HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190834 Ver 1_PCN Form Submission_20190618DR 02*10n of Water R"Ourc" Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form September 29, 2018 Ver 3 Initial Review Has this project met the requirements for acceptance into the review process?* r Yes r No Is this project a public transportation project?* r Yes r No Change only if needed. BIMS # Assigned * Version#* 20190834 1 Is a payment required for this project?* * No payment required What amout is owed?* * Fee received r $240.00 r Fee needed - send electronic notification r $570.00 Reviewing Office* Select Project Reviewer* Mooresville Regional Office - (704) 663-1699 Alan Johnson:eads\adjohnsonl Information for Initial Review 1a. Name of project: Solis Chestnut Farm 1a. Who is the Primary Contact?* Daniel Kuefler 1 b. Primary Contact Email:* daniel.kuefier@vvetlands-epg.com Date Submitted 6/18/2019 Nearest Body of Water Sixmile Creek Basin Catawba Water Classification C Site Coordinates Latitude: 35.2903 A. Processing Information County (or Counties) where the project is located: Union Is this project a public transportation project?* r Yes r No Longitude: -80.9827 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: V Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) F Section 10 Permit (navigable venters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) 1 b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? P Nationwide Permit (NWP) F- Regional General Permit (RGP) r- Standard (IP) 1c. Primary Contact Phone:* (336)554-2728 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? r Yes r No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): 25 - Structural Discharges 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: P 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular F Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit F- Individual Permit 29 - Residential Developments Multiple MNP #'s (specify below) 1e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: r 401 Water Quality Certification - E)press r Riparian Buffer Authorization 1f. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* r Yes r No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? r Yes r No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? r Yes r No Acceptance Letter Attachment ILF Acceptance _Duplicate.pdf 125.46KB 1h. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? r Yes r No 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? r Yes r No B. Applicant Information 1d. Who is applying for the permit? r Owner 67 Applicant (other than owner) 1e. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project? r Yes r No 2. Owner Information 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: Union Power Cooperative 2b. Deed book and page no.: 6311-884 2c. Responsible party: David Gross 2d. Address Street Address 1525 North Rocky River Road Address Line 2 Oty Monroe Fbstal / Zip Cade 28110 2e. Telephone Number: (704)289-3145 2g. Email Address:* daniel.kuefler@vvetiands-epg.com 3. Applicant Information (if different from owner) State / Rovince / Fbgion NC Country USA 2f. Fax Number: r Yes r No f Yes r No 3a. Name: Jeffrey Smith 3b. Business Name: Terwilliger Pappas Multii-Family Partners 3c.Address Street Address 4777 Sharon Road, Ste 550 Address Line 2 City Charlotte Postal / Zip Code 28210 3d. Telephone Number: (704)716-3906 3f. Email Address:* daniel.kuefier@vvetlands-epg.com C. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Project Information 1b. Subdivision name: (d appropriate) 1c. Nearest municipality/town: Stallings 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number: 06087001 2c. Project Address Street Address Northwest of intersection of Chestnut Lane & Weddington-Matthews Road Address Line 2 City Stallings Postal / Zip Cade 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Sixmile Creek 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* C 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* Catawba 3d. Please provide the 12 -digit HUC in which the project is located. 030501030203 4. Project Description and History State / Rovinoe / legion NC Country USA 3e. Fax Number: 2b. Property size: 31.2 State / Rminoe / Region NC Country 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* The site has three single family home sites With landscaping and turf lawns. The remainder of the site is covered with open fields and mixed pines and hardwoods. The topography is moderately sloped with the elevation ranging from 700 to 750 ft. 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* r Yes 6 No r Unknown 4d. Attach an 8 1/2 X11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the project site. (for DWR) USGS Map _duplicate.pdf 205.19KB 4e. Attach an 8 1/2 X11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey map depicting the project site. (for DWR) Soils Map _duplicate.pdf 318.49KB 4f. list the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 2.03 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: 1,909 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The project consists of grading, fil, & BMP construction for a residential development. 41. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used:* Excavation and grading of the site will use standard equipment - excavator, dump trucks, track hoe, etc. 4j. Please upload project drawings for the proposed project. exhibits _duplicate.pdf 6.95MB 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* r Yes r No Comments: 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made?* r Preliminary r Approved r Not Verified r Unknown r N/A Corps AID Number: SAW -2018-02368 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Nic Nelson Agency/Consultant Company: WEPG Other: r Unknown 5d. List the dates of the Corp jurisdiction determination or State determination if a determination was made by the Corps or DWR A preliminary jurisdictional determination was field -verified and approved by Bryan Roden -Reynolds on January 23, 2019 (SAW -2018-02368). Please refer to the Jurisdictional Determination section for information on onsite surface waters. 5d1. Jurisdictional determination upload Delineation Map _duplicate.pdf 320.04KB 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* r Yes r No Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? No. D. Proposed I m pacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): V Wetlands r Streams -tributaries V Buffers r- Open Waters r Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts Reason O 2b. Impact type * O 2c. Type of W. 2d. W. name* 2e. Forested * 2f. Type of 2g. Impact Jurisdicition*(') area* W1 Fill P Bott 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.001 2g. Total Wetland Impact 0.093 2h. Comments: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWR) 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.092 omland Hardwood Forest Wetland IA Yes Corps 0.092 (acres) W2 Construction Access T Bottomland Hardwood Forest Wetland IA Yes Corps 0.001 (acres) 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.001 2g. Total Wetland Impact 0.093 2h. Comments: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWR) 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.092 6a. Project is in which protect basin(s)? Check all that apply- (- Neuse ❑ Tar -Pamlico ® Catawba r7 Randleman ❑ Goose Creek r Jordan Lake ❑ Other 6b. Impact Type 6c. Per or Temp 6d. Stream name 6e. Buffer mitigation required? 6f. Zone 1 impact 6g. Zone 2 impact Maintenance Easement P StreamA No 1,516 0 Construction Access T StreamA No 2,773 0 Construction Access T StreamA No 5,650 0 Maintenance Easement P StreamA No 1,670 0 Construction Access T StreamA No 4,406 0 Maintenance Easement P Stream D No 4,062 0 Construction Access T Stream D No 3,173 0 Maintenance Easement P StreamA No 294 0 Construction Access T StreamA No 1,144 0 6h. Total buffer impacts: Zone 1 Zone 2 Total Temporary impacts: 17,146.00 0.00 Zone 1 Zone 2 Total Permanent impacts: 7,542.00 0.00 Zone 1 Zone 2 Total combined buffer impacts: 24,688.00 0.00 6i. Comments: Buffer impacts will be mitigated per discussions with Alan Johnson. Impacts to the buffer will be reestablished by planting native woody vegetation (minimum 260 stems/acre) and stabilizing / seeding with native seed mix Supporting Documentation E. Impact Justification and Mitigation �J 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: Due to the location of the on site streams and wetland, opportunities to avoid these areas were limited. Impacts to site surface waters associated with the proposed development were limited through site selection location, design, location/orientation of the proposed lots and access routes. One road crossing has been eliminated from the original proposed design through discussions with the Town of Stallings. A large portion of the site will dedicated to undeveloped tree save space. All utility crossings will be bored. Buffer impacts will be restored/enhanced as detailed on the a (hibits. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: Construction techniques will implement approved erosion control methods to avoid/minimize impacts to onsite/adjacent offsite receiving conveyances. A catch basin will be installed to maintain hydrology to the impacted wetland. BMP outfalls have been located to ensure hydrology flows through the riparian buffer near the head of streams - a naturalized drainage swale will be implemented to avoid the use of additional piping & associated permanent impacts. A pedestrian bridge with concrete footings is proposed to minimized wetland impacts. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? C Yes r No 2c. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWR [i Corps 2d. If yes, which mitigation option(s) will be used for this project? ❑ Mitigation bank V Payment to in -lieu fee ❑ Permittee Responsible program Mitigation 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. r Yes r' No 4b. Stream mitigation requested: (linear feet) 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWR only): (square feet) 4f. Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested: (acres) 4c. If using stream mitigation, what is the stream temperature: 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: (acres) 0.092 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: (acres) 4h. Comments A 2:1 Ratio is proposed for wetland impacts. F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) U 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? f Yes r No If no, explain why: 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?* r Yes r No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(2)? r- Yes r No 2c. Does this project have a stormwater management plan (SMP) reviewed and approved under a state stormwater program or state -approved local government stormwater program? r Yes r No 2d. Which of the following stormwater management programs) apply: 17 Local Government F_ State Local Government Stormwater Programs P Phase II r NSW r USMP r Water Supply Please identify which local government stormwater program you are using. Town of Stallings Comments: Storm water on the site will be handled by facilities shown on the attached plans. The stormwater plan has not yet been submitted to the town of Stallings but will be designed to meet their criteria. G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* r Yes r No 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B.0200)?* r Yes r No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* r Yes r No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* G- Yes r No O WA 4b. Describe, in detail, the treatment methods and dispositions (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project. If the wastewater will be treated at a treatment plant, list the capacity available at that plant. Wastewater generated on the site will be transported to the nearest treatment facility via sewer lines. 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat? r- Yes r No Sb. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* r Yes r No 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* r Yes r No r- Unknown 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8? r Yes c No 5f. Will you cut anytrees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? r Yes r- No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? r Yes r No 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* r- Yes r No Si. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? r Yes r No 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? A threatened/Endangered species assessment was conducted in which no species were identified, as noted in the included T&E report. Consultation Documentation Upload T&E Report _duplicate.pdf 239.55KB 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* r Yes r No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* No essential fish habitat in this region. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* r Yes r No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* SHPO's website: http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/ 7c. Historic or Prehistoric Information Upload 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA -designated 100 -year floodplain?* r Yes r No 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* http://gis-mb.co.union.nc.us Miscellaneous t Comments A complete, compiled PCN packet including all authorizations, forms, and supporting documentation is attached. Miscellaneous attachments not previously requested. Solis Chestnut Complete PCN Combined 061719.pdf 16.95MB Signature m By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: • I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; • I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act'); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: Daniel Kuefler Signature Date 6/18/2019 Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Threatened / Endangered / Protected Species C oariotte Office: 10612-D Providence Rd. PMB 550 Charlotte, NC 28277 (704) 904-2277 I en. ri nd ner@wet Ian ds -epg. co m Evaluation For: Solis Chestnut Farm Matthews-Weddington Road Site Union County, North Carolina By: Lisa R. Gaffney April 29, 2019 www. wetlands-epg.co ri Ashesrile Office: 1070 Tunnel Rd., Bldg. I Suite 10, PMB 283 Asheville, NC 28805 Solis Chestnut Farm - Matthews Weddington Road Site Threatened /Endangered /Protected Species Evaluation GENERAL LANDSCAPE DESCRIPTION: The Solis Chestnut Farm - Matthews Weddington Road Site is +/- 38.51 acres located just west of Matthews Weddington Road, and just southeast of the Mecklenburg County line in Union County, North Carolina. It can be found on the Matthews, NC USGS Topographic Quadrangle Map; latitude is 35.0641 N, longitude is -80.7305 W. The site has three single family home sites with landscaping and turf lawns. The remainder of the site is covered with open fields and mixed pines and hardwoods. The topography is moderately sloped with the elevation ranging from 700 to 750 ft. (Figure 1). Figure 1: 10 W FIG DRE N0. fW1TTHEWS WEDDINGTON RDSflE Drawn E' : Reviewed 6y: 1 A lC D f" I Union/Mecklenburg Co., NC NRN I LSE DATE: USGS NWP dNATERS OF TH E U.S: 11/12/18 EXISTING CONDITIONS STUDY SUBJECT TO USACEIfI CD1E4 V90 CAT? ON Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Solis Chestnut Farm - Matthews Weddington Road Site Threatened /Endangered /Protected Species Evaluation METHODOLOGY: The US Fish and Wildlife Service website http://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/union.html was referenced to determine the occurrence of Threatened, Endangered and Protected species for Union County North Carolina, the results of which are listed below (Table 1). Maps and aerial photographs were assembled, and the site was investigated during the week of April 14, 2019. Table 1: Threatened / Endangered / Protected Species listed for Union County County: Union, NC *Source: US Fish & Wildlife Service **Data search on April15, 2019 Group Name Status Clams Carolina heelsplitter Endangered (Lasmigona decorata) Flowering Schweinitz's sunflower Endangered Plants (Helianthus schweinitzii) Flowering Michaux's sumac (Rhus Endangered Plants michauxii Birds Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus Protected under the Bald leucocephalus) and Golden Eagle Protection Act Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Solis Chestnut Farm - Matthews Weddington Road Site Threatened / Endangered / Protected Species Evaluation SPECIES DESCRIPTIONS: Two plant species with federal protection are listed as potentially occurring in Union County: • Schweinitz's Sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii), listed as Federally Endangered, is typically found in open habitats which historically have been maintained by wildfires and grazing bison and elk herds. Now most occurrences are limited to roadsides, woodland and field edges, and utility rights-of-way (ROW). • Michaux's Sumac (Rhus michauxii), listed as Federally Endangered, requires habitat of sandy forests and woodland edges. This species requires periodic fire as a part of its ecology. Two animal species with federal protection are listed as potentially occurring in Union County: • Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, typically inhabits forested areas near large bodies of open water such as lakes, marshes, seacoasts and rivers, where there are suitable fish populations and tall trees for nesting and roosting. • Carolina Heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata), listed as Federally Endangered, is restricted to cool, clean, well -oxygenated water. Stable, silt- free stream beds are required for this species. Typically stable areas occur where the stream banks are well -vegetated with trees and shrubs. Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Solis Chestnut Farm - Matthews Weddington Road Site Threatened / Endangered / Protected Species Evaluation RESULTS: The site has three single family home sites with landscaping and turf lawns. There are sheds and outbuildings, and dirt and gravel roads associated with the residences. There are large fields on the eastern side of the site, and the north and western portions are covered with a mixed hardwood forest. The roadside along Matthews Weddington Road has an overhead power line, and another large power transmission line bisects the site from southwest to northeast. A larger power station is located just adjacent to the site, dovetailed in along the southern boundary. The wooded area is dominated by mixed hardwood trees including Sweetgum (Liquidambarstyraciflua), Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), White Oak (Quercus alba), Black Oak (Q. velutina), Willow Oak (Q. phellos), Mockernut Hickory (Carya tomentosa), Hackberry (Celtis laevigata), White Ash (Fraxinus americana), American Elm (Ulmus americana),and Cottonwood (Populus deltoides). Sub canopy species present are Red Maple (Acer rubrum), Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis), Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida), Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum), Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), and American Holly (Ilex opaca). The shrub layer is dominated by Chinese Privet, but other species present include Spicebush (Lindera benzoin), Blueberry (Vaccinium sp.), Paw Paw (Asimina triloba), Strawberry Bush (Euonymus americanus), and Autumn Olive (Elaeagnus umbellate). Vines present are Catbrier (Smilax spp.), Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), Crossvine (Bignoinia capreolata), Trumpet Creeper (Campsis radicans), Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), Muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia), and Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). The herb layer is sparse and includes Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides), Crane -fly Orchid (Tipularia discolor), Spotted Wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata), Dayflower (Commelina sp.), Grapefern (Botrychium sp.), River Oats (Chasmanthium latifolium), and Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum). Semi -open and transitional fringe along the edge of the woods, fields and power line are dominated by common and weedy species including Groundsel Tree (Baccharis haliminifolia), Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense), Sericea Lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), Brazilian Vervain (Verbena brasiliense), Sourgrass (Rumex acetosella), Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium), Ragwort (Packera sp.), Wingstem (Verbesina alternifolia), Broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus), Plume Grass (Erianthus contortus), St. John's Wort (Hypericum gentianoides), Blackberry (Rubus sp.), Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora), and Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica). The lawns and wooded hedgerows have a mix of mature and semi mature tree species present with White Oak, Willow Oak, Post Oak (Q. stellata), Sweetgum, Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Solis Chestnut Farm - Matthews Weddington Road Site Threatened / Endangered / Protected Species Evaluation Virginia Pine (Pinus virginiana), Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda), Tulip Poplar, Eastern Red Cedar, and Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos). Threatened & Endangered/Protected Species Results All potential habitats for Schweinitiz's Sunflower and Michaux's Sumac along the power lines, fencerows, roadside, woods and field edges were closely examined. No individuals of Schweinitz's Sunflower or Michaux's Sumac were observed. • There is no Bald Eagle habitat on site, and no eagles or eagle's nests were observed. • This site drains directly to Six Mile Creek, and as such, it may be subject to Six Mile Creek buffer rules. RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the site investigation and the review of available data, WEPG did not identify any protected species occurring on the subject property. No further investigation of the presence of protected species on this site is recommended at this time. Respectfully submitted, 044z, # 1*e�l Lisa R. Gaffney Biologist April 29, 2019 Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. Solis Chestnut Farm - Matthews Weddington Road Site Threatened / Endangered / Protected Species Evaluation Curriculum Vitae for: Lisa R. Gaffney Biologist / Botanist B.S. Biology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Ms. Gaffney is a classically trained botanist and natural resource biologist, and has conducted field work and investigative studies covering thousands of cumulative acres in both North and South Carolina since 1996, including: • Cabarrus County NC Natural Heritage Inventory 1997-1998. Organized, directed, and worked in field survey of natural areas in Cabarrus County for the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. • Lincoln County NC Natural Heritage Inventory 2000-2001. Organized, directed, and worked in field survey of natural areas in Lincoln County for the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. • Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys and Natural Communities Evaluation for over 45,000 acres in North and South Carolina, 1996 - present. • Located and identified at least six previously unreported populations of Federally Endangered Schweinitz's Sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzh). • Located and identified four previously unreported populations of Threatened Dwarf Heartleaf (Hexastylis naniflora). • Located a previously unknown population of Federally Endangered Schweinitz's Sunflower at Redlair Farm in Gaston County, NC. This discovery led (in part) to the purchase of the site by the State of North Carolina Plant Conservation Program, now called Redlair Preserve. This population has become a Recovery Site for the species. Participated in numerous Piedmont Prairie restoration projects in Mecklenburg, Union, Cabarrus and Gaston Counties, North Carolina. Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC. BREACHED BERM PERENNIAL STREAM C -1,093 If USACE UPLAND FORM DPI USACE WETAN . WETLAND B -1.1 ac I 0100 040 000 LIMITS OF APPROVED PJD STUDY AREA ` (Solid Black Line) WETLAND E 1-1.3 ac PERENNIAL STREAM D APPROXIMATE PROJECT -170 If LEGEND Q Project boundary study limits (Dashed Red Line) Stream El wetland L"J Landscape l.hvto direction BREACHED BERM PERENNIAL STREAM C -1,093 If USACE UPLAND FORM DPI USACE WETAN . WETLAND B -1.1 ac I 0100 040 000 LIMITS OF APPROVED PJD STUDY AREA ` (Solid Black Line) WETLAND E 1-1.3 ac PERENNIAL STREAM D APPROXIMATE PROJECT -170 If BOUNDARY USACE (Dashed Red Line) WETAND FORM IA Wetland IA ***NCDEQ VERIFICATION 1/3/19*** 1 1. ***USACE VERIFICATION 1/23/19*** 0.65 ac FIGURE NO. 15 SOLIS CHESTNUT FARM SITE Union/Mecklenburg Co., NC NCDEQ STREAM FORM A 7. J07 "-q ! INTERMITTENT STREAM A -646 1f 1-3 USACE UPLAND FORM DP2 Drawn By: I Reviewed By: NRN LSR DELINEATION MAP — WATERS OF THE U.S. DATE: EXISTING CONDITIONS STUDY 11/19/18 SUBJECT TO USA CEINCDEQ VERIFICATION Updated 121818 71 4 1 USACE WETAND FORM IA 1-3 USACE UPLAND FORM DP2 Drawn By: I Reviewed By: NRN LSR DELINEATION MAP — WATERS OF THE U.S. DATE: EXISTING CONDITIONS STUDY 11/19/18 SUBJECT TO USA CEINCDEQ VERIFICATION Updated 121818 ■WA VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1' = 5000' WETLAND B 12,912 SQ FT (0.30 AC) INTERMITTENT STREAM A / 646 LF �— BREACHED BERM 100' RIPARIAN BUFFER (TYP.) Jf § 1 r / .00, B J / / 1611 !/ i looe 6- / / ` / ' SUBSTATION (NOT A PART) PERRENIAL STREAM C 1 1093 LF WETLAND E 1.3 AC. PERRENIAL STREAM D 170 LF i WETLAND IA — 18,884 SF (0.43 AC) Copyright ®2019 Design Resource Group,PA Thls plan or lowing and any accompanying documents or calculations are the property of Design Resource Group. PA; and are intended solely for the use of the recipient noted. No third party use or modification is permitted without written authorization. d rja DESIGN RESOURCE GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 2459 Wilkinson Blvd, Ste 200 Chadotte, NC 28208 ]04.343.0B08 µ dMM.mm EXISTING EXISTING CONDITIONS 0 150 300 O SCALE: 1" = 300' PROJECT #: 432-015 DRAWN BY: WSM CHECKED BY: THH JUNE 11, 2019 REVISIONS: SHEET 1 (Figure 7) G � U) a Q W U- W coo �/� VJ Z 7 N J U) W' oZM �w� z J r�nr� V O~a �O77 L U) U) J w _ r U S r W v = W U 1 -- EXISTING EXISTING CONDITIONS 0 150 300 O SCALE: 1" = 300' PROJECT #: 432-015 DRAWN BY: WSM CHECKED BY: THH JUNE 11, 2019 REVISIONS: SHEET 1 (Figure 7) drr DESIGN RESOURCE GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 2459 Wilkinson Blvd, Ste 200 Chadotte, NC 28208 ]04.343.0608 _ drgru.com PROPOSED PROPOSED SITE PLAN AND STORMWATER PLAN 050 3000 SCALE: 1" = 300' PROJECT #: 432-015 DRAWN BY: WSM CHECKED BY: THH JUNE 11, 2019 REVISIONS: TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA = 380,065 SF (8.72 AC = 28.OR OF SITE AREA) SHEET 2 Copyright 02019 Design Resource Group, PA This plan or drawing and any accompanying documents or calculations are the property of Design Resource Group. PA; and are intended solely for the use of the recipient noted. No third party use or modification is permitted without written authorization. (Figure R) 75 a Q U <W Wo Q � �/ V) � N U J vi C� �Uo oZM W ItWrD Oz U) J U) J C _ U LLl 2 W U 1 -- PROPOSED PROPOSED SITE PLAN AND STORMWATER PLAN 050 3000 SCALE: 1" = 300' PROJECT #: 432-015 DRAWN BY: WSM CHECKED BY: THH JUNE 11, 2019 REVISIONS: TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA = 380,065 SF (8.72 AC = 28.OR OF SITE AREA) SHEET 2 Copyright 02019 Design Resource Group, PA This plan or drawing and any accompanying documents or calculations are the property of Design Resource Group. PA; and are intended solely for the use of the recipient noted. No third party use or modification is permitted without written authorization. (Figure R) \ l / R� A / -- ol y ' / /o o I 1 o I 3 ------ _��` 6 128"SG I 1 'PINE'. 1 f Eo ; CEPAR IN CHAIN _LIN _K TREE SAVE FENCE1G�S REMAINING WETLAND AREA \�' ® 14,859 SF �� \ ,_ .., .- _• -mac \\ \Y ��- � �\ SURVEYED WETLAND LIMITS I o WETLAND IA — 18,884 SF (0.43 AC) ° 1� nP�K r, 18"SG (vI T GI \ X\ 14"SG (S,WET G NOTES:; 1. WETLAND TO BE RETURNED TO PRE—EXISTING --- 0 CONDITIONS FOLLOWING TEMPORARY IMPACTS: 12" 32"OAK TOPSOIL PLACED ON FABRIC AND REPLACED UPON -- COMPLETION. AREA TO BE RESEEDED WITH NATIVE STABILIZATION MIX. 30"SG \K4,O25 I 1pr ETLAND AREA _\ dr PEN THROAT CATCH BASIN DESIGN RIM ELEV. 733.10 ,o (SEE NOTE 1, THIS SHEET) I RESOURCE TEMPORARY DISTURBAA ""~" SF'1I GROUP NCE 30 � I I > (SEE NOTE 1, THIS SHEET) A-�I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING 7 t O I I lJ TRANSPORTATION PLANNING _ I 148„0777/IAi 2459 W Ikinson Blvd, Ste 200 Charlotte, NC 28208 ' r t �704.343.0608 ✓ 16 "SG ;\.� \ I I I �I www.drgrp.com Ey7 GUM `� 12' I ,��;SG 1, G j' 11"SQ 8TP1NEk1 EFii GUM)LL I��� 1 %!Xi 2,5��` `CSG I I Z Q w X' I (� 5 �ny{y#w JPO `\�`� ��-_,•� I � � Uj � u V o Y I 10 ° i ` \`\`il i i `. ii��+ ">/' , O _j w Z H � Il MV ~ 1x h---- I I _T-__ = ''Io �6"Wfal�t \'` _ 18"MAPLE 1'u I I O _ _ J \ x �_- --,-; "I'll Uj= - I I VUA BUFFER LU N M wo 733.10 PROJECT* 432-015 i I d _ SG lx<. DRAWN BY: WSM CHECKED BY: THH -H- JUNE 11, 2019 � I M PACT AREA 1 R CATCH BASIN i I x. N EXISTING GRADE 0 20 40 " I' A WETLANDS SECTION SCALE:1' = 20' Copyright ©2019 Design Resource Group, PA This plan or drawing and any accompanying documents or calculations are the property, of Design Resource Group, PA; and are intended solely for the use ofthe recipient noted. No third party, use or modification is permitted without written authon,cdon. SHEET 3 (Figure 9) SCALE: 1"= 40' O I I; WETLAND HIGH WATER LEVEL VUA BUFFER o N M wo 733.10 PROJECT* 432-015 i I d _ I 1736 - DRAWN BY: WSM CHECKED BY: THH -H- JUNE 11, 2019 � 1734 - I REVISIONS: 732 - I' A WETLANDS SECTION SCALE:1' = 20' Copyright ©2019 Design Resource Group, PA This plan or drawing and any accompanying documents or calculations are the property, of Design Resource Group, PA; and are intended solely for the use ofthe recipient noted. No third party, use or modification is permitted without written authon,cdon. SHEET 3 (Figure 9) NOTES: 1. TEMPORARY ACCESS CORRIDOR TO BE REESTABLISHED WITH NATIVE SPECIES, WOODED CORRIDOR TO BE REPLANTED AT 260 STEMS/ACRE. 2. DISTURBED AREA AT STORMWATER OUTLET DITCH WILL BE STABILIZED WITH MATTING AND NATIVE STABILIZATION MIX TO PREVENT EROSION. \ INTERMITTENT STREAM A \ \\\ \ 646 LF TREE SAVE FENCE TEMPORARY DISTURBANCE-___ OF BUFFER AREA 5,650 SF (SEE NOTES 1 AND 2 THIS SHEET) ---- STORMWATER OUTLET DIS \� — CHARGE PIPE ° \\ c \ �c, FA \-------- \ %-------------- \\ - — c -------------- TREE SAVE FENCE -`s 100' RIPARIAN BUFFER (TYP.)' \-- � CLEAN WATER BYPASS PIPE \ °, \`\\ FROM EXISTING WETLANDS `\ V `\ GREENWAY TRAIL 10' \ N PERMINENT DISTURBANCE OF BUFFER AREA 1,516 SF TEMPORARY DISTURBANCE OF BUFFER AREA 2,773 SF (SEE NOTE 1 THIS SHEET) JUNE 11, 2019 \ \\ EXISTING TRANSMISSION TOWER ^ \ DUKE TRANSMISSION EASEMENT TRANSMISSION TOWER CLEAR ZONE'S / of I / / PQ d rja DESIGN RESOURCE GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 2459 Wilkinson Blvd, Ste 200 Charlotte, NC 28208 ]04µ343.0B08 tlrgrp.com \ ® SHEET 4 I1 Copyright©2019 Design Resource Group, PA Th, plan or drawing and any accompanying tlocuments or calculations are the property of Design ResoureGreup,PA'.. and are intentled solely for the use of the recipient notetl. No thiN party use or motlification is permitted wilhou[writlen authorization. (Figure l0) IMPACT AREA 2 cn < PROJECT #: 432-015 DRAWNBY WSM CHECKED By: THH Qo JUNE 11, 2019 \ U L o Q Lu Z 7 N J o o Z6 � �0o �cG W � L 0�/�� j �_ c�� co J =�� '^ U) J n= ^ U vJ n ^ W v Lu U ~ \ ® SHEET 4 I1 Copyright©2019 Design Resource Group, PA Th, plan or drawing and any accompanying tlocuments or calculations are the property of Design ResoureGreup,PA'.. and are intentled solely for the use of the recipient notetl. No thiN party use or motlification is permitted wilhou[writlen authorization. (Figure l0) IMPACT AREA 2 0 20 40 O SCALE: 1" = 40' PROJECT #: 432-015 DRAWNBY WSM CHECKED By: THH \ \ JUNE 11, 2019 \ REVISIONS: \ 9, \ ® SHEET 4 I1 Copyright©2019 Design Resource Group, PA Th, plan or drawing and any accompanying tlocuments or calculations are the property of Design ResoureGreup,PA'.. and are intentled solely for the use of the recipient notetl. No thiN party use or motlification is permitted wilhou[writlen authorization. (Figure l0) NOTES: 1. TEMPORARY ACCESS CORRIDOR TO BE / REESTABLISHED WITH NATIVE SPECIES, WOODED / CORRIDOR TO BE REPLANTED AT 260 STEMS/ACRE. / 1000, 48' LONG PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER. / STREAM AND WETLANDS �-) SEE DETAILS SHEET 7 TEMPORARY DISTURBANCE OF BUFFER AREA 14; _ i 4,406 SF (SEE NOTE 1 THIS SHEET) WETLAND B ,.0e/ / / i 6' / ,PERMANENT DISTURBANCE OF BUFFER AREA 12,912 SQ FT 1,670 SF / (0.30 AC.) / / '.1 / / TREE SAVE FENCE INTERMITTENT AMA — 646 LF SURVEYEDOF BANK EM L� 'GREENWAY TRAIL / r100' RIPARIAN BUFFER (TYP.) d rja DESIGN RESOURCE GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 2459 Wilkinson Blvd, Ste 200 Charlotte, NC 28208 W04µ343.0608 drgrp.con, i � IMPACT AREA 3 II /� Q 5 I �o I � U N Q to o ^lJ v—J Z 0 /1 H 00 I L N O� J CHECKEDD THH BY THH JUNE 11, 2019 o 0 z J v U Z 10 v � /� VJ J =moo '^ U)J vJ n= ^ U n ^ W LU U ~ i IMPACT AREA 3 II /� 5 I 0 20 40 O I SCALE: 1"= 40' I / 1 PROJECT #: 432-015 DRAWN Group, PA; and am intended solely for the use ofthe recipient noted. No third party use or modification is permitted without written authodza6on. Fig re 1 1 (Figure CHECKEDD THH BY THH JUNE 11, 2019 REVISIONS: 11611bASHEET 5 Copyright©2019 Design Resource Group, PA Thls plan ur drawing and any accompanying docu—nis orcalculationsarethe property of Design Resource Group, PA; and am intended solely for the use ofthe recipient noted. No third party use or modification is permitted without written authodza6on. Fig re 1 1 (Figure 71 ; 4, \` / NOTES: / '/ice \ � 1. TEMPORARY ACCESS CORRIDOR TO BE REESTABLISHED WITH NATIVE SPECIES, WOODED CORRIDOR TO BE REPLANTED AT 260 STEMS/ACRE. �� PERMANENT MAINTENANCE EASEMENT TO BE RESEEDED WITH NATIVE STABILIZATION MIX. 2. DIRECT BORING - NO IMPACTS TO STREAM D. 3. 20' MIN. PERMANENT EASEMENT PER UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS REGULATIONS. /, PERENNIAL STREAM C 1,093 LF 35'X1 5'X9' DEEP BORE PIT 1/ / SURVEYED TOP (SEE NOTE 2, THIS SHEET) ___694__ -'� , �^ S z:-�'� OF BANK MANHOLE • �!r WETLAND E - 1.3 AC BORED SEWER LINE , / v c /' 00 / o/< PERMANENT SEWER EASEMENT ��� �� / fo / / �o/''; (SEE NOTE 3, THIS SHEET)' —�C\ ��� -- ,�' / /' c/ 10'X10'X14' DEEP RECEIVING PIT �`\ \ ���;' 100' RIPARIAN BUFFER (TYP.) ' �o� / (SEE NOTE 2, THIS SHEET) \ \\ / SEWER LINE I 'yew Ct,y (o .-0 \ — I �l •• / / '/ i / �/ � _� "'�:.; ::.ry0 =Q�=..: • %� � � ^ i � - —IIS / ', / BURRIED SEWER LINE / EXISTING SEWER, CONNECTION PERMANENT DISTURBANCE - -702 \ \ \ \ \ -'' SOF BUFFER AREA 4,062 SF l EXITING SANITARY \ / SEWER EASEMENT \\2104�� \`\ \ \ �\��\�� \\/y\ _TREE SAVE FENCE TEMPORARY DISTURBANCE OF -' ----- SURVEYED TOP OF BANK \\ \\\ \ \\ `�� j \ BUFFER AREA: 3,173 SF PERENNIAL STREAM D.— \ \ ��\�✓ // / (SEE NOTE 1 THIS SHEET) 170 LF -------- 714--------- \ � \ Copyright 9 2019 Design Resource Group, PA This plan or drawing and any accompanying tlocuments or calculations are the property of Design Resource Group, PA'.. and are in[entled solely for the use of the recipient notetl. No thirtl party use or motlification Is permitted without written authorization. dra DESIGN RESOURCE GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 2459 Wilkinson Blvd, Ste 200 Charlotte, NC 28208 ]04µ343.0B08 d grp.com IMPACT AREA 4 i 0 25 50 O SCALE: 11"= 50' PROJECT #: 432-015 DRAWNBY WSM CHECKED By: THH JUNE 11, 2019 REVISIONS: (Figure 12) G Q Q U O N Q LU o Z ro U) N J 0 Z U)Zo Lu � Z ozZ 7 J 0 F_ v U ~p v (DZ H !7�/� W J _ J = < '^ U) J n= ^ U vJ ^ W v = Lu U ~ IMPACT AREA 4 i 0 25 50 O SCALE: 11"= 50' PROJECT #: 432-015 DRAWNBY WSM CHECKED By: THH JUNE 11, 2019 REVISIONS: (Figure 12) NOTES: 1. TEMPORARY ACCESS CORRIDOR TO BE REESTABLISHED WITH NATIVE SPECIES, WOODED CORRIDOR TO BE REPLANTED AT 260 STEMS/ACRE. PERMANENT MAINTENANCE EASEMENT TO BE RESEEDED WITH NATIVE STABILIZATION MIX. 2. 20' MIN. PERMANENT EASEMENT PER UNION COUNTY i I / PUBLIC WORKS REGULATIONS. 0 0/ / I o TEMPORARY DISTURBANCE OF BUFFER AREA 1,144 SF (SEE NOTE 1 THIS SHEET) // �1! WETLAND E — 1.3 AC ,' 1 J/ SURVEYED TOP'S hl/ OF BANK ----fit' �� \��� 4�.. " /17 II ( � � ►/ /' MANHOLE000l / _ -/ /If 3 Fr r DESIGN ' RESOURCE GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 2459 W Ikinson Bald, Ste 200 Charlotte, NC 28208 704.343.0608 —drgrp.com / SEWER LINE ory �I 723.55 > / dy PERMANENT DISTURBANCE'Z OF BUFFER AREA 294 SF' / SEWER EASEMENT (SEE NOTE 2, THIS SHEET) I / 100RIPARIAN BUFFER (TYP.)�� TREE SAVE FENCE i// TRATO NSMI l , /// / Copyright ®2019 DesignResource Group, PA This plan or drawing and any accompanying documents or calculations are the property of Design Resource Group, PA; and are intended solely for the use ofthe recipient noted. No third party use or modification is permitted without written authon,mbon IMPACT AREA 5 0 26 50 O SCALE: 1" = 50' PROJECT* 432-015 DRAWN BY: WSM CHECKED BY: THH JUNE 11, 2019 REVISIONS: ;(Figure 13) G 0 < <LL W U W Q rn o W ^ v J� U) Z ~ N � N � J Ur azo ozM W ztli� O z z J Zen F �/� VJ O J ='n ' ^ (J) v) J in = " U W LU W U ~ IMPACT AREA 5 0 26 50 O SCALE: 1" = 50' PROJECT* 432-015 DRAWN BY: WSM CHECKED BY: THH JUNE 11, 2019 REVISIONS: ;(Figure 13) O 0 MODULAR BLOCK WALL (TYP.) SEE MODULAR d. BLOCK WALL p DETAIL c') \ r PLACE 4"X4" POSTS 8' ON CENTER (TYP.) 2"X6" JOIST (TYP.) 5/4"X6" DECK \ BOARD (TYP.) 5/4"X6" CAP (T' 5/4"X6" DECK BOARD (T' 2"X4" HORIZONTAL RAIL (T' LAG BOLT (T' 2"X6" JOIST (T' 2"X6"BEAM (T` 4"X4" POST (T` FINISHED GRADE (VARI METAL STANDOFF BRACI BOLT TO P( ANCHORIN CONCR FOOTING (T` CONCRETE FOOTING (T` COMPACTED SUBGRADE (T` imp BRIDGE CROSS SECTION SEE DETAIL, THIS SHEET ICTOP OF BANK (TYP.) CREEK CENTER (TYP.) BRIDGE TRANSITION SECTION SEE DETAIL, THIS SHEET CROSS SECTION SCALE: 1" = 5' 5/4"X6" DECK BOARD CAP 2X4' RAILING (TYP.) / LAG BOLT (TYP.)- 5/4"X6" DECK BOARD 2"X6" JOIST 2"X6" BEAM TURNDOWN SIDEWALK EDGE CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETE BOLT SEE SIDEWALK DETAIL#" " / COMPACTED SUBGRADE� / 4"X4" POST / SEE BRIDGE SECTION THIS DETAIL PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE PLANj� TRANSITION SECTION SCALE: 1" = 10' v SCALE: 1" = 5' Copyright02019 Design ResourceGroup, PA Th, plan or tlrawimg antl any accompanying documents or calculations are the property of Design Resource Group.PA; antl are I.tend. solely for the use of the recipient noted. No thnd party use or m,d,fic,tiom is permitted without written 110,111 atiom. dria DESIGN RESOURCE GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 2459 Wilkinson Blvd, Ste 200 Charlotte, NC 28208 ]Ow 4.343.0B08 µ drgip.com PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE DETAIL PROJECT #: 432-015 DRAWNBV: WSM CHECKED BY. THH JUNE 11, 2019 REVISIONS: SHEET 8 (Figure 14) � U) a �o � UQ w, o Z 0 7 N � J Z LuUUo wr 0Z" o z J r_II�� Z~� LD Opv �/� C J =�� ��^ vJ VJ J _ r U r S '� w v w U ~ PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE DETAIL PROJECT #: 432-015 DRAWNBV: WSM CHECKED BY. THH JUNE 11, 2019 REVISIONS: SHEET 8 (Figure 14) 34M �1 � "• f q 5r. � .� k ! ! .1.►u Z. I 1 _ r 74 1 A I PROJECT BOUNDARY I I� F.I 4 II STUDY LIMITS �I I f,l 9 � Ayy�i � - •�e� — —�' � �r?. Ei , I .. .,,?.tg � ��.� •rr5 SIXMILE A r• L �, i_„ yx4 Ij Y—:� f .•—�, '`�'+" CREEK ' , .d I r� ,���•. i I '`-� �' I "� — ZA � •- 4 I I � ��.�` � � � -.._� ''�� �. � k ..A�e ``i Oil' I • ; 1 r e" J.u_- - r� = r r — _ ,• =- . `' { " �' �`` LOCATION 40 ♦Y _ xa" M1u r.: { fi -=!i `I1 E` SCALE Lat: 35.0641 °N Lon ; � - e a 1:24,000 g: -80.7305 2W USGS QUAD ACRES HUC: 03050103 Matthews, NC 31.2 LOWER CATAWBA FIGURE NO.I SOLIS CHESTNUT FARM SITE I Drawn By: I Reviewed By: lr 3 A /C DUnion/Mecklenburg Co., NC NRN LSR DATE: USGS MAP 11/12/18 -WATERS OF THE U.S.- Updated EXISTING CONDITIONS STUDY 6/16/19 SUBJECT TO USACE/NCDEQ VERIFICATION � yM PROJECT BOUNDARY STUDY LIMITS ti.11116 d 'R♦ N FIGURE NO. 4 SOLIS CHESTNUT FARM SITE Mecklenburg/Union Co., NC Drawn By: Reviewed By: NRN _SR DATE: NRCS PUBLISHED SOILS MAP -WATERS OF THE U.S.- 11/12/18 EXISTING CONDITIONS STUDY Updated6/16/19 SUBJECT TO USACE/NCDEQ VERIFICATION Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI ApB Appling sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 30.4 80.4% 10.0% CeB2 Cecil gravelly sandy day loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded 3-8 CeC2 Cecil gravelly sandy day loam, S to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded 3.6 9.6% Subtotals for Soil Survey Area 37.8 100.0% Totals for Area of Interest 37.8 100.0% FIGURE NO. 4 SOLIS CHESTNUT FARM SITE Mecklenburg/Union Co., NC Drawn By: Reviewed By: NRN _SR DATE: NRCS PUBLISHED SOILS MAP -WATERS OF THE U.S.- 11/12/18 EXISTING CONDITIONS STUDY Updated6/16/19 SUBJECT TO USACE/NCDEQ VERIFICATION ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL. S. REGAN Secretary TIM BAUMGARTNER Director Jeffrey Smith Terwilliger Pappas Multi -Family Partners 4777 Sharon Road Suite 550 Charlotte, NC 28210 Project: Solis Chestnut Farm NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality May 23, 2019 Expiration of Acceptance: 11/23/2019 County: Union The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) is willing to accept payment for compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the above referenced project as indicated in the table below. Please note that this decision does not assure that participation in the DMS in - lieu fee mitigation program will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact permitting agencies to determine if payment to the DMS will be approved. You must also comply with all other state, federal or local government permits, regulations or authorizations associated with the proposed activity including G.S. § 143-214.11. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 Certification within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to DMS. Once DMS receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the in -lieu fee to be paid by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed on the DMS website. Based on the information supplied by you in your request to use the DMS, the impacts for which you are requesting compensatory mitigation credit are summarized in the following table. The amount of mitigation required and assigned to DMS for this impact is determined by permitting agencies and may exceed the impact amounts shown below. I River Basin Impact Location Impact Type Impact Quantity {8 -digit HUG} 03050103 Catawba I Riparian Wetland 0.092 *DMS proposes to utilize the Catawba 03 Expanded Service Area to meet the mitigation requirement. Upon receipt of payment, DMS will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee Program instrument dated July 28, 2010 and 15A NCAC 02B .0295 as applicable. Thank you for your interest in the DMS in -lieu fee mitigation program. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 707-8915. /// Sincerely, l L (f s tanfi Asset Management Supervisor cc: Daniel Kuefler, agent North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services 217 W. Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 919.707.8976 YYEEQ nmental Planning Group Leonai-d S. Rindner, PLLC. Agent Authorization Letter The purpose of this form is to authorize our firm to act on your behalf in matters related to aquatic resource (i.e. stream/wetlands) identification/mapping and regulatory permitting. The undersigned, who are either registered property owners or legally authorized to conduct due diligence activities on the property as identified below, do hereby authorize associates of Leonard S. Rindner, PLLC, Wetlands and Environmental Planning Group (WEPG) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance, and acceptance of applicable permit(s) and/or certification(s). Project/Site Name: Solis Chestnut Farm Property Address: Matthews Weddington Road, Charlotte, NC, 28105 Parcel Identification Number (PIN): 06087001 Select one: 1 am an interested buyerlseller Name: Jeffrey Smith Company: Terwilliger Pappas Multi -Family Partners Mailing Address: 4777 Sharon Rd. Ste 550, Charlotte, NC 28210 Telephone Number: 704-716-3906 Electronic Marl Address: jsmith@terwilligerpappas.com Property6hwnVr Y interWed Buyer* I Other` * The Interested BuyerlOiher acknowledges that an agreement andlor formal contract to purchase andlor conduct dire diligence activities exists between the current property owner and the signatory of this aulhorization in cases where the property is not owned by the signalwy. Charlotte Office: www.wetiands-epg.com Asheville Office: 10612-0 Providence Rd. 1070 Tunnel Rd., Bldg. I PMB 554 Suite 10, PM 283 Charlotte, NC 28277 Asheville, NC 28805 (704) 904-2277 le n. rind ner @wetly nds-epg. corn