HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040264 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20040220\O?0F W HT ?qQG r > O "C micnaei v. bastey, tiovernor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality March 25, 2004 Cumberland County DWQ Project #: 04-0267 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE Public Works Commission (PWC) of the City of Fayetteville Attn: Joseph E. Glass 955 Old Wilmington Road Fayetteville, NC 28301 Subject Property: Lionhead Sanitary Sewer Protection & Restoration Project Dear Mr. Glass: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to impact 440 feet perennial stream for the purpose of stream enhancement as you described in your application dated February 10, 2004. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3399, which may be viewed on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 27 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). This approval shall expire when the corresponding Nationwide Permit expires or as otherwise provided in the General Certification. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. Conditions of Certification: Certification of Completion 1. Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return r' L rL, N. C. Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) (919) 733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), (http:/fh2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands Page 2 Mr. Glass March 25, 2004 the attached certificate of completion to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. Mitigation Requirement 2. Applicant should be aware that if this work is proposed as compensatory mitigation (now or in the future) that monitoring will be required. DWQ considers this work to meet the definition of enhancement rather than restoration. Violations of any condition herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786 or Ken Averitt at our Fayetteville Regional Office at 910-395-3900. Sincerely, JRD/bs Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Fayetteville DWQ Regional Office File copy Central Files Matthew Smith, Skelly and Loy, 6404 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 103, Raleigh, NC 27615 r r, iLL L ? Office Use Only: Form Version May 2002 USACE Action ID No. 'prm 02* 4 _ (If any particular item is not applicable to this prof e e of Applicable" or "N/A".) I. Processing 4, 1' ?S Z) L) ? 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ? Section 10 Permit ? Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ? 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: Nationwide 27 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (verify availability with NCWRP prior to submittal of PCN), complete section VIII and check here: ? 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ? II. Applicant Information Owner/Applicant Information Name: Mr. Joseph E. Glass P.E. Public Works Commission (PWC) of the City of Fayetteville Mailing Address: 955 Old Wilmington Road Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Telephone Number: (910)_223-4740 Fax Number: (910) 829-0203 E-mail Address: joe. lg ass@faypwc.com 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Matthew V. Smith WETLANDS 1401 GROUP- Company Affiliation: Skelly and Loy, LLP Mailing Address: 6404 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 103 FEB 9 6 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Telephone Number: 919-878-3535 Fax Number: 919-M"-_ 'c E-mail Address: masmith@skellyloy.com Page 5 of 12 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Lionshead Sanitary Sewer Protection & Restoration Project 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 4. Location: County: Cumberland Nearest Town: City of Fayetteville Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Lionshead Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): From Fayetteville, take US 401 (Ramsey St) north Approximately 1.6 miles past McArthur Rd (SR 1600) turn left onto Ridgeway Drive Go approximately 0.6-miles and turn left onto Lionshead Road. Follow Lionshead Road into the new Lionshead Condominium Complex and the project site is on the left just past the dumpster housing at the end of a spur road to Lionshead Road. 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Property size (acres): Not specifically defined, site is located within utility easement. 7. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake):Unnamed Tributary to Carvers Creek. 8. River Basin: Cape Fear (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.no.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The site consists of a concurrent sanitary sewer and stream corridor. The stream is experiencing accelerated erosion through headcut migration and lateral extension resulting in drastic downstream sedimentation. The channel has eroded to Page 6 of 12 an elevation sufficient to expose the sanitary sewer pipeline in several locations. General land use within the watershed is residential and is at or near ultimate development potential. 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The project proposes to restore approximately 440 linear feet of the unnamed tributary to Carvers Creek The work entails elevating the stream invert and installing grade and hydraulic controlling structures such as cross and j-hook vanes and riparian vegetation. Equipment to be used may include the following: track excavator, loader, and dozer. (See enclosed design drawings and report) 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: The purpose of the project is to provide protective cover to the existing exposed sanitary sewer pipeline and restore the unnamed tributary to Carvers Creek using natural channel design and FGM methodologies. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. No. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Page 7 of 12 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: The proposed protect will result in approximately 440 linear feet of temporary stream impacts The resultant project will provide a stable stream channel that provides improved habitat and water quality. No wetland impacts are proposed 2. Individually list wetland impacts below: Wetland Impact Site Number indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within 100-year Floodplain** (es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet Type of Wetland*** * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://www.fema.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) Indicate if wetland is isolated (determination of isolation to be made by USACE only). List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: Total area of wetland impact proposed: 0 3. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts below: Stream Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact* Length of Impact (linear feet) Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent? (pleasespecify) 1 Restoration 440 UT to Carvers Creek 3 ft. Perennial * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at wwv.usgs.gov. Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.to ozonc,cM www.mapyuest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 440 ft. Page 8 of 12 4. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.) below: Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Name of Waterbod (if applicable) y Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) None * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 5. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. The proposed impacts are temporarv will be performed using best manaeement nractices (bmp's). Imnacts to wetlands are avoided; impacts to Waters of the U.S. have been minimized. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when Page 9 of 12 necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.eiir.state.nc.us/ncwetiands/strmgide.html. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. No mitigation is proMsed. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCWRP at (919) 733-5208 to determine availability and to request written approval of mitigation prior to submittal of a PCN. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): Page 10 of 12 IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ? No If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No ? If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 213 .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ? No ® If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. Page 11 of 12 If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation, is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0280. XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stonmwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. No chance or increase to imoervious sut ace area is Wonosed. Aflomtniete wdint" and erosiq? control measures3?jll be emnloyed in order to prevent downstream sedimentation impacts to Watcrs or wetlands. - X11. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non4scharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. No w tewater will be gmuAW, XIH. Violations (required by IDWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (1 SA NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer, Rules? Yes ? No is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XX V. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). n/a r J&or " 2 .pplteint/A,gent's Signature - ---- Date signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 12 of 12 Skelly and Loy, LLP 6404 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 103 Raleigh, NC 27615 E-mail: wlyke@skellyloy.com ' Internet: www.skellyloy.com slei ANO LOY ENGINEERING - ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS r€ ?^ F 1 04 02 6 Phone: 919-878-3535 Fax: 919-878-3550 WETLAND" 486f Public Works Commission o "'`'`? The City of Fayetteville, North Carolin*TERUI ALHYSECTION ' Lionshead Sanitary Sewer Stabilization & Restoration Project Cumberland County, North Carolina PWC Task Authorization Number 03SKL001 I Prepared For: ' Public Works Commission of The City of Fayetteville, North Carolina 955 Old Wilmington Road P.O. Box 1089 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302-1089 u ' Prepared BY Skelly and Loy, LLP ' 6404 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 103 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 February 2004 Office Locations: Harrisburg, PA Pittsburgh, PA Morgantown, WV State College, PA Hagerstown, MD Affiliated Company: AMS of Skelly and Loy, Harrisburg, PA Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 Existing Conditions ...................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Site Description ................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Geologic and Geomorphic Setting ...................................................................... 3 2.3 Hydrology - USGS Gage Station and Hydraulic Geometry Relationships........ 5 2.4 Geomorphology .................................................................................................. 7 2.5 Potential and Departure ..................................................................................... 12 2.6 Vegetation .........................................................................................................13 2.7 Particle Size Distributions ................................................................................. 14 2.8 Habitat ............................................................................................................... 14 3.0 Alternatives Analysis ................................................................................................. 15 4.0 Stability Analysis & Proposed Structures .................................................................. 17 4.1 Shear-based Stability Analysis ......................................................................... 17 4.2 Structure Justification & Design Discussion .................................................... 18 5.0 Erosion & Sediment Pollution Control Plan .............................................................. 20 5.1 Planned Erosion and Sediment Control Practices ............................................. 21 5.2 Site Stabilization Requirements ........................................................................ 23 5.3 General Erosion and Sediment Control Notes .................................................. 23 5.4 Construction Schedule ...................................................................................... 24 5.5 Maintenance Plan .............................................................................................. 26 5.6 Vegetative Plan ................................................................................................. 27 6.0 Monitoring Plan ......................................................................................................... 29 6.1 Geomorphology Monitoring ............................................................................. 29 6.2 Vegetation Monitoring ...................................................................................... 29 7.0 Stabilization Recommendations & Conclusions ........................................................ 30 8.0 References ..................................................................................................................32 List of Figures NO. DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 Vicinity and Drainage Area Map ..........................................................4 2 Reference Reach Vicinity and Drainage Map ............................................9 ii List of Tables NO. DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 Project Site, USGS Gage, and Reference Reach Hydraulic Geometry Comparison . ...............................................................................7 2 Morphological Characteristics Table .....................................................10 3 Particle Size Distributions .................................................................14 4 Boundary Shear Stress Comparison for Reference, Existing and Proposed Reaches ......................................................................................1 7 5 Seed Mix ....................................................................................28 iii List of Appendices APPENDIX A - Stream Restoration / Stabilization Plan APPENDIX B - Particle Size Distributions APPENDIX C - Photographic Documentation APPENDIX D - USGS Stream Gage Discharge Rating Table APPENDIX E - Partial Duration Series Flood Frequency Analysis APPENDIX F - Existing Conditions, Gage Station, and Reference Reach Data tv I? 1.0 Introduction The project site is located in northern Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina. The site is concurrently situated along a maintained sanitary sewer right-of-way and an unnamed tributary to an unnamed tributary to Carvers Creek. The unnamed tributary directly associated with this project is hereinafter referred to within this report as Lionshead Creek. The site is located within the Upper Cape Fear River Basin (HUC 03030004). Stream stability is defined as "The ability of a river, over time, in the present climate, to be able to transport its sediment and flow in such a manner that it maintains its dimension, pattern, and profile without aggrading or degrading (Rosgen 1996)." This report evaluates the geology, hydrology, morphology, vegetation, sediment composition, and habitat of the proposed project reach, and how these factors influence stream stability. The project site is experiencing severe vertical instability due to down-cutting and head- cut erosion. Watershed development is most likely the major impetus for the instability. The stream has down-cut to the point where the underground sanitary sewer pipelines have become exposed in several locations. The PWC proposes to restore and stabilize Lionshead Creek along their sanitary sewer right-of-way in conjunction with routine pipeline maintenance and/or replacement. The overall project goal is to provide protective cover to the existing exposed sanitary sewer pipelines and stabilize the stream channel. Specific project objectives that will achieve the project goal are: ? Utilize Fluvial Geomorphic (FGM) methodologies to design a natural stable channel and improve in-stream habitat. ? Restore a minimum protective cover of at least 2.0 feet over the top of the exposed pipelines. ? Install hydraulic controlling structures such as cross and j-hook vanes to insure grade control and bank stability, respectively. ? Coordinate the project with PWC, USACE, and NC-DENR to obtain all necessary permits and authorizations. This report describes the existing site conditions and the proposed design solutions to the exposed sewer and stream stability issues. The proposed design is developed using "natural stream design" techniques that are composed from analog (reference reach), and empirical (regional curves) methodologies. The proposed design will elevate the existing stream invert to provide protective cover to the underground pipelines and maintain a natural stable channel. This restoration approach is termed a Priority 1 restoration technique according to Rosgen (1997). 1) t 2.0 Existing Conditions 2.1 Site Description The project site is located approximately six (6) miles north of the center of Fayetteville, North Carolina (See Figure 1. Vicinity & Drainage Area Map). The project site is ' located on the Manchester, North Carolina, 7.5-minute USGS quadrangle. The site is located on private land; however, the PWC maintains a utility right-of-way along its pipeline, which coincides with the orientation of the creek. Lionshead Creek is classified as a Class C surface freshwater resource supporting aquatic life propagation and secondary recreational use. The watershed consists predominantly of residential and commercial development, with minimal amounts of forest cover. A residential condominium community is currently under construction immediately adjacent to the project site. A culverted stream crossing is conceptually proposed (by others) that will provide access to the other side of the creek ' for future development. The culvert design and proposed invert elevations are not available at this time. It is assumed that any culvert design subsequently following the stream reconstruction would need to be designed to the elevations resulting from the restoration activities. According to conversations with personnel directly familiar with the site, the stream has been moved and/or altered by past land disturbance activities, which may be an additional catalyst for stream degradation. 2.2 Geologic and Geomorphic Setting Lionshead Creek is located within the Atlantic Southern Loam Plains sub-region of the ' Southeastern Plains eco-region within the Coastal Plain physiographic province. The Coastal Plain is characterized by flat land to gently rolling hills and valleys. Elevations range from sea level near the coast to about 600 feet in the Sand Hills of the southern inner Coastal Plain (Reid, 2003). ' M ? o o y' r D II 15 O _ ?JO I \\il r ? n u I ? ` y6 Oh ? ? ? ss II ? II ITE II ?\ ti - i It U 250 00 II \1\ \\••@at 1. \ n / di /I A it /y?1 ? ?? \\ ? .` 401 1615 - 6 I g! j r • SKELLY and LOY, Inc. OCT 2003 FIGURE 1 LIONSHEAD SANITARY SEWER & RESTORATION PROJECT VICINITY & DRAINAGE AREA MAP Manchester, NC USGS Quad Cumberland County, North Carolina Job No.. 2603012 Scale: I"=2000'+/- I I I t J LJ The Coastal Plain is a wedge of mostly marine sedimentary rocks that gradually thickens ' to the east. The Coastal Plain is the largest belt in the State covering 45 percent of the land area. The most common sediment types are sand and clay, although a significant amount of limestone occurs in the southern part of the Coastal Plain (Reid, 2003). ' 2.3 Hydrology - USGS Gage Station and Hydraulic Geometry Relationships The site is located in the Upper Cape Fear River Drainage Basin (Hydrologic Unit Code 03030004). The drainage area to the project reach is approximately 0.33 square miles (209 acres). Lionshead Creek is a first order stream that conveys perennial flow. Land use within the drainage area consists primarily of residential homes and some commercial development. Field measurements were obtained at a local USGS gage (USGS 02102908: Flat Creek ' near Inverness, NC) site in order to calibrate bankfull estimates with a regression analysis of historical peak discharge records. A representative riffle cross-section measured approximately 70 feet downstream of the gage site indicated a bankfull width of 23.2 feet, an average bankfull depth of 2.2 feet, a bankfull cross-sectional area of 50.9 square feet, and an estimated bankfull discharge of 124 cubic feet per second. This flow correlates to a bankfull return interval of 1.5-years. These measurements closely approximate the anticipated hydraulic geometry based on the regional curve regression equations. ' The North Carolina Stream Restoration Institute (NC-SRI) developed regional curve hydraulic geometry regression equations for the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. The equations were developed from measurements of 13 reference and gage sites throughout the Coastal Plain. The following are the derived equations: t Qbkf-= 17.086 AW 0.7407 (R2 - 0.6994 2 0.8886) Abkf = (R 13.241 A,,, = 0.9063) Wbkf- = 10.839 AW 03782 (R2 = 0.3217 2 0.9093) Dbkf (R = 1.2081 AW = 0.7937) ' Where Qbkf = bankfull disch arge, A,,, = drainage area, Abkf = bankfull cross-sectional area, WbkP = bankfull width, and Dbkf = bankfull depth. It is important to note that these equations are draft relationships; they have not yet been published and/or peer reviewed. ' They are only referenced to provide a reasonable estimate of bankfull hydraulic geometry. I According these equations, a stable stream within the coastal plain of North Carolina with ' a drainage area of 0.33 square miles should have a bankfull width of approximately 7.1 feet, an average bankfull depth of approximately 0.85 feet, a bankfull cross-sectional area ' of approximately 6.1 square feet, and a bankfull discharge of approximately 7.5 cubic feet per second. Care must be taken when using these regional relationships due to the natural variability represented within the confidence limits. Field calibration is necessary to verify bankfull channel dimensions. Furthermore, these relationships were developed predominantly from C and E stream types; hydraulic geometry variances may occur depending on the particular stream type. Table 1 illustrates the comparison between the regional curve, USGS gage, and project site predicted and measured hydraulic geometry relationships. F1 t 1 Table 1. Project Site, USGS Gage, and Reference Reach Hydraulic Geometry Comparison. Bankfull Project Site USGS Gage Site Reference Rea Parameters Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Mca,ured Width 7.1 6.6 23.4 23.2 5.2 4.2 Depth 0.85 .92 2.3 2.2 0.65 0.57 Area 6.1 5.9 54.9 50.9 3.4 2.1 Discharge 7.5 9.2 77 124 4.1 3.2 A Partial Duration Series Flood Frequency Analysis was performed using recorded annual peak flow values at the gage site for the years 1968-2002 (34 years of record). Bankfull flows on average typically correspond with the 1.5-year storm event. The recurrence interval for bankfull flow can vary from 1.1 to 1.8-year depending on the characteristics of the watershed (Leopold, 1964; Rosgen, 1996; Harman, 1999). According to the frequency analysis, 1.5-year storm event should produce a flow of ' approximately 124 cfs. Bankfull flow at the gage site is estimated to be 124 cubic feet per second and corresponds to an approximate 1.5-year recurrence interval according to the frequency analysis. t t 2.4 Geomorphology Fluvial geomorphic (FGM) techniques were utilized to analyze the existing channel conditions. The analysis included the collection of multiple cross-sections at representative stream features such as riffles, runs, and pools. A longitudinal profile, i.e., thalweg profile, was collected over a stream length equal to a minimum of 20 bankfull widths. Stream features such as head of riffles and pools, maximum pool depth, water surface elevation, bankfull indicators, and top of bank were recorded along the profile. Particle size distributions were collected using a modified Wolman pebble count stratified by stream feature to determine the D15, D35, D50, D84, and D95 of the bankfull channel materials. Lionshead Creek is located in a Valley Type VIII according to the Rosgen Stream Classification System (Rosgen 1994, 1996). Stable stream types within Type VIII 7 t G t valleys typically include C and E stream types. Stream types C and E are generally characterized as low gradient (<2%), meandering alluvial channels that exhibit riffle/pool and/or run/pool sequences. The streams within the region surrounding northern Fayetteville appear to consist of low gradient, meandering channels that are fed by steeper, headwater streams that serve to drain higher elevation terraces, plateaus, and ridgelines. Lionshead Creek through the project reach currently classifies as a G5c stream type. G5c streams are typically very sensitive to disturbance and tend to make adverse channel adjustments in response to changes in the watershed. Lionshead Creek prior to watershed development consisted of a low gradient, headwater tributary (C or E) that transitioned to a moderate gradient (B, Bc, or Eb) for a relatively short reach in order to convey flow from an upper plateau to the stream valley below. This moderate gradient reach, when subjected to increased run- off due to development, vegetation removal, and potential realignments from previous grading activities, reacted by incising, thus creating the large head-cut that currently exists. A reference reach is typically selected in order to derive morphological relationships from a stable stream reach to be used in developing the appropriate bankfull design parameters to the design reach. A stable reference reach was located approximately 2.5- miles northwest of the project site (See Figure 2. Reference Reach Vicinity & Drainage Area Map). The reference reach is a small, first order unnamed tributary to an unnamed tributary to Carvers Creek. The reference reach conveys perennial flow; hydrology is provided by a headwater palustrine emergent wetland. The reference reach classifies as an E5b stream type according to the Rosgen Stream Classification system. The reference reach exhibits a stream gradient of 2.8 percent through predominantly sand and fine 8 C arvers REF ASH 0 N; - SKELLY and LOY, Inc. OCT 2003 FIGURE 2 LIONSHEAD SANITARY SEWER $ RESTORATION PROJECT REFERENCE REACH VICINITY $ DRAINAGE AREA MAP Manchester, NC USGS Quad Cumberland County, North Carolina Job No.: 2603012 Scale: V=2000' +/- gravel channel material. Grade control is maintained by an underlying matrix of root ' material that provides resilient nick points at each hydraulic drop location. Without the influence and control provided by the root structure, this stream would most likely ' degrade vertically through headward headcut migration similar to the project reach. ' The use of this reference reach for the Lionshead project was approved by NC-DENR on October 21, 2003. Survey measurements were obtained in order to development design ' criteria that are applicable to the project site. Measurements obtained from the reference reach are converted to dimensionless ratios that can then be applied to the project site. ' Table 2 provides the morphological characteristics of the Existing, Proposed, USGS Gage Station, and Reference reaches. 1 Table 2. Morphological Characteristics Table. I 1 xisting Proposed USGS; Gage, Refe Once Category i Channel Channel Stat on,: ' Re ch Stream Type 65 E5b E E5b Drainage Area (DA) 0.33 sq. mi. 0.33 sq. mi. 7.63 sq. mi. 0.144 sq. mi. Bankfull Width (Wbkf) 6.5 ft. 6.75 ft. 23.2 ft. 3.08-5.31 ft. 4.2 ft. Bankfull Mean Depth 0.92 ft. 0.9 ft. 2.2 ft. 0.46-0.67 ft. (Dbkf) 0.57 ft. Width/Depth Ratio 7.1 7.5 10.5 6.7-7.9 7.4 Bankfull Cross- 9 ft 5 z 1 ft 6 2 9 ft 50 2 1.95-2.24 ft. Sectional Area (Abkf) . . . . . . 2.1 ft. Bankfull Mean Velocity 1.6 fps 1.5 fps 2.4 fps 1.5 fps (Vbkf) Bankfull Discharge (Q) 9.2 cfs 9.2 cfs 124 cfs 3.2 cfs Bankfull Max Depth 1.35 ft. 1.1-1.5 ft. 3.2 ft. 0.79-0.84 ft. (D nax) 1.3 ft. 0.82 ft. Max Depth Ratio 1.47 1.2-1.7 1.45 1.25-1.7 1.4 1.4 Bank Height Ratio 4.6 1.0 1.0 1 0 (BHR) . Floodprone Width 8.8-10.9 ft. 21.6-33.1 ft. 49 ft. 15-17 ft.+ (Wfpa) 25.7 16 ft. Entrenchment Ratio 1.35-1.7 3.2-4.9 2 13 3.2-4.9 (ER) 3.8 . 3.8 Meander Length (L 20.6-31.6 ft. 29-30.4 ft. __ 17-23 ft. 32.4 ft. 20 ft. Meander Length Ratio 3.2-4.9 4.3-4.5 4.3-5.5 4.8 4.8 Radius of Curvature 5.5-8.1 ft. 5.4-8.1 ft. 3.7-4.5 ft. (RJ 6.75 ft. 4.2 ft. 10 L C r. LI Existing Proposed USGS Cage Reference Category Channel Channel Station: Reach Radius of Curvature to 0.8-1.2 0.85-1.2 0.85-1.25 Bankfull Width Ratio 1.0 1.0 15.5-18.9 ft. 7-15 ft. Belt Width (Wh,t) 10.1-13.0 ft. 17.5 ft. 11 ft. Meander Width Ratio 1.5-2.0 2.3-2.8 2.3-2.8 2.6 2.6 Sinuosity (k) 1.2 1.2 -- 1.4 Valley Slope (VS) 0.035 0.035 -- 0.038 Average Slope (s) 0.029 0.029 0.00735 0.028 Riffle Slope -- 0.006-0.026 0.005-0.045 0.02175 Avg. 0.02125 Riffle Slope Ratio -- 0.2-0.9 0.18-1.6 0.75 0.77 Riffle Length 8-22 ft. 5.4-8.1 ft. 2.7-5.3 ft. 15 ft. 6.75 ft. Avg. 4.2 ft. 1.2-3.4 0.8-1.2 0.9-1.0 Riffle Length Ratio 2.3 1.0 1.0 Pool Slope (S ) ' °°? 0.0011-0.00375 0.00145-0.003 0.00125-0.003 0.0022 0.0022 Pool Slope Ratio 0.04-0.13 0.05-0.1 0.045-0.11 0.075 0.075 Max Pool Depth (Dp°°,) 1.55-2.1 ft. 1.5-3.0 ft. 0.9-1.9 ft. 2.2 ft. Avg. 1.34 ft. Max Pool Depth Ratio 1.7-2.3 1.7-3.3 1.6-3.3 2.0 2.4 2.4 Pool Width W ( '°°?) 6.0 ft. 6.75-10.1 ft. 3.7-3.8 ft. 8.4 ft. 3.75 ft. Pool Width Ratio 0.92 1.0-1.5 0.7-1.2 1.24 0.9 7.3-9.2 ft. 2 1 f 56-3 Pool Area -- 7.9 ft.2 . . . 2.8 ft.2 Pool Area Ratio -- 1.2-1.5 1.3-1.4 1.3 1.3 8-20 ft. 8.1-17.6 ft. 4-13.5 ft. Pool Length 14 ft. 11.5 ft. Avg. 6.9 ft. Pool Length Ratio 1.2-3.1 1.2-2.6 1.3-2.5 2.2 1.7 1.6 Pool-to-Pool Spacing 13-42 ft. 10.1-27 ft. 4.5-20.5 ft. (p-p) Avg. 19 ft. 17.0 ft. Avg. 10.9 ft. Pool-to-Pool Spacing 2.0-6.5 1.5-4.0 1.5-3.9 Ratio 2.9 2.5 2.6 Channel Materials D16 0.18 mm -- < .062 mm D35 0.65 mm -- 0.34 mm D50 1.0 mm -- 0.57 mm D84 14 mm -- 8.5 mm D95 24 mm -- 19 mm Manning's Equation was used to estimate average velocity for the design hydraulic radius and slope. Manning's equation is as follows: V = 1.49(R)"'(s)uz , n Where V = average velocity, R = hydraulic radius, s = average slope, and n = roughness coefficient. Discharge (Q) is estimated using the continuity equation: Q=AV, Where A = cross sectional area and V = average velocity. Bankfull indicators in the degraded portion of the channel are not very evident and/or consistent, as is typically the case in G-type streams. Mass wasting, or bank slumping, can create the illusion of a bankfull indicator when the slump material remains intact at the toe of the slope, thereby creating the appearance of a bankfull bench. Furthermore, the amount of sediment generated by these bank failures often results in drastic changes in appearance and morphology from run-off event to run-off event. 2.5 Potential and Departure Stream potential and departure describe the theoretically best possible stream condition for a particular stream type and morphological parameters and/or external factors that detract from a stream's optimal state, respectively. Stable streams whose physical and biological characteristics are at an optimum are considered to be at their full potential. Lionshead Creek is stable upstream and downstream of the project reach, and appears to be functioning at its full, or nearly full potential. Upstream and downstream stability is evinced by stable, non-eroding streambanks, and good riparian and bank vegetation. The existing project reach is undergoing a process known as stream rejuvenation. This process occurs when there is an uplifting of valley floor, or a lowering of the base level. t It is reasonable to assume that a "hydraulic jump" was created either by changes in the watershed or by stream channel altering. A hydraulic jump created within fine material ' 12 will migrate upstream until halted by a nickpoint. The resilience of the nickpoint and the degree of incision will determine the magnitude of the resultant scour. It is common to encounter a stream reach that has several headcut features in a series, each with its own nickpoint. This erosional migration upstream will continue until the stream achieves a balance, or equilibrium, between the stream and valley gradients, and the hydrology and sediment supply produced by the watershed, thus rejuvenating the streambed. In addition to the sediment eroded from the streambed during a headcut migration, the resultant stream incision and entrenchment leads to accelerated bank erosion in the form of mass wasting and bank slumping. As the channel gradient rejuvenates, the stream tendency will be to create a bankfull channel, with appropriate floodplain/floodprone width, within the now entrenched system. This is a common stream classification evolution pattern. 2.6 Vegetation The project reach is not very well vegetated due to the degree of erosion and its use as a maintained sanitary sewer right-of-way. Riparian species present include Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), Red Maple (Ater rubrum), Box-Elder (Ater negundo), Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda), Sweetgum (Liquidambar syraciflua) and Spicebush (Lindera benzoin). The lack of riparian vegetation density and/or composition contributes greatly to the instability of Lionshead Creek throughout the project reach. Vegetation species present at the reference reach site include Red Maple (Ater rubrum), Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda), Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), Black Willow (Salix nigra), River Birch (Betula nigra), Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), American Holly (Ilex opaca), Privet (Ligustrum sinense), Smooth Alder (Alnus serrulata), Wax Myrtle (Myrica cerifera), Possum Haw (Viburnum nudum), Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), Tear-thumb (Polygonum sagittatum), and Virginia Chainfern (Woodwardia virginica). 13 1 2.7 Particle Size Distributions Lionshead Creek is characterized by a substrate composed predominantly of fine to medium gravel and coarse sand material. Cobble sized material in the form of riprap is present in two locations within the channel, apparently a previous attempt to annor the channel and protect the sewer line. These riprap sections of the channel were not included in the particle size distribution sampling efforts. Table 3 provides particle size distributions for the project site and the reference reach: Table 3. Particle Size Distributions. Size Class Project Site Reference Reach D15 0.18 mm < 0.062 mm D35 0.65 mm 0.34 mm D50 1.0 mm 0.57 mm DS4 14 mm 8.5 mm D95 24 mm 19 mm 2.8 Habitat Lionshead Creek offers in-stream habitat to many aquatic organisms. Habitat within the project area is limited and degraded due to the stream instability. Sediment loading within the project reach not only affects the habitat within the project area, but also affects the habitats within downstream reaches and streams. Riffle and pool micro- habitats are constantly affected by changing stream conditions following each significant precipitation event. The proposed stream restoration measures will improve habitat by reducing erosion; the proposed structures provide critical plunge pool habitat, which also serve as energy dissipation zones. 14 n L 3.0 Alternatives Analysis Three potential alternatives are discussed regarding the most appropriate approach to meet the project goals. The alternatives are as follows: Alternative 1 - no remedial action, Alternative 2 - lower the sanitary sewer pipeline elevations to depths below the stream invert, Alternative 3 - provide armor, such as rip-rap, within the existing channel in order to protect the pipeline, and Alternative 4 - restore cover to the pipeline and provide a natural stable channel use FGM methodologies. Each will be discussed as they pertain to the Lionshead project. The first alternative provides no stabilization or protection measures to the stream or pipelines, respectively. If the erosive headcut is not properly addressed, the existing nick-point will eventually fail and the headcut will continue its erosive migration upstream. This will result in drastic amounts of sediment transported downstream. The current pipeline exposure poses a potential health risk due to risk of pipeline rupture from external sources. This alternative is not feasible due to the potential sediment and pipeline issues associated with doing nothing. The second alternative proposes to lower the elevation of the sanitary sewer pipeline in order to restore protective cover. There are several inherent problems associated with this alternative. The headcut problem discussed in the first alternative discussion is still applicable, seeing as how alternative 2 does not address this issue. The existing pipelines are gravity-fed sanitary lines, and are designed as a system, rather than separate pieces. While lowering portions of the line may be feasible for the upstream portions of the system, all the lower portions would most likely have to be reengineered and subsequently lowered as well. The costs associated with this type of endeavor are not within the project scope. In addition, depending on the degree to which the pipeline is lowered, the stream has the potential to erode down to the pipeline again as the stream profile continues to rejuvenate. Alternative 2 is not an option due to the potential costs, engineering constraints, and remaining environmental issues. 15 1 The third alternative proposes to armor the existing channel using riprap or some other type of aggregate annoring material. This alternative may address the headcut issue and provide protective cover to the pipelines; however, other impacts would be associated with such an action. Lining the channel with riprap would be considered a permanent impact by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and would require some type of stream mitigation. Any existing or potential stream habitat would be lost and stream functions such as sediment transport would be deleteriously affected. Alternative 3 is not feasible because it is not reasonable to propose a potential solution, such as riprap lining, that will result in the need to provide as much, if not more, stream restoration mitigation for the same amount of linear feet of stream proposed to be lined with riprap. Options exist that are very cost effective that provide the similar protection with the added benefit of maintaining or improving stream habitat. The fourth alternative satisfies the project goals and objectives by providing protective cover to the pipelines and creating a natural stable channel to convey flow and provide in-stream habitat. The existing stream invert will be elevated with fill material, thereby providing a minimum of 2.5 feet of cover over the top of the pipelines. Hydraulic controlling structures will be utilized to ensure that grade control is maintained and to arrest the migration of the erosive head-cut. Furthermore, these structures provide in- stream habitat and ensure stream stability when properly designed and installed. This method of stream stabilization is the agency-preferred technique for stream restoration in North Carolina streams. 16 I 11 4.0 Stability Analysis & Proposed Structures 4.1 Shear-based Stability Analysis Cross-sections were surveyed along the project reach in order to calculate and compare pre- versus post-construction shear stress under bankfull conditions. In addition, the measurements obtained from the reference reach cross-sections and subsequent calculations provide the basis for assessing stability. As stated previously, bankfull indicators are not very evident within the project reach due to bank instability. Bankfull width, depth, cross-sectional area, width/depth ratio, wetted perimeter, hydraulic radius, and shear stress are evaluated for representative cross-sections. Average boundary shear stress is calculated using the following equation: i = yRs; Where r = shear stress, y = density of water (62.4 lbs/ft3), R = hydraulic radius, and s = average surface slope. Hydraulic radius (R) is calculated using: R = A/wp; C? t Where A = cross-sectional area, and wp = wetted perimeter. It is typically acceptable that in order to demonstrate the stability of a proposed sand-bed channel, the proposed channel shear stress must be equal to or less than the reference reach maximum shear stress given that the reference reach demonstrates the same characteristics as the proposed reach. Table 4 presents the bankfull data comparison between the reference reach and existing and proposed project site cross-sections: Table 4. Boundary Shear Stress Comparison for Reference, Existing and Proposed Reaches. Cross- Width Depth W/D Area Wetted Hydraulic Shear ` Section ID (ft) (ft) Ratio' (ft:2) Perimeter Radius Stress (ft) (ft) (lbs/ft. ) Ref. Reach 3.7 0.84 4.4 3.1 4.07 0.76 1.4 Ex. Channel 6.5 0.92 7.1 5.9 7.3 0.81 1.5 Prop Channel 6.75 0.9 7.5 6.1 7.7 0.79 1.4 17 The shear-based stability analysis shows that the proposed shear stress in the elevated, ' restored channel should maintain stability and sediment transport. The shear exhibited on the channel by bankfull flow is at or below the maximum shear calculated in the ' reference reach. Bankfull velocities within the channel will be comparable to the reference reach due to similarities in hydraulic radius, slope, and Manning's roughness ' coefficient. Additionally, hydraulic and grade control structure installation, combined with aggressive bank and riparian plantings, will further promote channel stability. 4.2 Structure Justification & Design Discussion Vane structures are designed to protect stream banks from erosion. Cross vanes provide protection to both stream banks and provide grade control to the stream invert. These structures protect the stream banks by changing the hydraulic properties of the water in ' the near bank region. Near bank stress (NBS) is greatly reduced and one vane can protect a large portion of the bank. The reduced NBS allows for vegetation establishment, which ' is typically critical for stream stability. The resultant scour pool that is designed into the structure serves to dissipate energy and provide stabilized pool habitat. The proposed ' structures serve to replicate the root-mass provided grade control within the reference reach. The proposed structures shown on the restoration plan are necessary to ensure grade r control and bank stability where bank grading/disturbance are proposed. These structures are designed to reduce stress in the near-bank region, allowing vegetation to become established. They also serve to create and improve habitat and sediment transport. The cross vane is necessary for grade control and to focus hydraulic energies to the channel ' center. The stream banks within these regions will be graded to create a floodplain/floodprone area. 1 The proposed vanes are shown on the plan as j-hook rock vanes. The addition of the hook portion to a rock vane can improve habitat by providing a mix of flow zones and typically deeper and longer scour action. The cross vane is designed as a rock structure ' 18 in order to ensure long-teen grade control. As per current North Carolina standards, all structures will incorporate geo-textile filter material in the installation. 19 5.0 Erosion & Sediment Pollution Control Plan ' Approximately 0.55-acres (24,000 ft. 2) will be disturbed during the construction activities. The plan includes the implementation of multiple stream restoration practices throughout the project area. Approximately 440 linear feet of new natural stream channel and flood-prone area will be constructed and stabilized. Riparian plantings will be ' installed as indicated on the plan; care must be taken during installation to avoid planting directly over the underground pipelines. According to the Soil Survey of Cumberland and Hoke Counties issued in October 1984, three soil types are present within the project limits. They include Gilead loamy sand with 2 to 8 percent slopes (GdB), Johnston loam (JT), and Blaney loamy sand with 8 to ' 15 percent slopes (BaD). Blaney loamy sand with 8 to 15 percent slopes (BaD) is a well drained soil typically found on the side slopes of uplands in the western and northern parts of the counties. ' This soil unit is often situated in long narrow bands above and parallel to streams. Permeability is moderate and available water capacity is low. A perched water table is ' frequently above the brittle subsoil for brief periods following heavy precipitation. Johnston loam (JT) is a nearly level and very poorly drained soil along major drainages. It is located on floodplains throughout the counties. This soil has moderately rapid and rapid permeability in the upper and lower parts of the soil, respectively. The seasonal high water table is at or above the surface most of the year and is subsequently subject to frequent flooding. ' Gilead loamy sand with 2 to 8 percent slopes (GdB) is a moderately well drained soil typically located on side slopes along streams. It is mostly located in the northern and western parts of Cumberland and Hoke counties. Mapped areas are usually elongated or irregular in shape. Permeability is moderately slow to slow; a perched water table is ' commonly above the clayey, brittle subsoil for brief periods during the wet seasons. Available water capacity is medium to high. 20 ' 5.1 Planned Erosion and Sediment Control Practices 1. Silt Barrier Fence (SF) -- Silt barrier fences will be constructed around topsoil stockpiles, wetlands, and work areas adjacent to the stream channels as necessary to prevent sediment from entering the stream. Silt fence will be inspected following any precipitation event and repaired immediately, if necessary. See Sheets 10 and 11 of the Design Plans for location, specifications, and maintenance requirements for the silt barrier fence. t 7 2. Stabilized Rock/Gravel Construction Entrances/Exits (RCE) -- A stabilized rock construction entrance/exit will be installed at the terminal end of the spur road to Lionshead Road in order to limit sediment from leaving the site and to provide maximum utility to all construction vehicles. During wet weather conditions, it may be necessary to wash vehicle tires at these locations. See Sheets 10 and 11 of the Design Plans for the location, specifications, and maintenance requirements for the stabilized rock construction entrance/exit. 3. Stockpiles -- Stockpiles will be used to contain all stripped soil, delivered fill material, and/or structural rock in a limited area in order to keep the disturbed area to a minimum. Stockpile locations will avoid natural drainage areas and steep slopes. One (1) stockpile is planned for this site; its approximate proposed location is shown Sheet 10 of the Design Plans. 4. Seeding and Planting -- At the end of each day, exposed soils in the streambank area (the area from the edge of the stream to four feet from the edge of the streambank) must be seeded with native grasses and covered in coir (or other biodegradable) fiber that is staked down. Riparian vegetation will be planted directly through the erosion-control matting. Disturbed areas outside the streambank area will be seeded with native grasses and mulched with straw. Refer to Sheet 12 of the Final Design Plans entitled "Planting Plan" for the location, specifications, and maintenance of riparian vegetative plantings. 21 1 5. Temporary Rock Filters (RF) - The contractor will install a temporary rock filter immediately upstream of the stabilized outlet. This sediment control structure will be removed upon completion of construction. Refer to Sheets 10, and 11 of the Design Plans for the approximate location, specifications, and maintenance requirements for the temporary rock filters. 6. Temporary Coffer Dams (TCD) -- Temporary coffer dams will be constructed in order to divert the normal stream flows around the construction area or to block off a work area for construction. See Sheets 10 and 11 of the Design Plans for the location, specifications, and maintenance requirements for the temporary coffer dam. 7. Outlet Stabilization Structures -- Outlet stabilization structures will be installed, if ' needed, near the sediment filter bag located at the end of the temporarily bypassed section of stream. The outlet stabilization structures should be positioned at the invert of the stream channel and aligned with the stream channel in order to prevent the erosion of the opposite strearnbank. See Sheets 10 and 11 of the Design Plans for the location, specifications, and maintenance requirements for the outlet stabilization structures. ' 8. Sediment Filter Bag for Pumped Water -- Sediment filter bags will be used to collect sediment from the pumped bypass water during construction. Bags will be installed on stable or well-vegetated areas that will not erode when subjected to bag discharge. The discharge will be directed to outlet stabilization structures, where needed. ' The contents of the spent filter bags may be used as construction fill, where applicable. See Sheets 10 and 11 of the Design Plans for the specifications and maintenance ' requirements. 9. Pumps and Dewatering Channel -- All work in the stream area will be performed at low-flow conditions. Pumps will be sized to handle the average stream flow in the ' area of work. The contractor should work in low-flow conditions and select an appropriate pump based on the existing stream conditions to perform the pump around ' 22 u J J during construction. It is anticipated that one to two 3-inch pumps will be sufficient to perform the pump around activities. Pumps, hoses, and all such equipment will be in good operating condition and free of leaks. Additional pumps may be required in the event that stream flow increases, a pump becomes disabled, or to cover periods when pumps are out of operation. 10. Erosion Control Matting - Coir fiber matting shall be applied to the graded streambanks following final grading and seeding. Coir fiber matting shall consist of BioD-Mat 70 or equivalent. Matting shall be staked and secured in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 5.2 Site Stabilization Requirements Disturbed areas will be stabilized at the conclusion of the project. Coir matting or other biodegradable matting will be used along the streambanks and streambank areas, while seed and mulch will be used in the remaining areas. Once construction is complete, permanent riparian vegetation will be planted in accordance with the Planting Plan. In addition, the stockpile areas, stabilized construction entrance/exit, and any other disturbed areas will be permanently seeded in accordance with the Vegetation Plan described in Section 5.6. 5.3 General Erosion and Sediment Control Notes ' 1. Notify NCDENR seven days prior to construction. 2. The contractor shall divide construction into weekly segments, if necessary. Each segment shall be cleared, excavated, and stabilized and have rock structures installed at the conclusion of the week. Removal of natural vegetation shall be minimized wherever possible during construction. 3. The pump-around length shall be based on the weekly segment selected by the ' contractor. The pump and coffer dam shall be removed upon completion of each weekly segment. 23 L ' 4. Construction safety fencing shall be placed around all wet areas and wetlands within the project site to limit disturbance within these areas. Silt barrier fencing shall ' also be placed around wet areas and wetlands as necessary to prevent sediment deposition in these areas. The contractor shall exercise caution to avoid using equipment in wet areas and wetlands. All disturbances in any wetlands/wet areas shall be returned to ' preexisting conditions. 5. The contractor shall keep adequate amounts of soil stabilization material on-site at ' all times. 6. During the life of the project, the contractor is responsible for the maintenance of all erosion and sediment control devices. 7. As needed, regrade, reseed, and mulch washed-out areas in the project area. 8. The contractor is responsible for the removal of any excess material. 9. All waste material must be removed from the site and recycled or disposed of properly. No waste material shall be buried, dumped, or discharged at the site. ' 10. The contractor is responsible for dust control measures, as needed. 11. Excess soil shall be placed in the designated stockpile areas. The stockpile height must not exceed 35 feet, and the sides must be sloped at 2:1 or flatter. Silt barrier fencing will be placed on the low side of stockpiles to prevent sediment from being washed into ' the stream. The fencing will extend around approximately 70% of the perimeter of the stockpile. Stockpiles will be stabilized with temporary seeding as soon as possible after the formation of the stockpile. ' 5.4 Construction Schedule In order to reduce the potential for erosion of soils at this site, the following construction schedule will be followed. Refer to the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan drawings for the location, details, specifications, and maintenance of the proposed practices. I . Excavate and install the stabilized rock construction entrance/exit at the tenninal end of the spur road to Lionshead Road. 2. Choose stockpile locations and install a silt barrier fence. Place excavated materials, fill material, and structural rock in stockpile locations. 24 3. Designate a segment of stream to be completed in one week. Install a stabilized outlet and filter bag just downstream of the weekly construction segment, and install a ' rock filter or temporary downstream sediment trap just upstream of the stabilized outlet. 4. Lay bypass piping along the left bank from the stabilized outlet upstream to the ' head of the reach. Connect piping to the filter bag and stabilized outlet. 5. Install a temporary coffer dam at least ten feet upstream of the reach to be ' constructed. Install the pump and connect it to the piping. Check the coffer dam and piping for leaks. Modify the pipe location, inlet, and outlet as necessary to achieve constant flow. Begin pumping all creek water from behind the coffer dam. 6. Clear and grub the weekly construction segment, as needed, while avoiding damage to the natural streamside vegetation whenever possible. 7. Construct and stabilize the stream channel and floodprone area in accordance with the profile elevation, section elevation, and grading plans. Grade, stabilize, and install ' stream structures. Place all excavated materials in the stockpiles. 8. Install erosion control biodegradable coir fiber matting to stabilize streambanks in ' accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Plant shrubs and trees in the flood- prone area and along the streambanks in accordance with the Planting Plan. Plantings may be completed at the end of each week or at the conclusion of the project; this will be decided by the contractor. ' 9. Once the stream channel and structure construction is completed, remove the temporary coffer dam and turn off the pump to allow flow through the new channel. After visual inspection of the flow, reinstall the temporary coffer dam at the same location and restart the pump. Adjust all stream structures as directed by the engineer. 10. At the end of the week or upon completion of the weekly construction segment, ' remove the temporary coffer dam along with the stabilized outlet, rock filters or temporary downstream sediment traps, pump apparatus, and filter bag. Stabilize, seed, and mulch all disturbed areas. Reinstall in next weekly construction segment, if needed. 11. Repeat Steps 5 through 10. ' 12. Haul any leftover material off-site. Seed and mulch stockpile areas and any remaining disturbed areas. Remove the stabilized rock construction entrance/exit and stabilize as required. ' 13. Once vegetation is established, remove the silt barrier fence and seed and mulch any disturbed areas. 25 5.5 Maintenance Plan ' In order to assure correct operation of the erosion control practices proposed for this project, the following maintenance steps shall be performed. 1. Employ measures during construction to prevent spills of fuels or ' lubricants. If a spill occurs, immediately contain it to prevent entry into the waterway. Dispose of any contaminated soils in accordance with all local, state, and federal requirements. 2. All erosion and sediment control practices will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff-producing rainfall event or once every week. Repairs will be made immediately to maintain the practices as designed. 3. Inspect the construction entrance after high-volume traffic or storm events. ' Apply additional stone as necessary. Clean vehicles of mud or dirt before leaving the project site for travel on public roads. ' 4. Remove sediment deposits from behind the silt fence as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout. The sediment ' fence will be repaired as necessary to maintain the required barrier. 5. Replace rock filters that become clogged with sediment. Wash materials completely free of all foreign material or use new rock to rebuild the filter. Clean out accumulated sediment from temporary downstream sediment traps as necessary during the construction period. 6. At the end of each week, exposed soils along the streambank and in the riparian area must be covered with coir fiber matting and staked down. ' 7. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary, and mulched according to the specifications in the Vegetative Plan described in Section 5.6 to ' maintain a vigorous, dense vegetative cover. Areas planted with trees and shrubs will be replanted as necessary to achieve a 70% survival rate. 8. Suitable material removed from the erosion and sediment control facilities on the project will be used as construction fill for the project. All other materials removed from the erosion and sediment control facilities will be disposed of off- site in accordance with all local, state, and federal requirements. n 26 r 5.6 Vegetative Plan The Vegetative Plan for this site requires the seeding of all disturbed areas and is presented below. As part of the stream restoration plan, streambanks and riparian areas will be planted with native vegetation. Refer to the Planting Plan drawings and schedule for locations, species, types of plants, and quantities. These areas are considered successfully revegetated when a 70% survival rate is achieved. application, and vegetative maintenance. The Vegetative Plan for this site consists of seedbed preparation, seeding methods, mulch 5.6.1 Seedbed Preparation The following steps will be performed to prepare the soil for seed application. 1. Remove any rocks and debris. 2. Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests, or apply 2,000 pounds per acre of ground agricultural limestone and 750 pounds per acre of 10-10-10 fertilizer. Spread amendments evenly. Incorporate into the top six inches of soil with a disc, chisel plow, or rotary tiller only in areas where the soil is compacted by construction equipment. 3. Break up large clods and rake them into a loose, uniform seedbed. 4. Rake to loosen the surface just prior to applying seed. 5.6.2 Seeding Method The following steps will be performed to seed the disturbed areas. 1. Seed all disturbed areas with the following mixture of permanent and annual grasses. However, switchgrass shall be used sparingly in areas where trees will be planted. 27 1 Table 5. Seed Mix Common Name Scientific Name Rate (Ib / acre) Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 10-15 Deertongue Panicum clandestinum Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Pearl Millet Pennisetum glaucum 40 Winter Rye Secale cereale 120 2. Broadcast seed at the recommended rate with a cyclone seeder, drop spreader, or cultipacker seeder. 3. Rake seed into the soil and lightly pack it to establish good contact. ' 5.6.3 Mulch Application ' Mulch shall be applied as directed below. 1. In streambank areas (the area from the edge of the stream to ten feet away from the bank on both sides), coir fiber matting or other biodegradable matting shall be placed above the seed. The coir fiber matting shall be anchored in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. ' 2. In all other seeded areas, apply 4,000-5,000 pounds per acre of grain straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulch. Anchor the mulch by tacking it with asphalt, roving, or netting. Netting is the preferred anchoring method on steep slopes. 5.6.4 Vegetative Maintenance ' Vegetation shall be maintained as follows. 1. Reseed, fertilize, and mulch damaged areas immediately. ' 2. All seeded areas shall be refertilized in the second year unless growth is fully adequate. Uniform coverage of 70% of the seeded area is considered ' adequate. 3. Inspect riparian area plants after one year. ' 4. Herbicidal spot spraying shall be used around tree plantings to control competing vegetation until trees reach a sufficient size. ' 28 6.0 Monitoring Plan The Lionshead project site will be monitored to ensure and document long-term stability and project success, respectively. 6.1 Geomorphology Monitoring Channel dimension, profile, and materials will be monitored for the Lionshead project n ' site. During each monitoring session, a longitudinal profile will be conducted for the a?s entire project reach. Riffle and pool dimension will be monitored at four permanent cross-sections, with two being located on riffles and two sections on pools. The engineer will locate the riffle and pool monitoring cross-sections following construction. At each riffle cross-section, the width/depth ratio, entrenchment ratio, and bank height ratios will be calculated. A composite pebble count will be conducted for the entire reach. In addition to the geomorphological measurements, photographs will be taken of representative structures and of each cross-section. 6.2 Vegetation Monitoring All planted areas will be monitored to ensure the success of the riparian buffer restoration. Photographs of the entire planted area will be included to document the overall condition of the vegetation. ?f 29 7.0 Stabilization Recommendations & Conclusions Lionshead Creek appears stable upstream and downstream of the project reach; however, the upstream reach is in jeopardy due to the potential migration of the headcut. The project reach is in a state of disequilibrium due to severely erosive conditions. Stream incision has exposed a sanitary sewer pipeline in several locations, thereby producing a potential health risk. The stream instability and exposed pipelines need to be jointly addressed due to their utilization of the same corridor. The proposed measures satisfy the project goals and objectives in an environmentally friendly, yet cost effective manner. The restoration/stabilization design proposes to elevate the stream invert and install hydraulic controlling structures. Elevating the channel will provide protection to the underground pipelines and reestablish the floodplain to the channel. This type of restoration is categorized as a `Priority I' restoration by Rosgen (1997). In addition to in- stream structure installation, an aggressive planting plan is proposed that includes trees, shrubs, live stakes, and a riparian/bank seed mixture. Stabilization structures and channel modifications are proposed to ensure long-term bank and channel stability. Care should be taken to avoid and minimize disturbances to the existing riparian vegetation during the installation of structures and modifications to the channel. All disturbed areas should be seeded and stabilized using a biodegradable geo- textile. These areas should then be aggressively replanted with native woody species, although care should be taken to not plant directly over the pipelines. Pipeline right-of- way maintenance crews should take care not to eradicate, either chemically or mechanically, riparian and bank vegetation. It is important to note that extra care must be taken when installing in-stream structures in fine gravel and sand-bed streams due to the potential for deep scour associated with such structures. Sand-bed streams typically exhibit scour depths approximately three times that of course gravel/cobble bed streams. It is recommended that additional footers be 30 1 1 1 e s t s t e t s t installed to a depth substantially greater than the proposed scour depth to prevent structural undennining. 31 8.0 References ' Rosgen, D.L. 1994. A Classification of Natural Rivers. International Society of Soil Science. Catena 22 (169-199). ' Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology. Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Rosgen, D.L. 1997. A Geomorphological Approach to Restoration of Incised Rivers In: Proceedings of the Conference on Management of Landscapes Disturbed by Channel Incision, Univ. Miss, Oxford, Miss. Pg 3-22. ' Rosgen, D.L. 2001. The Cross-Vane, W-Weir, and J-Hook Vane Structures... Their ' Description, Design and Application for Stream Stabilization and River Restoration. ASCE Conference. Reno, Nevada. ' Harman, W.H. et al. 1999. Bankfull Hyraulic Geometry Relationships for North Carolina Streams. AWRA Wildland Hyrology Symposium Proceedings. Edited by D.S. Olsen and J.P. Potyondy. AWRA Summer Symposium. Bozeman, Montana. Leopold, L.B., M.G. Wolman, and J.P. Miller. 1964. Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology. Freeman, San Francisco, CA. 522 pp. ' Reid, J.C. 2003. North Carolina Geology: Ask a Geologist, Frequently Asked Questions. http://gw.ehnr.state.nc.us/facl.htm. ' Hudson, B.D. 1984. Soil Survey of Cumberland and Hoke Counties North Carolina. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service and North Carolina ' Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. 32 a a a APPENDIX A Stream Restoration / Stabilization Plan a p E a SEE ATTACHED DRAWINGS APPENDIX B Particle Size Distributions ^t ,! /? 1?,PGSF?'T JiTC Ca??(?os,T.r I?rf__ ?? C'ov.J7'._ .- _ _ AEBBLE COUNT 2 f E,BBLF COUNT 3 TL fiR9 C C)UI+1 7 1 Reach No: _ Part)L_- Qate: Date. T Gagn - - - -- V , TOT ITFhI %; CUM ',-TO! tl ITEM Jo ,- Location J? -? PghTIGLE rouFi r - I ITEM r? % G-UM iu 6_ ? ' 2ril,yi ytd6yu nr f ?y_ r--' 2 - 1_?-i ? ' .,r l l UnY 06 e t - II 062-.775 'g r.. __. Very Fine 125-25_ - .--._. ?'I .r!' 1?I" ._ .. ?:. -I. rS d •• -- _ - ... : --..._ ?; lO.- ? /_II lg?ll?. f.:nv 1 ediwn ' _.. 25 - :S6 1W _ Z 3 y? r"?? r f _ I -N1? ?a3 cq'irse 5o - i.g JJsr 'I. 04 -(B ,yory (,oarsc _ .-.... , _'_ ? _ y ri ? _ ? I'? - -- t - r•---- -_. , t 71 2-4 __ .. 3 9'?? _ OB -,JG Very Fine 3r : 6 'l7 i fine 4-_5..7 { • - _._ - - 7 22 31 rmc... 57•B tif_V 'd F+-.._.-- ,/i i9_3161, /... . ,1 L ? ?O •r A R -- 5 1M1 i Mcd um -113 A•• --_ - ! _ `,il.3? .44-63 i Medrum 11.3 16 V _ _.-. __.__ _, _._ r ___? I T _T. ?.. I?3 ?j ' f . I _ _._ E f 59 _ I Conrsp 16-22.6 ti '? ?g 1.:1 ( Coarse _ .22,8-32 -._._ ----r- I. 1:1. 7.8 I Vt.ry ('oaru I 32.45 iB-25 I very Coarse 45 64 'i L 35,", I Small 3.5-5.0 I Smati 90-128 5.0-7.1 i largo _ I ._ E 180,_255 La,ge 10.1 - 1•ia 5n all . 256 - 362 _ ?; •I O?}_ - --- r - . _, __ _ _ _ .. 2.0 small 362 - 572 ?I n so tor,m ?? siz-loll r•Se>., _ -- - ? __ _ _ - :, n 7r(l.ar„_, 1024 2646 , /00 _ - - _ +rrr -a sands ) C Gravels loo C<I>I tr:c 3 F?E- D ' ?, B k4 i • 13.I' k f6 I - - n ItY, r 1 - - c I ' I - ae 10 ; t i _ 1 ra. s 60 " i w i t t Ii I O D ' t 20 -- -I :_: _ -- 0 PARTICLE SIZE ? Millimeters' O 01 C7 O I N W F.• L 10/6 1r,4 b REfFROICt- r? F,40-/ PEBBLE (COUNT I `-_ - PEBBLECOUNT ? PE3BLE;6001Jl 3_ Reach j Reach ijReach Location Party: Date: i Dates Date_ - T ??_ r pA RTICLE COUfJTH ' In,IltwUl6lir Alillnni?cr, l - rors ?rrenri scun+ roru rren-+s can+ r?or.+!rrcnJij cublj ?C? (,j IF ,11? y? i • _?- - l.__, swiclay _ <.662 ' ... Very Fine 025.- 255- ' S '_? -? -- • i -- - - ; - . --- V, f6 ?- -- --i- I .._ ! _... J i.? d?7 ?? j -i Medium .25-.50 N. • , i ?? •Zy IZ? 178!• ? -?..._. I;. _. -.-. --I- ----{ coarse .5u-10 D IN :: ; __' ?I'!7_ i/ _r' r.??. i _ ;_.._ - _ -.._? rj j U4. 00 VaryCoarse t U-2 < j., b bs r. ? -:. 08 A.6 vary Flne 2-4 16-.22 Fine 4.57 _{1 u^ • --?I? ?_ 71 ri?_ ------ ' ---- - - L I_ 22 .37 Fine 5.7 - 6 G ?- • •---?-- ' '? r g3 '. ? '_- .. - i _. _ . ( 31 .44 Medium _ 8 -_11.3 S, A ?.r____' ? l9 r _. --_ _- f- - - , 3 Z 44-63 Medium 11.3-16 V rt • . i._ -- -•/i /?•r 1. _. +-? I- G3-.89 Coarsc 16-226 ?i, Erb t'O_I?gB I• ?.- ...._ __- ?__ ... ---? PJ ?L . 69 1.3 Gearse 22.6-32 S`K;r_ I -- , -? -?t-- - -- J ov ?r 9Z? 4 ? 1.3 1.8 Very Coarse I .. 32-4 -- - ' 1.8-2.5 Vary Coarse 45-64_ 2 5 3 5 Small 64.90 - - 35 50 Small g0. 128 0 r 1 _i 5 0 7:1 _ Lergo 128 - 180 - E B `T . - - 1 --I I - - :' ! 1 101 Largq. 180.256 1011 14 J Small 256 - 362 O 14 3 20 Small 3fi2 512 r L __- 20 40 Medum 572 - 1024 0 40-80 Lo e-VNLa r 1024-2048 --:R ' ' J1 I I_ Be&ock 7C)TALS 9A lao T ff , , ri ' E-- --I/Nn/AME? !RIG iL 61,1Wf?FT1.) 7kl& Ta CAk&A LIRA,1101 Gra Saild 10o Lit 90 ' 00 70 60 LL 50 F- 40 Z 777- U 6930 20 -------- - ---- 10 ' 0 1 a` z A ? N m r n n L? ;V 7 ?! G Rr w ? d 0 N 410 I+r o a c. 0 v 03 ?1S 2'•8 o PARTICLE SIZE - Millimeters APPENDIX C Photographic Documentation Photograph 1. View of APPENDIX C ATION sanitary sewer pipeline within channel. Photograph 3. View of ex! failure along Photog fence Note Photograph Photogi c inus. at the gradient 1e, hid& I vegetative cover. low W-WINk Photograph 8. View of massive headeut at upstream project limits. Note the complex root mass that is providing enough resilience at the nick point to slow upstream migration. Previous stabilization efforts to save a chain link fence can be seen Iin right side of photo. a Photograph 12. view of the reference reach. F APPENDIX D USGS Stream Gage Discharge Rating Table I U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR - U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY - WATER RESOURCES STATION NUMBER 02102908: FLAT CREEK NEAR INVERNESS, NC SOURCE AGENCY USGS STATE 37 COUNTY 125 LATITUDE 351054 LONGITUDE 0791040 NAD27 DRAINAGE AREA 7.63 CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA DATUM 191.18 NGVD29 Date Processed: 2003-08-14 10:36 By rtraynor Rating for Discharge, IN cfs Shifted for 2003 0 814103 710 EDT RATING ID: 12.1 TYPE: stage-discharge EXPANSION: logarithmic STATUS: approved Created by bragland on 02-25-2003 @ 11:09:05 EST, Updated by bragland on 04-01-2003 @ 17:22:07 EST Remarks: Extension of rating #12.0 OFFSET: 0.50 EXPANDED RATING TABLE Gage DIFF IN Q height, Discharge IN cfs (EXP ANDED PRECISI ON) PER feet .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .1 UNITS 0.50 ---* --- ---* --- 0.260 0.384 0.520 0.60 0.664* 0.817 0.978 1.15 1.32 1.49 1.67 1.86 2.05 2.24 1.78 0.70 2.44* 2.64 2.84 3.05 3.26 3.48 3.70 3.93 4.16 4.39 2.18 0.80 4.62 4.86 5.10 5.35 5.59 5.84 6.09 6.35 6.61 6.87 2.51 0.90 7.13* 7.39 7.66 7.93 8.20 8.49* 8.79 9.09 9.39* 9.70 2.87 1.00 10.00* 10.30 10.60* 10.90 11.20* 11.60 12.00* 12.40 12.80 13.17 3.55 1.10 13.55* 13.98 14.41 14.85 15.30 15.72 16.15 16.57 17.01 17.45 4.34 1.20 17.89* 18.34 18.79 19.24 19.70 20.14 20.59 21.04 21.50 21.96 4.53 1.30 22.42* 22.88 23.35 23.82 24.30 24.78 25.27 25.76 26.26 26.76 4.84 1.40 27.26* 27.76 28.27 28.79 29.30 29.78 30.26 30.75 31.23 31.72 4.95 1.50 32.21* 32.71 33.20 33.70 34.20 34.72 35.24 35.76 36.28 36.81 5.13 1.60 37.34 37.87 38.40 39.48 40.02 40.56 41.11 41.66 42.21 42.76 5.98 1.70 43.32* 43.88 44.44 45.00 45.56 46.11 46.67 47.23 47.80 48.36 5.61 1.80 48.93 49.50 50.07 50.65 51.22 51.80 52.38 52.96 54.13 54.72 6.38 1.90 55.31* 55.91 56.50 57.06 57.62 58.19 58.75 59.32 59.89 60.46 5.72 2.00 61.03 61.60 62.18 62.75 63.33 63.91 64.49 65.07 65.65 66.24 5.79 2.10 66.82* 67.41 68.00 69.18 69.77 70.36 70.95 71.54 72.14 72.74 6.51 2.20 73.33 73.93 74.53 75.14 75.74 76.34 76.95 77.56 78.17 78.78 6.06 2.30 79.39* 80.00 80.61 81.23 81.84 82.46 83.08 83.70 84.94 85.56 6.80 2.40 86.19 86.81 87.44 88.07 88.70 89.33 89.96 90.59 91.23 91.86 6.31 2.50 92.50* 93.09 93.68 94.28 94.87 95.46 96.06 96.66 97.25 97.85 5.95 2.60 98.45 99.05 99.65 100.2 100.8 101.5 102.1 102.7 103.3 103.9 6.05 2.70 104.5 105.1 105.7 106.3 106.9 107.5 108.1 108.7 109.3 110.0 6.10 2.80 110.6 111.2 111.8 112.4 113.0 113.7 114.3 114.9 115.5 116.1 6.20 2.90 116.8 117.4 118.0 118.6 119.2 119.9 120.5 121.1 121.7 122.4 6.20 3.00 123.0* 123.6 124.2 124.8 125.4 126.0 126.6 127.1 127.7 128.3 5.90 3.10 128.9 129.5 130.1 130.7 131.3 131.9 132.5 133.1 133.7 134.3 6.00 3.20 134.9 135.5 136.1 136.7 137.3 137.9 138.5 139.1 139.7 140.3 6.00 3.30 140.9 141.5 142.1 142.7 143.4 144.0 144.6 145.2 145.8 146.4 6.10 3.40 147.0* 147.6 148.2 148.8 149.4 150.0 150.6 151.2 151.8 152.4 6.00 3.50 153.0 153.6 154.2 154.8 155.4 156.0 156.6 157.2 157.8 158.4 6.00 3.60 159.0* 159.6 160.2 160.8 161.4 162.0 162.6 163.2 163.8 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338.7 339.4 340.1 340.8 341.5 342.2 342.9 343.6 344.3 7.00 6.60 345.0* 345.7 346.4 347.1 347.8 348.5 349.2 349.9 350.6 351.3 7.00 6.70 352.0 352.7 353.4 354.1 354.8 355.5 356.2 356.9 357.6 358.3 7.00 6.80 359.0* 359.7 360.4 361.1 361.8 362.5 363.2 363.9 364.6 365.3 7.00 6.90 366.0 366.7 367.4 368.1 368.8 369.5 370.2 370.9 371.6 372.3 7.00 7.00 373.0 373.7 374.4 375.1 375.8 376.5 377.2 377.9 378.6 379.3 7.00 7.10 380.0 380.7 381.4 382.1 382.8 383.5 384.2 384.9 385.6 386.3 7.00 7.20 387.0* 387.7 388.4 389.1 389.8 390.5 391.2 391.9 392.6 393.3 7.00 7.30 394.0 394.7 395.4 396.1 396.8 397.5 398.2 398.9 399.6 400.3 7.00 7.40 401.0 401.7 402.4 403.1 403.8 404.5 405.2 405.9 406.6 407.3 7.00 7.50 408.0* indicates a rating descriptor point Rating Type: Rating Type: stage-discharge ID Starting Date Ending Date A Comments ---- ------------------------- ----------- 12.1 10-01-2001 @ 00:00:00 EDT -------------- - ---- 09-30-2002 @ 23 -------------- :59:59 EDT --------- A ------------ ----------- ------------ ----- 12.1 10-01-2002 @ 00:00:00 EDT --- -- W APPENDIX E Partial Duration Series Flood Frequency Analysis Peak Annual Flow -- Partial Duration Series Flood Frequency Analysis Station Name: Flat C reek Near Iverness, Nort h Carolina Station Number: 02102908 Moore County, North Carolina Date Rank Discharge Gage HT R/1 +N Probability Return Int. 4/1/1973 1 394 7.3 0.03 2.86 35.00 6/27/1992 2 376 7.04 0.06 5.71 17.50 9/5/1979 3 310 6.1 0.09 8.57 11.67 5/28/1990 4 301 5.96 0.11 11.43 8.75 7/24/1997 5 284 5.69 0.14 14.29 7.00 7/17/1984 6 273 5.5 0.17 17.14 5.83 9/6/1996 7 235 4.86 0.20 20.00 5.00 6/20/1989 8 233 4.84 0.23 22.86 4.38 7/13/1972 9 210 4.45 0.26 25.71 3.89 4/28/1980 10 196 4.21 0.29 28.57 3.50 4/9/1998 11 177 3.9 0.31 31.43 3.18 6/6/1978 12 173 3.83 0.34 34.29 2.92 9/16/1999 13 173 3.84 0.37 37.14 2.69 10/17/2000 14 173 3.83 0.40 40.00 2.50 10/4/1986 15 166 3.72 0.43 42.86 2.33 6/23/1995 16 153 3.5 0.46 45.71 2.19 4/14/1970 17 152 3.48 0.49 48.57 2.06 8/4/1974 18 151 3.46 0.51 51.43 1.94 7/26/1993 19 142 3.31 0.54 54.29 1.84 10/20/1968 20 139 3.26 0.57 57.14 1.75 3/1/1987 21 134 3.18 0.60 60.00 1.67 7/17/1975 22 131 3.14 0.63 62.86 1.59 7/25/1985 23 127 3.08 0.66 65.71 1.52 8/8/1991 24 113 2.81 0.69 68.57 1.46 3/18/1983 25 89 2.44 0.71 71.43 1.40 6/11/1982 26 86 2.4 0.74 74.29 1.35 year1976 27 85 2.42 0.77 77.14 1.30 10/21/1977 28 84 2.41 0.80 80.00 1.25 9/12/1971 29 81 2.36 0.83 82.86 1.21 3/2/1994 30 81 2.31 0.86 85.71 1.17 7/22/1988 31 75 2.21 0.89 88.57 1.13 10/1/1981 32 56 1.89 0.91 91.43 1.09 9/25/2001 33 43 1.66 0.94 94.29 1.06 1/23/2002 34 39 1.6 0.97 97.14 1.03 APPENDIX F Existing Conditions, Gage Station, and Reference Reach Data Lionshead Sanitary Sewer & Restoration Project Ex. Cond. Thalweg Profile TBM = EIR near MH1 Elevation = 167.91 Invert W.S. TOB Rod Rod Rod Station H.I. Readin 0+00 175.51 6.12 0+03 175.51 7.19 0+07 175.51 7.23 0+15 175.51 6.82 0+20 175.51 6.59 0+23 175.35 12.27 0+30 175.35 14.06 0+42 175.35 11.32 0+55 175.35 10.75 0+67 175.35 10.91 0+71 175.35 11.18 0+75 175.35 11.6 0+80 175.35 11.37 0+97 175.35 12.58 1+02 175.35 12.9 1+05 175.35 13.16 1+10 175.35 12.6 1+16 175.35 12.97 1+26 175.35 13.14 1+38 175.35 12.9 1+43 175.35 13.15 1+53 175.35 13.7 1+62 175.35 13.58 1+68 175.35 13.99 1+71 175.35 14.2 1+76 175.35 13.73 1+87 175.35 14.01 1+97 175.35 14.17 2+12 175.35 15.1 2+19 175.35 15.8 2+25 175.35 15.41 2+27 175.35 16.25 2+32 175.35 16.86 2+36 175.35 17.25 2+40 175.35 15.58 2+48 175.35 17.06 2+48.5 175.35 16.61 2+55 166.28 8.3 2+59 166.28 8.58 2+62 166.28 7.96 2+70 166.28 8.15 2+75 166.28 8.22 2+87 166.28 8.42 2+92 166.28 8.27 6.35 6.37 6.51 4.5 10.59 5.69 10.6 10.61 10.77 6.27 10.85 10.86 6.86 10.86 12.16 6.94 12.35 12.38 12.64 12.66 5.89 12.8 12.99 13.34 t 7.31 13.38 13.58 8.31 13.6 13.85 13.95 14.79 9.05 15.27 15.33 11.09 16.12 16.35 16.36 10.87 16.57 7.91 7.94 8.09 8.18 3.49 168.32 168.28 168.69 168.92 163.08 161.29 164.03 164.6 164.44 164.17 163.75 163.98 162.77 162.45 162.19 162.75 162.38 162.21 162.45 162.2 161.65 161.77 161.36 161.15 161.62 161.34 161.18 160.25 159.55 159.94 159.1 158.49 158.1 159.77 158.29 158.74 157.98 157.7 158.32 158.13 158.06 157.86 W.S. TOB :levation Elevation 169.65 171.4 169.16 169.14 169 171.01 164.76 169.66 164.7'5 164.74 164.58 169.08 164.5 184.49 168.49 164.49 163.19 168.41 163 162.97 162.71 162.69 169.46 162.55 162.36 162.01 168.04 161.97 161.77 167.04 161.75 181.5 161,4 160.56 166.3 160.08 160.02 164.26 159.23 159 158.99 164.48 158.78 158.37 t - f 3 ff ' 2+97 166.28 8.58 8.39 4.19 157.7 157.89 162.09 3+01 166.28 9.58 156.7 3+10 166.28 8.55 8.4 5.02 157.73 157.88 161.26 ' 3+16 166.28 8.58 8.54 157.7 157.74 3+18 166.28 9.54 156.74 1 3+32 3+42 166.28 166.28 8.9 10.28 8.55 9.96 5.24 157.38 156 157.73 156.32 I 161.04 3+45 166.28 10.94 155.34 3+59 166.28 10.08 9.95 5.39 156.2 156.33 160.89 1 3+63 166.28 10.2 10.04 156.08 156.24 3+68 166.28 10.44 155.84 3+82 166.28 10.17 10.05 5.97 156.11 15623 160.31 3+86 166.28 10.25 10.07 156.03 156.21 4+06 166.28 10.71 155.57 4+14 166.28 10.21 10.1 6.98 156.07 156.18 159.3 4+19 166.28 10.33 10.14 155.95 156.14 i 4+23 166.28 10.59 155.69 4+30 166.28 10.24 10.15 7.67 156.04 156.13 158.61 i 4+42 4+57 166.28 166.28 10.35 10.46 10.27 10.29 8.36 9.44 155.93 155.82 156.01 155.99 157.92 156.84 4+64 166.28 10.56 10.43 9.57 155.72 155.85 156.71 4+66 166.28 10.69 10.5 9.57 155.59 155.78 156.71 i 4+71 166.28 11.23 155.05 4+82 166.28 11.48 154.8 4+86 166.28 10.62 10.53 10.02 155.66 155.75 156.26 4+95 166.28 11.52 154.76 1 5+00 166.28 11.27 10.54 155.01 155,74. ; 5+04 166.28 11.8 154.48 1 5+15 166.28 10.82 10.55 10.03 155.46 b ? All 1 I' k i i i i i' i 1 i Lionshead Site Cross-Sect ion 1 @ STA 3+83 Riffle Rod Station H.I. Reading Elevation Notes 3 166.28 5.82 160.46 5 166.28 6.24 160.04 8 166.28 6.24 160.04 10.3 166.28 6 160.28 11.5 166.28 8.02 158.26 12 166.28 9.45 156.83 13.2 166.28 10.05 156.23 14 166.28 10.19 156.09 15 166.28 10.12 156.16 16.2 166.28 10.05 156.23 16.9 166.28 9.88 156.4 17.9 166.28 9.25 157.03 19 166.28 8.46 157.82 22.4 166.28 6.12 160.16 27 166.28 6.06 160.22 31 166.28 6.02 160.26 34 166.28 5.8 160.48 Cross-Section 1 @ STA 3+83 161 160.5 160 159.5 c 159 r 158.5 -?-Elevation 158 w 157.5 157 156.5 156 155.5 0 10 20 30 40 Station Lionshead Site Cross-Section 2 c@ STA 3+22 Rod Station H.I. Reading Elevation Notes 1 166.28 4.45 161.83 5 166.28 4.75 161.53 10.3 166.28 5.48 160.8 11.4 166.28 7.35 158.93 13.2 166.28 8.54 157.74 14.2 166.28 9.05 157.23 16.4 166.28 9.57 156.71 16.9 166.28 9.5 156.78 17.9 166.28 8.54 157.74 17 166.28 6.4 159.88 18 166.28 5.87 160.41 18.2 166.28 4.62 161.66 20 166.28 5.09 161.19 25 166.28 4.92 161.36 32 166.28 4.72 161.56 Cross-Section 2 a@ STA 3+22 163 162 161 160 159 W 158 157 156 0 -* Elevation 10 20 30 40 Station Lionshead Site Cross-Section 3 @ STA 4+57 Rod Station H.I. Reading Elevation Notes 4 166.28 7.15 159.13 8 166.28 7.79 158.49 12 166.28 8.12 158.16 16 166.28 8.65 157.63 16.5 166.28 9.44 156.84 17.5 166.28 10.39 155.89 18 166.28 10.55 155.73 18.7 166.28 10.39 155.89 19 166.28 10.29 155.99 20.2 166.28 9.42 156.86 21 166.28 9.42 156.86 22.2 166.28 9.44 156.84 23 166.28 8.98 157.3 26 166.28 8.64 157.64 34 166.28 8.2 158.08 Cross-Section 3 a@ STA 4+57 159.5 159 158.5 158 0 157.5 Fu 157 156.5 156 155.5 0 I -*- Elevation 10 20 30 40 Station Lionshead Site Cross-Section 4 @ STA 1+94 Rod Station H.I. Reading Elevation Notes 12 171.43 3.7 167.73 18 171.43 4.05 167.38 23.3 171.43 4.6 166.83 26 171.43 6.86 164.57 28.5 171.43 8.58 162.85 29.5 171.43 8.69 162.74 31 171.43 9.71 161.72 32.4 171.43 9.85 161.58 33 171.43 9.81 161.62 33.5 171.43 9.97 161.46 33.9 171.43 10.13 161.3 34.3 171.43 9.97 161.46 34.8 171.43 9.87 161.56 35.5 171.43 8.85 162.58 36.5 171.43 8.6 162.83 38 171.43 6.49 164.94 39 171.43 5.96 165.47 45 171.43 6.17 165.26 48 171.43 6.1 165.33 Cross-Section 4 @ STA 1+94 169 168 167 C 166 0 165 71 164 -?-Elevation w 163 162 161 160 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station Lionshead Project USGS Gage Si te: Flat Creek near Ive rsson, NC Cross-Section at Gage -- Run Section Rod Station H.I. Reading Elevation Notes 3 10.55 3.4 7.15 11 10.55 3.5 7.05 13.5 10.55 3.55 7 18 10.55 4.69 5.86 21.4 10.55 5.65 4.9 22.5 10.55 6.65 3.9 24.3 10.55 7.15 3.4 PBF 25.3 10.55 7.44 3.11 PBF 26 10.55 7.74 2.81 PBF 26.8 10.55 8.13 2.42 27.2 10.55 8.66 1.89 27.5 10.55 8.78 1.77 28.3 10.55 9.43 1.12 LEOW 28.3 10.55 10.77 -0.22 29.8 10.55 11.1 -0.55 31.4 10.55 11.44 -0.89 33.7 10.55 11.68 -1.13 TWEG 35.6 10.55 11.38 -0.83 37 10.55 11.04 -0.49 37.5 10.55 10.95 -0.4 37.5 10.55 9.43 1.12 REOW 38.3 10.55 8.95 1.6 edge of inner berm 39 10.55 8.72 1.83 inner berm 39.8 10.55 8.4 2.15 40.9 10.55 7.75 2.8 PBF 41.5 10.55 7.53 3.02 PBF 43 10.55 7.3 3.25 46 10.55 6.89 3.66 51 10.55 6.69 3.86 52.8 10.55 6.55 4 55.5 10.55 6 4.55 60 10.55 5.5 5.05 66 10.55 4.81 5.74 77 10.55 3.4 7.15 87 10.55 2.42 8.13 USGS Gage: Flat Creek 10 8 O 6 4 d w 2 0 -2 Station 0 Lionshead Project USGS Gage Site: Flat Creek near Iversson, NC Cross-Section Downstream of Gage -- Riffle Section Rod Station H.I. Reading Elevation Notes 1 11.81 2.79 .02 5 11.81 2.67 9.14 8 11.81 4.42 7.39 11 11.81 5.86 5.95 13.5 11.81 7.66 4.15 15 11.81 8.25 3.56 17.4 11.81 8.92 2.89 PBF 18 11.81 9.33 2.48 19.1 11.81 9.63 2.18 20.5 11.81 10.17 1.64 inner berm 21.4 11.81 10.54 1.27 inner berm 22 11.81 10.81 1 LEW 22 11.81 11.1 0.71 Toe of slope 23.4 11.81 11.3 0.51 26.8 11.81 11.4 0.41 31 11.81 11.34 0.47 32.6 11.81 11.37 0.44 33 11.81 11.66 0.15 34.2 11.81 11.73 0.08 35.5 11.81 11.38 0.43 Toe of slope 35.5 11.81 10.74 1.07 REW 36 11.81 10.05 1.76 36.5 11.81 9.48 2.33 38.8 11.81 8.97 2.84 PBF 39.3 11.81 8.55 3.26 41 11.81 8.61 3.2 44 11.81 8 3.81 52 11.81 7.19 4.62 55 11.81 6.64 5.17 57.3 11.81 5.71 6.1 60 11.81 5.16 6.65 66 11.81 4.65 7.16 69 11.81 3.77 8.04 0 1 0 Riffle Section at Gage 8 c 0 6-- 4-- w 2 0 0 20 4Q 60 80 Station Lionshead Sanitary Sewer & Restoration Project Reference Reach Thalweg Profile Unnamed Trib to Unnamed Trib to Carvers Branch Fort Bragg Military Reservation, North Carolina Invert W.S. TOB Rod Rod Rod Invert Station H.I. Readin 1.5 100 7.01 5.5 100 7.18 8.5 100 7.28 10 100 7.02 13.3 100 7.08 15.8 100 7.55 17.3 100 7.22 20 100 7.36 21.5 100 7.72 24.5 100 7.28 26 100 7.99 29 100 7.66 31.5 100 7.42 34.5 100 7.61 38.7 100 7.53 41.5 100 7.67 45 100 7.59 47.5 100 8.23 50.5 100 7.76 54 100 7.72 59 100 7.7 62 100 8.65 63.5 100 9.09 69 100 8 73 100 8.07 76 100 8.34 77.5 100 8.26 79 100 8.26 80 100 8.53 85 100 8.47 87 100 8.9 93 100 8.96 94 100 9.25 98 100 9.6 102 100 9.1 106.5 100 10.1 111.5 100 9.57 112.5 100 9.99 120 100 10.01 125 100 9.78 126 100 10.2 128.5 100 10.48 133 100 9.96 142 100 10.94 eading Reading Elevation 6.75 6.09 92.99 6.82 6.17 92.82 92.72 6.87 6.21 92.98 7.02 6.1 92.92 7.07 6.22 92.45 7.08 6.32 9218 7.11 6.39 92.64 92.28 7.14 6.43 92.72 7.17 6.49 92.01 7.16 6.59 92.34 7.19 6.58 92.58 92.39 7.23 6.6 92.47 7.33 6.63 92.33 7.35 6.77 92.41 7.42 91.77 7.42 6.83 92.24 7.55 6.89 92.28 7.53 92.3 7.79 91.35 7.79 7.21 90.91 7.8 7.5 92 7.82 7.39 91.93 8.03 91.66 8.05 7.67 91.74 8.07 91.74 91.47 8.21 7.77 91.53 8.36 91.1 8.77 91.04 8.95 90.75 90.4 8.96 8.42 90.9 9.22 89.9 9.33 8.62 90.43 9.42 90.01 89.99 9.44 90.22 9.72 9 89.8 89.52 9.72 9.18 90.04 10.72 10.17 89.06 93.18 93.13 92.98 92.93 92.92 92.89 92.86 92.83 92.84 92.81 92.77 92.67 92.65 92.58 92.58 92.45 92.47 92.21 92.21 92.2 92.18 91.97 91.95 91.93 91.79 91.64 91.23 91.05 91.04 90.78 90.67 90.58 90.56 90.28 90.28 89.28 93.83 93.79 93.9 93.78 93.68 93.61 93.57 93.51 93.41 93.42 93.4 93.37 93.23 93.17 93.11 92.79 92.5 92.61 92.33 UARJ HU Kltt 0.65 Tail Riff - HD Pool Dmax Pool 0.66 Tail Pool - HD Riff 0.92 Tail Riff - HD Pool 0.85 Dmax at sm. Scour 0.76 HD Riff on root 0.72 Tail Riff - HD Pool 0.71 Dmax HD Riff - Top of drop 0.68 Bottom of drop 0.57 Glide 0.61 HD Riff Dmax 0.63 HD Riff 0.7 Tail Riff - HD Run 0.58 Tail Run - HD Pool Dmax 0.59 Tail Pool - HD Riff 0.66 Tail Riff HD Root Drop Bottom Root Drop 0.58 Dmax 0.3 Tail Pool - HD Riff 0.43 Tail Riff - HD Run Dmax in Run 0.38 Tail Run - HD Riff Tail Riff - HD Pool Dmax sm. Pool 92.23 0.44 HD Pool - Tail sm. Drop Dmax 91.58 0.54 Tail Pool - Goes SubT Pool with Cross Log 91.38 0.71 Tail Pool Riffle Nick Meander Pool Dmax HD Riff - Top of drop 91 0.72 Bottom of drop Dmax 90.82 0.54 Lg. Root Nick Control 89.83 0.55 HD Riff Lionshead Reference Site Riffle Section 1 @ STA 77 Rod Station H.I. Reading 1 100 7.6 3 100 7.34 6 100 7.43 7.5 100 7.74 8.2 100 8.07 9.2 100 8.27 9.8 100 8.07 10.8 100 7.65 11.5 100 7.35 14 100 6.16 18 100 5.65 Lionshead Reference Site Pool Section 1 @ STA 66 Rod Station H.I. Reading 2 100 6.95 4 100 6.87 5.5 100 7.21 7.3 100 7.29 8.3 100 7.49 8.7 100 7.81 8.7 100 8.55 9.3 100 8.42 9.7 100 8.42 10.6 100 8.39 10.7 100 7.81 11 100 7.3 12 100 6.35 14 100 5.51 18 100 5.05 22 100 5.04 Elevation Notes 92.4 92.66 92.57 92.26 91.93 91.73 91.93 92.35 92.65 93.84 94.35 Elevation Notes 93.05 93.13 92.79 92.71 92.51 92.19 91.45 91.58 91.58 91.61 92.19 92.7 93.65 94.49 94.95 94.96 94.5 94 0 93.5 93 d w 92.5 92 91.5 0 95.5- 95- 94.5 C 94 °- 93.5 y 93 w 92.5 92 91.5 91 0 Riffle Section @ STA 0+77 Pool Section @ STA 0+66 5 10 15 20 Station 5 10 15 20 25 Station Lionshead Reference Site Pool Section 2 @ STA 46 Rod Station H.I. Reading Elevation Notes 1 100 6.59 93.41 4 100 6.64 93.36 6 100 6.83 93.17 6.9 100 7.42 92.58 6.9 100 7.69 92.31 7.5 100 7.73 92.27 8.6 100 8.09 91.91 9 100 8.38 91.62 9.3 100 8.06 91.94 9.3 100 7.42 92.58 9.9 100 6.69 93.31 12 100 6.75 93.25 17 100 5.62 94.38 Lionshead Reference Site Riffle Section 2 @ STA 37 Rod Station H.I. Reading Elevation Notes 2 100 6.53 93.47 4.5 100 6.47 93.53 6.4 100 6.68 93.32 7 100 7.22 92.78 7 100 7.43 92.57 8 100 7.47 92.53 9.2 100 7.46 92.54 9.2 100 7.22 92.78 9.5 100 6.65 93.35 11.5 100 6.45 93.55 15.5 100 5.79 94.21 23 100 4.93 95.07 95 94.5- 94 c 93.5 93 w 92.5-- 92 91.5 91 0 95.5 95 94.5 c 0 94 y 93.5 w 93 92.5 92 0 Pool Section @ STA 0+46 Riffle Section @ STA 0+37 5 10 15 20 Station 5 10 15 20 25 Station Skelly and Loy, LLP 6404 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 103 Raleigh, NC 27615 E-mail: wlyke@skellyloy.com Internet: www.skellyloy.com Ms. Lillette Granade U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CESAW-RG-L 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmin ton North Carolina 28403 Phone: 919-878-3535 Fax: 919-878-3550 February 13, 2004 WETLANDS 14r„ `.?'',P FFg % v 2004 g 4? D UPE©M[ER UUkLi 1 Y SECTION Re: Lionshead Sanitary Sewer Protection & Stream Restora'fion Project Permit Application Dear Ms. Granade: Pursuant to our telephone conversation, please find enclosed for your review one set of the project drawings, associated report, and the completed Pre- construction Notification Form for the above referenced project in Cumberland County, North Carolina. We are requesting a Nationwide 27 permit to construct this stream restoration project. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, c? SKELLY and LOY ' Matthew V. Smith Fluvial Geomorphologist/ Environmental Scientist Enclosures Cc: Mr. Joe Glass, Fayetteville PWC Mr. Danny Smith, NC-DENR DWQ w/ enclosures WETLANDS 1401 GROUP Mr. William Lyke, Skelly and Loy FEB 9- 0 2004 WATER QUALi TION J(&t SKELLYANo LOY ENGINEERING - EMARONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Office Locations: Harrisburg, PA Pittsburgh, PA Morgantown, WV State College, PA Hagerstown, MD Affiliated Company: AMS of Skelly and Loy, Harrisburg, PA (2) CL vcc ! t v? C-7T .1 2/Z 3 3?1 3 J<rz, ,:?/l I 3?Ic? 3?2sa .? ??? - ?C?.,D-L_ V ? v t N e..? - ?u? M c l l?? c. s l I? ?--? ?- ?-????? s l?? I v ? ? o ep d?-`??r ??. ? ? ?? ?? ?` ?? ?? Q? c--? c Z'L ACCESS PLAN ~ ~ N a. SSA ~5~ gg RCE R ~ DRO STABILIZED OUTLET DROP INLET pR R`~ = 16 5.18 QF~T TEMP. ROCK FILTER ~C~~ ~ r • ~ C SUFFOLK CT. 'V 8 tPQ~~ 4~ NONTIDAL WETLANDS ~I~~ 0 a ~,~p COIR MATTING S o~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ o 0 0 0 o~ 0 00 ~ o 0 0 ~ r o CLEAN WATER r PUMP AROUND I PROP. CHANNEL I I~ Leaend ~ ~ ~ Coir Matting ~ ~ _ _ ,b~ ~ EX. SSMH -goo goo- Limit of Disturbance RIM = 176.64 -sF sF Silt Fence G~ a STOCKPILE AREA-~~ Temp. Coffer Dam 4011SSUED ~ s~, PREPARED FOR: SF SF SF J 'CLING MP City of Fayetteville Public Works Commission PROP. Water Resources Engineering ~ CHANNEL 5 0 2 955 Old Wilmington Road 0 0 Go~~~oPM Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 0 SKELLY and LOY LLP 2~2~~4 SHEET: ENGINEERS-CONSULTANTS ~ O O F ~ 2 0 0 'J~q j, o LIONSHEAD SANITARY SEWER MP PROTECTION & RESTORATION SEDIMENT & EROSION S EX. SS SS CONTROL PLAN ~~2~~ RIM = 1 = 170.01 ~ ~~0 30 City of Fayetteville 4 vv /,%I l;umberland (:ounty, North C:arolfna PUMP AROUND SCALE: 1"=10' JOB NO.: 2603012 SCALE: 1 "=10' '1~ SE ITDOB~ ~~~~~C~ EK" ;O~J~1TY, P~~RTH CAROLVNA a ~ • 0 / • 0 • • / • r' ~ e' O w 1 ~ ~ ~ g 1 i "d8 ~ 1 ~ a ~ $ i ~ ~ • / 0 + r r pq • t 1 11 • I ~ 1 ' • • ~ 1 ..~~s 1 • ~`r ~ ~ • ( . • 26 ~ I • I~ • • l~ , • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S8 0~ ~ ~ ~ II~~~ II \ ~ II II S Y~LB'~' II N II 11 • 1~ _ • H p 11 it 1 X50 1 II 1 ~ 11 • / ~ 1 ~ 1~' II 1 • _ • II 1 ll /j ~ • I! • 1~~ p ~ 11 ~ 1 II 1 •11 ao , ~ ~ 040264 r 1 II , it i 11 , d , 1 , ~vEe •no~oc+~ • ~1 1 ~ ~ • i ~ I! a f~~F f~~ II a,+~~~~ ~ i r ~ ~ ~ y¢ II 1 \ ~ ~ ~ \ • ~ ~ ~r Q, f 1 1 PREPARED FOR: 4011SSUE ~ II ~ ~ ~ jai' ~ ~ • 1 I F. ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ w \ ` / ~ t ~\v~'~'`- i~~. ~ City of Fayetteville r i, ' ` , V~ 1615 i i Public Works Commission Water Resources Engineering NOTES: 955 Old Wilmington Road 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE NORTH CAROLINA ONE CALL CENTER AT 1-800-632-4949 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCTION FOR THE MARKING OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 2. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PERFORM THE WORK IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO PREVENT THE WASHING OF ANY TOPSOIL, SILT, OR SKELLY and LOY LLP Z~Z~Qa SHEET DEBRIS ONTO ADJACENT PROPERTIES. SECTION ELEVATIONS - i of iz 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE MEANS OF CLEANING TRUCKS AND OR EQUIPMENT OF MUD PRIOR TO LEAVING THE SITE. IT IS THE CON RACTOR S RESPONSIBILITY TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY MEASURES TO ' STRUCTURE NOTES & DETAILS LIONSHEADxttSANITARY SEWER CLEAN STREETS OF MUD AND OR ALLAY DUST. SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL NOTES PROTECTION & RESTORATION 4. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PWC, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, AND/OR NC-DOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. • SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL PLAN COVER SHEET 5. TOPOGRAPHIC AND EXISTING INFORMATION SHOWN HEREIN IS BASED ON SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SURVEY INFORMATION PERFORMED BY PWC AND SKELLY AND LOY, LLC. • 6. TO THE BEST OF AVAILABLE KNOWLEDGE, NO BURIAL GROUNDS OR GRAVE SITES EXIST ON THIS PROPERTY. PLANTING PLAN City of Fayetteville (`iimhcr.. n.V r..ii..i„ n1...41. r.....lt.... I. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES TO THE v%A le/vi I%AII%wA VVLAI11y, 11 \,/I I I I %./ul VIIIlu EXISTING STREET AND UTILITIES WHICH OCCUR AS A RESULT OF THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT WITHIN OR CONTIGUOUS TO THE EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY. JOB NO.: 2603012 SCALE: 1 "=1000' BE USED WHERE THEY ARE A THESE GENERAL NOTES SHALL TO THE PROJECT PLANS ARE APPLICABLE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES NARRATIVE TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE I EROSION CONTROL UTILITIES ations the erosion controls, as s ecified b the en ineering Ions, shall be installed. All 1. The contractor shall be required to submit traffic management plans for approval t Prior to any land disturbing o er P Y g oun Soll Conservation street, a minimum of ten working days prior to beginning construction. Any constr for approval by City of Fayetteville, if not an NCDOT maintained 1. The utility information shown on these plans is taken from information received from the utility companies and in some cases, i. Any construction work done prior to the approval of or not from a utility locator service company. The PWC does not guarantee that the utility information shown on the plans is complete mechanical and vegetative ract ces shall be (n conformance with the requirements of the Cum erland C ty Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Slo a areas that cannot be adequately stabilized by in conformance with the approved traffic control plan shall be at the contractors r contractors rPsk. or accurate. The contractor must verify the utility locations prior to construction. District and the North Caro ins P seeding, shall be sodded and staked as disturbed areas, not to be constructed upon, and final graded, they shall be prepared, ine closures, flaggers, driveway entrances, etc., to 2. All existing underground utilities shall be marked in the field by North Carolina One Call Center prior to construction. The 31 Tall Fescue and Kenblue or other Coun and or Cit 2. The contractor shall be responsible for daily traffic control such as lane closures, 1 lime and fertilizer applied, and seeded with a mixture of Kentucky tY Y ro erl maintain traffic throughout the project. contractor shall be responsible for scheduling the field marking of utilities. iization work will be erformed within 10 da s after final grading. All temporary P P y approved seed mix. This restoration/stab p Y sediment controls and mechanical devices shall be removed from contributing areas as they become stabilized. 3. Existing surface, base and subbase material which will be demolished or obliterated suitable by the engineer shall be salvaged and utilized far traffic maintenance. or obliterated during construction and which is determined 3. All existing utilities underground utilities shall be physically located by the contractor prior to the beginning of any construction in ntenance. the vicinity of these utilities. II EROSION, SEDIMENTATION. AND LAND CONSERVATION NOTES 4. All required construction signing, temporary pavement widening, traffic barriers, tam barriers, temporary pavement markings, eradication, etc., 4. The contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that existing utilities are disconnected, prior to clearing the site of trees, buildings • shall be included In the contractor's bid price for traffic maintenance. foundations, etc., within the limits of construction in accordance with the requirements indicated on the construction plans. 1. Measures to control erosion and siltation shall be provided pursuant to and in compliance with current State and local regulations. The information contained in the construction plans and/or the approval of the plans shall in no way relieve drop-offs greater than or equal to six inches, but less than 5. Contractors shall notify operators who maintain underground utllit Ilnes in the area of ro osed construction, excavation, or ant of an le al res onsibili which ma be re uired b the Code of North Carolina or any ordinance 5. Group 2 channelizing devices with warning lights shall be used at all drop-offs gre the contractor or his ag y g p +Y Y q Y two feet. Drop-offs shall be backfilled until a 4.1 taper is obtained. Y P P blasting at least 2 working days, but not more than 10 working days prior to the commencement of excavation or demolition. enacted by Cumberland County or the City of Fayetteville. 2. All areas on or off-site, which are disturbed b this construction and which are not paved or built upon shall be adequately 6. Concrete barriers shall be used at all drop-offs greater than or equal to two feet. , Y I to two feet. stabilized to control erosion and sedimentation. Acceptable stab(I(zation shall consist of permanent grass seed mixture installed in accordance with the project specifications. All slopes 2:1 and greater shall be sodded and staked or otherwise stabilized in 7. Cones with a minimum height of 28" shall be used at all transitions. a manner approved by the Engineer. 3. Any disturbed area not paved, permanently seeded, sodded, or built upon by 1 November or disturbed after that date, is to be seeded within 14 days with oats, Abruzzi Rye, or approved equivalent, and mulched with hay or straw mulch at the rate of 2 tons per acre. For additional details, refer to the current edition of the North Carolina Eroaton and Sediment Control Handbook. T WER S ORM SE 4. No area shall be denuded and not be disturbed for a period longer than 14 days (n accordance with the Handbook. structures. In addition, watertight connections shall be made w bale diversions and other control measures necessa ,are to be 1. A watertight connection shall be mode at all pipes entering drainage structures. In 5. Temporary diversions, seeded and mulched or staked sirs ry w n s rior to or as the first ste in excavation. between sections of pipe. placed as indicated on the dra i g p p structure to center of structure. 6. When In accordance with State and Federal Job safety requirements, all excavated material is to be placed on the uphill side of 2. Lengths of pipe shown on the drawings are measured from center of structure to trenches. Na material is to be placed in streambeds. Any stockpiled material which will remain In place longer than 14 days (s to be seeded for temporary vegetation and mulched. Where spoil is placed on downhill side of trench, it is to be back-sloped to 3. Invert elevations shown on the drawings are taken at thte face of the structure. structure. drain toward trench. When necessary to dewater trench, the pump discharge hose must outlet in a stabilized area or a sediment basin. 4. Storm sewer and culvert pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe to conform to the c form to the current AASHTO Designation M170, unless h the Ilmits of NCDOT right-of-way, unless otherwise noted. _ 7. Where stream crossln s are re uired for equipment, temporary culverts shall be provided. otherwise designated on the plans. Class III pipe will be required with the Ilmits o' 9 q 8. No more than 500 feet of trench are to be open at any one time. 5. Minor field adjustments in the elevation and alignment of the storm sewer and stru ewer and structure might be necessary to meet existing conditions and proposed final grading. The contractor shall notify the City of Faye ~ City of Fayetteville Public Works Commission prior to 9. During construction, all storm sewer inlets will be protected by silt traps, maintained and modified as requtred by construction making any necessary adjustments. progress. 6. Top of structures shall be set to match curb and gutter, sidewalk and/or ditch cot d/or ditch construction. 10. All disturbed areas are to be seeded and mulched or sodded within 5 days after backflli of the applicable trench section, in accordance with the provisions contained In the protect specifications related to seeding and sodding. Speed is the essential land conservation element for a linear project. 11. For futher requirements and details of tree preservation, planting, erosion and sediment control, see the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. CONSTRUCTION NOTES shall conform to the current edition of the Cumberland Count and the North S~pEWALKS AND TRAILS 1. All construction, including any proposed landscaping, Y Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) standards and specifications. - - all conform to the rovisions contained in the NCDOT land use ermit. The 1 • A minimum of 2 foot clearance is requtred between the walkway edge and any ver 2. All construction within any NCDOT right of way sh p P signs, etc., unless otherwise specifically noted on the plans at each location. 9 and any vertical obstructions such as trees, utility poles, nation. contractor shall be thoroughly familiarized with the requirements of the land use permit prior to the start of any construction In NCDOT right-of-way. 2. A 2 1 /2 foot utility strip Is required between the edge of the sidewalk and the bay k and the back of the curb and gutter, unless otherwise noted 3. Unless more strin ant cam action re uirements are indicated on the plans or in the specifications, the backfill of embankment on the plan. 9 P q material, the installation of trench backf(II and th• nstoratlon of disturbed anaa shall be compacted in accordance wffh the 3. A minimum 10 foot separation is required between the edge of the sidewalk and tl current edition of the NCDOT Standard Specifications for Roads and Structuns. gutter roads, unless otherwise noted on the plans. idewalk and the edge of the pavement for non curb and 4. All sub rode, subbase, base and shoulder material shall be placed and compacted to the density specified to the current edition 4. All handrail olnts are to be welded. Ex osed handrail Joints shall be finished b i ,w.. of tl~~ j P Y In place of welded joints. All handrail posts are to be set in Class A-3 concrete. flntshed by grinding or filing. Fitt(ngs shall not be allowed 4-3 concrete. 5. The contractor shall provide adequate means of claening trucks and/or other equipment of mud prior to entering NCDOT r(ght- of-way. It is the contractor's responsibility to clean all streets and allay dust and to take whatever measures necessary to insure 5. All vegetative material within 10 feet of vertical clearance from the proposed trail ; roposed troll shall be removed prior to trail construction. The the road(s) are maintained in a clean, mud and dust free condition at all times. horizontal clearing Ilmits shall be in accordance with the limit-of-disturbance show shall be to save any trees that are designated on the construction plans. lurbance shown on the plan. An exception to this requirement ins. 6. Temporary or permanent pavement patches are to be placed In all roadway cuh wNh hot mix the same day the cut is made in accordance with NCDOT requirements. 6. The grades for proposed walkways shall be in accordance with the construction pia >nstruction plans. Any field adjustment of the proposed sidewalk 7. Unless otherwise noted in the construction Ions and/or contract documents, at leant one-way traffic is to be maintained dur(n grades shall be approved by the engineer. The following grade criteria shall be ac P -w g * Mln(mum: 1X exce t in sa s with ode uate drains e 'la shall be adhered to: working hours and two-way traffic shall be maintained during non orlcing hours. P 9 q 9 * Maximum: 10X 8. The top elevation of existing manholes shall be adjusted io meet the final pavement elevation. 7. Ali driveways shall be graded as indicated on the construction plans to conform to ho conform to allowable cross slopes for the walkway. The cross fferently on the construction drawings. Any field adjustment of the 9. Adjust manhole, valve, and meter box covers before placing asphalt seal cap. slopes for walkways shall be 1/4" per foot of width, unless noted differently on th allowing cross slope criteria shall be adhered to: existin condtlons rior to submittln a bid for the construction of the ro act. cross slope for a walkway shall be approved by the engineer. The following cross 10. The contractor shall visit the site and shall verify g p g p j * „ Minimum: 1/4 per foot of width (2.08X) 11. Where existing natural drainage ditches or stream banks are disturbed during construction, the contractor shall restore this area * Maximum: 1/2" per foot of width (4.16X) to original alignment, grade and invert. 12. Pro osed to of curb radds shall be field adjusted as required to conform to the invert of the ical section. A smooth grade 8. The minimum allowable turning radius for walkways shall be 20 feet. Any turning P P 9 J tYP ad ustments, shall be a roved b the En sneer. Any turning radius less than 20 feet, required due to field shall be maintained from the centerline to the proposed edge of pavement or face of curb to preclude the forming of false gutters J PP Y 9 and/or the pond(ng of water on the roadway. The existing pavement shall be recapped and/or removed and replaced as required to accomplish this requirement. All curb forms shall be inspected for horizontal and vertical alignment by Cumberland County, 9. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the requirements for walkv snts for walkways specified by Cumberland County and/or the City City of Fayetteville, or their authorized representatives prior to placing of concrete. of Fayetteville PWC. PREPARED FOR: 13. The following provisions shall apply to the use of sheeting and shoring: 10. Unless more strin ant compaction requirements are noted on the plans, the subgrai A Sheetin and Shorin or other a roved methods for trench brac(n will be re uired as needed to meet all safet re uirements. 9 9 g PP 9 q Y q minimum of 95X of theoretical maximum density at optimum moisture content with s, the subgrade for all walkways shall be compacted to a e content within the tolerance specified in the current edition of (B) Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, sheeting and shoring will be removed from all trenches prior to backfilling operations. the NCDOT Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. (C) Unless specifically identified, no additional compensation will be allowed for sheeting and shoring. 14. The contractor shall restore all disturbed areas with seed and mulch or sod in accordance with the restoration schedule noted on the appropriate plan sheet. w TREE REMOVAL AND PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION i o a e evi e 15. The contractor shall restore all driveways disturbed during construction. Restoration shall consist of the folio ing. * Gravel Driveway Provide minimum 6" compacted 21 A. * Asphalt driveway Provide 6" compacted 21A with minimum 2" SM-2A overlay. Denotes an existing tree not-to-be-removed or damaged. All remaining trees with u is ors ommission ping trees within the easement Ilmits can be removed as * Concrete Driveway Provide a neat sawcut connection, minimum 4" compacted 21 A, and 5" Class A3 required to perform the construction. In addition, the contractor must remove any t remove any trees adversely affected by the construction to a e r e s o u rc e s n i n e e r i n concrete with WWF 6x6 W2.9xW2.9. the extent that (t is likely to die in the opinion of the County arborist. However, e 1. However, every effort will be made to avoid the removal or disturbance of remaining trees. 16. Where a proposed pipe crosses or parallels a street, the asphalt shall be neatly cut. After installation of the pipe, the roadway i min on oa shall be patched in accordance with the NCDOT land use permit. Denotes trees to have tree protection barricade (snow fence) place at drip line of drip Ilne of tree. a e evi e or aro ins 17. Horizontal location of the service connections at sanitary sewer mains, if indicated on the construction plans, were taken from nd/or grinding of stumps to a minimum of 12" below finished television inspection reports. All service connections were shown to be in the upper two quadrants of the mains. Except for Denotes an existing tree to be removed. This includes the removal and/or grinding interpolation of the Invert at the san(tar}+ mains, the elevations and vertical locations of the service locations are not shown. In grade. sewer mains as noted, television inspections did not detect the service connections and the locations shown on the drawing are SHEET servi a connections. the most probable positions for c SKELLY and LOY LLP 2204 18. The pavement desi n in the construction plans was prepared based on available subsurface information including laboratory 2 OF 12 ENGINEERS-CONSULTANTS California Bearing atio (CBR) tests that were performed during the design subsurface investigation. When the contractor reaches the subgrade elevation, additional CBR test locations may be directed by the Engineer for selected locations based on actual field conditions observed. The CBR samples and tests shall be performed by the County Soil Laboratory or a geotechnical en Ineering v e results f the En lneer s evaluation of the BR laborato firm under contract with Cumberland County or the City of Fayette file Th o g ry tests shall be obtained in writing prior to the placement of any subbase or base material In the area(s) under consideration. The proposed pavement design for the area(s) under consideration will either be confirmed or adjusted by the Engineer based on the results of the CBR test. The contractor shall cooperate with Engineer by modifying construction activities and/or scheduling in order to permit the additional CBR testing. The contractor shall not be entitled to any monetary damages whatsoever for any delays resulting from this testing. The contractor's sole relief is a time extension granted in accordance with Article 8.3. i o a e evi e um Bran oun v. or aroma JOB NO.: 260 3012 SCALE: NTS EX. ~N~ET ~IM = i 55.18 C A ~ G~ ~ ~ i EX. EXPOSED SS ~ ~o i M ~5~~~~ ~~C y~~ OX ~ ~ WETLANDS 1. NONTIDAL i o 0 0 r o ; T7- . ~ + OS+ ~ O w ~ ~ O p 0 aS~,~ ~ O O O O ~ - 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ O O ~ O o rh + ~F ~'w' 0 o M M ~ ~ o o J _ x X ~j Y~ UNNAMED TRIB SMALL / NSHEAD CREEK TO LIO ~i ~ •s o ~ ~ ~Z t _ ~ i o ~o ~ ti ~ ~ ~ k ~ ~ O O ~ - ~ f i N ;r~\ / o kg 1 ~ 1~ S / = 1+ 401 ISSUED 0 PREPARED FOR: / ~k o ~ ~ ~ k / o 0 16 City of Fayetteville ~o 164 . k \ ~ Public Works Commission EX. THALWEG \ ~ ~ X Water Resources Engineering . / o o 955 Old Wilmington Road 1 k Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ j i F _ 0 SKELLY and LOY LLP 2~2~~4 SHEET: i 1 - _ ENGINEERS-CONSULTANTS 3 OF ~ Z / ~ - o - ~ a ~ ~ ; ~ ~ r--- ~ r--~ ; - , ~ j x ~ ~ i I i / LIONSHEAD SANITARY SEWER ~v~ ~ ~ _ ~ x ~ X~ o PROTECTION & RESTORATION P C > i / ~ ~ x,~ ~ EXISTING CONDITIONS N City of Fayetteville \4+00 ~ M ~ SC ' ALE: 1"=10' JOB NO.: 2603012 SCALE: 1 10 EX. DROP INLET ~ RIM = 165.18 EX. EXPOSED SS ~ ~o ~ ~~O ~~a ok M SSA 1 ~ NONTIDALWETLANDS ~I~~ o a o r o ~n ° a, o o + ~ rn \ ~~1 0 o ~ o o ~ T d t ~ ~ N N M ~ X ~ h O O M SMALL UNNAMED TRIB ~ ~ ~ ~ -lam S X M `rj~ TO LIONSHEAD CREEK ~ ~ C~ 1:J y _ Lam: ti ~ ~ `Z ~ / ` i J ~ EX. EXPOSED SS S~ ~ ~ k1~ S S M H S ~ RI = 166.40 1 N g0 i ~k i S -1+ 401 ISSUED A , ~ ^o x + PREPARED FOR: ~ . o0 16 City of Fayetteville Z , : \ ,~k~~ k 114~~ Public Works Commission EX. THALWEG y ~ ' Water Resources Engineering \x' ~ ~I: 955 Old Wilmington Road X Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 SKELLY and LOY LLP 2~2~~4 SHEET: ENGINEERS-CONSULTANTS 3 OF ~ Z ~ EX. BLOCK X~ HEADWgLL P~ o _ o~ P o LIONSHEAD SANITARY SEWER P o a PROTECTION & RESTORATION ~ S 1~ • . _ ~ ~ xo ~ EXISTING CONDITIONS EX. HEADCUT City of Fayetteville t~o 3o Cumberland County. North Carolina }~U+00 6mmm~ ~ SCALE: 1"=10' JOB NO.: 2603012 SCALE: 1 10' ~ M, T:._.. 4. SSA ~5~ gg EX. DROP ~~I' DROP INLET ~ RIM = 16 = 165.18 6v ~ ~~a SS~~~~ ~ NONTIDAL WETLANDS s S 0 a ~ Cv 12 CV ~ ~ ~ 1 S~ o o a C 0 7 ~C~ ~ 0 11 Z `r CV ~ Z 13 0 0 CV ~o , ~o JV _ ti 4 C 9 10 PROP. CHANNEL ~ ~ / _ _ R, J z~, - i ~ $Y ~ ad: SSA n ~0 ~ ' i • l~• i ~ 5~~~ ~ ' co`' 3 S PROP. CHANNEL a3nssi 40~ 0 c s 5 PREPARED FOR: n` Z o ~ CV JV o g 1 City of Fayetteville ~ Public Works Commission Water Resources Engineering 955 Old Wilmington Road ~ o I t Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 x CV S o ~ I 4 EAR CV SKELLY and LOY LLP 2~2~~4 SHEET: ~ 2 ENGINEERS-CONSULTANTS 4 OF ~L t Z ~''9" LIONSHEAD SANITARY SEWER BLOCK HEADWA cv PROTECTION & RESTORATION ~ LL ~ i SITE LAYOUT P S o 7 City of Fayetteville ~ ~ ~~0 3i Cumberland County. North Carolina ~„i 0 SCALE: 1"=10' JOB NO.: 2603012 'SCALE: 1 "=1' v~.. , , - 4 -r' J - o r ~ - _ r: k,,. r . ~ .n tF~.: 3. _ i , t SSA ~g E R I S NONTIDAL WETLANDS CV EX. DROP INLET RIM - 165.1 g cv 6 ~ ~ SSA 1~~ ~ , ~ s N 12 cv ~ ~ 1 S ~ N ~ cv 0 ~ ~ ~ ~0 11 CV M ' 13 ` Z cv 9 ~ - `O~ 4 cv I \ io i m . I~ ~ ~ s - ' / ~~~~~~R. , ~ . h -.T. ti~ EX. EXPOSED SS SSA ~'I ~ S ~ ~ a3nssi Gov 1 a P C5 . . PREPARED FOR: C~~ Z` ti r ~ s 1 City of Fayetteville Public Works Commission Water Resources Engineering \ 955 Old Wilmington Road o ti Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 0 ~ 4 ~ S ob ~ ~ C SKELLY pnd LOY LLP 2 2 ~4 SHEET: 2 ENGINEERS-CONSULTANTS / / S OF ~ Z 2 t LIONSHEAD SANITARY SEWER o ~ ~ PROTECTION & RESTORATION ~ o 1 GRADING PLAN S . N ~ City of Fayetteville ~ ~~0 3o Cumberland County. North Carolina ~ , SCALE: 1»=10> JOB NO.: 2603012 SCALE: 1 "=1 0' _ m w, E r:~;4 ~ _ ~ . ~w~, E: - . ~ e,. M ~w 4, _ F. r a ~tR e~ ~;w~= ~a~ POOL #1 POOL #2 ~ RIFFLE #1 POOL #3 POOL #4 RIF RIFFLE #2 POOL #5 RIFFLE #3 ~ POOL #6 RIFFLE #4 POOL #7 RIFFLE #5 / > C~ - ~ M ~ ~ tV - ~ L'S U U ~ U ~ U U ~M ~N cn~ / Xo Xo Xo x± x~ x± ~ EX. TOP-OF-BANK PROP. BANKFULL W PR P. INVERT 0 W W ~P,INVERT Z H / - J ~ - Pl: 21.4' @ 0.002 _ P[: 1L.%` U.UU35 Rl: 11.1' U.U152 / P3: 10,3' ~ 0,002 ` P4: 10.0' 0,0023 R2; g,9~ R2: 9.9' 0.0176 ~ • ` EX. SS / ~ / P6: 12.2'@0.0029 R3:16.4'~0.01 4 _ - _ P6: 13.3' ~ 0.0025 4: 12.3' ~ 0.0238 n~. ~ ~ ~ a n nme ~J ~ ~ R5: i2.S ~ O.vi07 rn ' ~ ~ ~ ~ EX. INVERT in ' _ ~ PROP: WS / N~0 rl O, ON Np N N ~ EX. SS 01 in ~j~0 O~n u1M M ~ NW rl O ~ l0 N U1 t!1 M ~ fV 00 M ~ Q W ~ 1 (n W O ~ + + + QW f J QW QW aw O~ O~ O C I- J (n W ~ W J f- J I- J Q u1 ~ / ~W fnl (nW ~W QW QW w Q W Q w > Q w + > U1W ~W F-J I-J EX.. WATER SURFACE cn,W to w (nW U1W (nW ~J `lW QW fIJ > I-J / F-J ~J > (n W U) W (A W Q W Q W ~ W E- J 1- J NI W il,~ W / O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o ~ (Ll ~ U7 `0 00 0~ O O ~ (U ~ Ln `D I~ 00 + + + + + + + + + + + O O O O O O O O O O ~ RIFFLE #5 POOL #8 RIFFLE #6 POOL #9 RIFFLE #7 RUN POOL #11 RIFFLE #8 POOL #12 RIFFLE #9 POOL #13 RIFFLE #10 POOL #14 POOL #15 / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - M ~ f`~ CO Q1 / ~ U U U U U U r-, T / In ~ Q1 N U) ~ cn o U1 ~ V10 X + ~D ~ X + ~D N OO - 01O x; x; x+ ~ / z N~ nN m (M I` W M O a; o, Z O ~ O 1!1 N Lf1 h O tJ1 W N Q W ~ .-i + Q ~ + d1 t0 ,-i CO + N di ~ N ~ O J d1 Lf1 M ri to Q1 I~ + O CO ~ t0 ~ ~J + N ~J i~ -F / QW ~W N Q~ (AW ~ N ~J QW HJ QW w > ~J > Qw oao U J QW ~W QW M; ~-J M~; }r~ l0~ .}.rl W PROP. BANKFULL I- J ~ w EX. TOP-OF-BAPvK ~ J Q I~ to w / cn w N J W + M W I- ~ J Q W Q W M> > W W F- J F- J > Q R5: 12.5' @ O,Ci07 ~ U1W U1W QW QW QW ~J ~J F-J / P8: 8.4' 0.0032 R6: 9.5' @ 0.0178 P9: 8.6' @ 0.0026 R7: 8.5' 0.0072 cnw ~W cnw RUN: 23.9' @ 0.0111 / - - o = _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ Pll: 15,4' @ 0,0025 R8: 16.5' @ 0.021 P12: 13.1' ~ O.OD24 R9: 13.2' @ 0.022 - P13: 12.7' 0 0.0033 RIO: 13.7' ~ 0.011 , ~ - ~ ~ ~ O~0 N 9? _ - - w P14; 19,0' ~ 0,0011 Pi 1.2' 0.003 ~ _ ~ ~ PROP. WS > ~ W a~ I•-J QW N rn iJ ~ ~•i t!I W F- J ~ FRZ' _,,J W a w EX. INV~ / cnlw ~ ~ ~ EX. WATER SURFACE O O u1 W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o ~ (U ~ ~ In `0 f~ 00 0~ 'O ~ O n' /'y'~ V' O r-I l V l J V 1.1 1 ~L1 T e-~ lU lU lU lU lU lU lU lU lU lU lU l'1 l J l J l J l J ~ 1 l 1 l l POOL #15 POOL #16 RIFFLE #li POOL #17 / PREPARED FOR: U ~ U'~ T T / xM x~ W / / J i o a e evi e u is ors ommission / In N t0 M U ~ 7' L n~ I~ dl Lf) tp lD N lf1 r ~ pp Lf1 ~ t!') a er esources n ineerin Q + ~ . . . r'; m ~ tT / Z ~ ~ ~ QW N~ i min on oa Q w a w Q w EX• TOP-OF-BANK I- J + ~ J I- J f- J ~ U1U W d' + tow ~~W Jiw > ~ / Qw > a e evi e or aro ina I-J Qw c„w ~-J / ~w SHEET: SKELLY and LOY LLP / P16: 11,5' @ 0,0019 Rll: 29.1' @ 0.013 2204 P17:12.6'Q~0.0015 - _ 6 OF 12 ~ ENGINEERS CONSULTANTS EX. SS / i O O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O ~ 0~ O ~ (LI L(~ `.0 CX ~ 0~ o ~ (LI + + + + + (mil ~t ~ d- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d' d" ~ L(7 l.(~ L() i o a e evi e um Bran ounv, or aroma JOB NO.: 2603012 SCALE: 1 99 =6' STA SECTION ELEVATION STA SECTION ELEVATION STA SECTION ELEVATION Q+3 SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: 1"=5' Q-F5 SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: 1"=5' T: 1"=5' Q+$ SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: 1"=5' 175' 175' 175' 175' 175' 175' PROP. GRADE PROP. GRADE PROP. GRADE 170' 170' 170' 170' 170' 170' z ~ z ~ O 1 O O ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ 165' ~ 165' ~ 165' \ ~ ~ 165' ~ 165' ,o, \ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ 165' ,o> J e v. ~ ~ J ~ ~ J w ~ w EX. GRADE W 160' EX. GRADE 160' 160' 160' 160' EX. SS EX. SS ~EX. GRADE 160' 1550 v~ o ~n o ~n o ~ x}55' 1550 ~n o u~ o ~n o ~n o .1 ~ .--i .--i N N M M N N .--i ~ .--i o v~ o ,n x}55 155„ o ~n o ~n o ~n o u~}55~ .--i .--i N N M N N .-i .-i ~ .-i rl STATION STATION STATION STA SECTION ELEVATION STA SECTION ELEVATION ,TION STA SECTION ELEVATION 175' 1-FZ SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: 1"=5' 175' 175' 1+4 SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: 5'; VERT: 1"=5' 175' 175' 1"F'7 SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: 1"=5' 175' _ PROP. GRADE Z 170' _ 170' Z 170' PROP. GRADE DE 170' 170' 170' Z PROP. GRADE O ~ - ~ O - i ~ a 165' ~ 165' a 165' > ~ > 165' a 165' ~ 165' J \ ~ Tor J ~ W W E~~. X63..• ~ i w ` ~ EX. GRADE /rov W 160' EX. GRADE 160' 160' ~ SEX. SS 160' 160' EX. GRAD ~E~~,15~,. 160' EX. SS ~~EX. SS 1550 ~n o u~ o ui o ~n o u~ o x}55' 1550 N o ~ o ~ o ,155' 155' X55' N ~ +--i ' ~ N N M M N ti ~ 1 O ~ N N N ,1f1-~ O u'1 O l!1 O ~ N STATION STATION STATION STA SECTION ELEVATION STA SECTION ELEVATION S 175' 2+1 SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: 1"=5' 175' 170' 2+6 SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: 1"=5' 170' 170' 3+ STA SECTION ELEVATION STA SECTION ELEVATION 3+Q SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: 1"=5' 170' 170' 3+4 SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: 1"=5' 170' PROP. GRADE 170' 170' 165' 165' 165' PROP. GRADE 165' 165' 165' z z z z PROP. GRADE O O ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ BF. EIEV. Ifi3.3' O ~ PROP. GRADE ~ j 165' 165' ~ 160' ~ 160' ~ 160' O I' 1 \ ~ 160' X160' ~ , 160' J / J .ov J ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ W ~EX. GRADE W ,aP W 160' ~ ~ 160' 155' 155' 155' EX. GRADE 155' 155' EX. GRADE~~` - 155' EX. SS SEX. SS EX. SSA ~EX. GRADE EX. SS 155 o ~n o u~ o ~ x}55' 1500 ~n o ~n o ~ o X150' 150 STATION STATION din o ui o ui o ~n o u.~.50' 150 o in o u~ o ~n c~50~ +-i .-i ~ +-i N N N N ti ~ STATION STATION PREPARED FO~OIISSU~r' STA SECTION ELEVATION STA SECTION ELEVATION STA SECTION ELEVATION 3+67 SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: 1"=5' 3+99 SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: i"=5' 4+4 SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=5'; VERT: 1"=5' 170' 170' 170' 170' i~o~ i~o~ i~o' City of Fayetteville Public Works Commission 165' 165' 165' 165' 165' 165' 165' Water Resources Engineering Q PROP. GRADE Q 0 955 Old Wilmington Road PROP. GRADE X160' 160' X160' 160' i6o~ ai6o~ 160, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 W ~ W F. ~ W ~ W ~ ~ W SKELLY and LOY LLP 2 2 ~4 SHEET: 155' X. GRADE~~~- ro, 155' 155' \ ,o0 155' 155' 155 ~ 155 ENGINEERS-CONSULTANTS / / 7 ~F ~ 2 EX. GRADE EX. SS~~ EX. GRADE~\v EX. SS ex.ss roo LIONSHEAD SANITARY SEWER 150N o N o ~ o ~ ~50' 150o u~ o ~n o ~n o u~ o ~n o x.}50' ,~.~50~ i5oo o oE~~ls~. o ~50~ PROTECTION & RESTORATION STATION STATION N N ~ ~ ~ STATION " " SECTION ELEVATION City of Fayetteville NOTE: SANITARY SEWER LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE SECTION ELEVATIONS ARE ESTIMATED USING THE BEST AVAILABLE TLJC !`l1f~ITD A!`Tl1~ TC DCCrflll~ICT~1 C L/11] \/L IITNT~II" Al 1 IIT IIG 1 l1!`I~TTl1~~C ini Tub ~i~~ n nn inn T/1 /~l1n~e^Tn~ ~i^Ti~n~ n~~~~~~~~~~~~~niT ~ILABLE RESOURCES. Cumberland County North Carolina i I IL ~.vlv I nn~. I vn 1J RLJrvIVJIULL rVR V LR1r 11114u /1LL I'1rC LVI.H 1 1VI14J 1114 1 f1C r1CLU rmium 1 V %.wiND I PRUI. 1114114 1.141" Ivicryl.C1" ICim I . JOB NO.: 2603012 SCALE: 1 "=6' CV TYP. CROSS VANE DETAIL ]V TYP. J-HOOK VANE DETAIL ~P NOT TO SCALE ~P NOT TO SCALE PLAN VIEW PROFILE ELEVATION PLAN VIEW PROFILE ELEVATION TYP, BANKFULL ELEV, ~-2,25' 2,25' 2,25' 2,25' VANE ROCK VANE ROCK BANKFULL FLOW ELEV. 2d FLOW V E ROCK 11 VANE ROCK FLOW CHANNEL INVERT / ® ELEV. I~ ® ~ 0.9 Dbkf 6,6' FILL MATERIAL e CHANNEL INVERT • .Y'• FROM SCOUR POOL - FOOTER ROCKS • / 20-30 ELEV. i FILL MATERIAL FOOTER ROCK ® _ .L MATERIAL ' FROM SCOUR P00 OM SCOUR POOL ~ - SCOUR POOL FLOW +ti •~~'~'y SECOND FOOTER . ~~M 4. FOOTER ROCK ir. ~,:i... ~ ~ :'1: ROCK SILL SECTION ELEUATION F TER ROCK ® ROCK SILL TYP, BANKFULL EL. ILL SCOUR SCOUR POOL POOL / STREAM CHANNEL BED ELEVATION FOOTER ROCKS ~ GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 6,75 1. The top of the structure, "B", may not always correspond to the bankfull elevation, depending on the stream type. In order to maintain a 7% vane slope or less, the elevation at point "B" may be lower than bankfull. XS TYP. CHANNEL CROSS-SECTIONS ~P NOT TO SCALE Structure Invert Vane Arm Vane Arm Scour ID Elevation Elevation Sloe Elevation i e ec ion oo ec ion A B C D CV 1 168.9' 169.4' 7% 166.1' CV 2 168.0' 168.4' 7% 166.1' 6.75' 8.4' CV 3 166.8' 167.3 7% 164.8' CV 4 16 165.6 7% 163.0 V 164.7 7% 162.1 2.2' 7% 160.9' 1 7% 160. ' Dmax 1.3' V .3 16 7° 15 .3 ° 160.3 160.8 7/ 158.4 CV 10 159.5' 160 ' Dmax .0 7/ 157.6 CV 11 158.8 159,3 7% 156.6 ° , 0 V 7% ' ° , JV 2 166.2' 166.7' ' 7/ 163.9 ° , JV 4 158.3' 158.7' 7% 156.6' General General Structure Notes 1. All structures shall be constructed under the under the direct supervision of and subject to the approval of an engineer experienced in the principles of fluv es of fluvial geomorphology. If structure construction and performance are not in accordance with the RW TYP. ROOT WAD DETAIL with the details and specifications, the structure shall be re-set or . PREPARED FOR. reconstructed in accordance with the design c P NOT TO SCALE e design details and specifications. 2. Structures and bedding shall be installed in c >talled in accordance with the details shown and shall achieve the followin minimum fluvial geomorphological of iological objectives: 1) To allow normal bedload sediment transport to occur, 2) To a low a uatic or anisms to have free r q 9 gave free migration access across the structure, 3 To maintain stream bank and bed stability, 4) To provide habitat for fi DIAMETER OF ROOT WAD bitat for fish and other aquatic organisms, and 5 To redirect flow velocity FAN SHOULD BE MIN, OF ( VeCtOrS away from the stream bank to prever 0,90 x DMAx, AND MAX, SEE PLANTING DETAILS 0~ to prevent erosive forces in the near bank region. The contractor is OF1,25xD responsible for meeting these objectives. Max 3. Structures shall be constructed usin an ular, fives. I o a e evl e 9 9 dense, sound, and free from cracks, seams, ~g angular, flat, or cubed rock. Individual rock fragments shall be BANKFULL BENCH density of each rock shall be 150 pounds pe s, seams, and other defects conducive to accelerated weatherin The dr wei ht g U IC Or S OmmISSIOn pounds per cubic foot or greater. No concrete, man-made rocks, or so t roc s BANKFULL CHANNEL (such as shale shall be used for structure c ANCHOR ROCK ) structure construction. a e r e s o u rc e s n l n e e r l n ANCHOR ROCK 4. Structure construction requires individual selec idual selection and placement of each rock in each structure. POINT 5. Footer rocks shall be placed individually and lually and keyed into channel bed and bank as shown in the detail. The I m I n 0 n 0 a 1q,2p, BAR top surface of the footer rocks within the thi hin the throat (or center) section of the structures shall be be placed at the Max streambed invert elev Lion. a a e evl e or aro Ina 6. The vane rocks, or top rocks, shall be places ove and u stream of the footer rocks as shown. be placed individually ab p , The top rocks in the vane win s shall be la gall be laced to create a realatively uniform surface along the top plane of the vane wing from the bankfull a ovation tot e on to t e streambed. The top rocks shall be placed linearly with tight, continuous surface ,contact with ad'acent top rocks. SHEET: ocks. • • . • • • SKELLY and LOY LLP peen ad oinin footer rocks, and between ad oinin footer and to rocks. In 2 2 Q4 FOOTER LOG PERPENDI ULAR 7~ NO significant voids Sha I, exist between adjoin FOOTER LOG ~ order to revent water- i in between struct P PP 9 J 9 ,J 9 p _ 8 OF 12 aen struct re rocks, the contractor shall chink all undesirable voids with small ENGINEERS CONSULTANTS boulders cobble, rock fra ments, sand, and and, and or clay. Chinking s all be conducted for alt voids reater than or equal TOP OFFOOTERMUSTBEBELOWCHANNELBOTTOM tO 3 inches In s'ze for co ble and ravel ba ravel based streams, and 1 2 inch for sand and clay base streams. 8. For sand or silt clay stream channe s, a geoi fabric shall be laced on the u stream face e s, a geotextile fabric shall be used to supplement the chinking. The geotextile eam face of the footer and top rocks. The geotextile shall also be buried a minimum of 12 inches in o the streambe and extender id extended a minimum of 12 inches, upstream. 9. Material excavated for the footer rocks may k cks may be minimally (at the discretion of the engineer) used for fill on the upstream FOOTER LOG, PERPENDICULAR side of the vane win s. The contractor shall TO VELOCITY VECTOR structure to provide t e proper design paraml actor shall regrade or reshape the channel after the construction of the rock 10. If directed by the supervising engineer, Ilve si gn parameters. eer, I~ve stakes and shrubs shall be planted in a diamond pattern on the streambank where the vane wing or s wing or structure ties into the bank. Plantings shall continue a minimum Note: Root wad structures are not shown on the plan, however, should sufficient root wad material of one-half vane win len th both u stream 9 9 P upstream and downstream of the structure along the streambanks. become available during construction, it may be installed at the direction of the en ineer and 11. Individual structural rocks used for the constr 9 the construction of the structures shall conform to the following dimension specifications: In accordance with the root wad detail. , A-Axes B-Axis C B-Axis C-Axis I 0 a e eVl e Minimum (ft.) 2 1.5 ,.s 0.75 Cumberland County, North Carolina Maximum (ft.) 3 2.25 2.25 1.125 JOB NO.: 2603012 SCALE: N.T.S. GENERAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SEEDING METHOD 1. Notify NCDENR seven days prior to construction. 1, x v e a t h e stabilized rock rav I i n t o i s E ca at nd ins al h /g a construct o en ra ce/ex t once exit at the terminal The following steps will be performed to seed the disturbed areas. end of the spur road to Lionshead Road. See Access Plan on Sheet 10. eel 10. 2. The contractor shall divide construction into weekly segments, if necessary. Each 1. Seed all disturbed areas with the following mixture of permanent and annual segment shall be cleared, excavated, and stabilized and have rock structures installed 2. Choose stock ile location and install a silt barrier fence. Place excavates P excavated grasses. However, switchgrass shall be used sparingly in areas where trees will be at the conclusion of the week. Removal of natural vegetation shall be minimized materials, fill material, and structural rock in stock ile locations. P planted. wherever possible during construction. 3. Designate a segment of stream to be completed in one week. Install a Install a COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME RATE LB ACRE 3, The pump-around length shall be based on the weekly segment selected by the stabilized outlet and filter ba 'ust downstream of the weekl construction se truction segment, Bi Bluestem And 9J Y contractor. The pump and coffer dam shall be removed upon completion of each and install a rock filter or tem orar downstream sediment tra 'ust u strea g ropogon gerardn ist upstream of P Y PJ P weekly segment. the stabilized outlet. Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 10-15 Deertongue Panicum c/andestinum 4. Construction safety fencing shall be placed around all wet areas and wetlands 4. Lay bypass piping along the left bank from the stabilized outlet upstream upstream to the switchgrass Panicum virgatum within the project site to limit disturbance within these areas. Silt barrier fencing head of the reach. Connect piping to the filter bag and stabilized outlet. i outlet. . Pearl Millet Pennisetum /aucum 40 shall also be placed around wet areas and wetlands as necessary to prevent Winter Rye Seca/e cereals 120 sediment deposition in these areas. The contractor shall exercise caution to avoid 5. Install a temporary coffer dam at least ten feet upstream of the reach tc ~e reach to be usin a ui ment in wet areas and wetlands. All disturbances in wetlands/wet constructed. Install the pump and connect it to the piping. Check the coff 9 q P k the coffer dam areas shall be returned to preexisting conditions. and piping for leaks. Modify the pipe location, inlet, and outlet as necessar s necessary to achieve constant flow. Begin pumping all creek water behind the coffer dar coffer dam. 2. Broadcast seed at the recommended rate with a cyclone seeder, drop spreader, 5. The contractor shall keep adequate amounts of soil stabilization material or cultipacker seeder. on-site at all times. 6. Clear and grub the weekly construction segment while avoiding damage tc damage to the natural stream-side vegetation whenever possible. 3. Rake seed into the soil and lightly pack it to establish good contact. 6. During the life of the project, the contractor is responsible for the maintenance of all erosion and sediment control devices. 7. Construct and stabilize the stream channel and flood-prone area in accoi ~a in accordance with the profile elevation, section elevation, and grading plans. Grade, stabil ~ade, stabilize, and 7. As needed, regrade, reseed, and mulch washed-out areas in the project area. install stream structures. Place all excavated material in the stock ile. P . MULCH APPLICATION cpile. 8. The contractor is responsible for the removal of any excess material. 8. Install erosion control biode radable coir fiber mattin to stabilize streamk Mulch shall be applied as directed below. ze streambanks 9 9 in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Plant shrubs and tree; s and trees in 9. All waste material must be removed from the site and recycled or disposed of _ the flood prone area and along the streambanks in accordance with the Pla 1. In streambank areas (the area from the ed a of the stream to four feet awa 9 y properly. No waste material shall be buried, dumped, or discharged at the site. Plan drawings. Plantings may be completed at the end of each week or at th the Planting from the bank on both sides), coir fiber mattin or other biode radable mattin reek or at the g g g shall be placed above the seed. The coir fiber matting shall be anchored in conclusion of the project; this will be decided by the contractor. 10. The contractor is responsible for dust control measures, as needed. accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 9. Once stream channel and structure construction is completed, remove the 11. Excess soil shall be placed in the designated stockpile areas. The stockpile emove the 2. In all other seeded areas, apply 4,000-5,000 pounds per acre of grain straw or temporary coffer dam and turn off the pump to allow flow through the new height must not exceed 35 feet, and the sides must be sloped at 2:1 or flatter. h the new equivalent cover of another suitable mulch. Anchor the mulch by tacking it with channel. After visual inspection of the flow, reinstall the temporary coffer d Silt barrier fencing will be placed on the low side of stockpiles to prevent sediment y coffer dam at asphalt, roving, or netting. Netting is the preferred anchoring method on steep the same location and restart the pump. Adtust all stream structures as dii from being washed into the stream. The fencing will extend around approximately ares as directed slopes. by the engineer. 70% of the perimeter of the stockpile. Stockpiles will be stabilized with temporary seeding as soon as possible after the formation of the stockpile. 10. At the end of the week or upon completion of the weekly construction struction segment, remove the temporary coffer dam along with the stabilized outlet, i VEGETATIVE MAINTENANCE sd outlet, rock filter or temporary downstream sediment trap, pump apparatus, and filter be ~d filter bag. Stabilize, seed, and mulch all disturbed areas. Reinstall in the next weekly Vegetation shall be maintained as follows. xt weekly construction segment, if needed. 1. Reseed, fertilize, and mulch damaged areas immediately. 11. Repeat Steps 5 through 11. 2. Alt seeded areas shall be refertilized in the second year unless growth is fully MAINTENANCE PLAN adequate. Uniform coverage of 70% of the seeded area is considered adequate. 12. Haul any leftover material off the site. Seed and mulch stockpile areas ;pile areas and In order to assure correct operation of the erosion control practices proposed for any remaining disturbed areas. Remove the stabilized .rock construction action 3. Inspect riparian area plants after one year. If less than 70% of the lants p this project, the following maintenance steps will be performed. entrance exit and stabilize as re uired. / q survived, replant to assure survival of at least 70% of the original number of plants. 1. Employ measures during construction to prevent spills of fuels or lubricants. If 13. Once ve station is established remove the silt barrier fence an g d seed ar id seed and a spill occurs, immediately contain it to prevent entry into the waterway. Dispose mulch an disturbed areas. Y 4. Herbicidal spot spraying shall be used around tree plantings to control --~°-~-m-- d soils in accordance with all local, state, and federal competing vegetation until trees reach approximately 1 inch caliper size. requirements. 2. All erosion and sediment control practices will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff-producing rainfall event or once every week. Re air w' ntain the ractices a VEGETATIVE PLAN p s ill be made immediately to mai p s designed. _ The Vegetative Plan for this site requires the seeding of all disturbed areas 3. Inspect the construction entrance after high volume traffic or storm events. , 'bed areas and is A I addi i n v presented below. As part of the stream restoration plan, streambanks and i pp y tonal stone as necessary. Clea ehicles of mud or dirt before leaving inks and riparian areas will be planted with native vegetation. the protect site for travel on public roads. Refer to the Planting Plan drawings and schedule for locations, species, type 4. Remove sediment deposits from behind the silt fence as necessary to provide ecies, types of ~~~f ~ plants, and quantities. These areas are considered stable when a 70% survi adequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. , 70% survival rate Ta a duri is achieved. ke care to avoid undermining the fens ng cleanout. The sediment fence will be repaired as necessary to maintain the required barrier. The Vegetative Plan for this site consists of seedbed preparation, seeding seeding 5. Re lace rock filters that become clo ed with sediment. Wash materials methods, mulch application, and vegetative maintenance. P g9 PREPARED FOR: completely free of all foreign material or use new rock to rebuild the filter. Clean out accumulated sediment from temporary downstream sediment traps as SEEDBED PREPARATION necessary during the construction period. The following steps will be performed to prepare the soil for seed applicatic 6. At the end of each week, exposed soils along the streambank and in the l application. riparian area must be covered with coir fiber matting and staked down. 1. Remove any rocks and debris. i o a e evi e 7. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary, and mulched according . . to the specifications in the Vegetative Plan described to maintain a vigorous, dense 2. Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests or apply 2,000 pounds psi u is ors ommission pounds per acre vegetative cover. Planted areas of trees and shrubs will be replanted as necessary of ground agricultural limestone and 750 pounds per acre of 10-10-10 fart 10-10 fertilizer. a er esources n ineerin to achieve a 7CP/ survival rate. Spread amendments evenly. Incorporate into the top six inches of soil with soil with a disc, • i min on oa chisel plow, or rotary tiller only in areas where the soil is compacted by led by 8. Suitable material removed from the erosion and sediment control facilities on construction equipment. a e evi e or aro ina the project will be used as construction fill for the project. All other materials removed from the erosion and sediment control facilities will be disposed of 3. Break up large clods and rake them into a loose, uniform seedbed. bed. off-site in accordance with all local, state, and federal requirements. SHEET: 4. Rake to loosen the surface just prior to applying seed. SKELLY and LOY LLP 2 2 0 4 - 9 OF 12 ENGINEERS CONSULTANTS i o a e evi e Cumberland County, North Carolina JOB NO.: 2603012 7 SCALE: N.T.S. ACCESS PLAN w N as SS~~`~~ gg RCE ' R ~ SRO STABILIZED OUTLET DROP INLET A Rom = 1 6 5.18 ~F`T TEMP. ROCK FILTER ~S~~r ~ C' SUFFOLK CT. 8 t~~~~ t~ NONTIDAL WETLANDS ~I~• % 1 v O n ~ ~N\ ~ ~ y~9 ~ - COIR MATTING ~O S o° ~~9 `~V 1 ~ ° o 0 0 0 o° 00 O W ~ i O O ' ~ O ~i i CLEAN WATER v PUMP AROUND PROP. CHANNEL J I • I~ Legend ~ ~ ~ Coir Matting - ~ ~ EX. SSMH -goo goo- Limit of Disturbance ~ RIM = 176.64 -sF sF Silt Fence ~ o~~ ~---STOCKPILE AREA ~ Temp. Coffer Dam -J 401 ISSUED ~ s,~ PREPARED FOR: SF SF SF J MP~SNG City of Fayetteville Public Works Commission PROP. ~ Water Resources Engineering ° CHANNEL 5 0 2 955 Old Wilmington Road 0 0 Go~~~oPM Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 0 SKELLY and LOY LLP 2~2~~4 SHEET: ENGINEERS-CONSULTANTS ~ O OF ~ Z 0 '~q j, o LIONSHEAD SANITARY SEWER MP PROTECTION & RESTORATION SEDIMENT & EROSION ~-EX. SS SS CONTROL PLAN RIM = 1 ri cool ~unTCn / = 170.01 o s to 20 3o City of Fayetteville ~.~~nv rrn i ~n uumperiana uounry, ivorTn uaroiina PUMP i AROUND 77t7-DWAI SCALE: 1"=10' JOB NO.: 2603012 SCALE: 1 "=10' NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 50' MIN, 'TYIA ANCHORING POST CLASS 3A GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL GROUND * LEN TH OF ENTRANCE Ah G ANCHOR UY WIRE ~ 8 OC MAX, I INSTALL FABRIC FENCE CHECKS ~ ~ (PERPENDICULAR TO CONTOURS} p ~ , ~ ~ , B A 18 OR 30 I AT 50 MIN INTERVALS WHERE / ' ~ ~ i W ' AS REQUIRED ~f FI,O FABRIC FENCE IS NOT PARALLEL , ~ ~ i ' ' Q' MESH MESH SUPPORT * I ECS~ON 3 TO CONTOURS I p~R o CROSS-SECTION ~ ' ~ , ' EMBANKMENT SLOPE ~ 6 / i / ~ 1 - COMPACTED EXCAVATED SOIL ~ i , ~ x'18 SEE DETAIL B FOR FABRIC FENCE w ~ A A EMBEDMENT DETAILS ~i;~/~' WOODEN POSTS y y y ~ =w 2x2 x4 -6 MIN y y y y y ~ a z FLOW ~ _ EXISTING GROUND LINE y y y y y y y r y ,r, ~/rr, 'V 3~ * REQUIRED FOR 30" HEIGHT ONLY y y,;'/~~ ~ " y y y ° ZZ a ~W y, i y r r r y 0 ~ tV y y rii~ i'yy ~ ~o ~ z CLASS 3A GEOTEXTILE ! ~ i ~ y - ' , ~ , „ MATERIAL , , , ~ ! ' ~ ~ „ y ~ / , 4 OVERLAP OF MATTING X w B TIE WIRE, MAXIMUM ~ , ~ , ~ , / ~ STRIPS wHERE Ttt01 OAR SPACING OF 30 / ~ r ~ , , / , / pORE RTRIP TTA HS E ' o , ' ' TAP1 ED NA1 CNCH FLARE INTERSECTION AREA M ~ ~ , ' / ~ / CENTERS 0 8 I A'r y r r~, r/ y y TQ /r / / , , y y A PLAN VIEW C I y /'r /r ,rl r r~ y LAN VIEW 1' 1' STAPLE OUTSIDE y / , , / yy TOP OF BANK ANCHORING POST EDGE OF MATTING + . , ON 2" CENTERS y. ~ ~r 'r y y STAPLE OUTSIDE 2-3" WASHED STONE 1I2D r.'"""""' - y y ' / ~ ' ~ ~ y EDGE OF MATTING : yy y ON 2 CENTERS (AASHTO N0. I CRSE AGGR.) 6" (MIN.) u D 2 \ ESH SUPPORT * ~ y/ ~ 'rr' ~ ~ yy y COMPACTED - ~ ~ y , , , ~ ~ r ~ . , EXCAVATED \ " , y y ~ , ~ , ~ ' ' , y \r`~ 2 1 ~ 1 112D SOIL \ ~ "EXTEND FABRIC 12 ~ , / / / ~ , r , y y ~i. INTO EXCAVATED TRENCH. y y / , . / y y y ~ lr ~ / /ry y GEOTEXTILE ,CLASS 2, TYPE A SECTION 8-B i,,/ ' / r ' / ~ l R STAPLE FASTENERS DETAIL B , / p~, FO SEE DETAIL B FOR / F ~/p EMBEDMENT DETAILS, , ~ , " 1D" SECTION A-A AASHTO #57 ROCK R- ROCK (o N s Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit Construction Specifications SECTION A-A TYPICAL STAPLES ND. 1t GAUGE WIRE 1, Stabilized construction entrances/exits shall be used to limit sediment from leaving the site Rock Filter Construction Specifications Silt Barrier Fence Construction Specifications/Maintenaoce Notes and to provide maximum utility by all construction vehicles 1. Rock filters should be constructed in the channel with Ri ra Rock Fllter Maintenance Notes 1. Silt bamer fence shall be located on the tow side of topsoil stockpiles to prevent sediment ftom being 2. All construction vehicles shall enter and exit at this point, p p s>zed as follows: washed into the drainage system andlor adjacent properties. The fencing should extend around 3. The selected entrance/exit location shall be cleared of all vegetation, roots, and other a. For channels with total depth > 3 feet, use R-4. 1. Rock filters should be ins ected weekl and a8er each runoff event. b. For channels with total depth between 2 and 3 feet, use R-3, p y unoff event. approximately 70% of the perhneter of the stockpile. 2. Silt fence shall be installed at level grade. However, both ends of the fence section must extend at least 10 objectionable material and properly graded. Z, Clogged filter stone (AASHTO #57) should be replaced, 4. The construction entrance/exit shall consist of 2-3"washed stone, placed at least 6" thick in c. For channels with total depth between 1 and 2 feet, use R-2, ter the inspection. feet up the slope of stock piles 2, Rock filters should not be used in channels of less than 1 foot total de th, 3. All necessary repairs should be initiated immediately after the inspection. a minimum 50'x 12' gravel pad. ~ p 4. Sediment must be removed when accumulations reach''/z the height of the i ~2 the height of the filter. 3. Posts shall be ]ocated downslope of the silt fence to provide support 5. Drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable outlet should be provided if 3. The filter should be equal in height to /z the total depth of the channel with a 6 inch 4. The toe of the silt fence shall be buried approximately 8 deep to prevent undercutting, S. When joints are necessary, silt fence should be securely fastened at a support post with an overlap to the necessary. depression in the center. 6. Geotextile fabrics shall be used to improve the stability of the foundation in locations 4, A one foot thick layer of AASHTO #57 stone should be placed on the upstream side of the next post. subject to seepage or high water table. filter. 6. Silt fence shall be of a nylon, polyester, propylene or extra strength ethylene yam material containing ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers. The fencing should be at least standard strength, capable of 5. Immediately upon stabilization of the channel, remove accumulated sediment, remove rock filter, and stabilize disturbed areas. withstanding SOIblLin. in. (minimum) and slurry flow rates of at least 3 gaVftzlminute. Stabilized Construction EntrancelEait Maintenance Notes 6. Rock filter shall not be in place for a duration greater than 7 days, 7. Support posts shall be 4 foot lengths of 4" diameter pine, 2"diameter oak, oc 133 Ib/Lin, ft. steel 8, The silt fence height shall not exceed 18" in height above the existing ground surface 9. If reinforcement of the silt fence is desired, l4 gauge woven wire fencing with a maximum mesh spacing NOT TO SCALE 1. The gravel pad should be maintained in order to prevent sediment from leaving the project of 6 should be used. site, This may require periodic topdressmg with 2" stone. 2. Should mud or sediment be tracked onto the public road, it must be removed immediately. 10, Silt fence shall be inspected week]y and after each rainfall If the silt fence collapses, becomes tam, decomposes, or is deemed ineffective, it should bereplaced immediately i.-- Dia, Adapted From USDA-SCS (1994) Flat Top _ End + DETAIL ~ ,`t,;,, Live stout stakes should be (NOT TO SCALE) t 0,2 L Lateral ; ~ long enough to reach below - ~ + the groundwater table. Bud I fGeneratly, a length of 2 to 3 ROCK _ ~ ; ~l ~ ~ feet, or 0.6 to 0.9 meters, is I ii ! sufficient.) Additionally, the stakes should have a diarrreter in the ran of 0.75 to 1.5 REQUIRED (NOT TO SCALE) DEPTH r ' ~ ~ inches {2 to 4 centimeters). Side Branch ~ h~i~ Removed at 3Do REQUIRED LENGTH NOT TO SCALE slightMgle I:'' CLASS 2 GEOTEXTILE II~~ o.a L w a i~ a Water Table `i WELL VEGETATED AREA ROCK APRON TABLE 2'-0" _ r SANDBAG COFFERDAM ~ . LENGTH, AS REQUIRED TO ~ 45 TAILWATER REQUIRED PROTECT CONSTRU TIN - C 0 Tapered Butt End ' DESIGNATION CONDITION 3Do L W SIZE DEPTH DISCHARGE HOSE AREA. N 4 1 15" 0 HDPE OUTLET MIN. 4,00 30' 12' R-3 9" \ J ~ SECTION VIEW FILTER BAG PUMP 2 15" 0 RCP OUTLET MIN. 4.00 4' 8 R-3 9" 3 15" 0 RCP OUTLET MIN. 4.00 8' 12' R-3 9" r+ ; „r, 4 18" 0 HDPE OUTLET MIN. 5,00' 12' 17' R-3 9" z Y Live stout stakes shall be Gyp; a spaced 2 to 3 feet {0.6 to `I °q ~ 0.9 rneters) apart to ghre 4 r ~ r=~ W 5 18" 0 HDPE OUTLET MAX. 10,00' 10' 14' R-3 9" INTAKE HOSE ~ a density of 2 to 4 cuttings ~ ~ ; '1 <<+!/ w W per square yard (0.8 square l~~`!'~ J~;';)r' ~ ~ meters). /;1//~ CLAMPS Outlet Stabilization Structure Construction Specifications H p y r~!; / i . ~ PLAN VIEW ~ 7(/ i ~~i r SECTION r, , . ~ • . / l .Outlet stabilization structures shall be installed at the end of each bypassed section of stream to prevent soil erosion. ~ ire, ~ , fi 1, f ~r ~ r,~r 1, ti CLAMPS 2. The outlet stabilization structure should be positioned at the invert of the stream channel, and aligned with the stream channel in order to prevent the erosion of the opposite stream bank. fir`','/ ~ Sandbag coffer dam construction speafications: ~ ,;lei ~~f ; ~jr;~ 1. Use only stacked and sealed sand bags for coffer dams. I r,','i 3. Excavate below channel outlet and widen channel to the required riprap thickness for each apron. The foundation , ~ r,'; 2. Sandbags shall be placed across entire width of stream channel. • FILTER BAG INTAKE HOSE should be cut to zero grade and smoothed. 3. Stack sandbags to an elevation 2 above normal stream Water elevation. g Place a minimum of 2 levels of sand bags. r , 4. Place filter blanket consisting of a graded gravel layer or synthetic filter cloth on bottom and sides of prepared 4. Stack sand ba s such that the dam is stable. Provide Multi le rows of g P ` foundation to prevent soil movement through the openings in the riprap. ba s at bottom to stabilize dam if needed. 9 DISCHARGE HOSE PUMP Sandbag coffer dam maintenance notes: 5. Place riprap on the bottom and sides of prepared foundation. Riprap may be placed by equipment, but care should be 1 • Inspect coffer dam once per hour during operation. ELEVATI N VI EW taken to avoid damaging the filter blanket. 0 2. Add additional sand bag levels if pool behind dam rises above bottom of SHEET: Sediment Filter Bag Construction Specifications 6. The filter blanket must be properly protected from punching or tearing during installation. Repair any damage by SKELLY and LOY LLP top level of bags. 2 2 0 4 removing the riprap and placing another piece of filter cloth over the damaged area, or by replacing the entire filter 3. Adjust and replace sand bags as inspection requires, ENGINEERS-CON U 11 0 F 12 S LTANTS 1. Filter bag shall benon-woven geotextile which retains all sediment particles larger than 150 microns. cloth if the damage is extensive. All connecting joints shall overlap a minimum of 1'. PREPARED FOR: 2. Place filter bags on stable or well vegetated areas which are flatter than 5% and which will not erode when 7, The riprap should consist of awell-graded mixture of hard, angular, and weather-resistant field or rough quarry stone subjected to bag discharges. Clamp pump discharge hoses securely into filter bags. with individual specific gravities of at least 2.5. Larger stones (no greater than 1.5 x the Dsa size) should predominate. The minimum riprap thickness should be 1.5 x the maximum stone diameter. 3. Limit pumping rate to 1/2 the manufacturer's maximum pumping rate. 8. Place riprap on zero grade, The top of the riprap should be level with the existing outlet, Sediment Filter Bag Maintentenance Notes 9. Immediately after construction, stabilize all disturbed areas with vegetation as described in the Vegetative Plan, 1, When sediments fill 112 the volume of filter bag, immediately remove that bag from service. Properly i o a e evi e dispose of spent bags with their sediments. Outlet Stabilization Structure Maintenance Notes u is ors ommission 1, Inspect regularly and after rainfall events. Check for sediment deposition, excess debris, and structural damages. ' i o a e evi e a er esources n ineerin 955 Old Wilmington Road Cumberland County, North Carolina Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 roe NO.: 2603012 SCALE: N.T.S. • I arian an ee Ix ure S ecies Common Name Rate Acr p e Juncus eff usus Soft Rush 50 Ib. Carex lurid ' a Lurid Sed e 50 Ib. g Carex strict a Tussock Sed e 50 I . b g > . + 1 Scir us c . erinus Wool Grass 50 Ib. + + p Yp ` + Notes: 1. ' + Apply riparian bank seed mixture to fina? raded + g + + + stream banks prior to mulch andmattin + + + g p0 L application. + + ~ ~ 2.Apl seed mixture in reateramounts,u to LOD + pY g p 1 , i + + + + + three times the s ecified rate, in areas that P , + + are not designated as planting zones. SOD / NONTIDALWET / + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + OD + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + L + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + p O - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + J + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + p O + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ O' + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + O + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 00~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + p + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 01 i + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ,y + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~i Qp + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 Opt 40~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ dOl an ceue uantit S ecies Common Name Size S Y p acin p 9 50 P/atanus - ' occidentalis American Sc amore 3 4 al. 10 o.c. Y 9 2 5 Salix n ' - ' i ra Black WII - low 1 2 al. 5 9' 7 o,c. 9 100 Corpus ' amomum Sllk Do w ood I v I e stake 2 o.c. Y g ~0+ + ± w + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 50 N ss - ' a s /vatica Black Gum - 1 2 al. 5 7 0 Y Y .c. g p 'y+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + r 125 Sali ' x ur urea Streamco W Illow Ilv e stake 2 o.c. p p + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 75 Fraxinus - ' erns lvanica - Green Ash 1 2 al. 5 7 0 p y .c. ~ g 5 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 125 Salix ' x cottetii Bankers Dw arf Willow v li a stake 2 o.c. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 75 Alnus - ' serrulata Smooth Alde - r 1 2 al. 5 7 o.c. 9 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 100 Salix e ' ' xi ua Sandbar WII w to live stake 2 o.c. 9 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 75 I/ib - - ' urnum dentatum Arrow wood - 1 Z al. 5 7 g o.c. + + + + + + + t + + + + + ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + H6 + + + + + t + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + + + P + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + +v~, + + + + + + + t + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + + + + + Notes: 1. Final delineation of lantin boundaries and s ecies + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Cp P 9 p + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t t + + t + + + + + + + + + + Q + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + + + + location will be verified in the field b the En ineer, . Y 9 • PREPARED FOR. + + + + + + + + ~ + + + t + + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PWC representative, and the Contractor. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + t + + + t + + + + + t + + + ~C + + + t + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Plantin Zon + + + + t t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + g es + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + l o a e evl e + t + + + + + + + Tree Plan in t D u Ic ors ommission lantin Detail Shrub Plantin Detail o + o p~ a er esources n ineerin *~~5, 'i z ` ;dta; - ~'~~f' I m i n o n oa ~ ` vf,i , n~~t.r~~ a e e v l e o r a ro ~ Ina , + + + + + + + + f ~ + + + + + + + + + + + F i~• ~{;s + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Burlap or r ~ ,rla or Tree Saucer ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Container Removed p ~ ~ SHEET. r SKELLY and LOY LP L ,moved ~ ~ ~ Backfill 2 2 04 ~ , ENGINEERS-CONSULTANTS 12 0 F 12 ~ Tree Saucer DO + + + + + + + + + + + + + Saucer p + 0 0 0 ~ + + + + + + + + + Backfill Backfill III-11 ~-111~i~ ~ -III- ~ , I I I=i i + + + + + + + + + + ~s,~ -I 11=1 I I-I 11=1 I ~I I I.I 11=1 I ai„, a i i-i i t-iTi=iii=iii=a i i=iii= + + + + + + + + + + + + + +M' + + + + Tl- + + + + + + + • ~ + + + + + + I o a e evl e + + + 0 5 10 20 30 On, + + + + ~ ~ ri imhorlnr,rl ~`ni iv,~~~ I~Ir,~~l., (~n?.~,I~r,.~ + t + t t VuIII1%jll~-o l lullu VlJUIIIY9 I`%jI III Dui 1 t + t t + + 1 t Q SCALE: ' 1"=10' _ JOB NO.. 2603012 SCALE. 1 10