HomeMy WebLinkAbout310148_Plan of Action_20180921P_LAN`QF ACTI_.QW(POA). 0d, _--HIGH_.FREEBOARD-AT ANI.M ►L-`F/4CI,LITIES::. -- - -Facility Number: 31,= - _ 148 County.:__ _ _Dupfin Facility Name: _ Stephen_;NI Williamson, Certified Operator,Name: _Stephen- N IfVilliamson Operator # 19128 - 1,. Current liquid--level(s), rin; inches .as --measured; from- the,'current liquid, level•: in therlaggon: to.'the: lowest point'ora the°fop, of the.. -dam 'for. lagoons, without -spillways; and; from the current liquid_rlevel: in the lagoon to. the, botfom of the, sp.illwaiy-forlagoons with spillways. Structure, 1Strudwre.2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure, 5 Structure 6 Lagoon Namielld'entifer,('ID)> _1_ .. _ - .2-" Spillway (Yes or No): No. No Level (inches): _51 _3 2'. Check all. applicable items X Liquid level? is, within the designed. structural;freeboard,elevltions of one or more structures.- Fine and _30-day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and: agronomic balances are•within,, acceptable ranges. Liquid levelis-within,the' 25 year 24 hour,`.storm.elevatiohs.for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action -is attached. Agronomic balance is -within -acceptable range. Waste is, to be -.-,pumped and hauled to off site. locations. Volume and PAN confent of waste to pumped and: hauled, is -:reflected .in section IIIi tables. rinciuded within this plan is a list. of the, :proposed sites with. -related .facility number(s); number acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure- approval from the: Division of Dater Quality prior to :transfer of'waste to a site not-covered=in;.the facility's certified animalwaste:managenleint plan. Qperation will be: partially or fully -depopulated. - attach a_coiinpl'ete. schedule with corresponding: animal units and dates for depopulation " - if:ahimals-ar-e to -be moved to another permitted facility,, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard leve(s� and herd population,fdt the receiving; facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land' application of waste: 9/1:711*8 E I. hereby certify, that.Uhave eeviewed the�information listed}above and. included within, the attached_ ; Plan of Action, and to the best"ol _my'knowledg_e., and agility,. the -information is accurate and' cofrect: Stephen M'.,Williamson Phone: _(910}296-1513.. - Pap! litp.OwnerlManager (print) Facility OwnerlMar ger ('si'gna-th FoOkCover-Page 2/21I00 Date: 912011.8 77.7': 777 F ­777"7 PLAN OF ACTION (POA)TORMIGM-f REEBOARD'AT'ANIMALFACILITIES TH1RT1(,',(30)-'DAY_P" .P0W.N,PERIPD- I,. TOTAL PAN TO-,$E-L-AND'APPLIEDPER.WASTE,--STRUCTU,RE 1. Structure ,Narhelid-entifi'er,(ID),,_3-I , -114811 2.. Current, liquid'volume. in 25 yr./24. hr., storm. storage,&. structural freeboard' a. -current liquid' - level according to- Marker b,. designed 25 -yr./24, hr. storm A structural freeboard c,. line, b. - line a� (inches in red' zone) d: top. of dike surface area ao00rdihgi to design (area, at, below structural freeboard; elevation), 6. line, ox line d x, 7.48 aallons. 12 ft 5:, inches inches 1-4 inches _74GOO—, _645773 gallons, a. Projected vol-umO of waste': liquid -produced during -draw down period f. terrip.orar.ystorage period.according,tostrucfur;al,desiqn 180 'days g.. volume of waste, produced according to structural: design _80307_ ft3 h. actual waste, produced = current herd# x line g- ____�70,670, certified` herd # is volume -of wash Water according to s-fruckiredesign 0 if (I gn j. excess rainfall, over evaporation accordingftq to -design: _43167.7- k- (lines h +,i +i) x 7-.48, x 30 days = _141917—gallons line f 4. Total PAWote land applied during-drawdqwn period 1. current waste analysis, dated' T/I 7/20 118 _1.,56 lb/1-000 gal.: I M_. (lifiegAt-.k) )(line I = _1`229 lb PAR REPEAT SECTION'! FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE II. TOT-AL.POUNDS,.OF,P-AN,STOR5t)WIT-'HI-N,STAU CTURA-LFREEBOARD,ANUJOR:25,,--Y-R,-j24 HR, $T0RM-.STORAGIE,' ELEVATIONS IN, ALL WASTE STRUCTURES _FM FACI-ILITY-- PLAN: OF ACTION (POA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD.AT,;ANirojk'L-,FACILITIES PqA.(30 Day) -24217QQ .i THIRTY-MOMAY'DRAW. DOMPERIOD' T. Structure -Nam e/ldentifier QDJ: 31448 2, 2-. Current liquid volume in 25,1yrJ24 hr., storm 9torage, & II§.ffUc.tWrarJ(eQl5Q_P,(d a. current liqkjld level according, to -marker 3 inches b,., designed; 25 yr.I24 hr,_stOr. m,'&, structural freeboard 19—Inches, c. line, b - line a (inches in red zo-ne), —1.6 inches d. tap of -dike gurface,ama accord i ng,to -dekig n 37600 2 ft '(area at below- structural freeboa.rd elevati e, line G x line; d x 1.4,gallons. '374997 gallons 12 ftr- produ duringdraw down p0riperiod- Pr6fqqtqdvolume bfWasto liquid produced f- temporary storage p according, to structural -design n -en 9 'I ao days, volume of waste produoed, according, to, structural, design 40153 ft', h. actual waste produced = current herd # X. line g = _35599 ft3 certified herd"* i. volurrre, of wash water according to structural design 01 ft j. excess rainfall ovltlr:evaporation according 1p,design 21933 ft3: k. (lines 'h + i -H) x7:48 x 30 days = 2734;8: gallons line i 4. Tota[ PAN "to be land' applied' during draw, down period 1. current waste analysis dated 7/17/2018- 1.56 W1000 gal., m. (lines e + k,) i, line 1 = 628 lb- PAR 1000 PPA- (39 -P;y)( 2121100' 2 line q__>l lb-�PAW� 2-z ',,strijcturbjQ.-,, -WO. lb -PAN I .4. --stN"dure.'Api -P AIS W 5, structure; IV.. [he m.,.:=; 6:1 strVoWro lik ffnq m= 'IbRAf ai -3, 1667 I C*OPS- AlE.-,I_.U'_M­_N_ Q'.3'0__.7bAY',,bRM .PlFbb. U (O'."'TPTA4��FM -BALANdEREMAININGFO RAVANOLf AVAILABLE BE APPLIED 0. r= li'&NO' UST. FIELDSTOWHICH. PA , R CANNOT-P.IN"Gl-HIS,-idDAYP RI.OD,. A�dct# "A 04 "`6 p., i-e. op s.l,l'Wnalhihb IR R(�2 PAW 1 alance rOT-AL `.BALANCE -AC -column rx,s, b.: I application. Mafch-Mf _25 7 —' 255 31 30 8p �O 2 , 20­ 2W, �66 Jo! fIf- _ _M6rch 0d :3R _205, • 463, 9,' ,m Oct,.Qe arch , .3 $5, 41 1205' H! 0& M&C t", $2% A2 A3P l4 -7__'-'_,2Q 4 _BP_ -20,5! -0 sG'O 2 9 -4 9 rphT oi� `32-55 12 8'0 5 d4m:a Oct -March,' -32515 21 8GO 4 .36, 55; 3_ ­SGO, 4.78 CO 32-56 -24" SGpi 5.72 rcK :'-3- -55 25 _'_­j 8,00 50' 21.6, Oct 4A , March '5'6 -:1 S 5! 50- .208 cc 7 -,4 00 9G -8-.-54: ------- 4 ]W��ch 06t� t" 71, de-m*t.crqp I li6 'p6begipping ing, ",stite -cur-te-fit'drop" _e,_ 67djfid,'aOOlic�ti6ndaitO_ ?op.r -at datorforAvEikibI6, rqiq6V.- 'Cro T 'a bt -_V,p.AN,vVa--iIaibre, for, aill- ffelft. (sim"D Ilurfin,t)j= �sp,§3 x iu ."="'�9,:'^''�. s�...-'.:'Via?:�1,-�H=�'�F"'T,3r,.ash:,,'^,�•.`,.+`c"s�^>.!g-1�-r�..�•;�-xsE"��:r.fi�c-,.^r-�r.:r�-�--�-=_•s�:rr-r.+eK-�n�....z_T'!-A.`'-4;•, �"^7�-4.'-•:^�^°,--� �,..'�., :ci 0 w: Tota[,PAN,tg:be I9W applied. (line-n,from.section;11), _ -1867 �Ib _PAN x. Crop-'s remaining PAN -Balance. (line-v front s_ectton Y. -Overall ,PAN, balance-(w - jt-) _ <4006> 1b:'PrAI -', Line y. must sh'aw as: a deficit: If line y does .not°show as a deficit; list course of action here including pprnp.and, haul., depoputation, herd, reduvttion,, etc, For pump &haul, and herd, ,reduction options, recalculate new -PAN -'based ownewAnformation. If ne-wifelds are Wbe -included, as an option for lowering lagoon level,, ad&these fields to the PAN -balance tabie.rand- recal.cul4fo the�Oerall PAN balance., if animal wasfie is -W.,Oe fiauled to another permitted facility provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard,levela-atthe receiving: fapility. .NARRATIVE: Excessive rainfall duffing hurricane.' 171orenc6 totaling more fihan 28" ca'used us togo into'fihe freeboard .red zone of our, lagoons. We, are using. an aerway, to reduce our lagoon levels back below 19"!wfiilg -monitoring soils crops: and weather-- P.ok (30 Day). V21/00 4