HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0089532_Fact Sheet_20150706MIS DENR/DWR FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT NPDES No. NCO089532 Facility Information Name: Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority (TWSA) Mcility ddress: 1246 West Main St.SylvaNC 28779 ress: Hi hway 64, east of Cashiers ow 0.495 MGD T e of Waste: Domestic/commercial Facility/Permit Status: Grade 2/Minor/New County: Jackson Miscellaneous Receiving Stream: Horsepasture River Regional Office: Asheville Stream Classification: C-Tr + USGS Quad: Big Ridge 303(d) Listed? No Permit Writer: Teresa Rodrizuez HUC: 03060101 Date: Sub -basin 03-13-02 . vdlqp� Lat. 35° 07' 46" N Long. 83° 04' 00" W Drainage Area (mi`): 3.9 Summer 7Q 10 (cfs) 2 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 3 30Q2 (cfs) 14.3 Average Flow cfs): 16 IWC (%): 27 SUMMARY The Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority (TWSA) operates a 0.200 MGD WWTP permitted under permit NCO063321 discharging to the Chattooga River. The WWTP serves the unincorporated Cashiers area. TWSA is proposing to expand the capacity of the treatment system in order to accommodate existing and future allocations in the Cashiers area. TWSA proposes to build a new 0.495 MGD WWTP discharging to Horesepasture River. The Chattooga River is classified as ORW therefore an expansion of the existing WWTP is not allowed. EAA The Division issued speculative limits for 0.495 MGD in April 2014. TWSA developed an Engineering Alternative Analysis (EAA) for the proposed discharge. The Cashiers WWTP currently serves approximately 250 customers. Current flows average 0.102 MGD during high season. TWSA holds requested allocations for connecting to the sewer system of 0.104 MGD. Future flow needs for the next 20 years were estimated based on requested allocations, planned development in the Cashiers Commercial District service area and surveyed potential customers expressing desire to connect to the sewer system. Currently most residential lots are serviced by individual septic systems, some of which are failing. The flow projection for the 20 year period is 0.695 MGD. The existing WWTP has a capacity of 0.20 MGD, the new plant will treat the remaining 0.495 MGD. The following alternatives were considered by TWSA: 1. No action — this alternative will not meet the growth and service needs of the area. Present Worth not applicable. 2. Optimization of WWTP — the existing facility does not have the capabilities to treat flows in excess of 0.2 MGD. This alternative is not feasible. 3. Land application — Based on local soils, hydrology and slopes a land application system in this region of the mountains will require 60 days storage capacity and 140 acres for operation of a spray $ 3- 762,10_y system. The present worth of this alternative is $23,762,105. Fact Sheet NPDES NCO089532 Page 1 4. Reuse system — There are not any industrial uses or golf courses in the service area that could use reclaimed water from the treatment system. This alternative was not considered feasible. 5. New regional WWTP — The Town of Highlands is the close treatment system in the area. The WWTP is 11 miles away. The Town of Highlands is not supportive of regionalizing their WWTP. The present worth of this alternative is $23,830,610. 6. Upgrade existing plant to 0.695 MGD, discharge 0.0495 MGD to Horsepasture River — The existing treatment system would be expanded to 0.695 MGD using a Membrane Bioreactor. Due to the limitation of space it is the only technology that could be used for expansion. Under this alternative 0.2 MGD will be discharged to Chattooga River and 0.495 MGD to Horsepasture River. The present worth of this alternative is $11,363,624. 7. New 0.495 MGD WWTP discharging to Horsepasture River — The existing WWTP discharges to the Chattooga River which is classified as ORW. Under existing rules no expansions are allowed in ORW waters. The proposed discharge is to Horsepasture River is downstream at the end of the service area. The present worth of this alternative is $10,271,391. The construction of a new 0.495 MGD WWTP discharging to Horsepasture River is the most economically and environmentally feasible of the options evaluated. The preliminary treatment system description includes equalization, tertiary treatment and UV disinfection. RECEIVING STREAM Horsepasture River is located within the Savannah River Basin, subbasin 03-13-02, stream index 4-13- (0.5), HUC 03060101. Horsepasture River has a classification of C, TR +, which is subject to special management strategy specified in 15A NCAC 2B .0225 (13), the Outstanding Resource Wastewater Rule. PROPOSED PERMIT LIMITS AND CONDITIONS As specified in 15A NCAC 2B .0225 (13) all new or expanding discharges to this section of Horsepasture River shall comply with the following requirements: (A) Oxygen Consuming Wastes: Effluent limitations shall be as follows: BOD = 5 mg/l, and NH3-N = 2 mg/l; (B) Total Suspended Solids: Discharges of total suspended solids (TSS) shall be limited to effluent concentrations of 10 mg/1 for trout waters and to 20 mg/l for all other waters except for mining operations, which will be held to their respective NPDES TSS permit limits; (C) Nutrients: Where nutrient overenrichment is projected to be a concern, effluent limitations shall be set for phosphorus or nitrogen, or both; and (D) Volume: The total volume of treated wastewater for all discharges combined shall not exceed 25 percent of the total instream flow in the designated ORW under 7Q10 conditions. The limits for BOD, TSS and ammonia follow the requirements in the rule. At the designated ORW the total volume of wastewater is 24%. Other permit limits and conditions: • WET: The draft permit will not include Whole Effluent Toxicity test since it is not required for minor facilities. • TRC: Since disinfection will be accomplished using UV no limit for total residual chlorine was included. • Instream monitoring: The permit includes instream monitoring for temperature and dissolved oxygen as per 15A NCAC 2B .0200. • Mercury: Since this is a new facility and is less than 1 MGD the implementation guidance for the statewide Mercury TMDL requires one sample every 5 years. • The permit includes a special condition with requirements for submitting electronic DMRs. Fact Sheet NPDES NCO089532 Page 2 Table 1. Summary of mMosed permit limits and monitoring Parameters Affected Permit Limit/Condition Basis for Condition Flow 0.495 MGD Design flow; T15A 2B .0505 BOD5 5 mg/l MA 7.5 mg/l WA Management Strategy from 15A NCAC 2B .0225 (13) NH3-N 2 mg/l MA 6 mg/1 WA Management Strategy from 15A NCAC 2B .0225 (13) TSS 10 mg/l MA 15 mg/l WA Management Strategy from 15A NCAC 2B .0225 (13) Fecal coliform 200/100 ml MA 400/100 ml WA State WQ standards, 15A 2B .0200 Dissolved Oxygen 6 mg/l DM State WQ standards, 15A NCAC 2B .0200 Temperature Daily Monitoring 15A NCAC 02B .0508 Total Nitrogen/Total Phosphorus Monthly monitoring 15A NCAC 02B .0508 MA — Monthly Average WA — weekly average DM — Daily Maximum PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: April 7, 2015 Permit Scheduled to Issue: June 1, 2015 NPDES DIVISION CONTACT If you have questions regarding any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Teresa Rodriguez at 919-807-638T NAME: DATE: T1115- f Regional Office Comments NAME: SUPERVISOR: Y TE: DATE: Fact Sheet NPDES NCO089532 Page 3