HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121074 Ver 2_401 Application_20190617 Idle14 S& Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA E 8412 Falls of Neuse Road,Suite 104,Raleigh,NC 27615•Phon 19) AL0t s: (919)846-9467 sandec.com June 17th, 2019 S&EC Project#13271 To: RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE NC DWR, 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit US Army Corps of Engineers Attn: Jean Gibby Attn: Karen Higgins 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Archdale Building —9th Floor Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 512 North Salisbury Street n Raleigh, NC 27604 , \ From: Kevin C. Martin UhV Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 1(� I I Re: Ashley Mid-Atlantic Manufacturing and Distribution Center 11 U `v Advance, Davie County, NC I On behalf of the current owners, Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc., I am requesting a modification to parts of the previously issued USACE permit (SAW#2012-01900 issued 2/28/2013, copy attached) and associated 401 Water Quality Certification from the N.C. Division of Water Resources(NCDWR) issued 02/02/2013, #12-01074 (copy attached). The reason for this request is due to a revision to the Jurisdictional determination on part of the site (see attached Revised Wetland/Stream Delineation Map), a change in the site plan (revised plan attached) and a change in the stormwater management plan. Our understanding is that the current criteria per General Certification 4139 requires the permittee to: Provide calculations to document that the project will not cause degradation of downstream surface waters. Documentation shall include a detailed analysis of the hydrological impacts from stormwater runoff when considering the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff from the project built upon area and the size and existing condition of the receiving stream(s). Jean Gibby and Andy Williams of the Corps of Engineers Raleigh office evaluated the parts of the site where the jurisdictional determination is being revised on 11/14/17 with Kevin Martin of S&EC. Previously permitted impacts that have occurred on the project are shown on the attached plans. The revision of the delineation results in there being 0.437 acres less wetland impact for the project in the area labeled future expansion, the client wishes to note that full mitigation payments in amounts necessary to cover the originally permitted impacts have been made. The 0.437 acres of wetland originally permitted to be impacted was identified as wetland impact H and was shown on Stream and Wetlands Impact Blow-Up 5 in the application submitted by ECS dated 11/19/2012. No new impacts are proposed due to the revised site plan. The revised permit should reflect that project cumulative wetland impacts are now 3.669 acres rather than 4.106 acres and that the overall wetland mitigation required for the project should be 6.247 instead of 7.121 acres. A significant portion of previously identified Wetland F as shown on Figure 7— Wetland ID Location Map and the upper(northern) portion of Intermittent Stream 5 as shown on Figure 6 —Stream ID Location Map submitted with the ECS permit application dated 11/19/2012 were also determined to be non-jurisdictional during the Corps site visit. No impacts were originally permitted in these areas but the revised site plans show a sediment basin and possible future stormwater device in the area previously identified as Wetland F and a fill slope from the Spoil area/Future Trailer Parking area is proposed where intermittent stream 5 was previously identified. As required by DWR, because impacts to jurisdictional waters in that area have already occurred, the stormwater generated by the impervious area indicated as Phase 2 Building Expansion on the revised site plan will be routed to the existing stormwater device labeled "Ex. Basin"on the revised site plan that was previously approved by DWR. However, the future stormwater generated by any impervious area within the area labeled as Future Development may be routed to the existing stormwater device or at the discretion of the permittee it may be routed to a stormwater device designed per the current DWR stormwater design criteria. Any stormwater from future impervious surfaces on the area labeled Future Trailer Parking will be routed to a stormwater device designed per the current DWR design criteria. A probable location for this future device is labeled Probable Location for Future SCM. It is agreed and understood that prior to the placement of any impervious surfaces in either of these areas, the permittee will submit designs and plans to DWR for review and approval. However, it is the permittee's understanding that they can proceed with construction at any time in the areas labeled Phase 2 Building Expansion since that work is covered by the existing permit, stormwater is being routed to a previously approved stormwater device and all required mitigation has been paid for. Please contact me at(919)270-7941 if you have any questions or require additional information. Attachments: (USACE and DWR) Revised wetland/stream delineation (6 pages) Revised Site Plan(1 page) Site Plan Submitted With Original Permit Application Owner Certification/Agent Authorization USAGE permit(SAW#2012-01900 issued 2/28/2013) 401 Water Quality Certification from NCDWR(issued 02/02/2013,#12-01074) ECS Figure 6—Stream ID Location Map ECS Figure 7—Wetland ID Location Map Stream and Wetlands Impact Blow Up 5(from Original Permit Application) (DWR only) $240.00 Check for Permit Modification Fee S& Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA EC 8412 Falls of Neuse Road,Suite 104,Raleigh,NC 27615•Phone:(919)846-5900• Fax:(919)846-9467 sandec.com PROPERTY OWNER CERTIFICATION/AGENT AUTHORIZATION Project Name/Description: PLS1LJ k IN 1 � t e, S&EC Project# 3 21 II Date: The Department of the Army , U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington,NC 28403 • Attn: Jean Gibby Field Office: Raleigh I, the undersigned, a duly authorized owner of record of the property/properties identified herein, do authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Soil_&Environmental Consultants, PA(S&EC) staff, as my agent, to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on-site investigations and issuing a determination associated with Waters of the U.S. subject to Federal jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project. NOTICE: This authorization, for liability and professional courtesy reasons, is valid only for government officials to enter the property when accompanied by S&EC staff. You should call S&EC to arrange a site meeting prior to visiting the site. PARCEL INFORMATION: Parcel Index Numbers)(PIN): fstot,734V, S'M bf7lea 5'�l.��'.I4/ o 3 I� Site Address: 3 3f rj L,0.^/ City,County,State: AbiliMilE Wig.Coolly NA i PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION(mailing address,email and phone) Mailing Address: twyt,ty 4 744 , }.Ix .c9tf2. Email: 14w1+,40 v.0,IA.644$ts tot;-fv►r'ix i.t,asra ..—a, 'W2c ..IUD.. /AZ.. 1 � /7 Property er Name(pleas print) ate n,-.1(.42 CLI'N (A... (61.4"7—P C---P.44-"•Ieud•'i--% operty Owner Signature e hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. t, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 1.` �- WILMINGTON DISTRICT,CORPS OF ENGINEERS Ai 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE , -� WILMINGTON,NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 .i;4" REPLY TP ATTENTION OF March 28,2013 Regulatory Division/1200A Action ID: SAW-2012-01900 Mr.Michael Moran Ashley Furniture Industries,Inc. One Ashley Way Arcadia,Wisconsin 546123 Dear Mr.Moran: In accordance with your written request of November 19,2012, and the ensuing administrative record,enclosed are two copies of a Department of the Army.permit authorization for permanent discharge of fill impacts to 316 linear feet of jurisdictional stream channels and 4.106 acres of jurisdictional forested wetlands adjacent to Buffalo Creek,associated with the proposed expansion of your existing furniture warehouse and manufacturing facilities located at 916 Baltimore Road,west of Advance,in Davie County,North Carolina. You should acknowledge that you accept the terms and conditions of the enclosed pennit by signing and dating each copy in the spaces provided("Permittee"on page 3). Your signature, as permittee,indicates that,as consideration for the issuance of this permit,you voluntarily accept and agree to comply with all of the terms and conditions of this permit.All pages of both copies of the signed permit with drawings should then be returned to this office for final authorization. A self-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Title 33,Part 325.1(f), of the Code of Federal Regulations reads,inpart,that, "A$10 fee will be charged for permit applications when the work is noncommercial in nature and provides personal benefits that have no connection with a commercial enterprise.:.'',and"A fee of$100 will be charged for permit applications when the planned or ultimate purpose of the project is commercial or industrial in nature and is in support of operations that charge for the production, distribution,or sale of goods or services."As your application fits the latter category,you are requested to remit your check for$100,made payable to the Finance and Accounting Officer, USAED,Wilmington. The check should accompany the signed and dated copies of your permit. This correspondence contains a proffered permit for the above described site. If you object to this decision,you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331.Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process(NAP)fact sheet and request Printed on' }_ Recycled Paper -— for appeal (RFA)form. If you request to appeal this decision you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division Attn:John Thomas 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington,North Carolina 28403 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps,the Corps must determine that it is complete,that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5,and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form,it must be received at the above address by May 28,2013. It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the decision in contained in this correspondence. After the permit is authorized in this office,the original copy will be returned to you;the duplicate copy will be permanently retained in this office. If you have questions,please contact Mr. John Thomas at the Raleigh Regulatory Field Office,telephone 919 554-4884 ext. 25. Thank you in advance for completing our Customer Survey Form. This can be accomplished by visiting our web site at http://per2.nwp.usace.army.mil/survey.html and completing the survey on-line. We value your comments and appreciate your taking the time to complete a survey each time you interact with our office. Sincerely, ean B. Gibby Chief,Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Enclosures _3 - Copy Furnished(w/encIosures): ECS Carolinas,LLP Attn:Michael T.Brame 4811 Koger Blvd. Greensboro,NC 27407 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Permittee: ASHLEY FURNITURE INDUSTRIES, INC. ATTN: MR.MICHAEL MORAN Permit No: SAW-2012-01900 Issuing Office: USAED,WILMINGTON NOTE: The term"you"and its derivatives,as used in this permit,means the permittee or any future transferee. The term"this office"refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted activity or the appropriate official of the office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. You are authorized to perform work in the accordance with the terms and conditions specified below. Project Description:Ashley Furniture Industries,Inc. owns and operates an existing warehouse and manufacturing facility,in the northeastern portion of Davie County, adjacent to tributaries of Buffalo Creek.The facility is located on a 667.63 acre tract on 916 Baltimore Road,Advance,North Carolina 27006.The proposed project is the expansion of the existing facilities necessary for operation of the proposed Ashley Mid-Atlantic Warehouse and Manufacturing Center.The proposed facility expansion is a twenty year phased construction project. The expansion consists of construction of a 2,304,100 square foot building addition,tractor trailer loading areas/parking areas,access roads, a railroad spur, and stormwater ponds.The proposed project would result in permanent discharge of fill impacts to 316 linear feet of jurisdictional stream channels and 4.106 acres of jurisdictional forested wetlands adjacent to Buffalo-- Creek,a tributary of the Yadkin River. Project Location: The project area is a portion of the 667.63 acre tract owned by Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc.,located on Tax Parcel No.F700000018,off of Baltimore Road,west of Advance, in Davie County,North Carolina. The property contains unnamed tributaries to Buffalo Creek and their adjacent wetlands,which drains into Buffalo Creek,ultimately flows to the Yadkin River(8-Digit Hydrologic Cataloging Unit 3040101), a traditional navigable in fact waterbody. The approximate center of project is at 35.962515 N.,-80.471043 W. Permit Conditions: General Conditions: 1. The time Limit for completing the work authorized ends on December 31,2033.If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity,submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity,although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Conditions 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer,you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office,which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit,you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. ENG Form 1721,Nov 86 EDITIONS OF SEP 82 IS OBSOLETE. (33 DFR 325(Appendix A)) 4. If you sell the property associate with this permit,you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project,you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience,a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. 6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. Special Conditions: *SEE ATTACHED SPECIAL CONDITIONS Further Information: 1. Congressional Authorities: You have been authorized to undertake the activity described above pursuant to: ( ) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899(33 U.S.C.403). (X) Section 404 of the clean Water Act(33 U.S.C.1344). ( ) Section 103 of the Marine Protection,Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972(33 U.S.C..1413). 2. Limits of this authorization. a. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal,state,or local authorizations required by law. b. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. c. This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. d. This permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. 3. Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this permit,the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: a.Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes. b.Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United states in the public interest. c.Damages to persons,property,or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit. d.Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. 2 KU.s.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1986-717-425 e.Damage claims associated with any future modification,suspension,or revocation of this permit. 4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. 5. Reevaluation of Permit Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include,but are not limited to,the following: a. You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false,incomplete,or inaccurate(see 4 above). e. Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension,modification,and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33CFR.326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office,and if you fail to comply with such directive,this office may in certain situations(such as those specified in 33 CFR 209.170)accomplish the corrective measure by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. 6. Extensions. General condition 1 establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this permit. Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision,the Corps will normally give favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time limit. Your signature below,as permittee,indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. (PER WJTTEE) ASHLEY FURNITURE INDUSTRIES,INC. (DATE) ATTN: MR.MICHAEL MORAN This permit becomes effective when the Federal official,designated to act for the Secretary of the Army,has signed below. (DISTRICT ENGINEER) STEVEN A. BAKER, COLONEL (DAri) When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still in existence at the time the property is transferred,the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s)of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions,have the transferee sign and date below, (Transferee) (DATE) 3 *U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1986—717-425 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACTION ID. SAW-2012-01900 ASHLEY FURNITURE INDUSTRIES,INC.BALTIMORE ROAD WAREHOUSE AND MANUFACTURING FACILITIES EXPANSION Failure to institute and carry out the details of the following special conditions below(listed as a-y)will result in a directive to cease all ongoing and permitted work within waters of the United States,including wetlands,associated with the permitted project,or such other remedies and/or fines as the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers District Commander or his authorized representatives may seek. a) The North Carolina Division of Water Quality(DWQ)permit/certification number 3950 was issued for this project on February 1,2013. Special conditions were issued associated with this water quality permit/certification and a copy of these conditions is attached as Exhibit A.These referenced conditions are hereby incorporated as special conditions of this permit. b)All work authorized by this permit must be performed in strict compliance with the attached plans dated November 21,2012,which are a part of this permit(identified as Exhibit B).Any modification to these plans must be approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers(USACE)prior to implementation. c) Except as authorized by this permit or any USACE approved modification to this permit,no excavation, fill or mechanized land-clearing activities shall take place at any time in the construction or maintenance of this project,within waters or wetlands. This permit does not authorize temporary placement or double handling of excavated or fill material within waters or wetlands outside the permitted area. This prohibition applies to all borrow and fill activities connected with this project. d)Except as specified in the plans attached to this permit,no excavation, fill or mechanized land-clearing activities shall take place at any time in the construction or maintenance of this project, in such a manner as to impair normal flows and circulation patterns within waters or wetlands or to reduce the reach of waters or wetlands. e) In order to compensate for impacts associated with this permit,mitigation shall be provided in accordance with the provisions outlined on the most recent version of the attached Compensatory Mitigation • Responsibility Transfer Form. The requirements of this form,including any special conditions listed on this form,are hereby incorporated as special conditions of this permit authorization. f)The Permittee shall schedule an onsite preconstruction meeting between its representatives,the contractor's representatives and the appropriate Corps of Engineers Project Manager prior to undertaking any work within jurisdictional waters and wetlands to ensure that there is a mutual understanding of all terms and conditions contained within the Department of the Army permit. The Permittee shall notify the Corps of Engineers Project Manager a minimum of thirty(30)days in advance of the scheduled meeting in order to provide that individual with ample opportunity to schedule and participate in the required meeting. g)Thirty days prior to commencing land disturbing activity,a Sedimentation/Erosion Control Plan will be filed with the Division of Land Resources,Land Quality Section,North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACTION ID.SAW 2012-01900 ASHLEY FURNITURE INDUSTRIES,INC.BALTIMORE ROAD WAREHOUSE AND MANUFACTURING FACILITIES EXPANSION The Plan must: 1. Include a scaled plat plan of the site, showing the affected areas as well as adjacent properties which may be affected. Include contours,if available. 2. Indicate critical areas such as wetlands,creeks, streams,drainways,marsh etc. 3. Include a brief narrative describing the activities to be undertaken and a construction schedule. 4. Indicate on the plat the measures to be utilized to prevent sediment from entering adjacent properties, such as location of silt fences, silt basins,diversion ditches,haybarriers, areas to be seeded,etc. 5. Include any other pertinent information directed at controlling off-site sedimentation,slope degradation and erosion. Note: The Plan is required whenever the proposed activity is to be undertaken on a tract comprising more than one acre,if more than one contiguous acre is to be uncovered. h)All mechanized equipment will be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of waters and wetlands from fuels,lubricants,hydraulic fluids,or other toxic materials. In the event of a spill of petroleum products or any other hazardous waste,the permittee shall immediately report it to the N.C. Division of Water Quality at(919)733-3300 or(800) 858-0368 and provisions of the North Carolina Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act will be followed. i)The permittee shall advise the Corps in writing prior to beginning the work authorized by this permit and again upon completion of the work authorized by this permit. j)Unless otherwise authorized by this permit,all fill material placed in waters or wetlands shall be generated from an upland source and will be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities.Metal products, organic materials (including debris from land clearing activities),or unsightly debris will not be used. Soils used for fill shall not be contaminated with any toxic substance in concentrations governed by Section 307 of the Clean Water Act. k)The permittee shall require its contractors and/or agents to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit in the construction and maintenance of this project, and shall provide each of its contractors and/or agents associated with the construction or maintenance of this project with a copy of this permit.A copy of this permit, including all conditions, shall be available at the project site during construction and maintenance of this project. 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACTION ID.SAW-2012-01900 ASHLEY FURNITURE INDUSTRIES,INC. BALTIMORE ROAD WAREHOUSE AND MANUFACTURING FACILITIES EXPANSION 1)The permittee shall employ all sedimentation and erosion control measures necessary to prevent an increase in sedimentation or turbidity within waters and wetlands outside the permit area.This shall include, but is not limited to,the immediate installation of silt fencing or similar appropriate devices around all areas subject to soil disturbance or the movement of earthen fill,and the immediate stabilization of all disturbed areas.Additionally,the project must remain in full compliance with all aspects of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 113A Article 4). m) The permittee shall remove all sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters, and shall restore natural grades in those areas,prior to project completion. n) During the clearing phase of the project,heavy equipment must not be operated in surface waters or stream channels. Temporary stream crossings will be used to access the opposite sides of stream channels. All temporary diversion channels and stream crossings will be constructed of non-erodible materials. Grubbing of riparian vegetation will not occur until immediately before construction begins on a given segment of wetland. o)A representative of the Corps of Engineers will periodically and randomly inspect the work for compliance with these conditions. Deviations from these procedures may result in an administrative financial penalty and/or directive to cease work until the problem is resolved to the satisfaction of the Corps. p)No fill or excavation for the purposes of sedimentation and erosion control shall occur within jurisdictional waters, including wetlands,unless it is included on the plan drawings and specifically authorized by this permit. q) All temporary fills must be removed in their entirety and the affected areas returned to pre-construction elevations. The affected areas must be revegetated,as appropriate. r)The permittee,upon receipt of a notice of revocation of this permit or upon its expiration before completion of the work will, without expense to the United States and in such time and manner as the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative may direct,restore the water or wetland to its pre- project condition. s)Violations of these conditions or violations of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act must be reported in writing to the Wilmington District U.S.Army Corps of Engineers within 24 hours of the permittee's discovery of the violation. 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ACTION ID.SAW-2012-01900 ASHLEY FURNITURE INDUSTRIES,INC.BALTIMORE ROAD WAREHOUSE AND MANUFACTURING FACILITIES EXPANSION t)The permittee will ensure that the construction design plans for this project do not deviate from the permit plans attached to this authorization. Written verification shall be provided that the final construction drawings comply with the attached permit drawings prior to any active construction in waters of the United States,including wetlands.Any deviation in the construction design plans will be brought to the attention of the Corps of Engineers,Raleigh Regulatory Field Office prior to any active construction in waters or wetlands. u)The permittee shall take measures to prevent live or fresh concrete,including bags of uncured.concrete, from coming into contact with any water in or entering into waters of the United States. Water inside coffer dams or casings that has been in contact with concrete shall only be returned to waters of the United States when it no longer poses a threat to aquatic organisms(concrete is set and cured). v) Measures will be included in the construction/installation that will promote the safe passage of fish and other aquatic organisms.The dimension,pattern,and profile of the stream above and below a pipe or culvert should not be modified by widening the stream channel or by reducing the depth of the stream in connection with the construction activity. The width,height,and gradient of a proposed opening should be such as to pass the average historical low flow and spring flow without adversely altering flow velocity. Spring flow should be determined from gauge data,if available.In the absence of such data,bankfull flow can be used as a comparable level. w) Unless otherwise requested in the applicant's application and depicted on the approved work plans, culverts greater than 48 inches in diameter will be buried at least one foot below the bed of the stream. Culverts 48 inches in diameter and less shall be buried or placed on the stream bed as practicable and appropriate to maintain aquatic passage,and every effort shall be made to maintain existing channel slope. The bottom of the culvert must be placed at a depth below the natural stream bottom to provide for passage during drought or low flow conditions. Destabilizing the channel and head cutting upstream should be considered in the placement of the culvert. x)To ensure that all borrow and waste activities occur on high ground and do not result in the.degradation of adjacent wetlands,except as authorized by this permit,the permittee shall require its contractors and/or agents to identify all areas to be used to borrow material,or to dispose of dredged,fill, or waste material. The permittee shall provide the USACE with appropriate maps indicating the locations of proposed borrow or waste sites as soon as the permittee has that information. The permittee will coordinate with the USACE before approving any borrow or waste sites that are within 400 feet of any wetlands. y)If the permittee discovers any previously unknown historic or archaeological sites while accomplishing the authorized work,he shall immediately stop work and notify the Corps of Engineers,Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Regulatory Project Manager who will initiate the required State/Federal coordination. 4 U.S.ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Wilmington District • Compensatory Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form Permittee:Ashley Furniture Industries,Inc. Action ID:SAW-2012-01900 Project Name:Baltimore Road Warehouse and Manufacturing Facilities Expansion County: Davie instructions to Permittee:The Permittee must provide a copy of this form to the Mitigation Sponsor,either an approved Mitigation Bank or the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP),who will then sign the form to verify the transfer of the mitigation responsibility. Once the Sponsor has signed this form, it is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that to the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers(USACE) Project Manager identified on page two is in receipt of a signed copy of this form before conducting authorized impacts, unless otherwise specified below. If more than one mitigation Sponsor will be used to provide the mitigation associated.with the permit,or If the impacts and/or the mitigation will occur in more than one 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code(HUC),multiple forms will be attached to the permit,and the separate forms for each Sponsor and/or HUC must be provided to the appropriate mitigation Sponsors. instructions to Sponsor: The Sponsor must verify that the mitigation requirements shown below are available at the identified site. 6y signing below, the Sponsor is.accepting full responsibility for the identified mitigation, regardless of whether or not they have received payment from the Permittee: Once the form is signed,the Sponsor must update the appropriate ledger and provide a copy of the signed form to the Permittee and to the USACE Bank/in-Lieu Fee Program Manager. The Sponsor must also comply with all reporting requirements established In their authorizing instrument. Permitted Impacts and Compensatory Mitigation Requirements: Permitted Impacts Requiring Mitigation* 8-digit HUC and Basin:03040101,Upper Yadkin River Basin Stream Impacts(linear feet) Wetland impacts(acres) Warm Cool Cold Riparian Riparian 1 Non-Riparian Coastal Rvverine , Non-riverine 316 4.106 fi *If more than one mitigation sponsor will be used for the permit,only Include Impacts to be mitigated by this sponsor. Compensatory Mitigation Requirements: 8-digit HUC and Basin:03040101 Upper Yadkin River Basin Stream Mitigation(credits) ,. i Wetland Mitigation(credits) Warm Cool Cold d Riparian Riparian Non-Riparian Coastal RIverine Non-riverine 632 7.138 . Mitigation Site Debited: NCEEP (List the name of the bank to be debited.For umbrella banks,also list the specific site. For NCEEP,list NCEEP. If the NCEEP acceptance letter identifies a specific site,also list the specific site to be debited). Section to be completed by the Mitigation Sponsor Statement of Mitigation Liability Acceptance: I, the undersigned, verify that i am authorized to approve mitigation transactions for the Mitigation Sponsor shown below,and I certify that the Sponsor agrees to accept full responsibility for I providing the mitigation identified in this document(see the table above),associated with the USACE Permittee and Action ID number shown. I also verify that released credits(and/or advance credits for NCEEP),as approved by the USACE,are currently available at the mitigation site identified above. Further, I understand that if the Sponsor falls to provide the required compensatory mitigation,the USACE Wilmington District Engineer may pursue measures against the Sponsor to ensure compliance associated with the mitigation requirements. Mitigation Sponsor Name:, Name of Sponsor's Authorized Representative: Signature of Sponsor's Authorized Representative Date of Signature Page 1 of 2 Form Updated 18 September,2012 USACE Wilmington District Compensatory Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form,Page 2 Conditions for Transfer of Compensatory Mitigation Credit: O Once this document has been signed by the Mitigation Sponsor and the USACE is in receipt of the signed form, the Permittee is no longer responsible for providing the mitigation identified in this form,though the Permittee remains responsible for any other mitigation requirements stated in the permit conditions. o Construction within jurisdictional areas authorized by the permit Identified on page one of this form can begin only after.the USACE is in receipt of a copy of this document signed by the Sponsor, confirming that the Sponsor has accepted responsibility for providing the mitigation requirements listed herein, For authorized impacts conducted by the North Carolina Department of Transportation(NCDOT),construction within jurisdictional areas may proceed upon permit issuance;however,a copy of this form signed by the Sponsor must be provided to the USACE within 30 days of permit Issuance. NCDOT remains fully responsible for the mitigation until the USACE has received this form,confirming that the Sponsor has accepted responsibility for providing the mitigation requirements listed herein. D Signed copies of this document must be retained by the Permittee, Mitigation Sponsor, and in the USACE administrative records for both the permit and the Bank/1LF Instrument. it Is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that the USACE Project Manager(address below)is provided with a signed copy of this form. P If changes are proposed to the type,amount,or location of mitigation after this form has been signed and returned to the USACE,the Sponsor must obtain case-by-case approval from the USACE Project Manager and/or North Carolina interagency Review Team (NCIRT). If approved, higher mitigation ratios may be applied, as per current District guidance and a new version of this form must be completed and included in the USACE administrative records for both the permit and the Bank/ILF Instrument. Comments/Additional Conditions: This form is not valid unless signed by the mitigation Sponsor and USACE Project Manager. For questions regarding this form or any of the conditions of the permit authorization,contact the Project Manager at the address below. USACE Project Manager: John Thomas USACE Field Office: Raleigh Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive,Suite 105 Wake Forest,North Carolina 27587 Email: john.t.thomas.jr@saw02.usace.army.mil / March 28,2013 ACE Project ManagerSignature f Date of Signature Current Wilmington District mitigation guidance, including information on mitigation ratios, functional assessments, and mitigation bank location and availability,and credit classifications(including stream temperature and wetland groupings)is available at http://ribits.usace.armv.mil. Page 2 of 2 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so,please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at http://reRuiatorv.usacesurvev.com/to complete the survey online. 4fi�•�i v NCDENR North Carolina Department of.Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Pat McCrory Charles Wakild, P. E. John E. Skvarla, Ill Governor Director Secretary February 1, 2013 DWQ#: 12-1074 Davie County Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc. Attn: Mr. Michael Moran One Ashley Way Arcadia,WI 54612 Subject: APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Conditions— Ashley Mid-Atlantic Manufacturing and Distribution Center USACE Action ID. No. SAW-2012-01900 Dear Mr, Moran: Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 3950 issued to Mr. Michael Moran and Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc., dated February 1, 2013. In addition,you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including(but not limited to) NPDES Stormwater Permit (including NCG020000)Solid Waste,Sediment and Erosion Control, Dam Safety, Non-discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This Certification can be contested as provided in Articles 3 and 4 of General Statute 150E by filing a written petition for an administrative hearing to the Office of Administrative Hearings. You may obtain a petition form from the Office of Administrative Hearings at http://www.ncoah.com/or call (919)431-3000 for information. Within sixty (60)calendar days of receipt of this Certification,you must file the petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings. A petition is considered filed when the original and one (1) copy is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours (Monday. through Friday between 8:00am and 5:00pm, excluding official state holidays). The petition may be faxed to the Office of Administrative Hearings at (919)431-3100, provided the original and one copy of the petition is received by the Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. • l°letlands,Buffers,Stormwater-Compliance and Permitting(Webscape)Unit One 1650 Mail Service CFnler,Raleigh,Noah Garovina 27699.1550 NorthCarolina Location:512 h! Salisbury Si Raleigh,North Carolina 27304 . �a Phone 9;9-807 G3061 FAX:919-807 6494 Customer 0envice.-877-C23.6748 Naturally Internet.wmw.n;watr,rquality.:;rg I Ashley Mid-Atlantic Manufacturing and Distribution Center Page 2 of 5 February 1,2013 Mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 2769976714 One.(1)copy of the petition must also be served to DENR: Lacy Presnell, General Counsel Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Unless such a petition is filed,this Certification shall be final and binding. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, t°1A1 Karen Higgins,Supervisor Wetlands, Buffers,Stormwater— Compliance&Permitting Unit cc: John Thomas, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, (via electronic copy) Michael Brame, ECS LLP (via electronic copy) Neal Tucker, Stimmel&Assoc (via electronic copy) Division of Water Quality, Winston-Salem Regional Office File Copy Filename:121074AshleyMidAtlanticManufacturingandDistributionCenter(Davie)401 JC.docx Ashley Mid-Atlantic Manufacturing and Distribution Center Page 3 of 5 February 1,2013 NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92- 500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (Division) Regulations in 15 NCAC 02H .0500,to Mr. Michael Moran and Ashley Furniture Industries Inc.,who have authorization to place fill within or otherwise impact 4.089 acres of 404/wetland and 316 linear feet of stream, as described within your application received by the N.C. Division of Water Quality(Division) on November 26, 2012,and by Public Notice issued by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and received by the Division on December 6, 2012. The application and supporting documentation provides adequate assurance that the proposed work will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore,the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application,the supporting documentation, and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is for the purpose and design that you described in your application and as described in the Public Notice. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold,the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. Any new owner must notify the Division and request the Certification be issued in their name. If total fills for this project (now or in the future)exceed one acre of wetland or 150 linear feet of stream, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (h). This approval requires you to follow the conditions listed in the certification below. Conditions of Certification: 1. Impacts Approved The following impacts are hereby approved as long as all of the other specific and general conditions of this Certification (or Isolated Wetland Permit) are met. No other impacts are approved including incidental impacts: Type of Impact Amount Approved (Units) Plan Location or Reference 404/Riparian Wetlands 4.089 (acres) Application and Public Notice Stream (perennial) 316 (linear feet) Application and Public Notice 2. Compensatory Mitigation Mitigation must be provided for the impacts as specified in the table below. We understand that you wish to make payment to the Wetland and Stream Restoration Funds administered by the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP)to meet this mitigation requirement. This has been determined by the Division to be a suitable method to meet the mitigation requirement. Until EEP receives and clears your check, no impacts specified in this Certification shall occur. • Ashley Mid-Atlantic Manufacturing and Distribution Center • Page 4 of 5 February 1,2013 • • : For accounting purposes,this Certification authorizes payment into the Wetland and Stream Restoration Funds to meet the following compensatory mitigation requirement: • Type of Impact Compensatory Mitigation Required. River and Sub-basin Number Wetlands 4.089 (acres) Riparian Wetlands Stream . 316. (feet) Yadkin 030705 3. Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) for DWQ Approval Required A final,written stormwater management plan for the project (including a BMP Supplement Form for each proposed BMP and all required items at the scales specified in the Required Items Checklist)shall be submitted to the DWQWebscape Unit(1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650)for review and approval. The stormwater management plan must be designed to treat the runoff from the entire built upon area in accordance with the version of the NC DWQ Stormwater BMP Manual that is in place on the date of the submittal. The stormwater management plan must be approved by the DWQ before any land disturbance associated with that phase may occur. Before any building is occupied,the corresponding stormwater management plan as approved by the DWQ must be constructed and operational. 4. Sediment and Erosion Control Erosion and sediment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices and if applicable, comply with the specific conditions and requirements of the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit issued to the site: a. Design, installation,operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal or exceed the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, Including contractor-owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. b. For borrow pit sites,the erosion and sediment control measures must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual. c. Reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the Mining Act of 1971. d. Sufficient materials required for stabilization and/or repair of erosion control measures and stormwater routing and treatment shall be on site at all times. 5. No waste,spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands,waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the 404/401Permit Application. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation,and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices, shall be performed so that no Ashley Mid-Atlantic Manufacturing and Distribution Center Page 5 of 5 February 1,2013 violations of state water quality standards,statutes, or rules occur. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of this permit. 6. Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters. Exceptions to this condition require application submittal to and written approval by the Division. If placement of sediment and erosion control devices in wetlands and waters is unavoidable,then design and placement of temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in dis-equilibrium of wetlands,stream beds, or banks, adjacent to or upstream and downstream of the above structures. All sediment and erosion control devices shall be removed and the natural grade restored within two (2) months of the date that the Division of Land Resources (DLR) or locally delegated program has released the specific area within the project. 7. Sediment and erosion control measures should be installed prior to any land clearing or construction. These measures should be routinely inspected and properly maintained. Excessive silt and sediment loads can have numerous detrimental effects on aquatic resources including destruction of spawning habitat, suffocation of eggs, and clogging of gills of aquatic species. 8. All work in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted so that the flowing stream does • not come in contact with the disturbed area. Approved best management practices from the most current version of the NC Sediment and Erosion Control Manual, or the NC DOT Construction and Maintenance Activities Manual,such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams, and other diversion structures shall be used to minimize excavation in flowing water. 9. Protective Fencing The outside buffer,wetland or water boundary and along the construction corridor within these boundaries approved under this authorization shall be clearly marked with orange warning fencing(or similar high visibility material)for the areas that have been approved to infringe within the buffer, wetland or water prior to any land disturbing activities. 10.All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters should be inspected and maintained often to prevent contamination of stream waters from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids or other toxic materials. Concrete is toxic to aquatic life and should not be allowed to come in contact with surface waters until cured. 11. Continuing Compliance Mr. Michael Moran and Ashley Furniture Industries Inc.shall conduct construction activities in a manner consistent with State water quality standards (including any requirements resulting from compliance with section 303(d)of the Clean Water Act)and any other appropriate requirements of State law and federal law. If the Division determines that such standards or laws are not being met (including the failure to sustain a designated or achieved use) or that State or federal law is being violated, or that further conditions are necessary to assure compliance,the Division may reevaluate and modify this Certification to include conditions Ashley Mid-Atlantic Manufacturing and Distribution Center Page 6 of 5 February 1,2013 appropriate to assure compliance with such standards and requirements in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0507(d). Before modifying the Certification,the Division shall notify Mr. Michael Moran and Ashley Furniture Industries Inc. and the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers, provide public notice in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0503 and provide opportunity for public hearing in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0504. Any new or revised conditions shall be provided to Mr. Michael Moran and Ashley Furniture Industries Inc. in writing,shall be provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for reference in any Permit issued pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and shall also become conditions of the 404 Permit for the project. 12. The applicant and/or authorized agent shall provide a completed Certificate of Completion Form to the DWQ Webscape Unit within ten days of project completion (available at: http://porta I.ncdenr.org/web/wo/swp/ws/401/certsandpermits/apply/forms). 13.This certification grants permission to the director, an authorized representative of the Director, or DENR staff, upon the presentation of proper credentials,to enter the property during normal business hours. This approval to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit. This the 1st day of February 2013 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY ICULLVOV44."-" ' Charles Wakild, P.E. Director CW/kah 3950 -,-'/ /ir�r------:././.'"-"-- l� //// 1 / / // /��� 1V11 \� PP ��`� �� - - _ �J ! d'1 dfP ' �\ 1\\ ,-// I \ \ til \ 1 P r / 1I r \ ,--r--�� \\\ I(// / � \\\lt P > l < ( / ,/��\\) \\\�\ , ` I11 i '� / PP I ` \ \ . \ \. lif \`/ i //� It \\\V \ \ i \ )7 ',�� t - - �-, I / r\\ / 11 i \ 1 \ �.. e /� i i {\\\ �.. _ - -> 111 i t/ 1 �1\ it 1 \\ \ \` \ \ > P I/ /ram �" I Il/ / -; / \ \�. I �\\ _ �// / t11PiiJ I \_� �` � f/ /�� I I1/ \ -�� _ _ / ,� 1 l /1 1/ ����-%� //! 1 t \ \ _ / r/f ( \ l 1 \\ 1,�� / / / 1 ii I \ \ ( \/ / d - - / 11 I Ilii 11 \ - `J%,>/ t \`�L � =--;-�/ \ k� / / \ \ ! 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II,"It - j 1+,`y ', r� \ \ ,i t P � wl ter. . k ,f� �''i -'' \ a / `� /! 1 T\ illl i; t l // 1.• , '� till �» , • Data orm i -�� I I y � ��� , , v vv\\ ,, 40 11, .E i r A 3'.. v`\\ i � ,� .. ��/1I }.in v\,y\v I<'`�.ili �7fr / i / //l� ti � _ ���� ` v\ \ l j (� � ,t �� ; ,� . : \ ' \�` ., �lj / /i/ li j` \\,\ �''_ 7 ` fi'f/ / \li. 1, /. l ` ,� \ \ / l ,� / I \ r / �!r ! ` �•`. _ If' \ \ s''' „" `.\\\\\ N., \,!ci ,,,,, f p ( , i / , , .,.... — ..„,_„-- ,,, ..., . ...,\1 I j4,,1 i . - ..., , ,,, ,„ ,i I , . / ' t,' ,,!_,.... _ 1 4. ,;,,,,Stream Forni #4 -->-NolJurisdtitin 1 V\i"Ert4c : NN , iliti.,„ 1 ,I4, i ii .,./.! 1`.,t-„.--.?"4- '..-...,-...-:- 'N-'44,1 . 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'') , , t i 1 i\ \. r 'a. % 0 vf‘ , , .i SHEET 2 --( I SHEET 1 I I J I I I 1 5. \ SHEET 3 \ tc r a F Imo- N 0 (\\\ 4 a 600 300 0 600 ImnmilMilimmiani Et C WETLAND MAP FOR Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc. -o SCALE COUNTY TOWNSHIP DATE PREC. RATIO SHADY GROW 0 LIMITS OF STUDY 1" = 600 DAMOVER SHEET E7 MAR 2018 1 : 10,000 + N PROPERTY DESC: PIN: 5860572009 0 E PB 11 PG 70-73 L r_————_ PROPERTY LINE (calculated) O U (_ ——, PROPERTY LINE (calculated) ————— ———————— —' ——————_——_ — — — —„ O COE FORESTRY do SURVEYING F-01411 18027 P.O. BOX 36 DRAFTED BY: WALLBURG, N.C. 27373 E—mail: SURVEY BY CLJ PHONE/FAX (336) 769-4673 coeforOgmail.com CJ�LED I -- 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ``‘��111►1111rrrf/ } Qfec c, ��� �-.•'Q�ESs10•j7i'�. 1 , 0•e� •. 1 k. � � SBB22 ' EAL�J i _\ - '� 3 0 _ I 2 ‘ ‘1(:) t ‘ 1 d sa o^tt "The NC Grid coordinates 1 1 c 1 L% shown on this plat were y S8A20 rya derived by RTK differential 1 z i- GPS observations using one 1 r Leica GS08plus receiver. 13 S8621 eof .a gR 5 id / / II ;04 t SBAI9 I d Line Bearing Distance p I -4. Top of Bank Iv 3 I L1 N 57'-10'-40' W 20.97' L2 S 69=52'-20' W 31.35' o I L3 N 52'04'-43'E 19.49' 1 L4 S 85-09'-26' E 14.11' o I 58820 ry 1 1 y I z i I N 581-35'-08' E N I I 15.2T ram,N SBA18 I N 29'-22'-15' E SBB15 I I na a; 3 11.87 .29 S 70'-31'-37'E I 23:�13 E S.89. 02' 13.28' g �y, 1 N 65-24'-18'E 6 - t I 6.06' S8814 N 6 BC2 5 L4 gs. SBB19 �0� 58C3 S8B16 18.33' ryK 1 o N 89'-25'-03'E- h I S 77-33'-54'E e�� Area of Stream SBB18 / 7•86a 2653 Saft. ` SBA17 1 S�\\'`Ii9u �p 0.061 Ac.+/- 39 W II ,636.... .E SB810 N 87'-04-41' E_- 48.96. SBBI t _ 72 1 SBC1 ' .... s-14,57- w 43.17 SBA15 f N 87'-21'-23' W 2- I 4,2}- '-" 5 85'-26'-54' 2812' SBA16 S889 1N, SBA14 SBA12 58A13 324 +/- Linear feet N 8T-12"-42' w S 7T-37-22" w of Stream SBA9 ‘c W SBA10 31.31' SBA11 8.65' 79 S S S 71-03'-31'W N 89'-21'-34'W tie .E' 1�- N 8'-24'-48' W 11.06' 17.51' NAD 1983 State Plane N 7g-03' 7.5+' North Carolina FTPS 3200 feet N=808038.18 E=1562999.09 Top of Bank I I Concrete Monument 118 I i0 1 20 from PB 11 Pg 72 1 3 page 3 of 4 titled: Davie County Economic I " 'This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately depicts the boundary of the Jurisdiction SHEET 1 of 3 Development Commission J of the Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this date. ` 19 Unless there is change e in the law or our published regulations, this determination of Section WETLAND MAP FOR 404 jurisdiction may be retied upon for a period not to exceed five years from this date. The 1n undersigned completed this determination utilizing the appropriate Regional Supplement to , Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc. I -1 the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, 33 C.F.R. part 328 I C and other U.S. Army Corps of' Engineers guidance.' SCALE COUNTY TOWNSHIP DATE PREC. RATIO C I I Regulatory Official' 1" = 20' DAVIE SHADY GROVE 07 MAR 2018 1 : 10,000 + I PROPERTY DESC: PIN: 5860572009 I Title' PB 11 PG 70-73 I Dates COE FORESTRY&SURVEYING F-01411 JOB # IP.O. BOX 36 18027 I USACE Action ID No. DRAFTED 8Y: WALLBl1RG, N.C. 27373 E-mai@gL SURVEYED BY I CLJ PHONE/FAX (336) 769-4873 coeformail.com CJ/DL S_49'-54'-45" E N 43'-05'-26" E 58837 2.89'Ci 6.38' �111lllllll/� SBB36 ,,, a 5BA36 \•\\,`N Ci/4R0///// N 18'-36'-24" S 38'7,80'37" W -Zs 0�.•,.rg ESS f`fyi%�� 11.42' �� SBA35 SEAL rt _ $BB35 s 6'-14'-48" W 12.30' ' SBA34 • f. ///// 1•&RAW �\\\ , ,�y w "11111110 \ i 3 w 4H 22. 65'-13'-33"E S8B34 2 13.e5' ^� a+ "The NC Grid coordinates 6'; C-1 IA z u_ shown on this plat were S8833 0h derived by RTI< differential / GPS observations using one Leica GS08plus receiver. N 8'-03'-17" W 't SBA33 17.78' ,; ki N SBB32 'iO'^ C ^2,. �.�1iip'L E Co Top of Bank h,, �' SBA32 S0831 * $ 68'-22'-58" W N 33'-19-29" E 0 r' 13.62' 13.79' SBA31 S 38'-36'-22" W�, 9.25' tri SBB30 .' 03 3 0 N 7-40'-45" E M 18.04' h 14 1vg N SBB29 t i N 11'-57'-19" E 14.97' '=` SBA29 SBB28? k 1, n .i. 6n N M t7 n I f W ,1 , SBA28 .) ,: S 3'-18'-06" E Top of Bank 10.01' z +:+ SBA27 S 224-26'-39" W 12.94' 58827 0 SBA26 15 ,.• 'hfr S 45'-05'-12" W s% 17.44' SBB26 a SBA25 f N r z a: Vsi b � I m N S 4. SBB25 4, SBA24 i 9ry5 E S 54'-16'-13" W 9..�:.. 18.40' ya :';' '=' SBA23 N t SBB24 4 A. kt\) % S I „Q0\ Cr °..ry `r *.c 317 +/- Linear feet oke'ti,`o°b ,y' of Stream O .1 o y e� 1 x IJd , � il S8B23 ti s. SBA22 °0 -* r t' 4 yh• � � e ia. 4.1 Co ry t, / SBB22 '7 SBA21 `cn ry'?4 20 10 0 20 a #m �o" 'This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately depicts the boundary of' the jurisdiction SHEET 2 of 3 2 i of the Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this date. ,, Unless there is change in the law or our published regulations, this determination of' Section r m 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from this date, The WETLAND MAP FOR A i /`' undersigned completed this determination utilizing the appropriate Regional Supplement to Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc. F the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, 33 C.F.R. part 328 and other U.S. Army Corps of Engineers guidance.' SCALE COUNTY TOWNSHIP DATE PREC. RATIO SBA20 1" = 20' DAVIE SHADY GROVE 07 MAR 2018 1 : 10,000 + Regulatory Official' PROPERTY DESC: PIN: 5860572009 Titles PB 11 PG 70-73 ' Dates COE FORESTRY & SURVEYING F-01411 JOB # P.O. BOX 36 18027 DRAFTED BY: WALLBURG, N.C. 27373 E-mail: SURVEYED BY USAGE Action ID Nor PHONE/FAX (336) 769-4673 coeforOgmail.com CLJ CJ/DL NAD 1983 State Plane \�\\\\\llCAlf!//�/// North Carolina FIPS 3200 feet \�\ ��• R() /ice N=808038.18 �� ,C • . ES' ' ✓� �• s E=1562999.09z. 0,•QQ.� f�,,•,>, Concrete Monument #18 _ 'r/ Se/�� from PB 11 Pg 72 some as monument on i�' 20 page 3 of 4 titled: SHEET 1 �{1 Davie County Economic •� � 4C-.' v� Development Commission �L'•;"U SUR� V� _ QRAO�'//,,,� LC\\\`\ 'The NC Grid coordinates d shown on this plat were w derived by RTK differential 4. GPS observations using one A 0 Leica GSO8plus receiver. ix tu La 0 S. N 5 t al \\ `k Ns 0 \ '".:Ar` \ ln 0 \\ �T C1 \G0 N \ v, \ \ \ \ N 79'-54'-16" W \ / 12.90' \ WA3r \ e.WA 4 \\ \ N 14.1 \ CI d \ M1 \ i z ta \\ WA2a o *WA \ v "' Area of Wetland 3 \ 862 Sq.Ft. \\ ,;� } 0.020 Ac.+/— \ I CO w \ N O �. o i \In� �u, \ 1 M '.WA 1 z S 26'-13'-19" E 23.49' N 0'-14'-07" W f,WA 6 12.79' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ k ) \ o� ,,,A 2\ vseoQ \ in t : ar+, 0 n \ 1iekect+t0 "t \ \ \ \ \ \ 20 10 0 20 'This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately depicts the boundary of the Jurisdiction 1!!!FiElnIMMINMOIMEi SHEET 3 of 3 of the Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this date. Unless there is change in the taw or our published regulations, this determination of Section WETLAND MAP FOR 404 Jurisdiction may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from this date, The undersigned completed this determination utilizing the appropriate Regional Supplement to Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc. the 1987 U.S, Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, 33 G.F.R. part 328 and other U.S. Army Corps of Engineers guidance.' SCALE COUNTY TOWNSHIP DATE PREC. RATIO 1" a 20' DAVIE SHADY GROVE 07 MAR 2018 1 : 10,000 + Regulatory Official' PROPERTY DESC: PIN: 5860572009 Title' PB 11 PG 70-73 Date' COE FORESTRY & SURVEYING F-01411 JOB # P.O. BOX 36 18027 USAGE Action ID No.1 DRAFTED BY: WALLBURG, N.C. 27373 E—mail: SURVEYED BY CLJ PHONE/FAX (336) 769-4673 coeforOgmatl.com CJ/DL ��/� �/� ' - �� ' / \ 1 +6 • m Z __ __ _f /!� , / f \ \ \ ; ; ii \ wit .. 1 \ OWNER: PIN:5860-56 1470 m N c•-cm< •�.ir%-- /./// l l `, 1 \ PIN:5860-57-2009 z�� /j%^l\/j/! / i /�,� j y, L 1�}1 ;11 + t _ � Q t ; W Z PIN:5860-67-3478 yo v-A �!� //,� 11// ( \ Q" / / /� ,Z 1 I ASHLEY FURNITURE IND., INC. '� I ' Q- / PERMITTED DRAINAGE AREA=142.72 AC yyaI Q, f �'D ONE ASHLEY WAY N a 5� o l/--\' �/ flI } J / ° �'Q - — _ ' ARCADIA,WI54612 — z = o CC -�i / f// t' I / J, �_ PERMITTED IMPERVIOUS COVER=117.08 AC m — " ! PHONE:(608)323 6258 c g a Z \ ' rim /( /ip / f� �. 1 — — �,o 0o;,N- , d o \ ' r / \ \\\ �,_ / ] �� :� ENGINEER: ALLIED DESIGN,INC. N n' 7,2 d m I(1 / \J' ,\ \ \ -./ / _ IMPERVIOUS AREA SHOWN < 80 AC. Q _.. 4720 KESTER MILL ROAD W W d �o SITE !1/ l(f 1 ` l11 ' ,' \\`•,`` -- - 7 � *INCL. PHASE 2 DEVELOPMENT , • Z ^, WINSTON-SALEM,N.C.27103 -0 3 zJi u- `° o /J//l/^1 `I I \ �' j j ` - : 7— 7` t � 1 EE$3 77 w u'HOWARDTO ROAD 1 1 --2 f \ • -�-.� f/ 1 / 5 c9-- , P.E. Q 5 v LL L p ��\� j�! \ ■ i i z ,- aD l — -- --- / scausey@allied-engsurv.com U i �111 1 i 0P _ w - SURVEYOR:1 \ / f o l! S BRADY SURVEYING COMPANY,P A ' w VICINITY MAP / II t f✓ 4/ �/� I 'WAN; .i....... Tm � .� - — _ — 2990 BETHESDA PLACE,SUITE 601-B o I-< NOT TO SCALE /- I , // fi *-_ - • i; - \ �/�, /ll `- vV/%fj �� - 4"e i/ �� - - NSTON SALEM,NC.27103LL'11_ / J (III �" °!/ ..O - � / 1��/ I I I ` �,,� FAX:(336)760-4529 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT MAY BE ROUTED TO S`tt_•-ems Jlr Ioir ro - J 1 / '' �� `\� I I I THE EXISTING BASIN OR TO A NEW DEVICE ' - //11- I ' f'� 7 PHASE 2 { � / \ � j I STORY BRICR/METAL BUILDING , \' O 1 ' PER THE NEW DESIGN CRITERIA. ANY SUCH \ /// -- i I. BUILDING 1 FooTFRINT4=e<��5€\ 1 • ( 1 \ v/ )� U // _ EXLSTING MANUFACTURING/D15TRIBUTION �'•17 1 i; ,I. E• y I CENTER w NEW SCM WILL BE SUBMITTED TO DWR FOR -- —j/!/ % e EXPANSION FOOTPRINT:1,090,404SF \ Q� l ; < Z �,,,,,>� N z REVIEW PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ` -� // ��I � fPol j1 529,984 SF 1 " j'in'\ ► 1 _ w '1'\ \ `'\ �w /a ifs 1 I TO EX. BASIN I CONNECT BUILDING EXPANSION & MAIN • , \l \ \ j \ = z Luz 11 \ \\\\�\� \ \-\--/// fir - iIi - (• I I \ ,.�zZww > \ \\\\ \�\\\\ / ��� �f„ 111I / ( PARKING EXPANSION TO EXISTING STORM w 1 I I Q U o I1 \1\\ \l\, ) \1 \ \ \ � (�j ' f � ,Jlli j 1�. c� 1 ,,. \ ( \ Qz < �, / / - PIPES TO DRAIN TO EXISTING BASIN. Q _ I / — �- // 1 \ I ) /I > >\ 'ifs / I I ;is" aP E• 1111 , ,e. bi(� . zJ 1 \ � ) ,` V / X > O o t l , II I/J /l/ i/I/ 111\ 1 //r , i ff I - ,r,,...,_, k..v. . . tl .w �,. • ..... �: 1 `\DESIGNATEDFEATURES �/ / 1// f( 44fro l � °i► �'. �' \� I tz CO (CORPS SITE MEETING 11/14/17) ,/, , ,// {1 \i�\\\�y,�\.t 4°010,� 1400-% OA l - -` - - �- / � \ 1, ' ^) = U•! fY LU TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED 'I,t 41�-,�� �� a u [ , � � f / r i 8;' ' \ I / ! (n F- w O BUFFERS TO BE APPLIED r l I I ) 3 {?t '(/( -1 !/ �'/e teis ` ,, /, f x t f\ /. , \, \� ll ' __ .i i �_ 1- 06 1 LL =':.. -j77��' 4 `;� � ll('7; f :t / ' j "---'-5- ---<.----: ---------.:,--- .=---:7_.- -- I// 1/1..)0,ilkill V : ' \ _.-- -_-_"7--------- ---... -,..,--, _, -_,-_ ..-.--_--__ --,_-----,- ---„,--,....4.7..-___--;__-_..- ---- ----7---:_.--------_--_--.7----=_----_-,,_-:7_,_—_,,,_____, ____ _,.„ . . _ ( —---- ---_,------ �-, all _ ,/ / r 1 1 1''\ - t DR�IJN%AGE'B UNDAR'>� �Y _.-_, } 1`f ,(,......,__, fIIli //Fr . �.. _ = \\ (Li( //! \I I l -- ,\ — _ _---1 @ r •• , 11 it _ _� \ \ I 1 / t' l ( / \ �` 1J I h 11) it 1 I R/ )�1�- = 1 /` PHASE 2-SOILS WASTE , 1 \ \ ) \ ��`\ J1 { . \\ \fit It 1 l\ ( i - ct — _ _� \ 11I1 Ill�' ( \1 11fI10 14 . � TO BALANCE GRADING 1 l , 1 \ / 1 \A �� t\\ / I( Q ) // -- �,1 rI '� , L //)� - \ ( ( / l \\\\ 1k, N.\J \ ii'' t J / �i — zi . — //!�/ ( \� \`\ 1\\ �1\ ;-�i 26±ACRES y \ \l / j.l zz 0 \ III\ /j I ' \1�� N\\\�\. ( '�V ti s I \ ` , \,. \1 \__s �_ / _- \ ,\\ -_ � Al 11I 11 ; \\ fi/,-} ` (I LF \i\\`, OVERALL \\ \ \ \k ` \ / 1 ��;_ /// 11\ \ `\1 EX.BASIN .,/l/� / / .. -\\`\O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\1\ 764 .// / )0 1 I \ \ 1// /( `1` i >; \ , Atom_— �ll \ I \ � -- - --- --_-_ __ _-_ v v . : ,v 1 I �� lA �( � !/ .. � i� _� \\ \ \\ � \ \\� 1\i lillll(ltt \� J \ I1I l \ \1 ) \ 1 1l !/ ( ( I 1 I SITE � \1 \ 1 \ \ \\\ ill !l \t \ � � o -- — — �\ y �// I ► ` \l 1 //1 ) / 1 inch = 400 ft. 1 111 Ii l) 1J I i r__ v \ V \ / 1 J \ \ .tiA /) /// I i 1 ) i I /� � ,//// �/i/.-- 11) 1111 1 // / \ '� I {1 \` )\ • . / r --, i1 5: 1 �1, //!� /ice / /1//ll / 4 \ _ // ) ) \ l ( -' !,, 11 'Y \ \V v� ,--/// l// I' 1 / / // /IPLAN .%i // i 1\ / / r I \\ i \ / // l PHASE 2 LEGEND I. ,' — / - v A v / // 7 '" / (:' ASPHALTPAVING / • // // / ( / ; \POTENTIAL FOR FUTURE TRAILER PARKING.( /� , ) 1 �/ ! / 1 I WILL BE SUBMITTED TO DWR FOR REVIEW PRIOR / < 1 \ — _ , _/ ' \1 { r)////f // ' i1)i\1 1 \� - „,, < / I / \ 1 1 GRAVEL PAVING SHEET / 1 , \ - -. /// ( I \ \ ) / / TO ANY CONVERSION TO IMPERVIOUS SURFACE. �. _ //—\\ ///// i (/ Lc'< 1 t \ l 1 / / ( \ / / / / • - — a---- — /. 1 \\\\`_w'//�/!/,/I , — — �" i • l i/• I CONCRETE PAVING �` ����\\. \ 1 /!/j \1 \ \ \ / / / / / / /' ) ) I \ "t' — i,-/,�J I 1/ / / 5 I' • / DESIGNATED FEATURES \\\\v /l` I / , , , ( , t %// / 1 t� \ \ 2) / /iii/ j \ I I ' \ \ I — — �, ( / //-- CURB AND GUTTER i (CORPS SITE MEETING 11/14/17) - \, 2 i s� I N .N\ `' r r l / RESERVED FOR EROSION CONTROL BASIN. — //' V<\ ( / ,// -/'" C... I TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED `�ti//III 1 \ 1, /!/ / �— 1 1 ( I CONCRETE SIDEWALK / )1PROBABLE LOCATION FOR FUTURE SCM. _ ii / //f!�O>;1 �/� BUFFERS TO BE APPLIED -_ \ , - -_ _ ,�. „ /1J�}/� — \' �� I I I ! / \� l 1 �� _ / '�i/ //// f// /,/J \(// PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED - r �i/ /j�.�,%// \ \ I / I I 1 ) 1 \ 1 \ \ i �// f l� 11��'�/J�} WETLAND IMPACTS \\�, \\\ �i 'j/,/ , !t \ \� \\,\,\ "�\\ lll� \ \ ) i , 1.\ loll , 1I I . ,\\ \\, ��/, , /. 1(,I((•:- /tr2- � ♦ l % Pe' ‘ D v \/ _ _, _____ ‘ ,\ct Y\. TOTAL IMPACTS - -... . iti . STREAMS a 316 LF EXIST. NGS WETLANDS =4,089 ACRES - .6 ,,,C,,Ii 1_. . ._.------_1' DRIVES VP. t a diem a� i:-'- ,, , ., i1' ,. ND 1 1 - • �ro>,o>w ram-!� EXIST. -- ,- ! --^. /: J .t1_ I_ _,, (. `tt,l e, Locot;on Mop ! c•1 -- _. -_ _ — L. ► '' PROPOSED \ t Nat to scde PROPOSED (�f 7!.�1� ,'1`�� TRAILER LOT. 7RAR ER LOT. 1 __` . et; EXIST. i.�l :;,; �„. .% sTREAu I n -.t-.. . ;; , 4 7YP. Z.��G• wry' `rt t . . 'I, • 1, e,� t ,:. EXIST -,4.• Ph' T`• t �'••f: . WETLAND �) EXIST• Y t n �� I W+rct+Ra Two T♦' -L �-- - 1�• • c^I_ 1i.I• 4:;Y• s•....1.11. 1 Mid-Atlantic •WO.1.• ' •7a7t.= :1 r. T,.; ■uv 3. .. Ste' rt'•;'' r--C',Ai1si:,„„,u.m..... aw..p'•./ I g Manufacturing & _ _._-' = ._ - 81 •; . . ', i C Distribution Center —~'• -C:` PROPOSED � `IFz ' �� PROPOSED Stream &Wetlands Impacts STREAM TRAILER LOT. GL.N PROPOSED �''r TRAILER LOT. TST WET RAIL SPUR - �; Overall Key EXIST DETENTION y f I • Prepared tor. WETLAND POND B n.P O�NNO 1`E , oAY+nwar EXIST. EXIST► 1, POND {�*Je �? WETLAND rm. II . 1 MST. Project k 12•180 .STREAlti 1.112* .i III WETLAND Ptaparod bY: EXIST. VfETLAND cos% if, r yy iYP WETLAND ,C • LAI�iT .R- • TYPHf 111P TYP. ! sn .N kaeccn+n AA Lond atrmnhn r xnnaurs iof ® �II1 a �I I I goo sc : 00 = 700' 700 PROPERTY 4 LINE North • -., —- - t- �- _ FIGURE 6 spry , Rl LU E. 13,I RD LN --. _ -- r STREAM IO LOCATION MAP ' : 1INN An ASHLEY FURNITURE --. MID ATLANTIC rt MANUFACTURING AND rLI ; e 1 i • • . DISTRIBUTION CENTER • sill !' 9iS BALTIMORE ROAQ t . r 1 .4111W ~^ N RT CAROLINA O ue.- y _ _ _ - - • . . ' 1 • c 3 .4:tl,i,l-t- -lN-,Ni-iiN-,i i4,-W.._. ..-.t___,..o_7-_,-._-...__._...w____.!_m i_-,o.w_...- • ram., 1 LLP E CAROLINAS i 3 — r -1 rg _ _ s 4' ' t . SOURCE: _ ilJf DAME COUNTY 1 j.= 1 - t - GIS WEEISITE f- . - 0n' `■•• r p — 2O10AERIAL r .. PHOTOGRAPH li ,,K:, - „„ - _. i ECS PROJECT O9-21 1G6A • ` t LEGEND i+ •? x i Site Boundary b9 t _ t�= Aximate e r- "._"'V` . ;;. ,{, ` f _ - '•.. : Perennial Stream i - � -- �� • i Location of } Intermittent amttent �� K - `, µ 1� �� Approximale i,�14:i. • k� ' �� t '- Location of F. _ _ Wetlands �': t� fit'. . I r >d 3 • •' , f sii� 4 � r■ Appronimate • i -q� _-1�.� Location of Pond i f - Alt. - ' / p. 11 . : stream y i i s ,, I IA�-+ ? �y p,�• O Identification �" �� f1l� I -j,s' -Y ,.. •T.t �' : T - a• _ SCALE - _ _ S t • - I r, y erg -t FIGURE 7 j L�JC 'L � u• y -. , • t r j ; WETLAND ID '.Pfi ' t niow LOCATION MAP • i _ ' ' N 'MN ' i4-j • ASHLEY FURNITURE Y MID-ATLANTIC F �. i,.MIL -` MANUFACTURING AND a �'* r DISTRSEtUT10N CENTER t E . 916 ROAD :, i • EIALTIAiORE c r 111111.NM NORTH CAROUNA y --. .. — "c.;. - k 4. ' c L t <Als/ I fl 1 ; CAROLINAS _ _ — I s ' *r 1y i .:".'trig; !. S 1'= - -. :'.7.' _. y ',.. _ .r. r SOURCE. • K } 4' - °I' ! DAME COUNTY ••' • 1. r �r E - • r ' t 2010AERIAL z w r ` _ PHOTOGRAPH t .,. _ 't, • , ECSPROECT09-211OfiA . lit, I` 3 , . , ' LEGEND 4 y � F Ste Boundary /mir N m � .ifs, - LONGLEAF 4_i E �"S! Approximate # • j _ „ t;.. x: ._ /N� Location of a ��. •- �,. - . .. - y Perennial Stream e - . ' i r Approximate C : ) • 11,. Location of ors , a _ ! r-q Inietrnittent r �Y + t r Stream .1 M }K LAY tf" , = ` 1 r l` ', s ,. • ..t.t _ : • �. 'r ir � " . tE''t Approximate r) I 'i p` Location of 1. i . f I ' Wetlands • t f x•` Approximate L. , L .'/ ..... �tti Location of Pond 411110\ Wetland • t,, - Iv. i _.,e t , ` c'a.3 $ • . iT•I 0,11 ` L 1i .I.` ry •, =, VP! • ' ...,_..;..,.,......„ '_ B_R_U..,S.. .....Hc. __.M_.r...Ta.-N.a.,. 0. SCALE .. z , . _ .....,.. . ,....„,./..,.„„S,it .. `.'.4ii...3.r- IOC .1 11:r Or, / I / ( / . --'-' 9°."--- -•``''''...:. 9 / / / / - I \ \ A.J1 : ;:::), - .- /'''' ) .-ici -‘'rl ,r, 1 - // /// /' •° ! lig NA '7! :!!!,..:F.1..,•1...*L..1.n.,-!. -,!..,.. ....-...-.........-'2`.- ....1 ._, ......, _. .1 .1... „......_.........„ .L...„.. .10 ..._...„.......... _.._................ -:::,,,:‘,. 4,qi ... . „ , „,,* ,,, ;; .../., ,, ./ / / , \Tk.=-- iiiiii*--io.,:mit. .-AvAigikvir .4020:. - /////z/////.., yi' . 1 I i \) wlf►T,��►' t►+►ri► ` i► / f / / \E ,/ T >•''�'J!l ♦ ` A�,�►'LTrTrT T�►' 111-10.1II..rFe.IiA..fWW.`11.AV.A'VV,AAT.- r a / LEGEN1N D 7 / rd . �TI►�TVLY12 'r 11 r.11T„a STREAM kr /. , ( Mi ►rT.T�T aTrTe. . - ��!� T: — rTAPAYWAA ►A _ BOUND \ \ 7 — VAS,' IV litrix:1////// —0- 'I ?? .iTi►TL�T .AAA.�►�r,��A. r�1'l:rwT.ii�Airy►' �'�1J►Tr '7,A" / N t - Tifa7* i7AA . 111: m� , � wr � -Atlantic�'��TrT,�T�TwTI ",.. rTCiDooi) t�{fA Y f .r _ IOW .. "rre 4 z::;�:�� � -' !�i►.f1Ti �AA' Manufacturing &i — -' ►TrTr!'ia�^�¢��:�� �r. �,. w. ��'� -�►�Gf►.J1Tiy :�t �r�.��=.�.�,� �;},:�,�y�.; �;.._ ;�i�`.�,1�Ji�e1�I►��''�iMT�l� ce ,,,er 4%-i;: i r_ � 0.437 AC aP QiSTURHED WETiAN:.�:e.:AV r —y�o ' - l `atWla ,gTAPc ' T" ir��` -V AV /► W�.....�►.,,rA T Stream8Wetlands tm acts i!tii{..���.3r.r.c..�`:;�,��fit`�� �., ,VA. - .AV ��'1.4?�.�►1'�,i��i►�f./T B: .a.,,t1 Ow-Up 5 :��,a-��s:-��.:�#�,�;.t � - ,�,..,,, .�!�.t...t':�!.A.i�/�s����,r,,�,f�_�J.��.,�►�i�'IF'•� '�rlTwT,�T:mp.�i.�� ���_���4. �,.Ii.,�'�.1►�►ACirA.��,�►�5. ��►w.yv �' ,rift � or Ali:,rC.�!AirlT,ij i'/i� V�,r7Ary PROPOSED �r��.TiC► -�i1►�rr FAM 12 F;l � 4 4.741r t0�:rA+IA�lf.T,iir 7A r j !"' ;A �►�► �►�11!'1! t►�i�'I ♦.►'►I�I��!�rr�i►'�r,,i` ,a11►�T,���.�t ��. Z. s ` 0:(t ^ ANYTip'�Alli �1,r.7%'r/�, yi�r�►TG'�.i►TT e v ! / eY�•T�1�.lf.►„. ?�►!//�rl.�`��►`IAIar./ 1IT7A`I► T �Tr�iTrlAT.� 001 M(titiG$i'RUI I ;f `.# 1!��lff.��l►'�I�`I.A�'/rrA1�7 TI .7Ti�' . ►I�'Gril►.��.�T.�'�rT�iT1►TWVAIit,,,,,,, stimmei r r _ . i `Iy I/ 'srT1TI."�'!►' Ct 01 slto . zs:, / / !�w�,��.��rwrv.►�rrT.�T,►.�.r�,rT��rT�. �.,���i�rr � �,� �,... .� �� F�n; l rwAVir !iT/!►� - A. '�' ►T`IAr`�j►�►sT �►rA a _ s «J�v�►�r�,:wVarrT-� '•�rT�.�� � � •►rrTrATAATnTi►�!T T` r so � . Q _ 6� Q i �,��/ �►�`A rT � . .`t►�I.�Ilt1VJA►1�.�T r. y I►�►T 11►Ti►A. '� 10, p o fti ,�'Irl-r 1►.. ',I��►,r' ►,1�,��A•ry�TAyAsfA y�•,►w�, T1T �f , North