HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040337 Ver 1_Complete File_20040413^U_ (? 3 ?j-7 WETLANDS/ 401 GROUP ENT of ryF APR 1 ? 2004 Q?P ,ym United States Department of the Interior Vl FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE WATER QUALITY SECTION Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 ?4RCH 5 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3726 April 7, 2004 Mr. Henry Wicker U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Field Office P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Subject: Action ID # 200400494, Jimmy's Island LLC, Water's Edge at Deerfield Subdivision, Pender County, NC Dear Mr. Wicker: This letter provides the comments of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) on the subject Public Notice (PN), dated March 19, 2004. The applicant, Terry Turner for Jimmy's Island LLC, has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit to construct a community marina consisting of two piers and four docking areas at the Water's Edge at Deerfield Subdivision. We have reviewed the Field Investigation Report (FIR) of the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDM). These comments are submitted in accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). Comments related to the FWCA are to be used in your determination of compliance with 404(b)(1) guidelines (40 CFR 230) and in your public interest review (33 CFR 320.4) in relation to the protection of fish and wildlife resources. Additional comments are provided regarding the District Engineer's determination of project impacts pursuant to section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). In January 2004 the Service received a copy of the Environmental Assessment (EA), dated December 29, 2003, for the proposed action from the NCDCM. The EA addressed a proposal to construct and operate four piers that would constitute the docking facilities for the subdivision. The project would consist of two piers each in Topsail Sound (Dock Facility A), near the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), and Mill Creek (Dock Facility B). No submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) had been observed in the project sites. The AIWW and Topsail Sound near the project have been designated as Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) by the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). The size of boats using the facility would be limited to 21 feet in length. Construction would involve jetting and/or driving timbers into the ground. The Service provided initial comments to the North Carolina Intergovernmental Review Clearinghouse by letter dated February 13, 2004. A copy of this letter was sent to you. 2 The EA discusses the measures to avoid or minimize the environmental impacts of the construction. The appendix of the revised EA contains the response of the applicant to the recommendations of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and the NCDWQ. With the exception of the request by the NCWRC that no future dredging be undertaken in association with these docking facilities, all these recommendations have been accepted by the developer. Regarding dredging, the developer indicates that both Mill Creek and the AIWW are dredge-maintained channels and that dredging would continue to maintain these navigation channels. The Service accepts the continuation of dredging for existing waterways, but would not support new dredging to facilitate access of boats between the development and these existing, maintained channels. The Service is concerned that low piers could harm marsh vegetation by blocking sunlight. The applicant has accepted the NCWRC recommendation that pier decking would be constructed a minimum of four feet off the marsh floor. Project plans (sheet 5 of 5) suggest that most piers would be approximately six feet above the marsh substrate. The Service supports this conservation design feature. As we noted in February, the Service has reviewed available information on federally-threatened or endangered species that could be present in the project area. The only listed species likely to occur in the project area is the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), a federally- endangered mammal. We noted that placing timber by either jetting and/or driving poses a risk to the manatee since water depths at the ends of the proposed piers are given as -3.5 feet at mean low water (MLW).. During high water, manatees would be able to access much of the area of pier construction. We stated that risks to the manatee would be reduced by implementing the "Guidelines for Avoiding Impacts to the West Indian Manatee - Precautionary Measures for Construction Activities in North Carolina Waters." These guidelines are available on our web site at < htti)://ne-es.fws.gov/mammal/manatee guidelines pdf>. The guidelines are intended mainly to ensure that construction personnel are informed that manatees may occur in the work area, that work should cease if a manatee approaches the work area, work should not resume until the manatee leaves the work area, and procedures for reporting the death or injury of a manatee. The risk to manatees would be further reduced by performing the work during the period of November through May. The EA notes that construction would take place "during periods of minimum biological activity," but does not specify the period. The FIR states that Mill Creek is a designated primary nursery area (PNA). The moratorium period for PNAs adopted by the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the Corps is February 15 through September 30. The moratorium period to protect most anadromous fish is February 15 through June 15. The Service recommends that in-water work occur outside the PNA moratorium period that would include all but the final month (October) when manatees are most likely to be in North Carolina. With the inclusion of our manatee guidelines and an in-water work moratorium during the warmest months of the year, the Service would concur with a determination by the District Engineer that the action is not likely to adversely affect species designated as threatened, endangered, or their designated critical habitat. However, the requirement of section 7 would need to be reconsidered if. (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review; or, (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by the identified action. Overall, the Service is pleased that the applicant has accepted the conservation recommendations of the state agencies. We support these recommendations and would not object to the issuance of a DA that contained the following conditions: 1. All pier decking would be minimum of four feet above the marsh floor; 2. No additional dredging would be allowed beyond that which has been performed in the past to maintain navigation in Mill Creek and the AIWW; 3. In-water construction would not occur during the moratorium period for PNAs and anadromous fish which, in combination, prohibits work during the period of February 15 through September 30; and, 4. The Service's "Guidelines for Avoiding Impacts to the West Indian Manatee - Precautionary Measures for Construction Activities in North Carolina Waters" are implemented. The Service appreciates the opportunity to provide these comments on this project. If you have questions regarding these comments, please contact Howard Hall at 919-856-4520, ext. 27, at the address above, or by e-mail at < howard hall2fws. ov >. Sincerely, c ^ J C?? Garland B. Pardue, Ph.D. Ecological Services Supervisor cc: Ronald Mikulak US EPA, Atlanta, GA Ron Sechler, NMFS, Beaufort, NC Mike Street, NC Division of marine Fisheries, Morehead City, NC Bennett Wynne, NCWRC, Kinston, NC John Dorney, NC Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, NC Jim Gregson, NC Division of Coastal Management, Wilmington, NC Kristie Corson, NC Division of Coastal Management, Raleigh, NC MEMORANDUM TO: SUBJECT: John Dorney Non-Discharge Branch Regional Contact: Noelle Lutheran WO Supervisor: Birk Shiver Date: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Jimmy's Island Project Number 04 0337 Recvd From DCM Received Date 3/2/04 Recvd By Region Project Type build an 18 slip community marina County Pender County2 Region Wilmington Certificates Stream Stream Impacts (ft.) Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. MEM CAMA coastal OO Y O N 118 87-11.7 SA ORW 30,624. 022 ? F__ P-)7 O N f Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? 0 Y 0 N Did you request more info? 0 Y Q N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? 0 Y 0 N Is Mitigation required? O Y ON Recommendation: Q issue O Issue/fond O Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) Longitude (ddmmss) Comments: 04/05/04 This office has no objection to this eject as proposed. A 401 Water Quaility Certification is not required. NL cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 A FTMA "JF-A 4®37 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Acting Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary February 26, 2004 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Applicant: Mr. John R. Dorney Division of Water Quality Doug Huggett Major Permits Processing Coordinator WETLANDS/ 404 GROUP MAR 2 2004 WATER QUALITY SECTION CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Jimmy's Island, LLC Project Location: At the end of Great Oak Drive, in the Water's Edge at Deerfield Subdivision, Hampstead, Pender County Proposed Project: To build an 18-slip community marina to serve the Subdivision, consisting of two piers and four docking areas. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by March 21, 2004. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Ed Brooks at 910-395-3900. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-395-3900\Fax: 910-350-2004 \ Internet: http://dcm2.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \10% Post Consumer Paper DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT PROPOSED MODIFICATION OF STATE PERMIT #68-03 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. APPLICANT'S NAME: Jimmy's Island, LLC/Water's Edge Community Marina LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: At the end of Great Oak Drive, adjacent to AIWW and Mill Creek, in the Water's Edge at Deerfield Subdivision, near Hampstead, in Pender County. Photo Index - 2000: 26-336/A-D 8-9, E 9-10 1995: 26-319/H-N 17-18, O 18 -19 1984:18-237/F 8- 9, G & H 8-10, 1 & J 9-10, K & L 10-11,M 11-12andN 11 State Plane Coordinates - X: 2392032.923 Y: 219220.923 GPS File: QI 12018A INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit-11/20/03 2/20/04 Was Applicant Present - Yes No PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received -1/8/04 Office - Wilmington SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Pender County Classification From LUP-AEC areas are classified Conservation; uplands as Limited Transition (B) AEC(s) Involved: EW, CW, PT, ES (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Residential Community Marina (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - Individual septic tanks systems on private lots Planned - N/A (F) Type of Structures: Existing - Subdivision roads and utilities are currently under construction Planned - Construction of an 18-slip marina amenity for the previously permitted 18-lot subdivision. (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] nRFnaFn PTT 7 .P.T) OTAFR (A) Vegetated Wetlands (Coastal marsh & intertidal flats shading) 3,660 sqft. Incorporation (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands - open water 6,064 s ft. (C) Other (D) Total Area Disturbed: 9,724 sqft. (E) Primary Nursery Area: Yes, Mill Creek only (F) Water Classification: Mill Creek - SA Open: No AIWW/Topsail Sound - SA-ORW Open: Yes PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to build an 18-slip community marina to serve the Water's Edge Subdivision. The proposed facilities consist of two piers and four docking areas. Jimmy's Island, LLC/Water's Edge Community Marina Page Two 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicants are requesting a Major Modification to their existing State Permit #68-03. The previously permitted project authorized the upland development of an 18-lot subdivision on the tract. This . application proposes to add community docking facilities as an amenity for the subdivision. To comply with the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), an environmental document was prepared for the project and reviewed through the State Clearinghouse. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was issued on January 8, 2004, following the review process. This application reflects the preferred alternative of the Environmental Assessment (EA). The Water's Edge at Deerfield Subdivision is located at the southern end of Great Oak Drive, off US Hwy. 17, in Hampstead, in Pender County. The 19.95-acre property is located on the north side of Mill Creek, at its confluence with the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW). The subdivision includes eighteen (18) single-family residential lots oriented adjacent to the approximately 2,900 linear feet of shoreline along Mill Creek and the AIWW. The majority of the tract has been cleared of vegetation for the ongoing development of the subdivision roads and utilities. The remaining vegetated periphery along Mill Creek consists primarily of American Holly (Ilex opaca), Live Oak (Quercus virginiana), Sweet Bay (Magnolia virginiana), Hickory (Carya sp.), Yaupon (Ilex vomitoria), Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), Cat-tails (Typha, sp.) and Giant Cane (Arundinaria gigantea). Along the shoreline, the transition between uplands and marsh exhibits Grounsel-bush (Baccharus halimifolia), Marsh-elder (Iva frutescens), Wax Myrtle (Myrica cerifera) and Sea Oxeye (Borrichia frutescens). High coastal marsh vegetation, including, Black Needle Rush (luncus roemarianus), Sea Lavender (Limonium, sp.), Spike Grass (Disticlus spicata) and Salt Meadow Grass (Spartina patens) intermix on the upper side of the Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniora ) coastal wetland border that parallels the shoreline. In the project area, the NC Division of Water Quality classifies the waters of the AIWW/Topsail Sound, as SA-ORW, and the waters of Mill Creek as SA. The NC Division of Marine Fisheries has designated the waters of Mill Creek as a Primary Nursery Area (PNA). The waters of Mill Creek are CLOSED to harvest of shellfish. The adjacent waters of the AIWW/Topsail Sound on the east side of the project are not designated as Primary Nursery Area (PNA), and they are OPEN to shellfishing. The applicants propose to construct an 18-slip community marina consisting of two piers, each with two docking areas. The first 9-slip pier (Dock Facility "A") would be located adjacent to the AIWW/Topsail Sound portion of the property. The pier would extend into Topsail Sound from an easement (25' wide), between Lot 2 and Lot 3. At approximately 150 feet into the marsh, the pier walkway would diverge from a T-intersection to access the two docking areas. The total length of the three walkway sections would be 595 feet. The walkway width would be 6 feet. The northern docking area would consist of a T- head floating dock (90' long X 6' wide), with three (3) perpendicular finger piers (24' long X 3' wide) installed to create five (5) boat slips. The southern docking area would consist of a T-head floating dock (40' long X 6' wide), with two -(2) perpendicular finger piers (24' long X 3' wide) installed to create four (4) boat slips. At both docking areas, there would be a covered deck (16' X 16') constructed adjacent to the pier walkway, landward of the ramps that access the docks. Boatlifts (14' X 14') would be installed in each of the nine (9) boat slips as requested by the subsequent property owners. All pier and docking structures would be located 80 feet from the adjacent federal channel. It should be noted that the AIWW channel makes a turns between the two docking areas and that each floating dock is oriented parallel to their respective tangent of the waterway channel. (Elevations shown on the project drawings are relative Jimmy's Island, LLC/Water's Edge Community Marina Page Three to National Geodetic Vertical Datum-1929 (NGVD'29). To convert these elevations to water depths at low water, you must add +0.50 to the number.) Water depths in the northern docking area would be -1.41 feet to -2.86 feet at low water, and depths in the southern docking area would be -3.42 feet to -3.75 feet at low water. The second 9-slip docking area (Dock Facility "B") would be located on Mill Creek. The pier would be accessed from Water's Edge Drive by a wooden walkway constructed along a pedestrian easement (20' wide), between Lots 17 and 18. The pier (265' long X 6" wide) would extend to the southern docking area which would consist of a T-head floating dock (120' long X 6' wide), creating four (4) parallel boat slips. A second leg of pier walkway would branch off to access the northern docking area. The total length of this walkway section would be 345 feet. The walkway width would be 6 feet. The northern docking area would consist of a L-head floating dock (150' long X 6' wide) to create five (5) parallel boat slips. Again at both docking areas, there would be a covered deck (16' X 16') constructed adjacent to the pier walkway, landward of the ramps that access the floating docks. Water depths in the northern docking area of Dock Facility "B" would be -1.49 feet to -2.42 feet at low water, and depths in the southern docking area would be -2.71 feet to -2.26 feet at low water. No boatlifts or other mooring structures would be allowed waterward of the floating docks in Dock Facility " B". The combined docking facilities of the two (2) piers would create an 18-slip community marina for the subdivision. The applicant stated in the Environmental Assessment (EA) that the restrictive covenant of the subdivision would prohibit the construction of additional piers from individual lots, as well as, limit boats to a maximum length of 21 feet, with no cabins or heads (marine sanitation devices). 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The construction of the proposed 18-slip marina would result in the incorporation of 6,064 square feet of Estuarine Waters and Public Trust Area. The combined length of the proposed pier walkways would result in the shading of 3,660 square feet of coastal wetlands and intertidal mud flats. Short-term increases in turbidity can be expected during piling placement. The project would provide water and boating access for the subdivision lot owners. Submitted by: E. F. Brooks Date: February 25, 2004 Office: Wilmington Form DCM-MP-1 APPL I N. c ?fUV' ) „ rye DIVISIO7 'J OF (To be completed by all applicants) COASTAL f A?14 ,?!? r I. APPLICANT a. Landowner: Name dim m, S r?s w L L C- b. City, town mmunity or landmark D c. Street address or secondary road number . _? D ? F oct?-r D.grs c(?Q , d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? Address / goy Yes -Z,- No ??sTls er l-,W .. C "rZ!Z /? e. City _(? t LM/MGYDN State . Zip Z. 03 DayPtione -qi - _ G -o IFS Fax I1 O - - p , -2- b. Authorized Agent: Name Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, creek, sound, bay) -1 -C>Pswtc. Sov.vP 3. DESCRIPTION A.NIj PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and excavation and/or filling activities. ?•? ''Y"sNaw?g Pic-re T-- 5 E a. Address =-L ?45y?tool? ?p .Sdrrg z12 City State &. 12. Zip _2x03 Day Phone glD ' Z.?-G •IDc{ S' Faz_ LLz-5-L-0/IZ 6??JoR tv"PIF'/cw7li?N of . ttrl"I?o . ?s8'.D? . Project name (if any) ??Or»mudmt `? <J/t6 NOTE Permit will be il,,,d in name of kmdowner(t), and/or project name. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT i. County'_DL? b. Is the proposed activity mainten ce of an existing project, new work, or both? - NEW G )flak c. Will the pr . t be for public, private or commercial use? d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of • proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. "yr,aE Rflr ?,?-?? L- L-0T ?t.1r?5 p? Lt)W2as ?aGE 65MQ M KC3 L? p n c W rra. 8 OY3.•'Q- . Ica ps t?t.c?l? -t-?t. S+?t2G y HF oc Sya9tVl5)O/y ewV grtoN IA I I . «[yo t..yE 4.5F'T-17r N 2l X&S 14ND F35 Eh113i?tr- eac revised 03/9$ a;,.- . cair 17 co 1#\ Form DCM-MP-1 T4t? F3LC.oc? c..,.ls'?'D i?t t^'a'?Zvs?AYro iJ ? {'12ov1DED 04 AK16 N?4C.. 14ppe.1cr4/M F'ole.. r? •Cr72rn v' ?$`D3 4. LAND AND WATER M. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. CHARACTERISTICS a. Size of entire tract b. Size of individual lot(s) c. Approximate elevation of tract `above MHW or NWL ------------ d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract e. Vdgeiatiod on tract f. Man-made features now on tract ------------ g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan land classification of the site? (Coruult &0 local land use plan Conservation _ Transitional Developed Community , • Rural Other, h. How is the tract zoned by local government? ------------ i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning?- Yes No (Altaeh Zoning wnp anee eergcete, j f appu=blt) Has a professional archaeological'assessment been done for the tract? Yes No , If yes, by whom? Is the project located in a National Registered Historic 'Distric't ordoes it. involve a -National . Register listed.- or. eligible propert .. . Yes -'No y .Are there wetlands on the site? Coastal (marsh) • • • ' Yes No If•yes, has a'delitieatioti b?econducted? r .(.leach documentation. if duaik?bli ---'y;+ -- 1 n. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges.) o...Describe, existing.drinking water supply source. 77 5. ADDITIONAL rNFORMATION In addition to. the. , completed, application form, the following items inust,be, submitted: A:copy of theleed'(with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the,'affected properti-es.- If •the° applicant is not claiming to be. the owner.of said property, then forward a copy gf,the deed or other instrument under which the`owner'claims title, plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project. An accurate, dated work.ptlat:.(including plan-view and cross-sectiopal dr.4whigs) drawn to scale in black ink on an8 1/2" by 1.1" white paper. (Refer-to. Coastal'Resources Com" mission Rule 7,1,020; for -a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by' applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings,) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the Form >pCM-MP-1 site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. • A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERNESSION TO ENTER ON LAND A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project'to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name ?er T_ Address Phone Name Address Phone Name Address Phone • A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. C14mo 4 MIT 69PS VFF Oro-5 htertc?v .?,[7 ?jD3oO.S?G • A check for $250 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the` application. • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. • A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A - I to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the Notch Carolina Environmental Policy Act. Revised 03/95 I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained ?,i the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. 6?1-sw> 1??c Z `1, Zoo3? This is the day of SLW 1:Z ?-Dp3 Print Name (fir C e, Signature' ?litt??t t,t? Landowner or AuthOrited Agent Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information DCM MP-3 Upland Development 1/ DCM MP-4 Structures Information - DCM MP-5 ?DCM MP 6 Bridges and Culverts M - arina Development NOTE. Please si4n and date each attachment in the 'sp'ace ' routed, at thh ' '?J 2l' J1. \` ii ?n m of each form. ? f V U 'A?f :ssl DIVISiOili OF COASTAL Iv;ANAGE, t3eD rz?Z9?o3 Form DCM-MP-4 STRUCT U"s i (Constructior, within Public Trust Areas) u C0 -: L ANAGr ?i Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major e. Mooring buoys </VVale Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all / other sections of the Joint Application which relate to (1) - Commercial -.._COmmunit this proposed project. (2) Number S' Private a. Docks and/or Piers (3) Description of buoy (1) ..-Commercial (Color, inscription, size, anchor, etc.) (2) Number 4 LY CommunityXprivate Mill Creek To sail Sound (4) Width Of water body (3 it ir2 ) Lri 265' 265' 30 Eku Pier 0' 300- Z M Distance buoy(s) to be placed (4) Width e 6' 6' ' 6' shoreline beyond (5) Finger Piers 0 0 • ' (6) Platforms 1 3 6 Length 12I . I i `?`'?Z?E?X ?{? f Mooring.structure 150' oatlift oo 90. ring Pilings, etc.) Width 40, No mooring structures are proposed for these piers; ? (7) Number of Slips 5 4 5 4 6 ( boats will be tied alongside floating platforms. The (8) Proximity to two piers to be extended into Topsail Sound will be Adjacent Riparian constructed so as to allow the individual lot-owner the Property lines 75' 225' (D9T ° to instal a boat lift at a later date. q? /?/ x `L" ?f (9) Width of Waterbody 100' 250' 'r'?'l t`C e(Give cor?4le drseription) s (Marsh to Mar h) 85' 100' 500' 560' (?TS (10) Water Depth at Ix (G` Waterward end A x 10' covered deck is proposed for of 'Pier at MI,W --------- -3' -32 -4' -4 each of the four proposed piers. Swrs ARE 14,14 X 2.41t,. B&AT: LIFTS b. Boathouse (Including covered lifts) (1) -______- Commercial ' p (2) Length ivate ?H?rrlav (3) Width ??Y c1?cKrt?G f gc,[c.irY ??C AP0 or ProjeI Atame C.- Groin (e.g. wood, she pile, etc.) NO ?) (1) Number /?j?t t?vt t,c.? A (2) Length(s) L - ?Lb d. - Breakwater (e.g. wood, sh'it ,? / gate (1) Length e, etc.) ?( `lo rlar) (?) Average distance from MHW wetlands NWL or (3) Maximum distance beyond MHW wetlands- or o_..._.? Form DCM-MP-6 7-1 - ?2Uv 4 MARINA ?u DE JlVISiCIN OF VELOPM[ENT (Required for the mooring of more than 10 vessels) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major g. Typical boat length al Permit, Form. DCM-MP-I. Be. sure. to complete all .other sections of the Joint, Application that relate to this h. Maximum boat length Z I proposed project. L Are any floating structures planned? If so, describe r 1_o AT w & Z)pc_K5 L MARINA CHARACTERISTICS a. Check below the type of marina pro ed. Commercial Public Residential b. Will the marina be op o the general public? 2• MARINA OPERATIONS Yes No ON E c. If there is residential development associated with k ch of the following sanitary facilities that will be ' cluded in the proposed project.. the marina, how many units or lots are planned and ce toilets how many are currently dv eloped? T ' ets for patrons Number ,Location Show d. Check all of the types of services to be provided. Boat h ding tank pumpout Full service, including travel lift and/or rail Type and locatio Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies- Dockage ("wet slips") only Number of slips 2 s1 = rns a F q s Lt Ps b. Describe treatment a and disposal location for all Dry storage Number of boats 2 s?svems ol= a ata- sanitary wastewater. S Boat ramp(s) Other (describe) c. Describe the disposal of id waste, fish offal and e. Check below the proposed type of siting. trash disposal. Land cut and access channel" Open' water with dredging for basin and/or channel O en water n d d i i d p , o re g ng requ re d. How will overboard discharge of ewage from boats Other (describe) be controlled? f. Describe the typical boats to be served (for example, open runabout, charter boats, sail boats, mixed types). OFew R u NA 8z) uT e. Give the location and number of o Sewage Discharge" signs proposed. Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-6 f. escribe the special design, if applicable, for taming industrial type pollutants, such as paint, s dblasting waste and petroleum products. g. Where \will residue from vessel maintenance be disvos of ? h. • Give the ni Wake" signs i. Give the loa describe the s; water quality. j. Describe design flushing or circu impacts. of channel markers and "No ad. of fuel-handling facilities, and measures planned to protect area Tres that promote boat basin and that reduce water quality k. What will be the marina licy on overnight and . live-board dockage? 1. Is the proposed marina leases? Yes _ If yes, give the name and near any shellfish of the leaseholder. m. If this project is an expansion of an istmg marina, what types of services are currently rovided? o. Is the marina proposed wi in a primary or secondary nursery area? J Yes No p. Is the marina proposed within an area open to. shellfish harvesting? Yes ? No q. Give the location and number( of "Pumpout Available" signs proposed. NONE mmuWi DOC1C1A106 F-4 JLI -( 'rZIt .PA_? V-- Sigwture Date . n. How many slips are now available? N D At E 400 copies of this public document were printed at a total cost of $11.00 or $ .03 per copy. Revised 03/95 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Water's Edge at Deerfield Pender County The following is a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the two proposed community docking facilities for Water's Edge at Deerfield subdivision in Pender County. The two proposed docking facilities, as outlined in the Environmental Assessment (EA), includes Docking Facility A, located in Topsail Sound and Docking Facility B, located in Mill Creek. Each of the docking facilities proposes 9 slips. No new dredging will be associated with this project; however, the proposed piers are adjacent to the existing dredge-maintained channels of Mill Creek and the Topsail Sound; (Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway) that will continue to be maintained as needed. This EA/FONSI are prerequisites for the processing of a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major permit application by the Division of Coastal Management. It is concluded that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment provided that it can be permitted and subsequently developed consistent with the State guidelines in the Rules of the Coastal Resources Commission and the avoidance/mitigation measures contained in the EA. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will not be prepared for this project. North Carolina Division of Coastal Management January 8, 2004 F , v f (s:: i ! ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE COMMUNITY DOCKING FACILITY FOR WATER'S EDGE AT DEERFIELD TOPSAIL SOUND (AIWW) AND MILL CREEK PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PROPOSED BY JEM[MY'S ISLAND LLC 1904 EASTWOOD ROAD, SUITE 212 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 FOR THE RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1638 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1638 CONTACT PERSON: DOUG HUGGETT 919-733-2293; EXT. 247 PREPARED BY CHARLIE HOLLIS REGULATORY CONSULTANT 138 GREEN FOREST DRIVE WILMINTON, NC 28409 910-392-6833 REVISED DECEMBER 29, 2003 ?xl r ` D I ?I 2 11, 1L], 4- `J DIV1vi<<1i`E 0'p IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COMMUNITY DOCKING FACILITY FOR WATER'S EDGE AT DEERFIELD TOPSAIL SOUND (AIWW) AND MILL CREEK PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA REVISED DECEMBER 29, 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1: SCOPE A. PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION General Page 2: Dock Facility "A": Topsail SOUND (AIWWI Piers Dock Facility "B": Mill Creek Piers B. PURPOSE AND NEED FOR PROJECT C. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS 1. BOAT RAMP 2. INLAND BASIN 3. 18 INDIVIDUAL PIERS 4. DO NOTHING 5. CONSTRUCT FOUR PIERS (PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE) Page 3: D. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROJECT AREA 1. MILL CREEK 2. TOPSAIL SOUND (AIWW) E. PREDICTED ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE PIERS 1. TOPOGRAPHY 2. SOILS 3. LAND USE 4. WETLANDS 5. PRRVIE or UNIQUE AGRICULTURAL LANDS 6. PUBLIC LANDS and SCENIC, RECREATIONAL, and STATE NATURAL AREAS 7. AREAS of ARCHAEOLOGICAL or HISTORICAL VALUE 8. AIR QUALITY Page 4: 9. NOISE LEVELS 10. WATER RESOURCES (SURFACE WATER AND GROUND WATER 11. FOREST RESOURCES 12. SHELLFISH or FISH and THEIR HABITATS 13. WILDLIFE and NATURAL VEGETATION 14. INTRODUCTION OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES 15. CONSTRUCTION a. Dock Facility "A": Topsail Sound (AIWW) Piers 7 7 J? D Page 5: b. Dock Facility "B": Mill Creek Piers F. MITIGATIVE MEASURES G. REFERENCES -?t t H. EXHIBITS -?u ?J 1. STATE and FEDERAL PERMITS REQUIRED DIVISION OF APPENDIX COASTAL MANAGEMENT RESPONSE TO AGENCY COMMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COM[M UNITY DOCKING FACILITY FOR WATER'S EDGE AT DEERFIELD TOPSAIL SOUND (AIWW) AND MILL CREEK PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA REVISED DECEMBER 29, 2003 10, 1 f f Lt t ?•c a { ? ? SCOPE: Authorization for the Community Docking Facility for Water's Edge at Deerfield addressed in this Environmental Assessment has been requested in the form of a Major Modification to the recently issued Major CAMA Permit No.68-03 which provided approval of the overall Water's Edge Subdivision. Since that issued permit addressed all of the landward features of the overall subdivision project, this Environmental Assessment is limited to addressing only the impacts of the proposed Community Docking Facility. This document will provide the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) and associated agencies with a decision-making tool to determine if the proposed docking facility for the Water's Edge at Deerfield Subdivision will cause sufficient environmental impact as to require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). If an EIS is not warranted, a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) may be issued prior to the final action on a CAMA Major Development Permit. A FONSI does not assure issuance of a CAMA permit. A. PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION General. The Water's Edge at Deerfield Subdivision is an 18-lot subdivision on a 20-acre tract approximately 15' above sea level located along the eastern shore of Mill Creek and the northern edge of Topsail Sound and is an extension of the existing Deerfield Subdivision near Hampstead, in Pender County, N.C. The property is located at the end of Great Oaks Drive. The Water's Edge subdivision has been previously platted and was the subject of review for a Major Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Permit No. 68-03 issued on May 27, 2003. That permit authorized construction of a bulkhead with backfrll after review of the total project and after the N.C. Division of Water Quality issued Stormwater Permit No. SW8030110. Other approvals of the subdivision are under review by the Pender County Planning Department. The scope of this Environmental Assessment, therefore, is limited to assessing the impact of the construction and operation of the four proposed piers that constitui:e the docking facility for the subdivision residents. The Developer is Jimmy's Island, LLC; 1904 Eastwood Road, Wilmington, NC 28403. The area is zoned R-20 by Pender County whose Land Use Plan designates the area as "Rural". Along the shorelines of Mill Creek, aerial photography (10-21-00) provided by NCDCM shows nine small residential piers across the creek from the Water's Edge project and none on the same side. Along the AIWW to the north, the photography shows seven residential piers within a mile of Water's Edge and one within a mile to the south: Adjacent and nearby land use is residential. The proposed Community Docking Facility for Water's Edge at Deerfield will provide recreational water access for the residents of each of the 18 lots within the approved Water's Edge Subdivision. Deed restrictions will be recorded for each lot that prohibits the construction of individual piers or docks and that designate specific dock space at the community facility. Language for these restrictions will in accordance with advice from the NCDCM. The proposed facility consists of four piers: two each in the waters of Topsail Sound (AIW% (Dock Facility "A") and two each in Mill Creek (Dock Facility `B"). The Topsail Sound(AIMM facility is 7500' from the Mill Creek facility. Plans showing the proposed piers are enclosed. As requested by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission: (1) the pier decking will be constructed a minimum of 4' off of the marsh floor, (2) will take place during periods of minimum biological activity, and (3) will conform to NCDCM %4 rule. The docks are located adjacent to existing dredge-maintained channels in Mill Creek and the ARM, respectively. Page 1 Dock Facility "A": Topsail Sound (AIWW) Piers. In Topsail Sound (AI WWI ,one T-head pier with 5 boat slips at a 90'-long by 4'-wide floating dock with three 24'-long by 4'-wide finger piers will be located approximately 65' waterward of the marsh edge and 80' from the bottom edge of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW). Topsail Sound at this point is approximately 500' wide. The second pier in Topsail Sound IAIWM, an L-head pier is located 100' from the first, and proposes 4 boat slips at a 38'-long by 4'-wide floating dock with two 24'-long by 4'-wide finger piers. It will be located approximately 140' waterward from the edge of the marsh and also 80' from the bottom edge of the AIWW. The width of Topsail Sound at this point is approximately 560'. Both of the Topsail Sound (ADM piers are designed to accommodate either boat-lifts or wet slips, at the option of the lot owner. Only boats 21' or less in length and without cabins or heads will be accommodated in either option. Each of these piers will have a 15' x 15' covered deck. DIVISION OF Page2 COASTAL MIAN^.CEMEN Dock Facility "B": Mill Creek Piers. In Mill Creek, one L-head pier with 5 boat slips spaced along a 150'-long by 4'-wide floating platform, is located approximately 20' waterward of the marsh edge in a reach of the creek where the width between the marsh edges is 85'. The second pier in Mill Creek, a T-head pier, is located 115' from the first, has 4 boat slips spaced along a 120'4ong by 4% wide floating platform and is located approximately 25' waterward of the marsh edge in a reach of the creek where the width between the marsh edges is 100'. Both of the Mill Creek piers have wet slips for boats 21' or less in length and without cabins or heads. Each of these piers will have a 15' x 15' covered deck B. PURPOSE AND NEED FOR PROJECT. The purpose of this project is to provide recreational water access for the residents of each of the 18 lots within the Water" Edge Subdivision. The need for the project is-embraced by the goal of the Jimmy" Island LLC Group of providing quality housing in a quality neighborhood where residents can enjoy the adjacent waters of Mill Creek and Topsail Sound for recreational boating, fishing, crabbing, and quiet contemplation. The location of the Water's Edge project affords the unique opportunity for the realization of these goals. Additionally, the provision of water access allows the developer to expect a realistic price for the residential lots, not necessarily for greater profit, but to offset the greater cost of this tract of waterfront property. C. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS. 1. BOAT RAMP. No area along the Water's Edge Shoreline would accommodate a boat ramp without some dredging and filling, activities which are not allowed in this Primary Nursery Area. 2. INLAND BASIN. This alternative would require dredging a channel, not allowed in a PNA. 3. 18 INDIVIDUAL PIERS. All of the lots at the Water's Edge Subdivision are located on the water front of either Mill Creek or Topsail Sound. Most, if not all, of the lot owners could likely obtain a permit to construct a private residential pier with up to 4 boat slips. At the worst case, dock space for 72 boats might result. This clutter of docks and boats is not acceptable to the developer and would detract from the intended quality of the Water's Edge project 4. DO NOTHING. This alternative would not meet the goals and needs of the project. 5. CONSTRUCT FOUR PIERS (PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE) This is the least environmentally damaging alternative that would satisfy the needs of the Water's Edge project that have been identified. The alternative not only provided the desired and needed water access for the lot owners, but it limits the number of boat slips to 18 along a shoreline of over 3000'. i D. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROJECT AREA. 1. MILL CREEK The Water's Edge Subdivision is an extension of the larger Deerfield Subdivision. During the development of Deerfield in the 1970's and 1980's, Mill Creek was dredged extensively to create waterfront lots. The lower 2500' of the Mill Creek dredged channel extends along the south shore of the Water's Edge Subdivision. Approximately 3000' of existing Mill Creek dredged channels are located upstream of Water's Edge. This channel system continues to be subject to periodic maintenance dredging. The Water's Edge shoreline on Mill Creek has a bordering complex of tidal marsh and mud-flat extending about 200' or more out to the mean low water line. The project area consists of the pier corridors over which the structures will extend. Within this area are scattered oyster clusters and various benthic species (fiddler crabs, etc.). No submerged aquatics have been observed or noted on aerial photography within the project area. Existing water depths at the end of the Mill Creek piers is -3.5' MLW. The area is designated a Primary Nursery Area and Mill Creek serves as a small estuary.where upstream fresh water flows into the salt waters of Topsail Sound. This mixing zone attracts a wide variety of juvenile and small finfish, crabs, and other local species. 2. TOPSAIL SOUND (AIWW). The eastern shoreline of Water's Edge extends about 600' along Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. Here too, there is a 200'+ border of tidal marsh and mud flat separating the high ground of Water's Edge from the mean low water line. The project area here also consists of the pier corridors over which the structures will extend. The intertidal area in this location is more stressed by the regular wave wash from passing vessels and its unprotected exposure to northeasterly and southeasterly wind quadrants. Scattered oyster clusters and benthic species are observed in this area. No submerged aquatics have been observed. Existing water depths at the end of the piers is -3.5' MLW. The area is designated a Primary Nursery Area and serves as habitat for a variety of fish and crabs. The AIW W hosts regular commercial and non- commercial vessels moving north and south in front of this site. The AIWW is subject to periodic Maintenance dredging E. PREDICTED ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE PIERS 1. TOPOGRAPHY. No impact 2. SOILS. Insignificant impact caused by jetting piling during construction. 3. LAND USE. No changes in land use will occur because of these piers. 4. WETLANDS. The pier structures will be elevated well above all coastal and/or fresh marsh. 5. PRIlVIE or UNIQUE AGRICULTURAL LANDS. No impact 6. PUBLIC LANDS and SCENIC, RECREATIONAL, and STATE NATURAL AREAS. Mill Creek and Topsail Sound are Public Trust Waters, within which water-dependent structures, such as these piers are allowed. 7. AREAS of ARCHAEOLOGICAL or HISTORICAL VALUE. No impact 8. AIR QUALITY. Exhausts from the motors of the small boats using these facilities will have short-term minor impacts on air quality. The locations of all of the piers are in wide open areas where wind movement is unrestricted and will quickly dissipate exhaust gxes. . C I-VE Page3 JA..-4 U` C 2004 DIVISION OF. COASTAL MANAGEMENT 9. NOISE LEVELS. Noise during construction will occur for a few days. Noise from the motors of the boats will be minor and not unlike the existing boat noise in the area. 10. WATER RESOURCES (SURFACE WATER AND GROUND WATER).. The tidal surface waters of Topsail Sound are designated as a "Primary Nursery Area" by the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries and are classified "SA" by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. The waters are open to the taking of shellfish. Restrictive covenants will be imposed by the developer to limit boats using the dock to 21' or less in length and preventing the presence of cabins or heads. Accidental spills will be quickly dissipated by the full range of twice-daily tides present in the area. 11. FOREST RESOURCES. No impact. 12. SHELLFISH or FISH and THEIR HABITATS. The construction of the piers will affect some scattered shellfish. The day to day usage of the facility will result in some spillage of fuel and oils, but no overboard discharge from onboard sanitary facilities will occur since the developer has imposed restrictive covenants that prohibit the length of boats to 21' or less, and without cabins or heads. The boat docks are to be located 265' and 300', respectively offshore of the land where existing boat traffic and usage prevails and where extensive tidal currents will effectively diffuse spills. No fuel facilities will be located on the dock systems. No shellfish closure will be imposed for this facility since only 18 boat slips are proposed and the boats are limited in size to 21' with no cabins or heads. There are significant finfish, crab, and shrimp resources in these waters, none of which are anticipated to be significantly adversely affected by this project. 13. WILDLIFE and NATURAL VEGETATION. Waterfowl use this area for feeding and resting as well as do occasional otter and other mammals. These pier facilities and their use will not add significant disturbance to these species beyond that they experience from the existing similar facilities on other properties. 14. INTRODUCTION OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES. Only lumber and timbers subjected to acceptable treatment methods will be use in the construction of these piers. No other substances other than rare accidental minor petroleum spills will be introduced. This area is subject to the maximum tidal amplitude expected in the region because of the close proximity to Masons Inlet and the Atlantic Ocean. 15. CONSTRUCTION. a. Dock Facility "A": Topsail Sound (AIWW) Piers. A 6'-wide walkway will begin along the edge of the boundary of lots 1 and 2 and extend (elevated) across the marsh where the two Topsail Sound piers will begin. The northernmost T-head pier will extend approximately 250' waterward from the mean high water contour to which is attached a 90' x 4' floating platform with three 21' x 4' finger piers extending to the -3.5' (mlw) contour in Topsail Sound (AIWW). This is at a point about 65' waterward of the marsh edge and 80' away from the bottom edge of the AIWW. The floating platform will be designed to provide the option of a boat-lift or wet slip for 5 boats up to 21' in length. The southernmost pier, located 100' south of the first, will extend 230' from the mean high water contour to a point about 100' waterward of the marsh edge. A floating platform measuring 40' x 4' with two 24' x 4' finger piers will be attached to this second pier and will reach a point where the water depth is -3.5' mlw and the bottom edge of the AIWW is 80' away. This pier-will accommodate 4 boats up to 21' in length at a floating platform designed to provide the option of a boat-lift or wet slip. The distance between the marsh edges (across the AIW W) in this area is approximately 500'. Each of these iers will have a 15' x 15' covered deck This construction work will involve jetting and/or dri ' -h nt? 09MO11tidIr- and constructing the pier using conventional fasteners (nails, etc.). N Is wil 4en&ted 'v/ during construction. •? Page 4 4 z4ul DIVISION OF COASTAL M:tNAGLI'VIENT b. Dock Facility "B": Mill Creek Piers. A single 6'-wide walkway will begin at the edge of a cul- d-sac and extend along the boundary of lots 17 and 18 to the approximate mean high water contour where the two Mill Creek piers will begin. The upstream L-head pier will extend (elevated) across the wetlands and marsh to a point about 20' waterward of the marsh edge or a distance of about 265' waterward of the mean high water contour and terminate at the (approx.) -3.5' (mlw) contour. Five boat slips are proposed to be aligned alongside a 150'4ong by 4'-wide floating platform. Each slip will accommodate one boat up to 21' in length. The second pier, located 115' downstream of the first, will extend across the marsh to a point about 25' waterward of the marsh edge which is also about 265' waterward of the mean high water contour. Water depth at this point is about -3.5' (mlw). The pier will have 4 boat slips aligned alongside a 120'- long by 4'-wide floating platform. Each of these slips will accommodate one 21' boat. Each of these piers will have a 15' x 15' covered deck. The construction work for these piers will involve jetting and/or driving timbers into the ground and constructing each pier using conventional fasteners (nails, bolts, etc.). No excavation or fill will occur and no wetlands will be impacted. Noise will be generated during construction. F. MITIGATIVE MEASURES None required. G. REFERENCES None H. EXHIBITS Application for Major Coastal Management Act (CAMA) Permit L STATE and FEDERAL PERMITS REQUIRED A Department of The Army (Corps of Engineers) Permit will be considered under the joint processing agreement with the N. C. Office of Coastal Management. C(Lidu D1VJS10i\j OF DEMENT Page 5 H. EXHIBITS COPY OF APPLICATION AND DRAWINGS FOR MAJOR MODIFICATION OF CAMA PERMPT NO. 68-03 7M - t ff r? .? ? 1 C?; ,i14 n ?,: COAS-T i I,..r,r? OF RR APPENDIX RESPONSE TO AGENCY COMMENTS 1. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission: Comment: Permit should include conditions: (1) requiring the pier decking to be a minimum of 4' off the marsh floor, (2) perform no future dredging, (3) avoid work during sensitive biological activity, and (4) the piers and docks should conform to the NCDCM'/a rule. Response: Conditions 1, 3, and 4 are acceptable and changes have been made in this document to Reflect the applicant's concurrence. The proposed piers are located adjacent to existing dredge-maintained channels (Mill Creek and the AIWW) which will continue to be maintained as needed. 2. North Carolina Division of Water Quality: Comment: The area "Myrtle Grove Sound" was erroneously used instead of Topsail Sound on Page 4, Section E, #10. Response: This correction has been made. Comment: Boats should be limited to 21' in length and with no heads. In compliance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2B .0225(e)(7)(F). Response: That change has been made throughout the document .? ?1-4 i? COAS .,f I ©!VIS10i,4 or- MANAGEMENT Lo NC 210 CREEK VIEW DRIVE ` ` \c� SR 1511 0 0 IN► fIDOMC iJ AT PADS 11i VAC N MAPNTS 00 f,DXM COMM �'1 �0 • • oo ' 8� I 6 ! 6Jl (rJ1 I (fel o f"ei (yal ' • — L • rI it 18 ! 1 -T- I I 23'AC= G aTr k n lO O DOCK FAcI! I �� I I I frreuc t n« `F , I O I �� I I I �� I \ �- FACILITr 9 • I Iw � • •. � � � Z � I w I• O MILLCREEK � y s 0 � • OF 1vs�Gc� ,�T MAyAGEM�N GOASTA\ hI201�OS�I� TM, POCK FACILITY FOR WAS -'!5 A-' nr-_Fll?r.IFlLb 1 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1"- 200' rOR MARCH 3, 2003 JIMMY' 5 ISLAND INC 1904 EA5TWOOV IZOAP - 5Lln 212 WILMINGTON, NC 26403 I'ML I MINAI2Y %lmven MV ForAmv lsvr NOT r -OR MCORPA110N CONV�YANC55 012 ) SALES PURF05r-5. / ARNMP W. CAP.50N, I'1,5 pC 906 NORTH IHW SMV -r WLAAINaON, NC 28401 M-OWt ( 910) 772-QIM FM C 910) 772-9128 t 10 0 SHMT 1 OF a S38'15'26'E 215.49' L * ' - 110 WATER,5 EDGE AT DEERFIELD _ MAP BOOK_, PAGE _ 2 25' ACCE55 EASEMENT 4 PUBLIC 4 PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT ?xv ¦ S36*OW02'E I, 'ego V/0 z I v '®r V 40 1 f0 a MARSH _Q . N47'86'08'E 8.00' 4'E N47'4Y3 3' 25.9 Q Wo 0 NOTES.. 1. THIS MAP WAS NOT PREPARED FOR RECORDATION, 7?v CONVEYANCES, OR SALES PURPOSES. 2. PROPOSED DOCK FACILITY DOES NOT EXCEED 1/4 OF THE WATER BODY WIDTH. 3 3. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE RELATIVE TO NGVD '29. ElE4ATION I ? ? l?. . -20 y p` ey roy ey 1TI hh ay yy a0 ay ti? oy 16 ryb o? i'0 i0• 'Al iry' ry' + + + + + + ?+ + t + + + + + + + + RAMP OF 'f// 1. V `,PROPOSED PIER I I I I I I I I ?.Im 30 ?Im I I I I .I I I I I I v yy 9p I + + W 80,0' (MIN.) \ 6 ? I ANnv RIGHT Of WAN MARKER - T9.8 7 a; e -- n ? ?i 8.57i• '? 98 ? 6 + CK055 5ECRON 5 '' Q a 53Y34;?E t 5 a ary 19ry N 1? a 0 0 41 sOry y i f 1? 9ryry 6lpl 60 gy9 1? r 05 + + + + + ?? -'+ + + + + + + + + + AJww 24 . .? RIOHTOFWAY MARKER RED DAY MARXER T9.5 y? yS h by ab 1+' h0 ?p y1 ey, 60 1y by "r 0 0 y All p16 a10 y00 0 N 9 ` fl 0A11NGD00 4 + + + + . + + + \+ + + + + + + + + 1. + + PROP, DDE TP 3 2 \ 1 /\ PROPOSED RAMP ap 0'h y0/,0 0 h 9a a'` y'` h1 Oa try 0y 1°j ? 1 ry iN '?, ?, a• ,yry 11 p. ' a. ?/10. /,y. , y. , y. ' N ,1p. /01 'y00 ; '?ry`V ` iry1 i wig pl?OpOS? b \ DOCK r-ACIL-I Y ''A' FOR WA 11, IF S ?bG? A-' bF- F- l?rfF- Lf? TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA I\ SCALE; 1'- 60' MARCH 3, 2003 FOR a a b oy 1? Dry yy ey Y 15.AN1P I N C ?1 1904E + + + + + + + + N ON, NC 28403 212 \ ?A 2 2004 TANG V7A?7 DYi PIMI-IMINAIZY NO1'P0P- 12r-C012nA-n N DIVISION OF NT ?k CONV5YANCE:50+ ASTAL MAN AGENAF SAL85 F'L02F 05E g ARNOLt7 W, CAR50N, FL,5 PC \ 408 NORM J%W 51REE'r \ WLMINGTON, NC 28401 PHOW (BIO> 972.910 100 0 FAw (910) 992.9128 100 200 SHEET2 OF 5 \ ?i x'44 4 VIP .J 'Y// r COVERED DECK -? ELEVATION 7.0 G.0 PROP05ED PIER 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -3.0' -4.0 I -5.0 -G.0 -7.0 -5.0 -9.d I -10.0 -11.0 -12.0 W Z -13.0 3 -14.0 1 -15.0 -IG.O Q -17.0 g -15.0 0 ELEVATION 7.0 G.0 PROPOSED PIER 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 - -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 -5.0 -G.0 -7.0 -5.0 -9.0 -10,0 SCALE 11.0 HORIZ. I "-GO' VERT. I "=G' - 1 2.0 -13.0 - 14.0 -15.0 - IG.O -17.0 0 o S - 15.0 RAMP FLOATING DOCK AND BOAT SLIPS 80' (MiN)_ 90' I I A.I.W.W. CHANNEL Z ? 31 31 g O Cl. C) g o S - S Q m U ) COVERED ,DECK "CROSS SECTION B" RAMP FLOATING DOCK )A__N__D BOAT SLIPS SOS -'? HWL 2.9± Q LWL -0.5± I I I VE `? I I 90' ;AN022004 A.I.W. W. W CHANNEL z DIVISION OF lu ?(?AGEME lJZT COAI I , NOT FOR REGORI2A-noN ' 3 I 31 Q ? I I CONVL YANGE5 OR SALE51'LIRI'05E5. Q O N ° S ° g ° ° S ° S ° S Lo ?.D SHEET 3 OF 5 A. ..vim ..4a. NOTES 1. THIS MAP WAS NOT PREPARED FOR RECORDATION, CONVEYANCES, OR SALES PURPOSES, 2. PROPOSED DOCK FACILITY DOES NOT EXCEED 1/4 OF THE WATER BODY WIDTH. ?8 I ALL ELEVATIONS ARE RELATIVE TO NGVD '29 x -1. e Pc ,?J?? As WATER9 B?? p?IVE x 1.ea x-2.56 d ??\ X, -3.04 N J? _ X -3.20 18 z x -3,39 J9. \ I x 2.89 -1.69 17 1771 G I is x a'" I WATERS EDGE AT DEERFIELD x 3. \ / x -3.61 1 MAP BOOK _,. PAGE _ x -3.82 -3.92 PCOOPOED 14 / 16 1 ' x -1.42 PROPOSED x -1.41 RAMP -2.07 x_ 6 i1r, x \ I ?•• x -3.67 67 x -4.01 FLOOD x -3.93 x -3,57 x EBB -2,331 1. x x - ?^'`''? 1.58 ti rJ ELEVATION -2 0 I PCOEEDD -2,16 DECK t x 3. 3 PR RAMP x -3.9 \ I ' x -3,88 13 z -3.56 x -2.91 12 -1.88 z-.97 0 11 -2 ?? 8? x -. yy x -3.3610 f z -3.56 tF x -3.84 p? n f' /''\ x -3.89 -2,12 'AN ?-- x -3.35 x -2.9 X -2.91 x _2.29 x -3.29 x - DIVISIO,?1 OF rr,or05r-n 213 x _3.72 TAL MAMA 9-4( F:ACIL11'Y "13" X _4.0e COAS ?orz x_425 xx-,.2 WA -4,25 S ?Ar t2??l:r- l?L, p x -4,25 x -2.60 TOPSAIL T01',NSNIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA`-. x -3,62 x -2,90 SCALE, 160' MARCH 3, 2003 -2.29. x -3.35 FOR x -1,67 JIMMY' 5151.ANn ING x -3.82 x - , 1909 BA51VdOOV ROA17 - 5LJI-M 212 x -4.28 x -102 1MI MIW*rON, NC 28903 x -4.88 x -2.09 a ZVfWP AW MPAMP VY, x -3.57 x -3.78 I'12?LIMINAI2Y x -4.33 AV-MOL P W. CAR50N, 01.5 PC NOf POI p.EC012!5 Or N h g06NORM11175fmff . CONVrYAN( . x -4.25 VN WWWON, NC 28401 5ALE5 P'I I'0555. x -4,39 PHOWS(910) 7729113 FAK (910) 7729128 x -4.09 IOU ? O t0U 2W x -3.87 SHEET 4'OF 5 t' COVERED "CROss srcrinm c-- PROPOSED PIER :SCALE HORIZ. I "-GO' VERT. I "-6' O ?O COVERED DECK 8 W z J 0 0 HWL 2.9=t i t.0 Lo "CR055 5ECTION D" MP FLOATING DOCK AND t30AT SLIPS - - - HWL 2.9, V LWL -0:5. EIJIH v rij 'AN 0 2 2004 D w DIVISION OF z COASTAL MANAGEMENT J I'W-LIMINAWY + NOf FO2 W-C,0kVATI0N CONVEYANCES OR l? SA.LES pUI2p051;5, r °o ° g ,°, o 0 0 0 m m ; t, r SHEET 5 OF 5