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19930161 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19930322
State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 Noah Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary }} 69 Acting Director ?J 1 I? I O'L"' I t P.(l l ?•?. 3p 133 ?NC- Dear Sir or Madam: SUBJECT; 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION County, COE Project # 1 % 3 oQ X67 The Division of Environmental Management (DEM) received a letter from the Corps of Engineers (COE) stating that your project qualified for a Nationwide Permit. Please be advised that the Nationwide Permit is not valid until a 401 Water Quality Certification has been issued by the Division. General Certifications have been issue by the Division for most of the Nationwide Permits, however, several of the General Certifications require written concurrence from the Division before the Nationwide Permit is valid. Your road-or-es-sing (Nationwide Permit # -1-4) requires written concurrence from DEM. Therefore, please complete the attached form (except for conditions 15 and 16) and send six additional copies (a total of seven copies) so that the review of your request can be initiated. If you have any questions, please call me or Mr. John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, Eric Galamb Applic.14 cc: `VIr DEM Regional Cf :gBNAt O,-Flcrs Ashevil!Mr. Johh lZoltney Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 9 19/4 86-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-6481 919x95-3900 919/896-7007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS C5 P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 JAN 3 1993 IN REPLY REFER TO January 7, 1993 Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199300767 and Nationwide Permit No. 12 (Utility Line Backfill and Bedding) Mr. William Miller Post Office Box 916, Highway 133 Leland, North Carolina 28451 Dear Mr. Miller: Reference your application of November 9, 1992, for Department of the Army authorization to construct an outfall structure in connection with a wastewater treatment facility, and a 3-inch discharge line from S.R. 133 to the Brunswick River, approximately 4 miles south of Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina. For the purposes of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits (NWP). Authorization, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, was provided for the discharge of material for backfill or bedding for utility lines, including outfall and intake structures, provided there is no change in pre-construction contours. Your work is authorized by this nationwide permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions. This nationwide permit does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain any required State or local approval. You should contact Mr. John Dorney, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, (919) 733-5083, to obtain the necessary Section 401, Water Quality Certification prior to starting work. This verification will be valid for 2 years from the date of this letter unless the NWP authorization is modified, reissued, or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the 2 years if, during that period, the NWP authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the NWP authorization. If during the 2 years, the NWP authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the NWP, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the NWP will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within 12 months of the date of the NWP's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend, or revoke the authorization. -2- Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Rudolf Schiener, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 251-4629. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. C. Robert Stroud, Jr. Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 DEPARTMEf#T OF THr=-ARMY ' ,. . WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS. OF.ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY HEFEH TO Regulatory Branch Action ID. 1993011419 April 8, 1993 Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Parker: APR 14 IM 4 tl?, Reference the application of the Brunswick Cove Nursing Center, represented by Mr. William Miller, for Department of the Army (DA) authorization to place fill material in wetlands and place a diffuser in the Brunswick River associated with construction of a package wastewater plant and discharge line, 3.8 miles south of Belville,vrtnswick county North Carolina. The Federal agencies have completed review of the proposal as presented by the application and your field investigation report. We recommend that the following conditions be included in the State authorization: a. All work authorized by this permit must be performed in strict compliance with the permit plans. b. Effluent from the diffuser must be in compliance with regulations issued under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. C. The fill and riprap material will be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. Metal products, organic materials, or unsightly debris will not be used. d. No excavated or fill material will be placed in any location or in any manner so as to impair surface water flow into or out of any wetland area. e. To be eligible for this permit, all utility lines must be either completely elevated or buried so as not to impact hydrology. f. Pre-construction substrate and wetland bottom contours will be restored. All excess material will be removed to a highround retention area. IR State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Screen • Raleigh,. North Carolina 27604 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary March 25, 1993 William B. Miller Post Office Box 910' Highway 133 Leland, North Carolina. 28451 Dear Mt. Miller: Subject: Proposed Fill in Wetlands.or Waters Sewer outfall line Brunswick County DEM Project # 93161, COE # 199301419 Upon review of your request for Water Quality Certification to place fill material in 0.46 acres of wetlands or waters which are tributary to Brunswick River for sewer outfall line and diffuser located at Brunswick Cove Nursing Center in Brunswick County, we have determined that the..proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2664 issued January 21, 1992. A copy of the General Certification is.attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 12. If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney at 919/733-1786. Sincerely, Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. APH:JD Attachment CC: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Wilmington DEM-Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files John Parker, DCM P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, Norrh Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919:7-33-4984 Fax ;? 919.733-0513 An Eawl Opporunicy Affirmative Action Employer e,•. $Urr s State of North. Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Governor Roger N. Schecter Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary February 17, 1993 Director MEMORANDUM: TO: Mr. A. Preston Howard, P.E., Acting Director Division of Environmental Management FROM: John R. Parker, Chief Major Permits Processing Section SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Applicant: William Miller/Brunswick Cove Nursing Center Project Location: N.C. Highway 133, 3.8 miles south of Belville in Leland Proposed Project: install a ±20,000 GPD wastewater package treatment plant and discharge line to the Brunswick River, to replace his currently failing subsurface LPP septic system. The facility would serve the existing Brunswick Cove Nursing Center. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by March 10, 1993. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Ed Brooks at extension 247. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. 1 ? Uu DATE 3- SIGNED v' 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, "in, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 919.3953900 • Fax 919.3342004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer t AM -2- g. The permittee will maintain the authorized work in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. The permittee is not relieved of this requirement if he abandons the permitted activity without having it transferred to a third party. h. The authorized structure and associated activity will not cause an unacceptable interference with navigation. i. The activity will be conducted in such a manner as to prevent a significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction-related discharge. Increases such that the turbidity in the waterbody is 25 NTU's or less are not considered significant. j. The permittee must install and maintain, at his expense, any signal lights and signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, through regulations or otherwise, on authorized facilities. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Rudolf Schiener, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 251-4629. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Copies Furnished: 2. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Mr. Larry Hardy National Marine Fisheries Service Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Mr. Thomas Welborn, Chief U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region IV Wetlands Regulatory Unit 345 Courtland Street, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Mr. C. Robert Stroud, Jr. Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 ? did°3. Y' 1 16 /' 21 Ph 199 3 r WWRC ?. land F z KN North Carolina Wildlife Resources Co 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director rr MEMORANDUM p TO: John Dorney MAR 31993 Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management WETL",iVDS GROUP FROM : Richard B. Hamilton ??'} // ' WATER QUALITY SEGTi liv, Assistant Director K-46441" ? DATE: March 15, 1993 SUBJECT: Division of Environmental Management 401 Water Quality Certification Review for Mr. William B. Miller, Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has completed a review of the proposed project and evaluated possible impacts on fisheries, wildlife, and wetland resources in the project area. A site inspection was conducted on March 10, 1993. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.), Section 401-b of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (as amended), and North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 113-131 et seq.). Mr. William B. Miller is requesting permit authorization to excavate 0.20 ac of 404 wetlands adjacent to the Brunswick River near Leland in Brunswick County. The purpose of the project is to place approximately 4600 l.f. of PVC sewer pipe to provide a sewage disposal system for Brunswick Cove Nursing Center. We believe there are practical alternatives to excavating a corridor through wetlands for placement of the sewer line. For example, there are already in place 2, 30 ft wide corridors traversing the same wetlands less than 0.25 mi from the Nursing Center. One belongs to the Exxon Corp. for a buried Paraxylene gas line and the other belongs to AT&T for a buried Transcontinental Communications Cable. It would seem feasible to run the sewer line from the Nursing Center to either corridor via the road right-of-way, provided permission could be obtained from the NC Department of Transportation (DOT), and across the wetlands via the already disturbed corridors (one or the other) L5 ? `Y MEMO TO: John Dorney Page 2 March 15, 1993 provided permission could be obtained from either Exxon or AT&T. Another alternative would be to run the sewer line from the Nursing Center to either Jackeys or Mallory's Creeks for discharge provided permission could be obtained from the DOT and the NC Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for a stream discharge permit. We have determined the proposed project is inconsistent with our Policies and Guidelines for Conservation of Wetlands and Aquatic Habitat. Because there appear to be practical alternatives to excavation in wetlands, we must recommend that water quality certification for the project as proposed be denied. In addition, we believe that this project is inconsistent with the Environmental Protection Agency's Section 404(b)(1) guidelines in that the proposed project does not constitute a water dependent activity. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this 401 Water Quality Certification application. If we can provide further assistance, please contact NCWRC Habitat Conservation Program Manager Dennis L. Stewart at 919-528-9886 or 919-733- 3633. cc: Honorable Ted B. Lockerman, District 4 Commissioner Keith Ashley, District 4 Fisheries Biologist Tom Padgett, District 4 Wildlife Biologist To: John Dorney Planning Branch DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CAMA MAJOR PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW REGIONAL OFFICE STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS REVIEWER: GREGSO_ WQ SUPERVISOR: ADKINSL! DATE: March 8, 1993 WETLAND INFORMATION FOR CENTRAL OFFICE TRACKING PERMIT YR: 93 PERMIT NO.: 93161 COUNTY: Brunswick PROJECT NAME: William Miller / Brunswick Cove Nursing Home PROJECT TYPE: Sewer Line PERMIT TYPE: CAMA COE #: N/A DOT#: N/A RCD FROM CDA: DCM DATE FROM CDA: February 23, 1993 REG OFFICE: WiRO RIVER AND SUB BASIN#: 030617 777 r *STREAM ADJACENT STWATER REAMBINDEXB#uni$i77 River D ? 7MR *OPEN OR CLOSED: Closed WL IMPACT : Yes WL T YPE : FTBH WL REQUESTED: 0.45 WL ACR EST: No HYDRO CNECT? : Yes WL SCORE : N/A MITIGATION: N/A MITIGATION TYPE : N/A WAN MITIGATION SIZE: N/A RATING SHEET ATTACHED?: N/A RECOMMENDATION: ISSUE STORMWATER PLAN REQ'D: No IF YES, DATE APPROVED: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to construct approximately 4,800 linear feet of 2" sewer outfall line from a proposed treatment plant to the Brunswick River. WATER QUALITY CERT. (401) CERT. REQ'D: Yes IF YES, TYPE: General Certification #2664 for Utility Lines SEWAGE DISPOSAL TYPE OF DISPOSAL PROPOSED: 20,000 gal./day package treatment plant. TO BE PERMITTED BY: DEM IF BY DEM, IS SITE AVAILABLE AND PERMIT ISSUANCE PROBABLE: Yes WATER/WETLAND FILL AREA OF FILL - WATER: 60 sq. ft. WETLAND: 19,800 sq. ft. IS FILL ELIMINATING A SIGNIFICANT USE? No DREDGING IS DREDGING ACTIVITY EXPECTED OF RESOURCE? N/A IS SPOIL DISPOSAL ADEQUATELY TO CAUSE A SIGNIFICANT LOSS ADDRESSED? N/A MARINA ARE THE FOLLOWING ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED? SEWAGE DISPOSAL: N/A MARINA SERVICES: N/A OXYGEN IN BASIN: N/A CLOSURE OF SHELLFISHING WATERS: N/A 93161.Mar Page Two (ATTACH A MARINA USE ATTAINABILITY EVAL.) RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OR PERMIT RESTRICTIONS: That the project be done in such a manner so as to not cause turbidity outside the immediate construction area to exceed 25 NTU. cc: Central Files Wilmington Regional Office Files DCM-Brooks John Parker DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: William Miller/Brunswick Cove Nursing Center 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: N.C. Highway 133, 3.8 miles south of Belville, adjacent to. the Brunswick River, Brunswick County .'.Photo Index - 1989: 182-9, N-X 16,17 1984: 12A-139, A-L, 13 - State Plane Coordinates - X: 2309400 Y: 159400 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA/Dredge & Fill 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 12-15-92 1-5-93 Was Applicant Present - Yes Yes 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received Complete - 2-18-93 Office - Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Brunswick County Land Classification From LUP - Transitional - Mixed Use (B) AEC(s) Involved: ES, CW, PT, EW (C) Water Dependent: No (D) Intended Use: Commercial (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - failing dual-field LPP subsurface system Planned -.±20,000 GPD Wastewater Treatment Plant/Discharge to Brunswick River (F) Type of Structures: Existing Nursing facility (140 bed capacity) with food service and laundry Planned - None (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED OTHER (A) Vegetated Wetlands wooded swamp 19,800 s. f. (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands shallow bottom 60 s. f. (C) Other 5,400 s.f. highground (D) Total Area Disturbed: 25, 260 s.f. (E) Primary Nursery Area: Yes (F) . Water Classification: SC Open: N/A 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to install a ±20,000 GPD wastewater package treatment plant and discharge line to the Brunswick River, to replace his currently failing subsurface LPP septic system. The facility would serve the existing Brunswick Cove Nursing Center. William Miller Brunswick Cove Nursing Center Page 2 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2-16-93 The project site is located on N.C. Highway 133, approximately 3.8 miles south of Belville, in Brunswick.County. The 270 acre tract includes 11190 feet of road frontage and extends, from N.C. Highway 133, approximately 4,000.feet west, to the Brunswick River. The highground portion of the tract occurs in two sections along the highway, separated a natural drainageway. These highground plateaus extend approximately 500 - 600 feet to the west, where the elevation drops sharply from -+ 20 feet MSL, to approximately 2.5 to 3.5 feet MSL,. to dense wooded swamp, which 'extends the remaining .± 4,300 feet to the Brunswick River. At the time of site inspection, there was approximately 1-2 feet of water throughout the wooded swamp. This wide expanse of wooded swamp extends both north and south of the property, and is considered within the flood plain of the Brunswick River. Along the Brunswick River, there is a border of coastal wetlands, approximately 260 feet wide in the project area. Wetland vegetation is primarily cat-tails (Typha sp.), giant cordgrass S artina cynosuroides), reed (Phragites communis) and various sedge and- rush species, with an occasional cypress tree (Taxodium distichum) occurring throughout the wetland border. The Brunswick River is approximately 1200 feet wide in the project area, and is classified as SC by the N.C. Division of Environmental Management. It is designated as Primary Nursery Area by the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries. The Brunswick, Cove Nursing Center occupies the southwest corner of the tract. The remainder of the highground portion of the property is comprised of the Brunswick Cove Subdivision. There are fourteen (14) lots platted adjacent and to the west of the nursing center, and the remaining thirty-four.(34) lots are located in the northwest portion of the property. The nursing home has a permitted capacity of 140 beds, and includes, both food service and laundry. Sewage treatment and disposal for the facility has been provided by a large, dual-field, low pressure pipe (LPP) subsurface septic system. This system is currently in a state of failure, :with wastewater ponding on the ground surface of the LPP absorption fields. The applicant, in conjunction, with the Brunswick County Health Department, the N.C..Division of Health. Services, and the N.C. Division of Environmental Management has investigated the available options and alternatives to abate the failing septic system. Subsequent investigation of adjacent property indicate that soils are unsuitable for further expansion of the subsurface septic system. There is also inadequate space to consider spray irrigation. Therefore, the applicant is proposing to construct a wastewater treatment plant with discharge of treated wastewater to, the Brunswick. River. The wastewater treatment plant capacity would be approximately 20,000 gallons per day (GPD). The system design would be reviewed and approved through the N. C. Division of Environmental Management, as well as, the issuance of applicable discharge permits (NPDES). The proposed system includes, extended aeration, filters, and chlorination. The applicant proposes to install a 2 inch, PVC, pressure discharge line, 2 1/2 feet below existing grade, from the treatment plant to the Brunswick River (approximately 4,800 1.£). The subaqueous discharge line would extend approximately 200 feet into the open waters area of the river. The discharge line would intersect the water column, at the -2 feet at MLW contour, and terminate with a 10 feet section' of 2. inch, ductile iron pipe. A diffuser would cap the end of the pipe to. disperse the treated' wastewater into the river. The terminal end of the discharge line would be anchored by two sets of cradle pilings (2' 6" o.c.) set 8 feet apart (see detail, page 3 of 3). William Miller Brunswick Cove Nursing Center Page 3 9. PROTECT DESCRIPTION - Continued: The applicant proposes to use a backhoe with large pneumatic tires on the highground and wooded swamp areas to excavate the trench for the. discharge line. Excavated material would be stockpiled adjacent to the trench until placement of the discharge line is completed. The excavated material would then be used to backfill the trench. Concrete anchors would be installed at regular intervals to prevent floating of the PVC line. The applicant proposes to use a directional drilling machine to install the portion of the discharge line proposed through the wetland border adjacent to the Brunswick River. The machine would subterraneanly bore under the expanse of marsh to intersect the river bottom at approximately the -2 feet at MLW contour. There divers and pile driving equipment would complete the discharge line installation and anchorage. 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The installation of the proposed subterranean/subaqueous discharge line would disturb approximately 5,400 square feet of highground, approximately 19,800 square feet of wooded swamp, and approximately 60 square feet of shallow river bottom. The total disturbed area for the highground and wooded swamp reflects twice the area required for installation due to the applicant's proposal to temporarily store the excavated material adjacent to the trench and then backfill after" pipe installation. A working corridor 10-15 feet wide, cleared of trees, will also be required to allow ingress and egress of -equipment through the swamp. With any proposal to discharge treated wastewater into surface waters, the potential for water quality degradation exists. Rarely do wastewater treatment facilities operate within permitted parameters throughout the entire lifespan of the facility. Hopefully, with stringent operation, maintenance, and monitoring requirements, the potential for non compliance discharges would be minimal. The construction of the proposed project would abate the serious public health threat that currently exists at the nursing center, ponding sewage on the ground surface created by the failing existing subsurface LPP system. As proposed, the installation of the cradle pilings that stabilize the terminal end of the discharge line and diffuser pipe, would constitute a .hazard to navigation during water conditions where the structure would be slightly submerged. Submitted by: E. F. Brooks Date: February 16, 1993 Office: Wihnington Please type or print. Carefully describe all anticipated development activities, including construction, excava- tion, filling, paving, land clearing, and stoimwater con- trol. If the requested information is not relevant to your. project; write N/A (not applicable). Items 14 and 8-9 must be completed for all projects. 1 APPLICANT a. Name William B. Miller If you plan to build a marina, also complete and attach Form DCM-MP-2. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? new work c. Will the project be for community, private, or commercial use? Address P.O. Box 916, Highway 133, City Leland State N. C. d.. Describe the planned use of the project. Treat domestic wastewater from Zip 28451 Dayphone 919 371 9894 X Landowner or Authorized agent y)sewer system to serve b. Project name (if an Brunswick Cove Nursing enter c. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give the owner's name and address. N/A nursin; center, and discharge to Brunswick River. ? c 4 LAND AND WATER JAN 8 1995 CHARACTERISTICS a. Size of entire tract 270 RTA 1 rn?ENT b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A c. Elevation of tract above mean sea level or National Geodetic Vertical Datum 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED 23.0 to-2..7 MSL PROJECT d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Sandy organic loam and clay a. Street address or secondary road number P.O. Rox 91 6, Highway 111 e. Vegetation on tract hardwood trees and dense brush, b. City town, community, or landmark 3.8 mile south fo Belville N_r- f. Man-made features now on tract nursing home c. County Brunswick d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? no e. Name of body of water nearest project Brunswick River 3 DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. Describe all development activities you propose (for example, building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, or pier). Construct wastewater treat- ment plant and discharge line for domestic sewage to serve Nursing home. 3/91 g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classification of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) Conservation Transitional Developed Community x Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? not zoned i. How areadjacent waters classified? . SC j.1. Has a professional archaeological survey been carried out for the tract? no if so, by whom? a- 5 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT Complete this section if the project includes any land development. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, or m. Water supply source Leland Sanitary District structuresproposed N/A n. If the project is oceanfront development, describe NIA the steps that will be taken to maintain established b. Number of lots or parcels public beach accessways or provide new access. c. Density (Give the number of residential units and the N/A units per acre.) NIA d. Size of area to be graded or disturbed 0 7 acres o. If the project is on the oceanfront, what will be the . elevation above mean sea level of the first habitable e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one floor? acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control planat least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has.a sedimentation and erosion 6 EXCAVATION AND FILL control plan been submitted to the Division of Land INFORMATION Resources? N/A L Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of a. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation mean high water to be covered by impermeable or fill activities (excluding bulkheads, which are covered in Section 7). surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, rooftops. .. 0.00 Length Width Depth g. List the materials, such as marl, paver C nannei or concrete, to be used for paved surf r (NWL) N/A '..,,.Boa sin h. If applicable, has a stormwater managemen??..ppt I O N OOther, (break been submitted to the Division of En ironm?fft'gl Water, pier, management? N/A COASTAL MANAGfx9$mLm , i. Describe proposed sewage disposal and/or waste rock jetty) water treatment facilities. Fill placed in Existing UP system failed. Plan wetland or below to construct 16,800 gpd package MHW wastewater.treatment plant and discharge line to Brunswick River, U landfill j. Have these facilities received state or local approval? p areas Nn k. Describe existing treatment facilities. Low pressure pipe system with dumps, septic tanks, etc. system is now failed. L Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down"). N-J A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A excavat ion an back fill f r 2" pi peline 4600 ft . 2' 2.5' :ij x N/A N/A . `> > ::> ; ::: b. Amount of material to be excavated from below water level in cubic yards WT 1 e c. Type of material N/A d. Does the area to be excavated include marshland, swamps, or other wetlands? Yes e. High ground excavation, in cubic yards 760 2 3/91 L Dimensions of spoil disposal area c. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, in N/A feet N/A g. Location of spoil disposal area N/A IL Do you claim title to the disposal area? N/A If not, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. i. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? N/A If so, where? N/A d. Type of bulkhead material N/A e. Amount of fill, in cubic yards, to be placed below mean high water. N L Type of fill material N/A 8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION j. Does the disposal area include any marshland,. In addition to the completed application form, the follow- swamps, or areas? ing items must be submitted: k. Will the fill material be placed below mean high A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other water? N/A instrument under which the applicant claims title to the 1. Amount of fill in cubic yards N/A affected property.. If the applicant is not claiming to be er of said property, then forward a copy of the m. Type of fill material 3 c_ 1 r other instrument under which the owner claims N/A a lus written permission from the owner to carry out n. Source of fill material , the project. N o. Will fill material be placed on marsh or or wetlands? No E) 1 1 c i n ni OF An accurate work plat (including plan view and cross awings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 al : p. Dimensions of the wetland to be fills@AST_ A hite MANAGE _1 paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources' . N/A Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed description.) q. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? N/A r. What type.of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Backhoe with large _pneumat.ic fIYPR Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 18 high quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger, drawings.). A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed 'to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include county road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and s. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment the like. to project site? ve sIfyes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen environmental impacts. A stormw. ater management plan, if applicable, that any damage to we lands or wet may have been developed in consultation with the lands vegetation will be re-paired Division of Environmental Management. so that upon completion of the project . all areas will be restore list of the names and complete addresses of the to pre-construction condition. adlacent.waterfront (riparian) landowners. These individuals have 30 days in which to submit comments 7 SHORELINE STABILIZATION on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management and should be advised by the applicant of a. Length of bulkhead or riprap N/A that opportunity. b. Average distance waterw d of mean high water or . normal water level N/A 3/91 Name Landmark Organization 'Addiess 4400 Oleander Drive, Wilmin - 9 CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION ton, N. C. TO ENTER ON LAND Name Cb ar 1 e s Waddell Any permit issued in response to this application will Address P_. 0 . Box 347 A. Leland, N.C. allow only the development described in the application. 29451 The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. Name Address A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. Division of Envronmental Health. On-site sewage Disposal Branch. J188 gtoAoapg§o§4l2dated 9-30-91 A check for $250 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources to cover the costs of processing the application. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. A statement on the use of public funds. If the project involves the expenditure of public funds, attach a state- ment documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A-1 to 10). I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's ap- proved Coastal Management Program and will be con- ducted in a manner consistent with such program. I further certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of project. This is th 9th day of November 19 92 X? ? Landowner or Authorized agent ? J A?1 ? lyyJ DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 4 3/91 NaVl? N 8 .1993 VISION OF L MANAGEMENJ s z 0 P LOCATION MAP 1. Site is 3.8 miles south of Belville, along N.C. 133 2. Site is Brunswick County State of North Carolina ' 3. scale of map is 1" = 2 miles November 10, 1992 4. Map is a portion of county map issued by N.C. D.O.T. Proposed sewage treatment and discharge system to serve Brunswick Cove Nursing Center. Mr. William Miller, Applicant. SHEET ! OF 2 ilk ?y Y to Ort rd - " f^1, O O ?'t -. J W' r- 0 F-' .? to "d •?' '?r? R ?t • ? .+ (D rt (D O E r?ri?+ x y?a r.R '' (D Cl. O 2 # Il C7 p N yr$ +}F? ? t' `z i?'?? ?x? faro co GQ C .(D W n ?• ? ro a D D (D 3 (D f(D r C ." Z?•C ? ar+ N. ? C s ?-'Zrt H r« r ?x co z Z ~ 'r .d tl L iU E K?'?._ '?f G1 O ? t , Y to "C7 ('7 cn? (D 0' ?.r' Cam' ;, - 1 rt K ?C 0 rt (D rr? r Y Co m 00 C=7 C C:. cn co (D (D H. 0 V-1 N O * Z c. :A G3 ate. t-I i r i. DISCHARGE DETAILS Not to scale 3o? BRUNSWICK RIVER* - - - el. +.2_n MNw t \ \ MST. 1. - 2_. 0 ML4__ e]--6-0 discharge line with 3" diffuser 2 16y T?07G--? OAG?'F7LZ- L7MrT3 = Z ~x 2' o~ 3a d?a (P?? TYPICAL EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL SECTION FOR 3-INCH PVC DISCHARGE PIPE Scale- 1" = 2' It •- ? ? ? r 1??k DETAILS Proposed sewage treatment and discharge system to serve Brunswick Cove Nursing Center, Brunswick ?C©unty',?.North Caxo;lin4, William „ Miller,.Applicant. November 10, 1992 SHEET 3 OF 3 William R. Chinnis, P.E. JAN 8 IM Route 1, Box 277, Bolivia, N.C. 28422 DIVISION OF November 12, 1992 COASTAL MANAGEMENT - ENGINEERING PROPOSAL SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISCHARGE SYSTEM FOR BRUNSWICK COVE NURSING CENTER, BRUNSWICK COUNTY, N.C. NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION NO. N00082872 On September 30, 1991, a low pressure pipe on-site sewage treatment system for Brunswick Cove Nursing Center was ap- proved by the State of North Carolina, and was constructed soon threafter. Beginning in early spring of 1992, this system began to fail, and is now facing total failure in the near future. Permission is therefore now being sought to con- struct a package sewage treatment plant to replace the on- site system and this matter has now assumed a condition of urgency. The proposed discharge treated wastewater to the Brunswick River will serve the Brunswick Cove Nursing Center, located in Brunswick County. The address of the Nursing Center is: Brunswick Cove Nursing Center, P.O. Box 916, Highway 133, Leland, N.C. 28451. This report is prepared by William R. Chinnis, P.E., Route 1, Box 277, Bolivia, N.C. 28422. Tel- ephone 919 842 2572. The proposed treatment plant will provide extended aeration, filters, and chlorination (tertiary treatment). Brunswick Cove Nursing Center has a filled capacity of 140 beds, with laundry facilities. Total daily flow of wastewater was cal- culated as 120 gallans per day per bed, rounded to 20,000 gallons per day. No other facilities will be served by the proposed treatment facilities, and the existing nursing home facilities will not be expanded. At the present time, there are not any existing sewer lines available within a five mile radius capable of serving the nursing center. A professional soils engineering firm was engaged to investigate the possibility of utilizing a spray irrigation system; however the soils were found to be unsuit- able for this type of on-site disposal, also. (see attached letter from S&ME soils scientists and engineers) No adjacent land is available (residential subdivisions on either side.) The earliest possible consideration for issuance of a dis- charge permit will be appreciated. William R. Route 1, Box 277, Chinnis, P.E. Bolivia, N.C. 28422 Mr. Ed Beck Environmental Engineer N.C. Department of Environment, Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405 Dear Mr. Beck: DECEIVED DEC 11 1992 m Regional Oice j?rc UAC?Q oEIN D( Health, and Persuant to our telephone conversation this date rela- tive to alternative solutions to discharge for the Brunswick Cove Nursing Center, Brunswick County: I have attached herewith a letter from S&ME soils speci- alists, which in my opinion precludes the option of spray irrigation systems on land adjacent to the nursing center. As previously stated, the area to the north of the nurs- ing center is occupied by the Brunswick Cove Residential De- velopment, with lots and homes sold. The adjacent land to the south is also a residential development. Eastward of the nursing center lies only wetlands and marsh to the Brunswick River. A visual on-site examination of the land across High- way N.C. 133 indicated that the soils in this area were also unsuitable for on-site sewage disposal; also, it is my infor- mation that this land is not available for sale. In view of the above, and the fact that there are no av- ailable sewers within a reasonable distance from the site, discharge to the Brunswick River is the only alternative remaining for treated sewage disposal from the nursing center, in my opinion. If further information is needed, please let me know. COPY TO: Mr. William Miller Sincerely, William R. Chinnis t.. o Q } 7 November 13, 1992 Mr. Russell Chinnis, P.E. Rt. 1 Box 277 Bolivia, North Carolina 28422 Reference: Brunswick Cove Nursing Home Brunswick County, N.C. S&ME Project No. 1054-92-050 Dear Mr. Chinnis: Pursuant to our conversation on November 13, 1992 regarding the referenced site, it is our opinion that the remaining land located behind the nursing home (including the portion within lots 38 through 51 of the Brunswick Cove Subdivision) will be severely limited for spray irrigation disposal of the wastewater stream generated by the nursing home. This opinion is based on site investigations performed by both representatives of S&ME Inc. and Dennis Osborne & Associates. Two restrictive horizons have been identified at the site at depths of approximately 12 to 18 inches and at approximately 36 inches. The first horizon consists of silica cemented sand. The second horizon consists of sandy clay that is underlain by marine clay to a depth greater than 20 feet, as confirmed by three soil borings drilled at the site. These conditions suggest a low loading rate. The low loading rate, combined with the large buffers associated with spray irrigation systems, and the high wastewater volume create a situation where insufficient land exists for spray irrigation. Please call us if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. Walter J. Beckwith, P.G. Senior Project Geologist Copy: Dennis Osborne 920506 N\ C O RE \ C H I N N I S. LTR S&ME, Inc. 3100 Spring Forest Rood, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604, (919) 87272660, Fax (919) 790 9827 Mailing address: P.O. Box 58069, Raleigh, North Carolina 27658-8069 McycNO ho« OCT ? u 1992 State of North Carolina Wilmington Regional Offic9 DcM Y Department of Environment, i lealth, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. {Martin, Governor George T Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director October 27, 1992 Mr. William R. Chinnis Subject : NPDES Permit Application Brunswick Cove Nursing Center NPDES Permit NO.NC0082872 Post Office Box 916 Leland, NC 28451 Nursing Center WWTP Brunswick Count Dear Mr. Chinnis Y This is to acknowledge receipt of the following documents on October 9, 1992: -\I Application Form Engineering Proposal (for proposed control facilities), Request for permit renewal, Application Processing Fee of $400.00, Engineering Economics Alternatives Analysis, Local Government Signoff, Source Reduction and Recycling, Interbasin Transfer, Other , The items checked below are needed before review can begin: Application Form , Engineering proposal (see attachment). r-NIX'??3 Application Processing Fee of Delegation of Authority (see att j7d)> J6 ?? Biocide Sheet (see attached) Engineering Economics Alternatives Analysis, Local Government Signoff, Source Reduction and Recycling, Interbasin Transfer, Other REGIONAL OFFICFS Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Wins;on-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919'5711-4700 919.'9466481 9i9l395-3900 919%8967007 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunen Aitirmativc Action Emplowr If the application is not made complete within thirty (30) days, it will be returned to you and may be resubmitted when complete. This application has been assigned to Charles M. Lowe (91J%733-3033) of our Permits Unit for review. You wi 1. be advise ^.i,; comments recommendations, questions or other information necessary for the review of the application. I-am, by copy of this letter, requesting that Supervisor prepare a staff report and recomme discharge. If you have any questions regar please contact the review person listed ab v;? ? S'n C. our CC: C: Wilmington Regional office 4d/ Teen H r Vgion Of ice F-s r g this c 'ons, Sun s, P.E. NORTH CAROLINA DEPT, OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CO!lWITY DEYELOPNENT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT C044ISSION NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM r1!APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE - SHORT FORM 0 FOk f to be filed oilly by services, wholesale and retail trade. USE WE AECEIVID ? end other cotaseecrcial establishments including vessels 9 Z i ? o fEAA 1D. DAY Do not atteeept to complete this for" without reading the acco oenyine instructions Please print or type i. Mare, address, and teleohone number of facility producing discharge A. Ntwe KT11ngiA7i ('K (:r)yp Niirci ng (:antcr 8. Street address P.O. Box 916, Highway 133 C. City. Lelan 0. State N. C. E. County Brunswick F. jilt 28451 G. Telephone No. 919 371 9894 Arta Code 2. Sic (Leave blank) 3. k6fter of employees 20 4. Mature of business S. (a) Check here if discharge occurs all year or (b) Check the month(s) discharge occurs: 1.0 January 2.9)Ftbr ary 3.O March 4.0 April S.OMay 6. o June 7.0 July 8. c Angus t 9.0 StpUmer 10.0 October 11. November 12.0 0eCeadtr (c) Mow *Any days per week: 1,01 2,02.3 3.04-5 6.66-7 6. Types of waste water discharged to surface waters only (check as applicable) Flow, gallons per operating day Volume treated before discharging (percent) 0 i s cha rge per operating day 0.1-999 1000.1999 WO.5999 10.000- SO,000 More 0.1- 30- 65- 9$- { 9.9!99 or store 29.9 61.9 91.9 100 (1) (2) (3) (?? (S) (6) (1? (8) (9) (10) A. Sanitary, daily / average. !. Cooling water, etc., daily average C. Other discharge(s). daily average; / Y / Specify Maximum per operat- ing day for corttinod ? dtscherge (all types) 1. If any of the types of » ste ide-tified in item 6. either treated or sA- treated, are discharged to places other dean surface waters, duck below . as applicable. siast.r water is discharged to: 0.1•!49 tl) 1000-49" it) 6000?A944 t3) 10.00049.1119 U1 SO,= or more (s) A. Municipal %ew•r aystear it. Ihu4•??p•a??nwi W-11 C. !k-pt it tank V. Evaporation lagoon or pond E. Other, specify: S. ku*+ber of separate discharge points: A.01 9.02-3 C.O d-S 0.0 6 or Nor* 9. Marne of receiving voter or waters Brunswick River 10. Does your discharge contain or is it possible for your discharge to Contain one or sore of the following substances as a result of your operations, activities, or processes: ain ois. cyan . a usinum. beryllium. Cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, sercu , nickel. selenium, 111?c, gAe*el$, oil sad grtase. and cl?lorift (residual ). A.0 yes l.?n0 I certify that I as familiar with the InfOMIAtlon contained IN the eppllu Lion and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such laforiation is true, Complete, sad accurate. William R. Chinnis Printed Name of Person Signing Consulting Engineer (designated agent for owner) Title ' October 2, 1992 ate Application Signed Signature of Applicant 'north Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(b)(2) provides that: Any person vho knowingly Zaket any false statement representation, or cart coon In =y applicatione'rscord, report, ala: or other document files •or required to be ssaintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environaeatal !danagement Commission implemsntiai that Article, or vho falsifies, tampers uic or kuwly renders inaccurate any: recording or loonitoritj 4jwyice or toethod required to be rrerated or maintained under Aptials 21-oc• regulations -of the Enviropmental X=assmzt Cot=: :np?etrenting that Article, sha1i`'be"j%i.Uty''of -a tiedoz*anor punishable by a -fine not to ?excet S10,MO, or by imprisona>!?nt not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 prc a punisl=ent by a fine of"itot more than $10,000 or Imprisonment not more than S years, or bot for a sinilar offense.) NARRATIVE NPDES APPLICATION BRUNSWICK COVE NURSING CENTER The proposed sewage treatment and discharge system to serve Brunswick Cove Nursing Center is briefly des- cribed as follows: It is proposed to install a "package" extended aeration sewage treatment plant with tertiary treatment, filters, and other features necessary to accomplish design dis- charge limitations for a flow of .02 MGD effluent per day. Prior to entering the treatment plant,the effluent will be pre-treated by two existing septic tanks and one grease interceptor tank. Proposed discharge limitations are shown on the attached pages 2 and 3, and a location map is shown on page 4 ALTERNATE PLANS CONSIDERED Three alternate methods of sewage disposal for Brunswick Cove Nursing Center were considered, and for each of the alternatives, the associated costs were prohibitive. 1. Pump to the existing treatment plant-_serving.?C-i?eekside Condominiums, one mile north of the nursing center on N.C. Highway 133. This plan would necessitate the purchasing of the entire development at a prohibitive cost. 2. Pump to the Town of Belville's sewer plant. This would involve pumping for a distance of approximately 5 miles, along Highway 133 , SR 1551 and SR 1524 to the plant, again presenting unacceptable costs. 3. Utilize on-site sewage disposal,The exi-,tine?*low- pressure system serving the nursing center has failed, and it is the opinion of two consulting soils firms that the available soils for any type of on-site dis- al are unsuitable. w ?n oo v ? " - - - w w w w w w w w w ' C' ? tit ? N to '? O O Vf O y O '? O ? C rJ a cvi E E CL a E c a E > cr U U U 0 0 0 ro 0 U U ¢ Q' s N N c% o ? O ? O ? M •? C y O L L L L ?' N Ol _ _ C C C O O _ C C a- O >. t- t- _ U • 00 to td .+ C? n too) U N N ` c? N N O 7 O Q O U .... O a c x o • u a ' . C r• ? E 4 y N ._ RS ? H _ (L1 -4 C r O x `. E z .l c -a c R O '.7 • C E V C RS w o E u c4 y -o "a o a> o rn a? o E ?n s e c E E E E 0 Qo p a -g c LO o rSri 0 0 o ri ui o a c c 4 " a U a cz ° x o = E 4 V 41 E.r ca H -O H a L ? Q1 p O Qi p O F"' O z E E E E -v -o ?? o 00 0 0 0 0 0 ? -0 0 L1 to O Nr N to O _ C V7 to a, -o J U O H 0 z O ? o oQ •C G7 e •? a.. CRS Z Y w ? ? H ? Cl. s ? N j ? o ID E 2 0 o ca o m c Z ?+ ° c O Z ?• 4 ) V • N • m C E E ? + .C ?.. N ? . co o a: 0 o Q L cm 0' °' ca N C-. C0? L L) N m CD V E Z O C O - L^ Q O m _ Z m O m 0 e0 t C/) * ?° H _ E. v H> V a m Z a 3 O ?o M H O N II o m ` E Rs m m - z o o o LL C3 F- Z D LL F- t- f- !- N w U a R W O - - - W W W W W W W W W E O a?1 m m m m m N di ?` ? E E E .n ? ? s? ?+ 0 Lr U 0 U 0 U C? C`3 C7 C7 U U O s p U •^ 'Q 4J O L L L !. ?. ? i CC y Za:. I O! C C C C - C ?` m m = O ? C O ? O ? Y m O >. Y m c0 f? ? ? C) ? _ O N _ N _ N >> > >>m N> Q (J w ? z ° .. s r3 _ 'L7 a co 0 W •y° E E - Of - m - m - W b, cm O cca ccc E E E E ? ;r,? 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Y .'1 ? f?_ rr?` J?° a•..?• f Sr•"b• +?. r?a ._• 71.x.. ? :? ayr,?r :F,+? YY ,sr? n ??? } • ? !'??. - s ._? .. 3? .•'c JF•.Jt. :?`?- .l ! ? s_' .,v!`.' ''? ??: .!'.l:.T :7-iR?'J^'?._ „_ j,--:xl,?t BRUNSWICK COVE NURSING CENTER rY?? / 1 7 Riley ans, Owner i I * OpJ*s*jIC? K A 8rundwich (3aawy WeaBth Department S? Podt Ollice Sox 9 yO COOe'er,-!ivia, Worth ( --.-china 2S422-000" 6alivia < _3-4351 ,Uand i63-1312 Sout/i;-c: t 457-5251 'Michael W. 140-4odev Wealth O«ector November 9, 1992 Mr. William Miller Post Office Box 916 NOV 17 1992 Leland NC 28451 Wilmington Regional Qifio Re: 90/25346 DEM Brunswick Cove Nursing Home Sewage Disposal System Dear Mr. Miller: On July 22, 1992 a Sewage Violation Notice was issued for the failing sewage system serving the above referenced facility. It was. understood that you-were working with the Division of Environmental Management - Wilmington office for a possible repair/replacement for the sewage system. Please provide this office with an update on the status of your situation. Have you made a formal application to the Division of Environmental Management? What plans have you made to remedy the problem? We also need to know what septic pumper is servicing your facility and what treatment plant is being used to dispose of and treat the waste. If you have any questions or wish to discuss the situation, please call Monday through Friday, from 8:30 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. Sincerely, Bruce Withrow, R.S. Environmental Health Program Specialist BW/bc pc: Ed Beck, Environmental Engineer Division of Environmental Management Andrew"Robinson, Jr., R.S., MPH Environmental Health Supervisor AP25346 i Bete vi wick Coawy Weaekh Oevaaweat ,cost D??ict t3ox 9 ?O CRAp?\ r'': v,,ra. 42orth CardWa. 25422-0009 v. 6divia 2,53 XeBaad 7i .3-/.:'12 Southport 4',57_L::--'2S1 Yiclsaee Zl. ?2hodea 7f?caPtlr director November 9, 1992 'T.ECLE-1 `ED . Mr. William Miller Post Office Box 916 NOV 12 1992 Leland NC 28451 Wilmington Regional Office Re: 90/25346 DEM Brunswick Cove Nursing Home Sewage Disposal System Dear Mr. Miller: On July 22, 1992 a Sewage Violation Notice was issued for the failing sewage system serving the above referenced facility. It was understood that you-were working with the Division of Environmental Management - Wilmington office for a possible repair/replacement for the sewage system. , Please provide this office with an update on the status of your situation. Have you made a formal application to the Division of Environmental Management? What plans have you made to remedy the problem? We also need to know what septic pumper is servicing your facility and what treatment plant is being used,to dispose of and treat the waste. If you have any questions or wish to discuss the situation, please call Monday through Friday, from 8:30 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. Sincerely, A-Ctt-"- t C) LHAk'c j , ? - S - Bruce Withrow, R.S. Environmental Health Program Specialist BW/bc PC: Ed Beck, Environmental Engineer Division of Environmental Management Andrew Robinson, Jr., R.S., MPH Environmental Health Supervisor AP25346 1 RECEIVED William R. Chinnis, P.E. DEC 23 1992 Route 1, Box 277.: Bolivia, N.C. 23422 W"M"1811-11 Regional Dffla D December 19, 1992 Mr. Ed Beck Environmental Engineer North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 Dear Ed: This is in regard to our recent telephone con- versation pertaining to the design flow volume for the proposed package sewage treatment plant to serve Bruns- wick Cove Nursing Center. Enclosed is a copy of the NPDES application data which has been revised to show ( in the narrative) a design flow of 16,800 gallons per day. In all future correspondence, design data:'-"for the_ plant, rand other --ref- erences to this project, that flow will be will be refered to. It will be greatly appreciated if you will sub- stitute this revised NPDES application form for that originally submitted. If further information or proced° ures are needed, plese let me know. Sincerely, -A 1 tg)' - r A William R. Chinnis NORTH CAROLINA DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMWITY DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT C"ISSION NATIONA.-- P UUTANT DISCMARCr ELIMINATION SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE - SHORT FOPUN D FOR y® AfENCT to be filed otily by services. wholesale and retail trade, USE 0+?tE ALCLIV1.0 and other commoerclal establishments including vessels PEAR !O. DAY Do not attempt to complete this fore without reading the accawylag Initwcttons please print or type 1. Name, address, and telephone number of facility producing discharge A. Now Rrunswi [`k rnva Niirci na rpntpr e. Street address P.O. Box 916,-Highway 133 C. City Lelan p. State N. Q. E. County Brunswick F. ZIP99491 G. Telephone No. 91=371 9894 Area Code 2. sic (Leave blank) 3. Number of employees 20 1. Nature of business -- Nilrsing HnmP S. (a) Check here if discharge occurs all year or (b) Check the month(s) discharge occurs: 1.0 January 2.0 February 3.O March 4.0 Apra f.0 Nay 6.0 June 7.0 July 8. o August 9.0 Septaber 10.0 October 11.O November 12. December (c) Now mlany days per week: 1.01 2.02-3 3.01-S 4.W6-7 6. Types of waste water discharged to surface waters only (check As aoplleabte) Fier, gallons per operating day Volume treated before discharging (percent) Discharge per operating day 0.1-999 1000.1999 5000-9999 10,000- 60,000 Nova 0.1- 30- 65- 9S- 49,999 or more 29.9 61.9 91.9 100 (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (S) (9) (10) A. sanitary, daily average 1. Cooling water, etc., daily average C. Other discharge(s), daily average; ? Specify 4a?r?dr D. Maximum, per operat- ing day for combined ? discharge (all types) 7. If any of the types of waste siawtlfied in item 6. either treated M 00- treated. are discharged to pieces ether than surface wtors, d"k 6914M as applicable, 11 Waste wafer i, discharged to: 0.1 t1) 1000-d1?! ( ?tI - (3) 10.000-dt.? ,ow or more (4) lsl A. ftmILipol ce+w•r tystam N, INaMvgranwl M'i) - C. Sepi it tank U. Evaporation lagoon or pond E. Other, specify: 8. Number of separate discharge points: A. O 1 6.02-3 C.0 4-6 0.0 i or my* 9. N:<ee of receiving water or waters Brunswick River .10. Does your discharge contain or is it possible for your discharge to contain one or more of the following Substances AAKL as a result of your operations, activities, or processes: amminia, cyan{&. aluminum, beryllium, cadmium, chro.tum, copper, lead, mmrcu . Nickel, selenium, tint, pMnots, oil and grease. and chlorine (residual). A. 0 yes cenno 1 certify that l' in familiar with the information contained IN the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. William R. Chinnis Printed Raw of Person Signing Consulting Engineer (designated agent for owner) Title October 2, 1992 Date Application Signed 19" ture of Applicant • , 'north Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(b) (Z) provides that: Any person who lasovinply mart? any false statement representation, or certification any applicatlon,•record, report, ala or other document files ,or required to be naiatained under Article 21 or regulations of the Envirom eatal Management Commissiop implemanVU4 that Article, or who falsifies, tampers uit or kuawly renders inaccurate any:recordin; or loonitoriM Qmtce or asthod required to be e,;erated or maintained under Ayttals 21-o[. relWlatiouss -of the Environmental Kaaiteumt Car= ?np_enentiag that Article, shall lbe' -suiity of •a tisdas>,sanor punishable by a •fine not to e:ce 510,nno; or by i=prisonmint not to exceed six months, or by botb. (18 V.S.C. Section 1001 pr a punishment by a fine of'itot more than $10,000 or imprisonnant not score than S years, or be :i.r a similar offense.) w h 00 -wwa,uww w w w w ? s ex = ? s c c v 0 0 0 a a a 0 0 ? .? ai ° a0i 0 0 0-- - - 0 0 > v o ¢ U U U 0 C7 C7 0 U U ?? ? s h o s s p c t c O CC ? C cr., v N ? ? S i" y L O C c C c '' C _ ?` m m ? ? v ? :J O O O O p p? ?. Y ? Rf e0 T? L O O .i ? U N N N> N 0 >> > Q Q V '? 1 H Q tL' s ? 0 0 Q ? C s h y ? H LU 'a, ? c ? o x O y cz cs _? c ci v? ao o c a b h = E ca = s V - '? h 'v .? O Im 0) c, ? o :? h s W a e c t4 E E E E u o c o 0 0 o x ? w ? ?. ? _ o t? d 0 z r-? ?- ? O _ ?, L ?° y O :? s y E ? _ > H p O Of O 0 O Q F L z > cLc ' E E E E z v 0 L lC 0 0 0 0 0 0 v .? H ':?'?' to- ? Q 1/'f O N L6 O O 'ea •fl 0 0 AA . C N p ^ Z u t p y Q '?? ": y o cy ? ? o z c O O ,? E W s m ? s ?.,? F+ ! L ^ H j = E i O c `c = 'Cia m v c m m Z ?' c ? w d h V C 00 O N C. t0 . .? '? y O O 'c m o z O O E> y s ' CL C `? ea m O c = m a - i a? i 0 z 0 O m 0 l 0 0 * y _ N U Q ` m Z . a Q ° II' o S 0 `Q E To eo LL m ?- z a Li f°- ic- I° C' a'. a w H z w U C? Z H a Z w 7 O U 3 z .7 a m It C' mot' a w H 2 w U U z H (/1 Q!i z w 9 O U x U H 3 W z a a m w E o - - - W W W W W W W W W 4 04 7 m m, C? m m U -0 X1 -2 O O 0 o O l _ C3 . G G 11 0 me CL CL rz a cooo cc U U U L7 C7 m C7 cc C9 U U • O U s p °? - O C V '? O L L L ?• 3. C N : Z. • !! C C ?` m m h ` -- `? ?J O O O Y O m 8 ? m eo t? O y _ U N N N cv m 0 Q y C s. LL/ to K O y E O 41 O ° 0 o = '^ s E ?. z t r E W •a h 1= ' , ? o 6 O • •? R O U C ,O CS E° _ C '7 o C _ E _ L 'U a, 0 o, a p E E E E ?p N o L , p ?-+ `" O 0 0 0 0 0 py ? c o, Sri co ui c r- v O -? - W ? ? y :s yy Z ... ?- o CIO 'in Q TS E -- - c i..r a cm. cm cm Ql C O ?••i • L of z > -Z ? E E E .E y u = O V o 0 0 0 0 o O O v sn O .o c N .ti? Q C.) 0 h O y u '7 z ^~ v •I 0 ° O . ^ ? E E E + L a . ,a a ID E p c ? ? ;E o «. a m E E + .r ? 0 W ? p to U Q " m O N U • = O ^ ... N U 2 CO) fl V v c x ` p m c co C y 0 a o a c -. 00 cc .?. y N > U Q - m z II. Q cc 3 0 ?o y o ?, O 9 O= N CID O a CD U. m H z a LL 1- H O f. O k BRUNSWICK COVE NURSING CENTER I U_G?-ice may;-:_.?,- . /yr.?l...??;? ?G ?? ?-???i?rr•-7-:._, •"'-' ?'- l•? Riley ans, Owner NARRATIVE NPDES APPL' '.ICI N BRUNSWICK COVE NURSING CENTER The proposed sewage treatment and discharge system to serve Brunswick Cove Nursing Center is briefly des- cribed as follows: It is proposed to install a "package" extended aeration sewage treatment plant with tertiary treatment, filters, and other features necessary to accomplish design dis- charge limitations for a flow of 16,.800 gallons per- ..- day. Prior to entering the treatment plant,the effluent will be pre-treated by two existing septic_tanks and one grease interceptor tank. Proposed discharge limitations are shown on the attached pages 2 and 3, and a location map is shown on page 4 ALTERNATE PLANS CONSIDERED Three alternate methods of sewage disposal for Brunswick Cove Nursing Center were considered, and for each of the alternatives, the associated costs were prohibitive. 1. Pump to the existing treatment plant.-_serving.:Creekside Condominiums, one mile north of the nursing center on N.C. Highway 133. This plan would necessitate the purchasing of the entire development at a prohibitive cost. 2. Pump to the Town of Belville's sewer plant. This would involve pumping for a distance of'approximately 5 miles, along Highway 133 , SR 1551 and SR 1524 to the plant, again presenting unacceptable costs. 3. Utilize on-size sewage disposal.The existing low- pressure system serving the nursing center has failed, and it is the opinion of two consulting soils firms that the available soils for any type of on-site dis- al are unsuitable. U- s L (• t 7 z =ate -fi - r 'W x 3 ?w 0 fy ,.4 44 Co 'aMMI.TAV! 9 _`i' Cpl :, N O c'7 u >,+ o • ? ? N 6 'C3 4-) E-4 co w A ° :$ d C co z x C O to? r. co -W U U c n U "0 •r4 1 c co :3 cd p Q) co E H 4-3 Z T--l > -r4 O Z E ¢ 4-) O E r? a co U cri O F+1 Q) •,4 Nxr- 4-) u r-+ - 3 CD co m C) •? co c N ? 3 O O ?-+ U it r? , cn cQ O Z r O "O N -1 U p ca 1 O O 4-) N P. an c r-1 0 :5 ca P 0 a4-3U M SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: YES If Yes, SOC No. To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: Charles Lowe (Review Engineer) Date: December 17, 1992 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County: Brunswick Permit No. N00082872 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION l Jrt% 2. Date of Investigation: December 2, 1992 3. Report Prepared by: Edward Beck 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Mr. William R. Chinnis (919) 842-2572 5. Directions to Site: The site is located in Brunswick County south of the Town of Leland on the east side of N.C. Highway 133 approximately 2 miles south of the Olde Towne Subdivision. 6. Discharge Point(s), List for all discharge points: Latitude: 340 11' 07" Longitude: 770 58' 18" Attach a USGS map extract and indicate treatment facility site and discharge point on map. U.S.G.S. Quad No: U.S.G.S. Quad Name: Wilmington NO X 1. Facility and Address: Brunswick Cove Nursing Center Post Office Box 916 Leland, North Carolina 28451 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application ? X Yes No If No, explain: A o? 1 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included) : The elevation of the plant will be about 20 ft msl. The outfall line will have to ' a.id through wet? ands for a distance of ap-proximately 4,000 eet. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: No dwellings within 400 feet. 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Brunswick River a. Classification: Class SC b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: 03-06-17 C. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: This is a tidal river approximately 6 miles long which is connected at both ends to the Cape Fear River. It is used for commercial and sport fishing and boating. The river was dredged in the past to form berths for large ships but is not currently used for this purpose. PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume of Wastewater to be permitted: 0.02 MGD (Ultimate Design Capacity). b. What is the current permitted capacity of the Waste Water Treatment facility? NA Proposed project c. Actual treatment capacity of the current facility (current design capacity)? NA d. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years: NA e. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities: NA f. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities: The applicant proposes to install a package extended aeration plant with tertiary filters. The existing septic tanks and grease interceptor tank are to be utilized prior to the plant. (Use of the septic tanks may not be advisable.) Plans and specs have not been submitted. The nursing home currently has 140 beds. Based on 120 GPD per bed the design flow is 16,800 GPD. The requested flow rate is rounded up to 20,000 GPD g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: There should not be a toxic impact. E 2. 3. 4. h. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): in development approved should be required not needed X Residuals h=ind"`rig and utilization/ disposal scheme: Sludge disposal has not yet bteen addressed. a. If residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM Permit No. Residuals Contractor: Telephone No.: b. Residuals stabilization: PSRP PFRP Other C. Landfill: d. Other disposal/utilization scheme (Specify): Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet): NA SIC Code(s): 8051 Wastewater Code(s) Primary: 11 Secondary: Main Treatment Unit Code: 061 3 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies (municipals only) involved? NA 2. Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: No 3. Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates: (Please indicate) Date: NA Submission of Plans and Specifications: Begin Construction: Complete Construction: 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: Has the facility evaluated all of the non-discharge options available? Please provide regional perspective for each option evaluated. Spray Irrigation: A soil scientist was employed to evaluate this alternative. Soils were investigated on the nursing home site and within the adjacent Brunswick Cove Subdivision.It was determined that there was not a sufficient amount of area with suitable soils. Restrictive horizons were encountered at 12 to 18 inches and at 36 inches below the surface. A brief evaluation of the forest land across N.C. Highway indicated that it was also not suitable and probably not available. '-U1111t=UU LU11 UU 1CCy1U11d J. 0CWCL 0YZJLC1ll: li1C iuwil. UL -neivllle nas installed a treatment plant but has not yet begun operation and has not installed a collection system. This would necessitate the installation of approximately 5 miles of force main. This may be a reasonable alternative in the future. Subsurface: The existing subsurface system is failing and repairs have not been successful. Soils in the vic-nity have been determined to be no better than, and generally less suitable than, the soils on the site of the existing system. Other disposal options: An existing development approximately one mile from the nursing home has a plant which discharges to Jackeys Creek. There would probably be no benefit to increasing the discharge to this small tidal tributary to Brunswick River. 5. Other Special Items: No PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The nursing home is currently served by a failing septic tank system which is regulated by the Brunswick County Health Department. There appear to be no viable alternatives for onsite disposal. The Health Department is pressing the applicant to correct the problem. There are three existing permitted discharges to the Brunswick River within 3.5 miles of the proposed outfall. The Town of Belville has not yet begun operation of their 0.4 MGD plant. It is anticipated that the nursing home will connect to this system when the collection system is available. Although water quality in the lower Cape Fear Basin is somewhat depressed, it is not anticipated that the proposed discharge will have a significant adverse impact if proper treatment is provided. It is recommended that a permit containing approved effluent limits be prepared and placed at public notice. If significant adverse public comments are not received, it is recommended that a permit be issued for a period of time consistent with the basinwide permitting strategy. Signature of report preparer Water Quality Regional Supervisor 1-Z -/6-g2, Date ?Z-Z3-9Z Date EB:NC82872.122 cc: Wilmington Regional Files, Central Files -1 kbz LUCK'n' ' co klz it 16 TF. L?'(f a f 0 'r Y J F "Xi . -al 71 20 f v ? ? ?' k 4 ?. ?: t 1 TIDAL'- LAT; c t',? t i•: ?' ; -;arv'^.r+_ 1 ia. S, A 3. Au t1Ty r LIG O 1 r'! LTO 'Lli ??, - c:,,, ?SyyT, ? _ may,,-:• .F C, .•r-i n _ - ° ?' ? ?'? tt__; •'e?s'jsa }?k-'Y?3i'? .s •'r-? . t-? ?r•` tj z ?. - :'K t S. ?-''K.X '? .a"Yz'1"'X?j?F'`? ` ?''• J : _i.7' ''+ '?'r Y?' '? } I ?.-? ' ?, ? ? ?" ,. tt '? .r- ?, zi' - •i` - y.. ?}' 4??1. I LIGHT ?1 a, - ? 20 36 ? ;r I I ;. 3 (3AuN_5u.)tc_K Coves NU RSIN & C C-NTE 2 a tom` . ? ai•?' ?i .? ?+ qJ., - a` T?+ I / ` .L tP r, ?c 86 .+ c y sra .C ?.i `v F ,J -T1 A OlO? l ct;.' t??t}J.+ ?1 ya,sr rn TOlNE1a + LIGHT o' c sv^_?r a y? 'n"4 y' _ I ii a J J P-y tips LIGHT YM, - I` Y ?K Sj1`,tj LIGH J \ .,nv v'Y•3 z< !"?^ I LIGOHT C? DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT January 4, 1992 MEMORANDUM To: Charles Lowe From: Ed Beck 4?j csx-? Subject: Brunswick Cove Nursing Center Permit Application NC0082872 Brunswick County A staff report dated December 17, 1992 was prepared for the subject project. The applicant has now submitted a request to reduce the design flow from 20,000 GPD to 16,800 GPD. The revised flow is the actual design flow for the existing facility based on 140 rooms at 120 GPD/room. The applicant wants to avoid the appearance of requesting additional flow for expansion, which is not the case. Based on the above, application. EB:NC82872.122 please accept the attached revised cc: Wilmington Regional Files c._ William R. Chinnis, P.E. Route 1, Box 277, Bolivia, N.C. 28422 November 12, 1992 ENGINEERING PROPOSAL SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISCHARGE SYSTEM FOR BRUNSWICK - COVE NURSING CENTER, BRUNSWICK COUNTY, N.C. NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION NO. NO0082872 // ,v,? ?- . On September 30, 1991, a low pressure pipe on-site sewage treatment system for Brunswick Cove Nursing Center was ap- proved by the State of North Carolina, and was constructed soon threafter. Beginning in early spring of 1992, this system began to fail, and is now facing total failure in the near future. Permission is therefore now being sought to con- struct a package sewage treatment plant to replace the on- site system and this matter has now assumed a condition of urgency. The proposed discharge treated wastewater to the Brunswick River will serve the Brunswick Cove Nursing Center, located in Brunswick County. The address of the Nursing Center is: Brunswick Cove Nursing Center, P.O. Box 916, Highway 133, Leland, N.C. 28451. This report is prepared by William R. Chinnis, P.E., Route 1, Box 277, Bolivia, N.C. 28422. Tel- ephone 919 842 2572. The proposed treatment.plant will provide extended aeration, filters, and chlorination (tertiary treatment). Brunswick Cove Nursing Center has a filled capacity of 140 beds, with laundry facilities. Total daily flow of wastewater was cal- culated as 120 gallans per day per bed, rounded to 20,000 gallons per day. No other facilities will be served by the proposed treatment facilities, and the existing nursing home facilities will not be expanded. At the present time, there are not any existing sewer lines ,;ailable within a five-mile radius capable of serving the nursing center. A professional soils engineering firm was engaged to investigate the possibility of utilizing a spray irrigation system; however the soils were found to be unsuit- able for this type of on-site disposal, also. (see attached letter from S&ME soils scientists and engineers) No adjacent land is available (residential subdivisions on either side.) The earliest possible consideration for issuance of a dis- charge permit will be appreciated. H i November 13, 1992 Mr. Russell Chinnis, P.E. Rt. 1 Box 277 Bolivia, North Carolina 28422 Reference: Brunswick Cove Nursing Home Brunswick County, N.C. S&ME Project No. 1054-92-050 Dear Mr. Chinnis: Pursuant to our conversation on November 13, 1992 regarding the referenced site, it is our opinion that the remaining land located behind the nursing home (including the portion within lots 38 through 51 of the Brunswick Cove Subdivision) will be severely limited for spray irrigation disposal of the wastewater stream generated by the nursing home. This opinion is based on site investigations performed by both representatives of S&ME Inc. and Dennis Osborne & Associates. Two restrictive horizons have been identified at the site at depths of approximately 12 to 18 inches and at approximately 36 inches. The first horizon consists of silica cemented sand. The second horizon consists of sandy clay that is underlain by marine clay to a depth greater than 20 feet, as confirmed by three soil borings drilled at the site. These conditions suggest a low loading rate. The low loading rate, combined with the large buffers associated with spray irrigation systems, and the high wastewater volume create a situation where insufficient land exists for spray irrigation. Please call us if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. Walter J. Beckwith, P.G. Senior Project Geologist Copy: Dennis Osborne 92050BN\C0RE\CHINNIS.LTR 0 S&ME, Inc. 3100 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604, (919) 872-2660, Fox (919) 790-9827 Moiling address: P.O. Box 58069, Raleigh, North.Corolina 27658-8069 R.CyCkO P.pN BRUNSWICK COVE NURSING CENTER , I L?t? _ l r Riley ans,Owner i . NARRATIVE NPDES APPLIC""TION BRUNSWICK COVE NURSING CENTER The proposed sewage treatment and discharge system to serve Brunswick Cove Nursing Center is briefly des- cribed as follows: It is proposed to install a "package" extended aeration sewage treatment plant with tertiary treatment, filters, and other features necessary to accomplish design dis- charge limitations for a flow of .02 MGD effluent per day. Prior to entering the treatment plant,the effluent will be pre-=treatied by two existing septic tanks and one grease interceptor tank. Proposed discharge limitations are shown on the attached pages 2 and 3, and a location map is shown on page 4 ALTERNATE PLANS CONSIDERED Three alternate methods of sewage disposal for Brunswick Cove Nursing Center were considered, and for each of the alternatives, the associated costs were prohibitive. 1. Pump to the existing treatment plant,?_getevingsEteekside Condominiums, one mile north of the nursing center on N.C. Highway 133. This plan would necessitate the purchasing of the entire development at a prohibitive cost. 2. Pump to the Town of Belvilleis sewer plant. This would involve pumping for a distance of approximately 5 miles, along Highway 133 , SR 1551 and SR 1524 to the plant, again presenting unacceptable costs. 3. Utilize on-sis-;e sewage, disposal,The- exi-,ting low- pressure system serving the nursing center has failed, and it is the opinion of two consulting soils firms that the available soils for any type of on-site dis- al are unsuitable. ?1 2 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT January 4, 1992 MEMORANDUM To: Charles Lowe From: Ed Beck Subject: Brunswick Cove Nursing Center Permit Application NC0082872 Brunswick County A staff report dated December 17, 1992 was prepared for the subject project. The applicant has now submitted a request to reduce the design flow from 20,000 GPD to 16,800 GPD. The revised flow is the actual design flow for the existing facility based on 140 rooms at 120 GPD/room. The applicant wants to avoid the appearance of requesting additional flow for expansion, which is not the case. Based on the above, application. EB:NC82872.122 please accept the attached revised cc: Wilmington Regional Files MAR 5 1993 U ?h'ATER QUALITY SECI?ION`_,? i rV?CEIVED William R. Chinnis, P.E. DEC 23 1992 Route 1, Box 277, Bolivia, N.C. 28422 Wilmington Regional OffCq DEM December 19, 1992 Mr. Ed Beck Environmental Engineer North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 Dear Ed: This is in regard to our recent telephone con- versation pertaining to the design flow volume for the proposed package sewage treatment plant to serve Bruns- wick Cove Nursing Center. Enclosed is a copy of the NPDES application data which has been revised to show ( in the narrative) a design flow of 16,800 gallons per day. In all future correspondence, design data.':for the_plant, -and other ref erences to this project, that flow will be will be refered to. It will be greatly appreciated if you will sub- stitute this revised NPDES application form for that originally submitted. If further information or proced° ures are needed, plese let me know. Sincerely, f i William R. Chinnis NORTH CAROLINA DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEYELOPMW ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT C04MISSION NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE - SHORT FORM G To be filed only by services, wholesale and retail trade, and other commercial establishments including vessels AML 1 W 1 ON MMM R FOR AGENCY USE DATE RECEin n YEAR QO. DAY Qo not attempt to complete this form without reading the accompanying instructions Please print or type 1. Name, address, and telephone number of facility producing discharge A. Name K-rilnsG71 r,tr I:nVP Ivnrci ng, I :Anrcr B. Street address P.O. Box 916, Highway 133 C. Ci ty Le l an 0. State N. C. E. County Brunswick F. Zip ?8451 G. Telephone No. 919 371 9894 Area Code 2. sic (Leave blank) 3. Number of employees 20 4. Nature of business NuT-sing HomP 5. (a) Check here if discharge occurs all year or (b) Check the month(s) discharge occurs: 1.O January 2.0 February 3.O March 4.0 Apri 1 5.0 May 6.0 June 7.0 July d.0 August 9.0 Soptember 10.0 October 11. November 12. December (c) Mow many days per week: 1.01 2.02-3 3.04-5 4.6/6-7 6. Types of waste water discharged to surface waters only (check as soollcable) ?., Flow, gallons per operating day Volume treated before discharging (percent) Operating per operatpng day 0.1-999 1000.4999 5000-sggg 10,000- SO.000 Mane 0.1- 3D- 6S- 95- 49,999 or more 29.9 64.9 94.9 100 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (f) (7) (6) (9) (10) A. Sanitary, daily , / ? average IY e. Cooling water, etc., daily average C. Other discharge(s), il y average, da v Specify Ga?rJC?Y 1 7 D. Maximum per operat- ing day for combined ? discharge (all types) 7. if any of the types of waste identified in item 6. either treated or tw- treated. are discharged to places other than surface waterst oiled bslo>r as applicable. Waste water is discharged to: 0.1-999 (1) 1000-49" (t) SOOD-10" (j) 10.00041.im l?) 50.000 or more Ise A. llunle.ipiol tewl•r System II, IIIIIM•/II'wMlwlwl wl•t I • C. ;elat iu tank U. Evaporation lagoon or pond E. Other, specify: S. Nua+ber of separate discharge points: A. O 1 S. W-3 C.O a-S 0.0 6 or more 9. N.-se of receiving water or water$ Brunswick River .10. Does your discharge contain or is it possible for your discharge to contain one or more of the following substances Ag" as a result of your "orations, activities, or processes: am inial cyanide, aluminum, beryllium. earslume chromium, copper, lead, mercu , nickel, selenium, zinc, phmis, oil and grease. and chlorine (residual). A.ayes 6. ono 1 certify that t a¦ familiar with the information contained in the apilicdtion and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, Complete, amt accurate. William R. Chinnis Printed Name of Person Signing Consulting Engineer (designated agent for owner) Tttle October 2, 1992 Data Application Signed rw ture of Applicant !north Carolina Gendral Statute 143-215.6(b)(2) provides that: Any person vho knovingly talc.: any false statement representation, or certification any applieat4on,'racord, report, pla or other document files%or required to be saintained treader Article 21 or regulations of tae Emriraaaental Management Cominissi,on implemeairia= that Article, or who falsifies, tampers `f t or knovly renders inaccurate any recordia= or monitoritj mite or method required to be e,perated or main;ained under Artials 21-oc. rejWlatioias of the Environmental Kaaasoment Co=l :rap! eventing that Article, shale •be• -jui4tY• -of •a iisdamaa' r punishable by a .fine not to exce $10,MO' or by ictprisommant not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 pr a pun:s;:ment by a fine of--tot more than $14,000 or impriaomaent not more than S years, or bo for a similar offense.) N W C7 a w o - _ w _ w w W w w w w W C O ti. lu tLo ml .r m m m m m C 0 C O O O N 0 O o R E ° a E a E a E `-0° cLe cc CL 0. z E E E E CL U U U 0 0 0 cc C7 U U O N 0 C ^r i O N (n .? 'L7 C O L L L L i S2 0 C - C O C O C ?' C Y ?` m m Y G 'e^ J 0 ? _ .?_ O ? O ?. O tC ?- O 7 O J O ^ tu U N N _ N N >> > a o C .? ? L O. W 'tZ O X 2% 0 0 y Q c C W - - - - rG Z7 .a D) O O m O E E E E ...., 0 ? o 0 0 0 v o ? J z ?= o -- m ? ?s E O E•" N ? y s - Of - rn - Of - Cf O Q > v E E E E U z OO O O O O O `y U in O N tf; O c: o N °? z 0 ? = -: 'C S c Q .? u•' C Z Y ?- " CD E E E + j C -p O ? y E CV) O z o ' 0 : m C CD O E E z + W ? . a> N co U Q m 0 N cc N CI (D 2 U z o c G) x W v °- o O° v m m L o °' N ° 0 0 v ? 'n U) H co > v¢ 0 m Z a Q _ w 3 o II ro 0 cr) H = Q m m o o LL CO F- z F- 00 a? 'CFOFs a0 C ? N ? C ? > v J ? C N _ co ? t C tr. O 0 N T., O U v o x c s O H c -. r L lu cc ? b C cC U C r .r 40 '3 N .? W t N ? O a? fx c = cz :3 ba ? Tr •N `C = > 0 y it O ) •C b v c b 0 N ?.. w N .O 00 O cC.. w ? OM ul N cis ? N s w c o as, o c O r t N O ?- y c s E E-• E! 0 E e fz H E-- l1.! L O w w w ? w W W 0 CLO m m m m m Q7 -O 0 0 O to O fn 0 H El ° E E n CL E a E a L? -? J 0 0 0 0 m ¢ U U U 0 0 m 0 C7 U U 0 7 N sop M C* O p U J] N O L L .C L CC : O C C G C ?` G .1 m m O O O X O 1 -X ? cC i td ,_ h U N N N N 0> Q Q U ? cyC 0 OE x z w •?- " N O co to 0 z .y o E w „ • - - - - Cf O ? .G w L7.? ? O E E E E cz O 0 0 0 0 0 a -- ° O F, y •n ? cc ? c,. Q, rn rn o z > tas E E E .E Q -0 c^C 0 0 0 0 0 0 v° o o v 6 o t Cl) u z ?' ° z b ,N ` ¢ C L c Y E + O z mm • E •? + w U Q N .c y m O "D (D 0) a U N 0 O Z 7 p C U O) o L LL ,? ca 0 p .0 0- m m (41 O m (ft 3 Z LO : U co o t: L 0 .? U)> Ct CD Z a ¢ w 3 c.) y N O m o 9 0= E m LL co F- Z 0 U- H F- t- !- M W U P-4 W E-4 z W U C7 Z H m (Yi z w O U U H 3 z ?i Q? > C U U V _ N O o O N may N ? O C.i U C O x U o O J ? c1 N f vi y O C O -- r ca U U U b ? tiJ O o U •O ? C e3 y ? y L 'cn ?0 0 C. IL I U y O GO V] L. y aS G L O yr O C? CC ? H C v? c .?. G G 0 o •? 5 W IA W y o > ? .a o o : z n c N O 0 0 t •7F v •7F ^ y E... f BRUNSWICK COVE NURSING CENTER L/ ??- T• Riley ans, Owner NARRATIVE NPDES APPLICATION BRUNSWICK COVE NURSING CENTER The proposed sewage treatment and discharge system to serve Brunswick Cove Nursing Center is briefly des- cribed as follows: It is proposed to install a "package" extended aeration sewage treatment plant with tertiary treatment, filters, and other features necessary to accomplish design dis- charge limitations for a flow of 16,.800 gallons per_ - day. Prior to entering the treatment plant,the effluent will be pre-treated by two existing septic. tanks and one grease interceptor tank. Proposed discharge limitations are shown on the attached pages 2 and 3, and a location map is shown on page 4 ALTERNATE PLANS CONSIDERED Three alternate methods of sewage disposal for Brunswick Cove Nursing Center were considered, and for each of the alternatives, the associated costs were prohibitive. 1. Pump to the existing treatment plant;:: serving.:Ci?eekside Cond6miniums, one mile north of the nursing center on N.C. Highway 133. This plan would necessitate the purchasing of the entire development at a prohibitive cost. 2. Pump to the Town of Belville's sewer plant. This would involve pumping for a distance of approximately 5 miles, along Highway 133 , SR 1551 and SR 1524 to the plant, again presenting unacceptable costs. 3. Utilize on-size sewage disposal.The-existing low- pressure system serving the nursing center has failed, and it is the opinion of two consulting soils firms that the available soils for any type of on-site dis- al are unsuitable. � [ �1�� � -err s�'�"" f," • s- �£�� r ON ;' .. 44• cli ";: '--" 1 „baa t* ' p.4 �fx.3nF� ,J.• • • \ -. '� u^� '���¢j �{y �� moi. -^ � • 1 x „kr* 'yv � a �N � ' Ciy�. ,,: ♦ �.jr`. ,Y. � 1 ' i �t �S • 1 'T ti rta�' •7 �� 1 1 1 z #"y` �, yrs. • 1 Nd r� 'r JL'. +, 1p ya Std ( � � � r f ° -� �„+- ,.,✓fit r ,�,; -c 1 fr t3y, 0 '"So -1L t i .It • 'O� 0 ca1 J i y tY c \ /il f4 un � � � , �� `R>" � � � V ° � x^fir r �-� � _ , _ _ � •C m a i . To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: Charles Lowe (Review Engineer) J _ Date: December 17, 1992 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County: Brunswick Permit No. NC0082872 2. Date of Investigation: December 2, 1992 3. Report Prepared by: Edward Beck 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Mr. William R. Chinnis (919) 842-2572 5. Directions to Site: The site is located in Brunswick County south of the Town of Leland on the east side of N.C. Highway 133 approximately 2 miles south of the Olde Towne Subdivision. 6. Discharge Point(s), List for all discharge points: Latitude: 340 11' 0711 Longitude: 770 58' 18" Attach a USGS map extract and indicate treatment facility site and discharge point on map. U.S.G.S. Quad No: U.S.G.S. Quad Name: Wilmington PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Brunswick-Cove Nursing Center Post Office Box 916 Leland, North Carolina 28451 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application ? X Yes No If No, explain: elevation of the plant will be about 20 ft msl. The outfall line will have to be laid through wetlands for a distance of approximately 4,000 feet. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: No dwellings within 400 feet. 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Brunswick River a. Classification: Class SC b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: 03-06-17 C. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: This is a tidal river approximately 6 miles long which is connected at both ends to the Cape Fear River. It is used for commercial and sport fishing and boating. The river was dredged in the past to form berths for large ships but is not currently used for this purpose. PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume of Wastewater to be permitted: 0.02 MGD (Ultimate Design Capacity). b. What is the current permitted capacity of the Waste Water Treatment facility? NA Proposed project c. Actual treatment capacity of the current facility (current design capacity)? NA d. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years: NA e. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities: NA f. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities: The applicant proposes to install a package extended aeration plant with tertiary filters. The existing septic tanks and grease interceptor tank are to be utilized prior to the plant. (Use of the septic tanks may not be advisable.) Plans and specs have not been submitted. The nursing home currently has 140 beds. Based on 120 GPD per bed the design flow is 16,800 GPD. The requested flow rate is rounded up to 20,000 GPD g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: There should not be a toxic impact. 2. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: Sludge disposal has not yet been addressed. a. If residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM Permit No. Residuals Contractor: Telephone No.: b. Residuals stabilization: PSRP PFRP Other c. Landfill: d. Other disposal/utilization scheme (Specify): 3. Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet): NA 4. SIC Code(s): 8051 Wastewater Code(s) Primary: 11 Secondary: Main Treatment Unit Code: 061 3 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies (municipals only) involved? NA 2. Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: No 3. Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates: (Please indicate) Date: NA Submission of Plans and Specifications: Begin Construction: Complete Construction: 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: Has the facility evaluated all of the non-discharge options available? Please provide regional perspective for each option evaluated. Spray Irrigation: A soil scientist was employed to evaluate this alternative. Soils were investigated on the nursing home site and within the adjacent Brunswick Cove Subdivision. It was determined that there was not a sufficient amount of area with suitable soils. Restrictive horizons were encountered at 12 to 18 inches and at 36 inches below the surface. A brief evaluation of the forest land across N.C. Highway indicated that it was also not suitable and probably not available. Subsurface: The existing subsurface system is failing and repairs have not been successful. Soils in the vicinity have been determined to be no better than, and generally less suitable than, the soils on the site of the existing system. Other disposal options: An existing development approximately one mile from the nursing home has a plant which discharges to Jackeys Creek. There would probably be no benefit to- increasing the discharge to this small tidal tributary to Brunswick River. 5. Other Special Items: No PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The nursing home is currently served by a failing septic tank system which is regulated by the Brunswick County Health Department. There appear to be no viable alternatives for onsite disposal. The Health Department is pressing the applicant to correct the problem. There are three existing permitted discharges to the Brunswick River within 3.5 miles of the proposed outfall. The Town of Belville has not yet begun operation of their 0.4 MGD plant. It is anticipated that the nursing home will connect to this system when the collection system is available. Although water quality in the lower Cape Fear Basin is somewhat depressed, it is not anticipated that the proposed discharge will have a significant adverse impact if proper treatment is provided. It is recommended that a permit containing approved effluent limits be prepared and placed at public notice. If significant adverse public comments are not received, it is recommended that a permit be issued for a period of time consistent with the basinwide permitting strategy. Signature of report preparer Date Water Quality Regional Supervisor Date EB:NC82872.122 cc: Wilmington Regional Files, Central Files ?u x I 'sLUCK'Q .` ?t- _ u ?•__`? fXr-r ;'?• ?'' `'.?• LlG ???OM /?- Ir 'Eir i •li ILI !; 1 r ?:r I ? _?4!_ I/ 1 tr 20 91 TID LLAT i \t?? 1 II tr ••jo? d. i yu} `i' 4 • / r , SA R. Y` I AU ,' ?F 'g '9h -'te'a. _ ?S?? 33 { .ter: ,,v f x LTo v f- :n,Rj-?,: ?'i f' , nom' °,?c?i ,rM M ? ?? <i.. •'f ?? ti?.s;? ? ^?'- ?, F! i--- .• =' u? ? ?'C+,! .1 yt y?S' ? o rf?"'(L/r Y -I? ? (L? .J LIGHT - ?:. - i, r c F 1 •.K ?. ', I ?t :+l 11 `? ... AS: r .r -TV NURS(NC? CE-tcrE2 { f 111 t aY ` T f ??. \ ? .t rr Fig ?: 3 R :- 1? e"q •fsti j,' 'y I A 01 Op { J} nc2??, sY 44 u' s .J I TO.,EF S Route 1, Box 277, Bolivia, N.C. 28422 December 8, 1992 Mr. Ed Beck Environmental Engineer N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,.N.C. 28405 Dear Mr. Beck: DEC 11 1992 Wilmington Regional Office QEM Persuant to our telephone conversation this date zela- tive to alternative solutions to discharge for the Brunswick Cove Nursing Center, Brunswick County: I have attached herewith a letter from S&ME soils speci- alists, which in my opinion precludes the option of spray irrigation systems on land adjacent to the nursing center. As previously stated, the area to the north of the nurs- ing center is occupied by the Brunswick Cove Residential De velopment, with lots and homes sold. The adjacent land to the south is also a residential development. Eastward of the nursing center lies only wetlands and marsh to the Brunswick River. A visual on-site examination of the land across High- way N.C. 133 indicated that the soils in this area were also unsuitable for on-site sewage disposal; also, it is my infor- mation that this land is not available for sale. In view of the above, and the fact that there are no av- ailable sewers within a reasonable distance from the site-, discharge to the Brunswick River is the only alternative remaining for treated sewage disposal from the nursing center, in my opinion. If further information is needed, please let me know. Sincerely, William R. Chinnis n? r t ,_J COPY TO: Mr. William Miller Nw? aoa- nma:c-' November 13, 1992 Mr. Russell Chinnis, P.E. Rt. 1 Box 277 Bolivia, North Carolina 28422 Reference: Brunswick Cove Nursing Home Brunswick County, N.C. S&ME Project No. 1054-92-050 Dear Mr. Chinnis: Pursuant to our conversation on November 13, 1992 regarding the referenced site, it is our opinion that the remaining land located behind the nursing home (including the portion within lots 38 through 51 of the Brunswick Cove Subdivision) will be severely limited for spray irrigation disposal of the wastewater stream generated by the nursing home. This opinion is based on site investigations performed by both representatives of S&ME Inc. and Dennis Osborne & Associates. Two restrictive horizons have been identified at the site at depths of approximately 12 to 18 inches and at approximately 36 inches. The first horizon consists of silica cemented sand. The second horizon consists of sandy clay that is underlain by marine clay to a depth greater than 20 feet, as confirmed by three soil borings drilled at the site. These conditions suggest a low loading rate. The low loading rate, combined with the large buffers associated with spray irrigation systems, and the high wastewater volume create a situation where insufficient land exists for spray irrigation. Please call us if you have any questions or, if we can be of assistance. Sincerely, S&ME, inc. Walter J. Beckwith, P.G. Senior Project Geologist Copy: Dennis Osborne State of North Carolina Wilmington Regional Offlce - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DEM Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. i'vlartin, Governor William W Cobey, Jr., Secretary Mr. William R. Chinnis Brunswick Cove Nursing Center Post Office Box 916 Leland, NC 28451 Dear Mr. Chinnis October 27, 1992 George T Everett; Ph.D. Director Subject: NPDES Permit Application NPDES Permit No. N00082872 Nursing Center WWTP Brunswick County This is to acknowledge receipt of the following documents on October 9, 1992: '\I Application Form Engineering Proposal (for proposed control facilities), Request for permit renewal, Application Processing Fee of $400.00, Engineering Economics Alternatives Analysis, Local Government Signoff, Source Reduction and Recycling, interbasin Transfer, Other , The items checked below are needed before review can/begin: Application Form Engineering proposal (see attachment) , r- Z?%3 Application Processing Fee of Delegac iorn of Authority (see att ) > L z`? Biocide Sheet (see attached) Engineering Economics Alternatives Analysis, Local Government Signoff, Source Reduction and Recycling, Interbasin Transfer, Other REGIO:',?A[_ OFHG-S F This application has been assigned to Charles M. Lowe (919/733-5083) of our Permits Unit for review. You wi be advise o any comments recommendations, questions or other information necessary for the review of the application. I-am, by copy of this letter, requesting that our gion Of ice Supervisor prepare a staff report and recommen t'o s r and ig this, discharge. If you have any questions regar h's lic t ons, please contact the review person listed ab v S'n , a?C een H . Sullins, P . E . CC: Wilmington Regional Office NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE - SHORT FORM G FOR AU K to be filed o+tly by services, wholesale and retail trade, USE and other cow rcial establishments including vessels Oo not attempt to complete this form without reading the accom"nying instructions please print or type i. Mare, address, and telephone nuwiber of facility producing discharge AML i CaIT IOn MMbfRr= e v n a ? z WE RECEIVED 9 z o TEAJt Mo. DAY A. Naive hninswi, C'k Lnup Niirci ng? (:pnVPr 8. street address P.O. Box 916, Hi hwa 133 C. City Lelan D. State N. C. E. County Brunswick F. zip 28451 G. Telephone No. 919 371 9894 Area Co de 2. SIC (Leave blank) 3. NuR,ber of employees 20 4. Nature of business 5. (a) Check here if discharge occurs all year or (b) Check the month(s) discharge occurs; I,0January 2.0Fetruiry 3.0Klrch 4.aApri1 1.0may 6, 0 June 7, O July 8.0 August 9.0 Septa'lber 10, 0 October 11, O No v e" r 12. De cs be r (c) How Many days per week; 1.01 2.02-3 3.0 4-5 4.6/6-7 6. Types of waste water discharged to surface waters only (check as applicable) Flow, gallons per operating ray Discharge per operating day 0.1-999 1000.4999 5000-4999 10,000- 49,l99 (1) (2) (3) (4) Volume treated before discharging (percent) $0,000 hone 0.1- 30- 65- 95- or more 29.9 64,9 94.9 100 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) A. Sanitary, daily average I i I C I I I I I I/ . 8. Cooling water, etc., daily average C. Other dischargk(s), daily art rage; 1 Y 11 V Vast* Mater is discharged to : 0. 1.199 (1) 10004"1 (t) SOLO."" t3) 10.000-1! ."9 (1) $0.000 err More M A. MniLipol %t-m-r system It, IHu4•r+Ir?wnrrl w•I) C. Srlit it tank U. Evaporation lagw or pond E. Other, specify: 8. kw" r of separate discharge points: A.01 B. W-3 C.O 1-5 0.a 6 or more 9. Mamie of receiving rater or Mater$ Brunswick River 10. Does your discharge contain or is it possible for your discharge U contain one or more of the following substanus 34dQ as a result of your operations, activities, or processes: awAis, cy"lW, alumimp, beryllium, e?rium, chromium, copper, lead, mer•cur? , Rickel, sel"im, Zinc, pmmis, oil OW grease, and chlorine (rtsidual). A.oyes d,0'no 1 certify that i as familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge a k belief such I*fWwtion is t", Cge+tets, eMd accurate. William R. Chinnis Printed kame of Person Signing Consulting Engineer (designated agent for owner) Mill October 2, 1992 Dace Application Signed gwature of Applicant 'North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(b) (2) provides that: Any person who.knwinitly mak,,. any false statement representation, or certification is any applicat4one'reeord, report, pla: or other doctmmsnt files tor required to, be saintained under Article 21 or regulations of tae Enviranneatal Ml aaagemtat Colnnissi,on implemsu :iaf that Article, or vho falsifies, tampers or knouly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoriAS 4jrrict or m thod required to be rrerated or maintained under ATtials 21',oi"• revulatioas -of the Environmental MsatEsumt cc=it _, p'_enenting that Article, &hal •be"-Tuiitv•.of •a st'isdoz*anor p=ishable by a -fine not to excel tin nrnn not to exroad ¦ix months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Stetion 1001 pr' lrn l\1\t1 L 1 V L. NPDES APPLICATION BRUNSWICK COVE NURSING CENTER The proposed sewage treatment and discharge system to serve Brunswick Cove Nursing Center is briefly.des- cribed as follows: It is proposed to install a "package" extended aeration sewage treatment plant with tertiary treatment, filters, and other features necessary to accomplish design dis- charge limitations for a flow of .02 MGD effluent per day. Prior to entering the treatment plant,the effluent will be pr.e-tieat?ed by two existing septi.c_tanks and one grease interceptor tank. Proposed discharge limitations are shown on the attached pages 2 and 3, and a location map is shown on page 4 ALTERNATE PLANS CONSIDERED Three alternate methods of sewage disposal for Brunswick Cove Nursing Center were considered, and for each of the alternatives, the associated costs were prohibitive. 1. Pump to the existing treatment plant-_serv•ing:C?eekside Condominiums, one mile north of the nursing center on N.C. Highway 133. This plan would necessitate the purchasing of the entire development at a prohibitive cost. 2. Pump to the Town of Belville's sewer plant. This would involve pumping for a distance of approximately 5 miles, along Highway 133 , SR 1551 and SR 1524 to the plant, again presenting unacceptable costs. 3. Utilize on-si-ie sewage disposal. The- existing low- pressure system serving the nursing center has failed, m m m m m ?. L L 0 C y N o o y o 0 cn 0 C a? m o ° E E E a a j U U U C7 C7 C7 o C7 U o U ? ? a. N t0. ? c? O M .? C N O. S -C L L >. >. N U-- 0 : 1 O O O Y CD Y CD U ?" O u C :E : O >. L O II L (b _ J u? J U- >O > CJ O s O N N N ? N r) ? Q O U v, a X X C v; a N -o c c a _ ° r X O v1 0 u v b Ems, c o 'a cc Z vii Oo E ccs b _ Q m O L W ° m E E E E Qo p oc ?n o 0 0 0 c r- 0 m Ln o CY W 0.C a = O : z L- ° ? ° H c/7 L M O O C ~ O Z L E E E O E O b O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 b O 0 to O N O C W) N C C: 0 o ` Z yL. ? U E m E I + V ca U . 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'12hades 7?eaPt,& director ,woe t Qjice doz y ao.eivia, north 6aro&ia 2S422-000.9 aoeivia 253-43S I ,ee&"d 763-1312 Southport 457-5251 Mr. William Miller Post Office Box 916 Leland NC 28451 Dear Mr. Miller: November 9, 1992 E C-, ILE]VED NOV 12 1992 Wilmington Regional Office Re : 90/25346 DEM Brunswick Cove Nursing Home Sewage Disposal System On July 22, 1992 a Sewage Violation Notice was issued for the failing sewage system serving the above referenced facility. It was understood that you-were working with the Division of Environmental Management - Wilmington office for a possible repair/replacement for the sewage system. Please provide this office with an update on the status of your situation. Have you made a formal application to the Division of Environmental Management? What plans have you made to remedy the problem? We also need to know what septic pumper is servicing your facility and what treatment plant is being used.to dispose of and treat the waste. If you have any questions or wish to discuss the situation, please call Monday through Friday, from 8:30 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. Sincerely, BW/bc Bruce Withrow, R.S. Environmental Health Program Specialist pc: Ed Beck, Environmental Engineer Division of Environmental Management Andrew Robinson, Jr., R.S., MPH Environmental Health Supervisor William R. Chinnis, P.E. Route 1, Box 277, Bolivia, N.C. 28422 November 12, 1992 ENGINEERING PROPOSAL SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISCHARGE SYSTEM FOR BRUNSWICK COVE NURSING CENTER BRUNSWICK COUNTY N.C. NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION NO. ,-..., NC0082872 On September 30, 1991, a low pressure pipe on-site sewage treatment system for Brunswick Cove Nursing Center was ap- proved by the State of North Carolina, and was constructed soon threafter. Beginning in early spring of 1992, this system began to fail, and is now facing total failure in the near future. Permission is therefore now being sought to con- struct a package sewage treatment plant to replace the on- site system and this matter has now assumed a condition of urgency. The proposed discharge treated wastewater to the Brunswick River will serve the Brunswick Cove Nursing Center, located in Brunswick County. The address of the Nursing Center is: Brunswick Cove Nursing Center, P.O. Box 916, Highway 133, Leland, N.C. 28451. This report is prepared by William R. Chinnis, P.E., Route 1, Box 277, Bolivia, N.C. 28422. Tel- ephone 919 842 2572. The proposed treatment plant will provide extended aeration, filters, and chlorination (tertiary treatment). Brunswick Cove Nursing Center has a filled capacity of 140 beds, with laundry facilities. Total daily flow of wastewater was cal- culated as 120 gallans per day per bed, rounded to 20,000 gallons per day. No other facilities will be served by the proposed treatment facilities, and the existing nursing home facilities will not be expanded. At the present time, there are not any existing sewer lines Available within a five mile radius capable of serving the nursing center. A professional soils engineering firm was engaged to investigate the possibility of utilizing a spray irrigation system; however the soils were found to be unsuit- able for this type of on-site disposal, also. (see attached letter from S&ME soils scientists and engineers) No adjacent land is available (residential subdivisions on either side.) The earliest possible consideration for issuance of a dis= -- ?-,=? ?P r m i t Vn7i 1 1 hP ar)TlrP01 at- P(l November 13, 1992 Mr. Russell Chinnis, P.E. Rt. 1 Box 277 Bolivia, North Carolina 28422 Reference: Brunswick Cove Nursing Home Brunswick County, N.C. S&ME Project No. 1054-92-050 Dear Mr. Chinnis: Pursuant to our conversation on November 13, 1992 regarding the referenced site, it is our opinion that the remaining land located behind the nursing home (including the portion within lots 38 through 51 of the Brunswick Cove Subdivision) will be severely limited for spray irrigation disposal of the wastewater stream generated by the nursing home. This opinion is based on site, investigations performed by both representatives of S&ME Inc. and Dennis Osborne & Associates. Two restrictive horizons have been identified at the site at depths of approximately 12 to 18 inches and at approximately 36 inches. The first horizon consists of silica cemented sand. The second horizon consists of sandy clay that is underlain by marine clay to a depth greater than 20 feet, as confirmed by three soil borings drilled at the site. These conditions suggest a low loading rate. The low loading rate, combined with the large buffers associated with. spray irrigation systems, and the high wastewater volume create a situation where insufficient land exists for spray irrigation. Please call us if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. Walter J. Beckwith, P.G. Senior Project Geologist Copy: Dennis.Osborne q 310 DEM ID:19930Q767 ACTION ID: NATIONWIDE PERMIT APPLIED FOR (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT #): 19 JOINT APPLICATION FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMITS TEAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRO , AND NATURAL P.O. BOX 295351 RALEIGH, NC 2762 0 5 5 1?g` `)u ATTN: MR. JOHN DO Telephone (919) 73 3 rT ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: William B. Miller 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: P.O. Box 916. Leland , N.C. 28451 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME):919 371 9318 (WORK): 919 -371 9894 4. IF APPLICABLE: PHONE NUMBER: 5. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK (ATTACH MAP). COUNTY: Brunswick NEAREST TOWN OR CITY : Be 1 v i l l L_, N . C . SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.): Adiacent to N.C. Hi?-_hwav No. 133. 3.8 miles Both of U.S. 17 as measurea along N.u. 1SJ. 6. NAME OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: Brunswick River 7. RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear 8. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A WATERSHED CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, OR WS II? YES [ j NO [xj 9. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [ j NO [x] IF YES, EXPLAIN. AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, 10. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WATERS OF THE U.S., INCLUDING WETLANDS, LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: 140 Ac w t-lnndG 3/30/92 -2- 11. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WATERS OF THE U.S., INCLUDING WETLANDS, IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT: FILLED: 0 DRAINED: 0 FLOODED: 0 EXCAVATED: 0.2 Ac.(to be backfilled behind pipelaying) TOTAL IMPACTED: 0.2 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS):place approximately 4600 l.f. of PVC''.-s&wer pipe from sewage treatment p ant to discharge point at Rriin??ui'nlr Rl vPr 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: $r.Qx4r4o sewage disposal system to serve Brunswirk CoVP Nursing Center. 14. STATE REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS. All other alternatives have been exhausted for providing nursing center. 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [ ) NO [ j RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [ ) NO [ j RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. N/A E. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? _Nursing Center. Residential F. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? Tertiary sewage treatment plant and discharge treated effluent into Brunswick River OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE LOCATION MAP i 0 L TV% P 1. Site is 3.8 miles south of Belville, along N.C. 133 2. Site is Brunswick County State of North Carolina 3. scale of map is 1" = 2 miles November 10, 1992 4. Map is a portion of county map issued by N.C. D.O.T. Proposed sewage treatment and discharge system to serve Brunswick Cove Nursing Center. Mr. William Miller, Applicant. SHEET ! OF 3 z r f ,C7 U I c!1 ti W i 3 a d N CIN O M r--I x w U ?4 O F= 3: N N co E ' 41 >~ U H co 7 r? 0 L4 CD, t?O ?4 ro -W Q U p E , ? M 4 a 3 cd ? v w ZI r-+ E ?-i 4-J z-1 > 0) E C) U z E > ? -W0E .? cd u cd a v •r4 cn ?4 4-J u? - U 33 0 a0 co o u ,-4 ro a " cv O 4J ?4 V it ` O Z - N D U Q) > " U) ?4? , O N -W U a co -i o }4 O O U a4 a -W U A. L r-- DISCHARGE DETAILS Not to scale P 9 ..0__MSL_ - - - ?, el-+ a. _ 0 MHW -BRUNSWICK RIVE?? \ g 0 __0-00_..MSL..__ \ e 1--_ 2.0 MLW_... - eAis charge line with 3" diffuser ??PY?{T/ON-? BAG?F/G Z. oTYPICAL EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL SECTION FOR 3-INCH PVC DISCHARGE PIPE Scale- 1" = 2' DETAILS Proposed sewage treatment and discharge system to serve Brunswick Cove Nursing Center, Brunswick.County,.. North Ca-toiina, William ., Miller, Applicant. November 10, 1992 SHEET 3 OF 3 ?-2 - O (. .-- .I DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO March 5, 1993 Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199301419 Mr. John Dorney Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Dear Mr. Dorney: D W-86M Enclosed is the application of the Brunswick Cove Nursing Center, represented by Mr. William Miller, for Department of the Army authorization and a State Water Quality Certification to place fill material in wetlands and place a diffuser in the Brunswick River associated with construction of a package wastewater plant and discharge line, 3.8 miles south of Belville, Brunswick County, North Carolina. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification is required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, in most cases, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if you have not acted on the request, or asked for an extension of time, by May 4, 1993, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Rudolf Schiener, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 251-4629. Sincerely, ne Wri hie Regulatory Branch Enclosure Li -2- Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. C. Robert Stroud, Jr. Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 fWase type or print. Carefully describe all anticipated development activities, including construction, excava- tion, filling, paving, land clearing, and stormwater con- trol. If the requested information is not relevant to your project, write N/A (not' applicable). Items 14 and 8-9 must be completed for all projects. qq -60 / ql? 1 APPLICANT a. Name William B. Miller Address P.U. Box 916, Highway 133, city Leland State N. C. Zip 28451 Dayphone 919 371 9894 X Landowner or Authorized agent b. Projectname (ifany)sewer s stem to serve Brunswick Cove Nursing enter c. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give the owner's name and address. N/A 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT IRECEIV,ED FEB ?.. ? 1993 If you plan to build a marina, also complete and attach Form DCM-MP-2. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? new work c. Will the project be for community, private, or commercial use? d. Describe the planned use of the project. Treat domestic wastewater from nursing center, and discharge to --MrRiver. I All P71511" 711147-pa 6 Q a 71?0 4 LAND AND WATER JAN g 1995 CHARACTERISTICS 0 a a. Size of entire tract 27 - eTAI ?I ?n'ENT b. Size of individual lot(s) NIA c.. Elevation of tract above mean sea level or National Geodetic Vertical Datum 23.0 to 2.7 MSL d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Sandy organic loam and clay a. Street address or secondary road number P.O. Rox 91 6, Highway 113 e. Vegetation on tract hardwood trees and dense brush, b. City, town, community, orlandmark 3.8 mile south fo Belville N_(:_ L Man-made features now on tract nursing home c. County Brunswick d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? no e. Name of body of water nearest project . Brunswick River 3 DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT L Describe all development activities you propose (for example, building a home; motel, marina, bulkhead, . or pier). Construct wastewater treat- ment plant and discharge line for domestic sewase to serve Nursing home. g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classification of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) Conservation Transitional Developed Community x Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? not zoned i. How are adjacent waters classified? . SC j. Has a professional archaeological survey been carried out for the tract? no if so, by whom? 3/'91 ,. L Dimensions of spoil disposal area c. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, in N/A feet N/A g. Location of spoil disposal area N / A d. Type of bulkhead material N/A IL Do you.claim title to the disposal area? N/A If not, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. e. Amount of fill, in cubic yards, to be placed below mean high water N / A L Type of fill material NIA i. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? N/A If so, where? N/A 8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION j. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps, or areas? In addition to the completed application form, the follow- ing items must be submitted: k. Will the fill material be placed below mean high A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other water? N/A instrument under which the applicant claims title to the 1. Amount of fill in cubic yards N /A affected property. If the applicant is not claiming to be er of said property, then forward a copy of the "AM n I other instrument under which the owner claims m. Type of fill material IN ! Wl? written permission from the owner to carry out s n. Source of fill material N/A the project. o. Will fill material be placed on marsh or otherN wetlands? No DiyisiGN GFAn accurate work plat (including plan view and cross al drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 p. Dimensions of the wetland to be fil @ASTAL MP&G 1 white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources N/A Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed description.) q.. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? N/A r. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragli ne, bO?ao r hydraulic c dredge)?Backhoe wrge pneumati fiIYPR Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 18 high quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include county road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and s. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment the like. to project site? ,fie slf yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen environmental impacts. A stormwater management plan, if applicable, that any damage to wetlands or wet. may have been developed in consultation with the .lands vegetation will be repaired Division of Environmental Management. so that upon completion of the project. all areas will be restore jlistofthenamesandcompleteaddressesofthe to pre-construction condition. adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. These individuals have 30 days in which to submit comments 7 SHORELINE STABILIZATION a. Length of bulkhead or riprap N / A on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management and should be advised by the applicant of that opportunity. b. Average distance waterw d of mean high water or normal water level N/A_ om3/91 ?-Tav ,N 8 .1993 VISION OF L MANAGEMENT s 2 0 A/ 4 0 S-OMP c 3.3 z 2.0 LOCATION MAP 1. Site is 3.8 miles south of Belville, along N.C. 133 2. Site is Brunswick County State of North Carolina 3. scale of map is 1" = 2 miles November 10, 1992 4. Map is a portion of county map issued by N.C. D.O.T. Proposed sewage treatment and discharge system to serve Brunswick Cove Nursing Center. Mr. William Miller, Applicant. SHEET ! OF 2