HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190827 Ver 1_CompliancePackage_EmergencySheetpile_2019_0417_20190619National Park Service Cape Hatteras National Seashore U.S. Department of the Interior Date: 04/15/2019 ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING FORM (ESF) Updated Sept 2015 per NPS NEPA Handbook A. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Title: Emergency Actions to Protect Southdock NCDOT facilities PEPC Project Number: 86628 PMIS Number: Project Type: Project Location: County, State: Project Leader: B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction Permit (CONP) Hyde, North Carolina Sabrina Henry The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is in need to stabilize the point adjacent to the "hairpin" turn at Southdock, on the north end of Ocracoke Island. This area is eroding rapidly and needs to be protected to prevent the point from compromising the ferry basin and the stacking lanes which in turn could cause disruption of service or safety issue for the travelling public. This area is in need of emergency repair to protect and keep the integrity of the basin and ferry stacking lanes and allow continued safe travel of park visitors. The NPS and its cooperators will see to provide a safe and healthful environment for visitors and employees and the NPS will work together with other federal, state and local agencies to carry out this responsibility (2006 Management Policies Sec 8.2.5). Director's Order 50C Public Risk Management Program also outlines the park's role in employee and public safety and risk management. If the area around the point is not protected and erodes away, this would eliminate a safe harbor for the NCDOT ferries while docked loading/unloading traffic. This could cause damage to the vessels, damage to traveling public's vehicles, and would increase the likelihood of injury to the public and crews onboard the vessels during strong wind events. Increased rough condition in the basin could damage marine assets such as ramp and gantries and dolphins which in turn could cause delays/cancellation of Ferry schedules. Ocracoke Island uses this ferry route to transport medical emergencies by ambulance. Additional fire and law enforcement service response to Ocracoke is quicker from Hatteras then from Swan Quarter (one hour verses three hours). NC Highway 12 continues from Hatteras Island through the Pamlico Sound to Ocracoke Island and both NCDOT Highway and Ferry Divisions are responsible for maintaining the facilities at the Southdock ferry terminal as part of the NC highway system. Over the last several years this area has been continually eroding and due to constraints in state funding only minor temporary projects to the site have recently occurred (PEPC# 72104 & 79274). A long-term groin project is currently being analyzed in an environmental review process by contractors (Moffatt & Nichols) for NCDOT. However, until the NEPA can be completed and groins installed, a temporary solution to protect the area from further shoreline loss is needed immediately. NCDOT, along with Moffatt & Nichols, are working on a proposed plan to install sheet pile to protect this critical area. The new sheet pile will be installed in the basin along the existing dilapidated sheet pile. Also, NCDOT is proposing to install new sheet pile along the inlet side to protect the eroding dune line. Attached are the drawings for new sheet pile, an aerial view of the eroding area with proposed installment of new sheet pile and an emergency declaration to protect the existing point. NCDOT is proposing to install approximately 990' of new sheet pile to protect the eroding area. NCDOT will need to grade the area between the existing sheet pile in the basin and the inlet side so a crane can be able to move along the point to install the new sheet pile all while on land. This area in the past has not had any environmental concerns with nesting shorebirds nor sea turtle nesting. There will be no in water work. The sheet pile will be installed from land and will be placed as close to the high water mark as reasonably possible. C. RESOURCE IMPACTS TO CONSIDER: Resource Potential Potential Issues & Impacts for Impact Air None Air Quality Biological None Nonnative or Exotic Species Biological None Species of Special Concern or Their Habitat Biological None Vegetation Biological None Wildlife and/or Wildlife Habitat including terrestrial and aquatic species Cultural None Archeological Resources Cultural None Cultural Landscapes Cultural None Ethnographic Resources Cultural None Museum Collections Cultural None Prehistoric/historic structures Geological None Geologic Features Geological None Geologic Processes Lightscapes None Lightscapes Other None Human Health and Safety Socioeconomic None Land Use Socioeconomic None Minority and low- income populations, size, migration patterns, etc. Socioeconomic None Socioeconomic Soundscapes None Soundscapes Viewsheds None Viewsheds Visitor Use and None Experience Recreation Resources Visitor Use and None Experience Visitor Use and Experience Water Potential Issue: Facility within a 100 year floodplain Floodplains Impact: Ignoring the importance of protecting this shoreline feature (which seems pretty great) the only floodplain element that could/should be considered is the impact to floodplain values, and I think those are pretty limited - probably just energy dissipation since it looks like there is no habitat to speak of. In terms of treatment options, sheet piling is probably one of the most problematic (from a floodplain value aspect), but it is only a temporary treatment, so its very short- term impacts could be reasonably dismissed and no SOF needed. Water None Marine or Estuarine Resources Water None Water Quality or Quantity Water None Wetlands Wilderness None Wilderness D. ESF ADDENDUM QUESTIONS: Question Answer Notes National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Other Compliance/Consultations Form Park Name: Cape Hatteras National Seashore PEPC Project Number: 86628 Project Title: Emergency Actions to Protect Southdock NCDOT facilities Project Type: Construction Permit (CONP) Project Location: County, State: Hyde, North Carolina Project Leader: Sabrina Henry ESA Any Federal Species in the project Area? No If species in area: No Effect Was Biological Assessment prepared? If Biological Assessment prepared, concurred? Formal Consultation required? No Formal Consultation Notes: Formal Consultation Concluded: Any State listed Species in the Project Area? No Consultation Information: General Notes: Data Entered By: Tracy Ziegler ESA Mitigations No ESA mitigations are associated with this project. Flood plains/Wetlands/§404 Permits Question A.1. Is project in 100- or 500-year floodplain or flash flood hazard area? A.2. Is project in wetlands? B. COE Section 404 permit needed? Yes No Details Cape Hatteras National Seashore Date: Apr 15, 2019 Date: Mar 22, 2019 Exempt from compliance with executive order: Yes Y Statement of findings approval date: N Exempt from compliance with executive order: Statement of findings approval date: Issue Date: Y Expiration Date: Request Date: C. State 401 N certification? D. State Section Y Issue Date: 401 Permit? Expiration Date: E. Tribal Water Quality Permit? FJ Date Review Requested: �F. CZM Consistency Date Reply Received: determination Date State Concurred: needed? G. Erosion & Sediment Control N Plan Required? H. Any other Permit Information: permits required? I NDCOT are responsible for getting a CAMA and 404 Permit for this project. Per 3/14/19 email from M.Martin WASO hydrologist: dismiss this action from further floodplain compliance since the only floodplain element that could/should be considered is the impact to floodplain Other Information: values, and are pretty limited (energy dissipation only, no habitat). In terms of treatment options, sheet piling is probably one of the most problematic (from a floodplain value aspect), but it is only a temporary treatment, so its very short-term impacts could be reasonably dismissed. Data Entered By: Sabrina Henry Date: Mar 18, 2019 F1oodPlains & Wetlands Mitigations No FloodPlains & Wetlands mitigations are associated with this project. Wilderness Question A. Does this project occur in or adjacent to Designated, Recommended, Proposed, Study, Eligible, or Potential Wilderness? B. Is the only place to conduct this project in wilderness? C. Is the project necessary for the administration of the area as wilderness? D. Would the project or any of its alternatives adversely affect (directly or indirectly) Designated, Recommended, Proposed, Study, Eligible, or Potential Wilderness? (If Yes, Minimum Requirements Analysis required) E. Does the project or any of its alternatives involve the use of any of the Wilderness Act Section 4(c) prohibited uses: commercial Yes 1 No I N enterprise, permanent road, temporary road, motor vehicles, motorized equipment, motorboats, landing of aircraft, mechanical transport, structure, or installation? (If Yes, Minimum Requirements Analysis required) If the answer to D or E above is "Yes" then a Minimum Requirements Analysis is required. Describe the status of this analysis in the column to the right. Other Information: Data Entered By: Sabrina Henry Other Permits/Laws Questions A& Bare no longer used. Question Date: Mar 18, 2019 C. Wild and scenic river concerns exist? D. National Trails concerns exist? E. Air Quality consult with State needed? i F. Consistent with Architectural Barriers, Rehabilitation, and Americans with 'Disabilities Acts or not Applicable? (If N/A check Yes) G. Other: Other Information: Yes VA Data Entered By: Tracy Ziegler Date: Mar 18, 2019 Initiation Date: Completed Date: Approved Date: N National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Other Compliance/Consultations Form Park Name: Cape Hatteras National Seashore PEPC Project Number: 86628 Project Title: Emergency Actions to Protect Southdock NCDOT facilities Project Type: Construction Permit (CONP) Project Location: County, State: Hyde, North Carolina Project Leader: Sabrina Henry ESA Any Federal Species in the project Area? No If species in area: No Effect Was Biological Assessment prepared? If Biological Assessment prepared, concurred? Formal Consultation required? No Formal Consultation Notes: Formal Consultation Concluded: Any State listed Species in the Project Area? No Consultation Information: General Notes: Data Entered By: Tracy Ziegler ESA Mitigations No ESA mitigations are associated with this project. Flood plains/Wetlands/§404 Permits Question Yes NoIDetaiIs A.1. Is project in 100- or 500-year Y floodplain or flash flood hazard area? A.2. Is project in wetlands? B. COE Section 404 Y permit needed? Cape Hatteras National Seashore Date: Apr 15, 2019 1 Date: Mar 22, 2019 Exempt from compliance with executive order: Yes Statement of findings approval date: N Exempt from compliance with executive order: Statement of findings approval date: Issue Date: Expiration Date: Request Date: C. State 401 N certification? D. State Section Y Issue Date: 401 Permit? Expiration Date: E. Tribal Water N Quality Permit? Date Review Requested: F. CZM Consistency Date Reply Received: determination Date State Concurred: needed? I G. Erosion & Sediment Control N Plan Required? H. Any other Permit Information: permits required? w NDCOT are responsible for getting a CAMA and 404 Permit for this project. Per 3/14/19 email from M.Martin WASO hydrologist: dismiss this action from further floodplain compliance since the only floodplain element that could/should be considered is the impact to floodplain Other Information: values, and are pretty limited (energy dissipation only, no habitat). In terms of treatment options, sheet piling is probably one of the most problematic (from a floodplain value aspect), but it is only a temporary treatment, so its very short-term impacts could be reasonably dismissed. Data Entered By: Sabrina Henry FloodPlains & Wetlands Mitigations No FloodPlains & Wetlands mitigations are associated with this project. Wilderness Date: Mar 18, 2019 Question J_YesFNo F_ A. Does this project occur in or adjacent to Designated, N Recommended, Proposed, Study, Eligible, or Potential Wilderness. B. Is the only place to conduct this project in wilderness? C. Is the project necessary for the administration of the area as wilderness? D. Would the project or any of its alternatives adversely affect (directly or indirectly) Designated, Recommended, Proposed, Study, Eligible, or Potential Wilderness? (If Yes, Minimum Requirements Analysis required) E. Does the project or any of its alternatives involve the use of any of the Wilderness Act Section 4(c) prohibited uses: commercial enterprise, permanent road, temporary road, motor vehicles, motorized equipment, motorboats, landing of aircraft, mechanical transport, structure, or installation? (If Yes, Minimum Requirements Analysis required) - - — — T Initiation � If the answer to D or E above is "Yes" then a Minimum Date' Requirements Analysis is required. Describe the status of this Completed analysis in the column to the right. Date: fApproved Other Information: Data Entered By: Sabrina Henry Date: Mar 18, 2019 Other Permits/Laws QuestionsA &Bare no longer used. I Question Iwo C. Wild and scenic river concerns exist? N D. National Trails concerns exist? — N E. Air Quality consult with State needed? N F. Consistent with Architectural Barriers, Rehabilitation, and Americans with f Disabilities Acts or not Applicable? (If N/A check Yes) Y G. Other: Other Information: Data Entered By: Tracy Ziegler Date: Mar 18, 2019 National Park Service Cape Hatteras National Seashore U.S. Department of the Interior Date: 04/15/2019 ASSESSMENT OF ACTIONS HAVING AN EFFECT ON HISTORIC PROPERTIES A. DESCRIPTION OF UNDERTAKING 1. Park: Cape Hatteras National Seashore 2. Project Description: Project Name: Emergency Actions to Protect Southdock NCDOT facilities Prepared by: Jami Lanier Date Prepared: 03/18/2019 Telephone: 252-475-9021 PEPC Project Number: 86628 Locations: County, State: Hyde, NC Describe project: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is in need to stabilize the point adjacent to the "hairpin" turn at Southdock, on the north end of Ocracoke Island. This area is eroding rapidly and needs to be protected to prevent the point from compromising the ferry basin and the stacking lanes which in turn could cause disruption of service or safety issue for the travelling public. This area is in need of emergency repair to protect and keep the integrity of the basin and ferry stacking lanes and allow continued safe travel of park visitors. The NPS and its cooperators will see to provide a safe and healthful environment for visitors and employees and the NPS will work together with other federal, state and local agencies to carry out this responsibility (2006 Management Policies Sec 8.2.5). Director's Order 50C Public Risk Management Program also outlines the park's role in employee and public safety and risk management. If the area around the point is not protected and erodes away, this would eliminate a safe harbor for the NCDOT ferries while docked loading/unloading traffic. This could cause damage to the vessels, damage to traveling public's vehicles, and would increase the likelihood of injury to the public and crews onboard the vessels during strong wind events. Increased rough condition in the basin could damage marine assets such as ramp and gantries and dolphins which in turn could cause delays/cancellation of Ferry schedules. Ocracoke Island uses this ferry route to transport medical emergencies by ambulance. Additional fire and law enforcement service response to Ocracoke is quicker from Hatteras then from Swan Quarter (one hour verses three hours). NC Highway 12 continues from Hatteras Island through the Pamlico Sound to Ocracoke Island and both NCDOT Highway and Ferry Divisions are responsible for maintaining the facilities at the Southdock ferry terminal as part of the NC highway system. Over the last several years this area has been continually eroding and due to constraints in state funding only minor temporary projects to the site have recently occurred (PEPC# 72104 & 79274). A long-term groin project is currently being analyzed in an environmental review process by contractors (Moffatt & Nichols) for NCDOT. However, until the NEPA can be completed and groins installed, a temporary solution to protect the area from further shoreline loss is needed immediately. NCDOT, along with Moffatt & Nichols, are working on a proposed plan to install sheet pile to protect this critical area. The new sheet pile will be installed in the basin along the existing dilapidated sheet pile. Also, NCDOT is proposing to install new sheet pile along the inlet side to protect the eroding dune line. Attached are the drawings for new sheet pile, an aerial view of the eroding area with proposed installment of new sheet pile and an emergency declaration to protect the existing point. NCDOT is proposing to install approximately 990' of new sheet pile to protect the eroding area. NCDOT will need to grade the area between the existing sheet pile in the basin and the inlet side so a crane can be able to move along the point to install the new sheet pile all while on land. This area in the past has not had any environmental concerns with nesting shorebirds nor sea turtle nesting. There will be no in water work. The sheet pile will be installed from land and will be placed as close to the high water mark as reasonably possible. Area of potential effects (as defined in 36 CFR 800.16[d]) Ocracoke/Hatteras Ferry South Dock stacking lanes on NC12, Ocracoke Island.' 3. Has the area of potential effects been surveyed to identify historic properties? No X Yes Source or reference: Cape Hatteras NS Historic Resource Study 1985; RASP Survey 2006 4. Potentially Affected Resource(s): Archeological Resources Affected: No Historical Structures/Resources Affected: No Cultural Landscapes Affected: No Ethnographic Resources Affected: No 5. The proposed action will: (check as many as apply) No Destroy, remove, or alter features/elements from a historic structure No Replace historic features/elements in kind No Add non -historic features/elements to a historic structure No Alter or remove features/elements of a historic setting or environment (inc. terrain) No Add non -historic features/elements (inc. visual, audible, or atmospheric) to a historic setting or cultural landscape No Disturb, destroy, or make archeological resources inaccessible No Disturb, destroy, or make ethnographic resources inaccessible> No Potentially affect presently unidentified cultural resources No Begin or contribute to deterioration of historic features, terrain, setting, landscape elements, or archeological or ethnographic resources No Involve a real property transaction (exchange, sale, or lease of land or structures) Other (please specify): 6. Supporting Study Data: (Attach if feasible; if action is in a plan, EA or EIS, give name and project or page number.) B. REVIEWS BY CULTURAL RESOURCE SPECIALISTS The park 1o6 coordinator requested review by the park's cultural resource specialist/advisors as indicated by check -off boxes or as follows: [ X ] 106 Advisor Name: Beth Byrd Date: 03/18/2019 Check if project does not involve ground disturbance [ ] Assessment of Effect: —No Potential to Cause Effect X No Historic Properties Affected —No Adverse Effect Adverse Effect X Streamlined Review Recommendations for conditions or stipulations: Doc Method: Streamlined Review (PA) Streamlined Activity: 3. Repair/Resurfacing/Removal of Existing, Roads, Trails and Parking Areas [ X ] Archeologist Name: John Cornelison Date: 03/20/2019 Check if project does not involve ground disturbance [ ] Assessment of Effect: ____No Potential to Cause Effect _No Historic Properties Affected X No Adverse Effect Adverse Effect X Streamlined Review Recommendations for conditions or stipulations: Doc Method: Streamlined Review (PA) Streamlined Activity: 3. Repair/Resurfacing/Removal of Existing, Roads, Trails and Parking Areas [ X ] Historical Landscape Architect Name: Susan Hitchcock Date: 03/25/2019 Check if project does not involve ground disturbance [ ] Assessment of Effect: No Potential to Cause Effect X No Historic Properties Affected No Adverse Effect Adverse Effect X Streamlined Review Recommendations for conditions or stipulations: Doc Method: Streamlined Review (PA) Streamlined Activity: 4. Health and Safety Activities No Reviews From: Curator, Historical Architect, Historian, Other Advisor, Anthropologist C. PARK SECTION 106 COORDINATOR'S REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Assessment of Effect: No Potential to Cause Effects X No Historic Properties Affected No Adverse Effect Adverse Effect 2. Documentation Method: [, ] A. Standard 36 CFR Part 800 Consultation Further consultation under 36 CFR Part 800 is needed. [ X ] B. Streamlined Review Under the 2008 Servicewide Programmatic Agreement (PA) The above action meets all conditions for a streamlined review under section III of the 2008 Servicewide PA for Section 106 compliance. Applicable Streamlined Review Criteria (Specify 1-16 of the list of streamlined review criteria.) 4. Health and Safety Activities. [ ] C. Undertaking Related to Park Specific or Another Agreement The proposed undertaking is covered for Section 106 purposes under another document such as a park, region or statewide agreement established in accord with 36 CFR 800.7 or 36 CFR 800.14. [ ] D. Combined NEPA/NHPA Process Process and documentation required for the preparation of an EA/FONSI or an EIS/ROD to comply with Section 106 is in accord with 36 CFR 800.8.c. [ ] E. Memo to Project File 3. Consultation Information SHPO Required: No SHPO Sent: SHPO Received: THPO Required: THPO Sent: THPO Received: SHPO/THPO Notes: Advisory Council Participating: No Advisory Council Notes: Additional Consulting Parties: No 4. Stipulations and Conditions: Following are listed any stipulations or conditions necessary to ensure that the assessment of effect above is consistent with 36 CFR Part 800 criteria of effect or to avoid or reduce potential adverse effects. 5. Mitigations/Treatment Measures: Measures to prevent or minimize loss or impairment of historic/prehistoric properties: (Remember that setting, location, and use may be relevant.) No Assessment of Effect mitigations identified. 6. Assessment of Effect Notes: D. RECOMMENDED BY PARK SECTION 106 COORDINATOR: Compliance Specialist: NHPA Specialist Jami Lanier Date: 44 E. SUPERINTENDENT'S APPROVAL The proposed work conforms to the NPS Management Policies and Cultural Resource Management Guideline, and I have reviewed and approve the recommendations, stipulations, or conditions noted in Section C of this form. Signature Deputy Superintendent: de Date: Mark Dowdle n National Park Service Cape Hatteras National Seashore U.S. Department of the Interior Date: 04/15/2019 Categorical Exclusion Form Project: Emergency Actions to Protect Southdock NCDOT facilities PEPC Project Number: 86628 Description of Action (Project Description): The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is in need to stabilize the point adjacent to the "hairpin" turn at Southdock, on the north end of Ocracoke Island. This area is eroding rapidly and needs to be protected to prevent the point from compromising the ferry basin and the stacking lanes which in turn could cause disruption of service or safety issue for the travelling public. This area is in need of emergency repair to protect and keep the integrity of the basin and ferry stacking lanes and allow continued safe travel of park visitors. The NPS and its cooperators will see to provide a safe and healthful environment for visitors and employees and the NPS will work together with other federal, state and local agencies to carry out this responsibility (2006 Management Policies Sec 8.2.5). Director's Order 50C Public Risk Management Program also outlines the park's role in employee and public safety and risk management. If the area around the point is not protected and erodes away, this would eliminate a safe harbor for the NCDOT ferries while docked loading/unloading traffic. This could cause damage to the vessels, damage to traveling public's vehicles, and would increase the likelihood of injury to the public and crews onboard the vessels during strong wind events. Increased rough condition in the basin could damage marine assets such as ramp and gantries and dolphins which in turn could cause delays/cancellation of Ferry schedules. Ocracoke Island uses this ferry route to transport medical emergencies by ambulance. Additional fire and law enforcement service response to Ocracoke is quicker from Hatteras then from Swan Quarter (one hour verses three hours). NC Highway 12 continues from Hatteras Island through the Pamlico Sound to Ocracoke Island and both NCDOT Highway and Ferry Divisions are responsible for maintaining the facilities at the Southdock ferry terminal as part of the NC highway system. Over the last several years this area has been continually eroding and due to constraints in state funding only minor temporary projects to the site have recently occurred (PEPC# 72104 & 79274). A long-term groin project is currently being analyzed in an environmental review process by contractors (Moffatt & Nichols) for NCDOT. However, until the NEPA can be completed and groins installed, a temporary solution to protect the area from further shoreline loss is needed immediately. NCDOT, along with Moffatt & Nichols, are working on a proposed plan to install sheet pile to protect this critical area. The new sheet pile will be installed in the basin along the existing dilapidated sheet pile. Also, NCDOT is proposing to install new sheet pile along the inlet side to protect the eroding dune line. Attached are the drawings for new sheet pile, an aerial view of the eroding area with proposed installment of new sheet pile and an emergency declaration to protect the existing point. NCDOT is proposing to install approximately 990' of new sheet pile to protect the eroding area. NCDOT will need to grade the area between the existing sheet pile in the basin and the inlet side so a crane can be able to move along the point to install the new sheet pile all while on land. This area in the past has not had any environmental concerns with nesting shorebirds nor sea turtle nesting. There will be no in water work. The sheet pile will be installed from land and will be placed as close to the high water mark as reasonably possible. Project Locations: Location County: f Hyde State: NC Mitigation(s): • The permittee is responsible to provide a revegetation plan to restore disturbed areas to the Special Use Coordinator for NPS approval. • Permittee must present all final site plans including staging areas to Special Use Coordinator. • Special Use Coordinator must notify the management team, RM staff and all park district staff in writing, at least 2 weeks in advance of project, when projected start and end dates of project are. • The permittee is responsible to provide a pre -construction meeting (at least 2 weeks in advance) with the contractor, park management team, Safety Officer, Environmental Protection Specialist, Cultural Program Manager and district leads. Permittee must coordinate with Special Use Coordinator Carmen Panteleo (Carmen_pantaleo@nps.gov) to set up meeting. • Site plans need to be submitted to Environmental Protection Specialist, Sabrina Henry (Sabrina henry@nps.gov) and approved prior to project implementation. • Equipment used at the site shall be pressure cleaned and free of weeds, seed, debris, and mud to prevent the introduction and/or spread of exotic, invasive plants. • Restore existing landscape and vegetation to original condition. Recontouring and revegetation of disturbed areas would take place following the project. Efforts would strive to reconstruct the natural contour, spacing, abundance, and diversity of native plant species using approved native species. • Only NPS/park approved native plant species shall be used. • Sheet piles are a temporary installation (--1 year) and will be removed upon NPS request. If sheet piles are required for long term protection then NCDOT is responsible for completing NEPA analysis to determine appropriate alternatives and long-term effects of shoreline hardening. CE Citation: C.19 Construction or rehabilitation in previously disturbed or developed areas, required to meet health or safety regulations, or to meet requirements for making facilities accessible to the handicapped. CE Justification: 2006 Management Policies Sec. 8.2.5 and DO 50C outlines NPS policy and guidance to provide for public and employee safety and reduce risk. Decision: I find that the action fits within the categorical exclusion above. Therefore, I am categorically excluding the described project from further NEPA analysis. No extraordinary circumstances apply. Signature Deputy Superintendent: �� Date: Mark Dowdle Extraordinary Circumstances: If implemented, would the proposal... 'Yes/No Notes .A. Have significant impacts on public health or safety? No B. Have significant impacts on such natural resources and unique No Short term action. Mitigation geographic characteristics as historic or cultural resources; park, will include that the sheet pile recreation, or refuge lands; wilderness areas; wild or scenic rivers; be removed within a year. national natural landmarks; sole or principal drinking water aquifers; prime farmlands; wetlands (Executive Order 11990); floodplains (Executive Order 11988); national monuments; migratory birds; and other ecologically significant or critical areas? C. Have highly controversial environmental effects or involve unresolved No Alternative uses are the conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources (NEPA installation of groins in which section 102(2)(E))? separate NEPA is being conducted as a long-term ;protection measure. D. Have highly uncertain and potentially significant environmental No ;Short term action. Mitigation effects or involve unique or unknown environmental risks? will include that the sheet pile lbe removed within a year. E. Establish a precedent for future action or represent a decision in No :Several coastal environments in principle about future actions with potentially significant environmental the OBG contain sheet pile to effects? protect shorelines from erosional processes. F. Have a direct relationship to other actions with individually No insignificant, but cumulatively significant, environmental effects? G. Have significant impacts on properties listed or eligible for listing on No the National Register of Historic Places, as determined by either the bureau or office? .H. Have significant impacts on species listed or proposed to be listed on No the List of Endangered or Threatened Species, or have significant impacts on designated Critical Habitat for these species? I. Violate a federal, state, local or tribal law or requirement imposed for 'No the protection of the environment? J. Have a disproportionately high and adverse effect on low income or No minority populations (EO 12898)? K. Limit access to and ceremonial use of Indian sacred sites on federal No lands by Indian religious practitioners or adversely affect the physical integrity of such sacred sites (EO 130007)? L. Contribute to the introduction, continued existence, or spread of No noxious weeds or non-native invasive species known to occur in the area or actions that may promote the introduction, growth, or expansion of the range of such species (Federal Noxious Weed Control Act and Executive Order 13112)? National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Categorical Exclusion Form Project: Emergency Actions to Protect Southdock NCDOT facilities PEPC Project Number: 86628 Description of Action (Project Description): Cape Hatteras National Seashore Date: 04/15/2019 The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is in need to stabilize the point adjacent to the "hairpin" turn at Southdock, on the north end of Ocracoke Island. This area is eroding rapidly and needs to be protected to prevent the point from compromising the ferry basin and the stacking lanes which in turn could cause disruption of service or safety issue for the travelling public. This area is in need of emergency repair to protect and keep the integrity of the basin and ferry stacking lanes and allow continued safe travel of park visitors. The NPS and its cooperators will see to provide a safe and healthful environment for visitors and employees and the NPS will work together with other federal, state and local agencies to carry out this responsibility (2006 Management Policies Sec 8.2.5). Director's Order 50C Public Risk Management Program also outlines the park's role in employee and public safety and risk management. If the area around the point is not protected and erodes away, this would eliminate a safe harbor for the NCDOT ferries while docked loading/unloading traffic. This could cause damage to the vessels, damage to traveling public's vehicles, and would increase the likelihood of injury to the public and crews onboard the vessels during strong wind events. Increased rough condition in the basin could damage marine assets such as ramp and gantries and dolphins which in turn could cause delays/cancellation of Ferry schedules. Ocracoke Island uses this ferry route to transport medical emergencies by ambulance. Additional fire and law enforcement service response to Ocracoke is quicker from Hatteras then from Swan Quarter (one hour verses three hours). NC Highway 12 continues from Hatteras Island through the Pamlico Sound to Ocracoke Island and both NCDOT Highway and Ferry Divisions are responsible for maintaining the facilities at the Southdock ferry terminal as part of the NC highway system. Over the last several years this area has been continually eroding and due to constraints in state funding only minor temporary projects to the site have recently occurred (PEPC# 72104 & 79274). A long-term groin project is currently being analyzed in an environmental review process by contractors (Moffatt & Nichols) for NCDOT. However, until the NEPA can be completed and groins installed, a temporary solution to protect the area from further shoreline loss is needed immediately. NCDOT, along with Moffatt & Nichols, are working on a proposed plan to install sheet pile to protect this critical area. The new sheet pile will be installed in the basin along the existing dilapidated sheet pile. Also, NCDOT is proposing to install new sheet pile along the inlet side to protect the eroding dune line. Attached are the drawings for new sheet pile, an aerial view of the eroding area with proposed installment of new sheet pile and an emergency declaration to protect the existing point. NCDOT is proposing to install approximately 990' of new sheet pile to protect the eroding area. NCDOT will need to grade the area between the existing sheet pile in the basin and the inlet side so a crane can be able to move along the point to install the new sheet pile all while on land. This area in the past has not had any environmental concerns with nesting shorebirds nor sea turtle nesting. There will be no in water work. The sheet pile will be installed from land and will be placed as close to the high water mark as reasonably possible. Project Locations: Location County: Hyde State: NC Mitigation(s): • The permittee is responsible to provide a revegetation plan to restore disturbed areas to the Special Use Coordinator for NPS approval. • Permittee must present all final site plans including staging areas to Special Use Coordinator. • Special Use Coordinator must notify the management team, RM staff and all park district staff in writing, at least 2 weeks in advance of project, when projected start and end dates of project are. • The permittee is responsible to provide a pre -construction meeting (at least 2 weeks in advance) with the contractor, park management team, Safety Officer, Environmental Protection Specialist, Cultural Program Manager and district leads. Permittee must coordinate with Special Use Coordinator Carmen Panteleo (Carmen_pantaleo@nps.gov) to set up meeting. • Site plans need to be submitted to Environmental Protection Specialist, Sabrina Henry (Sabrina henry@nps.gov) and approved prior to project implementation. • Equipment used at the site shall be pressure cleaned and free of weeds, seed, debris, and mud to prevent the introduction and/or spread of exotic, invasive plants. • Restore existing landscape and vegetation to original condition. Recontouring and revegetation of disturbed areas would take place following the project. Efforts would strive to reconstruct the natural contour, spacing, abundance, and diversity of native plant species using approved native species. • Only NPS/park approved native plant species shall be used. • Sheet piles are a temporary installation (—I year) and will be removed upon NPS request. If sheet piles are required for long term protection then NCDOT is responsible for completing NEPA analysis to determine appropriate alternatives and long-term effects of shoreline hardening. CE Citation: C.19 Construction or rehabilitation in previously disturbed or developed areas, required to meet health or safety regulations, or to meet requirements for making facilities accessible to the handicapped. CE Justification: 2006 Management Policies Sec. 8.2.5 and DO 50C outlines NPS policy and guidance to provide for public and employee safety and reduce risk. Decision: I find that the action fits within the categorical exclusion above. Therefore, I am categorically excluding the described project from further NEPA analysis. No extraordinary circumstances apply. Signature Deputy � Superintendent: Date: b Mark Dowdle Extraordinary Circumstances: If implemented, would the proposal... Yes/No .[Motes A. Have significant impacts on public health or safety? No B. Have significant impacts on such natural resources and unique No Short term action. Mitigation geographic characteristics as historic or cultural resources; park, will include that the sheet pile recreation, or refuge lands; wilderness areas; wild or scenic rivers; lbe removed within a year. national natural landmarks; sole or principal drinking water aquifers; prime farmlands; wetlands (Executive Order 11990); floodplains (Executive Order 11988); national monuments; migratory birds; and other ecologically significant or critical areas? C. Have highly controversial environmental effects or involve unresolved 'No Alternative uses are the conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources (NEPA installation of groins in which section 102(2)(E))? separate NEPA is being conducted as a long-term protection measure. D. Have highly uncertain and potentially significant environmental No Short term action. Mitigation effects or involve unique or unknown environmental risks? will include that the sheet pile The removed within a year. .E. Establish a precedent for future action or represent a decision in :No Several coastal environments in principle about future actions with potentially significant environmental the OBG contain sheet pile to effects? protect shorelines from erosional processes. F. Have a direct relationship to other actions with individually No :insignificant, but cumulatively significant, environmental effects? G. Have significant impacts on properties listed or eligible for listing on No the National Register of Historic Places, as determined by either the bureau or office? H. Have significant impacts on species listed or proposed to be listed on No the List of Endangered or Threatened Species, or have significant impacts on designated Critical Habitat for these species? I. Violate a federal, state, local or tribal law or requirement imposed for No the protection of the environment? J. Have a disproportionately high and adverse effect on low income or No minority populations (EO 12898)? K. Limit access to and ceremonial use of Indian sacred sites on federal No lands by Indian religious practitioners or adversely affect the physical integrity of such sacred sites (EO 130007)? L. Contribute to the introduction, continued existence, or spread of No noxious weeds or non-native invasive species known to occur in the area or actions that may promote the introduction, growth, or expansion of the range of such species (Federal Noxious Weed Control Act and Executive Order 13112)? 3/14/2019 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail - SUP Request:Emergency Action for Shoreline Protection at South dock on Ocracoke wsoN CONNECT Henry, Sabrina <sabrina_henry@nps.gov> SUP Request: Emergency Action for Shoreline Protection at South dock on Ocracoke 5 messages Henry, Sabrina <sabrina_henry@nps.gov> Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 4:28 PM To: NPS CAHA Management Team <caha_management _team@nps.gov>, Jami Lanier <jami_p_lanier@nps.gov>, Nicholas Sweeney <nicholas_sweeney@nps.gov>, William Thompson <william_p_thompson@nps.gov>, Edward Fuller <ed_fuller@nps.gov>, John Fox <john_fox@nps.gov>, Robert Kremser <robert_kremser@nps.gov>, Jin Prugsawan <jin_prugsawan@nps.gov> UM NCDOT has requested an emergency action to install sheet pile as a wall to protect the bulkhead of the South dock ferry basin from further shoreline erosion. Attached is the SUP application along with the conceptual drawing of the proposed structure. A long-term groin project is currently being analyzed in an environmental review process by contractors for NCDOT. However in the meantime a temporary solution to protect the area from further shoreline loss is this proposed sheet pile wall. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know by Friday March 15. --------------------------------------------- Sabrina S. Henry Environmental Protection Specialist i National Park Service i Cape Hatteras NS i Fort Raleigh NHS I Wright Brothers NMEM I office: 252-475-9019 cell: 252- 423-1541 Isabrina_henry@nps.gov 2 attachments SUP Southdock Stacking Lanes.pdf 1546K Ocracoke_psh4_190313.pdf 462K Vandzura, Daniel <boone_vandzura@nps.gov> Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 4:51 PM https:Hmail.goog le. com/mail/u/0?i k=224d9d3Oae&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-6707265030794241672&simpl=msg-a%3Arl 9323440... 1 /3 3/14/2019 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail - SUP Request: Emergency Action for Shoreline Protection at South dock on Ocracoke To: "Henry, Sabrina" <sabrina_henry@nps.gov> I fully support this plan. [Quoted text hidden] Boone Vandzura Chief Ranger Outer Banks Group - Cape Hatteras NS Fort Raleigh NHS / Wright Brothers NM 1401 National Park Drive Manteo, NC 27954 252-475-9010 office 252-475-8307 cell Coming to the Beach? Watch the video "Break the Grip of the Rip" at: http://oceantoday.noaa.gov/ripcurrent/ Get Rip Current Forecast daily at: http://www.weather.gov/beach/mhx Blizzard Merrill, Sarah <sarah_blizzard_merrill@nps.gov> Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 4:51 PM To: "Henry, Sabrina" <sabrina_henry@nps.gov> Cc: "Pantaleo, Carmen" <carmen_pantaleo@nps.gov>, Dave Hallac <david_hallac@nps.gov> Hi Sabrina, Has NCDOT given you a proposed timeline? I didn't see request dates in the application. Carmen - I suggest giving them several extra weeks or a month or two beyond any requested timeline to take into account delays due to contracting, weather, etc. Dave - if you haven't, will you please share with Carmen the emergency declaration information? Carmen - I suggest including some information about this emergency declaration in the permit and also saving any related documents in the permit folder for our administrative record. That way, we will be able to easily understand the circumstances of this permit in the future. Thanks, Sarah Sarah Blizzard Merrill Management Analyst I Outer Banks Group Cape Hatteras NS I Fort Raleigh NHS I Wright Brothers NMEM 1401 National Park Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Office: 252-475-9033 Mobile: 252-475-0685 Email: Sarah_Blizzard_Merrill@nps.gov On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 4:28 PM Henry, Sabrina <sabrina_henry@nps.gov> wrote: [Quoted text hidden] Henry, Sabrina <sabrina_henry@nps.gov> Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 8:55 AM To: "Blizzard Merrill, Sarah"<sarah_blizzard _merrill@nps.gov> Cc: "Pantaleo, Carmen" <carmen_pantaleo@nps.gov>, Dave Hallac <david_hallac@nps.gov> https:Hmail.goog le. com/mail/u/0?i k=224d9d3Oae&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-6707265030794241672&si mpl=msg-a%3Arl 9323440... 2/3 3/14/2019 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail - SUP Request: Emergency Action for Shoreline Protection at South dock on Ocracoke Sarah and Carmen, Attached is the emergency declaration. I will be meeting with NCDOT tomorrow morning and find out more about the time line and other project specifics. They still need to order the sheet pile so this installation won't happen within the next week or so but as soon as they can get the material. I will also put this project in PEPC so I will be sure to add Carmen to the IDT so he can track where we are at and for any mitigation/conditions identified for this action. Sabrina Sabrina S. Henry Environmental Protection Specialist i National Park Service i Cape Hatteras NS i Fort Raleigh NHS i Wright Brothers NMEM I office: 252-475-9019 cell: 252- 423-1541 Isabrina_henry@nps.gov [Quoted text hidden] 03-13-2019 Declaration of Emergency Southdock_Ocracoke - Bid Waiver.pdf 330K Pantaleo, Carmen <carmen_pantaleo@nps.gov> Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 12:19 PM To: "Henry, Sabrina" <sabrina_henry@nps.gov> Cc: "Blizzard Merrill, Sarah"<sarah_blizzard_merrill@nps.gov>, Dave Hallac <david_hallac@nps.gov> I contacted Lance and at this time he is waiting on how long the sheet pile will have to be and then see what the lead time will be to get it onsite. So, he currently can't give us a start date until he has that information. He will keep us posted and updated once he gets that information. I mentioned to him that I will be in training next week and off -site and to contact Sabrina or Sarah if he has any updates. Carmen Pantaleo Special Park Uses Coordinator Outer Banks Group 1401 National Park Drive Manteo, NC 27954 Office: (252) 475-9034 Cell: (252) 473-7868 My hours are 8:00 - 4:30 Monday - Friday t 9 0 'LJ s j The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are: Hard work, Stick-to-itiveness, and Common sense. —Thomas A. Edison [Quoted text hidden] https://mail.google. com/mai I/u/0?i k=224d9d3Oae&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-6707265030794241672&simpl=msg-a%3Arl 9323440... 3/3 NPS Form 10-930 (Rev. 06/2017) OMB Control No. 1024-0026 National Park Service Expiration Date 01/31/2020 rµ APPLICATION FOR Sporting Events/Special Events i Outer Banks Group Cape Hatteras NS, Fort Raleigh NHS, and Wright Brothers NMEM 1401 National Park Drive Manteo, NC 27954 (252) 473-2111 Please supply the information requested below. Attach additional sheets, if necessary, to provide required information. A nonrefundable processing fee of $200 must accompany this application unless the requested use is an exercise of a First Amendment right. You must allow sufficient time for the park to process your request; check with the park for guidelines. You will be notified of the status of the application and the necessary steps to secure your final permit. Your permit may require the payment of cost recovery charges and proof of liability insurance naming the United States of America an additional insured. Enter either a Social Security _Number OR a Applicant Name Lance Winslow Social Security Number* Street Address 159 Lucinda Lane City Powells Point Telephone Number 252-621-6250 Cell Phone Number 252-333-7673 Fax Number Email Address 10 number, we do not re ulre both. Company/Organization Name NCDOT Tax Identification Number* Sti eet Address State Zip Code Country City State Zip Code Country NC 1 27966 1 USA I Contact Name Telephone Number Fax Number Email Address Iwinslow@ncdot.gov Description of Proposed Activity (attach diagram and/or additional pages, if necessary) The North Carolina Department of Transportation is in need to stabilize the point adjacent to the "hairpin" turn at Southdock, on the north and of Ocracoke Island. This area is eroding rapidly and needs to be protected to prevent the point from compromising the ferry basin and the stacking lanes which in turn could cause disruption of service for the travelling public. This area is in need of emergency repair to protect and keep the integrity of the basin and ferry stacking lanes. NCDOT along with Moffatt & Nichols are working on a proposed plan to install sheet pile to protect this critical area. The new sheet pile will be installed in the basin along the existing dilapidated sheet pile. Also, NCDOT is proposing to install new sheet pile along the inlet side to protect the eroding dune line. Attached are the drawing for new sheet pile, a aerial view of the eroding area with proposed installment of new sheet pile and an emergency declaration to protect the existing point. NCDOT is proposing to install approximately 990' of new sheet pile to protect the eroding area. NCDOT will need to grade the area between the existing sheet pile in the basin and the inlet side so a crane can be able to move along the point to install the new sheet pile_ This area in the past has not had any environmental concerns with nesting shorebirds or sea turtle nesting. RECORDS RETENTION: TEMPORARY. Destroy/delete 3 years after closure. (NPS Records Schedule, Resource Management and Page 1 of 5 Lands (Item 1D) (N1-79-08-1)) 508 NPS Form 10-930 (Rev. 06/2017) National Park Service P'1l. VII% CII IL NNW (- Lance Winslow Requested Location Southdock, North end of Ocracoke Set -UP Begins Date Date Time ❑ AM ❑ PM Time Date Date Time ❑ AM ❑ PM Time Date Date Time ❑ AM ❑ PM Time Maximum Number of Participants (Best Estimate) OMB Control No. 1024-0026 Expiration Date 01/31/2020 CompanylOrganization Name tivi IBe ins Activl Ends Removal Co Ilia Date Date ❑ AM ❑ PM Time AM Q PM Ttme ❑ AM ❑ PM Date Date ❑ AM p PM Time ❑ AM [l PM Time ❑ AM ❑ PM _ Date Date ❑ AM ❑ PM LTLIme ❑ AM ❑ PM 'Time []AM ❑ PM Maximum Number of Vehicles (attach parking plan) Buses/Oversized Cars Vans/Light Trucks Utility VanslTrucks N/Ahinlac 10 Support equipment Mist all equipment; attach additional pages if necessary) Crane, bulldozer, 18 wheelers and trailers. support personnel including addresses and telephones; attach addifional pages if necessary Name Address Lance Winslow 169 Lucinda Lane Cell Phone Number 252-333-7673 Page 2 of 6 NPS Form 10-930 (Rev. 06/2017) National Park Service 0ME1 Control No. 1024-0026 Expiration Date 01/31/2020 Applicant Name Company/Organization Name Lance Winslow NCDOT Individual in charge r)i activity onsite who is authorized to make decisions related to the Celi Phone Number permitted activity: Lance Winslow 252-333-7673 Is this an exercise of First Amendment Rights? Have you visited the requested area? Have you obtained a permit from the National Park Service in the past? (If yes, provide a list of permit dates and locations on a separate page.) Do you plan to advertise or issue a press release before the event? ❑ Yes ® No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ® No Will you distribute printed material? ❑ Yes ® No Is there any reason to believe there will be attempts to disrupt, protest or prevent your event? (If yes, please explain on a separate page.) ❑ Yes ® No Do you intend to solicit donations or offer items for sale? (These activities may require an additional permit.) ❑ Yes ® No you are encouraged to attach additional pages with Information useful in evaluating your permit request including: staging, sound systems, parking plan, security plans, sanitary facilities, crowd control, emergency medical plan, use of any building, site clean- up, etc_ The applicant by his or hersignature certifies that all the information given is complete and correct, and that no false ormisleading information or statements have been given. Printed Name Lance Winslow Z VA'4' NU 1 lUt_5 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO APPLICANT Title Asst. Director of Marine Asset Management Date 3-13-19 This is an application only, and does not serve as permission to conduct any special activity in the park. The information provided will be used to determine whether a permit will be issued. Send the completed application along with the application fee in the form of a [park to selectpayment methods accepted: cashier's check, money order or personal check made payable to the National Parts Service] to Outer Banks Group at the park address found on the first page of this application. If your request is approved, a permit containing applicable terms and conditions will be sent you. The permit must be signed by the responsible person and returned to the park for final approval by the Park Superintendent before the permitted activity may begin. Customers Making Payment by Personal Check When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. When we use information from your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment, and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. Privacy Act Statement General: This information is provided pursuant to Public Law 93-579 (Privacy Act of 1974), December 21, 1984, for individuals completing this application. Authority: The authority to collect information on the attached form is derived from Title 31, United States Code, Section 7701. Purposes and Uses: The information being collected to allow the park manager to make a value judgment on whether or not to allow the requested use, information from the application may be transferred to appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies, when relevant to civil, criminal or regulatory investigations or prosecutions. !=!Facts of Nondisclosure: It is in your best interest to answer all of the questions. The U.S. Criminal Code, Title 18 U.S.C. 1001, Provides that knowingly falsifying or concealing a material fact is a felony that may result in fines of up to $10,000 or 5 years in prison, or both. Deliberately and materially making false or fraudulent statements on this form will be grounds for not granting you a Special Use Permit Information Regarding Disclosure of Your Social Security Number Under Public Law 93-579 Section 7(b): Your Social Security Page 3 of 6 NPS Form 10-930 (Rev. 06/2017) National Park Service OMB Control No. 1024-0026 Expiration Date 01/31/2020 Number (SSN) is needed to identify records unique to you. Applicants are required to provide their social security or taxpayer identification number for activities subject to collection of fees and charges by the National Park Service (31 U.S.C. 7701). Although disclosure of your SSN is not mandatory, failure to disclose your SSN may prevent or delay the processing of your application. The authority for soliciting and verifying your SSN is Executive Order 9397. The information gathered through the use of the SSN will be used only as necessary for processing this application and will be carried out in accordance with established regulations and published notices of system of records. Paperwork Reduction Act Statement We are collecting this information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501) to provide the park managers the information needed to decide whether or not to allow the requested use. All applicable parts of the form must be completed in order for your request to be considered. You are not required to respond to this or any other Federal agency -sponsored information collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Estimated Burden Statement Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 30 minutes per response including the time it takes to read, gather and maintain data, review instructions and complete the form. Direct comments regarding this burden estimate, or any aspects of this form, to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, National Park Service, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Mail Stop 242, Reston, VA 20192. Please do not send your form to this address. Page 4of5 NPS Form 10-930 (Rev. 06/2017) National Park Service OMB Control No. 1024-0026 Expiration Date 01131/2020 Project Number/BILL Permit Number Organization Name INTERNAL AGENCY USE ONLY Date Processed Prepared By Page 5 of 6 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Roy Coo1�1,R GOVERNOR DATE: March 13, 2019 TO: File FROM: T. M. LitteP.E ' . Chief ESUBJECT: Declaration of Emergency Southdock - Ocracoke JAMCs H. TROGDON, III SF.CRE rARY Immediate attention has been requested to repair Southdock at Ocracoke due to rapidly increasing erosion. The ferry basin bulkhead and stacking lanes have incurred significant damage to the pavement. If continued erosion were to cause the existing bulkhead to fail, the entire basin would be impacted. Due to the impacts of these failures, I have delcared an emergency exists and determined it is not feasable nor in the public's interest, for the Department of Transportation to comply with the statutory bidding requirements in obtaining materials, equipment and/or Contractors assistance in our efforts to restore these structures. This is being done pursuant to the authority granted by G.S. 136-28.1(e). Instruction has been given to the Division 1 Engineer to immediately proceed to accomplish necessary repairs. TML/ajs cc: James H. Trogdon, PE, Secretary of Transportation Jerry Jennings, P.E., Division Engineer John Rouse, P.E., Western Deputy Chief Engineer Ron Hancock, P.E., Deputy Chief Engineer Patrick Norman, P.E., Director of Highway Operations Kim Padfield, Director of Accounting Operations & Budget Joni Robbins, Procurement Director Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER MAIL SERVICE CENTER 1536 RALEIGH, NC 27699-1536 Telephone 919-707-2500 Fax: 919-733-9428 Cuslon+erService, 1-877-3684968 IPebsire: www.nedot.gov Location: I SOUTH WILMINGTON sTREE'r RALEIGH, NC 27601