HomeMy WebLinkAboutVer _Year 1 Monitoring Report_20190702From: Doug Dorman To: Scarbrauah. Anthony; Ralieah.w.bland(c�suace.armv.mil; Renaldi. Ronald; Dumoor. Samir; Sullivan. Shelton Subject: [External] Fwd: 2018 report Date: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 5:45:03 PM Attachments: 2018 Annual Monitoring Report FINAL as of 7 2019.pdf xternal email. Do nOT click links or open ents unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an a�chment to reoort.spamCcDnc.gov To All, We had to make some minor changes to the 2018 report. Please disregard the first version and use this for the review. Thank you, Doug Dorman Atlantic Environmental Consultants, LLC PO Box 3266 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 252-261-7707 office 252-599-2603 cell ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Roxanne Dorman <roxdormanlna gmail.com> Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2019 at 17:26 Subject: 2018 report To: Doug Dorman <dougdaec&gmail.com> Sincerely, Roxanne D. Dorman Atlantic Environmental Consultants, LLC P.O. Box 3266 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 (252)261-7707 (252)202-3312 ANNUAL WETLAND RESTORATION MONITORING REPORT YEAR 2018 GB Investment Group, LLC CURRITUCK COUNTY, NC Prepared by: Atlantic Environmental Consultants, LLC I�0 :• rIT11 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 June 2019 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT PROPERTY LOCATION: —370 -acres off Lucinda Lane, Powells Point, Currituck County, North Carolina PROPERTY OWNER: GB Investment Group, LLC MAILING ADDRESS: 345 Jarvisburg Road, Jarvisburg, NC 27947 TELEPHONE: (252)202-8005 AUTHORZED AGENT: AEC, Doug Dorman, Environmental Consultant/Wetlands Specialist MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 3266 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 TELEPHONE: (252) 261-7707 (252) 599-2603 ATTACHED RESTORATION REPORT TITLE: Annual Wetland Restoration Monitoring Report GB Investment Group, LLC PREPARERS: Doug Dorman, Roxanne Dorman DATE: June 30, 2019 GB Investment Group, LLC Currituck Year 2018 Annual Monitoring Report Table of Contents PROJECT OVERVIEW/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................... 1 REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................1 Restoration Conditions................................................................................. 2 Restoration Goals.........................................................................................2 Restoration Performance Standards Success ............................................... 2 SUMMARY DATA.............................................................. 3 MonitoringMethods..................................................................................... 3 SoilsData.......................................................................................................3 Open Water and AEC Restoration Areas ....................................................... 3 Forested Restoration Areas...........................................................................4 Erosion Control Measures.............................................................................4 Estimates of Percent Vegetative Cover of Restoration Site and Percent Cover of the Invasive Species......................................................... 4 Table1.......................................................................................................... 4 InvasiveSpecies............................................................................................ 5 Woody Stock Survivability at Monitoring Stations ......................................... 5 CONCLUSION.................................................................... 5 LIST OF APPENDICES A - Restoration Plan B - Site Photographs GB Investment Group, LLC Powells Point, Currituck County May 2018 Annual Monitoring Report PROJECT OVERVIEW/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report documents the results of the first year of wetland restoration monitoring at the GB Investment Group, LLC site located on approximately 370 -acres in Powells Point, Poplar Branch Township, Currituck County, North Carolina. Restoration includes 14.57 -acres of U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) jurisdictional Section 404 wetlands, which were impacted in the spring of 2017, along with disturbance in navigable waters of the U.S., during a land clearing project, for the ease of maintenance and for potential future development adjacent to the Albemarle Sound. Wetland impacts from mechanized clearing, excavation, and fill activities in Section 404 wetlands were delineated by Doug Dorman with Atlantic Environmental Consultants, LLC (AEC) and verified by the USACE on May 9, 2017, May 24, 2017 and May 31, 2017. The Restoration Plan submitted August 29, 2017 includes restoring the disturbed 14.57 -acres of Section 404 wetlands to the original condition, by removing fill material within the designated wetland areas and placing the material on highground, followed by grading to reestablish pre -project elevations and contours within the impacted areas (Appendix A). Restoration also included seeding disturbed wetland areas with native wetland species and planting saplings with native species specific in the areas located on the Restoration Plan. In the fall of 2017, seeding and planting took place to accomplish the requirements of the restoration project. Following restoration guidance and planting, monitoring was to be conducted yearly for three consecutive years (2018-2020). This report includes monitoring for 2018. The site is comprised of a variety of wetland cover types including grassed, herbaceous, scrub -shrub and forested. The site hydrology is indicative of wetland conditions. Plant densities are low due to the late fall (2017) seeding, combined with atypical rainfall. As of the 2018 monitoring, planting densities met the success standard of 260 woody plants per acre. Survival of the plantings were observed to be high at this time. Minimal invasive wetland species were observed at the restoration site, within two of the sixteen observation stations. The site will again be monitored for invasive species and remediation measures may be taken if needed to maintain the performance standard. The restoration site continues to show very good wildlife use. During the monitoring event the following were observed, waterfowl, wild turkey, white tailed deer, and many amphibians that use the site which is an indicator that the desired wildlife function is being achieved. REQUIREMENTS Restoration Conditions Restoration special conditions: (1) The wetland restoration involve the removing of unauthorized fill in wetlands as designated in Appendix A, and re-establish pre -project elevations and contours within the impacted areas, (2) newly graded depression areas are to be seeded with native species of grasses which currently exist in other wetland areas on site, (3) disturbed wetland areas which were previously forested with native wetland hardwood tree species to be replanted with native sapling hardwoods (black gum Nyssa sylvanica, tulip poplar Liriodenron tulipifera, bald cypress Taxodium distichum and GB Investment Group, LLC Powells Point, Currituck County May 2018 Annual Monitoring Report swamp chestnut Quercus michaauxii), along with depression features where grading has occurred, and include shrub species (wax myrtle Myrica cerifera). Restoration Goals The GB Investment Group, LLC site resulted in 14.57 acres of wetland disturbance. Summary of project wetland impacts and restoration areas are listed below. Jurisdictional Section 404 Wetland Impact Area — 14.57 acres Restoration including graded areas — 14.57 acres Remove fill in USACE jurisdictional 404 wetlands within the AEC = 210 s.f. Disturbance within the AEC graded and restored to pre -project elevation and replanted = 5,085 s.f. Excavation/dredge basin without authorization re-establish naturalization = 7,205 s.f. Open water fill re-establish naturalization = 3,550 s.f. Total Restoration Area —14.57 acres Restoration of wetland impacts include mechanically removing soil in areas that were once filled. These areas were graded to the pre -project elevation. Pollution control measures will be practiced throughout the grading operation including: erosion control measures, avoidance of further wetland impacts, excavated material to be transported to highground on site, designated fueling areas located at least 150 feet from any wetlands or waterways, waste material generated will not enter surface waters. The wetland functions and values affected by mechanical means include" groundwater interaction, flood flow alteration sediment/shoreline stabilization. The design objective at the restoration site was to replace wetland functions and values affected or lost by unauthorized mechanical means. The site is adjacent to a large block of contiguous natural habitat. The majority of the restoration site was designed as forested wetland to maintain the in-kind replacement design goal. With the forested areas a further design goal was to provide a diversity of vegetation, and a diversity of vegetation strata. The restoration cover types at the site include a mixture of grassed, herbaceous, scrub -shrub, forested species. Restoration Performance Standards Success The objectives for the first year (2017-18) included: (1) restoring the disturbed wetland grade, seeding and planting native wetland species to achieve a 50% emergent cover in the restored portion by the end of 2018, and 85% emergent cover by year 3 (2020). Since planting in the fall of 2017, the emergent cover goal of 50% was not achieved, due to wetter conditions and late seeding. The goal for 2019 is expected to increase throughout the growing season and meet the 85% goal by 2020, to include 260 trees per acre at the end of 2020; (2) No more than 15% cover of non-native invasive species shall be GB Investment Group, LLC Powells Point, Currituck County May 2018 Annual Monitoring Report present within three years of restoration. Non-native invasive species Common Reed Phragmites australis are located adjacent to the restoration site areas in heavy stands, therefore a small percentage of this non-native species has been observed during the first monitoring. SUMMARY DATA This is the first monitoring report for the disturbed site. Since the restoration began in late fall of 2017, inspections were made within the growing season, to evaluate site stability for vegetative cover, condition of planted stock, volunteers, and evasive species. Monitoring Methods For the annual assessment, sixteen (16) fixed monitoring stations were established at the Site. The 16 monitoring sites were comprised of the following cover types: emergent, grassed, shrub and forested. The 16 stations were marked with white pvc pipe with pink flagging tape. PVC pipes were placed after the 2018 pictures were taken (Appendix B). Assessments of planted stock were made at each of the fixed monitoring stations using a 30 -foot radius assessment plot. The fixed monitoring stations also were used to assess dominant herbaceous vegetation. All herbaceous vegetation was recorded, and percent cover was estimated for determining dominance. Invasive species in the 30 -foot radius assessment plot were noted. The restoration site was extensively walked to search for invasive species. Invasive species were not observed at the restoration site at this time. Soils Data Soils test pits/profiles were completed during 2017. The existing soils at the restoration site are hydric soils with a high organic content and fine -textured slow draining characteristics (Bojac loamy sand, Currituck mucky peat, and Ponzer muck). Open Water and Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) Restoration Areas Observations and current aerials conclude the unauthorized fill placed in open water (Waters of the US) and within the AEC has eroded away during previous storm events, which has returned this area back into its original state. This area was observed with continued natural erosion through storm events, during the first monitoring event. After observations during meetings on site with State and Federal officials, the unauthorized excavation within the basin began to silt in and naturalize in 2017, which should eventually return the basin back to the original contour/depths that existed before the unauthorized mechanized excavation took place. Since the site of the open water excavation was already silting in and naturalizing during previous storm events in 2017, this area was left alone with the assumption natural events will continue to fill the area GB Investment Group, LLC Powells Point, Currituck County May 2018 Annual Monitoring Report once excavated. This area was observed with continued silting in and naturalizing during the monitoring event. Unauthorized disturbance (5,085 s.f.) of USACE jurisdictional Section 404 wetlands within the AEC was restored in 2017 to the original contour by mechanical means, seeded and planted with native wetland species. Forested Restoration Areas Forested restoration areas were observed to have a high survivability since planting late fall of 2017. Erosion Control Measures Erosion control measures are still located in the original placements to prevent loose sand runoff into the adjacent wetlands. Estimates of Percent Vegetative Cover for Restoration Site and Percent Cover of the Invasive Species The wetland vegetation grasses are currently low to moderate within the restoration areas. The coverage observed at the monitoring stations ranged from 10 to 50%. Species observed in the 16 monitoring stations are listed below in Table 1. TABLE 1. Monitoring stations species observations STATION M Woody Stock Phragmites N Typha latifolia Juncus/ Scirpus Foeniculum vulgare Leersia spp Iva Hydrocotyle frutascens spp Merica cerifera 1 10 30 10 2 20 10 5 3 30 1 10 4 10 20 2 20 5 ^200 30 2 6 —400 50 2 5 7 —400 50 8 —400 10 20 10 1 9 —400 5 20 3 10 —300 20 1 1 11 ^300 30 2 2 12 ^300 1 15 13 —300 10 2 14 —300 20/40 15 —300 20 10 1 16 —200 40/10 4 GB Investment Group, LLC Powells Point, Currituck County May 2018 Annual Monitoring Report Some variation in herbaceous plant communities was noted and is expected for an evolving site and weather conditions that vary from year to year (wetter or drier). The species composition is indicative of wetland communities and hydrophytic vegetation is occurring at the site. Invasive Species Invasive species observed were common reed Phragmites australis were observed within four of the 16 observation stations. The common reed Phragmites australis is currently growing in a thick stand adjacent to some monitoring stations. Woody Stock Survivability at Monitoring Stations Woody stock survivability within the 16 monitoring stations were observed to be very high at this time. CONCLUSION This year's monitoring indicates that the desired functions are developing on the site and the site appears stable. At this time, the monitoring prognosis of the site is good. Overall plantings have a high survivability. Overall wetland grass cover on the site is fair and will improve over time. The site hydrology is indicative of wetland conditions. Open water restoration was not necessary since the filled/disturbed area was naturally filling in. No erosion was noted on site. Woody stock survival is high and replanting is not required at this time. All success standards are not met at this time but is promising over the next couple of years. APPENDIX A \ 1 JL PARCELN/F B \BA ROCCOMMERCE CENTER y. \ roam---- \` All, N All, EPR RESORTS LLC yea / roaaee / SEE E 7 OF 7 •1 ATLANTIC OCEAN / 4• FORTUNE BAY GOLF CLUB, LLC .S, DUCK AL JL / AL / I . POWELLS z c A / A, / F \Z< l 77��$/l7 < HIN COM ERG\ POINT .k AIL ALBEMARLE s '` ,►rte / W 1� SOUND SITE 1L N/F C POINT EPR RREnKd LLC HARBOR roo.w " CO VICINITY MAP NTS A. ,L 'N` POND 1� _ 0.70 ACRES N) 1 A, 1 tf flETLANDS" UPLANDS '1III, SHEET 8 OF 7AL 3' / L LAN �11+ SEE ,pH�NLuaxDA LEGEND ,i/OF 4 • TZ r i r r EXISTING WETLANDS DUSTURBED WETLAND AREAS �\ A, Ayr - /IE i. t — as aax�rauaW (ngOq — 6f r -----_- PROPERTY BOUNDARY 1 , , �""ro ' N/F 404 WETLAND LINE i 4 %/ �, ♦ A` STATE OF % i - ________________________ DISTURBED WELAND LIMITS f,.%� ` ♦ ` - _ NORTH CAROLINA s� ____________________________ NORMAL WATER LEVEL (NWL) 05/22/17 ALBEMARLE SOUND % SEE SHEET 3 OF 7 AL I / I1 iY. ! I/� A, SEE SHEET 4 OF 7 1L �� 1 i4 ��� A UPLANDS N AL I / WALTER K. &wAaRGmARET PAVEY A. / Ak I K7'6'" emw i ```\ N WALTER K. d GARET PAVEY AL �1 i► A' L N/F FARGO BANK I AL AL WETLANDS � I � WELLS I •��/ PINE CONE RROPPERTIES, LLC AL & AL / roaameo I & ,& SEE SHE- 5 OF 7 (/�•,, WAYNE F. NJHII ELBROCK ---- ro w m SEE SHEET 2 OF 7 s srwar a :axnw SHEET 1 OF 6 AKE PROWEIFTIES, LLC WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN CRAPTflC scALE s(d�) GB INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC POWELLS POINT CURRINCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SEE SHEET 1 OF 7 ,471,071C ENi1/rPDNMENTAL CONSIV 4NTS, LLC PO BOX 3266 KITTY 14AWK NORT14 CAROLINA Phone/Fa%� (252) 261-7707 E-MQII- tlougdaec2g—It. n WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r �`• EXISTING WETLANDS -------------------- —rrrrrrr—rrrrrrrrrrr - - - r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r- -------------------- \ r '•; �y:•4:•�;�: i a y --------------- r r r r r r a r r r rrrr r r r r rrrr r r r r r r WITH WETLAND SEED MIX. r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r \. y r CONCERN 15,085 SF . r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ` ` r rrrr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r `\ OPEN WATER FILL AREAS (3,550 SOUARE FEET) NOTES: - r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r s -ss AREA OF WETLANDS DISTURBED = 0.55 ACRES (24,033 SF) AREA OF WETLANDS FILLED = 0.01 ACRES (2,460 SF) r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r - 5 p TOTAL OF WETLANDS IMPACTED = 0.56 ACRES (26,493 SF) y r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ------------------------- - - r 404 WETLAND LINE r 75' AEC LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a 30' DCM BUFFER UNE r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r a 4 r rrrr— r r r —rrrr r r r —rrrr r� --rrrrrr rrrrrr-- rrrrrrr 1 ar RRo: •?�' r r r r rr r r r r r r rr r r r —rrrr r r r r r r rr r r r r r r rr r r r r r r rr r Ij 1 1 Ar CF 1®4m A10mOm mi r rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr n y� �' a `�•♦ ('''. .. y a t •, ��::. r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r� rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJ::it:::;i� `) �1� r rrrr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r II �; ,•: r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 1 a � �•�. �,;i r rrrr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r1 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr— i l •„� � r rrrr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ;:;i}•:.51 �-"'i�'' �•�'�•:•I r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r' r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rrrrrr (, y i y ��...,'' °fO'�"' '�•:4:;� r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r i r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rr r r r r r r rr r r r rrr r r r r rr r r r r r r rr r r r rrr t6jU!- MATCH LINE A -A, r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r \/l� - � N I' f O R DT G STATION y1 tam r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 001-101 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rr 1 ''c/ .r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r - u y, r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rrrrrr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r- / �. ><-•n rL6 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rTCJvFJ�la�l.--r3k� 1diV�Jr r r r r �a� "t° a • es / r r r r r r - - - - - - - _ J r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rrrr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rr rr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r// • a r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r y \ r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rrrrrr.-gM, a r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 'JJ”' r - r r r r Jr� y oo r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rrrrrr r .�a `\ r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ------ r r\ - r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ----- r r r \ r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r y r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r - r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rrrr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r\ 1 i) r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r --------------------- r r r rrrr r r r r rrrr r r r r rrrr r r r r rrrr r r r r rrrr r , r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ri r r r rrrr r r r r rrrr r r r r rrrr r r r r rrrr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r y ,' ` r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rl r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r -- r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r — qgpw wjwr r r r r r r r r --------- rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ------ - rrrrrr r r r rr r r r r r rr--1*41D}-r r r r rr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r - r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r '•arm i y i e y a r y a y - srnElw Ixml F,ARttl11h a mulm mWmw m m n � m ma T4BAm mm mT �. STATION K2f' �P 0 a 9� i 5�E )ETAj,T F&SP DIRTAff, a LEGEND WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN r GB INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC EXISTING WETLANDS r FILL TO BE REMOVEDWETLANDS 0.056 ACRES 2.460 SF)OM r '•; �y:•4:•�;�: AREA OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE TO BE PLANTED WITH WETLAND SEED MIX. DISTURBANCE W11HIN THE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL y r CONCERN 15,085 SF . - OPEN WATER FILL AREAS (3,550 SOUARE FEET) FILL MATERIAL NO LONGER EXISTS s -ss EXISTING WATER DEPTHS r MONITORING STATONS PROPOSED SILT FENCE ------------------------- LIMITS OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE --------------------------- 404 WETLAND LINE — - - - - - — 75' AEC LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a 30' DCM BUFFER UNE ------------------------ PROPERTY BOUNDARY r — - - - - - — NORMAL WATER LEVEL (NWL) 05/22/17 m ° GB 2017 WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN mmin DAD GB INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC 7/18/17 POWELLS POINT CURRITUCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA S 5549'47' W 42358.39' 32358.39' — SHEET 2 OF 7 ,410N71C ENi1/rPDNMENTAL CONSIV 4NTS, LLC PO BOX 3266 KITTY 14AWK NORTN CAROLINA Phone/Fn%� (252) 261-7707 E-Mnll- tlougdnec9gnnll.can y r a - y - - i i AREA OF WETLANDS DISTURBED = 0.25 ACRES (10,910 SF) - AREA OF WETLANDS FILLED = 0.62 ACRES (26,900 SF) LEGEND % • TOTAL OF WETLANDS IMPACTED= 0.87 ACRES (37,810 SF) - - .. ttt++tom+}++ EXISTING WETLANDS i w `�� -_ a y m oe �l�o o }*}+}+}� *}+}+}; It++}. -� ++i++ a - . FILL TO BE REMOVED FROM WETLANDS a-' a 4 + r+++1k r + + 0.62 ACRES (26,910 SF) `��\ a _ + -+ ---• i` a +++►+++ • K '.•. AREAE ++ WETLAND DISTURBANCE TO BE PLANTED - y `\ ► + :•Y::::. : . WITH WETLAND SEED MIX. ��` a + t +++i+ + 1a +1. + AREA OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE TO BE PLANTED -- 11 a n:lllm ma mulm ®m: g xn°y T 4;{ f4+++ ++ ' MONITORING STATION /6 + WITH NATIVE HARDWOOD SPECIES.` i MONITOR STATIONS a �. - - \+:++ mlim + PROPOSED SILT FENCE ++ + + \\. �- .;`�a �` MONITORING STATION p4 a - 1+a++ +t++ ------------------------ LIMITS OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE ---------------------------- 404 WETLAND UNE + + + ________________________ PROPERTY BOUNDARY +oa��\1 + + w r • + raaroaD au NNo: i +++t+ + + + +f k4+ +++++"++ a A, ++t+++++++ I• . 1 + Al++ + AL`L _ a1 avAoe a Y •1 y - -- •.w/ ;*tf++#+ff f �f++i++ +++++++fit+++++ ���� i f t t + ♦ + R OrIWr 4/m/1f y a a rr Y . �Ip,p /4 4 a i i n �y-�-- r� raaroxD aT -' - = 41v lulm um�om�wcDa ro s a i +aa mwme - �� M4 mMla E. _ m m1R1Elm rL1m OBMFIIT) G r: f H•: B ` a - I•( �\ N }• � YON17'ORQ11 STATION Y9 1.. SILT '.Ni DETAII. � � - ' - � ur a ovum owmw• m ® - tier room m1 moo ®lo MATCH LINE A- .1 i "' amlmr `.� dd18Rlf'm SHEET 3 OF 7 i �y:js i GRAProC SCALE X. WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN 1 4/13/1 REVISIONS FOR MONITOR REPORT ,41L4N116'ENS/rPDNMENT.4L CDNSULT,4NTS, LLC DAD PD BOX 3266 KITTY HAWK NORTH CAROLINA GB INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC Phone/Fox (252) 261-7707 j• r-+ a „� E -Malt- tlougtlnec2gnnll.cOn `� •, fid i 7/19/17 POWELLS POINT CURRITUCN COUNTY NORTH CAR" INA MATCH LINE C -CT a a i a i a , 4 + t►t ++ ttr i + a i++ +i + y+ ++ +++++ ++ NOTES: f + 4 ++t+` /+,+++ + 4++++ +++ + + 4 + + AREA OF WETLANDS DISTURBED = ACR ACRES (400,514 SF) .F + + + i + ii+ + NKPOiD YT RM¢ AREA OF WETLANDS FILLED = 1.67 ACRES (]2,584 SF) `; ++++++.+.++++++ ++ + +++ + i + '* 4 +++ 4+4++ 4+4++++ 4+4+�4+ TOTAL OF WETLANDS IMPACTED= 0.67 ACRES (3],810 SF) a i a+f + ++�+ + * + f r +++ +++t 7y��+r+ +++++ + + t ++�IbIN1Wf+y1 18t1'�11yA /� + ++++++ +++++ + .w 1Ta e.,o ® 10 s R.wlm i {++++t +;:+:+++,:++++++.-++++ �+r++t+++4 +++++ 4 ++++++fi{*+++ a i ! + + + a 4 +++4++++++++++++aaD�s+++++++++AC++++++++++++ a a �� ++�+++ + ya •. _ a ++ ++ t ++ +++++ . +t9+++ t ++ +ti++ + r ' : +•. ++$++++++ ++++ � ++ a++ +++ +++ ++ 4++ ++i +• + r r +++ + + + +++++++++++ + + i / + + ++a++ + ♦+++++++1a+ + + + R +++ t++++ t++ a++++++++ r�yF� ++++++++++i+++++++++# + +++++++++++ a a / + + ++++ +++++a+++ + ++++++ ++ + + + + + + + + +++ a .i+t}+++4+g++++ ++*++ oa=n air rvia ti "++++.+++++I.+++++ r++++++4+++++++++ t + + + t +++ +++++++ +++++++++ /S + + + + •+++++++ + + + + i++++ + + + ++++++++++++++++:++++t+t+++++t+t++ + /+ +*+ ++++ +++++++M3MTSndoxie*A&i4,+r++++++++++++++++ + t + + +107. OVW 0 + .OVW0+ +++++ +++'t++- ,,, +++ + + + + + + + + + + + ++++++++++++ i + + ' + ' LONITORINC STATION /5 '4+r t ++ ++�++ ++ +,.++ + i `� t+= ++ 11°1J1® +++++++++++,+.++++ j+++t t + + +++ +++r+++++++r+ 4++++++i++++++4h +++++; 1t + + i + MONITORING STATION /B +++ •++ ►++++++ +++ + + +++++ + r + + + +++i+++:+:+:+:++' ++ + + + + r +++++ + + ++t + + + +++ + + + r+ + >iTMiToir+ a ++++++++ ++ + + + i +++++' +++t+r+++t r;++++t++ ++++t++++ t+t++++++ + + t + + + + + + + ++++++++r 1+++++ e�ma000a �m s w+Wo +++'4++ +++A2++ ++�w++la++ ++ ++Z++ w+ ++#+ ++ai +++ OPlalds :+++ + +++++ + t + + + + + ........... t++ ++=++++ + + + + + t +++ + r a+t +++++++ + ++ +++++++++++++ ++*++++**++++t++tt +++++++++++++++ ++++++++�+++++++ ++i++++++++.t+++++++t+++++t+a+++++++. ;t+++++t++++++++ ++++t+t+++++t+++++t+t++ +++++ .. r +• + t + �t + ++ ++_++ i+++ + + + + + +:+:+:+:+: ++ + + + + +++++++++ i+++ + + t t + + t44 -;'f..+ ++#++ r++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, + + ++r*r+++++r+++++ I+ ++++t+++++t++++++ t ++++t+++++t+} raao9m AT R]K£ ++t+++t+t++}i}+;y;. +_++ SHEET 4 OF 7 +++t t ++ ++++1++t t +++:, - +i+ + r+ + a + ++�A++ ++tit.;` + ::::::++ *+ + f' 4 4 + + + + + } "�Q� + ++ 4 +++a+++++++ti+ • a bF lalWDa _+{ ++ ++ +++ LEGEND a i a a i s EXISTING WETLANDS i a a FILL TO BE REMOVED FROM WETLANDS a 1.67 ACRES (72,584 SF) AREA OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE TO BE PLANTED WITH WETLAND SEED MIX. t+t 4 +i► r + AREA OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE TO BE PLANTED WITH NATIVE HARDWOOD SPECIES. m .arn GB 201, WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN ww DAD GB INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC POWELLS POINT CURRITUCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA e� 7/18/17 MONITOR STATIONS PROPOSED SILT FENCE LIMITS OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE 404 WETLAND UNE PROPERTY BOUNDARY ..BBB ,o .0 DRIB —mm f Y /7 SILT FENCE DETALL (+• ♦ ) »' ++ • ++++i + +M + +++++ +r+4++a, i ``�•�+� ++\`+� - r t+�.��r+t ++++++++++ - +++ a+ + ++ t +4+ i .++a+++++a+t `++ ++++y++++++ + ++ ++ + +++++++++++ + ++:+ +;---+++ +++ ------ .!+---.—,, ++++++++ + +++.++++++t++ ++++++ ++,L++++ + + + ++ t++ +++'++ + �l+ +++++++Ws..+ +++Z++++ +4++++ + ++ +� MONITORING ; S,�TATION /11. ++t+:+ ++++*+++++ ++I+++++++++++++�++ ++ +t+ ++++t+++ OP1.1Da i MONITORING STATION /10 `4�-.<,+A+++++ C +A+++++4++++++++++++++++41 +++ �i ++a+++ ++ +Z a0L W 1aIMID OBNaBINO A 6a PMM® WF 1x111® a +++t+ + �++ +{ axe anew RIBDl00D R60< +, i 4++ + a+++ r+t +t+y +++++ +++++ i + + + ++ + ++++++++++++++++: ar Fvxc + + a a +++a+; +++ +++ + ATLANT/C EN!//RONAIENTAL CONSULTANTS, LLC MATCH LINE D - D'+++;+++++;+;+. . PO BOX 3266 KITTY HAWK NORTH CAROLINA Ph—/FAX. (252) 261-7707+*++++++ +++ 4♦ E-M41L d-gdft-IL m * i +riF i +++A++r r t +++Z MATCH LINE D — D }-:#:�:�:t4:�:�: y WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN i 11y ++ + 7�18�17 POWELLS POINT CURRITUCK COUNTY NORTH CAROUNA 1 /+ + +++: a a 4; a ` a ,++ +; a a a FILL TO BE REMOVED FROM WETLANDS !) a i AREA OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE TO BE PLANTED WITH WETLAND SEED MIX. �• y AREA OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE TO BE PLANTED R; a . PROPOSED SILT FENCE i ------------------------ UMITS OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE -------------------- a i ------------------------ a /• i i 4 i a i STATION /12 :T RNR ~ rr r NOTES: r rr_ 7COTAL O WETLANDS DISTURBED = 1.25 ACRES (64,565 SF) AREA OF WETLANDS FILLED = 0.16 ACRES (6,845 SF) TOTAL OF WETLANDS IMPACTED = 1.41 ACRES (61,410 SF) r \r r it rrr� 7 STATION SIS � r oRn R1 RnR C r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Nip DB 2D1, WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN LEGEND GB INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC ++ + 7�18�17 POWELLS POINT CURRITUCK COUNTY NORTH CAROUNA /+ + +++: a a 4; a a a a EXISTING WETLANDS a ,++ +; a a a FILL TO BE REMOVED FROM WETLANDS !) 1.67 ACRES (72,584 SF) AREA OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE TO BE PLANTED WITH WETLAND SEED MIX. �• +++y 1i + AREA OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE TO BE PLANTED R; WITH NATIVE HARDWOOD SPECIES. i+ �• PROPOSED SILT FENCE i ------------------------ UMITS OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE -------------------- 404 WETLAND UNE / ------------------------ PROPERTY BOUNDARY /• MONITOR STATINS i 4 Nip DB 2D1, WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN NNA DAo GB INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC , 7�18�17 POWELLS POINT CURRITUCK COUNTY NORTH CAROUNA SHEET 5 OF 7 ,41-aIYAC ENi1/rPDNMENTAL CONSULL4NTS, LLC PO BOX 3266 KITTY 14AVK NORTN CAROLINA Phone/FA%� (252) 261-7707 E-MAII- tlougd...eg—II.c— Y i - i •. i Y a a WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN Y a i i a a i t i - r —r r -T •J POWELLS POINT CURRITUCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA � i - ` �• r •--I i q1 OFOYON I /--• r •--I i a _ �• r -I •' Rte!:: ti.........:•::••.. ..:.:.... •;•j; : � nawtm wee nnum � � ' vnume a i 'f::•:•:. `�': :•: :•: :•. :•.: :•% ONI'fORBTG STATION x'14 - i ' 4•. i e , i i ... Y Y ..........:•: AMPoED YT fFxfF MATCH LINE C—C ,. s' :......::::: :..`.,' LEGEND Y a a a Y i EXISTING WETLANDS • ;•* :•: L : AREA OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE TO BE PLANTED WITH WETLAND SEED MIX. PROPOSED SILT FENCE ------------------------ LIMITS OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE ---------------------------- 404 WETLAND LINE ________________________ PROPERTY BOUNDARY E MONITOR STATIONS arxnne nuu nsapm) (( 4' NOFNOF e1 oF) srzT ��cE nErarz SHEET 6 OF 7 WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN NN... oAo GB INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC T�IB�IT POWELLS POINT CURRITUCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA R NOTES: AREA OF WETLANDS DISTURBED = 0.38 ACRES (16,488 SF) AREA OF WETLANDS FILLED = 0.48 ACRES (20,860 SF) TOTAL OF WETLANDS IMPACTED = 0,86 ACRES I3I,348 FI Nm I FABRr4M .qff.T FEBEE DETAIL ► MONITORING STATION #16 ------------ ----------- . .......... ... . . . . . . . LEGEND m DB 201, WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN EXISTING WETLANDS JJEJFa FILL TO BE REMOVED FROM WETLANDS 0.48. ACRES (20.860 SF) AREA OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE TO BE PLANTED WITH WETLAND SEED MIX PROPOSED SILT FENCE ...................... LIMITS OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE ------------------------- 404 WETLAND LINE ---------------------- PROPERTY BOUNDARY 0 MONITOR STATIONS m DB 201, WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN GB INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC POWELLS POINT CURRITUCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 7/18/17 z SHEET 7 OF 7 ,41-1,071C f41i11,f0A1hZ(1Y1-W CONS11LUIVS, ZY PO BOX 3266 KITTY HAWK NORT14 CAROLINA Phone/FaL. (252) 261-7707 E -MAIN- gal ... eq..K.— APPENDIX B Alill vw., -N wrIf �lv M>, 3 � N�x�V Al \ ,e I o i �i tEf� 1 rr I Ji j / 1 �j t r ` �d/ager r �• ` °.9 Vj�lvf ! r II �g �4��A icy,' ������ y�'`,. %r � .t. � � 1\� 1.•l � a.Zti ' A ���" Zyt ) I A • r� 1 , i +: Stations 7 and 14. Looking Northeast 7 —7"iewr ,; Station 10. Looking South Stations 7, 8 and 9. Looking South