Z A .J' `P J 16 Slow k'- reek looking downstream from Pool at Station 5+33, October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. Y 1+aFd , . q 1 v "1 4.. rA a "?..s+p b .? f v . Y . ^C. y ? i' t. ? ! ? l c • ? yjP. s Ai -Wf y f . J 1 ?7 1 ;? ' ? .A:..' m a 4 ? -7 - ate. pol 0-1 1, 01 Slow Creek looking downstream at Riffle at Station 7+50, October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. Slow Creek looking downstream from Pool at Station 6+81, October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. s ` r n ? % Slow Creek looking downstream at Pool, Station 7+98, October 2004, Sloe Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. Ablaf .?JF ?? ate' ? 'R.f x L K ^?3 ?$?t ,?F. ?? ?3 as ?f ? s ? ,. p?, yLlr' t. .0 Slow Creek, looking downstream at confluence of old channel on left at Station 7+98, October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. s .?.3 10 t t r.+ 4 4? - w A4 1-4 Slov, :.reek , looking downstream at pool from confluence at Station 7+98. October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County. NC. r ^v F• RR t Al' w.' low, 40 fit" "'?'64' 3. { ?t l it ; N. --,10king downstream at double rock vane structure, Station 9+46, October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. '5 ? x r t a p?aK? -7 ?a s AN wit- Slo:/. Creek, looking downstream from Station 9+46, at pool at Station I 0-4J October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. ' t t h1"tri' -y' ???r. ?1 ?° b v . e ; 4y ryQ ,? ; . ip"R r 4 ?,. t ` AT [ O "? 3! eNLc Slow Creek, looking downstream at pool at Station 10+45, October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. CylM k ? 1 y ? ?' y. 5? f r 1a a 2 1_T? ? , - 3raYa ,: "Z? ? mrg 4?' ,?. S ;d A ? It s s0 `t Kl'. ? " ? k ? ., . 'B wry V? ? r ? f 15f lua 7v Slow Creek, looking downstream from Station 10+45 to rock vanes at Station 10+85 and Station 10+91, October 2004, Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cherokee County, NC. n I I u II 11 11 q Cross Section Photographs 64 11 Cherokee County, NC. Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cross Section #1 Pool, looking west, March 2005, Cherokee County, NC. Slow Creek Restoration Project, Cross Section #1 Pool, looking east, March 2005, z1 re ?pr..?ios ti y tit N Y O U U y U ? ? O s., O ? U U U O N O a 03 o ? o ? a? a? x o o U a? o`?U ??zz N ? ? O O U •? U U v? o U U ? O a O cC ?' 0 3 a> ? x ? O ?xz ????? _? ?; s ???, .,, M ? ?k O ? U O y '? N U ,1, ? O ? ? oU U ? ..o U ? ? N O '? i.? U .? L O ? ? ,,?/ 1 ?i ? x N ? y,., O U O ? U ?r?z T K ?? L a ?y ' 0 0 A.. ?U ?z i •v ?/ 1 Vl 0 v U .x U ? O U ? O O O O ? 44 a? 03 tj) U O 0 y 44 F r^ Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photograpsh 69 t F+r " 2? . - MW- All J?.7?1?t , Slow Creek Restoration Project, Tree Plot #I and Live Stake Plot # 1, looking downstream, October 2004, Cherokee County, NC. _ r ? s t r, ?a ? +fir. ?. s!}1t r 4 rte t ^f , J s tf i a; °e '_. ?,? R4;. # N WVY ) ti t !j i ??? * .y_? Ab 5 ? tr. +` g ?t ? ?S.?=t' ??:... a?°u• r?? a F1?f?S?+ ??•"' ? ? ? _-?'F,?', t+a 4.• ?, F t ??. Slow Creek Restoration Project, Tree Plot 42 and Live Stake Plot #2, looking downstream, October 2004, Cherokee County, NC. '? t J -r F VXT C? .EST .j 1 .l'f - _ s . iq t?+ x s+ i tt, 46NN^. l.., rn" -TI I-A Slow Creek Restoration Project, Live Stake Plot 43, looking downstream, October 2004, Cherokee County, NC. 3b p ??' " "IV -V µ•t e,ra } ..t 1 .`r' A r -. lift rr >.,a, L #,?"r? I> Y°n??F6??±`9 v. _+t ?irr?t. t F?,4 p??r ,a i'?F ;..,. ,,-4 eE s " Lr?rfy?{ i 4? 3 db s f IP ? fl : p f} a? ?F?it 5 it, Slo: C!Ceht'.es'tota'L:u1 P o.1ect, llC?D?iCC? IOVkilmi West, O rk Cherokee County, NC. 1 t.1 tl' t. 7 5a?. +7 ? IA < A 2 P! ``? +a` ! ? ? Slow Creek Restoration Project, Herbaceous Plot 42, looking north, October 2004, Cherokee County, NC. 0 0 1 0 1 October 2004 Benthic Data 73 BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM HERNANDEZ MITIGATION PROJECT, SLOW CREEK, CHEROKEE COUNTY, NC, OCTOBER 2004. SPECIES T.V. F.F.G. Lower mid-site Reference Gastropoda Mesogastropoda Pleuroceridae Elimia sp. ANNELIDA Oligochaeta Tubificida Naididae Lumbriculida Lumbriculidae ARTHROPODA Arachnoidea Acariformes Crustacea Decapoda Cambaridae Insecta Ephemeroptera Baetidae Baefis sp. Pseudocloeon sp. Baetiscidae Baefisca carolina Ephemerellidae Serratella sp. Ephemeridae Hexagenia sp. Heptageniidae Stenacron carolina Stenonema sp. Isonychiidae Isonychia sp. Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia sp. Odonata Calopterygidae Calopteryx sp. Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster sp. Plecoptera Leuctridae Leuctra sp. Nemouridae Amphinemura sp. Peltopedidae Tallaperla sp. Perlidae Acroneuria abnormis Beloneuria sp. Pennington and Associates, Inc. 2.5 SC *10 CG *8 CG 7 CG 5.5 7.5 CG *4 CG 4 CG CG 3.5 SC *1 SC CG 4.9 CG SC 1.1 SC *4 SC FC 3.5 FC CG 0.9 CG P 7.8 P P 5.7 P SH 2.5 SH SH 3.3 SH SH 1.2 SH P 2.1 P 0 ( R Page 1 of 3 R R C R C R C R R R R C R C R R C C C R C A C R R C R C C R R C R R R Slow Creek Report October 2004 BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM HERNANDEZ MITIGATION PROJECT, SLOW CREEK, CHEROKEE COUNTY, NC, OCTOBER 2004. SPECIES T.V. F.F.G. Lower mid-site Reference Eccoptura xanthenes 3.7 P R R Hemiptera Veliidae P Microvelia sp. P R Megaloptera Corydalidae P Nigronia serricomis 5 P C R R Trichoptera Glossosomatidae SC Glossosoma sp. 1.6 SC C C C Hydropsychidae FC R Ceratopsyche sp. *4 FC R R Cheumatopsyche sp. 6.2 FC A C C Diplectona modesta 2.2 FC C C Hydropsyche betteni gp. 7.8 FC A A Leptoceridae CG Triaenodes sp. 4.5 SH C Philopotamidae FC Chimaera aterrima 2.8 FC C R R Dolophilodes sp. 0.8 FC C Polycentropodidae FC Polyoentropus sp. 3.5 FC R Psychomyiidae CG Lype diversa 4.1 SC R Rhyacophilidae P Rhyacophila fuscula 1.9 P R C Coleoptera Elmidae CG Optioservus ovalis 2.4 SC A A Optiosemus sp. 2.4 SC C C R Oulimnius latiusculus 1.8 CG R R R Promoresia sp. 2.4 SC R R Stenelmis sp. 5.1 SC R R Gyrinidae P Dineutus sp. 5.5 P C R R Ptilodactylidae SH Anchytarsus bicolor 3.6 SH R C Diptera R Ceratopogonidae P Bezzia/Palpomyia gp. 6.9 P R R Chironomidae Conchapelopia sp. 8.4 P R R Cricotopus bicinctus 8.5 CG R Eukiefferiella clafipennis gp. 5.6 CG R Microtendipes pedellus gp. 5.5 CG R Nilotanypus sp. 3.9 P R Parachaetocladius sp. 0 CG R Parametriocnemus sp. *4 CG R R Polypedilum tlavum 4.9 SH C Pennington and Associates, Inc. Page 2 of 3 Slow Creek Report October 2004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM HERNANDEZ MITIGATION PROJECT, SLOW CREEK, CHEROKEE COUNTY, NC, OCTOBER 2004. SPECIES T.V. F.F.G. Lower mid-site Reference Psectrocladius sp. 3.6 SH R R Tanytarsus sp. 6.8 FC R R Tvetenia bavarica gp. 3.7 CG C Dixidae CG Dim sp. 2.6 CG C Empididae 7.6 P Hemerodromia sp. *6 P R Neoplasta sp. *6 P R Simuliidae FC simulium sp. 6 FC R Tipulidae SH Dicranota sp. 0 P R C Hexatoma sp. 4.3 P R C Tipula sp. 7.3 SH R TOTAL NO. OF ORGANISMS 99 138 118 TOTAL NO. OF TAXA 32 41 35 TOTAL NO. OF EPT 65 77 52 TOTAL NO. OF EPT TAXA 15 20 13 BIOTIC INDEX 4.95 3.98 3.50 BIOTIC INDEX ASSIGNED VALUE 4.92 3.85 3.25 Pennington and Associates, Inc. Page 3 of 3 Slow Creek Report October 2004