HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5706_Final CP2A Meeting Summary_2019 05 07.pdfMEETING SUMMARY Merger Meeting — Concurrence Point 2A TIP No. U-5706 Eastern Rockingham Corridor Study, Richmond County, NC Date .................... May 7, 2019 Time .................... 10:00 a.m. Location ............. NC Forest Service Office, Rockingham Purpose .............. Review and discuss hydraulic recommendations for Detailed Study Alternatives Attendees: Name Organization Email Address Monte Matthews USACE monte.k.matthews@usace.army.mil Ross Sullivan USACE roscoe.l.sullivan@usace.army.mil Gary Jordan USFWS gary_jordan@fws.gov Travis Wilson NCWRC travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org Janet Robertson Lumber River RPO jfr@lrcog.org Jeffrey Teague NCDOT — Division 8 jlteague@ncdot.gov Art King NCDOT — Division 8 acking@ncdot.gov Reuben Blakley NCDOT — Division 8 rblakley@ncdot.gov Jay McInnis Ramey Kemp jmcinnis@rameykemp.com Andrew Josupait Ramey Kemp ajosupait@rameykemp.com Devyn Lozzi Ramey Kemp dlozzi@rameykemp.com Sandy Smith Axiom Environmental ssmith@axiomenvironmental.org Josh Dalton Sungate Design Group jdalton@sungatedesign.com Kristin Maseman Lochner kmaseman@hwlochner.com Tim Howe Lochner thowe@hwlochner.com Brian Eason Lochner beason@hwlochner.com Kenny Smith Lochner ksmith@hwlochner.com Joining Via Conference Call: Name Organization Email Address Amanetta Somerville USEPA somerville.amanetta@epa.gov April Norton NCDWR April.Norton@ncdenr.gov Summary of Discussions Lochner provided a meeting handout that included an overview of the project's three Detailed Study Alternatives (DSAs), information about their preliminary impacts, and information about their preliminary hydraulic recommendations. Lochner also provided a handout that showed the preliminary designs for each of the three DSAs. Following opening remarks by Monte Matthews and Jay McInnis, and introductions by attendees, Kristin Maseman reviewed key project information and Tim Howe reviewed the DSAs, noting the locations of the major hydraulic crossings and recommendations for hydraulic structures at each site. There are five major hydraulic crossings —three on Alternative 1 and one each on Alternative 4 and Alternative 5. Page 1 MEETING SUMMARY Merger Meeting — Concurrence Point 2A TIP No. U-5706 Eastern Rockingham Corridor Study, Richmond County, NC Key points discussed at the meeting were: 1. Hydraulic Sites 1 and 2 — These sites are on Alternative 1, and both are pipes. There were no comments on either of these sites. 2. Hydraulic Site 3 — This site, on Alternative 1, has an existing box culvert, and existing FEMA mapping indicates that this location on Long Drive is overtopped by 100-year flood conditions. The current recommendation is to retain and extend the existing box culvert, but there is a question regarding whether the culvert should be replaced instead of extended. Gary Jordan asked whether a decision should be made regarding extending or replacing the culvert before the merger team discussed CP 2A. Jay McInnis explained the merger team could discuss both possibilities. Josh Dalton mentioned the existing culvert has a sufficiency rating of 99 out of 100 and was built in 1987. The Structures Management Unit typically agrees with extending culverts this new with this high a sufficiency rating. 3. During discussion about this site, it was noted that there do not appear to have been any recent situations where Long Drive was overtopped by floodwaters, even during last year's hurricane. It was also noted that under existing requirements for secondary roads, it is sufficient for the culvert to be designed for a 25-year flood event. It may be sufficient to retain and extend the existing box culvert. It was also discussed that no change was suggested to the hydraulic recommendation for this site. 4. Hydraulic Sites 4A and 4B — A new box culvert is the current recommendation at each of these two sites, which are where Alternatives 4 (Site 4A) and 5 (Site 413) cross a large wetland area. Monte Matthews asked if bridging the entire wetland had been considered. Jay McInnis explained the required hydraulic structures are all that are being presented to the merger team at this point. Bridging the entire wetland would cost around one million dollars. Agency representatives asked about possible strategies to further minimize impacts in this area. Travis Wilson with NCWRC and Gary Jordan with USFWS noted they are primarily concerned with ensuring wildlife can continue to successfully cross this area, suggesting the project team investigate possible modifications that would allow for increased opportunities for wildlife movement. These modifications could include replacing the proposed box culvert with a bridge or adding additional culverts. The culverts should be large enough (8' x 8') that wildlife will use them and should allow some natural light (long, dark tunnels are not appealing to some species). It was agreed the project team would develop three options for each of the two alternatives in this area —a bridge that would span the entire wetland area, a shorter bridge, and a scenario that would retain the existing recommended culvert, adding one additional culvert to the north and one to the south. The project team will develop relative cost estimates for each of these options and provide this information to the Merger Team. 5. Environmental Justice — Amanetta Somerville with USEPA asked for clarification about the types of impacts to the potential Environmental Justice communities along the DSAs. Kristin Maseman explained Alternative 5 would likely result in direct impacts to properties in the Philadelphia community, along with connectivity/cohesion impacts, and Alternative 1 would result in direct impacts to properties in the low-income, high percentage minority areas along Long Drive. She also noted that Alternative 4 is likely to have less impacts to potential Environmental Justice communities than the other two DSAs. Monte Matthews and Kristin Maseman discussed that the project team should use EPA's Environmental Justice tool to assess this issue in greater detail. 6. Concurrence — The agencies are satisfied with the hydraulic recommendations for sites 1, 2, and 3. After the project team provides the Merger Team with the relative costs of the additional Page 2 MEETING SUMMARY Merger Meeting — Concurrence Point 2A TIP No. U-5706 Eastern Rockingham Corridor Study, Richmond County, NC hydraulic options for sites 4A and 413, the Merger Team should be able to reach concurrence without holding another meeting. 7. Proiect Schedule ■ State EA — Summer 2019 ■ Public Meeting — Fall 2019 ■ CP 3 and 4A — Early 2020 ■ Right-of-way Acquisition — 2020 ■ Project Let - 2021 Action Items 1. The project team will develop relative cost estimates for the additional hydraulic options for sites 4A and 4B and provide this information to the Merger Team. Status: The project team developed the relative cost estimates for three additional hydraulic options for sites 4A and 48 and distributed this information to the Merger Team —Option 1 would replace the original box culvert with a 615-foot bridge, Option 2 would replace the original box culvert with a 140-foot bridge, and Option 3 would add additional culverts. These are reviewed in detail in the attached e-mail. The Merger Team concurred with the incorporation of Option 2, the 140-foot bridge option, in lieu of the original box culvert option, for each of these two sites. Option 1 was determined to not be practicable due to its high estimated cost. Impacts for Option 2 will be carried forward for consideration at Concurrence Point 3. On June 17, the Merger Team signed the Concurrence Form reflecting this change, along with the original hydraulic recommendations for sites 1, 2, and 3, on June 17. (Meeting Summary Prepared By: Kristin Maseman, 5/8/19; Revised 6/18/19) Page 3 Maseman, Kristin From: Jay McInnis <jmcinnis@rameykemp.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2019 7:05 AM To: Teague, Jeff L; garyjordan@fws.gov; travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org; Matthews, Monte K CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Norton, April R; Williams, Andrew E CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Janet F. Robertson; somerville.amanetta@epa.gov; Sullivan, Roscoe L III CIV (US) Cc: Maseman, Kristin; Eason, Brian; Smith, Kenny; Howe, Tim; Devyn Lozzi; Andrew Josupait; Tucker Fulle; Alex Kitching; ssmith@axiomenvironmental.org; Kluttz, Alison W.; Josh Dalton; rblakley@ncdot.gov; acking@ncdot.gov Subject: U-5706 Site 4 Structure Options Happy Wednesday everybody! At the CP 2A meeting for U-5706 (Eastern Rockingham Transportation Study) held on May 71h at the NC Forest Service office in Rockingham, we discussed investigating crossing options at Site 4, which is a new location crossing of North Prong Falling Creek (no defined channel) and Wetland WU on both Alternatives 4 and 5. Below are screen shots of Figures 3b and 4b from the meeting handout showing the site. LEGEND Project Altemative Corrloor Existing Parcel Boundary Proposed Rlghl Of Way Hlstorle Propert 0oundary (NR Llstedl llgIN) 0 Proposed Caiistructlon Llmlth —is— Jurlsdlctlonal Stream Llnes 0 Delineated Wetlands LEGEND 0 Project Alternative Corridor Existing Parcel Boundary Propose-d RIgh1 Of Way HlstorIc property boundary (NR I Isted;Fllglble) 0 Pr000sed Covistrijeflon Llmlts —is— Jurlsdlctlonal Strearn Llges 0 Dellneated wetlands Gary and Travis asked we look at adding two dry culverts on either side of the recommended culvert to be used for wildlife passage. The team agreed to look at three options, a bridge spanning the wetland, a shorter bridge, and the recommended culvert along with the two dry culverts. The table below presents the cost and impacts to Wetland WU of each option: Alt. 4 Total Cost Wetland Impacts Option 1 (615-foot bridge) $7,251,000 0.42 ac Option 2 (140-foot bridge) $3,784,000 1.94 ac Option 3 (Three culverts, 1-3@12'x9'RCBC, 2-1@8'x8' RCBC) $3,987,000 2.38 ac Alt 5 Total Cost Wetland Impacts Option 1 (700-foot bridge) $7,927,000 1.05 Option 2 (140-foot bridge) $3,974,000 2.69 Option 3 (Three culverts, 1-3@12'x9'RCBC, 2-1@8'x8' RCBC) $4,748,000 3.30 The costs listed above include construction and wetland mitigation costs. The long bridge doesn't completely avoid the wetland because the grade of the road had to be raised to provide clearance for the bridge, which resulted in some fill in the wetlands. A bridge long enough to completely avoid the wetlands would, of course, cost more than the bridge option presented. Option 2 for both alternatives appears to be the best option. The 140-foot long bridge would provide opportunities for wildlife crossing and would also affect less wetlands and cost less than Option 3 with the three culverts. I recommend the merger team select Option 2 for this crossing for both alternatives. If the team is agreeable to this, we will distribute the concurrence form to the team through Docusign. Please let me know whether or not you agree with the selection of Crossing Option 2 (140-foot bridge) at Site 4, or if you have any comments or need additional information. Thanks, Jay McInnis, PE Director of Project Development/NEPA VAMEY EMP 1 0 IATEE h4Y6F4 RTAT�G RI LRGINICR} 5808 Faringdon Place Raleigh, NC 27609 Office: 919-872-5115x1041 Direct: 984-204-1558 Mobile: 919-604-2271 Proudly serving the Southeast since 1992 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4041 CC3A-F9FF-4883-86CE-1 133B396CABC NEPA/4O4 MERGER TEAM MEETING AGREEMENT Concurrence Point No. 2A: Bridging Decisions and Alignment Review PROJECT NO./TIP NO./ NAME/DESCRIPTION: Federal Aid Project Number: NA State Project Number: WBS Element 50157.1.1 TIP Project Number: U-5706 TIP Description: Eastern Rockingham Corridor Study — Proposed new connector between US 74 Business and SR 1909 (Richmond Road) The purpose of the project is to provide direct connectivity between commercial areas along US 74 Business and residential areas northeast of central Rockingham and reduce conflicts between through traffic and local traffic on Long Drive. The Project Team concurred on this date of June 14, 2019, with the following structures on the major stream/wetland crossings along the project alternatives: SITE STREAM WETLAND ID HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE 1 Hitchcock Creek Tributary 2 N/A 1 @ 66" RCP 2 Hitchcock Creek Tributary 1 N/A 1 @ 66" RCP 3 N. Prong Falling Creek WAF 3@12'x8' RCBC* 4A N. Prong Falling Creek WU 140-foot bridge 4B N. Prong Falling Creek WU 140-foot bridge *-Existing culvert. It is expected the existing culvert can be retained and extended. US Army Corps of Engineers US Environmental Protection Agency US Fish and Wildlife Service NC Wildlife Resources Commission NC State Historic Preservation Office NC Division of Water Resources Lumber River Rural Planning Organization NC Department of Transportation DocuSigned by: ". L A _ll/ 6�17/2019 311178cFo4nrAn1 U,t,U/ EDocuSigned by: �p Q,Ma,liLt 6U s0641t V� 119 dA37nAQFDd574nR Docusigned by: 6/14/2019 _)U c�a.NA A, 5n1BADR77Cd9d52 DocuSigned by: 6/14/2019 'Craves WASOA, 31585DOB682E436... gneby: DocuSid �� EDocuSigned by: 6/17/2019 03BAC6376A6340D... DocuSigned by: _. _ 1 96k 6V, 7/2019 AAF�F95F21FFRQ4R7 DocuSigned by: 6/17/2019 7nRRFnSF6RD0474