HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930387 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19930510State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources AT441JJ;; Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Secretary ID E H N F 1 Jonathan B. Howes, , SecreLata A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director May 12, 1993 Mr. Steve Carpenter, County Manager Anson County 907 North Washington Street Wadesboro, N.C. 28170 Dear Mr. Carpenter: Subject: Proposed fill in Wetlands or Waters Water main along NC 74 Anson County DEM Project # 93387 Upon review of your request for 401 Water Quality Certification to place fill material in 0.33 acres of wetlands or waters which are tributary to Goulds Fork, Pinch Gut, Brown and Lanes Creeks for water main installation located at NC 74 in Anson County, as described in your submittal dated 7 May, 1993, we have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2664 issued January 21, 1992. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 12. If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, oa? U _P_7? . Prest Howard, Jr. P.E. 93387.Itr Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Fayetteville Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files Eric Weatherly; Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper 9358q Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. Consulting Engineers Post Office Box 1737 • Southern Pines, NC 28388 May 7, 1993 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 219 E. North Street Raleigh, NC 27601 RE: 24" Water Main to Serve Union County Owner: Anson County, North Carolina HUA No. AN8903-Permits Dear Mr. Dorney: Anson County wishes to install a 24" water main to serve Union County. The water main will be installed from Wadesboro to the Union County line along the southern shoulder of N.C. Hwy. 74. The water main will be installed in the existing highway right-of-way. The water main will be ductile iron and installed in a trench approximately 2' wider than the pipe. We wish to apply for a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the Division of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. We understand this is necessary due to several creek crossings necessary while installing the water main down the shoulder of the road. We have been in contact with Mr. Scott McLendon of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and have obtained a Nationwide Permit No. 12. To assist in your review, we have included the following information: Nationwide Permit No. 12 from the Department of the Army; North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, Land Quality Section, soil erosion and sediment plan approval; Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, Public Water Supply Section, plan approval; North Carolina Department of Transportation encroachment approval; and the following plan sheets: 1. Contract I, Sheets 1, 2, 11, 12, 18, 19 and 26. 2. Contract II, Sheets, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 23. 290 S.W. Broad Street Telephone 919-692-5616 Fax 919-692-7342 Mr. John Dorney Page 2 May 7, 1993 No clearing and grubbing will be necessary for the crossings. We anticipate installing the water main in the trench across the creek with 2' of cover over the pipe. No changes in elevations should occur. As noted in the enclosed Land Quality Section permit, we will be installing sedimentation traps on each side of creek crossings; however, we do not anticipate using the rip rap crossing detail for this installation. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. It is pointed out that construction has begun on the project; however, we will not allow construction in these areas until further guidance is received from your office. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have any questions or if additional information is needed. Sincerely, HOBBS, UPCHURCH & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Eric T. Weatherly, P.E. Enclosures cc: Mr. Vance Gulledge, Utilities Director/Anon County ETW/rjp/may? AH 5-q? 02;37 PM DEM ID: ACTION ID: JOINT APPLICATION FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION PA3/A4 WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENT ANAGEMENT D EPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRO T? P.O. BOX 1 WILLMINGTON,89NC 28402-1890 P.O.ABOXN29535L RESOUR ryj ATTN, CESAW-CO-E RALEIGH, NC 27626-053 V Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY MAY 0 IM Telephone (919) 733-5 3 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT T `?'E GROU ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISI0 11'SEC1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: Steve Carpenter, County Manager 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: -Anson County shingtgn St. Wadesboro, NC_ 28170 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME): (WORK): 919/694-5802 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: Steve Carpenter, County Manager _ Anson Count 907 N. Washin ton St. Wadesboro NC 28170 5. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK (ATTACH MAP). COUNTY: Anson NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: Wadesboro SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAII NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.): -Installation of 24" ter main-alone South shoulder of NC Hwy 74 Goulds Fork Creek, nch b. NAME OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: B rowns Creek., LanesPCreekGut Creek, 7. RIVER BASIN: Yadkin-Pee Dee 8. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A WATERSHED CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, OR WS II? YES [ ] NO [X4 9. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES CXA NO [ ] IF YES, EXPLAIN. A Section 404 Permit has been obtained from the Arm Corps of Engineers 10. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: 113 Aare 2/3/92 H-I5-92 A2:37 N Pn4/A4 I. -2- 11. NUMBER Or ACRES OF WATERS OF THE U.s., INCLUDING WETLANDS, IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECTt FILLEDt DRAINED: FLooDYDs EXaAVATEDt Acre TOTAL IMPACTEDt -1/3 Acre 1Z. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WoRR fA'TACH PLANS): T a tallafion of a 24" water main within the DOT right-of-way of nwy /4. Insta a7ion o at a oerDendicu ar ane e. 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: Anson Count wishes to sell potable water 14. STATE REASONS-WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS. ve ntio d cree cro s under Hwy 74. While installing -Tho the water main along highway 74, t ese creek crossings must be-ma-de. - U? LLIJUaI I- In a narrow trench and restore ack to original contour. Sediment traps, silt fences and revegetation will 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE prevent erosion. (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY PSDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANOMO OR THR$ATDN$D SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED MY 11n PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES ( ) NO (X) RESPONQES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE 507 YES ( ) NO (X) RESPOWSP TROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEMs A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WSTLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. N/A B. 17 AVAILADLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. N/A C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMWATYR MANAGEMENT PLAN 16 REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. N/A E. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? Within cleared highway right-of-way F. IF APPLICABL k/t" Is PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? OWNER'S SIONATU ??i~-DATE 1 _ . • DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch May 4, 1993 M F AY 10 1993 Action ID. 199301774 and Nationwide Permit No. 12 (Utility Line Backfill and Bedding) Mr. Eric T. Weatherly Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P. A. Post Office Box 1737 Southern Pines, North Carolina 28388 Dear Mr. Weatherly: Reference your application received March 31, 1993, for Department of the Army authorization to install a 24" water main to supply water to Union County (HUA No. AN8903). According to the plans, the water line will be located in the US 74 right-of-way and will cross waters and wetlands associated with Culpepper Creek, Goulds Fork, Pinch Gut Creek, Little Browns Creek, Browns Creek, Ledbetter Branch, Swans Branch, and Lanes Creek. For the purposes of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits. Authorization, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, was provided for the discharge of material for backfill or bedding for utility lines, including outfall and intake structures, provided there is no change in pre- construction contours. Your work is authorized by this nationwide permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions and provided you receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management and, in the coastal area, a consistency determination from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management. You should contact Mr. John Dorney, telephone (919) 733-1786, regarding water quality certification, and Mr. Steve Benton, telephone (919) 733-2293, regarding consistency determination. This nationwide permit does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain other required State or local approval. This verification will be valid for 2 years from the date of this letter unless the nationwide authorization is modified, reissued, or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the 2 years if, during that period, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the nationwide permit authorization. If during the 2 years, the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, I -2- Sincerely, ne Wri hie , Regulatory Branch activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within 12 months of the date of the nationwide permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend, or revoke the authorization. Questions or comments may be addressed to Scott McLendon, Wilmington Regulatory Field Office, telephone (19) 251-4725. Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Ken Averitte Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 225 Green Street, Suite 714, Fayetteville, North Carolina Wachovia Buildin 28301 Mr. Joe Glass Regional Engineer Land Quality Section Suite 714, Wachovia Building Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Navigation. No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect on navigation. 2. Proper Maintenance. Any structure or fill authorized shall be properly maintained, including maintenance to ensure public safety. 3. Erosion and Siltation Controls. Appropriate erosion and siltation controls must be used and maintained in effective operating condition during construction, and all exposed soil and other fills must be permanently stabilized at the earliest practicable date. 4. Aquatic Life Movements. No activity may substantially disrupt the movement of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody, including those species which normally migrate through the area, unless the activity's primary purpose is to impound water. 5. Equipment. Heavy equipment working in wetlands must be placed on mats or other measures must be taken to minimize soil disturbance. 6. Regional and Case-by-case Conditions. The activity must comply with any regional conditions which may have been added by the Division Engineer and any case specific conditions added by the Corps. 7. Wild and Scenic Rivers. No activity may occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System; or in a river officially designated by Congress as a "study river" for possible inclusion in the system, while the river is in an official study status. Information on Wild and Scenic Rivers may be obtained from the National Park Service and the U.S. Forest Service. 8. Tribal Rights. No activity or its operation may impair reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights. 9. Water Quality Certification. In certain states, an individual state water quality certification must be obtained or waived. 10. Coastal Zone Management. In certain states, an individual state coastal zone management consistency concurrence must be obtained or waived. 11. Endangered Species. No activity is authorized under any NWP which is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a threatened or endangered species or a species proposed for such designation, as identified under the Federal Endangered Species Act, or which is likely to destroy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. Non-Federal permittees shall notify the District Engineer if any listed species or critical habitat might be affected or is in the vicinity of the project and shall not begin work on the activity until notified by the District Engineer that the requirements of -3- (4) Where required by the terms of the NWP, a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands; and (5) A statement that the prospective permittee has contacted; (a) The USFWS/NMFS regarding the presence of any Federally listed (or proposed for listing) endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project; and any available information provided by those agencies. (The prospective permittee may contact Corps District offices for USFWS/NMFS agency contacts and list of critical habitat.) (b) The SHPO regarding the presence of any historic properties in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project; and the available information, if any provided by that agency. 14. Water Supply Intakes. No discharge of dredged or fill material may occur in the proximity of a public water supply intake except where the discharge is repair of the public water supply intake structures or adjacent bank stabilization. 15. Shellfish Production. No discharge of dredged or fill material may occur in areas of concentrated shellfish production, unless the discharge is directly related to a shellfish harvest activity authorized by nationwide permit. 16. Suitable Material. No discharge of dredged or fill material may consist of unsuitable material (e.g., trash, debris, car bodies, etc.) and material discharged must be free from toxic pollutants in toxic amounts. 17. Mitigation. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States must be minimized or avoided to the maximum extent practicable at the project site (i.e., on-site), unless the District Engineer has approved a compensation mitigation plan for the specific regulated activity. 18. Spawning Areas. Discharges in spawning areas during spawning seasons must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. 19. Obstructions of High Flows. To the maximum extent practicable, discharges must not permanently restrict or impede the passage of normal or expected high flows or cause the relocation of the water (unless the primary purpose of the fill is to impound waters). 20. Adverse Impacts from Impoundments. If the discharge creates an impoundment of water, adverse impacts on the aquatic system caused by the accelerated passage of water and/or the restriction of its flow shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. -2- the Endangered Species Act have been satisfied and that the activity is authorized. Information on the location of threatened and endangered species can be obtained from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service. 12. Historic Properties. No activity which may affect Historic Properties listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places is authorized, until the District Engineer has complied with the provisions of 33 CFR 325, Appendix C. The prospective permittee must notify the District Engineer if the authorized activity may affect any historic properties listed, determined to be eligible, or which the prospective permittee has reason to believe may be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, and shall not begin the activity until notified by the District Engineer that the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act have been satisfied and that the activity is authorized. Information on the location and existence of historic resources can be obtained from the State Historic Preservation Office and the National Register of Historic Places (see 33 CFR 330.4(g)). 13. Notification. a. Where required by the terms of the NWP, the prospective permittee must notify the District Engineer as early as possible and shall not begin the activity: (1) until notified by the District Engineer that the activity may proceed under the NWP with any special conditions imposed by the District or Division Engineer; or (2) if notified by the District or Division Engineer that an individual permit is required; or (3) Unless 30 days have passed from the District Engineer's receipt of the notification and the prospective permittee has not received notice from the District or Division Engineer. Subsequently, the permittee's right to proceed under the NWP may be modified, suspended or revoked only in accordance with the procedure set forth in 33 CFR 330.5(d)(2). b. The notification must be in writing and include the following information and any required fees: (1) Name, address and telephone number of the prospective permittee; (2) Location of the proposed project; (3) Brief description of the proposed project; the project's purpose; direct and indirect adverse environmental effects the project would cause; any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s) or individual permit(s) used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity; -4- 21. Waterfowl Breeding Areas. Discharges into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. 22. Removal of Temporary Fills. Any temporary fills must be removed in their entirety and the affected areas returned to their preexisting elevation. NOTES: 1. Qualification for and issuance of a nationwide permit does not relieve the applicant of the need to obtain any other required State or local permits. 2. Should all or part of a proposed activity be located within an Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) as designated by the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission, a CAMA permit is required from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management. Should an activity within or potentially affecting an AEC be proposed by a Federal agency, a consistency determination pursuant to 15 CFR 930 must be provided to the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management at least 90 days before the onset of the proposed activity. REGIONAL CONDITIONS 1. The required restoration plan must designate a time table for restoration activities. 2. All fill material must be removed immediately upon the completion of its intended use and the area restored to its natural vegetation. STATE CONSISTENCY CONDITIONS 1. The required restoration plan must designate a time table for restoration activities. 2. All fill material must be removed immediately upon the completion of its intended use and the area restored to its natural vegetation. 3. If the proposed activity is within the North Carolina Coastal Area, the applicant must receive written concurrence from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management that the activity is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. f. aW ??4a r Hobbs , Upchurch & Associates P.A. ' Consulting Engineers >r.'r. • Post Office Box 1737 • Southern Pines, NC 28388 March 29, 1993 Mr. Scott McLendon U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: 24" Water Main to Serve Union County Owner - Anson County, North Carolina HUA No. AN8903 - Permits Dear Mr. McLendon: - As per telephone conversations with myself and Gary Culp of our office, please find enclosed one set of the technical specifications, copies of permits from the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, Public Water Supply Section and Land Quality Section, and the following plan sheets: 1. Contract I: Sheets 1, 2, 11, 12, 18, 19 and 26. 2. Contract II: Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 23. Anson County wishes to install a 24" water main to supply water to Union County. It is pointed out that even though the plans show a 20" water main, a 24" water main was bid as an alternate, and the project has been awarded as a 24" water main. We have become aware that a separate Section 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and a Section 401 Water Quality certification from the Division of Environment, Health and Natural Resources may be required for the following creek crossings: Goulds Fork Creek, Pinch Gut Creek, Browns Creek and Lanes Creek. The water main will be installed within the Hwy. 74 right-of-way. No clearing and grubbing will be necessary for the crossings. We anticipate installing the water main in a trench across the creek with 2' of cover over the pipe. No changes in elevations should occur. As noted on the enclosed Land Quality Section permit, we will be installing sedimentation traps on each side of the creek crossing; however, we do not anticipate using the rip rap crossing details for these installations. 290 S.W. Broad Street Telephone 919-692-5616 Fax 919-692-7342 Mr. Scott McLendon Page 2 March 29, 1993 Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. We anticipate issuing the Notice to Proceed around April 12, 1993; however, we will allow not construction in these areas until further guidance is received from your office. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have any questions or if additional information is needed. Sincerely, HOBBS, UPCHURCH & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Eric T. Weatherly, P.E. Enclosures cc: Mr. Vance Gulledge, Utilities Director/Anson County ETW/rjp/mar29 ,.? ST J ? RECEIVED MAR 1 7 1993 AVI F -(O-3 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources fayettevtUe Regional Office sum B. Huat, Jr., Govanor March 16, 1993 Mr. Steve Carpenter, County Manager County of Anson 907 Washington Street Wadesboro, NC 28170 G7 Y 5,. RE: Approval of Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan 20-Inch Water Line to Union County Anson County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Carpenter: The review of the above referenced erosion control plan has been com- pleted. The plan has been found to be acceptable subject to the following stipu- lations: 1. Silt fence should not be installed across roadside ditches. 2. Enclosed is a Certificate of Plan Approval which must be displayed at the job site. 3. In order to ensure the early coordination and implementation of the erosion control plan for this project, it is requested that a preconstruction conference be held. As a minimum, representa- tives of the owner, engineer, contractor, and this office should attend, subject to the availability of staff. Please notify Mr. Dennis Shackelford of this office as to when this conference is scheduled. 4. The developer is responsible for obtaining any and all permits and approvals necessary for the development of this project prior to the commencement of this land-disturbing activity. This could include the Division of Environmental Management under storm water regulations, the US Army Corps of Engineers under Article 404 jurisdiction, local county or town agencies under their local ordinances, or others that may be required. WadxhU B & ft. Sdte 714 • rayetteAlee, North Ceroona 28301-5043 0 Telephone 919-486-1541 0 FAX 919486-0707 Jonad= B. Howes, secretary Mr. Steve D. Carpenter Page 2 March 16, 1993 This approval cannot supersede any other permit or approval; however, in the case of a Cease and Desist order from the Corps of Engineers, that Order would only apply to wetland areas. All other lands must still be in compliance with the Sedimenta- tion Pollution Control Act. 5. If any area on site falls under the jurisdiction of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the developer is responsible to the orders of the US Army Corps of Engineers. Any erosion control measures that fall within jurisdictional wetland area must be relocated to the transition point between the wetlands and the highlands to assure that the migration of sediment will not occur. If that relocation presents a problem or contradicts any requirements of the Corps of Engineers, it is the responsibility of the developer to inform the Land Quality Section's Regional Office so that an adequate contingency plan can be made to assure sufficient erosion control on-site. Failure to do so will be considered a violation of this approval. 6. Following the completion of the project, you should notify this office to schedule a final inspection. The purpose of this inspection is to ensure that all erosion control requirements have been met. This approval is subject to the satisfactory performance of the erosion control measures under field conditions. Should it be determined that the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (GS 113A, 51-66) are not being met, revisions to the plan and its implementation will be required. This permit allows for a land disturbance, as called for on the application plan, not to exceed 10 acres. Exceeding that acreage will be a violation of this permit and would require a revised plan and additional application fee. Amendments to the plan should be submitted to this office under the same procedures as followed for the original plan. Title 15, Section 4B .0017 (A) of the North Carolina Administrative Code requires that a copy of the approved plan be on file at the job site and that inspections of the project be made by this office to ensure compliance with the approved plan. Mr. Steve D. Carpenter Page 3 March 16, 1993 We look forward to working with you on this project. since ly, Gerald Lee Assistant Regional Engineer Land Quality Section GL/tf Enclosure cc: Eric T. Weatherly, P.E. Wayne Gathings NOTES: 1.) THIS DETAIL SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR 20" WATER MAIN TO UNION COUNTY. OWNER: ANSON COUNTY N.C. 2.) THE ENGINEER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE SHALL DETERMINE IN THE FIELD, DITCH CROSSINGS REQUIRING RIP RAP STABILIZATION. TYPICAL CULVERT UNDER HWY HWY 74 TYPICAL ROADSIDE DITCH PROPOSED WATER MAIN (LOCATION VARIES) C A A. TYPICAL DITCH CROSSING WITH RIP RAP STABILIZATION > A RIP RAP INSTALLED TOP OF BANK TO TOP 4NK AND WIDTH OF /ATED AREA. FILTER FABRIC INSTALLED UNDER RIP RAP 0 C U N M a t0 I M W 0 :J 3 0 z 0 0 c W Z u M 0 a a SECTION A-A PROPOSED WATER MAIN TYPICAL DITCH CROSSING UTILIZING RIP RAP EROSION CONTROL U, W m ?o J' 0- R (S3RM/) U J GFi a XVYi .0-.5 tm L 0 o0 S 7 1 ' N O = O a' N b to W 3 w in N O Z O U l? slC]? UJI < Z . . r N I ?- ° H.Ld30 - 3 j Ln CV J ° V1 lL NNN III.. LLL Z LLJ 2 LLJ J z O Q Q X W lL O O m O? N Of 1? ^ Z4 N O 3 x X X X X X X X X X X J ;D N a0 st A N N S rn M (7! ?t N rn M N ? N w ° N N N J W :;t 4 M N M t0 ip M N N 3 N M ? of) t0 n CO (7) ? W N 20" WATER MAIN TO SERVE UNION COUNTY OWNER: ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Temporary Sediment Trao Desian NOTE: Denuded Area - Use 6' wide trench. Drainage Area - Use centerline westbound lane of U.S. Hwy. 74 to edge of right-of-way = 60' total (includes 10' of pavement). C = 0.9: Paved Areas 0.35: Grassed Areas ho = 5.4 Goulds Fork Size Sediment Trap No. 1: 18'x 9'x 2.9' Deep (See Plan Sheet 11 of 28, Contract I) Denuded Area - Station 60+50 to Station 80+00 = 1,950 LF 1,950 LF x 6 Feet = 0.27 AC Capacity - 0.27 AC at 1,800 CF/AC = 468 CF Use 18'x 9'x 2.9' Deep Size Weir - 4' L x 18" Drainage Area - 1,950 LF x 60' = 2.69 AC Find Q: Q = CIA = 0.45 x 0.9 + 2.24 x 0.35 x5.4x2.69 2.69 6.42 CFS Find Flow - 6.42 CFS x 0.6463 = 4.15 MG/Day Ty 4' Wide Weir - 4.15/4 = 1.04 MG/Day/Foot Fow Depth - 0.6' 1 C ( 11-41, Size Sediment Trap No. 2: 24' x 12' x 3' Deep (See Plan Sheet 12 of 28, Contract I) Denuded Area - Station 92+50 to Station 127+00 = 3,450 LF 3,450 LF x 6 Feet = 0.48 AC Capacity - 0.48 AC at 1,800 CF/AC = 8.64 CF Use 24' x 12' x 3' Deep Size Weir - 4' L x 18" Drainage Area - 3,450 LF x 60' = 4.75 AC Find Q: Q = CIA = 0.79 x 0.9 + 3.96 x 0.35 x5.4x4.75 4.75 = 11.32 CFS Find Flow - 11.32 CFS x 0.6463 = 7.32 MG/Day Try 4' Wide Weir - 7.32/4 = 1.83 MG/Day/Foot Flow Depth - 0.92' Pinch Gut Creek Size Sediment Trap No. 3: 18'x 9'x 1.9' Deep (See Plan Sheet 18 of 28, Contract I) Denuded Area - Station 181+50 to Station 194+00 = 1,250 LF 1,250 LF x 6 Feet = 0.17 AC Capacity - 0.17 AC at 1,800 CF/AC = 310 CF Use 18' x 9' x 1.9' Deep Size Weir - 3' L x 18" Drainage Area - 1,250 LF x 60 Feet = 1.72 AC Find Q: Q = CIA = 0.29' x 0.9 + 1.43 x 0.35 x5.4x1.72 1.72 = 4.11 CFS 2 Find Flow - 4.11 CFS x 0.6463 = 2.66 MG/Day Try 3' Wide Weir - 2.66/3 = 0.89 MG/Day/Foot Flow Depth - 0.56 Feet Size Sediment Trap No. 4: 14' x 7' x 1.4' Deep (See Plan Sheet 18 of 28, Contract I) Denuded Area - Station 195+00 to Station 200+50 = 550 LF 550 LF x 6 Feet = 0.08 AC Capacity - 0.08 AC at 1,800 CF/AC = 137 CF Use 14' x 7' x 1.4' Deep Size Weir - 2' L x 12" Drainage Area - 550 LF x 60 Feet = 0.77 AC Find Q: Q = CIA = 0.13 + 0.64 x5.4x0.77 0.77 = 1.84 CFS Find Flow - 1.84 CFS x 0.6463 = 1.19 MG/Day Try 2' Wide Weir - 1.19/2 = 0.60 MG/Day/Foot Flow Depth - 0.44 Feet Browns Creek Size Sediment Trap No. 5: 15'x 7.5' x 2.0' Deep (See Plan Sheet 3 of 34, Contract II) Denuded Area - Station 2+50 to Station 11+50 = 900 LF 900 LF x 6 Feet = 0.12 AC Capacity - 0.12 AC at 1,800 CF/AC = 223 CF Use 15' x 7.5' x 2.0' Deep Si?e Weir - 3' L x 12" Drainage Area - 900 Lf x 60 Feet = 1.24 AC 3 Find Q: Q = CIA = 0.21 x 0.9 + 1.03 x 0.35 x5.4x1.24 1.24 = 2.97 CFS, Find Flow - 2.94 CFS x 0.6463 = 1.92 MG/Day Try 3' Wide Weir - 1.92/3 = 0.64 MG/Day/Foot Flow Depth - 0.46 Feet Size Sediment Trap No. 6: 24' x 12' x 2.9' Deep (See Plan Sheet 4 of 34, Contract II) Denuded Area - Station 16+50 to Station 49+50 = 3,300 LF 3,300 LF x 6' = 0.45 AC Capacity - 0.45 AC at 1,800 LF/AC = 819 LF Use 24' x 12' x 2.9' Deep Size Weir - 6' L x 18" Drainage Area - 3,300 LF x 60 Feet = 4.55 AC Find Q: Q = CIA = 0.76 + 3.79 x5.4x4.55 4.55 = 10.86 CFS Find Flow - 10.86 CFS x 0.6463 = 7.02 MG/Day Try 6' Wide Weir - 7.02/6 = 1.17 MG/Day/Foot Flow Depth - 0.68 Feet Lanes Creek Size Sediment Trap No. 7: 24' x 12' x 2.3' Deep (See Plan Sheet 23 of 34, Contract II) D,-nuded Area - Station 280+75 to Station 308+00 = 2,725 LF 2,725 LF x 6' = 0.38 AC Capacity - 0.38 AC at 1,800 CF/AC = 676 CF Use 24 x 12 x 2.3' Deep 4 Size Weir - 5' L x 18" Drainage Area - 2,725 LF x 60 Feet = 3.75 AC Find Q: Q = CIA = 0.63 x 0.9 + 3.12 x 0.35 x5.4x3.75 3.75 = 8.96 CFS Find Flow - 8.96 CFS x 0.6463 = 5.79 MG/Day Try 5' Wide Weir - 5.79/5 = 1.16 MG/Day/Foot Flow Depth - 0.68' Size Sediment Trap No. 8: 20' x 10' x 2.0' Deep (See Plan Sheet 23 of 34, Contract II) Denuded Area - Station 308+25 to Station 324+00 = 1,575 LF 1,575 LF x 6' = 0.22 AC_. Capacity - 0.22 AC at 1,800 CF/AC = 391 CF Use 20'x 10'x 2.0' Deep Size Weir - 3' L x 18" Drainage Area - 1,575 LF x 60 Feet = 2.17 AC Find Q: Q = CIA = 0.36 + 1.81 x5.4x2.17 2.17 = 5.17 CFS Find Flow - 5.17 CFS x 0.6463 = 3.34 MG/Day Tn- 3' Wide Weir - 3.34/3 = 1.11 MG/Day/Foot Flow Depth - 0.63' 5 Size Sediment Trap No. 9: 12'x 6'x 1.0' Deep (See Plan Sheet 11 of 28, Contract I) Denuded Area - Station 82+50 to Station 85+00 = 250 LF 250 LF x 6' = 0.03 AC Capacity - 0.03 AC at 1,800 CF/AC = 62 CF Use 12'x 6'x 1.0' Deep Size Weir - 2' L x 18" Drainage Area - 250 LF x 60 Feet = 0.35 AC Find Q: Q = CIA = 0.06 x 0.9 + 0.29 x 0.35 x5.4x0.35 0.35 0.84 CFS Find Flow - 0.84 CFS x 0.6463 = 0.54 MG/Day Try 3' Wide Weir - 0.54/2 = 0.27 MG/Day/Foot Flow Depth - 0.27' 6 f t f Size Sediment Trap No. 10: 14' x 7' x 2.0' Deep (See Plan Sheet 12 of 28, Contract I) Denuded Area - Station 85+00 to Station 92+00 = 700 LF 700 LF x 6' = 0.10 AC Capacity - 0.10 AC at 1,800 CF/AC = 174 CF Use 14' x 7' x 2.0' Deep Size Weir Drainage Area Find Q: Q 2'Lx18" 700 LF x 60 Feet = 0.97 AC CIA Find Flow - Try 3' Wide Weir - Flow Depth - 0.16 x 0.9 + 0.81 x 0.35 x5.4x0.97 0.97 2.31 CFS _ 2.31 CFS x 0.6463 = 1.49 MG/Day 1.49/3 = 0.75 MG/Day/Foot 0.50' 7 ., f 'ANA SS 03 RECEIVED F is ii Z 5 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Health Public Water Supply Section P.O. Box 29536 • Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0536 Telephone (919) 733-2321 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary February 19, 1993 Mr. Steve D. Carpenter, County Manager County of Anson Courthouse, Room 30 Wadesboro, North Carolina 28170 Re: 20-inch Transmission Main U. S. Highway 74 Anson County Water System Anson County I . D . #03-04-010 Dear Mr. Carpenter: ._ Plans and specifications for the referenced project prepared by Eric T. Weatherly, P. E. have been reviewed by engineers of this Section. The plans call for the installation of approximately 66, 300 feet of 20-inch ductile iron pipe water transmission main, valves, hydrants and other appurtenances along U. S . Highway 74 and School Road from U. S.Highway 52 to the county limit of Anson County/Union County. The plans also call for the installation of 12-inch water main crossing U. S. Highway 74 to tie into the Anson County's existing 12-inch water main which is providing potable water to the County of Union and the Town of Marshville. These plans and specifications are approved under Division of Environmental Health serial number 93-04898, dated February 18, 1993. The proposed 20-inch water main will cross under Goulds Fork Creek, Pinch Gut Creek, Little Brown's Creek, Browns Creek and Lane Creek at U. S. Highway 74. A separate Section 404 Permit from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management may be required. Please contact the DEM Fayetteville Regional Office at (919) 486-1541 to obtain the permits prior to commencement of construction. An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Steve D. Carpenter Page 2 February 19, 1993 Public water system rules require that a registered professional engineer verify that construction has been completed in accordance with these approved plans and specifica- tions. In order to complete the approval of this project, please furnish us a copy of the engineer's verification affixed with his/her professional engineering seal immediately upon completion of construction. One copy of the "Application for Approval..." is enclosed together with one copy of the plans and specifications bearing the Division of Environmental Health stamp of approval. One (1) copy of each is being forwarded to our Fayetteville Health Office. The third copy is being retained in our permanent files. If we can be of further service, please call on us at (919) 733-2460. Sincerely, . E. Venrick, .E., Chief Public Water Supply Section WEV/HSO/ar Enclosures cc: Debra Benoy, Regional Engineer Anson County Health Department obs";Upchurch and Associates'; P.A:a DEM Fayetteville Regional Office County of Union Town of Marshville `. ?1=YLvK i T S JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY Division 1.0 District 3 *Ir. Si.(-.ve 1). Carpenter County Manager 907 Washington Street Wndesbor•o, North Carol.i.na 281.70 _ 7 2 MAY 1 01993 l? DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Snbject,: Fncroachment Contract - Approximately 30,500 feet of 20 inch (Inctile iron water main along US 74 and School. Road (SR 1426) with additional bores under US 52, SR. 1259, SR. 1207, SR 1248 and SR 1249 in Anson County Fncroachment. Number: 93-008-A Contract 1 i)ear N1r. Carpenter: Fnclosod. is an execitt.ed. copy of the subject encroachment contract. This encroachment is approved subject to the attached special pt: rev is i cans. If you have any gt.testions about these special, provisions, please contact. Mr. Lacy Love, District Engineer, or a representative from his office at, (704) 289-1397 in Monroe. Sincerely, J. D. Goins, F.E. Division Engineer ,I C>C/G!+ili/ fhp 1 t' t acs}imF?r? t. 'I u, A. D. Atlison ?lr. 1:. D. Love, N11'. W. 11. King File An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer STArF o STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 716 West. Main Street Monroe, North Carolina 28001 March 3, 1.993 SPECIAL PROVISIONS YOU MUST NOTIFY MR. LACY LOVE, DISTRICT ENGINEER, OR HIS ASSISTANT, MR. SCOTT COTE, AT (704) 289-1397, AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. MR. LOVE IS TO BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING UPON COMPLETION SO AN INSPECTION CAN BE MADE. PROPER TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, SIGNS, ETC. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANIAL_ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE INSTALLED TO INSURE PUBLIC SAFETY. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL CONFORM TO NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADS AND STRUCTURES MANUAL. STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR ACCOMMODATING UTILITIES ON HIGHWAY RIGHTS OF WAY MANUAI, SHALL BE REQUIRED. PROPER TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT MEASURES SHALL BE USED TO CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. - ANY DRAINAGE STRUCTURES DISTURBED OR DAMAGED SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONDITION AS DIRECTED BY THE DISTRICT ENGINEER. THE AREA DISTURBED AT EACH SITE SHALL BE LEFT IN A NEAT AND SATISFACTORY CONDITION. ALL DISTURBED AREAS ON STATE RIGHT OF WAY SHALI, BE SEEDED AND MULCHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCDOT SPECIFICATIONS. ALL ROADWAY SIGNS WHICH ARE REMOVED DUE TO FACILITY INSTALLATION WILL BE REINSTALLED IMMEDIATELY. DIRT SHALL AT NO TIME BE PLACED ON PAVEMENT. NO TRENCHES ARE TO BE LEFT OPEN OVERNIGHT. THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE ROAD, NOR WILL IT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES BROUGHT BY ANY PROPERTY OWNER. ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM RIGHT OF WAY WHEN NOT IN USE. A COPY OF THIS PROPERLY EXECUTED ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT SHALL BE KEPT ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. ENCASEMENTS SHALL EXTENT) FROM DITCHLINE TO DITCHLINE IN CUT SECTIONS, 5' BEYOND THE TOE OF SLOPES IN FILL SECTIONS, AND 3' BEHIND CURB IN CURB SECTIONS. ALL MANHOLES IN STATE RIGHT OF WAY ARE TO MEET THE APPROVED RFIQUI.R.F.MENTS OF THE NCDOT DESIGN SERVICES UNIT, WITH LOAD BEARING FRAMES AND COVERS. MANHOLES WILL, SE ADJUSTED 'IO CORRECT ELEVATION MAKING THEM LEVEL WITH EXISTING GROUND. ALL, WATER HYDRANTS SHALL, BE BREAKAWAY TYPE AND ARE TO BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 6'-0" BEHIND CURB AND GLITTER OR 4'-0" BEHIND DITCH LINE IN CUT SE('TION AND I'-0" BACK OF BEGINNING OF SLOPE IN FILL SECTIONS. WHERE THERE IS NO DITCH, THE HYDRANT WILL BE PLACED AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM THE PAVEMENT EDGE WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY OUTER LIMITS. WATER VALVES ARE TO BE PLACED ACCORDING TO EXISTING ROAD ELEVATION FIELD ADJUSTMENT. DO NOT PLACE VALVES IN DITCH 'LINE. OPEN C1ITTING OF PAVEMENT IS NOT PERMITTED. INSTALLATIONS UNDER PAVFTIFNT SHALL BF ACCOMPLISHED USING THE DRY BORE. METHOD. BORES ARE TO BE AT A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 36 INCHES. C'OMf'LETE RFSTORATION INCLUDING FERTILIZING, SEEDING AND MULCHING OF Af.,L, AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION WILL FOLLOW WITHIN A MAXIMUM OF THIRTY (30) WORKING DAYS OF THE INITIAL, DIST(1RIlING ACTIVITY. All BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% DENSITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASf1'1'O T-99 AS MODIFIED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. l l.- UTILITY IS BURIED AROUND THE END OF A PIPE CULVERT, IT IS TO BE LO('A'I'F.D A MINIMUM OF 5' FROM TIIE NEAREST PART OF THE PIPE CULVERT AND 2' RF,LOW THE S'T'REAM BED. (ri'iLi'fY Sfful BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 5' FROM NEAREST PART OF THE BRIDGE AND AT A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 2' BELOW STREAM BED. CONTRACTORS SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE SHORING OF TRENCHES MORE THAN FIVE FEET DEEP IN ACCORDANCE WITH NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND FEDERAL OCCUPATION HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT. Al' LOCATIONS WHERE THE UTILITY CROSSES UNDER THE END JOINT OF RCP PIPE CULVERTS, THE END JOINT SHALL BE COMPLETELY REMOVED, THE MATERIAL UNDER. THE JOINT OF PIPE SHALL, BE COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS AND THE END JOINT REATTACHFD. THE TRENCH BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL MEET THE STATEWIDE BORROW CRITERIA. THE TRENCH SHALL, BE BACKFILLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 300-6 OF THE 1990 NCDOT_STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADS_AND_STRUCTURES, WHICH PASICAT,LY REQUIRES THE BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT TO FXCFED SIX INCHES (6") LOOSE AND COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% OF THE DENSITY OBTAINED BY COMPACTING A SAMPLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSHTO T99 AS MODIFIFT) BY THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. A QUALIFIED DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INSPECTOR SHALL BE ON THE SITE AS NEEDED DURING CONSTRUCTION. LANE CLOSURES WILT., NOT BE PERMITTED DURING STATE HOLIDAYS, FRIDAYS AND WEEKENDS. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER'S OFFICE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ANY WORK ON NCDOT RIGHT OF WAY. PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION WARNING SIGNS SHALL BE ERECTED BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. THESE. SIGNS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON TWO (2) POSTS AND SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE POST WITH BOLTS AND NUTS. THEY SHALL BE REMOVED FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF WORK. STANDARD NO. 150.04A DETAIL 4. FNCROACHING PARTIES ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE FACT THAT THE WATER LINE WILL BE INSTALLED IN HOMEOWNERS YARDS, AND ANY DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RES'T'ORED TO ORIGINAL CONDITIONS. GRAVEL, APRONS SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONDITON. REMOVAL OF GUARDRAIL SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED UNTIL A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT OFFICE PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY SECTION OF GUARDRAIL FOR THE PURPOSE OF IDENTIFYING DAMAGED SECTIONS. THE DEPARTMENT WILL PROVIDE NEW MATERIAL TO THE CON'1'RA('1'OR FOR INSTALLATION OF THE DAMAGED SECTIONS. EXISTING ORNAMENTAL 'T'REES AND SHRUBBERY SHALL BE PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DISTRICT OFFICE WITH PLANS REGARDING PROTECTION, REMOVAL AND REPLANTING ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBBERY FOR. APPROVAL. WILDFLOWER BEDS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE MULCTED WITH PINE STRAW ONLY. NO SEED IS TO BE USED IN THIS AREA. CONTACT TRAFFIC SERVICES AT (704) 981-1998 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AROUND INTERSECTION WITH STOP LIGHTS. ENCROACHING PARTY SHALL PROVIDE A LETTER OF APPROVAL FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES REGARDING EROSION CONTROL PLANS. BORE PITS SHALL NOT BE LEFT OPEN OR UNSAFE OVERNIGHT. IF YOU NEED TO KEEP A BORE PIT OPEN OVERNIGHT, YOU MUST CONTACT THE DISTRICT ENGINEER'S OFFICE (704-289-1397). ENCASEMENTS SHALL EXTEND FROM DITCH LINE TO DITCH LINE IN CUT SECTIONS, 5' BEYOND THE TOE OF SLOPES IN FILL. SECTIONS AND 3' BEHIND CURB SECTIONS. v o; IO ,-TO'. :.71 Y-n "Ml flGn r n1-M rr ,l r. L_I ?C ;vO- ay_ z r y ?,c MOR ?V.;4 > ?x r >C r( a z, r _ - n o! 1 0 .- ?? c IM .. i! O ell C) 0 "'I C N C y M ? ' •Z-T v+ -V coo a s n i oR A rt1 e O b i ?? ` ? ?A Na A C O }S b y ?/ of 'N Zr...m ? j aN M° st aN . mt AQ / Z O ? ? m r O . °a a O O w o? ?? r x C ; N ~ ? .j s i ? 'Z a / ? ? ? ) o , .p t - rn ? y o C .a ? /[? 8gr / b , qt mt .? ot. vt _ n % mw aU - ? C O b O 9 / ? ? rN•r ? ° C , ^ o _ZVI u O O p -por- ! N T?1 m' VA ?.II Opj NiJI N n m Q oo\ ° N r > 2i r/ 2 r0 vta, 0 ...1 . .. mt of •0 KO j mn Z / m Z 1 \ O O? ,.. ? /' ,o X?? 'fi ?//////? O O~ \? ?°? Oiy S n s NS b ¦? A mt ?. N ? t = of / A •? , . _ p // \ 01 -? i ?p rn aT J mi zp +vx•. rn•o 21 10 10 rI!0 r, I r In ;ll r vr'NPSh I JNAVgn l,Nl C] cn c cn 0 C- J r r o 0 xx= r nxa {? ". r 1 r? L ll? (r) C T-. - I? .7 •!1 o:C o'r Q i I?Id T ? IM I ^'d I I r I ? J A O I? i I A 'Tl 2 !" I-1 I 2 I ° I D Vc r I f ? I o ? I ,-, _? T < 0 0 r n I m ° z • I o i D z n m a- --T I ?- _o D - I D 0 I o ° i°z C 7 ? ` Ny cG C D ? -T i ? I I _ Z • J T T -L- LINE I I -_ - ° m I ? m D_ n I I r O D I N r I 00 00 _ I I O ? ? Z7 D O Z7) I I ° < 1"-- D Z CZ T i Z F c p °? .J 7o c)i O D o I = z cn g U cn m W ? cl Z? p n O rn O ?Z ( -1 O Z 0 Z EXISTING n PI IAI J 2" 1-2 ASPI IAI.1- (MIN.) 12" OR EXISTING THICKNESS AUG S ONE BASE COMPAC-10) TO 100% 1)ENSI iY MOUIFIEU PROCTOR IDR X118 ?kl< 6A?6 (Y LO O U f I? Top g,f CoryPAC-rF-o Ta 100%, t7eN5 rr y GOMPACIED PACK1-IL i._ g5AJo vENs'ry OPEN H . F. S. CARRIER FIIIDE CUT & PATCH F? e "` STAlF ° QIMM W' <tasa? JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY NviGio?n 1.0 11ist.rict. 3 Mr. Stever D. Carpenter C olinty Managf-r 9017 lInsh ington Street; Wndc--sboro, North Car•ol.ina 281.70 WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Snh.cI, Encroachment Contract - Approximately 36,500 feet of 20 inch ducti l.e iron wal.er wain along US 74 from Prison Camp Road (SR 1249) to Union County Line with bores under SR 1249, SR 1.250, SR 1251 and SR 1240 in Anson County FMcronchment. Number: 93-009-A Contract 2 Venr- Mr. Carpenter: Enclosed is an executed copy of the subject encroachment contract. Thi-- Pncroachment Is approved subject to the attached special provisions. If yr?n have any grlest;.ions about these special provisions, please contact. Mr. Lacy Love, District Engineer, or a representative from his office at (701) 289--1397 In Monroe. Sinc.eT•(- l,y, y? fJ ?LJ 4-?Q?O/? J. D. Goins, P.E. Division Fogineer ,? Df T,? 51+11;/ f h i, Attachment. cc: Mr. A. 1). Allison Mr. L. D. Love ?1 r . tl' , 11. FC i n a File STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 71.6 West Main Street Monroe, North Carolina 28001 March 3, 1993 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer SPECIAL PROVISIONS 'YOU MUST NOTIFY MR. LACY LOVE, DISTRICT ENGINEER, OR HIS ASSISTANT, MR.. SCOTT COLE, AT (704) 289-1397, AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. MR. LOVE IS TO BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING UPON COMPLETION SO AN INSPECTION CAN BE MADE. PROPER TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, SIGNS, ETC. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL, BE INSTALLED TO INSURE PUBT,I(' SAFETY. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL CONFORM TO NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADS AND STRUCTURES MANUAL. STRic'r COMPLIANCE WITH THE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR ACCOMMODATING UTILITIES ON HIGHWAY RIGHTS OF WAY MANUAL SHALL BE REQUIRED. PROPER 'T'EMPORARY AND PERMANENT MEASURES SHALL BE USED TO CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. ANY DRAINAGE STRUCTURES DISTURBED OR DAMAGED SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONDITION AS DIRECTED BY THE DISTRICT ENGINEER. 'TIIE AREA DISTURBED AT EACH SITE SHALI, BE LEFT IN A NEAT AND ,ATISFACTORY CONDITION. 1LL DISTUR.13FI) AREAS ON STATE RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED IN ACCORDANCE; WITH NCDOT SPECIFICATIONS. AI,, ROADWAY SIGNS WHICH ARE REMOVED DUE TO FACILITY INSTALLATION WILL BE REINSTALLED IMMEDIATELY. DIRT SHALL AT NO TIME BE PLACED ON PAVEMENT. NO TRENCHES ARE TO BE LEFT OPEN OVERNIGHT. THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE ROAD, NOR WILL IT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CLAIMS FOR. DAMAGES BROUGHT BY ANY PROPERTY OWNER. Atl EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM RIGHT OF WAY WHEN NOT IN USE. A COPY OF THIS PROPERLY EXECUTED ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT SHALL BE KEPT ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. ENCASEMENTS SHALL EXTEND FROM DITCHLINE TO DITCHLINE IN CUT SECTIONS, 5' BEYOND THE TOE OF SLOPES IN FILL SECTIONS, AND 3' BEHIND CURB IN CURB SECTIONS. AI,, MANIIOI,ES IN STATE RIGHT OF WAY ARE TO MEET THE APPROVED REoI1fRF,`1F,NTS OF THE NCDOT DESIGN SERVICES UNIT, WITH LOAD HEARING FRAMES ANT) COVERS. M,INIIOL,ES WILL IIE ADJUSTED TO CORRECT ELEVATION MAKING THEM LEVEL, WITH EXISTING GROUND. ALI, WATER HYDRANTS SHALL BE BREAKAWAY TYPE ANT) ARE TO BE PLACE t) A MINIMUM OF 6'-0" BEHIND CURB AND GUTTER OR V-0" BEHIND DITCH LINE IN CUT SF(.7TON AND 11-0" BACK OF BEGINNING OF SLOPE IN FILL SECTIONS. W11E.RE THERE IS NO DITCH, THE. HYDRANT WILL BE PLACED AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM THE, PAVEMENT EDGE WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY OUTER LIMITS. WATER VALVES ARE TO BE PLACED ACCORDING TO EXISTING ROAD ELEVATION FIELD ADJUSTMENT. DO NOT PLACE VALVES IN DITCH LINE. OPEN CUTTING OF T'AVFMENT IS NOT PERMITTED. INSTALLATIONS UNDER PAVEMENT SHALL, BE ACCOMPLISHED USING THE DRY BORE METHOD. BORES ARE TO BE AT A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 36 INCHES. UONIPI,FT'E RFSTOR.A'IJON INCLUDING FERTILIZING, SEEDING AND MULCHING OF ALL AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION WILL FOLLOW WITHIN A MAXIMUM OF THIRTY (30) WORKING DAYS OF THE INITIAL DISTURBING ACTIVITY. AI,, BACKFIET, SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% DENSITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH AAGIITO T--99 AS MODIFIED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. IF 11T[LITY IS BURIED AROUND THE END OF A PIPE CULVERT, IT IS TO BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 5' FROM THE NEAREST PART OF THE PIPE CULVERT AND ` BELOW THE STREAM BED. IT111,ITY SHAIJ, BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 5' FROM NEAREST PART OF THE IZR.IDGF AND A'I' A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 2' BELOW STREAM BED. AIJ. NOTES ON THE AT'IACHFD PLANS ARE TO BE ENFORCED. PI,FASE NOTE REVISIONS SHOWN IN RFD ON ATTACHED PLANS ARE TO BE FNFORCF0. THE,, APPROPRIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND SCHOOL SYSTEMS SHALL BE NOTIFIED 21 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF OPEN CUTTING. THE CONTRACTOR WILL 13E RFSPONSIBLE. FOR THIS ACTION. CONTRACTORS SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE SHORING OF TRENCHES MORE THAN FIVE FEET DEEP IN ACCORDANCE WITH NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF 'T'RANSPORTATION AND FEDERAL OCCUPATION HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT. AT LOCATIONS WHERE THE UTILITY CROSSES UNDER THE END JOINT OF RCP PIPE CULVERTS, THE END JOINT SHALL BE COMPLETELY REMOVED, THE MATERIAL UNDER THE JOINT OF PIPE SHALL BE COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS AND THE END JOINT REATTACHED. THE TRENCH BACKFILL MATERIAL. SHALL MEET THE STATEWIDE BORROW CRITERIA. THE TRENCH SHALL BE BACKFILLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 300-6 OF THE 1.990 N_C_DOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADS AND STRUCTURES, WHICH BASICALLY REQUIRES THE BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT TO EXCEED SIX INCHES (6") LOOSE AND COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% OF THE DENSITY OBTAINED BY COMPACTING A SAMPLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSHTO T99 AS MODIFIED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. A QUALIFIED DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INSPECTOR SHALL BE ON THE SITE AS NEEDED DURING CONSTRUCTION. LANE CLOSURES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED DURING STATE HOLIDAYS, FRIDAYS AND WEEKENDS. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER'S OFFICE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ANY WORK ON NCDOT RIGHT OF WAY. PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION WARNING SIGNS SHALL BE ERECTED BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. THESE SIGNS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON TWO (2) POSTS AND SHALL BE ATTACIIED TO THE POST WITH BOLTS AND NUTS. THEY SHALL BE REMOVED FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF WORK. STANDARD NO. 150.04A DETAIL 4 INS'rALLATION OF WATER LINE IN VICINITY OF THE OVERHEAD BRIDGE (SR 1240) OVER US-74 AT PEACHLAND IS NOT APPROVED AT THIS TIME. ENCROACHING PARTY SHALL SUBMIT DETAIL PLANS FOR INSTALLATION OF WATER LINE AROUND BRIDGE FOOTINGS AND COLUMNS FOR APPROVAL. FNCROACRING PARTIES ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE FACT THAT THE WATER LINE WILL BE INSTALLED IN HOMEOWNERS YARDS, AND ANY DTS"rURBFD AREAS SHALT, BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONDITIONS. GRAVEf, APRONS SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONDITION. RFMOVAL OF GUARDRAIL SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED UNTIL A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT OFFICE PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY SECTION OF GUARDRAIL FOR THE PURPOSE OF IDENTIFYING DAMAGED SECTIONS. THE DEPARTMENT WILL PROVIDE NEW MATERIAL TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR INSTALLATION OF THE DAMAGED SECTIONS. EXISTING ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBBERY SHALL BE PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DISTRICT OFFICE WITH PLANS RFGARDTNG PROTECTION, REMOVAL, AND REPLANTING ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBBERY FOR APPROVAL. WIL,DFL,OWT?R BEDS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION ARE TO BE MULCHED WITH PINE STRAW ONLY. NO SEED IS TO BE USED IN THESE AREAS. CONTACT 'T'RAFFIC SERVICES AT (704) 982-1998 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AROUND INTERSECTION WITH STOP LIGHTS. ENCROACHING PARTY SHALL PROVIDE A LETTER OF APPROVAL FROM THE DEPARTMEN'T' OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES REGARDING EROSION CONTROL PLANS. BORE PITS SHALL NOT BE LEFT OPEN OR UNSAFE OVERNIGHT. IF YOU NEED TO KEEP A BORE PIT OPEN OVERNIGHT, YOU MUST CONTACT THE DISTRICT ENGINEER'S OFFICE (704-289-1397). NOTE THE PROPOSED METER VAULT AT STATION 365± IS NOT APPROVED. ENCASEMENTS SHALL EXTEND FROM DITCH LINE TO DITCH LINE IN CUT SECTIONS, 5' BEYOND THE TOE OF SLOPES IN FILL SECTIONS AND 3' BEHIND CURB SECTIONS. zr. use?.r r)ncn.fm,r<n r M l?rn L_ CSI- rn =L? r(r, .i1Ln _.._? 0 r- n S -L7 r ?0 (/) I I rl f Q ; Ci 21 0 l-• l ? I? rl i _ O m C n 0( O i /? A ( Ix O ,/ ?IRA\ ?? !? 70 0 \ > G °. a o'• ? °a d v - . ?n ?i n C p A w A ° O N C? J ?_? ?? Z V D D > /U $ O ? +1 > ? \ °O} r?i O 7 z Z?? n O r, A N / ° O , A n o s O rn O s ? O U . o • - ?' x° z ?O ,:o AI kr ?? ma o\• N? j o N o v /?., \ ? N ? ? \ m r ?l o? n J rvt ?'J •¦ 2 t O H 'L ?? • n o m nS » ° r a m 'i ? ? o ^ : Z rp m• ?O of ?? % aN' J ° ° n ?o JOzz r ?! i a'.¦ r m; my xo p o ? y o x ,_ ^ °? ? ?°i °? A S v ? mT m d u* N ?` z e'• o? , N A w y v O ? 8 N N r? $ ? CP %I" ® __?r?•. •?? ?J m ? ??Q{ 4N x A ° xp C} O ' ? r m p •a•-1?w.11, 10 zc rl.? r,1 r invn ,,vyww, r ,rlrwnnr. Hr ?a ,x ?Cr7 ci m V 'rn H l O to I ,? r ? II I I_ L1 - r- C -7 r ._a U U -r 7 ..? rJ a %- ?O ;ri C. U ( D I TOO L1 .-- ___- ?XT C, r Ti n rz :i( rn CO S r f-1 ? ? 7n r±7 (:7 . n n . z 'y y CZ N n ?p Z IT-7 O J m ti p 'J7 C1 n C +.? n'r O O ? n '.T1 r+ 2 0 O.. rr, D r W -71 0 C z 0 0 M 0 O ( D -G .TJ 0 rn D ;Z N ? D c 0 z 0 m --4 D r .n 'Tl 0 N 0 m 0 2 G) c_ C D °z ?N 31 n O Z .L - -1 1 N rn Z a N 0 m D 0 x m z 4 X D z n m D 0 m D r= N x-71 00 D 0 D r z z M C! N m n rry 0 x Z0 cn m ?n C Z C)n z -l_l1nC <?c Cfam& %czfE_., ?ne. 2Ctifity ofonttactot Rt. 1, Box 127A Little Mtn., SC 29075 (803) 345-9194 FAX (803) 945-7429 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN FOR ANSON CO.- WATER MAIN 1. All work shall contorm to N.C. Uniform Tratfic Control. Manual latest edition. 2. Attached diagrams shall be used for project signage and lane closure unless otherwise instructed by N.C.D.O.T. 3. All side roads shall have signs indicating utility construciion 500' in work zones. 4. Immediate work zone shall be signed as directed by N.C.D.O.T. and discussed in pre-construction conference March 31, 1993. of CPO V/ U j. I ( 1 f ? OOf 1 ? ? i ((((? i I i ! I I i I I I V i•• ; ?., Cows T._n r=? z Q I ! >? vex r iX:;rS V I ? fr Cates r.?c «. toc? ' I I ! i ct r . / / Ceaa sr??-t f ? ! I ieoo /loa ? y LU < V c a y LL; O ri e d L do Z cc 3 - t-j 0 w Q 4^ H 00 O > .. q j o '(?^ S1 L M ? V I `l ^L' i ? 'J V tL V Vim... i . yv j Q j )=.. Q f s a I ! e :i a •r. a :s1 s y z ? r C '3 qy z z N r. H ? Q Otl Z 2 t z V Z r, .l m a?i w{ - cr t4 Wi C, 'o S + 7 p o i x ¢ I E 2 y ? 1 f - ? r s Q ` b u } lu i • ^r c ?/ Y O a o ^ ? • G ? r o O v ` V 4 • a Yf r '? p y ` ! 0 fJ LL. V ? • o O Z W f f e ? h T